#but this isn't the time or your playthrough honey
realfinemood · 8 months
I suppose it's only fair if I rp my dream guardian looks like my Tav's former love that he shows up to cockblock her Karlach romance scene.
I'll even accept that Mizora showing up is also really on theme.
But come on Wyll. I appreciate you trying to shoot your shot at the literal last minute, but we've had three long rests in a row, please just let her have sex with her girlfriend already.
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inventors-fair · 5 months
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Just After Midnight: Rewind Runners-Up ~
Our runners-up for this week are @corporalotherbear, @curiooftheheart and @stupidstupidratcreatures!
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@corporalotherbear — The First Turnabout
I don't think you fully understand how fortunate you are that I've recently watched a playthrough of Phoenix Wright's Adventures in Lawyerdom. As someone who famously(ish) does not play many video games despite thinking they're pretty neato, this card hit a chord. Again, in any other kind of week or time of life, I would have no idea what this card was supposed to represent, but here we are instead: Larry's girlfriend gets murdered, a suspect is detained, and then each clue that you crack makes your lawyer-ing more powerful.
I'm just going to assume that that's how it's supposed to be interpreted, but regardless—that's something that I know makes these contests hard: just how much one would or would not know about the IP in question. Maybe it's fortune. Maybe it's just how well-known the property is. God knows that even for the Doctor Who stuff I was absolutely lost despite being a Tennant fanboy for a good amount of time. I still have my opinions about Universes Beyond and whatever, but how can I look at a card like this, feel the pinging sense of pleased recognition, and not give it some kind of commendable back-pat?
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@curiooftheheart — Letar, Honeyhunter
J'accuse, a situation! Honey badger don't give a Hornet's Sting about what it takes to get that sweet sweet card advantage. Looking at the current partners, I think that this lil' thing can really go with anyone. That Phyrexian golem-guy is pretty neat, although not...perfect? I don't know, but the design is still fun. It encourages attacking, it encourages graveyard shenanigans, and that's the gist. Partners shouldn't feel overpowered, nor should they be combolicious. The sweet spot of having a cute honey-snuffling creature that results in fun limited (slash constructed?) design is fun for sure.
We run into the small bugbear that, out of the two partners designed for this big rewind contest, this one feels a little less specific of the two, or at least I'm not thinking about the nuances as much. Is that really more of a 'me' thing? Probably. This card's really fun, certainly, and as far as commander designs go this shows a significant amount of restraint. Rare partners have the unfortunate position of being pushed by nature. With Letar, hunting honey isn't half as crazy as it could be. I respect that; I don't think it needs anything changed, except maybe a "the" before Honeyhunter.
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@stupidstupidratcreatures — Starveling Nest
I want flavor text here just for the heck of it—and actually, question, do you play Arena? This is mostly rhetorical because it's commentary and you can't respond in real-time but all the same. The name and the description have this quality where it feels like the flavor text could be hovering to the side. We're in the paper realm here, but the power with which you've made this sacrificing ability is neat-o all the same. I can feel the squirming, squeaking mass of emaciated rats that have no cuddly counterparts. Just all hunger, all bones and flesh, not even meat, writing blindly in search of food.
Bitterblossom effects are, as we know, still absolutely stellar no matter how or where you play them. The fact that this one gives you bodies with card advantage blows my mind. I actually don't know if this card is too powerful but I'd have to see a limited game with it first to be sure, and I'm going to go on the side that this is just barely too powerful even for contemporary MTG standards. Maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe I'm also considering that a difficult-to-remove effect like this makes everything a bit unbalanced. Digging through your deck is always good, and at the cost of instant-speed Rats that come back, well, you already know. But I truly love it, and I love the imagination that went into this trigger idea.
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Commentary to come! Thank you all for your entries. @abelzumi
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
I think Larian should put in some sort of tag to make it clear you're lying or being manipulative in that scene because otherwise I do think it just comes off as very muddled (and a little unfair to people who wanted to play it that way and instead were blindsided by being told they're lying and broken up with)
The reason I read it as manipulation is because that's what Mizora does, and she's using magic to manipulate your physical body so it would make sense if she'd influence your mind as well. She clearly didn't have good intentions and even if you the player have complete control Tav the character I still feel could easily have been read as being manipulated into it with minimal RPing necessary. And just in general I feel like a lot of people would want to play the scene that way
And with Astarion I just don't see the acting when you do that dialogue tree vs other ways to play that scene, like it rather seems like the act drops but that could just be Neil’s acting conflicting with what was actually written
Basically I just feel like cheating and manipulation are both ways to read that scene that make complete sense and it's a little disappointing that the game doesn't make it more obvious that it's not
(also I really hope this doesn't come across as arguing I genuinely think this is an interesting discussion even if I don't agree with your perspective)
Oh no! I am absolutely enjoying this discussion, anon. I love talking about my thoughts and hearing your different ones. I never thought of it as arguing in the slightest, I was actually looking forward to your next reply every time I answered <3 million smooches to you anon I'm having so much fun rn.
And about the dialogue tag thing, I absolutely agree. A lot of people mentioned it too in the game feedback. Even ingame I picked a lot of options that I thought were innocent or meant as a joke only to be met with the fact they meant something completely different and had to reload.
It needs to be clearer when you're lying to someone, flirting with them, being serious, or joking. Remember the hoards of people who tirggeted Gale's romance accidentally by just being nice to him?
Especially about lies, a lot of times I'm confused about the options available because I'm not sure if Tav is making shit up, or if i missed out on a major detail.
And maybe it's subjective.. Someone could argue that you genuinely did believe that Mizora manipulated you because she does leave a mark on you that you never agreed to at the end. I don't see it that way but it's up to interpretation.
I was someone who fell for Astarion's acting during Act 1. All that nice talk and coaxing? His honeyed words to get you to sleep with him? I genuinely took them to heart and believed them. I was like oh he already told me about Cazador so he trusts me and definitely isn't manipulating me ehe!
Throughout all of my first playthrough, I avoided all spoilers and discussions about bg3. I was genuinely eating up all of Astarion's flattery and dialogue. When he confessed to giving me sex in exchange for protection during act 2 i was extremely confused because when did that ever happen?
He seemed very eager in all the sex and flirting scenes?? I didn't get it at all at the time and didn't realise how good of an actor he is.
The only time when I genuinely saw Astarion for who he is ,is when he admits to the fact you would've been one of his victims in the cage in another life at Cazador's palace. Even when surrounded by his mistakes, he deflects any attempt of you to put the guilt on him.
I actually left the game for a week straight. I felt both disgusted with myself for also seeing him as a sex object, i am no better than these people in the cages. Yet also disgusted with him for manipulating both my character and irl me for so long. That's why i feel weird to write nsfw about him even now, I feel weird when I see sexy fanart of him. Astarion is genuinely one of the most complex characters I have ever seen, and I can't simply reduce him to a victim or a sexy vampire. His writing team and voice actor work is phenomenal.
I did the cheating on him with Mizora, too, just out of curiosity and reloaded myself after. I felt very assured when he said he didn't mind and didn't blame me, that sleeping with a devil is a chance you don't simply miss. I trusted his words because I didn't know better.
Only after when I finished the game, saw more posts about him that go in depth about his character and the many many ways he manipulates you in to ensure his own safety, did I actually see him fully as a whole person.
That's why I'm doubtful of even his sympathy during the manipulated Mizora option, the delivery doesn't show a hint of lying in the slighest I agree. But also for me none of his other canonly manipulative lines show any hint of lying for me.
Remember the orgy in Sharess Caress? Where he is all enthusiastic after the Cazador is dealt with, but during it he completely zones out? Doesn't the fact he tells you to "let him join next time" after the Mizora event ring any similar alarms?
I think in the most generous cases possible, he isn't aware he is manipulating you. He is just saying what he thinks would please you. It clearly would make you happy to have the drow threesome even while he himself was sex replused since act 2 and until act 3. Like how it would make you happy for him to not make a big deal out of the cheating.
But it's interesting that you can see honesty in his responses. If anything, it shows that you're piecing together the slivers of truth he lets slip out during his acts because even he himself can still make mistakes and reveal the truth amidst a lie.
There is also another theory!
Astarion doesn't care about sexual cheating, only romantic cheating.
During the Halsin poly dialogue, he gets really happy when you reassure him that he is the one you love. The one your heart lies with. Then tells you to go fuck Halsin as much as you want.
So in this scenario the fact Mizora is a devil matters a lot because Astarion says it himself, devils do not fall in love.
Maybe that's why he was all giddy and smiles, knowing fully it's just sex, something he barely puts value on anymore since he has been freed of i, and doesn't mind you sleeping with devils.
At the end of the day, yeah, like you said, cheating and manipulation are two valid ways to read into the conversation. It did feel rushed a bit, we didn't even get to actually fuck Mizora Goddammit! If i wanted freaky weird magic sex I would've fucked the local wizard instead!
Mizora's intentions are just to make your lover jealous, she admits she just wanted to stir the pot and saw you as a target.
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hibernationsuit · 7 months
🥞🍟🌙🙈🍀🌌 for toby =D
thank you!!!! <3
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Chocolate croissants (often 'leftover', as in bought on the previous evening during his & Klara's daily-ish walk) and strawberry greek yoghurt <3 And coffee, obviously.
Halcyon-wise, something coffee-like and mock-apple pieces w/ something honey-like.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Toby sucks at cooking. He can make scrambled eggs and maybe easy pasta, alright, but anything above that? Nah. Same w/ Klara btw.
They tend to order food a lot (or go to a restaurant), but also order "leftovers" from food places bc 1) less waste (which is good + Klara is a sustainability sciences major) and 2) cheaper.
Though, I do think that he actually started working on his cooking skills in Halcyon bc. the food there ain't good. Out of all the non-carbs non-sweet food items i think there's like. only one non-meat food (?) and this guy's a vegetarian.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
His wish is quite simple but also super complicated. He wants to do good things for people. Which he does. People pleaser etc etc.
Another one is to, like, have one, peaceful rest day every now and then, where he won't be bothered by anything and anyone. That's also surprisingly hard to reach.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
I think I've talked abt this at some point but like sjfjfjfjfbfj everyone sees him as a strong, brave and confident man who isn't afraid of anything but in reality he's always a few moments from a breakdown, always lingers on "what-ifs" regarding his choices, is extremely unsure about his skills and is surprisingly vulnerable.
Adding to the last part, bc of his childhood he's not keen on showing vis vulnerability like, at all, due to it having been used against him before.
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
Somewhat yes! Maybe not in luck as "luck" but more of a "accidentally being in a right place at a right time".
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
This is a funny one bc i originally planned his playthrough to be in-character as my original story oc Nathan, but then i started getting A Bit Too Invested into this guy's story and at the same time i started to explore tow tag on tumblr and noticed that people actually made their captains their ocs and. well. here we are!
I think the first decision was to make him justice & equality driven character (which is also Nate's quality) but if don't count, I think the first thing was deciding that he's a chemist! :3
oc emoji asks
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orangeflowerpetals · 1 year
Welcome to Haniwa (Welcome to the Internet Parody)
tw: use of the wh swear word
you can use these lyrics to make a cover, but you have to credit me somewhere, can we pinkie promise? 👉👈
Welcome to Haniwa 
Have a look around 
Anything you weeaboos can think of can be found 
We've got first loves! And crushes! And confessions of course
If none of it's of interest to you, you're not the first
Welcome to Haniwa come and take a seat
Would you like to cover a song or get copyrighted for karaoke 
There's no need to panic, this isn't a test, haha
Of all of the anime fandoms, this is the best
Welcome to Haniwa, what would you prefer? 
Would you like to ship two characters that have nothing to do with each other?
Be happy! Be lovesick! Be bursting with rage
We've got a million different ways to engage
Welcome to Haniwa! Put your cares aside
Here's a teacher with some trauma, here's a teenager who died
We've got movies! And novels! And series of course
And canon gay characters in love triangles where they'll never get picked 
Welcome to Haniwa, read all of the fics
'Cause in ao3 Aizou just started kissing Yuujirou on the lips 
The writer's yearning is strong there, he's kissing him more
Don't act surprised you know you like it, you whore
Watch Yume Fanfare, Ijiwaru honey, or Fansa
See a boy dealing with grief, or a girl who almost drowned
Start an fanfic for your rarepair, guarantee nobody does care
Make an au, see a playthrough, watch Kokuhaku Yokou Renshuu
And, did you read all the novels? Translate them all
Here's guy who has a parasocial crush on the idol Mona
Do you want to see some LGBTQ kids?
There's a trans guy who the writers say is totally cis
Can I interest you in Haniwa all of the time?
A little bit of Haniwa all of the time?
Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime
A little bit of Haniwa, all of the time
Can I interest you in Haniwa all of the time?
A little bit of Haniwa all of the time?
Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime
A little bit of Haniwa, all of the time
You know, it wasn't always like this
Not very long ago, was a different scene
Right before the covid hit, circa 2020
This was a small fandom, a great platform, and had great art too
We set our sights, and spent our nights waiting
For you! You,
You insatiable you
Using your own laptop, you spoke out loud, as if you were two
Writing hate comments on YouTube as boomers often do
Now, look at you! Oh, ha, look at you
You, you
Monatizable, unstoppable
Your time is now; the new album's out
Honey, how we grew
And if we keep watching them, who knows what they'll do?
It was always the plan, to put this world in your hands
[Evil laugh]
Can I interest you in Haniwa all of the time?
A little bit of Haniwa all of the time?
Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime
A little bit of Haniwa, all of the time
Can I interest you in Haniwa all of the time?
A little bit of Haniwa all of the time?
Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime
A little bit of Haniwa, a little bit of Haniwa, 
A little bit of Haniwa, little bit of Haniwa
All of the time
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parallel-selfs · 5 months
Fireworks of The Scalding Sands
Followed Mewshi Q's playthrough
"Hey guys."
"After hearing that comment, now I want to come just to spite you."
(Jamil especially doesn't want Alice to go because they just stopped blotting two days ago and doesn't know if it will come back)
Alice did not use five clocks, they just used their smartphone alarm.
"Good morning, you two."
You're not getting shit, Crowley.
"Man, I thought I would be getting a break from seeing your face constantly. I'm just kidding."
(This happens a week before Malleus overblots, so Lilia having a stomach ache could be from his cooking biting back at him, lying to let Malleus go alone, or the side effect of losing his magic)
"Firefly, calm down. Jamil isn't saying any of that or uninviting you. Jamil, what are you trying to say?" Snake boy takes a breath and explains a bit better.
"I understand your point, but I highly doubt anything like that would happen. But if it makes you feel better, I'll protect Malleus by using Grim as a flamethrower." Malleus chuckles at the idea of them protecting him and comments he will be well guarded.
Looks around. "This is place is beautiful."
Books it to grab Grim and pull him out.
Pulls out glasses to see it. "Damn."
"Nice, we get the ride in a limousine."
Immediately takes out phone after seeing Cater taking pictures.
"Malleus, you good?"
"That's dangerous."
They're quietly watching the scenery go by. This is the first time they're really traveling.
Takes a picture of the fountain, then Jamil and Malleus.
"Grim! Don't be a troublemaker."
"Guys, we already knew his family is rich. Why are you surprised by everything?"
"Hey, sorry for keeping you guys waiting."
"Cater, can you send me that picture later?"
Kalim, stop piling more work on him without his permission.
"Bye." Waves to Kalim.
"I'm okay with whatever."
Jasmine and Aladdin.
Tries to not make a face of doubt.
"Why not? I think it's cute."
"Bell peppers and garlic sauce."
"Jamil, let her join. I don't want to be the only girl here."
"I believe it's because it looks like dragon scales."
(Can't tell if they would like it or not because even though I had the chance to try dragon fruit, we never ate it ;-;)
"Now he's going to cause chaos on purpose."
"I'm always down for some ice cream."
"I'll take a picture with you."
Oh yeah, remember that in the movie.
Looks at the tower, looks at Grim. "I'm technically not suppose to eat bread." Which leads to the group questioning why and Jamil panicking on them being allergic. "It's nothing like that, Jamil. I have a gluten intolerant, but don't worry about it."
Secretly eats a slice with jam.
Alice glances over at Jamil and Najma. They're envious.
Looks down at Grim. "Tell me why I should." "I don't know, will you behave for the rest of the travel or do I need to pay the vase?" Trey tells them to stop teasing him, they pull him out.
Holding Malleus's hand and leaning against him while they walk that some people are mistaking them as a couple. Then he whispers to them and disappears to mess with the direbeast. They're enjoying the show.
Shares the same reaction as the group.
"Um, Jamil, could I have something else besides the coconut water?" "Could I have a pineapple juice?" (Since the coconut water is in the coconut, the pineapple juice is in a hollow out pineapple.)
Chuckles at the "hanging out with my date buddies."
"Oh honey." (Poor kid.)
"I remember hearing a recipe about putting peanut butter in a date, then covering it in chocolate to recreate a candy in my world. I probably should do that because I miss my favorite chocolate bar."
"I doubt anything bad is going to happen to him."
"Come on, Trey."
"Wait, what?"
"But you could have told us before we left Kalim's house."
Chuckles at Malleus's cluelessness.
Places wallet and phone in their robes and towards the back.
"Excuse you."
"Sounds like a plan."
Also buys the dad shirt.
"Can I have some?"
Smugly, "wouldn't that be an indirect kiss?"
Glares at him. "How dare you."
Malleus gives them some of his ice cream after seeing their pouting face.
Alice has a bag of small souvenirs for everyone at the school.
"Obviously." (I watched the video of all of the fireworks going off at once)
"Hm?" Looks at their person and see a monkey trying to steal their glasses.
Hands on hips with an angry expression.
"Go do it, you may not get a chance like this again."
Nuzzles against Malleus to stay warm.
"It was fun to explore and try something new."
"I don't know, I can't dance." Malleus teases them and pulls them onto their feet to start swinging them around.
"You know, back home I watched fireworks every year because it was for the celebration of my country's independence. But the fireworks got boring because it was the same thing every year, always the same fireworks. But this time, I'm actually enjoying it and feel amazed by it. It's nice."
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 9 months
I didn't know that you could check your stats in the menu.
It also took me till my second playthrough to find out that you could check your stats in the bathroom.
I forgot to mention this in the last part. The store that sells electronics in Royal is all shuttered up in Vanilla.
Akechi really likes Leblanc. Why is he always here? Three times so far.
Unvoiced conversation.
Mishima 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️. He did not just ask her if she does porn online. 🙄. He is so lucky he didn't get slapped. You don't ask anybody that.
Also, what's kek?
She can't remember his name and that burn was sick🤣🤣. He so deserves it.
Then he's trying to ask her out. 🤨. Just give it up man.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different questions and answers.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different questions and answers.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different questions and answers.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Isn't it illegal to interrogate anybody under 18 without a parent, guardian or lawyer present?
Slightly different question.
So they added the "I have his number" thing in Royal. Makes sense Ren wouldn't have his number in Vanilla.
It's funny in Royal. I always thought it would make more sense for me to contact him, than Makoto. But in Vanilla, you're not that close.
"Yep, dead as a doornail". 🤣🤣 I love that option.
Eww, Mishima.🤢
Different question.
They changed the 24th to a Maruki question.
I didn't know non-students could go to the festival.
The "Honey, I'm Home" scene.😍😘🥰
Oh, now you get burgers.
I like the school festival scene in the anime better.
That octopus is cute.
There's 7/8 people (depending on if you include Morgana or not). What do they all get one piece of Takoyaki?
Akechi has no manners. At least in the anime, he asks if he can have one.
Poor Akechi. (Not joking)
I love how Ann's concerned about him.
I think they need a taller mic.
It's sad that Akechi sees himself as a big, bad, evil guy. (Not joking).
Akechi just blackmailed me and my team. I feel a bond of trust coming from him. 🤨🤣🤣 I'm sorry? How is blackmail a bond of trust?
Meaningful time? What does Akechi do in his life that makes blackmail "meaningful time"? Is he really that lonely? 😢 (not joking) Poor baby.
You don't lose Yusuke in Vanilla.
Unvoiced conversation.
I didn't know the calling cards were that big.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
He bobs his head like a chicken.
Morgana's ears move.
Why does Makoto delay entering the palace? It's never explained.
You get 4 abilities when you reach R.6.
In Royal, you get 2 when you reach 3rd sem, if you've maxed him.
Why do his glasses disappear then reappear?
You can hear Yusuke's keys. 
I like how in the anime, they jump over a hedge in the middle of the street. Although, I don't know how Futaba cleared it, given she's like 5 foot max.
Unvoiced conversation.
He's going to steal hearts.😍🥰
How dumb does Ryuji think Akechi is?
I can't tell if Akechi is genuinely excited about calling cards, or he's faking it. I think he's being a cute dork 😘🥰😍. Either way, Makoto has no right to be a bitch.
They added all the smashies near the door.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Added 2 smashies and 3 enemies.
Different item in chest.
Unvoiced conversation.
I like this scene in the anime. 😍😍
I know this isn't a true awakening but 🥵🥵. I think they made it slightly longer in Royal.
Akechi's icon colour is gray in Vanilla and tan/beige in Royal.
I wouldn't be surprised if Akechi staked out Leblanc every day even if Ren let him know when they were going in.
If I didn't know he murdered people. I'd say he's just a weird stalker who has some kind of obsession with you. Sure, he's sketchy, but that's it. 🤷‍♀️
Unvoiced conversation.
You can back out when people text you while you're eating? I don't think I can do that in Royal. It seems like Sojiro's response to you checking your phone is based on your rank with him.
Once I finished the Big Bang Burger Challenge I never went back.
Different question.
I love that if you haven't met at the hideout by 11-2. Morgana forces you.🤣🤣
It doesn't gray out what books you've read.
Ren is going to keel over from all those burgers.
"I'm hungry now". You could've had some of the burger, Morgana. Then again, I don't want to kill my cat.
Akechi your insaneness is showing.
I could hear the chest on the other side of the wall.
He just kicks the door down. 🥵🥵😘🥰😍
I use the dancing costumes, so he has tennis shoes, instead of elf boots.
Unvoiced conversation.
Conversation about the door leading to the front was added.
You could get actual items out of smashies?
Vallykrie had no weakness?
The win sound is different.
There's noises?
When has Akechi been to a casino?
Different layout.
"I've totally got girl power". 🤣🤣 What? I want that voiced.
Different layout.
I love how Akechi's so blaise about shadows.
I love how he almost gets buried in coins.
"No way in hell". Throwing Ryuji's ass under the bus. 🤣🤣
"Ryuji! Go piss off the police"! 🤣🤣 Well, if anybody's going to be able to do it. It would be him. Tell me they kept that in the anime and manga. (It will probably take another volume or 2 to get to this point).
How long did they have to wait for the trial to be over?
"Dimmed significantly". 🤨🤨 If Ren didn't have Third Eye. Morgana would have to guide us.
Poor Ren's got to have one hell of a headache after the House Of Darkness.
"Don't resist". It's a Treasure Demon. What's it going to do? Slap you with its wavy plasma hands? Attack you? With what attacks?
I don't remember the bunny girls in the House Of Darkness.
I only had team members taken hostage 2-3 times.
"The playing field is even. It's weak to electricity". 🤨🤨 Ah, Makoto I passed to Akechi, not Ryuji. Short of using an item, Akechi has no electric skills. Good thing Rangda is weak to Bless too.
Different layout.
What the fuck? I just got out of the house of darkness. I don't want to explore anymore. Just let me beat the shadow, so I can get my coins.
They didn't move the safe room up? If you're going to put more obstacles in my way. At least give me a safe room before.
Unvoiced conversation.
Different gate opening sound.
Unvoiced battle dialogue.
So it was a gun that you could buy for Akechi in Vanilla. In Royal, it's a sword.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
This is explained better in the anime.
Different bridge sound.
Finally, after 4 palaces of not asking if you want to go back to the entrance, they finally ask you.
You couldn't select what Persona to fuse yours with on the network? You just had to hope? That's shitty. What if you got a bad one?
You had to click on a book for Morgana to tell you that you already read it 😡 Why? And it kicks you out of the menu each time.
Slightly different answer.
Morgana shames you for declining meetings.
Also, it used to be Mishima put up a forum post? In Royal, you send them a calling card.
You only got one item out of cubes, instead of multiple.
You could get junk out of chests?
I like how Orlov is weak to nothing, resists phys and nulls everything else.
You could get washed armour from chests?
Stone Of Scone is weak to Curse and not Fire.
"The Phantom Thieves would never murder people". *Looks at Akechi* I love waiting till I have Akechi to do this mission.
I don't believe some of the MM people ever change their ways.
You could get Skill Cards from chests?
The Reaper is cool looking.
I love how the Reaper is surprised when you escape.
You just leave your dead teammates when you escape 🤣🤣
Mystery Stew is being sold on the Home Shopping Network. Ren decides he'd rather not kill himself and his teammates. "Are you sure. It's only available today". 🤨🤨 Do you want me to die, Morgana?
Added a proficiency check for Haru's R.4.
6,000 Yen=41.01
Kthx was changed to cheers.
Slight different question.
Slight different question.
"Play with your stupid coffee beans". 🤣🤣
Slight different question.
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
Sae gets trolled by a 15-year-old girl. 🤣🤣
Nipple spikes.
More clanging sounds added.
My man got knocked in the head with a bunch of poker chips. 🤣🤣
I prefer Royal's fight. Also, Royal's palace. Palace is slightly different.
Let's rank up before he betrays me.
Arsene 🥴🥴 I wish he talked more. That's one of the reasons I kept him. I wanted to hear him talk.
Unvoiced conversation.
His waistcoat makes him look so skinny.
Ah, the you better save, or it's going to be like half an hour before the next save point. From there it's, another 1 hour 30-45? before you get control back.
That's a shiny pen.
I've never called Akechi "the traitor".
Question marks got changed to actual text.
More fluid in the anime.
Akechi's going to shoot me in the head. I understand him better. 🤨🤨
I still like the line from the anime. "And I hate cleaning out the attic". That line is so funny. I don't know if that's improvised or not. But if it is it's great.
When Ryuji says "We got em". He doesn't move his lips.
That pretty smirk. 😘😋🥵
Unvoiced conversation.
Unvoiced conversation.
I love the little pictures they drew.
How much alcohol does Shido need?
Young? Isn't Shido in his 50s?
I like when Akechi winks.
0 notes
prof-arjun · 10 months
Pokemon Sword by Tumblr decides my fate
Journey to the first badge: Masterpost
The text never ended, and while that was understandable with SwSh being the start of Gen 8. That makes repeat playthroughs a little difficult in the hand-holdy feel of the endless blocks of text and seemingly cookie-cutter 2-D characters. Like, Hop, hunny, c'mon. Can you not mention pages in your legend for five seconds?
But with our little Sobble named Xion, I tried to race through the opening establishing plot. Catching a Wooloo and naming him Meep to avoid the catching tutorial and telling Hop that no, this isn't my first time in a Pokemon Center. Cause, honestly, thank Arceus they added that... if only they'd keep it in every single game moving forward...
With Leon giving me plenty of Pokeballs, I instantly looked for a Nickit and Yamper, naming them Gigi and Lola respectively. After that, I caught one of every Pokemon I could find across Route 1 and 2. At least, I think I did. I wasn't looking at a guide.
Having done that before challenging Hop at Professor Magnolia's place meant I didn't have anything new to catch during his little "challenge". And the purple-haired twerp had the AUDACITY to be sassy about it as if I wasn't completing my Dex faster than his little butt ever could.
But I digress, it was time to get into the Wilds of Galar. Because you know the train just has to run into the one flock of Wooloo for no other reason than plot. And that was really the best thing ever as I poked my head into every Raid Den I could.
Well, sort of. I only caught the first 12 non-repeating Pokemon I found before moving over to the Isle of Armor. Klara gave me a little trouble since my Pokemon were barely over level 10, but I was able to win out in one attempt. And trying to run around to the various Dens on my way to the Dojo.
Honey was an absolute doll and Mustard was his usual partially shady self. But the Slowpoke he trained caused Xion to evolve into Drizzile. I still got the little G-Max Bulbasaur and named him Hashi. Since I didn't need to get Kubfu just yet, I stopped at the second trial. But when we get to the first gym town, we will finish that off.
But after repeating the 12 Raid Den scourge, I went on to the Crowned Tundra. Peony tromped me soundly and called me a softie. Like, sir, I could have been so much worse for you if I wanted to be. You're just lucky I need to get into the Tundra right now...
Ignoring the Dynamax Adventures for now, I ran screaming through the Tundra. Kinda loving and hating the new caves that can be spelunked to your heart's content, but the frickin' Dens hidden in the cave systems... Please, make those easy to find and leave the spelunkable caves to hold something more interesting, please? Rare spawns would be nice.
Though, speaking of Raid Dens, adding a Mienfoo named Mulan to the squad just to help round out weaknesses and give a nice, hard-hitting baby girl to make things interesting.
While setting up for future events, I went ahead and started grinding out that Pokedex and getting Madara the Kubfu to level 30 so we could climb the Tower of Darkness. Very simple projects in theory... but man was that a task and a half. Though I can't express how good it felt to whoop Bede instantly with Gigi. So many memories of my original disdain justified and rectified with one team member.
First of all, Klara and her Poison Types were a trial in and of themselves twice over since I had no real counters, other than Hashi clearing away the spikes. But I eventually got everything sorted out and then came training...
In the Crowned Tundra, I proceeded to complete a Dynamax Adventure and keep an Obstagoon. Suicune knocked out three Pokemon after the Hatterene before it had knocked out one but thankfully you don't need to beat it to progress the story. Instead, I used the Obstagoon to battle around the Tundra, running errands for a creepy Harvest King. (No, I don't like Calyrex... you see what it does to Peony? Bruh better keep his little noggin' to himself.)
But with all that cleared away, I flew back to Turrfield and the Gym Challenge... with a team in its early twenties and more than over-leveled. Add in the fact that herding Wooloo is rather simple and you have a recipe for a quick Gym badge right out of the gate.
Went in with Meep being paralyzed, but he fought through and took down the Gossifleur with a series of Headbutt. Then I swapped for Gigi knowing that I would be Dynamaxing along with Milo and his Eldegoss. Though side note; why didn't they give Milo an Applin for the first battle? It isn't a very strong Pokemon and would add a smidge of diversity to his team. Heck, add a Grookey so he has something other than just the same two Pokemon in his first battle.
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Either way, we got the first badge, now to poke into some Raid Dens and hold a couple more polls...
Xion- Drizzile
Meep- Wooloo
Hashi- Bulbasaur
Lola- Yamper
Gigi- Nickit
Mulan- Mienfoo
0 notes
Need a little break before I continue my mmbn playthrough, so here's a mini crack
Yuichiro has finally a break from work and wants to do some father son stuff with the boys.
Yuichiro: so boys, what kind of sport do you guys like?
Lan and Mega: ????
Yuichiro: I was thinking we could do some classic father and sons stuff! So sports
Lan: dad, I don't think you'll be able to the sport I like to do, and Megaman does his sports mostly in cyberspace
Yuichiro: are you talking about you guys wrestling with each other?
Mega: no, Lan does soccer and rollerskates, and I-
Yuichiro: is rollerskating a sport? I thought that was a way for you to move around faster like people who bikes everywhere?
Lan: it's a sport dad! One that needs practice unless you want to fall on your butt.
Yuichiro: what do you like then Hub?
Mega: maybe you should try something else that isn't sport dad? What about camping?
Yuichiro: camping sounds fun! I'll talk to your mother about where our camping equipment is
Lan: good call. Dad would never been able to rollerskate!
Mega: hate to say it, but dad isn't very ....
Lan: you can say that you're afraid that he would fall face first trying to skate you know.
(based on that I don't think Yuichiro is the most athletic guy around, but he would try for his sons)
Based on the fact I think Yuichiro is a socially awkward nerrrrd, I agree that sports wouldn’t be his thing
He can ride a bike at least but that’s the most athletic you can get
Yuichiro: The boys want to go camping but I also want to do some sports with them too
Haruka: Honey…remember the last time you tried a sport?
Yuichiro: So I got hit in the head with a baseball, it happens to lots of people
Haruka: You lost consciousness for an hour…
Haruka is more athletic fight me
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argisthebulwark · 3 years
more brynjolf thoughts??!!! they’re so good pls
ooooo gamers round two
below the cut so i don't destroy the dash. nsft/suggestive thoughts down below amidst the cringe and angst.
-I think Brynjolf would feel super weird wearing anything other than the guild armor. like in a chance arrangement when he's wearing the fine clothes he wouldn't feel quite like himself without the protective layers he's used to keeping between himself and the rest of the world.
-I also think that he would get flustered easily over PDA. like the ldb saunters into the cistern and smacks a kiss on his cheek, or yells "love you!" before leaving and he's a blushing stuttery mess.
-Brynjolf definitely gets jealous. when the ldb finishes the guild questlines and moves on to the dark brotherhood or the companions I think that he would be on edge. The ldb comes back telling him all about all the new friends they're making - Vilkas who gets on their nerves, Farkas who's a really sweet guy even if he thinks he isn't smart, Gabriella who is really nice and funny, Arnbjorn who used to be a companions member before the whole assassin thing, and is sooo nice! he listens lovingly and holds their hand, but still gives them a particularly memorable goodbye kiss.
-I like to pretend that there's a canon reason that Brynjolf isn't a marriage candidate. definitely not just denial lmao. it could be the pure dedication that he feels to his guild, the thought that something distracting him from his responsibility isn't acceptable. maybe it's the fact that he spent so much of his life thinking that Karliah had a hand in Gallus' death despite their obvious love for each other. (i favor the second one because angst). Whatever the reason is, it's unnerving that the new thief he plucked off the street is making him rethink his policy.
-As someone with a particular interest in hands, I think that Brynjolf having lockpick's hands is extremely wonderful. Like, so large, but also so gentle and careful. cannot even imagine what he can do what them.
-Brynjolf probably has a fear of failure, even to a self-sabotaging degree. He didn't want to let the ldb do the Goldenglow job because even Vex couldn't do it. He doesn't want to risk trying again. It def applies to his relationships too - don't get too close in case they leave. this could also be why he's given some flirty lines AND WHY MERCER WAS GOING TO GIVE HIM OUR REGARDS but wasn't considered a serious marriage option.
-A lot of the lines from a chance arrangement could easily be used in smut and I think about it a lot. "It's all about sizing up your mark, lad/lass. The way they walk, what they're wearing. It's a dead giveaway." "Maybe you'd like a taste?" "there's more where that came from... if you think you can handle it." idk I don't have a solid theory but I definitely think that Brynjolf sized up the ldb walking through the riften marketplace and gambled that his smirk and accent would be enough to seduce them. Obviously, he wasn't wrong.
-As I am someone who despises mercer after experiencing his bullshit for almost ten years now, I think that Brynjolf would do his best to protect the ldb from mercer's intensity. Like, I almost always mess up burning the beehives because it's the only time I use magic in my playthroughs. imagine mercer raging because they messed up and now they have to find a new source for honey before maven tears him a new one. Brynjolf carefully wrapping an arm around the ldb and steering them away from the cistern with promises of buying them a congratulatory drink to take their mind off things. goals.
-one last smutty one please don't read if ur not interested in horny posting or are underage. I bet his dick game is insane. like, the internal conflict of whether or not he should be attracted to someone he recruited to the guild? his lad/lass coming back after a hard job, bleeding but triumphant?? flirting after one too many drinks at the flagon and stumbling back to the guild master's chambers, every sound echoing because of all the underground stone??? being fucked while being called lad/lass??????????????????? being told that he was so worried about you while you were gone, that you were all he could think about???????? that he'd been counting the minutes until you returned so he could take you to bed??????????? listening to that voice narrate every explicit thing he was going to do to you????? it is too much.
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parallel-selfs · 1 year
Glorious Masquerade (chapter 5)
Translation by Gasumasuku Gamer, Ekala and Otome Ayui. EN playthrough by RoseEmber.
Instead of chatting, just pick him up and throw him down the stairs the second you saw him. That's what I would do.
Cry me a river, Rollo.
Why can't you fist fight him? Why use magic when you can punch him?
Cause you're the dumbass who left their diary in the school's fireplace instead of placing it in your bedroom.
Why do you do this to me, why must we read his brother's last moments? 😭
Rollo is allowed to despise mages, he has every right to, but trying to erase magic because it can be dangerous isn't the answer. He's doing this out of place guilt and grief that went untreated. I said this before in a post on my main, he could become a teacher for younger children who unlocked their magic early in life. He can teach them how to control it better and prevent incidents like his brother's from happening again.
It angers me that adults failed another child. Every childhood trauma in this game is caused by adults failing the child.
Idia is the only person who understands Rollo the most. Too bad he's an asshole.
Honestly, I wish I could talk to Rollo instead of having these assholes do it.
Azul, chill.
They're in a dangerous situation, there's no time to be suspicious. If his unique magic can help them, so be it.
Why were you guys just standing and talking? You should have immediately rang the bell instead of waiting for Rollo to get back up.
Malleus, don't say that.
This girl is on fire!!
"No, you're ringing the bell."
He's a dragon, you think that would really affect him.
"Grr, a little busy over here, Grim."
"Grim! Stop being a troublemaker!"
The huge relief at hearing the bell, relaxing her body as the flowers die. Probably falls to her knees.
... I feel bad at seeing him cry. Honey...
That's something you see a lot: "I'm doing for this so-and-so!" That person didn't ask for this, they had no involvement in this. You're doing for yourself and only for yourself. (Unless you're Book 6)
Idia spitting facts, and I agree with Azul, that last part wasn't necessary.
Because fuck you that's why.
The interaction is very cute.
Malleus glaring at him and making him nervous 😆
Malleus, why are you so cute?
Sliding down the side of the tower would look so cool 😣
Isn't Rollo tied up, would the two question it?
Yeah... Just like the righteous judge...
Stay silence and have the fear of someone finding out or confess and be hated by everyone. Malleus, you evil man, same hat.
Going to a different place and have fun? Of course everyone want the ball! Especially after what happened!
I imagine Malleus ran over to Alice once he saw her and gave her the biggest hug that she told him he's crushing her. Then walked both her and Trein back to their rooms.
I believe everything ended at 12-1am, Alice probably sleeping until 10-11pm and then walking the city with those who are awake.
Ace will tease you out of envy.
You can't feel the pain if you're performing.
Rook is the fourth person to cry in this event.
You're lying through your teeth.
😆 Grim became a car! Why did he come in like that?
"You climbed on his back and hurt him more. No throwing up for you." (Could be phrased better, but makes it funny.)
Azul, don't be an asshole.
"Don't be lecturing me, Azul. I asked Rook if you didn't give me my power back, he will hunt you down until you did."
Azul, stop lying to yourself. It's not healthy.
Rook hiding behind Epel.
Pats Grim's head. "You look great, everyone."
"Thank you, Malleus." (Idia is just grinning at Yuu 😆)
Frowning at Rollo with crossed arms.
Jumpscared by the spotlight. Grim, you prideful cat.
The power she sees from her friend as the crowd splits for him.
(You think I have the ghost camera on me? You're getting my phone camera as a report.)
"This was a pleasant surprise."
"Wanted to be part of the performance?"
"Says the two feet direbeast who gets lost in crowds easily."
"Pot calling kettle black."
(Dancing with your enemy.)
(Then Malleus immediately runs over and sweeps Alice off of her feet to start dancing.)
Malleus asks her about his performance. "The performance was beautiful! I really enjoyed it!"
The two share a dance together, being dorky friends and giggling to each other.
Scarred by magic
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