#but then again its not like i actually do my make up to be 'pretty'. i just like to make sure that there's enough
Hiiii i love this blog and its such a joy to have you on my dash again!
Im sure you get a lot of questions, but in a recent post you said people tend to sort by kudos when new to a fandom, and I'm curious both why you say that, and what other/better ways of finding fics might be?
I default to sorting by kudos, and always have, but ive found i struggle to find fics i actually enjoy that way but dont know how to change my searching technique. 😔
Sorting by kudos lets you know that other people liked a fic, but I've never found popularity to be a big factor in whether I like a thing or not. I do see a lot of people recommending that method, though, even though to me it makes no sense.
My way may or may not work for you (I've never done that much reading in mega fandoms, for instance), but I sort by Date Posted or Date Created most of the time.
If I'm new to a fandom and the fandom has existed for a while, I'll dip back into older works. You can specify a date range for when a work last updated. It's at the bottom of the Filters menu, in the More Options section:
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If a show is currently in season 5 and I'm only on season 2, then I want to read the fics that were written in season 2. It makes my brain happy in a way that might or might not be logical, but hey - it works for me.
Since the fandoms and pairings I have historically enjoyed are not huge, I don't really filter for (or remove) tags all that much. I just scroll through the works list and skim summaries until something sounds interesting. Then I look at the associated tags and decide if it's a work that I want to try out or if it looks like something I wouldn't enjoy.
If there are a lot of works and I'm having a hard time narrowing things down, then I look to the Word Count filter to help me out. I know that I love fics under 10K pretty much all the time, so I can use that as a way to reduce the number of results I'm sorting through if I find that there are too many.
That's it, really. And if I'm all caught up in the fandom? Then I just go with the default sorting of Date Posted and start in on the summaries. I'll either go through the fandom tag or, if I ship something, the ship tag(s). I find that to be the best way for me to find something interesting - and I run into tons of stuff I never would have seen if I'd been looking at other stats.
If you have a preferred way of finding good stuff (that isn't the tried-and-true asking a friend for recs), feel free to share it in the notes!
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maxwellatoms · 2 days
I bought a Gartenmeister Fuchsia plant for my birthday back in January. It was a centerpiece all winter long, but recently it started looking a bit sickly. I'm not a "green" gerdener anymore (haha), but I am also by no means a master. I think it was infected with powdery mildew, but I also convinced myself it was spider mites. I try to keep things all -natural out there, so I dried it out and sprayed it with some neem oil after pruning it back a bit. I really should've pruned off all of the infected bits, but I didn't want to lose the flowers.
I did that a few more times, unable to commit to a hard prune because I kept telling myself "I don't know what I'm doing, so maybe it's not sick. Maybe it'll fix itself. Sure would be nice to have those flowers back." I finally gave up and cut it to the bone yesterday, but yesterday was too late. I had to remove every single leaf because I dithered for too long. It's probably not going to make it.
I feel the same way about our culture. US culture. Western culture (though its really a global problem). The Entertainment Industry. The Media. It's sick. We probably need some rather serious surgery to fix the problem, but we just will not see a doctor. To see a doctor would be to admit there's a problem, and for some that is the greatest sin of the 21st Century. Maybe some of us are just hoping the system will recover on its own so we can have our pretty flowers back.
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For me, it was around 2010 or so when I first started to smell something "off". The symptoms had certainly been around a while. This was just when I noticed. This was when I got my first, "Hey, let's not make fun of corporations" note. It's when The History Channel stopped airing stuff about history in favor of aliens because that's where the money was. And rather than rebranding, they just left it as "History", encouraging future generations to believe whatever they felt like. This was also about when traditional news outlets started skewing to clickbait in order to compete with sites that were clearly 100% not legitimate news sites. Again, as long as the money is right it's "just entertainment" and you' can're welcome to believe it if it means you'll watch more.
I'm all-in on Dead Internet Theory now. The disparity between what major news media outlets will report and what you see from actual people on Tumblr or Threads or Reddit is pretty shocking. And those sites are already compromised by bots and bad actors. The tools exist now to actively bamboozle millions of people, and I have no doubt we're already seeing some of this now. In six months or a year you'll find out it (whatever it was) never happened or was generated by an LLM. The time to stop listening to anyone online was a year ago.
Trust no one.
Not even me!
It's cultural rot. It's spreading faster and faster, and I'm not sure what happens when we get to the end of this ride. Actually, I AM sure what happens. If we don't prune back hard now, then the rot takes over. Best-case, you clip the infected branches off too late and it takes years to recover. Worst case? Nature soldiers on but the plant succumbs to infection and dies completely, replaced (eventually) by something that can actually hack it in that spot.
When humans produce art and information, and then comment on that art and information by producing more art and information, we call it "culture". We're moving toward a time when the vast majority of art and ideas we get out eyes on won't be created by humans. Or at the very least won't be created with the purpose of commenting on or enriching the organic human experience. When that happens, what will we call it? What will remain of our culture?
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Fake HC 10 dashboard mayhaps??
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☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
Reminder to love yourself! Smell the trees! Everything will be okay in the end 😊 ☀️
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
nvm gem ran out of pickles im depressed again
🐟 gemstone Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
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1,930 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 126 without a mending book
27 notes
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🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
uM hey @.hpo-official could i ask why you havent' received my messages?/? Every calsl Ive made just puts me on holdd
⬜️ hpo-official-948204deactivated
Sorry about that, sir. Admin error. I'll speak to my manager.
🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
lmao they deactivated what a loser
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
Remember there's a person behind every poor worker! I see you bullies in the notes
🐟 gemstone Follow
@/mending-book-fanatic is a hermit permit office spy confirmed??
2,441 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
Guys everyone agrees that purpur is cheap and beautiful and godlike and everyone should go buy it right now this second *sweats*
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
I feel like I'm missing something...
🌸 joel-beans Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
If I don’t respond within the hour assume she got me
133 notes
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🎩 symmetrical-minister Follow
anyone know a good shop for ethically-sourced wood?? i normally shop at big wood but ive heard things about a mafia :/
🪓 big-salmon Follow
That is absolutely NOT true!! If anything you should be targeting the crypto scheme at Big Wood,,
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
aaaand this is why you should never trust businessmen in red suits
🪓 big-salmon Follow
says the one compensating with a massive HOURGLASS of all things
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Actually @.big-salmon Xisuma_voyd made a really well-explained video here going into detail about all of the shady elements of Big Wood, it's worth a watch.
🐟 gemstone Follow
To answer the original question OP here are some safer (privately owned!) shops :)
Gem's Moss Shop (azaleas for sale which can be bonemealed)
Bdub's Bamboo Shop (bamboo wood is a good eco-friendly alternative to your typical spruce or oak)
The Purr-purr bus (if you're okay with having slightly more exotic trees, from the End)
Hope this helped! <3
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
Why would you pay diamonds for less when you could just pay a few grains of sand for the best quality wood in the shopping district? You people confuse me
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
actually the Purr-purr bus isn't ethical at all!! ive heard they blackmail people into giving them sails!!!
🐟 gemstone Follow
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
2,750 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 131 without a mending book
34 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 164 without a mending book
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Grian you know you can get free mending books at the cat cafe right
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
it's not the same
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
I need to be able to smell the breath of the sea between its sodden pages
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
continue along the same path and you'll soon be facing villager unions
2,316 notes
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🔥 tongo-tak Follow
Friendly reminder that not everyone wakes up at 2am, so please tag your Pearldle spoilers for at least a few hours!!
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
skill issue tbh
1,102 notes
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🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
hallo how flirt with pretty girl time sensitive question
🌺 git-gorgeous Follow
sell them something
🔥 tongo-tak Follow
bribe diamonds
🐍 puppet-master Follow
kill them
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
okay will do!!!!
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
2,989 notes
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🐍 puppet-master Follow
Happy pride month to lgbtqia+ people of all ages, genders and sexualities, you're all so valid and so loved <3 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
🐟 gemstone Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
I'm making a rainbow beacon for pride, come look for it! i'll be with it by my husband @ renthedog's hole all week
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
🐾 renthedog Follow
2,655 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
etho is just kakashi on maple syrup send post
🌸 joel-beans Follow
almost forgot to add important additional difference! etho is also obsessed with me
1,113 notes
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dokries · 16 hours
cat’s out of the bag
pairing: jeon wonwoo x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers
word count: 2k
warnings: mentions of food/drink (no alcohol), someone trips and falls (yes, in love but also literally), author doesn’t know how to describe games
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author note: hehe thank you for the request again anon! i’m making this its own post because as you can tell, i wrote a lot more than i expected to….also yeah, i don’t know how to describe games, i’m sorry. (the game i mention is actually a real one if you’re interested!) my first time writing wonu, i hope you like him ♡
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“do you want a drink, wonwoo?” joshua waits until his friend looks over at him before continuing. “seokmin brought cola if you want some…?”
wonwoo shakes his head, pointing to the can of monster in front of him on the living room table—as soon as he saw the familiar packaging, he had grabbed it before anyone else could have even looked at it. joshua shrugs before giving you a pat on the shoulder as you sit down on the small couch, squished between wonwoo and chan. 
there’s a big get together happening with all of his closest friends, and well…their other friends too. their group of thirteen is comprised mostly of extroverts after all, and one of them, namely seungkwan, is why you’re here in the first place.
wonwoo knows you from before though; you always make sure to wave at him when he talks to seungkwan and even started up a conversation with him the other day about his gaming setup, even if you aren’t necessarily that informed about those kinds of things. he appreciated your attention though, and slowly after that, he saw you everywhere. at little parties like this, in the library during the weekend, and even at his house, when mingyu had invited you over with seungkwan. 
surprisingly, he doesn’t mind your questions, and you’re always respectful of his boundaries. in fact, you seem to read him well—you know when to not push further or sit in content silence with him. 
you say hi to chan, pinching his cheek to get a smile out of him before turning your body to greet the other man beside you. “hey, wonwoo!” 
he nods at you, taking a sip of his drink, hoping you don’t notice his robotic movements. he can’t help but be conscious when he’s right next to you, your elbow dangerously close to his right knee. 
to be perfectly honest, he didn’t know exactly when he started acting like this around you; it isn’t like there was a big moment where he realized he liked you more than friends. however, once he became aware of it—he was staring at his ceiling, about to sleep one night—he couldn't help himself from being so…careful around you. the funny thing is that even though he’s like this, you always end up making him comfortable enough to forget it—it’s dangerous for him to be so at peace around you, should he let his impulses win and actually confess one day. 
chan leans forward to see the both of you with a smirk on his face before putting an arm around your shoulder casually, and takes note of how wonwoo slightly adjusts his grip on his drink. chan calls your name smugly, his eyes watching the both of you (but especially wonwoo, so he can tell all the guys to tease his older friend later). “so…anything new?” 
“oh, i—” you start to speak but wonwoo cuts you off with a sigh in chan’s direction. “come on, don’t they tell you anything? they went to the beach recently, and then walked along the trail for a good few hours, even though it was dark and they were by themself. i don't know if it was last week or the week before that, but they also got some new plants—though i’m pretty sure they were for their neighbours more than themself, right?” he finishes, looking at you for confirmation as chan gapes, eyes wider than they’ve ever been. 
you have a similar expression on your face, and wonwoo clamps his mouth shut. “well, i’m screwed,” he mumbles under his breath. 
chan scratches his cheek. “well, they don’t tell me that much, that’s for sure.” 
he quickly excuses himself with a full blown grin on his face, and gets up to go visit the friend closest to the three of you—seokmin, who’s standing and talking to seungkwan, and another friend you don’t recognize. chan drags the two you know to the side, whispering something into their ears, and gasps emerge from their animated conversation that looks a little too much like old women gossiping.
you watch them for a moment before turning back to wonwoo—wait, is that a tinge of red he sees on your cheeks? you both stare at each other before you break the silence with an awkward laugh. “well…i uh.” you trail off, looking into the distance before you clear your throat and look straight at wonwoo with a small smile. “i didn’t realize you paid that much attention to my rambling.”  
he shrugs nonchalantly (you can practically hear the hinges in his shoulder creak as he does; he is very chalant) before staring down at his shoes. “of course.” it’s you, after all, is what he adds in his head and he clears his throat, looking away. 
you raise an eyebrow at his actions before changing the topic. “so anyway, about those plants…”
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“wonwoo?” you call out, and he looks down at your concerned look. you laugh awkwardly before continuing. “i’m done tying my laces, so we should go catch up with the others.” 
right, he stayed behind with you on the way to the ice cream shop because you needed to tie your shoelaces. you had grinned up at him, exclaiming, “safety first, am i right?” 
he had shook his head in amusement before waiting on the side patiently. 
he notices the way the dim light from the street lamps nearby hits you, colouring your skin golden. he thinks it suits you, with the way you continue to make him feel…warm. of course, he’s happy around his friends, even though he may not necessarily show it like some of them do; he isn’t clingy like hoshi, or sweet with his words like joshua. you make him feel slightly different though, and he’s not entirely sure what to do about it. 
you seem to notice that he prefers to watch and stay quiet than join in on the antics of the group, and make sure to include him in your own little ways. he appreciates it more than he can tell you, and it’s probably the main reason as to how his affection for you built up gradually.
wonwoo crouches down to your level and touches your cheek gently, brushing a stray eyelash onto the tip of his finger. he smiles slightly, holding it in front of you so you can see it well before whispering your name. “make a wish.” 
you grin, pausing to make a wish before blowing gently so that your eyelash goes off on a journey of its own in the wind. you get up quickly, lending a hand to wonwoo—he doesn’t need your help but…he still takes it. once he’s up, you drag him with you, walking quickly in the direction where the rest of the group went.  
“i think seungkwan might order some weird flavour for us if we don’t hurry up, if i’m being honest.” you turn back to him with a sheepish expression before it turns affectionate. he knows that you have a soft spot for seungkwan, considering you’ve known him much longer than the others. wonwoo thinks you have one for him too, considering how much attention you pay to him specifically. 
he nods solemnly—the urge to be more expressive around others so that they wouldn’t misunderstand him never seemed to apply when he was around you. 
you smile, focusing on your feet as you walk before speaking hesitantly, your hand going to rub the nape of your neck naturally. “hey…do you remember that game you mentioned last week? the one with the cat wizard, i mean.” 
puzzled, wonwoo looks at your face, thinking back to the time you’re talking about. right, he was talking about a game where you play as a cat and draw shapes to vanquish your enemies—he heard about one of his favourite esports players having that game, so he tried it out himself. wonwoo had brought it up randomly as the cuteness of the game reminded him of you. his explanation made it sound grander than it really was but you nodded along to everything he said. 
“yeah, i remember talking about it. divineko, right?” he says, taking out his own phone to show you the signature animal on the app icon. when you nod, he gives you a content smile once his phone is securely in his hoodie pocket. “what about it?”
you bite your lip nervously before speaking. “so…i may have downloaded that game and oh my god, wonwoo.” you pause to look at him before squealing in pure joy, taking out your own device to show him your avatar—a special wizard skin on your black cat. 
you look at him and then back to your phone screen, eyes widening with a realization. “dude, if this cat had glasses, it would literally be you!” you grin up at him before looking off to the side, muttering under your breath. “it’s definitely as cute as you, that’s for sure.”
“huh?” wonwoo blinks at you before shrugging, and the two of you start walking faster—after all, the rest of the guys are waiting for you. 
he looks down at the street in front of the two of you, a warning on his lips as he frowns. “hey there’s a—” you cut him off with a yelp as you trip on an uneven part of the sidewalk and fall down, saving yourself from getting too injured by bracing yourself with your knees. “…weird section of the sidewalk in front of you.” dazed, wonwoo finishes his sentence before he gives you his hand to help you get up. 
you take it and pull yourself up, brushing off any dirt that might’ve gotten on you. you look at him sheepishly again, and wonwoo laughs at you. 
he looks forward again, and can’t help but blurt out, “wow, i like you so much, huh?” as if he has no self control. 
you freeze, and so does wonwoo. did he really just say that?? he looks at you slowly through the corner of his eye, and sees you processing. 
in fact, you are processing. he—HE WHAT NOW? your mouth drops open without your permission and he turns to face you, his focus solely on his shoes. wow, when was the last time he washed them? 
wonwoo hesitates as he says your name, and you turn red at his gentle tone. “um, i. so cat’s out of the bag, huh?” he pauses to run a hand through his hair, moving his bangs to cover how red his ears have become. 
he looks up at you, and smiles slightly as he confesses what’s been on his mind for a while now. “i…i like you a lot, actually. but not as friends.” he stumbles on his words as his arms move around quickly—he’s the most expressive you’ve ever seen him, and you find yourself even more endeared somehow.
wonwoo’s face falls slightly when you don’t respond right away. he wasn’t expecting you to say that you thought of him in the way—no, that’s a lie. he wants you to return his feelings so that he can shower you with all the love you deserve, even if he shows it quietly. besides, you’ve already shown that you get him; you’ll know what he means, even if it’s implied.
your giggling clears his thoughts away as he watches you grin with pure joy; it’s almost as if it isn’t midnight but midday for wonwoo as he looks at you. 
“wonwoo…” you say before bursting into another fit of soft laughter, and he chuckles, already knowing your answer to his confession. 
“actually, i feel the same way. i mean, i didn’t just approach you because i liked you—i want to be clear about that.” you pause to make sure he understands—he gives you a nod to continue—and you smile at him again. “i think i just…found out what a great person you are eventually.” 
wonwoo nods again, biting back a grin before he frowns slightly. “wait. what do we tell the guys?” 
you give him a sneaky smile before grabbing his arm and dragging him towards the ice cream shop you two were supposed to be at like…ten minutes ago. “we can tell them that we’re together now, can’t we?”
wonwoo uses his hand to cover his smile as he looks off to the side, his ears red. “yeah, i think i’d like that.”
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gunilslaugh · 2 days
Now that you request are open can I please request them taking their girl friend to buildabear workshop something like she’s never been and has always wanted to go🫶🏽
I hope you like your request!
All members = ] Summary: Xdinary Heroes taking their girlfriend to Build-A-Bear Workshop for the first time. (non-idol/idol au) WC:~1.1k Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil noticed that any time the two of you ventured to the mall that you always started at Build-A-Bear. He finally decided to ask you about it as you were walking by the shop.
“Do you like Build-A-Bear?” he questioned, his footsteps coming to a stop. 
“Oh, no. I mean I’ve never been,” you told him. It clicks in Gunil’s head.
“But you want to?” he proposed. 
“Isn’t it a bit childish?” you expressed your concern. 
“Nonsense. Let’s go.” He links his hand in yours and pulls you along with him into Build-A-Bear Workshop. Once inside Gunil watches the happy smile that appears on your face and it melts his heart. He’s so glad to be able to make one of your childhood wishes come true. From picking your animal, the outfit, a sound/scent, getting it stuffed, naming it. Gunil is so happy to do it all with you. He jokingly calls the stuffed animal your twos’ child and would definitely take you again if you wanted.
Jungsu watched as your eyes followed the child clutching a stuffed bear to their chest. It’s not the first time this has happened. Jungsu didn’t think too much of it, yet at the same time he felt like something was up. 
“Do you want another stuffed animal?” he asked you halfway joking. 
“I have plenty of stuffed animals,” you answered with a laugh. 
“You were staring at the child carrying the bear though,” he pointed out. 
“Ah, that’s because it’s a Build-A-Bear. I always wanted to go, but never got to,” you explained. 
“Let’s go then.” Jungsu stands up. 
“Seriously?” you checked, surprised. 
“Yeah, there’s nothing stopping us.” He held out his hand for you to follow along. 
Building your bear together with Jungsu is definitely an experience you will never forget. Picking out the outfit and accessories together and deciding its name at the end. Being able to carry the bear out in yours. Jungsu can’t help, but be reminded of the child as he stares at you. 
“Thank you,” you tell him. Jungsu smiles and nods his head. 
“Is there something you always wanted to do as a child, but never got to?” Jiseok randomly asked you. 
“Why?” you questioned. 
“Just curious. I feel like everyone has something that they wanted to do, but never did,” he explained. 
“I wanted to go to Build-A-Bear, but never did,” you told him. 
“Really? I feel like that’s pretty simple,” he says. 
“No one ever took me,” you shrugged. 
“I’ll take you then,” he tells you. 
“Huh? It’s ok you don’t have to,” you dismissed. 
“I’m taking you, that's final. I’m gonna make little y/n’s dream come true.”
“This feels kinda surreal,” you said once you both were in the store. Jiseok chuckles as you look around in awe.
“Come on, let’s build us a bear,” he says. It was a really fun experience for the both of you, especially picking out the outfit. 
“Is little y/n happy now?” He asks as you two were leaving the store. 
“Very much, thank you.” You pressed a grateful peck to his cheek.
You let out a sigh as you took a seat next to Seungmin on the couch. 
“What’s up?” he questioned. 
“My mom took my niece to Build-A-Bear today,” you said blankly. 
“Isn’t that nice?” he asked.
“No.” You pouted. 
“Why not?” He poked your puffed out cheek. 
“I always wanted to go there when I was a kid, but she never took me, because she said it was overpriced and stupid,” you ranted. “And now she takes my niece? It stings.” Seungmin does find the situation a little funny, but he can tell that you are seriously upset about it.
“Should I take you then?” he offers. 
“Would you actually? Aren’t I too old now?” you questioned. 
“You’re never too old for a stuffed animal. Let’s go.” 
Even though Seungmin thought it was a bit silly at first once he sees the pure joy on your face as you create your stuffed companion that all goes away. The way your eyes light up when your completed animal is handed to you makes Seungmin realize how much this really did mean to you and he’s really glad he was able to give you this experience. 
Hyeongjun has briefly left you to go to the bathroom. It was conveniently by a Build-A-Bear leaving you to stare at the children entering and leaving the store. You couldn’t help the bit of jealousy you felt as you watched. Hyeongjun noticed the off look in your eyes as he returned from the bathroom. 
“What’s up?” he asked. 
“I’ve never been,” you said, eyes still looking at the store. 
“Do you want to?” he questioned, also taking a glance at the store.
“Yeah, but I don’t know. Won’t it be weird?” you voiced. 
“I don’t think so. Even if people look you could always just say it’s for a niece or nephew,” he says. He can see the bit of hesitation lingering in your eyes, so he takes it upon himself to lead you into the store himself. You’re so glad he did cause once you’re inside you feel so incredibly happy. Hyeongjun notices it too as you beam at all the options. 
“Thank you so much. My younger self feels at peace now,” you say as you look at the bear in your arms. Hyeongjun smiles and gives the bear a pat. 
“I’m glad,” he tells you.
“You know we can go in?” Jooyeon tells you. 
“Huh? What are you talking about?” you question.
“Any time we walk by a Build-A-Bear your steps always slow and stare and if you see someone carrying a bag from there you stare too,” he brings up. 
“I really wanted to go when I was a kid, but I never got too. I think I’m too old to do it now though,” you say. 
“Nonsense if you want to go let’s go. A custom stuffed animal is cool, not childish,” he states. The way he dragged you into the store makes you think that maybe he wanted to go too. Even if it was childish neither you or Jooyeon cared as you picked out the outfit and accessories for your animal. You guys maybe had a little too much fun smelling the different scent options. Once you were done and walked out of the store with the stuffed animal in your arms you and Jooyeon stopped to take pictures with it. 
“Thanks, this made me really happy,” you tell him. 
“It made me happy too,” he smiles.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
comment or message me to be added!
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mayashesfly · 2 days
A follow up/expansion on the Robot replaces Dead Vox scenario au
For simplicity's sake I'll refer to Vox's robot replacement as the Proxy. And any possible future posts about this au will be tagged under "The Proxy AU"
(Do take note that some of these things may be subject to change as I expand on this au in time)
Thank you @theautotrophic for your questions! ^w^
Vox made the Proxy at first after his fallout with Alastor as a way to let out his self loathing. So Alastor didn't know about it.
The Proxy is almost direct reconstruction of his body but improved to better at handling overheating amongst other things while also having the chest area be more… masculine. (If you headcanon Vox as Trans ontop of my headcanon that he can't exactly have permanent top surgery because sinner regeneration is a bitch)
The biggest difference between Vox and the Proxy is that the Proxy doesn't have alot of shark-like qualities unlike Vox since Vox was still terrified of sharks when he made the Proxy.
So the Proxy doesn't have any dorsal like fins and his tail is a retractable cord tail instead of a retractable shark tail. But it still does have the gills as its vents.
There's also details on his backside specifically that he couldn't replicate because well… It's not like he can see his back.
The Proxy was meant to be Vox's attempt to upgrade his body as a way to cope with his fallout with Alastor. After all, if he can upgrade his head, why can't he upgrade his body?
Unfortunately, he couldn't actually replace his body with the Proxy. And the idea of completely getting rid of it didn't sit right with him since he wasted alot of materials and time into making it.
It'll be a waste to scrap it but it's not like he could admit that he made the Proxy in a state of weakness to his only business partner friend left.
After some time of calming down, he realized that he could use the Proxy as a back up plan if things go south with him.
At this point, he still didn't know he could transfer parts of his memories into flashdrives to download them somewhere else. But he reasoned that he could theoretically make a head for the Proxy and program it to act like him.
So knowing that there's a chance Valentino would see the Proxy because you can't exactly hide a life-sized "improved" replica of your body, he told Valentino that the Proxy could be a backup plan for him if things go south before Valentino could find out about it through other means.
At the time, Valentino was utterly confused and pretty disturbed at the information.
But it was something they never really brought up again since they both wanted to forget it.
Velvette didn't actually know about the Proxy until it happened.
After his close fight with Alastor wherein Valentino intervened before Alastor disappeared, his thoughts went back to the Proxy as he realized that he could actually die.
His media empire with Valentino and Velvette was already growing and if anything happened to him, the technological and broadcasting aspect of their business would fall over without him acting as the head.
And their reputation would take a hit if Valentino and Velvette was forced to rebrand Voxtek in the case of his death. Especially if their competitors sees his death as something that'll weaken the Vees.
He couldn't bare letting the Vees go without an actual backup plan in case something happened to him.
So while he and Valentino healed from the battle with Alastor, he took some time upgrading the Proxy to be up to date and actually modifying and programming it so that it could actually act like him in case something happened.
He didn't bother making the Proxy a head of its own since he knew he always upgraded his head and it would just be a waste of time.
But he did set up a machine that can automatically give the Proxy a head after the head that'll be installed has the proper programming and necessary memories installed inside.
The Proxy doesn't actually have any personality of its own unlike Kitty wherein Vox put in the extra effort to give it some personality thay he knows Valentino would like since it was a gift for him (just like how Vark was a gift for Vox from Val which helped him embraced his shark-like qualities)
The Proxy is programmed to handle broadcasting, interviews, and public meetings. Pretty much every public appearance Vox had to make.
The memories downloaded into the Proxy mostly isn't personal at all, and they mostly only pertain to the business and important aspects of their business. (So it doesn't have any personal memories of Alastor)
Though there are also programmed codes and memories on how to handle Valentino and Velvette to make sure they don't fly off the handle based on Vox's previous interactions. With more emphasis on how to specifically handle a Valentino who's having a fit just in case.
Though when the two of them goes against the programmed interaction the Proxy has on them, then it has some difficulty.
After all, it wasn't like it has anything to work off on on how to handle a grieving Valentino and Velvette.
It takes alot of energy from the Proxy to handle its daily public appearances. And it's unable to do surveillance unlike Vox as any attempts to do so would overload its systems and it'll just crash.
When its not on "public appearance" mode, the Proxy is on a "low power savings" mode around the Vees as it tries to keep up the appearance of a businessman for the other employees. Though it visibly buffers and pauses at times, causing its face to disappear.
Sometimes Valentino and Velvette would manually power it off to be hidden somewhere out of plain sight.
It's a miracle if they could remember to plug it in through its tail cord or its actual charger or another charger so it could recharge.
Something that Vox's assistant has to keep up on consistently unless he wants to reschedule the entire day so that the people who are none the wiser won't be confused or upset that Vox had to reschedule their meetings and other public appearances. (Poor Eelliot)
As for Vox's death well… I'll keep that to your imaginations for now :D
But I will say that one of the reasons Alastor knows Vox is dead is because of how their shared frequency went completely silent.
Meanwhile, the Vees have a contract to ensure that everything the deceased Vee has under their possession would be transferred to the other Vees in the event of their death so that they won't lose any power, souls, properties, and ect that the other Overlords and Kingpins could steal.
Even when Valentino and Velvette didn't know where Vox was or how he died, the both of them physically felt Vox's powers and possessions going to them after he died, confirming his death.
Valentino quickly went to Vox's surveillance and control room to desperately search for him while there was an Extermination going on outside.
It took everything from Velvette to convince him not to go outside when he could also be killed and then Vox would be fucking upset with them.
(Neither of them said a word that there was no more Vox to be upset with them ever again)
When they finally located his body, they quickly collected him discreetly so that noone else would know that the Vees lost its eldest member.
Neither of them said a word as they hugged the cold, lifeless corpse.
A stark contrast to the warmth Vox constantly radiated despite his calm and collected persona.
It took some time for Valentino to finally put Proxy to use.
Some of Vox's shows having a few reruns while he gathers the courage to face the machine.
He had half the mind to completely destroy it beyond repair.
To tear everything down to pieces after he had lost his longest business partner.
But Kitty and Proxy was the only things left that Vox made with his two very own hands.
To have them repaired by someone else other than Vox…..
Well, while Vox may still be the same despite how much he changed…
The same could not be said about the robots he made.
It wouldn't be the same.
When metal and wires could easily be replaced but the soul cannot.
It wouldn't be the same.
Still, he couldn't stop himself as he shattered the screen that showcased it buffering instead of the exasperated but still fond sneer he had gotten used to.
Velvette was absolutely devastated and livid when she found out about Vox's replacement.
She screamed at Valentino, asking him what the fuck he was even thinking and HOW THE FUCK DID HE EVEN ACQUIRE SUCH A THING
Vox never told her about the Proxy and while Velvette could care less about the roofies she makes and the Fizzibot Val has and every worse thing she's done under existence, she couldn't fathom replacing Vox with a mere husk of a pathetic disgusting thing.
She only stopped her shouting when Valentino quietly said it was Vox's idea.
And they both promised that they'll kill whoever decided to hurt the Vees and avenge Vox.
For now it was something both of them could focus on, even if it was a lie.
Valentino will hunt them down no matter what other people may say.
When Alastor saw Vox alive and well after the dead silence in their shared frequency, he first thought it must be a bad dream.
But he knows it was real.
That it happened.
After the confusing feelings he felt upon seeing that familiar face alive and well passed by, anger gripped his soul.
He had half the mind to ruin and destroy that pretender.
Vox was well and truly gone and it'll stay that way if Alastor could help it.
But when he realized what truly happened, he could only laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at the situation.
And when he calmed down, he deigned to not interact even further at what happened.
Except for mocking the remaining Vees at what had happened to make himself feel better.
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trainfanz · 3 days
Further ramblings on London 2024 as I've now had a chance to listen to it! Below the cut! (I can't send out the audio, sorry.) SPOILERS ABOUND!
"Stop that boring music!" IS GONE!
There really isn't a lot to separate the additional trains. Their introductions and little pre-race mantras are all "They're fast!"
Al Knott sounds great.
I appreciate they rewrote Crazy to actually make it more of an intro song for Rusty instead of just sticking it there.
Arguing before 'I Am Me' is hard to follow with no visuals!
"Friends!" "Friends!" "More than friends?!" "-just friends." HAHA
"Trucks will identify themselves! Fuel Trucks!" Honey, they're all fuel trucks.
Freight really doesn't get to finish and I don't think I really like that.
Stopping here to say that Hydra is the standout of this new incarnation. Going into his little mantra at every applicable moment and annoying everyone else is hilarious.
AC/DC is... fine. Still prefer the older sound.
New take on Pumping Iron however is pretty good!
I want to see Control offering Pearl a spot to sit so bad.
"Please welcome to the other side of the tracks: Momma McCoy." "HOW WE DOIN?!" That's great.
Shoutout to them for using my preferred little outro ditty for the blues. Hard to explain what I mean.
I get that the 4th qualifying engine isn't integral to the downhill final but to only have 1 winner in Race 2 feels weird.
Surprise El DeBarge Lyrics???
The Rap is pulling a lot from the first two incarnations - "Race Time" shows up in the megamix but not in the actual song.
Dinah UGLY crying hhhh
Slick gets her own take on Wide Smile. Not sure if I like it but it's definitely unique.
Still think what immediately follows Race 3 ends up being 2 versions of the same scene stuck together, but that's not this production's problem.
It stings that Right Place, Right Time is gone. I get that it doesn't really work with the fuel trucks as apposed to the Rockies but I miss it!
No awkward key change in Starlight Sequence!! (If you've heard the current German version, you know.)
For how integral to the plot he is I expected Hydra to get a little more of his own number, but the "It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when" is the most song he gets and the rest is just talking.
Aaand here's Lord Andy's big twist, Rusty explicitly converts himself to run on hydrogen. More on this in a few lines!
They REALLY get their mileage out of what they got Lord Andy to write for this production.
Ok, I see what people mean by them altering Prusty in 2017 to fit 'I Do' better instead of changing the song again. I get it now. I think.
Even as a sapphic, Greaseball still can't spell.
New lyrics in Light At The End of The Tunnel is WEIRD.
I don't hate that they try to work in a message about clean fuels but at the same time I don't think its necessary? Was the original Starlight really meant to convince the audience that coal is the future in real life? Not really. Especially at the end things feel a bit heavy handed but again, I don't HATE it.
Still amazed I am open to/liking this new take on Starlight as much as I am.
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muffinrecord · 10 hours
I joined up on twitter again to see all the magireco art since eos is a thing, and christ alive I remember now why I left that site in the first place.
Why am I being recommended homophobic content?? I just want to see fanart, man. I don't want to see greasy anime boy pfp videos of trucks doing burnouts on pride flags or whatever. I don't wanna hear the latest hot take that racism is good actually???
It sucks cause twitter is a great source of magireco content. You can find a lot of despair witch tips on there and the fanart doesn't flashbang you into horrors like pixiv does
but the site itself sucks and feels pretty rotten. I feel like it goes out of its way to show you things you don't want to see to farm engagement. gotta make you mad so that you stay glued to your screen!
I hate feeling manipulated, shit sucks. If I want to feel depressed then I'd try cleaning my room, I don't need twitter trying to one-up me here on negative feelings.
Anyways once EOS is over, I'll probably delete my account again
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buuniebaby · 19 hours
being long distance with hamzah until 4 months into dating you visit him in Canada where you get to spend ur first night together and can finally touch him. hamzah being so pent up after not being able to touch his pretty gf that when he finally gets to he can’t hold back:((
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includes: long distance rls, rough sex, reader is on birth control, creampie
thank yew guys for all the love on my recent works mwahhhh 💝
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you’re entirely enamored with hamzah - that’s the long and short of it.
it’s why sitting in an uber, anxiously bouncing your leg up and down, waiting impatiently to finally see him in person for the first time is so scary.
you know in your head that seeing hamzah for the first time isn’t something you should even really be scared about. hell - you’ve seen all of him, and vice versa. you’ve been dreaming of this domestic life with him throughout your whole relationship; finally being able to sleep in the same bed, kiss his pretty face, and have him wrap his arms around you while you cook. you craved it, and being around him would be the only thing to make the ache settle.
but it’s still scary.
the biggest nail in the coffin is when you’re standing in front of his door, anxiously bringing your hand to knock.
when you get no response back for a few seconds, you panic. could you have gotten the wrong address? maybe you didn’t knock hard enough.. but what if he heard, and knocking twice makes you look wayy too desperate-
blood runs to your cheeks as your thoughts are immediately cut off, watching as the door slowly creaks open.
god, he looks so much better in person.
all you can do is stare for a second. he has an awkward smile on his face - it’s cute. his curls fall on his forehead messily, but it suits him. the tshirt he’s wearing loosely fits over him, but still accentuates the overall shape of him. not to mention his muscular arms and legs - you can nearly feel yourself drool at the inseam shorts he’s wearing, showing off his thighs.
“sorry uh- im not really dressed up for you- but holy shit. you’re here. like actually.” he rambles, not knowing how hot he looks.
“no.. you look good like this.” you respond back, sly, eyeing him up and down. he smirks back at you - he knows what you want.
“why don’t you come in then?” he asks, pulling you through the door by your hips before you can give him a response.
by the moment the door closes behind you, he’s all over you. he pulls you into a kiss; your first together. its passionate, full of desperation, just like you thought it would be. that craving has finally filled itself - it’s there when you realize this is all you’ve ever wanted.
“you’re here.” hamzah whispers. eyes closing, he rests his forehead on yours. “you’re really here.”
you melt at his words. knowing the way that sense desperation is shared between the two of you makes your heart warm; you’re holding yourself back from doing something stupid like pinching his cheeks. you’re so deep in love for that boy, and seeing him is only making you more insane.
he finally pulls away, holding your hands as he eyes you up and down. you can see his mind’s tone change right before your eyes when he focuses on certain parts of your body.
before you know it you’re kissing again and hamzah’s hands are trailing across your body. there’s a hand on your hip, fumbling it’s fingers with the soft flesh on your tummy. the feeling of him groping your body is like a dream coming true, something you’ve been yearning for.
keeping you in his hold, hamzah maneuvers you to his couch, pushing you down so you land back-first onto the cushion. he kisses you for a second, lips crashing upon yours, but they soon slow. he pulls away, a questioning look upon his face.
“you sure you wanna do this like- right here? I have a room for you, with like, a bed and stuff.” he utters, breathless from kissing. you giggle, facing him from underneath, the weight of his toned body holding you down. you think about it for a minute, then smirk to yourself as an idea forms in your head.
“can we do it in your bed? the one you’re always in during facetimes.” is what you softly mutter back. a blush creeps onto hamzah’s face at your mention of the facetimes between you two. he knows exactly what you’re talking about - the same bed where he always strokes himself or humps his pillow while he thinks of you.
“yeah- yeah, that would be good.” you watch him shyly move his head to the side, avoiding eye contact as thoughts of you form in his head. with that, he lifts you into his hands, manhandling you into a bridal carry.
you’re being thrown into his bed as soon as you know it, landing softly on the fluffy sheets. to the side is the pillow, the one you’ve watched him cum all over, and on the dresser lays a pair of panties you had mailed to him.
he crawls on top of you, but still not close enough to kiss your face. he starts lower, placing soft, gentle kisses on your lower stomach.
“s’pretty,” he mumbles, entranced by you. “wanted this for so long.”
he hooks his finger in the garment covering what’s below your stomach, slowly pulling it down to reveal to him what he’s really been waiting for.
“such a pretty pussy, baby.” he says, fingers just every-so-slightly trailing across your clit. he spreads the lips open, sinking in face-first without a second thought.
you respond instantaneously as he kisses and sucks at your pussy, a loud gasp coming from your mouth as your hips buck up into his. your hands are in his hair, pulling at him like you could lose him if you don’t grip hard enough. your soft thighs clench around his face, essentially straddling his head. he wraps his arms around them softly, but you know that if you struggled his hold would be a lot harder.
you let out a strangled gasp as he presses a finger inside of you, and fuck, they’re big.
“you okay?” hamzah murmurs, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh.
“yeah, keep going. they’re just big- bigger than mine.” you reply, eliciting a giggle from hamzah. you nearly laugh in return, but not before he dives back into your pussy, eating you out while his finger is inside you.
eventually one finger becomes two, and your legs are starting to feel like jello. he’s eating you out like it’s his last meal before the death penalty, and you’re using every bone in your body to keep yourself from cumming.
“hamzah- hamzah stop- fuck-“ you say, pulling him by the curls so he’s no longer latched onto your clit. he looks up on you, big brown eyes and all, a concerned expression on his face.
“wanna-“ you start, still catching your breath. “wanna get fucked by you- don’t wanna cum yet.” is all the words you can get out. hamzah smiles, no longer any concern in his mind.
“well, you should’ve just said something, baby.” he replies, hands already maneuvering you onto his lap. his boner is obvious, bulging against you. by instinct, you begin to rock your hips. your palms are dead set on hamzah’s shoulders, using them to keep you stable.
his lips attach to your neck, sucking on you like a vampire. his rough fingers dig into your waist, guiding you as you grind on his clothed cock.
“baby,” groans hamzah, tilting your neck just a slight bit more to the right for easier access. the roll of your hips speeds up, hamzah’s head going back as he moans. he kisses you again, on the lips this time; it’s soft. it’s more of an appreciative kiss, one he’s been waiting to do since he first met you online.
the two of you part, a string of saliva keeping you connected. he stops you for a second, as if he’s remembered something.
“you’re still on birth control- right?”
your mind immediately races back to your sexual conversations with hamzah - all his fantasies about hitting it raw, cumming inside of you..
“yeah, of course.” you reply back.
whatever he’s about to do to you, you’re excited for.
“so like.. no condom?” hamzah looks down at you, practically pleading.
“only because it’s you.” you reply, semi-sarcastically.
hamzah is already getting down to work, boxers thrown off, landing somewhere in the messiness of his room. he promised himself he would clean it for you - and he did !! a little.
hamzah realizes he’s spacing out and immediately refocuses back on you, only to see that you’ve already undressed just like him. he’s already painfully hard, but he feels himself grow at the sight of your body all laid out for him.
“holy shit,” he swears, under his breath. “you look so.. pretty.”
“yeah?” you smile, flushing red.
“yeah.” he mutters, pulling you back into his lap, small legs straddling thick, tan hips. “always wondered what you would look like, like this. just for me.”
“live up to your expectations?” you ask, playfully.
“so much better.” he replies back, wrapping his arms around you.
you’re teasing him - your pussy slides over the tip of his cock, but it’s nowhere near actually entering. he lets out a strangled moan, desperately trying to get himself together so he can finally put it in.
once he finally gathers his composure, he lines himself up below your hole. slowly but surely, he presses into you, making sure you don’t get hurt. you gasp at the way he fills you perfectly, fingers grasping onto the big arms that keep you balanced. when his hips finally press against yours, you two just sit there for a second, and it sinks in:
you’re finally together.
you whisper from above his shoulder a soft “you can move, im okay,” and he doesn’t need to be told twice. there’s a long drag of his hips, and then he’s slamming into you.
you’re tight- hamzah can feel it every time your hips come down on his cock. if he knew you were gonna feel this fucking good, hell, he would’ve booked you that flight a million times sooner. being inside you has brought upon a hazy sensation he’s never felt before. the feeling makes him buck his hips up into you, more desperate than before.
“fuck- ah- hamzah!” is all you can say when the thrust of his hips gets faster. “h-hold on, baby-“
“needed you,” is all hamzah says back. “so fucking bad..”
your hands bawl into fists as you grip hamzah for dear life, letting him thrust into you rapidly as if you’re a toy. he shifts so that his feet lay on the mattress, allowing him to thrust even deeper. the feeling is killing you.
a groan rips from his throat, no - a growl. it’s dirty, passionate, but god, it’s hot. he’s needy, pinning you to his chest as he thrusts up into you. taking what’s rightfully his.
“don’t stop- please” you mewl, feeling yourself clench around him. you’re getting close. hamzah is only urged to go faster by this - he couldn’t even think of stopping. his vision is blurring, clouded by euphoria. he can only picture you in front of him, desperately moaning on his cock. his. cock. that’s what you are - his.
“want you to cum- fuck.” he says, broken moans cutting him off. “around my cock, wanna feel it.”
your half-spoken curses fill the air as your hips grind against him. you’re needy, ready to cum, and the feeling is killing you. before you know it, you’re arching your back, bending your body to impossible lengths, and screaming loud enough hamzah thinks you might get a noise complaint.
hamzah isn’t far behind - especially after seeing how fucking pretty you look while cumming. it’s enough to push him off the edge, hands gripping your waist as he paints your insides white. he kisses you deep, moans muffled behind his lips. the grip he has on you is so strong, it could break you.
he catches his breath, feeling the shake of your legs from his lap.
“wanted this for so long, you don’t even know.” he says. he’s staring at you with heart eyes, fully in love.
“me too.” you reply, satisfied. “really bad.”
you get up, walking on trembling legs, doing that awkward walk trying to prevent the cum from dripping out of you. hamzah sees this and stops you, getting up instead.
“stay here. ill clean you up.” he says, giving you a kiss on the forehead and tucking you into his bed.
as he’s walking out the door, he turns around like he forgot something.
“you want water? or nah.”
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ang3l0fthursday · 2 days
“Take care of me?”
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sub!matt sturniolo x Fem!reader
warnings: smut | no actual p in v | fem!receiving oral | dry humping?| face riding| sub matt x soft dom reader | not edited !!!
matt is blue
reader is pink
author notes: please let me know if i missed anything + i’m new to this! i welcome any feedback as long as you’re not mean about it!
i open my eyes, the sunset gleaming just right through matt’s bedroom window. i stretch my arms out, accidentally bumping my knuckles on the bed frame, right after i hear my hands hit the bed frame i here shuffling outside the door before it opens, revealing my boyfriend matt, he was wearing sweatpants, a black t shirt and his hair was tousled from filming whatever it was him and his brothers had gone and recorded.
“hi ma, did i wake you?”
“no baby you didn’t just- just coincidental timing i guess” i say while letting out a yawn.
matt turns towards his desk, throwing off his shirt. As he does so i admire the way his arms and shoulders move
god he looks so good.
“what’d you do while i was gone mama?”
matt walks towards the bed, pressing his knee down onto the mattress and making his way over to me, laying his cheek down on my stomach, his hand going to trace shapes on my hip.
“not a lot. i fell asleep about thirty minutes after you guys left”
my hands card through his soft brown hair
before speaking again. “come here baby”
matt made his way up to me, looking down slightly from the angle he layed at. my hands immediately grabbed his face, bringing his face down too me. his lips met mine.his beautifully soft lips.
matt moaned into the kiss, i felt him harden against my thigh.
i pushed him up by his shoulders.
“matty do you think- uhm. that you can just take care of me tonight ?”
he smiled, “ofcourse.”
he pecked me one last time before slowly undressing me, starting with my sweatpants, slowly moving them down my legs while looking up at me. Next he went for my shirt.
i heard his breath hitch when he saw i wasn’t wearing a bra
“god you’re so pretty”
i giggled before he removed my panties and flipped us over.
“i wanna try something new tonight is that okay?”
“okay” i smile at him
“tell me to stop and i will okay?” he pecked my lips before laying down
i gave him a confused expression, then he started moving me up to hover above his face.
he looked up at me to look for anything sign of a no
i simply smiled, as did he when he saw my response to his worries
his hands wrapped around my thighs, bringing me just above his mouth, i felt his hot breath against my core
holy fuck.
his toungue managed its way to my clit. swirling in shapes i couldn’t identify
“fuck- matt oh my god”
he hummed in response, the vibrations traveling straight through me.
i moaned, moving to rest forward on the bed frame
i tried so hard to conceal my moans so neither chris or nick would hear but it was so hard with the way matts toungue traveled through my folds.
all of the sudden i was hit with a new sensation, matt’s toungue slipped inside of me at the same time his fingers fumbled with my clit.
“fuck! matt- oh my god! fuck that feels so good- d-don’t stop!”
he hummed again, his vacant hand moved behind me
i slightly peeked back to see he was massaging the tent in his pants
“fuck matty you can’t even focus on just me can you?”
he removed himself slightly, his fingers still making circles on my clit, to say “i’m sorry mama i can’t help it sometimes. you’re just so beautiful”
as he reattached himself i felt everything grow tighter. his toungue moved faster inside and on my clit. everything started to feel like it was coming together inside of me. the knot in my lower tummy slowly coming undone
“holy shit matt- i’m gonna- fuck!”
before i could finish my sentence my orgasm crashed over me like a tsunami.
my hips started rocking back and forth, riding myself through my high.
as i felt my orgasm slowing down, i also felt matt start to slow down
“one more baby, one more can you do that for me?”
“of course mama” he beamed that beautiful smile of his up at me before licking a stripe through my folds,my jaw going slack and my eyebrows knitting together
“holy shit matt!”
the though of nick or chris’s hearing me had completely slipped my mind at the moment. it only felt like me and matt existed.
i already felt my second orgasm approaching when all of the sudden matt grunted before flipped us over, my ass landing on the pile of pillows i had earlier napped on and my back pressing against the bed frame
“holy shit!” my left hand carding through his soft hair, gripping only slightly. i don’t wanna hurt my boy of course.
my right hand made its way behind me to grip the bed frame.
i noticed matt’s hips starting to thrust down onto the mattress, faster and faster
at the sight of that the cord in my stomach suddenly snapped, my hips thrusting back and forth to once again. matt helped my ride out my orgasm flicking my clit with his tongue
he pulled his mouth off of me to let out a loud moan, his hips moving up and down on the bed, he gripped at my hips, i pulled him up to rest his head on my chest.
“fuck- fuck fuck ! oh my god!! can i cum mama please?” he looked up at me through his lashes.
how could i ever say no to that?
“ofcourse my sweet boy.”
his face was pressing into my chest, his jaw going slack and his hips stuttered as he wimpered my name.
“fuck! please oh my god!” he panted before slipping his arms under me and he held me tight while working himself through his orgasm
i expected him to stop but he kept going.
“baby don’t overstimulate yourself”
“mmm- fuck!” he thrusted one last time and stopped. he panted against my breasts
“fuck i better go get cleaned up.” he spoke after calming down
“on second thought matty how about i take care of you too.”
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daily-hanamura · 7 months
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#p4#persona 4#p4d#persona 4 dancing all night#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#actually low key obsessed with naoto's comment - conversationally adept but terrible at making speeches#personally i would say yosukes not even capable at conversation half the time with his foot in mouth disease#but i wonder if it was because naoto was even worse at conversation therefore making yosuke seem good in comparison#BUT it had me thinking about that time where naoto mentioned yosuke had told naoto that they could be oblivious to other peoples feelings#and then i think about all the private conversations between yosuke and yu and i wonder if yosuke is actually just#pretty good at 1-1 conversations but awful in bigger group setting#and im not saying its my Yosuke-Puts-Up-An-Act-For-Others agenda coming into play again but with i think in a large group setting its just#a little harder to do so#i think yosuke is very sensitive as an individual and he still struggles with saying the right things#but especially in settings where a number of people are watching him talk#he starts to fumble and trips over himself quickly#especially when people start teasing him#because he's started referring to his peers with honorifics becauses hes nervous#but also teddie bullying yosuke like “favourite disappointment” i think teddie means “favourite” more but yosuke only hears disappointment#thinking about how it sticks with him in p4d because when he does a good dance one of his lines are “not such a disappointment after all!”#oh my god yosuke.....#he's good with his queue
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britneyshakespeare · 5 months
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My toxic trait is that I like how my incomplete drawings look better than the finished things
#im sorry i cant be her (my searching lines)#i cant stop thinking about this drawing i have a sinking feeling that im gonna be very unhappy when its done#or. not unhappy. but not as excited as i feel about it now!#i only worked in two short chunks on it but both were pretty productive#i have a feeling that when i take the time to really dedicate myself to it im gonna fuck something up#like i can see areas i need to/can improve already but the glaring flaws are ok! bc it's not finished!#it OVERALL looks cool and LOOKS like it has the potential to turn out well#but will it... WILL IT??? WILL IT EVER?#i have never been so totally completely satisfied w any finished drawing ive dedicated myself to fully.#tales from diana#this is also only the second time ive done a really deliberate self-portrait that wasnt in some for or another. practice#like of course ive drawn my face before. not that often actually. but since yes i do draw. i have drawn myself#i probably should've drawn myself more times for how often i think id like a nice picture of myself#but then again its not gonna be so 'nice' if i make it and am not totally happy w it?#see one of the ppl who inspired me to learn to draw is ned @sneez my dearest. he's spoiled me before#and drawn me very beautifully on several occasions and it's very much a thing to move one's heart#to see someone dedicate their talent to depicting YOU.#and i might say HE has made me look more beautiful in art than i think i'll ever look in the flesh#which is not to say he drew me inaccurately. but he's so talented that his art is more beautiful than life.#and i dont compare myself in skill to him bc he's been doing it for YEARS and way more trained than me in the visual arts.#like it simply wouldn't be fair so i only compare myself to myself. naturally#but i used to think. very VAINLY i might say. that if i could draw like him id draw beautiful pictures of myself all the time#well ce n'est pas ca mon ami. since learning to draw i've found im much more interested in drawing ppl i find beautiful#rather than myself. im not art. not through my own eyes at least.#i should really draw ned sometime. i really should.#actually somewhat embarrasingly i tried to draw him like 5 or 6 years ago. and i NEVER tried to draw then#i did show him tho and he thought it was very impressive but that's probably just bc he loves me. xoxox#maybe ill post that someday as a throwback just for the hell of it. lol. thatd be cute
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More misc. daily life pictures and such
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1 & 2 - Very bright pretty looking sky !#2. HUGE icicle that looked like you could kill someone with it or something.. Pulled from near a gutter on the side of a building#3. & 4 & 5 - various images from a silly party I had where I pretended to be some elf king turning like 204 years old lol (also not like#a REAL party. Only my roommates were there really and we're all in the same household bubble.#just to clarify. I would never dare have a large party anyway given#my hermitous nature but on top of that.. didn't want there to be some implication that I'm having a Party while covid is still ongoing lol.#NEVER.. But I do love dressing up as some fantasy character so much.. The only thing that could ever bring a true hermit wizard#to engage with others socially is the prospect of connecting it somehow to fantasy worlds and costumes lol. One must simply dress up#as a silly 200 year old man from time to time and pretend you've never seen a balloon before in your life. etc.#6. bapy boye... feets#7. The main food that I made for the elderly elf man 'party'. which was a Deconstructed Beef Wellington (kind of as ajoke since I watch s#o many silly cooking competition shows and they always make stuff 'deconstructed' at the last minute when under time limits or whatever.)#I've wanted to make beef wellington a few times but Ithink to do it well I'd need like..an actual kitchen and a lot of time and#an oven that fully works to bake things and etc. etc. So I thought this would be an easier method. A thick steak cut round to kind of mimi#c the round tenderloin or whatever it is in a wellington. instead of the puff pastry being wrapped around - I just did star shaped cut outs#of pastry and baked them and put them on top (to go with the star theme). instead of mushroom duxelles being wrapped around in pastry#its in a little circle under the steak. and instead of mustard being brushed onto the meat I made a mustard gravy sauce type of thing#Then of course asparagus on the side.. my favorite... Though I know some wellington#also has a layer of prosciutto I think. or I saw one person use crepes. I didn't feel it was necessary to incorporate that too lol#8. bapy son helping me do a giant puzzle that took me hours and I had no idea it was actually that large of a puzzle#until I started putting it together and for some reason it made me stressed by the end instead of relaxed lol.. puzzle fatigue#photo diary
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moeblob · 11 months
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She's the right hand woman of a crime boss and then the little guy is the agent trying to take down the organization and she's like "oh my what a good little boy!" and watches him practically wag his tail and is like ....... wild.
So then she later is talking to her boss and gets a call the agent is back and she's like OH LOVELY. And tells their henchmen not to engage with the agent AT ALL she wants to deal with him and then winks to her boss and says he needs to get lost. So then she hurries to the agent and is like "IT'S THE CUTIE!" and he again flinches and blushes and is like "m-m-ma'am! hello!" and once again she just. Is like ..... wild.
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toytulini · 20 days
if you draw enough monster ocs, when you go back to drawing a human character, it feels like "sameface syndrome" everytime, by virtue of their face being. human.
#toy txt post#or maybe i am just sameface syndrome#but also different face syndrome#two characters will have the same face but then the next time i draw those characters its a different face than they had last time!#i know part of it is being out of practice but also there is definitely an element of feeling constrained by human facial structure lmao#the monsters have Their Own Problems but like. no one has a face like bokrae no matter how inconsistent i am about drawing her#her features are iconic enough to her that you can tell everytime#birdie???? i faceclaimed eartha kitt for her and im still struggling cos i feel weird about faceclaiming as a concept#but even then 😭 one time i was trying to give headloose a face and someone was like wow he looks like birdie!#me 😭😭😭😭😭 what!!!!!! hes not supposed to!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i need to practice. features#you know the worst part about coming up w a bunch of fuckin Scenarios in my brain for ocs is that i have even fucking Drawn them yet#to give them like. iconic staple features and figure out what their faces look like. which feels like it would really help to have that#knowledge and muscle memory before i jump into trying to draw intense scenes with difficult poses!!#not to mention. listen. i can do the monster faces. somewhat. the bodies??????????? well for one. theyre too big everytime#im convinced i could be trying to draw bokrae on like a full ass wall size paper like a mural thing and run out of room. it just keeps#happening. i have no sense of scale for them either. by which i mean i struggle w scale already and also cant decide what i want it to be#and ive tried to handwave it away by being like ohhh uh. birdie casts spells on them to change their sizes for convenience but also#no. perhaps that explanation works for other ppl. @ myself tho its not good enough i Know Better!!!!!!#agh!!!!!!! i really need to figure out bokrae's Teeth also. like i dont. i coukd get away with it. but i should. and i want to.#anyway all this to say that i need to give these characters faces and body designs (actually the body designs for humanoid ocs is the easy#part. the faces are whats stumping me? well. i need more practice w all the body types again but like i Know what im Going For at least.#for the most part anyway. havent fully figured out heights. struggling w characters that i want to make short but give imposing tall energy#on occasion? birdie can be short all day long no problem. I want Alasdair to be short enough that he has a bunch of short boyfriends that#feel tall around him? bytte was going to be like 6ft max but then i thought about making her taller and like. what if i made her taller#headloose is not that /short/ but he is Not Tall and prolly pretty lean? twink build for sure#and of course all these short /tall distinctions come with a bias of relativity to my own height which i categorize as medium height#but short ppl call me tall and insist its not average and tall ppl call me short. (5'6) and then i have to factor in how the gender changes#the dynamic of a height like my height is Short For A Man but medium to tall for a Woman. which id argue is medium height bc mens heights#are socially held to high standards (hehe) and also i know ethnicity/race is also a factor? but im out of tags. rip. bye
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 days
the boy-but-not-that-way-ism of riz gukgak send tweet
#not art#have been chipping away at a more... proper? so to say. piece of the kids for keepsake. and since its of them at the beach Im rotating#gender stuff in brain again. riz and gorgug ping a lot of the like funny gender stuff in my brain#very specifically adjacent to cultural understanding of it all... like I did say I do think riz has a gender and it can be#translated to ''man'' in solesian understanding but also that boy has close to no self awareness nor does he want to#he grew up as ''goblin'' before ''boy'' and it's kinda how he perceives himself. got a gender but doesn't wanna do much with it#kinda imagining him seeing his grandparents again and realizing that there's a gap there between himself and his grandpa too#and sitting with that for a bit. not for long that kid doesnt do that but for just a little bit#man I truly really do love that riz is aroace. my boy of the unquantifiable unimportant margins....#gorgug though is 100% trans lmao. there's a kinda distance to his own body in how he acts#that's kinda common in ''mad scientist'' characters? (or maybe my perspective's just skewed due to willow jenkins lmao)#kid spent the first two seasons fitting himself in places he Should be able to fit. and s3 is pretty much all about him Making New Spaces#thing is despite looking ardently for like. the reason Why he can't fit in in the first season I think gorgug really does#love his gnome parents and love being their child. and its confusing and tough to have to learn why something you love still hurts you#he wants it to not. he wants to make sense. and then it does and it changes nothing really#until he actively makes choices based on what he's learned. like. damn idk how to word it but#just like the ability to say ''actually this Is my life what are u gonna do? stop me from living it?'' is a powerful force#its rly fun to look at these two guys in these contexts thats like#they will never win the gender game just by virtue of being who they are. it's not designed for folks like them to win#but riz would simply not play and gorgug would design his Own game he's the champion of. and I think that rules
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