#captive aziraphale
riverthebooknerd · 5 months
okay but in aziraphale's defense, i would also 100% fall in love with crowley, agent of hell or not
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scatterbrainedart · 10 months
I love when Aziraphale is excited about stuff, he gets so extremely giddy about it. I don't trust people who don't like Aziraphale he is literally the most cutie patotie ever like look at him. This is who you're hating on. Do you also hate puppies or what
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merlinspussy · 8 months
And if Crowley has 'Love of My Life' blasting in his Bentley in Good Omens 3, what then? What. Then.
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I don’t want coffee, I’m asking for death.
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graviitron · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Mature 
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence 
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) 
Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens), assorted human assholes 
Additional Tags: Post-Scene: Kingdom of Wessex 537 AD (Good Omens), Aziraphale and Crowley Through The Ages (Good Omens), Dungeon, Captivity, Isolation, Torture, Whump, Graphic Description of Corpses, Angel Healing, Wings, Burns, Branding, Prayer, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Holy Water (Good Omens), Sleep Deprivation, Aziraphale to the Rescue (Good Omens), Hurt Crowley (Good Omens), Angry Aziraphale (Good Omens), Horses Hate Crowley And Crowley Hates Horses (Even While Dying), the quote “you came” “you called” but literal, Whumptober 2023 
Crowley hadn’t meant to get captured and outed as a demon of Hell. Not exactly, at least. All he ever did was act a bit curious. Wanted to answer a few questions. For example: where in the Heaven did these humans get so much holy water from? Before long, his gooey remains would be smeared all over his new grimy dungeon.
However, he doubts that notion will ever come true. They were having far too much fun with him.
(Or; Crowley gets trapped in a holy-proofed dungeon full of other dead humans in 537 A.D. Aziraphale is, as it turns out, his only means of escape. This causes things.)
one day late but WHATEVERRRRRRRRRRRR hi hi hi whumptober entry!!!! more stars in a jar au. also one of my whumpier entries yet, AND in the top three of Whump in general. enjoy…. 
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kaesaaurelia · 8 months
a significantly better aziraphale!
For @whumptober day 11, using the prompts "captivity" and the lyric prompt, “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed”
Continued from Day 6, wherein something is puppeting Aziraphale, and Crowley is being tortured, and Day 9, wherein Crowley had come to the conclusion that no, that is almost certainly not Aziraphale.
He managed to look up at Aziraphale quickly, and he thought, Nah, can't be him. Because he was pretty sure, given what Crowley had put him through back on Earth, that if the real Aziraphale had changed his mind so drastically about Crowley that he'd let all of this happen, he would have been eating popcorn while he watched, just to rub salt, and maybe that weird liquid butter, on the wound.
But then Aziraphale looked back, and he looked… stricken, although perhaps less literally than poor smote Crowley was feeling. (Or was he smitten? Nah, having experienced both, they might be the same verb, but they were very different things.) He stood and turned to the Throne. "Mitzrael, please leave."
"What? But I --"
"Please. Leave." His tone was steely, and, if Crowley was honest with himself, kind of hot. They were going to have to torture him much worse to get him to admit that, though.
Mitzrael left, and Aziraphale approached him slowly. "Crowley," he said, sounding shaky. "Crowley, I don't quite know what's been happening, everything's so fuzzy and -- and -- have they hurt you?"
Crowley wanted to snap at him, but he looked so guilty and sad, and -- no. He wasn't falling for this shit again. "A bit," he admitted. "Holding up pretty well, though," he said breezily. "Told them to look up 'gullible' in the dictionary. Didn't really think it'd work twice, though. What about you, how've you been?" He tried to channel the confidence he might project if he was talking to an ex who'd broken his heart and stomped all over it, even though, technically, he probably wasn't.
"Oh, Crowley, I can tell you're upset with me, but I -- I promise you this has all been like a terrible nightmare for me, I barely remember anything since I left Earth. Can you forgive me?"
Crowley smiled, even though he knew now he had nothing at all to smile about. "Well, if you want me to forgive you, you know what you have to do."
"What do you mean, Crowley?" His eyes were wide. Innocent. Concerned.
Crowley decided to help him out a bit. "The apology dance, obviously."
"Oh, Crowley, I know you can't forgive me all that easily, but I don't think doing a silly dance will help anything, do you?" Oh, he was so sad.
"It would go a long way," said Crowley. "Since I sstill don't believe you're him."
Aziraphale sighed and shook his head. "Oh, poor demon. How do you know I'm not Aziraphale?"
"Well, you don't remember anything, do you? I mean, you're decent at cold reading, I'll give you that," said Crowley, "but --"
"Perhaps," said the thing that was not Aziraphale, "I'm Aziraphale without all that Earth nonsense cluttering up my memories. A significantly better Aziraphale."
Crowley had not had faith in God for a long time, and his faith in Aziraphale had been sorely tested as of late, but this was the closest thing he could imagine to sacrilege. "There is no better Aziraphale," he said. "And anyway, even if you were him, you'd have picked something bad to say about Heaven beyond just they're idiots. I mean, I've made no secret of thinking you are mostly idiots, but that'ss not my only objection and I know Aziraphale would be thrilled to work with the stupidest bastards in all creation if they were decent people."
"Do you know that, though?" Fake Aziraphale favored him with a toothy grin. "Or is it just what you want to be true?"
"He worked with me for ssix thousand yearss, didn't he?" said Crowley. "Should be me with my picture by 'gullible' in the dictionary, shouldn't it? All you did was tell me how right I was and how wrong you were -- with no prompting from me! -- and I ate it up. But then, on the other hand, you didn't look longingly at me once. You didn't even touch me."
Crowley realized he might have made a strategic error when not-Aziraphale tilted his chin up carefully, surveying the damage that had already been done to him; the black eye, the bloodied nose, the scorched hair, the tear tracks. "Well, if that's your objection, I think we can fix it easily enough."
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wispcherry · 7 months
projecting? me? never.
i was born full of love
i was born kind and curious
i loved the moon
i loved the sun
each day i would profess it all
i wrote soliloquies of the stars
couplets of comets
elegies of effability
you met me with the stone under our feet
treated me like an equal
with no question to my value
i was born full of love
i was born caring and full of want
i loved the wine we drank together by the dying light
i loved the storms we sheltered each other under
and as i grew that love spilled over
into touches of our hands
into late nights of indulgence
into shared glances i could hardly describe
you who sorrow runs through
who smiled like nothing mattered
just so i could return a grin
I was born full of love.
I was born of love itself.
And how it tears at me inside.
I loved you.
I love you more than anything.
I clutch at the place where my heart should be.
Where you should be.
Where I can whisper to you, I am sorry, I will make it up to you, oh please forgive me.
Where you could find it in yourself to give me another chance. Again, and again.
You who was never given a second chance
If I must fall again and again for you, from grace, it is inconsequential.
Do it. Hold onto me like present does past, like death does life, to keep me from running away from all I have ever wanted. Do it again, right now.
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elentary · 8 months
Trapped - Chapter 1 - Nyariewen - Good Omens (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Whumptober 11, 12 and 13.
Three chapters, three days (I hope).
Chapter 1:
Whumptober 11 - animal trap
Aziraphale is having a bad day, involving a trap: unfortunately for him, is not designed for animals at all.
Sorry if I'm extremely late but I didn't feel well in the last couple of days (cold+cough+exhaustion is a bad combo for me).
Mature rating for swearing and injuries (maybe I'm a bit too sensitive about those but my leg is having pins and needles while writing this).
First of three chapters: each one of them will have different say prompt.
I'll write soon the other two (possibly both tomorrow).
Chapter 1: Trapping teeth and bright hopes
Whumptober 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.”
Animal trap | Captivity | “No one will find you.”
I'm pretty sure I can check everything of this prompt.
But the main one is "animal trap".
Mature rating for swearing and injuries (they're a bit nasty)
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ligilimens · 9 months
everyone’s saying about Aziraphale grabbing Crowley the moment he finds out about Gabriel and Beelzebub, but can we talk about Crowley’s facial expression?
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he’s interested. captivated. though he’s trying to keep it low key, the realization on his face is still obvious.
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neil-gaiman · 8 months
Idk if anyone asked this before, and I surely hope for an answer, but I have to ask…. Are you using any A.I. for season 3 of Good Omens? Whether that be backdrops or posters or anything else? In season 2 episode 3, the backdrop when Aziraphale was driving really captivated me on the first watch though and re watching it, it made me think about all that. I really love all your creativity, thank you so much
Season 3 of Good Omens has not yet been commissioned or green lit. The scripts have been, but that is me and not AI.
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magickedpiracy · 10 months
Grumpy Asshole captivated by his Heart-Of-Gold Blond Girlfriend is my favorite genre.
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Why do Stede & Ed and Aziraphale & Crowley mirror each other so well?!?!?!?!
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queerfables · 9 months
Reading this excellent laudanum meta by @azfellandco got me thinking about Crowley and Aziraphale and suicide pills. I haven't given this subject much thought in the past, because I agree with Mir that this wasn't on Crowley's radar when he asked for the holy water. Certainly book!Crowley only ever thinks of it as a defensive weapon, and even when faced with literally eternal torture if he's taken alive, he's meticulously careful to protect himself from exposure.
But the thing is. The thing is. It's actually not crazy of Aziraphale to fear this. Not because I think Crowley is particularly prone to suicidal ideation. But rather because they are enemy agents committing treason with every moment they spend together.
"Suicide pill" is an entirely anachronistic term for Aziraphale to use in 1862, since the concept wouldn't arise until World War II (making this Aziraphale's own lead balloon moment). What sometimes gets lost when we talk about this scene - understandably, given all the strong emotions going on in it - is that a suicide pill is a weapon of espionage, a pragmatic last resort for when your only alternatives are captivity, torture, and a painful death. Even if Crowley did mean to use it that way, there's no reason to think he would ever go through with it unless his other options were much, much worse.
And this is where my brain started sparking like a faulty wire, because refusing a request like that is love at its most selfish. Aziraphale cannot bear to lose Crowley. No matter what. He's asking Crowley to risk enduring torture with no way out rather than leave him on his own.
And then at the same time, it's love at its most recklessly and gloriously unguarded. A suicide pill doesn't just exist to protect the captured operative, it protects all the dangerous information in their heads from being exposed. And Crowley and Aziraphale hold all kinds of incriminating secrets about each other. Do you believe there's absolutely nothing hell could do to Crowley that would make him betray Aziraphale? Because Aziraphale does. Or he is willing to accept that Crowley could be used against him. He would rather be betrayed by Crowley than bereft of him.
It's such a messy, human way to love. And the fact that Aziraphale relents eventually just makes it all the more human. He'll give Crowley the choice, and ask him not to take it, and have to live with just the hope that that's enough. And he saves Crowley's life with that trust! God, everything about it means the world to me.
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lokilokilolki · 10 months
Crowley admitted his feelings in Season 1
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This specific quote is in reference to Act II, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play "Antony and Cleopatra." Which canonically had not even been written yet in the series, which IMPLIES that when Shakespeare heard Crowley's words, he interpreted them as what they truly meant and transitioned them into the play. So basically Crowley has been absolutely besotted by Aziraphale from the beginning and Shakespeare agreed so much he put it in one of the most famous romantic plays of all time.
The original quote by Shakespeare read as follows:
“Never; he will not: Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale Her infinite variety;”
This quote is spoken in the play when a follower of Mark Antony describes the appearance of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, as she rode her barge down the river Cydnus; and how Mark Antony first lays eyes on her then immediately falls head-over-heels in love with her. "Age does not wither her" means that her beauty and allure do not diminish with the passage of time. It implies that as she ages, she remains just as attractive and enchanting as ever. "Nor custom stale her infinite variety": Here, "custom" refers to familiarity or routine. The quote suggests that even familiarity or habit does not make Cleopatra's qualities or personality seem boring or less interesting. "Infinite Variety" implies that she possesses an inexhaustible range of qualities, moods, and aspects that keep her intriguing and unpredictable---Sound like someone familiar?
Now keep in mind that when Crowley said it, It was never originally about Cleopatra
Crowley said “Age does wither nor custom stale HIS infinite variety” because AZIRIPHALE is the subject.
Crowley has admitted to being captivated by Aziraphale since he first laid eyes on him; since the first ever rainfall. Through thousands of years, Aziraphale has–quite literally never aged nor withered but–remained a consistent and magnetic presence in Crowley's life; Aziraphale company never stales because he is infinite variety, the angel with 100 contradictions, who gave away their sword without hesitation and rebelled against heaven beside Crowley; who keeps surprising him at every turn. Aziraphale himself bends the effects of time and routine because no matter how many years pass Crowley will always find him as gorgeous and fascinating as he did before the light was even born.
Aziraphale obviously doesn't really understand Shakespeare or the depth of poetry at this time, (as interpreted by his reactions to the play) and Crowley realizes this and grasps the moment to confess his feelings knowing that Aziraphale likely would not look too deep past it, you can see the shift in him when he recognizes the opportunity and the sudden morose tone he has when saying it to no one in particular.
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The Good Omens writers are absolute saints, nothing they do is lazy in the least and I am positive that effort went into finding a quote that encapsulated the true depth of relations between the two.
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grntaire · 11 months
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this is hilarious but i’m gonna talk here
this season, michael sheen did some of the most impressive acting that i’ve ever seen. i laughed the most and cried the hardest during scenes with him and he was so perfectly captivating the entire time.
aziraphale is a character who i think a lot of actors would treat unseriously, adopting the flamboyant gay comic relief archetype. a lot of writers also would’ve exploited this angle too but neil would literally never boil aziraphale down to that lol. but michael shows so much love for this character and in turn i think it makes the queer community feel loved and seen. i know it makes me feel loved and seen.
aziraphale’s arc is clear as fucking day an allegory for queer deconstruction from an oppressive religious environment. and michael sheen brought that to life so brilliantly and expertly and with such reverence and compassion that it makes my heart ache just to think about it. it’s what made the ending so devastating–the polarizing sides within aziraphale had never both come to the surface at once with such fervency before. it was agonizing and raw and gritty and he played it perfectly.
it’s so clear that he truly gets not just aziraphale as a character but what he represents, too. and the fact that he is able to play him so well is truly mind boggling. truly, one of the most beautiful performances i have ever seen. give this man an emmy right the fuck now
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beerok23 · 21 days
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Ok, today I was thinking about this scene and for the first time I realized that Gabriel was probably talking about Beelzebub.
Oh, it's so obvious. But I'd been so captivated by Aziraphale's (Michael's) reaction to it that I never really stopped to think about it.
And when the Metatron says to Aziraphale why he believes Gabriel went to him in the first place (the whole you're a leader, you're honest, you don't just tell people what they want to hear balderdash), I think he's not correct.
I think Gabriel went to Aziraphale because he knew he was his only chance to reconnect with Beelzebub and Hell, seeing his connection (😫) with Crowley.
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bleucalire · 7 months
Don t know if i missed any but
Would you mind sharing some headcannons for your ineffable rascals au?
It looks so adorable captivated me immidately 💚💚
Hi! Oh thank you for your interest in them!!
I did throw some stuff in tags on my first post of them, but i kinda changed the settings for their families so here are the current main lines i’m thinking of! (bad english incoming) :
(It is set in the 20’s/30’s)
- Few years ago, Anthony was found with a bleeding head (still has the scar on his right temple), amnesia, and without parents. He’s been living in an orphanage since then. He’s very good at stealing/pickpocketing (which Aziraphale strongly disapproves of), and often brings back snacks and stuff to the other children at the orphanage (where he is liked and respected, but he doesn’t speak much with the other kids). Of course the people in charge hate him and he often gets punished.
- Aziraphale lost his parents, they were doctors. He now lives with a very wealthy relative (the human counterpart for Metatron) who is quite manipulative with little Aziraphale. Human!Metatron gives a lot of money to charities and to orphanages (including the one where Crowley lives), but doesn’t actually care for the children there, and forbids Azi to meet with them (especially Anthony). He gives money because « it is the right thing to do » (and he might have other reasons…)
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- They have a secret hideout in the woods that stands between human!Metatron’s manor and Crowley’s orphanage
- Anthony calls Aziraphale « Az » most of the time
I really want to explore more of this AU ! And also maybe animate them a little when i have time !!!
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theladydrgn · 2 days
Meeting David was the highlight of my day yesterday. He loved the bound fic I brought for him to sign, even flipped through when I said it was Good Omens fanfiction 😱, he asked what it was about and when I said it was Crowley as a pirate with Aziraphale as his captive and they go on a treasure hunt he said "Oh I approve, Neil might try and steal that"
So I'm happy af and now terrified of Michael actually READING SOME if I ever get it to him to sign as well 😱
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