dasistleeway · 1 year
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I cooked the "pollo alla cacciatora" and some pasta using the same sauce...3 courses dinner menu...
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kitchenla · 30 days
Chicken Cacciatora & Butter Bean Mash and Button Champignons
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For Chicken Cacciatora:
4 chicken breasts or thighs
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can (400g) diced tomatoes
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
Salt and pepper to taste
Chopped fresh parsley for garnish
For Butter Bean Mash:
2 cans (400g each) butter beans, drained and rinsed
2 tbsp butter
2 cloves garlic, minced
Salt and pepper to taste
For Button Champignons:
250g button mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
2 tbsp butter
2 cloves garlic, minced
Salt and pepper to taste
Prepare the Chicken Cacciatora:
Season chicken breasts or thighs with salt and pepper.
Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add chicken and cook until browned on both sides. Remove from pot and set aside.
In the same pot add onion and garlic. Cook until softened.
Add diced tomatoes, chicken broth, oregano, and basil. Stir to combine.
Return chicken to the pot . Cover and simmer for about 20-25 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through and tender.
Garnish with chopped parsley before serving.
Make the Butter Bean Mash:
In a saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add minced garlic and cook until fragrant.
Add butter beans and mash with a potato masher until desired consistency is reached.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Prepare the Button Champignons:
In a separate pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add minced garlic and cook until fragrant.
Add mushrooms and sauté until golden brown and tender adding a bit of paprika .
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serve the Chicken Cacciatora alongside the Butter Bean Mash and Button Champignons.
Enjoy your meal!
Find out more recipes at: www.kitchenla.online
See my Shop at: https://payhip.com/Kitchenla
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io-pentesilea · 5 months
Stasera, per cena pollo alla cacciatora e oki.
Eh... la vecchiaia.
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pollyna · 9 months
One thing that went okay this fucking hellish weekend: the ✨️pollo alla cacciatora✨️. It was fucking delicious, everybody did scarpetta and we (me and mother) count it as a win.
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ilpianistasultetto · 1 year
- Buongiorno Brand, stai preparando il cenone di questa sera?
-Certo, Sir. Quest'anno, grazie al nuovo governo, avremo un cenone a km0 e a zero costi, o quasi. Solo la spesa per qualche cartuccia).
- cinghiale alla cacciatora con marinatura..
- polpettine di cane randagio..
- palombacce in salmi'.. fedele ricetta umbra..
- sei un tipo cool , Brand.
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lavenderclearwater · 1 year
A Little TLC
No one has been able to get Tony out of his lab for days. It's almost been a week since he locked himself in there and has so far refused to come out for any reason. On day two, they tried to reason with him, and on day four, they tried to convince FRIDAY to unlock the door. Both attempts were obviously unsuccessful. Unfortunately, the only person who could persuade him to unlock the door was on a top-secret mission halfway across the world. It was actually his absence that caused this whole mess, but they are impatient for Steve's return.
He should be arriving soon enough, but they hadn't been able to contact him for that week because of that, so he had no idea what mess he was walking into. Natasha was the first person to greet him when he walked through the elevator doors and into the common area.
"Go talk to your boyfriend," she stated in her usual neutral tone, but her eyes gave away her concern.
Nat wasn't really the affectionate type, but everyone knew that she cared (well, most of the time anyway).
"What's going on?" he asked, confused at her unusual welcome.
"Starks been in his lab since the day after you left for whatever mission Fury sent you on."
"He's been in there for five days?!"
"Yes. We tried to get him to come out, but he just told us to "fuck off and mind our business.""
He sighed. "Yeah, that sounds like Tony."
"You have thirty minutes before Thor breaks the door into tiny pieces."
To say that Tony had been in a bad mood would be the understatement of the century. It has only come to that one time since the Avengers banded together, and no one wanted a repeat of the aftermath. Steve went straight to his personal lab and knocked on the door.
"Tony, I'm home. Let me in."
"Later, Rogers. I need to finish this."
"Tony, I know you've been there for almost a week. You need a break. Come on out, I'll make you something to eat, and we can talk."
"I don't want to talk. Leave me alone. I'll come out when I'm finished."
He sighed again, he really didn't want to force him out, but it didn't look like he really had a choice. Ever since they became an official couple, Tony gave him a unique code to get into the lab to use for emergencies only. The original idea was for "sexual emergencies" as Tony put it, but this worked too. He put in the code, and the door opened.
"I told you-put me down!"
Steve didn't say a word. He walked straight to him and picked him up fireman style. Tony continued to demand to be put down and for him to leave him alone, but it was no use. Not only because of the super-soldier serum but also because of the lack of self-care on his part. It's not easy to kick and scream when you are working on no sleep or nutrition. Thankfully, no one had been around to witness this, or they had enough self-preservation to not say anything.
* * *
They are finally back in their shared bedroom. Tony had pretty much exhausted himself struggling against him, which he has now given up on. Steve let him use his chest as a pillow as they lay on the bed. He turned on the TV for some background noise. Tony is still trying to fight off sleep, but it shouldn't be long before he loses that battle too.
"It's okay, rest. I'll make you Chicken Cacciatora when you wake up."
Tony hummed in response. His mother used to make him Chicken Cacciatora on special occasions and taught him how to make it himself before going off to MIT. Steve could tell the moment he fell asleep, his body completely relaxed against him, and his breathing evened out. Finally. They were going to have that talk, but for now, he would enjoy the feeling of Tony asleep against him.
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dasistleeway · 1 year
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Homemade "pollo alla cacciatora"...
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vinorossoworld · 14 days
Come fare il pollo alla cacciatora recipe
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soulkitchenworld · 2 months
Pollo alla cacciatora in bianco, un secondo piatto facile da preparare, tenero e succulento 🍗
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memoriediangelina · 2 months
Abbacchio alla romana (Roman Style Roast Lamb)
Abbacchio alla romana, Roman Style Roast Lamb, or abbachio alla cacciatora as it is called by Romans themselves, is perhaps the most iconic main course for Easter dinner in the Eternal City. The preparation is a simple pan roast in the Italian manner, with a twist. You cut up the lamb into serving pieces, then brown it in olive oil (or lard for true traditionalists) scented with garlic and…
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io-pentesilea · 3 months
Comunque il pollo alla cacciatora dovrebbe essere considerato patrimonio dell'umanità.
Così, per dire.
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esperimentox · 3 months
CONIGLIO ALLA CACCIATORA Come lo fa Mamma Fiorella !!! Ricetta di Chef M...
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giardinoweb · 5 months
Viaggio del Gusto a Roma; Pollo alla cacciatora
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Cari amici del "Giardino in Cucina", Sono finalmente tornata, e sento che il 2024 ci riserva emozioni culinarie straordinarie! Dopo una breve pausa, ho deciso di iniziare l'anno condividendo con voi un pezzetto del mio recente viaggio a Roma insieme alla mia amata famiglia. Roma, la città eterna, ci ha accolto con i suoi monumenti ma soprattutto con i suoi sapori irresistibili. Uno di quei momenti magici è avvenuto in un ristorante tipico, dove ho assaporato un piatto che ha conquistato il mio cuore e il mio palato: il Pollo alla Cacciatora. Ecco la mia versione speciale di questa prelibatezza romana da portare direttamente nella vostra tavola. Ingredienti: - 1 pollo intero, tagliato a pezzi con amore - 2 cucchiai di olio d'oliva extra vergine, il tocco che fa la differenza - 1 cipolla, tritata finemente con una lacrima di emozione - 2 spicchi d'aglio, schiacciati e poi lasciati a riposo - 1 carota, tagliata a cubetti con la pazienza di chi coltiva i propri ortaggi - 1 gambo di sedano, tagliato a cubetti con cura - 1 tazza di pomodori pelati, schiacciati con la forza della passione - 1 tazza di vino rosso, un omaggio ai momenti condivisi - 1 rametto di rosmarino fresco, rubato ai profumi di Roma - 2 foglie di alloro, come promesse sospese nel tempo - Sale e pepe nero q.b., per regolare l'equilibrio - Prezzemolo fresco, tritato per guarnire, un tocco verde di speranza Istruzioni: - In una grande padella, scaldate l'olio d'oliva a fuoco medio. Aggiungete la cipolla e l'aglio, rosolando con l'anima. - Unite il pollo alla padella, facendolo danzare fino a doratura completa. - Quando il pollo è dorato, aggiungete con la carota e il sedano a cubetti. Continuate a rosolare . - Versate il vino rosso nella padella, lasciandolo evaporare per qualche istante,.Aggiungete i pomodori pelati, il rosmarino e l'alloro. Aggiustate di sale e pepe a vostro piacimento. Coprite la padella e lasciate cuocere a fuoco lento per 30-40 minuti. - Servite il Pollo alla Cacciatora su un letto di riso o con i vostri contorni preferiti. Guarnite con prezzemolo fresco tritato, un tocco di verde che rende ogni piatto un capolavoro. Vi invito a provare questa ricetta e a portare un po' di Roma nella vostra tavola.Sono felice di essere di nuovo qui con voi, pronta a condividere storie e ricette che rendono ogni pasto un'esperienza memorabile. Buon viaggio nel mondo dei sapori autentici! Con affetto,Antonietta Read the full article
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pizzamachineonline · 6 months
7 Must-Have Dishes At Italian Restaurants in Cooper City and Hollywood, FL
Celebrating an occasion calls for good food and drinks. Satiating the appetite is a must-do that makes parties hot worldwide. True, an Amercing is spoilt for choices when going out to an eatery. Ordering special dishes to be delivered is also an option for many takers. Organizing a party has become exceedingly easy today, with almost all eating houses providing catering services too. The lure of gorging on sumptuous healthy food in Italian restaurants in Cooper City and Hollywood, FL, has remained undiminished for ages.
While all kinds of dishes, including the traditional Italian cuisine, have undergone a change that is favored by the young generation, the distinguished Italian dining areas have been steadfast about sticking to their traditions. With plenty of gooey cheese, fresh tomatoes, and veggies used in the dishes, Italian food does taste the best when one goes ahead and orders the following:-
1. Lasagne alla Bolognese - This three-layered dish has been invented in the city of Bologna in Italy. While many opt for specialty lasagne, the homemade variety beats the variants well and truly. The best dish is made out of multiple layers of meat and cheese with bechamel sauce separating the pasta sheets that form the basis of this unique pasta.
2. Spaghetti with Meatballs - This is a comfort food for many, and one can never have enough of it. The fresh tomato sauce ladled over the dish makes one yearn for more every time
3. Cheese Calzones - A cheese-filled delight that delights the heart and satisfies the stomach. Two different types of cheeses come together beautifully inside the calzone. Garnished with a third type of cheese, the parmesan, this cheesy dish is for everyone who loves Italian food.
4. Pollo alla Cacciatora - This is a classic chicken dish that no Italian can do without. The chicken is fried traditionally with warm seasoning ladled on top of it. The entire chicken is left to stew in olive oil that contains fresh tomatoes and red wine. One may call it a casserole or stew. This chicken dish is one to die for.
5. Pizza Margherita - What can beat the classic pizza? This no-frill pizza tastes divine despite containing freshly made tomato sauce and plenty of mozzarella cheese sourced from buffaloes. It is the most straightforward pizza and is considered to be an Italian staple.
6. Melanzane alla Parmigiana - Popularly known as eggplant Parmigiana, it's a dish that can make the hunger pangs disappear within a minute. This dense dish is cooked with eggplants and cheese that is baked to perfection. Served warm, this is an ideal dish for long and bitterly cold winter nights.
7. Tiramisu - No meal is complete without a serving of dessert. Specialty restaurants offer many Italian desserts, but the Tiramisu takes the cake! The traditional dessert is baked with soft biscuits and contains alcohol to make the heart grow fonder.
Requesting pizza delivery in Miramar and Weston, FL, by contacting the nearest Pizzeria will save time, and one may bite into the delectable pizza when working late or bonding with friends.
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recepielove · 6 months
coniglio alla cacciatora con patate e peperoni in padella
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corradolauretta · 1 year
Cipolle alla cacciatora https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsYK_tK9vvQ&ab_channel=LericettedellaConteaCorradoLauretta Un piatto povero da servire come
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