#but marshall is interested & thats enough
ofdreamsanddoodles · 9 months
can't get over after everything they saw, simon's response is just "we'll find a crown to curse me in the right way." like here we have a universe that proves there is no happy ending for ice king & that the only way for him to find anything close as ice king is to make someone else miserable and yet its just. well there has to be a better crown. meanwhile marshall & gary are having their own little meet cute in fionna's apartment like turns out you CAN be happy in a world without magic and all you need to do is go grocery shopping with your friends!!
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ot3 · 8 months
finishing up fionna and cake... overall it was a fun ride but i really don't think it worked structurally. 6/10 show. i didnt think this was gonna be a long post but apparently i've got some thoughts. sticking below the cut
this last episode is kind of underwhelming... theres a couple of parts in this ep where they just sit and explain to the camera how simon realized betty was constantly sacrificing her own desires for simon and how simon wanted to put on the crown because he thought he didn't deserve to live. and it's not like those are bad realization for the show to come to but the show has very clearly established that it's intended for a more adult audience than the original adventure time, and so this kind of writing just feels really condescending when not directed at literal children. like yeah we could have figured this out from the writing, but. you didn't have to just tell us
i also didn't vibe with scarab as a villain, he felt super arbitrary to me. like they needed Something to be forcing them to move between dimensions, but i feel like scarab was an extremely meh choice for that. he wasn't particularly funny or interesting enough as a character to get to be one of the only people who showed up in every episode. i honestly think it would have been better if the existential threat these characters were facing was more of a force than a character, because it was already running so tight on time anyway it didn't really have the space to develop a good villain.
gary and marshall's screentime was another thing that i felt like is a huge waste of space. them doing their whole meet cute bakery au romance is something that's funny on paper but it's not compelling on its own and the only slight interest it has comes from our pre-existing investment in marceline and bubblegum's much more interesting dynamic. it didn't add anything to the overall arc of the show and took up time that could have been used to deliver more solidly on the core premise.
fionna and cake themselves were really cute but i don't feel like fionna's arc was as strong as it could have been. like ohhh yay shes come to love her normal world with all its imperfections.... obviously thats where it was going the whole time and once again. its not like i mind that ending. i just feel like they didn't do anything interesting with it. her character doesn't get to learn and progress as much as she's just marching down a straight path that we all already knows where it leads. i wish they would have just called the show 'Simon' so i wouldn't have to feel so disappointed in this.
adventure time has always been on the cutting edge of bizarre stuff in animation so the biggest let down overall with this show is how much when you strip away the Adventure Time coating of surrealist visuals on top of it it just feels like any other middling adventure cartoon. it didn't lean enough into the episodic structure to benefit from that the way the original show did, and it was too beholden on the episodic structure to linger on any of the parts that were actually compelling.
overall, the show feels like pandering to the adventure time fanbase, but in kind of a lazy way. Compare this to the distant land specials which I think were pandering in an excellent way. im not anti pandering by any means. The whirlwind tour through universes and characters that lifetime adventure time fans will recognize tries to come off as a love letter to the series, but instead just comes off as the adventure time version of that 'rejected ready player one theme song' video. remember farmworld? remember prismo? remember the vampire king? remember shermy and beth? remember Up a Tree? like. yeah. i do remember. thanks. do you have anything to say about any of this stuff or - oh. no. just showing me. got it.
its not someting i think i'll ever rewatch but at just ten eps definitely worth one watch through. theres some really good fun to be had in it and the art is gorgeous all the way through, it just fails to come together into a successful complete work.
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as-amemory · 3 months
I Could Drive You Crazy
Pairing: Éomer x OFC (unnamed)
Summary: She drove him crazy, with her little mannerism specifically crafted to irritate him, to get a rise out of him, for it was then, in that sweet spot before he starts to boil, before his true ire took over, that they find themselves in the heated throws of passion.
Warnings: NSFW, explicit, racism against Dunlendings (if thats a thing? I don't know, I'm new here), unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: less than 2k.
Setting: Aldburg, Rohan - some years before the War of the Ring.
Notes: This is the result of me ovulating and having no outlet as well as a song-bug stuck in my ear: I Could Drive You Crazy by Sierra Ferrell. Basically its a song about being crazy and I thought that might make for an interesting character to pair Éomer with, since apparently I enjoy watching him suffer. I'm not yet ready to name this OFC. I kind of hate her but I want to play with her a few more times and see what mischief she can get up to first before I decide if she needs a permanent residence.
I'm probably going to the small section of hell they specifically reserve for the sickos who deface Tolkien's works with such vulgarity. Enjoy!
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Hay Fever threatened to take him fully yet she barged through the door as if he hadn’t complained to her that morning of an oncoming headache. She loved to do that. Ignore his every word and then act surprised when he was upset with her for having to repeat himself. Rare did he share his feelings with others, rarer still that he was forced to repeat himself. Not as Third Marshal of the Mark, Lord of Aldburg. People listened when he spoke. She did not. 
“Feed your dogs, Éomer,” she says, voice full of spite. He hated when she called him by his name so casually. He never particularly cared for the triviality of titles. It matters not to him how he is referred to, as long as he first gave leave to call him by his given name, yet she takes the privilege without even bothering to ask permission.
She eyes the hound dogs sprawled at his feet with contempt. She did not like that he allows the dogs to reside inside the confines of his home. They belong in a kennel, outside. “They look as though they will devour me.” 
This was his home. It would do her well to get used to seeing them laying on the floor. He sits back in his seat appraising her, the judgment seeped deep in her dark eyes. She is of mixed ancestry, there is no doubt of that by looking at her. Carrying enough blood of the Dunlendings to mark her differently. A mark of his resentment towards her. Resentment that blossomed into hate, the sweet fuel to their more rousing escapades. 
“I should let them.” The threat comes out harsher than he intends, the start of a cold restricting any tenderness from escaping his throat. 
Tossing two halves of an uneaten pheasant on the ground the dogs swallow it whole in one bite. He had taken his supper in his room that evening, not in the mood to dally with the residents of Aldburg. Typically the seasonal Hay Fever did not affect him but the heavy spring rains had caused an influx of new weeds to run wild in the fields causing him to feel less than ideal. Currently a pain bloomed behind his eyes and at the base of his throat, leaving him in no state to make friendly conversation. Yet here she is, when he had specifically ordered the Doorward not to let anyone into his rooms. 
She could drive him to insanity with her blatant disrespect of him. He did not know why he kept her around. They had nothing in common and his list of grievances against her was long in number, dating back almost a year prior, growing longer still.
Showing up late to a personal invitation to go riding, acting as though they had never agreed to a time and certainly not a place of meeting. She had once offered to cook him supper to which he almost choked on the bones swimming in the stew. Had ruined a hunting trip, scaring away all the animals with her incessant humming. A tune which was stuck in his head for almost a fortnight. There was no fishing to be had with her, requiring more patience than whatever little she possessed. Yet time, and time again, him found himself tangled in sheets of his bed with her, or roughly pressed against the edge of his desk in the solar, partial to the idea of being caught, or in the hayloft above the stables, straining so deliciously tight around him as she rode - 
He teeth grind at the sight of her, fluttering about his room, touching this and that, moving it slightly away from its original spot as she talks about her day. 
“I found a lovely bolt of cloth that would make a fine dress.” She has picked up the crystal paperweight from his desk, peering at it as if she is speaking to the paperweight and not him. 
So it was money she wanted? He should have known better than to think she was checking on his well being. He lifts his chin, waiting for her to meet his eye. She would have to ask him directly if she desired any coin from him but she continues to pick up random items just to set them down again, completely ignoring him. 
“Come here.” His patience has grown thin. He will not ask her twice yet she looks at him as if he should be the one crawling on his knees to be near her. As if he should hand over his purse just to be allowed the honor of being in the same room as her. 
When he does not concede to her silent petition she nods her head in appreciation to his stubbornness. A sly smile curls on her lips as she approaches him, already lifting her dress to better seat herself on his lap. 
“I don’t know what I ever liked about you,” he says gruffly as she straddles him. Pushing aside her skirts he unties the laces of his trousers. He would have his due of her before this Hay Fever set in fully. 
She laughs mockingly at that. “You love me.” 
“I don’t think I do.” He nips at her lips and she smiles ruefully. Skirt pulled around her waist he is able to easily palm the wet folds of her labia. “You seem to like me,” he draws out, pushing the heel of his palm into her sensitive nub, eliciting a delicate gasp from between pink parted lips. He takes the opening to kiss her fully when she otherwise does not particularly enjoy the intimacy of a long drawn out kiss. She surprises him by matching the energy, eagerly molding her lips against his. Rutting down on his hand and along his ever hardening cock causes a gasp of his own to escape his mouth and into hers. His eyes closed briefly at the contact. They had last laid together only that morning. Was he so fallible to her that he could not even keep from gasping out like an inexperienced adolescent? 
She bites down on his lower lip. Hard, drawing blood. He hisses his resentment through clenched teeth, digging his fingers into her side. He hated when she did that. This she knows. She remembers that particular detail about him, yet could not remember the name of his first horse or his favorite fishing spot. More than anything she loved to know what he hated.
She is trying to get a rise out of him. Make his boil, just a little. The sex was always better for it. 
“Minx,” he growls against her mouth. Taking hold of his cock he spreads the juices of her pleasure along the length, lining himself up with her entrance. Greedily he flicks his hips up into her without warning. She laments her pleasure, loud for all to hear. The Doorward, no doubt, will not be expecting reprimand from him, not when he can so clearly hear the results of his mistake. 
Wiggling against him she tries vainly to adjust to the size difference but he holds her in place, fingers digging into her sides. He wishes that he wasn’t so incorrigible. That he wasn’t so tempted by her teasing. That he could withhold himself from acting out so rashly. Maybe like that of his older cousin, whose poise and sense of propriety had always come with ease. Yet he falls for her time and time again, fucking her exactly as she enjoys. As he enjoys. 
Letting his eyes linger on her undulating body he sets his jaw to keep from baring his teeth at the pressure of her rolling hips. If only she rode horses as good as she did him then she might be worth her weight in the saddle. Yet for all her withering she is shit astride a horse. It was that cursed Dunlending blood, tainting her ability to be anything but subpar.
A whimper escapes her lips, and he smiles cruelly, at least she suffers, same as him. She rides him slow, a painful pace that leaves him groaning. His only respite from her torture is his thumb circling her clit. She might know everything he hated but he knew exactly what her body loved. Specifically how to milk an orgasm out of her that would leave her seeing stars. It starts slow. Small circles to bring her to attention, and then an increase of pressure as blood engorges to the area. Her breathing hitches in her throat. Like the cat that caught the canary, he smiles at the sight of her. A harsh thrust of his hips, he fills her fully causing her pace to falter. The careful placement of his thumb halts, watching the confused look cross her features as her incoming orgasm slips out from under her. 
His name is a growl on her lips, a slight warning. “Éomer.” 
That he could take his name from her lips. 
She knows the game he plays, the same one she taught him all those years ago. His thumb picks up pace with her rolling hips. He cradles her neck with his free hand. Skin hot, beneath his touch. A sheen of sweat is building along her hairline. He traces the curve of her collarbone and down her chest, across to her nipples, hard beneath her bodice. She is almost as sensitive here as she is between her legs, her hands clench around his shirt trying to hide her rising ecstasy. His nostrils flare, eyes trapped on the expanse of her face, carefully watching for each small indication of her pleasure. 
Turning her head she tries to hide from him but he quickly has her jaw clasped between his fingers. He would see her. Shaking her head she waves off his touch, attempting to cover her eyes behind her hand, like a child hiding in plain sight. He clicks his tongue, taking her hand in his and after some struggling binds them both in his clasp behind her back.  
“Go on then.” He flicks his chin in her direction. Her pace has all but stopped, hesitantly she finds it again, knowing full well that he now possesses all the power. The power to dish out pleasure as he saw fit.  
Yet her rolling hips are more powerful, more exaggerated than before, causing him to grimace, lest he call out her name. She would love that, revel in his undoing. He steels himself with a deep breath through his nose. A ragged breath from her lets him know she is close again. He slows his thumb, wondering if she’ll cry out, plead with him to give her what she wants. 
“Éomer.” His name, like a prayer on her lips, is soft and sweet, and he knows he no longer possesses the control he once touted. 
Letting free her hands, he pulls her in close until her head rests against his. He can feel the warmth of her breath as he takes his pace, thrusting into her. She has brushed away his teasing thumb, replacing it with her own skilled fingers. A shuddering breath and she tightens further around the length of him. She cries out loud enough that he is certain they hear her in the Great Hall. He is still thrusting into her as she convulses hot and heady around him but he soon follows suit, letting his release run him fully with a loud groan of his own. 
Panting, she rests her head against his chest, forehead sticky with sweat it clings to the thin fabric of his shirt. She does not cuddle. She never has lingered in his arms as they slowly drift down from their high. She slips off his lap and he shutters at the sudden loss of contact, hands gripping the armrests of the chair. 
By the time he has regained his senses enough to stand she has relieved herself and wiped clean his seed dripping down her thighs. Maybe a good romp was the cure to any oncoming ailment. He drowns the last of his ale, eyeing her as she smiles prettily for him under dark thick lashes. So demure and pliant, when only moments earlier he was ready to have her thrown from his room for her uncouth behavior.
“You spoil me, my lord,” she says coyly. He bites back a scoff. 
Her gaze is taken with the leather purse heavy on the corner of his desk. A slight nod of his head and she promptly reaches across the expanse, showing off the long lines of her body, and that of the soft curves she knows he loves to grab hold of during their coupling. Deftly, her fingers dip inside the pouch, taking out three coins. 
“This should cover the cost.” Her gaze darts to him, searching for any subtle hint of permission that she could take more but he is hard set against giving her indication. Already she pushes the bounds of his generosity. 
“And one more,” she purrs softly, plucking a fourth coin out. “As insurance to return to you.” 
He rolls his eyes, knowing well she will only return when she pleases not because she feels indebted to him. Offering a low curtsey, she mumbles her thanks, letting his gaze linger on her, on the low cut of her dress. Her bosom all but swells out of the strains of her bodice. When did such a salacious style come into fashion? Surely his sister did not expose herself so scantily in Edoras? He bites his lip, thoughts of his sister quickly pushed from his mind replaced instead by the women so humbly lowered before him. Already he feels a slight twitch of his groin. 
She rises, satisfied with her display of deference. A Haunting smile on her lips, she glances at the hound dogs splayed out on the rug. 
“Feed your dogs, Éomer,” she instructs as a final goodbye. Out the door he is certain she can hear his mocking laughter following her.  
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sunshine-zenith · 8 months
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Aight so, I’m a blood donation phlebotomist and whenever I see fictional blood drives in media, I have Thoughts. Here are a few quick thoughts on the blood drive in F&C’s episode “The Star”
We don’t actually see the blood drive, which actually saves my sanity a little bit. The charity ball seems to take place on one of the top floors, and let me tell ya, hauling our equipment through elevators kinda sucks — there’s a lot of it, it’s heavy, and we typically only have 45min-1hr to set up, and elevators really cut into that. Gary and Marshall had to run up/down a set of stairs to get to the elevator, too, so unless the blood drive was in an off screen office or like someone’s room (since Marshall, Gary, and Hana all change pretty quick off screen, meaning rooms gotta be close by), it’s kinda impossible to have a blood drive in this specific scenery. I’m hoping the actual blood drive was in a lobby or something, because otherwise I’d lose like seventeen years from my life just imagining the set up.
I’m kinda hoping the blood drive was in the afternoon, before the charity ball, since this seems to be taking place in the evening. It’s not fun having to drop blood off at the lab at three in the morning
The posters? Fire, love them. Collection staff (the ones who set up, break down, do the mini-physicals, and of course the phlebotomies themselves) typically aren’t sent with posters because we are not given enough time, space in the trucks, or frankly money to deal with that, but it’s not unheard of for the people in our organizations who actually set the drives up to go out themselves and add a little pizzazz. Alternatively (and more likely), Hana just commissioned a bunch of posters with blood puns for this event
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Everyone is dressed up and thats lowkey stressful. They’re just asking to get blood on their nice suits and dresses
The fact that there’s a bunch of food at the charity event? Love that. Seeing that would save me from worrying about our donors (entirely too many will jump off the bed, say I’m fine, bypass the canteen area, and pass out in parking lot. Jfc just take the fucking cookie and sit for a sec dude, dropping a pint of blood is not a total non-event, c’mon). I’m guess this is a closed blood drive (meaning only people from this event can donate), and most of the people attending seem to be in the food business, so there’s a social obligation to have at least some for the sake of networking, so win-win
That said, if you’re hosting a blood drive as part of an event, this event has/is centered around food, and you don’t give the phlebotomists any, you’re a dick and there’s a good chance that if you make this a regular blood drive, it’ll be constantly understaffed because of angry call outs. We talk, y’all, and we remember
Also one this I’m horrified by? The alcohol — listen, at least one person at every blood drive makes a cheap date joke. We don’t follow you home, we can’t stop you from making the choices you mark when you’re out of our care. TBH I did this myself once, donated blood then had alcohol later, and I was alright, just super tired super quick (and I frankly have zero interest in doing this again). Everybody is different, every body is different. Some people are fine
Some people end up super sick and dizzy after like one drink because, again, dropping a pint of blood is not a non-event. Just make smart choices, y’all
Imma say having alcohol at a big important charity event right after donating blood isn’t a smart choice. Because networking and business and you’ll be quickly shitfaced at best. Is that the risk you wanna take?
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That mascot tho. (Brilliant Ricardio cameo). We have a masco, I think most blood banks do, but we typically don’t haul it around with us. A big charity event though? Yeah, it makes sense that someone would bring it. I personally would rather throw it out the window than wear it myself, but it’s still fun to see
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I haven’t seen anyone mention this on social media, but I want to point out the amazing timing of this episode in regards to blood donation qualifications.
CW for references to sexual activity and the now lifted MSM blood donor ban
In August of 2023, this year and like a month before this episode came out, the FDA finally officially lifted the MSM blood ban (earlier this year the mad cow disease ban was also lifted, too). Gotta acknowledge this: Now we we have to ask about specific sexual behaviors (anal sex with a new partner), which can result in a three month deferral. Super fun to ask conservative grandmas in churches btw. I’m queer, a lot of my coworkers are queer, you have no idea how much this means to us, let alone the population affected by this ban. I’m kinda surprised there wasn’t any nod to the MSM ban at all, though — Gary and Marshall are a MLM couple, after all, and even if they aren’t sexual active yet, it’s still something that hung over a lot of MLM individuals. I know the blood drive was a super clever nod to the whole “in another universe he’s a vampire” thing, but still, characters curse on the reg, there’s blood and gore, and there’s a focus on adult specific issues like rent and starting a business — you’d think there’d be an ambitiously worded nod to this specific MLM issue or something. It can take over a year to get an animate episode ready to air — when F&C started production, the ban was still very much a thing. Maybe the creators were aware of the ADVANCE study on removing the MSM ban that would’ve been going on at the time, and were being optimistic about how long it would take, or maybe there was a line that was cut when the ban was lifted. Or maybe the creators just wanted the Vampire->AU Blood Drive gag and hoped no one would think about it
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autumnfangirler · 8 months
long post so as per usual im throwing this under the cut
Caine & Ortega:
Ortega is caines best friend of years, even after the farm. In fact, caines had a crush on him since their sidestep days, but only realized it in retri lol. He finds his static soothing, its a reprieve from the constant chatter around them, even if it comes with the cost of not being able to read his mind. The problem is that caine is really good at following orders, and during his sidestep days, when they first got all their freedom, he kind of subconciously latched on to ortega as the nearest authority figure because they likened his static to the numbers used at the farm. Even post second escape, they still regard him as an authority(though hes starting to chafe against ortegas influence a little bit more). Part of the reason caine is a no-kill saving step is because, even if they dont realize it, theyre doing what ortega told them to do. if ortega had asked him to kill somebody, hed do it 100%. and if that somebody just so happened to be a near-mythical kingpin ruling over los diablos, well... let's just say theres more than one reason caine agreed to HGs deal unthreaded
Caine & Chen:
Oh, caine has a thing for the marshal and they are throwing a fit about it. This was NOT supposed to happen. Chen was supposed to be the vaguely-tolerable side effect to getting spoon. But then he found out that chens well-shielded mind is actually really nice for the same reasons ortegas mind is, and that he could relate to the feeling of being forced into a role he doesnt want to play. Back in the day, caine was always frustrated that chen didnt trust what he brought to the team, but now that theyre "retired", it doesnt matter and they can relax together as individuals. It was a surprisingly nice development. The two are more similar than they think– nowadays, the main conflict between the two is caine being lycan, because chen is absolutely aware of that fact and caine is just about clear-headed enough to note that thats probably a bad thing. Caine and chen are both very (for lack of better term) career focused, and even if caine doesnt like being villainous, theyre willing to do whatevers needed for the job(over 80% drive babyyy). So yeah, those two are going to butt heads when That conversation finally comes up
Caine & Herald:
Caine is WORKING that 66% strength of mind whenever herald is around. They find him intense, overly curious, and far too forgetful of boundaries, all of which they Do Not appreciate. But he still cant help liking the kid. Hes legitimately proud of how far heralds come along, and hes interested in his potential as a threat since hes shown how perceptive he can be. Currently, theyre trying to round out heralds skills as part of the team, as well as pushing him to analyze and use what he notices against an opponent. Plus, training herald has been more of a lifeline than theyd like to admit(i wrote something about it, but idk if ill post it rip). Its a schedule, hes a good coach, and he just likes fighting for fun lmfao. The whole thing would be great if herald could get some shields for the love of god
Caine & Argent:
Fun fact, caine used to have a small crush on argent between rebirth and retribution. It was a mix of admiration for her skills, the constant attention and the fact that argent is just pretty lol. It faded quick (quickly enough that he panicked in the bridge fight when he realized she was flirting with him lmfao), but they continued to hold a healthy amount of respect for her afterwards, even if they didnt approve of her teamwork. And then the casino happened! Caine had gone through the whole casino infiltration entirely untouched, but when they noticed the fight between argent and shroud, they couldnt help but give into curiosity and see what was happening. That was. a bad decision. He watched shroud attempt and fail to devour argent, and they ended up getting a panic attack and fleeing. He is now scared as shit of her :D! He avoids her like the plague, and whenever hes given an opportunity to escape a room with her in it, hes taking it. They dont know what she is, and they have a bad feeling about finding out
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montammil · 11 months
I hate that mall incident cliffhanger how DARE you
Also since ur taking questions idk if you answered this already but if Lawrence wanted a kid of his own thats helpless and depends on him only so badly why not just steal a baby??? I've never understood why parental whumpers never just stole a baby or something, and I actually considered writing a small series with a parental whumper who had a baby but because of circumstances it ended badly and they went the way of a whumper
Sry if this is a dumb question
Has anyone noticed my love for cliffhangers? XD
And these are the reasons:
He had a bond with Sadie and Nathan both beforehand, making him already feel connected to them
Marshall was the most vulnerable, being out on the streets and seemingly lonely that it was a perfect opportunity for him
Lawrence already envisions the three as very young mentally, even if he is aware of their biological age
Lastly, the biggest reason... *drumroll* ...I just know minor whumpees can be a squick to a lot of people ^^;
And there's no such thing as a dumb question in my mind, don't worry about it! Honestly I should've clarified this a while ago, haha.
Besides that, please tag me if you write about the parental whumper (no pressure!), it sounds very interesting! There's not enough parental whumper content around here.
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creativebrainrot · 11 months
Since RP is becoming less and less scary ive been considering Maelgwyn AUs that dont include major story characters and one that also doesnt include being an Elonian Sylvari.
I'll start with the second one because, I've thought about it less, since the game encourages non-pale tree sylvari through Malyck's existence.
I'll keep the abnormally large part of his design because it contributes to his own expierence with himself. (?) His stature, coloration, and generally creature-like traits contribute to his selfhate and how much he despises being seen as a monster. Which is his primary motivation for why he Does That One Thing that starts his journey. Being seen as a monster is why he becomes a bounty hunter. So if he's not in elona, what if bandit syndicate leader? Except, these ones are grey morals and tend to help out those in need by picking targets who have excess and will for sure be fine after the attack. People who can EASILY replace lost shipments. Thats an easy enough replacement for the desert beast thing.
undercooked tho because im pretty sure no one would be tooo mad about a Single Elonian sylvari. My main answer for Maelgwyn's desert tree not being involved is usually, the tree never recovers. He's the only one that's awakened, and rather than healing slowly and stabilizing, the tree dies a few weeks after he wakes.
The first AU is much more interesting to me because Maelgwyn starts pretty grey morals BUT. If he never meets Trahearne,,,,,,,, he gets worse. Because Trahearne is also a grey morals guy but after being pact marshal for so long his morals have shifted to be a lighter shade, which rubs off on Maelgwyn. But if he never meets and stays with Trahearne then his friends would likely be fellow bounty hunters and contacts in the trade syndicates that get along with The Desert Beast and i think thatd make him much more willing to do shit like say. Raid a syndicate hideout with his buddies for nicer drinks and such. The syndicate doesnt LIKE him ANYWAY, and they ARE too close to his turf SO is it rEEEAAALLY THAAT BAAAD. cmon man. its JUST for some better alcohol and theyre only gonna do it once. or twice. when they feel like it. its not like the bandits need the stuff anyway????????
and shit like that. If he never meets Trahearne he also doesnt heal. Not as much anyway. Because falling for your fucking client/charge was a FLUKE and NOT THE PLAN. Maelgwyn was still very much not ready to actually love someone again but thats what he THOUGHT he was. He stumbled across the right person, and fell in love with someone safe and understanding enough, who loved him BACK enough, to see through his difficult tendencies. So his self hate, self doubt, fear, and just. ALL of his mental health issues around falling in love and being vulnerable with other people sticks around. Because he never got a chance to organically unlearn any of it. Because he IS NOT gonna be the one who goes looking for love.
Absolutely not, you tell this man you love him four months into a casual romantic relationship, he is having a secret panic attack and ghosting.
If he falls in love with YOU and realizes it. Bye. Ghosting.
He's so not okay xd
He's okay with friends, for the most part, but chances are, you're still not getting through to his honest self. Everyone gets The Desert Beast. If you get to see Maelgwyn you are a LUCKY bastard, this man masks and hides his real self SO MUCH.
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evilresident3757 · 2 months
36 and 40 for the writer’s asks game!
36.  Last sentence you wrote
In the way the men collapse when they’re shot,
in the way the blood covers the ground
in bodies, in death, and in red.
REALLY angsty oh dear. its from a poem i wrote in the pov of my character, clifton marshall! hes essentially talking about how he’s falling in love with this guy, but its the 1940s and theyre currently experiencing ww2, so thats fun. its his anxiety and fears, basically. he “sees” paul in the men that are dying
40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
this is such a tough one!! i have so many dudes i could choose from lordy lord
ill go with paul, who’s clifton’s love interest, because he’s the only one i’ve actually fleshed out. this is their modern au, not canon though! :
paul “robin” robinson was born 1991, in Atlanta, Georgia. he grew up DIRT fucking poor. his pa was a deadbeat and his ma didn’t sign up to mother 3 children, so she kinda Disconnected from reality. he’s the oldest of 2 sisters, jenny (26) and kelly (19). even though his dad’s a drunk, he loves his family more than anything. the only reason he tried hard enough to graduate high school was so he could get a good enough job to support them. he’s, quite literally, dedicated his life to his family. the only reason he gets outta georgia is to visit The Group (all the boys in which this “universe” is focused on).
Joe Jones met him on a family vacation, visiting relatives. they were about 12/13 when the universe decided they’d be good friends. they’ve been inseparable ever since.
when joe went to college and met richard “crash” dumfrey, arthur “ken” kenneth, and john burke, thats when paul started leaving georgia more. all of them make up the Original Group. sam “jumper” foster and charlie “sticks” mckay were the next to join. when they all (other than paul) entered their sophomore year of college, they adopted some freshman. phillip “chick” doyle, don gomez, and clifton marshall.
anyyyyway i think that all counts as backstory?? im not really sure LOL but tysm 4 the ask!!!
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galpalaven · 1 year
penny is my most annoying (affectionate) oc bc she demands to be involved in like everything i get into and somehow manages to make it juuuuusssttt reasonable enough that i will allow her to be a companion character to whatever main oc so she kind of makes it about herself but not really
which in turn means that she gets what she wants all the time forever
for the It Lives Within AU she is. extremely overpowered but like in a way thats not really beyond the realm of possibility. and she's best friends with Noah and the president of the Get Noah and Jaxson Together club as well as Head Chair of the Protect Noah Marshall Committee (they have t-shirts->Jaxson is the president)
she would be such a fun love interest tbh i could write a whole route out tbh
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 years
it still gets me going when i see someone like "yeah hiiragi magnetite songs are good but when are we going to get the fuu song" as though 1) the only songs in aru sekai series are the kyuu, shuu, ou, fuu, mei, juu, mou, ei songs and 2) songs like laboratory and canon dont give some of the most important context the series has
like i have no idea what we're going to get in the fuu song. but i do know that laboratory clarifying that yes while they might die in a physical sense as comes with the end of the world the real sacrifice theyre making is who they are by nature, intrinsically, everything that makes them who they are, everything that separates a "person" from something else. & i know that that distinction gives a WHOLE new context to just about every other song & really explains why theyre so panicked about everything as if the world ending wasnt enough by itself.
and thats just one song. thats not all the context & perspectives we get from unplanned apoptosis or marshall maximizer or canon or kugutsu ashura. thats not all the little details we have to sort through that build on what would be so so cryptic if we only had the songs directly tied to aru sekai shoushitsu.
so yeah i AM very interested in what info we're going to get in the fuu song (& the rest of them) but most importantly i think whatever we get before that is going to make it make a lot more sense, or at the very least set up the specific lens they want it seen from.
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loyaltykask · 2 years
Can anyone who knows Chinese help?
Hey so like in my last post I was excited because I was directed to ll 52 episodes of Monkey King 2009 CCTV! Super happy!
Bad news is that is all in Chinese and has no English subtitles options making it very hard for any English watchers to enjoy. Super Sad!
So guess who’s making a very stupid decision to download all 52 episodes of Monkey King 2009 and translating its Chinese Subtitles to English by hand despite only have a 30% understanding of the Chinese language?
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I already have two scripts of subtitles done and if things go as planned i should be done in about... 4 months
I am asking for someone with a good understanding of the Chinese language to beta read my script before I start putting them in over the videos.
Let me make it clear you do not have to translate anything, that taking on all the grunt work but I would like someone to help when it comes to names/places as google translate doesn’t distinctly understand when something is a name or not.
What I’m asking is for someone to watch 52 episodes of a cartoon while have my script side-by-side and just say “Yeah thats close enough” or making proper edits when I mistranslated something.
If anyone is interested or willing please let me know, this is a long term project and I’m hoping to get two scripts done per week.
PS The premise of the show is all about Sun Wukong living on Flower Fruit mountain and befriending the monkeys on there through several shenanigans and dealing with heaven. THIS IS ALL BEFORE THE ACTAUL JOURNEY TO THE WEST. A lot of the General Ba and Beng, Marshal Ma and Liu and of course the co-star of this show Six-Eared Macaque starring as Sun Wukong’s best friend (and not to spoiler but this does take a Villain Origin StoryArc if you get what I mean)
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whenyouknowyouknow · 4 years
Harry the Womanizer
 This thing started because I find the whole womanizer image of Harry absolutely disgusting and wanted people to see how utterly bad and wrong it was.
Please be aware that the following does not reflect Harry’s personality but it shows us the image their label wanted him to be seen as.
Some disclaimer about where the data comes from
written, digital coverage (no print,  1-2 videos, no radio)
google search “Harry Styles”, I looked through the first 20 hits each month but didn’t read all of them ( headlines usually are a dead giveaway if an article contains a new “conquest”)
I did not list every woman that was mentioned in the same article as Harry. Also not those that showed interest in him. But most of those that were said he showed interest in (I might have skipped a few in the worst years just bc it was so freaking disgusting)
Often articles contained offhand comments about his pulling power or unrelatedly recounting his latest conquests in any given article to enforce the womanizer image. These did not make it into the list.
Deleted articles are of course not included (as of Aug 2020)
Some of the women turn up again for a round 2 (or 3 or 4), I only mention them once a year tho
I put the women into the list on the date the news coverage happened/started because many articles date back things by saying  “pics have circulated since…” “They have been reportedly seen together since…” or simply tell a story that supposedly happened a few years prior
Some dates overlap. Thats either bc they pushed several woman at once (very effective to drive the whole womanizer image home) or its bc one woman was seeded in while the other was happening.
Because this is a freaking long post, I’ll put it under the “read more”
About the list
split by years
each year has Harrys age for that given year in brackets
each data set has in brackets the age, occupation and date of news coverage for the woman (if available)
winter gf get their own category as they sometimes overlap with other woman
Some of the woman get brought back up (not just mentioned in passing), those are listed at the end of each year with the dates when they where brought back up
“again” is for those who dated him again
Women linked to Harry
2010 (16)
5(?) girls from bootcamp
Cher Loyd (17, txf fellow contestant, Oct)
unnamed girl fan (13.11.)
2011 (17)
Adele (23, singer, 27.09.)
Sarita Borge (record executive, 29.11.)
Caroline Flack (31, txf, 23.10.-27.01.)
2012 (18)
Pixie Geldoff (21, 09.02.)
Alexa Chung (28, model, 16.02)
Alexandra Burke (23, txf, 20.02.)
Jo Wood (56, ex of Ronny Wood 21.02.)
Denise Welch (54, actress, 21.02.)
Georgia May Jagger (20, Mick Jagger daughter, 21.02.)
Sarah-Louise Colivet (24, photographer, 11.04.)
Lily Halpern (19, singer, 11.04.)
Jillian Harris (32, reality TV star, 13.04.)
Emma Ostilly (18, actor for Gotta be You MV -  22.04.) 
Ellis Calcutt (18(?), friend, deniedm, 30.04.)
Emily Atack (22, TV star, 20.05.)
unnamed girl (Article about her one night stand with H, 06.06.)
Lucy Horobin (32, radio presenter, 24.06., dated back to Aug-Oct 2011)
Caggie Dunlop (23, TV star, 12.07.)
Allyssa Reid (19, singer, 23.07.)
Blond girl with pink bag (from a night out, 26.07.)
Cara Delevingne (19, Model, 05.08.)
Natalie Imbruglia (37, singer actress 28.09.)
Taylor Swift (22 singer 19.10.-07.01. (fling dated back to April 2012 then getting back together)
2013 (19)
Hermione Way (27, reality star, 08.01.)
Millie Brady (18, actress, 24.02.)
Shaniece Nesbitt (fan, 11.03.)
Yvette Fielding (44, TV presenter, 11.03.)
Fia Litton (niece of Preston Mahon (security), 14.03)
Chelsea Ferguson (25, stripper, 14.04)
Kimberly Stewart (33, confirmed by Rod, 27.04.)
Camilla Foss (18, fan in oslo, 09.05.)
Kara Rose Marshall (22, model, 03.07.)
Alexis Allen (19, fan, 21.07.)
Cara Delevingne (20, model, 11.09.)
Paige Reifler (17, model, 30.09.)
Sjana Earp (18, model, 25.10.)
Samantha Armytage (36, TV presenter, 27.10.)
Daisy Lowe (24, model, 01.12.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 01.02./11.09.)
Kendall Jenner (17, model, 21.10. - 23.02)
2014 (20)
mystery brunette (20.01.)
Alison Mosshart (35, singer, 07.03.)
Daisy Lowe (25, model, 11.04.)
Larissa de Macedo Machado (21, brazilian popstar, 08.05.)
Lou Teasdale (30, hairdresser, 26.05.)
Sinitta (45, Smons ex, 22.07.)
Paige Reifler (18, again, model, 25.07.)
Meghan Trainor (20, singer, 27.08.)
blond woman (at Coldplay concert, 18.09.)
Katy Perry (29, singer, 01.10.)
Erin Foster (31, 08.10.)
Kate Moss (40, model, 03.11.)
two blond woman (leaving a club in LA with H, 30.11.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 12.02./02.03./20.08./14.10./04.12.)
Emily Atack (brought back up, 23.03.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 26.03.)
Nadine Leopold (20, model, 20.12.- 12.03.)
2015 (21)
Emma Watson (24, actress, 14.01. dated back to 26.12.14)
Suki Waterhouse (23, actress, 05.04.)
Joy Muggli (23, talent agent, 12.05.)
Sara Sampaio (23, model, 15.06.)
Georgia Fowler (22, model, inspiration for Kiwi, 15.10.)
Nicole Scherzinger (34, singer, 17.10., dated back to 2013)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 15.01./13.02./10.03./08.05./13.10./28.10.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 24.05./11.10.)
Kendall Jenner (again, 30.12.- 31.01.)
2016 (22)
Pandora Lennard (28, model 31.01.)
Lindsay Lohan (30, actress, 10.03., dated back unspecified)
Kendall Jenner (again, 05.09.)
Kara Rose Marshall (brought back up, 07.10.)
Suki Waterhouse (again + dated back to 2013, 11.11.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 01.02.)
2017 (23)
Tess Ward (26, food blogger, 09.05.)
Townes Adair Jones (20s, 17.05., dated back to 2014)
Camille Rowe (31, model, 31.07.)
Sjana Earp (22, again, 05.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 18.04./12.05./03.09./09.11.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 31.01.)
2018 (24)
Delta Goodrem (33, voice coach, 27.04.) 
Camille Rowe (ends 31.07.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 15.07./12.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 21.03./)
2019 (25)
Kiko Mizuhara (28, denied by K, 12.01.)
Camille Rowe (brought back up, 22.11.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 11.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 23.08./04.11./13.12.)
2020 (26)
Daisy Lowe (brought back up, 20.06.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 02.03./24.07.)
data from here on is not included in the graphs, I will keep adding when things happen
Tracee Ellis Ross (48, actress, 28.10.)
The age differences
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The graph shows clearly how
the age gaps are very big in the beginning, likely to attract an older audience in addition to the usual target audience of teenage girls
the amount of woman linked to Harry gets smaller each year because in later years, articles could just reference his history with woman
the amount of woman linked and mentioned in regards to Harry gets significantly lower after hiatus started
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A rough timeline of women that where connected to Harry over the years
Why give Harry the womanizer image?
Would the image of a womanizer not damage the image of 1D?
If they’d portrait him as a sleeze it would have surely damaged the overal image of 1D. But Harrys image portrait him as charming, a bit quirky and overall an airhead that likes people and doesn’t want to be tied down. Thus giving the illusion of being potentially available to every woman and showing them a good, no strings attached, time. Which is a massive selling point for boybands to increase the age range of their fans.
In addition, all his conquests would be used to stir up drama or simply generate attention at crucial times to get 1D in the press without mentioning their current promo focus in every headline.
The winter girlfriends had a special role as they were the only ones actively worked as continuous dating. To build some attachment, have a continuous storyline that could be tied to the just released album and bridge the holiday pause, and when the relationship ended generate more drama to be used for promo.
Harry did keep on using his womanizer image to promote both his solo albums but in a very controlled manner. The numbers of new woman linked to him declined to 1 in 2019, for now we are at 0 (1) in 2020
HS promo used 3 woman as inspirations for songs (Towns, Fowler, Swift) and a tour gf (Rowe)
FL promo only uses the previous tour gf as now ex to push the storyline of a breakup album
He is very visibly changing his image while still maintaining a level of connection to his old image. Whether that's due to contractual restrictions or a strategy to not alienate to many fans is unclear
Jeff Azoff
For what I’ve seen Jeff and Harry seem close (the Azoff family having him on family pictures, posted by Jeff’s brother)
Looking at the timeline of Jeff and Harry
2014-03-25 first mention of Harry at Azoff family home in an article about Irvin
2014-04-23 first pics of Harry and Jeff at a sports event (Jeff named as a friend, no name or position yet)
2014-12-22 Jeff not named yet but identified as his agent
2015-01-10 first time Jeff being named and being the link between Harry and a woman
2016-03-07 Jeff leaves CAA as a music agent and launches his own company Full Stop Management
2016-03-11 Harry confirmed to have joined Full Stop Management
Jeff likely took over as Harry’s agent in early 2014. In 2015 Harry’s image change starts to become aparent and changed drastically after hiatus.
Harry choosing Jeffs management firm as soon as he left Modest is a clear indication that he feels Jeff will represent him how he wants
The Timeline - Women connected to Harry and Promo
I started the visual timeline in end 2011 when his womanizer image started to take off
The instances before where likely used as seeding for this image (first instance was a segment in txf where he was linked to 5 of the girl contestants and funny enough one older guy)
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purple - women from the entertainment industry
pink - fans/no-names
lilac - winter gf
dark burgundy - thos who date him again
dusky pink - brought back up
light blue - single release
royal blue - album release
mid blue - other releases
dark turquoise - tour legs
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Adendum: a few numbers analyzed,
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression - Ep 44 'Guitar Center' preparing to file for bankruptcy & Urgent announcement.
On screen text:
27th Dec 2020 (Sun) 23:30~ The Freedom of Expression LIVE #3 Live broadcast.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe, Tasai, welcome. Well, I feel kinda attatched to the topic this week. Joe, please could you..?
J: Yes, its sad news, but.. America's largest musical instrument retail chain 'Guitar Center' is preparing to file for bankruptcy. According to the New York Times, its possible that the chain might go bankrupt due to business difficulties. The chain is the biggest musical instrument chain in America, and has around 300 stores nationwide. Taken over in 2007, the business struggled hard with the switch to online sales, but was pretty successful in two and a half years, and up until this February had been increasing sales for ten quarters in a row. However, because Guitar Center is dependent on in-store sales, the business took a huge hit from the coronavirus pandemic. Sales for the most recent financial year were declared to be $2.3 billion, but the chain has $1.3 billion in debt, and its credit rating was downgraded in April. According to the New York Times, the chain fell behind with interest payments of $45 million this month for the first time ever, and although they have been given 32 hours, there is a chance they will default on thier debts. According to specific sources, Guitar Center have been in contact with thier creditors, will file for bankruptcy within the month, and are considering a plan to withdraw at the start of 2021. 
K: It says within the year, right?
J: Oh, yes, sorry, within the year.
K: The first time I went to this store was about 23 or 24 years ago, when we went to America for recording. We were taken there..me and the other members, but it was so huge!
J: It is huge, yeh.
K: It was in LA, but I never relised that type of place existed.
J: Its Hollywood, right?
K: Yeh.
T: How big was it? Like how many guitars?
K: It was as big as a Japanese supermarket.
T: Ehh?
J: Its as big as a wearhouse, isn't it?
K: Well, yeh, it looks like that from outside too.
T: Was it like the instrument shops you see in Tokyo?
K: No, no, no. They normally don't have drum kits and stuff assembled in stores here, but they do there.
T: Ehh? Thats really big.
J: It is. So Kaoru, did you go there and test out the guitars?
K: I have done. But back then, I didn't really feel any preferences as for the instruments, I just got the feel of the place. I was just like, 'Wow, Im in Guitar Center!'. It was a great feeling seeing all the different instruments.
J: The Americans try out the instruments pretty enthusiastically, don't they?
K: They were really good! haha
J: Right?
K: The people playing...I gradually just stopped trying stuff out there.
J, T: Hahha.
K: But when we go on tours and the equipment breaks or something, we have been to Guitar Center to get replacements before. So if it disappears, we could be in a bit of trouble on tours.
J: Thats right.
T: Yeah.
K: Its a bit risky ordering stuff online to arrive at the venue in time.
T: Of course.
K: If you go to the store you can just get what you need and leave.
J: With 300 stores, it seems like there are quite a lot in big cities, so if anything happened on tour, you could just drop into one of the stores..
K: Yeh yeh yeh.
J: And they would have what you wanted.
T: America is amazing. It says here they worked hard with the move to online sales, but don't you need to test-play a guitar before buying? Is it ok to buy online?
K: Nah, but people buy everything online these days.
J: Yeah.
T: I kinda imagined you would go to the store, play the instrument, and then decide you want to buy it.
K: Well, yeh. But I didn't test out my first guitar before buying it.
J: Oh, is that so?
K: It was a specific model that was sold out, so I had to reserve it..
T: I see.
K: And pay for it in advance, then wait till it arrived.
J: Ehh? But you knew what type of guitar you were getting though, right?
K: Yeh, I knew what shape it would be and stuff, but its cause that was my first guitar.
T: By the way, how old were you when you bought your first guitar?
K: Around first year of high school.
T: Ahh, I see.
J: Ahh. Eh?! First year of high school when you bought your first guitar?
K: Yeh. I started playing a bit earlier than that using borrowed guitars.
T: So, you thought, 'I want one', and bought your first one, right?
J: I bought my first electric guitar when i was in Junior High school. Everyone starts a band at that age, don't they? And I thought, if Im gonna do it, then I should be on guitar, right? With drums you really need space at home to set them up, so I couldn't buy a set. I bought a kind of cheap guitar/amp set for beginners. But I couldn't play the F chord properly, it was pretty frustrating.
T: This will make me look clueless, but Kaoru, how many guitars have you actually bought?
K: I havn't really..
T: Oh, not many?
K: No, I havn't actually bought that many...Like 10? I usually have them made through contracts with ESP.
J: But by now you have signature models and stuff, right?
K: Yeah. I mean, I will buy a guitar myself if I want to play it at home or something.
J: Ahh. Well, its kinda sad seeing these musical instrument stores disappear.
K: I've always had the impression that musical instruments don't sell in large numbers anyway.
J: But..well, i've done some interviews in relation to this, and it seems like musical instruments have been selling quite well during covid. Especially in America, it seems like there was a lot of people in the countryside playing guitar at home. But as for sales, they would probably buy online, especially during covid when you couldn't go to the store in person, I think some of the stores would have been closed. So even if online sales have increased...like with Guitar Center, if you have that many stores..there will be the burden of maintenance costs, staff wages, rent, and somehow the debt will grow and grow. But if online buying continues to develop in this way, we might see an increasing trend of people who play guitar without having tested it first.
K: Hmm, yeh, they won't be trying them out first. ???*1
J, T: Yeah, thats right.
J: What are your thoughts on this, Kaoru? About the concept of a test-run disappearing?
K: I wonder whether young people will still buy guitars. I think the people buying them will be like wealthy people etc. But I don't think young people these days are that interested in buying a guitar and starting a band. If they do become interested in musical instruments, I think it will be more and more online sales.
J: I wonder how thats gonna go, with the guitar makers and musical instrument shops struggling..
K: But even if guitars sell, I wonder if there is anyone who will still buy amps?
J: Ahh, I see.
K: Young people these days don't really buy amps, do they? There are amp simulators now, so you can buy one of these machines and input the data digitally, and then just use a regular speaker.
J: And thats just enough, right?
K: Well, you can do it like that, yeh. And you can simulate lots of different types of amp, so you can get specific sounds. People probably aren't buying the real thing these days.
J: But the subtleness of the sound is different, isn't it?
K: Its totally different.
J: Right? Its completely different. So its...Well, for peope like us, we've heard the sound coming through amps at live houses, we've been hearing that kind of sound for years, but for young people, in one sense a different sound is...
K: (*Kaoru talking about amps/simulators. I don't know enough about amps to really get what he means here, sorry!*)
J: Ah, so if they start thinking there is only one choice, rather than listening to the old types and making a reasoned decision?
K: Yes. So even now, if you go to a Japanese musical instrument shop, there used to be amps all lined up, like Marshall or Fender etc. Now, there are no amps, but many types of simulator machines. You can just buy them and take them straight home. It seems like they sell well. So if you find one guitar that is easy to play, and you have one of these simulators, you can make all sorts of sounds.
J: Yeah.
T: I see.
J: Like usally, if the neck is different, the responding sound will differ, but you will be able to compensate for that with a simulator, so..
K: I don't think many people do that.
J: Oh, right.
K: But I don't know.
Kami: Um, can I ask something? Um, I've played guitar before. But I got blisters straight away, and my wrist started to hurt. Does that happen to you too, Kaoru?
T, J: Haha
T: Thats a grest question to ask a guitarist, Kami.
K: Well, during recording...or like when recording something all in one go, it does start to hurt, haha.
T: Haha
J: If you are playing non-stop? But hey, I wonder how this situation will look in 10 or 20 years?
K: There'll be no music stores like Tower Records etc by then.
J: Yeh, yeh.
T: Hmm, yeh.
J: Old guys will be sad. 
K: But even with cars and stuff, there is that kind of rental service now, isn't there?
T: Carsharing?
K: Yeah. So won't car showrooms eventually disappear?
J: I think so. And with clothes, there's a high possibility that stores will start to disappear.
K: Oh, now you mention clothes, do you remember that online thing we talked about before where they put the clothes that you like onto your photo?
J: Yeah, yeah.
K: I had thought about doing that, but the site has shut down!
J: Ah, its over?
K: Yeah, so I couldn't do it.
J: Oh, thats a shame.
T: It is.
J: So many businesses have been hit by covid, I think the view that we see before us will be a lot different by next year, or the year after. Getting aound this will have an effect on the way we live or express ourselves, I feel.
T: I lived on an island in Kagoshima when I was little. We had a Shamisen in our house, it had a kind of plastic stick to play it.
J: Can you play, Tasai?
T: No, not at all. I only ever just picked it up sometimes for fun.
J: You could show us a Kagoshima folk song to finish.
T: Haha, no no no. Why?
J: I don't know. To wrap it up?
T: No, it wouldn't wrap it up, haha. 
K: In that case, Joe, you should play guitar.
J: Lets perform together sometime!
K: No way!
T: Joe!
K: No thanks, haha.
J: I'd gain prestige by playing with Kaoru from Dir en grey. There would be no merit for you though, Kaoru.
T: I'd go numb, I wouldn't be able to play at all if I were you. haha. Playing next to a pro.
J: Well, what can I say? I have big dreams. No, but if we did play together, I'd practice, I'd give it my best.
T: Of course.
K: Well, yeh.
J: If, for example, we played together on this youtube channel next year, I'd be serious about practicing.
Kami: I'll do it too.
J: Kami too?!
K: Hahaha
J: Would you, Kami?
Kami: I would.
K: But your hands would start to hurt.
T: Right.
Kami: I'd practice.
J: You'll practice? In that case, we could have Tasai on Shamisen too, and all play together.
T: Shamisen is ok? Well, I guess its a stringed instrument like guitar.
J: Lets announce something.
K: Hahahaha
J: No-ones getting on board with this?
K: hahaha
J: Oh, nevermind then! haha.
K: Well, if the opportunity arises, right?
J: Yes, if the opportunity arises.
K: Ok, we'll finish here for this week. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
On screen text:
27th Dec 2020 (Sun) 23:30~ The Freedom of Expression LIVE #3 Live broadcast.
*1,2 Couldn't catch.
* Feel free to inform if it looks like I've misinterpreted some of the amp/simulator talk.
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beauvibaby · 4 years
said so - t.seguin
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request: thank you for the list! I was hoping you would write a piece with seguin! my request is like if you guys were kinda dating ? but you were like 'its just haging out' and some of his ex would try to scare you off so you didn't take him seriously but HE WAS I don't know if this makes sense. It's always about how you want more and want a real relationship but if it was the contrary? If he wanted and you'd be the oblivious one? if you don't want to thats ok! bye bub hope you're feeling great today!
a/n: haha so I read this a couple of times and then it totally clicked for me, well, I’m hoping it did, if this isn’t what you wanted feel free to message me and I can write another one!
You and Tyler were friends-that’s what you told yourself-everyone else would think otherwise from looking in on your relationship. Friends with benefits was definitely not it either, sure, you’ve done things, drunken things, but it was never really an issue, for him, that’s what you thought. He never mentioned it so neither did you, despite having a small voice in the back of your head cautioning you against staying silent. But you didn’t listen to it, and that brings you to where you are now, half shit faced in a bar with Tyler skeptically watching you from a distance as you shamelessly flirted with a guy you would normally get nauseous from looking at, it wasn’t that he was appalling, he was actually quite cute, but he wasn’t Tyler. You pushed that aside and leaned against the bar top as he ordered you another drink, you fiddled with the bracelet on your wrist while he told some joke that really made no sense to you, but you laughed anyways. He smirked down at you, his hand landing on your waist, a little to low for your comfort. It’s like you could feel Tyler glaring from across the way, you shot him a look, silently telling him to calm down.
A solid fifteen minutes has passed and your still flirting with this guy, who had now gotten you both closer to the exit of the bar, Tyler was talking to some random girl, although most of his attention was still and keeping an eye on you, he looked away for a moment and when he looked back you were gone, he started to panic just a little, tuning out the blonde in front of him. Until his phone buzzed on the high top he was sitting at, your name lighting up with a message. “Have fun, see you tomorrow, don’t worry about me!” You knew how protective he could get, so you added the don’t worry for same measure. He pushed away the jealous thoughts as he pictured that guy all over you. He took a swig of his beer, which didn’t help the nausea overtaking him, he spoke pointlessly with the girl, who started losing interest in him when he stopped giving her the time of day. She muttered something he couldn’t quite catch and stomped off dramatically. He shrugged it off and paid his tab before taking an Uber home, no longer enjoying the atmosphere since you were gone.
Tyler was surprised to hear a knock on his door this late at night, his dogs shooting up and running to the door, but they didn’t bark, and that instantly told him it was you, he opened the door and saw you standing there, arms crossed over your chest, a few tears on your cheeks, nothing serious but enough to cause his heart rate to pick up. “Y/N, what happened?” He asked pulling you inside, you sighed against his chest, pushing away the thoughts of how safe he made you feel. “We got to his place and I changed my mind, he let me leave but he was so pissed, it scared me.” You explained sheepishly, embarrassed for coming over here. “You’re sure you’re alright?” Tyler questioned you, pushing you back to give you a once over, his eyes landed on the hickey forming on your collarbone and he looked away, “I’m fine.” You assured him, laughing when Marshall nudged his nose into your hand, you kneeled down to greet the dogs who nearly tackled you in excitement. Tyler laughed joining you on the ground, “calm down boys.” He laughed gently pushing them back, they took the hint and settled down, plopping down all around you both. “It’s late, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have came here.” You apologized to him and he nudged you with his shoulder, you don’t have to apologize, you know that you’re always welcome.” He mumbled, you knew he meant it but he looked away as he spoke and that made you feel a little uncomfortable. “Oh shit!” You gasped suddenly remembering the girl at the bar, “did you bring someone home? I can leave, I’ll leave!” You rushed to your feet, making the dogs shoot up and Tyler followed. “No, no, I haven’t brought anyone home in a long time.” He assured you, you turned away from the door and looked at him quizzically.
“Why not?” You asked sobering up a bit, he shrugged walking into the kitchen, you followed and watched from the entryway as he got a glass of water. “Tyler.” You warned, “don’t lie to me.” You added for good measure, crossing your arms as you approached him. You stood toe to toe, him still being a good bit taller than you, he looked down at you, and you felt the butterflies in your stomach. This was different, it wasn’t the normal way he’d look at you when he was cracking a joke, or the way he’d look at you when you would come over stressed about work. It was so, so different. “Tyler?” You whispered, he shut his eyes for a moment, as if he knew what you were going to say, and you couldn’t help but hope that he did. He hummed in response, “I think I’m in love with you.” You watched his jaw clench before his eyes fluttered open, he looked dumbfounded. “What the fuck, Y/N?” He gasped and you began to panic. “Forget it, forget I said it, I’m-“ “I’m supposed to tell you I love you first!” He muttered in annoyance and this time you were the dumbfounded one. “I’m sorry, what?!” You nearly jumped away from him but his hands circled around your hips, and it didn’t make you uncomfortable like the man had early at the bar, this made you feel safe, loved, you felt home. “Oh, oh no, we’re you kidding? Shit.” This time he was the one who moved away, “I wasn’t kidding.” You deadpanned and he froze, hand midway through his hair. “I don’t think I’m in love with you, I know I’m in love with you.” You added for clarification. A giant grin washed over his face, which, in turn, made one appear on yours. “I’m in love with you too.” He laughed meeting you back in the middle of the kitchen, kissing you sweetly, it wasn’t like the other, drunken lustful ones you’ve shared. You could feel the emotion in this. “You know, if you had just said so earlier, you could’ve taken me home.” You teased when he finally pulled apart, “well, you ended up in my house anyways. I’d call that a win.”
Taglist: @literarycharleton @thathockeygirl
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halzore · 4 years
Cody + 16??
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Snippets of Time
Characters: Cody x Reader
Note: Thankyou nonny for this request, I was having a little bit of trouble of how to encapsulate the kinda vibe i wanted to go for, not sure if it landed. But i decided to do a few snippets of a little friendship with our lovely commander and a reader throughout the Clone Wars. Let me know what you think! I love when people do that! Also, fair warning, kinda gets a bit sad, but thats chill.
Prompt 16: “That you will be by my side to see me through” ~ You and I, Jacob Collier
A little bit about this song: This is some classic Jacob Collier arranging, very spooky, also uplifting and got them good jazz chords. Listen to it here
Tags: @a-lil-perspective @thegoodbatch @leias-left-hair-bun
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Cody had met Obi-wan proceeding the battle of Geonosis, easily getting along, Obi-wan’s cool quick wit complimenting Cody’s serious but loyal nature. Obi-wan and Cody got along well, but the Marshall Commander had a softer spot for his own Jedi Commander.
He remembered the time that Obi-wan had brought you with him for the first time, a strong senior Padawan, who had already lost one master, but still seemed jovial and effervescent. He watched with skepticism as you gazed at the vastness of the the hangar bay of the Negotiator, looking around as if you had never been outside the temple. Obi-wan was quick and cool, but you seemed different, somewhat of a mystery to the Clone.
In the beginning, Cody stayed out of your way. After all what would a Jedi want with the likes of him. Plus he had a quarter of an army to run, but your paths crossed every now and then, each time more of the mystery of your character unfogging.
The light of the holo-table cast a blue hue over your stern features. Cody could see the stern lines deepen as the council outlined the battle strategy. Cody did not much like it, the plan was too risky, but he let it go. This was not his time to speak. Master Mundi finished speaking, opening the up the floor for questions. There was a slight pause as the heads, both real and holographic panned around the room. You took the slightest step forward.
“This plan, while it would achieve our goal is irresponsible” You voice was matter-of-fact, leaving no room for doubt.
“Is that so?” Master Windu turned to you, dissatisfaction clear. “And why would that be?”
“Too many lives lost, lives we have a duty to protect.” You put it simply
“But the civilians would be saf—“
“Clone lives” you clarified.
The silence spreading throughout the briefing room was deafening. Obi-Wan took a deep breath and pinched his nose, the council members looked at each other in irritation, their nonchalance being called out. Cody smiled inwardly. A Jedi commander who would go to bat for his boys. Maybe you were something he could get behind.
Medical Mischief
He was beaten, he was bruised. Yet he limped with resolve to the one place he could hurt in comfort: His quarters. One foot in front of the other, the commander’s attempt to look uninjured was laughable. He heard giggling from behind him and the Marshall Commander turned back to see you, hand over mouth, trying to cover you snickering. Cody groaned.
“What’re you laughing at?”
You tried to regain your composure. “You.”
“No shit.” Cody was not impressed, bothered at the interuption to his escape plans.
“You see the boys had mentioned something,” You began to stroll over casually, mischief in your eye. “You know, I didn’t believe them when they told me, I always thought you were such a good example for your men.” You had Cody’s undivided attention now, “They said you hated the medbay, never go when you’re supposed to. And I thought to myself, ‘Hmmm not on my watch.’”
Cody hadn’t noticed that you had slipped an arm around his and had began to shepherd him in the direction of his favourite place on the ship.
“Hey, stop! Let go!” He tried to wriggle out of your grip, but you ploughed on, resolute in your gait, easily overcoming the poor limping man.
“No can do Commander, you have an image to uphold.”
Time went on, the war continued to wage in the furthest corners of the galaxy and you and Cody found your rhythm. You became an inseparable team on and off the battlefield. Both leading from the front, you managed to get the 501st through some of the most risky of assaults.
You balanced each other out.
You learnt a lot from Cody over the years. How to punch a droid sucessfully, how to patch up a bruise after you had punched a droid. He showed you how to be a good leader and helped you grow in your confidence as a Commander. But you, in turn, showed him things.
He always made sure that you were okay after a campaign, and so you developed a little ritual. You taught Cody how to meditate. You would bring him into your quarters and practice your deep breathing together, centring yourself in the moment. It became a staple in both of your routines and it was the way you both aired out your grievances and let them go to the universe.
You grew close, everyone could see it.
You were like family to Cody, and maker help the galaxy if anything ever happened to you.
He wasn’t allowed to go to the ceremony. It was for Jedi only. You had been so nervous leading up to your trials. He knew you could do it, and he was not surprised in the slightest when you came bounding into his quarters, barreling him over in a bear hug, screaming that you’d passed.
But he couldn’t go to the ceremony.
He sat staring at his boring grey walls, wondering what was going on. Was Obi-Wan there? What were you thinking about right now? What things happened in a Jedi Knighting ceremony? His contemplation on these questions was half-baked at best, his mind wandering to the future.
The war was at a critical point, the senate’s order for new clones was ready, Cody knew they needed more Jedi Generals, and none came with better credentials than you. You would be a credit to any battalion, they would be lucky troopers. But they were not Cody’s troopers.
He didn’t hear his door open.
“Cody?” Your face cast in shadow as you were outlined by the glow of the ship light. You voiced pulled Cody from his questionings.
“Hmm?” He looked up. “Ah, how did it go?”
“Good,” You walked into his room and sat down next to him on his bed. “I have something to say to you.”
“I know.”
“I’m gonna miss you.” The emotion cracking the edges of your voice. Cody  wrapped an arm around you. “You’ll never be too far away.” Cody managed to give you a bit of a half-smile. You sat there together taking in each other’s presence for what you knew would be for the last time for a long time.
“I have something for you.” You broke the silence by reaching back around to grab at something. It was a small wooden box. You shoved it at the Marshall Commander and he opened it.
“Your padawan braid?” Cody looked at you, a mixture of confusion and awe.
“Something to remember me by, you’ll always have a little piece of me with you no matter how many light years apart we are.”
Cody smiled, and pulled you into a hug.
You couldn’t remember the name of the planet you were on when you felt it. It was like all the energy in your body being forcibly pushed out of you. Your ears rang with the screams and it was almost as if the ground began to lilt under you feet.
Something was wrong, but you didn’t know what.
You hadn’t clued to the first signs, comms going unanswered, whispers around the native colonies. It was when you saw the Holonet report of the Jedi betraying the Republic when you knew you were in trouble.
At first it wasn’t so bad, you kept a low profile and no one really bothered you, you looked like any other traveller passing through. But then the troopers started to show up, but not in the armour you were used to. Similar enough to go unnoticed by most people, but strange enough to send your survival instincts into overdrive.
But it wasn’t safe.
Especially on the day you saw your picture, a smiling Jedi Knight, plastered on the wall of an unassuming business, labelling you as a traitor and offering a reward.
That’s when you began your new life, with a new appearance, a new name, never staying in one place for more than a few weeks. It was tiring, but it was what needed to be done.
You had been watching the holo waves weeks now. Imperial propaganda rife. Disgust had made its home in the back of your throat as you looked upon the force fed narratives on the web. But everyday you checked it religiously, looking for information about what happened at the end of the clone wars, why you were being hunted down.
Talk of a legendary clone wars commander coming to your planet to recruit piqued you interest.
It was dangerous, if it was the man you thought it would be, if the empire found out you were there. But you had to go.
You kept your distance from him. But you knew, without a doubt it was him, his scar, his gait. But the warmth was gone from his eyes. You tailed him, following him away from the carnival and back to his room before you confronted him.
His shoulders stiffened. He slowly turned around to see who was in the door.
“CC-2224 now” His voice was proper, like when he gave an order. You brow furrowed in confusion, you didn’t quite know what has happening.
“Cody, what’s happening?” You were desperate and confused, in front of the one person who could help you make send of the mess. You moved to hug him around the middle as you dissolved into tears.
You didn’t register it in time.
The hard barrel of Cody’s pistol pressing into you side. You felt the heat of the blaster bolt and looked up at your Best friend, your brother, with pathetically wide eyes.
“I’m sorry Y/N, but good soldiers follow orders.” There was no remorse in his voice, almost the slightest hint of pleasure.
It was the last thing you heard, before your vision frayed, the pounding in your ears became too much and your world faded to black.
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singeramg · 4 years
Are you still doing request for your 500 followers celebration ? If you are I would like to request Nr 4 “Is there a reason you are here?” With Walter Marshall 😊
Oh wow, it seemed this one was supposed to be easy and short. Nope. Didn’t happen that way so here’s part one of three. I hope that you like it and thats much for participating in this!
Title: The Heart Fate Breaks - Part I
Rating: M
Pairing: Walter Marshall ( Nomis/ Night Hunter) / Reader!
Warnings: ANGST!, Implied Alcohol Abuse, Mentions of illegal activity, implied depression, deception, kidnapping, descriptions of violence, but not completely detailed, loss of pregnancy, and of course smut.
A/n: This is my first attempt at Walter Marshall so if he seems to ooc, then let me know ( kindly please), Also there are gifs scattered through this piece and that is because that is how I am imagining him aging throughout the story. Sorry if seeing other Henry Characters throws you off too bad. If I get too many complaints about it I will take them out. Thanks for giving this a chance
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Part 1: The end is always closer than you think: 
      This had been a long time coming. Fated is a word many would put to it. You’d spent so much time crying over this man, imagining what the reaction would be once you saw him again that you lost many nights of sleep. Nobody knew the hurt you felt when you realized that all of it had been a lie. That you meant nothing to him. A pawn in a lengthy game of chess all to catch someone else in his net.
You met Marshall back when you were both young, a 18 year old and a 20 something that was still trying to figure out the world. You a young idealistic type, determined to get away from a bad home life and he came in as the bad boy, riding his motorcycle, leathered up, a chip on his shoulder ready to prove to the world he was bad ass, but one look at you and he softened like a stick of butter.
        It had been a typical Friday night. It had been one of your first college parties at least as an actual student. It had been a night of being deemed the Freshman-Fresh Meat and it seemed everywhere you turned some frat was trying to paw you in some misplaced sense of entitlement. You rebuffed many and sent them away holding your drink in hand. You’d gotten bored as the roommate you’d came with didn’t have the same ideals of coming into the party together and leaving together as your phone just dinged with a ‘don’t wait up’ text message from her. You saw a few familiar faces from your Chem. Class, and after a few moments of small talk, you were ready to go back to your dorm, and would have done except, he walked through the door.
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He was the type of guy that made you pay attention to him with his tall stature and natural curls, clearly confident, despite having a baby face he was certainly older, and he somehow commanded attention and respect. It was definitely a turn on.  Clearly, you weren’t the only one who noticed him as the sorority girls and other randoms from the party were conveniently finding themselves in his path. You found it interesting that he did it so smoothly, a wide smile and some sort of flirting behavior that got them to move and let him walk through the crowd. Some girlish part of you wanted him to notice you. You wanted him to see you above all the petty makeup and unclothed bodies. It was unlikely to happen so just as you tossed back the rest of the beer from your red solo cup, losing  sight of the gorgeous man and settled for tossing the cup in the overflowing trash. You give a few halfhearted goodbyes as you head for the door but in a twist of fate, you trip over something random on the floor, well actually it was more like something was wet on the floor, but you lose even more chances of staying on your feet, by running into someone else who’d been dancing, he turns around pissed but the missing bad boy catches you in strong arms and defuses it rather quickly.
“Can’t let the prettiest girl in the room crack that face can I?”
His ego is evident in his words. It makes your eyes roll and you straighten up. Removing his hands from your hips, you dust off and step back, not letting yourself become intimidated by his height over you. You put on your armor of fake confidence when faced with an undetermined outcome of a situation.  At your attempted step back he steps forward, not giving you a chance to avoid his cologne and damn him if he didn’t smell like fucking woods, and warmth and everything you liked. You ignore the errant thoughts of climbing him like a tree and push him back, but his grip only loosens, doesn’t actually release you.
“No but maybe she will crack yours if you don’t back up.”
He tosses his head back, loose curls falling away from his face, you bite a sigh at the jawline again.
“Awe is that how’d you repay a man just trying to help?”
He steps even closer but you don’t move back this time.
“Usually no, but for you I’d make an exception.”
“Here I was thinking I’d get a thank you.”
“And I was thinking I’d get personal space. Do you want me to pat you on your back, maybe a cookie?” You know you sound patronizing, but you don’t care. You weren’t ready to give up the ghost yet.
“ I’d settle for your name?”
You can’t deny the big blue eyes that were trying to form something substantial between the two of you.
“It’s Y/N.”
“A beautiful name for the equally impressive woman in front of me.” He is laying it on kind of thicker than you normally go for, but you find yourself unable to turn him away.
“Shouldn’t you return the favor?”
“ Marshall...Walker.”
He offers you and you say to him,
“ Now that we’ve got past the hard part, I must ask Is there a reason you are here? You know still in my face” noting that he was still holding you lightly, He dazzles a wide smile, sharp pointed canine teeth that screams he wants to make you his prey.
“Maybe I am just not ready to let you go.”
The cheesy line works and  you let him take your hand to get another drink.
And so it began...
*End Flashback
       He fell into the place as your protector, nobody ever dared to put their hands on you when he was around, nobody in your terrible family ever even let you see the dark side to what they did again. Mostly.
You weren’t stupid you knew they had been dealing and apart of gang activity for years, but honestly it kept you safe from a lot of outside forces, it just didn’t protect you from the inside.
You were in your 30s now. A decade and a half between the first time you met him and now, you’d made peace that you had done everything you could to escape the feeling of being utterly alone in the world. You were tired. You were tired of putting on a brave face, tired of setting your own standards so high that if by chance anyone could connect you to your family they’d know without a doubt that you managed to land a whole field away from the tree.
You’d had relationships since Marshall but despite everything you couldn’t find that connection in anyone else. The colors had faded with the hurt, leaving behind whispers of memories of time you’d never get back. The memories always hurt when they crashed into you. The late night walks along the creeks and bridges, the talks that lasted hours without trying, how he’d been so gentle in being your first, the way he held you in his arms every time the world got to be too much.
*Begin Flashback #2*
It was a warm summer night, thankfully a breeze came across that made the muggy night just bearable. Marshall had hit it off enough with your family that they had basically adopted him into the fold.
Well everyone except your mother, but she didn’t truly like anyone so it was no surprise he shot thinly veiled insults at Marshall, and he took it like a champ for the sake of loving you.
He worked for them, but maintained a job at the docks too, to help them. Having found time away from his job down at the docks to spend what he could with you made you feel above it all.  He gave you those butterflies in your stomach, made you feel like you could accomplish anything. Despite him getting into the family business he was only doing that so that he could make enough money to take you away from this life. He’d listened when you explained how your family lived and how you tried so many times to get away but they always tracked you down and dragged you back. They barely wanted you to go to college but you’d let them know that if they wanted you quiet then letting you continue your education your way was the only option. You family had always teased you for wanting more but Marshall didn’t. He encouraged everyone of your dreams and pushed you even when you didn’t think it was possible. His duality was astounding for you to witness because he never let anything happen when you were with him, the epitome of strong, quiet, powerful type, a man of very few words, but you always knew he cared. He made sure you wanted for nothing. So when enough time had passed in your mind, you felt he was worthy of your ultimate prize.
Not a decision to come to lightly but you decided that tonight you would give Marshall what many had been hoping to get from you as a means to controlling you or to say they had the untouchable Princess of the local mob family. So many had wanted for you to choose them but you knew it was meant to be Marshall.
So here you were a warm borderline  muggy summer night, spending time just outside the city in the field of a farm in Marshall’s old beat up pickup that he used for transportation, but now cleaned out and blanketed with old comforters and pillows, he’d gotten you away from the chaos of your world, somewhere no one could interfere and ruin it, and made you feel like it was just you and him.
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His touches on your body were delicate as he hovered over you, small kisses and few drinks led to heavy petting and an understanding of what you wanted for yourself.
Marshall was it.
Strong hands slide up your heated flesh leaving goosebumps in their wake, folding into your hair, his body pressing yours into the bed of the pickup. Marshall kisses down your neck, peeling the fabric of your sundress off, his following yours, maybe not with the full grace of his hands because yours were shaking, but making eye contact once you lay before him assured you that this was the right choice. The right moment and when he grinds into you, making you hiss and buck into his hardness you pull him down by his curls and kiss him again. Letting him steal your breath away as he always managed to do as he pushes into you, only moments after making you climax on his tongue and fingers, beard burn forming from the stubble he was refusing to shave, from him tasting what you’d been so willingly open to giving him.
“Just breathe. Let me take care of you baby girl.”
You just hold on tightly to the back that has been putting on muscle steadily, as he kisses the side of your face, wiping tears off your skin with such a delicate touch,  and eventually the pain gives way to pleasure. Holding his body against yours, thrusting into you, alternating passionate kisses on your swollen lips to your neck and chest, and letting his hands move all over you once he takes note of you calming down. He feels like he is almost too much, but he just keeps encouraging you. You are making pitiful noises but it just encourages his movement. He knows exactly what to say too as your body gives way to him.
“There’s my girl opening up for me. Taking me all in.”
He grinds for emphasis, pushing his thickness into you harder than he had been and then you moan in his ear again. Soon he is steady, but he is driving you mad, with pleasure. You mildly wondered what had taken so long to experience this, but you also know it wouldn’t be like this with anyone but him.
“M...Marshall yes.”
You feel your walls pulsing against the cock inside of you, trying to force the largeness out of forgein territory but he stays exactly where you need him, even stopping as he pushes you both toward a force stronger than both of yourselves.
“You feel so good...”
His words are like honey pouring over you slow...
*End Flashback*
     It had been more than what you expected. Past the feelings of just lust, he made you feel like nothing could go wrong in this world. The hatefulness of your world, your family felt like nothing in his arms.  
He made you feel like you could do anything.
That had been years ago and now you hated him for it.
You had worked so hard not to feel this weak again but one flash of his picture, years aged came across your TV screen as he received commendation from the mayor had been enough to set you on edge. You don’t know this Walter Marshall.
The longer hair and a thicker beard, he almost doesn’t look familiar, but his eyes. His eyes always gave him away to you. He’d never been able to lie to you with them and his smile.
Turned out those had been the biggest lie of them all.
You’d taken your fair share of losses over the years but you’d also gained. You’d gained a hard earned degree in social work, you’d gained a job that had taken you around the world on missions to save kids, you’d accomplished so much and yet it meant nothing because the feeling of loneliness still persisted. You just purchased a beautiful home far removed from the wasteland of empty feelings and space  you grew up in but it had no life. It had no life because that life had been stolen from you so long ago.
So you go out to have a drink, maybe find a warm body to help you forget the way you felt, but somehow 1 drink turned into only one more but for some reason your head was spinning. You’d know this wasn’t you. You could handle your drinks, but by the time you could mention to anyone that it was sinister doings you were hogtied in some weirdo that had been at the bar basement. It was dark, and cold as you shivered against the concrete. The musk of wood and old damp space invaded your senses as the clothes tied around your mouth stole all the moisture from your mouth and you tried yelling to no avail. The basement door opens the weirdo comes down, his heavy weight no match for yours as he lifts you up from the floor, you kick, you scream, you fight, but he manages to drag you across the floor and down a hallway in that same basement that seems to go on forever, the end is a room. This room has a light but you wish it didn’t. The mattress is filthy and stained in various fluids that you don’t want to name. You mildly wonder if this is how you die.
How many had been in this exact same position as he handcuffs you to the gunmetal colored frame and it shakes barely holding onto your weight. You felt your face wet but you almost didn’t register that they were your tears until a raspy yet cold “my pets don’t cry. Unless I make them.”
You have to be shaking by now as the realization sets in that this was beyond simple murder, maybe beyond rape, he intended on torturing you until you thought death was the gift. You screw your eyes shut, memories of one of the other times you felt worse take over your brain and with no distractions as you normally have, you fall in head first to your own personal hell...
Begin Flashback 3
      It had been a year with Marshall. A full glorious year of just being with him and him protecting you from your family. He’d sat with you through various holidays, played nice with your brothers and father, while working his way up the ranks to where now he was one of the most trusted in the organization. You never questioned how he did it, only that he came home to you. You’d moved in together about two months ago, against the wishes of your mother who didn’t think much of her daughter. In fact she had it made up in her mind that you thought you were better than them, that you were hateful and spiteful when in reality all you wanted was freedom.
You wanted the freedom to love and do what you wanted, not be judged by the legacy of blood your family left in its wake.
You’d only wanted him and Marshall made sure you knew he felt the same. He had a cold streak that could frighten some of the deadliest men you knew. How one look could shut them down and if it didn’t get shut down he...took care of it. However you two were about to embark on a whole new journey.
Not that he knew. You’d only just figured it out yourself with a handful of home pregnancy tests and then a blood test with your doctor. You loved your child already and he’d talked about a family with you but the time right now was all off, but you knew the kind of man he was would do what he could for you. It wouldn’t be easy but the motto had always been “together”. It didn’t make you any less scared to be a mom which is why despite your strained relationship with your own you went to her for advice.
The house looked and felt just as it did growing up. A large home full of beautiful things but coldness. The lack of cars told you that the rest of your family wasn’t home, which was exactly what you didn’t want. If your father and brothers found out before Marshall, they wouldn’t care how much money he made them, they’d make his life a story of regret from the day he saved you from a face plant at the party. No you had to break the news, but you needed some advice. So you walk in, following the smell of white diamonds perfume your mother loves, up to the grand master bedroom. Taking off your shoes and the maid, takes your coat.
You almost laughed as you walked into the hallways of the house. Before your family transitioned into major players of the drug scene, you remembered the simpler times of a small house, fenced in porch that your grandma would sit on drinking tea and reminiscing as she told you stories about her childhood. Your mom is actually caring about what you wanted and needed. It had been a simplistic time, blissfully unaware of what your father did, your brother just going into high school, and the care of your mother was probably the reason you were pacing outside her bedroom door now.
You knock on one side of the white french doors and wait for an answer like you were taught to do, sweeping your feet across the soft carpet in small half circles.
“Come in Y/N.”
You smirk and open the door , following the light from her en-suite bathroom to where she was sitting at the vanity, putting the last touches on her full face of makeup.
“How did you know it was me momma?”
She laughs at you, a sharp smile on her face, framed by delicate laugh lines, still beautiful on the outside even if you knew how ruthless she could be with what she wanted. You hoped that the joy of a new grandchild would overshadow that you weren’t married to the father first. That he wasn’t some guy of high standing that she’d envisioned married you off to.
“You’ve been fidgety since you were a child, your brothers only knock if it’s an emergency AND your father was here, which considering what he has going on today home is the furthest thing from his mind. Honestly it never is even or normal days dear, but never the less I know you well enough that you aren’t here for just pleasantries.”
So you sigh and look down into her eyes, only because she was still sitting down, but you still felt like a child. Magically, it takes her only a minute and 17 seconds before her eyes widen and she looks at you.
“Oh my goodness *Your full name Here* you are pregnant.”
At her words you drop to your knees at her feet, much like a small child she lets you put your head in her lap as the relief of someone other than your doctor knowing about the life inside of you. She pats your head soothingly and you feel for the first time that she is on your side.
“It’s okay sweetheart. We will be okay, everything will be okay. We can make this go away. Nothing has to change.”
You look up at her this time, confusion filling your eyes and you shake your head.
“No... no that...that’s not...momma that’s not why I care here.”
She looks at you and scoffs, not caring as she stands up.
“Don’t be foolish Y/N. You are still a child yourself.”
You pull yourself to your feet, wiping the tears from your face. Ready to rebel against her thoughts of what you could be and what you were.
“I am not a child mother. I am 21.”
“You are not ready for a child.”
“Is anyone ever really?” You say with an off handed attitude that she clearly doesn’t appreciate. She steps around the chair to get closer to you.
“You most certainly are not. Besides what about all these lofty plans you made for yourself. You are the one who just HAD to go college. We spent all this money for you to go and you want to toss it away by having a child with nobody who can barely afford that hovel you live in much less a whole child.”
Angry she tossed a hand in the air in disbelief of her decision.
“We both do just fine...”
“You do just fine because of us. He works for us. We allowed this to go on for as long as possible because he seemed to keep you out of trouble and more or less distracted. He promised us he would keep you safe, make sure you knew what it means to be with someone in this lifestyle as a true partner, so that when the time comes to let you go to someone worthy...”
“You are lying! You will say anything to get me to do what you want. Marshall loves me and he will love this baby.”
“What did I just say child?! He cannot love you, because if he did he would know this would only hold you back. Your father and I have so much to show you, to give you the keys to be comfortable in such ways we never had growing up and you want to toss it away for a glorified errand boy!”
“ So this is just about control. Just like you always do. You can’t stand to see me happy unless you are the one holding the puppet strings. Well you know what...I am done. All of this is done! Marshall and I raise this child and will be everything that you hoped we failed at. I promise you will never see this child if this is how you view us.”
You turn quickly, determined to get as far away from her as possible, tears in your eyes, you were determined not to let her see you cry anymore. She no longer deserved that part of you.
“Goodbye Mother.”
She says reverting the formal manners she’d paid through the nose for you to develop. She let you get a few down the steps before you hear her race after you.
“Wait! Y/n please wait!”
The pleading tone was new and unexpected for you. You hadn’t heard the tone used for anything other than in childhood when begging your father not to do something stupid. You had never heard her use it in reference to you. She sounded heartbroken and is why you stop. She runs behind you, a step above you as you turn with tears in her eyes.
“I am sorry, Y/N please don’t leave like this. I just worry for you. You are my only daughter and suddenly my little girl isn't a little girl. I didn’t handle it well.”
You turn with a small smile and look at the soft look on her face. Once again not seen much since childhood, but it wasn’t forced.
“ No you didn’t but I guess we can give you a second chance to get it right.”
She wraps both arms around your shoulders and you both let her, touching her hands with a soft pat.
“So tell me, baby doll does anyone else know about this gift yet?”
You feel yourself beaming at her interest, the childhood nickname making you preen, excited that you would have guidance and maybe even get back the mother you’d been missing since you moved into this house.
“No. Actually not even Marshall, I came over hoping you’d give me some advice on how to tell him. I am so nervous.” You say walking slowly because you weren’t close enough to hold onto either side of the railing on the large stairs.
“Oh don’t worry sweetie, I think that will be the least of your worries...”
You turn to look at her but her smile is gone and a strong shove sends you careening down the rest of the steps, terror fills your veins and you panic, your life flashing before your eyes, things you did, things you never got to say. Only sounds of your screams echoing in the foyer. You hear your mother's footsteps as your head spins as you land.
She yells for help, but before anyone can come she leans down and says
“I did this for you.”
You feel the room spinning as you fight to keep consciousness so you could tell someone...anyone about what she did. Just as a maid turns a corner, the front door blasts open with a battering ram. Cops swarm in and you are surrounded, your mother taken to the floor along with unsuspecting maids.
“Help me.”
You manage to breathe out just as you give into the wall of blackness and let yourself fall asleep.
Besides it was more comforting there than knowing your mother had just tried to kill you and your unborn child...
*End flashback 3*
You lost everything that day. Your world shattered on the floor of that marbled foyer and somehow that fear was more than what you felt right now. You wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of seeing you cry again. Of breaking you down to that debased state again.
Turns out that wasn’t good enough for your captor. So he provided the physical pain that gave him the tears he wanted. He wanted to remind you that you had no one who actually gave a damn. Maybe death this way was better.
You could be with the one person who hadn’t left you by volition.  You were once again facing that wall of unconsciousness but this time you were tired. Tired of life. The amount of energy it took for you to live was excruciating.
Without him.
Downright impossible.
You should know. You’d tried. So through your muffled whimpers as the weirdo finally decides he’s spilled enough of your blood and has reached where he can get it up enough to desecrate you.
He is climbing over you, the smell of hard liquor pouring from his pores and gross breath and he gets in your ear about how beautiful he thought you were as if that was supposed to endear you to him. You wake up just enough not to just lie there you start fighting back and he smacks you on an already swollen pain, but you fight even more. That bit of fight in you, won’t let this man break you. So you pull against the bindings and try to make it so he has no footing but he starts laughing more.
“There’s the fight. You were getting boring dear. Now... now... now... you really got potential.”
You pray for the ending as he grinds on you but another harsh sound comes as his weight disappears and in the red dim lighting of the room you hear and see the outline of a struggle. Two men fighting for domination of the other but  you didn’t know who would win, though it seemed your rescuer had some height over your captor. A few well placed punches and a hard kick to the stomach and your result is standing to his feet, wiping his mouth and you guessed handcuffing the weirdo.
“ Detective Marshall, Full breech, victim is alive, one suspect in custody, medical request for full evac on suspect and victims.”
The voice. Your obvious head injuries were playing a trick on you.
He fumbles around the dirty room and manages to find the light switch and it hurts you so your eyes slam shut and squeeze tight as a way to protect you and also so that your mind doesn't have to reconcile the voice to the face.
One of many reasons you went out drinking alone in the first place.
He walks over to the bed and helps untie you and you whimper as the blood returns to your wrists and your eyes open to find Marshall sitting in front of you. He brushes blood from your face, and tilts your head up, finally making eye contact as you begin to get cloudy headed again because despite your conscious feelings about him, your body still knew it was safe.
“Y/N?” He sounds as if he’s seen a ghost, and honestly it probably was like a ghost.
“Marshall please don’t leave me.”
Your torso falls forward onto his and strong arms wrap around you and you finally sob yourself into unconsciousness....
A/n: So as always I am requesting opinions! I hope this wasn’t too triggering for anyone and that you are excited for the next two part which hopefully should be up in the next few days, as they are in the editing stage. 
If you feel so moved reblog, like, comment, follow.
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