#call of duty Fashion
revnah1406 · 1 year
Aly and Sparrow in a VOGUE cover!
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Look at these fancy ladies!
@alypink did an amazing drawing of my OC Abby Mason with Erika and I wanted to do something cool too! 💕
So I was thinking what if there's a fashion week for Call of duty OCs? Like bruh All call of duty OCs look amazing and they are so fucking cool!
Hope you like it!!! 💖✨
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str6ngled · 9 months
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crowmyk · 11 days
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Captain Price from Barry Sloane’s GQ shoot a while back 🫡
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tiddygame · 2 months
ghost’s civilian wardrobe is nothing but hawaiian shirts. soap is in utter disbelief the first time he sees it. ghost says they’re good bc:
it’s so fucking ugly, no one can stand to look at it for too long so he doesn’t draw attention
No one thinks the ghost would wear something so bright and stupid meaning he’s completely under cover every time he’s on leave
they’re cheap and an easy thrift
but he just really fucking likes how goddamn ugly they are
at least, that’s what he tells soap. and himself. in reality, they were always tommy’s thing. he always wore them to the point everyone knew that the safest gift to get him was the ugliest patterned shirts they could find. in every family photo, tommy was the easiest to spot with the brightest eye sore worn proudly with a smile.
after that cold night in december, all of their stuff was either donated or thrown away.
one day, ghost was thrift shopping (because even though now he had more money, habits from being raised in a poor home die hard) and saw one of them. he froze. at first, he thought it was just one that looked similar. but when he inspected it, it even had that old tear tommy had gotten simon to fix and sew up for him.
he grabbed it in a daze. he searched every rack in that store and found a few more hawaiian shirts. if they were tommy’s or not didn’t matter. he bought them. for days, he hunted through every thrift store in town buying every stupid patterned shirt he saw.
knowing that the few shirts he collected was the only thing he had left of his baby brother finally broke him. he probably looked insane, sitting in his old beat up pickup truck, surrounded by shopping bags from different stores, crying into a yellow and orange button up with flowers on it, and one sewn up tear on the sleeve. but it was tommy’s. and it was all he had.
at first, they were hidden away in a box. he lied to himself that it was because he wanted to keep them safe, but in reality, he couldn’t look at them without either wanting to cry or punch holes in the wall.
but, one christmas, he finally pulls his head out of his ass and grabs them. visits the cemetery in a stupid yellow and orange monstrosity of a shirt and complains that tommy couldn’t have had a better fashion sense.
he wears another when he has to go grocery shopping. and again when he runs errands. and again. and again. and again.
the first time one of them got something on it, he almost cried and pulled every trick his mother taught him about removing stains. the shadow of it persisted but the pattern covered most of it.
eventually, they became a staple of his wardrobe.
years later, soap watched ghosts careful routine he had for washing the shirts. they were always washed separately on delicate and air dried with routine inspections for any holes or tears. it would click later, when finding an old family photo, one with a young boy on simon’s shoulders and another man next to him in a familiar yellow and orange shirt, that perhaps simon hadn’t been entirely truthful when he said he just liked them.
simon was scared the first time soap did his laundry, but johnny always washed them with the same level of care, following the exact same routine. he still made fun of him (lovingly, of course), saying that crimes against fashion must run in the family.
and further down the line, years later, they will be old and graying with wrinkles, wearing matching hawaiian shirts. johnny will complain about how ugly they are yet will still wear it happily (and tune out simon reminding him that it was johnnys idea to start matching)
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natural-view-gas · 1 month
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💀🌹 Ghost and Jade's Seasonal Outfits! 🌸☀️🍂❄️
Tap for better quality!
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Have a look at Ghost and Jade's wardrobe throughout the year! Jade has quite the fashion taste, while Ghost is... efficient.
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Height difference is cute and all but uhhh... there are some things you can't do.
Hope you guys love it! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
Tip Jar 🏺✨
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efingcod · 3 months
Lipstick Masquerade - Chapter 1
Captain John Price x fem!Reader
You are a bartender at a high-end club that serves very powerful and dangerous men. Price is Price. He's undercover.
TW: The general kind of misogyny you would expect from the clients at an establishment like that. Mostly hinted at, if I can avoid stating outright. Sexuality.
This idea has been floating in my head for some time so I knew eventually I would get it out.
The vinyl of your boot creaks as you stretch out your ankle. It’s been such a long night. You take a deep breath and check your makeup in the mirror. You slip two fingers between your corset and your breasts, producing a tube of lipstick, Blood Red, which you swipe over your lips. You tuck the lipstick safely away and stick your finger in your mouth to remove the excess lipstick. No sense in looking this hot if you have lipstick on your teeth. Then you blow your reflection a kiss.
You back away from the mirror to get a good look at yourself. Your ass looks amazing in your surprisingly comfortable leather pants. Your outfit was chosen for both comfort and sex appeal. Hard to find, but you knew where to shop. You yank your corset up and, heels clicking on the tile, exit the employee bathroom.
The booming music of the club, muted in the bathroom, now fills your ears. Things have begun to quiet down a bit after the rush in the evening. It’s always like this on Tuesdays. The clients check into their hotels, get a steak at The James Tavern, and then head here. They get a drink and see their favorite girls in the back. Despite the fact that the only thing you do for money is serve drinks, for some of them, you’re their favorite girl. Some would love to bring you to the back. They see you as a challenge. In your experience, some men, even when placed in front of a row of beautiful women, will always eventually turn their heads to see what else is out there.
And that’s fine by you; you pour heavily and leave with a fat wad of cash every night. Everything is in cash. No one wants a transaction from this place on paper.
You grab your towel and do a quick wipe down of the bar counter. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a man approach the bar. You saunter over, a smile widening across your face. You look at him through your long fake eyelashes and say, “What can I get for you?”
Oh, he’s good looking.
Not that you don’t see good-looking men come in and out of here. Even the hot ones buy it from time to time. But this one, he looks a bit more down-to-earth. Even in his nice suit and with his hair slicked back like that, the uniquely styled facial hair tells you he's not like some of these other overgroomed and sculpted assholes. He places his hands on the counter. Fingers cleaned up, buffed, no hint of even clear polish. Someone had a job working over his callouses, but you didn’t miss the remnants on the pads of his knuckles.
Well, perhaps he was hired muscle.
Either scoping out the place for his boss or cashing in on his employee appreciation gift. It made no difference to you.
He orders a whiskey neat. Not top shelf either. A man who knows what he wants and he doesn’t seem concerned with impressing anyone.
You’re also not surprised when he speaks with a gruff British accent. Again, the facial hair gives it all away. “Thank you,” He says as you pour his drink and hand it to him. You note that not once in the past five minutes has he even looked at your tits. That’s practically a record. You doubt most of the regulars, besides the ones who favored you, of course, could pick your face out of a lineup. Which was good; you didn’t need anyone hounding you while you were shopping at the grocery store. Now, your décolletage - well, that was a different story. You smile warmly at him and tell him the price as you pass a tray to him.
There’s a hot second where you wonder if he’ll balk at it, but he just grabs his wallet. Nice leather, nondescript, and practical - a brand you don’t recognize. He counts out the cash, clearly familiar with the currency, and places it on the tray.
You take the tray and return the bottle on the way to the cash register. As you count it out you realize he’s left you a nice tip. You already knew you were going to like him and you're always pleased when you've got a good read on someone.
When you turn back around, you see he is still facing forward. He wasn’t staring at your ass, nor was he enjoying the floor show.
But as you think that, he turns in his seat toward the stage. Sandy is currently hanging from the pole, doing the splits in mid-air. She tried to show you how once, but you decided you were never going to be that flexible. The tips of her long strawberry blonde hair just brush across the stage. The light picks them up, making the strands seem to sparkle. You can’t recall if that’s her actual hair or a well-applied wig. Not that anyone cares, she’s beautiful and skilled; it would be hard for anyone to keep their eyes off of her.
With no one to serve and nothing to clean up for the moment, you lean on the bar and watch. Even though you’ve seen it before, you’re always impressed when she spins around the pole upside down and, at the same time, manages to remove her bra with one hand. The newcomer chuckles good-naturedly and turns his attention back to you.
“Talented gal, isn’t she?” You grin at him and make a soft humming sound of agreement. “Can I get you anything else?” You ask. He puts a hand up and shakes his head. “Long night?” “Something like that,” He says. “We do have quieter rooms,” You suggest. “Nah, not ready for that yet,” He says with another chuckle. You note something in his eyes and wonder if he’ll ever be ready. Most of the men who come through here have a certain way about them. Posturing. A little money, and they can own every woman in the room.
Well, almost every.
That’s part of what they pay for, of course. That feeling of power. This guy didn’t seem to want it. Or maybe you prefer to think that.
Were you just getting a little sucked in by those soft gray-blue eyes?
“What’s your name?” He asks. “Uh- Jessie,” You say. It takes you a moment to recall your fake name. It’s not like you’re going to give the clients a real name, not that most of them ever ask. “I’m Owen,” He offers. You know a fake name delivery when you hear one. And that’s fine. Most clients preferred their anonymity as well. “Nice to meet you, Owen,” You say.
He looks ready to say something else when a group of several large men- bodyguards- walk through the door. Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see Owen straighten up. You glance at him, apologetic, but he waves you off. The bodyguards part to make way for their boss. It’s a bigwig. Everyone just calls him Mister.
You conjure his usual order with fast but controlled movements. It’s in front of him before his ass hits the stool. You note that he’s wearing a particularly gorgeous gray suit of silk wool. A suit sold by a store that requires a referral letter and a credit check before you step one foot in the door. The way you hear it, the place doesn’t publish their address. Word of mouth, just like here.
“That’s why I like you, Jessie,” He says, giving you a wink. You’re one of his favorites. Luckily, he respects your boundaries. You mix the finest Manhattan he’s ever had, and he’d never do anything to interrupt that process. He had actually said that to you once. The thought made your skin crawl. You don’t know what he does in those quieter rooms. But the girls he chooses come back with red-rimmed eyes and purses filled to the brim with cash. Some of them take long breaks, some never come back. You smile your Blood Red smile at him.
You wait for a moment in case he needs something else. Despite his favoritism, he doesn’t have a high tolerance for you waiting on anyone else. But this time, he seems content to watch Sandy dance. He says something disgusting about her breasts. Then he speaks in a low voice to his head bodyguard, Lars. Lars looks like an extra from a Thor movie. But he’s not someone you should mistake for a meathead. There’s a reason Mister chose him as his head bodyguard. He speaks to Lars as if you’re not there. He always does that. You know more than you’d like about the ins and outs of his business because he thinks you’re just some dumb girl who’s never going to do anything about it.
Sometimes, you imagine going to the cops, telling them everything you know, and taking down every bastard who frequents this place. But you know that no one will listen to you. And you’re sure that some of them line their pockets in cash.
Mister doesn’t seem interested in you at the moment. It seems he’s found a companion for the night. You breathe a sigh of relief when he and his entourage leave your bar and move to one of the rooms in back.
Then you glance in Owen’s direction. Against your better judgment, you've found his presence comforting, but his stool is empty.
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absovdkke · 11 days
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Deberia subir fotos de mi cara…? 🤔
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str6ngled · 9 months
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temeyes · 3 months
What do you think each of the boy's aesthetics would be (ie: adventurecore, grunge)
i'll start off with Price: this is kind of a long shot but he gives me like, the in-between of old money and cottage-core aesthetic because he's def the type to dress rather refined. and i think, out of all of the boys, he knows how to color match his clothes right HSAHSSAHH
Gaz is definitely the skater boy aesthetic solely for his affinity for hoodies and the baseball caps!! but personal preference? i'd want Gaz to be a dark-academia babe like FOR REALLLLL, it's why i usually draw him in black turtlenecks LMAO. tho, me thinks he's very much willing to spice up his wardrobe. like, i feel Gaz is the kind of person who changes fashion tastes once a year. (he's so me, like for real)
as for Soap? white dad-core all the way (oakley dad shades, basic tees, thick white socks with sandals LOL JK) BUT SERIOUSLY, i think he'd classify as an adventure-core guy if not norm-core because Soap gives basic bitch energy, but he's the only guy here that can actually carry the basic energy pretty well.
i know most would associate Ghost with grunge, alt, or maybe goth? (tho ngl, it fits with his energy), but this mfer likes to Dress! Up! (he even has a full on cowboy outfit in the COD:M comics like??? LMAO) Ghost is the type and prolly the only one other than Gaz who would be willing to explore his aesthetics. but just for the sake, i'd say he's a combo of grunge, streetwear and/or norm-core.
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joitiks · 8 months
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"hey bro cook a grenade to activate the easter egg song"
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teamblck · 15 days
we all know that i am a gaz girl first and human second but one thing that makes me cackle is that he is pullin’ up in an active war zone and is wearing khakis and a blue button up shirt
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yansmachinegun · 2 months
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GYARU AND KONIG EHHAHAHE i rly enjoyed drawing this😖😖😓
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str6ngled · 9 months
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tokillamockingbird427 · 3 months
Keegan just goes absolutely catatonic in the middle of a random day for like 6 hours and when it finally wears off (After everyone scared to death wondering what's wrong) he admits it's because he realized that if he's gonna marry Logan he can't ask Elias for his hand in marriage... he has to ask Hesh.
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