#but uhm yeagh :)
t4tcecilos · 2 months
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what if
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octoronica · 2 years
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💖🧡💛 DEEP CUT! 💚💙💜
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
uhhghmmm. image incoming.
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victorinoxghoul · 9 months
finally looked up an image of a paris gun (not sure why i hadn't before and oh my fucking god. was that necessary. i know damn well that wasn't needed. u did not need to built that. no wonder Parisians were losing their shit. oh my fucking god.
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fagpulp · 10 months
Excerpt from Sugar Cats News, circa 1961:
“Last night, in West Bismark, known baseball protege and part-time model, Valentin Vader aka “The Batter”, 52, was arrested after bludgeoning and  beating small-time crook, Everett Smirk. Mr.Smirk was presumably caught trespassing by Vader, and subsequently beaten as a result. Local police had little to comment, but our reporters managed to grab the excerpt listed below:
“”It’s sadistic is what it is, playing judge and jury like that. Noone should extend the hand of the law with their own. Mr.Smirk should be alive tonight.””
Eloha Vader, 55, and their son , Hugo, were seen cowering in the doorway as Valentin was taken away by local police. Readers, I can only imagine how shaken they must be, how frightening it is to know your own husband and father turned out to be a bloodthirsty killer. My condolences for this broken family. May justice come down on Mr.Vader the same way he did on his victim(s?).”
Damn them, damn them damn them damn-
“I’d stop yanking on those cuffs of yours, Mr. Vader. You’re supposed to have calmed down by now. Imagine what the bosses will say.” Says that therapist who’s been so goddamned coy from the start, dressed to the nines while Valentins had to sport wife beaters and pants you can barely fit anything into.
He yanks again, the chair he’s chained to practically lifts. He goes into a slouch then, tries to curl up like some dead spider under a couch
“They hurt my wrists.” 
“They’re cuffs and you’re yanking on them like some animal, what do you expect? Take the medicine, act happy, no more cuffs; just like promised.” He slides the accursed bottle to the front of his desk and gestures at it. “They aren’t going to let you just do what you want, you know?” He says. Valentin thinks he’s fighting off a smile, but if he says that he’ll just… get the drugs doubled, or something. 
“They hurt my head.” 
“You barely take them, of course-”
“They make me dizzy and they make me tired. I can’t take ‘em.” He retorts. His free hand dips and bows in the air for emphasis.
 They’ve had this argument before, and they’ll have it again if no one understands that they hurt him.
“ We aren’t changing them, Mr.Vader. Not until there is improvement-” The therapist is cut off as Valentin yanks hard on the cuff. The chair scuffs the floor. “-and until you can get it together.” He leans back in his stuffy chair and crosses his stuffy arms. 
“That’s the deal, that’s the situation. Like it, or no living freely; nothing.” He spits some on the ‘th’. “Now, I’m going to give you these, and you’re going to get-”
Valentin rubs his wrists as he strolls down the desolate sidewalk. Why couldn’t he be sent somewhere nice… maybe Joas. Joas would have hedges and at the very least, street lamps that lit the damn sidewalk.
But no.
He’s in Vesper and he’s being thrown around by Enoch’s men like cats do a bird, and he’s going to keep being thrown around until he can’t stand. 
Damn them to shit and fire and whatever else they’d hate.
Valentin turns the bottle around in his hand, over and over. Maybe the next time he read the label it’d be different and the pills inside wouldn’t make his stomach turn sour… maybe the next corner he turned would be to his house, to his wife and kid. 
But no.
His kid is sick in some high quality hospital and his wife is in a different house that she won’t tell him about. Few months makes a hell of a difference; press isn't on his tail, his wife and child are off places unknown, and he’s getting on a train to an empty house. 
“Hey, I know you from somewhere, don’t I?” 
If it’s another brown nosing reporter, he swears he’ll lose it. He breathes in deep and shifts his head.
“Zacharie?” Relief. A friend in this hell.
Valentin met Zacharie at agame of his in ‘57. He was leaving through the back and Zacharie was selling half priced, off brand baseball cards to eager spectators. They must’ve gotten along because of their propensity for illegality.
“One and the same. How’s life? I’m gonna pretend your face hasn’t been plastered on every wall and every wall’s crevice there is.” He says. 
“Anyone normal wouldn’t say that.” He quips. 
“Luckily for you and I,” Zacharie grabs the handrail, hand just below Valentin’s. “I’m not.” 
“Lucky us.” He replies. The tram shakes. “What are you doing talking to a murderer?” 
“Alleged, dear Valentin, alleged.”
“Alleged.” He won’t disagree, Zacharie’s the only friendly face… well, mask,  he’s seen in some time. Guy wore a strange mask for as long as Valentin could remember… maybe he should think about wearing one too; it’d help with the ‘paparazzi’ at least.
“I happen to be on my way home. You know how the wife gets, not home by sundown and I'll come home to a walloping.” He says, shrugging. “I just thought you could use some company, since it's some time to Bismark, friend.”
“You don’t have a wife.”
“Maybe one day I will, if you’ll let me leave here alive, that is.” He breathes a laugh. Valentin’s jaw clenches along with his grip on the rail.
“It’s best that we don’t talk too much. Leave the air some space.” He says. He gives his friend a look poisonous enough to put down a horse.
Zacharie raises his free hand in apology.
“Only kidding. Too soon for it, understood. ” He says.
They stand in silence, the only noise coming from the tracks and the jingling jangling of Zacharies bag on his back. A small vanilla card drops to the floor, Valentin does not alert him and Zacharie does not seem to be aware of his loss. “The old Beatdown, in the industrial section.” He waves at Valentin. “That’s where I’ll make a proper apology to my dearly eh… outlawed friend. Let me take you there, see familiar sights.” His eyes are crinkled, suggesting a smile. “You’ll come, won’t you?”
Valentin lets silence separate them. He hasn’t thought of The Beatdown in a long time, having left it behind for upper class and stuffy men that spit and spat. He’d been a grand fighter, earning the title ‘The Boxer’. The public haven’t been very creative when naming him.
 He hums and looks around the cart like he’s ruminating. He faces Zacharie again.
“Fine.” He lies. “I’ll come. You’ll apologize and we’ll be even. I’d even buy from you again.” That wasn’t a lie, about not buying. Valentin would buy a stick from Zacharie, not that he’d ever admit that.
Zacharie grabs his arms and shakes it in excitement. “Noon, tomorrow evening.” The tram comes to a halt. “See you then!” He says and winks. 
The train sits impatiently for its two passengers. Zacharie practically skips away with Valentin close behind. He stops to pick up the card and pocket it; Zacharie probably wanted him to have it. They’ve stepped off, shaken hands, and separated before he reads the card. 
News for keeps
He sneers and rips it. Of course Zacharie reads that crap. Of course he was there for giggles and shits. The Beatdown his ass.
He’s huffing and puffing all the way to his house before he’s calmed down enough to realize that everyone’s read Hip Cats schlock. It’s the only news source the, damn them to hell and whatnot, guardians hadn’t shut down. Forlorn now, he walks up to the darkened doorway, hand steady on the knob. 
Here’s to tomorrow. 
There’s blood everywhere, his skin feels soaked with it. His hair is a mess where the bat struck. Bits and scraps of himself are strewn all across the front hallway. If he could move at all, he’d turn and catch the moon peeking in through the window of the door. 
He sees himself instead, bat in hand. He doesn’t have remorse, he doesn’t care that someones bleeding to death on his expensive carpeting. Valentin’s foot flinches, and down the bat comes again. More tidbits fly across the room… probably onto more carpeting. Vader loves carpets, thinks it makes the house automatically chique. Valentin wears down his head, he’s sick with it. 
He’s sick.
His head is swimming.
Dear god there’s blood everywhere.
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yesterday i went to bed with a 40°C fever 👍
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lildrabbles · 7 months
OK SO YOUR WRITING IS SO CUTE- uhm. I have another caine x male reader requestt- YN IS A CLOWN AGAIN CUS I LOVE CLOWNS- but, a moon themed clown. like fnaf moon, but fancier(and gremlin-ier)
If you can, then a lil drabble near the end of the moon being jealous and annoyed cus yn is literally moon themed. But a clown boy- yeagh i loved your writing it was so good- sorry for requesting again, i just really love how you write him lol-
Caine x Male!Reader
A/N: WAHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Never be sorry for requesting I've always dreamt of getting fanfic requests!!
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-like always, Caine didn't have much of an reaction when you first arrived
-of course you were dishelevelled, but once you got the hang of things you were always with caine, never leaving his side (like bubble)
-since you became friends with jax, you picked up on his bad habits and consistently pulled pranks of people with him
-Caine had to keep you out of trouble and would always get jax into more trouble than you (even if it was your idea in the first place LMAO)
-Caine would always be happy when he heard your little bells shaped like moons jingling when you ran~it was cute!
-one time jax was being a dick to you so you... bit his arm. And wouldn't let go
-Caine had to literally PRY YOU OFF of him, and when you gave him puppy dog eyes and apologised, he let you off with it
-"Dude your gonna just let him ****ing off with it?!" Jax protested
-"now now jax, we know not to use foul language. Espicaly in front of him!" He pointed down to you like you were an innocent little puppy
-now later on in your time at The Circus you and caine had taken some walks down to the lake bit where the moon was (well Caine would float ig)
-You were laughing and blushing, touching caines arm longer than needed
-the moon had looked down at you and scowled. But she quickly put her calm and happy face back on to talk to caine "hello caine, you look very handsome tonight"
-"Oh! Uh~" he looked around "why thank you"
-You smirk and try to one up her "I think you always look handsome caine"
-by the end of you and moon trying to win over caine he was a flustered mess
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analoceits · 1 month
Janus's anatomy does really drive the question of how the sides heal from things. Besides Logan completely brushing off Remus's attacks.
ooh yeagh!!! tbh all of the sides healing is fascinating to me.. this ones not even that body horror soo:
logan: heals exactly how a human should. this has its ups and downs, because on one hand, well treated, most wounds of his heal up well. on the other, he does straight up Die pretty often for realisms sake. which. is Fine (virgil is going to get grey hairs)
patton: he heals up just good! any wounds bandaged are all gone by the time he tears it off, kisses do actually help, etc.. however. unless he Deserves it. in which case.. gods mercy is a rather painful thing.
roman: he heals up pretty similarly to logan, except the fact that he doesnt.. scar. its not that unsettling, until you see him and remus side by side and see how many scars remus has from adventures they shared that roman doesnt.
virgil: he needs to hibernate to heal up. he just Does. half because he has anxiety brain that will SCREAM he will be Attacked While Hes Weak if he doesnt hide himself, and half because something will go wrong if he lets his anxieties flow so. unconsciousness.
janus: uhm. as you said Yeah. its.. not good. his whole mess of fucked up body trying to fight itself makes healing take SO MUCH longer bc there arent enough resources to heal ACTUAL WOUNDS. not even to mention the fragileness of his snake side..
remus: oh easy! He Doesnt. wounds will scar when they arent of interest to him anymore. otherwise, he is free bleeding 90% of the time, usually with a decent bit of infection involved. its not unusual to wake up with bloodstains on you if you cuddle him.
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fernsnailz · 9 months
oh yeagh uhm happy four days of team dark fest down. i think rouge is still in the lead?? i am very tired tonight so i will do the number roundup tomorrow morning <3 if i wake up to 20 MLA formatted essays tomorrow i think i might shit
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boccher · 1 month
do you think she is stupid
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uhm (quietly searches "espeon pokemon type" on my phone) yeagh
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weezeryuri · 5 months
okay yeagh uhm yeah but [the entirety of the stupid piece of shit internal monologue sequence from bojack horseman]
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catinasink · 4 days
It appears you are reblogging warrior cats content
Can you explain the lore behind it? I know shitjacks about it outside of "lackadaisy but homestuck and probably 20 years old"
uhmm *coughs*
so there's these cats and they live in the woods (fuck how to explain the lore without spoiling)
uhmm so originally uhh wait this is all spoilers fuck
okay uhm at the beginning of the first book they live in a forest, with four clans
it's basically a children's book with murder and violence and bloodshed and betrayal and love
and coughs the gore descriptions are. something (from what I remember I haven't read the books in a while)
anyway I can't really explain it without spoiling. a fuckton of things
so it's basically cats living in groups in the forest with a leader, a deputy, a medicine cat
there's the adult cats (warriors), warriors and medicine cats in training (apprentices) and babies (kits) and old people (elders)
they believe in religion with a heaven and hell, but no god
all cats either go to heaven (starclan) or hell (dark forest)
starclan cats (and dark forest ones-) can come into living cats dreams to give prophecies and shit
starclan communicates mostly with medicine cats (part of their job is communicating with starclan and the cats have a special way of doing that) and leaders (who get nine lives from starclan)
ummm I think that's it for the basic lore I can't really explain much else without spoiling anything
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lost-tardis-room · 23 days
i completely forgor i had this uhm uhmm uhmmm okay doctor who unpopular opinion time. i actually liked the timeless child as an episode and as a story point because i think that having multiple contradictory origins for the doctor is really fun and interesting. i also am willing to overlook the last ten minutes of kerblam - other than the bizzare capitalist ending i liked it as an episode! whatever! its a work of fiction! but i don't like eleven's era very much like i'm so sorry but so many of his episodes are like whattttttt are you doinggggggggg?? like eleven himself is an interesting character but there are so few of his episodes i actively want to think about lots compared to the others. like so often the plot is just like. sorry why is that happening??? idk yeagh
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mackmp3 · 1 month
anon opinions time:
you're the coolest ever, you're super nice, and your music knowledge is vast and it scares me
ahh that's very kind of you!
also yeagh i might uhm. know a few things about songs. i'm writing up an explanation of joan baez & bob dylan for an ask i got a month ago and it's rapidly turning into an essay lol
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hearts401 · 1 month
also just a personal heads up i probably wont be posting anymore humanxdrone stuffff uhm i dont really wanna explain why but. yeagh
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year
going to bed in a few but i just remembered that people seemed actually invested in my changeling chip au and i’d just like to say. yeah sorry about that. just needed to get that out of my system and i don’t think i’ll be picking it back up.
again, sorry. but since otherwise it’s never seeing the light of day, here’s my notes on the whole general idea
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and like if anyone wants to do something with the idea absolutely feel free to go for it, i do love the idea and i feel pretty bad about never finishing the actual fic but i’ve never been great at finishing projects. as soon as i get a big idea i just NEED to do something about it, and once i’ve spent a little time on it that feeling goes away and i’m all good and it’s out of my system. so uhm. yeagh 👍
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