#c; grazi
heygutlcss · 2 months
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@strangerplan ASKED: Bad luck relies on absolutely perfect timing. ( DODGE)
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Graziella's gaze watched where he was staring, her own eyes locking on Dayna. She knew about the accident, or at least that there had been an accident and Dayna had been hurt very badly.
Dodge's whole life had become taking care of Dayna. She would always need the help. Graziella understood why he'd want to play panic. That money would certainly help his sister.
Still, the way he spoke and the way he looked at her now only made a knot form in Grazi's stomach. "It's not luck if it's on purpose." She said looking back at him.
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fiorescente · 3 months
Oggi ho il mio terzultimo esame, è scritto, sto morendo come sempre di ansia anche se ho studiato e ristudiato e vorrei solo dormire (non ce la faccio più)
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cartacei · 5 months
Marco mi ha inviato una foto di sette anni fa mentre in questo stesso giorno costruivamo casette e porta cibo per uccelli. il duemila sedici è stato un anno che mi ha ucciso. ricordarlo mi da però un senso di crescita personale enorme. le casette le abbiamo messe dentro i parchi comunali e in alcune zone dei monti Peloritani. ho contrastato la sindrome dell’abbandono non abbandonando gli altri e devo dire che mi ha migliorato come essere umano.
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2. Pensa all'ultima persona che ti ha ferito. La perdoneresti?
Sono un tipo rancoroso, quindi no. Soprattutto perché questa persona non impara dai suoi errori e mi sta trattando proprio di merda.
4. Cosa vorresti in questo momento?
Vorrei essere felice, ma anche scrivere mi va bene (mi accontento).
8. Che immagine hai come sfondo del telefono?
Come sfondo ho Hanako e Tsukasa. Sono proprio un nerd ahah
29. A chi mandi messaggi?
Heheheh curiosx? 😏 Comunque, a delle persone, a meno che non siano alieni. Allora mando messaggi agli alieni e non lo sapevo.
30. Pensa all'ultima persona con cui hai litigato, ti manca?
Oddio, non mi ricordo l'ultima persona con cui ho litigato. Ma non sono molte le persone che mi mancano con cui ho litigato.
32. Hai una persona del sesso opposto con cui confidarti?
Si e mi sopporta pure troppo.
34. Qualcuno ti ha mai detto che hai dei bellissimi occhi?
Sembra strano, non ci crederà nessuno e non mi crederei manco io, ma si. Me lo hanno detto.
35. Hai amicizie a distanza?
Prima ho risposto anche a questa domanda. Si, ho amicizie a distanza. Dovrebbe essere scioccante che io abbia amici ahah
40. Hai mai pianto per un messaggio? Se si, cosa c'era scritto?
Si, anche se non piango spesso per dei messaggi. Diceva che era finita la mortadella in frigo... No, ok ahaha In quel messaggio mi si dava la colpa e del geloso, quando io volevo solo rispetto e coerenza.
46. Elenca i tuoi tre libri preferiti.
Li ho già elencati prima ahaha. Comunque, non in ordine di preferenza, sono: "Sotto la porta dei sussurri" di T.J. Klune, "Il principe prigioniero" di C. S. Pacat e "Uno, nessuno e centomila" di Luigi Pirandello.
52. Il tuo gusto di gelato preferito?
Fior di latte, sono un tradizionalista ahaha
56. Cosa fai di solito la mattina appena ti alzi?
Ho risposto anche a questa ahahah Ascolto musica, non connetto la mattina ahah
59. Il tuo film preferito?
Questa è difficile! Mi piacciono tanti film, alcuni perché sono la mia infanzia, altri perché mi hanno lasciato qualcosa. Però, se dovrei dirne uno, è "La città incantata" dello Studio Ghibli.
66. C'è una persona nella tua vita che riesce sempre a farti sorridere?
Si, ma non proprio sempre.
72. Elenca le tue tre canzoni preferite.
Solo tre? Ahaha (le lascio direttamente qui)
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viagginoriente23 · 1 year
Viaggi Bhutan | Tour Bhutan 2023 - Viagginoriente
Viaggi Bhutan: la terra del drago del tuono
Il Bhutan è una piccola nazione situata nella catena montuosa dell'Himalaya, tra l'India e la Cina. Conosciuto come il "Regno del Drago del Tuono", il Bhutan è una delle nazioni più isolate e meno conosciute del mondo. Tuttavia, non lasciatevi ingannare dalla sua piccola dimensione, poiché il Bhutan offre un'esperienza unica e affascinante ai visitatori.
Una delle cose più sorprendenti del Bhutan è il suo approccio alla felicità nazionale. Invece di misurare il successo del paese in base al PIL, il Bhutan ha adottato il concetto di "Felicita Interna Lorda" (FIL). Questa misura tiene conto del benessere spirituale, fisico e sociale dei cittadini. Grazie a questo approccio, il Bhutan è diventato noto come uno dei paesi più felici al mondo.
La cultura bhutanese è ricca di tradizioni uniche e affascinanti. La danza e la musica tradizionali sono particolarmente importanti nella cultura bhutanese. Ogni anno si svolge il festival Tsechu, dove la popolazione si riunisce per celebrare la cultura bhutanese attraverso balli, musica e abbigliamento tradizionale.
Tour Bhutan
La natura è uno dei punti di forza del Bhutan. Il paese ha una vasta gamma di fauna e flora che lo rende un paradiso per gli amanti della natura. Le montagne dell'Himalaya offrono una vista mozzafiato e il paese è anche sede di numerosi parchi nazionali e riserve naturali, dove si possono trovare tigri, leopardi, orsi e una vasta gamma di uccelli e piante.
La religione ha un ruolo molto importante nella vita quotidiana del Bhutan. Il buddismo è la religione predominante e il paese è disseminato di templi e monasteri buddisti. Il monastero di Taktsang, noto anche come il "nido della tigre", è uno dei luoghi più sacri del Bhutan e rappresenta una delle attrazioni turistiche più visitate del paese.
Infine, il Bhutan è un luogo dove il passato e il presente si incontrano. Nonostante il progresso tecnologico e la modernizzazione del paese, il Bhutan continua a mantenere le sue tradizioni e la sua cultura unica. Se state cercando un luogo dove poter scappare dallo stress della vita quotidiana e immergervi in una cultura affascinante e incontaminata, il Bhutan è il luogo perfetto per voi.
In conclusione, il Bhutan è una nazione straordinaria che offre un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile ai visitatori. Con la sua cultura ricca, la natura mozzafiato, la spiritualità e l'approccio unico alla felicità nazionale, il Bhutan è un luogo che non deluderà le vostre aspettative. Se state cercando una destinazione esotica e affascinante, non esitate a visitare il Bhutan!
#Viaggi Bhutan: la terra del drago del tuono#Il Bhutan è una piccola nazione situata nella catena montuosa dell'Himalaya#tra l'India e la Cina. Conosciuto come il “Regno del Drago del Tuono”#il Bhutan è una delle nazioni più isolate e meno conosciute del mondo. Tuttavia#non lasciatevi ingannare dalla sua piccola dimensione#poiché il Bhutan offre un'esperienza unica e affascinante ai visitatori.#Una delle cose più sorprendenti del Bhutan è il suo approccio alla felicità nazionale. Invece di misurare il successo del paese in base al#il Bhutan ha adottato il concetto di “Felicita Interna Lorda” (FIL). Questa misura tiene conto del benessere spirituale#fisico e sociale dei cittadini. Grazie a questo approccio#il Bhutan è diventato noto come uno dei paesi più felici al mondo.#La cultura bhutanese è ricca di tradizioni uniche e affascinanti. La danza e la musica tradizionali sono particolarmente importanti nella c#dove la popolazione si riunisce per celebrare la cultura bhutanese attraverso balli#musica e abbigliamento tradizionale.#Tour Bhutan#La natura è uno dei punti di forza del Bhutan. Il paese ha una vasta gamma di fauna e flora che lo rende un paradiso per gli amanti della n#dove si possono trovare tigri#leopardi#orsi e una vasta gamma di uccelli e piante.#La religione ha un ruolo molto importante nella vita quotidiana del Bhutan. Il buddismo è la religione predominante e il paese è disseminat#noto anche come il “nido della tigre”#è uno dei luoghi più sacri del Bhutan e rappresenta una delle attrazioni turistiche più visitate del paese.#Infine#il Bhutan è un luogo dove il passato e il presente si incontrano. Nonostante il progresso tecnologico e la modernizzazione del paese#il Bhutan continua a mantenere le sue tradizioni e la sua cultura unica. Se state cercando un luogo dove poter scappare dallo stress della#il Bhutan è il luogo perfetto per voi.#In conclusione#il Bhutan è una nazione straordinaria che offre un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile ai visitatori. Con la sua cultura ricca#la natura mozzafiato#la spiritualità e l'approccio unico alla felicità nazionale#il Bhutan è un luogo che non deluderà le vostre aspettative. Se state cercando una destinazione esotica e affascinante
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ghuleh-recs · 5 months
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c*nty Olympic figure skater Terzo and his starry-eyed hockey goon bf Omega from @ramblingoak’s iconic new speed skater!Copia AU. Run—don’t walk—to read it here: Copia on ICE!
Excerpt and costume inspo under the cut. (Yes. Yes, it is Johnny Weir.)
“Do you think he’s into fisting?”
“Jesus Christ Terzo!” You slid to a stop in front of where your friend and roommate was lounging against the rink wall staring at his phone. “What the hell?”
“I’m just asking!”
“But why are you asking me when you should be asking him?”
“I will but you know, one needs to prepare themselves for every possibility.” He glanced up from his phone with a smirk on his face. “Like fisting.”
“How about you keep your possibilities to yourself.” You skated to his side, placing your elbows on the low wall while you gave him a stern look. “And stop saying fisting.”
“Fine, fine.” His phone screen lit up and Terzo grinned at whatever was on there before he quickly typed out a response. When he was done he turned and gave you a quick grin. “Have I ever told you that you are my favorite person?”
“Yes, but you only tell me that when you have bad news or you want something.” Terzo’s grin wavered a bit but his phone lit up again and he giggled at whatever he saw on it. “Just spit it out Terzo.”
“Would you mind terribly if I left early?”
“How early? We still have the rink for a few hours.”
He winced, glancing at his phone again before sheepishly meeting your eyes.
“Now? Terzo, you need to practice!”
“SÍ, grazie coach, I know.” He pushed off the wall and skated around you to the opening. “I’ve been practicing for weeks. Months.” You watched as he grabbed his blade covers and went to sit on the bench where he’d tossed all his gear. “Years!”
“That’s the point Terzo! We do all this practicing for a reason, to get to where we are today.” You grabbed your own covers and followed him out of the rink. “You do remember we’re at the Winter Olympics, right?”
“We’re at the Olympics?!” Terzo gave an exaggerated gasp and you rolled your eyes. “Amica mia, I know this. How can I forget when you’re covered in feathers.”
Glancing down at your costume you let out a sigh. Swan Lake hadn’t been your first choice of song for your short program, mostly because you knew your coach would lean into the swan aspect way too much. White feathers decorated the fabric from your chest down to the short skirt. When you looked at the ground you could see a few feathers had fallen off and were scattered over the floor. With a huff you crossed your arms and looked back to glare at Terzo.
“At least I’m covered in something. Your costume is 80% lace. Does that even meet the regulations?”
“Omega liked it.”
“Oh well if Omega likes it then that’s all that matters.” You both glared at each other for a few beats before you sighed and trudged over to sit by him on the bench. “Is he a snowboarder?”
“Well Secondo will be pleased at least.”
“Eh, he plays for Sweden.” At that you winced, Terzo’s older brother was the head coach for team Italy and probably wouldn’t be thrilled Terzo was sleeping with someone from a rival team. “You should see him, cara mia. Wide shoulders, thick arms and an ass to die for.”
“That sounds like most hockey players.”
“No no, he’s not just a hockey player. He’s the captain.”
“The captain? Then why the fuck are you still here? Go get him!”
Terzo laughed, leaning in to give you a quick kiss on your forehead.
“I knew you’d understand.”
Read the rest here!
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✨ He really did that ✨
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
Dude this was sooooo gooodd!!!! make it a seriessss!!
you wish is my command
here are the other parts : (1) , (3)  / masterlist
summary : after what happened in Bahrain charles and you are confused because you don't know what to feel for each other.
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
WARNINGS : curse words, bad translated french and italian and panic attack mentioned
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Today you were at the Saudi Arabia grand prix, with Isa, in the Ferrari garage. You were in the Ferrari garage and not in the Mercedes one because charles asked you to watch the race with Isa in the Ferrari motor home.
The reason why he wanted you there was unclear for you. Yes, he told you he didn't hate you, but you didn't believe him. But now that he asked you to watch the race in the Ferrari garage, you were unsure.
You left the Bahrain grand prix early to gather your thoughts. You left charles with his family and friends, as you knew that he was safe and didn't get another panic attack, which did not happen.
Furthermore, you were so confused. One time, Charles told you he hated you and that you were a waste of space, and the next he had a panic attack and only wanted you to help him.
So now you were watching the race, rooting for charles and carlos. After the 5o laps, the race was finished. Carlos got the sixth place and charles the seventh. You knew charles wasn't happy by the results of today.
Isa and you waited until the boys came. As you saw charles around the corner, you smiled. He looked good. Charles came up to you and as you wanted to say how proud you were, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you into his driver's room.
"Charles calm down! What's wrong with you?!" you told him, confused and angered.
You looked into his eyes, thinking you would find anger, but instead you found sadness. His eyes met yours and the dam broke, tears were threatening to fall down his cheeks. 
As you saw that, you took his hands in yours, trying to calm him down, but it didn't work. So you decided to pull him to you and hugged him. You pressed his head on your shoulders, so he could cry on it.
Charles accepted the hug and wrapped his arms around your waist, so that you were as near as possible to him. He cried on your shoulder, as you hugged him tighter against you.
" Je suis un tel échec." he said between sobs, while you rubbed his back to calm him down and comfort him. I'm such a failure. 
"You're not. It's the car, not you. Charles, you are one of the best drivers on the grid." you answered, as you still rubbed his back, him calming down in the process.
You waited until you heard that he stopped crying, so you could let him go and step out of the hug. 
"Grazie. Sei davvero la cosa migliore che mi sia mai capitata, angelo mio." He told you, but you didn't understand a word, as you couldn't understand italian. 
Thank you. You really are the best thing that ever happened to me, my angel.
"charles, you know I can't understand a word of italian. What did you say?"
"Just thank you for helping me." he answered your question, looking you deep in the eyes. Smiling at your look, as if you knew that what he answered wasn't what he had said.
"Your welcome," you answered him, fiddling with your fingers and picking on your finger beds to distract you from that one question you wanted to ask charles.
He noticed your fiddling and as a reaction he took your hands in his, bringing them to his mouth for a quick kiss. He knew what was bothering you. H asked himself the same question.
"I will go now, you seem alright here. If you need anything, ask Isa or Carlos. " 
Charles nodded. That was the only reaction he gave you. No disappointment, no sadness nor happiness. Nothing. You knew charles would be okay, just like he was in Bahrain after you helped him.
You checked one last time if he was okay, so you could leave. As you saw that he was okay, you left his driver's room, closed the door and left him standing alone in the room.
As you walked to the exit, you let your thoughts room free. Maybe you two weren't made for each other. God. You hated each other 2 weeks ago, but what about now.
It was raining by now. Perfect. It rained outside, while in your head, the thoughts rained. Everything on your mind was clouded with thoughts, while the sky was clouded with raining clouds.
You were not even sure why you thought that there was something between you guys. You were enemies. That is what you were supposed to be. Not this. Enemies.
This feeling made you ill. The feeling of not knowing. You hated not knowing what to do or what to feel. You didn't normally feel like this, but since charles came into the picture, everything changed.
"Y/n!! Y/n! Please wait!" you heard someone yell after you. Turning around, you saw him. Him. You saw charles running toward you, with your phone in his grasp.  
He comes near you, so he could give you your phone. Your wet hands touched as he gave you your phone. Both of you drenched in the paddock of Saudi Arabia with mixes feelings for each other.
"Thank you" you say to him with a smile of gratitude. Both of you didn't know what to say to each other. You had the same thoughts, but you couldn't bring them over the lips.
"I will go now. If I'm quick, I can make it back home without fuss. Thank you again."
Charles nodded again. You step away from him, turning around, letting him alone again, but this time drenched in the rain. You wanted to ask him the question, but you just couldn't.
Just as you wanted to walk, charles pulled you back to him, so you were in front of him. His had left your wrist, so he could hold your chin up to look at him. You waited for him to ask you, but he didn't.
 Instead, he bent down and connected your lips with his.
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falcemartello · 3 months
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Sono una capsula di allumino con dentro
4 grammi di caffè.
4 grammi di caffè a 0,40 euro, fanno 100 Euro
al kg.
Per una tonnellata di alluminio vengono prodotte quattro tonnellate di residui sotto forma di arsenico, titanio, cromo, piombo, vanadio, mercurio.
Sostanze che vanno ad inquinare l’ambiente.
Grazie ad una produzione di una tonnellata di caffè a settimana sono la regina del mercato.
Il caffè che uso è quello che costa di meno.
Quando le polveri tradizionali vengono torrefatte a 200/220° in 20 minuti per me la torrefazione è a 1000°C per 90 secondi.
Anche questo per risparmiare.
Però il mio caffè è schiumoso e buono.
Semplicemente perché non contengo solo caffè ma anche un po' di grassi animali, e additivi top secret.
In più le macchine che vengono utilizzate hanno enormi costi economici ed ambientali per la loro produzione e per il loro smaltimento.
E non dimenticare l’energia elettrica che usano.
Ma attento, ti dono non solo caffeina ma anche furano che ingoi con piacere.
Il furano è una sostanza organica (prodotto intermedio utilizzato nell'industria chimica come solvente per le Resine durante la produzione di lacche e come agglomerante nella fonderia).
È volatile, lipofilo e CANCEROGENO per il fegato.
Contento tu…
(testo tratto da “Mouvement pour la Terre”, tradotto e rielaborato)
Smettetela di usare capsule in alluminio e ritornate alla caffettiera tradizionale, non inquina e fa bene alla vostra salute. Inoltre il residuo del caffe lo potete spargere nei campi coltivati come concime.
- Giovanni De Maso
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heygutlcss · 11 months
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@soldwrecked ASKED: “ why are you looking at me like that? ” (JACK)
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"You mean it?" If ever there was a look she could have given him, this one took the cake. She looked at him like the sun rose and set with him. Like he was the match to light her spark. If ever there was a woman in love, it was Graziella.
"You want to marry me?" a little small town nobody who had taped newspaper to the insides of her shoes to make them last longer. She had a crooked nose and she could never afford to get her hair properly dyed. She laughed to loud and dreamed of little nice things like butter knives and paper doilies and still sighed as if they were worth millions of dollars and therefore were beyond her reach.
"For real life?"
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kidstemplatte · 5 months
the greatest
summary: cardinal copia becomes a father.
warnings: brief mention of suicide || wc: 8.3k
notes: reader is terzo's wife. i recommend checking out my other works to learn more about the (now expanding) family! message at the end as per usual, enjoy <3
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“You’d be a good Papa.”
His niece’s kind words still echoed in his mind, even after nearly five years.
The Cardinal had wanted to become a father for quite some time now but wasn’t sure if he was fit for the job. He was a bit of a child, which could be considered a pro or a con; the upside being he was fun and pure-hearted, the downside that he could be a tad chaotic. 
When Copia was summoned to Sister Imperator’s office, he assumed it was because he had forgotten to turn off the stove again or left the sink running, habits from his youth he was yet to abandon even as a middle-aged man. Bracing himself for another lecture, the Cardinal took a deep breath in and out before knocking three times on the sturdy oak door.
“Come in.” A hoarse voice rang from within the room.
Copia gently pushed the door open and entered the lavish office. Sister Imperator’s office couldn’t differ anymore from the Cardinal’s, sporting a classy yet minimalistic aesthetic decked in shades of brown and black. Meanwhile, Copia’s office had “Copia” written all over it in big cartoonish block letters, thanks to the dozens of figurines and comic books lining the shelves, as well as other dorky memorabilia. Sister Imperator sat behind her meticulously organized desk, her clasped hands resting on the polished wood.
“Hello, Sister.” Copia greeted the woman formally, bowing his head as he took a seat in the plush chair across from hers.
“Cardinal.” She returned the greeting with a brief nod, before instantly diving into her reason for his summoning. “Do you recall, a few years back, when a Sister of the Austrian chapter took her own life?” she inquired.
Of course he did, how could he not? It was a tragic day, each chapter holding its own memorial ceremony for the young woman.
“Oh. Sì, I do.” Copia answered, saddened at the remembrance of the event. 
“Well, she had a son additionally, who had an absent father.” 
Been there. 
“They have done their best to take care of the boy since he was just a newborn- he’s resided in the church his whole life- but as he’s gotten older, they’ve decided it’s simply not fit for him to grow up without a permanent system of support.” She explained.
Copia suddenly became much more alert, his eyes widening and posture straightening. “You mean… a family?” 
“C, if you’re interested…”
Sister Imperator noticed a longing in her son’s eyes that she had not seen in a long time- not since he was but a child brimming with curiosity, a subtle glow that surfaced only when he wanted something deeply, most of the time, an answer- but this time- it was more than curiosity, it was yearning. “Now would be the time.”
“Yes.” The Cardinal blurted out. “Yes.”
“The adoption process is not easy- let alone raising a child. This is a massive responsibility. Are you sure you can handle this on top of a Cardinal’s duties?” She cautioned him.
“Yes, Mother.” He reiterated.
She froze.
“I want this more than anything.” He pleaded.
“I will notify them of your consideration.” She nodded.
“Thank you. Thank you so much. Grazie. Grazie.” The Cardinal repeated like a mantra, placing his hands together as he bowed his head in gratitude. 
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Gently shutting the door to your son’s room, you walked down the hall and into the living space, pleasantly surprised to see your brother-in-law sitting in a lounge chair across from the couch. “Hi, Copia! What a nice surprise.” You greeted him with a smile. “Sorry, I just put Vinnie to bed. Am I allowed to join, or is this a brother talk?” 
“Please, join us.” Copia gestured. “Is Violetta here?” he asked. 
“Oh, she’s in her room. She’s not feeling very well tonight.”
“Oh, I am sorry to hear that, let her know I said hello.” Copia responded.
“Will do. So, what is going on?” Terzo asked, reaching to the coffee table in front of him and pouring his brother a glass of wine.
Copia took a deep breath in and began. “Sister Imperator called me into her office today and gave me some news.”
“News that..?”
You elbowed Terzo in response to his impatience. “Let the man speak!”
“Eh, do you remember when a woman of the Austrian chapter, um… She took her own life?”
“Johanna?” You asked.
“You knew her?”
“Not too personally, but yes. I met her years back when I studied briefly in Innsbruck. She was a lovely woman.” You recalled, sadness beginning to tug at your heart. “Sorry, continue.” You dismissed yourself, knowing if you continued, there would surely be a few tears. 
“Oh, no, do not apologize. Please, continue, if you are comfortable.”
“Okay.” you sniffled, laughing nervously. “There’s not much else, it’s just- it was sad. My bad, go on.”
Your husband placed a loving hand over yours, a subtle way he reminded you that you were safe with him.
Copia nodded. “Well, she had a son, who has lived in the church his whole life. But, um, they are considering finding him a more traditional… family.” He explained.
“Here?” Terzo inquired.
“Si, ah… with me.”
“You are adopting him?” 
“If everything goes according to plan, yes.” He replied slightly hesitantly.
“You’re gonna be a dad, Copia!” You nearly cried, your face lighting up with joy.
He laughed, a smile grazing his face at the idea. “Ah, well, we don’t know for sure yet. The process is a bit difficult. I fear it won’t work out.”
“Copia, you can’t mourn the loss of something that’s just beginning!” You encouraged him.
“Do you think Sister Imperator would ever propose such a thing to someone she didn’t trust could do it?” pointed out Terzo.
“That is a good point,” Copia replied. “I just… even if it works out… what if I am not… good?” He rambled anxiously.
“Not good? Our kids can’t get enough of you.” Terzo reassured his brother.
The Cardinal smiled at the thought of his niece and nephew.
“So what do you know about him?” You asked eagerly.
“Well, ah, that’s actually all I know… And that he’s four years old.”
“Oh my gosh! He’s the same age as Vinnie! It was meant to be!” You gushed, excitedly waving your hands. “Copia. I think it’s gonna happen. I really, really do.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” He expressed his gratitude with a heartfelt smile.
“Mommy?” You heard a voice squeak in the distance.
Turning around in your spot on the couch, a small figure stood down the hallway.
“Hi, Vinnie. What’s wrong?” You asked, a gentle tone adorning your voice. “Excuse me, I’ll be back.” You told your brother-in-law and husband as you rose to your son’s aid.
“Copia.” Terzo addressed his brother, his voice suddenly earnest.
“When have I ever lied to you?”
Pondering the question and recalling no particular incident, he shrugged.
“Exactly. You can do this,” stated Terzo, his words few yet meaningful, clearly touching the heart of his beloved half-brother.
“Thank you, Terzo.”
Terzo smiled, his eyes conveying a depth of sincerity. “I mean it, fratello.”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
The Cardinal closed the door to his small abode and let out a hefty sigh. His expression softened a little as he caught sight of the large cage sitting on a table against the wall, inside containing two furry friends. Inside the enclosure stood a gray rat, once brown, perched on his hind feet and clutching onto the metal bars, eagerly waiting for his Papa’s return. 
“Ciao, Bean.” Copia cooed, opening the drawer below his cage and opening their bag of food. “I’m guessing your brother is…” Copia scanned his eyes around the cage, his suspicions confirmed once he noticed Pesto’s nose peeking out from a small wooden hideout. “Ah, did I wake you up, my Bestie Pestie? I apologize. Buon appetito, little ones.” He said, opening their cage and pouring their food as the little rodents scurried to their bowls.
That night, the Cardinal felt inclined to do something he hadn’t done in a long time. 
Overwhelmed with an immense sense of desperation, Copia prayed on his own in the solitude of his room. He knelt beside his bed, knees on the hardwood floor as he placed his hands together and shut his eyes tight, a soft sigh escaping his lips before he began his prayer.
“Tua empietà, so che è passato un po' di tempo. perdonami, ti prego, ma devo chiederti una cosa. per favore, satana, concedimi il dono della paternità, per favore. Farò qualsiasi cosa, viaggerò all'inferno e ritorno, per trasformare questo sogno in realtà. Prego che il ragazzo stia bene e al sicuro e trovi la sua nuova casa tra le mura del clero.”
And just as Copia was lying in bed, about to doze off, he opened his heavy eyes; and through the darkness of the room caught sight of a poster featuring a cat, reading “Hang in there, baby!”, a silly yet needed reminder for Copia to persevere.
He needed this. More than he had ever needed anything in his entire life. 
Little did he know, the boy needed him just as much.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Throughout the next few months, the adoption process was proven to be just as lengthy and overwhelming as it was described as, the heightened levels of anxiety meaning Copia frequently had trouble sleeping, finding himself spending late nights in the Clergy’s grand library. Basking in the comfort of a large plush chair a few feet from the crackling fireplace, Copia was nose-deep in a book entitled “Raising Your Children With Satan.” 
“Can’t sleep?” A voice said just a few feet from where the Cardinal sat in the plush armchair. Looking up, Copia was faced with his eldest brother, Primo.
“Primo! What are you-”
“I had a feeling you might be here.” The man reckoned. “I understand these are stressful times, but you need to get some rest, for Satan’s sake! You look exhausted!”
“Ay, but that’s why I can’t sleep! I just toss and turn in bed for hours and hours until I give up.” He complained, punctuating his sentence with a sigh.
“You know I have all sorts of remedies for that. Why did you not ask me?”
“I… I don’t know. I guess I felt like I was already asking too much of people.” The Cardinal admitted, sighing and setting his book down on the table beside him.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you’ve asked a single thing of me throughout this whole process.”
Copia opened his mouth to respond, but no retaliations were heard as he realized that Primo was, in fact, correct. As usual. “I suppose… that is true.”
“Indeed it is. But I want to let you know you can always ask anything of me, Copia. I am not a father, but you could say I’ve done my fair share of parenting.” He chuckled. “And beyond that, I’m your brother, I’m here for you no matter what the issue is. Even if I cannot relate fully.” He comforted Copia, reaching across and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you. I’m just… very scared.” The Cardinal admitted.
“Why is that?” questioned Primo.
“I have no idea what I’m doing. Parenting. I just… I have- no idea.”
Just outside the walls of the library, Violetta, unable to fall asleep, stood with her ear pressed against the door, her mouth agape as she began to piece together the fragments of the conversation. Her uncle, Copia, had been notably distant lately, and now, standing on the precipice of this revelation, she couldn't help but wonder if this- parenting- was the reason. Primo's laughter, warm and familiar, seeped through the walls, filling the air with a sense of camaraderie. 
"Nobody does, fratello. Do you know how scared Terzo was? He was at my door practically every other night, rambling to me because he was too concerned he would further stress (Y/N) with all his worries."
Violetta's heart fluttered with a mix of emotions. Thrilled by the news that her beloved uncle was going to be a father, she couldn't shake the twinge of hurt that accompanied the realization that she hadn't been enlightened of this information. Her young mind grappled with conflicting sentiments—elation for the impending addition to the family, yet a pang of longing for the connection she wished she had shared with Copia. As the weight of the revelation settled, tears began to well up in her eyes, her heart aching while she turned around and silently made her way back to her room.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
6 months had passed since Sister Imperator gave her son the news: There was a little boy in Innsbruck, Austria, who needed a permanent system of support. Or, in normal people terms, a family. And there Copia sat in the very same chair he did on that first day, anxiously leaning forward while Sister Imperator gave him an even better piece of news: he had found one.
“It’s official.” 
It was like time froze; the months of meetings and paperwork, and beyond that, years of longing, had all led up to this pivotal moment.
“I- we- it’s been finalized?” Copia exclaimed. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.” 
Sister Imperator suddenly felt a surge in her heart, upon witnessing her son’s ecstatic reaction.
“Congratulations, Copia. You’re a father.”
Thank Satan Copia always kept a handkerchief in his pocket. 
“I know I was not a perfect mother. And, I…” She hesitated, choosing her words carefully. “I want to do better this time around as a grandmother. And a mother. You are my family, and I’ve been quiet about that. It is the biggest regret I’ve ever had. But you, Copia, are not a secret. You are my son.” She confessed, reaching across the desk to place her hand over Copia’s. “And I am proud of you.”
“Thank you, Mother.”
“I love you, Copia.”
“I love you too.”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Copia spent the next few weeks frantically preparing for the arrival of the new family member. His Cardinal’s suite he had resided in for years was now empty, as he was moving into a larger suite with an extra bedroom and bathroom. The man was beyond stressed- He didn’t know how to properly decorate a room for a child, let alone assemble the furniture. Copia was quite satisfied with the simple layout of his old room, with strikingly lavish decor consisting of a pull-out bed, lava lamp, and a cat poster that read, “Hang in there, Baby!” Yeah, he was definitely taking that. Unsure at first who to ask for help, the Cardinal realized the person best suited for the job was his dear sister-in-law.
“This is such a nice space!” You gawked, following him into the room that would soon belong to the young boy. “And it has such a nice view!” Walking to the window, you were astonished to see the room was just in view of the Clergy’s beautiful garden and somber forest behind it. “Okay, so I think since it’s a twin bed, it should go against this wall,” you suggested. "There’s gonna still be some space after assembling this stuff,” you gestured to the boxes lying against the wall, “but maybe we should leave some space so he can pick what he wants.”
“Okie dokie. Sounds good. Shall we get to work?” Copia prompted.
Your attempt to build the bed was short-lived, you and your brother-in-law soon cackling loudly at your evident lack of skills.
“Damn you, IKEA,” Copia chuckled, squinting at the fine print on the instruction manual.
“What’s going on in here?” You heard a familiar voice echo through the bare room, your husband walking inside and noticing you two were having some trouble with the task at hand.
“We’re just, ah... struggling a bit with this furniture.” Copia laughed, gesturing to the various pieces in front of him.
“I know just the ghoul who can assist,” Terzo replied.
“Oh, it’s fine, we can figure it out-”
“Nonsense! Omega!” Terzo clapped his hands, to which the ghoul quite literally appeared out of thin air. “Hello, Omega!” chimed Terzo, who loved nothing more than to torment the poor man.
“Hello, Papa. Copia. Y/N.” Omega greeted you.
“Would you be a dear and assemble this furniture for my dear brother?”
“It- it has instruc-“
“Yes, and so do you, silly ghoul!” Terzo said, reaching to pat the tall man on the back and holding his hand out towards the unassembled bedframe.
Omega sighed and chuckled, “Yes, Papa.”
“Thank you, Omega.” 
Suddenly, Terzo crept behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, your eyes widening in fear of his next words, though your face heated up at his contact. Your husband, though you loved him dearly, often had little-to-no filter regarding intimate matters, and his sudden affection warned you he was about to let something slip. “It feels like just yesterday we were making Omega set up the nursery…” He reminisced.
“Terzo, ‘we’ is you. I didn’t make him do anything.” You laughed.
“You know, maybe we’ll do the next one ourselves.” he suggested wickedly, completely ignoring the innocent bystanders in the room.
“The next one? No, sir.” You swatted his wandering hand.
“I’m going to put this drill through my ears.” You heard Omega mumble in the corner.
“So, Copia! Three weeks! That’s so soon!” You exclaimed. "We're gonna tell the kids tomorrow." You announced, grinning at the thought of their reactions.
"Oh boy. I wonder how they will react."
"They will be beyond thrilled." Terzo reassured Copia.
Through the window, the sky was fading into a hazy orange. “Papa, don’t you have a meeting soon?” Omega asked his boss, who was known for being just a tad forgetful.
“I appreciate your help, dear Omega, but the meeting is on Thursday.” He said assuredly, a satisfied smile on his face.
“Today is Thursday.”
“What- it is?” Terzo exclaimed, checking his watch, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull as he realized he had a mere minute to make it to his office. “Shit!” Terzo began dashing out of the room, then spun around on his heels as he realized he had forgotten something very important. Leaning towards you, your husband gave you your ritual-esque goodbye kiss, pecking you on the cheek before turning around once again and bolting off.
“If he can do it, so can you.” You laughed with your brother-in-law, beginning to assist Omega with his newly-assigned task.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Violetta couldn’t sleep. She figured there might be someone else who couldn’t either, someone she hadn’t spoken to in a while. Carefully tiptoeing through the dark hall and down the stairs, she made her way to the library with deliberate caution. Entering the library, she caught sight of Copia sitting in a cozy armchair, nose deep in a book, completely oblivious of her presence, as he had seemingly been for the past few months. His eyes darted up as he caught sight of his 10-year-old niece in her pajamas, standing by the entrance with her arms crossed. 
“Violetta!” He exclaimed, frantically shutting the book and setting it aside. “What are you doing up so late?” 
“I dunno. Sometimes I walk around at night when I can’t sleep. But, uh, I also thought you might be here.” His niece answered anxiously.
“Eh- Why do you think that?”
She shrugged, an awkward silence plaguing the room before Violetta broke the ice. “Is that a parenting book?” She asked, pointing to the book Copia had tossed aside.
“Uh…”  Clearly, it was a parenting book. It had the word “PARENTING” engraved on the spine in shiny gold lettering- there was no way for him to play it off. “Yes.” 
“Why are you reading a parenting book?” Before her uncle could respond, she immediately regretted asking, feeling uneasy about the question. It wasn't a lie, per se, but it felt dishonest considering she was well aware of the reason. “Actually… I’m sorry. I know why.” She confessed, looking at the ground, a sense of guilt flooding her heart.
Copia was dumbfounded. How did she find out? It’s not that he was upset she knew, he just didn’t understand how that came to be- he was positive Terzo didn’t tell her, nor the other brothers. Had he let something slip?
“How did you find out?” Copia asked.
“I… I heard a conversation you and Primo had in here. I’m sorry I listened. I didn’t tell anyone. I promise.” she confessed, her voice becoming shaky as her eyes remained glued to the ground. 
“Oh, Violetta, it’s okay.”
“…Okay.” She said, still feeling guilty.
“I'm sorry Violetta, you do not have to cry, it’s okay. I promise, it is. I didn’t want to keep anything secret from you, I was just scared that if things did not go as planned, it would disappoint you.” He reassured her, his voice gentle and caring.
“I didn’t disappoint you, right?” Violetta sniffled, wiping tears from her eyes as she looked him in the eyes once again.
“No, no, no- I would have done the same thing. In fact, I’m very impressed and honored that you kept it a secret. That is not easy.” He lovingly comforted her.
Violetta smiled. “Thanks.”
“I'm sorry I have not spent much time with you recently... I have been so busy. But he is almost here, after all this time.”
“Ay, I really can’t keep my mouth shut, can I?” he laughed. “Well, I might as well tell you more since I’ve already begun…” he figured, patting the arm of the seat next to him.
Violetta smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes as she took a seat beside him. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too, my dear Violetta.” 
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Though Violetta unconventionally discovered her uncle’s secret, her brother’s reaction was a drastically different experience. You and Terzo called your son into the living room, to which he bolted in and looked up at you with his sparkling mismatched eyes. 
“Vinnie, do you want to hear something very exciting?” Terzo cheerfully asked his son, picking him up and placing him into his lap as he bounced his leg up and down, often one of the few ways to keep him from moving around on his own.
“Yes! Please! Please!” Vinnie begged, giggling.
“You have a cousin that’s going to be here very soon!” Terzo informed him.
“What?!” Vinnie gawked.
“Yes! Your Uncle Copi is going to adopt a boy who’s exactly your age!” You exclaimed, sitting beside them on the couch.
“Yay!!! What’s adopt?” Vinnie tilted his head.
“You know Violetta’s good friend Carmen?” You asked him.
“Do you remember her two mommies?” 
“They adopted Carmen. She was born somewhere else but then she became their baby!” You continued.
“Oh, okay,” Vinnie responded. 
“And Uncle Copi is adopting a son from Austria!” You explained enthusiastically.
“With the koalas?”
Terzo chuckled. “You’re very close, Vinnie. That’s Australia.” He said, ruffling his son's hair.
“Oh, I get it. He’s in…”
“Austria.” You assisted him.
“He’s in Austria now and he’s gonna be here! And now Uncle Copia is going to be his Papa.” Vinnie processed.
“Okay. Yay! When do I get to meet my new cousin?” Your son asked eagerly.
“Two weeks.” You replied.
“Two whole weeks?” Vinnie repeated as you had just informed him he would have to wait a millennium. “I thought you said soon!”
“I know, we’re all very excited.” Terzo added, amused by his son’s enthusiasm.
“I’m so excited! Yay, cousin!” The little boy started kicking his feet, a telltale sign that he needed to let some energy out. Vinnie was a little fireball, constantly moving. While Violetta grew up satisfied with playing in the comfort of her room, her brother was like a windup toy, exhibiting bursts of energy before inevitably crashing and needing to rest. “Can I go outside?” He asked, pointing at the door.
You and Terzo were familiar with Vinnie’s harmless need to release his energy and sought to embrace it rather than suppress it. Terzo chuckled, gently placing his son on the ground, walking over to the door and opening it. Vinnie wasted no time, darting through the doorway at lightning speed while you and Terzo laughed.
“He’s so adorable.” You observed your son, zooming around in circles around the grass like a little Tasmanian devil.
“I hope he never grows out of his spark.” Terzo chuckled.
“He won’t. Not as long as you’re his Papa.”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Soon, the long-awaited day arrived. Copia and Sister Imperator stood in anticipation by the doors of the entrance. Though he was incredibly fearful, he had been waiting for this day his entire life, he put on a brave face. He couldn’t let his nerves show. Not now. Who was he to be afraid when the poor boy was certainly terrified and confused beyond measure? It was Copia’s responsibility to ensure the boy felt safe and welcome in the Clergy; he couldn’t do that if he himself was displaying unease. The solemn moment was interrupted by a knock on the door, making Copia jolt in shock. His mother, noticing his panic, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft yet reassuring smile.
“In,” she gently instructed, the two breathing in, a ritual they often did when Copia was younger and feeling anxious, “And out.”
Copia exhaled his worries, letting them disappear into the air, smiling at his mother before opening the door and being faced with a social worker and a little boy. He had blonde hair, dusty freckles, and a pair of glimmering blue eyes, wearing a pair of blue headphones of sorts around his neck. His eyes spastically darted around, to the ground, to the door, to the sky, to the walls of the church, and for a brief moment, Copia. The poor boy was visibly petrified, having been through a lot of travel and confusion that was surely enough to rattle his young mind, gripping the straps of his backpack tightly.
“Hello, Augustus.” Copia greeted the boy. We’re very happy to have you here.”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
The walk to the suite was silent, minus the sound of echoing footsteps in the grand hallway. “How are you, Augustus?” He broke the silence. 
The little boy held out a thumbs up. Copia decided to continue speaking, not necessarily looking for a response, but to lighten the air.
“I know you are from Austria. I myself have never been, but I want to go. Maybe one day you can take me. But first you'll have to get your pilot's license. That was a dream I once had: to be a pilot. But, alas, I am afraid of heights. And look! We are here!” he announced, gesturing to the door of their suite.
After a small tour of the new space, Copia finally led Augustus to his bedroom. “I apologize, it’s a little boring right now, but we will fix it up in no time. However you like.” He said, opening the door for Augustus. The room was fairly empty minus the essentials: a bed, dresser, nightstand, rug. Despite the room’s humble appearance, Augustus’s eyes lit up enlivened at the idea of having his own space. “You can either stay here, or we can look around more. Up to you.”
Augustus paused to think for a moment, then pointed to the door.
“Okie dokie, we can explore. Do you want to see the library?” Copia inquired.
His eyes lit up.
Yes! A word! Thank you, Satan! A choir of angels sang in Copia’s head as he celebrated this small yet mighty victory.
“Yes, we have a rather nice library! Would you like to go?” He questioned.
“Yes!” Augustus chirped.
Copia and Augustus exited the bedroom, walking through the living space and to the front door.
“Are you ready to go?” Copia asked.
Augustus seemed conflicted, his gaze drifting off to somewhere else in the room. “Is… is something-“ Copia, lost on what to do, awkwardly looked aside, until a bright blue object caught his eye- something he must have set aside during their tour. “Eh… Oh. You want your headphones?” He asked.
Augustus nodded, a small smile forming on his face. Copia walked to the counter and picked up the headphones, approaching Augustus once again. Crouching down to be at eye level with the little boy, he extended the headphones toward him. “Here you go, good sir!”
Augustus smiled appreciatively and took them into his hands.
“Where we are about to go is very quiet. But, of course, you can still wear them if you’d like.” the Cardinal consoled gently.
“Okay. Just in case.” Augustus replied, placing them around his neck.
“Just in case.” Copia reiterated. “Ready?”
“Okie dokie.” Augustus said, holding out a thumbs up.
Copia and Augustus walked through the halls of the abbey as the boy eyed his surroundings curiously, counting each brick on the wall as they passed through.
"This is our library," Copia declared as they entered the large doors, a sense of pride evident in his voice. Though the library was nearly ancient, he had played a large part in its organization. Augustus’s eyes twinkled with wonder as he stared in awe at the utopia surrounding him, lined wall-to-wall with books of all kinds.
“Very cool, right?”
Augusted smiled wide and nodded, looking up to meet eyes with Copia, which made his heart warm.
“Do you have a favorite book?” Copia asked Augustus.
“The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.” he answered, nearly instantly.
Copia’s jaw dropped. One, because clearly this kid was a genius, two, because that was a book he held dear to his heart, and three, because that was the longest phrase he had uttered the whole day.
“Wow, that’s a big kid book. You must be a very smart boy. I happen to love that book, though I certainly wasn’t reading it at your age. Have you read the others?” he asked.
He tilted his head, not fully understanding Copia’s question.
“The story continues in other books.” He explained. 
“Really?” He asked, his eyes widening in excitement.
“Yes, it’s a series. And whaddya know…” Copia trailed his finger across the vast collection of books as he strolled along the shelves, until-
“They’re all right here!” exclaimed Copia, who had led them both to the fiction section of the library. 
Augustus’s head nearly exploded at this newly found information, a large smile spreading across his face.
“And there are movies.” Copia informed him.
The boy’s jaw dropped. “Movies?”
Oh, this was gonna be great.
In the middle of their lighthearted conversation appeared Secondo, in the mood for some refined literature. His facial expression molded into a soft smile as he observed Copia and the young boy discussing the classic novel.
Copia caught sight of his older brother in the corner of his eye. "Oh! Hello there!" He greeted his brother as he made his way towards them. "Augustus, this is your Uncle Secondo."
"Hello to you, Augustus. I'm Secondo. It is very nice to meet you.” Secondo said warmly, reaching out his much larger hand and shaking the boy's. “Nice, strong handshake. Good for you.” Secondo praised the boy with a smile. “And what is that book you are holding?”
Augustus, feeling shy, held up the book and pointed at the title engraved on the spine. 
“Wow, that’s a grown up book! It looks like we have a distinguished gentleman on our hands. Have you met your other zios yet?”
“Not quite yet. But I was planning on taking him to meet his cousins after he sees the garden.” Copia answered for Augustus, still a tad nervous.
“How fun! Well, I won’t bother you two any longer. Very nice to meet you, Augustus. I look forward to seeing you again soon.” He said with a warm smile, waving and exiting the room.
“I like him.” Augustus commented.
“Secondo is great. Looks like this was a successful trip!” Copia exclaimed. 
“Are we going to the garden?” Augustus asked, placing the book in his backpack.
“Only if you want to.” Copia replied.
Augustus nodded.
“Okie dokie, off we go!”
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
Copia and Augustus paced outside in the grass, Augustus’s smile growing wider and wider as the two approached the Clergy's lavish garden.
“Do you like the outdoors?” Copia asked Augustus.
“Yes.” Augustus answered. “This is so cool!” He exclaimed, in awe of the wonderland in front of him, longing to get lost in its winding path. 
Among the vibrant colors of the flowers, an older man quietly tended to the garden, crouching in front of a bed of hydrangeas, an aura of wisdom and insight radiating from him. Hearing footsteps nearing on the gravel, he turned his head towards Copia and Augustus, giving them a soft wave. 
“Why hello, there. Very nice to meet you, you must be Augustus.” He spoke softly but warmly.
The boy nodded sheepishly, staring at the flowers in Primo’s hands.
“Augustus. That’s a good name. Better than good. Do you know what it means?”
Augustus looked up to meet Primo’s gaze, and shook his head.
“Great.” Primo revealed.
“Oh. Really?” Augustus asked.
“Indeed.” He nodded. “Do you have a favorite flower?” Primo stood up, Copia and Augustus beginning to follow him along the edge of the the flowing stream.
Augustus looked around the garden for a moment, contemplating which of the many flowers he preferred. “I like the sunflowers.” answered Augustus, pointing to the yellow flowers just a few feet away.
“So do I. They are a classic choice.” Primo agreed. “Sometimes I find myself in here not just to expand the garden, but to find peace in its stillness. It is very quiet out here, but there are many noises to be noticed. The sounds of the stream, birds chirping, sometimes pesky animals that want a snack.” He conversed.
Augustus gasped, his love of animals evident in his jovial reaction. “What kind of animals?” 
“Squirrels most often, but rabbits as well. You know who also likes animals?” Primo asked.
Primo pointed at Copia, who smiled fondly.
“I do, that is true.”
“Maybe one day you two will have a little pet.” Primo winked as Augustus looked up at Copia, his hands fidgeting with excitement.
The three continued their wholesome exchange as Primo taught Augustus all about the flowers and plants, curiosity brimming in his eyes. Copia observed Augustus’s interactions with his uncle, admiring the boy’s gentle and inquisitive nature that ignited a sense of youthfulness in his heart.
“Lovely to meet you, Augustus. You are what some would call an old soul. Maybe even wiser than me, even at my age.” Primo chuckled.
“Nice to meet you.” Augustus responded, finding comfort in Primo’s serenity and knowledge.
“Ay, the sun is already setting…” Primo remarked, the garden’s vibrant colors beginning to dull down as the sun prepared itself to rest.
“Ready to go inside and, if you’re ready, meet your cousins?” Copia asked Augustus, to which he nodded, holding out a thumbs up.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
As the Cardinal raised his hand to knock at the door of the suite you and Terzo shared, Augustus suddenly felt a surge of uncertainty, and without thinking, grabbed Copia’s hand.
Copia, shocked by the sudden contact, looked down at Augustus with concern in his eyes. 
“You okay?” He checked in on the boy.
Augustus nodded. “Nervous.”
“We don’t have to go inside if you don’t want to.”
“I do.” Augustus decided.
“Okay. We can take a deep breath and go inside. Okie dokie?” He comforted Augustus.
“Okie dokie.” Augustus repeated.
The two of them inhaled in unison.
“And out.”
“Ready?” Copia asked Augustus.
Copia stood up and knocked three times on the door of the large Papal suite, which nearly instantly swung open. In front of them stood a man with jet black hair in a black suit, face covered in white and black paint.  
Augustus tapped Copia on the shoulder, waving his hand for him to lean in. He abided, leaning down to hear whatever it was he had to say. Augustus cupped his hand over his mouth and stage whispered, “Is that Dracula?” 
Copia nearly cackled.
“No, that’s your Uncle Terzo.” The Cardinal chuckled.
“Oh. Okay.”
“Dracula?!” Terzo exclaimed. “You flatter me! I’m Terzo, it’s very nice to meet you.” Terzo greeted, holding out his gloved hand for the boy to shake.
“Hi. I’m Augustus.” the boy said, taking his hand and shaking it.
“Augustus! So nice to have you in our family. There are a few other people here who are excited to meet you.”
“Feeling up to it?” Copia asked. 
Augustus nodded. 
“Okie dokie. Your Aunt (Y/N) and cousin Vinnie are here as well. Your cousin Violetta will be back from school soon.” Copia told Augustus.
Just around the corner, you were eagerly listening; after hearing of Augustus’s agreement, you walked down the hall to your son’s room, where you found him pacing in circles.
“Is he here yet?” He asked before you even got the chance to inform him he had arrived.
“He’s here! Come say hi! But remember, he’s nervous, so be very sweet.” You reminded him.
“Okay!” Vinnie agreed as you took his hand and walked him to the living room. As you entered the room and caught sight of your nephew the for the first time, your heart nearly melted. He was utterly adorable, golden hair, rosy cheeks, and freckles dappling his face; he looked like a little cherub. You turned to look down at your son and were elated to see his face lit up.
You gently crouched to the ground to meet your nephew at eye-level, noticing his eyes darting away from your gaze.
“Hi, Augustus. I’m (Y/N). It’s so nice to meet you!” You said, softening your voice. “This is Vinnie, your cousin, who is so excited to meet you.” 
“If you couldn’t tell.” Terzo joked, gesturing to his son, filled to the brim with energy.
“Hi! I’m Vinnie!” The boy excitedly introduced himself.
“Alright, Augustus. I’ll be back very soon.” Copia said to Augustus. “Have fun, and if you need anything, just let your Uncle Terzo or Aunt (Y/N) know. And if you need me, you can also let them know, okie dokie?”
Augustus nodded. “Okie dokie.”
“Do you want to play?” Vinnie asked, to which Augustus nodded once again.
“Okay, let’s go!” Vinnie announced, leaving no room for a verbal response as he grabbed Augustus’s hand, fingers intertwining, and eagerly took off to his room.
Though Copia kept a smile on his face, it was evident he was overwhelmed, understandably.
“You’re doing great.” You consoled Copia, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you, (Y/N). I greatly appreciate your help.” He expressed his gratitude.
“Of course, you don’t have to thank me.”
“He likes you, Copia,” Terzo observed.
“I hope so.”
“No, seriously, he likes you. It’s his first day here and he’s already holding your hand and clinging to your side. It’s precious.” You added in agreement.
“Sì, Copia, you have nothing to worry about,” Terzo reassured him.
“Thank you. And, uh, Terzo, can I borrow one of your ghouls? I have a little last-minute project for his room I’d love to get done.”
Meanwhile, just down the hall, Vinnie had dragged Augustus to his bedroom, animatedly explaining its contents, from his favorite toys scattered across the floor to the pictures on the wall.
“This is my room.” He announced. “And this is my bed and this is my rug. And this is my bookshelf and these are my books that my Mama and Papa read to me. Sometimes my sister. And these are my toys.”
Augustus listened patiently as Vinnie kept talking, admiring the contents of his room.
“Do you like it?” Vinnie asked once he was finished with his grand tour.
“I love it.”
“Yay, thanks! I like your headphones.” Vinnie complimented him. “Sometimes my Papa wears them when he listens to death music. Once he let me hear. Don’t tell my mom. Cause there’s bad words.”
Augustus giggled. “Can I draw?” he asked, unzipping his backpack.
“Sure,” Vinnie said as Augustus pulled out a box of crayons and a stack of paper, laying them on the ground for them to share. 
“Do you like to draw?” Augustus inquired, pulling a beige crayon out of the box
“I’m no good,” Vinnie answered.
“That’s okay.” Augustus pushed the crayons towards his cousin.
Hesitating at first, Vinnie reached into the box and pulled out a green crayon, beginning to scribble on a blank sheet of paper. The boys sat in silence, enjoying each other’s company until Vinnie caught sight of Augustus’s paper and noticed his artistry.
“That’s really good!” Vinnie complimented him.
“Thank you.” Augustus looked up, making eye contact with the raven-haired boy.
“I don’t even know what I have.” Vinnie laughed, looking at the chaos on his paper.
“Grass,” Augustus said, pointing at the drawing, covered in green scribbles. “You can make a house or animals or flowers or trees on top.”
“Oh. Good idea. House.”
"And then you can add people and make it a home," Augustus suggested.
The two went back to drawing in silence until a knock was heard, a girl standing in the doorway.
“Hi, Augustus!” she said. “I’m Violetta. How are you?”
Augustus held out a thumbs up, still concentrating on his paper.
“That’s good. Are you drawing? That’s cool.”
“Duh. He’s really good.” Vinnie told his sister, pointing at his cousin’s paper.
Violetta took a seat beside Augustus on the carpet, peering over at his drawing.
“Wow, that looks really good!” Violetta remarked, impressed by Augustus’ skills; on his paper was a drawing that appeared to be a self-portrait. “There’s a lot of space left. Any other ideas on what to add next?”
Augustus nodded.
“Well, I can’t wait to see!” Violetta said enthusiastically.
The boy smiled and looked up at Violetta, appreciative of her welcoming nature. As his eyes met her gaze, he noticed her black hair similar to her brother’s, as well as a dark red marking adorning the left side of her face. Anxious regarding Augustus’s staring, Violetta suddenly became self-conscious, looking away from the boy and fidgeting with her hands. She mentally prepared herself for a blunt comment, as she had faced many times before, especially from young children.
“I like it,” Augustus said sweetly, pointing to her face.
“Oh.” Violetta said, lost as to how she should respond, not expecting such a kind comment. “Thank you. I like your freckles.”
“Thank you,” Augustus replied with a smile, then went back to perfecting his masterpiece.
Violetta’s heart felt full. The kindness Augustus displayed towards her was unexpected, and caught her off-guard.
“I have homework to do, but it was nice meeting you, Augustus. I’m so excited that you’re my cousin.” She said farewell to Augustus, waving and exiting the room.
“Bye-bye, Violetta.” He said, waving his hand at the girl.
“My sister is cool,” Vinnie said. “She can also draw good.”
“Really?” Augustus said.
“Yeah. She’s awesome. Let’s play spies!” Vinnie declared, a sudden shift in topic, one that didn’t bother Augustus. “But we need something first.”
“What?” Augustus tilted his head.
“We need IDs,” Vinnie stated.
“You’re right! Spy IDs.” Augustus agreed.
“Can you draw them, though?” Vinnie asked, unsure of his abilities.
“Alright, let’s do it!”
Augustus’s time spent with his cousin had clearly lightened his mood. By the time Copia had come to pick up Augustus, he was non-stop giggling with Vinnie, his expression soon resting in an adorable smile, dimples on display.
“Hi, Augustus. It looks like you had fun.” The Cardinal smiled, walking into Vinnie’s room.
“Yeah, I did.” Augustus cheerfully responded, looking Copia in the eyes.
“Ready to head back home and have something to eat?” 
After a fulfilling meal of spaghetti and meatballs- which Copia would have to make more often, the plate was empty in what seemed like a millisecond- Augustus was exhausted, but still enthusiastic upon discovering the surprise waiting for him.
“Wow!” Augustus said, standing in his room in front of the newly added bookshelf. “How did that happen so fast?”
“Magic,” Copia responded.
“Woah.” He said in awe, mouth agape as his ocean eyes glimmered.
“And now you can put your first book on it!”
“Oh!” Augustus exclaimed, taking off his backpack, unzipping it, and taking out the book. He walked over to the bookshelf, standing on his tallest tippy-toes and placing it on the shelf.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
“Goodnight, Augustus. If you need anything, I am just down the hallway, okie dokie?” He said, holding out a thumbs up.
Augustus, tucked snugly under the covers, held out a thumbs up in return. “Okie dokie.”
Copia, leaving the door just slightly ajar, made his way back to his room. Staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he sighed deeply, picking apart the man staring back at him with tears in his eyes, who still didn’t seem much like a father. The day went well, he thought, but there was no doubt it was all incredibly overwhelming. Did he overwhelm Augustus? What could he do to help him come out of his shell? 
“Day one of fatherhood and I’m already a wreck,”Copia mentally belittled himself. In the middle of his spiral, he heard a quiet knock on the door. 
Like magic, Copia nearly teleported to the door and sucked back his tears; a superpower that supposedly came with becoming a parent. There Augustus stood in the doorway, tears running down his rosy cheeks.
“Augustus! What’s wrong?” He fretted, crouching in front of him, concern etched on his face.
“I can’t-” Augustus sniffled, Copia’s heart instantly shattering. “I can’t sleep.” the boy softly cried.
“Oh, it’s okay. It’s okay.” Copia consoled him. “Can I give you a hug?”
Augusted answered by holding out his arms, to which Copia immediately wrapped his arms around him.
“It’s very hard. I know. I know.” Copia comforted him, though he wanted to cry just as much. Through the sniffles and hiccups, Copia soon heard a giggle escape Augustus’s mouth. Copia gently pulled away from the hug, as Augustus smiled and pointed to the wall behind Copia. Turning around, he noticed his iconic poster hanging proudly - ‘Hang in there baby!’
“Oh, the poster? It is funny, isn’t it?”
Augustus nodded. “I like the cat.”
“So do I. Do you want it?”
“Really?” He asked, wiping tears from his eyes.
“Sì. We can put it up in your room.”
“Sì is yes?”
“Oh! Sì- Yes. Sì means ‘yes’ in Italian.”
“Okay. Yay!”
“I always seem to catch sight of that silly cat when I need it most…” He remarked. “Speaking of a cat… I know a very good story involving a lion, a witch, and a specific piece of furniture if you’d like to read it together.”
Augustus grinned wide, his joy completely replacing the tears he had shed just moments ago.
Copia followed Augustus into his room, carrying the framed poster, and setting it beside a stack of paper on top of the dresser.
“He will sleep here tonight, but we will put him on the wall tomorrow.” Copia said as Augustus crawled into bed and under the covers. “All snug?”
Augustus nodded.
“Okie dokie. Here we go. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.” He began. “Once there were…” Copia began, and soon noticed Augustus holding up four fingers.
“Ah, you are correct! Four children. And their names were…”
“Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy,” he repeated.
“And you remember them in the right order, too! Wow. Very good memory you have!”
“Thank you,” Augustus replied, smiling.
“This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away from London during the war because of the air raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office…”
Copia continued reading the story as Augustus found his eyes growing heavy under the soothing cadence of Copia’s voice. 
“This is the land of Narnia, said the Faun, where we are now; all that lies between the lamp post and the-”
Copia peered above the book and caught sight of Augustus, eyes shut and mouth agape, his breathing establishing a steady rhythm . Augustus had made it to sleep before they even made it to Narnia. Copia smiled, closing the book softly, careful not to disturb the now-sleeping Augustus. The Cardinal remained seated on the side of the bed for a moment, basking in heights of graciousness he didn't even know were humanly possible; he felt blessed that this precious little boy, whos life clearly had not been easy, was safe with the Clergy, was safe with him.
Placing the book on top of the nightstand and turning off the lamp, Copia carefully stood up and began to tiptoe out of the room, stopping when he noticed a sheet of paper sitting atop the dresser. He knew drawings were an important and often personal form of self expression, especially for children, but he couldn’t help but be curious as to what Augustus had come up with; he seemed like a creative spirit. Through the darkness of the room, squinting at the paper, Copia was able to make out two figures with writing on top.
Yeah, he was gonna be be a good Papa. Better than good, great. Some may even say the greatest.
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first things first,
i can’t apologize enough for my absence!!! this story became way longer than i thought it would but i hope it was worth it!!! now that this is done i have other WIP stories i can finally continue working on that include augustus!!!
i love dad copia so much y’all omg i can't even, vinnie and augustus are twin flames omg im so excited to show yall more <3
thank you SO MUCH for reading i can’t thank you enough, i love y’all so much!!!! thank you for your love and patience!!! more stuff coming up SOON <3
<3, alice
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Come ho già detto non ho copiato o memorizzato quelle foto viste le mie scarse attitudini tecniche. la foto estiva ricordo che era in un gruppo di foto insieme ad altre degli interpreti di Outlander, come se ne trovano anche adesso quando si cerca sotto S e C o C e T. In quei momenti non eravamo alla divisione del fandom come ora e il signor T non era ancora diventato famoso .La foto della festa durante la quale C era seduta sulle ginocchia del signore di cui ho parlato sono state messe in rete dai blogger molte volte , anche se non tutte, e credo che quelli di quel periodo possano ancora ritrovarle. Ho solo messo mano ai miei ricordi e ho voluto condividerli.Spero che ciò non provochi altri rumori . So che quando si dice qualcosa la prima parola è “provalo!” ed è giusto. Se ci saranno critiche lo capirò ma non mi faranno male perché la mia coscienza è tranquilla.Grazie, grazie davvero .
Dear @findanserwers,
Grazie per la tua risposta e grazie per il tuo coraggio!
Traduzione e dopo, reazione:
'Like I already said, I did not copy or save those pictures, on account of my very limited technical abilities. I remember the summer picture was included in a bigger batch, together with other photos of the OL cast, like the ones you can still find when you look for S and C or C and T. At that time, we didn't have these fandom wars, like nowadays, and Mr. T was not famous yet. The picture of the party when C was sitting on that gentleman's lap has been shared many times by bloggers and I think the more senior bloggers could still have it or find it. I was just revisiting my memories and I wanted to share. I hope I did not start even more rumors. I know that every time someone says something the first reaction is 'prove it!' and it's only fair. If this post will be criticized, I will understand, but I will not be hurt, because my conscience is clear. Thank you, truly thank you.'
I am now wondering if this mysterious summer pic is not one of the series taken for RDM's birthday party and if memory serves (and I can, of course, be awfully wrong and sure - always correct me, please), it was a whole flurry at the time about S being cut off some pictures. That would mean you have somehow seen a picture that was not very widely circulated. As for the lap pic, still no clue - but many pics of C with many other men (dr. Colbert comes to mind, too) are very affectionate, whereas with McIdiot - flat cardiogram and blink twice if you want us to rescue you.
Maybe one of the veterans could help? At the moment, I feel like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack and there is nothing more irritating for someone like me (granted, chronically curious - a detail that, remember, got me here, LOL).
I will never blame you for not finding those photos, by the way. I think it was incredibly brave to step out with your handle and own your thoughts and words: it is rare and for this, my dear, I do admire you! And I can only look back, with my historian glasses, this time, and think of all the tiny details that were forever lost with each and every deactivated or erased blog, all those comments and all those tidbits that once kept this community on tenterhooks every single day. Back when this place was lively, and fun and smiling and young and naïve.
A time I never knew. But a story I can relate to and understand maybe as well as our veterans, who lived through the sorrow and puzzlement and are still here, with us. And I feel incredibly honored to see you found this page to be a safe haven. It will always remain so, for all the shippers who will engage with me. You have my word.
Please don't be a stranger. Grazie, grazie mille e un abbraccio per te. Pace e Bene! 😘
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24,35,46,71 💙
24. C'è una citazione che ti ispira?
Non ne ho solo una che mi ispira, soprattutto quando scrivo. Ma ce n'è una che mi ha condizionato molto nelle relazioni sociali: "Imparerai a tue spese che nel lungo tragitto della vita incontrerai tante maschere e pochi volti." di Luigi Pirandello
35. Hai amicizie a distanza?
Pensavo che la vera domanda fosse "Hai degli amici?" ahahah Comunque si, ho amicizie a distanza.
46. Elenca i tuoi 3 libri preferiti
Questa è difficile! Ne elenco tre non in ordine di preferenza: "Sotto la porta dei sussurri" di T.J Klune, "Il principe prigioniero" di C. S. Pacat e "Uno, nessuno e centomila" di Luigi Pirandello.
71. Una frase che ti rappresenta?
Più che una frase c'è una canzone che sento mi rappresenta ahahah Comunque ne cito una frase/strofa in particolare: "La stanza si deforma mentre l'ansia mi divora, è come un virus che perfora le mie ossa e le interiora. Mi toglie la forza, il mio organismo deteriora. Ultima risorsa, prego Cristo e come sempre lui mi ignora." Nave Fantasma di Mostro (la canzone completa te la lascio qui💙)
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kon-igi · 6 months
Esiste un posto tra Milano e Brescia
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un posto mal distinguibile se non si fa uno zoom decente con Google Maps
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no... forse un po' di più
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ecco così va meglio.
Si tratta di un piccolo paese che dal 2004 si fregia del titolo di città ed è SONCINO, un comune italiano di 7.486 abitanti della provincia di Cremona, in Lombardia.
Soncino, oltre che conosciuta per aver condiviso la sua rocca con quella del Castello di Torrechiara per alcune scene del film fantasy Ladyhawke, è famigerata per un prodotto che è il motivo di questo post e che andrò subito a illustrarvi
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che sono una roba assolutamente disgustosa e immangiabile per la loro amarezza, peraltro simile a molte altre radici consumate masochisticamente in parecchie regioni italiane
un giorno a casa di @surfer-osa abbiamo mangiato una conserva in agrodolce di tali radici sfilettate à la julienne e aromatizzate all'anice, acquistata in qualche sagra e ora la missione di vita della nostra famiglia è averle per il pranzo di Natale.
Consequenzialmente, la mia missione di vita è diventata la vostra e quindi dovete assolutamente procurarmi uno o più vasetti di tale conserva affinché io sia felice e spargere nel mondo tale felicità.
Hint: era una produzione locale di cui non ricordiamo nulla e quindi introvabile sull'internet... tranne che per persone esperte e motivate come voi.
Grazie dell'eventuale gentile reblog e dei numerosi invii multipli a DOTT. KON-IGI MURASAKI c/o TABACCHERIA ROSATI DI ROSATI MARIA Via Di Case Trombi, 5 CAP 43037, Lesignano de' Bagni, Parma.
P.S. Se non trovate le Radici di Soncino e mi volete spedire altri prodotti tipici delle vostre terre mica ci sputo sopra, ecco.
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sara-saragej · 1 year
Bisognerebbe essere come i fiori; piccole vite vestite di semplicità che ogni giorno aprono le corolle, per dire grazie al cielo.
- C. Liaci
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gauloiseblue · 7 months
Private Love Hotel
[Giorno Giovanna × Reader]
Warning: kidnapping, dub-con, yandere
In the wealthy area of Naples, there was once a private hotel owned by the mafia. Only people within the organization who could rent a room, as the hotel itself is just a cover front. Beneath the surface, there was a filthy business going on. Illegal guns, drugs, booze, high-class brothel, and even killing contracts. It was notoriously known as a killing ground, before there was a new policy imposed by the boss. Any killing that happens in this hotel won't be forgiven, and the killer would pay a heavy price—with their own life.
Besides drugs and killing, there were lesser businesses that made people stay for a night. It was the prostitution. Even though it's not as heinous as those top businesses, it still shared the same atrocities. The demand of the escorts were high at that time, and so to meet their demand, they relied to the human trafficking business.
Naples is known for its raving tourism, and it's not a surprise that it added some numbers to the overall missing cases. Although it's not always caused by the human traffickers, it still contributes a hefty part of the cases. Lone travelers, or even local girls were often targeted by them.
But after the great war within the organization, the hotel fell into the hands of the renegades. As a result, it no longer becomes the hotspot for the criminals. There's no more drug trades, and the abducted girls were released discreetly. Of course, there was an outrage from the old pack, but they were quickly shut down by the young rebels.
In the beginning, only a few knew about the existence of such place. But now, there's only one person who can actually enter the hotel.
The reason? Quite simple. Because he's the new owner.
"We've arrived, sir."
The man in the back seat slowly blinked away from his thoughts. It seems like the endless ride from Cosenza to his city has finally ended.
"Grazie, Bono."
The chauffeur lowers his head politely, before he opens the door for the young Don.
When he stepped out from the car, he let out a satisfied sigh, as he finally touched the ground. His bones are aching, and he wants nothing but a long and hot shower.
"Pick me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning will you, Bono?" He asked, and the old chauffeur replied with 'certainly, sir.'
He dismissed the old chap before he went to the grand buildings in front of him. The buildings have an overall white exterior, with a hint of gold embellishments. There are some wisteria flowers creeping on the wall, and they seem to always bloom. He looks down to the marble tiles under his shoes, it seems like they've been polished. It appears that his henchmen did a great job on keeping this place beautiful when he was away.
The waterfall sound greets him as he opens the door, the replica of Fontana del Nettuno silently watches him as he enters the place.
The elongated pool from the fountain ripples softly when he dips his hand, the water is pleasantly cool. It was something that he usually does whenever he came, though he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it's because he always wanted to do that before he owned the place, or maybe it's just a peculiar habit of his.
He wanted to sit by the fountain for a bit longer, but he needed to see his cara.
Oh, yes. A woman after his own heart, with a pretty name—(Y/N). A woman with a perseverance in her eyes, burning with hatred. Just like a wildfire, and it's beautiful.
When you were first brought to him, he shivered the moment he met your eyes. You had a certain intensity of willingness to fight, and it mesmerized him. He had planned to release you along with the other girls, but within that second, he changed his mind.
He hums as he presses the lift button, and the familiar 'ding' is heard when the lift has arrived. He ignored the other floors and immediately thumbs the 7th floor button.
The door is closed, and he leans his head to the back as he crosses his hands. He stares at the ceiling, and he finds himself staring at his own reflection. His weariness makes him look far softer, and he no longer looks like the ruthless Don Giorno Giovanna. But he doesn't mind, because at the end of the day, he just wants to come home to you.
As he reaches the 7th floor, he steps into the red-carpeted hallway. This particular floor was exclusively reserved for the higher ranks, as the rooms are bigger than the others. The statues made of marbles are standing on either side of the hall, decorating the place with the touch of arts and plump bodies.
Even though he only uses one room, he keeps most of his wealth in the other rooms. Golds, money, arts, his wide collections of booze and jewelry, and everything unimaginable. Some of them are priceless, and Mista had commented that it's a bad idea to keep them in just one place. But he has his teroso in this hotel, so he might as well put his valuable things in here.
When he opened the door of your room, he noticed that the room was quiet. It's no surprise, given that you always try to hide from him. But when he turned around, he suddenly saw something swing at him at a light speed.
Alas, Golden Experience was faster than you as it caught your hand before you could hurt him.
"Cara." He spoke in a calm manner as he saw you with your hand suspended in the air, holding a screwdriver. And to your horror, the tool in your hand had slowly turned into a white lily.
"How clever of you, you managed to steal this thing from my men when they came here." He commented as he plucked the flower from your hand, "But certainly not patient enough to kill me in my sleep."
There is a visible rush in you as adrenaline makes you tremble, but there's also an unmistakable fear in your eyes. Of course, you didn't know what's going on due to the fact that he never used his stand against you before.
You shrieked when he suddenly twisted your arm painfully and pinned you to the nearest wall. Your cheek was the first one to hit the hard surface, and it would be a lie if it didn't hurt.
"Let go of me!" You shouted and kicked around, but he just chuckled at your futile attempt to fight him.
"How can I become so sure that you won't try to kill me again?" He said with a sneer.
A surprised yelp escapes your mouth when he tears your pants down, cool air begins to kiss on your exposed skin. He called out his stand to keep you pinned to the wall, before you heard the sound of metal clinking and zipper from behind.
"No, no, Giorno, please don't." You protested.
"Relax, (Y/N)." He pried your legs open so easily, even though you had put all of your strength to keep it shut. You almost lost your balance when he pulled your hips toward him, and soon enough you felt him lining his member in front of your lower lips. You screamed when he entered you in just one thrust.
"Please, please Giorno—" Your voice choked up when he began to move. The initial thrush didn't hurt you much, but with every snap of his hips, the pain was gradually increasing. Even though you despise his touch, he never treated you like anything but a lover. But the way he treats you now is like how you were being used in the past, and it shouldn't bother you but it did. Unknowingly, you begin to sob.
You feel the weight that has been holding you against the wall disappear, before Giorno presses himself against your back. He slips his hand under your chin, and guides you to face him. You feel his lips grazing on your wet cheek. "Why do you always want to run away from me, cara?" He began to speak as he kissed you, "All I ever did to you was to make you happy, and I only asked you to love me in return."
"It's not fair," You cried, "I didn't ask for all of this."
"Oh, cara." He cooed to you softly, "You just haven't realized how much you need me. But I'll wait for you, I'll wait for however long it takes."
He begins to return to his usual pace, where he takes you in a slow and loving manner. Although you still refuse to give in, he no longer sees any resistance from you. He smirks, you were just like a wild thing, but it seems like he finally got you under his control.
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sinclqir · 1 year
Cardinal Copia Imagine
first greetings
cardinal copia x female reader
warnings (nsfw)
word count: idk
you walk down the lavish halls of the ministry, admiring the beautiful work around. as you walk you don’t see a the figure coming at you, walking very quickly. the two of you collide. “mia dispiace!” the figure says. you look up and see a timid man in a crimson cassock. “sorry, i didn’t see you.” you reply to the man. “i havent seen you around, what is your name?” he clasps his hands together, waiting for you answer.
“i’m y/n.” he nods quickly and reaches out for a handshake, reaching a little too far with his hand and accidentally grazes your breast. his hand recoils and his face turns as red as his cassock. “m-mia dispiace! i was going for a h-handshake…” he averts his eyes to the ground, almost dying from embarrassment. “it’s fine.” you reply and reach your own hand out for a handshake. as if he couldn’t feel more embarrassed, he reaches out again with the wrong hand. you giggle at his actions. “what’s your name?” his eyes widen for a moment before he reply’s with, “cardinal copia.”
“well nice to meet you cardinal copia.” you smile warmly. he enjoys the way his name comes out to your mouth. no, no you just met her! ,he thought. he felt butterflies in his belly whenever you talked. he felt stupid that he can’t even act normal when an attractive woman has small talk with him. no wonder why you’re still a virgin at the ripe age of 52, he was lost in his thoughts as you spoke. “cardinal?” you asked.
“si?” he looked up at your y/e/c eyes. “did you hear me?” you smile at him with a slight puzzled look. “oh…what did you say?” his face redden even more, the color tinting his ears as well. “i asked if you’re doing okay, you’re extremely red. are you sick?” he blushes harder, not helping his case. “no, no i’m fine. sto proprio bene.” he awkwardly itches the back of his neck. “well i have to meet with Sister, it was very nice meeting you. i hope i see you around more often copia.” the way his name lingers on your tongue drove him crazy. you reached and rubbed his shoulder slightly with your hand before leaving, sending pleasure through his body. his body shudders. he felt his pants tightening and body tense up at the slight touch. he scurried to his room.
once he enters his room he walks over to his mirror. “really? you really can’t handle a graze on your arm?” he scold himself, but feels his cock twitch in his pants. “cazzo.” he says through gritted teeth. his hand slowly trails to his hard on and he palms himself slowly through his pants. his breath quickens. he starts unbuttoning his cassock. it’s falls to the floor, his hand returns to its original place. “ah~” he whimpers slightly. he walks to the edge of his bed and continues. he feels a wet patch through his pants, precum practically leaking from his tip like a faucet. it’s noticeable through his white, tight suit. sweat beads at the top of his head as his face contorts in pleasure. “y/n…” he whines out your name.
he feels himself growing closer to his orgasm, but before he can cum, a knock is heard at his door. “sei fottutamente serio in questo momento?” he says through gritted teeth as he walks up to his door, annoyed his alone time had gotten cut just before his release. he opens his door and to his surprise, it’s you. the same person who he was imagining was pleasuring him. his face reddens quickly, eyes widen. “i heard you call out my name. is everything okay?” you ask sincerely, worried he is in distress. his hand flys to cover his throbbing erection. “si…si im fine…i’m okay…”he replies shyly. you cant help but think he’s cute whenever he looks down at the ground. “well, sister wanted me to give these to you, be careful , they’re quite heavy.”
“grazie..” he goes to grab the large binder but his hands fly back down to cover his large bulge. “uhm…could you put them on the table for me? per favore?”
“of course! where do you want me to set them?” he tells you to set them on the table. you start walking into his room, looking at the beautiful setting around you. it’s decorated with dark red and gold accents, being a mostly black room. you don’t notice his cassock lying on the ground as you trip on it. the binder goes flying and as do you. but before you reach the ground, he grabs your waist and pulls you close to him. your back is flushed against his front. you feel something poking your ass, eyes widening, realizing that it’s him.
he feels your body tense up, feeling like an absolute pervert at this moment. he lets go of you quickly, hand going back down to hide his dick. it’s throbs harder than ever now that it touched you in such a lewd way. his precum comes more heavily.
you try to be rational, assuming that the hard thing that pressed against your backside was just something in his pocket. you turn around to face him and take in his state. hands over his crotch area, face beet red, sweat dripping from his hairline. you look down at his pants, noticing how incredibly tight they were. there is definitely not anything his pocket, you would’ve seen it in his tight ahh pants.
you both stare at each other, not knowing what to say. “you must be huge.” your hand flys to your mouth. why the fuck did i just say that!?
his eyes bulge out of his head. “q-que?” he grips his crotch harder at your sudden boldness. you decide to keep up with the confidence, “you heard me.” voice wavering slightly, testing the waters.
is this really happening right now, or is my imagination extremely realistic? he’s asks himself. “move your hands.” he’s taken aback at the demand. you hold your ground, walking up to him slowly. “i don’t like repeating myself copia.” the two of you are face to face. he looks down at you and complies. you look down in between the two of you, taking in his erection. the precum in his pants shows prominently. his mouth opens slightly, breath fanning your face. “what were you doing before i knocked on your door?”
“i…i was just reading! si..si reading…” his voice is shaking slightly.
“don’t lie to me.” you hook your finger under his chin and make him look into your eyes. “were you pleasuring yourself?”
he nods.
“what were you thinking of?” you ask knowingly.
“you…” he says quietly. “hmm? i cant hear you.”
“you…i was thinking of you.”
“such a pervert… thinking of a woman half your age that you barely just met.” you say in a lower voice.
his eyes water in embarrassment. before he could say anything else, your hand slowly starts trailing down his chest. his breath hitches.
you meet his aching cock and squeeze slightly, his knees lock, “y/n….” he whimpers. you smirk at him, loving the way he reacts to your touch. you lean forward to his ear. “goodnight mi cardinale~” you give him one last squeeze and walk towards the door.
he stands still in his place as you leave. what just happened? he asks himself. before more thoughts could invade his head , his cock twitches in his pants. he decides to continue what he started.
he slides down his pants and boxers, and his cock springs free. he wraps his hand around his shaft and strokes himself, squeezing his tip every time he reaches the head. his pace goes quicker, thrusting his hips into his hand. “y/n…oh cazzo~!” he fucks his hand and cums quickly, sticky strings of semen coating his hand.
he can’t wait to see you tomorrow, wondering what you would do next. would you pretend it never happen or would you tease him about the situation. he hoped it was the second option, secretly living for the way you degraded him.
this is my first imagine i’ve written, no criticism, my ego can’t handle it, i’m just playing, but i’m serious
hope u enjoy, lmk if you want a part two
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