#by people saying “hey can we maybe not do a fucking genocide?”
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they will NOT stop callin pro-palestinians nazis in my notes and its so weird. like can yall get a hobby other than getting mad at people for saying genocide is bad
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itssideria · 5 months
Genuine question, really not sure what to do/who to vote for- uh do you have any suggestions? Protesting yes, but what now- today's like endless bad news
hey, anon.
i'm assuming you're referring to my post on the 'vote blue no matter what' gang — i wrote that in a complete (and justified) fit of anger. i should start by saying i am not american, or palestinian — i am an arab who grew up in an arab country, though, and all of us have long since grown sickened and enraged with american imperialism.
my honest answer? i don't know. i'm not american. i'm not a politician. maybe i'm some horrifically idealistic piece of shit but i just think that brazenly funding a genocide, lying about it, and then bombing the only country that tries to prevent it should earn you the death penalty, but oh well.
@/fairuzfan has posted a lot about this — she's a palestinian in the states. not tagging her bc we aren't mutuals. she has stated that she won't vote in the presidential elections at all, but rather at local levels and congress. one person has stated that they are engaging in activism more than ever, forming communities, movements, working their way up. other people will be voting for a third party candidate they agree with, such as Cornel West or Claudia de la Cruz — you can read up on their stances for yourself, i'm not active in US politics. some will threaten to withhold their vote from Biden, whether they are serious of pretending, as that may scare him into changing his tactics.
none of these are foolproof. most of them prevent nothing. i am aware that for americans this shit feels like life and death — it's what all of you say, every four years.
however, and i cannot state this enough, i am so past the point of caring. my entire region has been fucking devastated by your nation. egypt can't threaten suez access because it'll get invaded. yemen and syria and iraq are dealing with past and current bombing. the entire fucking gulf sucks your country's dick to get oil money to build vanity projects and hire more slave labour. and palestine? palestinian blood will run thick with the weight of the crimes the us committed against them.
for once in their stable, unaffected fucking lives, i want americans to pretend—pretend!—the rest of the world exists. for ONCE, i want americans to say "fuck this, he committed genocide, i will never write his name on my ballot". for ONCE, i want americans to sacrifice something, ANYTHING—you barely live under a democracy as is. poc americans report no improvement under biden compared to trump. white queer people think they'll be protected and so shout at the need to throw the developing world under the bus.
there are no good options. but dear God, just don't put the name of the man funding a genocide on your fucking ballot. it didn't save anyone four years ago. it won't now.
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melissa-titanium · 3 months
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do you think that like, her being at school let her have some escape from her home and her revenge plans, like in this picture she is smiling and it looks way more like a happy smile than here
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its like shes getting worse from the kills, in her house there was enough oil for her to not kill any other drones, yet her plan had to work, but it didnt, and only let her feeling more guilty
i havent actually thought this much about this. i personally think her in the pilot vs her in promening was like. not really a Whole big difference but like...the fact that lizzy now has access to v set her off. shes always been a little unsettling, a little fucking deranged but maybe something happened between ep 1 and 3 thatr was like. lizzy came to her like... hey, one of the disassembly drones came by my bunk the other day. was this the one? (shows doll a pic) and doll just FUcking Loses it . i think she was actively vengeful during the pilot too but YES like ur saying its almost a .grounding thing. everyone here is real and alive. and then at the end of the day she has to go back and face dozens upon dozens upon dozens of corpses that are there because of HER and its liike. idk i imagine shes 18-22 . shes young as hell. and that FUCKS WITH YOU. this is doll to me:
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they know damn well her parents are dead but she's just under being eerie enough that no one really suspects her for anything going on. she's relatively normal around lizzy & not aggressive but not outgoing with other students. like to everyone, shes just a normal kid who lost her parents. plenty of kids have lost their parents, considering the murder drones lurking *right outside the bunker.*
i think she would get tired. yeah. she held onto the all consuming debilitating hatred for these genocidal war machines that killed her parents and countless others. then heartbeat happens, and suddenly people are Okay with them??? that would fucking set her OFF. so long, so fucking long shes been holding onto her anger and not being able to do anything about it . BUT NOW SHE CAN. ough ok but then theres those conflicting feelings bcos of uzi. u can see in promening she has SOME sense of... for lack of a better word, humanity in how she treats uzi (hell even tossing lizzy out of the way when she started killing people.) i think she picks and choses who she cares about and then is usually consistent in how she treats them. basically; dont get on her bad side. she's conflicted at the end of ep3 after learning uzi has the solver; but uzi is siding with the murder drones and thats HER loss for being SCHTUPIDDDDDDDD!!!! but then again, she finally has someone who understands what shes going through... but also AUGH..! i have to kill v i HAVE to kill v ive gotten so far i cant give up now FUCK!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! i think there would be so much of her being conflicted between uzi knows what i feel. but also uzi is siding with the bitch who killed my fucking parents. i think she would just spiral and spiral until dead end comes along and she has a decision to make. and she makes it. and uzi is Fucked and v is Fucked and n and tessa are FUCKEd AND OK TYHIS IS GETTING LONG IM DONE
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doll jumpscare
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undeadcourier · 11 months
@lynettethemadscientist replied to your post “me: narratively, it's much more interesting to...”:
I’m willing to hear a humanized view of Raiders. Though I doubt it will convince me
Sure, I'll expand on this. Point of note, this is pretty West Coast/FNV-centric since that's my primary area of interest.
Let's start with defining terms since this is the piss-on-the-poor website. A raider is a bandit, someone who survives by plunder, often roaming in search of things to steal or people to attack. Many raider gangs in the Wasteland are relatively loose allegiances of a few like-minded individuals, but some are established social groups with distinct cultures. The 80s, the Vipers, and the Khans are examples of raider groups that expanded to fit the definition of a tribe—that is, a social division consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect.
The 80s, first outlined in Joshua Sawyer's rpg, are a gang of bandits that operate along the Northern California 80 Freeway and have long contested territory with the White Legs; The Vipers are organized around their shared religion, which is only vaguely described as ancient, but there are what appear to be ritualistic elements to their organization and raiding practices.
The Khans, inspired by Genghis Khan and the Mongols Motorcycle Club, value strength and martial prowess. Founded around 2141, the Khans raided and traded around Shady Sands and Junktown before they were wiped out by the Vault Dweller. Darion, the lone survivor of the original gang, rebuilt it into the New Khans, who in turn were largely destroyed by the Chosen One. Finally, Papa Khan united the fragmented bands and led them to the Mojave in 2267, where they settled. The massacre at Bitter Springs establishes that at this point, the Khans include non-combatants in their group such as children and elders, and until the NCR occupation, Bitter Springs was their home.
I'm going to proceed on the assumption that we all agree that genocide is wrong and set aside the Khans for now, especially because they are a faction that is not immediately hostile to the player, in contrast to the Vipers, Jackals, and Fiends.
Despite their lore, the Vipers don't get anywhere near the development the Khans have and end up in the category of fodder for the player to indiscriminately kill, an act for which you can even gain karma. And this is what brings me to the point of the original post, which is... hey, what the fuck?
I understand from a game mechanics perspective that it's useful to have an unlimited supply of enemies that the player can slaughter for experience points. But, that necessarily dehumanizes the members of that group, which is extra fucked up when you consider that some of them, like the Vipers, are a distinct tribal group.
And even in the case of, say, the Fiends, who we are told are fueled only by bloodlust/dependence on chems and presumably lack any sort of identifiable cultural allegiance, I don't like that it's considered morally good to just kill them all. They're still people.
I would like, especially from a role-playing game, to have more options to talk them down, to get them help for their addictions, and attempt to reintegrate them into society. Maybe that doesn't work on every character, maybe some of them really do just revel in violence and bloodshed and don't want a way out, but I'd like more recognition that raiders aren't a monolith and don't exist in a vacuum, that these are individuals who were driven to where they are by myriad circumstances and an underlying need to survive. It's more realistic and more interesting.
The way the Khans are developed has plenty of problems, certainly, but I appreciate that there was at least some development of who these people are and how they got to be where they are, and I think that's something that's lacking with a lot of the others.
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my-hyperfixation-hell · 2 months
I've been getting a lot of those scam asks from people pretending to be Palestinian asking for money. And every time, I do a little poking hoping that maybe, for once, it's a genuine person and not some scum of the earth asshole.
It never is. It's always the scum of the earth asshole who thinks they can profit off genocide. Every single dollar they fool someone into donating is another dollar that same person won't donate to Gaza. We all have limits on how much we can spend, so it's very harmful for a cause that needs so much money to keep having said potential revenue drained away by these absolute fucks.
Not to mention the sheer inhumanity it takes to see a genocide ongoing and think, "Hey, I could profit off that!", and then go forward with it
Anyway, all this to say, make sure you look into every ask you get requesting your donations. Some usual signs they're fakes are these;
There's no posts on the account, or, if there are any, they're ALL reblogs of other people's content. I see a lot of these blogs reblog a ton of pro-Palestinian content, which is disgusting. But if you scroll all the way down, there's typically nothing before that, because these aren't real tumblr users.
Reverse-search the images they provide of themselves/their situation. Usually, these are taken right off the Gofundme of a real Palestinian person.
Type their blog name into the search bar on tumblr. If someone else has made a post exposing this person as a scam, this will bring them up.
Hope this helps!
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
Where do you sorta stand in terms of "Adhering to Lucas's" vision but also like "Well Lucas isn't making it so Star Wars is open to interpretation" Like don't get me wrong I don't like Karen Travesis's take on Star Wars for a whole host of reason and I think if anyone ever did a story and said "Well the Empire is right" then you are completely doing Star Wars wrong. But if someone legit wanted to do a story having a critical eye on the Jedi Order or IDK the Republic or even coming at Star Wars in a way that George Lucas wouldn't cover it cuz they are ideologically different, IDK, how far should that go?
I think the main thing to keep in mind is that it stays consistent with the spirit of what George Lucas was trying to say, if not the letter.
You can try alternative narratives, focus on certain characters, do it in different genres, but at the end of the day the message needs to stay the same.
And if you can't do that, at least try to be fair about your criticism of that message.
Different narrative, same conclusion
You can explore and certainly argue that the Empire brought about order and peace, and that it is better than the chaos and war present during the Republic.
You can argue that maybe, if instead of a Sith Lord who rules by fear, the Emperor was a benevolent dictator who lead by example, then the Empire wouldn't be as bad.
Legends stories have done this before.
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You can even argue that the Rebels are terrorists and that the attack on the Death Star was the equivalent of 9-11 for the Imperial citizens, like this guy does.
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But at the end of the day, that's a fallacy.
The previously-shown Empire storyline makes it clear that Moff Trachta is ambitious and greedy, as are his fellow conspirators. They're hypocrites who tell themselves "it's for the greater good" but really it's just so they can backstab each other to have the top job.
And the war the Empire's peace replaces was one orchestrated by the Emperor himself, so the entire regime is based on a lie, because really the only thing the Empire's system runs on is greed and fear, as shown in Andor.
Finally, while some of the Rebels' methods are hard and dark in nature... it's a war. And the narrative makes it clear that at the end of the day, the enemy they're fighting are space nazis. And 90% of the stormtroopers we're shown range from bullies to extremists. That one Imp pilot saying "millions died on the Death Star" also mocked Cara Dune for the genocide of her people, seconds prior.
The smaller narrative may take some deviations, it may question some aspects, but the larger one is consistent.
The moral of the story remains the same: the Empire is evil.
Different tone & characters, same message
When George Lucas made the six films, he had a very clear idea in mind, in terms of genre and style: imitating the Saturday matinee specials (think Flash Gordon), blend them with long standing psychological motifs derived from mythology, add dash of Buddhist philosophy: you get Star Wars, a movie for kids.
But I would fully expect a horror movie about a stormtrooper being hunted by an ice spider to go "fuck this 'we're all connected, we're all symbioms' bullshit. Die you creepy bastard!"
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Same goes for Andor.
It's not rated PG-18, but it's still very dark. This isn't a movie for kids, it's a movie for teens and older. It opens with the eponymous character shooting someone in the face.
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In Andor (and Rogue One) we see a side of the Rebellion we hadn't seen before. A darker one. But the genre of those productions demands a darker outlook on these concepts.
Cassian lives in a world where everything is nuances of gray.
He's the perfect kind of character to tell this story.
As is Dedra Meero. She is written as an underdog in the first half of the show. You're rooting for her. But then the series reminds you that: "hey, she's as much a nazi as the rest of them". She's willing to torture people to keep her job or get a promotion. The narrative frames her as ultimately evil.
Because at the end of the day the message is the same. The Empire is evil and it takes regular people to beat the elite 1%. Greed vs compassion, fear vs hope.
Now suppose there was a series opening on a "Gray Jedi" character, juggling between the Dark and Light Side with little to no effort or repercussion, sabering someone in the face.
That fucks with the message. Because it's okay for Cassian to do it, because Cassian doesn't need to deal with space magic, he lives in an un-mystical, cold and harsh part of the galaxy where you're either evil or less bad, rarely good.
But the 6 films make it clear that for Force sensitives, things are binary. They have to be or bad shit happens.
Gray morality works in Star Wars if we're talking about non-Force sensitives. In the case of a Force user, that's a darksider waiting to happen.
Criticizing the narrative via unreliable narrators
You mentioned Karen Traviss. For all my criticism re: her stance on the Jedi philosophy and their relation with the clones, I think her definition of Boba Fett is the best one yet (probably because she actually likes that character).
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As a result of this personality, an eventual Boba Fett film would have to be Jedi-critical, because if you ask him, the Jedi took his father away from him. And you can argue using logical points all you want, his pain is emotional, not rational. Him being right or wrong is irrelevant, his pain is real.
Same goes with the recent Tales of the Jedi.
Dooku's an unreliable narrator, he is a character notorious for lying to himself and to others, he's poisonous and deceitful.
Of course three short films shown through his point of view would cast him in a noble "free thinking" light and the Jedi as infuriatingly obtuse.
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The problem comes in when the author steps in and sides with the unreliable character with a subjective opinion and says that character is objectively right.
Okay, so now we have a situation where you've deviated from the established narrative.
You're having someone say the Jedi are asleep at the wheel and Dooku is the only one ahead of the curb when the movies and TCW show us the Jedi being just as aware and frustrated as Dooku is.
You're having someone say the Jedi can do more than what they're already doing, when Lucas' story shows us that there's really not much more that can be done, and Lucas himself confirms as much.
Which brings me to my final point.
Being fair with the criticism.
That's what it comes down to for me.
You can criticize the Jedi Order (I do so right here). But just be fair about it. And be informed.
For example, you can question whether the Jedi's rule of non-attachment is good or not.
But first you gotta know what attachment means, in the context of Star Wars. It does not mean "emotional attachments", aka "relationships". And it's not about repression.
So if you go into it thinking either of those things then your criticism isn't really 1) informed 2) done in good faith.
Because in Star Wars, the term "attachment" is used in the Buddhist sense. It's not about depriving yourself of bonds, it's about being able to let go and move on from who/what you love, when it's time.
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Other example: you can argue the Jedi "accepted" the use of a clone army bred for combat because "we don't see it in the movies"... but you'd be disingenuous.
Because Attack of the Clones takes place over a bunch of days. You're not gonna be shown every second of those days. That'd be like arguing that "we never see Mace Windu eat in athemovie, so Mace is unable to eat".
AOTC is a movie about how Anakin fell in love with Padmé and lost his mother, and how Palpatine rose to power by engineering a war, a storyline shown through his and Obi-Wan's POV. The film isn't gonna stop and touch on a point that isn't directly relevant to those two storylines.
In TCW, you see the Jedi, some Senators and some civilians are the only people to treat the clones like, y'know, people. To argue the above, you'd have to deliberately ignore the 12 Jedi we're shown caring for their troops and just focus on Pong Krell.
Also, I think we've criticized the Jedi Order enough. Don't you think?
Different artists, mediums and tales have done it so much that the very clear, very obvious message of the Prequels has been twisted into something else.
If you look up any George Lucas interview between 1999 and 2021, he'll say it's about Anakin and the Senate's greed, it's about how a good kid becomes a bad man and how a democracy becomes a dictatorship. The Prequels weren't about the Jedi.
Instead of challenging the notion that the Jedi are good, which has been done baselessly for over a decade, I think it would now be fair to explore whether the Prequel Jedi were all that bad.
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Oh. We're not trying to be fair? My bad then. Let's keep misinterpreting the source material because we like it more that way then say it was how it was originally intended to be.
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omgellendean · 2 months
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Thread 🧵
We hated the “aid” food we got during the Bosnian Genocide soooo much that we literally erected a “monument” to the Intl Community as a very sarcastic “thank you” for the shitty food they sent us. People undergoing genocide are still deserving of dignity and decent food!!!!
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People want passive victims who will kiss their asses for sending them garbage. Westerners waste food like nobody else in the world, they gorge themselves on food on a daily basis and yet they think they get to lecture genocide survivors for daring to say the aid is crap. I grew up eating dandelion tea, pita made from nettles and sugar between bread which was carefully cut up and shared equally between all 20 of us living in one 3 bedroom apartment during the Bosnian Genocide. You know nothing of what it means to be hungry. I refused the aid food. It is infuriating to watch as some of the world’s most privileged people speak about war zones and people enduring a genocide. You know absolutely fucking NOTHING about what it means to be starving, being bombed mercilessly, massacred due to your identity. Women in Bosnia would still dress up every single day during the genocide. They would put on their make-up and their favourites clothes. It was an act of resistance in the midst of a brutal genocide. People were seeking out dignity where they could find it. B/c people in war zones, people suffering a genocide are still human beings. They are entitled to dignity. They are entitled to have decent food to eat. They are not required to be whatever pathetic concoction you’ve made up in your heads about what a genocide survivor must be. After the war, a Kosovo refugee family was taken in by my family. Five of them lived with us. They were starving by the time they got to us. You think we gave them canned beans and expired food? No, we made them healthy, delicious home cooked meals!! B/c they deserved that! You don’t get to give people expired and disgusting food and call yourself their saviour. They are not deserving of less because they are suffering and have nothing. You want genocide survivors to be passive victims who kiss your asses for the bare minimum. Fuck that & fuck you. Also, I just want to note for the assholes who are saying “well if its good enough for our troops”. 1. These are regular humans, not soldiers who signed up willingly for the army & knew what they were getting into. 2. Soldiers are provided with MREs every 8 hours. The people in Gaza do not get MREs every 8 hours, they get barely one meal and often they have to share it with others because there is NOT enough aid being provided because Israel keeps blocking aid trucks from getting into Gaza to provide people with food! A single MRE is NOT enough for a family, its not enough for a single person even. & even if was…people do not have to like it. If it tastes gross, if its expired, if its moldy as many have reported the aid is…people do not have to be “grateful” for it. And when every single human rights organisation, when every single IHRL mechanism is stating “hey, people in Gaza are being starved. Israel isn’t allowing aid in. Kids are dying of starvation and malnutrition” then maybe you should stfu and listen to the damn experts. I just don’t understand how utterly devoid of empathy you must be to minimise the suffering and starvation of an entire people despite all the evidence. How vile of a human you must be to demand they be grateful for the leftover crumbs you sent them, while you fund their genocide
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makethatelevenrings · 7 months
I mean this with ZERO disrespect, I'm simply trying to educate myself on this matter because it impacts us all.
All I can find about the Israel-Palestine conflicts is the fighting. What I want to know is why.
Whats the backstory? Why are they fighting? Why is everyone persecuting one another and who in the government is responsible?
I heard Hamas bombed Gaza and has taken hostages. What brought on this violence? Do all the Palestinians agree with this?
(More personal opinion questions, you don't need to answer these)
Do you agree with Hamas? Do you think that violence was a last resort to free Palestine? Do you think it's justified?
One thing I do hate is people saying "I hate *this group of people*, they are bad." They can't all be bad. So I don't like the titles of Anti-Israel/Anti-Palestine because you're assuming everyone there is on the same side.
In conclusion, people are stupid. The government is messed up. Citizens and families want to live so why won't the government let them?
I’m genuinely grateful that you’re asking because educating ourselves is one of the greatest tools we have. I’ll break it up into sections.
1. What’s the backstory?
In 1918, the Ottoman Empire conceded land they controlled to Britain (this is still an ongoing problem regarding many, many things because the Ottoman Empire controlled many nations that weren’t theirs to control if you catch my drift. Look up the Elgin marbles for a fun wormhole of WTF Britain). The Arab Revolt was backed by France and Britain with the promise that if the Arab fighters could force the Ottomans out of the area of the Levant, they would be granted independence (McMahon-Hussein Correspondence) but, plot twist, France and the UK instead split the region (Sykes-Picot Agreement). The Balfour Declaration of 1917 expressed Britain’s support of the creation of Israel. After they gained control of the region, they established Israel and systematically began to take the land of Palestinians.
Note: Zionism began as a belief in the mid-18th century. Many, MANY Jewish people do not subscribe, encourage, or promote the idea of a Jewish state. I do not view Israel = Jewish because it is antisemitic to imply that the Jewish diaspora all exist under the state of Israel. Especially when many Jewish people disagree with Israel.
Note note: Zionism was created as a response to the numerous pogroms and other antisemitic hate crimes affecting Jewish people. the Holocaust was fucking awful. No ifs ands or buts. Genocide doesn’t justify genocide, however.
Continuing on. So, clearly, the Palestinians are pissed. They were promised independence and instead now have their land taken by a global superpower who has historically fucked over hundreds of countries (another wormhole for you: India under British rule, Ireland and literally all of its history with England, the transatlantic slave trade under Britain, Africa under British rule, Australia and the treatment of Aboriginals under British rule, America and the British, it goes on). Palestinians revolted from 1936-1939 because, again, their home and promise of independence was being stolen. They lost against the British army but then 1939 was a bit of an important year for everyone and they world was sucked into another world war.
With WWII saw the birth of the United Nations, an organization that might sound important but has the moral backbone with the equivalence of a chocolate eclair. The UN said “hey, why don’t we split Palestine and Israel into two different states so maybe they’ll stop fighting” (United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine) and, as a result, the 1948 Palestine-Israel war began. Hundreds died. 700k+ people were forced from Palestine and spread across the world in what is called the Nakba. Israeli colonizers quite literally moved into homes that had been occupied by Palestinians only days before. In 1918, the Jewish population of the region was 8.1%. In 1948, when Israel was recognized as a nation by the UN, the Jewish population of the region was 82.1%.
2. There’s plenty of infographics and videos explaining the next few decades but I’m already writing an essay basically so the gist is: Palestinians keep losing their homes and Israel keeps taking them. Israel forces the Palestinians into smaller and smaller parcels of land until the control virtually everything but a small strip of land (Gaza) and the West Bank. That brings us to 2006.
Hamas was elected in 2006 over rivaling Fatah, gaining majority amount of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council under the promise that they would help end the corruption many Palestinians were frustrated with. Instead they took military control over Gaza and established an autocratic state over millions of people who were already suffering under barbaric policies and practices from Israel. Politicians.
This is where things get a little…messy morally. Do I agree with Hamas? Fuck no. I couldn’t care less about Hamas because they don’t care about Palestinians. Do all Palestinians agree with Hamas? Firstly, you will rarely find a group of people where all agree with some. Secondly, I don’t think they appreciate being bombed by Israel while Hamas leaders chill somewhere else. The people of Palestine are the victims of Hamas and Israel.
Did some Palestinians celebrate Hamas’ actions? Yes. Do I think violence is a last resort? Yes and no. Do I think it’s justified? Yes and no.
Lemme expand on those last two points. I want to be an international human rights attorney someday. The loss of innocent life is always a fucking tragedy that I hope to help prevent or to bring justice for them. I understand violence. I understand why people are so angry. I understand the rage and grief Palestinians feel. 75 years of having their rights stripped away, their homes quite literally occupied, their land and culture chipped away piece by piece, and their children bombed and shot at.
“But how on earth can you think violence is justified if people get hurt!” The American Revolution was an act of violence that got numerous people killed yet you will rarely find someone who won’t justify it. Ukraine defending themselves against Russia wanting their land with no regard to how many Ukrainians they kill is considered justified.
People just seem to focus on the “violence is bad” aspect of things once POC are involved. Yeah, I said it. Americans tired of taxation, of British rule, and of not having their independence causes property damage, argues with soldiers in the streets, and starts a war is okay but when Palestinians do it, it’s a problem? When Black Americans ask to stop being brutalized by the police, it’s a problem? When Black South Africans ask to end an apartheid state, it’s a problem? When Central Americans ask for western nations to stop causing coups that destabilizes their nations, it’s a problem? I could go on.
Yeah, violence is bad. Violence is also the way that a lot of countries are where they are today. Violence is sometimes the only reason why things changed. Violence is enacted on the oppressed everyday yet people only seem to really care once the oppressed fight back.
3. I’m anti-Israel because I don’t agree with the government and the state of Israel. I don’t agree with their 75 years of violent oppression of Palestinians. I don’t agree with their current or past actions. I’m anti-Hamas. I think they’re a vacuous organization that is more focused on getting what they want than considering the consequences of innocent Palestinians.
I’m also really fucking furious at Joe Biden’s insistence that we send aid to Israel. We have given Israel $260 BILLION since 1948. BILLION. And yet we have people dying because they can’t afford healthcare. Students leaving school because they can’t afford tuition. We have 8 year olds in debt because they can’t afford school lunches. The unhoused population is growing rapidly due to the housing crisis. I can sense the unemployment rate creeping higher. I know many people who have lost their jobs this past month alone. We’re days away from another government shutdown and they can’t vote on a speaker.
American politicians would rather send Israel billions more to bomb innocent people than to feed their own citizens. That, in my opinion, is a sort of violence that can never be justified.
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cinna-bunnie · 7 months
here's my scattered, ranty, kind of shitty take on “vote blue no matter who”: i have been painfully aware of how fucked up our country is since Trayvon Martin was killed and the country just came together and said it was fine and deserved even.
We were the same age, he was a month older than me and they justified that boy's death through the media for doing mundane shit any of my friends would've been doing too.
And i have seen year after year, death after death, this country let's people get murdered by police or people who want to play police and they get away with it almost every time.
Most of white America doesn't give a single fuck about this issue because it doesn't affect them, they would prefer if we didn't have to see or talk about it at all because talking about race (or anything outside the “norm” for white people) at all is uncomfortable.
Now as shitty as he was, the silver lining I saw in Trump is that white people were no longer able to escape how evil this country can be. Like hey!! When the state sees YOU as undesirable TOO it really has a way of bringing people together - in resistance, solidarity, support etc. Trump was a trash ass president, but as A Country we were FINALLY having some real, honest open discussions about the way this shit works and what better options could look like - even tried implementing some changes so we're less reliant on cops in some places. Ironically, it's when leadership is at its worst that we choose to move forward collectively.
But then in the run-up to the presidential election all the vote blue no matter who liberals, the back to brunch liberals, all of them hounded anybody with even the slightest skepticism or dislike of our candidates and even now make it impossible to have any critical conversation without coming in like “do u want trump/ron/[whatever republican that applies] to win?? we HAVE to vote it's our ONLY choice the world is going to END”
Vote blue no matter who and back to brunch liberals have fucking brain worms and are the most useless helpless political group. I remember them saying we HAVE to get Joe Biden in then pull him to the left, just this one time bro just this one vote bro I promise. All of the solidarity we've had and all the support we've shown won't instantly vanish the second we're safe we promise we won't leave you behind again just one more vote bro-
maybe go to hell?? maybe we should fucking LOSE and have fear and suffering inflicted on us to make that solidarity an actual, real persistent thing that transcends presidencies. My shitty take is sometimes it IS helpful to have horrific leadership so the privileged class can see how it feels to be ANYONE ELSE for a change. And you would hope they fucking learn something but all the back to brunch liberals are hijacking posts speaking frankly about israel's ongoing genocide and the US's complicity in it, and making the conversation about having to vote for Biden or whatever Democrat anyways.
We don't even have elections coming up right now!! Read the fucking room!! Biden is greenlighting genocide and so are a bunch of other politicians on both sides of the aisle, but back to brunch liberals can't be bothered with ANYTHING. Any sort of valid criticism at all is shut down with "well, choices suck but you HAVE to vote” actually in my heart I think you have to suffer until we get some better fucking choices and you actually help advocate for them, instead of being this useless recurring presence that only shows up to shut down conversation instead of wanting to actually fix anything.
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allamericansbitch · 7 months
Listen I’m a big believer that celebs should shut the fuck up most of the time but the thing with neutral artists who never take a stance, especially white people is that they will unknowingly invite a very racist fandom. 
As a poc in this fandom, I’m used to swifties being racist but my god over these last couple of weeks, seeing big accounts cyber bully a Palestinian swiftie for wanting Taylor to sign a ceasefire letter is so mind-boggling. They always make hypothetical scenarios where they’re like “It’s gonna put her in danger, what is they b0mb the stage?! You can’t expect Taylor to speak about everything!” And it’s just so tone deaf, rude, and insensitive. 
We reach a point in this genocide that a lot of Palestinians no 1 ask for the rest of the world just to amplify their voice because a lot of the donation trucks are not allowed to enter Gaza and the ones that do, the UN are selling the donations instead of giving them for free. So why is it such a wild concept for racist swifties that a lot of people are asking Taylor to speak up? This is the biggest thing happening in the world right now, she literally wrote “It’s time to use your voice” in her latest story and we’ve seen time and time again how big of an impact Taylor has. 
saying arguably the most famous person on the planet rn should not speak up about palestine is not only admitting they don’t care about what palestinians IN palestine are asking for but they also care more about a pop star than the life and death of millions
this is so well put and i completely agree. taylor's silence provides comfort and a safe place for hateful people because she does not give them a reason not to feel supported, her silence creates space for them whether she knows that or not. and this can apply to politics in general because she's gone fully silent and hasn't taken a stance on anything in like 3+ years, but specifically about Palestine.
The fans who are making up hypotheticals about the terrible things that could happen if taylor dares to say anything about Palestine are some of the most ignorant, unself aware people i've ever seen. 'what if she becomes a threat' 'people could get hurt' 'they could bomb a show', hey guess what... all of that stuff is currently happening. at this very moment. to Palestines. They are being bombed, targeted and threatened as we speak but thats not what they care about, they care about the hypothetical scenario of a billionaire not being safe. A billionaire who, within seconds of any hint of a threat has an abundance of resources to keep herself and everyone around her safe. Palestines cannot even imagine that privilege those fans are ignoring. Imagine looking at a Palestinian and saying 'sorry she cant speak up and support you, her safety might be threatened'. All of the worst hypotheticals they can imagine happening to Taylor are currently happening to Palestinians but they dont matter as much to them i guess.
Fans will really expose themsleves and how little they actually care about real life cruelty in order to defend a women who will never be their friend. 'her saying anything wont change anything', it might not, or maybe it will.... so human life isnt worth the chance of finding out? 'she's not a politician she's a singer' so singers cant care about genocide? singers are above the deaths of a nation? 'she might get hurt' so you care more about the hypothetical hurt of a stranger than the real life hurt of thousands, mostly children. Fans speaking on behalf of or dismissing the suffering of Palestinians to make their fav pop star not look bad is indeed a disturbing thing.
Taylor first hand knows how powerful her fandom is, with the re-recordings, breaking records, being on the biggest tour of her career and it selling out immediately all over the world. she knows her fans can move mountains, she saw it with voter registrations going up and spiking the second she finally spoke up about politics. she knows her words are some of the most heard around the world and her choosing to not denounce genocide says a lot about her, none of it surprising. that environment of indifference and silence invites hateful people and a hateful environment for those who want morality and change. people will bend over backwards to protect someone who doesnt protect others less fortune and privileged than she is. we know she probably isnt gonna say anything about this, she cant even take a stance on american politics, not even on a state level. denouncing a genocide is too much for her, it might make people mad at her, god forbid. she values ticket sales and her popularity over morality and change, it's that simple. And she’s found a fanbase that feels the same way.
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
fuck me so the migration bill passed in Commons yesterday.
still gotta go through Lords so it MIGHT get slightly defanged but let's look at how well that worked for the Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill last year which passed into law despite native public outrcy with most of its anti-protest and all of its anti-Traveller clauses intact. and there's not been nearly the same degree of concerted protest against this one yet.
in a bid to """""""stop the small boats"""""", the bill will:
Override the rights enshrined in international law to seek asylum, instead prioritising the Home Office's new legal duty to deport any undocumented migrant to concentration camps in Rwanda. yes I said concentration camps they are mass internment camps for a specific group of people to be incarcerated indefinitely without trial. that is what a concentration camp is. here's home secretary Suella Braverman laughing in front of the "estate" built in Rwanda to house deported asylum seekers
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allow for indefinite detention of children suspected of being undocumented until they can be removed to the Rwanda camps. Tory rebels said 'could we not have to review that after 3 days to justify their detention?' and the Tory government said 'no but if we pass the bill we pinky promise that we'll think about maybe adding in an indefinite review period at some point' so it passed.
remove temporary protections allowing people claiming they've been trafficked as slaves to stay in the UK while their case is reviewed, and to recieve some support and leniency if it's found that they are Literally Here As Slaves. that's off the table in this bill, if you get trafficked to Britain as a slave who give a shit it's off to Rwanda with you buddy. even former PM Theresa "We Have To Create A Really Hostile Environment For Immigrants" May was like hey steady on there lads. that is incredibly specifically going to make preventing modern slavery way harder because who the fuck is going to come forward and say "help I'm being enslaved and trapped against my will in bad conditions in an unfamiliar country" when the thing that the government will do with that information is trap you against your will in bad conditions in a different unfamiliar country? NOBODY IS GOING TO DO THAT meaning that victims will be penalised in law for being victimised and traffickers will face even fewer consequences. which to be fair is the Tory playbook.
it's fucked. it's fucked and I feel so sick about it and so afraid of how overtly fascistic and genocidal this government continues to get.
meanwhile their new voter ID laws are in place and they've already been caught lying to voters in high-opposition areas by sending out flyers from party HQ claiming you don't need ID to vote. which you now do.
it's very bad lads. it's very very very very bad.
in the past 24 months we've seen a constant flow of legislation targeting Gypsy/Roma/Traveler communities, migrants, LGBTQ+ people (particularly trans people), disabled and chronically ill people, and protesters and dissidents. meanwhile we're in our biggest cost of living crisis in 45+ years, protections for the poor are being stripped and national services are being privatised.
the best case interpretation as far as I can see is that they expect to be ousted in the next General Election (but that isn't until 2025) and are getting everything they want to do in terms of attacking human rights and wellbeing as far as possible so that the next government will struggle to roll them all the way back
the thing is though that Labour are just nodding along with all these policies and are in the process of aggressively removing the remainder of open leftists from the party's core power structure, having already removed the ordinary membership's ability to guide party leadership or policy, and the SNP, which has often lately been the only meaningful opposition party in Westminster, is in freefall and on fire over an embezzlement and corruption scandal. that plus the voter suppression laws and control over media that the government are wielding FEELS A LOT LIKE even if we make it to the 2025 election we might still get another Tory term.
Winter of Discontent...2!!!! has been something of a damp squib - there have been widespread strikes but little obvious impact. this winter felt like the time things were gonna snap but I'm just not sure we're ever gonna snap hard enough.
Idk I feel sick as a fucking dog. I don't know what to do. If anyone knows of any ways to help (in Edinburgh, I can't travel easily out of the city) with the Migration Bill situation or with stuff more broadly, hmu. I'm pretty well tuned in on trans rights and abortion rights protests but I don't have connects for most other stuff.
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mllemaenad · 2 years
Everyone in Mass Effect 1 is so messed up.
Kaidan: So I was more-or-less forcibly recruited into an evil boarding school for biotics. It was awful, and included instructors physically assaulting students.
Cassie: Shit, that’s awful. I’ve got a few biotic horror stories of my own, but I can’t say I’m sorry I missed the whole “Brain Camp” fiasco.
Kaidan: You have expressed empathy for my situation! Our love is undeniable!
Cassie: What? No.
Cassie: *hits him with a rolled up newspaper* NO!
Kaidan: So I was more-or-less forcibly recruited into an evil boarding school for biotics. It was awful, and included instructors physically assaulting students.
Cassie: Kaidan, I do not give the least of fucks about your childhood trauma. Can we be friends now?
Kaidan: Uh. Okay?
Cassie: Good. Remind me to pick up some pills for your migraines next time we’re on the Citadel.
Ashley: Do you have a problem with my religion, Commander?
Cassie: ... Ash, I’ve given zero thought to your religious beliefs. But I am a little concerned that you seem ready to fistfight me in the cargo hold over them. What gives?
Ashley: Uh. A career spent alternately scrubbing toilets and being sent on suicide missions because my grandpa wasn’t so keen on doing the whole Spartan 300 thing over a misunderstanding with the turians has kind of fucked up my fight-or-flight reflex?
Cassie: Huh. We will mellow you out eventually.
Liara: Commander, your brain is full of sexy Prothean mysteries, and you just saved my life. I am definitely in love.
Cassie: Liara, you just almost died, your mother has turned into a supervillain and, if I understand your species’ lifespan correctly, you are about the equivalent of nineteen. Maybe rethink this?
Liara: You’re cute when you’re logical.
Cassie: *hits her with a rolled up newspaper* NO!
Garrus: Can’t we just blow up the ship with the bad guys on it? There are only about ten civilians on there.
Cassie: *hits him with a rolled up newspaper* NO!
Cassie: *hits her with a rolled up newspaper* IT REALLY WAS!
Cassie: How are you doing, Wrex?
Wrex: Eh. Honestly I’m kind of burned out.
Cassie: How do you mean?
Wrex: Well, I was trying to work out a plan to rebuild my civilisation after suffering an act of genocide. And – you have to understand – this was after we were conscripted into a galaxy-wide war, and after we had experienced a nuclear apocalypse, so we’ve been having a rough couple of millennia. Anyway, my father betrayed me, killed my followers, and I had to kill him. All because endless warfare was somehow the only krogan way, even though the ruins on our planet clearly indicate that we had a functioning civilisation before we blew it up. So now I just try to make a semi-honest living and not expect too much of other people.
Cassie: I mean – it can’t be all bad?
Wrex: Every planet we go to, humans seem to be trying to enslave the rachni, or a sentient plant, or something equally stupid.
Cassie: ... That’s a fair cop.
Pressley: Hey, commander? Apropos of nothing, I’m a bit xenophobic.
Cassie: *hits him with a rolled up newspaper* NO!
Cassie: Crew, this is Commander Shepard delivering a ship-wide announcement. If I’m ever off the ship, Wrex is in charge. Are we clear? Wrex. If Wrex and I are ever both off the ship at the same time ... you’re all doomed. That will be all.
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
(part 2. now featuring me rambling about a Modern Triguns hc i have)
okay so im Native American and i do think, in my hc (not yours. wanna reiterate that i am saying this for Fun Conversation and not to convince you of shit), i really like the idea of Vash and Knives being either surrounded by Indigenous American influence (people who are non-Indigenous can live on our reservations, maybe Rem is Indigenous and is cross-racially fostering them, i dunno) or Vash and Knives are white-passing Indigenous Americans themselves (i say "white-passing" bc i know their creator is Japanese but also Vash and Knives are pale-skinned, blue-eyed, blond boys so im assuming they are white? but some Japanese people could be mixed, that's true. i dont know enough about Trigun to know ethnicity canon/fanon, i just know "ah!!! they might be blond and blue-eyed, but i see Me in them!" so. headcanon. anyway)
and i say that bc a huge part of a pan-Indigenous culture (not that we are a monolith to generalize, theres so many fucking tribes and specific tribal cultures, but you get what i mean) is focused on the enviroment and our interconnectedness to it, ontop of our history of being genocided against up until the last Indian Residential School closed down in 2007 and we had our right to practice our culture given to us in 1978 (so 1978 is actually when American achieved religious-freedom) and now we are facing various Indigenous protective laws being disbanded in the U.S.-- it's easy for any marginalized group, esp ethnicities, to see relatability in the Plants. like, the Americas were founded with the blood of Black and Indigenous people. but also many other cultures have faced similar experiences. so i do think its easy to project any marginalized culture that has suffered onto Plants. its just also cool to be like "yo, my culture is very much based on protecting and understanding the enviroment, and this fictional group is called PLANTS? hell yeah, easy projection" but like. we arent the only culture that does that. so i dont think Indigenous Americans are special any form of projecting ourselves with Plants/Trigun. i just also AM Indigenous American and also AM projecting. so. im biased
and i am, in fact, doubly biased bc my Indigenous American father was a BIG fan of westerns, something Knives loves. my dad loved them bc He Is Very Old (im talking "my dad was 60, close to 70 when i was born" old. my mother is his second wife and they met when she was 40. so i was "wow thats late to have a baby, but not SUPER dangerous") and, though things have gotten slightly better since he was my age but uh.. the reason why he liked old westerns so much was because that WAS the only place where he could see people like him on-screen. even tho they died half the time. and were often racist. highly recommend the documentary "Reel Injun" if you would like a summary on how Indigenous people have been depicted on film, it is very funny for a documentary lmao but anyway, yes, this does also mean my dad was a Twilight fan. he watches those movies all the time (even tho they are ALSO racist against us, but its still really funny to say my dad is a Twi-hard lmao). and my dad wasnt alone in being like that, a LOT of Indigenous people my age (mid-20s) grew up with old western movies and whatnot bc it was the only representation we had for a long time, even moreso for any generation older than us. i can still hear "John Wayne's Teeth Hey-a, Hey-Hey-a" a'la the 90s movie, Smoke Signals, being chanted in my mind lmao
so Knives' lil "bang, bang" and how much he loved old west content made me feel especially seen lmao so i like the idea of him and Vash either being raised in an Indigenous culture by Indigenous people or being Indigenous themselves and being raised by Indigenous people. it brings me joy ♡ especially the latter, bc, tho im not blond and blue-eyed, i am white-passing. people assume i am white until i "out" myself (im also queer, i label myself as Two-Spirited actually, so i am using the verbage "out" knowingly lmao). i grew up hating my pale skin and my monolingual tongue, because that meant i looked like a colonizer and spoke the colonizer's langauge (and i, unfortunately, dont have the kind of brain that absorbs second languages well. at all. damn you auditory processing disorder lmao rip). i wanted to look more like my Indigenous relatives, and less like my white mother who married into our culture. and i see Knives' hatred of Plants' oppressors, and with the modern au and my hc of Indigentity and my personal history of struggling with self-hatred, and i see reflections of myself in him
and like. Knives' desire to kill all humans isnt translatable in a contemporary context, really. i dunno what job i would want my hc of him to have. you could argue he would be on the side of the extremeists in protesting, But Equating A Genocidal Character To A Contemporary Protestor feels.. bad lmao thats an understatement. but like. yeah, i do hc my personal modern au Knives to be a Land Back protestor, and i think Vash would agree actually. but im biased bc i support that movement too lmao i think the fact that Knives is so untranslatable to a modern context in all his variety adds to the tragedy of the Trigun/Trimax/Trigun Stampede/what-have-you narrative. i think modern au Knives might be antagonistic and a nag (or i could empathize with seeing him as modern cult-leader, tho thats irrelevant to this conversation. just bc i can empathize with it, doesnt mean i would ever create content of it or have it as my hc. cults are serious stuff people shouldnt trivialize and i dont have any experience with them, but if people want to vent out their feelings about cults using a modern Knives au?? i can understand that, im using him to project and vent too afterall lmao) to his brother, maybe be estranged, but overall i think the rift between them would be easier to breach than in the canon
i just find modern au Knives to, at least have the capacity to be, more sympathetic than his canon counterparts in all their variancies. he's fun to stretch around and play with lol
anyway, thanks for making a space where i felt welcomed to talk about Trigun modern hcs with you. i cant wait to see what you make. and, again, this was NOT an endorsement for you to follow me at all in this hc, i completely get (1) people have their own hcs of what Knives and Vash's ethnicities may be in a contemporary world and (2) that other people's modern au stories might not even feature disclosing an ethnicity. i just loved your excitement and wanted to spend part 1 engaging with you with your possible hcs, and part 2 sharing mine. i hope i worded all of this in a way that makes sense. thank you again ♡
Ooh, I really love your hcs! I'm always a little hesitant to do any in-depth headcanoning about the intricacies of racial minorities because I'm a very white person myself (a quarter Korean technically, but a blue-eyed blondie nonetheless), so it's really cool to read in-depth and interesting takes from people who obviously have a better scope on the ins and outs than I would!
I agree that Knives's genocidal nature isn't really easy to translate to a modern era. He's a tough guy to nail down! In my head at least, he's more of a nihilistic environmentalist while Vash is an optimistic one. I see him working in a very white-coat, laboratory, scientific field when it comes to conservation, he just strikes me as a scientist type. Him and Vash don't always see eye to eye on everything, and oftentimes he thinks he has to protect Vash because his brother is far too forgiving to the world, no matter how cruel it's been to him. But Vash doesn't want to be coddled either, he's not naive. He's making a conscious effort every day to choose to see the good in the world around them, and for one reason or another Nai just can't wrap his head around that.
He still loves his westerns though, I'm definitely keeping that. Nai was glued to Vash's stream when he was playing through Red Dead Redemption 2, no matter how much he says he doesn't care for video games.
I really liked reading your headcanons too, so thanks for reaching out! If you ever end up wanting to write anything longform that takes place in your modern AU, be sure to link it to me!
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yurinullification · 2 months
Sweden is genuinely a nation of cowards. It's like, noone in this entire country has heard of the concept of silence being a form of violence. We claim to be neutral yet when you try to explain to people that centrism inherently means siding with the oppressor they all start screaming about democratic values, as if that means shit when there's an ongoing genocide! I don't fucking care about the liberal democracy it's a facade we hide behind to avoid any sort of responsibility for anything and it's so fucking tiring hearing people say that you have to respect the process when that process is actively getting people killed through negligence! And even in a scenario where liberal democracy somehow helped to preserve the peace (it doesn't, see: NATO, see: the Swedish weapons industry) it won't fucking last anyways. Noone seems to have taken notice of the fact that the far right is growing extremely rapidly, noone even took notice when the left liberal party that's been in power for the last 40 years was voted out replaced with the center right backed by a nazi party that got 28% of the votes, noone fucking cares! About anything! We're all just gonna sit on our asses and continue to claim to be neutral as the country slides further into fascism, as we continue to kill more migrants, as we continue to burn more holy books and whenever someone says "hey can we do something about this" they're gonna get shut down because you gotta respect the democratic process and I'm just. So tired. I'm so fucking tired. Of all of it. I genuinely hope Russia invades us. I hope Stockholm is hit by an ICBM because maybe then we'll actually care about what happens in the rest of the world for once. Genuinely fucking hate this country and every single day that passes I grow more and more ashamed that I was born in the same country as these people.
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hismercytomyjustice · 12 days
X-Men ‘97 spoilers below the cut
I am halfway through the finale. Me and my husband had to pause it because we both got so fucking mad lmaooo.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s still very good.
I get his appeal as a “good guy” character, but it’s like…if you’re constantly gonna make him do the worst fucking shit to other people, he can’t keep parading around the moral high ground
Just seeing them all be like “omg I can’t believe Magneto did that to Wolverine, he’s so evil!”
I’m not saying that makes Magneto the good guy, obvs what he did was still fucked up (even if I was cheering given the circumstances)
But like. They constantly act like Magneto is evil incarnate in this show. Because he refuses to play nice with the non-mutants who have yet to show a single redeeming quality???
Bruh went through the Holocaust and watched it all happen again in Genosha and they immediately act like he’s being unreasonable?
I’d say, all things considered, HE’S BEING PRETTY FUCKING REASONABLE
What the fuck was he supposed to do about the Prime Sentinels? Just stand back and watch them wipe every mutant off the face of the map???
And yet they’re like “omg Magneto has declared war on humanity”
The people who have fucking tried to genocide y’all at every opportunity?
What the EVER LOVING FUCK was he supposed to do to stop the Prime Sentinel rampage???
It feels very trolley problem-esque
Like, yeah he was gonna fuck off to space after, but I DON’T FUCKING BLAME HIM???
And them being like “how dare you turn our friends against us”
Excuse me, did he fucking mind control them???
Oh, wait, no that’s Charles’s whole schtick
And Charles being like “don’t make me force you to fix the earth”
and then having the GALL to be like “oh, Magnus, you’re like my brother, I’m here to save you”
And everyone being like “oh it’s justified Charles just liquified his brain because he hurt Wolverine”
The way Charles uses his powers throughout the show constantly rubs me the wrong way. Especially because no one is ever like “hey, maybe don’t invade someone’s mind, steal their secrets, make them relive their batshit trauma, and bend them to your will?”
Mr. Sinister kidnapping Jean and cloning her to control her? How fucking dare he!
Nah, totally justified, Magneto is the bad guy, remember?
I just
Now I gotta finish the episode but I don’t think my opinion is gonna change
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refractical · 17 days
hey can we please talk about how the hatred and disdain for children is what institutional violence against children thrives and relies on and maybe have compassion for children or something.
i genuinely feel like i’m going insane when i see people say they unironically hate kids. i know this is going to sound harsh but i sincerely don’t fucking care what your personal feelings or your individual experiences with being expected to have kids are or whatever. this isn’t about you. kids don’t have any fucking autonomous control over their lives. children are, puzzlingly, barely even considered a protected class in many parts of the world, and that’s if the people running your country even pretend to care.
the trauma endured, worldwide, specifically by children, goes completely ignored every day (or is packaged as a convenient excuse to sell legislature that aims to censor and sanitize public spaces and the internet in the name of capitalist greed), whether that’s corporal punishment, sexual abuse and exploitation, human trafficking, homelessness, neglect, queerphobic repression and conversion therapy and abuse, parental abuse, medical abuse, behavioral modification and troubled teen industry programs, other institutional child abuse, or any of the several literal genocides happening right now with victims that are largely children, is why you have to start giving a fuck about kids.
if you have “protect trans youth” somewhere on your blog and say shit like “i genuinely hate kids” i think you should read a fucking book or go outside and see for yourself what is happening to trans youth at the hands of adults. if you say “free palestine” and “free sudan” and “free congo,” you do not get to say “i hate kids” (and fuck you if you do). if you’ve experienced any kind of childhood trauma, if you survived child abuse or neglect, then you, of all people, should know what it feels like to have no one looking out for you, no one caring enough to help you, no one giving a fuck about your suffering when you don’t possess any power to change anything going on around you.
why is this still such a huge fucking debate? you seriously have to start fucking caring about kids. children, disabled people, and the elderly are some of the most vulnerable populations on this earth, and the largest groups of vulnerable people in numbers. and you can’t avoid being a child or elderly or disabled in your life, yet we mistreat people who are disabled, elderly, or kids all the time.
i don't know how else to say it. you have to start giving a fuck about kids. please, for the love of god, shut the fuck up about how much you "hate kids."
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