#but yeah I've had so many ideas for lore and events and who's who
cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 month
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"It's over."
This is just a whole AU at this point. There are a couple under the split I tossed together for funsies. I mean these are all for funsies but you get the idea. They're down there because 1, they don't fit and 2, one of them is very spoilery of the comics.
But yeah, I've obviously been having a lot of fun making these. I'm thinking this'll be the last batch cause I don't wanna do screenshot redraws forever, especially not with the TOTK stuff coming up. It's those and then hopefully I'm done for at least a year. Best-case till next season.
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(The B is in the background cause originally I thought it'd be fun to make Bart into William. But then I realized William has Tim's exact hair so now Tim is the eccentric gay best friend)
(And yes Donald is canon. Mercy Graves who? It's Donald Ferguson now.)
(Lmao I made it sound like he transitioned. Good for him.)
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radiosummons · 1 year
Not that Dave Filoni or Jon Favreau haven't said some weird shit related to Star Wars lore /The Mandalorian before, but I'm kind of starting to question whether a lot of the reactions people have had towards the things they've been saying in interviews lately are maybe just a tad bit off?
Not really in regards to them saying they have no ending in mind for The Mandalorian (which, yeah, I'm dealing with that little factoid in my own way), but more so the reactions people have been having to them talking about Ahsoka and Luke.
Because as wild as saying something like "Ahsoka and Luke technically aren't Jedi" is .... from what I've gathered it was just them having a nerdy discussion about SW lore, not too disimilar from the conversations I see play out here on Tumblr and like those nerdy talks that I have with my own friends. You know, something not to actually to be taken completely at face value or some new law of canon. But more so just a casual nerdy discussion of a particular piece of fandom lore.
Like, no shit, everyone agrees that Ahsoka and Luke are Jedi. And I genuinely don't think Favroni were trying to imply that they weren't. But maybe more so that they were making jokes or humoring the idea that in the most "traditional Jedi sense" neither of them were ever formally Knighted, you could make a joke about them "not being Jedi."
Which, yeah. I find it kinda funny that there's this possible arbitrary as fuck technicality like a fucking graduation ceremony of all things that could prevent them from being formally recognized as Jedi. But I think in context of the conversation Favroni were having, their nerdy discussion makes some sense. Because, yeah, the Jedi Order is sort of absolutely in shambles/non-existent. And there isn't really anyone around to formally Knight Ahsoka or Luke as Jedi Knights, let alone recognize them as Masters.
(If you take this silly idea at face value, though, that does mean that technically Cal Kestis and Ezra Bridger are among the only Jedi Knights actually still out in galaxy which I think is just fucking amazing and hilarious as fuck).
And, yes, it is silly to think that Ahsoka and Luke (who absolutely qualify as Jedi Masters in their own right) don't have a Jedi diploma so they can't be "considered" Jedi, I do think that it is kinda sad.
Because the transition from Padawan to Jedi Knight was an extremely important and sacred rite of passage for any Jedi. It was meant be an intimate event in a young Jedi's life, standing next to their Master and being recognized officially by other Masters as well as their peers for their personal growth with the Force. Yes, we could joke about it being a "graduation ceremony," but it was a sacred one.
And it is really fucking sad that Ahsoka and Luke never really got to experience that. Like so many other things, this extremely important Jedi custom was nearly lost. While the tradition did survive and continues on, the truth is that it could have been entirely lost altogether.
But as sad as Ahsoka and Luke not having a formal Knighting ceremony is, I don't think them not having one means that they're lesser Jedi for it. I'd argue that absolutely no one thinks that way, actually. Not even Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. Personally, I think the fact they were never formally Knighted just goes to show that while most Jedi traditions have been lost or hidden away, it doesn't mean that the Jedi have. The Jedi Order still continues to exist through the survivors and the students they take under their wing. For all the Empire's efforts to completely wipe away the Jedi from existence, they ultimately failed.
And I can't help but find that kind of beautiful.
Tldr; hahaha Jedi need a fucking diploma, but also I'm gonna go fucking cry in the corner now.
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cloud-somersault · 2 months
Ooo, I want to know how you could fix him!! I loved what you did with Macaque. It would be wonderful to see what you would to Pigsy!!
LMFAODAMWLKDAJAOI sorry this made me laugh a little jioadsmakl because of what i did to macaque i was like "oh they mean cursing him??" but THEN i figured out you meant characterization wise LMFKSALDSL
uhm! so for Pigsy, I'd want to write him on the basis of a single parent raising a child unexpectedly with no preparation. The financial strain while owning a restaurant, how that upends a few things, how he has to learn so many things very quickly.
I'd want to level that with some maybe...childhood expectations. Pigsy had a mother who taught him to cook (was it his mother? or father..i don't know my pigsy lore) ONE of his parents he was close to taught him the joy of cooking. He'd want to be close like that with MK. But he's not sure how to go about it. It's hard for him to show affection because he's a hardworker. He's had to maintain things, keep things going, not take crap from nobody. He's had to fight.
so softening those edges is what I'd do. I'd show the attempts Pigsy makes to get close to MK. like sitting down with him before closing up the restaurant one day when MK's like "I'm gonna be Monkey King's successor!" And Pigsy's like, "Kid...are you sure this is what you wanna do?"
MK's like, "Yeah! I love the Monkey King. This is awesome!"
But Pigsy's like, "MK...there's a lot about this we don't understand. Hell, we didn't know magic was real until you went and got that staff. We thought Monkey King was nothing but a legend!"
"But he's real, Pigsy. And he wants to train me! Aren't you proud?"
And Pigsy looks at MK with sad eyes because MK should know Pigsy is proud of him, but he hasn't told him that enough. He hasn't been honest or open enough. So he tries now, even if it's too late. "I've always...uh..." Clears his throat, tries again. "I've always been proud of you, kid. There ain't nothin' you can't do."
MK is touched by this, and he smiles, eyes glowing with a magic he's not fully aware of yet. "Then...you'll let me train with Monkey King?"
"MK, you're an adult. You can do what ya want. But...it can't get in the way of your job, alright? That's how you make a livin'."
"That's fair. Thanks Dadsy!"
And off MK goes, up the stairs to his place. It's his turn to lock up, but Pigsy will handle it this time.
Pigsy just running his hand down his face, trying to figure out what he's going to do now that this is happening. He didn't have the heart to tell MK that this was probably a bad idea. He doesn't want to stomp on MK's dreams.
He just wants to protect him. And he's not sure if the Monkey King will do that. Probably not with how things went with the Demon Bull King.
So Pigsy prepares himself for another unexpected event, but that's just what being a parent is. He'll follow MK into this. He'll make sure he's safe. Because that's what he's been doing since MK showed up on his doorstep twenty-two years ago, and dammit, he's not stopping anytime soon.
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 2 months
WIP ask game!!!
thank you so so much @hansenesque for the tag <333 !!!!!!
no pressure tags: @the-laws-of-physics-were-harmed @holdmyteaplease and @tellme-o-muse + anyone else who's interested! you're free to join (if thats how tag games work aa)
rules : answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. what was the first part of your WIP that you created?
the main character. fun fact: atticus wasn't even called atticus! his name was supposed to be 'calyx,' and before that, it was 'leto'! this wip has been going for almost three years, and i am very dedicated to make atticus- calyx - or leto- get the story he deserves. being the very first idea that sprang into my mind, he still remains as my favorite, and the very first thing that formed the basis of beneath the waves, since his backstory and his emotions form the majority of the wip.
2. if your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
hole dwelling by kikuo!! this song has EVERYTHING. the music crescendo, the scream (oh my god the scream), the lyrics eerily similar to the ideas in my wip, the soft voice, everythingggg!!!!! the lyrics remind me of my worldbuilding ['the sun, the sky, the moon- so vibrant, all of them'] AND ITS 6 MINUTES LONG. SIX. MINUTES. OF PURE BLISS!!!!!!! especially with headphones omg also the fact that the lyrics can be interpreted as anything just makes it so much fun to listen to. i take it as talking about a literal void in which people are trapped. which. which is basically
3. who are your favourite character(s) and why?
atticus :D he was the first 'serious' or 'story-based' character i made, and i had further plans for him, too. all the characters i made pre-beneath the waves had no further plans for development, or they weren't unique enough, or just made solely for the YA market (young girls, skinny, magic powers). atticus, or leto, at that time, was made purely for me, and from my own ideas. leto was used as a sort of practice for my short stories. then, leto became calyx- a character, not an entity. from there, i got the idea of an abyss. everything spiraled from there lmao
4. what other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
i got the idea of 'changing the laws of the universe' and 'interacting with the divine'-- yknow, all of those otherworldly aspects from puella magi madoka magica, a magical girl anime, childish from the start, mature at the end. it had a lot of those otherworldly elements, and i find myself leaning to the concepts explored in pmmm whenever i work on Heavenly. if the pmmm fandom somehow stumbles on beneath the waves in the future i have no idea how it'll end. theres a small chance of heavenly and pmmm sharing a fan-base, if i understood the question correctly.
5. what has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
figuring out how atticus develops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out where i should end this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out how atticus's life is gonna go from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out how to write tbh
6. are there any animals in your story?
if you take the mariana trench and dump all of its animals into the abyss but corrupt them by taking out an eye or two for an exchange of more teeth and install fantasy elements, yeah you get the abyss's animals. there's also my own species of carnivorous fish that reside in the abyss. my customized fish species play a huge role in the story. those are spoilers (for now).
7. how do your characters get around?
they swimmmm :D with the fishieeeeees :3
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
if we hypothetically take the lore, the characters, the inner workings of the plot, the events, the nitty-gritty details and backstories as the engines of the car and the plot as the outer plating and wheels, i've created a mercedes (without the wheels)
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
i don't know 😭😭😭 uhh the lore-lovers will like it. i hope some theorist will pick it up one day and wonder if the author is okay
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master-k0hga · 3 months
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| A M É L I E |
[ Category: Zareans ]
| This is probably the proudest ref I've ever fucking drawn tbh... I had to re-draw this lovely gal cuz her current re-design was a little off to me, and drawing her bust was absolutely fun so yeah that's happening... Anyways this is Amélie, or "Beaut" which is her celebrity name cuz she is in fact, a celebrity..
Also this would've been at least a month or two since I finished this when I do the mass post some time later.. So even though I'm proud of this now, wonder if that'll hold up til a couple months later when I get to the post spam..
Anyways- Amélie is another one of those old OCs of mine who's gone through massive changes, especially from when she was a fan character of another fandom I was semi into a few years ago... This is her now and honest to god, she's absolutely beautiful and I swear if anybody dares gives this post shit. I will massacre everyone and laugh while I do.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Amélie Species: Zarean General Personality: Funny, outgoing, supportive, forgetful, self conscious, posh, vocally talented Height: 15ft Relationship Status: Single
Extra Info:
"Beaut the Beautiful" is her stage name she randomly made on a whim in a sudden panic for a 'label' one day, it's kind of just stuck with her since
She is known for a variety of skills and talents within the species; Singing, dancing, acting mainly in pantomimes, fashion model, online influencer, all sorts. And despite seemingly extroverted and overall social, she actually deals with a lot of social anxiety; So she has to do all sorts of breathing and mental exercises just to get out there
She came out trans to her family roughly when she was in her teens, although her family had somewhat mixed reactions, in the end they supported her and her goals. She was officially "herself" when she got famous
Growing up she starred and took part in many things; Talent shows, school plays, all kinds of after school activities and clubs along with other events and such town. So she really has quite the experience in a lot of fields, she worked hard to where she wanted to be
She actually worked retail and working part time in a library while she was juggling career driven events and such
She stylizes, sometimes even crafts her own outfits, wigs and occasionally even the events she hosts in like concerts and such. She also has a personal assistant who is totally not her best friend she met in college
She never acknowledges her dead name or anything with the only exception being her grandmother before she passed (Emile was her grandfather's name)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
And that's it for her again, re-doing her ref was a good idea tbh because I'm really happy with how I drew Beaut here, definitely catches her type of likliness better than the previous "re-designs" I did of hers on separate occasions throughout the years I've been drawing and re-designing all my OCs... Would hope I keep at it for a long time but I feel that somehow isn't going to work forever.. I genuinely thought at one point that I'd get all my OCs fully re-done, sorted and all along with their worlds and whatnot then I can work with what I got there..
But I've noticed now that the whole of the Zarean species specifically, which I was working on off and on for like 9 or so years now, has to now be re-done completely cuz the lore was kinda all over the place without reasoning and that it just felt.. Wrong..
So yeah... I'll probably be dead by the time I actually finish any of this, I probably won't have started by the time I end up on my death bed tbh..
Especially when loads of my OCs haven't really been touched since like... Before I completely ditched DA a couple years ago.......... Oh well....-
. Amélie, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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haysprite · 1 year
i know Susie has a school id where it says the year 1993 - 1994 therefor she would be a senior in 1996 but I do not care. Susie is still a 16 year old and a sophomore in my eyes. I don't know how but to me it's not fun where they are all the same age and besides most people who Susie is 18 are kind of creepy.
I love spending a whole 25 minutes of my morning writing a response, and then having it completely delete itself before I could hit post !!! It's so much fun !!! I totally don't wanna cry or anything !!! Lol anyway-
God yeah, I honestly just completely disregarded that part of the ID :o) Like her last name and natural hair color? Cool ! But the dates,,, Nahhh I don't think so! Like, I get *why* BHVR had to age her up (I believe they had to do it with the canonical 17 year old fellas from Licensed shit as well), but eughgjdlkfs it's still annoying as hell. I just wanna know why video games have different... Standards (?) compared to books and movies, if that makes sense? Especially considering that she's a *Killer* (so no violence is done to her), and not a Survivor enduring the shitty events of the Trials. I dunno, it just feels dumb to me.
There's just something about the idea of this diverse friend group of teens (age, background, etc) that's just really intriguing to me? Like imagining how they all interacted Pre-Fog (both in and out of school) as well as how participating in the Trials effects each of them/their motives for actively following the Entity's orders. I dunno, I feel like if they were all the same age (still all younger than Frank considering that he was the oldest at Julie's party), it just wouldn't be as interesting to me. You can just mess around with the dynamics a lot more, and also it just makes a lot more sense for her to be younger than the other three story wise, or at least in the way I write her ig.
You can bounce around this idea by saying that Frank was 19 when he actually arrived to Ormond or when he met the rest of the Legion, and not when he got taken into The Fog, meaning that he'd be roughly 21-22 in the end instead, but ehhhdlfksj idk ? It kinda takes the fun out of the whole concept of this rebellious group of teens who drank and smoked n all that stuff (I'd like to mention that Alberta's drinking age is 18 when bringing point this up). Also I feel like it just opens a whole 'nother can of inconsistency worms unless you played around with their Lore a LOT. Like obviously you can work with their Lore however you please, I'm not gonna stop ya considering how much I've personally rewritten n' whatnot (mainly for consistency, but still)! It's just personally not for me, but you do you, boo 😘
And oh yeah, agreed, I find that a lot people use the "But she's 18!!!" to their advantage... Like,,, Fine, sure, whatever, but it still rubs me the wrong way seeing gross shit of her considering the fact that she was most likely originally a sophomore (aka roughly 16). Like again, BHVR backpedaled like they usually do and changed some lore yet again, so technically these people off the hook (ha), but I still get bad vibes from it. There's SOOOOOO many other characters, both Survivors and Killers, that you're free to do whatever your little heart desires with. But Susie? Please just leave her be :( I personally get uncomfy with that stuff with all of them tbh, especially since they're still high school students (Frank and Julie I'm more lenient with since they're my age), but that's just me ig. If Daddy BHVR says they're legal, then I guess people can just do whatever.
I will also take this time to say that I don't personally enjoy violence against minors (whether they're super young or on the verge of adulthood)! I find it interesting to see what drives these characters to do what they do, but I don't like seeing them in any gross situations, including extreme violence/gorey shit (like on the Final Destination end of the scale, if that makes sense). I'll never include any shit like that in my personal work, including both art and writing (my art is a lot more lighthearted, but my writing, although generally SFW, does sometimes include gore n shit). Just thought I'd throw this out there!
ALSO I'D LIKE TO ADD SOMETHING THAT DRIVES ME NUTS AS WELL !!! Julie, yeah? Her first cosmetic, Suspended, is quite literally under the Collection Name "Fairview Senior", along with Frank's (I still personally believe them to be a grade apart, but I thought I'd add that as well). But then,,, Saturday Slasher (aka the Bush Party recolor) is,,, Under "Sophomore Jitters" ????? What ????????????? Why ??? For what reason ??? Like they were literally released 4 years apart, just make a new collection or add it to a different one that MAKES SENSE ??? Whatever ig, I don't come to DBD for consistent Lore anymore (or anything consistent, considering how much they've fucked up with Julie and Susie's models lmfao, that's a whole other rant for another day), but it still drives me nuts :o)
Again, I'd like to clarify that a lot of my personal views on this subject are very related to how I, Miss Cherry Haysprite, your local Frank/Julie enthusiast, personally interpret the lore! Their lore is so damn inconsistent that at this point I've just given up trying to figure out what's actually canon or not (maybe the comic will fix some of this, but honestly I feel like it might make things more messy), so I just go along with whatever I think fits and respect everyone else's interpretation! Honestly, one of my favorite parts about Fanon Legion are the different interpretations and how people enjoy writing them, whether or not I actually like said interpretations or not! They're just a fun group of characters to work with and I love seeing how people prefer writing them, especially compared to my own thoughts and ideas! I'm just one person with her own lil spin on things :3c I just personally wish there was more consistency and less backpedaling in the Canon that we do have :( But again, what can ya do lmfao
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springlock-suits · 1 year
"Ooh, tell us about Dave"
(To start, seeing so many aus and versions that made use of "Dave Miller" during actual events in Freddy's, instead of as some random mall guard DEFINITELY inspired me, I had never before considered that potential Dave had)
Dave works at the 90s location. As William was very much Not Allowed in Freddy's after '87
(Now, I haven't read the book in. Literal years. But I think my Dave might? actually be pretty similar to TSE canon? A bit less creepy though. And more seemingly trustworthy. Take this with a grain of salt though as again, its been many years since ive read the book)
He's very dramatic and showy while kinda pretending not to be
He never really outright lies, he doesn't make anything up, its more of just not telling the whole truth and leaving out (incriminating) details
He definitely considers himself "one of them" like canon Dave does. And will walk around the place just wearing the Springbonnie mask when there's no one to see him
When I think about what I personally want from a fnaf story, want it to be in the classic 90s location, when all the murders are already said and done. And I want the employees there to start trying to unravel the mystery after realizing the animatronics are alive. It ends up being like a murder mystery, unfortunately, I can't hide from anyone familiar with fnaf who the killer is, but at least I can still keep it from the characters! Letting them discover it in the end >;]
(Fun fact! In my design, Dave's haircolor is the same as Springbonnie's fur)
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My William wears glasses, and while he can usually get away with not wearing them as Dave, he still needs them for reading. So I had a (scrapped) comic idea where Theo sees a glint of light and walks into the backstage area to discover Dave wearing glasses, queuing a flashback where we see William n the same pose wearing the same glasses! A delightful hint for Theo on who Dave really is!,, that he ends up ignoring because Dave has already established himself as a Trusted Friend and coworker-
"Any original FNaF characters and a bit of their lore?"
Fnaf ocs? Yeah! I've ah, only actually made and designed one character for my version so far, Theo!
Since the 90s location never had a missing children incident, but still had newspapers about them from previous locations, I imagine there are in universe "fnaf theorists" trying to figure out what happened, especially since Fazbear Ent is really determined to cover everything up
So I made Theo! (Theodore Emmet)
He's a works along with Dave at the 90s (fnaf 1) location! Any lore snippets you see in the area were most likely put up by him, his favorite animatronic is 90s Bonnie
He was alive and in the area when the original missing children's incident happened, so when he saw how Fazbear ent was trying to convince people it never actually happened, it sparked his interest in finding some indisputable proof. And keep the fact that such a tragedy happened common knowledge
He's around 45 I think! Ohh wait 30ish is better. And um, theres not much else about him! ľm trying to give him some more personality and interests, but right now I can't help but keep comparing him to my version of phone dude;-;
He's really not that finshed or fleshed out yet bdjsndks
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daedrabait · 1 year
⭐ tell me all about your favorite buddies ⭐
Thanks for enabling my rambling. This question is very vague but I'm guessing you mean my ocs! <3 ask template here
So. I'll tell you about my OC couple first, who I've got an ongoing longfic about that you can read here. I'm going to sum it up without dropping too many spoilers, so the characters and descriptions may be a little vague.
Their story is based off of a Skyrim companion mod called Lucien Flavius. I always liked the idea of the Dragonborn being someone's adventurer mentor and protector while also fighting their own battles.
Theo is the Imperial scholar in the situation - I took inspiration from Lucien, but Theo is my own oc that I've put lots of time and effort into building. He's got that sweet, sheltered innocence of any apprentice but strives to learn and understand both the ways of real people and the ways of the world. He is learning that not everything is as he read in both history and storybooks.
Griffin is the dragonborn - the mentor. He's a Bosmer thief who's had a rough life and struggles to make connections with people that go deeper than skin-to-skin because of his past experiences. Despite all this, he exhibits a kindness and a more patient and tempered way of going about things that makes him extremely interesting. He's a confusing fellow, especially for Theo, who doesn't have much experience with people beyond his own parents.
But anyway - it's a story that came from my partner and I wanting to explore the potential of a whirlwind fastburn romance between a kind, humble, yet wary dragonborn and an overeager scholar. The potential angst was too good to pass up. So I ended up writing out the story about them. I decided to forego the canon events of the Skyrim game and make it into an alternate universe where yes - there are dragons - but there's no Alduin, and dragonborns are just coincidental heroes that keep being born. It also takes place about a decade after the civil war (Imperial victory) because I wanted to add some flavor and thought it would be interesting. Plus both MCs' parents have involvement in the civil war.
Progression in their story has been a little slow up to this point because I struggle to keep writing sometimes but I'm coming onto some important scenes soon so. If you do decide to read it, I hope you enjoy!
Onto Faelon - another Bosmer Dragonborn
Canon events of Skyrim's main quest do happen, but they're weird.
Faelon is an ex-thrall whose spell was broken by Akatosh upon the arrival of Alduin. He is Dragonborn - but so is his sister. Faelon has had many near-death experiences and because of this and the strange consequences of his birth (Serpent sign), Akatosh decided to bless Baela (his sister) with a dragon soul as well.
Faelon's years of being broken down by thrall magic erased his memory of anything before waking up. Essentially, the amount of magical and physical damage done to him by the wizard had wiped his brain clean except for knowledge of basic tasks and muscle memory. He forgot who he was, where he was, and everyone he had ever known. This made things quite difficult for him upon waking. To sum it up simply, he woke up in a cave near Riften, killed his captor, found maps and journals (he retained the knowledge of how to read), found out he was a thrall, and followed the map into Riften. Following cryptic notes scattered about lead him to an imprisoned Khajiit who shed more light on what happened to him.
Inigo was responsible for shooting Faelon and leaving him to die, causing him to be found and enslaved by the wizard. If you've ever had the Inigo mod installed, I decided to canonize the story that he tells the dragonborn about his betrayal into Faelon's story.
Onto Faelon and his sister - yeah, I know what you're thinking. His lore is huge and extensive. I know.
Faelon and Baela share a father - the whereabouts of Faelon's other parent are unknown because he doesn't remember any of it. Baela doesn't know much about their father either, as she was very young when he either died or disappeared. Her mother was never in the picture, having had her and then fleeing to Morrowind. Faelon, the older of the two siblings, raised her from then on until she reached 14 - at which point he went missing after taking a mercenary job with Inigo.
They meet about a decade and some change later in the Ragged Flagon below Riften. Faelon has no clue who Baela is even though she's ecstatic to have finally found her long lost brother - who she had presumed to either be dead or long gone to some other place outside of Skyrim.
Faelon used to be a very compassionate and loving brother. Years of unfathomable abuse and feeling vulnerable had twisted him into something sinister, though, something power hungry and ruthless - and even still, Baela didn't blame him and tries to rekindle their familial bond. We love tragic siblings, don't we?
I talk about Mercer and Faelon a lot. I won't add more rambling about them here, but if you want to know about them specifically, feel free to send me an ask about them. The amount brainworms I have for those two are unending.
I'll also do the same for Veris - I feel like this ramble is long enough.
Feel free to send hyper-specific asks to me, whether they're about ocs or my stories! As long as they don't potentially spoil future events within my main story (Dust and Dim Sunshine), I'll answer them.
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pilferingapples · 1 year
your questions for the meme! 1. what's your favourite wearable green object you own? 2. what wearable green object do you most wish you owned? 3. did you have a different Life Passion before you fell into les mis/french romanticism? 4. what is your very most favourite fact about gautier? 5. what are your opinions about christmas?
ooh these are fun, thank you:D
1- aaah I have so many good Green Clothes and some of them are even made by dear friends so I CANNOT choose a favorite BUT I do have a Most Frequent and it's this shawl :
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It was made by a weaver who works the renfair circuit with a wooden loom! I get to go see her every year and anyone can watch her working! I know where she got the yarn and everything and I do in fact love knowing how almost every step of the process went! But also it's just a fantastic shawl, keeps me warm in the light-cool of spring and autumn and keeps the sun off my shoulders in summer. Heck, I wore it today (Texas. it was 72 F) and it was just the right Extra Warm over my sundress. And it goes with every dress I own! The joys of a chromatically unified wardrobe :D So: this!
2. what wearable green object do you most wish you owned? ...MAGIC CLOAK THAT LOOKS LIKE LUNA MOTH WINGS AND ENABLES ME TO FLY More mundanely, I'd love to get a custom corset by someone local enough I can actually go to them for a fitting? I've had customs before but I've always had to do my own measurements etc and do it by mail and I am just NOT an expert, even with muslins. There's just no one close by who does what I want, a peril of living in the middle of nowhere. :/
3. did you have a different Life Passion before you fell into les mis/french romanticism? HAH I had many!! Part of why the current situation is so enduring is because it fused many of them into one. But oh one that's stayed with me but I don't talk about much here is comics? Just. The art and structure of them! The potential! I kinda stopped talking about them in general spaces because STILL when I say " comics" people go " oh superheroes" and NO NOT SUPERHEROES THAT'S A GENRE, that's like hearing " books" and responding with " oh yeah, Harlequins" YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT LIKE TWO PUBLISHERS AGAINST A WHOLE MEDIUM , THEY MAY BE THE MOST POPULAR BUT THEY DO NOT GET TO DEFINE THE WHOLE FORM AAAAH anyway read Scott McCloud and also talk to me about the comics you love 4. what is your very most favourite fact about gautier? gkdghl I tried to write about the actual thing I've been turning over in my head lately but it got Too Long So for now: he started doing his arts columns with the idea that there should be someone critiquing art and writing who actually liked it
and then!! He was so positive about art shows and plays that some artists got together and tried to figure out how to make him stop because even though everyone agreed his critiques were accurate and honest, they were afraid they wouldn't be taken seriously without meaner reviews???
(they were unable to make him stop being nice?!? it was the lowest stakes conspiracy ever and it FAILED skflashgsakgh)
5. what are your opinions about christmas?
there are DECORATIONS there are COOKIES there are PRESENTS
there are THINGS TO DO that are actually accessible for me because lots of general-public events are being planned for people with limited stamina and wheeled mobility aids
I don't approve of it taking over the entire back half of the year and i fully respect that it is aggravatingly dominant to anyone who's not into it but . I am in fact EXTREMELY into it. There's just so much completely weird lore and so many excitingly bizarre traditions, it's Haunted and Blessed in equal amounts, how could I, personally, ever not enjoy it?
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sauntervaguelydown · 2 years
Hey I've been following ur tumblr for like a few years less than a decade at this point- you were one of the first blogs i followed when i was like 13/14 and i followed you specifically cus of hannapoc. It was really seminal for me and i really loved it. If you feel so inclined, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the series on the whole. Like, what you think of it at this time. If you have anything you're especially proud of or anything you regret. Any themes in it or parts of it you would want to talk about or just like general vibes. No pressure of course! I would also like to say thank you for that series- i haven't read it in a while but it really compelled me and it remains in my mental landscape as a very treasured apocalypse story as well as my personal canon end for hinabn, as no others were forthcoming and anyways i couldn't rlly picture a more compelling one than what you ended up creating. (i was especially delighted by the fey and the official and unofficial interactions between human and supernatural elements. Stuff like the moonlight accords- i think that was what those treaties hanna was helping with were called right??- and that sort of thing were rlly fascinating to me. I don't think many writers have integrated fey/folkloric races in an apoclypse genre context, i found that rlly innovative and cool.) But yeah! Please write back or if you do not, please know that the stuff you wrote made an impact to me and i still think of it.
first of all this is so sweet thank you a bunch GOD it's been a decade
second of all I LOVE talking about the stuff I've written and I'm happy to do it any time
since there's a lot here and I've never been asked about the fey thing before, I'm going to start there!
So two of my particular special interests at the time I started writing this (12th grade) were a book series about an apocalyptic event wherein all electricity & combustion stops working at the same time, and fairies. Fairies are actually more of a lifelong special interest. I got interested in a kid, and as I got older I went deeper and deeper into the lore and the fiction and the various sorts of taxonomy. I was really influenced by Charles Delint’s The Blue Girl, in terms of spooky uncomfortable modern fairy imagery.  I really liked the idea of there being… like taxonomical classification scheme that encompassed all of the supernatural world, like in Artemis Fowl but more amorphous and less biologically mundane. You can see in “Up in Smoke” how it’s really a lot of things I was interested in at the time—Fight Club, governmental collapse, supernatural taxonomy, magic theory—that form the bones of the plot.
I liked the idea of humans being the “sun” people and supernatural beings being the “moon” people, and that was probably from a desire to do the “mud people” thing from Artemis Fowl but, again, more amorphous and poetic. I’m on of those people who likes to make Grand Unified Theory of Blank, so having all the monsters in HINABN canon and all the monster in folklore fit into a coherent shared schema REALLY appealed to me. Moonlight Races are creatures inherently made of and touched by magic. Sunlight races, humans and our pets and livestock, are not.
Early in the process I remember asking myself why, if fey and monsters are real, we don’t see them in the modern day. And some other fiction writers I had been reading at that time suggested that the actual pollution in the air was steel and fire and fairies Hate That so right now the whole world is kind of poisonous to them. I remember sitting at my desk at my first job and drawing charts on notepads describing which creatures went into which family, genus, species. I remember I found the shadow people by going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole looking for things that COULD be fey but aren’t necessarily considered that by people talking about them.
Before I wrote Hannapocalypse, I wrote a different 30 chapter apocalypse au of JTHM based very strictly on the book series I was obsessed with. I’m glad I got that out of my system, because it was objectively not very good, but it gave me practice with writing OCs and it gave me practice with writing fight/battle scenes, and it allowed me to scratch the need to do that EXACT apocalypse scenario. It’s all kind of fuzzy now, but I think it was some art I saw on Deviantart that got me thinking about doing an apocalypse for HINABN, and I waffled for a bit because I had already “done that”. I think I was at the perfect age to have just enough technical skill to pull it off, but not so much worldly experience to think “smoking cigarettes cures the plague” was a ridiculous idea not worth writing.  It was a very free time in my life.
When I look back on it, the aspect of it that always looms largest for me is actually Conrad’s aversion to sex. I think it’s because that’s still so uncomfortably personal. Conrad is a lot of me—when I went excavating in the canon to find his Characterization, I found a lot of myself there, and that’s what I drew out. His social anxiety, his ineptitude, his fear of sex, his attraction to the person who gives him attention even when it’s not healthy—even, probably, the bright hot moments of unleashed rage that burn away all the rest of the neuroses for one sublime moment. I mean he’s not me, first of all I’m not that witty or that snappish, but. You know. It’s still pretty personal.
I’m sort of ambivalent about it. I’m both proud of it and kind of regret it at the same time—if I think about regretting it, I end up thinking about how interesting it was instead. It’s really interesting because at first I wasn’t doing it on purpose; in my own mind I was just drawing out the will-they-won’t-they in a way that was fun to write, but the deeper we got—certainly by the time "A Christmas Story" came out, I had realized there was something going on inside ME that was making Conrad act the way he did. And that all got hashed out in the narrative as a combination of internalized homophobia and emotional wariness, so I do like what happened, but even now it still feels so personal I cringe back from it a little on automatic. If Vaysh hadn't been writing with me and able to reflect my instinctual work and resituate it in narrative, I have no idea how that would have turned out.
I’ll tell you what I really DO regret was trying to do the whole segregation + Zillah subplot at the age I was. It’s so weird that it’s THE foundational episode of the series, setting the pattern and tone for all installations written after it, and yet it’s like. Wow. Could not recommend this to anyone without a whole barrage of warnings. I was in 12th grade, I knew racism was a problem, I knew racism would be a problem IN THE SOUTH if a major disaster ever struck—and I wanted to do a cult story because religion fascinates me and there’s a cult storyline (ultimately very different) in that book series I liked—and I love girlboss villains and I wanted a Shadow King reveal at the climax—and it all came out as this wild messy strange thing that hasn’t aged well. I was REALLY excited out Zillah at the time, too! I thought she was so cool! Unfortunately I didn’t know enough not to invoke the much reviled “tragic mulato” trope at the time. On the other hand, I don’t really see how I could fix it now. It’s all tangled up to such a degree that if I tried to do surgery on it, the whole thing would just wither away.
I think more than anything I’m proud of the SIZE of the series. I don’t know where I got the JUICE from. How did I DO that. I mean, part of the trick is that I got to just write the parts I liked writing and then have Hanna handle all the parts I didn’t care about off screen lmao
Oh! I'm proud of John too! The moment when I realized he thinks of Worth as a father figure was the most satisfying experience of puzzle pieces all coming together. I love that he sucks, I love that he's funny, I love that he adds the feeling of FAMILY to the structure at the very end.
Uhhh I think that’s enough? I’ll answer more questions any time though I don’t mind
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epicspheal · 2 years
Heyo! I hope life's been treating you well! I recently threw myself off the deep end and tried to figure out the swsh timeline. A daunting task, I know. And by timeline I mean purely like. From Opal to Leon and everything that happened in-between. I've got a decent start in finding out the exact years that Mustard's reign as champion was ( 1970-1988), as well as some little details about Opal( like how she was born in 1932 and was 38 when she battled Mustard before he became champion). All of this is under the idea that swsh takes place in 2020 by the way. However, as I tried to visually map out how this timeline would go and I noticed two things.
1. This timeline is going to be heavily based on headcanoned ages if I want to have an exact date to when certain events happen. In general, some things are so vague that I might just have to put certain events, like everything with Kabu, at where they would better fit ( maybe somewhere in the 90's???)
2. With Mustard and Peony both stepping down, I realize that Peony couldn't have come after Mustard immediately. In 1988? With a kid Nia? Yeah, he would still be pretty young then. Same goes for Peony and Leon. Someone had to be in-between the two, since Peony stepped down as well. Also 3 champions in the span of 50 years. Not impossible, but still odd.
Basically I realized you were ahead of the game Spheal! My mind went to Jack when thinking about this, and now my brain is buzzing with ideas ( mainly involving one of Piers' parents, but that needs more thought). I just thought I'd share this experience before I go do another noise dive into Bulbapedia for any scraps of lore I may have missed.
And as always, have a good day/night!
Hey there ihopethisendswell! I'm doing well just swimming in an endless amount of cardiology/nephrology information. Ah yes the SwSh timeline (and honestly really any of the Pokemon timelines once you get to Gen 5) is more than a little aggravating. Props to you for tackling it for your verse! To your point about the headcanoned ages (and I too have struggled with that massively in cactusverse) this is where I really wished at the very least Pokemon would give out actual birthdays or just ages of the characters. I know many people enjoy the freedom a lack of canon ages/birthdays give them when coming up with stories but for me it's just really annoying. So often I have to just make vague statements. Like you for me Kabu is the epitome of vague in cactuverse. He's been there for about 2 decades for me.
I do believe Mustard was actually defeated rather than stepping down thanks to the loss of his partner he started losing his battle prowess, based on what's said on Bulbapedia. But yeah, Peony and Mustard's reigns are farther apart which makes sense given their ages. Mustard is over 50 and Peony (and Rose) are most likely late 30s/early 40s. That and Rose is more or less implied to have been chairman for not much longer than Leon had been champion and while we don't even have an actual estimate of Leon's reign (at least 10 years is the minimum but no more than 18). Mustard lost his title 32 years prior so there's up a 22 year gap where Peony could fall into. And yeah with Peony bouncing as soon as Rose stepped up there most likely had to be someone in between that Leon would've defeated. I mean it's certainly possible that the year Leon became champion there was no seated champ and thus the title was entirely up for grabs but more than likely i think he would've defeated a seated champion. To your point about potentially only having 3 champions in 50 years it's certainly possible but again odd and given what we know of the timeline likely unrealistic. This actually brings up something that's been hinted a lot by the champions in Pokemon Masters, that the title often switches hands frequently. Which makes sense when you look at Pokemon battling as a competitive sport like our Tennis, Football, Track and Field, etc. Who the number one player or team often changes from year to year. Even the greats like Serena Williams or Michael Jordan weren't always on top every year they were active. So the same would apply to Pokemon battling and champions. Who is on top can change frequently and when I think about the Hall of Fame room in Pokemon Origins which had a pretty big number of photos lining the wall, it's pretty safe to say that there are a lot more former champions in the Pokemon world than we think. They'll always be champions but the title of "reigning champion" is fleeting.
And with Galar being so competitive, I can definitely see it being the case that many champions don't last that long before being dethroned with some of them perhaps losing their title the year after they obtain it. That's why champions like Mustard and Leon end up being considered some of the greats in Galar because of how long they end up reigning (or in Leon's case the fact that he didn't incur any losses during his reign). But yeah Jack (as well as Calla and Cami) were all created champions on the basis of the idea that the title of reigning champion is fleeting and in Jack's case the need to fill in the question of "who was the champion Leon beat to take the title?" I'm excited to hear more about what you did for your verse! And you have a great day/night as well!
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akoiromanticstudent · 11 months
#68 for the writer’s prompt?
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
[I'm exclusively a smut writer for Sigma x Reader, because I'm almost exclusively a smut reader of various ships/characters/fandoms of many years, an absolute degenerate - that being said...]
I have terrible creativity actually. I don't usually come up with original ideas, I'm often entirely riding off of others' ideas. But it seems to... it seems to depend on the version of Sigma that I'm writing.
There's a lot here, and smut-related elements are mentioned below the cut.
Professor Siebren de Kuiper - Most of my inspiration comes from The Historian, aka my music history professor, who is my favorite prof with whom I have the most close-to-flirtatious history, as their similarities is what drew me to Sigma in the first place. So... yeah, there is a good chunk of the way I write Professor Sigma that is literally just a proxy for the fantasies I've had about The Historian or other hot professors I've had - Suit and Tie having the most specific inspiration. I also have an amazing Professor Siebren/Professor Reader draft lurking that literally came from a shitpost-type comment that I cannot wait to write, because the premise is hilarious and the manifestation is hot as hell.
Cartographer Siebren de Kuiper - ENTIRELY based off of @pearsaregrossfightme and @mulberrycafe's Borrower!Reader AU and not at all original, I'm just. Horny I guess. 😂 IDK I think the general concept/appeal of GIANT HANDS is, in terms of flexibility and overstimulation potential, just insanely similar to tentacles, so, uh, some of that inspired actually?
Maestro Siebren de Kuiper - This version of Sigma and the planned events of gavotte capriccio is heavily inspired by The Historian, but he's going to be also influenced by The Conductor, The Russian, and The Madman. Well, up until the actual spicy stuff, that's definitely fictional, but again, onto pre-existing fantasies. This is my favorite Sigma, of course, and apparently so strongly my favorite that I'll go beyond smut and was struck with enough inspiration to actually develop a ROMANCE. Twice. The other is another draft in progress, inspired by the art in my PFP that I commissioned from @melonkind, as in, I commissioned it, they created it, and after I stared and screamed at it for a really long time, I was eventually struck with a very cute "we could fall in love like this" plot.
(I may also write a third, different version of Maestro Siebren, a much more Dom-coded version that I'm extremely down bad for and is hugely inspired by conversations with @consceleratuswrites and @pinkypromiseow2 mostly. Conversations with @pearsaregrossfightme also have given me inspirations, but entirely unintentionally. 🤭)
Emperor Sigma - The only version of Emperor Sigma I can feasibly survive writing is going to be this gigantic [relatively] work called The Emperor's Favorite Toy which started as a fanfic for @consceleratuswrites's The Empress, and has become an Actual Coherent Prequel, much to my surprise and despite my vehement avoidance of plot. And is still in drafts, because the smut is. Uh. A lot. For the first chapter. It makes me dizzy to look at. Anyway this personality is entirely under Conc's direction, and she has repeatedly had to tell me to make him meaner, which I'm still learning to do. :P
Ironically, ultimately, I've feared writing "canon" Sigma the most because the lore is so... incomplete. It's so annoying to try to tread on it personally. I have some drafts for Canon Sigma that have gotten stuck purely because I can't reconcile Talon giving him that much freedom, etc etc... it's tricky. 🥴
OOPS anyway i should go to sleep
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icharchivist · 1 year
Damn, that's a lot of info
To be fair, I listened to some songs, I think latest one was Femme Fatale, because it stuck in my head, but I didn't expect there to be so much lore. Time to get lost in yet another wiki, it seems. But from what I remember, I liked Shiva va voice the most. Or it was other deep voice? Em, I don't know too much about technical things about music, but now I start thinking that I often prefer these deeper voices, huh *stares at few covers by the same person*
Thanks for information!
(What if Shiva learned to rap, huh...)
Ahah and trust me i tried to keep it short, i've done introduction to hypmic to many people before and i always get out of hand, i was happy with how brief" i was this time. that being said there's no way to soften the impact of "after WW3 a rebellion replaced weapons by psych dmg microphones and now force people to battle each other in gladiator fights". No matter how to the point you make this base plotline, it feels like there's so much to unpack there LMAO.
But yeah, there's a lot of lore and it's pretty tightly written in the sense that many things are built up. I remember back in 2019 when i got in i had many theories based on season 1 alone, and then when season 2 finally came out and confirmed my theories i was so stumped because i was really thinking it was really far fetched for a silly rap battle franchise. And yet. So it's fun to get into ahah.
There's a few deep voices in it but i would probably assume you fell for Shiva's VA chara yeah, he really has one of a kind type of voice and he has a low, threatening vibe to it (yknow, for a doctor), that really add to the whole thing.
Anyway you're welcome ;DDDD
(and please i've been thinking about it ever since i first entered a Shiva raid and got blasted because i've known him as Jakurai first. And with how popular Hypmic/Matenro/Jakurai/Hayami are in general the idea of everything reflecting on Shiva isn't far fetched. That's probably why they even brought it up in the GBF show i swear. And with Shiva learning slangs from Grimnir and cool way to speak, as per the latest event, we're just one or two disciples event away from Shiva rapping.
i went to look at the webcomics to see if they ever made this joke and instead if found this (strip #1284) and im crying
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and strip #2206 that came out at the time of Prayers that seems to be about the "modern slangs Grimnir taught Shiva" that has Shiva go
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so that's the face of a man who's one peer pressure away to start rapping thank you for your time. I believe.)
anyway you're welcome <33 take care
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nazmazh · 3 months
Goals for writing D&D stuff last night (despite crown falling out):
Figure out what the last member of a party was going to be - I knew that they are going to be:
A Warforged
A non-military background - Some sort of manual labourer, most likely
A prisoner that had been part of a guerilla cell after their homeland was conquered
Should be a martially-inclined/somewhat tankier class, to balance out the mages on their team a bit
Once I figure out what I want to do, match them to a dice set, and start organizing things
Copy my notes from my phone about all I've pictured for them so far
Do this all rather quickly, then get into playing some more of the Powerwash Sim DLC or working on the digital puzzle I'm getting close to finishing.
What ended up happening:
Looked at list of Warforged characters I've created previously for ideas, noticed there's a few classes that I haven't used for Warforged yet - Perfect jumping-off point
Paladin's among them - Would be great for a tank, but also not really lending itself to the non-combatant background I was hoping for
Ranger is also one that I haven't used - And a couple of ideas spring to my head immediately
Bard, Sorcerer, and Wizard haven't got one yet - But there's already so many mages in this group of characters
Nevertheless, an idea for a Lore Bard pops into my head
Spend a bunch of time formalizing in my notes the overall timeline and terminology relating to Warforged in my world
Determine which of my existing Warforged characters fit into which "subrace"
Get a whole bunch of worldbuilding stuff officially written down/coordinated and put a pin in a bunch of stuff to reconcile (it happens when you write everything piecemeal, after all)
Circle back to the paladin - Idea has emerged, just not for this group. Write it all up any way - Easier than trying to remember it all any way, and if I'm making notes, might as well just write it down formally
Oath of Redemption - A former Imperial Tax Collector who avoids killing because dead people are kind of hard to get back-taxes out of.
Also, it's not her job to be executioner. Doesn't want to overstep
Basically - A take on Redeemer that's not "I must atone for my horrible crimes, I swear off lethal violence!" and also not "I'm a goody-two shoes who refuses to kill" - As a fun idea/experiment. I really like how her flavour has shaken out, tbh
Dice set (Gold-Coloured, naturally) and name (Electrum) picked out, more work put into the actual character sheet than I was planning initially - Again, easier to just get it done.
Okay - Ranger, then:
Swarmkeeper is intriguing - But what sort of peaceful manual labourer background could I tie back into that?
I mean, the obvious one is beekeeper - But I have that earmarked for a Dwarf meadery worker's background (If you're gonna have so much mead, you need someone to watch over the bees to make the honey) - And while it'd probably be fine to have two rangers with that background, I do prefer trying to change things up, y'know?
So, if not that - What? Weasels? - Well, the spectral swarm is supposed to fly around - and yeah, spirits, but maybe something different.
Birds? Eh... What kind of birds would be kept for some sort of purpose, but still swarm?
Bats? Well that'd probably word, but it's not like people keep bats. In fact, the only thing I could think of that humans use bats for is guano.
Hold on - There's an idea there. Mining/collecting guano is a pretty unpleasant job. The kind of job you'd give to a mechanical worker who lacks a sense of smell if you could, right?
Okay, so what if this Warforged guano collector was in a cave when [magical apocalypse thing] happened and the bats in the cave with them kind of bonded to their soul because of this event?
Excellent! Let's go with that!
Name: Phosphorite (for the phosphorus in the guano); Dice Set: Glow in the Dark (because of phosphorescence)
Great, print it! Except... This isn't really the right vibe for the Warforged prisoner.
The Lore Bard is not the prisoner I was writing. Could have fit certain parts, but I'm too attached to the idea of the ranger that was a manual labourer now
He's instead a helpful guide from library - Lots of knowledge of all sorts of things, handy utility-bot, etc.
Okay, so the prisoners' group now has this guy in it too.
His familiarity with certain things is going to make him actually kind of relevant when it comes to the ruins the crew was being used to clear - Might have a good ability to generate plot hooks because he could possibly understand some of the archaeological things here!
Name: Lazurite (Lapis' mineral, associate with knowledge). Working on picking a set of dice. Likely will be blue with gold flakes.
Finally, finally circling back to the other Ranger again
This one is probably the right fit for the prisoner character I initially had in mind
Beastmaster ranger, was a shepherd before the war broke out
Still has those shepherd "protect my herd/flock" instincts, and that's why they stay with the resistance fighters, despite their distaste for fighting.
What minerals are associated with shepherds or animal husbandry in any way, though? (Minerals as names is the running theme for the Warforged characters)
There's apparently a "mutton fat" jade - Mineral it's made of is Nephrite. Cool, that works for me - As a ranger I'm already inclined to pair them with green dice.
Nephrite reminds me of Nefertiti, as far as names go. Sure, this one will lean female, inasmuch as gender is a thing for Warforged anyway
Yes, I'm aware that the name relates to kidneys because of the magical properties jade was thought to have and all - But still, it works. I'm good with this. Just got to find an appropriate set of dice for her too, and I'll have it all sorted!
Oh also - If she's a beastmaster, what exactly is her beast going to be like - Have to figure that bit out still too.
Still working on getting those last two dice sets determined
Had a couple of breaks in there to deal with my tooth and have lunch.
But, uh, for starting at like, midnight last night, and still not getting to the end of my goal by 12:30 pm, feels like I kinda meandered a bit.
(And yes, I did spend quite a lot of time typing all this up here too)
This is what it's like to write when you're me - Seized by bursts of creativity, but you have no control where they're gonna take you.
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forget-mad-not · 2 years
warning: long post rambling about the MCU (Markiplier Connected Universe) lore, mainly in terms of storytelling techniques and dramaturgy. I had to write this down because my brain kept spiraling on informations and theories. It's gibberish and it's totally okay to disagree with anything, in fact, I'm curious to see other perspectives, just be kind, please. :"3
The key to the conclusion of Who Killed Markiplier? is character development. And I don't think we're done with that.
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(screenshot from DAMIEN)
(and Dark uses they/them in this post)
I wondered why some people think that the end of ISWM - Part II would have brought the WKM? era to an end. Why do many feel that, yes, this is the final stage of that series?
I've come to the conclusion that it's because (Engineer/Actor) Mark's apology was a way of confronting a flaw the character had from the beginning, a flaw that had set the disasters in motion, that had harmed others, and by admitting that flaw, he was taking a step to evolve himself, to (maybe) become a better version of himself.
(I know, there's debate about how sincere that was, I have my doubts about it too.)
And that is wonderful. But.
It doesn't mean that this is the complete solution to the WKM? storyline. It's just a step towards it. (Not to mention that this admission and apology was made in an environment that was created because of those things he apologized for in the first place. It fits the theme.)
Actor also has a long way to go before that origin story can come to a satisfying end, and he is not the only character in this story, of course.
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And then let me talk a little about Darkiplier, because it is mainly because of them that I feel there is still something to talk about and tell this story.
The only point of development for Dark's character was when Damien was given a bittersweet choice and he took it: he decided to play into Actor's little world and become his main villain.
Cool. And they've done nothing more since. After such a decision, the satisfying step might be for Dark/Damien to become an active doer in a story of which he has been a passive participant since the events of Who Killed Markiplier? (As he says in DAMIEN: he's tired of being a pawn in other people's games.)
In comparison... They haven't done much.
Of course, maintaining passivity could be an active choice, but it would take the character in strange circles... over and over again... That they're still here...
(I know, this could be explained by the rules of the frame story, that everything is a story, Actor's forte. The extent to which Dark is actively involved in Actor's stories and to what extent they are driving Actor's point home with that must also be taken into account, but for the sake of sanity, we'll ignore this metanarrative for now.)
And so, as Space loops back to Heist, Dark's character is stuck (for now), they continues to become nothing more than their backstory. (I have a teeny tiny suspicion that Mark as a writer might not have an idea what to do with them, and I can understand that, it's a very roundabout plot setup. The time loop and the rewriting of the lore in a retrospective way doesn't help much with that anyway.)
In order for the conclusion of the WKM? era to be sufficiently complete, Dark also needs to undergo some kind of character development to free them from their passivity, and that hasn't happened yet.
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(I'm not talking about Wilford because I think he's doing just fine. Obviously, one could talk about how... khm... "healthy" ways he's processing his traumas, or even recovering from them, but Wilford himself - his conciousness anyway - has already done that in WAIA, we've heard his accelerated thought process on things, so... Yeah.)
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The point is, there are still elements to process and work through to get to the end of this story.
For example, just an idea... Now that (Actor) Mark has apologized to us, admitting (some of) his mistakes, this action may be able to put Dark in a truly evil-ish "arch-villain" position. Imagine: there is Mark who has made mistakes in the past, and by admitting them, seems to want to learn from the past, want to become a better person. To this, Dark has their (justifiable) sense of justice, that a small apology is not enough. And that can very quickly turn into a very familiar situation: a blind, all-consuming desire for revenge. When they want their justice so badly that they don't even realise it, they're doing as much damage as Mark did to them, in the same way, out of the same emotional motivation. (It would take the character in strange circles... This situation over and over and over again...)
It's an interesting dynamic, who we can morally do right by, who we can help, and why we should do it at all.
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TLDR; there's more to talk about on Who Killed Markiplier? and the main conflict of it. Whether we will talk about it again... we'll see.
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kyurilin · 3 years
Kyuri's WIPs!
First up before I do anything, Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life has a playlist now! It's very short because I started it after the story was finished and posted but I just kind of add to it now for fun.
Any of the stories on this list that have a playlist to go with them will also get links!
Lost- Formerly known as Hizashi's No Good Very Bad Terrible Year (I think??? It's so long lmao) but yeah! I kind of had the OG doc as a test for doing ALL the manga events because man what a train wreck of a year but I got a brain worm today for a story opener that combined an old idea of mine with how to tie everything into the entire 'coping with trauma' vibe of the full Mic story so this is technically an official sequel. It's set after the war arc and a few other details that happen following that, so VERY spoiler heavy if you don't read the manga, but I wanted an excuse to write it from Mic's perspective and be able to reference stuff from the Mic story. So yeah! It's gonna be angst and coping with trauma and heavily reference Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life while having a way better title so whoever wants more content for that there's two planned to be posted now here. Currently at 2.6k words
You'll Find Home Again*- I already have to add one. ANYWAYS. This one may end up being emotional to me for no reason but uhhhhhhh. Yeah. So this is actually a spinoff of Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life but it's a prequel. And yeah. Yeah I know. But I mention a non-canon American internship throughout the Mic story with a character Tyler who is actually a recycled legacy Cars OC of mine and after a lot of thought I've decided to start a oneshot about Mic's American internship, but from the POV of Tyler. Now the reason this one is emotional to me is that Tyler/Thunder as he used to always be known is one of my oldest ocs, almost as old as my writing, and has traveled through many fandoms with me so he holds a very special place in my heart. And when I got into BNHA, I looked at Mic and was like 'oh he is giving off heavy Thunder vibes, they would be friends'. Hence the inclusion in the story. So it's kind of a special one to me because I get to write for a character I've written for a lot over the last 15 years bonding with this new character who I latched onto because of that connection, and I think it's going to end up being at the least a fun story. I feel bad dumping an OC centric story in the BNHA fandom because I try not to do that anymore but I'll probably link it to the Mic story if/when it's done. Currently at 496 words
Someone New- based on the post below and currently being rewritten since it's something I started in February and have not thought about except for like two weeks in July. I'm hoping it's going to be a short one but knowing me (and the lore I accidentally developed for it when I made this playlist) it could end up stupidly long. Currently at 596 words
I Still Reach For You- A heavy manga spoilers Kurogiri story set after the Tartarus breakout. Basically Kurogiri also escapes during that but is going through a crisis of his own due to the whole Shirakumo thing. Obviously started before a later chapter lmao. Currently at 2.7k
Stray- one of the big ones I'm working on, that I've referred to once as the Matching Tattoos AU! An EraserMicCloud story where the three of them meet in college, get matching tattoos, and then don't meet up again until way later. This is the one I've been working on recently that I dumped 18k into over the course of like a week and a half. It's also a no quirks modern au because that was the easiest thing, and kind of a soulmates-but-not-really au. Currently at 24.1k
All The Ways I Love You- this one is like wildly hyper specific but it's a spin off of either a line in the Present Mic story or the oc villain au regarding Aizawa disappearing completely from seeing his friends. So it's Nemuri taking care of him after he turns up very much not himself while Hizashi is still out of the country, and it's something I'm not exactly sure will ever get posted but I wanted to do something with Nemuri. Currently at 8.1k
So, You Wanna Be a Hero- This is a one shot story I'm doing to introduce my Shinsou's family ocs, set immediately after the sports festival in Canon. It's very short at the moment because I don't write for Shinsou much but I have ocs for his family I wanted to include. SPEAKING OF this and Stray both involve the Shinsou family, but Stray makes a minor change and uses a different character name for the mom for no explainable reason. Currently at 140 words
Dread Sometimes is Packaged as Your Best Friend- set within the No Place Like Home AU (the story universe associated with the story This Isn't How the Story Goes), this is how the Tartarus visit to Kurogiri would have gone in that universe. Currently at 139 words.
All the Traces- I think I'm canceling this one because I don't vibe with it and it wasn't really a great idea to begin with but it's also set within No Place Like Home and is very soon after Aizawa's death. Currently at 798 words
No Place Like Home AU- speaking of which, this AU is a series of one shots that is currently only one story in where it's Aizawa who dies instead of Shirakumo. I really really need to do more for this one.
Song of the Abyss- this is one of the Big Ones, but it's a pirates/mermaids/fantasy au with merman prince Hizashi and ocean merchant Aizawa that has deep deep lore and lots of plotting to do and no ending. Currently at 1.5k
You Were Mine (And I'll Tell You That Forever)- this is basically the same as I Still Reach For You EXCEPT Nemuri lives. Make of that what you will. Also I got really artsy with some of these titles then you have shit that just isn't titled at all. Currently at 4.2k
Burn Brighter- For some reason the Todoroki family wormed their way into a spinoff for Stray so this is that spinoff. I have done very little with it. Currently at 324 words
Kaito Hamasaki: Origin- look if horikoshi gets to drop all his ocs into origin chapters then so do I okay. Honestly, this one really is about 95% for me and the likelihood of it getting posted is slim and it's TECHNICALLY a tie in to the next doc I'm mentioning but it is exactly what the title says. Currently at 3.8k
Mock King AU- Otherwise lovingly referred to as the OC Villain AU. Anyone who's read Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life may or may not remember the oc by either his actual name or his hero name of Mockingbird, and I started up a villain au for him in January that's currently at 48k and hasn't been worked on in a bit. I'm maybe a fourth of the way through at this point so uhhhh it's a Big One. I'm constantly on the fence about ever posting this one if it gets done because it is entirely self indulgent PARTICULARLY since the opening of the story is set on the same weekend as the opening of the Mic story. I thought it was funny. Reboot is at 2.5k since I'm currently reworking it
There's not ~technically~ a playlist for just the story but Kaito gets his own playlist with both villain au songs and regular inspiration songs
EraserMicJoke Superiority- Yeah I legit don't have a title for this one. Basically it is entirely an excuse to write EraserMicJoke since that's one of the many ships from bnha I like but with the added twist of the idea being spawned by "Emi would get really emotional if Eri ever called her mom". So yeah, it's a stupidly long idea based off the idea that Eri gets three parents who love her and spoil her instead of just the common Adopted By EraserMic. Currently at 18k
EraserMicJoke- EraserMic Origins DONE- so I accidentally gave Aizawa and Hizashi an even more tragic get together story with a few throwaway lines in the story mentioned above and decided to write the full thing out on its own and man apparently I like writing ✨trauma✨ way too much. Finished at 39k
Why Loud Cloud Got Banned From Put Your Hands Up Radio- this might be the dumbest one. It falls under the Rooftop Hero Agency AU, where Shirakumo lives, but it's a fucking comedy story where Oboro, the only time he goes on Hizashi's radio show, spends the whole time simping for his girlfriend in very not radio friendly ways and Hizashi cannot shut him down. Frankly it's the dumbest thing I've ever thought of. It has a few sentences now and Oboro has no brain cell it's gonna be GREAT. Currently at 249 words
Softest Lullabies- This is entirely a CloudNight fluff story in the Rooftop Hero Agency AU setting because I got the idea and proceeded to knock out about 1k of story before I was like 'i'll come back to this'. Currently at 1.3k
Sports Festival- I think I'm not continuing with this? It's literally just the first sports festival for Aizawa, Oboro, and Hizashi (why don't I ever refer to Aizawa as Shouta as a side note) and it isn't really necessarily linked to the Rooftop Hero Agency AU because once I write the sports festival you can assume that's how it went down universally in anything I write unless otherwise specified but I think I just wanted to write it lol. Currently at 440 words
Rooftop Hero Agency AU- This is both the AU concept and the doc. The doc is kind of not really being worked on, since I sort of shifted gears and decided to break this one up into stories in the universe like the No Place Like Home AU, but it's my version of a Shirakumo Lives AU featuring EraserMic and CloudNight. The doc for this story is currently still on their high school years but since I'm changing the way I do this it'll probably be like that forever.
Sun, Stars, and Clouds- This is actually mostly canceled since I started writing it (and about three spin offs) before the Mic story to practice writing these characters and it's some kind of legal drama featuring what was going to be EraserCloudMic. Present Meow the cat came from here. I think.
Don't Speak AU/Vigilante Aizawa AU- This one is hella cancelled as it got TOO complicated to handle as it was a ridiculously involved rewrite of the entirety of My Hero Academia but Aizawa left UA and became a vigilante after the death of Shirakumo. GREAT CONCEPT, but so much fucking writing for me to attempt when I was just starting to write for the series. ALSO technically the oneshot Would Anyone Care was part of this AU but I kept bringing it up in other stories so eventually I was like fuck it this is a Core Memory now it happened regardless.
Cloud Control AU- I have brought this one up before but it was my own concept of a soulmate au where when your soulmate dies you get their quirk, and Aizawa has had two quirks since the death of Shirakumo. AGAIN. Great for trauma. I have a doc for this and a rewrite doc, and I had planned to focus on it after I finished the mic story, but it got away from me somehow.
How We Say Goodbye- Once again, this is a story referenced in, very specifically, Present Mic's Totally Bullshit Life. I had actually written this before I wrote that and never finished this story, but it's set after Shirakumo's death. Hizashi tries to do his podcast as normal, but can't because he doesn't know how to deal with doing it alone and knowing he won't have Oboro to do it with again, so invites Shouta and Nemuri over so they can do a goodbye podcast, which ends up being the last episode he ever does. It was so sad I started crying while writing it and haven't touched it since.
Sorry to Bring You Down- ACTUALLY in a similar vein to the last story mentioned, this is set post war arc before I knew what was happening in world. It was Hizashi's first show after taking some time to spend with Shouta, and the whole concept revolved around his listener call in hour being a disaster because citizens were using it to vent about their disappointment in the heroes. And Hizashi was going to end up going on this exhausted rant about he lost someone too since Nemuri's gone and how they're doing the best they can and all stuff along those lines. It's a really dope idea that I honestly want to finish because the idea of Hizashi just getting fed up and just going ham because he's still hurting too is the best to me.
Something With Mirko- No that's literally the title. 100% this is just a dumb story of Mirko getting bored of being stuck in the hospital post war arc that I haven't finished but maybe will one day.
Homeless Aizawa is Hopeless- this is the document that ACTUALLY spawned the mic story. It's clearly NOT getting finished but since half my document titles are garbage I wanted to share that the original iteration of the mic story had an even dumber name and that it also had Aizawa as the main characters.
*Mechanic AU- I guess I should add this one since it's my latest idea even though I don't know if I'll keep adding onto it forever because it was a spur of a moment kinda thing? But basically it's yet another erasermic idea with cloudnight as a secondary ship where Hizashi escapes a bad relationship and breaks down in the middle of nowhere only for the mechanic who fixes his car to be someone he gets along with instantly. Oboro and Nemuri run a bar called Loud Nights because yes. I think it's funny. Frankly this one could be a short one shot or it could own my soul for the next few months but I have to add it to the list because I have started the doc for it.
Crumbled Rooftops*- I'm keeping this one secret plotwise but adding it to the list because ya'll ain't ready for it. I'm very excited about it though and ya'll should be too.
I think this is all of them???? Anyways I'll try to tag stuff based on the title of the doc from here and if anyone ever wants to ask about any of these please do I will not hesitate to ramble about my stories
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