#c: iridessa
gummi-stims · 3 months
Could you please do a board for Iridessa from Disney Fairies?
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Here you go, I hope you like it! c:
🧚‍♀️- x -🧚‍♀️
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Cevansbrat0007's Fics In Progress
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Howdy, friends! Below is a list of all the fics I'm currently working on in some shape or form. Some are from my own brain and some are requests. Some titles are tentative. And, of course, they are listed in no particular order. If you don't see your request below, I just haven't gotten to it. But I promise that I am in no way ignoring you.
Of Final Straws & Broken Backs: An unsettling discovery leads you to seriously reconsider your current living arrangements. Takes place directly after the events in The Laundromat.
Iridessa & The Lost Boy: This Halloween, you're not going to let anyone dull your sparkle. Especially your curmudgeon of a boyfriend. Teaser #1 [Reader Request]
A Barber Family Halloween: Halloween is a big deal to you and your Barber babies, and poor Andy is just along for the ride. [Reader Request]
Brat Games: It's all fun and games when you let your inner brat run the show. Teaser #1, Teaser #2 [Reader Request Combo]
Photo Shoot Faux Pas: Revisited: Andy finds himself having second thoughts about your little boudoir shoot. [Reader Request]
The Green Light: You and Andy receive the all-clear to resume "activities" after the birth of the twins. But are you ready? [Reader Request]
The Costco Conundrum: An unplanned family trip to Costco leads to the reveal of a well-kept secret. Too bad that secret happens to be one of yours. [Reader Request]
Wash Day: A look at Wash Day in the Barber Family household. [Reader Request]
Fork You: A busted A/C and an unprecedented heatwave have you and Andy at each other's throats.
The Cabin: You and Andy celebrate your first year of marriage with a special trip. [Reader Request]
Star Light, Star Bright: Summary coming soon. Takes place early in Reader and Andy's relationship.
Insatiable: Summary coming soon. [Reader Request]
Hello, Daddy: A Trio Fic: Just how did the ladies meet their men? [Reader Request]
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Black Femme Character Dependency Dark Skin Directory || Characters Masterlist Pr. 1 (A-J)
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Abbie Mills | Adelaide Wilson/Red | Agent 355 | Agura Ibaden | Aleesha Morrison | Alexa Brandt | Alexandra Crane | Allison Sawyer | Amanda Stern | Amari Peters | Amber Bennett | Amie Sammuelson Conde | Amina Ramsey | Amy Bellafonte | Anaya Imanu | Angel Dynamite | Angela Abar | Angela Goddard | Angela Moore | Angela Vaughn | Anissa Pierce | Anita Fthe13th | Annalise Keating | Annie Keller | Annie Pearson | Antigone | Aphasia | April Sexton | Apocalypta | Arabella | Artemis | Ashley Banks |  Ashley Collins | August King | Ava Coleman | Aya Al-Rashid | Ayo | Azima Kandie 
Barbara Howard | Becca Palmerstone | Beckett Mariner | Becky | Becky Todd | Bella Crawford | Belle Newman | Betty | Billie the Reaper | Bilquis | Bisma | Blackfire | Bo | Bobbi | Bow Kid | Bree Matthews | Bumblebee
Caprice Winters | Carmen Eguiluz | Carol | Carol Lockhart | Carole Clarke | Catherine Halliday | Catty Noir | Celeste Bisme Lyons | Celie Johnson | Chantelle Blades | Charlotte Page | Cherise | Chondra Unkrich | Clash | Claudia Grant | Cleo Sowande | Cleopatra Jones | Cobra | Coffee | Cocoa Cookie | Coco Conners | Coco Monvoisin | Condola Hayes | Conny Spalding | Cressida | Cynthia Rose Adams
Daisy Grant | Damita | Dana Mythical Quest | Darli Dagger | Dayna Mellanby | Death of the Endless | Deja Pearson | Delilah Benson | Denise Hayworth | Denise Johnson | Diana Freeman | Doc McStuffins | Doctor Slone | Donna Siren | Donna Meagle 
Ela | Elektra Abundance |  Elena Felton | Ella McFair | Elzora | Enchantress | Erin Cortland | Esi Jiwe | Esther Hopkins | Ethel Peabody | Evangeline Williamson | Eve Doll 
Fanta | Farah Black | Felicia | Foxxy Love | Fringilla Vigo
Genevieve Quik | Georgiana Lambe | Girl 6 | Grace Hitchens | Grace James |  Grace Monroe | Grace Ryder | Grace Sienar | Grace Walker | Grandmother 
Hailey Collins | Hallie McDaniel | Hanna Lovecraft | Hannah Grose | Hannah Steale | Harley Hidoko | Harper Bettencourt | Harriet Lennox | Harriet Tubman | Hattie Mitchell | Hazel Levesque | Henriette | Hippolyta Freeman | Holly | Honeybear | Hunter | Hunter B 15 
Ikora Rey |  Imane Bakhellal | Imani | Imani Izzi | Indra | Inquisitor Reva | Irene Federic | Iridessa | Iris Watkins | Ironheart | Isis
Jack Starbright | Janai | Jane Amphibia | Jane Hayward | Janie Egins | Janine Teagues | Jasmine TD | Jasmine Davis | Jean Peterson | Jennifer Sisko | Jenny Jackson | Jenny Pizza | Jessica Crashing | Jessica Williams | Jill TUA | Jinna | Joana Coelho | Joanna Crawford | Jodie Landon | Jojo Williams | Jolene | Jonelle Abraham | Jordan Armstrong | Jordan Moore | Josie McCoy | Juanita Benson | Judith | Julia Freeman | Juniper Andromeda | Justine Dancer
I ran out of time. LOL. I’ma work on it tho...
I got 2 jobs. Sometimes, I’m not gonna have the things I intend to bring.\
If anybody want me to tag them whenever I finish actually making this list, just leave it in the replies and I’ll tag everybody once I finish K-Z characters, hopefully before the month is over. 
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beaumont-ague · 1 year
Task 10: Super Sleuth
Here goes nothing 
Angel - Peter Black Widow - Rosamund Blue (1) - Edmund Blue (2) - Ashley Q Bookmark - Wendy Busy Bee - Honey Lemon Captain - Amelia Chick - Fawn Chocolate - Anna Cobra Bubbles - Lilo Cube - Elsabeth Daddy Cool - Lucius Darwin - Gwen Dashing Rogue - Flynn Dodgson - Alice Elle Woods 4 President - Travis Firefly - Ray Frankenstein - Broden Ghost - Zach Grape - Rachel Highscore - Ralph Hollywood - Minnie Hot Wheels - Freddie Icon - Iridessa Invisible - Violet Luck - Oz Makeover - Morgan Maps - Barbie Marshmallow - Ollie Mustang - Colt One of a Kind - Reagan Paws - Adam Pearls - Ella Picture Perfect - Ashley T Pink Tiara - Charlotte Princess - Marie Red - Lady Regina George River - Sabrina Songbird - Sofia Speedy - Vidia Spool - Sally F Star - Penny Storybook - Jim Sunny - Sally C Trending - Arista Tweet - Penelope Whiskers - Remy
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iridessa-the-fairy · 1 year
Hi, it’s nice to meet everyone!! I’m Iridessa! Yes like the fairy from Disney. I’m 22, my pronouns are she/it and I’m 6’2. I’m a wolf shifter! Uhmm that’s all I can think of but if you have any questions feel free to ask! Oh you can also call me Dess, Dessa or Iri, if you want!
No extreme nsfw, implied is okay
No threats or extream violence
Hate asks will be deleted.
No homophobia, transphobia, racism, bigotry. Just be nice.
Triggering topics are a no. (ie : su!c!de, s.a, s.h)
And the obligatory: I'm not Dess, I'm not affiliated with Redacted adio just a fan and Dess is my oc
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yabbadabbapebbles · 5 years
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“I swear, I never want to touch another pumpkin again.” The girls hands were sticky with the guts of the pumpkin in front of her and she couldn’t stop laughing, “This feels so wrong! Why does this feel so wrong?!” @iridessalux
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alildeville · 5 years
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“I’d say the outfit is scandalous but the tips I’ve been getting? I’m telling you, I’m gonna be able to rent an apartment in no time!” Lil giggled and gave a little shimmy just for dramatic affect. “Anyway, what can I get ya?” @inventorpickles @grahamforkie @iridessalux
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periiwynkle · 2 years
Closed Starter for { @iridxssa } 
The day was the chilliest within the entire week, and yet, unlike everyone else around them who were bundled up in long jackets, coats, or thick sweaters, Peri only had on a simple pale orange long sleeved shirt with a simple pair of light washed jeans that had one of it’s knee-holes ripped. To anyone else, they would’ve been cold with what they had on, but not Peri. They were resistant to the cold and not even as a cool chill of air blow them by did they shiver not once. Instead, they excited smiled as they made their way towards Iridessa. She was one of Tink’s friends and ever since meeting her, all Peri wanted to do now was not only get to know their newfound twin sister, but also get to know her friends as well. “Hi!” They cheerfully greeted, smiling happily at the girl once they were standing right in front of her. “It’s Iridessa, right?” Peri asked, wanting to make sure they had her name right. They were still learning all of Tink’s friends name. They then held out their hand. “I’m Peri, Tink’s twin sibling, it’s so nice to meet you!” 
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woodwardpride · 3 years
This woman and that stupid tiny car she had would be the death of him. Here he was again dealing with a complaint from a senior citizen about a ‘mad woman in a clown car’ which he could only deduct that it was Iridessa was on the loose again. With an exhausted sigh, Woody put the phone down and got up from his desk. He informed the reception he was out of office dealing with a call and left the precinct to make his way over to Sol Symphony Records where he guessed he would most likely find Iridessa.
Woody drove over and entered the record store and looked around “Iridessa, are you around?” he called out “I got another complaint about you and that car. This is the third time in two weeks”
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ncttaguppy · 3 years
💏 dessa
send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours… [ @iridxssa ]
04 …where it hurts. 
And that would be bump number four. Or was it the fifth one? No, he counted four already, unless she had bumped into someone else and he hadn’t noticed. But still. Huh, when Dessa called herself clumsy back when they had first met, Finn hadn’t realized that she meant that she was this clumsy. He thought it was just a joke and a easy conversation starter, but no! “You alright?” Finn called out, making his way into the room where he heard the noise from. That’s when he noticed that unlike the last three times, this one must’ve hurt more because he found Dessa clutching her palm. “Y-You okay?” He asked once again, a little alarmed and immediately rushing towards her. When Dessa opened her palm, he saw that there was a small cut. Finn gasped. “Dessa! W-What happened? No wait- first, w-we need to tend to it. You have a f-first aid in here right?! Of course you do, I-I think you said it was in your bathroom right? Right! I-I’ll go and check, be right back!” He rushed back out and got the first aid before rushing back to her to tend to her cut. Thankfully, It wasn’t a deep cut, but even so, he still went as far a to wrap it up so that it could heal properly. “There.” He said, pressing a small kiss against the bandage as if it would help heal the cut quicker. “A-All cleaned and covered up! Now I’m going to n-need to keep a better eye on you so that n-nothing worst can happen.”
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ofsecxndstar · 7 years
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“You want to go to Neverland?” Iridessa questioned confusion painted in her voice.. “Why would you ever want to go there..” The young fairy asked quickly gathering her books, “And why would you approach me about it?” She asked moving out of the way trying to avoid the other.
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wdpa-rp · 2 years
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Meet Tessa Lights! Word on the street is that she bears a striking resemblance to China Anne McClain. She is an Astronomy Intern at the Santa Monica Planetarium Currently, she’s open.
→ Once Upon A Time.
Being the daughter of astronauts definitely wasn’t an easy task for Tessa growing up. She was raised mostly by her grandmother who taught her what space and galaxies were like and she instantly fell in love with learning about astronomy and the truth about her scars and how they’re wings, but she found that to be a tall tale. If only she could conquer her phobia of the dark, however.
This fear was all thanks to her older brother and his friends for playing pranks on her in the dark, and ever since then, Tess hated the dark as much as she hated spiders and snakes. Often times, she was teased for sleeping with a night light or needing to have some sort of light nearby to feel better.
If that didn’t make the young girl a little more anxious, her orange/yellow scars one day turned into wings at a full moon and her grandmother, an elder fairy, taught her granddaughter everything she needed to know–including the talent to bend light before sending her to WDPA to continue her studies.
→ The Road So Far.
After a years of studying and earning her degree in both astronomy and pixie dust alchemy, Tessa has slowly, but surely conquered her fear of the dark and has achieved her dreams of being an astronomer...sort of. She’s currently an intern at the planetarium.
Around town, she’s very known for her light bending skills and is part of the Pixie Dust Alchemy group, coming back to WDPA during her free time to help other young fairies on how to learn to use pixie dust to help boost their talents.
As a graduate student and astronomer at the academy, many will find Tessa in the science wing, at the planetarium, helping other light fairies use their light bending skills, or outdoors at night, admiring the wondrous sky and all of its mysteries.
→ The Vices & Virtues.
+ Clever, Organized, Bright
- Worrisome, Apprehensive, Perfectionist
→ Are You A Friend or Foe?
Perrie Sparks
Becca Utonium
Tatiana DeLuca
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phtbcbble · 2 years
slurred words (dessa)
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
“Ms. Bright is so bright! She’s one of the brightest, kindest, sweetest, and at times, shyest friend I know! And I absolutely adore her!” There was a very evident and prominent smile on his face as he spoke. “How can anyone dislike someone like her? I sure don’t and I can’t fathom a reality where I disliked her because such a reality is nonexistent! Truly, if the theory of there being multiple realities existed, I am certain that in every single one of those the both of us are still friends! With at most, neither of us having yet to meet in which then means that sometime in the future we still will because it’s a must that we would befriend one another. A must!” There was a look of certainty within Bobble’s face despite his face also being a tad flushed due to the consumption of alcohol he had. “I’m aware that at times, she feels like she doesn’t fit in among our friend group and how she lacks in certain areas, however, I do not find anything lacking within her but rather, find her as a necessity to us all. And I say this because Ms. Bright is one of, if not, is the most level-headed one among all our friends and is the one who can view a situation maturely which I have to admit, is something that not all the others often do. Myself included, and it’s nice to be friends with someone who I know would always be on the look-out for me or our other friends. At the same time, I hope she’s aware that I try to do the same for her. As necessary as it is to have her level-headedness around, I also want her to know that she can and is allowed to let lose and relax herself too, and that if she ever needs someone to watch out for her or be there for her, I am more than willing and happy to do so. Truly.”
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[ @iridxssa ]
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oliifoxwrth · 2 years
slurred words (dessa)
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
“Uh......I guess, I would say she’s cool? Don’t really know her all that well, though, but uh, yeah, I think she’s cool.” Oliver nodded, wondering why he was being asked about Iridessa. It wasn’t like he didn’t know her or anything like that because he has seen her around town lots of times before and have even spoken to her a few times. “We’re not that close for me to say more about her, but I uh..... I can add that I wouldn’t mind being friends with her? I can’t see her as someone who might judge me over something small, nor can I see her as someone who would be after— uh.” Although for some odd reason he had decided to drink this time around, the blonde still had some sense to him to not blurt out how he was rich. Instead, Oliver shook his head. “Know what, never mind. Like I said, I think she’s cool and could make as a good friend. If I knew her more, than I would say more buttttt—” He awkwardly shrugged. 
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[ @iridxssa ]
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inviiscviiclet · 2 years
slurred words (dessa)
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
“…...Dessa’s one of those friends who I think I relate with a lot…...I know it may not seem like it and at most, that we are both mainly friends due to our association to Wendy, but the both of us got along since we met.” Violet stated, having no mind in being asked about one of her friends after having a couple of drinks. If anything, talking about Iridessa was easy for her in comparison to some of her other friends and with that, the ravenette smiled as she continued on. “She may not be as high energy as some of our other friends, and at times is even shy, but then again, I can be shy myself and I am more than okay with being around someone who can be around another and just……be content with the silence. And not too many of my friends are like that, you know?” She mused. “Dessa is also extremely protective of her friends too, which is also something I relate too with her because……I mean, have you seen how Dessa is with her friend Nibs? Or any of her other friends for that matter? She’s exactly like how I am with Wendy, and I’m pretty sure that is another reason to why we get along so well.” 
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( @iridxssa )
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BFCD Masterlist: Black Female Cartoon Characters
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Abbiejean Archer Archer | Agura Ibaden Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 | Aisha The Winx Club  | Alex Magical Girl Friendship Squad | Allura Voltron |  Amber Bennett Invincible | Amina Ramsey Star Trek: Lower Decks | Ana Spanakopita Bojack Horseman | Andra Master of the Universe |  Andrea Star VS The Forces of Evil | Angel Dynamite Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated | April O’Neil Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |  Ashley Boulet Recess |
Babs Pinky Malinky | Beckett Mariner Star Trek: Lowerdecks | Bismuth Steven Universe | Bree James Fancy Nancy | Briar Beauty Ever After High | Bumblebee DC Comics |
Candy Dave the Barbarian | Carol Freeman Star Trek: Lower Decks | Catalina Leone (Lioness) Alpha Teens on Machines | Catty Noir Monster High | Cedar Wood Ever After High |  Claire Motorcity |  Claudeen Wolf Monster High | Claudia Grant Robotech | Cleo De Nile Monster High | Cobra Big Hero 6 Series | Connie, The Hormone Monstress Big Mouth | Connie Rock and Riot |
Daria Roselyn Rainbow High | Diana the Acrobat Dungeons and Dragons | Dijonay Jones The Proud Family | Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins |
Elise Abadeer Adventure Time | Enid OK KO! Let’s Be Heroes |  Erica Wang Captain Underpants |  Esther Hopkins Twelve Forever |
Felicia Bratz |  Foxxy Love Drawn Together | Francine Frye Marvel’s Spider Man |  Frida Hilda |
Gaia Captain Planet and the Planeteers | Garnet Steven Universe | Gigi Thompson Inside Job |  Goo Goo Gaga Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends | Grace Monroe Infinity Train |
Helena Troy Spy Groove | Holly Phineas and Ferb | HoneyBee Black Dynamite Animated Series | Honeybee Shaw-Tobin The Great North |
Indigo Rainbow Brite |  Iridessa Disney Fairies |
Jackie Cyberchase | Janai The Dragon Prince |  Jane Amphibia | Janet Dragon Ball Super | Jasmine Total Drama | Jasper Steven Universe | Jenny Pizza Steven Universe |  Jessica Gordon Captain Underpants | Jessica Williams Craig of the Creek |  Jo Kid Cosmic |  Jodie Landon Daria | Jojo Williams Craig of the Creek |  Justine Dancer Ever After High |
Kat Elliot Wendall & Wild | Keesha Franklin The Magic Schoolbus | Kelly Star VS The Forces of Evil |  Khessa, The Sunfire Queen The Dragon Prince | Kiki Pizza Steven Universe | Kipo Oak Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts |  Koala Princess OK Let’s Be Heroes |  Koki Wild Kratts |  Krystal Bailey Rainbow High |
Labarbara Conrad Futurama | Lana Kane Archer |  Leshawna Total Drama |  Libby Folfax Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius | Luna The Hex Girls, Scooby Doo | Lunella Lafayette Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur | Luz Noceda The Owl House
Mae Turner Jurassic World: Camp Cretacious |  Maureen Parker The Proud Family |  Maxine Gibson Batman Beyond |  Maya Craig of the Creek | Megan Gandlym Star VS The Forces of Evil | Mel Medarda Arcane League of Legends | Mia Abara Duncanville | Miranda Killgallen As Told By Ginger | Molly Blyndeff Epithet Erased | Molly Tillerman Central Park | Mona Big Mouth |  Monie Hey Monie |  Muses Greek Mythology |
Nella Nella the Princess Knight | Nessa Pokemon | Netossa Shera and the Princesses of Power |  Nichole Daniels South Park | Numbah 5 Code Name Kids Next Door |
Obsidian Steven Universe | Olivia Pokemon | Orange Blossom Strawberry Shortcake | Ororo Munroe X-Men
Penny Proud The Proud Family | Piper Storm Hawks | Princess Ariel Thundarr the Barbarian
Quinn Ergon Final Space | Quinta Foreman Big Mouth
Rae Sloane Star Wars Rebels |  Rashida Remington Big City Greens | Rhonda Vega Children of Ether | Roberta Tubbs The Cleveland Show | Ruby Steven Universe
S.A.M. Cannon Busters | Samantha Monster Buster Club | Sara Over the Garden Wall | Sasha Bratz | Shana Elmsford Jem | Sister Helley Wendall & Wild | Skara The Owl House | Sparkle Cadet COTC | Storm Goddess Courage the Cowardly Dog | Sunny Madison Rainbow High |  Susie Carmichael Rugrats |
Tam Ryvora Star Wars: Resistance |  Tamiya Diop Code Lyoko |  Taranee Cook W.I.T.C.H. |  Tiana The Princess and the Frog |  Tip Tucci Home | Trixie Carter American Dragon Jake Long | 
Valerie Brown Josie and the Pussycats | Valerie Gray Danny Phantom |
Wilhamena Mettle OK Let’s Be Heroes | Wolf Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts |
Yvette Hey Monie |
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