#but not tougher than the KING ENGINE
badjohnspeakeasy · 1 year
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Our favorite King gettin' regicidal with Deep Sea King.
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khaohomies · 3 months
Some more ttte ocs!!! 😁😁😁
(I didn't know diesel locomtive's wheels would be that hard to draw)
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Some extra lores under the cut! V
Roland "Roland King" LMS Kitson 0-3-0ST
Roland is a hard worker since day one! Despite him being a small shunter, never underestimate his size! He might not be as strong as the other engines but he has a heart of a lion. He is not afraid of picking fight with anyone who have conflict with him or his friends. But being tougher than your real strength can have it downfall sometime. Losing his peers to modernization and dieselization, having Madeleine and Archibald being the few still standing by his sides. Roland is highly protective of them. He's willing to ignore and look past all of their flaws and throw hands with anyone who disagree.
Honeybee and Cooper are the first diesels he fully open up with, eventually becoming friends outside of his own little circle.
He's that one aggressive short friend
100% will help you bury a body and tell no one
Dandy "Dalan 'Dandy' Robinson" BR Class 52
A goody two shoes one might say. Dandy is a perfectionist. He absolutely want things to go smoothly always. Unlike Shepherd who do it out of his own bossiness, Dandy do it out of pure fear, the fear of getting scrap like his sibilings and other engines. This boy feel the NEED the impress people, he need to show his worthiness to stay, He want the others to thing he's perfect both mentally and mechanically and there's nothing that could go wrong with him!(Oh how wrong he was) Leading him to often push himself beyond his limit. This combinded with the flaws of the class 52 caused him to breakdown sometime, leaving him distressed.
He have sight problem, His old crews somehow managed to convinced the higher up to install glasses on him
Point out any of his flaws and he'll think about it for the next 3 weeks
Madeleine "Mary Rosalie Sabilline" L&YR Hughes 4-6-4T
The most sensible and open minded of the steam trio. She's often one of the few voices of reason on their railway beside Hila, the first diesel she fully open up to(YURI ALERT!!!) The only thing that hold her back from solving the conflict is her insecurity. She's very wary of how the others think of her, especially her best mates, Roland and Archibald. Because of this she's very careful with her usage of words and how she spoke with the other engines, she doesn't want to upset anyone afterall!
Want to keep Roland and Archibald from doing stupid shit but scared it might damage their friendships
Hila helped her become more confidence
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honourablejester · 1 year
Thoughts on Starfinder’s Pact Worlds Setting, Part 2
Following from this post, I’ve now finished reading through the Pact Worlds setting book. Some more thoughts:
Of the six outer planets I hadn’t gotten to yet, Liavara is my favourite, and I promise that’s not just because it’s clearly borrowing notes from Bespin and Lando Calrissian stole my childhood heart. Honest. But. For similar reasons to the Diaspora, I do love the kind of hard-space, SF edge that this gas giant has, the frontier-style, rough-and-tumble, gas mining, protecting-the-environment vs business-of-survival-and-greed vibe it has. Roselight also has serious Sunless Sea vibes, and is also just a very pretty idea. But the main thing on Liavara, as with the Diaspora, is all the random mysterious junk floating around. Hullheap, where ships inexplicably get dragged to their death on a shepherd moon. The Old Hulk, the pre-Roselight mining station and hub for Liavara, which failed during the Gap and now just occasionally surfaces back up into the non-crushing levels of the gas giant like a ghost ship or vanishing island on faulty-but-still-trying buoyancy engines. And Deep Station, the gas giant equivalent of a deep-sea exploration platform that is so much tougher than any of its support ships, so no one can follow it when it goes down into the crushing depths of the planet. So, naturally, it’s gone down and gone dark, and no one knows what’s happened to it. I love a good lost-expedition quest hook.
I’m going to say, a thing I love in general in this book is how happy they are to hang adventure hooks all over their setting. Pretty much every bit of the Pact Worlds has some random mystery knocking around for you to poke your nose into. And, you know, also faction politics and general ‘you can be hired to do any damn thing’ sort of vibe, but I’m drawn to the mysteries in particular. I would totally play a xenoarchaeologist character and just hope to get sent to investigate any of these. Between the First One cities on Aballon (and their other potential facilities further out into the system, like the Footprints of the First Ones in the Diaspora, and possibly the entirety of Apostae?), the mysterious structure or ship that’s sitting pretty inside the Eyes of the Ancients on Bretheda where no one can hope to reach it, whatever’s causing the Hum in the Diaspora and the Hullheap on Liavara’s shepherd moon (are they linked?), the random hovercar 370 miles down the horrifying biological ‘throat’ on Aucturn that has mileage on it equal to several times the thickness of the planet and the ominous message ‘we found the one who calls’, or the weird ghost city on Eox that seems like a normal ghost city on a dead world where everything is undead, except that it couldn’t have existed pre-calamity because it would have been under the ocean, so what’s up with that?
I would play a whole campaign that’s just a team of xenoarchaeologists and other specialists getting sent on dungeon dives, *ahem*, I mean archaeological digs in all the mystery hot spots around the Pact Worlds. There’s so many. That’s not including the overtly supernatural and/or occulty sites, like the Gap-era prison in the Diaspora where everyone’s vanished, and anyone who stays there now has horrifying nightmares and talks about flayed figures in yellow rags menacing them (hello King in Yellow! Always a pleasure!).  
On that note, you could also easily have another campaign that’s just the part as cult hunters or investigators delving into places like the Fastness of the Ordered Mind on Verces, or the House of the Void in the Diaspora, or Aucturn. Like all of Aucturn. Mind you, they’re all pretty up-front cults, it’s more getting into what they’re doing and how worried does anyone have to be longterm about them.
If you want a more survivalist party, there’s also a salvage campaign where you’re extreme salvage specialists, and you’re taking on the Everests of Pact World salvage like attempting to get into and out of the Hum with your ship, sanity and salvage intact, or going after Deep Station or Old Hulk on Liavara, or Hullheap. Or the depths of Apostae. Or, again, the First One cities on Aballon. There’s so many like ghost ships and ghost stations and mysterious (and deadly) piles of junk floating around the system, and it’s your job, and vocation, badge of pride, that you’re going after them. Heh.
There’s a lot of adventure hooks strewn liberally around the system, is my point here, and many of them I’d be entirely happy to follow purely from the brief mentions given in this book. Do I want to play 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea meets the Abyss trying to reach a lost research station diving the crush depths of the interior of a gas giant? Absolutely I do. Do I want to investigate and figure out what the hell is up with the creepy ghost prison in an asteroid field that’s probably been taken over by an outer god? You bet! Do I want to play a trucking contractor venturing out across an ice-sheet under endless night to pick up a shipment from a frozen industrial platform that’s suddenly gone dark, and there’s trails of blood leading out across the ice to a series of caves? I am that fool. Do I want to be a government investigator assigned to figure out why orbital greenhouses around the sun, all of them belonging to one particular company, are suddenly turning into ghost stations after their cargo ate their crews? I will play that game.
The book does a good job of giving you hooks and tools to set stories in this place, is what I’m saying here. There’s a lot to work with. And those are just the bits that I, personally, immediately want answers to and a chance to explore. There’s many other types of adventures and campaigns that also immediately jump out, whether you want a social or political or war or exploration sort of game.
It’s such a cool setting. The Pact Worlds themselves, before you ever get out to Near Space or the Veskarium, or the Azlanti Empire, or the Vast, or the Drift, already has a crap tonne going for it.
Ahem. Anyway. I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed it a lot. If you enjoy lore and worldbuilding and setting exploration, great pick-up. Do recommend.
I wanna be a Pact Worlds xenoarchaeologist so bad …
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eireemee · 2 months
The Land of Six Kingdoms
(From top right moving clockwise) The Rowe Kingdom, The Blanco Kingdom, Green Castle in Dream Forest, Queen Sollohah of the Siren Isles, High Elves at Dragon Stone
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The six kingdoms make up to the cyberpunk/fantasy world of Dystopian Scramble.
The Kingdom of Rowe is the largest kingdom and spans across Strangerville proper and valley, Techno City, the town of Evergreen Harbor and parts of the Barren.
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These modern citizens believe in embracing both the advancement of technology and the power of the occult. King Alejandro Rowe II welcomes all, no matter their background. During the decade of his reign, many refugees have settled within the borders of the kingdom. Outside of the barren, the king is well liked by his people for his tolerance. But some do question whether his motives are actually pure.
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Ava Delaney, a small town sim moves from Evergreen Harbor to Strangerville Valley in order to the join the Rowe Arm forces. She has dreams of seeing the world. But life on her own is a little bit tougher than she expected.
The Blanco Kingdom is ruled by King Davion Blanco and his heir and nephew, Duke Wyndell Blanco.
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King Davion Blanco's great grandfather was a distant cousin of the Rowe Family bloodline. After being banished from the Rowe Kingdom for attempting to overthrow the sitting king, King Daunte (then Baron Daunte) journeyed west with his followers and settled in the long abandoned frontier town of Moonwood Mills. He soon learned the town was not abandoned but actually was overrun by packs of werewolves who lived under the mountain and in the tunnels under the town.
A bloody war ensued between the human settlers and the packs. It seemed the humans had no chance against the veracity of the wolves. However, the tide did turn when King Daunte made a pact with a powerful dark witch.
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The werewolf packs were massacred to near extinction, and the few survivors escaped to take refuge in other more welcoming kingdoms. Only the most dangerous wolves still live deep in the surrounding forests.
After winning a war against the powerful werewolf packs and their long alliance with the dark witch/necromancer, Baroness Melisandre, many wonder if the Blancos are still human themselves.
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Green Castle in Dream Forest is ruled by Princess Lilliana Wood and her younger brother and heir, Prince Terran Wood. Their half brother Prince Leaveye Wood also lives nearby in his flying steam engine with his shadow guard and travel companion, Ryah Oakensteel. Dream forest is one of the three magical outlands. It is also the only place you may spot an elusive unicorn outside of sylvan glade.
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Green Castle has the strongest ties to the magical realm. Their warriors are fearsome, and their magic is very powerful.
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They have no interests outside of their forest and only seek to protect it. But the High Elves and their dragon fire are always a looming threat. So, they may be convinced to seek an alliance with another powerful kingdom.
Siren Isles is ruled by Queen Sollohah Orchano, whose siren song is the most powerful in the six kingdoms.
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Queen Sollohah rules alone from Sea Stone Castle and will not allow any mermaid to enter the magical hall, not even her sister, out of fear that someone may steal her power. Mermaids and kelpies are free spirits who love to travel the world, fall in love, and very rarely marry. She has two children with Chief Taku who is chief of a nearby island village. As a merman, he is constantly attempting to get her to settle down with him, but Queen Sollohah is too busy with millions of subjects under the sea.
The High Elven Kingdom of Taratosa is ruled by King Elvenore Guerin and his dragon riders.
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King Elvenore's younger brother is Prince Elvon the famous dragon knight and he has two daughters, Princess Nollette and Princess Avorra. He also has a younger half-brother, Prince Arrant (who no one ever mentions).
The larger adult Guerin dragons are sometimes spotted flying around Dragon Stone Castle's turrets, but the family keeps the younger and much smaller dragons close at hand.
The Guerin family has a strong alliance with the Russo Family, one of the oldest human bloodlines in the six kingdoms. Most Russo descendants are easily identifiable by their flaming red locks. They once ruled Taratosa before the dragon riders descended and burned their kingdom to cinders.
Duke Lionel Russo attempted to reach for more power by marrying King Alejandro Rowe's sister, Dutchess Annabelle, tying the Russo bloodline to the Rowe Kingdom. However, in the process he broke his long engagement to King Elvenore's awkward youngest daughter.
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The Taratosa kingdom has recently announced Princess Avorra's engagement to Duke Wyndell Blanco. The news has shook the entire six kingdoms.
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The sixth and final kingdom was overthrown by rebels and now lays in ruins. The free desert people are still fighting to stay free, as both the Rowe and the Blanco Kingdoms have interests in the barren. It is still not clear what sparked their intertest but there are visible traces of the strange visitors who may have created the infamous Cybernetix...
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let's get into it... next
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djmordecai · 1 year
Rare Formz - Brand New Funk (official music video)
beats & cuts by @DJMordecai 
lyrics & vocals by Chris Miller 
engineered by James Swisher 
Rare Formz lettering by Brad Bacon 
from 2015's @rareformz6905 Rare Formz - The Album https://rareformz.bandcamp.com/album/... 
a tribute to @djjazzyjeff  & The Fresh Prince ( @WillSmith ) - Brand New Funk 
as well as an homage to our hip-hop heroes. 
shoutout to @TheFoundationhiphop 
Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) Brand New Funk (Get Down!) (Get Down!) Brand New Funk (funky) (Hit It!) 
[Chris Miller - Verse 1] They want that old school rap back and cats want it ASAP so I'mma flip it on niggas, the track be the gym mat I’m at a high demand for rap fans I'm Outstanding like the Gap Band, check soundscans, More money than ever so ain't no margin for error and I've been eatin’ on MC’s since Tougher Than Leather and my peoples got my back, like Africans with Mandela. So you better put them glocks down like you were Heather ‘cause I get high like Dominique smokin’ the chronic leaf and I'm in and out the future like Quantum Leap Come follow me. I flow off old school beats just like Mahogany I'm so ‘90s with the gold chain and rockin’ wallabees I still gangsta boogie Kool G Rap my ass off get stomped out for pressin’ that fast forward Sucka MCs ain’t ready for fastball ‘cause my style intense like you takin’ that crash course 
[Chorus] my DJ [rock the beat] shout out to Marley Marl big ups to Chubb Rock Special Ed and Ice-T Monie Love and Geto Boys Schoolly D and Run-DMC   Spoonie Gee and Rob Base Nice & Smooth all day man. 
[Verse 2] I stayed criminal minded BDP first album, that was ‘87.I was up in project housin’ D.O.C. came with No One Could Do It Better. Then that Paid In Full album had a nigga wantin’ chedda. I freestyle in project hallways all day. Then Sir-Mix-A-Lot had that Posse On Broadway Flow like the incredible letter man. Red said, whateva, man. Big drove the caravan in Maryland. I was a student of the game when I learned from Kane before Meth I was bringin’ the pain like Memphis Bleek, I was comin’ of age I wanted to be Cool J when he walked on stage. He was King Hercules. He walked like a panther. Sun Rise In The East that Jeru Tha Damaja I reminisce like Pete Rock and CL peace to Melle Mel. Shante the illest female 
[Chorus] my DJ: (rock the beat) Shout out to De La Soul Craig G and Pete Nice Whodini, MC Shan Juice Crew, Ice Cube Shock G, Jungle Brothers Black Sheep and Latifah Peace shout to Nicki D 
[Verse 3] Whatchu know ‘bout Milk and Giz? And ain't nobody rock a party like Biz I want to dance like The Kangol Kid Scoob and Scrap Lover, Trouble T-Roy, even DJ Kool Herc even invented the b-boy. Take a look around like Master Ace, Public Enemy got me hype when they said they wanted “BASS!” Flavor Flav was the first hype man, I love British Knights, but really I was a Fila fan. Just somethin’ you wanna hear like Gang Starr and Premier with that flava in your ear. That Craig Mack that’s real Love MC Ren, but when Lyte dropped Paper Thin, cats like Drake wouldn'ta made it back then we had Prince Paul, Large Professor, big Daddy-O can't forget Kurtis Blow them word and real rap shows Parrish and Erick Sermon, Heavy D from Mount Vernon Joeski Love he even did the Pee-Wee Herman 
[Chorus] to my DJ: (rock the beat) shout out to Doug E. Fresh Dana Dane and Slick Rick the whole Get Fresh Crew Steady B, Kool Moe Dee Cold Crush Brothers and Busy Bee Prince Rakeem and UTFO Fat Boys and Chill Rob G. And we out. Yeah, can't forget my DJs, shout out to: DJ Kool Herc DJ Red Alert Paul C Jazzy Jeff Cash Money Grandmaster Flash Mr. Magic DJ Hollywood Jazzy Jay Eddie Cheeba DJ Charlie Chase DJ Chuck Chillout The Masterdon and DJ Davy DMX 
 fresh to death, man.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Images Present the Mississippi River Drying Up
The Diamond Girl, a once-majestic riverboat, rests with smaller boats in mud at Riverside Park Marina in Martin Luther King Jr. Riverside Park alongside the Mississippi River on October 19, 2022 in Memphis, Tennessee. Photograph: Scott Olson (Getty Photographs) The Mississippi River continues to be in drought, without end. The traditionally low water ranges within the busy waterway are disrupting transportation, recreation, and even water high quality alongside the river. Plaquemines Parish, a neighborhood south of New Orleans, has been warned that saltwater permeated the ingesting water provide for as much as 3,000 individuals within the space. Native officers are fearful that this might pose well being dangers, particularly for neighborhood members with continual well being points like hypertension, CNN reported. The saltwater made its method into the neighborhood’s water provide as a result of water from the Gulf of Mexico has poured into the river. As a result of water ranges within the river are so low, it’s flowing slower than normal, which has made it tougher to maintain the saltwater out, in accordance with CNN. The extraordinarily low water ranges have additionally messed with transferring round items and other people. In mid-October, the drought was disrupting barge visitors and capability. The Coast Guard reported that eight barges had run aground within the river, getting caught in sand and dirt that the barges would have simply sailed over final yr. The U.S. Military Corps of Engineers needed to dredge a number of spots alongside the river to keep away from extra transport disruptions. Barges needed to carry about 20% much less cargo to keep away from working aground, which is dangerous information for the nation’s already disrupted provide chains. This has slowed down the transport of fertilizer and grain to farmers throughout a number of states earlier than the incoming winter freeze, Bloomberg reported. The drought has additionally modified recreation alongside the Mississippi River. In Missouri, locals are capable of stroll alongside what’s now a semi-exposed riverbed to Tower Rock, a rock formation within the river. Earlier than the drought, this space was solely accessible by boat, The Atlantic reported. Some marinas in Tennessee have water ranges so low, the boats are actually sitting in a number of inches of muddy water. The once-sunken Diamond Girl is now fully seen in on the Riverside Park Marina in Memphis. The U.S. is being battered by an ongoing megadrought. In March, the Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted widespread drought by the spring and summer time. By early August, greater than half of the nation was experiencing some type of drought situations. A mix of local weather change and human exercise is contributing to increasingly intense droughts worldwide. And it seems just like the nation is in for one more yr of dryness. Final month, NOAA introduced that La Niña is sticking round for a third consecutive yr. States within the Gulf and Southwest are anticipated to see below-normal charges of precipitation, so there is likely to be little respite for the Mississippi River and connecting waterways. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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greysillinois · 2 years
Engine of war grimoire
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You can probably send a lone runner to Barrel A as it's the shortest trek, and Barrel C tends to have relatively few enemies, but Barrel B is a tougher spot to reach. Like with "Black Powder", the key here is to avoid accidentally destroying the barrels because new ones won't spawn until all the others are in position. To open the path forward, you're going to need to detonate three explosive barrels (yay! more barrels!) at three locations. Turn around and in front of you is a point of no return to the gate event in the skaven encampment. Taking another immediate left after exiting the tree is another loot location. If you head along the right edge to a cluster of debris you'll often find ammo or other loot otherwise there's supplies surrounding the downed tree trunk you'll have to head through. This is another area scattered with enemies and a possible patrol or ogre attack. Make your way up the slight slope towards the ruins. If you cross the bridge and again hug the left edge of the play space, you'll loop back to the cliff and find your first tome (1/3). Drop down to the outside cliff edge and work your way to the rope bridge, making sure to watch your back from any enemies. Head back into the cave and fight your way through it. Inside, if you hug the left wall you'll run into a small clearing climbing up on the rocks and getting onto the cliff will net you your first grimoire (1/2). To get there, you'll need to head through some caves. Above you, you'll see your eventual objective-a rope bridge spanning the cavern. Head up the incline to some more supplies, crest the hill and work your way down to the river. Regardless, stick to the edge and work your way around to the incline, gathering up the supplies on the edge of the fen. There are a lot of enemies scattered through here, and you can often get your first patrol or ogre here. To start with, head down into the forest, hanging a right and picking up the loot before dropping into the Black Grove Fen. "Engines of War" is a long slog if nothing else. "Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature".Welcome to Act II, and in my opinion one of the more frustrating missions. Towers of this kind were largely used at the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. 306, till long after the invention of gunpowder. The ram was, however, a simple machine, and capable of demolishing the strongest walls, provided access to the foot was practicable: for the mass of cast metal which formed the head could be fixed to a beam lengthened sufficiently to require between one and two hundred men to lift and impel it and when it was still heavier, and hung in the lower floor of a moveable tower, it became a most formidable engine of war-one used in all great sieges from the time of Demetrius, about B.C. Both these kinds of instruments were prepared by Uzziah for the defense of Jerusalem (), and battering the wall is mentioned in the reign of King David () but the instrument itself for throwing it down may have been that above-noticed, and not the battering-ram. The chief projectiles were the catapults for throwing darts, and the ballista for throwing stones. Engines of War were certainly known much earlier than the Greek writers appear to admit, since figures of them occur in Egyptian monuments, where two kinds of the testudo, or pent-house, used as shelters for the besiegers, are represented, and a colossal lance, worked by men who, under the cover of a testudo, drive the point between the stones of a city wall.
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nanakibh · 3 years
Thanks to @kousuisetsu​ providing me with some more odds and ends, I’ve got a few more interesting tidbits about my two favorite mysterious boys! A lot of amazing characterization here.
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Jack: Well then, what kind of personality should I have? What do you think, Player?
Finally some proof that this scene existed. I heard about a kizuna event where Jack asks Player what they think he’s like. From what I heard, he got so used to smiling and pretending to be cheerful, he can’t remember what his true self is like anymore.
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Jack: What do you two think you’re doing?! What would you do if something happened to Player?!
Jack: Huh? “That was the first time I’ve ever seen you get angry”? Oh... M-Maybe so~... I wonder why I got so mad...
I think there are only two times when Jack makes this expression. The first time is here, in this scene where it seems like two people were doing something that would endanger Player, and the other time was when the Judge told him that he wasn’t fit to save the world. In his kizuna event “Forgotten Things”, Jack says that he lost all of his emotions, but it’s thanks to Player that he reclaimed the feeling of anger. This moment seems to be the context for that line.
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Jack: I’m sure I could smile for as long as I live. But instead, I'd rather keep making you smile. Jack: You gave me a real smile. Jack: The world within the reach of my blade is the world I must protect. It may be a small world, but that's enough to me.
I think this is from his final kizuna event, “The World He Wants to Protect.”
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Jack: I'm already dripping with sweat~ It's alright for me to take off my coat when it's this hot, right~?
I think this was inside Mount Jubanla (the volcano.)
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King: ...That was a little tougher than expected. Jack: That wasn’t just a “little”~! I almost died back there~...
Pretty sure this was inside the Tower of Agito.
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Jack: Land and sky dyed red... So this is what the end of the world looks like~ Jack: I never would've thought Tempus Finis would arrive within our lifetime~
Sometimes he’s freaking out about Tempus Finis. Sometimes he’s like this.
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Cinque: Hey, hey~ Leancchi, aren't you gonna fight? Lean: I'm an engineering officer. A civilian. Manual labor is outside my area of expertise.
It’s cute that Cinque felt cozy enough with Lean to give him one of her nicknames. Really goes to show how different his relationship with them was in other cycles.
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Lean: ...You're an idiot aren't you? You hurt everyone... Made them hate you...
I desperately wish I could find the rest of this scene. This looks like it’s in the dark realm where Arecia usually goes to talk with Gala. I thought he was talking to Arecia at first, but maybe he was speaking to Cid...?
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
sanji will fight queen
sanji vs queen because  of queen being an okama  with  technology  (a mechanical arm ) as revealed in one piece 925 and  sanjis history on  okama  island  and him having a  raid suit  
to add to the idea of sanji fighting queen queen rules over the prison where they can only get one piece of food for every block they bring leading many to starve like old man hyou and sanji due to his past and feelings on starvation would be pissed about that
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megashadowdragon . tumblr . com/post/181975792907/sanji-will-end-up-transforming-after-getting-angry/embed
Uses tech + wears Sunglasses like RS Sanji Blonde like Sanji Smoker like Sanji Food obsession Opposite of Sanjis code to not let anyone starve, he starves people to keep them under control Obsessed with pretty women he reacts to Komurasakis death same as Sanji.
not to mention they both refer to women like  komurasaki being komurasaki tan sanji with swan etc Sent his men after Sanji that Sanji dealt/is dealing with already Has a comedic side to him with his dances and reactions like MR2, Jabra and Absalom all had their quirks.
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And now hes also the guy with a plan like Sanji, managing to capture a Yonko like Sanji stopped a Buster Call against all odds, and hes revealed to be a martial artist using wrestling moves in combat like the Brachio Bomb.
Also somehow i just recently realized the connection between Soba Mask and Queen ruling over Udon. Soba and Udon are both iconic type of japanese noodles
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Also important to note, Sanji’s Hell Memories was fueled by remembering the torture he has gone through within the last two years and Queen is not only likely a Okama, also a cruel guy which is responsible for breaking the spirits of the prisoners. It’s the perfect opportunity to push Sanji to his limits…
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I like to add that when Sanji was fighting with Judge and thought about their past, his Dj(Poele A Frire) glowed brighter than than usual.
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against judge
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Diable Jambe and Poele A Frire against Doflamingo:
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also on queen being an okama
The word “okama” generally refers to homosexual men, trans women or heterosexual men who are considered feminine or flamboyant (similar to “onee” or “new half”).
so queen would be an okama though he has shown attraction to women due to his feminine traits and “  having all of the mannerisms of an okama,  “
and there is a bit of a pun with queen I mean he is a  massive man named Queen with make up and okama mannerism who can transform into a creature classified as a Dragon( his brachiosaurus fruit is classified under the Ryu Ryu (Dragon-Dragon) Fruit family therefore making the dinosaur he turns into being classified as a dragon subspecies. This is so as the Japanese word for dinosaur, Kyoryu, is written with the characters for “Fearful” and “Dragon”.). In other words, Drag Queen.
– Queen’s appearance is based on the character “Heart” from “Fist of the North Star”. in Kenshiro vs Heart,  how Kenshiro defeated him with “SUPER KICKS”.
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In it Kamen Rider Black RX is a cyborg whose motif is a black grasshopper, which mirrors Sanji’s own epithet as Black Leg. Grasshoppers are known for their incredible spring like leg muscles that allow them to jump incredible heights which allow them to launch themselves in the air to fly. However he also has another motif and that is based on the sun. Kamen Rider Black RX is a photosynthetic warrior who is powered by the sun.
– Queen showed interest in Sanji because he’s a Vinsmoke and Judge’s son. That’s the first build-up of this upcoming fight.
– Queen knows Judge. And based on Queen’s evil medical and engineering expertise, he was definitely a previous member of Vegapunk’s scientific team (Queen, Ceasar, Judge, Vegapunk). This is a build-up for a flashback.
– Queen can extend his neck like Yonji’s right forearm. It’s the same design and both act as a winch. He can also shoot bullets from his mouth and use poison. , I expect Queen to have all Germa’s tech in him. And by defeating him, it would seem as if Sanji defeated or overcame his siblings.
Since Kamen Rider is powered by the sun, he can set his legs and fists on fire to increase the lethality of his kicks and punches, which is basically what Sanji’s Diable Jambe does
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and he hada form called the prince of anger where once he reaches a certain point of anger  he transformed and
this would be foreshadowing
so either sanji will get pissed off enough that he uses the raid suit
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so he will either havea physical transformationthere’s a tokusatsu that we know Oda likes, which would be a much more explicit inspiration for the Germa 66 : Kamen Rider. specifically the villainous organization shocker
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Shocker was a terrorist organization that planned on ruling the world (in the original manga is shown that Shocker had some influences over the governments of the world), with virtually all of its members modified in some way. The founders had mostly Nazi ties so it fits that germa66 not only references the nazis but the shocker organization from kamen rider Shocker’s scientists performed surgical alterations that gave the subject superhuman fighting abilities. Even the most basic Shocker soldier was tougher, stronger and faster than the average human civilian. The most powerful of their forces were the Kaijin, modified humans who were combined with animal DNA and human cybernetics to create living weapons. In an attempt to create the ultimate warriors, they were responsible for the rise of the very first Kamen Riders 1 and 2, whom defected and became the heroes who would ultimately lead to the fall of Shocker. and sanji and his siblings were altered genetically and the kamen riders specialty is the kamen rider KICK
both sanjis experience as a child  and duval was a reference to the man in the iron mask .
Though based on a real prisoner in the late 1600’s who Louis XIV forced to always wear a velvet mask to hide his identity and who was made to serve other prisoners, one of the most popular versions of the story is that of Alexandre Dumas, translated into a film in 1998. The prisoner, now shown wearing an iron mask, was Louis XIV’s twin brother  
sanji had encountered the same fate as written in Alexandre DUMAS book (The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later). Declared dead for the country but condemned to wear a mask and to spend all his life in an horrible prison
and louis XIV was known as the sun king and kamen rider black rx is solar powered
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and sanjis and zoros rivalry parallels inuarashi and nekomamushis rivalry ( and inuarashi is called the ruler of the day and has a group under him that reference the three musketeers by alexander dumas  (a french story ) and sanji was dressed up as a musketeer and oda said in an sbs that sanji in the real world would be french
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porche-chan . tumblr . com/post/134501849916/weve-located-zoros-fashion-twinkie-everyone porche-chan . tumblr . com/post/138118772526/i-made-an-observation-a-while-back-about#notes porche-chan . tumblr . com/post…is-an-imposing-figure?is_related_post=1#notes
both nekomamushi and inuarashi (zoro and sanjis counterparts) losing the precise limb that could incapacitate zoro and sanjis respective fighting styles
about inuarashis similarities to sanji I have to point out that inuarashi has a group that operates under his command called the Inuarashi Musketeer Squad Among them are three minks known as the “Three Inuarashi Musketeers”, The name of the squad is a reference to the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. a french story and oda stated in an sbs that sanji would be french in the real world
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Sanders Sides Superhero AU
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~Codename: The Boss (among others including Thomas the Dank Engine, mostly from Roman) ~Superpowers: None (but it’s rumored his team is actually the facets of his own personality split off from himself to solve the problems) ~Runs the team ~Is kind of a dork ~Logan’s still not sure why he’s the boss ~The other three don’t really question it ~Is actually pretty smart and good at making the executive decisions ~Cares about doing the right thing and being good
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~Codename: The Prince (aka “Princey” to his team) ~Superpowers: Enhanced Human Condition (Super Soldier) ~Faster, Stronger, Tougher than any normal human ~Expert martial artist ~Prefers to use a sword ~Primarily offense ~His job is to cut through enemies ~Wears white, red, and gold like a giant moving target. Has a fabulously shiny mask that he claims brings out his eyes. ~He likes it that way
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~Codename: Elixir (also just Dad a lot despite being nobody on the team’s father) ~Superpowers: Healing (self and others) ~Primarily support for Roman, occasionally plays defense ~Stronger and more skilled than he lets on, but doesn’t like to hurt people ~Wears lighter blues and greys---doesn’t like his mask much so he tends to keep his hood up and his mask off ~Doesn’t get involved in fights as much ~Loves and cares for his team as much as possible ~Is actually very protective and can be reckless ~Logan is basically his impulse control ~Simultaneously the most energetic and most chill member of the team
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~Codename: The Professor (or Glasses, if you’re Roman) ~Superpower: Super Genius ~The “Guy in the Chair” for the others ~Provides technical support from behind the computer ~Brilliant strategist as well ~All-black outfit all the time, except the blue ties ~The others are not entirely sure what he looks like since they usually just hear him through their comms ~If a fight ever gets brought to him, prepare for chaos to be unleashed ~Years of repressed anger and other pesky emotions after years of dealing with his team who collectively share one (1) braincell and usually Logan has it break free and he’s absolutely vicious and ruthless
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~Codename: Anxiety ~Superpowers: Fear induction, force field shields ~Sticks to the shadows usually  ~Makes enemies terrified by his mere presence ~Primarily defense and weakening the enemy ~Is fully capable of paralyzing them with fear ~Wears dark purple and black. Instead of a mask he has paint over his eyes. Keeps his hood up---his purple hair is too distinctive ~Super shady past. Never talks about it. ~Acts cynical but really loves his team and would do anything to protect them ~Not that he’ll admit that out loud
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~Codename: King Cobra ~Superpower: Persuasion ~Can convince almost anyone to do almost anything ~Is usually a villain ~Classy ~Dresses fancy all the time. Mostly in yellow, grey, and black. Never removes gloves. No one’s sure if that stuff on his face is makeup or real. ~Runs “The Dark Sides” for lack of a better name---a criminal organization that Virgil defected from a long time ago but doesn’t talk about (his team doesn’t know. Thomas does) ~No one really knows what he’s after ~It’s rumored he and Thomas have a long bad history, but no one will confirm it for certain ~No one actually knows King Cobra’s real name and he won’t tell anyone ~Virgil was like that for a while, just taking Anxiety and rolling with it
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~Codename: The Duke ~Superpower: Reality warping---mostly involving himself and the area immediately surrounding him ~Is actually Roman’s twin brother ~He knows it---Roman doesn’t acknowledge it ~King Cobra’s new right-hand henchie after Virgil left ~Virgil’s team finds out about his past because of Remus’ “small talk” (monologuing) during a confrontation ~His basic job is just to sow chaos ~Roman has a hard time defeating him
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davidfarland · 5 years
Creating Obstacles for Your Characters
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Let’s say I have a young woman. Her name is Kate, and she must get to Tabith. What kinds of obstacles might she face?  Here are thirteen types of obstacles.
Intellectual obstacles. She might not know where Tabith is. Perhaps its location is secret, and one must first solve a mystery in order to get there. Finding the answer to this mystery might take half a novel to unravel. Or maybe she needs to find a character to act as her guide. Or perhaps she is given the wrong directions and goes the wrong way, or must solve a riddle as to the “best way to get there."
Physical obstacles. Perhaps a swollen river blocks her road, or her ship won’t sail due to lack of wind, or a trail can’t be found because no one has traveled there in ages. A physical obstacle could be a blown engine on a vehicle, a horse that takes sick, or a pack of wild dogs stalking the road. But a physical obstacle might also be some sort of injury that keeps her from moving forward.
Temporal obstacles. Very often, you can heighten the tension in a story by introducing a deadline. So perhaps Kate learns that she must reach Tabith in only three days.  A wormhole between Earth and the planet will open in precisely four hours, and she has to reach the docks at Heaven’s Gate (at an L5 point in orbit) in 48 minutes, or she will never reach Tabith at all. Anything that happens—a lost bag, a shoe that comes off—becomes a time drag.
Social obstacles. Perhaps Kate is devoutly religious, and everyone knows that “Good girls don’t go to Tabith.” Her parents will disown her if she goes. Her friends shun her just for talking about it. For her own good, a friend tries to sabotage her trip.
Romantic conflicts. If Kate is going to Tabith, it might mean that she must leave behind someone she loves. Maybe the man that she loves first begs her not to go, and then demands to come with her, just to protect her. Or we could take it the other way. He’s already on Tabith, ready to be sold on the slave blocks, and she is going there in the hopes of buying his freedom.
Political obstacles. If you want to go to Tabith, your papers need to be in order. Getting a Visa is all but impossible. Or maybe the borders are blocked. Or “that planet is interdicted.”
Emotional obstacles. Kate might want to reach Tabith, but she might have a phobia about being whisked through a wormhole. Maybe she becomes homesick before she ever leaves. She’s in love with Bruce, and she knows that if she goes to Tabith, she’ll never see him again. Of course, there’s also fear: it’s that much harder to go to Tabith if you know that you’re going to die when you get there.
Monetary obstacles. Going to Tabith will cost you everything that you have—and more.
Moral Dilemmas. Kate may really want to go to Tabith, but perhaps there is something of equal import that she must do. For example, she may want to go to Tabith to save her sister from slavers. But if she leaves, what will happen to her sister’s tiny daughter? She could be sacrificing one life to save another.
 Self-inflicted Wounds. Very often, we’re our own worst enemies. Perhaps Kate is poor at planning, sleeps in late, or is forgetful. Maybe she’s greedy and is loath to pay the price of passage. In other words, she has some character flaw that she must overcome in order to succeed.
Health. Characters may have physical, intellectual or social impairments that keep them from reaching a goal. Thus, a broken leg or a wound taken in battle might be a temporary obstacle, but you’ve seen stories where characters are blind, deaf, or intellectually challenged, too.
God as an Obstacle. This one isn’t used much in today’s world, but what if God tries to stop her? Like Joseph and Mary, perhaps she is warned in a prophetic dream. Or maybe she begins to have “hallucinations” that lead her on her quest. Or perhaps like Odysseus, the dead make their opinions heard.
The Antagonist as an Obstacle. I saved this one for last simply because it is often the most vibrant. Very often in life, we find ourselves pitted against someone who wants to impede our progress. The more powerful the antagonist, the greater the struggle. If you’ve got an angry neighbor making you miserable, the solution is easy. As my grandfather always said, “Always keep a shovel in the trunk of your car. You never know when you might need to bury someone.” But if, like Frodo, you have to go up against a wizard king with unassailable powers, terrifying minions, and unnumbered armies, things get a bit tougher.
The antagonist is interesting because, unlike the simple tree in the road that the protagonist can simply drive around, at any time the antagonist can take an active role to stop the protagonist, and he or she will go to any lengths. The next-door neighbor might just slash Kate’s tires in an effort to make sure that she doesn’t make it to Tabith, while a mob boss might be more interested in slashing her throat.
A good antagonist surprises us by being clever, or ruthless. That means that he surprises the audience with his calculating ways. He always knows exactly when to show up.
The antagonist is also driven. If given an agonizing moral challenge, he’ll quickly sink to the occasion.
And a good antagonist is powerful. His minions rival Darth Vader in the use of the Force. They cast spells faster than the Wicked Witch of the West, and their armies are bigger than Hitler’s. Oh, and when all of that fails, he’ll kick the crud out of you with his bare hands—all while mixing a martini.
So a good antagonist, someone who is strongly motivated to oppose the protagonist’s forward momentum, is usually the most powerful obstacle.
Writing Wonder is out! I'm hoping to reach Amazon's #1 Bestseller list for new books with your help. I made it to the top 100 for reference books on writing and I'm excited for it to reach new heights. Writing Wonder is my latest non-fiction book on Wonder Literature and adding wonder into your writing to better attract a growing audience. At the end is an additional anthology on adding powerful resonance to your writing. You can get it on Amazon Kindle for $5.99 here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XP98VNJ
I'd also like to introduce a new writing workshop that I will be teaching this February 2020:
Creating the Perfect Cast Workshop
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to make your story compelling by creating a powerful cast of characters that are intriguing, dynamic, and thrilling to watch. This workshop will be held from Tuesday, Feb 25 through Saturday Feb 29, 2020 and has a maximum of 16 students. Keep an eye out for it on my website MyStoryDoctor.com. More information should be posted soon.
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alibab0507-blog · 4 years
Ranking high in Google’s search results will have a weird impact on the success of your business. You can either interact the experience of a pursuit Engine improvement company, or if you have got the time, there ar some changes you'll build to your web site yourself.
Step 1: Keyword Research What keywords does one assume your customers would kind in to hunt out for your product or services? A keyword are often one word (e.g. “optimisation”), however multiple keywords or keyword phrases ar typically most popular, as a result of {they ar|they're} additional specific and additional probably to be what your customers are trying to find (eg. “ program improvement Australia”).
Create down as several as you'll assume of. Breakthrough together with your team. think about totally different words. assume geographical phrases if they're essential to your client(e.g. “house improvement Hornsby”). Also, get some concepts from your competitors ’ websites. try and build a listing of 20-30 keyword phrases.
Choose the 2 keyword phrases you think that would be hunted for the foremost. however conjointly think about, the additional competition there's for a keyword, the tougher it's to attain high rankings. If you would like to rank high in Google for the keyword “insurance”, you have got a awfully prolonged journey into the long run. thus strive your best to select 2 keyword phrases that ar the foremost applicable to you business however that aren't unclearnor competitive. It’s an honest plan to possess two or three words in every phrase (e.g. “wedding line of work services”)
Once you’ve chosen your 2 best keyword phrases successive step shows you the way to attain some enhancements to your home page.
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Step 2: net Copy Web copy refers to all or any the words or text on your web site. as a result of content is king within the world of search engines, your keyword phrases have to be compelled to be sited strategically on your webpage to encourage Google that your content is extremely acceptable to those keywords. The additional outstanding they're, the better. (Keep in mind that as vital as search engines ar, customers return initial, thus check that your copy conjointly reads well.)
Here’s however you'll amplify every keyword’s prominence:
• Locate your keywords in headings, if doable at the beginning of the heading;
• Incorporate keywords towards the highest of the page;
• Bold or print keywords wherever proper;
• Instead of getting a link to a brand new page that says "Click here to scan additional ", alter it to incorporate your keywords, e.g. "Read additional regarding our seo copywriting Services".
An important tip is to conjointly incorporate these keywords in your hypertext markup language “title tag”. Use your content management system to form these changes manually, or probably raise your net developer to try to to it if you’re unsure however.
Once you have got fine-tuned your home page, contemplate adding new content, like complete descriptions of what you provide, FAQs and informative articles regarding your product and services. (If you don’t wish to jot down these manually, they'll be settled for free of charge on the web - do a pursuit for “articles directory”).
It’s conjointly beautiful up-to-date in mind that search engines will solely scan text, not footage. usually net developers imbed words in pictures to appear higher for web site guests or use Flash for animation, however this can be a serious obstacle to look engines.
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Step 3: Linking Each link from a brand new web site to your web site (not from your website) is measured by search engines as a vote of recognition for your company and can expand your rankings.
But it's the standard, not amount, of the links that's crucial. the opposite websites ought to be applicable to your business, and rather extremely regarded themselves. 10 quality links count much more than five hundred links from discretional websites. within the same method your own business network will have a largeimpact on the triumph of your business, thus too the web network you depend on the web.
Brainstorm all the relevant websites that would link to you, like non-competing corporations, and business bodies and organisations. Write a friendly email to every describing the profit their guests would get in knowing regarding your business, and elicit them to make a link to your web site. the general public won't react initial time spherical, thus a follow-up telephone is sometimes needed.
How do I examine my results? Observer your rankings in Google over successive few months by writing your chosen keywords into the search box, and recording your ranking. conjointly check out your hosting reports to know what search terms your guests ar exploitation to seek out your web site.
The higher than method are often even be recurrent for every page of your web site. Bear in mind to stay change your content, and frequentlyi ncrease the amount of links to your web site.
As you see your rankings climb you must see a corresponding increase in net traffic and a big increase in sales enquiries. take care to stay details the supply of your client enquiries, thus you'll verify the success of your selling efforts.
Remember, if you live it, you'll improve it.
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
you’re fuckin (coco)nuts
idek, @suddenly-im-respecsable told me i should become a coconut engineer and then we astral projected for this and somehow it turned into “WRITE A CRACK FIC FOR THIS” and then i did
warnings: dumbassery
ship: platonic sprace, ralbert
editing: nooooo its about FUCKING COCONUTS
word count: 1250 ish
“God this is just what I needed,” Race smiled serenely as he settled onto his towel, handing Spot one of the pina coladas he’d gotten from the small stand by their resort.  
A long year spent working extra hours and saving up money had lead the two boys to Oahu, Hawaii for their Spring Break.  Admittedly, it’d still put a significant dent in their wallets, which wasn’t entirely ideal considering they were graduating college in a few months and probably couldn’t afford to go bankrupt.  But, things had been stressful recently and this was self care.  
“Me fucking too, man,” Spot agreed, sitting up and pushing his sunglasses up his nose as he accepted the drink from Race, “and this weather is fucking sexy.”
Race choked on his pina colada, spluttering for a moment before looking at Spot, “Did you just call the fucking weather sexy?”
Spot shrugged, “You got another word for it?  It’s sunny and warm with that perfect cool breeze.  Sexy.”
Race stared at him for a moment before facing the ocean again, shaking his head, “You’re a fucking idiot.”
Spot laughed, shifting around on his own towel to look at the ocean.  It truly was beautiful.  The ocean was almost impossibly turquoise and the clear water shimmered softly in the sunlight.  Palm trees surrounded them on all sides, giving the area a pleasantly enclosed feeling.  Like they’d found their own little universe, completely separate from everything else.
Race hummed as he became acutely aware of the sun beating down onto his shoulders and he reached around to fish a bottle of sunscreen out of his bag.  He squirted a fair amount onto his hands and began lathering it onto his skin.
“Lil’ bitch,” Spot coughed, clearing his throat.
Race froze in his actions and shot an incredulous glare at Spot, “You think you’re tougher than the sun? The fucking sun?”
Spot pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to make a comeback, but falling short of an intelligent sounding one.
Race sat up straighter and continued to rub the sunscreen into his shoulders, “That’s what I thought.”
The lapsed into silence, drinking in the view and allowing their stresses to slowly drain from their minds.  At one point, Spot pulled out a book and Race found himself dozing.  They stayed like that for what could have been hours until Spot shut his book pointedly, using it to prod Race awake.
Race opened his eyes slowly, raising his eyebrows, “Can I help you?”
Spot stood up, shaking out his towel and successfully spraying Race with sand, “I’m bored, let’s explore.”
Race huffed indignantly, wiping the sand out of his eyes before standing as well.  He rolled up his own towel and shoved it into his beach bag.  He hastily slipped on his sandals before shouldering his bag and jogging to catch up with Spot, who’d already set out towards the main street of the resort.
They made it all the way to the path that led them away from the beach when a war cry sounded above them.  Alarmed, they froze, heads jerking upwards in search of the source of the cry.  Before Race had a chance to see anything, a large object fell out of the palm tree directly above them, nailing Spot in the head.
Spot let out a grunt, careening forwards onto his knees as his hands flew to his head.
“Spottie!” Race exclaimed, rushing forward to kneel next to him, hands hovering over his shoulders.
“Son of a bitch,” Spot bit out, voice gravelly.  He lifted his head slowly, unfocused eyes fixating on the ground in front of him.  
“What the fuck,” Race muttered, picking up the object that had hit Spot.  It was a fucking coconut.
He looked up again, startling as he made eye contact with a guy.  He had red hair and was wearing a grass skirt over a pair of floral swim shorts.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt, but a large lei was secured around his neck, swaying slightly in the breeze.  If Race squinted, he could see a small twig crown resting on his head.  As weird as he appeared, there was an unconventional attractiveness to him.
“What the fuck,” Race repeated.  He raised his voice slightly, “Hey! Who the fuck are you and why did you throw a coconut at my friend?”
The guy smiled and flipped down from the tree, landing gracefully in front of Race, “The name’s Albert, I’m the coconut engineer here.”
Race blinked, completely bewildered, gaze landing on the pair of weed vans that Albert was wearing, “You’re...you...what!?”
Albert hopped down into a sit, crossing his legs under him and propping his chin on his hand, “Coconut engineer.”
“Yeah but what the fuck is that and why did it include concussing me,” Spot snapped, still sounding pained.
“I make sure coconuts don’t fall out of trees and injure tourists,” Albert said matter-of-factly, “But you had a bad aura, so I threw a coconut at you.”
“I had a- wait what?” Spot looked vaguely like he wanted to strangle Albert and Race wasn’t convinced that he wouldn’t if he were feeling up to it.
“Bad aura,” Albert said, picking up the coconut that he’d thrown at Spot and breaking it open with his bare hands.  He took a long sip of the water inside before continuing, “Looked kinda bruting and I saw you shake sand on Hottie McHottiekins from the spot in my tree.  You deserved it.”
Race choked, “What’d you just call me?”
Albert looked at him innocently, “Hottie McHottiekins.”
Race blushed and Spot groaned, “Oh, no no no, please tell me you’re not considering going out with Mr. Coconuts over here.”
Race ignored him and held out a hand, “The name’s Antonio, but Race is what I go by.”
Albert shook his hand, his grip firm and confident, “Nice to meetcha, Race.  Wanna go get sushi or something later?”
“Sure thing,” Race said, taking out his phone and handing it to Albert, who put his phone number in the contacts, “text me.”
Spot blinked open his eyes, the bright morning sunlight bleeding in through the blinds.  His head still ached from the coconut fiasco of the previous day, but after icing it for a bit and taking some ibuprofen, it was feeling significantly better.
He rolled over and dragged himself out of bed, stumbling down the hallway a few paces to Race’s room.  He knocked once before opening the door.
“Morning, I was thinking we could-” He cut himself off, eyes narrowing when he realized that Race wasn’t in his room.  In fact, Race’s bed didn’t look slept in at all.
He pulled out his phone, hurriedly pulling up Race’s contact.  Had Race even made it home from his date with Albert last night?
He was about to phone Race when the door to their small beach house opened.  Spot whirled around to find Race staring at him, wide eyed with a hand still on the doorknob.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt and a few small hickeys littered his chest.  His hair was sticking up on top and we was wearing a pair of pajama pants that Spot was certain he didn’t own.
Neither of them spoke for a moment, the air thick with anticipation.  Then Spot lowered his phone from his ear, which he belatedly realized he was still holding up.
“Oh my god,” he breathed, “You fucked the crazy coconut guy.”
Race’s face turned bright red.
lmao welp i told myself i’d finish some greaser au shit and chap 10 of fugitives but this happened instead LOL at least im finally on break and can grind some shit out,,, maybe titanium too o.O
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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f1mike28 · 5 years
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Produktplatzierung / Product Placement
My 2020 AMG C63 S Coupé "The White Tiger“.
The King of the Urban Jungle 👹💪🏼🤘🏼
🌟 Strength does not come from winning.
Your struggles develop your strengths.
When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength 💪🏼
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
Build up your weaknesses until they become your strong points.
Be strong, believe in who you are!
Be strong, believe in what you feel.
Life is, at times, tough.
And all we need to do is to prove that we are tougher than it. Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself.
Never doubt who you are!
Mercedes-AMG One man, one engine Handcrafted by Michael Kübler @f1mike28 in Germany Affalterbach. Driving Performance is my Passion! Mercedes-AMG the Performance and Sports Car Brand from Mercedes-Benz and Exclusive Partner for Pagani Automobili. Mercedes-AMG Handcrafted by Racers.
Combined fuel consumption: 10.4-9.9l/100 km; Combined CO2 emissions: 236-227g/km)
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thekaijudude · 5 years
Okay now here’s a two vs two matchup, Ultraseven and Ultraman Jack vs Gigan and Megalon
Wow this is definitely gonna be a test of my memory of the two ultra series but ill try my best lol
The two Ultras in question are actually much more than a match for Gigan and Megalon tbh (Also im gonna use Millennium Gigan here as youll soon see why Gigan needs the amp here)
But as usual, the Showa Ultras are always holding back for the sake of having dramatic fights as well as them always showing mercy to their opponents. However, I shall use some of the actual feats that the Ultras have displayed to give you an idea how strong they truly are in order to explain how I arrived at my conclusion
Ultraseven (1967)
Seven is very well known for his expertise in using the Ultra Willpower as well as the Eye Slugger, not to mention that he can combine both tactics to use in battle as well.
With his Ultra Willpower, he can literally toss opponents and negate any homing attacks and either redirect them at his enemies or simply just destroy them, and even if he dosent manage to do so, he has an ability called ‘Body Spark’, which repels any projectile attack.
His Emerium Beam is strong enough to literally vaporize enemies. But for stronger opponents where his Emerium Beam doesn’t even faze them, his Wide Shot (which I highly suspect is still suppressed) can still manage to vaporize all of the flesh off them, leaving only bones behind. 
Even so, his Eye Slugger is also so sharp that its able to cleanly slice an enemy in two like a knife through butter in one episode when the Emerium Beam also had no effect on the kaiju.
As for his physical capabilities:
He has enough strength to literally tear off appendages of kaiju as seen with Gyeron.
Has also managed to survive being ran over by the 70 000t Dinosaur tank multiple times
Shrugs off a beam that one shot Windom, a mech from alien gut’s spaceship
Not to mention he can literally manually recharge his energy due to him having special Ultra Protectors to absorb sunlight
The next few feats of power will exemplify how strong Seven truly is as in these battles were the stakes were very high, Seven shows a hint of his true power:
1. In the episode where he fought Crazygon, even though his Emerium Beam and Wide Shot were unable to damage him, his sheer speed after being propelled from a rocket launcher was literally able to one-shot him
(Note that in that final fight, Seven was already critically injured)
2. In the final arc, Seven was already severely low on energy due to his fights on Earth, he still manages to kill the final boss of his own series, Pandon, TWICE.
And in the second battle he still manages to use his ultra willpower to one shot reconstructed pandon 
(Note that in the second battle, Seven was even weaker than in the first round and yet he still can exert this much control over his Ultra Willpower, imagine his max control at perfect condition)
3. Fought Petero on the moon at sub zero temperature (Lets remember that most M78 Ultras are weak to cold) where Seven had to finish the fight fast, he absorbed the little amount of energy obtained from a nearby asteroid which collided on the moon to obliterate Petero with one wide shot
4. He bested Robot Ultraseven, his virtual equal without much difficulty
(As the creators of Robot Ultraseven analysed the fights Seven had, they engineered it to be supposedly as strong as Seven’s displayed fighting prowess (except the emerium beam iirc), but the fact that Seven still managed to best him supports the fact that Seven was holding back a lot in his previous fights prior to the encounter with Robot Ultraseven)
Current Ultraseven:
In Ultra Fight Orb, he was able to manhandle King Joe, when in 1967 he could virtually do nothing against it
In the Orb Movie, Seven’s eye slugger was able to cut through the Deavorick Cannon, the attack that sent Orb Trinity back, aside from its sheer force, this also says something about his reaction speed as well.
Seven was able to physically grapple with Deavorick along with Orb Trinity(whom stats is MONSTROUS as most of his stats are the highest ever recorded), does this means that Seven and by extension the current ultra brothers can be scaled to OT? Its debatable but that’s a question to be answered for another time.
Ultraman Jack (1971)
Considering that throughout his series, we see that he oftenly incorporates lifting his opponent and tossing them around into his fighting style so I think it’s fair to assume that Jack is physically stronger than Ultraman and Seven (Even if he isn’t, he’s arguably stronger than both of them overall as ill explain later)
Moreover, considerably more of Jack’s battles in his series involves him fighting two kaijus simultaneously, so he’s definitely no stranger to getting double teamed so taking on both Gigan and Megalon is no issue for him.
He could probably take Millennium Gigan with ease considering Jack literally tossed Black King (60 000t) way up into the air who weighs exactly the same as Millennium Gigan with seemingly no effort at all
This is further cemented when Jack picked and launched Builgamo easily as well who was 68 000t 
Not to mention that he lifted and tossed around Seagorath which weighed 52 000t (when his colour timer was flashing red no less)
Another point to note that Jack seems to oftenly use his vastly superior strength along with his speed in aerial battles with airborne enemies. He literally just accelerates towards an opponent and throws them off course mid flight with so much force that made a tanky airborne enemy like Terochilus hit the ground and died immediately upon impact, we see him do this very often (Note that it was shown to be unfazed by Jack’s Ultra Shot and Specium Ray previously)
Also a rather significant point to note that he transforms through pure ultra willpower without any henshin item, does that mean his Ultra Willpower is stronger than Ultras who require a henshin item to transform? This point is debatable but very convincing as we saw one instance of Jack possibly using his Ultra Willpower on such a level that we’ve never seen before, which was when he literally repelled a Tsunami that was stated to be ‘hundreds of feet tall’ created by Seagorath via his Ultra Barrier but u can argue that he either actually used his Ultra Willpower or ‘reinforced’ his Barrier with his Ultra Willpower
On the topic of Jack being pit against kaiju who could summon natural disasters, I remember that there were 2 more of such cases:
1. Created a Typhoon that was even stronger than Varricane’s which launched it into space
2. Defeated King Bockle who could summon Earthquakes on a whim
We can also assume that overall, jack also has a stronger beam potency that Ultraman and Seven as significantly more one shots occurred within his series
Not to mention that his Cinerama Shot was stated to be 10x stronger than Seven’s Wide Shot (Note that it wasn’t clarified whether its 10x stronger than the normal, uncharged Wide Shot or the Charged Wide Shot)
Jack also displayed strength at least on par with Ultraman and Seven as he was able to chop off the solid horns and literally tear of the arms off Paragon
As for his durability,
He is vulnerable to electricity but his Ultra Armor could tank more than the damage done by a nuclear missile in addition to being resistant to fire.
His head is also stated to be 2000x harder than iron. To put this in perspective,  Mechagodzilla’s Space titanium armor is 10x stronger than steel, steel is 2x stronger than iron, which makes Jack (1971) 100x tougher than Showa Mechagodzilla
So yeah, can you even imagine Gigan being able to tear through Mechagodzilla in the first place?
At this point if you don’t think Jack is OP yet, well he essentially becomes almost BROKEN after he receives his Ultra Bracelet from Seven.
You can see the entire list of abilities the Ultra Bracelet (Which is probably non-exhaustive tbh) has on Ultrawiki but ill highlight some significant ones:
1. For those kaiju that Jack can’t defeat with his already IMMENSE strength? 
Well the Ultra Bracelet one shots them with the Ultra Spark which can make a tough kaiju like Magnedon which could hold out against several billion volts of electricity explode in one shot
2. Jack was once frozen solid and mutilated, but Ultra Bracelet literally
a) Rejoined his mutilated pieces back together
b) Unfroze him
c) At literally NO COST AT ALL
3. Reflects projectile attacks with a higher potency than original
But you could say that jack’s physical attacks were as lethal as Ultra Spark as we saw Alien Zelan used the Ultra Bracelet against jack and made the Bracelet released hundreds of Ultra Sparks which Jack managed to parry a few before finally being overwhelmed
Jack also defeated a stronger variant of Zetton that Ultraman fought and lost against, this time being Zetton Gen 2 which Ultraman himself initially warned Jack to stay away from. But Jack went to fight Zetton anyways, while against  Alien Bat simultaneously nonetheless 
Also let’s not forget, Jack also literally defeated a planet eater that was Vaccumon (was stated to be infinite in size but yeah DOUBTS, but his planetary feats were undeniable) and the sword the Ultra Bracelet transformed into was used to kill it (This also says something about this particular sword the Ultra Bracelet transformed into)
Current Ultraman Jack
In Ultraman Zero the Chronicle when Zero and Jack were having a spar with their own respective Ultra Lances, Jack was able to position his Ultra Lance close to Zero’s chest, nearly impaling him just after Zero descended on him after the latter distracted him with his Ultra Willpower.
This shows that current Jack’s reaction speed is probably much faster than Zero’s flight speed which is Mach 7
In Ultra Fight Orb, Jack easily manhandled Gudon and Twintail with no difficulty at all when both of them forced Jack to retreat back in 1971
So tbh as far as Gigan and Megalon goes, theres not much they can do against Seven and Jack.
None of their attacks have enough firepower to rival even a nuclear missile
Jack is essentially immune to Megalon’s Napalm Bombs
Millennium Gigan’s Bladed Slicers wont work cause both ultras have their Ultra Willpower which may even cause the Bladed Slicers to work against Gigan instead (Assuming that the Ultra Willpower dosent make them explode in the first place)
Seven’s and probably Jack’s flight speed is more than twice as fast as Gigan’s and Megalon’s flight speed on Earth, and a battle in space would essentially be game over as Ultras’ flight speed in space is light speed.
The only 2 things I can see working for Megalon are that:
1. His punches can discharge electrical energy
2. His shell is as hard as diamond, which is 600x stronger than iron
But I haven’t even brought in the rest of the abilities of the Ultras like literally freezing them solid, paralysis ray, stop ray and whatnot.
Not to mention the fact that the amount of hax abilities that Ultras can use when there are more than 1 Ultra on the battlefield like the exponentially much powerful combo beams and attacks.
In addition, im mostly centering the argument around Ultraseven (1967) and Ultraman Jack (1971), current Seven and Jack would just take the W much, much faster.
So in conclusion, even if both kaiju were to double team either Seven or Jack, it would still be overkill.
Thanks for the question!
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Range Rover Evoque Car Review
First of all, let us admit that this is the most profound Land Rover vehicle ever since Charles Spencer King installed a Chrysler V8 engine into the very first Range Rover car. Preceding models may have been the most powerful marques under the Jaguar - sourced V8 engine but this Popstar come footballer's wife design has not fallen short of epic in manifesting an engineer's passion. It may be devoid of the former 'manly' attributes typical of Range Rovers, but in a dynamic world no surprise is surprising enough. It may not be a wonder if Tyra Banks designs the next Jeep Commander to command whatever it commands in a four-cylinder 2.0 engine.
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The engine
Being not a twin but single turbo, one might be inclined to think problems of eliminating lag without resorting to an anti-lag system (ALS) arise. You would be very wrong to think so. The Si4 petrol engine is an alluminium lightweight unit that is so quiet that you might forget there is an engine up front. Direct injection may be a long forgotten term or totally new to the younger generation who hadn't the chance to drive a directly injected truck with a tougher-than-life steering wheel, but this tremendous SUV doesn't shy away from going back in time. It uses the latest direct injection and advanced turbocharging resulting to an authoritative pulling power coupled with clean and smooth response. From as low as 1200 rpm, it delivers impressive torque and at high speeds the power can hit 190 bhp if you could stand that. There is also a twin independent variable valve timing that allows economy when the driver is circumspect with the pedal and haste when he turns lead-footed. With the economy of a three-cylinder, the growl of a five-cylinder and torque commensurate with a V8, this car truly has the best combination synonymous with motoring preferences.
Range Rover's TDV8 engine now available in the Vogue and Sport models may have won the Automotive Engine of the Year Award but it would find it so hard beating the Evoque's torque that if at all it did it wouldn't try again. Actually with the pedal to the floor figures in the windows could not move faster if you were in a low-flying aircraft. Power has a dead stop somewhere, but torque hasn't. Infact at speeds exceeding 200kph the flourish of the trumpets start to fade. It delivers 336 lb ft of torque and a top speed of 140 mph or 225 kph. Powerful engines are characterized by low rpm's at high speeds, and at 95km/h the revolutions are astoundingly low at 1600 per minute, which is arguably the most economical state of this car.
The suspension
This is surely the best take on this car - the dampers in question here are none but magneto-rheological ones where suspension stiffness varies in real time. This is determined by the prevailing conditions and is controlled by an electric current together with billions of iron filings in the shock absorber fluid. You may not come across this kind of technology everyday and perhaps its your first time, but this is how it works: when the current is off especially on steady surfaces the little metals float about giving a comfortable and supple feeling. During sharp cornering, an electrical current runs along the metal casing of the shock absorbers causing the filings to bunch up together and stiffen the suspension, thus improving handling by eliminating body roll. You don't need to drive the exquisite Audi R8 to experience such a feeling.
Other Range Rovers will have five road pre-determined conditions ranging from snow to off - road and though the Evoque hasn't such, it has got style of its own. Find a road winding like a puff adder's back and neither the steering nor the suspension nor the tyres will give in - absolutely remarkable! You will also be impressed that steering at 50mph yields no understeer, tyre squeal or body roll. The engine is also so quiet that pedestrians may have to look back not because they heard the engine purr but because they heard you speaking to the passengers!
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