#but we need to talk
allysartblog · 2 years
As much as Id like to believe that this isn't the case I know it probably is. The stranger things fandom has a long standing problem with racism. Like Ive seen ppl online say some vile racist things about Lucas, Erica and Argyle which is so gross.
Im not trying to start any trouble within the fandom or amoung shippers Im also a steddie enjoyer and you can ship what you want. Im just sharing these posts I came across.
As a black girl in the fandom I have seen first hand some of the racist things ppl online have said about characters of color.
That being said the tumblr stranger things fandom is better than the twitter, instagram and facebook fandom which is where most of the racist shit spawns.
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levok · 3 years
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Okay there's something we need to address. I can't stop thinking about it, and I need all your best analytical skills on this.
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leonyxx · 5 years
It was so selfish for asra to just bring back the apprentice
Also then he's mad at Julian that the apprentice died like sweaty they made a decision to help people
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i-blush · 8 years
So now my girlfriend hates me bc I decided to talk about things whilst drunk
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kalgalen · 10 years
Modern AU Lolix based on that fic in which Locus somehow get dragged in a weird relationship with serial killer contractor Felix even though he just wanted to get rid of a body and be done with it
featuring Doc Emily Grey, best surgeon in the country, who for some reasons prefers to work in a small hospital on the outskirts of the town (Felix knows why. It's easier to find preys to dismember in an isolated place.) She met Felix when he got himself stab, passed out in an alley, and was brought to her hospital. They recognized the predator in the other, and they've been buddy ever since. Em keeps trying to set Felix up on date. Felix keeps scaring his suitors off, because they're not worthy.
Up until the moment he meets Locus in the woods, trying to bury his (obviously first) kill
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ramblingn0mad · 11 years
It's so bloody cold, it was 26 degrees Fahrenheit when I woke up an hour ago.
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thoughtsickles · 11 years
when i am famous i am going to have a podcast called "fix your show" and it will be me taking aside young fledgling shows and telling them how they could do so much better and my first will be Cult
oh honey
let me help you
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darthkylorevan · 11 years
so i was thinking about was verse, etc of the bible to read. because i've been neglecting it, but didn't know where to look. and then popped in my head my favorite chapter. 1 corinthians 13. about love. about how it's not rude, self-centered, jealous. 
i've been all these things recently. especially tonight and yesterday. and reminded me to put these childish things behind me. of saying i'm not at fault, or at least completely. and it's one thing to tell myself i'm not going to be upset because i need to be positive, and completely another to say that because i'm being a brat. 
you guys can say what you want about the bible, but there is a lot of good stuff in there. and yes, a lot of it is also just common sense stuff, but it's always good to have a reminder.
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presidentialerection · 13 years
This just in.
A group of roughly 9 teenagers is together every day for 2 months. They all hate each other now.
Back to you, Steve.
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