mirza-majoris · 1 month
Again because insomnia kicks hard sometimes XD
And also because that was a big stupid thing I wanted to make after a silly thought we had with @mortallychaotickingdom
The audio is from "The Nanny", a sitcom I love more than any good thriller XD if Desmond had to declare to his wife, this would be it !
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mirza-majoris · 1 month
Because we all need some old Scottish butler !
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mirza-majoris · 1 month
Weeeeeell I fell again for a very good videogame ! Undertale has been part of a good portion of my teenage / young adult years and it has come back to me in the past few weeks so I play it again and I appreciate it even more, with sometimes calm ambiance and relaxing musics.
To cope with stress and finals, to feel a bit more at peace, I offer you a Riverperson and a nice little trip on their boat.
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*The Riverperson is humming a tune, you can hear some rythm but no distinguishable lyrics. It helps you relax and enjoy the trip while the Echo Flowers are repeating the same tune over and over again.
*The boat slightly slipping on the bright water of Waterfall fills you with determination.
Listening to the music ?
○[YES] [NO]
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mirza-majoris · 3 months
Hello Hello, I remembered I had began to do something like this a long time ago aaaaaaaand then my phone crashed and I had nothing left but this small part of it ><
I know it's not much and the quality of it is trash but hey, better post it now before losing everything !
Song : "Je dors sur des roses", Mozart l'Opéra Rock
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mirza-majoris · 3 months
Heeeeelloooooo it's been a while I know but studies don't work on themselves and I've got the level of stress of a tsunami in a body of 1m63 soooooo guess I draw when I got the time to ^^"
Sooo I wanted to present here with a little animation, nothing truly amazing, but it's linked to a very dark route of my PL Oc Magpie / Madeline ( it's a bit like Undertale, you take a basic oc and make him more or less trauma depending on what you have in mind X3 ). If you wanna know more, let's just say she's dead and craving for revenge ~
Here we go so enjoy and joy to you all darlings ! ^w^
( Also, sorry for the trembling pictures, my phone is still too little to do something very accurate >< )
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mirza-majoris · 6 months
Bold of you to assume that he was the one to set up everything for the exhausted winners
*designate Raymond*
That man did, change my mind
in eternal diva descole went through the trouble to set up that lovely picnic table of wine and various fruit for the winners and that’s adorable
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mirza-majoris · 8 months
Here is a little something I was working on for a few days, it's quite gloomy and sorry if you don't like this, then skip the following drawing and animation ><
So it's basically an AU where my OC Madeline / Magpie ends up being taken care of by Targent but doesn't rest in peace. Welcome to the haunted Nest of Targent !
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mirza-majoris · 9 months
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A little draw, I tried so much to do good with coloring and texture so it took me a while ><
I am anxious about sharing this, I dunno why but hey, I can't get enough of crossovers with films of my childhood so here we go !
Also, Bloom's design as a child and the siblings relationships reffered to are from @mortallychaotickingdom so don't hesitate to check her art, marvellous as always ^^
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Also here it is because I spend really almost a week for something not seen as much as I wanted X'3
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mirza-majoris · 10 months
Hello folks, so I would like to ask you people a thing and explain a few others.
So I had some problem with my phone earlier and I lost a few drawings and an animation I was ready to post soooo I am quite disappointed and exhausted right now. I have to learn to draw with another app and it's not really funny. Plus, I'd like to focus on one thing and another so I'll probably stop to draw for some time.
BUT ! I have something I'd like to share with you. An idea I have for some time so your opinion is important to me.
I will ask people interested in Professor Layton stuff so if this topic is interesting to you don't hesitate to share and make up your mind about it.
So as you may know, I made an hypothesis about what if Bronev had escaped Targent and what if he tried to look for his sons and be a good father while trying to avenge his late wife ? And so I'd like to develop that a bit more by writing something about it. So here is my question:
I'll let this for a week to see the result, so here we go people ^^
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mirza-majoris · 11 months
A little gift for @mortallychaotickingdom because everyone needs a bit of sweetness in their life and her in particular !
Check her artwork because she deserves it a lot more than I can say ! ♡♡♡
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mirza-majoris · 11 months
Never wondered how would a young hotting Raymond would look like ?
@mortallychaotickingdom did a design of him younger and it is perfect, GO CHECK HER MARVELLOUS WORK ! ♡♡♡☆☆☆
And so I tried something X3 he was a goddamn fox in his twenties, change my mind !
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mirza-majoris · 11 months
Hiiiii everyone ! So thanks to @mortallychaotickingdom , I tried to develop the idea of an OC I had a while ago and it seems that it is working pretty well, so I decided to draw her and explain a bit more things about her. It's not a much and I don't draw a lot these days but I like her and I think I wanna develop her more.
So here she is, my Targent girl !
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mirza-majoris · 11 months
Here we go again with jazzy lady XD
Song : Summertime, here sung by Robyn Adele Anderson
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mirza-majoris · 11 months
Here we are, back at drawing DRESSES *^*
*Hum hum* Well, you all know that I love to draw clothes, and the harder it gets the better I like to draw X3
Something inspired by the Roaring 20s and birds X3 I love magpies a lot so here it is !
[ Edit ] -> I put a second one with the first one because I live that kind of fashion and I love the 1920s ^w^
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Which one is your favorite ? ^^
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mirza-majoris · 1 year
Heeeeeeey I'm back with stupid thoughts again ( mostly about PL because that game is gold !)
So I rewatched a let's play ( yeah, I do that a lot ) of PL vs AA and I fell in love with the design of the whole city of Labyrinthia ! I mean, I'm pretty much in love with medieval designs, legends, mix of fantasy and mystery about magic etc. And the music is amazing !
And so [ WARNING SPOILER ] I was thinking about something.
Since Descole took his revenge on Targent, he has no goal then and says at the end of Azran Legacy that he'll seek adventure.
And theeeeeen ( you see it coming right ? ) what if he went and found Labyrinthia ? What if he had decided to stay at Labyrinthia after all that happened ?
Remember that his past is freaking sad, traumatic and full of despair. And that the water you drink in the city can erase temporarily your memory.
Imagine that : Desmond being part of that city, living peacefully with no memory of Targent, being under the influence of the Story of the Storyteller.
And now, someday, comes a professor with his apprentice and an attorney and his assistant. And the meeting, God, could be bittersweet X'3 like this whole mess of mine but really like :
Layton : Desmond ?... What are you doing here ?
Luke : You !!!
Desmond : *being totally lost and not knowing them* huh ? Do I know you ???
Phoenix : wait- you know him professor ??
Luke : you monster !
Desmond : ???!!!! I think you misunderstand ????
Maya : ooooh dramaaaa *^*
Aaaaand that's all for me, now make up your mind about it anyway X'3
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mirza-majoris · 1 year
I really like the way you put it so clearly despite the fact that it is a character very hard to analyse >~<
Well it is a random scheme I thought about a few days ago so I didn't take time to go further into details but I think it could be possible if Bronev were really shocked by something happening, making him realise that there is more important things than the Azran.
Let's imagine that Rachel's death is less peaceful than in the original game : she wouldn't be so calm and reassuring after a long time of captivity, but rather shocked, scared, worried about their sons because it would have been less time spend at Targent and so less time used by Targent to influence Bronev so they wouldnt really have as much influence on him. It wouldn't be something like "follow your dream" but rather something like "Help me, I don't wanna die, save our children" or something, maybe while they try to escape together but finally only one succeeds.
I am not a professional analyst of Bronev such as you, @targentis , but I think Rachel's death could be the major event that could make him have even the slightest move toward vengeance without being part of Targent.
I think he would try to look for both his sons X3 learning that "Hershel" would have been adopted by a family after he and Rachel disappeared. So he would have been mistaken and would have looked for Theodore, thinking it was probably safer for one of his son to be out of his life, away from troubles.
Then he would learn than his second son would have been taken care of by, if I remember well, "the Widgers" (? Sorry I'm French and dunno, unfortunately, about the english version >< ), who could appear to have a certain butler we all love here X3
I dunno exactly how it could go, and I am too tired tonight to try to focus on this more, but I have to take the time to develop the idea X3
I just wanna see Raymond and a less bad Brinev team up together to raise a child and take down Targent X3 ( Raymond's a ninja, convince me otherwise, and Bronev knows martial arts XD best team ever XD )
Let's see if I keep going with this concept again X'3
OK folks so I am tired tonight and have to much thoughts to share that are not really necessary but they just flop into my mind sooo...
I was rewatching Azran Legacy's let's play recently and I am more and more interested in the fact that there is literally only flashbacks to describe how the life of the Bronev family was perfect before the evil TARGENT showed up aaaaaaand.... there is literally not a single development part where it is explained how Bronev became evil, how Desmond grew up and met Raymond, how Desmond had a family of his own etc.
That is the main complain I have about the game. It is really good but important things are a bit thrown as if unimportant ><
And so, growing attached to this lack of development, my mind had to play with contexts and inventing things and so I ended up wondering...
What if Bronev had escaped from TARGENT ?
What if his wife had been killed by them ?
What if he found his elder son and took care of him alone, ready to avenge Rachel and take down TARGENT ?
What if Bronev and Raymond had to take care of a growing young man progressively understanding that his mother will never come back and wanting to help his father getting revenge, then having himself a family, losing them and being 100% ready to take TARGENT down ?
What if they were together, father, son and butler, to solve the Azran's mysteries ?
It would be a sort of a reverse arc for Bronev : before TARGENT, he was beginning to be obsessed by the Azran civilization, possibly leading him to be less here for his family, what he regrets after Rachel's death. After this, he has to take care of his son without his wife and find some balance between revenge, and so the Azran, and life as a lonely father ( even if he is helped by a devoted butler X3 ).
I think somehow I would like to explore this, because I really think that could be cool X3 also, the lack of explanations and development in the games is useful for this because it allows to fantasising about all the "what if" and the "reasons why".
I dunno if I will keep that idea but hey, maybe I will if I don't forget about it tomorrow already ahaha
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mirza-majoris · 1 year
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I’m firmly convinced that everyone needs a Raymond in their lives 💕
However this is my part for the art trade with the incredible ✨@mirza-majoris✨
She’s such a talented artist and lovely person so please if you’re into pl stuff and gorgeous art check her out! >:3 
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