#c: rodney mckay
massharp1971 · 1 year
I'm watching A New Hope and maybe my autistic special interest/obsession is totally out of hand but the dynamic between C-3PO and R2-D2 is totally old married McShep
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dr-futbol-blog · 1 month
Would the real Dr McKay please stand up?
While this is a record of John Sheppard's bisexuality, let's start from the beginning.
Rodney McKay was introduced in the main series, Stargate SG-1. In it, he is presented as a sexist and abrasive character who is later revealed to harbour a hurt little boy within. He claims to have a predilection for "dumb blondes", which is to say, beautiful and brilliant women way out of his league.
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He aggressively, blatantly hits on Samantha Carter. In fact, his behaviour is so over-the-top that one has to wonder whether it is (consciously or subconsciously) designed for failure. Hitting on women you know will turn you down, in a way that will inevitably lead to them turning you down, both protects one's ego and keeps one from winding up in an actual relationship with an actual human being.
That is, for reasons of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, repressed homosexuality, pick your poison, he a) approaches only women he knows he can't get, b) approaches them in a sleazy over-the-top way that will inevitably lead to him being turned down and c) he does all of this extremely publicly, not hiding and in fact encouraging his reputation was a womanizer. A+, very heterosexual.
Only, this is lampshaded in the two-part 8th season finale of SG-1, Moebius.
In the episode we are once more presented with an alternative reality. This is a divergence from our reality whose main difference is that the stargate was never found at Giza. In the episode, we follow Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson who are essentially themselves but whose lives took different courses. That is, their characters were not changed, only their circumstances. And it follows that the same is true for all the other characters.
In this reality, Dr. Rodney McKay is the lead scientist at Cheyenne Mountain. The fact that he is similar to the Rodney in our reality is lampshaded later in the second part of the episode where McKay tells Gen. Hammond: "It's a ship that goes through the Gate -- it's a Gateship!"
This parallels his words in Rising (S01E01) where he says the same thing to Dr. Weir, defending his naming of the shuttle as Gateship: "It's a ship; it goes through the Gate, I, I… Fine -- Puddle Jumper, you are clear for launch."
We are meant to understand that this is the same Rodney, only that circumstances have altered the course of his life.
Why is this important?
His introduction in the episode is curious.
At the end of Moebius, we are shown a rare kiss between Carter and O'Neill who never get to consummate their unresolved sexual tension in the main text of the show. The kiss was preceded by Carter lying to O'Neill about his attraction to Daniel Jackson instead of O'Neill. Earlier on, O'Neill had wondered whether Carter and Jackson were in fact a couple -- which they both vehemently denied. Before their kiss, O'Neill tells Carter: "It's just, you know… first impressions, I kinda thought he was… Never mind."
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He waves his hand in the universal sign for "bent".
Jack O'Neill thought that Daniel Jackson was, upon first impression, a gay man. Even though he met him along with an attractive woman, the first impression one got from Daniel Jackson was that he was a gay man. This has nothing to do with what Daniel's orientation is or was, in this reality or the other, just that in this one he gave off the vibe that he was gay. At least on initial meeting, an impression that might later be rectified, Daniel Jackson came off as a gay man.
So why does this matter?
When we first meet Dr. Rodney McKay, it is also the first time he meets Daniel Jackson. He gets, that is, a first impression of Daniel. Rodney barges in with the very suggestive: "Don't touch anything, please! Leave the touching to the experts."
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McKay looks at Daniel from top to bottom, openly checking him out, gaze lingering on Daniel's dick. After this, he looks at Major Davis. To confirm the reading of his gaydar? To check whether the major noticed him checking the guy out? Acknowledging the hot officer in his personal space? Who can tell!
Turning his attention to Sam, McKay subsequently completely ignores Jackson to the point of rudeness.
Note that Major Davis is, in this reality, sporting the gayest moustache that ever moustached. He is ripped straight out of a Village People album cover. If we are meant to think that Daniel in this reality comes across as gay, what are we supposed to think regarding the man with the gayest moustache this side of Tom of Finland?
After McKay checks out Daniel, whose first impression is that he is a gay man, Rodney quickly glances at major Davis and then his entire demeanor changes. He is very curt towards the major. They continue their exchange, Rodney antagonistic toward Jackson and now aggressively hitting on Sam, even going so far as to obviously and crassly grab her ass:
McKay: I'm sorry -- what are your areas of expertise? Carter: Astrophysics. Jackson: Archaeology. McKay: And I would listen to you because…? Carter: We're on the tape. McKay: Now you -- you I would listen to if you were reading the phone book. You see, I love this whole sexy librarian thing. Look, why don't I take you to lunch, get you up to speed.
On his initial meeting with Daniel Jackson, the man who comes off as gay, Dr. Rodney McKay reflexively checks him out and then starts immediately performing the most odious kind of heteronormative masculinity
We get another lampshade in his line to Carter: "I hear it's lemon chicken today -- it's my favourite, hmm?" This Rodney claims openly to like Lemon chicken which he is allergic to in our reality. There is something else he is performing here that he is allergic to in our reality: his preference for chicks.
In the Pegasus galaxy, McKay is either completely oblivious to the advances of women ("You don't know what to do?"), engages in performative over-the-top womanizing ("I disgust myself sometimes"), or uses women to perform masculinity and to make himself seem more desirable to other men ("They think I'm a shut-in. So I was thinking that if I was to, say, show up with a woman -- a beautiful woman -- that they would maybe not think that I was like, a complete loser"). He expresses jealousy when other men receive attention from beautiful women while seeming to have no interest whatsoever in these women themselves. Hot women are objects to him, he barely sees them as people (literally, in The Game).
This is textbook. This is a closet so deep in Narnia the audience gets second-hand frost bite.
Note that while in Moebius we are shown a superficial difference between this Rodney and our Rodney with regards to lemon, later on we are shown that they are essentially the same. The Rodney McKay of this reality is the epitome of a closeted gay man performing over-the-top heterosexuality in a military environment where, although as a Canadian civilian contractor he is not himself in jeopardy, he has to protect the identities of gay soldiers, like major Davis, whose careers are on the line.
Oblivious or not, Rodney McKay does not like women. He does not respect them, sees little use for them, can barely tolerate to have them around. This much seems to be true of him in every reality.
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Update on how many unique characters you’ve received?
As usual, super long list, so here we go!
These characters have two+ (2+) submissions, and are likely to be included.
Vriska Serkat
Eridan Ampora
Kokichi Ouma
Haiji Towa
Minoru Mineta
Bill Cipher
John Gaius
Regal Farseer
Kylo Ren
Jurgen Leitner
Ty Betteridge
Sasuke Uchiha
Dazai Osamu
Glenn Quagmire
Rose Quartz
Izzy Hands
Akio Ohtori
Katsuki Bakugo
Don Quixote Doflamingo
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Ansem the Wise
Kusaka Masato
The Metatron
Evan Hansen
Stella Goetia
Pierce Hawthorne
Lance Dubois
Santa Claus
Meenah Peixes / Her Imperious Condescension 
Greg Heffley
Tony Stark
Donald Trump
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Teddy / Kuma
Mr. Bungee
Julia Mazzone
Sentinel Prime
William Afton
Cullen Rutherford
Shou Tucker
Junko Enoshima
Ardyn Izunia
Sosuke Aizen
Simon Laurent
Ōchi Fukuchi
Jin Guanyao
Micah Bell
These characters have been submitted only once, and have a lower chance of being accepted.
Michael Scott
Detective Saracusa
Paul Von Oberstein
Damian Wayne
Cersei Iannister
John ‘Jack’ Seward
Abyss Sibling
Tim Drake
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Gra’ha Tia
Elias Ainsworth
Erlina and Brugaves
Five Pebbles
The Entirety Of Homestuck
Willy Stampler
Miguel O’Hara
Medusa Gorgon
Gamzee Makara
Rohan Kishibe
Teruhashi Makoto
Gordon Blackwall
Rebecca Costwolds
Anakin Skywalker
Sigma Kilm
Caesar Clown
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Mori Ougai
Touichiro Suzuki
Alexander Hamilton
Georg Weissmann 
Dean Winchester
The Operator
Scrappy Doo
Foreman Oyun
The Eleventh Doctor
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Will Shuester
Silver Spoon
Jayne Cobb
Byakuya Togami
Prince Louis 
Princess Daisy
Light Yagami
The Pale King
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Himiko Toga
Sebastian Mechaelias
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Clara Oswald
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Heath cliff
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Huey Emmerich
Tom Wambsgans
Yuri Briar
Jacopo Bearzatti
Meredith Rodney McKay
Every Single Country In 1993
Val Velocity
Noor Pradesh
Kristoph Gavin
Dan Moroboshi
Muu Kusunoki
Shen Jiu
April O’Neil (2012)
Makoto Itou
Ianthe Tridentarius
Disembodied Voice
George Wickham
The New Ninja
Sakazuki Akainu 
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Wen Chao
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 
James T. Kirk
Mikan Tsumuki
Millions Knives
The Mage
Otto Apocalypse 
Woodes Rogers
Zeke Jaeger
Dean Venture
Aloise Trancey
Akito Sohma
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Chrollo Lucifer
Chloe Bourgeois 
Zhou Zishu
Elon Musk
Il Dottore
Goeffry St. John
Nikola Tesla
Ogai Mori
Mary Keay
Dr. Henry Miller
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Akechi Goro
Victor Frankenstein
Riley Finn
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Elias Ainsworth
Nefera DeNile
Angel Dust
Blitzo Buckzo
The Once-Ler
Zenos Galvus
Marvin Falsettos
Solf J. Kimblee 
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Henry the Eighth 
Aranea Serkat
Caliborn / Lord English
Feferi Peixes
Black Pete
Cozy Glow
Holly Blue Agate
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Dio (Zero Escape)
Matou Shinji
Chris McClain
Ruruka Ando
Sheldon Cooper
Buck Cluck
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
France (Hetalia)
Tumblr Staff
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Akio Himemiya
Ali Lectric
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Bella Swan
Haiji Senri
Tsumugi Aoba
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Buzz McCallister 
Eugene Coli
Live Action Buggy
Aizen Sosuke
Kyouichi Saionji
Ibara Saegusa
Yu Ziyuan
Mahiru Koizumi
The Little Palace Mistress
Eichi Tenshouin
The Old Palace Master
Jonah Magnus
Queen Scarlet
Nanami Kiryuu 
Hiyoko Saionji
Steven Universe
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sga-owns-my-soul · 5 months
S T I C K for the ask game 😝
ask game
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
i have a lot lmao but my personal favourite is that ronon and woolsey are DEFINITELY married. have you seen them they are husbands and in love.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
elizabeth and steven are in love, atlantis is sentient, and john rodney and atlantis have a very weird three way relationship thing going on that no one else wants to even try to understand and you can pry these headcanons out of my cold dead hands
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
nope! not yet at least lmao i did leave tumblr in like... 2016ish partially because the phandom was getting insane but i didn't leave the fandom or stop like dan and phil (i met dan a few years ago!) and i don't think there's anything tumblr could do to make me stop liking stargate 😂😂
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
honestly i don't think any? i don't want to say there's anything i'll never ship because a good fic can convince me of a lot. i would say mckeller, but i liked them when i was a kid so i can't say i've never liked them. idk, shipping is fun and i like enjoying lots of different ships
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
okay so i read this question and my brain IMMEDIATELY started screaming about rodney mckay so. him lmao he just!!!! he comes so far and i'm so proud of him because he tries so so hard!!! and it's just, it's so insane to me if you look at the difference between rodney at the start of the series versus the end of the series. and how quickly the changes start!!! like in the first few episodes of atlantis you can already see such huge changes in his behaviour because he finally has people who actually believe in him!! who actually care and are actually giving him a chance!!! god i just. fuck i love rodney mckay so so much i literally could talk about him forever
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My dive back into my old FFnet favorites continues and I'm bringing some more recs here for anyone interested in them. Still giving them my own summaries to convey my own impressions of the fics.
As You Wish by YarningChick - A fusion of The Cat Returns and The Princess Bride. Haru is the fiercely proud daughter of a samurai who has vowed to marry none other than her sweetheart - not even his death at sea could change her mind. Unfortunately, the King has decided he is going to marry Haru, whether she likes this idea or not.
Haru/Baron is the main ship and the fic itself is rated G. The main cast is all characters from The Cat Returns and while Haru is very different from her movie self, it's still a really fun and enjoyable re-imagining of The Princess Bride's plot. YarningChick has written a lot of fics for The Cat Returns - most AUs of some sort - and they're pretty much all enjoyable. So not only does the fic get a recommendataion, the author does too.
It looks so far like all YarningChick's fics are on Ao3, so that's where the links will lead.
The Angel's Knight by Philip S - Sixteen years after her death saving the world from Glory, Buffy is given the chance to return to life to aid Angel in one final Apocalypse to determine the world's future. But the truth of what's really happening is bigger than anyone could have possibly imagined.
I remember this one especially for it's rather fascinating take on what happened the night Eyghon killed Giles' pre-series and helps to explain some of the inconsistencies with his earlier portrayal and retcons made as characterization marched on. It's also got my favorite take on Catherine Madison post-trophy-ification and an interesting interpretation of the Key.
Rated T, has Buffy/Angel as the main ship, and is, unfortunately, not to be found on Ao3 yet.
BtVS: The College Years by Philip S - A Season 4 AU. With the Slayer beyond their control for the moment, the Watcher's Council chooses to reactivate the Slayer's counterpart: the Huntsman. Meanwhile, Buffy's dealing not only with college, but with the arrival of soldiers intending to fight the good fight… and whose presence will unearth more of Sunnydale's bloodstained history.
This one I remember really enjoying for the take on the Slayer that it was one of two powerful, ancient spirits. And also for incorporating Angel's return to being human via the Mohra demon, but not allowing him to roll back time like in canon. It's obvious to the reader what Angel's in store for as the fic goes on, but how he gets there is pretty fascinating.
It is rated M for a non-con encounter between Buffy and the first guy to become the Huntsman. So reader beware. The main ship is Buffy/Angel. And, like the rest of Philip S's work, it's not on Ao3 at this time.
If It's Not One Thing… by Gabrielle Lawson - There's never a dull moment on Deep Space Nine as murder, secretive aliens, and Julian's past collide. An alternate take on Julian Bashir's past written before the reveal of his parents or genetic engineering.
Probably my favorite fic about Julian. His backstory here is really well thought out and really quite tragic and it definitely captures the feel of early seasons DS9, with the tensions between Starfleet and the Bajorans playing an important part of the storyline.
It's rated T and is on Ao3 now, along with Gabrielle Lawson's other works. Lawson's Deep Space Nine fics are all pretty good from what I remember, though this one was my favorite.
The Geek's Field Guide to Arachnids by likethekoschka - A big robot spider, anaphylactic shock, and a number of near-death-experiences… all just another ordinary day on Atlantis for John and Rodney. First in a series staring John Sheppard and Rodney McKay in an established relationship, written by liketheriver and koschka under their combined penname.
While at least one of the writers moved to Ao3, it doesn't look like they brought any of their ffnet stuff - solo or cowritten - with them. Which is a shame, but I can hold out hope these'll get migrated to somewhere safer than ffnet eventually. (Like Ao3…)
All of the fics in this series are rated T and I cannot recommend the series enough for Stargate Atlantis fans. It's incredibly well written and a lot of fun to read. Features what is probably my favorite version of Radek Zelenka.
Atlas by distractedKat - Star Trek Kelvin-verse fic set after the 2009 movie and AU from there. Kirk throws himself into aiding the rebuilding of Starfleet in the wake of the Narada disaster as Starfleet Academy has found itself short staffed. This may not have been such a good idea, as his many talents have caught the eye of a corrupt Admiral…
An eventual Kirk/Spock fic that treats Spock and Uhura's friendship really well. Rated T and is up on Ao3.
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spurious · 9 months
L for R.L.Y, P for Mark on You, Q (or C) for Secrecy, please?
WIP Wednesday: alphabet edition!
R.L.Y has no lines beginning with L! let's find the closest an L comes to the beginning of a line instead...
All around them, people are scrambling: the city’s underwater, shields failing, and that’s even not getting into the life-sucking aliens who are apparently after them. 
Edit: wow, love when you have a word order error that you have read past unnoticed multiple times and do not pick out until it’s fucking posted lmao!!! Leaving it that way for posterity 🙃
Mark on You:
Pursing his lips, he grabs at John's hand, then prints "McKay" in big block letters right across his wrist.
Secrecy, no Q or C at the start of a line so here's a line with two Qs instead:
He shoves it down, aside, fills the gnawing pit in his stomach with mashed not-quite-potato and chicken and tava beans, followed by three portions of jello, and it feels enough like equilibrium that Rodney's able to go back to his lab and work for three more hours until it's time to meet John in his room.
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hero-in-waiting · 2 years
For the fic tag game...
"Marine Rodney"... please?
OKAY So, this is my sort of baby fic. The basic rundown is Rodney is Master Sgt. Rodney McKay of the Marines. Rodney ended up in the marines because when Jeannie was 13 and he was 17ish she decided she wanted to be JUST LIKE HER BROTHER and built a nuclear bomb and then when the CIA came she blamed Rodney and he took the fall and had the option of a) juvie b) work for the CIA or c) go into the marines to serve his time and he basically went a) sucks and b) fuck you so he went with C.
He got pulled into the program earlier bc he knew Jack from a mission and is Still Very Much Rodney in the fact he expects the best of people and a whole bunch of shit goes down differently.
BUT, John is Dr. John Sheppard bc he lost his perfect vision in a car accident when he was a kid and he's basically MENSA! John and the two of them had a massive FWB going on (DADT? What DADT?) but John didn't know Rodney was smart and Rodney was sick and tired of hiding it and John assuming he was an idiot, so he broke it off and then LE GASP Canon AR-1 shows up and everyone is all WTF and through Shenanigans when they send AR-1 back, Dr. Sheppard and Master Sgt. McKay go with him and that's about where I am at. They're gonna fall in love at some point I just kinda noodle on it.
It's a fun one to write because writing Rodney and keeping Rodney as Rodney despite almost 20 in the marines is hard. Becuase its such an anthesis to who Rodney is that making sure Rodney is Rodney and not an OC is difficult. But I enjoy it.
The easy cadence of his name of Sheppard’s tongue was odd. He was pretty sure he had never heard his Sheppard say his name. At all, not even when they had been fucking. It had always been Sergeant, or McKay. “It’s salty enough,” McKay snapped back. “Just because you like your food to taste like the fucking Dead sea doesn’t mean the rest of us next to exist in a constant state of dehydration.” “Aww,” Sheppard replied, grabbing the salt shaker and adding an unreasonable amount to the food. “You’re plenty salty enough already,” Sheppard looked up and grinned at Rodney in a way he had never seen before. “Well, one of you is apparently.” A clattering got Rodney’s attention and he watched as his Sheppard stood up and stalked out, his hands clenched by his sides and faced twisted into a mask of anger. Rodney watched him go and then glanced back at the table, seeing the glares the fawning idiots were glaring at him as if it was his fault that Colonel Sheppard apparently had heard of a chill pill.
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ohsweetzombiecthulhu · 5 months
Morituri te Salutant Series
Over 10 years ago, I started an SGA fic after becoming briefly obsessed with the Black Knight satellite. It was a canon divergent AU where Earth was lost; h/c and angst and with plenty of world building, just sort of this meandering story that made me think of the old days that brought us things like casspeach's Animal Husbandry and shalott's A Beautiful Lifetime Event.
It was this fic that I was plodding away at on that cool October morning in 2014 when my younger brother died. When I got home that night, still in shock and heartbroken, I closed the file and mostly ignored it over the next 9 years.
Last night, as I pulled myself away from a new fandom I'd started writing for and found that it was entirely too unwelcoming to remain in, I thought of Morituri te Salutant and reopened the file, deciding that my goal for 2024 is to finish this fic by October. Will I succeed? Maybe.
If you wish to follow along as an old fandomer tries to finish her oldest WIP, please feel free. Comment on what you like, comment on what you don't like, but honestly, this fic is for me and I want to see how it ends.
7 January 2024
Morituri te Salutant: Cras es Noster
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay + Ensemble Cast
Chapter One (Mature)
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twotales · 7 months
Maybe I am... 😏
I have never considered that polyship before. I need time to process. But, it sounds interesting. Maybe you could explain further?I also really really want to hear about your other polycule favorites too! So please go into that.
Ohoho!!!! Well, I just love thisyou. aaaaand you found out my weakness, never shutting up <3
Man, If I wasn't sick I would be banging out my feelings on this subject like nobodies biz. Since I am though Ima need some time to collect my thoughts so be patient with me <3 I might even have something written here or made some sort of chart or something. I just took some nyquil so idk if I'll be able to find it.
My other polycule faves are pm any combination of my C/L/R/Ro although it hits differently when a piece is taken away so the dynamics vary depending
note: I don't like to think in "would this work? yes or no?" but in "what would have to happen for this to work." So I will consider and delve into pm any pairing.
Thanks for the ask anon!
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spoilertv · 11 months
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beautifulmonster · 3 years
oh lord, joining the stargate discord thanks to @valdomarx actually got me to write
my last fanfic was in 2013
anyway, here’s wonderwall the link to some mcshep.
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massharp1971 · 1 year
gimme the......untitled! trauma! fic!
I'm not sure this one will ever see the light of day because it's really, really angsty as it charts John and Rodney's respective ptsd experiences (imagine if these were real people, how completely traumatised they'd be). So I'm going to share a bit more than a snippet from the beginning, because I kinda like this bit... ---
John never slept heavily, so he was out of bed and opening his door within a beat of the chime.
There was Rodney McKay, looking rumpled and troubled.
But alive, his skipping heart told him. When John had seen Rodney’s prone figure on the floor of the gate room it had ignited an entirely unfamiliar kind of terror. The whole incident had given him layer upon layer of freak-out because number one, the cowardly lion of an astrophysicist was clearly susceptible to acts of ridiculous and life-threatening bravery and that meant it would be that much harder to keep him safe. Number two, it seemed just a little weird that John was more scared today than he had been not two weeks before when he had mercy-killed his commanding officer and been forced to his knees by a life sucking monster. Number three, and probably related somehow, was the weirdest thing of all – he had made a friend, and potentially a good one, and that wasn’t something John did often.
Well, ever.
Something about Rodney’s very existence gave John a feeling of overwhelming… relief, recognition, rightness… it was hard to look at too closely but impossible not to notice. Which meant that John very much did not want Rodney to die horribly.
“Can I…” Rodney waved his hands in the direction of entry, and John stepped aside, letting the man into his quarters.
“Sure, Rodney,” John said. “Something wrong?”
“Would it be… appropriate, for me to talk to you about… you see, I’ve learnt the hard way…” Rodney looked a little pale and sweaty, and John felt a stab of concern.
“Rodney, sit.” He gestured to the bed, and hunkered down beside it, feeling a little too self-conscious to sit next to the scientist. “You can tell me anything you need to,” John said, hoping he hadn’t just invited some kind of wildly inappropriate middle of the night conversation.
“I made a mistake, at the SGC,” Rodney said, his eyes refusing to meet John’s, his hands in constant motion that almost hid the underlying tremor. “I should have got support. Not everyone is… later, I spoke to a therapist and, well he pointed out to me that it wasn’t really that unreasonable of me to be terrified. So, I will speak to Heightmeyer of course, but I think it would be good if I spoke to you too and reminded you…”
Rodney hadn’t been looking at John, but suddenly his fearful eyes lifted. Their startling blue was intensified by the slight moisture there, and John had the ridiculous urge to surge forward and put his arms around Rodney’s broad shoulders.
“Reminded me of what?” John said gently, resting his hand reassuringly on Rodney’s kneecap in lieu of an embrace he didn’t dare risk.
“That I’m not a soldier… I haven’t been trained to deal with life or death.” He looked panicked and uncertain.
“Rodney, breathe,” John told the scientist. “Slow down. I don’t know what you’re trying to say here, but nobody expects you to be a soldier.”
“Look, most boys at least learn the basics, right? But I was never taught to fight – there wasn’t any point, because I moved up the grades so fast and the boys were so much bigger than me and they could do what they wanted,” Rodney suppressed a shudder that matched anything a wraith queen could cause, and John wondered what it had been like for young Rodney. He felt suddenly protective. “Fighting back would have just got me hurt more. My life lesson was to run and to hide and to avoid and to listen to my fear.”
John winced in sympathy. He’d been a weedy kid until he hit late teens and soft enough that his queerness was assumed and attacked.
“And now here I am being taught to use a gun and I’m expected to be brave and I’m not. Not everyone is cut out to be a hero.” Rodney lifted his chin in that tell he had. John already knew him well enough to know it meant he was unsure of himself. “I don’t think I can choose to be something I’m not and I’m going to let you down if you expect me to be… like SG1 expected, took it for granted that I wouldn’t be afraid of accidentally blowing up the whole fucking mountain to save their teammate.”
“Whoa, wait, McKay… you are brave,” John couldn’t bear to hear him talking this way after what he’d done only hours before. “You were so brave today, when you walked into that thing...”
“No, I wasn’t. I was terrified, and I ran every calculation possible in my head and it was the only answer that would save all our collective asses. I was smart. There’s a difference.”
“No, I’m not buying that,” John said firmly. “I know what it’s like to be so scared that it takes a while to get your body to move in the direction you know it has to go. Knowing the right thing and doing it are not the same.”
“Major, with respect… nearly everyone around here but me and you is SGC stock. They’ve been given unreasonable expectations by the culture there. The civilian member of SG1 not only had a death wish from the moment his wife was taken, but also, he’s died more than once and recovered from it. People’s perceptions here are skewed and… Major, none of my scientists are replaceable,” Rodney was talking nineteen to the dozen, but John just held on and tried to keep up. “I can’t just recruit new people if something happens… I’m scared. Not just for me, for all the people I’m responsible for. We’re civilians. We’re here to do science. But I think the SGC folk expect us… what I did today. Assume that’s part of the job. That we would have any idea how to be heroes… as if we knew we’d be coming somewhere with monsters and…”
McKay was babbling and John realised the man was very pale. The sheen of sweat was more pronounced, and his hands were trembling more obviously.
“Hey, you don’t look so good, Rodney,” John said, worried about his friend. “I think this might be delayed shock. Let’s get your feet elevated…”
He pushed Rodney back onto the bed and put his pack under Rodney’s feet. Rodney’s eyes were suddenly lost and vague.
“I’m going to call Carson,” John said.
He already knew McKay was reputed to be a hypochondriac, so he was surprised when the man shook his head.
“No, don’ s’not… shug. Gimme sugar,” Rodney slurred.
John kept dextrose tablets in his emergency kit, so he pulled two out and gave them to Rodney. He remembered Rodney saying he had hypoglycaemia, but in all honesty, he hadn’t expected it to look like this. He’d kind of expected it to look like an excuse to eat chocolate.
Rodney closed his eyes. John was still debating whether to get Carson when the trembling began to lessen.
“Fuck,” was what came out of McKay’s mouth eventually. Rodney didn’t often swear, and it was somehow reassuring. “Sorry. I, er… may have been a little vomity before I came over… should’ve known it would mess with my blood sugar.”
“Rodney, like you said, you’re a civilian finding himself in an unimaginable situation. Nobody expects you to just take it all in your stride.” John fished out a power bar from his bedside table and handed it to him as he said this.
Rodney huffed, something like a laugh but without any humour attached. But he accepted the bar with a look of gratitude.
“Are you sure about that, Major?” he asked around the first mouthful.
John knew what Rodney meant about the SGC folk – they were damn weird in the way they saw things, like they’d just stepped out of some adventure book where wild things happen, but the day is always saved.
John was already facing the fact that this was no storybook, and they were going to lose people – important people. Like the goddamn man who actually knew how to command a bunch of Marines. And the truth was, he was crapping himself over the situation they found themselves in, and still coming to terms with the fact that he made things a million times worse by trying to stage a rescue and waking the wraith.
John tried not to think of those first few days too much, because he was liable to crawl out of his own skin when he did.
“I’ll protect you. All of you,” he said, because he thought that was what was expected, but much as he desperately wanted it to be true, he knew this wasn’t a storybook. His heart clenched painfully at the thought of something happening to Rodney.
“Dumbass,” Rodney said in between still slightly panicky breaths. “Go read the SGC reports and then come back and tell me who usually saves who. Spoilers: It’s science. It’s always science… still, I appreciate the thought. I believe you want that to be true.”
“Well, all I can say is I’ll do what it takes to have your back, then,” John said.
That response seemed to satisfy McKay. John also noticed his colour was returning, and he was less clammy.
“Can I just rest here a while?” Rodney said, his voice small and vulnerable. “It’s all been rather a lot.”
“Sure,” John said.
He looked down at Rodney’s slowly settling form and wanted to be tender, wanted to brush a hand down his cheek or stroke his brow, but real men didn’t do that – military men definitely didn’t do that. John tried to at least pass for what he was supposed to be. Not just a real man (whatever the hell one of those was) but the man.
Instead, he retrieved his pack and rolled out the bedroll next to his bed.
The first time he’d met Rodney McKay, the man had been larger-than-life, bundled up in an orange fleece that clashed with his startling blue eyes, so excited by John’s gene that he’d launched straight into the middle of their relationship before bothering with a beginning and it had been like that ever since.
They clicked. The man could be an ass, sure but John knew he was goodhearted, and soft in ways that John appreciated in this harsh reality. He realised his growing fondness for Rodney didn’t map onto what he was used to. For a start, Rodney didn’t seem to want to fuck John and that was the only kind of closeness with men that John was familiar with.
“Oh…I can’t let you sleep on the floor in your own room,” Rodney said. “I’ll go…”
“No, you won’t,” John said, making a split-second decision. “Shove over.”
He got into a position with Rodney that was just short of being big spoon, finding himself longing to press close and surprised to find McKay pressing back against him. He tensed, unsure what to do, even though he could tell Rodney wasn’t coming onto him.
“Don’t worry, your virtue is safe, Major,” Rodney muttered.
“Not sure I have any of that,” John retorted. If only McKay knew. “But for the record, so is yours.”
He let his body relax against Rodney’s, finding himself both mystified and enticed by the closeness. He momentarily let go of all the tension he was carrying and drifted into sleep.
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dailydhew · 7 years
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David Hewlett as Dr Rodney McKay
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Do you have a list of all characters submitted so far?
hoo boy, it’s a long fuckin list; I’ll put it under the cut
Please know that this is RAW STATISTICS. Just because a character is here doesn’t mean it will be included or not included!
For those who just want statistics, we have 269 submissions as of now, with 211 unique characters (if I counted correctly)!
The characters on this list have two or more submissions, and have a high chance of being selected (save for a few with some…not so convincing propaganda)
Vriska Serkat
Eridan Ampora
Kokichi Ouma
Haiji Towa
Minoru Mineta
Bill Cipher
John Gaius
Regal Farseer
Kylo Ren
Jurgen Leitner
Ty Betteridge
Sasuke Uchiha
Dazai Osamu
Glenn Quagmire
Rose Quartz
Izzy Hands
Akio Ohtori
Katsuki Bakugo
Don Quixote Doflamingo
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Ansem the Wise
Kusaka Masato
The Metatron
Evan Hansen
The characters in this section have one submission, and have a lower chance of being selected.
Michael Scott
Detective Saracusa
Micah Bell
Paul Von Oberstein
Santa Claus
Damian Wayne
Jace Herondale (submitter was unsure of name)
Cersei Iannister
William Afton
John ‘Jack’ Seward
Abyss Sibling
Tim Drake
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Gra’ha Tia
Elias Ainsworth
Erlina and Brugaves
Five Pebbles
Lance Dubois
The Entirety Of Homestuck
Willy Stampler
Simon Laurent
Miguel O’Hara
Medusa Gorgon
Gamzee Makara
Rohan Kishibe
Teruhashi Makoto
Gordon Blackwall
Rebecca Costwolds
Ardyn Izunia
Anakin Skywalker
Sigma Kilm
Caesar Clown
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Mori Ougqi
Touichiro Suzuki
Alexander Hamilton
Donald Trump
Georg Weissmann 
Dean Winchester
The Operator
Scrappy Doo
Foreman Oyun
The Eleventh Doctor
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Will Shuester
Silver Spoon
Jayne Cobb
Byakuya Togami
Prince Louis 
Princess Daisy
Light Yagami
The Pale King
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Himiko Toga
Sebastian Mechaelias
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Clara Oswald
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Heath cliff
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Huey Emmerich
Tom Wambsgans
Yuri Briar
Jacopo Bearzatti
Meredith Rodney McKay
Every Single Country In 1993
Jin Guangyao
Val Velocity
Noor Pradesh
Kristoph Gavin
Dan Moroboshi
Muu Kusunoki
Teddie / Kumq
Shen Jiu
April O’Neil (2012)
Junko Enoshima
Greg Heffley
Makoto Itou
Ianthe Tridentarius
Ochi Fukuchi
Disembodied Voice
George Wickham
The New Ninja
Sakazuki Akainu 
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Wen Chao
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 
James T. Kirk
Mikan Tsumuki
Millions Knives
The Mage
Sentinel Prime
Otto Apocalypse 
Woodes Rogers
Zeke Jaeger
Dean Venture
Aloise Trancey
Tony Stark
Akito Sohma
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Chrollo Lucifer
Chloe Bourgeois 
Zhou Zishu
Elon Musk
Il Dottore
Goeffry St. John
Nikola Tesla
Ogai Mori
Mary Keay
Dr. Henry Miller
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Akechi Goro
Victor Frankenstein
Riley Finn
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Elias Ainsworth
Stella Goetia
Nefera DeNile
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sga-owns-my-soul · 9 months
For the ask game A, C, F, H, U
ooh good ones! this one got a little long lmao whoops 😂
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
i'm obsessed with a mcshep queer platonic relationship (aroace!john and bisexual!rodney for the win tbh) and a ship i've been thinking about a LOT lately is ronon and woolsey idk why i just. idk that scene in the prodigal at the end where ronon is like 'i know it's not a mission but i made a report' and woolsey laughs at 'michael tried to invade the city. we stopped him. end report' BABES THEYRE SO CUTE
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
john/teyla. i just. i can't. the ONLY time i like it is ot4
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
19 years and counting babey!!!! i've been watching stargate since it came out (i was 6 years old!) and i've been a fan of it since i saw the first episode. fun fact i had a little "club house" in a small storage room in our basement when i was a kid and i PLASTERED the walls with art and posters that said "I LOVE _______" with all of the sga characters when i was like 7? 8? something like that?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
i've been in fandoms for lots of different things but i think my favourite is probably tv shows/movies. i just love me some good cinema
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
absolute all time fav blorbo of forever is Doctor Rodney McKay PhD PhD he always has been he always will be forever and always he owns my heart. i love everything about him- he's smart, he's canadian, he's arrogant, he's hot, he's funny, he's competent, he's an asshole, he's selfless and heroic, he's literally everything. i'm actually genuinely in love with him i would give up my entire life if he asked me to zero hesitation no questions asked
i know it says three different fandoms but i'm also going with john sheppard even tho it's the same fandom bc those two are just so far above the rest in terms of being my fav characters that i can't not include him. john is a disaster human and i love him. i'm like, 95% sure my obsession with putting my friends first and making sure they're happy and comfortable (even at the detriment to my own happiness and comfort) above all else is because of john sheppard. he's selfless, he's reckless, he's charming, he's funny, he's smart, he's hot, he's perfect he's everything i'm obsessed.
and then last i'm gonna go with nick miller from new girl bc (no surprise) i have a Thing for grabage broken men. i fell in LOVE with nick when i was watching new girl for the first time he's such a fucking disaster he's a middle aged drunk who doesn't know what he's doing with his life for half the show and he's so FUCKING HOT IM OBSESSED god i just hnnnnng ugh he's everything honestly i love me a scruffy middle aged garbage man so good always
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rodneymckays · 2 years
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Stargate Atlantis | 5x19 Vegas
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