joshuacid · 1 month
Final Reflection!
This is it! All done! Thank you for tagging along my capstone journey everyone! It was great working with you all as well! I wish all of you nothing but the best! Have a great summer everyone! 🤙🤙🤙
-Joshua Cid
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joshuacid · 1 month
Update 7 - Wrap up!
-Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a quick little update on the project. 
I have officially posted the final post on the Instagram page! All 20 art pieces and all four data charts are officially posted and done for the semester! 
This project had a couple bumps in the road but in the end it came out to be exactly what I wanted and hoped for. But that's it for now, I’ll be making one more post for Tumblr and that will be it for the year. Talk to y'all soon! 🤙 
Oh and if you wanna check out the participants' art pieces here's the Instagram account @art.therapy.impact ! 🤙
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joshuacid · 1 month
Update Part 6
-Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a quick little update on the project. 
I actually just posted the last/final art piece of the semester! 20 different participants submitted 20 different art pieces along with their surveys in this project, all on time! The picture below is a final look from my artboards on adobe illustrator, which includes the final art piece that was posted on the Instagram account. 
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Now, I can say that it was awesome to see the effect that art had on these people. The amount of emotional text and survey responses I had gotten from the participants during this three month project is absolutely insane. I’m so glad I got to witness the noblest form of art, and that is of making others happy. Anyways, I’ll be posting a few more posts before I officially wrap this project up! Oh and if you wanna check out the participants' art pieces here's the Instagram account @art.therapy.impact !
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joshuacid · 2 months
Update Part 5
-Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a quick little update on the project results. 
So far this project has been quite a success when it comes to the results I hoped for. For those who don’t know, I was really hoping to raise awareness that art can be used as a therapeutic remedy for mental illness symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and stress. So far based on the data I’ve collected from the participants that have finished so far have all shown positive results from the art therapy activity. 
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I’m so happy to see that one of the things I love the most (art) is displaying its true power of helping those dealing with such a serious problem in our world today. Hopefully we’ll see this trend continue over the final two weeks. Oh yeah and if you would like to participate in the activity, just shoot me a DM in the project instagram page @art.therapy.impact !
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joshuacid · 2 months
Update Part 4
Whatʻs been happening over the past 2 weeks?
-Hey everyone! It's been quite a while since my last update. So yeah, a lot has happened since then. I’ve actually successfully posted 10 of the art pieces from my participants so far. I’ve also already posted data collection part 1, which displays the most common symptoms listed by the participants, and the weekly pre-result vs post-result data collection; which displays the participants mental health symptom levels before and after the activity. So yeah the production phase is going smooth as of right now, just working on collecting a couple replacement participants haha. Oh yeah and if you would like to participate in the activity, just shoot me a DM in the project instagram page @art.therapy.impact !
Whatʻs coming up for the next 2 weeks?
-With that said, I’m basically almost done with the production phase and soon I will be starting up the post-production phase. I will be collecting and gathering all of the data to create an “overall data collection” post to show the final results for the whole project/activity. In the post-production phase I’ll also be making a video of me talking about the project. But other than that, I will continue what I’ve been doing these past couple of weeks. 
Hiccups/Hurdles/AHA moments
-A hurdle I’m facing right now is finding replacements. Unfortunately I’ve had a couple people drop out of my activity and so I’m scrambling to find a couple more to replace them. I’m talking with a couple people right now but I’ll see what happens in the coming weeks. 
Any deliverable drafts to share? Visual documentation of the progress.
-Since the last time I made an update was before I started posting here is the final look of all my posting formats/templates. 
Artpieces/datacollections postings
Where are you on your timeline?
-Now as of right now, I’m officially in full stride working in my production phase. But soon I will finish with that, and on my way to wrapping up the project! 🤙
Almost there!
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joshuacid · 3 months
Update Part 3
Posting an update video next time! 🤙
Whatʻs been happening over the past 2 weeks?
-Over these past two weeks I’ve been working in the production phase of the project. I’ve officially sent out all of the pre activity emails and surveys to the participants, and created my first two posts for the project Instagram. I’m currently working on the templates for the postings for the rest of the semester. If you wanna follow the IG page its, @art.therapy.impact . 🤙
Whatʻs coming up for the next 2 weeks?
-The next two weeks will consist of postings of the participants' art works, and some of the data from the surveys conducted and collected from the first wave of participants. I will also be checking up on those who are cutting it close to the March 3rd turn in deadline. In addition to that I will also be messaging a couple more people if they would like to participate as well. Oh yeah and if you would like to participate in the activity, just shoot me a DM in the project instagram page @art.therapy.impact !
Hiccups/Hurdles/AHA moments
-A hurdle I had over these past 2 weeks has to be creating the data charts. I had zero clue as to how to create an accurate graph for my results. But luckily I noticed google forms gives you the chance to transfer the results into google sheets; so thank god haha. 
Any deliverable drafts to share?
-The only drafts I have to share right now are my quick mockups of what could potentially be my front covers of my participants work and data charts. I know it's plain but I’m working on making it better. But of course trying to stay within my brand style haha. 
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Visual documentation of the progress. (Please upload screenshots, WIP videos, etc.)
-Besides what I posted right above, more visual progress could be found in my google drive which is linked below. 
Where are you on your timeline?
-Now as of right now, I’m officially in full stride working in my production phase. I’m currently working on collecting the first wave of participants surveys and art pieces, and putting the results into my data charts. Gonna start posting participants' works next week Monday on the 4th.
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joshuacid · 4 months
Update part 2!
Wasn’t able to make a video this time haha. 
Whatʻs been happening over the past 2 weeks?
-Over these past two weeks I’ve been crossing out a lot on my pre production list. I’ve actually collected all of my participants but I’m looking to collect at least a few more. Other than that, I actually finalized my surveys and emails that will be sent out on February 15th. Along with that I will be sending out two PDFs that include instructions and the prompt for my activity; I actually just finished that right before typing this. So, overall these past two weeks have been mainly talking to people and making documents. 
Whatʻs coming up for the next 2 weeks?
-The next two weeks will consist of collecting little more participants as backups just in case something happens with the original 20 participants. Other than that, I will be finishing setting up my instagram account which is @art.therapy.impact, and I will be posting my first two posts. Also I will be setting up and prepping my graphs and charts for the production phase. Speaking of that, I will also begin working on the production phase as my participants will be beginning their activities. 
Hiccups/Hurdles/AHA moments
-I can’t really think of any hurdles or hiccups that I’ve had this past week other than trying to talk to the participants. A hand full of them didn’t really understand the first bit of instructions, but after some talking over the phone they all understood.
Any deliverable drafts to share?
-I can’t really think of anything to share other than my google drive filled with documents for my project. But I can share my Instagram account that I will be utilizing for my project, the username is art.therapy.impact. Feel free to follow! I’ll be following everyone back. 🤙
Visual documentation of the progress. (Please upload screenshots, WIP videos, etc.)
-Okay ignore what I said in the last question haha. I’ll share my google drive with my documents right here. Not officially done placing everything in the folders.
Where are you on your timeline?
-Now as of right now, I’m finishing up my pre production phase and basically ready to start the production phase. Just hoping I’ll be able to keep up with this pace haha. 
We got this guys!
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joshuacid · 4 months
Update part 1!
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joshuacid · 5 months
Hey everyone!
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