#c: minwoo
nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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NOME LEGAL: Kwon Minwoo.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NASCIMENTO: 01/08/1996.
CIDADE NATAL: Seul, Coreia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Sub vocalista e visual do AFTER=MATH.
DEBUT: 13 de junho de 2013.
CONTA: nlmnwoo
FACECLAIM: Cha Eunwoo (Astro).
Início em Jul/2016: MC do show Show! Music Core por seis meses
Out/2018: Rainbow Falling - Gangnam Beauty OST
Dez/2019: Please Remember - Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung OST
Mai/2020: Capa da revista Maire Claire
Out/2020: Participou do fashion week em Seoul
Inicio em Abr/2020 – final em ago/2020: Participou do programa Master in the House, apareceu em vários episódios
Inicio em Jul/2021: Embaixador da Burberry por 6 meses
Jul/2022: Capa da revista W Korea Magazine
TW: incesto e menção a aborto
Kwon Minwoo nasceu numa família de artistas altamente renomados e isso sempre foi motivo de orgulho para si. Sua mãe, Jiwoo, é uma prestigiada atriz, tendo atuado em dramas nacionais e também em alguns filmes tanto de seu próprio país quanto internacionalmente. Já seu pai, Hyunbin, era um famoso pianista sul coreano, no entanto, o homem não pode aproveitar direito a carreira nem a família já que morreu quando o garoto tinha apenas seis anos de idade.
Embora sentisse a ausência do seu pai, Minwoo cresceu tendo uma infância cheia de mimos. Sua mãe mostrou-lhe com empolgação o mundo artístico, colocando-o desde pequeno tanto em aulas de canto quanto em aulas de piano. E, além disso, o garoto também praticou alguns esportes durante o período escolar, criando um grande afeto pelo basquete apesar da sua real paixão ser a música.
Desde muito novo acompanhou os diversos grupos de kpop que se apresentavam na televisão, o que o motivou a participar de inúmeras audições para as mais variadas empresas e, é claro, era uma verdadeira frustração quando não conseguia estar entre os escolhidos. Porém, após muita insistência, conseguiu se tornar trainee de uma empresa não muito famosa, mas que lhe trouxe a oportunidade única de ter participado de um programa de sobrevivência onde, ao final, seria formado um novo grupo masculino.
Apesar de seus esforços, infelizmente não foi dessa vez que Minwoo teve a oportunidade de debutar. Talvez a pouca experiência como trainee tenha o atrapalhado uma vez que ainda era muito jovem. Ainda assim, mesmo com esse pequeno contratempo, a sorte parecia estar ao seu lado e, após alguma insistência para se tornar cada vez melhor, o rapaz finalmente teve a chance de estrear aos dezesseis anos no grupo Aftermath, tornando-se sub vocalista e visual do mesmo.
Sua vida estaria feliz e completa se no ano seguinte Jiwoo não tivesse decidido casar com um homem que mal conhecia, incidente que gerou algumas discussões entre mãe e filho. Entretanto, as mesmas foram cessadas ao conhecer uma pessoa que viria a ser um grande problema em sua vida: Seulgi, a filha do seu padrasto. E sequer saberia explicar o que sentiu quando a viu pela primeira vez, só tinha certeza de que seu coração bateu diferente, algo nela chamava tanto a sua atenção que seria quase impossível negar os seus sentimentos pela garota um ano mais nova.
Todavia, a vida não era cor de rosa e, bem, não poderia se dar ao luxo de viver um ‘’amor proibido’’, então respirou fundo e guardou aquele sentimento no fundo do seu peito enquanto tentava focar ao máximo a própria energia apenas em sua carreira e poderia dizer que seu plano até que deu bastante certo pelos anos subsequentes já que seu grupo alcançou uma popularidade jamais imaginada.
No início de 2020, em um deslize, quando nem tudo conseguiu estar em seu devido controle, acabou bebendo demais em uma festa e, ao chegar de madrugada na casa dos seus pais, deu de cara com a irmã postiça. Foi naquela noite que acabou confessando seus sentimentos por ela e dali em diante os dois começaram a ter um caso escondido, algo que ninguém poderia saber ou estaria tudo acabado.
Com o consentimento de ambos sobre a relação que deveriam ter, o envolvimento durou uma pequena sequência de meses até que, em um deslize ainda maior, Seulgi acidentalmente engravidou de Minwoo e, é claro, isso o desagradou. Inicialmente, o rapaz insistiu para que a jovem interrompesse a gravidez, mas por insistência da mesma acabaram levando aquela loucura para a frente.
Ao que a pressão se tornava maior, foram obrigados a contar para a empresa o que estava acontecendo e a eles foram dadas apenas duas opções: Ou encerravam seus contratos para arcar com as consequências de seus atos ou colocavam a criança para adoção, assinavam um acordo de silêncio e seguiam com suas carreiras como se nada tivesse acontecido. Obviamente, levando em consideração o escândalo e suas profissões, não precisaram de muito para entrar em acordo e tomar uma decisão, optando por entregar a criança para a adoção assim que essa nascesse.
O que Minwoo não esperava era que tanto ele quanto Seulgi iriam se encantar pela filha assim que a mesma viesse ao mundo e tal acontecimento não os fez tomar outra decisão senão a de insistir para que seus pais aceitassem a responsabilidade de criar a recém nascida, prometendo-os que iriam a tratar como uma irmã e que as outras pessoas jamais saberiam daquele segredo, afinal, esse seria definitivamente um escândalo sem proporções.
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justmochi · 2 years
minwoo so cute … got me biting my fist
how unfortunate that im writing their breakup next
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ryomy9ffqg5dd · 1 year
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yoodokjas · 10 months
kdj and ugliest king and kdj never hearing himself be described as ugly before the apocalypse. two sentences that are coexisting somehow
fhsjdkfj i had a post regarding kdj's face in my drafts so now that i have an excuse to post it im gonna paste it here
now ofc beauty is subjective, art style even more so. while i find webtoon and other official arts of kdj to be absolutely beautiful I've seen other fans claim that he is barely above average or blackbox art suffers from same face syndrome
some official arts of him include but not limited to:
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(webtoon/sleepy-c and redice studio, alter/previous official artist, blackbox, and the artist who drew official kdj art for the simplified chinese version)
these are visuals that we have to go by whenever we picture him. when we think of kdj we're most definitely picturing one of these right?! so is he ugly in these pics? most definitely not. so then why the nickname?
first let's address the elephant in the room. kdj does in fact say that before the apocalypse started he was never described as ugly. this is quite important especially when you start considering that 1) he had bullies and 2) he is a south korean. now i dont want to come off as prejudiced but south korean beauty standards are notorious. do you think song minwoo and his lackeys wouldn't stoop low enough and call kdj ugly during one of their daily bullying sessions? is being called ugly worse than being called a psycho son of a murderer even??
anyway, the technical reason why they call him ugly is because his face is """incomprehensible""" his face is obscured by the fourth wall and therefore censored and blurry. you cannot focus too much on it or else you'll get a headache
my hypothesis on this stems from the thought that singshong wrote kdj with y/n in mind. if orv had been a video game, his name 독자 (dokja) which translates to reader would be the same as say 旅行者 (luxingzhe) translating to traveler (can you tell I've only ever played mihoyo games) it's an umbrella name for the self insert mc. but since it isn't a video game orv gives all of us the gift of having a kdj fragment within ourselves and all of us have a different name and different face from each other
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minheelovelee · 9 months
i keep thinking about tutor amin getting closer to fucking y/n every time she gets a question right
That’s so cute, he’s so the type to do that too. Imagine it the other way around eeeek. He’d make a nice switch <3
+ You gave me some crazy inspo.
Minwoo is such a nice friend. He knows you haven't graduated yet, but it's you're last year and you're hoping to finish strong!
Statistics 2B is really hard. :( Your teacher is such a drag and the content is really difficult. Slowly you make your way down the class roster and find yourself with a C- for your midterm grade.
Your teacher recommends finding someone at home to help. If he can't teach you the content, maybe someone else can.
Amin was a total star student. When you tell him about your problem, he offers to help right away!
"My hero!" You say. He laughs at that.
"I'm no hero. But, I am pretty baller at statistics."
"That's good enough for me." You get started the next night.
"Minwoo, this shit sucks." He smiles at you. He would listen to you complain all night if it meant that the two of you could sit this close.
"C'mon y/n. This is an easy problem. Look back to this section." He stretches across the table, setting his right hand on your knee and his left on the textbook.
"This is the formula. All you have to do is plug in the numbers and solve." He returns to his original spot, but his hand doesn't. You look at him and he just smiles innocently. "C'mon. Do it." He urges you.
So you do. You copy the formula, plug in the numbers, and solve.
"Is this right, Min? He loves when you call him anything but his name.
He squeezes your knee reassuringly. "Yeah, good job! See? It's simple." His hand slides up your thigh and further between your legs as he talks.
"Y-yeah. I guess. Is the next one the same thing?"
"Yup. Go ahead and do that one for me." Another squeeze.
With another right answer, you receive more praise from Minwoo. You suspect he's giving you more credit than it's worth. The way he's starting the spread your legs apart is driving you only slightly insane.
"Good job, bub. You're really getting the hang of this unit. You think you can get three in a row for me?"
"On what? You know you can do it."
"Depends on what I get if I do?" He drops his smile for a second, but puts it right back on when he realizes what you're thinking.
"That's how we're gonna do this? You've always been a greedy girl. If you get this right, we can be done studying for the night. I'll take you to your room, flip that slutty skirt up, and fuck you into your mattress."
"Fuck, Minnie. Please let's just g-"
"No. Answer the question. Do what you're told."
You didn't need to be told again. After finishing the question, you turn the page towards him. "Is it right, Min?"
"It is, baby. How about you go wait for me in your room. Let me clean up. I'll be right there."
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iamacolor · 2 years
Writing wise, do you think junho is a good male lead? I saw lots of comments saying he needs more depth or needs a short arc lol what do you think?
hello anon! oh that's a very good question. the short answer is yes! the long answer is when it comes to him having his own arc i think it's important to remember that in eaw, youngwoo is the only real main character and although junho is the male lead he's not of the same importance as youngwoo, it's not his story, he's a secondary character. a lot of dramas that focus more on romance as the main relationship have a female lead and a male lead who are both as important to the plot and who both need to go on a journey for the plot to move forward and even for the plot to start (alchemy of souls which is currently airing is a good exemple of that, it is the story of mudeok and of jang uk, equally, and they depend on each other - other dramas like this are the king's affection and run on that also star park eun bin and kang tae oh) whereas in eaw, because it's a different genre, it is 100% youngwoo's story and junho happens to be a part of it. he's not "necessary" to the story, although he's a big part of it, in the sense that without him there would still be a story, a different one but it would still hold. so that means that his arc is to be in relation to hers (and he still has to confess, to tell minwoo he likes youngwoo etc so that's an emotional arc) and i think that's fine because none of the other secondary characters have their own arc, it's all linked to youngwoo. it's very clear when i watch the show that although all the characters have their own little particularities they're still meant to serve youngwoo's story, it's not a real ensemble show.
as for his characterisation it's true that we don't know a lot about him but i don't think it's a lack of depth and i don't need to know everything about him for the romance to be believable. i've got a few points to explain: a) so far i don't think youngwoo knows that much more about him than we do and we mostly follow her - she likes him for who he is and how he is with her and she isn't really the kind to ask people questions about themselves at work (and it seems clear to me that junho is a bit shy about himself even if acts of service come easily to him)- i do hope that as they grow closer she will grow more curious about him because i think it's a necessary step in her journey to see her experience a new type of relationship and a new interest (and it would make a good parallel to when she told him she had nothing to talk to him about than whales - but they're not there yet so there's been no occasion for him to share details about himself - but also aside from whales i don't think she's told him a lot about her life and you don't need all the details about someone to like them) so until they spend more time together on things that aren't work (and i really hope that time grows quickly lol) we're not going to get much more b) i don't think we're ever going to get nor do we need his entire backstory - what i really need is for him to tell youngwoo what he feels and what he wants and to talk about what they are to each other because i do think it's important for their relationship to feel balanced and equal and also because if conflict/tension happen between them i think it's more likely to be because they have different expectations or ways of dealing with things if that makes sense? and it's talking with youngwoo about themselves and spending time with her that's what will give him depth in our eyes like it will in youngwoo's - and we still have 8 episodes left to do that so hopefully the writers also consider it as an essential step lol c) compared to the other characters you can already tell that junho is a little more special, i haven't rewatched all the episodes but i'm pretty sure junho is the only secondary character we've seen outside of work without youngwoo (i mean we've seen minwoo with him but that's just because they're roomates, we never see anyone else than junho on their own) yes all his scenes are linked to youngwoo but it's already a big difference. for exemple we don't see sooyeon outside of work and aside from the fact that her father is in law too we don't know much about her but it doesn't stop me from appreciating her friendship with youngwoo because her actions and her evolution are clear to me. we see more of geurami's private life because that's how she's connected to youngwoo so that kind of makes her an exception.
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becameundone · 1 year
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(park seonghwa. cis man. he/him. bisexual.) ⇝ hey, isn’t that min kim? i think that the twenty-seven year old from london, uk works as a hair stylist (cosmetologist) for the coyote hair salon, but outside of that people describe them as neon red lights glowing in the night, candied cherries floating in a glass of bubbles, every outfit deliberate and detailed and smoky eyeshadow smeared on, the glimmer of white salon lights reflected in the blades of your scissors . i hear they are vain & pedantic, but they are also known to be supportive & individual. consider giving them a visit at their home in delilah's den gated community and get to know why they’re called the picture perfect.
TW: brief mentions of an abusive relationship, not detailed; emetophobia (one single mention)
Min's full legal name is Minwoo Kim. He doesn't actually mind his name at all, he has no issue with Minwoo, but he also happens to really like how Min sounds. That, and he got sick of people mispronouncing his name all the time (the W is silent!). People were already calling him Min and he found it less annoying to let it stick. However, he will not be at all upset if somebody calls him Minwoo, so long as they say it correctly.
He grew up in a fully bilingual home and speaks Korean quite naturally (although he also has a bit of a talent for picking up languages so certainly helps).
As mentioned in Tomo's intro, Min and Tomo are best friends c: i love besties! Min was also slightly infatuated with Tomo when they first met but their relationship is strictly platonic. There are no romantic feelings between them.
Also, because I like making my muses know each other, he does also know Mio (sorry that their names are spelled so similarly); although Min is by no means a professional dancer, he does have some history with it (as I'll go on to explain) and he still finds it fun so he'll hang out at the dance studio with Mio and sometimes they'll work on stuff together. Any friendships Min does have are very important to him, as he's struggled with making his friends his whole life.
He can be vain and occasionally a little shallow but it mostly comes from a fear of being ignored; he likes to stand out because he doesn't want to fade into the background. He wants to be NOTICED. Please. He's begging you. (Except don't give him too much attention because he hates that too. Good luck figuring that out!) It also comes from a place of needing to be entirely himself. Min has felt like an outcast most of his life so, instead of worrying about not fitting in, he'd rather stand out. He puts EFFORT into how he looks. Eyeliner, shimmer eyeshadow, a great smelling perfume; these are all staples for Min. His hair always looks great too. Because of course it does. Hair's kind of his thing.
Min currently lives in a cottage in Delilah's Den Gated Community with his older cousin. Because his cousin was planning on living there regardless, Min is only expected to cover his own utilities and food costs. Otherwise, he'd likely live in Seal Harbour apartment complex; when he was still in London, he was living in a shitty little flat. Living in a nice little cottage is pleasant enough but he doesn't like the gated community much, finding it too boring and isolated after having lived in city as densely populated as London.
Strictly speaking, Min is bisexual but I think he has a pretty strong preference for masc identifying people and he'd probably rather date them (if i end up deciding to write him as gay, then that'll be a matter of him coming to that conclusion abt himself bc, right now, i'm not 100% sure). He never came out to his family, with the exception of his younger sister and his cousin. He's also a little weary about getting into relationships, given that his only real relationship was pretty abusive. Min would like to trust someone like that again but it'll take some patience. (Sex, however, is not something he has any real qualms about.)
Min is autistic! (YES i'm writing another autistic muse this wasn't even planned bc most of my muses here were pre-existing muses ASDFGHGF) This was diagnosed when he was child. Growing up, he never really learned how to mask and, frankly, he still doesn't know how. However, he's developed a sort of hyperawareness of how other people might perceive him and is often far too conscious of the risk of saying things other people don't understand. It doesn't really help. He's also got OCD, although it's a specific subtype where his compulsions aren't motivated by the fear of any terrible consequences and instead by his own discomfort (and there is a name for this but I can't, for the life of me, remember it). This tends to manifest as a fixation on details like symmetry and order but also often as germaphobia, although this is a little milder.
Min has three sisters, two older and one younger. He is the only son is family. His older sisters are both a few years older than him and his sister is five years younger so there's a bit of a gap between him and the next sibling either way.
Actually drinks too much Coca Cola. This probably explains his stroppiness, as well as his awful sleeping patterns. I remember early on, I had this whole Cherry Coke aesthetic for him which is funny because he doesn’t even drink it. Just regular Coke. Not Coke Zero. DEFINITELY not Diet Coke. Only regular Coke. He hates Pepsi.
He’s not as adventurous as Tomo in general but he still likes to tag along with Tomo to parties and clubs most of the time. There’s never any pressure for him to go if he doesn’t want to. Min's not a big drinker and the drugs are only an every-now-and-again thing for him but he likes hanging out with Tomo. Despite his (not always intentional) aloof attitude towards most other people, he also doesn’t mind helping Tomo out when he’s drunk because he likes feeling reliable. Min’s used to being treated like an irresponsible child or like he’ll smash into a thousand pieces if he does something wrong so it’s almost liberating to look out for someone. (That said, it goes both ways -- Tomo has definitely punched a guy for bothering Min before.)
Min's early years aren't anything remarkable. He was the third child and only son of an ordinary couple, his father was a teacher and his mother a hairdresser. He was born and raised in London, where he would continue to live most of his life through until his 20s. He was raised in a Catholic family. They weren't especially religiously involved but he was baptised and he did the whole First Holy Communion and Confirmation thing. The works. He did attend a Catholic school (in the UK, this can be largely the same as any other public school, esp in terms of actual education and curriculum, just more...uh...Catholic and repressed) which did wonders for his emotional wellbeing as a closeted gay teenager...or not. Min himself is not religious at all.
From a young age, Min found himself drawn to performance. This love was first discovered in drama classes in Primary school. In Year 6 (equivalent of 5th Grade), he was cast as Gabriel in the school's Nativity play, wherein he got a solo song to himself. This sparked something in him and what he discovered was that he liked dancing best of all. He never dared to ask for dancing lessons, too embarrassed to admit he had an interest, but he would spend hours in his bedroom, teaching himself the basics. In Secondary school, he was able to continue taking roles in school plays, even if his roles were usually smaller. He'd had to beg his parents to let him take drama, instead of focusing solely on more academic pursuits, but he was never much of a theatre kid. He was never outgoing enough to land the big roles but he was happy enough to just have something about which he could feel passionate. His eldest sister, old enough to have some money put aside from her part-time job during Uni, eventually offered to pay for some dance classes; he didn't attend them that frequently, as he was relying on his sister having enough money, but he got a lot out of them.
His parents had wanted him to study something more academic at university, given that he was a clever child with good grades, but Min had since developed a very straight forward, narrow focus on the performing arts. For him, that was the only viable option. After a few arguments and the eventual intervention of his oldest sister, who'd insisted that Min was talented, his parents relented and allowed him to pursue a degree in dance.
Marking very little change from his experiences up until that point, Min struggled to make friends at Uni. Eventually, a compulsory group activity saw him swept into the fold of an established friend group and, although he did not feel he entirely fit in, for the first time he was among people not intent on judging him. He was able to make friends in the LGBT community and finally comes to terms with his own sexuality. It was around this time that Min really started putting effort into his looks; he'd finally found the freedom to be who he wanted. To be himself. At this point, he was still living at home. The changes were certainly noticed but, because he seemed to be doing well and because he seemed happier, nobody seemed to mind anymore.
However, it didn't take long for Min to buckle under the pressure. Barely into his second year of Uni, Min found himself struggling to cope; he'd decided to move out just before the academic year started, moving into a shitty little flat with a few friends, and he couldn't quite readjust to the changes. The social expectations of the course started to get too much and he lost focus. After repeatedly failing to show up to evaluations and flunking his assessments, he was asked to leave the course. The shame ate away at him; not only had he fucked everything up, he'd wasted his parents' money and made a fool of his sister for having any faith in him.
But that same sister was exactly the person to whom he turned. His student loans ran out quickly and he wasn't able to keep paying rent for the flat with his friends but his sister agreed to take him in for a short while, until he was ready to tell his parents the truth. It took him another month to finally come clean with them. To his shock, his mother was immediately understanding and took him under her wing as a trainee hairdresser. He'd later learn that his mum had already figured out what had happened because, despite her best efforts, his eldest sister wasn't very good at lying. His mother thought he might like to work alongside her because, after all, he seemed to be interested in fashion and style. It seemed she was right.
Min seemed to have a natural knack for hairstyling and quickly settled into his new career, finally accepting there were other things in life about which he could be passionate. He was able to get a job in another salon in the centre of London, somewhere a little more sleek and modern than his mother's place of work, and, having found a new place to stay with a mutual friend, he was finally thriving.
It was around this time that Min got into his first serious relationship, going exclusive with a former-classmate from Uni who was a few years older than him. This relationship was kept a very careful secret from Min's family but that only made it harder for him to recognise when the dynamic slipped into bullying. But, because Min had lived most of his life afraid of disappointing people, wracked by an overwhelming guilt that didn't seem to come from anywhere in particular and a hyperawareness of his inability to fit in with others, it wasn't easy for him to recognise what was happening. It was easy for him to assume he deserved it.
While his relationship continued to take a turn for the worse, Min found himself being given the opportunity to do hair for a fancy fashion event. It was at this event that he first met a dazzling young actor who'd come to London from Japan; Tomo Katsumura was unlike anybody Min had ever met. Free-spirited, full of spark, so unconcerned with what anybody else thought of him. They became fast friends, thanks to Tomo's natural ability to draw people in. It was bound to be a brief friendship as they'd have to part ways as soon as the event was over but it didn't take Tomo long to take a permanent mark on Min's life, showing him things he'd never seen before and dragging him to places to fancy for him to have ever visited himself.
"Your boyfriend fucking sucks," Tomo had said, just a few nights in, "Is he abusing you?" It had been such a blunt question that Min didn't know how to respond. He thought he ought to feel angry that this near-stranger would ask such an insensitive question. He could almost feel his skin burning. But, after a long silence, he finally said, "I really want to break up with him." Tomo shrugged. "Then do it," he had said, "I'll even come along for emotional support." It was the strangest thing a person Min had only known a week could have offered him. He didn't understand at all how quickly this man had managed to wriggle his way under his skin. But, for some reason, he trusted him. The break-up came the following night, in his boyfriend's flat. It had been nasty. Unpleasant. Cruel words exchanged. But it happened, and the whole thing somehow culminated in Tomo stepping in and punching Min's now-ex square in the nose, before grabbing Min by the wrist and escaping the flat, where Min started to laugh. And then he started to cry. So hard he ended up throwing up. But Tomo had been there the whole time, waiting at Min's side like a guardian angel.
And, then, when the two weeks of the event were up, Tomo went back to Japan, leaving Min with nothing but a promise that he'd try to stay in touch. That promise clearly proved hard to keep. For Min, everything suddenly went back to normal, save for the newfound absence of his shitty ex. And, suddenly, without the distraction of an awful relationship, Min started to see how bored he'd been. He loved his job and he loved London but his life felt stagnant.
Moving country was never an option Min had considered. It had never been something he wanted. Not until he'd met Tomo, who'd told him that moving abroad when his life felt all screwed up and changed everything. Besides, ever since that week, Min had grown hungry for adventure, seeing for real that was a whole world outside of his own bubble. When his older cousin, a writer who focuses on the weird and unexplained and had moved to Anchorage a few years before, comes to visit over the holidays, Min does not hesitate to ask take him back to Alaska with him. Ask. Beg. Whatever, it's all the same. Min doesn't really care about the destination, he just wants out of London. He wants a fresh start, away from everything that's starting to eat him alive. His cousin finally relents and agrees to take Min away with him. Min arrives in Anchorage during the late months of 2020, at the age of twenty-four.
Starting over wasn't immediately easy; he had to sit an exam to get a US-appropriate license before he could even think of getting a job but he'd had enough experience now to better cope with the changes in his life and earned his license with little trouble. He lands himself a job at Coyote Hair Salon and everything falls into place. Anchorage isn't too exciting most of the time but it's different than home and, to be honest, it's strange enough for it to feel like an adventure. Maybe he should be careful what he's wishing for.
Shortly after getting back to work, Min was also inspired to reignite his passion for dance. He signs for adult dance classes at a studio in town and, although they aren't at quite the level of polish one might expect from a good school in London, the energy is less intense. Less competitive. Dance becomes a way for him to destress.
Then, come early 2022, a very unexpected customer walks through the doors, asking for a stylist willing to help him fix a shitty self-inflicted hair dye job. Min looks up and sees none other than Tomo fucking Katsumura. (It later turns out that this isn't the wild coincidence it seems like and it's partly Min's fault that this is where Tomo has turned up. During their time in London together, Min had mentioned his cousin and commented that Anchorage seemed like the kind of place you'd go to run away from something, a place for hiding. Apparently, this stuck with Tomo long enough that it was the first place he thought of when deciding to 'escape' Los Angeles.)
(also sidenote YES this is another muse with a dance background but min was originally written as tomo's popstar best friend in another plot and i wanted to keep SOME element of that. min's main skill as a popstar was dance so it made the most sense to keep that specifically. also i think dancers are cool. min's biggest obstacle in his original plotline was an abusive record label so i guess i condensed that into his ex. i kept these references vague bc i didn't want to be too unpleasant about it but i think a lack of control, at some point in min's life, is integral to his characterisation.)
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purpleducky · 2 years
Yes I know I said attorney Jung is fine. I didn't want to utter the c word. He is okay and he will be. They all will be. Fine even Minwoo, that asshole.
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jaegerbroshoe · 2 years
1) First off, can I just say how much I freaking LOVE the communication between Youngwoo and Junho??? Youngwoo not being afraid to take the first step once she sorts out her thoughts or asking for guidance regarding things she doesn’t know (like during the kissing scene) is incredibly refreshing. And the way Junho goes along with it even if it’s awkward or embarrassing… Their maturity is what makes their relationship so healthy compared to pretty much every other pairing I can recall seeing in media. I need to see more of this type of representation.
2) Youngwoo researching date ideas and the hand-holding scene were so cute!!! I like how they’re showing the unconventional side to their relationship, as it’s challenging society’s idea of what a relationship “should” be like. Also, I really love how respectful Junho is. He doesn’t pressure Youngwoo into anything. Once he offers up an idea and she indicates no, he backs off, like with the hand-holding and the kiss.
Remember everyone, consent is sexy.
3) I’m sad about Suyeon and the owner of the restaurant not working out. I don’t know if that’s his real personality cause he never came off that way, but it felt more like he was just nervous?? Oh well, I guess.
I was so worried the guy at the club would turn out to be Minwoo, but thankfully he wasn’t. Nevertheless, I’m still worried they’re gonna push for them to get together since she’s still single.
4) This case was really complex and emotional. I cried at the end when the girl broke down at the verdict. It’s so heartbreaking seeing someone trying to communicate, but not being able to. Her mom especially was a total bitch, manipulating her thoughts, and then abusing Youngwoo.
Like I get it, being a family member of someone who has a mental development delay myself, it’s terrifying to think of them getting taking advantage of. But she still had no right to yell at Youngwoo that way (that scene broke my heart), or force her own thoughts onto her daughter, who was clearly terrified of her. Speaking of which, I got the feeling her scratching her hand once she got home after she had sex was her being worried about her mother’s reaction and/or her experiencing a sensory overload.
Also, regarding the bullshit the mom was saying, Youngwoo is way more qualified to talk about autism in general than she is. Yes, it’s a spectrum, but she still has more in common with someone else on the spectrum than a neurotypical person does.
Lastly, I know it’s realistic, but I just hate how so many of the clients take out their anger on Youngwoo only simply because they don’t respect her and because they know she can’t retaliate due to her diagnosis. They don’t even care when they trigger her. They wouldn’t treat other attorneys like that.
5) Junho really needs better friends (when I saw that bitch from the other episode, I screamed).
I’m glad he did end up telling them off in a way. That “sympathy” asshole was so disgusting in particular (he basically admitted to taking advantage of that person).
Again, while realistic, I feel bad for Junho and Youngwoo because they’ll have to deal with ableists making assumptions about their relationship forever...
Junho not being afraid to introduce Youngwoo as his girlfriend though👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼.
6) Why, oh why, is fucking Minwoo digging his nose into other people’s business??? He really never learns, does he. Like, he’s really trying to drag Youngwoo down by any means. He’s so fucking pathetic, he will never be redeemed in my eyes. Because even after being called out multiple times, he still chooses to be an ableist dickbag.
7) Taesumi has some fucking gall, she’s such a fucking bitch. Youngwoo’s dad had every right to be livid.
I just hope he won’t actually do as she said without Youngwoo’s consent (based on his reaction, I don’t think so but you never know what the writers decided). In the first place, I don’t think Youngwoo would want to go since moving would be a big change for her and she already has everyone she cares about around her.
Also, what “treatments” was this bitch talking about? Autism isn’t something you “cure”.
8) To end off, the kissing scene!!! I loved how the kiss wasn’t perfect from the get-go and going back to their communication, how Youngwoo wasn’t afraid to ask for guidance and how Junho wasn’t afraid to explain. They are so fucking adorable, I can’t stop smiling whenever I see them on screen together.
P.S. When Junho answered that yes, he’ll keep loving Youngwoo despite knowing about all the hardships in their way, I COLLAPSED.
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mothernatureknows · 10 months
Minwoo stepped out onto the porch, holding out a frozen treat towards Luna before sitting down next to her in the shade. Of course when the sun was shining and the warmth was waking, their nieces quite enjoyed playing in their sprinkler, and insisted that uncle and auntie join to watch their impromptu water ballets. He didn’t mind the warmth, but on this particular afternoon he had been lifting his hand a little more often in attempts to stimulate some sort of breeze. 
Oh God, this heat.
Luna can’t even begin to describe the amount of hate she harbors for summer and the annoying tendency the sun has to explode with aggravating heat. As a child, it was just an extended period of time spent with horrific people on the daily, with hardly any respite from them. Summer was the pinnacle of pain she had to endure, counting down the days until the cold would seep back into her backyard.
As an adult, thankfully, she doesn’t have to deal with any of that abuse or hatred geared towards her. She’s finally in a content space with not-horrible people, so that’s in her favor. Still, she can't help but mope and whine when the temperature starts going up without her permission. Not accidentally, she has regularly caused this part of town to be slightly cooler to compensate.
But, as is her bad luck, she's a bit tuckered out today to generate that much power, so she'll just have to suffer in the shade until sundown. She prepared enough, though. For the curious eye, one can see that she's got sunglasses and a thick, invisible layer of sunscreen on, along with a heavy ice-pack in her lap, almost exploding with ice.
"Fucking hell, when is it gonna be winter again?" she murmurs to herself, out of earshot of her nieces playing in the sprinkler. "I just wanna drown in snow..."
Her vision gets clouded by a small pint of ice cream, blue eyes blinking several times before gratefully accepting the cold treat.
"Just what I needed," she thanks him, rapidly digging in. Her throat hums in satisfaction as the rum-flavored ice cream trickles down. Luna might not be as alcohol-happy as she used to be, but, damn, she can't turn down something so deliciously flavored, obviously.
"Aunt Lunee, watch me!" a chirpy voice says. Luna turns her gaze to see Penelope do a little jump by the sprinkler, squealing in delight. Penelope then proceeds to chase Amelia through the water, almost slipping in the mud puddles created by their feet.
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"Nice work, Penny! But you and Amy be careful of not slipping!" Luna replies, a warm smile on her face as she downs more ice cream. As always, her de facto nieces never fail to bring a form of happiness that's rare in Luna, making her momentarily forget her former woes.
Well, they weren't the only ones that did that.
She slides her gaze to another one that causes that same reaction, if not more, noticing his difficulty in achieving any sort of cooling down. Hmm, should she give him her ice pack? It was a couple pounds and kinda heavy, would probably only give him ice burn on his stomach. She could use some of her ice abilities, maybe blow a couple snowflakes his way, but would she actually risk exposing herself like that?
Before realizing, she slides over and sits shoulder to shoulder with him, subconsciously reducing her body temperature to a solid 17 C. This was the better option, right? Totally not a reason to be closer, nor to get a better look at his cute moles.
Wait, what?
"Figured you needed a cool down, my body's always freezing," she shrugs, already feeling his warmth seeping into her. "By the way, excellent ice cream choice. How did you know that this was my favorite flavor?"
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aylinaliens · 2 years
The way they started the episode off with stage 3 c-word and kept repeating about myung-seok's d*ath in like literally the 1st 5 mins
And how minwoo was acting ableist in front of both suyeon and junho, but he's supposed to be portrayed as sweet bc he did the bare minimum of stopping her from chugging a bug?? No bc I was literally waiting for suyeon and junho to jump his ass
The writing this episode, like what was all thatttt ??😐😩
i want to know who hurt writernim. like. something must have to made them think this was a good idea. the way atty. jung was like ‘i have stage three c word 😐 yeah. okay. i’ll get the surgery i guess 🤷🏻‍♂️’ is so ??? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF WHY ARE YOU SO NONCHALANT??
the fact that he was this 🤏 close to saying the most vile ableist things out there…IN FRONT OF SUYEON AND JUNHO!! with his full chest too! no one cares that he does one act of kindness. we want him to stop being a dumpster fire who feels so threatened and insecure and tiny that he constantly make those comments. his whole ‘forget about her’ did not come a place of a friend trying to help out. you know he felt secretly glad that junho was dumped. i think he only shut his mouth when he realized the death glares he was receiving. he has done nothing to deserve redemption let alone did he do anything to deserve suyeon. speaking of suyeon…you can’t control your heart but girlie can absolutely make the conscious decision to not date minwoo. she is not blind to his ableist comments!! or general trashy-ness.
what did they do? write a rough draft for the script and decide to not edit it? to think these plot lines and things through??
everyone @ writernim these past two episodes:
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nahee-dolove · 2 years
Do I really want to watch this episode? From what I've seen Minwoo is acting like a right c u next Tuesday.
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svtroy · 2 years
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[A… is for]: "at my mom's house right now-" *RYUSANG KEEP QUIET!*
[B… is for]: "be the sun? i am the sun."
[C… is for]: "CARATDEUUUUULLLL!!!"
[D… is for]: "don't message your ex, pLEASE DON'T DO IT PLEASE."
[E… is for]: "everyone let's be serious." *silence* "the reason why humans have two butts-"
[F… is for]: "friends, it's time i own up to my wrongdoings." *WN: this will take a while.*
[G… is for]: "got it got it got it. okay got it! got it."
[H… is for]: "HOSHI-YA! WAIT FOR ME, JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED! WAIT FOR ME OKAY!?" (going seventeen: don't lie II #1)
[I… is for]: "i went fishing with my uncle, we sat right on the shore. so while i was putting my fishing rod together, i kept the fish bait in my back pocket, like it hung out my pocket." *SC: no way-* "next thing i knew, i was drowning."
[J… is for]: "jeonghan-hyung laughs like my uncle." *VN: do you ever stop talking about your uncle?*
[K… is for]: "kill him." (going seventeen: don't lie II #1)
[L… is for]: "love me or die."
[M… is for]: *interviewer: what is your favorite thing about being an idol?* "money."
[N… is for]: "NEWWW ZEALAAAAAND!!!"
[O… is for]: "okay i stoped caring. NEXT-" (going seventeen: ad-lib : seventeen's got talent #1)
[P… is for]: "pi cheolin is the real capitalist of our society."
[Q… is for]: "..question-" *DK: okay moving on."
[T… is for]: "the soju pro has arrived."
[U… is for]: "uncle minwoo, how are you!? ^^" (in the midst of a gose episode)
[V… is for]: "vengeance will be mine."
[W… is for]: "what is your business here?"
[X… is for]: "XOXO ooooooooou~" (singing xoxo -somi)
[Y… is for]: "yes yes! yes yes joshuji-"
[Z… is for]: *JH: what sound does a zebra make?* "…ZZZZ"
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solplparty · 2 years
CHUNG HA 청하 'Sparkling' Choreography Video https://youtu.be/zEOrZp3JcVc CHUNG HA ‘Sparkling’ Choreography Video 청하 '스파클링' 안무 영상 Stream/ Download 'Sparkling' : https://ffm.to/chungha_barerare_pt1 Subscribe CHUNG HA : https://www.youtube.com/c/CHUNGHA_OFFICIAL?sub_confirmation=1 CHUNG HA The 2nd Studio Album [ Bare&Rare Pt.1 ] ‘Sparkling’ “You make me sparkle, I’ll be your sparkle” is like the relationship between Byulharang and me, shining on each other. As much as you’ve been waiting, let’s enjoy the ever more sparkling summer together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! "You make me sparkle, I'll be your sparkle" 서로를 비춰주는 별하랑과 저의 관계 같아요~ 오래 기다려 주신 만큼 더욱더 반짝반짝한 여름 함께 보내요 진심으로 늘 고맙습니다! This fetching piece features sound like a refreshing soda pop, with its identity of hyper-vibe on top of a fast BPM around 160. Like the first sip of an ice cold drink on a hot summer day, the song expresses the clear and cool feeling of a cold and tangy pop. The fast mood could easily seem as light but by capturing the fast mood with Chung Ha’s strong voice, this cool and sparkle track was completed. The arpeggio of the analog synthesizer achieves harmony with the retro but trendy drumline, and by adding in the electric guitar, the chorus also realizes a tough but witty rich sound. And Chung Ha’s chameleonic changes in emotions corresponding with the lyrics can be a key point of this song. Like the lyrics, “You make me sparkle”, “I’ll be your sparkle”, Chung Ha’s ‘Sparkling’ will glitter up our summer moments. 160대의 빠른 BPM 위에 하이퍼 바이브를 아이덴티티로, 탄산처럼 시원한 사운드가 매력��인 곡이다. 무더운 여름날 시원한 음료를 마시는 첫 모금처럼, 차갑고 알싸하게 톡 쏘는 청량한 감성을 표현했다. 또 자칫 가볍게 느껴질 수 있는 빠른 무드를 청하의 단단한 보컬이 잡아주어 쿨하면서도 Sparkle 한 트랙을 완성했다. 아날로그 신디사이저의 아르페지오가 레트로하면서도 트렌디한 드럼라인과 조화를 이루며, 코러스 역시 일렉 기타를 가미해 터프하면서도 재치 있는 다채로운 사운드를 구현했다. 또 노랫말에 맞게 카멜레온처럼 바뀌는 청하의 감성과 감정 표현도 이 곡의 Key point가 될 수 있다. "네가 나를 반짝거리게 해", "내가 너의 빛이 될게"라는 Sparkling의 가사처럼, 청하의 ‘Sparkling’은 우리들의 여름 그 순간순간을 반짝반짝 빛나게 장식한다. [ CHUNG HA 'Sparkling' Credits ] Lyrics by BXN, CHUNG HA Composed by BXN, Prime Time Arranged by BXN Drums Performed by Hangsuk Jwa EP Performed by Gilbeom Lee Guitar Performed by Moohyuk Byun Background Vocals by Ashley Alisha, CHUNG HA Vocal Directed by BXN, Fuxxy Recorded by Jung Eunkyeng @ Ingrid Studio Digital Editing by Jung Eunkyeng, Yang Yung Eun @ Ingrid Studio Mixed by DRK (Assist. Kim Junsang, Ji Minwoo) @ Koko Sound Studio Mastered by Kwon Nam Woo @ 821 Sound Mastering [ CHUNG HA 'Sparkling' Official MV Credits ] PRODUCTION : STUDIO SACCHARIN DIRECTOR : KWON YONG SOO ASST.DIRECTOR : YOU WON SIK, SON SEO YOUNG DOP : IHM CHI HOON GAFFER : KWON HOON HO ART DIRECTOR : PARK CHUL YOUNG JIMMY JIB : LEE DONG JIN (MOTION) SPECIAL EFFECTS : PARK CHUL YOUNG (DRAGON) DI : LUCID COLOUR COLORIST : KWAK HAE WON DI PRODUCER : KIM ONEW VFX : YANG SI WOOK, PARK KUN WOO, JO MIN JOO JACKET PHOTOGRAPHY : YOON JI YONG SPARKLING PHOTOGRAPHY : CHOI EUN MI (Assist. CHO SEUNG HAN, KIM YEO EUN, LEE JI WON) VISUAL DIRECTION & DESIGN : LAUNDRYOFFICE PUBLICITY PROMOTION : HNS HQ MANUFACTURE : YEIN ART [CHOREOGRAPHER] LACHICA (RIAN, GABEE, SIMEEZ) [DANCER] KIM SEO JUNG (Feelion), CHOI JU YEON (Sara), SONG HYE MIN (Hexxy), JUNG HAE IN (Haeinyss), YOON JI EUN (CAPTAINZIZI), LEE DA SOL (SOLTUFF), CHO HAN SAEM (ASHA), JOH SU HYUN (Jenasha) EXECUTIVE PRODUCER : LIM JI MOON, LEE JOO SEOB PRODUCER : CHUNG HA ARTIST MANAGER : YOO HA YOUNG A&R DIRECTOR : KIM YEON JEONG MEDIA PROMOTION MANAGEMENT : YUN JE YUN PROJECT DIRECTOR : LEE SEONG YONG PROJECT MANAGER : HAN MIN JUNG MARKETING DIRECTOR : SEO JI WON VISUAL PRODUCTION : LEE SE RIN, EOM TAE JUN, PARK MI RAE, YOO MIN JI HAIR : KIM EUN JIN (Assist. KIM MI SEON) MAKE-UP : JEONG EUN WOO STYLIST : PARK SU KYUNG VOCAL DIRECTOR : Fuxxy PERFORMANCE DIRECTOR : RIAN [ MNH ENTERTAINMENT CREW ] EXECUTIVE PRODUCER : LIM JI MOON, LEE JOO SEOB MEDIA PROMOTION MANAGEMENT : YUN JE YUN ARTIST MANAGER : YU HA YEONG, NO EON JUN PRODUCTION : HWANG MI AE A&R DIRECTOR : KIM YEON JUNG MARKETING DIRECTOR : SEO JI WON VISUAL PRODUCTION : LEE SE RIN, PARK MI RAE, YOO MIN JI FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT : KIM NA RI ADVERTISING PROMOTION DIRECTOR : OH JI HO ⓒ MNH ENTERTAINMENT Inc. All Rights Reserved #청하 #Sparkling #안무영상 #CHUNGHA #Choreography CHUNG HA Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/CHUNGHA_OFFICIAL CHUNG HA Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/CHUNGHA_official/ CHUNG HA Twitter - https://twitter.com/CHUNGHA_MNHent CHUNG HA FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/ChungHa.MNHent CHUNG HA Fan Cafe - http://cafe.daum.net/MNH-Chungha CHUNG HA_Official
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your--isgayrights · 3 years
Oh my god I forgot how much I hate the orv manhwa illustrator... honey just say you're racist and go stop making me look at panels where the only people who don't have completely alabaster skin are minor antagonists.
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zhanghaos-hairclips · 4 years
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My ult group, everyone
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