#c: betty nelson
maddie-grove · 6 months
Watching Don and Betty parent (together or separately) on Mad Men is so so sad (because I don’t think either of them ever wants to be mean to their kids! I think they both genuinely want to be better than their horrifying parents! The bar is just very very low!) but also kind of funny. It’s like if somebody gave some kids to the most neurotic of the popular junior girls at a private high school and a confident teenage drifter. How do they have a house??? They should be in a road movie about two college freshmen who couldn’t be more different but their boyfriend and girlfriend go to the same college so they carpool and hijinks ensue.
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zablife · 2 years
White Picket Chemtrails (Part 3)
Jack Nelson x OC Louise (Jack’s mistress) x OC Elizabeth (Jack’s wife)
Summary: Jack Nelson is married to the perfect society wife with two sons to carry on his legacy, but when Jack’s young mistress falls pregnant he can’t let her go. Who will he choose?
Author’s Note: This is a bit longer than Part 1 and 2 because I hope to finish it with the next part I release. I feel it may be slightly unclear in the story so I will clarify here that Sean is working for both the Italian mafia and the Irish mob which will cause problems later.
Warnings: 🔞, smut, language, pregnancy, cheating, mention of childbirth, assault, kidnapping
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Part 1, Part 2
“Jack, what’s she doing here?” Elizabeth asked in a controlled voice. She had to be quiet unless she wanted the entire congregation to hear her. 
“Who, Betty?” Jack whispered, looking up from prayer to glance around the church. 
Elizabeth nodded her head in the direction of Louise and Sean, sat in the pew three rows behind them across the aisle. “She’s attending mass with her husband. Leave them be,” Jack said curtly. 
“Since when is she married?” Elizabeth continued her questions undeterred. 
“I don’t know, a few months I think the fellas said,” Jack brushed her off before lowering himself to kneel. 
After mass Elizabeth was caught up in a conversation about an upcoming church function and Jack was able to slip away in the crowd. He quickly found Sean and hissed at him, “They don’t got churches in the city anymore? What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” 
“Relax, Jack, Louise wanted to see her sister. I didn’t think you’d mind,” Sean said nonchalantly. He could tell Jack was upset, but he was enjoying making him suffer a little for the things he had done to Louise. 
“Where’s Lou? You need to get her out of here before my wife comes over,” Jack said uncomfortably. 
“Bathroom,” Sean said jerking his chin toward the hall. “See, there she is,” he said face lighting up at the sight of her.
Louise brightened when she saw Jack, although her eyes didn’t meet his as she beamed a radiant smile in his direction. As she came to stand next to Sean, her gaze seemed to be only on her husband. Jack hoped this was all part of their act as a happily married couple, but it still didn’t sit well with him. He wanted Louise on his arm, draping herself over him. She was beautiful in her lilac dress and hat, a rosy glow painting her cheeks. 
“You look well, Louise,” Jack said wanting to take her by the hand and run with her, lead her anywhere he could devour her plump lips like he used to every day in his office. He glanced at her hand on Sean’s arm once more and wished her brightly colored nails were raking through his hair. Before his daydream could continue, Elizabeth surprised them.
“Is that you, Louise?” Elizabeth said in a saccharine voice. She greeted Louise like an old friend, but Jack knew better. 
“Good morning, Mrs. Nelson,” Louise said demurely, clutching onto Sean more tightly and fidgeting in her shoes.
Elizabeth continued, “You know, I really couldn’t tell. You spent so much of your time in my husband's office on your knees. I never got to look into your eyes." Turning to Jack, her smile disappeared as she adjusted his tie to an uncomfortable tightness, "I’m sure Jack never did either."
Jack captured her delicate wrist in a painful grasp. “Elizabeth, you’re being rude. You haven’t even introduced yourself to Mr. Doyle, sweetheart,” he said through gritted teeth.
Elizabeth pulled away with a breezy laugh and extended her reddened hand to Mr. Doyle. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Doyle. Is Louise your secretary now?” she quipped.
“Louise is my wife, ma’am,” he said. Extending a hand to stroke Louise's swollen stomach protectively, he added, “We’re expecting our first child in the fall.” Out of the corner of her eye, Louise noticed Jack’s fist clench by his side at Sean’s words and she looked away unable to bear the lie.
“I see. Well, you have been a busy little bee, my dear,” Elizabeth said continuing to misbehave. 
Feeling the tension rising, Sean said, “We really should be going, Jack. It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Nelson."
“One more question if you’ll indulge me,” Elizabeth said sweetly. Sean and Louise stood in awkward silence, dreading the thought of what she might say next. “Where did you two meet? I love to hear stories of young love,” she said looking between them with a wicked smile.
“The laundromat”/“The pictures” they answered at the same time. 
“How interesting,” Elizabeth said. “I’ve never been anywhere like that. Have you Jack?”
Without answering her, Jack began to lead Betty away by the arm, “Enjoy your afternoon,” he said over his shoulder.
She broke free saying, “Get the car, I want to go home where we can talk. I have a few things I want to say to you.”
Once they had returned home and the boys were outside playing, the arguing began. 
“How fucking stupid do you think I am, Jack?” Elizabeth said throwing a bottle from her vanity at him. “It’s obvious that man never saw her before in his life! They couldn’t even tell me where they met!”
“How should I know? The girl left my office months ago," Jack said attempting a rebuttal.
"Three months ago, Jack. What is she six, seven months pregnant now. I can do math. Can you?" she said angrily tossing a hairbrush at his head.
"I don’t know her life. She got knocked up and got married. So what?” Jack said hoping she would run out of energy soon. There hadn’t been anything damaging connecting him to Louise's fake marriage so he felt safe denying the accusations.
Elizabeth stalked over to Jack and stood directly in front of him, studying his face. Running a hand across his cheek she said, "I know you, baby. I saw the way you looked at her today. You fucked up, didn’t you? Tell me.” 
Jack took Elizabeth’s shoulders in his large hands and caressed her softly. He held her gaze for a moment before saying, “Betty, I swear to you, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
The continuous lies were more than she could bear and Elizabeth smacked him across the face before pummeling him with her fists. Jack allowed a few blows to strike his arms and chest before restraining her. She continued to thrash and kick before he pushed her against the wall harshly. She was breathing heavily, hair hanging in her face as he brought his lips to her ear.
“How could you think I’d want anyone but you? You’re the mother of my children.” Jack tried to flatter her. He held her jaw in his hand as he placed open mouth kisses to her neck until he reached her mouth. Elizabeth kissed him back and when she felt him relax, she bit down hard on his lower lip. Jack stumbled backwards, placing a hand to his bleeding lip as he heard Betty cry, “And now Louise is too. How could you let this happen?”
She straightened her hair and clothes and went to the closet. When she returned she flipped open the top of her suitcase and began packing her things with a quiet sense of calm that unnerved Jack. Elizabeth was a passionate person who always said she would fight for their marriage no matter what. Her sudden lack of concern for their fight was deeply troubling to him. 
“I’m going to the beach house with the boys, but I don’t want you there,” she said moving to the boys’ room to gather their things. Jack tried to grab her arm, but she dodged him flashing him an angry look. “Don’t touch me,” she warned. 
“Can I call you?” he asked finally as she carried the suitcases to the car. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. At least not until you’re ready to tell me the truth,” she said calling the boys over.
Jack watched her pull away and went inside for a drink. He wondered how the day had gotten so out of hand. He replayed every moment of their conversation punishing himself. As he sat pondering, the maid arrived to cook supper. Jack dismissed her telling her he wouldn’t be needing much as his wife and children were taking an unplanned vacation.
“Should I call and cancel with the ladies in Mrs. Nelson’s bridge club? She was going to host it here this week, sir,” the maid informed him.
“Yeah, sure,” Jack said sitting back in his chair, rubbing his temples.
She excused herself into the hall to begin the phone calls and Jack’s ears began to burn as he listened to her first call. “May I speak with Mrs. Mike Kelly please?”
It had been one month since Elizabeth had taken the boys and Jack hadn’t heard much from her beyond the occasional call she allowed the boys to make. The smell of her perfume was beginning to fade and he wondered if she would ever return. In the days they spent apart, he began thinking of their history together and how she’d always been by his side to strategize each new move he would make to become more successful. She told him he had to be bold and ruthless in order to get what he wanted. Sometimes he thought she was speaking more about herself. 
She aligned herself with powerful friends which is why her bridge club was filled with so many influential people. Jack had known this, but as husbands often do, he had forgotten the details of his wife’s day to day life. How he had managed to forget Patricia Kelly’s presence in his home once a month was beyond his rational mind. However, his preoccupation with Louise and their situation had taken a great deal of his concentration recently. He had no doubt Patricia was the one who had informed Elizabeth about Sean. Being a clever woman, Elizabeth would have put the pieces together connecting Sean and Louise. If Jack hadn’t been so livid, he would have stopped to realize how impressed he was by his wife’s cunning use of banal social occasions to spy on him.
Meanwhile, Louise was trying hard to forget Jack. Sean provided solace from the harsh reality of her relationship with her former lover. If she could still call it a relationship. He only turned up occasionally for dates as though it were more of a chore than something he genuinely enjoyed. It made her feel like an obligation. 
The place she felt most at home now was curled into Sean, her back resting against his chest and her hand intertwined with his over her belly. She found her thoughts drifting to a future with him instead of Jack. Sean had proposed a plan to leave Boston and work for the Spinietta family in New York. He was already in contact with them so the move would not be difficult. However, she felt guilty for considering it because Jack was the father of her baby. Leaving Boston meant denying him the right to get to know his own child. Despite the problems in their relationship, she couldn’t imagine being so cruel.
It was hard to deny the way Sean cared for her though. In fact, she woke the next morning to a blissful sensation in her core. She tried to rub her legs together only to feel Sean’s large hands keeping them apart. Still sleepy she moaned and writhed in pleasure as she heard him hum against her, “You taste so good, baby.” She tried to arch her back and push her hips closer to his tongue and he hushed her, “I got you, sweetheart. Lay back and let me make you feel good, hmm?” 
She nodded and fell back against the soft pillows, enjoying the feeling of Sean’s hot breath ghosting over her. He took his time drawing lazy circles around her clit with his tongue before moving away to suck lightly on the skin of her thighs as his fingertips teased her entrance. She whined for more, but Sean continued a slow path to her release. Fucking her slowly with his tongue, nose bumping her clit until she came softly in gentle gasps. 
Pulling away to suck softly on her oversensitive clit, he pushed two fingers inside her and hooked them into the spot that drove her wild. She let out a strangled moan at the feeling of being forced to the edge again so quickly and another blinding orgasm hit her soon after. Sean continued stroking her walls, watching with delight as her legs shook, enjoying the feeling of her clenching around his fingers, wishing it was his cock. He listened to her breathing even out before he withdrew his fingers, licking them clean. Then he placed a long, slow kiss to her mound. Joining her on the pillow next to hers, he stroked her hair and praised her lovingly, “So good for me. You’re so beautiful.”
“M tired now, Sean,” she mumbled.
“It's ok. Rest, angel,” he said rubbing her stomach with care. He pulled the blankets over her body gently and watched as her eyelids closed. He couldn’t help the overwhelming need he had to protect her. 
As Louise’s due date approached, Jack became irritable and short tempered. Elizabeth was still away and Louise was acting oddly. He could feel her affection for him fading whenever he would visit. He couldn’t tell if it was her advanced stage of pregnancy altering her mood, but he knew something was off. She was never far from Jack’s thoughts, however, even as he entered a meeting with Mr. Kelly that afternoon.
“We have a serious problem on our hands with the Italians, Nelson. An entire shipment of our finest merchandise was stolen last week and nobody seems to know anything about it. Although, I hear it’s all over the New York market now, so do you care to tell me what happened?” Mr. Kelly said as he sat back in his chair smoking a cigar. 
“I’m aware, sir. We’ve recovered nearly half and we’re trying to find out who gave them the location. Trust me, I’ve been as persuasive as possible,” Jack assured him gesturing toward his weapons. 
Mr. Kelly slammed his hand on the desk, “Goddammit, I want a name! Nobody steals from me, you understand?”
Jack clenched his jaw, “Yes, sir.”
Mr. Kelly stroked his mustache thoughtfully, “I trusted you when it came to that business about Doyle a few months ago and now this. I hope I didn’t make a mistake trusting you with so much responsibility.” 
“No, sir, I’ll handle it,” Jack said turning to leave.
“One more thing,” Mr. Kelly said calling after him. “You're not focused these days,” he said stubbing out his cigar in the ashtray with a dissatisfied look. He leaned forward saying, “It’s none of my business what you do at home, but Patricia tells me Elizabeth’s been gone for awhile.” He wagged his finger at Jack as he proclaimed, “When a man loses a woman like that, his whole world falls apart.”
“It’s not like that. She’s on vacation with our boys,” Jack said flatly, hoping his boss would drop the issue. 
“Well, I’d get her back here if I were you. You’re shit without her,” he said bluntly. 
An order from Mr. Kelly meant something and knowing his wife, Patricia, would be checking, Jack reluctantly picked up the phone to call Elizabeth. He still didn’t know what to say to bring her home, but he knew he had to start with an apology.
Calling his wife from a pay phone he was surprised when she didn’t immediately hang up. Listening to the sounds of his sons playing rambunctiously in the background, he smiled to himself before beginning, “You’re right, Betty. I fucked up and I’m sorry. I miss you and the boys more than you know. I want you to come home,” he said realizing how much he meant the words as he spoke them.
“Why now, Jack?” she asked simply.
“I gave you space, Betty, but I can’t do that anymore. There’s gonna be a war with the Italians soon and I can’t protect you if you’re so far away. I know you don’t trust me much right now, but you can ask Patricia and she’ll tell you the same.” He knew adding that detail would prove he knew she had connections that would keep him honest. It would be the insurance she needed to accept his invitation to come home and for the sake of her boys, she did. 
“Louise, I need an answer, please. Are you coming to New York with me or not?” Sean said desperately.
“Sean, I can’t travel now. You know what the doctor said,” Louise explained.
“I would never ask you this if it wasn’t urgent. There’s been a problem and it could be bad for me if I don’t go now,” Sean said cryptically.
Louise approached him carefully taking his head in her hands. Looking deep into his eyes she asked with concern, “Is everything alright?”
He laced his hands over hers and took a deep breath. “I don’t want you to worry,” he said.
“You didn’t answer me, Sean. I need to know we’re safe,” Louise said feeling herself becoming upset. 
Brushing the hair from her face gently to calm her, Sean finally revealed, “Sweetheart, look, I’ve had to make some deals with the Spinietta family that are going to make the Kellys unhappy for awhile. It’s nothing for you to worry about, but we can’t stay in Boston.”
Louise chewed her lip, thinking of Jack once more. Her feelings for Sean were overwhelming now and she could no longer deny that he was the man she wanted. Without another thought she agreed, “Yes, I’ll go with you.”
However, before a single bag was packed, Louise went into labor and Sean rushed her to the hospital. It wasn’t until after the birth that either of them thought to call Jack. 
“Where’s Lou?” Jack asked rushing into the maternity ward. 
Sean stood to greet him and said, “No one’s allowed to see her yet. She had a rough time, Jack. The baby's two weeks early. They both could've died.”
“What do you mean? She’s alright, isn’t she?” he asked nervously.
“Sure, the doctor said they both need some rest is all,” Sean nodded. The men waited together until they were allowed back to see Louise. Jack entered the sterile room hesitantly, unsure how he would find Louise.
She sat in bed, looking tired, but as beautiful as ever. She smiled when she saw him and Jack took that as an invitation to pull up a chair beside her. He held her hand and asked with a wide smile, “Hey, baby doll, how ya doin?”
“I’m okay, I guess,” she said. Looking over at Sean she asked, “Did you tell him?” Jack’s eyes flicked to Sean who shook his head. 
“It’s a girl,” she said proudly.
“He knew?” Jack asked, obviously feeling hurt.
“The nurses told him when I was delirious, Jack,” Louise explained softly. 
“Sure, sure,” Jack said trying to brush off the slight. “Have you thought about a name?” He said rubbing a thumb over her hand. “I was thinking maybe Joan? My mother’s name was Joan. I don’t know if I ever told you that,” he said quietly.
"Jack, about the name..." Louise began, but she was interrupted by a knock at the door.
A nurse entered the room with a clipboard. “Mr. and Mrs. Doyle, we have the birth certificate paperwork for you to sign. I’ll leave it here,” she said placing it next to Louise. 
When she had left, Jack studied the document. Reading it aloud he said, “Maryanne Doyle. Mother: Louise Doyle. Father: Sean Doyle.” Trying to control his temper he looked at Sean angrily. “You put your fucking name on my daughter’s birth certificate?”
“What did you expect? We’re married, Jack, it would look odd if I didn’t,” Sean replied in an even tone, attempting to avoid a fight. He had no interest in engaging Jack in a pointless argument that would only upset Louise. 
Jack looked to Louise whose eyes had gone wide with fear. “Lou, we said you’d only list your name until we could change it, remember?” 
“I don’t ever want a record that she’s a bastard…Besides, I don’t believe you anymore,” Louise answered honestly. Jack sat in stunned silence as she continued. “You keep saying you want me and the baby, but all you really want is to keep us from belonging to someone else.”
“So you want to belong to him? Is that what you’re telling me?” Jack said clenching his jaw at the thought. Louise dropped her head into her hands and wept softly. Sean came to her side and offered her a handkerchief. She accepted it and leaned into him for comfort.
In that moment, Jack realized she had made her choice. He ran a hand over his face and let out a long sigh along with the sad exclamation, “Jesus Christ.”
“Can I have a minute, please. I don’t feel well,” Louise said. Sean gave her shoulder a squeeze and nodded his head toward the door indicating Jack should follow.
Sean closed the door quietly and stood facing Jack awkwardly. “I want to see my daughter,” Jack said without making eye contact. 
“You shouldn’t say that here,” Sean said quietly, leading him in the direction of the nursery. 
“What the fuck did you say to me?” Jack said loudly turning on his heel to come nose to nose with Sean.
“For God’s sake, lower your voice. Don’t make this worse for Louise,” Sean implored putting his hands on Jack's chest to keep him away.
Grabbing Sean by the collar, Jack threw him against the wall, hissing “You piece of shit! You were jealous so you tried to screw my business and my girl? That was a big mistake!” Leaning in closer, he whispered one last threat, “But it's not me you have to worry about anymore. You'll be dead in a year because the Spiniettas and the Kellys want you dead now.” He threw him away and Sean stumbled to regain his balance, coughing and sputtering, under the towering form of the taller man. Sean glared at him before wordlessly returning to Louise’s room.
Jack straightened his jacket to compose himself before looking down the corridor. He continued to the nursery, intent on laying eyes on his baby girl. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he surveyed the babies in their bassinets carefully, until his eyes rested on the the name tag reading “Baby Girl Doyle.”
His gaze immediately softened as he caught sight of the smallest infant in the room. Sleeping peacefully under a pink cotton blanket with silk edging was a perfect copy of Louise. She had a shock of dark hair and a button nose. Jack inhaled a sharp breath at the sight of her.
He held his large palm to the glass, wishing he could touch her. As he watched her bring a fist to her chubby cheek, he felt a surge of love course through his body, followed by a deep sense of remorse for everything he would be unable to give her.
A nurse appeared and said, “Sir, visiting hours have ended. Unless you’re one of the fathers, I need to ask you to leave.” Jack stood watching his daughter’s tiny chest rise and fall, transfixed by the sucking motions she made with her mouth. “Sir, are you the father of one of these babies?” she repeated with a bit more urgency. 
“No,” he said swallowing harshly. “I’m not,” he said turning to leave without glancing back.  
The next day, Elizabeth and the boys returned home to Jack. He had never been so happy to welcome them. With Louise fading from his mind, Jack was determined to rebuild Elizabeth’s trust. 
One month later…
“Such a lovely child!” One woman stopped to coo at the tiny baby in the carriage. 
“Darling!” Another woman said sweetly, leaning in to see for herself. 
“Thank you,” Louise said smiling shyly, as she straightened the blankets over her baby girl. She always got this kind of reaction when she took Maryanne for her daily stroll in the fresh air. Although the baby was still a bit frail from being born prematurely, she was a beautiful child and garnered lots of attention. It made Louise beam with pride. 
As Louise rounded a bend toward a secluded part of the park’s path, a dapper looking gentleman in a suit leaned over the carriage to compliment her as well. When she looked at him to offer a polite smile, she noticed his grin turn sinister. Then Louise felt someone grab her from behind and clap a hand over her mouth. Thrashing wildly and attempting a muffled scream, the man in front of her hushed her.
“There’s no need for hysterics, Mrs. Doyle,” he said holding up a gloved hand. “We’re not here to hurt anyone. We just need you to relay a simple message,” he said reaching into the carriage. 
Seeing him touch her child caused Louise to fight back with renewed desperation, but she quickly became dizzy from lack of oxygen when he placed a hand around her throat. As her vision started to turn black at the corners she heard the man say, “Tell your husband, business is like family. We have nothing without trust in each other. You'll get your daughter back when he's learned to show loyalty.” He began to walk away with the screaming child as Louise lost consciousness and fell to the ground in a heap.
Continue reading Part 4
Tag list: @retromafia, @daddyjack-nelson, @shelbydelrey, @theshelbyslimited, @kittycatcait219, @peakyswritings, @evita-shelby, @tommydoesntpayforsuits, @peakyrogers, @wandawiccan60, @easilyobessedbutflighty, @severewobblerlightdragon, @kpopgirlbtssvt,@lovemissyhoneybee, @renderedspeechless, @slytherisstuff, @watercolorskyy, @cillmequick
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kwebtv · 3 months
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Earthsea - Sci-Fi - December 13 - 14, 2004
Fantasy (2 episodes)
Running Time: 172 minutes
Shawn Ashmore as Ged / Sparrowhawk
Kristin Kreuk as Tenar
Danny Glover as Ogion
Isabella Rossellini as Thar
Sebastian Roché as King Tygath
Jennifer Calvert as Kossil
Chris Gauthier as Vetch
Mark Acheson as The Gebbeth
Supporting Characters
Alan Scarfe as the Archmagus
Mark Hildreth as Jasper 
Dave 'Squatch' Ward as Dunian
Alessandro Juliani as Skiorh
Katharine Isabelle as Yarrow
Amanda Tapping as Lady Elfarren
Erin Karpluk as Diana
Emily Hampshire as Rosa
John Tench as General Doar
Alex Diakun as Thorvald
Heather Laura Gray as Penelope
Betty Phillips as Marion
William Samples as Doctor Hand
Antony Holland as Master Namer
R. Nelson Brown as Master Herbal
Chris Britton as Master Summoner
Frank C. Turner as Avner
Stefan Arngrim as Shire Reeve
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Lana Turner and Diane Varsi in Peyton Place (Mark Robson, 1957) Cast: Lana Turner, Lee Philips, Diane Varsi, Hope Lange, Arthur Kennedy, Lloyd Nolan, Russ Tamblyn, Terry Moore, David Nelson, Barry Coe, Betty Field, Mildred Dunnock, Leon Ames, Lorne Greene. Screenplay: John Michael Hayes, based on a novel by Grace Metalious. Cinematography: William C. Mellor. Art direction: Jack Martin Smith, Lyle R. Wheeler. Film editing: David Bretherton. Music: Franz Waxman. Take the sex away from Grace Metalious's lurid novel Peyton Place and what you have left is a portrait of small-town narrow-mindedness and hypocrisy, very much in the tradition of fiction by much better writers, from Mark Twain to Sherwood Anderson, Sinclair Lewis, and William Faulkner. Squeezed by the strictures of the Production Code, the film version of the novel becomes a kind of reworking of Thornton Wilder's Our Town. There was narrow-mindedness and hypocrisy in Wilder's Grover's Corners, but only in the background. It bubbles to the surface in the adaptation of Metalious's novel, which replaces Wilder's heroine, the romantic Emily Webb, who loves her family and her town, with the embittered Allison MacKenzie (Diane Varsi), who hates not only the gossip-ridden town but also her mother, Constance (Lana Turner), for having withheld the information that Allison is the product of Constance's liaison with a married man. The film version of Peyton Place turns what in the novel was sexual molestation of a girl by her father into a rape by her stepfather, side-stepping the incest issue a bit, and converts an abortion into a miscarriage. The randy teenagers of the novel do nothing more shocking in the film than make out a bit and go skinny-dipping. The film hints a little that the shy mama's boy Norman Page (Russ Tamblyn) may be gay -- he refers to himself as a "sissy" once -- but relieves him of that stigma by having him join the paratroopers when war breaks out and come home bold and no longer shy. (It would never occur to Hollywood or its audiences of the day that a gay man could be bold and masculine.) In short, Peyton Place makes today's viewer do a lot of decoding. Which, aside from the fact that at 157 minutes it's overlong and a lot of the dialogue is heavy-handedly expository (and sometimes just banal), doesn't fatally undermine it as entertainment. There are some very good performances: Varsi, Turner, and Tamblyn received Oscar nominations, as did Arthur Kennedy as the slavering rapist stepfather, and Hope Lange as his victim-stepdaughter. Metalious, of course, hated it all the way to the bank.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"GLOWING HEALTH is the hallmark of air-women of the Royal Canadian Air Force and grace is the keynote of the physical training exercises given them to ensure that health. Gone are the stiff bending and stretching exercises reminiscent of the days when their mothers wore middies and bloomers for sports. Now the airwomen in their trim P.T. shorts and blouses are given movements that would make a Greek goddess high. Here seven air-women are silhouetted against Canadian skies as they execute a stretching exercise with rhythm in every movement. They are: - from left to right, AW2 Joan Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilbert, Toronto; AW2 Betty Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Roberts, Whiterock, B.C.; AW2 Elizabeth Collier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Collier, Toronto; AW2 Eve Alexander, daughter of Mrs. C. Alexander, Sault Ste. Marie; AW2 Marjorie Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Adams, Gilbert Plains, Man.; AW2 Geraldine (Terry) Austin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Austin, Haileybury, Ont.; and AW2 Dorothy Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones, Nelson, B.C. (R.C.A.F. photo)" - from the Kingston Whig-Standard. September 13, 1943. Page 6.
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joysmercer · 5 years
Grey’s Anatomy 15x14 Final Thoughts
 This is going to be a little bit on the short side, but tl;dr: this was one of the better episodes of the season, and I love Amelia. Let’s get started.
Meredith: Of course she broke another record, congrats to her, I guess. I wish we actually got to see her prep for and actually do the surgery, but I’m also glad they didn’t cut time from the other storylines in this episode to make that happen. Deluca seemed more like her cheerleader than her resident (or boyfriend) in the scenes they had together, which was just weird. 
Alex: I have to admit, I did enjoy seeing him (slightly) jealous of the attention Mer was getting with her surgery. It was one of the few lighthearted moments from this episode, which I appreciate. 
Seeing Alex deal with another addict-parent really highlighted how far he’s come. We saw him, for the first time, really stepping up as chief last week, but he’s also changed so much personally. There was a similar storyline a few seasons ago, where he was treating a kid whose parents were meth dealers (or something like that). In that episode, he completely freaked out and got really angry about it. Now, he handled the situation with grace and class while making it absolutely clear what his opinions were. The scene with him and Jo at the end was adorable, and I’m glad with how their storylines played out here.
Nico/Levi: Don’t really ship this, especially since we (STILL) know nothing about Nico except for his sexuality, but they had some cute moments.
Maggie/Jackson: Still don’t care about them, but Maggie freaking out about camping, of all things, was kind of hilarious. What they did for the homeless man at the end was really heartwarming. Also, Jackson telling Qadri to fix her facial expressions was pretty funny. 
Owen: I feel bad that he “lost” Leo so soon. But I’m irritated that we didn’t see him apologize to Amelia; it seems like what he said last week had, like, no effect on their relationship. I hope he and Amelia stay friends instead of anything more. 
Teddy: I’m not really on board with this whole “Cardio surgeon becomes chief of Trauma” thing, but it was incredibly gratifying to see her boss around the doctors and organize the ER almost as efficiently as Kepner would have done. When it came time for Betty’s surgery, I’m glad she was the one to do it – familial reasons aside,  and the show did a good job of finally highlighting that despite Pierce being chief, Teddy is, first and foremost, a world-class Cardio surgeon, and Betty couldn’t have been in better hands. There’s more about this below.
Amelia & the Betty Storyline:
I know that there’s an Amelia-centric episode coming up, but she still really had her moments in this episode. I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about the parallels between Link and her ex-fiancé. I haven’t seen Private Practice  so I can’t really comment on that, but while I don’t really ship it romantically, I can see, and I do want, her and Link having a friendship similar to that of Meredith and Alex. 
Even without watching Private Practice, it’s evident just how much she’s evolved from simply being Derek’s sister. @jordan202 put it really well: she’s made strides with coming to terms with what addiction did TO her, but before this, she never truly understood what it did to her family and friends. Dealing with Betty has definitely changed her for the better, and I’m excited to see her reflect on that experience in the future. 
Teddy’s “Amelia may never see that little girl open her eyes again” line was perfect. First of all, she’s acknowledging the bond that the Sisters share (despite brushing it off before). But all that aside, Teddy may not verbalize it, but she knows first-hand how much it matters to have someone there for you during moments like this. That person during Henry’s debacle was supposed to be Owen, but he couldn’t be there, and we all know how that turned out. For Amelia, those people are Maggie and Meredith, and Teddy did everything to make sure that Amelia wouldn’t be left alone. Amelia embracing her in relief at the end was wonderful. These two women (undoubtedly) still harbor some not-so-nice feelings towards each other, but in that moment, all of that was put aside.
Amelia was wearing her emotions on her sleeve for the majority of this episode, which just made Caterina Scorsone’s acting even more phenomenal throughout. With every word, tear, and facial expression, we could see just how much Betty meant to Amelia, and just how strong she has become because of it. And her final monologue was so powerful and emotional. Once again, hats-off to her. 
And Amelia’s been through so much on this show. She’s faced obstacles at nearly every turn, both emotionally and due to circumstance. Here scenes and storylines have been some of the most vulnerable and heart-wrenching. It’s incredibly hard to put into words what Amelia’s experiences have meant to me, but…I cried at the end of this episode. Amelia always had it in her to be a superhero, and it took awhile for her to believe it herself; now, with this episode, she’s proven it to everyone else, once and for all. 
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justforbooks · 3 years
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Elizabeth Short (July 29, 1924 – January 15, 1947), known posthumously as the "Black Dahlia", was an American woman who was found murdered in the Leimert Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Her case became highly publicized due to the graphic nature of the crime, which included her corpse having been mutilated and bisected at the waist.
A native of Boston, Short spent her early life in Medford, Massachusetts, and Florida before relocating to California, where her father lived. It is commonly held that Short was an aspiring actress, though she had no known acting credits or jobs during her time in Los Angeles. She would acquire the nickname of the Black Dahlia posthumously (after the owner of a drugstore in Long Beach, California told reporters that male customers had that name for her), as newspapers of the period often nicknamed particularly lurid crimes; the term may have originated from a film noir murder mystery, The Blue Dahlia, released in April 1946. After the discovery of her body on January 15, 1947, the Los Angeles Police Department began an extensive investigation that produced over 150 suspects, but yielded no arrests.
Short's unsolved murder and the details surrounding it have had a lasting cultural intrigue, generating various theories and public speculation. Her life and death have been the basis of numerous books and films, and her murder is frequently cited as one of the most famous unsolved murders in American history, as well as one of the oldest unsolved cases in Los Angeles County. It has likewise been credited by historians as one of the first major crimes in post–World War II America to capture national attention.
On the morning of January 15, 1947, Short's naked body was found severed into two pieces on a vacant lot on the west side of South Norton Avenue, midway between Coliseum Street and West 39th Street (at 34.0164°N 118.333°W) in Leimert Park, Los Angeles. At the time, the neighborhood was largely undeveloped. Local resident Betty Bersinger discovered the body at approximately 10 a.m. while walking with her three-year-old daughter. Bersinger initially thought she had found a discarded store mannequin. When she realized it was a corpse, she rushed to a nearby house and telephoned the police.
Short's severely mutilated body was completely severed at the waist and drained of blood, leaving her skin a pallid white. Medical examiners determined that she had been dead for around ten hours prior to the discovery, leaving her time of death either sometime during the evening of January 14, or the early morning hours of January 15. The body had apparently been washed by the killer. Short's face had been slashed from the corners of her mouth to her ears, creating an effect known as the "Glasgow smile". She had several cuts on her thigh and breasts, where entire portions of flesh had been sliced away. The lower half of her body was positioned a foot away from the upper, and her intestines had been tucked neatly beneath her buttocks. The corpse had been "posed", with her hands over her head, her elbows bent at right angles, and her legs spread apart.
Upon the discovery, a crowd of both passersby and reporters began to gather; Los Angeles Herald-Express reporter Aggie Underwood was among the first to arrive at the scene, and took several photos of the corpse and crime scene. Near the body, detectives located a heel print on the ground amid the tire tracks, and a cement sack containing watery blood was also found nearby.
Short is interred at the Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland. After her younger sisters had grown up and married, their mother, Phoebe, moved to Oakland to be near her daughter's grave. She finally returned to the East Coast in the 1970s, where she lived into her 90s. On February 2, 1947, just two weeks after Short's murder, Republican state assemblyman C. Don Field was prompted by the case to introduce a bill calling for the formation of a sex offender registry; the state of California would become the first U.S. state to make the registration of sex offenders mandatory.
Short's murder has been described as one of the most brutal and culturally enduring crimes in American history, and Time magazine listed it as one of the most infamous unsolved cases in the world.
Short's life and death have been the basis of numerous books and films, both fictionalized and non-fiction. The case was the focus of Season Four, Episode 13 of Hunter, in which the main characters, along with a (fictitious) veteran former police detective (played by Lawrence Tierney), investigated and carried out an arrest of an in-reality fictitious suspect after 41 years. Elizabeth Short was portrayed here by Jessica Nelson. Among the most famous fictional accounts of Short's death is James Ellroy's 1987 novel The Black Dahlia, which, in addition to the murder, explored "the larger fields of politics, crime, corruption, and paranoia in post-war Los Angeles", according to cultural critic David M. Fine. Ellroy's novel was adapted into a 2006 film of the same name by director Brian De Palma: Short was played by actress Mia Kirshner. Both Ellroy's novel and its film adaptation bear little relation to the facts of the case. Short was also portrayed in heavily fictionalized accounts by Lucie Arnaz in the 1975 television film Who Is the Black Dahlia? and again by Mena Suvari in the series American Horror Story in 2011, featuring Short in the plot line of the episode "Spooky Little Girl", and again in 2018 with "Return to Murder House".
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mysticalhearth · 3 years
Cabaret - Bad Hersfeld - 1995 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Act 1 only
CAST: Peter Heinrich (Emcee), Pia Douwes (Sally Bowles), Witta Pohl (Fräulein Schneider), Utz Richter (Herr Schultz), Frank Jordan (Clifford Bradshaw), Patrik Fichte (Ernst Ludwig), Annika Bruhns (Fräulein Kost), Barbara Köhler, Claudia Waucshke, Julia Hillens, Manuela von Englen, Nane Broning, Susanne Riegger, Suzanne Back
Cabaret - Donmar Warehouse - 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Jane Horrocks (Sally Bowles), Sara Kestelman (Fräulein Schneider), George Raistrick (Herr Schultz), Adam Godley (Clifford Bradshaw), Michael Gardiner (Ernst Ludwig), Charlotte Medcalf (Fräulein Kost), Loveday Smith (Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Kevin Walton (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Anthony Hunt (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Charlotte Storey (Texas), Christopher Staines (Victor), Matt Kane (Rudy)
NOTES: Pro-Shot
Cabaret - Fifth US National Tour (Roundabout 50th Anniversary Tour) - February 17, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Randy Harrison (Emcee), Andrea Goss (Sally Bowles), Sharan Cochran (Fräulein Schneider), Mark Nelson (Herr Schultz), Lee Aaron Rosen (Clifford Bradshaw), Ned Noyes (Ernst Ludwig), Alison Ewing (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the new tour, with no obstructions. Randy does a terrific job in the role. Great cast and very strong performances! A+
Cabaret - The Netherlands - 1989
CAST: Willem Nijholt (Emcee), Alexandra van Marken (Sally Bowles)
NOTES: Generation loss
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - May 3, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions and features the entire Revival Cast. Alan gives a terrific return performance as the Emcee. Gayle and Linda still give such beautiful performances that are wonderful to watch! A
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - August 19, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Benjamin Eakeley (u/s Ernst Ludwig), Kaleigh Cronin (u/s Fräulein Kost), Stacey Sipowicz (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Kelly Paredes (u/s Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - November 20, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Emma Stone (Sally Bowles), Kristie Dale Sanders (s/b Fräulein Schneider), Philip Hoffman (s/b Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost), Katrina Yaukey (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Benjamin Eakeley (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Stacey Sipowicz (Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture with Emma joining the cast as Sally. She does a dazzling job in the role and very precise in detail. Lovely performances from Kristie and Philip. A
Caesar and Cleopatra - Stratford Festival - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Christopher Plummer (Julius Caesar), Nikki M James (Cleopatra)
Camelot - Second Broadway Revival - 1982 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Richard Harris (King Arthur), Meg Bussert (Queen Guenevere), Richard Muenz (Sir Lancelot), James Valentine (Merlyn), Barrie Ingham (Pellinore), Richard Backus (Mordred), William Parry (Sir Dinadan), Thor Fields (Tom of Warwick), Jeanne Caryl (Nimue), William James (Sir Lionel), Andy McAvin (Sir Sagramore)
Candide - New York Philharmonic - May, 2004 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Paul Groves (Candide), Sir Thomas Allan (Dr. Pangloss), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Maximilian), Kristin Chenoweth (Cunegonde), Janine LaManna (Paquette), Patti LuPone (The Old Lady)
Candide - Paris - December 31, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: William Burden (Candide), Lambert Wilson (Dr. Pangloss), David Adam Moore (Maximilian), Anna Christy (Cunegonde), Jeni Bern (Paquette), Kim Criswell (The Old Lady)
NOTES: Recorded by the BBC.
Candide - Scottish Opera Production - May, 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mark Beudert (Candide), Nikolas Grace (Dr. Pangloss), Mark Tinkler (Maximilian), Gaynor Miles (Paquette), Ann Howard (The Old Lady), Nikolas Grace (Cacambo)
The Capeman - Broadway - 1998
CAST: Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak)
NOTES: "THE CAPEMAN" OBC 1998 (mp4) Very poor picture quality, but clear audio. Marc Anthony (Young Salvador), Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Lugo (Baba Charlie Cruz), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak).
Caroline, or Change - Broadway - July 24, 2004
CAST: Tonya Pinkins (Caroline Thibodeaux), Veanne Cox (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Anika Noni Rose (Emmie Thibodeaux), Chandra Wilson (Dotty Moffett), Chuck Cooper (The Dryer), Larry Keith (Mr. Stopnick), Alice Playten (Grandma Gellman)
NOTES: Fixed the brightness balance. Sound improved. Includes TV appearances.
Caroline, or Change - Toronto - February 1, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jully Black (Caroline Thibodeaux), Evan LeFeuvre (Noah Gellman), Deborah Hay (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Damien Atkins (Stuart Gellman), Vanessa Sears (Emmie Thibodeaux), Alana Hibbert (Dotty Moffett), Keisha T Fraser (The Washing Machine), Stewart Adam McKensy (The Dryer), Samantha Walkes (The Radio), Measha Brueggergosman (The Moon), Sam Rosenthal (Mr. Stopnick), Oliver Dennis (Grandpa Gellman), Linda Kash (Grandma Gellman), Moses Aidoo (Jackie Thibodeaux), Micah Mensah-Jatoe (Joe Thibodeaux)
NOTES: Features a speech from the artistic director of the Musical Stage Company regarding the commencement of Black History Month. This is my first ever complete video capture, save for a short blackout for about the last sixty seconds of the closing number. A worthwhile watch that begins Musical Stage Company's residency of the Winter Garden Theatre!
Caroline, or Change - West End Revival - December, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Sharon D Clarke (Caroline Thibodeaux), Jack Meredith (Noah Gellman), Lauren Ward (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Alastair Brookshaw (Stuart Gellman), Abiona Omonua (Emmie Thibodeaux), Naana Agyel-Ampadu (Dotty Moffett), Me'sha Bryan (The Washing Machine), Angela Caesar (The Moon)
Carousel - New York Philharmonic Concert - March 2, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Nathan Gunn (Billy Bigelow), Kelli O’Hara (Julie Jordan), Stephanie Blythe (Nettie Fowler), Jessie Mueller (Carrie Pipperidge), Jason Danieley (Enoch Snow), Kate Burton (Mrs. Mullin), John Cullum (The Starkeeper), Shuler Hensley (Jigger Craigin), Tiler Peck (Louise), Robert Fairchild (Fairground Boy)
NOTES: HD Pro-shot from PBS, recorded 3/2/13 at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center and marks the orchestra's 75th appearance on the series. Aired on April 26, 2013.
Carousel - Third Broadway Revival - March 2, 2018 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Joshua Henry (Billy Bigelow), Jessie Mueller (Julie Jordan), Renée Fleming (Nettie Fowler), Lindsay Mendez (Carrie Pipperidge), Alexander Gemignani (Enoch Snow), Margaret Colin (Mrs. Mullin), John Douglas Thompson (The Starkeeper), Amar Ramasar (Jigger Craigin), Brittany Pollack (Louise), Garett Hawe (Enoch Snow, Jr.), Andrei Chagas (Fairground Boy)
Carrie: The Musical - Broadway - May 15, 1988 (Closing Night) (Highlights)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Betty Buckley (Margaret White), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Act 1 only.
Carrie: The Musical - Chicago/Stage Door Fine Arts - August 9, 2015 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Anna Blanchard (Carrie White)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - August, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Kaatje Dierks (alt Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Rita Sebeh (alt Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - July, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Maya Hakvoort (Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Alexandra Nikolina (Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hartford - March, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Caroline Cannon (Carrie White), Diana Zee Chandler (Margaret White), Maggie Powderly (Sue Snell)
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 4, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Great capture of this beautifully retooled revival. The performances were astonishing and the whole cast was senstational. Marin and Molly are pure perfection! The campiness has been removed from the show and there is such a sad and powerful story that remains. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - March 18, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Anne Tolpegin (u/s Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Terrific capture, one of my favorite shows. Marin was more of a Barbara Cook portrayal, Anne was more of a Betty Buckley. Rare performance as Anne only went on a handful of times. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - April 5, 2012 (Highlights)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Highlights only, including ‘And Eve Was Weak’, ‘Carrie’, ‘I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance’, ‘Stay Here Instead’-’When There's No One’, ‘Destruction’. Recorded vertically on a phone
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 10, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of one of the Final Dress Rehearsals. Top notch production and thrilling performances from Alice, Keaton, and the whole cast! This is quite a unique capture since it was the first time the blood was dropped. Too many amazing things to point out here, don't miss this one!!! A+ Well filmed with a nice mix of close-ups and full stage shots and no obstructions. Based on the revised Off-Broadway version, and presented at the Balagan Theatre. Because this was recorded at the final run-through prior to opening night, there are a few “holds” as they worked out any kinks: * After “Evening Prayers” there is a hold to change all microphone batteries, resulting in most of the song being run a second time (the sound check was removed and put as a bonus at the end of act two). * During the scene where Carrie is getting ready for the prom a microphone made a "farting" noise and Alice grabbed her butt and said "sorry" which made the cast and tech crew laugh. 
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 13, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: One of the first regional productions of the revised Carrie. Good to have Ripley in something.
Carrie: The Musical - Stagedoor Manor - July 31, 1999
CAST: Julie Kleiner (Carrie White), Vivienne Cleary (Margaret White), Nina Sturtz (Miss Gardner), Kaily Smith (Chris), Erin Evers (Sue), Blair Late (Tommy)
NOTES: Another abridged version. Video suffers from gen loss but has cleaned up decently. Piano is the only instrument in the orchestra, and it drowns out some of the singers. This has been incorrectly labelled as an authorized production,which is incorrect - this was an unauthorized production (e.g., no rights were secured before the production), though Gore (and Cohen) were in the audience of this performance and chose not to sue Jeff Murphy and Stagedoor over copyright infringement, partly because Gore said he had always wanted to see the show done with actual teenagers (reported by Jeff Murphy, the director).
Carrie: The Musical - Stratford-Upon-Avon - February 16, 1988 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Barbara Cook (Margaret White), Sally Ann Triplett (Sue Snell), Paul Gyngell (Tommy Ross), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Gene Anthony Ray (Billy Nolan), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Filmed professionally for the RSC archives on the third night of the performance (February 16, 1988). Shot from first row mezzanine center with no obstructions with audio taken directly from the soundboard. Mostly a full stage shots without zooms. This is usually incorrectly labelled as "Opening Night (February 13, 1988)", which is incorrect, as on opening night, Barbara Cook was almost decapitated right after the set changes from "Don't Waste The Moon", which not seen in this video (also verified by the person who copied this from the archives).
Catch Me If You Can - Broadway - April 27, 2011
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong), Timothy McCuen Piggee (Agent Cod)
NOTES: A nice capture of the short lived show. Disc also includes around 100 minutes of interviews, B-Roll, behind the scenes, etc. Great video with nice picture and clear sound. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 4, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: This is a great capture of the show. The show is filled with wonderful talent. Aaron and Norbert have a great chemistry together and Aaron has a huge voice. Kerry and Felicia both have great songs and great vocals. The show itself is very sleek and mod. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 15, 2009
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: Some very quick blackouts, none last more than 30 seconds or so.Very little obstruction, just heads on the bottom and the right, mostly in wideshots, and they're hardly noticeable.
Cats - Broadway Revival - July 22, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Ahmad Simmons (Alonzo), Daniel Gaymon (Admetus/Macavity), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Christopher Gurr (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Guiseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Corey John Snide (Coricopat), Kim Faure (Demeter), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Ricky Ubeda (Mr. Mistoffelees), Jess LeProtto (Mungojerrie), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Georgina Pazcoguin (Victoria), Sharrod Williams (Pouncival), Arianna Rosario (Sillabub)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new Broadway Revival. Everything is nicely captured with dance numbers full stage shot. High energy performances with some choreography and song tweaks from the original! A
Cats - International Tour - April 22, 2019 (Closing Night) (Highlights) (mymummysaysimamiracle's master)
CAST: Elizabeth Futter (u/s Grizabella), Lloyd Davies (Alonzo), Thomas Inge (Admetus/Macavity), Dean Ambrose (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sally Frith (Bombalurina), Matt Harrop (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Katie Deacon (Cassandra), Louis van Leer (Carbucketty), Fletcher Dobinson (Coricopat), Ella Nonini (Demeter), Amy Whittle (u/s Jellylorum), Grace Swaby (Jemima), Ceili O´Connor (Jennyanydots), Alex Harrison (Mr. Mistoffelees), Billy Mahoney (Mungojerrie), Jak Skelly (Munkustrap), John Ellis (Old Deuteronomy), Kirsty Ingram (Rumpleteazer), Dan Partridge (Rum Tum Tugger), Matthew Rowland (Skimbleshanks), Eilish Harmon-Beglan (Tantomile), Hannah Kenna Thomas (Victoria)
NOTES: Highlights only(Opening, Mungo and Rumple, Old Deuteronomy, Jellicle Ball, Skimbleshanks and Moments of Hapiness)!
Cats - Italy Tour - 2010
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Luca Giacomelli (Admetus/Macavity), Azzurra Adinolfi (Bombalurina), Gianluca Ciatti (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Silvana Isolani (Cassandra), Denise Brambillasca (Demeter), Federica Baldi (Jemima), Stefania Fratepietro (Jennyanydots), Salvatore Marchione (Mungojerrie), Roberta Miolla (Rumpleteazer), Roberto Colombo (Skimbleshanks), Tiziano Edini (Pouncival), Alessandro Lanzillotti
NOTES: Non-replica production. House Cam with no zooms.
Cats - Japan - 2006
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Koji Tomita (Cassandra), Masashi Kikuchi (Carbucketty), Yuka Takizawa (Demeter), Chie Inoue (Jellylorum), Kazue Haruhara (Jemima), Yoko Ishi (Jennyanydots), Hitoshi Tsuzi (Mungojerrie), Shoichi Fukui (Munkustrap), Kensan Ishi (Old Deuteronomy), Shinobu Aikawa (Rumpleteazer), Emi Takakula (Tantomile), Kyoko Sato (Victoria), Eliko Mulata (Sillabub)
NOTES: Filmed from the very front row
Cats - Netherlands - June 29, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Pia Douwes (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Cindy Belliot (Jemima), Marleen van der Loo (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Marco Bakker (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Stanley Burleson (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Netherlands - July 28, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Anita Meyer (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
NOTES: Starts at the The invitation to the Jellicle ball and missing a couple of minutes at the start of act 2 two. Act one is filmed in night shot, and act two comes with a verry clear picture. Veerle Castelyn is followed a lot.
 Cats - Netherlands - September 16, 2007
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Penny Voss (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark J Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Tecklenburg, Germany - August 29, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Maya Hakvoort (Grizabella), Andrew Hill (Alonzo), Zoltan Fekete (Admetus/Macavity), David Pellerin (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sabine Hettlich (Bombalurina), Yngve Gasoy-Romdal (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Lucy Castelloe (Cassandra), Tobias Joch (Coricopat), Caroline Frank (Demeter), Leah Delos Santos (Jellylorum), Celine Vogt (Jemima), Benjamin Eberling (Jennyanydots), David Pereira (Mr. Mistoffelees), Nils Haberstroh (Mungojerrie), Armin Kahl (Munkustrap), Reinhard Brussmann (Old Deuteronomy), Anna Carina Buchegger (Rumpleteazer), Shane Dickson (Rum Tum Tugger), Stephan Luethy (Skimbleshanks), Eleonora Talamini (Tantomile), Taryn Nelson (Victoria), Hakan T Aslan (Pouncival), Marthe Römer (Etcetera)
Cats - The Netherlands - 1987
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ruth Jacott (Grizabella), Kyle Boynton (Munkustrap), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - Vienna - 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - April 20, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Alan H Green (Mr Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Great HD capture of the new musical based on the Roald Dahl classic novel. A fresh dark take on the material, which was fun and very enjoyable! A great comedic cast and innovative production. A
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - May 1, 2017 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Jake Ryan Flynn (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Fantastic HD video with excellent picture and clear great sound; Video has great close-ups and good stage shots for dancing numbers.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - West End - January 22, 2015 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Jennings (Willy Wonka), Zachary Loonie (Charlie Bucket), Billy Boyle (u/s Grandpa Joe), Vincent Finch (Augustus Gloop), Amy Carter (Veruca Salt), Rhianna Dorris (Violet Beauregarde), Daniel Rhodes (Mike Teavee)
NOTES: Fun show with very imaginative staging, though I do wish they used more songs from (either) movie. The first 5 minutes of Act One has some wandering and blackouts, but after that it is a steady and unobstructed shot. Includes curtain call.
Chasing Rainbows - Paper Mill Playhouse - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Karen Mason (Ma Lawlor), Stephen DeRosa (LB Mayer), Colin Hanlon (Roger Edens), Karen Mason (Kay Koverman), Ruby Rakos (Judy Garland), Lesli Margherita (Ethel Gumm), Max von Essen (Frank Gumm), Michael Wartella (Mickey Rooney)
NOTES: Great HD capture of this Judy Garland bio musical focusing on her early years, leading up to The Wizard of Oz, with a couple of fun tap numbers! Act One starts when Judy sings a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow (same tune but with different lyrics). Act Two starts part way through the number right before they enter the MGM studio. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
The Cher Show - Broadway - April, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
NOTES: Beautiful HD close-ups but some long drop-outs and quite a few obstructed scenes. The rake in the mezzanine at the Neil Simon kinda stinks and I'm pretty sure the ushers were playing flashlight tag with each other the entire show. but I began to care a lot less as the night went on Video is very Cher-centric...choreography in "Dark Lady" is captured beautifully, but for the rest of the show I was mostly focused on getting those Stephanie, Teal, and Micaela zooms. We start at the scene before "Half Breed" and when Stephanie tells everyone to stand up for the finale it's all over for my filming ability.
The Cher Show - Broadway - January, 2019 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
Chess - Netherlands - November, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeroen Phaff (Anatoly Sergievsky), Joke de Kruijf (Florence Vassy), Jasper Kerkhof (Freddie Trumper), Mieke Dijkstra (Svetlana Sergievskaya), Ben Cramer (Molokov)
Chicago - Broadway Revival - 1996 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ann Reinking (Roxie Hart), Bebe Neuwirth (Velma Kelly), James Naughton (Billy Flynn), Joel Grey (Amos Hart), Marcia Lewis (Matron "Mama" Morton), D Sabella (Mary Sunshine)
NOTES: Almost the full show (2 hours and 7 minutes). Usually referred to as Press Reels, this is actually the unedited footage shot for press or archival purposes. Decent amount on generation loss with some distortion at the top of the screen, and a time code at the bottom. Sometimes incorrectly labeled as 1995 .
Chicago - The Netherlands - 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Simone Kleinsma (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
Chicago - The Netherlands - Fall, 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (u/s Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Serge Henry Valke (Amos Hart), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: Good capture; multicam proshot. One camera is centre stage, the other is on the left balcony.
Chicago - West End Revival - 2004
CAST: Frances Ruffelle (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Alex Bourne (Billy Flynn), Zee Asha (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: The same video as the March 27, 2004 video
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Broadway - April 16, 2005
FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST! Working on uploading
CAST: Raúl Esparza (Caractacus Potts), Erin Dilly (Truly Scrumptious), Kevin Calhoun (Childcatcher), Marc Kudisch (Baron Bomburst), Jan Maxwell (Baroness Bomburst), Phillip Bosco (Grandpa Potts)
NOTES: A little shaky at times, and some ducks, but otherwise excellent. Includes news footage.
A Chorus Line - Broadway Revival - September 30, 2006 (Preview)
CAST: Michael Berresse (Zach), Tyler Hanes (Larry), Brad Anderson (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Jeffrey Schecter (Mike), Yuka Takara (Connie), Michael Paternostro (Greg), Charlotte d'Amboise (Cassie), Deirdre Goodwin (Sheila), Ken Alan (Bobby), Alisan Porter (Bebe), Heather Parcells (Judy), James T Lane (Richie), Tony Yazbeck (Al), Chryssie Whitehead (Kristine), Jessica Lee Goldyn (Val), Paul McGill (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Natalie Cortez (Diana), Michelle Aravena (Tricia), E Clayton Cornelious (Butch), David Baum (Roy), Mike Cannon (Tom), Nadine Isenegger (Lois), Grant Turner (Frank), Lorin Latarro (Vicki)
NOTES: Commonly mislabelled as Opening Night (October 5, 2006), however menu says it is September 30, 2006. Video includes the playbill and some bonus news features of the Pre-Opening, Opening Night and the Review.
A Chorus Line - Hollywood Bowl - July 29, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Mario Lopez (Zach), Spencer Liff (Larry), Michael Starr (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Robert Fairchild (Mike), J Elaine Marcos (Connie), Denis Lambert (Greg), Sarah Bowden (Cassie), Leigh Zimmerman (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Tiana Okoye (Judy), Cornelius Jones Jr (Richie), Justin Michael Wilcox (Al), Courtney Lopez (Kristine), Sabrina Bryan (Val), Ross Lynch (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Krysta Rodriguez (Diana)
NOTES: This all star cast gives energetic and nuanced performances, cast as a whole is a stand out with absolutely incredible dance numbers, nicely filmed, no obstructions, no washout, just a couple of quick dropouts, filmed from stage directly, screens are never shown, filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups, show is 125 minutes on one disc includes curtain call and playbill scans.
A Chorus Line - North Shore Music Theatre - November, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Derek Hanson (Zach), Kurt Domoney (Larry), Joe Grandy (Don), Cary Michelle Miller (Maggie), Jonathan Day (Mike), Hannah Chin (Connie), Aaron Umsted (Greg), Rebecca Riker (Cassie), Katie Cameron (Sheila), Sean Quinn (Bobby), Katerina Papacostas (Bebe), Bethany Moore (Judy), Delius Doherty (Richie), Venny Carranza (Al), Nancy Renée Braun (Kristine), Leslie Donna Flesner (Val), Christopher Shin (Mark), Miguel Angel Falcon (Paul), Julie Kotarides (Diana), Maggie Marino (Tricia), Brian Bailey (Roy), Michael McCrary (Tom), Sarah Shepler (Lois), Taylor Shubert (Frank), Wendy O'Byrne (Vicki)
NOTES: Performed in the round, two cameras and sound patched in from the soundboard.
A Chorus Line - Off-Broadway - July 12, 1975 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Robert LuPone (Zach), Thommie Walsh (Bobby Strong), Clive Clerk (Larry), Ron Khulman (Don), Kay Cole (Maggie), Wayne Cilento (Mike), Baayork Lee (Connie), Michael Stuart (Greg), Donna McKechnie (Cassie), Kelly Bishop (Sheila), Nancy Lane (Bebe), Patricia Garland (Judy), Ronald Dennis (Richie), Don Percassi (Al), Renne Baughman (Kristine), Pam Blair (Val), Cameron Mason (Mark), Sammy Williams (Paul), Priscilla Lopez (Diana)
NOTES: The original Broadway cast filmed prior to moving to Broadway. Professionally filmed using multiple cameras for the Lincoln Center Theatre on Film and Tape (TOFT) archives. Newly surfaced video which is a HUGE improvement over the previous version which has been in circulation for a while. This is also complete and includes the opening announcement alerting the audience that the show is being filmed. Amazing quality, but still has a little generational loss. In black and white. The DVD has been enhanced with chapter stops for all of the musical numbers. This, along with the tapes of Crazy for You and Passion, is amongst the only three TOFT tapes that have been leaked.
A Chorus Line - The Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Wilbert Gieske (Zach), Fons van Kraaij (Larry), Roy Kullick (Don), Marieke van Hulst (Maggie), Birger van Severen (Mike), Hannah van Meurs (Connie), Thomasj Vets (Greg), Ellis van Laarhoven (Cassie), Anouk van Nes (Sheila), Hans van der Heijden (Bobby), Manon Novak (Bebe), Carolien Canters (Judy), Perry Dossett (Richie), Job Vlaar (Al), Eva Roest (Kristine), Jacqueline Aronson (Val), Paul Boereboom (Mark), Hein Gerrits (Paul), Cystine Carreon (Diana), Cyrille Carreon (Tricia), Peter van Dosselaer (Butch), Axel de Graaf (Roy), Regi Severins (Lois), Peter Stoelhorst (Frank), Roeselien Wekker (Vicki)
A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong - BBC Special - December 30, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Henry Shields (Chris), Henry Lewis (Robert), Charlie Russell (Sandra), Dave Hearn (Max), Chris Leask (Trevor), Nancy Zamit (Annie), Greg Tannahill (Jonathan), Jonathan Sayer (Dennis), Ellie Morris (Lucy), Diana Rigg (Aunt Diana), Derek Jacobi (Scrooge/Himself)
NOTES: Mischief Theatre 2017 BBC Special proshot.
A Christmas Story - Broadway - November 7, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Johnny Rabe (Ralphie), Dan Lauria (Jean Shepherd), John Bolton (The Old Man), Erin Dilly (Mother), Zac Ballard (Randy), Caroline O’Connor (Miss Shields)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. This is such a fun show and a top notch cast that delivers the perfect blend of performances. Nice changes from the previous PreBroadway tour from last year and a perfect show to get into the holiday season!
Cinderella (Pantomime) - Mercury Theatre Colchester - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mari McGinlay (Cinderella), Mari McGinlay (Prince Charming), Deborah Tracey (The Fairy Godmother), Nicholas McLean (Buttons), Nerine Skinner (Dandini)
NOTES: aired to raise money for covid-19
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - March 2, 2013 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Harriet Harris (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Greg Hildreth (Jean-Michel), Marla Mindelle (Gabrielle), Phumzile Sojola (Lord Pinkleton), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this classic show, with this being the first time having appeared on Broadway! Really a top notch cast and a beautiful production, nicely staged! A
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - April 17, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Carly Rae Jepsen (Ella), Joe Carroll (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Fran Drescher (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Todd Buonopane (Jean-Michel), Stephanie Gibson (Gabrielle), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Carly and Fran were wonderful in the roles and really gave them their own touch! Great to see the show still in wonderful shape. A+
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Second National Tour - May, 2018 (House-Cam's master)
CAST: Tatyana Lubov (Ella), Louis Griffin (Topher), Leslie Jackson (Marie), Sarah Smith (Madame), Joanna Johnson (Charlotte), Corbin Williams (Jean-Michel), Nicole Zelka (Gabrielle), Antonio Beverly (Lord Pinkleton), Christopher Swan (Sebastian)
NOTES: Video is filmed in a house cam format. There is a lot of spotlight washout so you can't really make out faces, but the sound is wonderful. Soundboard. Location unknown
Ciske de Rat De Musical - The Netherlands - 2007 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Cis de Man), Hugo Haenen (Meester Bruijs), Hajo Bruins (Vader Frans Vrijmoeth), Mariska van Kolck (Tante Jans), Marjolijn Touw (Moeder Marie Vrijmoeth), Marleen van der Loo (Suus Bruijs), Ad Knippels (Kinderinspecteur Muysken), Sjoerd Pleijsier (Bovenmeester Maatsuyker), Ids van der Krieke (Oom Henri), Jacobien Elffers (Bet(je)), Ger Otte (Pater de Goey), Jorge Verkoost (Jan Verkerk)
City of Angels - West End Revival - March 9, 2020 (Preview) (BwaytoWestEnd's master)
CAST: Theo James (Stone), Hadley Fraser (Stine), Jonathan Slinger (Buddy / Irwin S. Irving), Rosalie Craig (Gabby / Bobbi), Rebecca Trehearn (Donna / Oolie), Rob Houchen (Jimmy Powers), Vanessa Williams (Carla / Alaura), Marc Elliott (Pancho / Munoz), Nicola Roberts (Avril / Mallory)
NOTES: Stage Shot filmed from Stalls. Awful audio.
Clueless: The Unauthorized Musical Parody - Rockwell Table & Stage - September 10, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Laura L Thomas (Emma), Tom Detrinis (Weston), Spencer Strong Smith (Josh), Emma Hunton (Tai), Corbin Reid (Dionne), Christopher Chatman (Murray)
NOTES: A production of Rockwell Table & Stage; well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; musical selections included "I'll be There for You" (aka the Friends theme), "Wonderwall," "Barbie Girl," "Like a Virgin," "Rolling in the Deep," "Dancing On My Own," "Big Yellow Taxi," a brief excerpt of "Popular" from Wicked, "Always Be My Baby," "Love Shack," and a clever version of "Proud Mary" that incorporated the famous "rollin' with the homies" bit from the movie.
The Color Purple - Broadway - March 28, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: LaChanze (Celie), Elisabeth Withers-Mendes (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Kingsley Leggs (Mister), Brandon Victor Dixon (Harpo)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of this show, crystal clear picture and sound, great closeups. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - November 11, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Jennifer Hudson (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new revival which been stripped down and streamlined to focus on Celie's journey. Some beautiful moments in the show with the direction and simplicity spotlighting the story. A few blackouts in the first 5 minutes as clueless ushers fumbled around. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - May 11, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Heather Headley (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of the ever stunning Heather Headley joining the cast. There really is no need to say anymore! A
The Color Purple - First National Tour - April 22, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeannette Bayardelle (Celie), Michelle Williams (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Stephanie St James (Squeak)
NOTES: I have to say I enjoyed this cast more than the OBC. Jannette is amazing here and will give you chills and Michelle is stunning. Beautiful capture. A+
The Color Purple - First National Tour - September 6, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Fantasia Barrino (Celie), Reva Rice (u/s Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Tiffany Daniels (Squeak)
NOTES: This is the performance following the day Fantasia missed two performances from "Food Poisioning", which made the Chicagoland News. Despite that, she still gives a great performance as Celie and has such a powerful voice. Reva knocks it out of the park as Shug! A
Come From Away - Australia - 2019 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master)
FORMAT:  M4A (untracked)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Angela Kennedy (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: Proshot B-Roll of Welcome to the Rock, Me and the Sky & Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere
Come From Away - Australia - September 12, 2019 (WizardWisdom's master)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Katrina Retallick (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: HD capture of the Australian company of this fantastic musical. Includes a video of a post-show Q&A with the cast in honour of the 18th anniversary of September 12. Shot from the back row of the dress circle, so a head blocks the centre at times but it’s shot around where possible. Most noticeable in the group numbers where a lot of the action is downstage. The first 4 minutes or so is mostly wandering shots as I was setting up my camera and evading ushers. A lot of great close-ups - Zoe’s “Me and the Sky” is a highlight.
Come From Away - Broadway - March 10, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: A beautiful capture of the new Broadway musical. The score is fantastic and the production is wonderful.
Come From Away - Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Becky Gulsvig (Beverley/Annette & others), Tony LePage (s/b Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Pearl Sun (t/r Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Kenita R Miller (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)
Come From Away - First National Tour - February, 2020 (Hollis Mizner's master)
CAST: Marika Aubrey (Beverley/Annette & others), Andrew Samonsky (Kevin T./Garth & others), Kevin Carolan (Claude & others), Harter Clingman (Oz & others), Julia Knitel (Janice & others), Nick Duckart (Kevin J./Ali & others), Chamblee Ferguson (Nick/Doug & others), Christine Toy Johnson (Diane & others), Danielle K Thomas (Hannah & others), Julie Johnson (Beulah & others), Sharone Sayegh (Bonnie & others), James Earl Jones II (Bob & others)
Come From Away - Toronto - January 7, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
CAST: Eliza-Jane Scott (Beverley/Annette & others), Jeff Madden (Kevin T./Garth & others), George Masswohl (Claude & others), Cory O’Brien (Oz & others), Cailin Stadnyk (u/s Janice & others), Ali Momen (Kevin J./Ali & others), Clint Butler (u/s Nick/Doug & others), Barbara Fulton (Diane & others), Kate Etienne (u/s Hannah & others), Lori Nancy Kalamanski (u/s Beulah & others), Kristen Peace (Bonnie & others), Kevin Vidal (Bob & others)
NOTES: As far as I know, the first ever video of the Toronto production! I had the entire show in VOB format ready to post but, unfortunately, I lost the USB it was on in the middle of an airport. Luckily I was able to salvage all but thirty minutes of the original footage, so all that's lost is part of the scene after "I Am Here" and a portion of "Somewhere In The Middle Of Nowhere". If you find a USB the size of a thumbnail around Pearson, it's a $5 reward! A flu passed around the cast that they were all just recovering from, and at one point you can see Bev take a tissue out of her pilot's jacket and blow her nose. It explains the large number of understudies on, particularly of interest is that of the role of Hannah being played by a Caucasian actress, which causes her absence for the bus scene and leads to a severely different dynamic I'd not seen the character played as before.
Come From Away - Washington D.C. - September 24, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Alyssa Wilmoth Keegan (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway try out in DC. Terrific ensemble piece telling the stories of stranded passengers during the 9/11 attacks. A
Come From Away - West End - November 5, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: The bottom left of the video is slightly obstructed by a lighting rail. The master accidentally stop recording during '38 Planes' but realized right away so it’s only missing a second or two. Some nice close-ups. Clive misses the cue for the first “Welcome to the Rock!”
Come From Away - West End - April, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Shannon (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Nathaniel Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stagedork etc. 
Come From Away - West End - February, 2020 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Alice Fearn (Beverley/Annette & others), Mark Dugdale (Kevin T./Garth & others), James Doherty (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Alasdair Harvey (Nick/Doug & others), Kate Graham (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Tarinn Callender (Bob & others)
NOTES: Slightly obstructed by one head but worked around the best I could.
Come From Away - West End - November, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Bob Harms (s/b Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Chiara Baronti (s/b Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: Incomplete: starts 12 mins in. Shot around heads. The combination of the revolve and the lighting of this show might make it a jolty watch but the action is caught as best as possible. If I had to decide who to film, I chose Rachel Tucker.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - August 20, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Sean Carey (Sam Monaghan), David Coomber (Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Liam Jeavons (Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jon Trenchard (Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: My first video ever. I couldn’t see what I was filming so the camera has a tendency to film upward toward the ceiling. You can hear me laugh pretty loudly since I was holding the camera close to my face.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Tom Hopcroft (u/s Sam Monaghan), Ross Virgo (u/s Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Eddy Westbury (u/s Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jean-Luke Worrell (e/c Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: Masters Notes: Shot around 2 heads. A few dropouts that add up to about 5 minutes overall. Not the most focused capture and a lot of fidgeting from the master, but action is captured mostly well enough.
Company - Kennedy Center - June, 2002
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: John Barrowman (Bobby/Bobbie), Lynn Redgrave (Joanne), David Pittu (Harry), Christy Baron (Susan), Emily Skinner (Jenny), Marc Vietor (David), Kim Director (April/Andy), Elizabeth Zins (Kathy/Theo), Marcy Harriell (Marta/PJ), Alice Ripley (Amy/Jamie), Matt Bogart (Paul), Jerry Lanning (Larry)
NOTES: This video gets listed under various dates including June 5th, June 6th, June 15th, July 7th, and different copies exist in varying quality and size.
Company - Second West End Revival - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rosalie Craig (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Jennifer Saayeng (Jenny), Richard Henders (David), Richard Fleeshman (April/Andy), Matthew Seadon-Young (Kathy/Theo), George Blagden (Marta/PJ), Jonathan Bailey (Amy/Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry)
Company - Third Broadway Revival - March 10, 2020 (Preview)
FORMAT:  MP4 (HD)|Gifted: Upon Request
CAST: Katrina Lenk (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Jennifer Simard (Sarah), Christopher Sieber (Harry), Rashidra Scott (Susan), Greg Hildreth (Peter), Nikki Renée Daniels (Jenny), Christopher Fitzgerald (David), Claybourne Elder (April/Andy), Kyle Dean Massey (Kathy/Theo), Bobby Conte Thornton (Marta/PJ), Matt Doyle (Amy/Jamie), John Arthur Greene (u/s Paul), Terence Archie (Larry)
NOTES: Wideshot MP4 Gifted Upon Request
Company - West End - Novemeber 28, 2018 (Diodenes of Catania’s master)
Format: MP3 (tracked)
Cast: Rosalie Craig (Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan/Priest), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Richard Henders (David), Jonathan Bailey (Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry), Richard Fleeshman (Andy), George Blagden (PJ), Matthew Seadon-Young (Theo)
Copacabana - Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Tony Starr/Stephen), Cystine Carreon (Lola Lamar/Stephanie), John Leddy (Sam Silver), Jacqueline Aronson (Gladys), Sophia Wezer (Conchita), Edwin Jonker (Rico)
Coriolanus - Donmar Warehouse - January 30, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alfred Enoch (Titus Lartius), Brigitte Hjort Sørensen (Virgilia), Deborah Findlay (Volumnia), Elliot Levey (Brutus), Hadley Fraser (Aufidius), Jacqueline Boatswain (Valeria), Mark Gatiss (Menenius), Peter de Jersey (Cominius), Tom Hiddleston (Coriolanus)
NOTES: Often circulated with hard subtitles. The June 4 2020 YT livestream version does not have them. 
Coriolanus - Stratford Festival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alexis Gordon (Virgilia), Andre Sills (Coriolanus), Brigit Wilson (Valeria), Graham Abbey (Aufidius), Lucy Peacock (Volumnia), Michael Blake (Cominius), Stephen Ouimette (Brutus), Tom McCamus (Menenius)
NOTES: Great quality video and audio. This is a professionally filmed version of Coriolanus, presented by the Stratford Festival (Stratford, Ontario, Canada) in 2018 and streamed online on April 30, 2020. Original file format: one MP4 file
Cruel Intentions - Los Angeles - July 31, 2015
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Katie Stevens (Kathryn Merteuil), Constantine Rousouli (Sebastian Valmont), Molly McCook (Annette Hargrove), Shelley Regner (Cecile Caldwell), Tyler Sheef (Blaine Tuttle), Spencer Strong Smith (Greg Mcconnell), Alexander Pimentel (Ronald Clifford), Pamela Holt (Mrs. Bunny Caldwell)
NOTES: Notes: Well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; featuring songs by The Goo Goo Dolls, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Meredith Brooks, Natalie Imbruglia, Spice Girls, Counting Crows, The Verve and Christina Aguilera
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - November 22, 2014 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Sharp (Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Ian Barford (Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - December 30, 2014 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Taylor Trensch (alt Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Tim Wright (u/s Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander), Mercedes Herrero (Mrs. Shears and others), Ben Horner (Mr. Thompson and others), Richard Hollis (Roger Shears and others), David Manis (Rev. Peters and others)
NOTES: "Nicely filmed. There's a couple of quick dropouts and not many washouts, but no obstructions or blocking. A-"
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - National Theatre - September 6, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Luke Treadaway (Christopher Boone), Niamh Cusack (Siobhan), Paul Ritter (Ed), Nicola Walker (Judy), Una Stubbs (Mrs. Alexander)
Curtains - West End - October 8-12, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Jason Manford (Lieutenant Frank Cioffi), Carley Stenson (Georgia Hendricks), Ore Oduba (Aaron Fox), Rebecca Lock (Carmen Bernstein), Samuel Holmes (Christopher Belling), Leah Barbara West (Niki Harris), Alan Burkitt (Bobby Pepper), Martin Callaghan (Oscar Shapiro), Emma Caffrey (Bambi Bernét), Nia Jermin (Jessica Cranshaw), Adam Rhys-Charles (Daryl Grady), Mark Sangster (Sidney Bernstein), Minal Patel (Johnny Harmon)
NOTES: Pro-shot streamed by The Turbine Theatre on 4/14/20 as a fundraiser for coronavirus relief efforts.
Cyrano de Bergerac - Netherlands - 1992, 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Bill van Dijk (Cyrano), Ryan van den Akker (Cyrano's love interest Roxane), Peter de Smet (Ragueneau), Danny de Munk (De Guiche)
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
April 3, 1949
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“The Martin and Lewis Show” was a radio comedy-variety program in the United States. It was broadcast on NBC beginning April 3, 1949, and ending July 14, 1953. It starred the comedy team of Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin. Martin was the singer of the pair, and Lewis was the comedian.  it was named Favorite Radio Comedy Show in Radio-TV Mirror magazine's 1952 poll.
The series was produced by Bob Adams, and directed by Robert L. Redd and Dick Mack. Written by Ed Simmons and Norman Lear, although they were not hired until late 1950.  
This is the pilot episode, and was not numbered. It was originally 37 minutes, but was later edited to 30 minutes for broadcast. 
Regulars on the program included Ben Alexander, Sheldon Leonard, Florence MacMichael, The Skylarks, and Mary Hatcher.  Announcers were Jimmy Wallington and Johnny Jacobs. Dick Stabile was both the bandleader and a foil for Martin and Lewis.
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Dean Martin was born Dino Paul Crocetti in Steubenville, Ohio, in 1917. He made his screen debut in a short playing a singer in Art Mooney’s band, but his first big screen role was 1949’s My Friend Irma with Jerry Lewis. This began a partnership that would be one of the most successful screen pairings in cinema history. Later, he also worked frequently members of “the Rat Pack”: Frank Sinatra, Joey Bishop, Peter Lawford, and Sammy Davis Jr. His persona was that of a playboy, usually seen with a glass of booze and a cigarette. Martin appeared on “The Lucy Show” in what Ball later said was her favorite episode of the series. Martin and Lucille Ball appeared on many TV variety and award shows together and made the TV movie “Lucy Gets Lucky” in 1975. He died on Christmas Day in 1995 at age 78.    
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Jerry Lewis  was a comedian, actor, and singer born in Newark, New Jersey in 1926. He was known for his slapstick humor and was originally paired up with Dean Martin, forming the famed comedy team of Martin and Lewis. His long-standing commitment to hosting the annual Muscular Dystrophy telethon in 2010, after 44 years, earning him a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977. He was also presented the French Legion of Honor in 1984. He appeared with Lucille Ball Lewis on “Danny Thomas’s Wonderful World of Vaudeville” in 1965. He died in 2014.
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Frank Nelson (Agent) was born on May 6, 1911 (three months before Lucille Ball) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He started working as a radio announcer at the age of 15. He later appeared on such popular radio shows as “The Great Gildersleeve,” “Burns and Allen,” and “Fibber McGee & Molly”. He performed in 11 episodes of “My Favorite Husband.”  On “I Love Lucy” he holds the distinction of being the only actor to play two recurring roles: Freddie Fillmore and Ralph Ramsey, as well as six one-off characters, including the frazzled train conductor in “The Great Train Robbery” (ILL S5;E5), a character he repeated on “The Lucy Show.”  Aside from Lucille Ball, Nelson is perhaps most associated with Jack Benny and was a fifteen-year regular on his radio and television programs.  
Lucille Ball (Guest Star) as then finishing her first season of her radio series “My Favorite Husband”.  She was two months away from the premiere of her film Sorrowful Jones with Bob Hope. 
Synopsis ~ It's time to go over to Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis's hotel room before they do their first radio show. 
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In Jerry and Dean’s hotel room, they are getting dressed to do their show when the telephone rings. They fear it is someone from NBC wanting to know where they are. The phone continues to ring. 
Dean reasons that they did well in nightclubs, but Jerry says those people paid to get in, while radio audiences get in for free. Jerry is afraid his act may offend someone, and he’d get sent to Siberia.  Dean thinks the radio show may lead to fame in motion pictures. Jerry can’t see the positive and sees only failure. The phone rings again.  
Jerry answers the phone and it is his agent (Frank Nelson), wondering where the h-e-c-k they are. Dean says they can’t leave until he rehearses his romantic number.  
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Dean (and orchestra) launches into "You Won't Be Satisfied (Until You Break My Heart)" by Freddy James and Larry Stock in 1946.
There’s a knock on the door. It’s the maid come to clean. She notices that the room is clean - and fears she’ll be fired.  She is upset that their towels say his and hers instead of his and his. Jerry tells her not to dust the dresser because he keeps his kitten in there. 
MAID: “My, you’re odd people.” LEWIS: “We ain’t odd. We’re entertainers.”
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Outside the NBC Studio, two women are excited to see Martin and Lewis. Lewis stands behind them, although they don’t recognize him. They faun over Dean’s good looks and talent, much to Lewis’s dismay.  Dean strolls up and the girls get giddy with excitement. 
Inside the studio, the orchestra tunes up and everyone shouts hello: producer, director, singer, technicians. When Dean needs quiet to rehearse, Jerry feels left out. Dean introduces Lucille Ball, but she’s angry that he’s upset Jerry.  
Lucille promises she’ll protect Jerry from Dean. Lucille starts to notice how athletic and handsome Dean is. She gradually softens. Suddenly Lucille is defending Dean to Jerry!  
JERRY: “You do think I’ll be a big success, don’t ya Lucille?” LUCILLE: “Why not? Lassie made it!” 
Lucille says she’s planned an opening night party for the boys, but is concerned about Jerry’s behavior.
Oops! Jerry Lewis trips over his words, and ad libs: “It’s too close to the paper, whaddya want?” 
Jerry defends his behavior with unusually florid language. Lucille says there will be young ladies at the party. 
JERRY: “I like ‘em about my height.” LUCILLE: “Betty Grable will be there.” JERRY: “I like ‘em about my age.” LUCILLE: “Ann Blyth will be there.” JERRY: “And I like ‘em about my intelligence.” LUCILLE: “I’m sorry, Margaret O’Brien can’t stay out that late.”
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MARTIN: “Shall we dress?” LUCILLE: “Naturally. We don’t want the cops.”
They get the cue that they have thirty second until air. 
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Lucille, Jerry, and Dean sing “The Money Song” lyrics written by Harold Rome for the musical That’s The Ticket. 
They are back in their hotel suite about to go to sleep, when the maid knocks on the door. She tells them they have to get out of bed - she’s put on the wrong size sheets!  
End of Episode
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writingwhosthat · 4 years
100+ Books
In the past day or two, I posted online asking my friends and family to send me book recommendations. Along with their suggestions, books I had heard about and wanted to read, and some classics, I have made a list of around 106 books that I am going to read hopefully in the coming year. 
This blog is meant to detail the books I read, if I liked them, my favorite quotes or parts, and what I got out of them. I also might post things that I write if I feel like it. Note that I will not be reading the books in order as I have better access to some than others (although I will read series on this list one after the other if all the books are on the list). I will link my posts about each book as I write them. Let the journey begin!
Here’s the list of all 110 books (so far) that made the list:
1. One Door Away from Heaven- Dean Koontz
2. Half Broke Horses- Jeanette Walls
3. Lock and Key: The Initiation- Ridley Pearson
4. A Darker shade of magic- V. E. Schwab
5. A Gathering of Shadows- V. E. Schwab
6. A conjuring of Light- V. E. Schwab
7. The Darkest Minds- Alexandra Bracken
8. Never Fade- Alexandra Bracken
9. In the After Light- Alexandra Bracken
10. Illuminae- Kaufman and Kristoff
11. Gemina- Kaufman and Kristoff
12. Obsidio- Kaufman and Kristoff
13. Ember in the Ashes- Sabaa Tahir
14. A Torch Against the Night- Sabaa Tahir
15. Reaper at the Gate- Sabaa Tahir
16. Shatter Me- Tahereh Mafi
17. Unravel Me- Tahereh Mafi
18. Ignite Me- Tahereh Mafi
19. Shadow and Bone- Leigh Bardugo
20. Siege and Storm- Leigh Bardugo
21. Ruin and Rising- Leigh Bardugo
22. Cinder- Marissa Meyer
23. Scarlet- Marissa Meyer
24. Cress- Marissa Meyer
25. Winter- Marissa Meyer
26. 1984- George Orwell
27. Lord of the Rings- J. R. R. Tolkien
28. Little Women- Louisa May Alcott
29. Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury
30. The Catcher in the Rye- J. D. Salinger
31. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain
32. A Wrinkle in Time- Madeline L’Engle
33. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams (John)
34. Where the Sidewalk Ends- Shel Silverstein
35. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Mark Twain
36. The Fault in Our Stars- John Green
37. Catch-22 – Joseph Heller
38. Ender’s Game- Orson Scott Card
39. Great Expectations- Charles Dickens
40. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes- Arthur Conan Doyle
41. Robinson Crusoe- Daniel Defoe
42. Invisible Man- Ralph Ellison
43. Leaves of Grass- Walt Whitman
44. A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens
45. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn- Betty Smith
46. Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
47. The Alchemist- Paul Coelho
48. Matched- Ally Condie
49. Crossed- Ally Condie
50.  Reached- Ally Condie
51. Daily Rituals- Mason Currey
52. The Power of Habit- Charles Duhigg
53. Stuff Matters- Mark Miodownik
54. Outliers: The Story of Success- Malcolm Gladwell
55. Sense & Sensibility- Jane Austen
56. Persuasion- Jane Austen
57. Emma- Jane Austen (Sarah C)
58. Northanger Abbey- Jane Austen
59. Mansfield Park- Jane Austen
60. Player Piano- Kurt Vonnegut
61. The Sirens of Titans- Kurt Vonnegut
62. Mother Night- Kurt Vonnegut
63. Cat’s Cradle- Kurt Vonnegut
64. Hush, Hush- Becca Fitzpatrick 
65. Crescendo- Becca Fitzpatrick
66. Silence- Becca Fitzpatrick 
67. Finale- Becca Fitzpatrick 
68. The Art of War- Sun Tzu
69. The Way of Kings- Brandon Sanderson 
70. Words of Radiance- Brandon Sanderson 
71. Oathbringer- Brandon Sanderson 
72. Rhythm of War- Brandon Sanderson 
73. The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov 
74. Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black 
75. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee 
76. Flygirl- Sherri Smith 
77. The Song of Achilles 
78. Stargirl- Jerry Spinelli 
79. The Plague- Albert Camus 
80.  Uprooted- Naomi Novik 
81. The Three-Body Problem- Liu Cixin 
82. Gone with the Wind- Margaret Mitchell 
83. The Rent Collector- Camron Wright 
84. This is Where It Ends- Marieke Nijkamp 
85. The Big Picture- Sean Carroll 
86. Delirium- Lauren Oliver 
87. I’ll Give You the Sun- Jandy Nelson 
88. Winter Study- Nevada Barr
89. Everything Everything- Nicola Yoon 
90.  The Sun is Also a Star- Nicola Yoon 
91. Sleeping Beauties- Stephen and Owen King
92. It- Stephen King 
93. Nothing- New Scientist 
94. There There- Tommy Orange 
95. Let’s Pretend This Never Happened- Jenny Lawson 
96. Every Soul a Star- Wendy Mass 
97. Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov 
98. Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck 
99. Frankenstein- Mary Shelley 
100. The 13 ½ Lives of Captain Bluebear- Walter Moers
101. Loki’s Wolves- Armstrong and Marr 
102. The Screwtape Letters- C. S. Lewis
103. The Handmaid’s Tale- Margaret Atwood 
104. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo- Stieg Larson
105. Dominicana- Angie Cruz 
106. Call Me By Your Name- Andre Aciman 
107. Set This House In Order- Matt Ruff
108. Vessel- Sarah Beth Durst
109. Girl On The Train- Paula Hawkins
110. Me Before You- Jojo Moyes
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camistired · 4 years
the peculiar one
chp. 1 // an emotional beginning
not edited
december 31, 2018
word count: 2671
song: alice by avril lavigne
On this particular humid summer day, I find myself asking the same question I always ask myself when I know it's not going to go anywhere good.
‘Why am I here?’
Four simple words that I usually used as an excuse to not move from under my comforter. Four simple words that I used to stay in room and read a couple of my mom's old journal entries. Four simple words that don't mean anything simple.
But today, they weren't going to do much and change my plans.
For the entire summer after I learned that I was able to attend public school again, I've been trying to work on getting a better habit of actually doing things and not being locked in my room. And today was no exception.
I lazily raise my head from the pillow and begrudgingly climb out of bed. I grab my towel off of my chair before trudging into my bathroom. I quickly strip from my sweats, baggy shirt, and undergarments before hopping into the warm water of the shower.
I don't know what I was going to do today. I knew that both Lila and Mar were going to be busy at work and the only person home was going to be Dannie, who usually minded his own business.
With a silent, frustrated sigh I began wash myself with body wash that was scented to smell like cherry blossoms. I don't know how or why I was attracted to the smell but I didn't do much questioning of it.
I stuck my head under the water, letting my purplish tinted silver hair get drenched with the pellets of the warm water. I wipe the water from my eyes, contemplating on whether to wash my hair or not. Deciding against it, I turned the water off and climb out into the bathroom. I wrap myself in my towel before walking back into the main part of my room.
I walk over to my dresser before pulling out a thin black and white plaid shirt, black jean shorts, and a grayish blue t-shirt. I started getting dress as I hum softly under my breath. I was slipping on my plaid shirt as three quick raps were heard at the door. I move to open the door to see Daniel, his face pale from the blood that drained his face.
“What's wrong, Danny?” I ask, slightly concerned for my brother. He quickly hands me his phone before running into his room, probably to get something.
I look down at the phone in my hands and look at the messages between him and Lila;
From Lila: hey, is Alex up? I've been texting but I'm not getting anything.
From Daniel: she's in the shower, why?
From Lila: it's about dad. his brain activity is working alarmingly unusual
they don't know if something is seriously wrong or if he's waking up
From Lila: hold on, let me call you
My breath hitches as I read the conversation. I quickly slip on a pair of high tops and practically ran down the stairs. Daniel was waiting patiently by the door ready to go.
I handed him back his phone as I turn to open the door only to be greeted with the face that I feel like is always judging me.
“Alice..! What a surprise... What're you doing here?” I force out in a cheerful tone. I never had much family that was around, and I should be greatful for Alice being here, but I feel like the person I read about and the person I see almost everyday is two different people.
“Lillian called and told me about Michael, so I'm here to take you guys to the hospital.” Her tone was strict and left no room to say no, but there was a certain tenderness behind it that would be hard to notice if you were anyone else.
I sigh, knowing I couldn't argue much with the woman in front of me, “Alright, come on let's go.”
She has a small victorious smile on her face as she moves towards the car.
I sigh and look at Daniel who just shrugs and skips towards the car. I roll my eyes and close the door behind me and locking it before getting into the back of Alice's car, seeing as Betty was sitting patiently and bored in the front seat. The engine roared as she switched the gearshift to drive and pulled out the driveway.
As we drew closer to the hospital the knot in my stomach tightened and my breathing sped up into quiet tiny pants. I look out the window to, hopefully, calm my nerves. And, unfortunately, the silence in the car isn't helping one bit. I silently prayed for someone to say something before we get there, but something tells me it isn't going to happen anytime soon.
I felt a small pat on my leg and I look up to see Daniel looking at me with some sort of assurance. I smile softly at him and I rub his shoulder to try and reassure him that I'm okay, but I can tell it does little to nothing to comfort him.
I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket and I pull it out to see it was from Jughead. My nerves calm down a little, but not much. I open the text from my best friend;
From Juggy: hey are you not at home?
no one's opening the door and it's
From Lexi: wowow you show up my
house without notice? and think
you can casually waltz into it like
you own the place?
From Juggy: yea, cause i know you
don't care
From Lexi: what if i was in the shower, eh?
From Juggy: didn't your mom used to make us take baths together when we younger?
From Lexi: we were two and we dragged mud throughout the house. she didn't care at that point
From Lexi: plus we're OLDER now. we might as well be dating if you walked in on me showering
From Juggy: uh-huh
From Juggy: you know you love me
From Lexi: sure
From Lexi: omg, im going to die
From Juggy: im missing the picture here, you're going to die from what?
From Lexi: i can't tell. it's either this thick awkward tension or my anxiety
From Juggy: im still very confused
From Lexi: im on my way to the hospital but im stuck in a car with Danny, Betty, and Alice
From Juggy: alright, i'll meet you there
From Lexi: huh?
From Juggy: idk why you're heading to the hospital, but your stuck in a car with two people you don't know if they hate you or not, so that tells me that it is important
by itself alone
From Juggy: so, i'll meet you at the
From Juggy: don't know when i'll get there, so good luck until then
The car takes a sharp turn into a free parking spot and before the car jerks to a complete stop, I already had my seat belt off and was sprinting out of car and into the building. I stop myself from going into the room and stop at the receptionist.
“Hi, I'm just double checking, but Michael Nelson is still in room 22-C, correct?” I ask as she checked on her computer for the correct room number.
She nods and looks at me, “Yes he is, miss. Go right ahead.”
“Thank you so much, have a good day.” I rush out before heading down the corridor to the right room that I've been in so many times. I stop at the door and I contemplate going inside for a moment. My hand subconsciously raises up and grasp the door knob before I can even think about what was happening. It was at that moment, I knew I didn't need to think much longer.
I twisted my wrist until I hear the door make a soft 'click'. I pushed the door open and took in the sight in front of me. Lila was sitting at the end of the bed uncomfortable looking bed, her words falling silent in my ears as she talks to the man laying down, who was being covered by a curtain in the room.
I walk in the bland room, the door closing softly behind me. I stalk towards the bed to be greeted with a pair of pale eyes that I'm so used to be closed. My breath gets caught in the back my throat as a small gasp echos through the seemingly empty room. His eyes lock with mine and in a blur of a second, my arms are wrapped around the males neck and quiet whimpers fall from my lips as small tears fall from my eyes.
The feeling of his arms wrapping around my waist to return the embrace made me completely lose it; crocodile tears, full on sobbing, and clinging on to him tighter - scared that the moment I loosen the hold I have on him, he'll leave me again.
I hear the sound of swift footsteps entering the room through my crying as I let out all of my emotions on this one man that I thought I had lost for the rest of my life. The feel the bed shift and more footsteps before the door closes. I'm suddenly pulled closer and I'm, now, laying on the fragile man you seems to not even give a care in the world that I'm laying on him.
For a moment, I felt like the little girl who laid on her dad all those years ago;
“Daddy..?” I coughed out as the toxic smoke filed out of the exploded glass from our previously beloved family home. A younger Daniel laid on the grass, silently asleep and unhurt. My dad had a cut on his temple and was breathing heavily yet very, very slowly.
I laid my had on his chest hearing his faint heartbeat. I prayed silently that he'd wrap his arms around me. Even with his skin basically burned from the fire, he seemed cold as ice. And I did the only thing I knew to do at the time.
I screamed for my dad. But he was to far gone to reply.
I don't even know how long even been laying there, but I've eventually stopped crying and he started running his fingers through my hair. I felt comfortable when I heard the door open and close. I realized that I was probably being selfish and slowly got off of him, wiping my eyes. I look up to see that Daniel and Lila had walked in.
They look at me and smile genuinely at me. Lila looks down over Daniel and ushers him towards dad. He walks over to him and hugs his torso. I stare at the fourteen year old as the tension slowly eases from his shoulders. I didn't even realize that my sister was standing next to me until she wrapped her arm around my shoulders, making me jump a little.
She chuckles softly and looks at me, “Jughead is waiting out in the hall with the Cooper girls. Want me to let him in?”
I stifle my laugh at the thought of poor Jughead standing in the hall with Alice and Betty. Okay maybe being with Betty, not so bad, but Alice is pretty bad. I nod at her as she let's her arm fall and goes to get Jug.
I shrug my bag off my shoulders and open it and see the worn journal sitting in there from the last time I went out to Sweetwater River. I pull it out and examine the torn leather. I look up and to see Daniel talking to dad about whatever, but the look on both of their faces made me smile softly. I see a mop of midnight hair under a familiar beanie in my peripheral vision, making me smile a little.
I turn towards him and I feel a bit more relaxed, especially knowing that he's here to help even when I don't need to ask. A part of me even felt giddy that he decided to come here instead of go to Pop's or something. Maybe it's just the relief that he came here without me even saying anything or even asking.
He wraps an arm around me in a side hug, which threw me off slightly but I returned the hug regardless. It was comforting to know that he was still by my side especially since we've known each other's practically since birth and he hasn't gotten sick of me yet.
Dad looked up and greeted Jug with a smile. My best friend returned the gesture before sitting in a chair on the side of the room were on. Soon we caught him up on everything.
His face fell solemn after we've informed him that mom was still missing and that the sheriff's office said they needed to step away from the case. It was still open – barely – and if they found new information, it would be added to it. However, they said that years ago. If they, or anyone, doesn't find anything soon, I'm sure they are going to close the case and it'll be an unsolved mystery.
Suddenly Lila's phone started ringing. She looked at the screen and smiled softly before answering it, bringing the speaker to her ear.
“Hey, babe. How's everything at the shop go-? What?” I watch her movements as she went from happy and calm to concerned and frigid, “Mar-Marlene! Slow down, I can't understand you.”
She turned towards me and Jug before turning forward again, “Okay, okay... I don't think I can go down there right now, I'm here with dad. How about I send Jughead and Alexandria there instead, will that be okay? .....Alright. I love you. Bye.”
I look at Jug and he shrugs, just as confused as I was. Lila hung up and turned towards us, “Something happened down at Sweetwater River. I hate asking you two to go, but I have to finish up here, then help Danny to get back home and go back to the shop– it's just a mess right now and I need someone down there with Mar.”
She ran her hand through her dark colored hair as she avoided looking at the males behind her. The worried line creased in her face made me sigh softly before nodding to ease her mind a little.
“Yeah we can go.” I can see the relief wash ovee her as I stand up and shrug my bag back over my shoulder as Juggy does the same. She engulfs me in a tight hug, mumbling ‘thank you’ to me before letting me go.
I walk out of the room with the raven haired boy after saying ‘bye’ to dad and Dan. Not realizing that after I left the room that mom's journal fell out of my bag onto the floor of dad's hospital room.
As we trudged towards Sweetwater River, the sound of sirens in the distance made me start to worry with each step we took towards the river I've began to love to find quiet. As we approach, we scan over the people which seemed to be the whole town.
I find Marlene, who is hyperventilating away from the crowd. I tighten my grip on my bag and jog towards her, not really caring if Jug followed me or not. I place my hand on her shoulder and she flinches, whipping her head towards me before she physically relaxes.
“Mar, what is going on?” I ask softly, removing my hand from her shoulder as the runs her hand through her hair.
“It's the Blossom's. Something's happened to Jason.”
And it was at this moment, that I swore that history may have just repeated itself.
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emenidridi · 4 years
Alberto Adriano
Gerald Asamoah
Ramazan Avcı
Sarah Baartman
Mario Balotelli
Kola Bankole
Ota Benga
Alexander Bengtsson
Steve Biko
James Byrd junior
Emmanuel Chidi
Stephon Clark
Mustafa Demiral
Fuat Deniz
Viola Desmond
Karamba Diaby
Hrant Dink
Jeremiah Duggan
Marwa El-Sherbini
Frank Embree
Semra Ertan
Jorge Gomondai
Farid Guendoul
Benjamin Hermansen
Theodor Hopfner
Kiomars Javadi
Alter Kacyzne
Habil Kılıç
Martin Luther King
Rodney King
Amadeu Antonio Kiowa
Kissing Case
William Lanne
Stephen Lawrence
Nelson Mandela
Noël Martin
Trayvon Martin
Olivier Ndjimbi-Tshiende
Nguyễn Văn Tú
Solomon Northup
Marcus Omofuma
Helen Betty Osborne
Abdurrahim Özüdoğru
Rosa Parks
Anthony Lamar Smith
Tadesse Söhl
Süleyman Taşköprü
Recy Taylor
Emmett Till
Todesopfer rechtsextremer Gewalt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Jordan Torunarigha
Józef Trzeciak
Mehmet Turgut
Seibane Wague
Minik Wallace
Jesse Washington
Alberta Williams King
İsmail Yaşar
Nihat Yusufoğlu
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smashpages · 5 years
Winners announced for the 2019 Eisner Awards
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The winners were announced last night for the 2019 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards.
Tom King and Mitch Gerads, partners on the Mister Miracle series from DC, took home five awards between them. John Allison’s Giant Days and The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang also took home multiple awards.
The Eisner Awards also inducted 10 people into the Hall of Fame last night: the judges chose Jim Aparo, June Tarpé Mills, Dave Stevens and Morrie Turner, while voters chose José Luis García-López, Jenette Kahn, Paul Levitz, Wendy and Richard Pini, and Bill Sienkiewicz to join the class of 2019.
Other awards given out last night included the The Bill Finger Excellence In Comic Book Writing Award, which was presented to Mike Friedrich and the late E. Nelson Bridwell, and the Russ Manning Most Promising Newcomer Award, which went to Lorena Alvarez.
The 2019 recipients of the Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award were Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, for his work on Ricanstruction: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico, and comic artist Tula Lotay, AKA Lisa Wood, for creating the UK-based Thought Bubble Festival. And La Revisteria Comics in Argentina won the Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award.
You can see all the Eisner winners below, in bold.
Best Short Story
“Get Naked in Barcelona,” by Steven T. Seagle and Emei Olivia Burrell, in Get Naked (Image)
“The Ghastlygun Tinies,” by Matt Cohen and Marc Palm, in MAD magazine #4 (DC)
“Here I Am,” by Shaun Tan, in I Feel Machine (SelfMadeHero)
“Life During Interesting Times,” by Mike Dawson (The Nib), https://thenib.com/greatest-generation-interesting-times
“Supply Chains,” by Peter and Maria Hoey, in Coin-Op #7 (Coin-Op Books)
“The Talk of the Saints,” by Tom King and Jason Fabok, in Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Beneath the Dead Oak Tree, by Emily Carroll (ShortBox)
Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, by Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox (Dark Horse)
No Better Words, by Carolyn Nowak (Silver Sprocket)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310, by Chip Zdarsky (Marvel)
The Terrible Elisabeth Dumn Against the Devils In Suits, by Arabson, translated by James Robinson (IHQ Studio/ Image)
Best Continuing Series
Batman, by Tom King et al. (DC)
Black Hammer: Age of Doom, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and Rich Tommaso (Dark Horse)
Gasolina, by Sean Mackiewicz and Niko Walter (Skybound/Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julaa Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
The Immortal Hulk, by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, and Ruy José (Marvel)
Runaways, by Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka (Marvel)
Best Limited Series
Batman: White Knight, by Sean Murphy (DC)
Eternity Girl, by Magdalene Visaggio and Sonny Liew (Vertigo/DC)
Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, by Mark Russell, Mike Feehan, and Mark Morales (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design: Second Genesis, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Bitter Root, by David Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Green (Image)
Crowded, by Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, and Ted Brandt (Image)
Gideon Falls, by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino (Image)
Isola, by Brenden Fletcher and Karl Kerschl (Image)
Man-Eaters, by Chelsea Cain and Kate Niemczyk (Image)
Skyward, by Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Johnny Boo and the Ice Cream Computer, by James Kochalka (Top Shelf/IDW)
Petals, by Gustavo Borges (KaBOOM!)
Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths, by Graham Annable (First Second)
This Is a Taco! By Andrew Cangelose and Josh Shipley (CubHouse/Lion Forge)
Tiger Vs. Nightmare, by Emily Tetri (First Second)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Aquicorn Cove, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Be Prepared, by Vera Brosgol (First Second)
The Cardboard Kingdom, by Chad Sell (Knopf/Random House Children’s Books)
Crush, by Svetlana Chmakova (JY/Yen Press)
The Divided Earth, by Faith Erin Hicks (First Second)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13–17)
All Summer Long, by Hope Larson (Farrar Straus Giroux)
Gumballs, by Erin Nations (Top Shelf/IDW)
Middlewest, by Skottie Young and Jorge Corona (Image)
Norroway, Book 1: The Black Bull of Norroway, by Cat Seaton and Kit Seaton (Image)
The Prince and the Dressmaker, by Jen Wang (First Second)
Watersnakes, by Tony Sandoval, translated by Lucas Marangon (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Humor Publication
Get Naked, by Steven T. Seagle et al. (Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julia Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
MAD magazine, edited by Bill Morrison (DC)
A Perfect Failure: Fanta Bukowski 3, by Noah Van Sciver (Fantagraphics)
Woman World, by Aminder Dhaliwal (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Anthology
Femme Magnifique: 50 Magnificent Women Who Changed the World, edited by Shelly Bond (Black Crown/IDW)
Puerto Rico Strong, edited by Marco Lopez, Desiree Rodriguez, Hazel Newlevant, Derek Ruiz, and Neil Schwartz (Lion Forge)
Twisted Romance, edited by Alex de Campi (Image)
Where We Live: A Benefit for the Survivors in Las Vegas, edited by Will Dennis, curated by J. H. Williams III and Wendy Wright-Williams (Image)
Best Reality-Based Work
All the Answers: A Graphic Memoir, by Michael Kupperman (Gallery 13)
All the Sad Songs, by Summer Pierre (Retrofit/Big Planet)
Is This Guy For Real? The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman, by Box Brown (First Second)
Monk! by Youssef Daoudi (First Second)
One Dirty Tree, by Noah Van Sciver (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—New
Bad Girls, by Alex de Campi and Victor Santos (Gallery 13)
Come Again, by Nate Powell (Top Shelf/IDW)
Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1, by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman (DC)
Homunculus, by Joe Sparrow (ShortBox)
My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Image)
Sabrina, by Nick Drnaso (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Berlin, by Jason Lutes (Drawn & Quarterly)
Girl Town, by Carolyn Nowak (Top Shelf/IDW)
Upgrade Soul, by Ezra Claytan Daniels (Lion Forge)
The Vision hardcover, by Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, and Michael Walsh (Marvel)
Young Frances, by Hartley Lin (AdHouse Books)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation, adapted by Ari Folman and David Polonsky (Pantheon)
“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, in Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection, adapted by Junji Ito, translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Out in the Open by Jesús Carraso, adapted by Javi Rey, translated by Lawrence Schimel (SelfMadeHero)
Speak: The Graphic Novel, by Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily Carroll (Farrar Straus Giroux)
To Build a Fire: Based on Jack London’s Classic Story, by Chabouté (Gallery 13)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
About Betty’s Boob, by Vero Cazot and Julie Rocheleau, translated by Edward Gauvin (Archaia/BOOM!)
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World, by Pénélope Bagieu (First Second)
Herakles Book 1, by Edouard Cour, translated by Jeremy Melloul (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Niourk, by Stefan Wul and Olivier Vatine, translated by Brandon Kander and Diana Schutz (Dark Horse)
A Sea of Love, by Wilfrid Lupano and Grégory Panaccione (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Abara: Complete Deluxe Edition, by Tsutomu Nihei, translated by Sheldon Drzka (VIZ Media)
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, by Inio Asano, translated by John Werry (VIZ Media)
Laid-Back Camp, by Afro, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (Yen Press)
My Beijing: Four Stories of Everyday Wonder, by Nie Jun, translated by Edward Gauvin (Graphic Universe/Lerner)
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, by Akiko Higashimura (Kodansha)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Pogo, vol. 5: Out of This World At Home, by Walt Kelly, edited by Mark Evanier and Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Sunday Strips in Color (1959–1960), by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Ferran Delgado (Amigo Comics)
Star Wars: Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 3, by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson, edited by Dean Mullaney (Library of American Comics/IDW)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Words and Worlds of Herbert Crowley, by Justin Duerr (Beehive Books
Thimble Theatre and the Pre-Popeye Comics of E. C. Segar, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman Deluxe Edition, edited by Paul Levitz (DC)
Bill Sienkiewicz’s Mutants and Moon Knights… And Assassins… Artifact Edition, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Dirty Plotte: The Complete Julie Doucet (Drawn & Quarterly)
Madman Quarter Century Shindig, by Mike Allred, edited by Chris Ryall (IDW)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, edited by Joseph Melchior and Bob Chapman (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, edited by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Tom King, Batman, Mister Miracle, Heroes in Crisis, Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Doctor Star & the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows, Quantum Age (Dark Horse); Descender, Gideon Falls, Royal City (Image)
Mark Russell, Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, Green Lantern/Huckleberry Hound, Lex Luthor/Porky Pig (DC); Lone Ranger (Dynamite)
Kelly Thompson, Nancy Drew (Dynamite); Hawkeye, Jessica Jones, Mr. & Mrs. X, Rogue & Gambit, Uncanny X-Men, West Coast Avengers (Marvel)
Chip Zdarsky, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man, Marvel Two-in-One (Marvel)
Best Writer/Artist
Sophie Campbell, Wet Moon (Oni)
Nick Drnaso, Sabrina (Drawn & Quarterly)
David Lapham, Lodger (Black Crown/IDW); Stray Bullets (Image)
Nate Powell, Come Again (Top Shelf/IDW)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Jen Wang, The Prince and the Dressmaker (First Second)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Matías Bergara, Coda (BOOM!)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Sonny Liew, Eternity Girl (Vertigo/DC)
Sean Phillips, Kill or Be Killed, My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies (Image)
Yanick Paquette, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Lee Bermejo, Batman: Damned (DC)
Carita Lupatelli, Izuna Book 2 (Humanoids)
Dustin Nguyen, Descender (Image)
Gregory Panaccione, A Sea of Love (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Cover Artist (for multiple covers)
Jen Bartel, Blackbird (Image); Submerged (Vault)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Joshua Middleton, Batgirl and Aquaman variants (DC)
Julian Tedesco, Hawkeye, Life of Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Jordie Bellaire, Batgirl, Batman (DC); The Divided Earth (First Second); Days of Hate, Dead Hand, Head Lopper, Redlands (Image); Shuri, Doctor Strange (Marvel)
Tamra Bonvillain, Alien 3 (Dark Horse); Batman, Doom Patrol (DC); Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Multiple Man (Marvel)
Nathan Fairbairn, Batman, Batgirl, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC); Die!Die!Die! (Image)
Matt Hollingsworth, Batman: White Knight (DC): Seven to Eternity, Wytches (Image)
Matt Wilson, Black Cloud, Paper Girls, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); The Mighty Thor, Runaways (Marvel)
Best Lettering
David Aja, Seeds (Berger Books/Dark Horse)
Jim Campbell, Breathless, Calexit, Gravetrancers, Snap Flash Hustle, Survival Fetish, The Wilds (Black Mask); Abbott, Alice: Dream to Dream, Black Badge, Clueless, Coda, Fence, Firefly, Giant Days, Grass Kings, Lumberjanes: The Infernal Compass, Low Road West, Sparrowhawk (BOOM); Angelic (Image); Wasted Space (Vault)
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Jared Fletcher, Batman: Damned (DC); The Gravediggers Union, Moonshine, Paper Girls, Southern Bastards (Image)
Todd Klein— Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Neil Gaiman’s A Study in Emerald (Dark Horse); Batman: White Night (DC); Eternity Girl, Books of Magic (Vertigo/DC); The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest (Top Shelf/IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/ Journalism
Note: There was a tie in this category
Back Issue, edited by Michael Eury (TwoMorrows)
The Columbus Scribbler, edited by Brian Canini, columbusscribbler.com
Comicosity, edited by Aaron Long and Matt Santori,  www.comicosity.com
LAAB Magazine #0: Dark Matter, edited by Ronald Wimberley and Josh O’Neill (Beehive Books)
PanelxPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Comic Book Implosion: An Oral History of DC Comics Circa 1978, by Keith Dallas and John Wells (TwoMorrows)
Drawn to Purpose: American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists, by Martha H. Kennedy (University Press of Mississippi)
The League of Regrettable Sidekicks, by Jon Morris (Quirk Books)
Mike Grell: Life Is Drawing Without an Eraser, by Dewey Cassell with Jeff Messer (TwoMorrows)
Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography—Beyond the Fantasy, by Florent Gorges, translated by Laure Dupont and Annie Gullion (Dark Horse)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
Between Pen and Pixel: Comics, Materiality, and the Book of the Future, by Aaron Kashtan (Ohio State University Press)
Breaking the Frames: Populism and Prestige in Comics Studies, by Marc Singer (University of Texas Press)
The Goat-Getters: Jack Johnson, the Fight of the Century, and How a Bunch of Raucous Cartoonists Reinvented Comics, by Eddie Campbell (Library of American Comics/IDW/Ohio State University Press)
Incorrigibles and Innocents, by Lara Saguisag (Rutgers Univeristy Press)
Sweet Little C*nt: The Graphic Work of Julie Doucet, by Anne Elizabeth Moore (Uncivilized Books)
Best Publication Design
A Sea of Love, designed by Wilfrid Lupano, Grégory Panaccione, and Mike Kennedy (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
The Stan Lee Story Collector’s Edition, designed by Josh Baker (Taschen)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Worlds of Herbert Crowley, designed by Paul Kepple and Max Vandenberg (Beehive Books)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, designed by Josh Beatman/Brainchild Studios/NYC (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Aztec Empire, by Paul Guinan, Anina Bennett, and David Hahn, www.bigredhair.com/books/Aztec-empire/
The Führer and the Tramp, by Sean McArdle, Jon Judy, and Dexter Wee, http://thefuhrerandthetramp.com/
The Journey, by Pablo Leon (Rewire), https://rewire.news/article/2018/01/08/rewire-exclusive-comic-journey/
The Stone King, by Kel McDonald and Tyler Crook (comiXology Originals)  https://cmxl.gy/Stone-King
Umami, by Ken Niimura (Panel Syndicate), http://panelsyndicate.com/comics/umami
Best Webcomic
The Contradictions, by Sophie Yanow, www.thecontradictions.com
Lavender Jack, by Dan Schkade (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/lavender-jack/list?title_no=1410&page=1
Let’s Play, by Mongie (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/letsplay/list?title_no=1218&page=1
Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/list?title_no=1320&page=1
Tiger, Tiger, by Petra Erika Nordlund, (Hiveworks) http://www.tigertigercomic.com/
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1, 11 and 27!
My answers came out kinda long so, to not clog your feed, my answers are below a “keep reading” tab!
1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? 
11. Describe your ideal day.
27.  Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
- - - R e a d - - -
Me: Stories of My Life  by  Katharine Hepburn
By Myself  by  Lauren Bacall
- - - W a t c h - - -
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Rear Window (1954)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Splendor In The Grass (1961)
The Graduate (1967)
The Incredibles (2004)
Ratatouillie (2007)
The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961-6)
The Carol Burnett Show (1967-78)
M*A*S*H (1972-83)
The Simpsons (1989-present)
Animaniacs (1993-8)
Batman: The Animated Series (1992-5)
Will & Grace (1998-2006)
Stranger Things (2016-present)
- - - L i s t e n   t o - - -
Águas de Março (Waters of March) -  Elis Regina & Antonio Carlos Jobim  · music & lyrics by Antônio Carlos Jobim
I’ve Got You Under My Skin - Frank Sinatra  · orchestra arranged/conducted by Nelson Riddle · music & lyrics by Cole Porter
Over and Over Again - Doris Day  · music by Richard Rodgers lyrics by Lorenz Hart
Give Me Time - Doris Day with the André Previn trio  · music & lyrics by Alec Wilder
So Many Stars -  Sergio Mendes & Brasil ‘66 feat. Lani Hall  · music by Sergio Mendes · lyrics by Alan & Marilyn Bergman
I’ll Know - Barbra Streisand · music & lyrics by Frank Loesser
Happy Talk - Debbie Reynolds  · music by Richard Rodgers lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
This Time -  Shirley Bassey  · music & lyrics by Gary Barlow
Love - Nancy Adams · orchestra arranged/conducted by George Bruns  · music & lyrics by Floyd Huddleston and George Bruns
Nowhere With Love - Harry Connick Jr. music, lyrics, & arrangement by Harry Connick Jr.
Make Someone Happy - Jamie Cullum · music by Jule Styne lyrics by Betty Comden & Adolph Green
On A Clear Day (You Can See Forever) - Steve Lawrence · music by Burton Lane lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner
11. Describe your ideal day.
I spend time with people I love, have a meaningful & deep interaction with somebody, learn something important, laugh, see a beautiful place, see a beautiful thing, do something new, accomplish something, help someone, and generally make it a day I can be proud of and happy about in the future.
27.  Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
Generally, yes. 
I feel my eyes reflect depth, intelligence, and the beauty I see in the world. My hair is long and curly; I take care to style it so it looks put-together, creative, friendly, youthful, and mature. I don’t like having facial hair as it’s rough, can easily look sloppy, and runs counter to my sawftBOi image. To that end, part of me wishes I didn’t have body hair, but I do, and when I think about Joe Keery or Sean Connery, I remember that I can still be clever and cute with some hair on my arms and legs and chest. I like that I look youthful (not like a 22 yr old Dad) but with maturity. I like how I look, I like who I am, and I feel my appearance reflects who I am.
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joysmercer · 5 years
Grey’s Anatomy 15x15 Final Thoughts
First of all, I want to preface this by saying this is going to be very short, and I apologize. I have a fever and three tests next week to study for. 
I liked this episode. There was nothing medical going on, which usually irks me, but there were a lot of good aspects that I hope we see more of. Firstly, there were several humorous moments as characters overheard conversations that they weren’t supposed to be a part of (like Jackson and diarrhea) or when others found themselves in a fix (merluca getting walked in on, jolex looking for helen). This brings me to my next point – unlike the 300th episode, which was good but also went a little overboard with the sentimentality, this one did a really good job of bringing different characters who don’t normally interact with each other together in one setting, which served to reinforce how well they all know each other, having worked together for so long.
I’m interested to see why Helen Karev randomly decided to show up, and what this means for Alex and Jo. Camilla hinted that their “honeymoon” phase is ending soon, which makes me a little scared, but also I’m looking forward to more drama/storylines with these two. Also, the scenes at the beginning and at the end with Meredith were very cute. I miss this friendship. 
Also, I'm not sure where I stand with regards to Amelia and her romantic life. Of course, it was incredibly painful to watch her deliberate what to do throughout the ep, but her decision to leave Owen is for the best. Leo coming back does pose a challenge though, because Mr. and Mrs. Nelson obviously intended for him to be raised by both of them together, but I think, judging by next week’s promo, we’ll deal with this soon. That being said – what the hell, Owen doesn’t deserve Leo back after everything he said and did! And Betty leaving at the end? That was just so out-of-the-blue, especially considering she asked Amelia if she could stay at the beginning of the episode. I mean, I get it, I really do. But it’s just unnecessary drama in an already-complicated love “circle.” Amelia needs to leave and move on.
Anyway. That’s all I have for now, but I might add to this later. Let me know what you thought of the episode too :) 
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powershirt8-blog · 5 years
Watch the Trailer for Netflix’s Horror-Comedy Baking Show, ‘The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell’
Instagram star Christine McConnell is taking her macabre pastry creations to the small screen with a show that looks like a cross between between Barefoot Contessa and Tales from the Crypt.
The trailer indicates that The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell will be a warped version of a cooking/entertaining show where the baker — who is styled like a slightly goth version of Betty Draper from Mad Men — spends her days preparing treats for her pals and loved ones. In a twist on a familiar formula, her friends are not humans, but rather wisecracking monsters, including a werewolf, a deranged raccoon, and a Chihuahua-mummy. “This is our home, and it’s a place where the strange and unusual are safe and welcome,” McConnell explains in the teaser.
The creatures in this new series were created by Henson Alternative, the wing of the Jim Henson Company that focuses on “content created specifically and exclusively for grown-ups.” On the pastry side of things, it appears that McConnell will be making elaborate treats like edible tarantulas, chocolate shrunken heads, and gingerbread haunted houses.
Season 1 of The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell premieres on Netflix on Friday, October 12.
And in other Netflix-related baking show news, one of the summer’s pleasant surprises, Sugar Rush, just got renewed for a second season. Now word yet on when the new episodes are slated to premiere, but producers are currently looking for baking fans who want to compete on the timed culinary competition hosted by Candace Nelson and Adriano Zumbo.
• The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell [YouTube] • Instagram Star Christine McConnell’s Macabre Baking Show Hits Netflix October 12 [E]
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Source: https://www.eater.com/2018/10/1/17923306/curious-creations-of-christine-mcconnell-trailer-season-1-new-netflix
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