#callum larkspur
gaygryffindorgal · 9 months
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hp riddle era; the larkspur family
"prestigious and ancient, the larkspur family has ruled the wizarding art world for generations. if they're not celebrated artists themselves, they will get you any painting your heart desires, for a price, of course. the less savoury aspects of their business are known to only few..."
loretta larkspur is a woman of exquisite taste and infinite wealth. her father only had two daughters, herself and her sister matilda, so loretta inherited the family business and had to fight tooth and nail to hold on to it. loretta expects great things from all her children, her younger sister, and her niece. the family's reputation is not to be risked for anything.
angela bassett as loretta larkspur (me) delroy lindo as callum larkspur (annie) tahirah sharif as helene larkspur (annie) aaron pierre as johannes larkspur (annie) jordan bolger as leighton larkspur (annie) rome flynn as hugo larkspur (me) t'nia miller as matilda larkspur (annie) tati gabrielle as marie-rosalie larkspur (me)
in cooperation with @potionboy3
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the-hawthorns-ocs · 1 year
Trainee Aphid
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Scared little boy... Save him.
Character Bio:
Kinship: The Hawthorns
Gay; tom; he/him
Age: 9 moons; 13 Hyrs
Voice Headcanon: Callum - The Dragon Prince
Future Title meaning: -eye =  a cat with especially good eyesight; this cat can spot things that others cannot; a very perceptive cat
Role: Trainee
Mother: Lily'mist
Father: Shadow'whisker
Siblings: Wasp
Other notable kin: Soot'storm (uncle), Sheep'puddle (uncle), Bee'briar (grandmother), Larkspur (grandfather), Termite'tooth (grandfather)
Extra Notes: his previous name was Fennel and his "warrior name" was going to be Fennelsight, but I decided to change it to Aphid (with the help of a poll) bec it fit him so well! His new full name will be Aphid'eye!
Character Summary: 
Aphid was born to Lily'mist alongside his sister Wasp, the liter's father is Shadow'whisker, though he doesn't act like it much. Lily was AroAce and never wanted a mate, but she did want kits, so she asked Shadow to be the donor of her liter and he accepted because he wanted to carry on his bloodline. The main interactions Shadow has with his kits are him looking at them judgmentally whenever they do something that doesn't live up to his expectations.
Aphid LOVED his mother, she was kind, and strong, she always made him feel safe and more confident. Aphid was always an anxious cat and he always felt more confident around his mother. However once Aphid and Wasp became trainees, Lily'mist and her brother Sheep'puddle disappeared and Aphid has become more anxious than ever before.
Monarch Spider'web claims that they ran away and abandoned the kinship. She says they were weak cowards who were not fit for the kinship life. Most cats believe her, including Wasp... however Aphid is not so sure. Aphid is a smart tom, he knows his mother would never abandon her kits, and that his uncle would never abandon his pregnant mate. Plus Aphid may have been young, but he noticed how much distaste Lily and Sheep had for the Monarch, they spoke out against her and her decisions often... and Aphid cant help but wonder if the terrifying leader might have something to do with their disappearances. Of course this would most likely mean they are dead... and Aphid is heartbroken at the thought.
Aphid's relationship with his sister is strained at best, Wasp believes what Spider'web says about her mother, and Aphid is horrified that his sister would think so lowly of their mother and uncle. Not only this, Wasp is also obsessed with being approved of by their peers and kinship. Aphid is considered the weakest of the trainees, and Wasp, being desperate for approval is pushing him away. She can often act quite cruel toward him these days, similar to how the trainees Bone and Ash treat him, but still Wasp hasn't been accepted by the more popular cats of the kinship, both siblings are alone... Aphid wonders why Wasp doesn't realize that Aphid is her only real ally and by pushing him away she has just sentenced them both to being alone.
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artdaloaf · 3 years
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Doodles of the larkspur group + relic gnome
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gaygryffindorgal · 9 months
the larkspur family
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loretta larkspur | november 20th, 1884 | scorpio | ravenclaw | @gaygryffindorgal
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callum larkspur | june 20th, 1879 | cancer | gryffindor | @potionboy3
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helene larkspur | july 22nd, 1918 | cancer | ravenclaw | @potionboy3
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johannes larkspur | october 7th, 1923 | libra | gryffindor | @potionboy3
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leighton larkspur | november 10th, 1924 | scorpio | slytherin | @potionboy3
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hugo larkspur | december 11th, 1926 | sagittarius | gryffindor | @gaygryffindorgal
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matilda larkspur | february 8th, 1902 | aquarius | hufflepuff | @potionboy3
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marie-rosalie larkspur | june 6th, 1927 | gemini | ravenclaw | @gaygryffindorgal
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artdaloaf · 4 years
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Oh? A n g s t? Also an unsupportive dad king
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artdaloaf · 5 years
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After getting and playing the new pvz game: plants v zombies battle for neighborville, I revived my oc and made new ones in the process!
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artdaloaf · 5 years
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The calmest/chillest ones are the scariest when angry
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artdaloaf · 5 years
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Uh oh 😏
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artdaloaf · 5 years
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Larkspur has a weird rule where everyone has to do laundry day. On the other hand, his kingdom is quite known for good chore management
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