Indicure offers various healthcare services, including cancer treatment, cosmetic surgery, dental care, and orthopedic surgery. The company has established partnerships with some of India's best hospitals and healthcare facilities, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care. Indicure's commitment to patient satisfaction and safety has helped it become one of India's most trusted medical tourism companies.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
on the flip side of that Toxic Skincare Obsession post: I’m tired of seeing sun protection presented as another frivolous, unnecessary product of the patriarchy
“I’m going to sit in the sun with wine and enjoy it and fuck anti-aging products like SPF!” I mean yes normalize and celebrate people- especially women -not looking 22 forever but also
Skin Cancer Is Bad Maybe?
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rabnerd28 · 4 months
Whoever is keeping Christopher Eccleston off of social media right now is the strongest person on the planet
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thankstothe · 2 months
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in-sufficientdata · 9 months
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This can be a huge source of medical trauma and it's so cruel that it's being imposed on people by the medical establishment itself. How can they help but feel anything but helpless? There's no fighting that.
I can't help but think of this from my own perspective as a fibromyalgia patient who keeps having to fight being thought of as (or even being labeled as) drug-seeking.
I am literally just trying to live life closer to the standard that 'normal' people have every day.
Why is it in any way fair that most people are mostly pain-free and capable of doing the things they want to do, but I have to suffer with pain on a daily basis that is at minimum, on a very rare, very good day, at level 5?
Why is it when I report that my pain level is at level 7, 8, 9, I only get doctors side-eyeing me and explaining my OTC options?
I have had chronic pain since I was 8. I'm very fucking aware of my OTC options, so no thank you, doc.
And when I spend 20 minutes explaining in detail that my daily pain has noticeably increased and changed in quality since around January 1st, why should I have my PCP giggle at me every time I say that I need help with managing my pain and learning ways to deal with it?
It felt incredibly invalidating and I wish he would have said, look, I don't have the expertise to help you, so here's a referral to a pain specialist.
I only found out there was a such thing by trying to research the topic after this on my own!
So yeah, it's not just the insurance companies, it's the doctors, too.
It's almost like having a profit-motivated medical establishment hurts patients.
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fox-and-the-hound · 1 month
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What if Twilight and Rarity swapped cutie-marks, but their personalities stayed the same?
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atavist · 5 months
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An ob-gyn in Virginia performed unnecessary surgeries on patients for decades. He took their reproductive organs, gave them false cancer diagnoses, and did other terrible harm. When his victims learned the truth, they fought back. Issue no. 146, DAMAGES, is now available: 
[Debra] requested her medical records and was stunned to find discrepancies with what Perwaiz had said to her during appointments. Most glaringly, she didn’t see any mention of precancerous cells on her cervix; the tests Perwaiz performed on her had come back normal. “If I was normal,” Debra said, “why did I have a surgery?”
There were other inconsistencies. One form from an appointment described Debra complaining of back and pelvic pain, which she told me she never did. Another document dated the day before her surgery stated that she “insisted on having those ovaries removed through the abdominal wall incision and not vaginally,” and that the “consent obtained after entirely counseling the patient [was] for abdominal hysterectomy.” In fact, she had requested the opposite surgical approach, and she recalled no such conversation with Perwaiz; the only time she’d spoken with him in the lead-up to her procedure was in passing in the hospital hallway.
Debra was sure she had a malpractice case. She went to several lawyers, but none of them would take her on as a client. “So many men—man after man saying, ‘You had a decent amount of care, and that’s all you’re afforded,’ ” she said. Frustrated, she came up with a new plan: “I said, ‘Alright, I’m going to learn how to sue this bastard myself.’ ”
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I will never recover from the knowledge that thymoma generally has a very high survival rate, and in most cases that it becomes fatal, the patient has unknowingly lived with the cancer for years. There's a chance that Wilson was sick for half the series and didn't even know it.
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v1codn · 1 day
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i need you to tell me that you love me
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starwrighter · 11 months
You know what I love in DpxDc crossovers?
When people explain Jason's pit madness as having to do with ectoplasm. Whether it be the hc that the pits are corrupted ectoplasm, Jason being a revenant before being dunked in the pits or any other idea/theory I love it all!
But you know what I don't see much of? The pit madness being seen as something more clinical. In most of the DpxDc crossovers I've read it's always treated as something that can be easily and quickly fixed. I don't see much content about Jason's pit madness being treated like an serious illness and it's honestly underrated.
Make his pit madness be like cancer for ghost's. Something spread throughout his body like a fucked up spider web slowly killing him as it continues to go untreated. Making his life emotionally and oftentimes physically painful. Have Jason assume his pain is just the consequences of his vigilante life since nobody could ever diagnose him with anything.
Danny feeling heartbroken when he sees Jason not because he can sniff it out or sense it but because he can see it. Oftentimes cancer doesn't show symptoms until it's advanced. For Danny this is like seeing someone who's medical treatment has been so neglected that they're covered in tumors! Danny screaming bloody murder at Bruce for allowing things to get this far; for not getting him help and allowing things to fester like this. Danny's ugly crying because he's a child and he doesn't know how to react to something like this! It's a horrifying sight when medical care is neglected, but seeing someone suffering so much without even knowing what's going on? It's terrifying.
Jason trying to comfort Danny but Danny just starts crying harder because Jason doesn't know what the hell is going on and someone has to be the one to tell him.
Treat Jason's pit madness as a symptom of something bigger, not something that can be fixed with the flick of a wrist. Show me the grief of having a loved one/being the loved one suffering from something that has a good chance of killing them. Where the treatment can make you feel worse than the disease does sometimes. Seeing a loved one get weaker and weaker yet reassuring yourself it's just the process of healing and they're going to be fine.
Have it be something that's treatment is long and strenuous, something that might need surgery to fix. Jason needing a bone marrow transplant or an organ and Danny being the only halfa that's willing to give it to him. Jason having to choose whether he's willing to risk a child's life to save himself or if he's just going to die a second time.
(Bonus! Have Jason deny the operation but Doctors work differently in the realms so it's done anyway without his consent. Does Jason think Danny died from the operation? Maybe it's some important ghost bone marrow/organ and the doctors being dodgey and refusing to let anyone see Danny before he's recovered enough? Jason grieving over a child and lashing out because "why would anyone decide the life of a child was something you could throw away like that!")
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India's Rising Prominence in Global Cancer Treatment: Top Hospitals, Doctors, and Medical Tourism Options.
Cancer is a global health concern, and the availability of high-quality cancer treatment is essential to address this growing problem. India has emerged as a top destination for cancer treatment, with some of the world's best cancer hospitals and oncologists. In this blog post, we will explore why India is an ideal destination for cancer treatment, the top cancer hospitals in India, and the role of medical tourism companies like IndiCure in facilitating cancer treatment for international patients. 
Best Cancer Treatment in India
Best Cancer Treatment in India offers world-class cancer treatment facilities and has made significant progress in oncology in recent years. Some of the reasons why India is a preferred destination for cancer treatment include the following:
Advanced Technology: India has state-of-the-art technology for cancer diagnosis and treatment, including PET CT scans, Cyber Knife, and Gamma Knife. These technologies allow for early detection and effective treatment of cancer.
Affordable Treatment: Compared to many other countries, cancer treatment in India is significantly cheaper, making it accessible to more people. This has made India a popular destination for medical tourism.
Experienced Oncologists: India has some of the best cancer doctors in the world, with years of experience and expertise in treating various types of cancer.
Best Cancer Hospitals in India 
India has many renowned cancer hospitals, some of which are listed below:
Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai: One of India is oldest and most prestigious cancer hospitals, Tata Memorial Hospital is known for its excellent treatment facilities and experienced oncologists.
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai: Apollo Hospitals is a leading chain of hospitals in India, offering excellent cancer treatment facilities and a team of experienced oncologists.
Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon: Fortis Memorial Research Institute is a multi-specialty hospital known for its advanced cancer treatment facilities and experienced team of oncologists.
Cancer Doctors
Cancer doctors, also known as oncologists, are specialized medical professionals who focus on diagnosing and treating cancer. They undergo extensive training and education to develop a deep understanding of the complex nature of cancer and the most effective treatment options available. 
Cancer doctors work closely with other medical professionals, including surgeons, radiologists, and pathologists, to develop personalized treatment plans for each patient based on their unique needs and circumstances. They are also involved in ongoing research and clinical trials aimed at developing new and more effective treatments for cancer, making them an essential part of the fight against this devastating disease.
Best Oncology Hospital
The best oncology hospitals provide comprehensive cancer care to patients with the latest medical technology and highly skilled oncologists. These hospitals specialize in diagnosing and treating various types of cancer and have a multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment involving a team of medical professionals from different specialties. 
They also offer a range of support services to help patients and their families cope with cancer treatment's physical and emotional challenges. The best oncology hospitals have a high success rate in treating cancer patients and are renowned for their quality of care and patient outcomes.
Best Cancer Treatment Centers in the World 
In addition to India, many other countries offer high-quality cancer treatment facilities. Some of the top cancer treatment centers in the world are:
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA: MD Anderson Cancer Center is one of the worlds largest and most renowned cancer centers, known for its advanced treatment facilities and research programs.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is a leading cancer hospital known for its cutting-edge treatment facilities and world-renowned oncologists.
Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France: Institut Gustave Roussy is one of the leading cancer centers in Europe, known for its advanced cancer treatment facilities and research programs.
Global Medical Tourism 
In recent years, the trend of medical tourism has gained significant popularity, with millions of people worldwide travelling to other countries for medical treatment. India has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, including cancer treatment. Medical tourism companies like IndiCure are essential in facilitating cancer treatment for international patients by providing them with high-quality medical treatments, travel and accommodation arrangements, and 24-hour support.
Indicure is a leading medical tourism company in India that provides high quality, affordable healthcare services to patients worldwide. The company has a team of experienced medical professionals who work closely with patients to provide them with personalized and comprehensive healthcare solutions. 
Indicure offers various healthcare services, including cancer treatment, cosmetic surgery, dental care, and orthopedic surgery. The company has established partnerships with some of India's best hospitals and healthcare facilities, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care. Indicure's commitment to patient satisfaction and safety has helped it become one of India's most trusted medical tourism companies.
India has established itself as a top destination for cancer treatment, with its advanced medical facilities, experienced oncologists, and affordable treatment options. Patients worldwide, including in developed countries, are now choosing India for cancer treatment, making it a leading player in the global medical tourism industry. The best cancer hospitals in India, such as the Tata Memorial Hospital and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, are at par with some of the world's top medical institutions. With the support of medical tourism companies like Indicure, India is poised to continue its growth as a leading destination for cancer treatment in the future.
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 months
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england we are in shambles
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stuckinapril · 5 months
me stoically navigating my way through drama bc bigger things are ahead and it’s not my fault people are dumb
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secattention · 2 months
Moderna CEO admits the company had 100 Thousand Doses of the Covid Vaccine Ready.....in 2019!
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riverspond · 5 months
peter capaldi is THE doctor like no one has ever doctered like him and no one will again
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forestfoster723 · 2 months
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I saw a youtube clip yesterday that Robert Sean Leonard was in an episode of The Good Doctor as a guest star so of course I just had to watch it
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David Shore gave him cancer AGAIN btw
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