#c: karno
cecils-dragons · 3 months
Round 1: Lun vs. Karno
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The winner and runner-up of the last Ever Autumn Dad bracket. Lun the monster hunter vesus Mayor Karno.
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yuunemi · 1 year
Miss Me, Miss Me, Now You Gotta Kiss Me
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LIBRARIAN'S NOTE/S : an entry for the Voltage Fandom Content Creation Challenge hosted by @voltagefandomproject. I sincerely apologize for posting very late. this is written in 2nd pov and I apologize in advance for grammatical errors and if some characterizations are off since all insights are based on ms1 stories, snippets, and other fanfics/thoughts from others. if other LIs are not here then that means I am too uncertain about their personality. other than that, enjoyy~~
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Wherein MC impulsively sings “Miss me, miss me, now you gotta ki—” once he returned home after a long trip but you stop yourself from finishing it upon realizing what the next words were. Your face flushed red from the embarrassment. (This can also apply if you just start singing it out in the blue).
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1. He will tease you and say "Now I gotta what?" He knows full well what the next words are, and he will not stop teasing you about it, not until you say the next words
Miyabi, KYOGA, Ayato Hidaka, Ichiya Misono, KYOHEI RIKUDOH, Nagito Aoshima, Eisuke Ichinomiya, Ota Kisaki, MITSUNARI BABA, Leon, Teorus, ICHYTHYS, Tauxolouve, Yosuke Sagara, SHUN RANDOH, Yuma Akagi, TAKAMASA SAEKI, FENN LUXURE, Roy Invidia, and Jasper Lane
No doubt that they would tease you to death, you missed him and he knows it
It is an ego boost for them
I put Leon in both 1 and 2 knowing that he would possibly do it in that order, like you say it > he kisses you > he says number 2
Saeki might even go "Awww, my honey missed meee~~"
I personally think that Fenn would be the biggest tease among everyone. He finds it so amusing that he'll laugh and he won't even try to hide it.
Roy and Jasper will feign cluelessness while teasing you into saying it
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2. Much like number one but instead of waiting for you to say it, he will just kiss you and then say "If you wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask" bro will be smirking at you
Shinra, HIROKI ENIWA, IORI ENJO, Kota Igarashi, EISUKE ICHINOMIYA, Mamoru Kishi, Leon, Scorpio, PARTHENO, Kiyohito Shirakami, Yamato Kougami, and GUY AVARI
I put Eisuke in both numbers knowing that it is possible because I feel like he would do 1 and 2 in that order
Shinra, Kota, and Kiyohito might even blush about it, especially Shinra who would act cocky about it all the while he is blushing
You know Hiroki's princely-like pose where he raises his head with a subtle smirk, that's what he would look like while saying it
Okay, Kota is not the type to smirk but like do his expression where he puts his hand over his face and blush
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3. He knows what the next words are, he is amused. He found it cute and kissed you
Chikage, SAMON, MAKOTO MORIMACHI, Ryo Chibana, Soryu Oh, HUEDHAUT, Dui, KARNO, Zyglavis, Taki Kozaki, Takao Maruyama, Kenshi Inagaki, Toa Qelsum, TINO VALENTINE, and Lou
Samon, Makoto, and Karno would probably even pat your head after giving you the kiss
You know the soft doting look that Makoto has, yes that's what he would look like
Tino might even blush about it and I think that he probably chose to stay quiet so as to not embarrass you any further because he is considerate like that
Huedhaut and Lou would definitely chuckle at your behavior
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4. "Yeah? Now I gotta what?" He is genuinely clueless, so you gotta tell him and finish the sentence if you really want that kiss
Chikage, Yukinojo, Takamune Kitami, RIKU MORIMACHI, Takashi Ninagawa, Soryu Oh, Rhion Hatter, AIGONORUS, Yonghua, REN SHIBASAKI, LYNT AKEDIA, Toa Qelsum, and Grayson Hotz
Chikage, Soryu, and Toa are literally so similar because of how cool and distant they are. Moreover, knowing these three, I feel like they are in between 3 and 4 because those three are also like so smart, no shot, they are unaware, but they're quite dense sometimes so-
Riku, Aigonorus, and Lynt are quite the airheads so you literally have to spell it out to them, but I wouldn't put it past Riku to feign cluelessness just to tease you
In the case, that Soryu is in a good and he knows what the next words are but you aren't saying them then he will probably say, "You might wanna say it unless you want me to misunderstand and think I want to kill you." but we all know that he wouldn't do that because he even refuses to point a gun at a woman. He is respectful and principled like that
Nah cause even though half of these men are smart-asses, you sometimes just have to spell it out because of how absorbed they can get from their passions; like Takamune with soccer, Takashi with music, etc.
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5. Another one who is genuinely clueless but will still kiss you nonetheless because they missed you too
Yukinojo, Rhion Hatter, KRIOFF, and RIO VOLERI
Okay, so I put Yukinojo here as well cause I really feel like he might be clueless but whether he'd push you to say it or not is something I'm not sure cause he does not seem to be the forceful type either and would be the type to think/reason "If you wanted to tell me, you would, but if you didn't then you must have your reasons".
For Rhion, same reason as Yukinojo, but I think he also leans more toward the curious type. Depending on the topic, he might press for answers, but he doesn't seem that pushy either.
Krioff is a gentleman, and I don't think he would push you to say it either unless he senses something amiss or bad about it.
Rio would definitely let out a hearty laugh since he sees you lightly blushing. He'll say, "Hahaha! Whatever that is, you're right, I missed you." or somewhere along those lines before kissing you.
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6. "Ha? You're only saying that because you're the one who misses me." He missed you but won't admit it
Okay, hear me out, I put this specifically for them because of how Tsundere they can get. (Again, this is all according to what I've observed from them, and I haven't read Knight's route yet, but he literally gives me Tsun-Tsun vibes).
There is no way that those two are not blushing while or after saying that
Mention that he is blushing, and he will blush twice as much
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geraljoga · 4 months
Guia da Copa da Ásia 2023
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A Copa da Ásia se aproxima e o Geral Joga preparou um guia completo sobre a competição que terá o Catar como país-sede
O torneio mais importante de futebol entre as seleções da Ásia, organizado pela AFC, terá sua 18ª edição no Catar, de 12 de janeiro a 10 de fevereiro de 2024. A China era o país-sede original, mas teve que renunciar por causa de uma epidemia de COVID-19. A AFC confirmou a mudança de sede em 17 de outubro de 2022. O torneio não pôde ser realizado no verão, por causa do calor intenso no Golfo Pérsico e da presença do Catar na Copa Ouro da CONCACAF de 2023. Por isso, foi adiado para o início de 2024.
Na fase de grupos, as 24 seleções são divididas em seis grupos de quatro equipes cada, que jogam entre si em turno único. As duas primeiras colocadas de cada grupo e as quatro melhores terceiras colocadas avançam para as Oitavas de Final e assim vão se eliminando até chegar à grande final que será disputada no Lusail Stadium, o mesmo da final da Copa do Mundo de 2022.
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Todos os participantes da Copa da Ásia 2023
Os Grupos da Copa da Ásia 2023 foram sorteados em Maio do ano passado, O sorteio aconteceu em Doha, capital do Catar, onde será realizado o torneio. O país aproveitará parte da estrutura usada para sediar a Copa do Mundo 2022. Confira abaixo os grupos da Copa da Ásia 2023:
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O Catar, é o país-sede e busca defender o título da Copa da Ásia em seus domínios Grupo A: - Catar - China - Tajiquistão - Líbano
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A Seleção Australiana é a principal favorita no Grupo B da competição Grupo B: - Austrália - Uzbequistão - Síria - India
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A seleção do Irã tem Mehdi Taremi como principal nome em sua convocação Grupo C: - Irã - Emirados Árabes Unidos - Hong Kong - Palestina
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O Japão é o grande favorito à vencer a competição, a seleção japonesa vive grande fase e terá Takefusa Kubo e Mitoma nesta Copa da Ásia Grupo D: - Japão - Indonésia - Iraque - Vietnã
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A Coréia do Sul também é uma das favoritas para a competição, a seleção sul-coreana contará com Son Heung-min  Grupo E: - Coréia do Sul - Malásia - Jordânia - Bahrein
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Com o grande investimento recente, talvez a Arábia Saudita seja uma das seleções com mais visibilidade. Os sauditas contrataram Roberto Mancini, ex-técnico da Seleção Italiana para comandar neste novo ciclo. Grupo F: - Arábia Saudita - Tailândia - Quirguistão - Omã
A Copa da Ásia 2023 será sediada no Catar e a grande maioria dos estádios da competição foram utilizados na Copa do Mundo em 2022. Confira os principais estádios que sediarão a Copa da Ásia 2023: Lusail Stadium Com capacidade para 88.000 pessoas, o Estádio Lusail refletirá o desejo do Catar e seu entusiasmo por mostrar a Ásia Ocidental ao mundo. É o principal estádio do país e foi sede da final da Copa do Mundo entre Argentina e França.
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Lusail Stadium O Estádio Lusail, que foi palco da decisão da Copa do Mundo FIFA Qatar 2022, receberá novamente a atenção ao abrir o Grupo A com o jogo entre os campeões Qatar e Líbano na sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2024. O Lusail também será o cenário da final da Copa da Ásia Qatar 2023™ no sábado, 10 de fevereiro de 2024. O Estádio Lusail, com 88.000 lugares, entrará para a história da Copa da Ásia da AFC como um dos maiores estádios do torneio, superado apenas pelo Estádio Aryamehr de Teerã, que comportou 100.000 torcedores na final de 1976 entre a República Islâmica do Irã e o Kuwait, e pelo Estádio Gelora Bung Karno, que acomodou 88.083 pessoas em Jacarta e sediou sete jogos em 2007. Capacidade: 88.000 Local: Doha Jogos: Primeiro jogo do grupo (incluindo a cerimônia de abertura), Final Khalifa International Stadium O Khalifa International Stadium é considerado o Estádio Nacional da seleção catarense e já sediou a final da Copa da Ásia em 2011.
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Khalifa International Stadium Com uma festa de reinauguração incrível e a final da Copa Amir, o Qatar celebrou em maio de 2017 o retorno do seu estádio mais querido. Antes dos jogos da Copa do Mundo FIFA Qatar 2022, o estádio sediou os jogos da Copa do Golfo e do Mundial de Clubes da FIFA, bem como o Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo da IAAF. A Aspire Zone Foundation, uma das envolvidas no Comitê Supremo para a Entrega e Legado, entregou o novo Estádio Internacional Khalifa. Situado no meio de todas as sedes de 2023, o estádio terá um papel essencial neste torneio, que será a competição internacional de futebol mais conectada de todos os tempos, graças à sua geografia singular e aos seus sistemas de transporte modernos. Capacidade: 45.857 Local: Al Rayyan Jogos: 5 jogos do grupo, 1 Rodada de 16 Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium Em 18 de dezembro de 2020, a entrada para o deserto se abriu para o mundo com uma inauguração incrível que teve a final da Copa Amir.
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Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium O Estádio Ahmad Bin Ali fica no Al Rayyan, uma região famosa por sua paixão pelas tradições e pela cultura local, além de seu time de futebol muito querido, o Al Rayyan Sports Club. A comunidade daqui é muito unida e apoia a equipe com fervor. Feito principalmente com material reaproveitado de um estádio antigo, ele recebeu os jogos da Copa do Mundo FIFA 2022 até as quartas de final. Capacidade: 45.032 Local: Al Rayyan Jogos: 4 jogos do grupo, 1 Rodada de 16, 1 Quartas-de-final, 1 Semifinal
Onde Assistir
A transmissão da Copa da Ásia para a América do Sul, especificamente para o Brasil, será apenas pelo Star+ segundo o site oficial da Copa da Ásia (The AFC (the-afc.com)).
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Copa da Ásia 2023 será transmitida pelo Star+ para a América do Sul
Confira as odds para o mercado de vencedor final da Copa da Ásia 2023 na Sambabet, nossa casa de apostas parceiras.
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Veja as odds para a Copa da Ásia 2023 Leia Mais: Imposto sobre apostas pode gerar R$ 5 bi para o Brasil. (jogabrasil.com) Copinha 2024: destaques, onde assistir e grupos. (geraljoga.com) 75% das equipes da elite tem patrocínio de casas de apostas. (geraljoga.com) Read the full article
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baliportalnews · 8 months
Putri Koster Sosialisasikan Pembangunan Pusat Kebudayaan Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Ketua TP PKK Provinsi Bali, Ny. Putri Koster menjadi narasumber pada Dialog Interaktif di dua radio sekaligus di Kabupaten Buleleng, dengan tema “44 Tonggak Peradaban Penanda Bali Era Baru” dengan sub tema Kawasan Pusat Kebudayaan Bali pada Senin (21/8/2023). Dalam kesempatan pagi itu, Ny. Putri Koster mengajak dua narasumber yaitu Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS, Koordinator Kelompok Ahli Pembangunan Pemerintah Provinsi Bali, dan Dr. Eng. Ir. Wayan Kastawan, S.T., MA Kelompok Ahli Pembangunan Pemerintah Provinsi Bali Bidang Infrastruktur, bertempat di RRI Singaraja dan Radio Nuansa Giri, Singaraja. Wanita yang akrab disapa Bunda Putri itu pun mengatakan, bahwa menjelang berakhirnya masa kepemimpinan Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster pada 5 September mendatang tidak menyurutkannya sebagai Ketua TP PKK Provinsi Bali dalam mensosialisasikan program-program kerja Gubernur Bali. “TP PKK mempunyai dua program kerja yaitu sosialisasi dan aksi sosial, nah ini saya datang ke sini untuk mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat apa saja yang telah dilakukan pemerintah selama lima tahun ini,” tuturnya. Ia pun meyakini jika masyarakat sudah benar-benar mengetahui program pemerintah dengan baik, maka masyarakat bisa mempersiapkan diri untuk berpartisipasi dalam program pembangunan. “Pemerintah merancang program dan kebijakan juga menimbang kebutuhan masyarakat. Begitu juga dengan pembangunan Pusat Kebudayaan Bali, tentu saja sebagai wadah bagi masyarakat kita dalam mengekspresikan diri. Nanti sekian banyak seniman, pengerajin dan masyarakat yang bisa memanfaatkan tempat tersebut,” tuturnya. Lebih jauh, Bunda Putri juga mengatakan, jika Pusat Kebudayaan Bali ke depan biasa menjadi daya tarik wisata dan pusat perekonomian baru di Bali, sehingga pembangunan di Bali bisa seimbang. “Saya juga ingin nanti akan dibangun kawasan khusus bagi saudara-saudara kita yang difabel untuk mereka mengembangkan diri. Jadi bagi mereka yang pintar melukis, atau spa bisa diberdayakan dengan taraf bintang lima tentunya,” tutupnya seraya mengatakan, bahwa keberadaan Pusat Kebudayaan Bali bukan untuk memindahkan aktivitas kebudayaan ke sana, namun tepatnya sebagai wadah agar masyarakat bisa mengekspresikan diri di sana. Sementara itu, Prof. Made Damriyasa menyampaikan, bahwa dalam kepemimpinan Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster dengan visi Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali telah banyak melahirkan infrastruktur, salah satu karya monumental yaitu Pusat Kebudayaan Bali (PKB). “Bahkan PKB sendiri mendapat apresiasi dari Bappenas karen satu-satunya penggunaan dana PEN yang benar-benar untuk investasi, di saat daerah lain untuk membantu penanganan Covid-19,” jelasnya. Bahkan ia menambahkan, saat ini investasi PKB nilainya sudah berkali lipat. Hal itu terbukti saat kunjungan BAPPENAS terakhir, dan diapprasial nilainya naik menjadi Rp5 triliun dari yang awalnya Rp1,5 triliun bantuan dana PEN. Dr. Wayan Kastawan, Kelompok Ahli Pembangunan Pemerintah Provinsi Bali Bidang Infrastruktur menyatakan, bahwa pembangunan PKB merupakan langkah brilian dan luar biasa. Karena mengubah lahan tidak produktif bekas galian C menjadi infrastruktur yang bernilai investasi sangat tinggi. Kawasan Pusat Kebudayaan Bali akan memiliki tiga zona, yakni zona inti, zona penunjang dan zona penyangga. Pada zona inti akan berisi 15 Fasilitas Pentas Seni Tradisi dan Seni Modern; 12 Museum Tematik; Auditorium Bung Karno; Desa Difable; Bali International Convention Center; Bali Exhibition Center; Pusat Promosi Ekspor; Fasilitas Pariwisata; Pelabuhan Marina; dan Taman Rekreasi Ekologis. “Termasuk panggung terbuka utama dengan kapasitas 15.000 orang. Ada pula panggung terbuka madya dengan kapasitas 4.000 orang dan panggung terbuka lain untuk kapasitas 3.000 sampai 3.500 orang, serta 12 Museum Tematik juga akan dibangun di Zona Inti,” katanya. Di zona penunjang ada areal untuk hotel, apartemen, dan fasilitas usaha pariwisata. Sedangkan zona penyangga memiliki hutan dan taman ekologis tematik seluas kurang lebih 70-90 hektare. “Nilai-nilai kearifan lokal Sad Kerthi yaitu enam sumber utama kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan kehidupan manusia benar-benar diimplementasikan di sana,” tutupnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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anovsblog · 8 months
21 Agustus 2023, 16.30 WITA
Profil Penulis
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Nama : Amanda Novianto
Nim : 20652071
Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Samarinda
Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis
Program Studi Manajemen Pemasaran
Semester 7 (C)
Pembahasan : Mengenal politikus muda dan Elektabilitas artis muda yang terjun dalam dunia politik
1. Politikus muda
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Biografi :
Tsamara lahir di Jakarta pada 24 Juni 1996. Dia merupakan anak dari seorang pengusaha tambang bernama Muhammad Abdurachman Alatas.
Dia menempuh pendidikan sarjana (S1) bidang Ilmu Komunikasi di Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta, pada 2018.
Menjelang pemilihan umum (Pemilu) 2019, Tsamara bergabung dengan PSI dan didapuk menjadi Juru Bicara pasangan Calon Presiden dan Calon Wakil Presiden Joko Widodo -KH. Ma'ruf Amin.
Tsamara pernah menikah dengan seorang jurnalis bernama Ismeth Alatas pada 2015. Namun, rumah tangga mereka kandas dua tahun kemudian.
Dua tahun setelah bercerai, Tsamara kemudian menikah dengan seorang akademisi dari Universitas New York bernama Ismail Fajrie Alatas.
Kiprah Profesional Tsamara Amany
Pernah magang di balai kota bersama pak ahok saat menjabat sebagai gubernur DKI Jakarta
Tsamara rupanya pernah menjadi staf magang di Balai Kota DKI saat Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau Ahok menjabat sebagai gubernur.
Ketika masa magangnya habis, dia pun mengunggah momen terakhirnya bersama Ahok di akun instagramnya.
"28 April 2016 — Pamitan kepada Pak Ahok karena masa magang di Balaikota harus berakhir. Kebetulan sama-sama pakai encim dan koko, akhirnya foto ala-ala Betawi," tulis Tsamara.
Saat magang bersama Ahok, dia ditugaskan dalam tim untuk membantu Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP), simplifikasi perizinan memulai usaha, dan meningkatkan peringkat izin memulai usaha dari 167 (2015) menjadi 151 (2016) dalam survei Bank Dunia.
Ketua DPP Partai solodaritas Indonesia (PSI)
Setelah bergabung dengan Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI), Tsamara langsung diberi posisi sebagai Ketua DPP bidang eksternal semenjak April 2017.
Menjadi Saksi di Mahkamah Konstitusi
Tsamara juga pernah menjadi saksi untuk Gerakan Nasional Calon Independen (GNCI). Saat itu dia tengah berjuang untuk para calon independen di pilkada.
Aksinya memberikan keterangan pada Mahkamah Konstitusi pun dia unggah di akun instagramnya.
"3 Agustus 2015 — Bersaksi untuk Gerakan Nasional Calon Independen (GNCI) demi meringankan syarat calon independen maju dalam pilkada di pengadilan paling sakral di Republik ini, Mahkamah Konstitusi. Alhamdulillah gugatan dikabulkan," tulis dia.
Penulis Buku Politik
Tsamara Amany meluncurkan buku politik pertamanya berjudul "Curhat Perempuan". Buku yang kali pertamanya di bedah pada 17 April 2017 itu merupakan kumpulan artikel yang ditulis Tsamara selama tiga tahun terakhir.
"Buku tersebut bukan hanya curhatan remeh temeh, tetapi curhatan seorang wanita belia yang sangat berbobot dan peduli terhadap negaranya," ungkap Hamid Basyaib yang merupakan salah satu pembicara dalam diskusi bedah buku yang berlangsung di Grand Cemara Hotel, Jakarta seperti diunggah di akun Facebook Universitas Paramadina.
Awal mula Tsamara menyukai dunia politik karena sering menyaksikan berita kerusuhan pada 1998 bersama orang tuanya. Ia makin akrab dengan politik karena pernah magang di Balai Kota DKI Jakarta sehingga dapat melihat langsung kerja-kerja politik.
Maka tak heran jika Tsamara bergabung pada salah satu partai politik, yakni Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI). Tak main-main, ia bahkan telah menjabat sebagai Ketua DPP PSI.
Bukan tanpa tujuan, mengapa Tsamara terjun ke dunia politik. Ia ternyata ingin menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta. “Aku mau jadi Gubernur Jakarta kalau usiaku sudah memenuhi syarat,” tutur Tsamara saat acara Friday Talk.
Tsamara mengaku sangat mengagumi Gubernur DKI Jakarta nonaktif, Basuki Tjahaya Purnama. Selain itu ia juga mengidolakan sosok pemimpin seperti Presiden RI, Joko Widodo.
“Aku juga mengidolakan Bung Karno. Retorikanya bagus,” ujarnya.
Ia mengajak kaum muda untuk peduli pada politik, karena peduli politik adalah cara paling masuk akal untuk berkontribusi dalam masyarakat.
“Satu perubahan pada satu anak muda akan berdampak besar pula pada perkembangan negara kita untuk menjadi yang lebih baik,” ujar Tsamara.
Rekam Jejak
Tsmara Amany Alatas ajak generasi muda bijak gunakan media sosial.
Bagi Tsamara Amany Alatas, media sosial menjadi lahan untuk menyebarkan berita dan artikel baik untuk dikonsumsi oleh publik. Perempuan muda yang namanya viral setelah terlibat tweetwar dengan Wakil Ktua DPR Fahri Hamzah itu mengemukan pentingnya memanfaatkan media sosial dengan cara yang baik di kalangan anak muda.
Menurutnya, sebelum dirinya menjadi politisi seperti sekarang, semua pendapat politik dan pandangannya tentang politik ia kemukakan lewat media sosial. Lewat artikel-artikel yang dia unggah itulah namanya menjadi viral.
"Jadikanlah sosial media sebagai saluran menyampaikan informasi yang baik. Jangan sampai menggunakan media sosial untuk hal-hal pamer yang tak ada gunanya dan dapat menjadi beban pada diri kita sendiri," tukas dia.
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goriaucom · 1 year
Bertemu Pemain Timnas U 20 Indonesia di Senayan, Iwan Bule Minta Izin Pamit
JAKARTA - Di tengah rintik hujan yang membasahi Lapangan C komplek Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (15/2/2023), Ketua Umum PSSI, Mochamad Iriawan masih menyempatkan diri menyaksikan Timnas U 20 yang tengah menjalani latihan sekaligus pamitan. http://dlvr.it/SjSRrq
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himikadodoku · 2 years
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https://nojupukidil.tumblr.com/post/692515692752289792/quebec-france-pour-lemploi, https://nojupukidil.tumblr.com/post/692515692752289792/quebec-france-pour-lemploi, https://nojupukidil.tumblr.com/post/692515692752289792/quebec-france-pour-lemploi, https://nojupukidil.tumblr.com/post/692515692752289792/quebec-france-pour-lemploi, https://nojupukidil.tumblr.com/post/692515692752289792/quebec-france-pour-lemploi.
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sandovalcptalvarado · 2 years
Menurut Beberapa Laporan Dari Berita Olahraga
Catatan ini memang tidak begitu membanggakan bagi sang gelandang serang tersebut. Paulo Dybala dilaporkan tidak menggunakan nomor punggung 10 di AS Roma pada kompetisi Serie A Italia pada musim depan. Mereka dilaporkan masih mengincar nama besar lainnya pada bursa transfer musim panas ini. “Kita mulai berpikir, kenapa cara kita bercerita dan ngobrolin perolahragaan ini tidak kita bawake dalam sebuah portal, biar orang baca itu enak, seperti ngobrol sama teman denganbahasa yang kasual juga. Sekarang saya tidak sabar menyapa mereka dengan seragam klub,” ujar Dybala menambahkan. Dari beberapa berita yang saya baca dibalik medali yang diraih oleh atlet ternyata mereka memiliki satu kesamaan. Greysia atlet bulu tangkis peraih medali emas bulu tangkis ganda putri di Olimpiade Tokyo 2020, sudah memimpikan emas jauh sebelum Olimpiade Tokyo 2020. Greysia sudah memulai mimpinya sejak umur 13 tahun. Mereka menjuarai Olimpiade dan juara dunia. Akan tetapi, tiket itu bisa mereka dapatkan melalui turnamen prestisius sebelum kompetisi Piala Dunia Basket digelar.
Sportalavista : Jadwal Lengkap Piala Dunia Qatar 2022 Piala Dunia FIFA ke-22 yang perputaran finalnya berjalan di Qatar. Jadi, bisa dibilang Sportalavista ingin menjadi media olahraga yang tidak cuma kuat di online, tapi juga di offline,” katanya. Pemerintah sudah support, tapi kalau akhirnya gedung itu tidak terpakai secara maksimal. Nanti, kalau sudah ada establish reader atau viewer, baru kita bikin komunitas olahraganya yang kita mulai bangun dari grass root,” ucapnya. Bersama klub promosi tersebut, Eriksen hanya mampu mengoleksi 1 gol dan 4 assists dari total 11 pertandingan yang ia mainkan di Liga Inggris. Dirinya pun diketahui mampu mengemas 51 gol dan 67 assists sepanjang berseragam Spurs. Lalu ketika bermain di depan pendukungnya sendiri, yakni Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Timnas basket Indonesia mampu terhindar dari kekalahan yang cukup jauh. Tapi saya memiliki bentuk yang cukup agresif, dirawat 25 kali,” lanjut Van Gaal. Ketika bertandang ke markas lawan, Timnas basket Indonesia cukup memberikan perlawanan. Timnas basket Indonesia dipastikan tak lolos dari kualifikasi FIBA World Cup 2023 setelah hanya mendekam di peringkat terakhir Grup C zona Asia. Dukung terus Timnas Indonesia dan semua pemain yang bermain di liga luar negeri. Sebagai kompetisi sepak bola paling bergengsi di dunia, Liga Inggris menjadi salah satu destinasi para pemain bintang.
Kini tim berjuluk Meriam London kembali berusaha mendatangkan pemain berkebangsaan Brasil lainnya, yakni Lucas Paqueta dari Olympique Lyon. AC Milan Berita olahraga dari Serie A Italia mengabarkan bahwa AC Milan berencana untuk mendatangkan gelandang Paris Saint Germain Georginio Wijnaldum. Selain De Jong, Setan Merah juga dilaporkan segera mendatangkan Lisandro Martinez dalam waktu dekat. FC Hollywood dilaporkan ingin mendapatkan tanda tangan striker asal Inggris tersebut untuk menggantikan peran Lewandowksi, yang hampir pasti pergi pada musim depan. Kembalinya Ronald Koeman hal tersebut dilaporkan oleh media Belanda, De Telegraaf, yang mengatakan bahwa Ronald Koeman telah berdiskusi dengan KNVB (PSSI-nya Belanda) untuk kembali menangani Der Oranje. Dia mengatakan Sportalavista masih terus mengembangkan diri dalam segala bidang untuk tumbuh dengan baik, dan bisa menyajikan bacaan yang bisa dinikmati oleh semua warga Indonesia di manapun berada. Untuk mengetahui berita olahraga, berita bola, dan info bola terkini, Anda bisa terus mengikuti situs Sportalavista setiap harinya. Sehingga dengan membaca berita olahraga kita bisa belajar rahasia sukses para atlet. Namun Perbasi menyebut ada 1.000 cara bagi tim Indonesia Patriots untuk bisa masuk ke FIBA World Cup 2023. “Ada seribu jalan. Nantinya Indonesia bakal menggelar ajang FIBA World Cup 2023 bersama dengan negara Asia lainnya, yakni Filipina dan Jepang.
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mcginnisibmingram · 2 years
Menurut Beberapa Laporan Dari Berita Olahraga
Catatan ini memang tidak begitu membanggakan bagi sang gelandang serang tersebut. Paulo Dybala dilaporkan tidak menggunakan nomor punggung 10 di AS Roma pada kompetisi Serie A Italia pada musim depan. Mereka dilaporkan masih mengincar nama besar lainnya pada bursa transfer musim panas ini. “Kita mulai berpikir, kenapa cara kita bercerita dan ngobrolin perolahragaan ini tidak kita bawake dalam sebuah portal, biar orang baca itu enak, seperti ngobrol sama teman denganbahasa yang kasual juga. Sekarang saya tidak sabar menyapa mereka dengan seragam klub,” ujar Dybala menambahkan. Dari beberapa berita yang saya baca dibalik medali yang diraih oleh atlet ternyata mereka memiliki satu kesamaan. Greysia atlet bulu tangkis peraih medali emas bulu tangkis ganda putri di Olimpiade Tokyo 2020, sudah memimpikan emas jauh sebelum Olimpiade Tokyo 2020. Greysia sudah memulai mimpinya sejak umur 13 tahun. Mereka menjuarai Olimpiade dan juara dunia. Akan tetapi, tiket itu bisa mereka dapatkan melalui turnamen prestisius sebelum kompetisi Piala Dunia Basket digelar.
Sportalavista : Jadwal Lengkap Piala Dunia Qatar 2022 Piala Dunia FIFA ke-22 yang perputaran finalnya berjalan di Qatar. Jadi, bisa dibilang Sportalavista ingin menjadi media olahraga yang tidak cuma kuat di online, tapi juga di offline,” katanya. Pemerintah sudah support, tapi kalau akhirnya gedung itu tidak terpakai secara maksimal. Nanti, kalau sudah ada establish reader atau viewer, baru kita bikin komunitas olahraganya yang kita mulai bangun dari grass root,” ucapnya. Bersama klub promosi tersebut, Eriksen hanya mampu mengoleksi 1 gol dan 4 assists dari total 11 pertandingan yang ia mainkan di Liga Inggris. Dirinya pun diketahui mampu mengemas 51 gol dan 67 assists sepanjang berseragam Spurs. Lalu ketika bermain di depan pendukungnya sendiri, yakni Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Timnas basket Indonesia mampu terhindar dari kekalahan yang cukup jauh. Tapi saya memiliki bentuk yang cukup agresif, dirawat 25 kali,” lanjut Van Gaal. Ketika bertandang ke markas lawan, Timnas basket Indonesia cukup memberikan perlawanan. Timnas basket Indonesia dipastikan tak lolos dari kualifikasi FIBA World Cup 2023 setelah hanya mendekam di peringkat terakhir Grup C zona Asia. Dukung terus Timnas Indonesia dan semua pemain yang bermain di liga luar negeri. Sebagai kompetisi sepak bola paling bergengsi di dunia, Liga Inggris menjadi salah satu destinasi para pemain bintang.
Kini tim berjuluk Meriam London kembali berusaha mendatangkan pemain berkebangsaan Brasil lainnya, yakni Lucas Paqueta dari Olympique Lyon. AC Milan Berita olahraga dari Serie A Italia mengabarkan bahwa AC Milan berencana untuk mendatangkan gelandang Paris Saint Germain Georginio Wijnaldum. Selain De Jong, Setan Merah juga dilaporkan segera mendatangkan Lisandro Martinez dalam waktu dekat. FC Hollywood dilaporkan ingin mendapatkan tanda tangan striker asal Inggris tersebut untuk menggantikan peran Lewandowksi, yang hampir pasti pergi pada musim depan. Kembalinya Ronald Koeman hal tersebut dilaporkan oleh media Belanda, De Telegraaf, yang mengatakan bahwa Ronald Koeman telah berdiskusi dengan KNVB (PSSI-nya Belanda) untuk kembali menangani Der Oranje. Dia mengatakan Sportalavista masih terus mengembangkan diri dalam segala bidang untuk tumbuh dengan baik, dan bisa menyajikan bacaan yang bisa dinikmati oleh semua warga Indonesia di manapun berada. Untuk mengetahui berita olahraga, berita bola, dan info bola terkini, Anda bisa terus mengikuti situs Sportalavista setiap harinya. Sehingga dengan membaca berita olahraga kita bisa belajar rahasia sukses para atlet. Namun Perbasi menyebut ada 1.000 cara bagi tim Indonesia Patriots untuk bisa masuk ke FIBA World Cup 2023. “Ada seribu jalan. Nantinya Indonesia bakal menggelar ajang FIBA World Cup 2023 bersama dengan negara Asia lainnya, yakni Filipina dan Jepang.
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cecils-dragons · 1 year
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FINALLY! Finished off the portraits of the dads of Ever Autumn. I’m now gonna work on the ranking thing now :3 heehoo I love charts and rankings.
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netkevin10 · 2 years
Công Ty Dịch Vụ Cho Thuê Văn Phòng Tại Tp Hcm
Tuy nhiên, nếu để so với một đối thủ trong khu vực như Malaysia thì Campuchia vẫn lép vế hoàn toàn. ® Ghi rõ nguồn "Báo Thế giới & Việt Nam" khi bạn phát hành lại thông tin từ website này. Trước mối đe dọa về làn sóng Covid-19 mới, giới nghiên cứu kinh tế đã thận trọng xem lại các dự báo về tăng trưởng toàn cầu. Đó cũng là mục tiêu của Timor Leste, đội bóng đã thất thủ trước sức mạnh của Thái Lan với tỷ số 2-0 trong ngày khai mạc giải đấu. Chỉ cần chơi đúng khả năng và không mắc sai lầm, đội tuyển Việt Nam có thể tự tin vào việc nối dài chuỗi bất bại trước Malaysia. Hiện nay có nhiều hình thức xem trực tiếp bóng đá qua mạng được mọi người lựa chọn như xem bóng qua link sopcast, qua Youtube, facebook hoặc web site. Mỗi cách xem đều có những ưu điểm khác nhau nên tùy theo điều kiện của từng người, các bạn có thể lựa chọn cho mình một hình thức xem bóng đá phù hợp. Cách đơn giản nhất là các bạn truy cập vào trang net vserpuhove.com, kênh xem bóng đá này hỗ trợ người dùng truy cập vào bằng nhiều thiết bị khác nhau từ máy tính, laptop cho đến điện thoại. Chỉ cần có kết nối mạng là các bạn có thể xem tường thuật trực tiếp bóng đá mỗi ngày mà không lo mất phí, mà lại đảm bảo chất lượng đường truyền ổn định. Lúc đầu cuộc đối đầu này dự định tổ chức tại sân Gelora Bung Karno ở Jakarta lúc 19h30. Tuy nhiên vì lý do an ninh, nó đã được dời đến Bali và diễn ra lúc 18h30. Tuy nhiên trong lần đầu sử dụng ứng dụng FPT Play để xem trực tiếp VTV6 trên điện thoại, các bạn sẽ cần phải thực hiện tạo tài khoản sử dụng ứng dụng này. Như vậy, chúng ta đã vừa cùng nhau đi tìm hiểu về cách đầu tiên để có thể xem trực tiếp VTV6 trên điện thoại đó chính là qua ứng dụng VTV Go. Ngoài lịch thi đấu của đội tuyển Việt Nam chúng ta các bạn có thể xem Lịch thi đấu vòng loại thứ three World Cup 2022 khu vực châu Á – Bảng B bên dưới đây để cổ vũ cho đội tuyển mình yêu thích. Và tất nhiên thì VTV6 trực tiếp bóng đá sẽ đưa đến cho bạn toàn bộ những trận đấu của GIẢI VÔ ĐỊCH U23 CHÂU Á 2020. Tâm điểm AFF Cup 2018 tối nay chính là trận bán kết lượt đi giữa Malaysia vs Thái Lan. Trận đấu này sẽ được phát sóng trực tiếp trên kênh VTV5 và VTV6 vào lúc 19h45. Thắng 2-1 ở bán kết lượt đi AFF Cup 2018, ĐT Việt Nam có nhiều lợi thế để giành vé vào chung kết khi tái đấu ĐT Philippines trên sân nhà Mỹ Đình ở trận bán kết lượt về diễn ra vào tối nay (5.12). Trận đấu Việt Nam vs Philippines sẽ được phát sóng trực tiếp trên kênh VTV5 và VTV6 vào lúc 19h30. Các bạn có thể tham khảo bài viết hướng dẫn tạo tài khoản FPT Play để nhanh chóng tạo cho mình một tài khoản để sử dụng. ( hlv mourinho .vn) Mẫu xe sedan hạng C mà nhiều khách Việt yêu thích đang có mức giá lăn bánh hấp dẫn. Đây là cơ sở để K3 hạ gục hoàn toàn các đối thủ như Toyota Corolla Altis và Hyundai Elantra. Mohamed Salah tức giận với kết quả giải thưởng Quả bóng Vàng và anh đã tỏ rõ sự không hài lòng trong trận đấu vừa qua trước Everton. Cùng với các tính năng hỗ trợ nghe nhạc trực tuyến, Spotify còn cung cấp tính năng hẹn giờ tắt nhạc, cho phép người dùng đặt thời gian sử dụng ứng dụng và ngăn chặn việc tiêu hao pin trên thiết bị. Tính năng này đặc biệt lý tưởng cho những người muốn sử dụng âm nhạc để thư giãn hoặc làm giảm tiếng ồn xung quanh trước khi đi ngủ. Chi tiết cách hẹn giờ tắt nhạc trên Spotify sẽ được chia sẻ ngay sau đây. Đội chủ nhà Indonesia vốn toàn thua 3 trận trước đó, tinh thần đang rệu rã và khá mệt mỏi sau hành trình dài trở về từ UAE. Nhìn chung, phong độ và cách chuẩn bị của họ khiến ít người tin, Indonesia sẽ có điểm trước Việt Nam, chứ chưa nói đến chiến thắng. Cả hai đội được đánh giá cao nhất AFF Cup 2021 là Việt Nam và Thái Lan cùng có màn ra quân chưa tương xứng kỳ vọng, trước các đối thủ yếu hơn. 'Nhà quê ra tỉnh diễn nghĩa' là sự thấu hiểu và sự cảm thông của nhà văn – nhà báo Đỗ Bảo Châu hướng về những người nông dân chất phác. Chơi lấn lướt nhưng không thể hiện được sự sắc bén trong dứt điểm, Man United phải nhờ tới tình huống tỏa sáng của Fred để có được bàn thắng do công của Fred. Đội bóng của HLV Tan Cheng Hoe hướng tới mục tiêu sẽ giành Cúp tại AFF Cup 2020 lần này. [newline]Vì vậy, họ chắc chắn muốn đè bẹp Campuchia ở lượt trận ra quân vào ngày 6/12 tới đây. Trên thực tế, sự chênh lệch về trình độ giữa hai đội là điều không khó để nhận ra. Chính vì vậy, thầy trò HLV Ngô Quang Trường đang rất khát khao 1 chiến thắng trước đội chủ sân Hàng Đẫy. Đó có thể là bước chạy đà không tốt nhưng họ vẫn được đánh giá là một trong những ứng cử viên cho danh hiệu vô địch. Việc chỉ phải làm khách của Campuchia là cơ hội tốt để Malaysia khởi đầu với trọn vẹn 3 điểm. Nó giúp họ tạm quên đi chuỗi trận bết bát với 10 trận liên tiếp không biết đến mùi chiến thắng của họ trước đó. Chan Vanthanaka, người được ví như "Messi Campuchia" chắc chắn là niềm hy vọng số 1 của đội chủ nhà ở giải đấu năm nay. Myanmar có khởi đầu chật vật tại AFF Cup 2020 khi để thua đội chủ nhà Singapore 0-3 ở trận ra quân.
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the-arcantist · 6 years
> Lore: the swamp isn’t here for you
“You’ve survived in the swamp since you were a hatchling, haven’t you?” Karno said.
Gwaihir nodded. “Oh, forever and ever.”
Karno sighed. “See, that’s why I respect you. Even considering that you’re like this, you know how to manage yourself. If you didn’t, you would be dead.”
Gwaihir tilted her head. “What do you mean by ‘like this’? Oh, listen to that frog -- isn’t it beautiful? That’s a river warden. They suffocate their prey before they eat them, which some call cruel, but I wonder if it’s truly crueler than being eaten alive.”
“Like that,” Kuros said. “What does the frog matter?”
Gwaihir frowned. “What do you mean? Everything matters. It’s all part of the swamp.”
“The swamp is an obstacle.” Karno stretched his neck. “It’s here to challenge us, to pit us against itself so that we may prove our mettle. But the frog? It isn’t a threat to us; it isn’t dinner. So it doesn’t matter.”
“The swamp isn’t here for you.” Gwaihir’s voice turned suddenly cold, even angry. Karno had never heard her like this. “It doesn’t exist to serve as an ‘obstacle’ in your little schemes. It doesn’t care what you want. It is for itself. And the frog is part of it. If you don’t respect the little pieces, you don’t respect the swamp. And if you don’t respect the swamp, it will kill you.”
Karno almost got the sense that she’d wanted to use a different pronoun there.
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wahyuawaludin · 3 years
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Green Jobs: Tips Mempersiapkan Karir di Bidang Lingkungan 2026 Untuk Anak Muda
by Wahyu Awaludin
Krisis Menghadang
Krisis COVID telah menghancurkan banyak hal. Pada tanggal 20 Februari 2021, Covid telah tercatat di angka 111 juta kasus dan merenggut 2,45 juta jiwa. Sebagai perbandingan, penduduk kota Depok adalah 2,41 juta jiwa. Artinya, jika Covid cuma terjadi di Depok, ia telah sukses membuat Depok punah dari muka bumi.
Kasus di Indonesia sendiri belum menggembirakan. Tercatat sudah 1,25 juta kasus dan 33.969 jiwa wafat. Ini setengah dari kapasitas Stadion Gelora Bung Karno. Bayangkan Anda tengah menonton sepak bola dengan penonton penuh, lalu setengah dari mereka tewas serentak. Mengerikan.
Situasi ini telah mendorong banyak negara untuk berbenah, salah satunya di bidang ekonomi. Mereka mulai meninggalkan ekonomi karbon dan mulai mengembangkan green economy. Orang-orang mulai paham bahwa kesehatan penting. Tak disangka, green economy adalah salah satu sektor yang berkembang di masa covid ini.
Kelak, tentu saja green economy memunculkan green jobs (pekerjaan ramah lingkungan).
 Apa itu Green Jobs?
Katadata mengutip World Economic Forum bahwa ekonomi hijau seperti 1) pangan, pemanfaatan lahan dan laut; 2) infrastruktur dan lingkungan buatan; 3) serta energi dan industri ekstraktif dapat menghasilkan peluang bisnis senilai US$ 10,1 triliun (Rp140 ribu trilyun) dan 395 juta lapangan pekerjaan pada tahun 2030.
Peluang itu akan memunculkan apa yang disebut dengan pekerjaan ramah lingkungan (green jobs). SIngkatnya, green jobs adalah pekerjaan yang layak secara penghasilan sekaligus bisa membantu menyelamatkan lingkungan. Di Indonesia sendiri, menurut perhitungan Rafika Dewi, Green Jobs bisa membuka lapangan pekerjaan sampai 4,2 juta buah. Jumlah yang tidak sedikit bukan?
Untuk menangkap peluang luar biasa di masa depan itu, pemerintah Indonesia sudah berkomitmen untuk menyiapkan anak-anak muda supaya memiliki skill di green jobs ini. Dalam ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM) ke-25, Indonesia bersama negara-negara tetangga juga menyatakan komitmennya untuk mengkampanyekan green jobs. Persiapan ini juga melibatkan banyak institusi, misalnya Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, Kementerian Industri, Apindo, dan unsur-unsur lainnya.
Sebenarnya, untuk mendeteksi jenis-jenis green jobs yang akan muncul di Indonesia agak menyulitkan. Sebab, dunia masa kini berubah dengan cepat. Siapa yang menyangka di tahun 2019 bahwa tahun depannya, dunia akan diserang virus Covid yang ganas?
Bisa jadi green jobs pun akan berubah dengan cepat dan kita terus dituntut untuk beradaptasi. Namun, bagaimanapun juga, prediksi ini tetap diperlukan sebagai kompas kita dalam bergerak. Nah, dengan sedikit analisa, Rafika Dewi menyebutkan bahwa sektor-sektor green jobs inilah yang akan berkembang di Indonesia beberapa tahun ke depan.
1.       Sektor pertanian
a.       Pertanian organik
b.      Budidaya tanaman berdampak rendah
c.       Perkebunan karet
d.      Minyak kelapa sawit berkelanjutan
e.      Perkebunan organik untuk minuman
f.        Pertanian kombinasi.
 2.       Sektor kehutanan
a.       Produksi hutan alam yang mengikuti hukum SFM
b.      Konsesi hutan alam yang berkelanjutan
c.       Rotan
d.      Hasil hutan non-kayu (NTFP)
e.      Jasa hutan
f.        Perlindungan dan konservasi.
 3.       Sektor energi
a.       Geothermal
b.      Energi yang dapat diperbaharui atau energi terbarukan
c.       Biomassa.
 Sedangkan menurut catatan International Labour Organization, saat ini sudah ada banyak perusahaan Indonesia yang membuka lowongan Green Jobs. Jadi, ini bukan sesuatu yang nun jauh di sana, tapi sudah ada di depan mata. Perusahaan-perusahaan itu misalnya adalah
a.       Astra International
b.      Climate field school for farmers
c.       PT Petromat Agrotech
d.      Indocement
e.      Green Building Council Indonesia
f.        Medcoenergy, dan lainnya.
 Apa yang Harus Anak Muda Siapkan?
Setelah kita tahu peluang green jobs di Indonesia, timbul pertanyaan, apa yang harus kita siapkan sebagai anak muda? Saya membagi persiapan yang sifatnya personal ini menjadi dua poin, yaitu persiapan 1 tahun dan persiapan 5 tahun ke depan.
 To do list 1 tahun:
a. Cari tahu lebih jauh soal green jobs. Peluang ini relatif masih baru dan belum banyak yang tahu. Oleh karena itu, kita harus mencari tahu lebih banyak dari sumber-sumber internet yang ada. Pelajarilah lebih jauh. Baca artikel-artikel yang terkait dengan green jobs, video wawancara, dan lainnya.
b. Bergabung ke komunitas green jobs dan sustainability. Carilah komunitas-komunitas nasional maupun global terkait lingkungan lalu gabunglah ke sana. Ini adalah langkah yang tepat untuk mempersiapkan karirmu di green jobs, sebab lebih baik punya teman banyak dibanding sendirian kan.  
c. Follow akun sosial media soal green jobs, lingkungan, dan terhubung dengan orang-orang di bidang ini. Contohnya adalah coaction. Ada banyak sekali update dan info terbaru yang ditawarkan oleh akun-akun ini. Orang-orang di bidang ini juga biasanya senang berbagai di sosial media mereka. Cobalah untuk terhubung dan kenalan dengan mereka.
d. Coba ikut webinar dan workshop terkait green jobs. Di masa depan, pasti webinar dan workshop terkait topic ini akan sering muncul. Ikutlah dan gabung ke acara-acara semacam ini untuk terhubung dengan topic ini lebih sering.
 To do list 5 tahun:
a. Siapkan S1 dan S2 di bidang green jobs. Apakah kamu seorang mahasiswa S1? Jika iya, persiapkan lah S2 kamu yang berhubungan dengan green jobs, contohya di Lund University. Sebenarnya tidak harus di sana. Tentu saja kamu bisa kuliah di tempat lain. Dengan memasang target sejak sekarang, kamu memiliki banyak waktu untuk mempersiapkannya. Kamu 2-3 langkah di depan teman sebayamu.
b. Cari lowongan dan kalau memungkinkan ikutlah magang. Untuk mencari info sedini mungkin, saya menyarankan untuk magang di perusahaan yang membuka green jobs. Tujuannya untuk menimba pengalaman awal dulu.
c. Tulis buku simpel tentang green & sustainability. Menurut saya, ini adalah langkah besar dan tidak banyak orang lain yang berpikir hal sama. Dengan menulis buku, kamu menjadi jauh lebih menonjol dibanding orang lain di industry green jobs ini. Kamu tidak harus membahas hal-hal rumit dan ilmiah jika kamu tidak sanggup. Intinya buatlah buku yang menjelaskan pandanganmu dan apa yang sudah kamu lakukan terkait masalah lingkungan.
d. Personal branding digital. Bangunlah personal branding digital dengan cara berbagi konten tentang lingkungan di sosial mediamu. Ini akan membuat nilai dirimu naik secara luar biasa.
e. Ikut ecourse, non gelar, workshop, dan sertifikasi. Saat ini sudah banyak online course tentang lingkungan. Sebagian dari mereka bahkan ada yang dipersiapkan dengan sangat serius oleh pengajar-pengajar yang berlevel internasional, baik dalam bentuk workshop serius maupun sertifikasi. Jadi, saran saya ikutilah hal-hal itu.
f. Coba jadi reseller perusahaan-perusahaan lingkungan untuk coba langsung masuk ke industri itu. Ada beberapa perusahaan yang produknya ramah lingkungan dan membuka sistem reseller. Hemat saya, jadilah reseller itu dan masukilah industri itu sejak dini. Dengan menjadi reseller dan mencoba menjual produk yang bersangkutan, kamu akan tahu kondisi realitas market yang ada di Indonesia yang terkait dengan lingkungan. Sejauh apa marketnya? Apa yang kurang? Apa yang harus dikembangkan? Dan seterusnya. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu bisa terjawab olehmu jika kamu sudah terjun langsung ke industri yang bersangkutan.
 Itulah tips-tips yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk mempersiapkan karir green jobs di masa setidaknya 5 tahun lagi. Selamat mencoba!
Anonim. "Lembar Fakta tentang Pekerjaan yang Layak dan Ramah Lingkungan (Green Jobs) di Indonesia." International Labour Organization. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---ilojakarta/documents/publication/wcms_149950.pdf . Diakses 20 Februari 2021.
Dewi, Rafika & Ahmad Maruf. "Analisis Penciptaan Green Jobs (Pekerjaan Hijau) di Indonesia Menggunakan Model Skenario Investasi Hijau", Journal of Economics Research and Social Sciences Vol 1, No 1 (2017). https://doi.org/10.18196/jerss.v1i1.9059. Diakses 20 Februari 2021.
Strietska-Ilina, Olga; Hofmann, Christine; Durán Haro, Mercedes; Jeon, Shinyoung. 2011. SKILLS FOR GREEN JOBS A GLOBAL VIEW: SYNTHESIS REPORT BASED ON 21 COUNTRY STUDIES. International Labour Office. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---publ/documents/publication/wcms_159585.pdf . Diakses 20 Februari 2021.
https://katadata.co.id/ariemega/infografik/5fae68d68adb9/green-jobs-masa-depan-ekonomi-dan-lapangan-kerja . Diakses 20 Februari 2021.
https://id.exchange-rates.org/ . Diakses 20 Februari 2021.
https://www.scribd.com/document/420761730/PELUANG-GREEN-JOBS-PADA-PENDIDIKAN-KEJURUAN-docx . Diakses 20 Februari 2021.
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realfandyofficial · 4 years
Latihan hari ke-5 .. timnas Indonesia U-19 ditinjau ketua umum PSSI
11 pemain Timnas Indonesia U-19 dipulangkan bagaimana keseruannya yuk intip videonya tinggal klik link dibawah ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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A sweet morning surprise
Requested Karno fluff. @magicosmia (Sorry if it’s bad)
Karno X MC
The noise of pans clanking against each other and the slight smell of smoke woke you up from your slumber. Slowly shifting up and rubbing your eyes, you loudly let out a yawn. The blank space next to you on the bed puzzled you. Huh where’s Karno? You thought maybe he went and left early for work.
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
The loud ringing of your fire alarm instantly woke you up as you shot up out of bed running towards the kitchen. You stopped in your tracks when you saw Karno battling with whatever was in the frying pan, wearing a frilly apron. “Pffftt” you let out a giggle startling him. “Oh hey MC, errr I didn’t mean to wake you up....” he looked down embarrassed for waking you up. “It’s okay, what we’re you trying to make?” You moved closer towards him, but he quickly blocked your view of the frying pan hiding his failed attempt of cooking. “No! Show me pleaseee” you wiggled past him and looked down at the pan, seeing a black burnt blob staring back at you, silence dragged on as you had no idea what to say. “I know it’s bad, but it was supposed to be a pancake.... I wanted to make you something” he scratched the back of his neck embarrassed. Ohhh that’s what it was you thought. You smiled up at him warmth filling your heart at his thoughtful gesture. “Aww thank you Karno” you hugged him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, causing him to blush. “I don’t know why you’re thanking me..... you can’t even eat it.....” he looked down sadly. “ Welllll why don’t we make some pancakes together then?” You suggested while looking up hopefully waiting for his response. He shot you one of his signature heartwarming smiles and nodded. “Yaay!, okay I’ll get the ingredients. Could you please get the other frying pan out?” Tying your hair back and putting on an apron you quickly got the ingredients you needed out. Looking over to Karno you see him staring straight at you. Confused you ask him “What is it?” He smiled, “You’re beautiful” your face burned as you could feel the heat rise to your cheeks at his unexpected compliment. “T-thank you....” Distracting yourself from the embarrassment you felt, you quickly got to work mixing the ingredients, making sure you did it slowly so Karno could follow along. Once you both had your mixtures you poured them into the frying pan one at a time. “Hey babe, could you please get the strawberries and whipped cream from the fridge?” You asked not looking back as you were too busy flipping pancakes. Placing them next to you Karno looked at you flipping them in awe. “Wow you’re so good at that, mine totally failed....” he trailed off remembering his past attempts. “It’s okay Karno we’ll both do the next one together” he smiled at you while wrapping his arms around you to also hold onto the pan. His warm chest pressed into your back made you gulp at the close proximity between you to. You slowly flipped the pan with him catching the pancake with ease. He smiled happily at the newly formed pancake. “See I knew you could do it” You leant back looking up at him. His face moved closer as he gave you a deep kiss. Smiling into the kiss you stood on your tip toes deepening it. Pulling away he looked down at you, his gazed filled with love. “I love you” he whispered into your ear. You could feel your heartbeat rapidly increase from what he was saying. “I love you too Karno” you looked back at him with the same amount of adoration. Pulling yourself out of his embrace you placed the pancakes on two separate plates, “Let’s decorate them now” you both unanimously decided to make each other’s. You added some strawberries to his pancake and obviously some chilli powder was a necessity. Once you were finished you looked over at Karno to see that he had too. Swapping plates he happily ate yours complimenting it as well. You looked down to see he had roughly carved the pancake into the shape of a heart, with strawberries and whipped cream surrounding it; his kindness was going to be the death of you. It was honestly a shame to eat it, you however took a bite. An explosion of sweetness filled your mouth as you happily continued eating the delicious pancake. “Ahh that was the best pancake I’ve ever eaten!!” He blushed at your comment. Reaching out for the dishes to wash them he stopped you, “ We can do them later, I just w-want to c-cuddle with you for now” nodding at his adorable request, you both went back into bed and snuggled.
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real-mace · 6 years
Leon’s Promise of Inifinty
A summary
Leon is destined to become king according to Heavens Rift🤴
It’s pretty much made official that Leon and MC are SCM OTP😒 (even tho we all thought it was Huedhaut). Leon and MC
The last Heavens rift, when the goddess of fate Clotho and Hue we’re together, is really what caused the earth and humans to go bad and forced the goddess of fate Clotho to die to become present day MC, as she needed to teach Leon love and form him into a king.
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So it’s like the heavens rift knew Hue loved her enough to take one of his eyes out, which needed to happen so she could become a human and love Leon. Lol wtf voltage..cruel
Once again Huedhaut truly has the most tragic backstory in voltage history
Heavens rift DOESNT GIVE ONE FUCK THO, Leon needs to become King. The catch is...as a king Leon has to love all gods and humans the same way. This was conflict #1.
The old blonde king tells them they can never be married and now they have to break up. Or the universe will be destroyed....ya know.. the same shit
Leon then proceeds to run the fuck away with MC and they have a bunch of sex. He even gets to meet her parents, it’s all very sweet. I guess his eyes also look different ever since the rift started and now he has new King eyes that are beginning to cover his god of Leo mark.
Annnnnddd, unfortunately all the other 11 gods (including Leon’s boyfriend Karno) are now zombies under the blonde Kings Control. The MC can’t leave her apartment. She needs to protect herself
In this scene Leon, makes MC a GOD KILLING KNIFE?!!?!? Omg I woNDEr WHat wILL HapPeNn???
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OF FUCKING COURSE The MC goes all exorcist and gets possessed by the King (with the long blond hair) and turns the knife on Leon after a night of passion. **it was kind of funny because she had really bad aim and Leon was making fun of her cause she missed so bad, even though she was trying to fight it.**
In this story, shit gets crazy a total of 100 times, this is one of them
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So the MC just.. turns the knife on herself..? Leon is screaming and crying and even the King came out of oblivion and was like “how’d you break my spell?” And Leon and the King got into an arguement
All while this is happening, the MC litterally is narrating the blood splurtting out of her stomach and on to the floor. She dies while Leon and the King are arguing
Sooo the MC. Is dead 💀. She ends up in a very aesthetically pleasing heaven where she is joined by Leon, cuz he’s really powerful atm and Leon decides to pull a FUCKING HUEDHAUT MOVE AND RIP OUT HIS EYE TO GIVE MC ANOTHER SHOT AT HUMAN LIFE.
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This is when stuff starts getting so ridiculous and crazy
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So the famed CG of SCM popped up into the game and is actually showing when Leon is placing his old Leo eye into MC. It was pretty cute I got to admit. So every time you open the story in Love 365, you’ll remember he is the true OTP 😣
I seriously thought the story would end right then and there, the entire route basically destroyed any hope that Hue was the true OTP. Not only was his love in vain, but he lost his eye for nothing CAUSE LEON REPLACED IT ANYWAYS. Hue is a pawn. It was a plot twist but it made all the Huedhaut fans cry cuz WTFF
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B/c Leon is a more powerful God I guess that meant the MC was able to resume back into her adult life and ended up in the hosiptal with no memory.
(once again, poor Huedhaut😪 gave his eye and yet MC was born centuries later, I guess his eye wasn’t good enough..?)
She was surrounded by her family. The real explanation made no sense that’s why I said it got really crazy. It’s like one after the other.
Anyways, she lost her memory?!?! I’ve neVEr sEEn a pLoT TWisT liKe tHiS BefoRE? (More stupid plot)
So this bad bitch returns home after litterally stabbing herself, dying and coming back to life . Allegedly, it’s been some time but not that long and she makes a wish just for something good to happen just for shits and giggles. She litterally had no reason to she just felt like it. 🤨
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Wait!! I’ve seen this before
Those familiar with Parthenos Proposal Story, the MC becomes preggo, and it was the same god (Zyglavis) who said something like this...suspicious 🤨
They go to heaven to see Leon
Leon also apparently lost his memory
They don’t remember each other
Leon is about to become King and MC just suddenly remembered everything without realizing it
MC starts screaming at Leon bc he said he didn’t want to be king
And suddenly Leon remembers her too without realizing it
So he screams at her for stabbing herself
*me rewinding through the dialogue cause at this point I was totally fucking lost, I thought I missed something, when did they remember eachother*
This is where the writing got really confusing, they both didn’t remember eachother and they just kind of did again. It’s like the memory loss didn’t happen 🤯
So they continued where they left off, and we are back to dealing with dying...possibly.again
The old king comes back and all the gods are like 😬 now that they aren’t zombies anymore, the king preaches that everyone living in heaven and on earth will die because they are defying heavens rift and the entire plan.
Leon clearly doesn’t give a fuck, and says their love is strong enough and they’ll survive. The old king is like “...”
It is also revealed that MC is pREgnAnT?!? (at this point in the story I was like...😐 what else could they seriously throw in I’m litterally done with this entire plot, everything else went down lets make her pregnant while we’re at it)
It was pretty dumb, MC puked once like 2 seconds before all the gods found her and everyone already knew she was knocked up.
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So the sky visually splits into two and Leon and the MC end up in the white space after the heavens rift. The old king comes (this guy litterally comes out of nowhere) and says everything surprisingly worked out and Leon is now the king. The blonde king then precededs to die, as well as any hope of his own route... it lasted a mere 10 dialogue clicks.
They’re transported back to everyone else. The mc notices that Leon’s eyes display the king eye mark side by side with his Leo mark. So I guess that’s a good thing?
Then shit gets unfair, but let’s recap!
Leon’s route
confirmed he was the official OTP
Has one of his own CGs as the title of the game to remind everyone
Totally trashed all of Hues side story’s and main story (refer to previous post)
Used the success of the pregnancy plot from parthenos route. You could also argue Scorpio too, with the way the death scene went.
Shows that Leon was interested in her in her past life as a goddess, which is absolutely soul crushing to find out for Huedhaut fans who have read his “If you were a goddess”
He fricken becomes king of the heavens
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She didn’t become a goddess tho she’s still human. She’ll die eventually.
The end.
As a side note I also have come to the conclusion that you could argue that Leon and the MC aren’t technically the One True pairing...
in other words Leon just happened to fall in love with MC and she would have as well in Leon’s story stream
the king said they only needed the MC to shape Leon into a King, he just needed a little more self control
If you observe Leon from other routes, he isn’t as reckless as he acts in his own route.
Even when Hue and MC have their drama in Huedhauts route, Leon usually has something to say about it.
I think when Leon witnesses acts of love with MC and whatever 11 other gods commit (ex. Hue wanting to sacrifice himself for present MC again) I think he would take in this act of love and it somehow impacted him to be a better king.
REMEMBER: the king never that Leon and MC had to be lovers for this to happen.
CONCLUSION: I think now you can still enjoy all of the 11 other gods main story streams because you can be rest assured that Leon is being inspired by the acts of love you commit with what ever god you love, which shapes him into his king role. And your playing as the fricken goddess of fate, so MC can change her fate at any given time.
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