#capstone projects
hummingbird-hooligan · 10 months
He made a whole ass album in 2020 for this and kept it private for the project, today he FINALLY uploaded it!!!! GO LOOK GO LOOK!!! the above is a link to my favorite track, Summertime, but I'll put the whole playlist link below :)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 4 months
Hi everyone,
Someone is doing a Capstone project about autism and it looking for 15-20 volunteers between the ages of 17-22. If anyone is interested, please message @linkcapstoneproject, or DM them on their Facebook and Instagram “@LinkCapstoneProject”.
Thanks in advance to those who participate. Good luck with your project @linkcapstoneproject!
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evanarita · 2 months
Progress Report #5
There isn't much time left, but I haven't gotten a lot of Senior Project work left. Just to cover what I am planning to do for my senior project, my big deliverable is going to be a Self-Discovery Video. A video that talks about my journey of how I discovered Character design, what role does character designing have in video games, what I have learned about it, and while talking about these topics, I will show how I design my characters. During the progress of my work for the deliverable, I decided to add one more step and actually color my sketches to show the final step of my character designs. As shown here
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As for the other steps, I am doing alright. I still need to create a scene of me drawing a character in front of the camera to show how I design my characters. I have even decided to add one more scene into my video where I actually color the new sketch to show the completion progress. I gotta be honest with you things in my project could have been more quicker, but Im kind of under a bit of stress with dealing with a bunch of other classes as they're nearing to the end. I will still find a way to make things smoother before the time comes to present my big project.
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joshuacid · 1 month
Update Part 5
-Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a quick little update on the project results. 
So far this project has been quite a success when it comes to the results I hoped for. For those who don’t know, I was really hoping to raise awareness that art can be used as a therapeutic remedy for mental illness symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and stress. So far based on the data I’ve collected from the participants that have finished so far have all shown positive results from the art therapy activity. 
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I’m so happy to see that one of the things I love the most (art) is displaying its true power of helping those dealing with such a serious problem in our world today. Hopefully we’ll see this trend continue over the final two weeks. Oh yeah and if you would like to participate in the activity, just shoot me a DM in the project instagram page @art.therapy.impact !
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ppcseo · 3 months
#brilliance #capstoneproject #showcasing #student #research #education #innovation #excellence #studenttalent #intellectualinquiry #technicalproficiency #advising #passion #curiosity #learningobjectives #researchtools #partnerships #financialsupport #presentation #exhibition #archive #recommendations
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assignmentassists · 11 months
[For Hire] For full course in Operations Management including assignments and final Exams
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Email: [email protected] Discord: researchessaymarket
Having Undertaken various courses in operations management including OPIM 5110 and OPIM3104, I have the know how and ability to take the course and guarantee an A. In Which case, I have expertise in tackling and handling crucial operations management topics such as ;
Product Design
Process Design
Inventory Control and Scheduling
Aggregate Planning
Facility Location
Assign me the course and I will be able to handle every assignments, homework, projects, discussions, Quizzes as well as final exams.
I will also handle Single Quizzes and Assignments
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a-dragons-drabbles · 13 days
Today (or tomorrow) will be the day I finally finish a writing project. As someone who has never even finished writing a multi chapter fic before this means a huge deal to me. And this project isn’t even a fan fic. It’s an actually book. A non-fiction well research albeit short book (of probably close to 100 pages we shall see tho). I am terrified, amazed, and also incredibly anxious at the same time.
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#capstoneproject #career #empoweringstudents #excellence #students #transformation #education #realworldproblems #collaboration #industry #nonprofits #government #projectmanagement #problemsolving #communication #research #skillcultivation #partnerships #impact #authenticexperience #continuousimprovement
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thememorykeeperfilm · 3 months
Production Begins
Welcome to the blog of The Memory Keeper; a fantasy short film following the journey of a young woman and her grandmother with Alzhiemher’s getting lost in the forest as it comes alive with Québécois folktales. 
This project is the sum work of a two semester course at Southern Maine Community college. It’s often dubbed a “senior film” for the associates degree in Media & Communications (with a focus in video production). At the end of this academic semester in May, The Memory Keeper will be theatrically premiering at The Nickelodeon Theater in Portland, Maine. 
My name is Kathryn Morin, I’m the director of The Memory Keeper. Last December, I pitched the idea for this film to a panel of producers and was fortunate enough to obtain the greenlight. Last semester, as well as over winter break, I spent many hours organizing legal documents, the cast and crew list, creating the proof of concept, and running a successful Indiegogo fundraiser that raised our goal of $2,275.
This past weekend, February 3rd and 4th, were the production’s first two days of shooting. This was months in the making. 
Our first day went as smoothly as it could have. The film is set mostly outside, but for this day most scenes were interiors. My father was actually one of the supporting actors for this scene, so directing him was a bit silly. It felt weird to be his boss for once! We had issues getting sound from inside a car, as the car moved while the camera was on a tripod outside of it. The audio for it was hard to get, but it just took patience and persistence. Our sound operator, Sam Martel, managed to contort himself in the back and blended in perfectly! We used my car for the scene, which had literally never been washed since I got it last August. So funny enough our art director’s first task during production was to clean my front windows.
Later in the day, a background extra no-showed, causing a bit of a panic because we really needed that background character. Luckily, I was able to “reuse” my dad’s character (Thomas, the father of the main character Chloe) there. He saved the day as dads do!
Otherwise, production went super well. There was a little hiccup in craft services (“crafts/crafties” is the film term for food) being delayed, but it got there on time and we had the best sub sandwiches. 
The production day on the 4th was a little more hectic. This day was entirely outside, and involved the character’s getting lost in the forest. One aspect of production I learned quickly was that you can never communicate too much with your director of photography. For this project, our DP is Clara Edgecomb. An oversight in my directing led to a shotlist being created that did not match the location and some visions I had for certain shots, so for over half the scenes for that day we had to brainstorm the shot list on the fly. I’m so so grateful for Clara’s patience and ability to adapt and work quickly. 
Our biggest issue that day, though, was the sound. Towards the later half of the day, my neighbor started logging trees right next to our shooting area! I managed to talk him into ending his session early, but then a motorcycle started ripping up and down the neighborhood, chainsaws went off in the distances, three planes flew by consecutively… it was a nightmare. The day was scheduled to last 8.5 hours, and the sound issues delayed schedule by fifty minutes. 
I almost scrapped filming our last scene because I didn’t think we had enough time left, but my crew really advocated to crunch time and get it done. By then, the sun was low on the horizon and we were in the forest, so we battled the sunset for that last hour of production. Eventually, we walked away with some beautiful shots and we ended right on schedule. Phew! We’ll have to be mindful of light continuity for our next production days.
Through all the chaos of a first filming weekend, we stayed largely on schedule and things went well! Our actors did a phenomenal job, and already embody the characters to my vision and have great chemistry. The crew really brought their a-game and utilized their experience to create efficient and quality work. I’m so proud of everyone and had a great experience. 
This blog series will be a semi-weekly occurrence in accordance with blog assignments for my class. Stay tuned for more posts! Feel free to ask questions, my social media manager will do his best to answer or relay information from me. 
Kathryn Morin (she/her), Director
If you’d like to learn more about this project:
View “The Memory Keeper” proof of concept - https://youtu.be/p8Nyk3x-oMI?si=YwNvypkpPH9jfMoa 
Instagram - thememorykeeperFILM
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sa-acmwo-capstone · 6 months
And this the final reflection of the semester, Thank you to all of my partners (Cast, Crew, Professors) For your help and feedback on this amazing journey that me and many other students have gone through this semester. Our dedication, passion and love for our capstones will be remembered for a long time (we're graduating because of it!!!!) Be proud of the work that you have done this year! Thank you so much for this great semester, Ill see you at graduation!!!
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programmmingexperts · 6 months
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Our Data Science and Machine Learning Capstone Project empower you to apply the techniques acquired during the program's courses. Engage in activities such as data ingestion, exploration, visualization, feature engineering, probabilistic modelling, model validation, and various other essential practices.
Enrol today! Include the accomplishments from this program on your resume and LinkedIn profile to showcase your progress towards earning the IBM Data Science and Machine Learning certification.
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raindomain · 6 months
ha ha i'm making a raspberry pi for thanksgiving but not the food kind! ha ha.
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7techcareer · 1 year
The Importance of a Job-Ready Capstone Project in AI and Data Science Courses 
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A culminating project known as a "job-ready capstone project" enables students to use the information and abilities they have gained throughout their AI and data science courses to address issues that exist in the real world. This kind of endeavour is crucial for a number of reasons.
A capstone project first and foremost aids students in bridging the chasm between academic understanding and professional expectations. Students engage on challenging assignments, receive real-world experience, and hone the critical-thinking and problem-solving abilities that are so highly valued by employers.
A job-ready capstone project also offers students the chance to present their skills to potential employers. Students can build a professional portfolio and showcase their knowledge to potential employers by completing a capstone project.
Thirdly, a capstone project shows that students are capable of working independently and overseeing a project from beginning to conclusion. These abilities are crucial in the industry, and a capstone project offers students the chance to develop these abilities in a welcoming academic setting.
The opportunity to work on issues that are pertinent to current industry trends and difficulties is provided by a capstone project. As a result, students receive practical experience solving real-world issues, and their initiatives are more likely to benefit society as a whole.
Finally, a capstone project that is prepared for the workforce is a crucial part of AI and data science courses. It gives students real-world experience, aids in the development of critical thinking abilities, and allows them to demonstrate their capabilities to prospective employers.
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evanarita · 1 month
Progress Report #6
There really isn't much time left before I need my project completed, but I shouldn't really worry that much since I am pretty much almost done! Within the last week, I have been able to finish recording myself drawing a character as a demonstration of how I design my characters.
I was going to put what I recorded in this post, but unfortunately the file was impressively large and it wouldn't let me. I was able to find a work around and take a few pictures of some of the scenes in the recording as a way of a sneak peak.
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I have a spot in the video plan for it too. With that done, all I just need to do is just put everything I have together to make my self discovery video complete. There are still few things I still need to record though, mostly voice overs, but besides that everything should be good right now. I do still have my other classes to keep track of along side making sure this Senior project gets done, I'm doing my best to stay afloat.
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anipgarden · 9 months
What Kind of Plants to Add
This is my sixth post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert–just an enthusiast–but I hope something you find here helps! 
I’d love to be able to give a quick and easy list of things to add, but frankly I can’t do that. I can strongly encourage you, however, to look at these categories of plants and do further research to discover what’s native to your area, so you can plant things that’ll have the most impact in your particular area.
With that being said, I will mention a few plants as examples. This is in no way, shape, or form me telling you that you have to or even should buy these specific plants. Not every plant works well in every place in every garden, not to even mention across countries. Above all, if you’re wondering what plants you should be adding, I can wholeheartedly say plants that are native to your area--or at least nonnative non-invasive.
Flowers are some of the most common ways people work to increase biodiversity in their gardens, and who can blame them? Seeing pops of color out your window, and directly seeing the impact via butterflies and bees visiting the garden? It’s a win-win for us and the wildlife!
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Flowers--especially native wildflowers--are a quick, easy, and cheap way to increase wildlife traffic in your garden. Perennial gardens are more likely to get you the most bang for your buck, as they’ll come back year after year if you treat them well. But don’t dismiss annuals--if you get ones that easily reseed, they’ll eagerly return on their own! If you can, do your best to ensure that the flowers you plant all have different blooming periods--that way, your garden can support wildlife throughout the year instead of for just one brief season. 
Flowers are environmental super boosters. Their nectar and pollen can feed insects and birds, their stems and leaves can provide nesting materials for all sorts of creatures, and their seeds are a popular food source among birds at all times of the year.
Climbing Plants
Climbing plants can be fantastic options for maximizing your impact. If you have limited ground space, growing up can provide interest as well as additional habitat for all kinds of creatures.
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Training plants up a trellis, fence, or bare wall offers food, shelter, and habitat. Trumpet vines, passionflowers, honeysuckles, and more will provide sweet nectar for pollinators as well as nesting and hiding spaces for other wildlife like birds, bugs, and lizards. Do note that in some cases, climbing plants can actually affect the structural integrity of walls and roofs if allowed to climb too much and too far along a house, so be careful. 
Bushes provide shelter for creatures, which then provides hunting grounds for other animals. Their fallen leaves and petals can be food and shelter for detritivores, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals--and they also provide good cover for moving around the garden, for creatures who like to stay hidden. They can be a bit more pricey to obtain--unless you get cuttings or seeds and are willing to wait--but they’ll definitely be worth it, and they’re typically low-maintenance once they’re established.
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Bonus points if you get a flowering and fruiting bush, like bottlebrush, serviceberry, lilac, or others. This’ll make your bushes not only a place of shelter, but a food source as well--and depending on the kind you pick, may be food for you too! Making a garden border with a series of bushes can be a great option to providing lots of habitat, if you can manage it.
Shrubs with pithy or hollow stems are excellent options for supporting solitary bees. Some examples you could look into are elderberry, raspberry, blackberry, or sumac.
Trees have a high up-front cost and take awhile to grow, but once they’re settled in place they provide crucial habitat to all kinds of creatures! Insects will be attracted to flowers they may provide, or to nest in the wood. Others may eat the leaves as food, or use them as nesting materials. Birds will perch and nest in trees, and feed off the fruits and seeds and insects that also use the tree. Squirrels also use trees as nesting places, piling up dead leaves into huge clusters to raise their young in, and will absolutely feast on any nuts the tree may provide. Mice, badgers, and more will feast on fallen fruits or seeds, and bats roost in the trunks when given the chance. Detritivores eat fallen leaves and decomposing fruits, providing further food for hunting creatures. Trees can also be good for us--they help block out noise and air pollution, and are the poster child for taking CO2 and making it breathable oxygen. Not to mention they can provide plenty of food for us, too. Nesting grounds, hunting grounds, shelter from weather, and more--trees are, in my opinion, likely to be the best way to boost biodiversity long-term. If you can get your hands on a sapling for cheap and can care for it for awhile, I’d definitely give it a shot! Make sure the tree won’t get too big for where you’re growing it, though--you’ve definitely gotta plan for the long-term before you plant any. 
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Some trees can be grown in containers. Though they won’t become gigantic branching behemoths, they’ll still do their part to support all the life that depends on them. Growing a tree from seed may take awhile, but could be an easy option to getting one if you have the patience--the trees are more than happy to help you, as they drop tons of seeds and fruit in fall for you to gather. 
Bare soil is the enemy of microbial life in the soil, and while small pockets of bare soil can be great nesting places for bees and other insects, having swaths of empty soil should be avoided. Groundcover plants grow low to the ground in a sprawling habit, and will often spread quite easily on their own. This is a great way to provide shelter, keep soil temperatures cool, block out weeds, and give your soil life a chance to thrive.
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Sometimes, ground covers don’t even have to be planted in the ground. Shallow-rooted plants like succulents, ferns, and alyssum can be planted into cracks in stone walls, and moss can be planted by making moss graffiti and painting it onto a surface. As with climbing plants, do make sure that you don’t cause extra damage to important walls and housing foundations.
Host Plants
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Host plants get their own section, because plants of all kinds can be host plants for different creatures! It’s common to think only flowers can be host plants in the beginning, but in reality, many bushes and trees are host plants to dozens of species of butterflies and moths. Honestly, I feel that factor's not talked about enough. Look up what insects live in your area and what kind of host plants they need, and plant some if you can! Bonus points if you can plant a variety of them--I know that there’s hundreds of kinds of milkweed, each one flowering and leafing up around different times of the year. Planting several varieties of milkweed, then, would provide monarchs with food through several seasons, allowing many more of them to grow up in your garden!
Nectar Plants
Plants that provide nectar to insects is a great foundation to increasing biodiversity! This is, of course, many native wildflowers (and even nonnative wildflowers, though be sure they aren’t invasives who’ll do more harm than good), but many native bushes, vines, and trees will also provide nectar to hungry pollinators! 
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Keystone Species
To be frank, some plants can have a bigger impact than others in a landscape. By all means, every bit helps, but if you want to boost biodiversity quickly there are a few plants that can essentially serve as the backbone of local ecosystems that you can grow in anything from a balcony pot to a small patch of your backyard. These plants can be different depending on where you are, so do your research to find out what would be best to grow in your area. If you can’t get them all? That’s alright! But even hitting just a few of these target species really can do a lot.
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That’s the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about things to keep in mind/continue to do once you get plants in the ground! Until then, I hope this advice was helpful! Feel free to reply with any questions, your success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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ppcseo · 3 months
#capstoneproject #career #empoweringstudents #excellence #students #transformation #education #realworldproblems #collaboration #industry #nonprofits #government #projectmanagement #problemsolving #communication #research #skillcultivation #partnerships #impact #authenticexperience #continuousimprovement 
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