#byakuran as Tsuna's dad
nxmimochi · 23 days
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I NEED YOU GUYS TO LOOK AT THIS NEW MERCH DROP THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO TSUNAS HEIGJT LMFAO also dress shoes with dad shirts…? xanxus with the modesty garment?? and byakuran looks like he walked out of uniqlo oh i cant do this
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dark-elf-writes · 24 days
Tsuna: So I need a fake boyfriend to piss off my dad
Byakuran, seeing an opportunity and about to run with it: Oh, really?
“Why are we doing this again?” Tsuna asked, feeling his cheeks burn as Byakuran caged him back against the door of his dorm. Had he always been that much taller than him? Tsuna felt surrounded, live everything else in the world had faded away and it was only Byakuran’s teasing smile and the hand pushing up the hem of his shirt to grab his waist.
Holding him. Keeping him there.
Tsuna wasn’t sure he could move if he wanted to.
“We’re supposed to be boyfriends, Tsu-chan,” Byakura practically purred the words, dipping his head until his lips were brushing against Tsuna’s as he spoke. “No one will believe it if you blush from something this innocent. You want it to look real, right.”
Tsuna probably would have agreed to anything at that moment as long as Byakuran asked him with that voice, but he did want it to look believable. His dad was a bastard but he was an observant one and the only thing more embarrassing than this crazy plan to make Iemitsu Sawada angry in the thought of his father finding out about it. Still, though…
“Isn’t this a bit much?” Tsuna didn’t squeak when those fingers slid further up his side, even if the heat of skin against skin making him a bit dizzy, but Byakuran’s smile grew like he heard it anyway.
“Boyfriends show affection, Tsu-chan,” Byakuran finally moved away from Tsuna’s lips but the relief was short lived as he ducked further down to run his grinning mouth along Tsuna’s jaw. “Besides, won’t your father be extra mad if he catches us like this?” At the question the hand on his side trails inwards tracing feather light touches over Tsuna’s stomach before drifting down to toy with his waistband.
He would be. Iemitsu might explode on the spot if he saw them like this.
It was perfect for the plan.
It was going to drive Tsuna insane in the meantime.
“So, what? You want us to practice?” He asks trying for annoyed but sounding all together too breathless for it to have any sting.
He felt Byakuran’s smile rather than saw it. He also felt the slight sting of teeth nipping at his chin, before Byakuran spoke, “When have I ever been happy with anything less than perfection?”
Tsuna finally managed to gather the strength to push Byakuran back a step, his friend’s laughter ringing around the cramped dorm room. Byakuran would be the one to take this seriously, well as seriously as he took anything. But it would all be fine. They would practice, put on the perfect performance when Tsuna took Byakuran home for the holidays, and best case scenario give Tsuna’s father a heart attack in the process. All Tsuna had to do was not forget that this was all fake, and do something stupid like fall in love with Byakuran.
How hard could it be?
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rooigseix · 24 days
Gonna throw myself into another Iemitsu and Tsuna's relationship post because the sudden raise of people acknowledging this is more complicate than bashing fics.
One thing I believe is that if, by some chance like reincarnation fanfic, Tsuna wants to be a mafia (or well involve with the mafia) from young age, then Iemitsu would be a good dad to Tsuna. Iemitsu is capable of being a good dad/master to Basil, this is obvious, but the thing is Basil from the start is a fighter/mafia already and Tsuna is, yes, a civilian at first. (Not to mention Tsuna is still heavily rejecting mafia at the end of manga)
I don't know how Iemitsu ends up as mafia, high position one even. I just can see in the manga how Tsuna and Iemitsu interact is mostly through a mafia event first and foremost - Ring Battle, Representative Battle. I see Iemitsu makes a deal with Mukuro so Tsuna has a complete set to compete in the Ring Battle. I see the way he tries to tell something to his son is literally through fist in the Rainbow war, so yeah I see Iemitsu doesn't know how to interact with his civilian son in a normal loving way of parent. His love language with civilians, both his son and wife, is to leave them completely in the dark about himself and mafia because that would keep them safe.
But turn the matter around, as mostly Tsuna and Iemitsu interact through mafia events, I see that if Tsuna follows the mafia path, Iemitsu would be openly supportive and engaged in Tsuna's life than what happened in canon. To be honest Iemitsu may be still clumsy at conversation and throws fist to tranfer his idea, that I can't deny because I don't have a full grasp over Iemitsu's characteristic as mafia. But Iemitsu's want of Nana and Tsuna being safe is real, look at how he literally throwing himself in front of Vindice to protect Nana. If Tsuna by any chance involving with the mafia from young age, I hence see Iemitsu teaching his son how to fight and engaged in his son's life more so his now-mafia son can survive in his world.
But well since the beginning the dad and the son belongs to different world, they have no same ground to bonding as dad and son. So yeah.
A little bonus: even if Tsuna, as a teenager in manga, grows up and finally agrees to be the next mafia boss of Vongola, I still see Iemitsu being more engaged in his son's life in that situation. Meaning Tsuna doesn't have to want to be mafia at young age for dad-son relationship being closer. Of any chance, as long as Tsuna is in the mafia, Iemitsu would be more close to his son.
Well I say this because look at how Tsuna in the Future Arc, an adult Tsuna in the mafia world, completely hides his plan away from his loved one (mind you, this included Future Gokudera and Lal, debatably all other guardians except Hibari) to have chance winning against Byakuran and thus protecting his loved one. This screams Iemitsu so much, and so just personal opinion but I see in this Future arc, Tsuna-mafia-boss and Iemitsu had talked and bonded enough for Tsuna to understand his dad's method of staying silent, and then using a nearly almost same one as his way of protecting his family.
(My headcanon is at the beginning of Tsuna's mafia reign, Iemitsu is still Cedef boss and supports his son with all his might like how he supports Tsuna in the Ring Battle. I like Basil being Cedef boss one day but I see that come later in Tsuna's reign, when Basil has more experience. For the start of Neo Vongola, Iemitsu is still there for his Neo Vongola Primo son.
And logically Tsuna as mafia boss would not chase Iemitsu away even when they are not talking it out, like Iemitsu is a strong, experienced mafia who truly wants to protect Tsuna hence would be loyal too. Like no boss gonna fire (or pull the string to get rid off) someone such competent like that? It would be such a waste.)
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Khr for the 20 questions meme (you can choose the numbers if that’s a lot) Thank You!
Thank you for the request, my lovely anon! I didn't really manage to do all of them, though I explained why I couldn't do particular ones while answering and I hope you'll enjoy my thoughts on the ones I did do!
which muse is the easiest to write?
Honestly, I think I've answered this a couple times on this blog. But for those who might have missed those answers, the honest truth is that there isn't a single character left in KHR that I consider 'hard' to write about anymore. I don't think I write the best Reborn, Hibari, or Mukuro, but I do try my best. I will say, I do find Gokudera always naturally flows pretty well for me but overall, KHR is the easiest fandom for me to write about and I enjoy all the characters, in their own way.
which muse is most likely to go to jail?
Well, let's see. Mukuro, Ken, Chikusa, M.M., Birds, and the Bloody Twins are all canonically either currently in jail or they have been in jail. But if that's too much of a cop-out answer, Naito would definitely spend at least a night or two in jail here and there because he's an idiot and a loud one and gets himself into silly situations or causes a public disturbance. If it wasn't for the fact that they're protected by the Mafia and have so many resources at their disposal, the Varia should also be spending time in prison for multiple murders.
which muse would be the best parent?
That's a really hard one because, honestly, this cast is so huge, and there's a lot of characters I think would make excellent parents. There's no way to settle into best either, since I think they'd all have vastly different parenting styles. I will say, out of Tsuna's family, I think neither Gokudera nor Hibari want children, nor would either of them being particularly great parents, each for their own reasons. The only person in the Varia I see wanting their own children is Levi, though I also think Squalo could be a good parent if it did become a thing for him. Out of Mukuro's gang, I don't think Mukuro nor Chrome want their own biological children. They could all potentially be good parents, but out of them all, I do think Fran would make the worst parent, though even he has moments of being a really good parent.
what would your muses be the deities of? what are your favorite icons for each muse? what song do you associate with each muse? what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Okay, this is just an absolutely huge cast of characters, so I hope you don't mind that I skipped these questions, my dear. The resulting post, if I was to do the entirety of the cast, would take hours upon hours to write (and like I said, these prompts are supposed to be fun and fast in between the more serious waiting requests), and would be extremely long for any of these questions, though I'd be happy to do these with a narrower group of characters in KHR.
which muse would you most like to meet irl?
Oh, there's so, so many characters from KHR I do wish were real and were in my life. Shouichi, Spanner, Byakuran after the future arc, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Haru, Kyoko, Chikusa, Shamal, YamaPapa, Squalo, Skull, Enma…the list is literally too long to count.
which muse would be the MOM friend? DAD friend?
Mom friend? Both Bianchi and Kyoko definitely show signs of being mom friends to those in their lives, though each in their unique ways. I also do think Luce, Aria, and Yuni all are or were 'mom friends' and that, even before she became a mom, Nana was a 'mom friend' to those she was friends with. Now, I'll show myself as dumb here but I didn't really know what a 'dad friend' really meant, so I had to google it. I think Yamamoto and Reborn both have some 'dad friend' energy, as does Kusakabe and Romario, right off the top of my head. Of course, YamaPapa has the most daddest of dad energies though, just saying and is a father, so maybe that helps. I also think Timoteo was always a 'dad friend' to people, from the time he was a kid all the way until he becomes an old man, when he gains 'grand-dad friend' vibes.
which muses are cat people? which are dog people?
Okay, so again, this is a question that if I listed all the characters from the wide cast of characters that fit into both categories, the post would be very long and would take a very long time to write, so I'm just going to go with the first ones that popped into my head. Hibari would definitely be a cat over dog kind of person. While animals really love Hibari in general and he tends to get along best with animals rather than people, he's not really a fan of dogs, to be honest. They're too clingy and require too much attention. Gokudera, Chikusa, Julie, and Kikyo are all very much cat people too. However, Yamamoto, Skull, and Colonello to me are all very much dog people.
which muse would you want to have a sleepover with?
Of course, a sleepover with the girls (Chrome, Kyoko, Haru, Hana, Bianchi, and I-Pin) would be so much fun. I also think sleepovers with Byakuran would be a blast and though I know he's really unpopular, sleepovers with Naito would be hilarious and full of crazy stories for the ages.
which muse would try to befriend the others? which two muses would get along the best if they met? which two muses would immediately fight each other if they met?
Now, I'm treating all of these questions in terms of how I write the various characters in my crossovers and AU's. Again, if I was to write this thinking of all the characters, I could make each question a very long, thorough, time-consuming post, so I went with just my first thoughts. I would happily answer these questions more thoroughly, if anyone would like, with a narrower group of characters. In terms of the crossovers/multiverse AU's though, Tsuna is always the most accepting and the one to make the most friends. While not as outwardly extroverted and friendly as Yamamoto, there's this charisma to Tsuna that does draw people to him. Hibari, Byakuran, Mukuro, Gokudera, Bel, and Xanxus get into the most fights in these stories though.
which muse is physically the strongest? which muse would win in a fist fight against the others?
So, keeping this strictly in universe, the Varia are all considered elite assassins and fighters and I think most of them would survive a fist fight with any of the other characters to at least a draw. It's canon that Hibari is the strongest, battle-wise, of all Tsuna's Guardians, and the Arcobaleno are the absolute best of the best, with Skull in particular actually being known for his strength, something a lot of people seem to forget because honestly, canon and fandom does him a little dirty. In just plain out hand to hand combat, I think Skull can hold his own against anyone, even Hibari, if push came to shove. I'm also adding Knuckle and Ryohei to this category, as fist-fights are their specialities and something both really excel at.
what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for [muse name]?
I mentioned this to a friend the other day in messages, but I honestly, if I had the time and artistic ability, would love to write light novel spin-off series for KHR, something that would never happen as those have to be approved, I'm pretty sure, by the original creator. But I would love to do light novels exploring so much - the Arcobaleno's individual pasts, how they each came to chosen, their experiences with the occasion that turned them into Arcobalenos, and the immediate aftermath of being turned into infants and how they adapt to life after that. I'd love to do light novels exploring all the prior generations of the Vongola Bosses and their Guardians. I'd love to do one exploring YamaPapa's past, especially his relationship with his sibling disciple of Shigure Soen and the creation of Shinotsuku Ame.
which muse would spend a night in a haunted place for $20?
Gokudera will do it for free. No kidding, legit, he might even pay for the privilege. I honestly do think Bianchi actually does share some of her brother's passion for ghosts and she would be interested in spending the night in a haunted house as well. Byakuran and Mukuro would both do it, just because it would amuse them, and both are enough of skeptics to not even be scared.
which muse would you not let into your house, under any circumstance?
Honestly, it's Kikyo. I do see him as being really judgmental, especially with anything aesthetic, and I do think he'd read my interior decorating skills and aesthetic to filth, despite how much I love my apartment and how it looks. I also don't think I'd much like Bel in my apartment…too much chance of me being murdered for my comfort, thanks.
which muse would investigate the scary noises? which one would hide?
Again, this is one where if I really focused on the full cast, putting them into the groups, I could create a post that would be very long, thorough, and would take quite a while to write, so I just went with my first thoughts. Lambo, Tsuna, Shouichi, Enma would all hide. Basil, Gokudera, Spanner, Byakuran, Mukuro, Hibari, Adelheid, Shitt. P, and Reborn would all investigate, some with less fear than the others.
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byakuwan · 1 year
how poorly would it go if byakuran stole iemitsu as a father figure.
Tsunayoshi-kun, you don't want your dad so there's no problem if I take him ♪
and here's a convo as i was telling @hopeswriting:
he can be the ""son"" that enables the terrible habits way more LOL they just both be lazy and useless and/or just do things iemitsu offered to do with tsuna etc etc
okay that's both a REALLY funny image but also kinda… sad/pathetic? but also thinking of tsuna's reaction to that is really fucking sending me lmao 😭😂😂 wait would they both go fishing then??? moth this is fucking HILARIOUS LMAO
of course theyd go fishing!!!!!
no you're right, because i can actually see byakuran enjoy that tbh
someone finally gets it!! 🙏🎣
WOULD HE GIVE HIM SAKE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and like. THROW HIM IN THE AIRHDLDBLDND MOTH I'M GENUINELY CRACKING UP OVER HERE 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 but also you really have to throw tsuna in this. you HAVE to make him Witness it. i need his reaction to this so badly
OF COURSE HE WOULD the sad pathetic idiocy is exactly why byakuran would take the father figure from tsuna. i want relieved tsuna but then lowkey jealous because. You're the one that doesn't want anything to do with him Tsunayoshi-kun, whats the issue if I steal him? 🎶 the word "steal" is important bc he and iemitsu are both smiling and laughing
oh OF COURSE. no for real, absolutely. byakuran WOULD look at the sad pathetic idiocy and go "ah yes, this one". 😭 and that he's tsuna's father is of course the cherry on top tsuna'd be torn between foaming at the mouth in rage, in pure disbelief and incredulity, or being relieved/happy to finally be rid of iemitsu lol it's funnier if he feels both like you said tho LOL
maybe it goes from disbelief -> relief/happy "Good for him??" -> anger that maybe he thinks he shouldn't feel considering they are Apparently Happy. and i'm sure reborn would have something to tell tsuna about it but
we did talk about reborn + tsuna but i'm lazy and worried the editor will break lol.
more importantly: if iemitsu throws byakuran in the air, you bet he'd bring out the wings and use it to actually take flight. literally like a launch.
no one can tell me byakuran would not enjoy doing stupid things like this for fun. he tries his best to make life fun. what is parental theft if not fun?
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cywscross · 8 months
Tsuna and Byakuran :)
Two of my favs. For Tsuna, I can toss him into so many AUs. Also he has a deadbeat dad but like I don't rly feel like he actually misses him or anything so no daddy issues for Tsuna, and lbr he's better off without Iemitsu around anyway. And I know Tsuna is the token sane one of the group but also he can go from cringing at violence to oneshotting a man into ash and dust so you can't rly say he isn't insane lmao.
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As for Byakuran, I like him less than Tsuna but sometimes I get the urge to toss him into crossover AUs cuz like he could be so OP (he was OP in canon until they had to nuke him cuz otherwise the heroes wouldn't win lmao) and I like dropping that sort of character into other fandoms' shenanigans. For example imagine a Bleach AU where he's reborn as Ichigo, complete with the white hair and purple eyes, it wouldn't even be that far-fetched cuz the hair can just be a Quincy throwback (hi Ryuuken) and the eyes would give everyone a heart attack cuz they're basically the colour of the Hougyoku. (And now that I'm thinking about it, Gojou Satoru could also work, the blue eyes match even better, but I can't write Gojou since idk JJK so Byakuran would be easier.)
ANYWAY. Just saying. Also the amount of Fucking Trauma that canon never rly delved into with him but that I can dump on him is delicious cuz damn seeing all those parallel timelines would drive anyone insane.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Tsuna doesn't have a choice.
Whining and complaining about his forced situation was the only thing he can do unless he wants himself and everyone involved with him dead. He was implicitly stated and told that if he didn't become a Mafia Boss, his family and friends will die? (Lots and lots of gaslighting, even from those 'family and friends' who're actually happy to be mafia, they have selective hearing and a brain who transform everything he said and do as "being hard to get, refusing but actually accepting" Like those scum MLs in shoujo novels and mangas, when actually it's the opposite, he refused, he yelled about it, whined about it but he did it I'm the end why? Because it was the people he cared about, who he will even sacrifice his life for that's in danger, he never fight back against slight towards him, why? Because he was raised like that, he was told everyday every second, treated like he is "Dame, aka useless" that he has no worth, that he's better off dead for everyone, his misery is everyone's entertainment. Even his mother called him that (he actually tried, really hard before, which he gave up when Nana, her 'mother' called him useless too, to his face, as a mother, that was simply... He went home beaten up everyday, the fact that he's not dead until canon was simply nothing short of a miracle. While his 'mother' had his 'dad' in the forefront of his mind everyday, waiting for him who abandoned them and in the end pushed Tsuna into the black hole filled with trauma, pain, death, bloodshed and murder called mafia, when Tsuna was 'sealed' (which definitely did something to him,hell, many have speculated that he was so clumsy in canon, which should be labeled as disabled by modern medical standards, because that kind of clumsiness implies there's something wrong with his brain, nerves and muscles, that he couldn't process information properly with slow response,which is really red flags) because he said that he doesn't want his family into mafia. Damn hypocrite, in the end, when faced with the choice of his family and his famiglia, he chose his famiglia, every time. If you said he had hardships too, the what about Tsuna? If Nana had to choose between Tsuna and that 'Dad' of his, she'll chose Iemitsu.
How could he stop other's from calling him tenth (just look at Gokudera, how many times had he asked or even plead to him to just call him Tsuna? Because he doesn't want to be a mafia boss and he's supposed to be his friend and friends don't act like a subordinate? Countless, he tried countless times, but rejected, every time. Gokudera keep referring him as his boss or even God but rejects anything he asked except for ones fit with his wants and ideals, aka Tsuna being mafia). By the time the others might (doubtful actually) actually support his desire of Not Being A Mafia Boss (it's not just fun and games, this job involves lives, especially his family's, as a Boss, he need to place the famiglia above everything else, like Iemitsu did. He's not allowed to save or even had to kill them if they're deemed useless or even a threat, this includes him too, he had to kill himself if it's for the good of the famiglia [future arc],which should've clued you in that being a mafia is a nightmare, it's not like the only way one can be rich and powerful is being a mafia, there're other ways, like being a politician, businessman, writer, etc) Did you not read or watch Kokuyo arc? Estraneo's experimentation was done by the unwritten approval of all major famiglia, which of course, Vongola is included, who knows, they might even have their own.
All that talk about being vigilante? It was just a sweet but empty bait for Tsuna to agree being a Mafia Boss, since he wouldn't want his family to be in threat or worse, dead. But who are they kidding? There's no way there's such a thing as being a Mafia Boss without killing,politics and bloodshed, his first kill (Byakuran), was for Vongola's sake (he's becoming the most powerful famiglia and threatens them, as well as unable to be manipulated nor used (profitted) by them) rather than for the sake of the world and Tsuna's family's lives and life. Vindice and that Masked Hat wasn't even involved. They literally threw the fate of the entire world (Vongola, more like) to children since the adults can't solve it, what if they die? Won't the future also destroyed? Most likely it was the same case for them. It wasn't even the children they're counting on. It was the rings. Their life doesn't worth as much as them getting the rings back.
The public aka civilians condemn murder and crime, is it that strange for Tsuna to refuse being a Mafia Boss? Did you think it's as easy as breaking dolls to kill someone? It's not even just kill, they must be able to torture and watch torture. He's just a kid, a teenager not yet past puberty who until just recently, was hated and bullied in all ways possible by the entire town. Others had friends and family or something else that makes them smile and push forward in life. Tsuna only had Kyoko and his mom (which was just simply because of that, that she's his mom, she never beat him up, but at the same time, she doesn't care about him. Providing him food is the minimum duty of a mother (a parent, but since that 'dad' isn't here) which is not included in category of care, since she still called him useless and doesn't seem worried when he got hurt, screw it with actually knows but not wanting to force him, as a mother, she was the one supposed to care and take care about Tsuna emotionally, physically and mentally not the other way around. With common sense, one should know that calling someone useless is not nice; Meanwhile, Kyoko's just being a decent human being with no other feeling for him other than pity aka she doesn't take part in bullying him, but it was just that, nothing more nothing less. Not to mention Hana who in the beginning thought if him as a stupid, useless guy who might have feelings for Kyoko not knowing his own worth like Mochida).
That's the fact, he had no one, in his world, there's just him and bullies/ abusers. The reason that he has a crush 'admiration' towards Kyoko was because she didn't insult or bully him, which should've been the norm? It was basic human decency. If that doesn't imply how f*cked up his life and all the people in his life, I don't know what is. As for, canon? Those friends? Almost all of them tried to kill him once or hurt him to the point of fatal injury, even Lambo with his bombs and weapons as well as tantrums. The death count (by Reborn) as hurt count was really... only possible since it's fiction, in real life, he would've died since he was 5 (no one can know whether flame seal could've killed him back then, after all the only known case was flame sealing a non-active, not an active). NO ONE cared about his opinions, he was the one who cared about them, he was even forced to befriend (insubordination) as guardians (pawns and puppets). Pretty sure every other mafia don out there doesn't treat their guardian like Tsuna (referring to the fact that Gokudera begged to be his 'subordinate' because he saved him, implying that indeed, guardians in other famiglias were treated as disposables or inconsequential whether or not they're fatally injured or died as long as they did their job). Tsuna, on the other hand, treated them like friends (best friends actually, that level of dedication) and family (which he didn't have before). Reborn forced violent and mentally unsound people on him, with just the premise that he can heal him or shoot him, and to be honest, who knows if there's actually a back-up or substitute if Tsuna died. As a friend or a family, more so, it's imperative that one cared for the other's opinions, not gaslighting them, not forcing their opinions and ideas on them, not trying to kill them, not hurting them (verbally, physically or mentally). It doesn't matter even if they're mafia. They're human first and foremost, they can think, should understand common sense, can feel and process feelings. The fact that Tsuna protects them more than they protect him (as taught by Reborn, he only told the guardians to guard him 'aka watch' him). Sometime they did protect him from attacks, but really, it's not just from outside, but also from within (Reborn, Bianchi, Hibari, Gokudera, etc). If they're really Guardians, if they actually cared about him, they should've cared about his opinion and support him, not ignoring, even disregard them. After Reborn came, the only different thing is that he got a bigger cage and his bullies are replaced by abusers who not only take advantage of his kindness but also treated him as a puppet, pawn and convenient figure (boss, 'friend' (who'll care about them, clean up their messes and accept them no matter what they do, yes, just like a toxic narcissistic abuser), father (I-Pin and Lambo can be excused somewhat, but under other's influence, they're just acceptable), job (Reborn) , saviour, 'son' (Iemitsu just regards him as a mini Nana when small and a tool when he grew up).
hi nonny, thank you for the ask. sorry i’m only answering it months later, but tbh even as i’m writing this, i’m still unsure about whether i should actually answer it or not. i won’t put it in the tags either because i don’t want to invite discourse on my blog, nor do i want to become a vessel through which discourse happens, but i just need to address some of the things you said.
but first i do have to say that i can’t help but feel a bit attacked here lol. like this feels more like you’re venting at me than you just sharing your opinion with me. also the way you seemingly keep directly talking to me? and like, are you?? because you’re just putting words in my mouth as i’ve literally never said any of those things lol.
but anyway, i assume this is all referring to this post? if so i just want to make it clear where i stand when it comes to it first. like i said in the tags of that post i think both @ mediumsizedpidegon and @ dopepoisonivyoncrack are valid and right in their interpretation of the manga, and both of those interpretations are based on canon. mediumsizedpidegon’s dark take on the manga doesn’t put it or the characters in a kind light, but it is based on dark implications the manga does have. and tho i don’t interpret all of them the same way they did, i can’t say it’s not a valid takeaway from the manga either.
that said, if we’re talking strictly canon and trying to guess what amano meant for us to take from it as best and as objectively as we can, which i’ll assume is what we’re trying to do here, then ultimately i just have to agree with dopepoisonivyoncrack’s take on it. like yes the manga is full of unacknowledged and unexplored underlying darkness, but it’s because it’s just an inevitable consequence of the way amano chose to tell her story, and of the theme she chose to tell it through (the mafia). but that underlying darkness isn’t what the manga is about, nor is meant to be what we should primarily focus on and read/interpret the manga through that lens. it’s just the principal mean to the end, i.e. what amano wanted her manga to be about, and not the end in and of itself. again, as long as we’re strictly talking canon anyway.
khr is about a boy (re)learning he has worth and value through the genuine, strong and deep bonds he makes with people who see and treat him as someone with worth and value. it’s about a boy growing into the best version of himself thanks to those bonds who are his strength and support, while making the people dear to him also grow to the best version of themselves.
it’s about how unfortunate it is those bonds are mostly forged through harsh, violent and cruel situations kids like them shouldn’t ever be involved in, and how they make it through them because they care for each other and love each other and help each other make it through them, because they’re each other’s strength. it’s about how they’re going through the toughest times of their lives, and at the same time are also living the happiest times of their lives because that’s just what life is, both good and bad times happening at the same times. and the good times give you the strength to endure the bad times and make it through them, and the bad times doesn’t have to mean you can’t have good times still, or you can never go back to the good times, not if you fight for it.
khr is about growth, friendship, family, love. it’s about not being perfect and still having worth and value and be deserving of being treated as such. it’s about making mistakes and still be allowed to try again, and still be given a second chance to try again. it’s about making mistakes and always having the option to make amends for them, to learn from them and become a better person through it. it’s about being hurt by life, sometimes in unspeakable manners, and the promise of eventually finding hope and healing and happiness again as long as you hang in there.
it’s about life not being perfect for you in all aspects and hurting you in some aspects, and the promise of life still being worth hanging onto, the promise of better times that are sure to eventually come. it’s about finding the strength and resilience to endure tough times and make your way through them because better times are always sure to come again, and they’re always worth fighting for and holding on for. it’s about fighting for your happiness and remaining true to it no matter what because it’s worth it. like sorry, but it just is.
imho anyway, and so i’m sorry to say that there’s little i agree with you here nonny. especially because all the arcs up to the shimon arc are, in fact, fresh and clear in my mind because i’m currently going through a reread of the manga, and like. i think... there’s a lot of fanon and headcanons and your personal interpretation that are mixed with your takeaway from canon here nonny. which is, you know, entirely valid of you, don’t get me wrong. and again, i do see exactly where you’re coming from here with all this and, it is all based on canon facts we were given, but from there our personal interpretation of those facts differ so much, i think we’ll just have to agree to disagree here lol.
and you know, i said i wanted to address some of the things you said, but actually i think i’m just going to leave this here as it is. no wait, i WILL address the fact that i’m and always have been firmly pro “tsuna being made to be vongola decimo makes him miserable, and him actually being forced to become vongola decimo would be nothing short but a tragedy that’d make everyone involved miserable too”. like, just take a look at some of the works i’ve written about tsuna and the 10th gen, and it’s really obvious lol. i’ll also address that i 100% believe that tsuna & his guardians are genuine friends who deeply care and love each other first and foremost, and yes it’s not perfect and they’re tactless and hurtful at times with each other, but they’re all middle schoolers, you know. and they’re all experiencing friendship for the first time in their own ways too, so, yeah.
hope this doesn’t read as... idk, an attack on you and your opinion, or me completely dismissing your opinion. like this is NOT me going “you’re totally wrong and THIS is the one true meaning of khr” lol. in fact i really like writing about khr and interpreting it from within a similar sandbox than the one you described here too, but once again as far as canon goes, this is just me sharing where i personally stand on the matter, as you’ve shared your opinion with me too.
all that to say, you’re totally welcome to drop in my inbox again if you ever feel like it again! and tho i’d rather we let this matter rest here, if you have something else to say on it, i’ll hear it (tho i can’t promise i’ll answer it this time too).
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vicehectic · 5 years
Want Emancipation Ch (2/?)
In one world Tsunayoshi grows up under a neglectful family and hardships and makes relations with people associated with death by force.
In another, Tsunayoshi grows up under a loving and caring father and uncle and welcomes those touched by death with open arms.
Or; Byakuran Gesso adopts Tsunayoshi at a young age and that changes everything.
Parts 1 / 2 / ?
Also on AO3 and Fanfic
He’s been in a world without Tsunayoshi’s influence. It feels empty.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t telling himself the exact truth. And that was a hard pill to swallow in it of itself. He hates to lose to anyone – even if it is himself.
Tsunayoshi is the name people whisper across most worlds.
(Sometimes it’s Ieyoshi, others it’s Tsunahime but it’s still Tsunayoshi – after all what’s in a name? Sometimes it’s not Tsunayoshi at all; whether it’s someone under the guise of Tsunayoshi or it’s someone completely different. Those worlds don’t last long. If they do there’s chaos rampart and no peace in sight.)
To the people that know about the worlds, Tsunayoshi is praised like a god. In some worlds he’s the end, the beginning, or a stepping stone in-between. Tsunayoshi is never all those things. Sometimes he’s two of those things and in the worlds that he’s both the beginning and the end; nothing really makes sense.
Tsunayoshi is the catalyst. Tsunayoshi is the tool. Tsunayoshi is the sacrifice.
In those worlds Tsunayoshi never truly feels happy.
In those worlds his significant other dies. Kyoko, Haru, Hayato, Takeshi, Dino, Kyoya, Bianchi, Ryohei, Hana, Renato, Fon, Cherep, Colonello, Nagi, Mukuro, Spanner, Shoichi, Azucar, Belphegor- The world burns because of it.
In those worlds his mother is dead. Nana targeted because of her connections to the mafia – it doesn’t matter if it’s before everything happens or after.
In those worlds, sometimes, it’s good his mother is dead, but his father dies along with her. Iemitsu’s heart is big like that in those worlds and the world burns because of it.
In those worlds his guardians die. In those worlds his guardians crack. The world burns because of it.
In those worlds Tsunayoshi doesn’t get a chance to get involved. Tsunayoshi either lives a short life or a long life of misery. The world burns because of it.
He’s seen all those worlds and maybe there’s something wrong with him, dare he say one of the defective ones, but he wants Tsunayoshi to get a break among all the worlds he’s in. He wants Tsunayoshi to feel satisfied. And that’s a goal that he will have to fight tooth and nail for.
There’s a reason why he let everything in this world work out the way it did. Other versions of himself will mock him for his laziness but they don’t see what he sees. Tsunayoshi is not a tool for them to control. Tsunayoshi is everything and it’s ridiculous how none of them have realized this before.
He’s been in a world without Tsunayoshi’s influence.
It feels empty.
The blanket is slung over his lap and his hands are cradling the mug full of his uncle’s famous hot chocolate as he waits.
The soothing chatter of a mischievous voice and an exasperated voice reaches him, and it somehow makes the dozens of thoughts circling in his head come to a stop. Tsunayoshi Gesso just sits there and breathes.
It’s winter break halfway through his first year of middle school but that hasn’t changed their tradition to visit Italy every year with his uncle. Honestly, after the drama his class has been through in just the first semester, Tsuna is glad to get a break.
“How are you holding up Yoshi?” There’s a hand in his fluffy hair and he immediately leans into the touch, his eyes closing unconsciously as a smile comes to his lips. “Are you finally relaxing a little?”
Tsuna laughs, “I would, but we left dad in the kitchen alone and we both know that’s not a good idea.”
His uncle’s hand leaves his hair as he laughs with him, “Don’t worry about that, I used all the marshmallows for the hot chocolate. I’m not letting Byakuran have the chance this year.”
“Geez Sho-chan!” his dad whines as he pokes his head out into the living room, “You could have told me that! I’ve been looking for marshmallows for the past hour and a half!”
Tsuna grabs his uncle’s arm dramatically, “You don’t think he’s going to go insane because of marshmallow withdrawal, do you?”
Shoichi Irie, Tsuna’s favorite uncle, plays along, “Oh god,” he jokingly grabs his stomach, “I’m getting a stomach ache just thinking about it.”
Byakuran Gesso jumps out into the living room with a dark expression, “My best friend and my favorite son ganging up on me? I won’t accept this!”
Tsuna shrieks, but would forever deny it, when Byakuran tackles Tsuna into the couch and drags uncle Shoichi down with him, “You’re heavy dad!”
“Are you calling me fat?! What happened to my cute little son who followed me around like a little duckling calling me papa?!”
“That never happened, and you know it!”
“I can’t breathe! I can’t breathee…..”
Yes. A world without Tsunayoshi is empty.
In most worlds Timoteo is barely a factor.
Timoteo Vongola is at his wits end. In his seventh and eighth decade he’s lost his three eldest sons and Timoteo is only getting older. His wonderful wife passed in his sixth decade and he wasn’t exactly as capable as he used to be – nor did he want to impregnate someone in his old age. Worst come to worst, Timoteo would tell the council to shove off and make Iemitsu Vongola Decimo – no matter what tradition said.
But Timoteo still has Xanxus. His beloved youngest son that was lost on the streets after one of Tolomeo’s many nights spent with common whores in the alleys of Naples. There was a reason why their mother chose Timoteo as Vongola Nono and not Tolomeo. In many ways Tolomeo bore much resemblance to the cousin twice removed of their great grandfather, Vongola Secondo, Ricardo, and that was passed onto Xanxus. Timoteo sees it in the slightest bit of wrath that Xanxus has in his flames but like Timoteo’s said.
He’s at his wits end.
Such a shame that Iemitsu’s child had died twenty-seven weeks in and his wife could no longer bear a child.
In a small fraction of worlds, he’s the catalyst of destruction.
Enrico is dead by an assassin, a bullet straight through his head so they have to cover his face at the funeral. His fiancé still cries over his cold body. The day of his funeral the Vongola all stand together in the Vongola graveyard with the Varia keeping guard despite being an assassination squad. Enrico wasn’t the favored heir to take on the mantle of Vongola Decimo, but he was reliable. He always said that Massimo was the one with the charisma of a leader. Enrico always rather preferred to be Massimo’s advisor and lead from the shadows. Massimo’s back is straight like his spine is iron and his is chest open in open defiance at the funeral – he doesn’t cry but the hands holding his younger brothers’ hands tremble.
Massimo is found dead in the fountain Chiavarone Ottavo gifted to Vongola Ottava as a poorly disguised courting gift. The fountain that is the center of the Vongola Mansion’s courtyard. Massimo is found dead in his pajamas without any signs of a struggle. The autopsy later shows that Massimo had somehow been heavily drugged and if he hadn’t died from the water in his lungs – he would have died from an overdose. His youngest brother is the one to find the body; poor Xanxus is found dragging his brother’s dead body out of the fountain and begging him to wake up. The event sends all of the Vongola into a frenzy to find the culprit and rats are killed on the spot. They still hold a funeral with lilies because its well known that Massimo had a preference to them. Federico looks so small as he holds his remaining brother so close. For the one to have screamed louder than Xanxus was Federico who crumbled at the seams at the sight of his pale brother’s corpse.
Federico is found dead with holes in him. After the death of Massimo, Federico was placed on intense watch. It takes years for Federico to even resemble the person he used to be. The last person in his family to have talked to him, after his father sent him out on a peaceful assignment to celebrate his return to the field, is Xanxus. He never returns. The party that went with him yell about a raid despite being unharmed and without any missing members besides Federico. He was the only one who died. According to his party he had welcomed death with open arms – he let himself get killed. Xanxus stands next to his father with twin guns engraved with “mi dispiace fratello”. The famiglia responsible for Federico’s death never sees the light of day because of him.
In some worlds Xanxus grows up loved by his older brothers and leads the Varia with intelligence of a leader from Enrico, with charisma he’s learned from Massimo, and with compassion from Federico. He recovers from the trauma the streets give and the way his mother had just abandoned him for a large sum of money. Xanxus learns how to be happy and be content in life.  
In those worlds his flames don’t burn with wrath. His elements are attracted to how warm his sky flames are.
That isn’t this world.
Xanxus doesn’t have to turn to know that it’s Superbia Squalo who’s calling out to him.
“What do you want?” he grunts as he cradles the beer Federico used to love before he lost himself in his left hand.
Squalo doesn’t move to sit by Xanxus’ side and frankly, Xanxus doesn’t expect him too. Squalo just continues to stand behind him, a half step to the right so if he were to walk forward they would knock shoulders. Xanxus expects Squalo to stand exactly where he’s always stood.
Squalo doesn’t hesitate as he speaks. “Boss.”
Xanxus whirls around and the beer bottle almost cracks in his grip. “I’m not your boss anymore!” he practically screeches, “You’re the new head of the Varia dipshit!”
Squalo doesn’t even blink, “I pledged to follow you through thick and thin, boss. You may be a piece of shit at the end of the day but you’re the man I chose to follow. This… change in plans doesn’t change anything.”
Xanxus’ blood boils, “Are you fucking blind? You know that this is exactly what that bastard wants. The second he announces that I am to be his heir I’m fucking trapped. Everything we’ve done up to this point has been fucking useless.”
“So, you’re just going to give up?” Squalo shouts back, losing his calm composure – always being quick to anger. “Like hell you are!” he yells because he knows Xanxus just as well as he knows himself, “We aren’t going to be playing into his hands.”
Xanxus quells the anger in his chest to stop and narrow his eyes at the white-haired teen, “What do you know?”
Squalo grins wickedly, “If Timoteo is going to announce you as Decimo it’s going to be when you’re at least twenty – officially at least. We have time until then to figure everything out.”
“Figure what out?”
“We’re going to find another potential heir to the Vongola.”
The beer falls out of his hand, “If I wasn’t the only illegitimate child of Tolomeo then…”
Squalo turns on his heel, “Come on, shitty boss, we’ve got work to do.”
But this also isn’t the world that Xanxus goes on a revenge trip.
In most worlds Iemitsu leaves his family for his famiglia. In those worlds he usually loves the child he births with his significant other with all his heart.
In most worlds Nana is Iemitsu’s wife, but she’s easily replaced in others. In those worlds she’s usually an airheaded woman not capable of being a mother.
In worst case scenarios Nana shouldn’t be let out of an insane asylum.
It starts with the Byakuran in one world and even in the worlds that don’t have Byakuran as the wielder of Mare Rings, Byakuran becomes the wielder of the Mare Rings. Each Byakuran reacts differently from the onslaught of memories and insights of other worlds. In some worlds Byakuran thirsts for power and grandeur. In most worlds Byakuran simply wants to live an easy-going life.
The Byakuran of this world doesn’t turn a blind eye nor does he try to grasp everything that has potential as his. The Byakuran of this world has a bleeding heart and he sobs over the chest of his best friend and he’s inconsolable even for the practical they have the next day in their final year of University.
Byakuran Gesso scours the world looking for the one that calls himself Tsunayoshi and he never looks back.
“Are you sure that you want to go back to Namimori?” Tsuna barely hears his dad’s question as he walks between several spots in the kitchen trying to get everything ready for school as the minutes tick by. “I know the faculty said they were going to have a mental health assembly, but they just seemed like they wanted to brush everything under the rug as fast as possible.”
Tsuna laughs dryly, “The perks of public school,” he replied sarcastically as he opens the fridge looking for the water bottle he swore he put in last night.
“Exactly!” Byakuran cries as he stands on the other side of the fridge door, “You could have gone to Midori Private. It’s not like it’s only for girls anymore.”
Tsuna shifts his gaze away from his dad as he closes the fridge shut, letting his eyes settle on his Uncle Shoichi who just let out a huge yawn at the kitchen table, “Jii-san you didn’t have to wake up just to see me off.”
Shoichi immediately jolts and wipes the drool that leaked from the corner of his mouth. “Of course I do! It’s not everyday you head back to school,” he finally says after gathering his composure.
“I mean, it’s not like it’s my first day, I’m just heading back after winter break.” Tsuna shoves the black bottle into the bag that’s sitting in the seat across from Shoichi, “You were up late last night, right?”
Shoichi looks sheepish as he rubs at the back of his head, “Haha, just a little later than usual.”
“Yoshi,” Byakuran calls out gently and Tsuna turns because he’s weak to moments like this. And Tsuna’s supposed to be the one with the puppy-dog eyes. “Promise me if you feel uncomfortable at school that you’ll tell me.” Warm hands rub his shoulders, “I just want what’s best for you.”
“Yeah,” Tsuna says, “No problem.” Even to him his words sound hollow.
Byakuran’s eyes bore into him but his dad doesn’t push it and just embraces Tsuna in a hug, “What am I going to do when you grow up and leave me, kiddo?”
Tsuna cracks a smile at that, “Like I’m going to disappear from your life just because I’ve grown up dad.” He breathes in the relaxing scent of marshmallows and orchids, “We’re family and family sticks together.”
His dad pulls back and kisses the top of Tsuna’s fluffy head, “Get going kiddo or you’re going to be late.”
Tsuna grabs his bag off the chair and gives a sarcastic salute, “Yessur.”
“Have a good day Yoshi!” his uncle calls after him as he steps out of the house.
Tsuna very much doubts that it’s not going to be much different from most days at Namimori Middle.
Tsuna doesn’t want to tell his dad that the assembly goes just like how he expected it to. The whole thing feels bland and useless as students are invested in their own little conversations and the teachers look bored. For Christ’s sake the mental health counselor is sleeping!
For a second, he regrets not taking his father’s offer to attend Midori Private School, regardless of the low percentage of male students due to only having allowed male attendance the year before, but Tsuna knows that if he wants to live as he does at school then Namimori Middle is the perfect place for him.
Even if he knows how toxic the environment at Namimori is when he takes one cursory glance at the first years around him and doesn’t see the student that had tried to commit suicide at the end of last semester.
 NOTE:  I'm so sorry for the late update but I got swamped with the weeks leading up to finals and then finals at the end of June. As soon as my finals ended I went on a trip and I've just been recovering from that. I've also been writing scenes for this story and "Vongola Vigilantes" at the same time but the scenes also don't make sense chronologically so I have a lot of mess I need to piece together later for each story. Hopefully I will update quicker next time. Thank you for the love and support I've gotten already! I really appreciate it!
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
TYL!Takeshi Yamamoto x Female!Civilian!Reader: Something Old and Something New
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Summary:  No matter how cold winter gets, it cannot freeze the warmth of rebirth.
Ratings/Tags: T (Post-Future Arc; Ten Years Later Universe; Foul Language; Death; Mourning; Loss of Family; Reunion; Childhood Friends; Love Epiphany; Blizzard Conditions; Christmas; Civilian!Reader; TakeSushi; Tsuyoshi Yamamoto & Takeshi Yamamoto; Squalo Superbi & Takeshi Yamamoto; Hana Kurokawa/Ryohei Sasagawa; Heavy Exposition)
Fic Trade Prompt:  "The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful."
Notes: "However, after Tsuna defeated Byakuran, they were told that the future changed and all disasters caused by Byakuran and the Millefiore would be undone.”
1) I forgot about that detail until after I'd already written eight pages of this.
2) That's a stupid-ass decision, and I've elected to ignore it.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Something Old and Something New
Byakuran was gone. No trace of the world’s former dictator remained, and so vanished the threat to the Vongola across the world. Winter started a new era for Tsuna’s family in particular, one of safety and warmth and comfort. After months of fear, the holiday season was a welcome change. Takeshi Yamamoto was free at last: free to return to his baseball career, free to return to his loved ones, free to go home. He chose the latter. There was too much for him to do to attempt either of the first.
He awoke one December morning in the bedroom of his childhood. Everything was just as he remembered it, save for all the dust and a handful of cobwebs dangling from the ceiling. Underneath it all, the old trophies glistened on the shelves and photographs of times gone by hung in their frames on the walls. Even to the last, Takeshi’s old man had tried to keep things at home perfect.
Groaning, Takeshi placed his feet on the frigid hard floor and pressed his palms into his eyes. Who was he kidding? His room was not just the way he’d left it because his dad liked things neat. His room was just the way he’d left it because his pop had hoped against hope that Takeshi would come home. In the end, it hadn’t mattered that Takeshi had. He’d still come home too late.
He looked neither at the clock nor at his phone. First things first, he would pick up the newspaper. Takeshi pocketed his cell, stood with a frown, and pushed open the door that led to the hallway. 
The rest of the house looked less lived-in even than his bedroom. Dust laid on the wood floor so thickly that it muffled his footsteps, leaving an obvious trail of prints in his wake. Most of all, it was cold. The closer he grew to the restaurant, the more the temperature dropped, until he could see his breath fogging before his eyes. Maybe he should have stopped to put on a robe.
As had become his habit since taking up residence in his dad’s place, Takeshi closed his eyes to pick through the empty seats and tables. He knew the route well enough by then that he didn’t trip. A few seconds later, he stood in front of the opened restaurant door—and found a blizzard blazing outside. 
Ice flew so fast through the air that he could barely make out the shape of the building across the street, and what he could make out was only because he knew it so well. If that morning’s newspaper had come, already it was buried underneath several feet of snow. He closed the door with a sigh. 
Wind continued to scream against it. The quiet tapping of flakes accompanied the sound. There would be no leaving the house that day. At last the task he had dreaded could no longer be avoided. When he turned, he saw the boxes, files, and paperwork stacked throughout TakeSushi’s once bustling sitting room. Takeshi had come to put everything in order before he sold the place. There was no putting it off any further.
Still, he tried. Takeshi took a long, hot shower. He shaved—his chin still looked strange to him, though the scar had been there nearly a year—and dressed warmly, started a fire in the front room’s fireplace, and ate a very slow breakfast of oatmeal. Hardly an hour of his time had gone before he sat down at the first table to begin.
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto had not left many details regarding what to do with his lifetime’s worth of belongings. Such a daunting task had got an offer of help even from Hayato of all people, but Takeshi had declined. He wanted to say goodbye to his old man on his own—or maybe he was disinclined to accept Vongola help when it was because of the Vongola that his father’s death had  occurred. 
Hopefully the former. It wouldn’t do for him to become so bitter after they all had come through so far.
Much of what remained was left to the family’s only child, of course. He sorted through container after container, removing things the will indicated were for people like Tsuna and Hayato, for favorite customers, and even for Tsuna’s father, whom Tsuyoshi had grown a close friendship with in the last three years or so. These would be easy to get to their new owners—Tsuna could be trusted to distribute his family’s gifts properly—but others, not so much.
Takeshi idly sifted through a box of his pop’s old school things while he listened to the phone on the other end of the line ring and ring. The noise seemed far too loud in the chilly quiet. Not even those with cars could risk getting out in this weather, leaving the neighborhood unnaturally still.
“VOI! You know who the hell you called. Leave a message. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit!”
“Squalo,” Takeshi’s voice came out of his throat unusually flat, “it’s Takeshi. Dad—well, you know. He’s left you a few things. Mostly Shigure Soen stuff. Give me a call back. I need to know how to send it to you.”
His head hanging, he hung up. He knew very well that Squalo wouldn’t call him back—not until Takeshi called another ten times and annoyed him into a rage, at any rate. There was still so much to do, so many things to give away. Maybe he wasn’t as ready to sell the place as he had once believed.
Just as he was in real danger of falling into despair, something hit the front door in rapid succession. Takeshi didn’t jump, but his focus sharpened. Only more ice, he thought. It was really coming down out there.
Then the noise came again. Longer. Harder. 
Someone was outside.
The danger from the Millefiore’s leader might have passed, but Takeshi was not so foolish as to believe its members completely fine with Byakuran’s defeat. Stupidly, he had left his sword in the bedroom. Hayato would call him an idiot later, and he would deserve it.
Again, the visitor, whoever they were, knocked, and this time around they didn’t let up. Lucky for him that Squalo’s box sat so close by. He gripped one of the long objects inside and slipped it noiselessly into the air. It was only a training sword, but that didn’t matter. Anything could be turned into a deadly weapon in Takeshi’s hands.
Once he had crept to the door, he tried to peek out the window to get a better feel for what sort of threat he might be facing. He could see nothing through the blowing snow.
“I’m sorry,” he called, “but we’re closed. Permanently. You’ll have to find somewhere else to get lunch from.”
The knocking only hesitated for a second before it started up again.
“Fine,” Takeshi breathed, and threw the door open with all the force he could muster. 
Startled by the ensuing bang of door against wall, the person outside stopped their racket. 
He lowered his stick in surprise. “[Name]?”
Indeed his childhood friend stood there, knee deep in snow. Your face was dark behind the scarf wrapped around your neck. Frozen snot glistened on your upper lip. Most of your head and clothing was utterly indistinguishable through the ice plastered to your front. Clearly, you had walked into the wind the entire way there. Your violent shivering did nothing to distract from your scowl.
“Merry Christmas, asshole,” you snarled as you stalked past him into the building. 
So taken aback by your sudden appearance was Takeshi that he did nothing to prevent you from barreling right inside. He stepped back to allow you the space, then shut the door, all the while staring at you as though he’d seen a ghost. Only after a few seconds passed did he remember to set down Squalo’s training sword.
“[Name], what are you doing here?” he asked.
You didn’t answer his question. For a moment, you said nothing at all while you tore off the sodden hat that obscured your [color] locks. 
“When did you get back to Japan?” you asked him without looking in his direction.
He caught the real meaning of your question easily enough and felt color rising up the back of his cold neck. The warmth was welcome. The obviousness of his shame less so. 
“Who told you?” Takeshi wanted to know.
You narrowed your [color] eyes at him. “Bianchi.”
That added up. Though Takeshi had been back in the country for some time now, he hadn’t got around to seeing you. He had known that he’d left you just when things between you were settling in. How could he reappear just to tell you that it was too dangerous for you to be seen with him? 
Though he had always intended to track you down eventually, he just didn’t know how to start. There had been all those messes: his younger self replacing him for several months; his father getting killed. It was Bianchi who he had planned to ask how best to approach you once he had the time. As usual, she was several steps ahead of him.
“Oh?” you repeated. “Is that all you can say for yourself? Oh?”
“I didn’t mean for you to find out through someone else.”
“Then how did you mean for me to find out? Were you ever going to tell me?”
“Yes, but—”
“All I know is, Tsuna told me I had to go into hiding. When I finally got the all clear, everyone I knew was dead or missing, and you want to pretend that didn’t happen and that I don’t exist!”
“I don’t want to pretend you don’t exist,” he protested.
‘Then why didn’t you come see me? Why didn’t you send me some sort of message?”
“I’ve been busy, [Name].” A flurry of desperation warred inside him against the deadened emptiness he felt over all those deaths you mentioned. “We had to put everything back together. And,” he swallowed, “and my old man died.”
Your eyes locked onto his. Seconds went by. Takeshi expected you to look around at the memories surrounding you, to realize that a man you both cared about was gone. 
Maybe you already knew, because you didn’t do any of that. What you did do was clap your hands to your face and let out a muffled shriek. When you resurfaced, your scowl had returned.
“I am too cold and sad to yell at you right now. I’ll come back when it’s warmer, but mark my words, Takeshi Yamamoto, you are on my shit list.”
Shit list? He’d never been on your shit list before. Almost everyone you knew had been at one point, but not Takeshi. That, however, was hardly his greatest concern. 
“Come back?” He blinked, and then you were passing him toward the door. Unthinkingly, he grabbed your arm. “You can’t go back out there.”
His touching you had the immediate effect of causing you to stiffen and try to wrench yourself free. “Let me go!”
“It’s too cold.”
“I don’t care!”
Takeshi didn’t let go. The longer he waited, the less you struggled—although you never once lost the prominent frown. Was this really the same girl he’d got his first kiss from when he was sixteen? Yes, he mused, you’d always been like this. He’d missed it terribly. He just hadn’t noticed until now.
“Stay until the storm blows over,” he said imploringly. “You shouldn’t have walked in it to begin with. You’ll catch cold.”
“Bet you’d have liked it if I hadn’t shown up.”
“Actually, I’m glad you came by. I’m going through Pop’s stuff, and I’m sure he left you a few things. They’ll be around here somewhere. Maybe you can help me look for it?”
“Trapped or not, I’m not helping you with anything. I’m mad at you, remember?”
His shoulders slumped. Takeshi had really screwed up if your years of childhood together, of scrapes and bruises and t-ball games in the summer heat, meant so little now. But the more he looked at the familiar shape of you and smelled your comforting scent—the same perfume as always underneath the stench of wind and wet—the less he wanted to let you leave.
“Let me make you some tea at least,” he asid.
You lifted your head to regard him down the bridge of your nose. Then you ripped your arm out of his grip and said, “Fine. Least you could do.”
“Great.” He managed a small, relieved grin. “I’ll go get it. Make yourself at home.”
After waiting to see you settled into the booth closest to the fireplace, he ducked into the back of the kitchen. He found what he was looking for almost immediately. Tsuyoshi always liked you. It was he that had suggested Takeshi ask you to his first formal mafia ball, even if telling you the reason for the ball was not permitted. As such, he was not surprised at all to find a cabinet stocked with the tea that had long been your favorite.
He returned to the front sitting room ten minutes later with a mug and a kettle full of steaming hot tea.
“I’m back!” he said, smiling. “I made your favorite.”
To Takeshi’s surprise, you no longer sat at any of the tables. He found you instead hastily surfacing from one his father’s boxes. You acted as though nothing had happened.
“Don’t think you can soften me up, Takeshi,” you said.
“I don’t. I think I can warm you up, though.”
You eyed him suspiciously as you took the cup he offered you in one hand and the kettle in the other. After pouring yourself a cup, you left the kettle on the nearest flat surface—in this case, one of the boxes Takeshi hadn’t got to yet.
“What were you looking at?” he asked, watching you take a sip.
“Did you really walk all the way here just to yell at me?”
“You deserve it.”
“Yeah. I do.” His easy smile seemed to unnerve you, so he tried a different tactic: “I’m impressed you survived. I can’t imagine anyone getting out in that.”
“What about Ryohei?”
“Hana would have kept him inside on a day like today.”
You snorted in a way that gave Takeshi heart, but you said nothing further. He waited for something to happen, but nothing did. Eventually, you walked back to your table by the fire and sat down to trace shapes into the fogged window glass.
He got up and went back to work. His phone sat next to the most recently opened box. In all the commotion of your arrival, he hadn’t noticed Squalo had sent him a text message:
“You call me ONE MORE TIME on this phone, brat, and I SWEAR TO GOD I’m dumping it and getting a new one.”
Takeshi answered, “Come on, Squalo. Some of this stuff is valuable. I’m not asking you to come all the way here to pick it up.”
Only a second after he sent that message, he thought better of it, picked his cell up again, and added, “It’d be good to see you though. You spent all your time with little me. We didn’t get to visit.”
No response. As he put the phone away, he caught you looking at him from across the room. You looked away at once. Takeshi moved on to the next container.
Time seemed to blur while he worked. Nothing existed except himself, his old man’s things, the sound of gale-force winds blasting against the walls, and the constant, nagging suggestion that he needed to do more while he had you there. He had no idea how long he’d gone without stopping—three boxes, maybe four—when he suddenly found a different mug of tea shoved in his face.
He looked up. You towered above him, still looking upset.
“You should have some tea, too,” you said. “It’s freezing in here.”
Was it? He’d hardly noticed. A glance at the fireplace showed him that the fire he’d started that morning was now hardly more than glowing embers. 
Takeshi twisted a grin in your direction. “Are you worried about me?” Because if you were, things might not be as dire as he’d suspected.
“Of course I’m worried about you. What?” you added defensively. “I can be pissed off at you and worried. It’s really cold.”
He laughed, making his way over to stoke the flames back to life. “That’s a lot of things to feel at once.”
“Not all of us have the emotional range of a teaspoon. Now drink your damn tea.”
Takeshi did. It thawed his insides enough to give him the courage to ask, “Remember when we’d have tea parties as kids? We’d dress up in costumes and pretend our stuffed animals were alive. Beg our parents for biscuits and say it was for them.”
“Remember when Gokudera found a photo of the time you wore one of my dresses to a tea party?”
“It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him.”
Perhaps his soft, nostalgic smile was too much. You turned away from it and from him once again. Takeshi looked out the window. Unfortunately, the storm continued. He knew you’d rather not be stuck inside with him after he’d avoided you for so long. Keeping you here wasn’t exactly fair.
“Hey!” he heard your cry.
He rushed toward you, worried that you’d found something to make you angrier. You’d been digging around in one of the boxes he hadn’t touched yet, and there was no telling what his father had collected over the years. As soon as he got there, Takeshi saw the cause for your exclamation.
You held in your hands a framed picture, this one of you and him from middle school. He couldn’t remember why it was taken. Both of you wore your sports uniforms and beamed from inside one of TakeSushi’s many booths. A pile of empty plates nearly up to Takeshi’s head sat on the table. The way his younger self was looking at you in the photo made the present Takeshi realize he’d been in love with you long before he’d known he was in love with you.
“I didn’t realize you still had this,” you said softly, one hand stroking the glass front of the frame.
“I didn’t either,” he said. “Dad kept a lot of stuff I didn’t know about.”
“You think this is my box?”
“Maybe. If not, it should be close by. Why? Do you really want it?”
Your brusque demeanor immediately returned. “I want to get out of here as soon as possible. If I’ve got it packed when the snow stops, then I can leave without further ado.”
He understood by the wetness in your eyes that you were lying, but Takeshi decided to play along. If you didn’t want comfort, then he wouldn’t force any on you. He backed away and returned to his own assignment with only a quiet, 
“Suit yourself,” he said.
He had another message: “If it’s valuable, it should belong to the Prince.” A crowned smiley face punctuated the text. 
Takeshi wondered if Tsuna’s dad could get Squalo his things. It was going to take a long time to get them there himself if Squalo was in such a mood that he’d give his phone to Bel just to get rid of Takeshi’s messages.
More time passed. Ice smacked with increasing intensity against the windows. The sun set, plunging the room into darkness save for the crackling fire. Takeshi could hardly see, but still he kept going. He was afraid that if he stopped, he would never be able to start again. 
Memories crowded around him: artifacts from his father’s study of Shigure Soen; secret family recipes that Takeshi already knew by heart; album after album after album filled with pictures of him as a baby, toddling around a beautiful woman he couldn’t remember who must have been his mother.
A soft sobbing and sniffling slowly penetrated his clouded mind. In his defense, he thought at first the sounds were his own. Tears streamed down his cheeks, obscuring his vision further even than the lack of sunlight. But no. That wasn’t his crying that he heard. He looked up from the album. 
No reply but an increase in sobs. His vision took a few seconds to adjust to the blackness of the restaurant. Once it did, he worked out that the quivering shape by the dying flames was you.
“[Name]?” he said again.
The word came out so soft and thick that he could hardly hear it, let alone understand it. Carefully, Takeshi picked his way to your side. This time, you didn’t glare at him or try to move father away. He crouched beside you, the better to see your tear-filled eyes.
“You okay?” he asked.
He knew you well enough to know that you wanted to shoo him off, to pretend that everything really was fine. He also knew you well enough to know you were more bothered by Tsuyoshi’s death than you pretended to be. After a minute or so of inner struggle, you shook your head and said in a watery voice:
“He wrote me a letter.”
“Who did?”
“Your—your dad.” That took Takeshi by surprise, but not as much as what you said next. “He said he hoped—hoped someday to call me his d-daughter.” With that, you dissolved fully into tears. 
His hand found your shoulder and squeezed. Heartened by you not shaking him off, he said, “Hey. It’s okay. He always said stuff like that.”
You shook your head a second time, shoving the crumpled, slightly moist paper into his hand.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
Still crying into your knees, you nodded. 
Takeshi shifted closer to the fire to read while keeping as near to you as you would allow. The sight of his pop’s handwriting shocked him like a punch to the gut, but if you thought he should read the letter, then he would read the letter. Anything to quiet your crying.
Dear [Name],
Before I begin, I must say that I hope you can forgive an old man’s meddling in affairs that are not his business. This letter should have been sent a long, long time ago. I suppose I thought I would talk to you in person about these matters, but you haven’t been by. Not since Takeshi left. I’m not surprised. Still, I feel that I should say all this while I still can.
Takeshi leaving is what I wanted to meddle in, actually. He loves you, even if he can’t tell you everything. The boy’s got secrets even from me. The ones I know about, I cannot share with you without his permission. That’s the way things are. But secret or not, he loves you. He always has.
I know it hurts that he left. It hurts me, too. I worry about him every day. I know he loves his old man, though. That’s what gets me through. Maybe knowing that Takeshi loves you will help you get through his absence, too.
I miss you at the shop. You’ve been around and underfoot since Takeshi could walk. Things aren’t the same without you two getting in the way. I understand why you haven’t come to see me—but I hope that you’ll be able to forgive him. I hope you will be underfoot again when he comes home. I hope he finally gets himself together and asks you to marry him. He’s only been talking about it since you both were five.
He’s dense. You know I adore the boy, but, again, that’s the way things are. It might be up to you. Either way, it’s this old man’s wish that he will one day call you his daughter.
You are welcome here any time. Takeshi doesn’t have to be there. You’re old enough now that we can crack open the sake and eat fatty tuna, on the house. Maybe we can talk about how much we want him to come back. The invitation is always open.
Best wishes,
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
Takeshi’s eyes slid shut as they came to end of the letter. So his dad had known. Nothing much ever escaped him. If only Takeshi had got himself together in time. If only his old man had got his dying wish.
“He never sent it,” you croaked, breaking into Takeshi’s mournful thoughts and sounding even more miserable than he felt.
“He probably never got the chance,” Takeshi said. “I’m sure it’s not because of anything you did.”
“I should have come to see him.”
“It’s not your fault he died. Or that you didn’t get the letter. Or that neither of us gave him what he really wanted.” 
For a long time, he watched the fire, until his eyes grew sightless and all that he could think of was how much life he had still left to live without his father’s guidance. Then it hit him: there was still time left to give Tsuyoshi what he’d always wanted. 
“We still could do that last one, though,” Takeshi mused aloud.
You paused in rubbing the tears from your cheeks to shoot him a sharp sort of look. “What?”
“There’s still time to fulfill his dream,” he said slowly. He slid onto the ground to kneel in front of you. “[Name], will you—”
Every speck of color drained from your face as you lurched into a standing position. “You better not be about to propose to me, Takeshi, or I swear I’ll—I’ll…I don’t know what I’ll do, but neither of us will like it!”
Takeshi hesitated before he let out an embarrassed chuckle. “No. I haven’t got a ring, do I? Besides, you’re mad at me.”
“Damn right I am.”
He awkwardly stood up and went to sit again next to the fireplace. “What I was going to say was…would you stay the night with me?” At the look on your face, he quickly added, “not like that! I just…” scratching his cheek in characteristic thought, he peered up at you, “I miss my best friend. Maybe you don’t love me anymore. That’s okay. But you still love Dad, right?”
For a moment, you were quiet. Then: “Yeah. He was a good man.”
“Right. And by the sound of this, it’d break his heart to know we won’t even talk to each other anymore. So stay the night. Help me go through his stuff. Let’s see if there’s anything left of…us.”
A longer moment passed. Takeshi’s heart pounded. What he would do if you refused, he didn’t know. He could not keep you there against your will.
His worry was for naught. You sat next to him, embarrassment evident even in the low firelight, and said, “One night.”
“Yeah. I miss my best friend, too.”
Takeshi beamed.
“Don’t let it go to your head,” you said, and tipped your cheek onto his shoulder.
“You know,” he said, “maybe we a don’t have to sell the place. We could keep it. Reopen the shop.”
“I don’t know how we’re gonna do that. You’re always busy with whatever Tsuna’s up to, and I’m not exactly housewife material. We don’t even know if we’re going to wind up together like that. You'd have to run the place all alone."
“True. Guess I don’t have all the answers.”
You settled your chin onto his shoulder to regard him wordlessly. A second later, you had kissed him softly on the lips. “You don’t have to. Now shut up so I can keep being angry with you.”
It took all his strength not to grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
A smile almost graced your lips as you turned away. You did not, however, leave his side. 
Warm by the fire, Takeshi listened to the blizzard blowing outside where it could not touch him. For the time being, he felt like nothing could. He was grateful for the fire, grateful for your company, and most of all grateful for his pop looking out for him even from beyond the grave. Something new stirred inside him—something he wished his father could see. But it was because of Tsuyoshi that Takeshi could feel it himself:
No matter how cold life got, there was always hope, always warmth to be found. No matter how lonely Takeshi felt, he would always have you.
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ethereal-kloud · 3 years
what if: the ten year bazooka plot goes wrong?
shōichi might be a genius, and tsuna might’ve had the vongola hyper intuition, but things can go wrong.
i’m honestly not sure wtf the future arc actually was (sending middle schoolers to fight in a war??? with a megalomaniac?? why??? did nobody notice them gone for like 2 months? or a dead-like tsuna being sent back? or if he was alive-alive, an adult tsuna???) but i’m pretty sure tyl!tsuna planned his "death"? and only told two people (kyōya, and shōichi (who had to be told b/c he was needed in the plan))
but what if shōichi messed with the bazooka just a little more? found out how to work with byakuran’s multiverse power thing and the bazooka’s time-swapping aspects-
and just kind of. made it permanent. and didn’t tell anyone (because he didn’t test it. couldn't, in fear of byakuran finding out (already knew he was a traitor and messing with it). and the other byakurans don’t tell him because that altered bazooka literally manipulates space + time. the evil!byakurans either don’t exist, or it goes even more wrong with tsuna & co dying early and byakuran just easily takes over the world with no vongola lead by tsuna (or no vongola at all) and they just don’t know what made the universe different because it didn’t happen.
(but it did, if you get what i mean)
so, tsuna + friends are sent back before a war, before tsuna was forced to grow up and be vongola decimo. takeshi sees his dad again. kyōya gets namimori back as he loved it. ryōhei gets another shot to keep his sister out of the mafia (i'd imagine tyl!tsuna wouldn't feel right marrying kyōko considering his mental age?) or, at least, not in the crossfire if she has to be informed. gokudera gets to protect tsuna this time. etc etc.
verde gets called by tsuna, gets told to "hurry up with the box weapons if you don't want the world to end" (or something along those lines) and has mass panicking and planning. maybe arcobaleno meetings??
tldr; tyl!time travel gone wrong, with tsuna & co (guardians + maybe reborn, maybe not even all of his guardians) getting their heads shot back into their 14/15/16 year old bodies. trauma, probably, and a mass panic of getting to byakuran. tsuna learning how to not be a mafia boss and the kid he never got to be, still ruthless, but kind.
double tldr: time travel fix-it but worse somehow
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Fic rec! Untouchable by Mina37. It's a KHR x BNHA fic with amazing found family dynamics. The summary makes it sound a lot angstier than it really is, though there is some angst. The relationships between byakuran and tsuna, izuku and tsuna, and all of the six funeral wreaths in general are some of the best I've read. Plus some dad for all on the side. Oh, and one for all wasn't as squeaky clean as the heroes think he was ;) Lets just say izuku and tsuna are distant relations
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indigosprite · 3 years
Generalizations about your favorite characters:
Gokudera Or Kikyo = how’s your gender envy going you temperamental fiend (affectionate)
Byakuran = you were an odd kid. Probably a gifted kid or someone who claims they are because they “could have been” bc they felt they could have.
Hibari= you crave/admire the intimidation you can’t pull off yourself or you simply have a sense of humor that revolves around perverse idiots
Mukuro: you’re not straight. And you’re probably not cis. (Not me tho y’all be easy)
Chrome: you either have very good taste or absolutely horrible taste
Tsuna: you think you’re the mom/dad/parental friend of the group , definitely chaotic at all times but in a way that’s not overtly clear. You have at some point suffered from Nice guy syndrome. Probably like the little opportunities where you can play hero and just feel validated and wanted by friends who already love you tons
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dark-elf-writes · 24 days
I think it’d be funny if Tsuna brought up the fake dating thing to someone else first and Byakuran heard about it than systematically took out the  competition so he could get the spot
Tsuna: Will you be my fake boyfriend to piss off my dad
Shoichi (probably): Uh…
Shoichi: *looks over Tsuna’s shoulder to see Byakuran’s smile go from “scary but pleasant” to “I’m actively planning where I will hide your body”*
Shoichi: I actually already promised Spanner I would be his fake boyfriend this holiday :/ I’m sorry. Maybe next time?
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rooigseix · 2 years
Vongola and something they shared part 1:
- Iemitsu: lovingly punching the hell out of his son in the very few moments they face-to-face meeting each other. I mean yes i know he wanted Tsuna to be serious at this battle but like man slow down your rela with your kid was terrible already.
- Nono aka Timoteo: ask a fourteen-year-old kid to be the boss of a whole effing empire right after the kid came back from a terrible future where he was the boss of that effing empire. Yes everyone in the manga acted like nothing happended but Nono please just keep calm and think for a minute whether it was an appropriate time to ask for that huge responsibility. Tsuna can be an ambitious person that aimed to the boss chair but after those terrible things with Byakuran even an ambitious person would hesitate to jump straight to the top chair that immediately. And god 14 years old he did not even have like 90% of legal capacity yet, why so rush?
- Tsuna: oh boy I know you mean well but think of the situation. In front of you was the Simon family, who just destroyed the safe kept by seven flames of Ninth Gen, and of course the suitable move here was to defend your dead ancestor who in the mind of your opponents was the main cause of their suffering. Enma grinded his teeth right after Tsuna's "swear on his grave that Primo didn't do that", Tsuna dear you just anger one whole effing family and well thing escalated quick.
And honourable mentioned Xanxus, not Vongola but adopted: knowing his adopted father lied to him, instead of talking or at least solo 1vs1 with Nono, he raised a civil war in the family aka acted like a true traitor to his dad and well what can Nono do but freeze him? Sit down and talk may prevent you lost several years of your life but no we play the drastic.
Honourable mentioned Giotto even when he appeared in one brief moment: he never solved the whold difference in his and Daemon's idea of Vongola because as we can see ten generations later Daemon was still not see eye-to-eye with Giotto's thought. See how many drama surged from that.
Ok really long and all i want to sum up in tl;dr:
Bad diplomacy is not genetic.
Somehow you Vongola boy made it.
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queenmina37 · 3 years
You know what I never understood about cannon khr why would tsuna ever be considered for the position of sky arcabanto like kawahira says he’s ‘first in the list’ but there are plenty of powerful sky’s with plenty of flames who doesn’t already have an important piece of the trinisette like tsuna is the only option for the volonga ring they are very low on blood heirs so why would kawahira ever consider tsuna who already has a piece of the trinisette when he could consider idk tsunas dad who has plenty of flames and doesn’t have a piece of the set, or if they allow people with mixed flames Dino or Xanxus or even Enma could work too.
Okay I can't guarantee all of this is canon, but I'll try to explain how I've understood it.
Basically, Kawahira doesn't give a shit that Tsuna has the Vongola Sky Ring. Kawahira doesn't give a shit about the Vongola Rings, or the Mare Rings, either. All he cares about is the Arcobaleno Pacifiers. I'm pretty sure it was said somewhere that they were more important for the Tri-ni-sette. So, basically, canon says that Vongola and Mare Rings don't really mean anything and Arcobaleno Pacifiers are the only part of Tri-ni-sette that matters. I guess.
But also, no one else would be good enough. In canon, as far as I remember, Tsuna is the only Sky who can use Hard Flames. I remember that had something to do with their purity? Which would mean that Tsuna has the purest Sky Flames in canon. With how much he uses them, I wouldn't be surprised if he also has more Flames than people normally do.
Also, I'm pretty sure Xanxus wouldn't qualify, since Wrath Flame is implied to be a mix of Sky and Storm Flames. Same for Enma since Earth Flames are entirely different. So those two wouldn't qualify. Dino probably would, but, come on. If you have to choose between Dino and Tsuna, who would you choose?
Honestly, since Kawahira only cares about the Arcobaleno Pacifiers and Tsuna is what he is, the better question is, why wouldn't Tsuna be his first choice for the next Sky Arcobaleno?
(Also, I can't remember the name of the fic, but I do remember reading a fanfic where someone, Tsuna probably, was talking with Kawahira (? I think?) and said something about who the next Arcobaleno were meant to be if there had been a next generation. I think Tsuna was supposed to be the Sky, Xanxus the Storm, Byakuran the Lightning (Since canon Ghost is parallel world Byakuran and has the Lightning Mare Ring so the idea was that Byakuran has Lightning Flames as secondary Flames), Dino the Sun (So his secondary would have been Sun), Mukuro the Mist and Hibari the Cloud. I can't remember who the Rain was supposed to be? Maybe Squalo, but I really can't remember. I also can't remember the name of the fic, but I do remember reading that bit and being like "holy shit that makes so much sense?" so now I believe that those people were meant to be the next generation of Arcobaleno and they would have been if Tsuna didn't find a better solution.)
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byakuwan · 2 years
tsunas dad really does know byakuran now after surveillance, huh. "So the unrest is gone and theyre talking normally..."
kinda sad about the laser later on but still. let me think about him being lowkey, unofficially adopted
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