#buuuuuuuut anyway here ya go
mirza-majoris · 1 year
Ok so I wanted to draw but I don't have the nerves to do so. Instead, I wanna write something about that silly AU of mine and it appears it has no name. Why not Professors of the Caribbean ? Or maybe you can choose if you have something better ^w^
Well first let's see about the roles : Let's call it "The Curse of the Azran gold" XD
Hershel Layton : a young preceptor working for the governor of Port Royal, to teach his daughter Claire Foley 👀 Rescued from a shipwreck by her when they both were children, he grew up at Port Royal with his father and mother, not knowing he was indeed adopted ( that will still be like in the games, I love the twist it will bring X3 ). Becomes a pirate unfortunately, to save his dear Claire from the pirates that came and kidnapped her. Not a real fan of the one that brought him into being an outlaw though X3
Desmond Sycamore : probably no Descole, but the name of the ship could be the Death Call, dunno, what do ya think ? Anyway, a pirate, alone, strange-mannered, having a lot of hate for a particular pirate and swearing revenge. He convinced Hershel to steal a ship to save his damsel, is an excellent swordsman but doesn't like to play fair and is a master of wicked plans XD
Claire Foley : daughter of the governor, fascinated by pirates, wants to be as free and independent as them sometimes. She likes Hershel A LOT and is not that impressed as first by the pirate captain. Well, before knowing he's literally a living dead X3 tbh Desmond is more a damsel in distress than her !
Leon Bronev : here he is, the bad guy ! Commited a mutiny against his captain and son after having some disagreement about the Azran gold. He has no beating heart now, cruel but great at being a treacherous man and a liar X3
Dimitri Allen : the commodore ! Because he needs no grey wig XD and because he is in love with Claire X3 a good man, having trouble with pirates and trying to get rid of them as much as possible. He will potentially know a very sad end but hey, like a hero though X'3
Luke Triton : not gonna lie, it's hard to include him in there but maybe a little sailor on the Interceptor asleep when Hershel and Desmond steal her X3 so he has to go on a little voyage with them, will probably talk to the parrot XD like Layton a lot but not Desmond X3
Raymond : ..... let's hope I have a better fate for him that what crosses my mind right now X'3
Macaw and Robin : Pintel and Ragetti, no doubt ! XD
Swift : the Second-in-Command because he is freaking cool *^*
For now, this is how I would see the main plot X3 most characters are here buuuuuuuut maybe my brains works faster than my typing skills ( and will to write something more consequent ) so I will probably right other things but not tonight X'3
Don't hesitate to tell me what you think about it ^^
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feraldabi · 6 years
SEND: Love
Day 2: Important Events (confessions, first date, proposals, wedding)
Read more under the cut
Tobio groans when he hears his phone chirp with messages. He rolls to the other side of his bed and grabs his pillow to throw over his face; hoping to smother the insistent buzzing sound.
It doesn’t.
Annoyed at being woken up Tobio grabs the pillow and throws it at the wall across from him, and then he reaches for his phone. He stares at it with tired, unfocused eyes.
Finally, his eyes seem to register the phone in front of him and he sees it’s Oikawa-san messaging him.
Now, that wakes him up.
Tobio unlocks his phone and brings up the messages from Oikawa-san. He still rolls his eyes when he sees the name for Oikawa: The Best Senpai™, he didn’t choose that, obviously, Oikawa-san did. (Tobio still cannot get over how Oikawa-san had grabbed his phone out of his hand and inputted his number after a practice match. Mind-boggling, really.) His eyes widen when he reads the messages.
The Best Senpai™ [11:17 P.M.]: FUKC I THINK HE NOTICD OH SHIT
The Best Senpai™ [11:20 P.M.]: (艸д゚*)
The Best Senpai™ [11:20 P.M.]: omfggggggggg imma kill them is2gg  (╬◣д◢)!!
The Best Senpai™ [11:22 P.M.]: lets just pretend this never happend ok…
The Best Senpai™ [11:25 P.M.]: ill understand if u dont wanna talk anymore
Are words that easily describe how Tobio’s feeling right now. Oikawa-san like-likes him...what’s he supposed to do now?
Oh fuck, Tobio thinks. He feels his cheeks warm and his heart flutter in his chest. He startles when his phone buzzes again. It’s Oikawa-san.
The Best Senpai™ [11:30 P.M.]: TOBIO I SEE THAT UVE SEEN THE TEXTS
The Best Senpai™ [11:30 P.M.]: pls respond back
Tobio stares at his phone some more before this overwhelming feeling of-of something taking over his very being, and soon enough, he’s texting back.
Y r ur frnds drunk? [11:31 P.M.]
There, simple and straight to the point...kind of.
The Best Senpai™ [11:32 P.M.]: idk they’re dumbasses aND THEY R MY EX-FRIENDS TOBIO-CHAN !!!
The Best Senpai™ [11:32 P.M.]: (; ̄Д ̄)ANYWAY ! just pls ignore what they said earlier ok
Tobio’s fingers are typing before he even comprehends what he sent.
no [11:33 P.M.]
He’s not surprised by the flurry of texts that come after.
The Best Senpai™ [11:34 P.M.]: WHAT DO YOU M E A N NO??????
The Best Senpai™ [11:34 P.M.]: >.>
The Best Senpai™ [11:35 P.M.]: T O B I O
Tobio’s face flushes when he types out his next response:
cause i like u 2…
His finger hovers over the send button, uncertainty. It isn’t until he rereads the messages does he gets the courage to hit send.
cause i like u 2…[11:37 P.M.]
Tobio waits.
And waits.
And waits.
No response back.
The flush on his face becomes darker in color, he can’t believe he actually thought Oikawa-san’s friends weren’t lying.
Goddammit, he’s made himself look like a fool now.
He starts typing, he’ll say he was joking and then act like none of this ever happened. Tobio’s about to hit send when a call interrupts his texting.
CALL FROM: Oikawa-san
Tobio debates with himself if he should hit the END call, but doesn’t. In the end, he begrudgingly hits the CALL button.
“I LIKE YOU, TOO, TOBIO-CHAN!” Is what cuts him off. The angry flush lightens to a petal pink. “W-What?”
“I-ugh...Like you, too. So, yeah” Oikawa-san says, voice shaky and hopeful(?).
“OH,” Tobio responds, he feels like he needs a drink because his mouth has become too dry. “I like you, as well, Oikawa-san.” He pauses and waits, listening to Oikawa’s heavy breathing.
“You do,” Oikawa-san exclaims. “I mean, of course you do, Tobio-chan! I am quite the catch, ya’know.”
Tobio pinches the bridge of his nose contemplating why he likes this jerk.
“Buuuut, anyway, since you like me I’ll take responsibility and take you on a date. Tomorrow at 7, wear casual clothes, ok!”
His eyes widen in shock, “Oikaw-”
“Can’t wait, bye bye!”
Tobio feels his eye twitch, the audacity of Oikawa-san. He tosses his phone back onto the desk by his bed before curling himself around his blankets. He needs all the rest he can get after this circus show...and he needs to make sure he doesn’t have any bags for his date.
He’s sound asleep when his phone goes off one last time.
The Best Senpai™ [12:00 A.M.]: can’t wait for our date tomorrow !!
  ␟␏(ɲ˃ ˈ̫̮ ˂ɳ)␟␏ෆ
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #171
Mon Aug 12 2019 [11:20 PM] Wack'd: Early titles for "Love is a Battlefield" did not inspire confidence
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[11:20 PM] Bocaj: Pfft [11:20 PM] Bocaj: Also. Thats just a really striking title [11:20 PM] Bocaj: And I kind of want to make it a truism that people say [11:20 PM] Umbramatic: i would like a golden gorilla to snap my spine, killing me instantly [11:21 PM] Bocaj: "Take care of yourself, Jim. Death is a golden gorilla!" "Hey, it sure is!" [11:21 PM] maxwellelvis: "Death is a Golden Gorilla" almost sounds like something a Venture Bros. character would say. [11:21 PM] Wack'd: So uh, slight problem. This is Rich Buckler's last issue until 1989...buuuuuuuut he's gone inside of three pages, replaced with Pérez. [11:21 PM] maxwellelvis: Though they'd probably throw in a "glorious" in there as well. [11:21 PM] Wack'd: So I guess I do the post-mortem now? [11:22 PM] Bocaj: RIP Rick Buckler. I'll never forget your stick figures [11:23 PM] Bocaj: I shouldn't joke since I just googled and he actually is dead 😐 [11:23 PM] Wack'd: 😟 [11:23 PM] Umbramatic: oh [11:23 PM] Wack'd: So what is there to say about Rich Buckler? He's a good artist. He's pretty expressive. I like the way he draws the Thing. His two-page spreads and collage pages are really neat looking. He handles Kirbyisms pretty well. [11:23 PM] maxwellelvis: But he died in 2017 so he at least didn't die while in the middle of this issue. [11:24 PM] Bocaj: "Buckler drew virtually every major character at Marvel and DC, often as a cover artist" He was mad prolific [11:24 PM] maxwellelvis: Instead he probably either quit or got yanked [11:24 PM] Wack'd: A fundamental problem with doing postmortems for artists at this point is that everybody is still beholden to a house style. Being indistinguishable from your peers is a kind of strength. Any innovations you bring is just either neat new poses, like the Buscema punch, or new layouts. [11:25 PM] Wack'd: Like, I could rag on him for making Reed so beefy, but so what? So does everybody [11:25 PM] maxwellelvis: So now you can get a bit why people fell all over themselves praising guys like Todd McFarlane or Rob Liefeld? [11:25 PM] maxwellelvis: Maybe not Liefeld? [11:25 PM] Wack'd: As a Fantastic Four artist, he's good at drawing things the way they're supposed to be drawn, and finding new things to do in the margins. [11:25 PM] Bocaj: I assume it was an industry wide case of mass hysteria [11:25 PM] maxwellelvis: But McFarlane, Jim Lee, the Savage Dragon guy? [11:25 PM] Bocaj: Like when fifty people see a UFO [11:25 PM] Wack'd: I suspect until we hit the 80s, that's the best I'll be able to say of anybody. [11:26 PM] Bocaj: But its just swamp gas reflecting off of a weather balloon on Venus [11:27 PM] Wack'd: Here's Ben on page three, drawn by Buckler...
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[11:27 PM] Bocaj: Thank god that in these modern 2010s we have a diversity of styles but nothing that looks like a pen threw up like some Image stuff being touted as the hotness. Except attempts at photorealism which look like shit [11:27 PM] Wack'd: And here's Ben on page 4, drawn by Pérez.
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[11:27 PM] Bocaj: He combed his hair [11:27 PM] Bocaj: And his pecs [11:27 PM] Umbramatic: shiny [11:27 PM] maxwellelvis: And his chin [11:27 PM] Bocaj: He combed his chin [11:28 PM] Wack'd: Yeah. The differences are very slight. [11:29 PM] Wack'd: So anyway, we're doing danger room shenanigans. Ben is cheesed that he's falling down the power rankings [11:29 PM] Wack'd: Sure, Hulk was always a problem, but now he's losing to Thor and Hercules [11:29 PM] Wack'd: "Next thing ya know, a punk like Spider-Man will be mopping the floor with me!" [11:30 PM] Bocaj: The Avengers also had a danger room like room very briefly in the either 60s or 70s. They called it the Toy Box and then never mentioned it by name again [11:30 PM] Wack'd: "Andy's coming!" *Avengers collapse to the floor* [11:31 PM] Bocaj: Pfffft [11:31 PM] Bocaj: Incredible [11:31 PM] Umbramatic: pffff [11:31 PM] Wack'd: Another new power for Sue! She can now collapse numerous separate items into one force field [11:32 PM] Wack'd: Sue also tells Ben that Alicia has really taken to babysitting--"maybe she's trying to tell you something" [11:32 PM] Wack'd: And now I'm wondering if Ben can conceive while he's in Thing form, so thanks for that [11:33 PM] maxwellelvis: They could always adopt. [11:33 PM] Wack'd: True! [11:33 PM] Wack'd: Meanwhile Johnny and Frankie have reconciled, and Frankie says it's too early in the relationship for him to consider leaving the superhero life for her [11:33 PM] Wack'd: And she's okay with it in the meantime [11:34 PM] Wack'd: AND THEN A SPACESHIP CRASHES [11:34 PM] Wack'd: Johnny wants to go see if anybody's hurt, but Frankie asks him not to get involved, since the police have just showed up [11:35 PM] Wack'd: *michael bluth voice* I don't know what I expected
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[11:35 PM] maxwellelvis: Frankie, Frankie, this is a comic book and that's a UFO. When cops show up, they tend to get vaporized. [11:35 PM] maxwellelvis: GIR! Unleash The Monkey! [11:36 PM] Wack'd: Golden Gorilla quickly jumps to giant size, and Johnny almost intervenes before remembering that flaming on freaks Frankie out [11:37 PM] Wack'd: And then it decides to climb the Baxter Building [11:37 PM] maxwellelvis: Because of course it does [11:37 PM] Wack'd: Also it grabs Sue [11:38 PM] maxwellelvis: I was just about to say, too bad there aren't any dark-haired women in this comic the gorilla could kidnap. [11:38 PM] Wack'd: Isn't that character traditionally a blonde? [11:38 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, but here the GORILLA is a blonde. [11:38 PM] Wack'd: Oooooooh [11:38 PM] Wack'd: Good goof [11:39 PM] maxwellelvis: 
REED: "Well, looks like he's the Avengers' problem now." JAN: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP!"
[11:39 PM] Wack'd: Anyway something about the golden gorilla's glow is weakening Sue's powers [11:40 PM] Wack'd: Johnny, hearing about what happened on the radio, realizes that he can't keep himself from intervening just because his new girl doesn't like it [11:40 PM] Wack'd: "Why does every man I date eventually ditch me to go fight giant gorillas from space?"
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[11:41 PM] maxwellelvis: I hope they have a good explanation for this, because this otherwise feels like a MAJOR overreaction on Frankie's part. [11:41 PM] Umbramatic: that's why i can never get a date [11:42 PM] Umbramatic: damn space gorillas [11:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Like, lady, it's not like he has a secret identity, you knew what you were getting into up front. [11:43 PM] Wack'd: I looked it up and we do eventually get a suitably convoluted explanation [11:46 PM] Wack'd: In the meantime, back to the story at hand [11:46 PM] Wack'd: Sue does a neat thing
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[11:46 PM] maxwellelvis: Where'd that apron come from? [11:47 PM] Wack'd: She was making lunch earlier [11:47 PM] maxwellelvis: Ahh [11:47 PM] Wack'd: "I said lunch, not giant gorilla attack!" [11:48 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, Sue closes a force field around the gorilla, forcing it to shrink [11:48 PM] Bocaj: Sure [11:48 PM] Wack'd: I mean keep in mind we've already established that it can alter its size [11:48 PM] Wack'd: As far as Fantastic Four plots go this holds together pretty well [11:49 PM] maxwellelvis: I just remembered Ben Grimm's voice actor for the 1994/1996 cartoon was one of the Far-Out Space Nuts, @Wack'd [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Yes. I totally did that on purpose. You can't prove otherwise [11:50 PM] Wack'd: Anyway, the Four get the gorilla contained and--
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[11:50 PM] Wack'd: I'm going to level with you! I did not see this coming!
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From Dusk Till Dawn - Chapter 5
Pairing: MadaSaku
Plot: Sakura was searching for a purpose. Madara was thirsting for revenge. Little do they know their fates intertwined centuries ago. Once he broke free from his banishment, he would usher in a new dusk. Until he realised that she was his dawn. Historical/mythological AU.
Note: Salutations, my lovelies. I’m back from the dead. So I know most of you will have probably forgotten this fic even exists (hell, even I forgot lol), but guess what - IT’S BACK BITCHES! I honestly have no idea what came over me today, but somehow I got reminded of this blog and the fics I started here, so I decided to dig it up out of the depths of my browser history, and you know what? I totally forgot how much fun I had writing these and that daaaaaaamn I had some good stories going on, which were in desperate need of updating, if only to ease my guilty conscience. 
Speaking of which, I honestly have no excuses for going AWOL for so long. I know some of you may have been bummed, because I think this fic did have a teeny tiny bit of a following, but honestly guys, this writing blog was only one of my many hobbies and it was never meant to take up too much of my time. It was one of these things I occasionaly devote my time to, but that was always doomed to be second place to my life/relationship/university responsibilites. But on the bright side, I did finally get my Bachelor’s degree, whoooo! Buuuuuuuut I am still at uni doing my Master’s, sooooo ya know - still not going to be a regular thing here. 
Anyways, TL;DR: I wanted to update this little nugget here out of pure nostalgia and curiosity to see how many of you will still remember the story, to see how many will appreciate and like this update and depending on your reaction, I might actually take up writing again. Goodie, I’m excited to be back. Have fun! :)
Oh also, please check out the first 4 chapters before reading this one, since - you know - I let so much dust settle on this story none of y’all will probably know what’s going on. 
EDIT: I had to delete the links to the first 4 chapters, because this chapter wasn’t showing up under the madasaku tag or any of the other tags, but as soon as I deleted the links it did? Soooo yeah whatever, fuck you Tumblr links. You’re gonna have to scroll through my blog to get to the other chapters, I’m sorry. I’ll figure out a way to post all of it in one piece, promise. Have fun and let me know what you think! :)
500 years ago…
The heavens stood still.
Tsunade watched a tired Jiraiya fall to his knees and let out a pained groan. Allowing a nervous sigh to escape her lips, she closed her eyes.
They did it. They finally did it. After decades of warfare, bloodshed, and carnage, they finally managed to seal away the bane of their existence.
The last of the dusk gods had fallen.
Opening her eyes again, she let her tired gaze wander across the scene of their final battle. Slain gods lay scattered across the barren field, the ashen ground beneath them stained in the colour of their blood.  Giant craters burning with the dreaded flames of the underworld tore through the otherwise idyllic scenery of the heavens like wounds from blade. The black flames of the dusk god’s feared Amaterasu eating up what little was left of the trees that once made this surrounding a forest.
It matters not, she kept telling herself. He is gone. And the dawn gods shall rebuild.
Just as Tsunade was about to join Jiraiya to take a look at his wounds, an ear-piercing screeching tore through her head, forcing her to her knees. Barely managing to open her eyes against the penetrating pain in her mind, she watched the other surviving gods around her writhe and hold their heads in agony.
All of a sudden, the screeching ebbed, giving way to a low hissing sound before a mysterious voice whispered into all of their ears:
At the fall of dusk, at the fall of old, spring shall bring forth his keeper,
who will call to him until his return at the night the darkness swallows the heavens.
Young and weak, the Eastern light shall seek out the old power in the West,
who will envelop her in darkness to unleash their true might.
Dawn will be his light, and dusk shall return.
It was only when the throbbing pain in her head finally dissipated that Tsunade dared to look up. The remaining gods looked at each other questioningly.
They were familiar with this pain, with this feeling. The hissing voice in their head. The dawn gods all knew what this was.
A prophecy. Foreshadowing the return of Madara.
The survivors did what they could to tend to the wounded on the battlefield. When no one else could be saved, the gods set them aflame and watched their bodies dissipate into golden dust, releasing their divine essence into the vast expanse of the universe, praying for them to be reborn again. Then, they retreated to their respective homes – or what was left of them – to lick their wounds, celebrate their survival, and grieve the death of the fallen.
Tsunade felt a heavy sadness weighing down her heart that night. Despite their unimaginable victory over the mightiest god to ever grace the face of the heavens, they had lost so many. She knew more peaceful times lay ahead of them now, and yet she felt restless. It had been ages since the universe had whispered a prophecy into their ears. And this one was particularly unsettling.
Dusk shall return.
But they sealed him, Tsunade reminded herself. And with one of Hashirama’s seals, no less. She was the one who studied the dusk god’s inscriptions, who knew his incantations like the back of her hand. She was certain Hashirama’s seal would be enough to imprison Madara for the rest of his miserable days.
And yet, mere minutes after the dawn gods managed the unthinkable and sealed away the last dusk god, the universe decided to warn them of his return. And prophecies always came true, the dawn goddess knew that much.
Not only that, but the prophecy also spoke of some Eastern light, who would supposedly help him unleash his true might. A cold shiver ran down Tsunade’s spine at the thought of Madara teaming up with such a force of nature that will grant him even more fearsome powers than he already had.
Yet the goddess of healing had no time to dwell on her worrisome thoughts, as her mind picked up the desperate prayer of a mortal couple. Never one to abandon the ones in need, the blonde goddess raced down into the mortal realm and materialised unseen in the living room of a small hut. She watched the couple on their knees, huddled together in front of the fire. They were rocking back and forth, with the woman holding a small bundle in her arms and the man raising one arm pleadingly into the air, calling out to the goddess of healing to save this poor baby.
This baby? Is that not their own child, Tsunade thought suspiciously. Babies do not just fall from the heavens.
Taking one step closer to the fire, the goddess suddenly felt a divine glow emanating from the bundle in the woman’s arms. Tsunade would recognise that anywhere – the essence of the gods. This was indeed not the mortal couple’s child, but a newborn of the dawn gods.
Still hidden from the mortal’s view, she leaned down and caught a glimpse of pink hair and emerald green eyes, staring knowingly, yet tiredly at her. As Tsunade stretched out a hand towards the babe to check its body temperature, a tiny chubby fist suddenly enclosed her index finger. This little touch was enough to flood the goddess with a feeling of warm motherly love.
Tsunade knew in that instant that this deity shall be hers to raise, care for, and love.
With her divine power, she mentally reached out to the mortals and willed them to lay the small bundle on the floor by the fire. She watched them carefully lower the baby and step back from the fire, worriedly glancing around the living room and waiting for something to happen.
In the blink of an eye, the small bundle was gone. The couple sighed in relief and fell into each other’s arms, knowing their beloved goddess of healing would take care of that weak little girl.
“Do you really think that was a wise choice?”
Tsunade ignored Jiraiya’s incessant nagging and kept bouncing the little babe on her arm. Immediately after taking the young goddess from the mortal’s hut, she returned home to her half-standing palace in the East, where some of the surviving gods have retreated to recuperate. One of them being Kakashi, the feared god of lightning, who was pinning her with a scrutinising gaze.
“Jiraiya’s right, you know. Tonight, of all nights, with this new prophecy looming above our heads… Have you even thought for a second that she could be this Eastern light, his keeper that was prophesised?”
Tsunade scoffed and shot him a challenging glare. “Please, Kakashi, don’t be paranoid. It was just one of the millions of prayers I receive every day. Only this time, it happened to involve a newly born dawn goddess, instead of a weak mortal. Just because she is one of us, does not mean she is tied to the prophecy. In fact, we should be thankful our pantheon is growing again after we lost so many.”
“The prophecy clearly said that at the fall of dusk some kind of keeper will emerge who is destined to help Madara unleash his full power upon the heavens. The fall of dusk was tonight, and after decades of no new deities, tonight is the night the universe decides to give us a new goddess, during spring no less? Coincidences like these might happen to the mortals but not in the heavens,” Shikamaru grumbled before taking a well-deserved puff from his ivory kiseru.
Rolling her eyes at the god of wisdom and strategy, Tsunade switched the little bundle to her other arm and kept bouncing her up and down, before she said, “What you all fail to see is that she cannot be the Easter light from the prophecy, since I found her in a mortal village in the middle of nowhere, not even remotely close to anywhere East. And don’t you think that if such a powerful force destined to be tied to Madara emerged that we would not have felt its birth? Elemental abnormalities, time standing still, earthquakes – anything that might indicate a new divine force has emerged. But there was absolutely nothing when this little goddess here was born. In fact, she is so tiny and weak, I honestly doubt that she will have a purpose grander than making flowers grow, that’s how harmless she is.”
Tsunade saw the uncertain faces around her, their doubtful gazes boring into her determination to keep the babe. She had to convince them, somehow. She could not just leave a part of her divine family, especially now that her kin was nearly wiped out. As soon as the young goddess had touched her, Tsunade felt responsible for her. She had to ignore the nagging feeling at the back of her head screaming at her to listen to the prophecy.
Yes, there were too many coincidences, Tsunade had to admit that herself. The prophecy clearly talks of a female, emerging during this particular night, during spring. All of which applied to the little dawn goddess in her arms.
But there was no way she could be the Eastern light; the goddess was not tied to any particular region. And Tsunade could not – for the life of her – imagine this tiny, frail little thing would be capable of stoking the fire of Madara’s wrath to the point that she would be the one to unleash his true might.
Shaking away her doubts, Tsunade gazed into the tired emeralds of the little girl in her arms. A smile spread across her lips when the tiny goddess snuggled closer to her chest.
There was absolutely no way she would abandon this little thing, not now after she lost so many of her family.
Raising her head, she shot a determined glance at all of the surviving deities in her presence and exclaimed, “I will not resign this precious goddess to a prophecy we have not even fully deciphered yet. None of us know what half of that steaming pile of donkey dung even means, so nobody is going to determine her fate based on any of that. Besides, even if she really is this keeper of his, this way we can at least raise her on our side. Teach her our story, our ways, our kindness. She will never be corrupted by him if we have the power to tell her the things we want her know. If he really does come back and they really do cross paths, there is no way she will choose him. I will tie her to me as tightly as she tied me to her.”
Lowering her caramel eyes, she cast a loving glance at the newest addition to her family and whispered softly, “I will protect my daughter from him. No matter what.”
Went to him… willingly … kidnapped … she chose him … sacrifice …
Sakura’s muddled mind started picking up fragments of speech as she slowly started to wake from her slumber. Forcing her weak body to sit up, she cast a disoriented glance around her only to find herself in her chambers at her mother’s palace.
All of a sudden, memories started flooding her mind and she felt her heart rate pick up.
She finally met him. She was in his palace. She was so close to getting some answers. A blush crept up her neck at the thought of his calloused fingers holding her chin in place as he was leaning closer to her, before… Before the dawn gods laid siege to his palace to take her away from him.
Wait, from him? Where did that thought come from? Since when did Sakura think she belonged by his side? She had only known him for a few moments and from what she had seen on the battlefields, he was not a god whose company she should be yearning for. And yet, she had never felt so strong, so alive as when being close to him.
And now that they were separated, her old familiar frailty had returned as well.
The young dawn goddess could feel frustration bubble up inside her. Rarely did she get mad at something or someone, but her constant state of weakness had been a source of anger for all of her short life. And the one being who could rectify that just had to be her mother’s mortal enemy and the one who had been waging war against her kin for the last weeks.  
Sakura felt like throwing something against the wall. Alas, all the smashable things in her room were solid gold or heavy ivory, all of which was too difficult for her to even pick up now. In Madara’s presence, however, she felt like she could carry the entire heavens on her shoulders.
Her depressing thoughts were interrupted when she felt the voices on the other side of her door grow louder.
“Look what Tsunade’s tying down has brought us. She went to him, willingly. All that keeping her close was for nothing!”
“She is so weak, she cannot even open doors without struggling, and you really think she made that trip all the way to the Western end of the heavens on her own? He clearly kidnapped her. We are lucky he left her alive for whatever reason.”
“Then tell me why she was reaching out to him when I-“
The angry voices were silenced when her mother suddenly burst through the doors and stomped into her room, glowering at Sakura with a furious expression.
“What in the heavens were you thinking?!”
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aenslem · 5 years
What do you think about Adam and Lilith?
im kinda not sure why you ask ME what i think about them cause ya know… i already said i don’t ship them  idk if you saw it but anyway I don’t think about them at all lmao but now i have to??/ i guess to answer this huh
i tried to answer to it a few times already and idk how to do it without going into much details or write it so i don’t get 1246 messages of how horrible i am for doing it just because i ship something else??? like, you ok? so here i go writing a lot which has 0 sense and idk you asked you get it
if you followed me since 2018, since i started watching caos, you would know that i don’t like the way adam was introduced in the show. at all. I am fine with adam being there, i have nothing against him and him and lilith together, even though i ship madam spellman, it doesn’t mean i automatically hate other ships and i kinda feel like that’s what everyone thinks while throwing stupid asks in my inbox or just writing about madam spellman shippers in general out there. 
the show itself stated (and i already mentioned it somewhere here) that mary wardwell lives alone, that she is alone, that was right in the first episode. no adam was mentioned before, nothing indicated his existence at all. so yes, when they said there will be mary’s fiance it was like “what? what the fuuuuck?” so this is the main issue i have with adam being there. if they, at least once, slightly, mentioned his existence - i would not throw tantrums about adam :D
and you know what? it took few episodes, a lot of time when you have just 9 episodes in part 2, so i don;’t think writers did not know what to write in part 2 and came up with this idea AFTER part 1, as we know it’s all just s1 and most of it should be written or at least the main ideas of it should be there in the beginning, if it was something small then yes, but it was not small thing, if so, then i think they just don’t know what they do with characters and what to do with them now, and we can get any possible shit in part 3 and 4. i mean, they have to have some kind of an idea of where they go with main characters…
and while yeah, i can excuse this with “this is caos, when they did something right at all???” but i should not, writers should do it so we don’t have such a plotholes. 
and if anyone goes here with: if you don’t enjoy don’t watch i will find you lmao 
i enjoy caos, i hate it but enjoy :’D it’s difficult 
so, to adam and lilith. 
adam himself is… meh :D he could be more, but he was there just to make lilith’s character deeper, he was… a tool. ok, i always write something is “meh” but never explain what does it mean. i mean he is not worth of my attention, he is there but i don’t care, he was not interesting enough for me to like him or hate him, he is just there. i just don’t feel anything towards this character… if he was something in the show without lilith, then maybe i would like him? yeah, he was nice and all, but also was not?? i did not like him kissing mary just because they are in relationship, even if you are in a relationship it doesn’t mean you go and kiss the other person when they clearly don’t want it. on the other hand he really tried to be nice, dinner and all, he at least bought flowers lmao at first i was really like ready to hate him because i will never stop going about it - he never existed before! and appears from nowhere. but somehow he was not that horrible to hate him :’D some scenes were funny, some were just to make it clear what lilith thinks about something like marriage, can’t remember but i guess he said back then that they will not do anything she is not comfortable with - which is like GOOD, you dude grow up, thanks. but i am glad he was not there to have funny scenes only. 
also, yes, lately i am so tired of hetero shit on screen that anything which is hetero is automatically OH FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE - AGAIN??? so i was not expecting anything here, only hate towards it all :D but i guess, since i was like that, that is exactly why i did not hate it. not good enough to love but i was not expecting anything good, so whatever it was - it was not bad. it was funny in some scenes, mostly because michelle gomez has incredible facial expressions and also, you can clearly see - she enjoys playing with another human being. oh poor thing, give michelle people to play with :’D 
as someone who is here because they love michelle and lilith, i look at adam from the side of how he affected lilith. and again, he would not be there at all without lilith, he would be nothing in the show, he would have nothing to do, he was just a tool for another character’s arc. I loved seeing her like that, not entirely, but most of the time, like she was not doing shit for dark lord, was not preparing herself to meet him, she was just drinking tea/coffee, doing school job, sitting peacefully, i loved seeing her smile. not that mischivious one, or that one where you realize, that’s it, that woman’s gonna kill me bye bye :D but that warm smile, let michelle gomez smile more!
let her play female joker
i mean no, not that kind of smile but it’s not a bad idea :’D dc take note
if adam and lilith would become a thing and dark lord would not kill him, i guess i would not care for the ship, i would not be against it, it would be just there. not my type of a ship… like there’s lois lane and clark kent and i don’t give a shit about them, they are there and let them be, they don’t touch me, i don’t touch them lmao but i do realize how much lois means to clark, so yes, i do realize adam means something for lilith, and i don’t erase it because i ship something else, there’s this thing… idk what it’s called, it’s when you ship something and ship another thing also, or just don’t hate it because you ship the first thing. aham, good thing by the way, ya all could use it.
there was this theory here, can’t remember who wrote it tho, that adam never existed at all and it was all dark lord’s plan to see if lilith is still on his side or something or torture her, good one, that would be such a great if it was real in the show, cause that would explain why he never existed before. and it would not erase her growth that we see, that soft (sOFT?) side of her, that domestic mother of demons/queen of hell side which walks on heels in her own house in the middle of the night to drink some water :D. it would be unfair to her, but dark lord already killed adam and made her eat him, so what could be worse?  i really did not want her to suffer that much :( she deserves so much better that what she gets… 
honestly, life is unfair to lilith so much, she was there all the time for dark lord, she did everything for him and he did not even hold his promise, he just gives the throne to someone who doesn’t even want it and clearly doesn’t deserve it, just because you are a daughter of the king doesn’t mean you deserve the throne. lilith really worked for it, she earned it! she deserves the crown and the throne. she was there for lucifer for so long and he just uses her… and once she gets something nice, something good, it’s taken away so brutally! so yeah, if adam never existed and was just dark lord’s manipulation of lilith, then yeah, it’s much worse but again, he already made her eat adam… none of other characters get so much shit in this show. if they make lilith suffer more i swear i will buy ticket and find them all and i will go to them with a chainsaw. 
anyway, i saw people going miles writing how madam spellman shippers are all like: lilith never loved adam for real. like i have not seen those shippers myself but somehow i saw everyone else writing how bad MS shippers are… like yes, we have idiots around, but which ship doesn’t have such an idiots? like dude, why do you even care? ship your ship and be happy lmao same goes for everyone, stop fucking fighting over something that doesn’t even exist. canon or not? why do you care, it’s all fiction in the end. just because your ship is canon doesn’t allow you to tell everyone else to shut up about something that is not. can we all just ship whatever we want and have fun??? like, if you can’t laugh at your own ship - then honey, you have a problem. like, i will be the first one making shitty jokes about madam spellman :’D wait, i already do it.  you can love something without being too serious, it can bring you joy and happiness, but you don’t have to ruin it with all the shit. 
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be smart ffs everyone: IGNORE WHAT YOU DON’T LIKE, block it, scroll down, stop spreading hate. 
and ya know, if you say that YOU DON’T WANT TO INSULT SOMEONE/YOU DON’T HATE IT BUUUUUUUUT… and then go miles writing how you hate it and insult someone doesn’t mean that doesn’t count as an insult, just because in the beginning you stated that you don;t want to insult or you don’t hate it. you do! i don’t really remember what it’s called but it has a name…  
i can’t say she loved him, he was nice to her, he tried to make her happy, but i don’t believe in love which happens so fast, and events were going really fast in those parts. so i think she enjoyed that there’s someone who cares for her finally, and she cared for adam for sure, she liked him, he was someone who finally was good to her, something that did not happen for a loooong time. so yeah, taking it away from her was really unfair and i hate everyone for it.  but loved? not sure. bUT she was totally ready to give it a chance.
also, don’t comment, it was my opinion and i don’t need a conversations about anything here. you asked you get it. don’t throw your opinions here, don’t reblog to add what you think, make your own posts for it. please.  
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youngkaes · 7 years
tagged ❤❤
i was tagged by louna, @dowoonsdrumstick, i hope you're feeling good sweetheart and thank you for tagging me!!
name: rena
gender: she/her
star sign: im technically a cusp, my bday is april 21 so technically im an aries and taurus buuuuuuuut, i just call myself a taurus since i identify with that sign waaaay more
height: 5'3" which is about 160cm i think??
middle name: dont have one, my mom thought there was no use for them 😂😂
shuffle itunes and post the first 6 songs:
i dont use itunes so spotify here we go-
2. when it rains - paramore
3. frustrated - r.lum.r
4. while we're young - jhene aiko
5. east coast winners - anthony green
6. lights - siberia
grab the nearest book to you and wrote down line 17 on page 23:
i dont have a book anywhere near me atm so im just gonna use this magazine by me
okay so there wasnt any words, its just a pantene ad with selena gomez. i tried.
ever had a poem or song written about you: not that i know of. closest thing is that sometimes a guy will send me song all "this song is how i feel about you" or something like that
when was the last time you played air guitar: i dont think i ever have
who is your celebrity crush: does joji count?
what's a sound you hate and one you love: like louna i hate the sound of people eating. i cannot. fucking. stand. it.
and this might sound weird but i love like, listening to the heartbeats of people i love when im like, falling asleep with them or cuddling or just relaxing. is that weird??
do you believe in ghosts and aliens: hell ya i do
do you drive, if so have you ever crashed: yes i drive and yes ive been in a crash before and its a horrible, traumatizing experience that i still have horrible dreams about.
and going off of louna's answer for this, and also some advice of sorts for people who are yet to drive or already are and have not been in any sort of car crash/accident: no amount of precautions you take will guarantee you'll never crash. a car accident involves not just one driver, but two (sometimes more.) you can be the safest fucking driver out there, obeyer of every single rule of the road but that does mean that every other driver is. i was driving safely that night, more so than usual since i had my nine month pregnant best friend in the passenger seat. i was turning carefully, i was driving the speed limit, i had a green light, but that did not stop the man who hit me from running straight through his red light going 65mph (30mph over the speed limit) and hitting me directly. i dont want to scare people with being a negative nancy and all but just...as much as you prepare yourself to not get into a car accident please remember that other drivers are not the same. anyways, ive rambled on way too fucking much, onto the next question 😊
whats the book you read: miss perigrine's home for peculiar children
what was the last movie you watched: i watched Miss Congeniality last night
whats the worst injury you've ever had: probably the contusions to my muscles and bones from aforementioned car accident
do you have any current obsessions: ye my bed and sleep
do you ever hold grudges over people that have done you wrong: haha yeeeeet
are you in a relationship: ...we're officially broken up but the past couple weeks we’ve been talking and acting as if we're together so who knows my dudes
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ru-ruu · 7 years
Ive been up and Ive been down….Ive had my feet swept off the ground
Ms. Alicia Michelle Howard a.k.a Billie (not to be confused with Billie Jean…), a Chicago legend that has given us numerous tracks and moments over her long lasting career. Of course most notably Love Under New Management (written by the wonderful Ms. Annette Harderman and her late husband Gabriel Harderman), Come Share My Love, Baby Be Mine, Ain’t Nobody Like You and other tunes. All her staple hits and everything you want to hear her perform at a live show. But of course at the Factory we don’t focus on just the hits. The B cuts and the album cuts are just as important and lowkey sometimes better than the singles.
Lets slide on back to 1980, yall know Miki was in a R&B group right? Yall heard of Side Effect?
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She was a part of the group for a years, they craned out a funky rendition of Georgy Porgy which is still a part of Miki’s live shows today.
Another popular tune from the group during Miki’s tenure was
I Can’t Play
Ok lets jump to her solo career, the MEAT of it all! Lets share her love for a bit with her first solo album Come Share My Love. We all know about the title track Come Share My Love….
Theres a peak on every mountain…
A shore for every sea….
Its hard to understand were you meant for me…
Theres an answer to a question, but theres no guarantee…
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But have you paid attention to the smooth track titled
Love Will Find A Way
A simple plea for love to find the answer after doing all you can. Nowadays people say love isnt enough in relationships and that love isnt the answer. But without love what do you have? Yeah you need trust and communication and all that but at the center of it all you need love. Thats all we really need anyway…but moving onto the next track that needed more shine and my personal favorite of Miki
Before I got into hardcore researching and investigating I thought this was an original song. But nope, its an old Glen Miller tune that was written and composed by Jimmy Van Heusen and Johnny Burke.The tune is what one would call a “Standard”, everyone from Ella Fitzgerald to Frank Sinatra has their own rendition. But theres something about Miki’s version that gives the song power! I believe this was the beginning of Miki revealing that she was a bonafide Jazz artist. Her nickname is Billie…after the late and great legendary Mother of us all Billie Holiday. Miki even played Billie in the biopic Malcom X. But we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves.
Lets slide onto 1987 (sidebar Im still not even born yet at this point) I know I was trying to not highlight her singles and hits buuuuuuuut this song right here…..THIS SONG RIGHT HERE!!!! We all know about the Miki Howard and Gerald Levert love affair it was leeeggggeeennddddaaarrrryy!
That’s What Love Is
Their first duet together was something magical. Hence why I included on my Duets post, go check it out if you missed it. Written by both Howard and Levert and included on her Love Confession album.
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This song is just that…..a love confession! In the song they compare themselves to Romeo and Juliet and if you think about it…….thats very fitting. They both come from legendary families, Gerald is the son of the legendary Eddie Levert from the group The O’Jays and Miki’s mother, Josephine Howard, sang with The Caravans. They both deeply loved and adored one another but Miki and I quote is a “Woman of The World” and that didn’t fly in the Levert camp. But they always remained close until his passing. He even wrote on another track on the album
Love Confession was filled with love letters between the two,
I been looking for a new love….
Didnt know where it was…
All the time there you were…..
I must have been CRAZY….
Gerald aint slick not one bit! See what happens when artists get involved with one another, they start telling secrets through the music. It’s lowkey sweet and almost like a marriage. It sticks with both parties throughout their entire careers and it’ll always make them think back to that moment when the love was the strongest…..or when whatever emotion was the strongest because there are plenty musical couples that sing songs written by the other party that are break up songs and torch songs sooooooo yeah!
Anyway lets jump to 89 (Im finally born woot woot) and visit her album Miki Howard.
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There were some good cuts on there and also her first number one hit! Guess what Im going to talk about first yall….
I’ll Be Your Shoulder
Yeeeessss another Howard/Levert duo, written partially by Gerald (he has writing credits on Mister as well). This track may have solidified the two’s feelings for another. Yes they were deeply in love but here they confess….I’m here for ya baby, when you’re down and out you know you can come to me. Simply put, I’ll Be Your Shoulder! Which eventually is what happened between them, Gerald helped Miki kick drugs or at least played a major role. So these lyrics are true to life, cant say that too much about songs that are out nowadays. Come to think about it the Levert clan were all over this album. Listen to some of the tracks and see if you can hear Eddie and the crew jamming in the back. Also sidebar and honorable mention to Miki’s vocals on the tail end of a song that SHE wrote
Who Ever Said It Was Love
Listen to the veeeeerrrrrryyyy end to hear just how high Auntie Miki can go!
Onto to 1992!! Femme Fatale POW!!
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A collection of work with her second number one hit Aint Nobody Like You and a myriad of gems. Miki was always had a classic duet on her albums but this time…instead of Gerald…..she had Christopher Williams on the track.
Hope That We Can Be Together Soon
Yall remember Christopher Williams right? The light skin brotha that was on New Jack City? Had the song Dreamin’ from the soundtrack? And Every Little Thing U Do? Ella Fitzgerald’s nephew? Yeah him and Miki did a cover of a Gamble and Huff tune that was first recorded by Sharon Paige and Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes back in ’75. Christopher was a good choice vocally, veeerrrryyy reminiscent of the original.
Femme Fatale also saw Miki’s “Billie” side  come out once more before the big shebang! Her cover of Billie Holiday’s Good Morning Heartache was a perfectly haunting  tribute.
Good Morning Heartache
Again it was another Jazz standard and another Jazz tune perfectly shaped to her voice. Of course as before everybody recorded the tune but again Miki holds the crown with her cover. She was definitely hinting towards her recording future with this one.
Last track I want yall to listen to from the album is
Cigarette Ashes On The Floor
Im not even going to go into it, please please please just listen to the lyrics. We’ve ALL been there and who the hell says things like this? You make me feel like cigarette ashes on the floor?!?!?! It’s the truth but dam!!
A year later Miki said you know what….I need to sing me some Billie. And thats just what she did. In ’93 Miki Howard released Miki Sings Billie: A Tribute To Billie Holiday.
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A tribute to her hero and biggest inspiration. Who has the courage to do an album like that? Now personally I think it should be done more often. Chante Moore should do a tribute album to Minnie Riperton, she already recorded a few of her tunes and who else is fitted to cover a Minnie song? Lowkey…come closer yall lemme whisper this in yall ear….I think Monica should do something for Stephanie Mills. Both of their voices are similar….in a way, so why not?!? Back to Miki though, remember I told yall she was in Malcom X portraying Billie? Well that was a year before this was released so in a way it was a major heads up!
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There’s Billie Holiday classics on there like Solitude and My Man and What A Little Moonlight Can Do. But MY favorite is
Don’t Explain
Just listen…’Nuff said!
Jumping over some years and some issues and some scandals and whatever to 1997’s Cant Count Me Out.
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Two of my favorite Miki tracks are nestled in the bosom of this body of work. The first being a song that has her longtime friend Chaka Khan and Terence Trent D’Arby (yall know Wishing Well! Dont act like you dont!) and a Stevie Wonder cover.
I Love Every Little Thing About You
The next being
Something I Never Had
Peep the backing vocals on that track! Know who it is? Well…..SAY IT!!! Miki wrote the majority of songs on this album besides the covers. She penned this along with Lemel Humes.
Miki had about three more albums after this: Three Wishes (2001), Pillow Talk (2006) and Private Collection (2008) and numerous tour dates and appearances and hey even a movie about her life!!
  Special mention to the tracks
You Made Me Love You
I remember I first heard that song after I got dumped by my first boyfriend. It immediately made me think of one of the first things he told me”…..Im going to make you love me…..” He did and then he broke my heart seven months later….oh well!
Miki loved to do a cover, she has an album full of them (Pillow Talk). She redid one of my favorite songs
Go Away Little Boy
Now I always got the Marlena Shaw version mixed up with Nancy Wilson’s version. Who can blame me though? Their voices and delivery are almost identical to the T! Miki came through and slapped her own funk on it as she usually does.
She also took on the Ann Peebles classic
I Cant Stand The Rain
She stayed true to the “twang” of the tune whereas Tina made it more current for the times. Both lovely version in their own right!
Last song and I’ll let yall go, some of yall overstayed your welcome and its time for yall to go back to ya mammy house.
Shes a PANTHAAAAH! Miki described a Panther as the black version of a “Cougar”. She said it sounded more sexy and it fits black women better than being called a Cougar. C’est La Vie on that one…..
Look out for Part 2 of Aint Nobody Like Miki Howard! I got lots more to talk about, we aint done yet!!
Aint Nobody Like Miki Howard Part 1. Ive been up and Ive been down....Ive had my feet swept off the ground BYSOMEBODYWHOJUSTPICKEDMEUPANDTHREWMEAWAAAAAAAYYY!!!! Ms. Alicia Michelle Howard a.k.a Billie (not to be confused with Billie Jean...), a Chicago legend that has given us numerous tracks and moments over her long lasting career.
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