#but like. i dont think he ever Acknowledges hes gay out loud like its just kind of a thing that he keeps repressed inside
lovecatsys · 9 months
wait i just realized
Charles and Cain are both homophobic homosexuals.
I don't know what to do with this information.
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dizzybizz · 5 months
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hai here is a sketch dump with too many fandoms :) sorry about the ungodly amount of men here i have been going through it and by it i mean gay
ok wait i ran out of tags??? it wont let me tag them all😭😭😭 im gonna have to be sparing with them uhh i guess i will have to ramble under the cut then cus i like rambling in my tags but i cant with this one 😭
(ok im back from the ramble: it is way too long.... proceed forward if you want to see some guy just absolutely talk nonsense for entirely too long)
no cus i swear i have tried tagging more stuff than this before and never hit the limit but whatever
hello i really use this like a fkn blog huh
i just wanted to provide some thoughts on the harper and rosé one first bc its important to me 😌 cus i was thinking abt harper and how in my head and heart of hearts she would be the kid who thought you get pregnant from kissing and i dont think she ever really grew out of that belief. <- this ended up spawning the idea of harper being a sex-repulsed ace and i will die on this hill actually. fight me or die, you die either way actually nvm
this is just a buncha blorbos i dont know what to tell you really. sketch pages like these always end up so weird for me bc for some reason my brain always wants the characters in them to interact in some way. whether that be talking or just reacting to what the other is doing... its something i cant stop with, its so stupid and silly and i hate it and i love it. where else would i see kabru slowly losing his mind with how loud phoenix wright is in court????
I THOUGHT I HAD GOTTEN OFF THE RAILS WITH THAT BUT THEN THE NEXT PAGE HAPPENED. and all i could do was laugh and ask "what the fuck am i drawing??? HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHY IS THISTLE HERE WITH LEOPIKA HELP" LIKE that page started with the big leopika and then i was like "man i miss thistle lemme draw him real quick" but the curse struck and now hes being homophobic so </3
i rlly like how the nic(k) page turned out ... i just have a lot of nicks i like drawing idk.. the lil guy is an oc,,, one day his ref sheet will be finished and itll be awesome but not for now, sorry baby, no can do. im weirdly happy with how the hands turned out for all of them tho?? so thats a W
yotasuke, murai, nick (youll never know which one im referring to. .. jkjk its hoult i love the pose there ehehhe), nic and the entire last page r my favs. i like em all but those rlly get me yknow- the olly too ofc but ive already posted him, dont mind him being here, hes part of the set. AND OVER ALL IVE BEEN HAVING SO FUN WITH SHADING BLACK AND JUST LEAVING SPOTS BLANK ITS SO ?`????
WHY IS THIS SO LONG PLS DONT READ ALL THIS THIS IS STRAIGHT UP EMBARRASSING AGHSDFGSDHJSGD im all like "yeah i dont like talking about myself or whatever" but as soon as i get to my process or blorbos or smth the floodgates fucking break open, not even burst man.
also dont mind how i havent even acknowledged pingas twink pokemon counterpart. hes just here for shits and giggles i dont know the guy like at all, i watched a handful of eps of horizons and that was it RIP
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mikuhats · 1 year
also to talk abt bi kendall cus i Want To i kind of disagree w the take that ken can convince himself hes straight & convince himself his thing with stewy (in kenstewy world) is straight cus i think hes so hyper aware of his masculinity bc of logan and by extension his sexuality that the minute he like first Engaged in anything gay or even had gay thoughts that he was like Its So Over. I Might As Well Just Die. i think hes so hyper aware when hes doing gay shit theres no trying to Convince himself otherwise (keyword is convince). i think there is a active refusal to label and to a lesser degree acknowledge his sexuality. the only way he stays together knowing he sometimes Is Gay is by refusing to admit or acknowledge it out loud. so theres no real actual convincing himself hes straight going on there. thats just how i think abt it. but nothing is that easy either i think its rly messy and complicated too. as in i do agree he calls himself straight & will fight to hell and back to convince people hes straight even when he knows hes not. and i dont think hed ever call himself bisexual bc thats a level of Realness and Acknowledgment i just cant imagine from him. & he would never treat his relationship with stewy as a serious romantic endeavor nor ever label it as such even if they did "date" bc its again a level of Realness and Acknowledgment that kendall would rather Die than reach. idk. anyway. Guy who writes a paragraph about fictional character's sexuality
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alienjock · 4 years
before i start this off id like to say that i fully acknowledge my music taste is not the end all be all of music taste, that being said i like to think that ive got a pretty decent music taste! none of these playlists are Finished. Ever. as my special interest, im constantly in the search for more music. its my lifeblood. its how i express myself. its my love language. i hope you enjoy!
(bolded are favorites, italics are potentially “outdated” or “unfinished”, meaning i need to clean them up.)
bratpop - my BRAND. bratpop as a genre term was coined by holychild, and its this really good like front of the bleachers cymbal crashing pep rally LOUD noise pop that i LIVE for 
bratrock - bratrock but make it cherry bomb by the runaways. gritty. little bit of riot girl.
SKATE OR DIE - songs i know by heart <3
a suitcase full of summertime - just a random grab bag of whatever!
songs i discovered through pokemon amvs - what it says on the tin. 
psychic: what the fuck - sometimes u just have songs stuck in ur head constantly
candyland - songs with sugary titles.
dont forget the pack - songs about wolves
songs with people names - songs with people names
love is fun! - 100% uplifting happy positive love songs to remind you you shouldnt be suffering in love.
record wet summer - 2019 summer was SEXY.
i dont wanna be alone with me - an anxiety playlist that is uplifting or detrimental depending on ur mood.
this is my home - some of my favorite instrumentals.
post traumatic ennui - my favorite songs from izombie
shut up and (slow)dance - slow love songs i like
press ! to continue - chiptune!
songs that hit different as a trans guy - yes there are two versions of girls just wanna have fun. yes it is a deeply personal playlist. love u all.
watching the ceiling fan spin - when youre filled with the emotion of What Can You Do But Lay In Bed For Hours. low energy but not like Slow. 
the world’s gonna end. wanna hang out? - it's the end of the world and you go to spend the last few hours of your life with the person you love most.
where the sky meets the sea - oh you know. the ocean. 
bury me in the ocean floor - see above, but darker.
girl of the future - one of my ocs but make her even more hatsune miku than she already is.
the divorced energy of it all - what it says on the tin.
mixtapes and landlines - when youre a gay high schooler in the 1980s and in love with your best friend
nose rings and cigarettes 2012 redux - when youre in love with the punk girl in your english class and its 2012
i’m an expert just like you - obligatory mad scientist playlist
MICHAEL AND HEATHER TAKE ON THE WORLD - my best friend drove me to college once and i made us a playlist to listen to during the ride
dc trip playlist - i met up with a bunch of my best friends at dc and these are all the songs we had stuck in our head that weekend (shout out to @taakitz @release-the-sheep @rearviewrosary)
high seas and childish dreams - my VIBES
ode to singing trees - concept playlist for my dnd campaign
and you are mine - symbrock babey. sometimes being possessed by an alien gets you an alien spouse.
LIMA VICTOR-426 - ONE OF MY FINEST CREATIONS. KAIJU!NEWTON. sometimes being possessed by an alien turns you into a rock star.
write you letters (in multicolor!) - newmann. its about the pen pals to lovers to enemies to lovers.
sharkflick! - my animal crossing island vibes! <3
SHARK PUPPY - i dont know who stephen king is. stream betty ripsoms torso
stray kittens - very gooey fanmix for kyo sohma and tohru honda.
🌻 🕷 - miles morales/itsv
dahlias and roses - jupeter from the penumbra podcast
tale as old as time - botw zelink. theyre complex
hero - botw link. hes out there in the woods.
justice, scorned by gods - lawful evil!keyleth of critical role
o.O - made by @realanimeboy​, lu if youre not okay with me sharing this playlist let me know but it might be one of my favorite playlists someone else has ever made. if youre going to check out any playlist check out this one!
hozier’s influences - made by @fluoresensitive​. VERY VERY good if you like hozier you HAVE to know his roots and inspirations
what if we kissed in the cold war - made by @viciousmaukery, a fanmix for curt mega and owen carvour
late night driving - made by @viciousmaukery. a secret fanmix. its about being in love with your best friend
monster mash (horny edition) - made by @crowlore. exactly what it sounds like.
ssc; chill cave - compiled by @crowlore. one time my server just like sat in vc for like five hours listening to the chillest music.
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longinglook · 4 years
I’m going to be gone for most of the day so I thought that the best way to use up my last 10 minutes before leaving would be to write a multi paragraph post on what I think about Fighter’s behavior so here we go
(under a read more because this could get very very long)
so. fighter. our confused messy boy we are just starting to understand
i’ve read a lot of tweets/posts/comments of people that don’t understand his behavior or think that his storyline doesn’t make sense which has always left me a bit perplexed because to me everything he does seems justified and coherent to where his mind is at the moment so i’ll try to explain
but first, something about me kfmslkcls 
i identify as lesbian but i have struggled with compulsive heterosexuality all my life, i’ve spent years identifying as bi because the scary part for me was not admitting that i liked girls but admitting that i did not like boys past the occasional crushes on fictional boys and let me tell you: a lot of what fighter does/the way he thinks reminds me so much of how i was and here’s a list of things:
1) he seems a lot more at ease with same sex friends, the only times we see him with hwa you can tell that he’s forcing himself to act a certain way, he knows he’s supposed to do boyfriend things like taking her on dates and kissing but he is not comfortable with it, he tries and fails at it. of course part of the reason is because of his father but not only does he seem uniterested in her, there’s always a sense of uneasiness when he’s with her, like he’s scared of actually having to kiss her. he’s fine with the relationship as long as it’s just texting and hanging out (like a friendship would be) but he seems not to want it to become phisical. since he’s a very confused boy he’s probably blaming all of this on his father forcing him into the relationship, instead of knowing right away that he’s not interested in her
2) thinking whatever he has with tutor is just friendship and teasing: i feel like this is such a common experience for most lgbt+ folks, thinking you just have a deep friendship with someone of the same sex, only to later realize it was actually a crush and you had no idea. ex. liking the casual cuddling and touches and looking for more, paying close attention to all the displays of affection, wanting to always be close and being a little jealous of everyone else that they interact with. I feel like a lot of people go through this thinking it’s just a friendship, especially if it’s with someone of the same sex because they are not even considering the option of it being a crush. that’s why fighter keeps saying that they’re only friends and he’s behaving like a close friend would, he just doesn’t let himself consider the option because it would be way too scary and that leads us to point #3
3) being too scared to say what he wants: he does this A LOT. instead of asking for something, which would mean saying it out loud and admitting it, he just acts. words can be so scary (again making this about me, i have id’d as lesbian for over 2 years now and ive come out to a lot of friends but ive never said the word lesbian out loud because it’s just terrifying to me), and fighter seems to only use them after he has acted to justify whatever dumb shit he has done with an excuse. saying something like “i kissed you because i wanted to” would mean admitting he wants to kiss another man (meaning he’s not straight) and that man is fighter (meaning he has feelings for him). it’s much easier for him to go with the flow  and do first, explain later. and by explaining i mean lying, even to himself because deep down he knows, of couse he knows what’s going on but acknowledging it would have serious implications on his life.
also the way he reacts to tutor asking him if he likes boys is a big indicator of what's going on with him, it's his way of answering, not his way of avoiding the question. he can't say it out loud so he shows it but then he's scared of the consequences and no homos it. and the choice of replaying the question scene while they're making out shows us that fight is tormented by it, he's scared of other people asking him that as well, now that tutor has noticed it more people could as well and that's why he pulls away. 
4) on a similar note, teasing until tutor does something/not wanting to be the one to start it: this is pure fighter behavior, hoping tutor will be the one to start it so he doesn’t have to. i called this gay chicken last week, it’s fighter making everything into a challenge so he can blame it on tutor and say that he was just reacting. we can see how desperate he is for tutor’s attention, how happy he is when he has it and how frustrated he is when he doesn’t. he’s like a child who wants people to pay attention to him but doesn’t know how to ask for it, so they start annoying people. fight knows very well that he could just say hey tutor i’m here, please talk to me but how could he give a realistic reason for it other than because i have a massive crush on you meaning i’m not straight. he knows tutor doesn’t back down from a challenge and he riles him up because he has learned what that will lead them to. it’s like he knows there’s an easier way to get to that, but it’s scary so he just keeps going with his soundproof tesing tacting which so far has worked every time. also in general reacting is a lot easier than acting, again a personal example: if someone asks me if i like girls I’ll say yes right away, but if i have to start the conversation i won’t. (one thing i do a lot is to be like “hey i have something to tell you about myself but you have to guess it”)
5) backtracking/giving mixed signals: again he’s terrified, he knows what he wants but he knows what /wanting it/ implies. sometimes he follows his heart, but then his brain comes back to tell him that, hey, you’re kissing another dude and you’re enjoying it and of course he freaks out and leaves. i would be way more annoyed with him if the show had been portraying tutor as pining and in love, meaning that fighter has been giving him false-ish hopes, but after ep.6 we see that tutor himself still hasn’t admitted to himself that he likes fighter (in bold because i feel like this part is very important and often overlooked) so they are both confused about their feelings. 
i don’t think they are actually confused, they know but they are scared which in my opinion is very realistic of how someone behaves when they thought they were straight and they are not. It’s not about being dumb or being slow, it’s about realizing that once you take that step and acknowledge you’re not straight your life changes. idk how many of you are actually not straight (i assume most just because tumblr) but like…… coming out is so stressful being straight is just so much easier you dont have to do shit i wish that were me
6) his father: i feel like we only grazed the surface of fighter’s daddy issues, but he seems to be a very controlling and inflexible man, meaning that he probably wouldn’t be thrilled at the idea of his son dating another man. we don’t know about fight’s past, and maybe he has already had crushes on men and had to repress them. fighter seems to be used to a pretty luxurious lifestyle, he can’t just fuck off and go against his father because he would lose his support.
so it’s not just admitting things to himself, which can be insanely hard on its own especially if you were brought up in a traditional family, it’s also having to deal with the reactions from everyone around you
I KEEP THINKING ABOUT NEW THINGS TO ADD TO THIS POST SORRY anyway i think fighter has already shown multiple times that he does care for tor, it's just in a very shy and lowkey way because he's scared of giving himself away but he does indeed worry about tor (ex. he notices tor is stressed about his test, he tries to help outat his part time job). it also seems that in times of urgency he's more explicit about ex. offering to pay off his debt when tor was being threatened or saying he's his boyfriend when the gross cafe dude was hitting on him
also can we talk about how heartbreaking and soft fighter can be when he lets down his guard and shows his emotional side ex. telling tor nobody has ever taken care of him like that or the way he looks every time tutor pulls away first... this poor boy is touch starved and he craves affection but he can't ask for it yet. he's going to be a real gem once he can be honest with his feelings
for future episodes i think that tutor and fighter are well on their way to realizing their feelings for each other and there's going to be some development soon, but i dont expect fighter to come out to anyone else in the next few episodes because there's a lot of work to be done still. i just hope they dont pull the /i dont like boys i just like you/ trope because i WILL drop this show. so. fast. please don't ruin this character please let him accept his attraction to men fully
in conclusion. i dont blame fighter for anything he has done so far, he’s scared shitless but knows what’s going on, i trust he will soon be brave enough to start being honest with himself and with tutor
man this did NOT  take 10 minutes to write and i dont have time to proofread
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Hey dude! Do you have any recommendations for LGBTQ+ movies in the romance genre that have like a happy ending. I really don't care how old they are. I'm feeling the Gay™ hence I need the Gay™. You feel me?
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First sorry for taking so long, not only did I have to timeline this :) but :) my computer :) froze :) after writing like :) 2 pages :) and I had to do it again :)
So anyway let it be said, the LGBT dialogue is one of osmosis and shared growth and awareness. Some of these films will be very poorly dated, but as you (thankfully) mentioned that them being old wasn’t a *problem*, expect a lot of old stuff. Because one of the most important things to have under your belt when talking about the LGBT media representation battle is the actual journey from A to B – be that incrementalization, subtextual inclusion, text-breeching features, outright evocative and groundbreaking films at the time (which is what MOST of this list will be) and an improvement in our dialogue; let us never forget that while tr*nss*xual is considered a slur and transgender is proper, tr*nss*xual was at one point the politically correct way to speak it – things like that breach in our growing understanding of the spectrum of human sexuality. 
I *WILL* disclaimer these aren’t all romance, so if you explicitly want romance, google them and take a look if it sounds to appeal, but I’m taking this as a general cinema history plug considering what a confused mess fandom conversation about LGBT history in film or modern text as applicable, accepted or not.
Wonder Bar (1936) (I wouldn’t really call this queer cinema, but if you have the time to watch it too, I think it was the first explicit mention of homosexual engagement even if it was fleetingly brief. You might even call it Last Call style. A blink and you’ll miss it plug that was still decades ahead of its time)
Sylvia Scarlet (1936) (Again, I wouldn’t call this queer cinema, but a lot of the community takes it as the first potential trans representation on TV due to the lead literally swapping gender presentation, even if the presentation is… not what we would modernly call representation IMO)
Un Chant d'Amour (1950) (Worth it for the sheer fact that it pissed off fundies so bad they took it all the way to the US supreme court to get it declared obscene.)
The Children’s Hour (1961) (also known as the 1961 lesson to “don’t be a gossipy, outting bitch”)
Victim (1961) (The first english film to use the word “homosexual” and to focus explicitly on gay sexuality. People might look on it disdainfully from modern lenses, but it really helped progress british understanding of homosexuality)
Scorpio Rising (1964) (Lmao this one deadass got taken to court when it pissed people off and California had to rule that it didn’t count as obscene bc it had social value, worth it for the history if nothing else)
Theorem (1968) (Because who doesn’t wanna watch a 60s flick about a bisexual angel, modern issues and associations be damned)
The Killing of Sister George (1968) (by the makers of What Ever Happened To Baby Jane)
Midnight Cowboy (1969) (…have I had sassy contagonists in RP make a Dean joke off of this more than once, maybe)
The Boys in the Band (1970) (This… this… this made a lot of fuss. Just remember leather)
Pink Narcissus (1971) (a labor of love shot on someone’s personal camera)
Death in Venice (1971) (This is basically a T&S prequel but whatever, based on a much older book)
Cabaret (1972) 
Pink Flamingos (1972) (SHIT’S WILD)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) (The title doesn’t lie, be warned)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) [god I hope you’ve at least seen this]
Fox and His Friends (1975) (some really hard lessons that are still viable today, that just because someone acknowledges your sexuality doesn’t mean they give a shit about you as a person, and that some will even abuse the knowledge for gain)
The Terence Davies Trilogy (1983) (REALLY interesting history look it up, it’s sort of one of those “drawn from own experience” story short sets)
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) (Documentary)
Desert Hearts (1985) (Pretty much the first film to put lesbianism into a good light as a true focus based on a novel from the sixties)
Parting Glances (1986) (the only film its creator got out before his death from the aids epidemic)
Law of Desire (1987) (two men and a trans woman in a love triangle, kinda ahead of its time)
Maurice (1987) (This one’s really interesting, cuz it was based on a book made about 15 years before it, but the book itself had been written half a century earlier and wasn’t published until after the guy died, he just thought it’d never get published Cuz Gay, so basically it’s based on a story written in like, the 20s finally getting screen time. It has a bittersweet but positive-leaning-ish ending without disregarding the cost that can come with it and even addresses class issues at the same time 100% DO RECOMMEND)
Tongues Untied (1989) (a documentary to give voices to LGBT black men) 
Longtime Companion (1990) (This one’s title alone is history, based on a NYT phrasing for how they talked about people’s partners dying, eg longtime companion, during the AIDS epidemic)
Paris Is Burning (1990) (Drag culture and related sexual and gender identity exploration as it intersected with class issues and other privileges explored in a documentary)
The Crying Game (1992)( I should correct this that I guess it’s more, 1992 considered, “SURPRISE, DIL HAS A DILL!” – I guess I really didn’t do that summary justice by modern language and dialogue as much as how people in the 90s were talking about that and that’s a my bad. LIKE. SEE, EVEN I CAN FUCK UP MY LANGUAGE I’M SORRY CAN I BLAME THE STRAIGHTS T_T) #90skidproblems – I guess I should call it a trans film. And this alone tells me I should go watch it again to recode it in my brain modernly rather than like circa de la 2000 understanding.
The Bird Cage (1996) (So you mix drag culture, otherwise heterosexually connected lovebirds, and then realize the girl comes from an alt-rightish house and the guy comes from a Two Dads Home and does cabaret, how to deal with the issues OF this conflict when it’s between you and your happiness, even if the fight isn’t even your own as much as it is that of the person you love. The answer is PROBABLY NOT to dress in drag and pretend to be straight, but what are you going to do? – while played for laughs we’d consider modernly crude, the fact that they even dared to approach this narrative was pretty loud)
The Celluloid Closet (1996) (Ever heard of the Vito Russo test for LGBT representation? This is based on a book by Vito Russo.)
Happy Together (1997) (Ain’t this shit an ironic name; a mutual narrative, via chinese flick, of hong kong ceding to china and an irrevocably tangled MLM pairing as a giant mirrored metaphor)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999) (one of the most groundbreaking films about trans identity at the time)
Stranger Inside (2001) (As easy as it is to recoil to the idea of “black gays in jail”, the film makers actually went and consulted prisoners and put a great deal of focus into intersectional african american issues that really weren’t around even in straight films at the time)
Transamerica (2005) (While it made a bit of a fuss for not casting an actual trans actor, it was one of the first times a big budget studio really tried to tackle it which really pushed us forward)
Call Me by Your Name (2017) (since I’ve apparently leaned really heavy old cinema throw in a modern one lmaooooo)
Also honorable The Kids Are All Right (2010) mention for the sake of the fucking title alone. 
And to any incarnation of “On the Road” by Kerouac, which
Was originally a book
Released a sanitized de-gayed edition because of the times
Later released the full homo manuscript
had a few film adaptations
Was one of Kripke’s founding inspirations for Supernatural once he left behind “Some reporter guy chases stories” and took the formula of Sal and Dean (and tbh later, Carlo) in a beat generation vibe gone modern as we know it today.
Reading both versions of this can actually help some folks currently understand that when you get confused over some shit (WHY IS CARLO SO UPSET? WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE AN UPSET GIRLFRIEND??? WHY IS HE SO JEALOUS AND SAD WHEN DEAN IS AROUND GIRLS???? WE JUST DONT KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWW) it’s because some big money asshat bleached the content, and sometimes, it takes a while for the full script to come out and again, surprise, it’s been GAY, they just didn’t want to OFFEND anybody. *jazz hands*
Now if you wanna go WAY WAY BACK, during 191X years, a bunch of gender role flicks came out like Charley’s Aunt, Mabel’s Blunder and the Florida Enchantment.
Also where is @thecoffeebrain-blog to yell about the necessity of watching Oz, for the next few hours? But no, seriously, just look into the entire LGBT *HISTORY* of Oz.
Beyond that though I’m gonna stop here cuz hi that’s a lot. I really don’t know how much counts as “happy ending” but if I had to give an LGBT cinema rec list, that’s it as a sum. I don’t really have like, a big portfolio of UWU HAPPY ENDING GAYS because 1. there aren’t a lot of those but 2. to me, it’s not about the ending, it’s about the journey. Be that in flick or through culture and history itself.
If you want more happy ending stuff, you definitely have to look at 2010+, but it’s not like we’re in a rich and fertile landscape yet so honestly just googling that would probably serve you better since I don’t explicitly explore romance genre or happy endings to really have a collection. LGBT life is hard and film often reflects that if we’re making genuine statements about it and really representing it, and we’re just now getting to a point of reliably having the chance at a happy ending. That or maybe someone can add like “Explicit happy endings” lists after this that has more experience in that subgenre.
Also, I can’t emphasize ENOUGH to remember what was progressive then is not what is progressive now, and frankly, what some people think is progressive now they’ll probably look back on what they said and feel really fuckin’ embarrassed. See: “It’s not text because by alt right homophobic dialogue, M/M sex isn’t gay if you do the secret handshake” MGTOW kinda crazy ass dialogue or parallel narratives they inspire that encourage self-closeting and denial based on the pure idea that being gay makes you somehow lesser, so It’s Not That. Like. I am. 99% sure. At least half of the people talking in this fandom. Are going to regret that the internet is forever. And maybe hope hosting servers end in the inevitable nuclear war that will annihilate this planet.
Also, edit: Speaking of mistaken dialogues and words aging poorly, I’d like to apologize from the poor description I rendered “The Crying Game” with, but that really goes to show how deep-seated the issue is we can so casually fuck up identifying a trans narrative as SURPRISE DICK IS GAY when we were all absorbing the content like 20+ years ago and HOW HARD it can be to de-code yourself from that kind of programming because here I am, writing a giant assed rep post and fucking it up because my brain hadn’t soaked that movie since Y2K. Guess what, time for me to go watch the Crying Game again.
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z0mbi3b0ng · 4 years
hi!! i read the lore post about the boys jo posted but what else about your ocs do u think is really defining of their character... big or small details 😁
hi!!! you did?? 😳 thats crazy me and jo never think anyone even pays attention to that.
-he has bipolar I! i dont remember if this was mentioned or not
-he's very very sensitive, very self concious. he's the type to like cry just because you told him there was something in in his teeth 😔
-he has a kind of..... 'sixth sense' thing about him! like in mystic overhang, a lot of crazy, weird, supernatural/paranormal/poopoopeepee happens and chris is always aware of it and knows about it and he Feels it. its like a unique connection he has with the town. he and church kind of share this 'sense' together, and they bond over it in some points of their lives!
-he likes to wear girl clothes and accsessories 😳 it's tea, i know. he'll wear chokers made of jewelry string and butterfly beads and also wear a blouse that he distorts and stretches to fit his style (: he loves that sorta shit.
-lewis actually really really enjoys his job at the junkyard where he moves and lugs around pieces of scrap and junk metal all day. he likes to see the sorta things people throw out.
-he's got a fear of horses 🥺 but he LOVES cows!! especially one cow he used to talk to back at the commune when he was little that was brown and white and she loved lewis dearly. they had a very special connection
-you will see the literal embodiment of wrath come out of this boy if you hurt or upset chris in any shape or form. he's very particular about how people treat him, especially when he knows chris has been extremely sensitive and if he's going through one of his depressive episodes.
-lewis can SING! and he can sing very well (: he was a choir boy back at the commune when he was young. he sings very sweet and soft, and he feels most comfortable singing to himself when he's doing small tasks and midless activities.
-mikael is VERY good at guitar! he has a band named GRiND that he is the lead singer and gutiarist in. when he's older, he becomes a radio host and he plays gigs at bars and pubs and stuff 😳
-he has a foster sister named April that was in one of his foster homes that he stayed in for a while. she has low-functioning autism and he takes care of her throughout the years and years that he knows her. it's very special. he visits her weekly when he moves out.
-he's very supportive and understanding. rarely will mikael ever argue or disagree with someone. he's very non-commital and carefree! which comes with its pros and cons. he knows well how to deal with people who are upset and/or angry.
-he fucks cody's sister elizabeth, a cheerleader at knightwood high, for a WHILE!
-he's a mommy's boy! dawn, his mom, still makes his lunches and does his laundry and kisses his booboo's. he won't leave for school until she's kissed his cheek twice.
-when he smokes weed with the boys he gets very very paranoid. he thinks he'd very loud when he's not and he always thinks someones watching him, or hes on the verge of losing his mind or peeing his pants, or his mom will find him and ridicule.
-he bails chris out of jail once!! why was chris in there? idk he was probably loitering some place at night and pooped on the police officer
-he's really a sweetheart 🥺 he tries to see the good in everything! he's very optimistic, which pisses chris and ben off a lot.
-he has epilepsy, but mikael knows well how to help him through his spells.
-he has vitiligo, did the long post say that? idk. but he has times where hes more self concious about it than others. but it doesnt stop him from looking sharp! he always gels his hair and always carries a comb. his features are really sharp, too, which give him an innocent kind of edge. he's cute 🥰
-church had a little thing with a sweet trans girl named matilda at his foster home when he was 13!! it's really cute and innocent. they meet at the little lake down a ways and skip rocks in the water together.
-he and jo live on the streets for four entire years on their own! church is very sad during this. they sleep in train cars and under bridges and they eat cans of beans and corn together. he is forever grateful to jo because of this, and he tries hard to show him in his own churchy ways.
-church has a very bad, self-harm habit of burning himself on his arms with lighters and cigarettes. he has soft rosy scars all over his skin 🥺
-jo is a big, big sweetheart but he's very clueless to specific things. things like social cues, body language, specific tones of voice, etc.
-he really enjoys working on vehicles!! especially his truck (: he bought it completely worn down and fixed it all up himself. he's very proud of it, he even named it after one of his ex girlfriends!
-when he was around 16 he had a gay encounter with another boy but he doesn't like to acknowledge or admit that he liked it :/ as of now, though, he still goes by 'straight'....this dude really digs chicks i guess
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yuckubus · 6 years
disclaimer: i love all my mutuals and respect their opinions, y’all will be missed if you decide to unfollow after i pour my judgmental heart out
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1. the most well-rounded member of bts, is hoseok. yall can argue that it’s jk, but i said what i said 
2. minghao with a mullet is godtier; out of all the male idols with mullets, he is The king. 
3. speaking of seventeen, a lot of their songs are very edm-inspired but it works really well for them 
4. woozi deserves recognition for the songs he produces, like i really hope he gets an award for his production skills bc he’s amazing 
5. i feel like most wonwoo stans, stan him for his beauty and not his talent (which, he’s not a bad rapper)
6. that being said, i wish he (wonwoo) played around a little more bc his flow is kinda predictable. not only that, but he can do more than just rap lowly and get loud.
7. seokmin/ dokyeom > jungkook, in terms of vocal ability. he’s just better 
8. imo, in terms of like younger groups i guess? leader wise, namjoon is the best leader. im not saying other group leaders like scoups, for example, are bad at their abilities to lead, but i think nj really is. 
9. spring day, don’t leave me, the truth untold, best of me, and whatever else yall try to advocate as good songs...are not good. they dont do anything for me. sorry
10. also just one day is the superior rnb bts song. 
11. house of cards didn’t deserve all the hype it got. like, its good but it hasnt done anything for me since i heard the full version.
12. while im not as into got7 as i used to be, ya’ll took all the stuff that happened with got7 and RAN lol like yall really went in on them and still do and it’s sorta.. annoying? like i get why people do not like certain members (i really do!!) but its tired now. it has been for a while 
13. speaking of got7, if they did more stuff like just right (since it worked so well for them) and the flight log trilogy, ESPECIALLY turbulence, it would be effective
14. I dont know why people think lucas from nct is so dumb, he just has moments 
15. speaking of lucas, i dont see any purpose for him in nct. he doesn’t provide anything special or new except some personality and physical beauty.
16. sm either needs to get rid of some members of nct, or really talk to these niggas bc he doesnt seem to care about anyone but mark, taeyong, jaehyun, and doyoung...and sorta lucas 
17. jungwoo is a product of taemin. either that man is his father, or he’s a relative. 
18. in terms of like newer and young rappers, mark lee is the only one with some potential; sometimes, he lacks, but he really is the only one 
19. jaemin and jeno ended and revived kpop with their verses in Go! 
20. chanyeol and sehun go off in some exo songs, especially forever. they’re still not great rappers.
21. exo has the better vocal line and bts has the better rap line. i just ended every pointless, unnecessary fanwar.
22. the exo l x army beef is so..stupid like all of y’all look childish. deadass. it’s never that deep unless both sides really said some serious shit and, most cases they dont so literally shut up lol
23. astro’s danceline are amazing
25. kihyun’s voice is absolutely beautiful and deserves that recognition bc he really has such a beautiful voice 
26. Pentagon’s first album is THAT first mini album. if you havent invested time in it, please do
27. like the wonwoo thing, mingyu and wonho stans only stan these boys for physical attractiveness. I see something all the time (on twitter) anout wonho’s body and not really much about just him. this sounds fake deep, but forreal 
28. stan twitter in general has great memes and stuff, but they are quite literally, the worst set of fans i have ever seen. facebook fans and instagram fans are just evil too but stan twt is satan. 
29. in terms of talent level in twice...there’s 9 girls and only 4/9 really do something. i do love them though
30. tzuyu is great and shes so pretty but that’s it. the personality and everything else, where is it
31. imma be honest, i think chaeyoung is the prettiest
32. kyla isnt coming back to pristin, we all know this. it’s just time to face it 
33. people only care about like 5 members of pristin, and theyre all in pristin v...there was a reason for their creation lol
34. miss shannon, aka sungyeon, of pristin? she’s got lungs and deserves to be seen as more than just her round face 
35. MISS JOY is That member of red velvet
36. i dont think this is unpopular, but all the good rapper idols would be so much better if they just didnt sink into a niggaboo phase
38. i dont,...really care for jennie; she overdoes the cuteness sometimes 
39. rose would be so much more powerful if she dropped the sza syndrome (I hope this isnt offensive, if it is please let me know)
40. if wendy wasn’t the leader and main vocalist of red velvet, her ass would have already been gone for that crap she pulled again
41. girl groups? are just as low down and dirty with their racism and antiblackness but that stuff gets hidden really well unless you look it up...or are mamamoo 
42. IOI SHOULD HAVE LIVED LONGER THAN WANNABE. no one wants to hear that shit, ioi was giving us bops but after that year was up, they couldnt wait to get rid of them...but wannaone still exists. ok
43. all the my idols are gay legends stuff is kinda annoying now... like...you dont know their actual sexuality, so stop trying to justify your weird ass argument with proof from 1997, it’s not cute (this could be said about yoongi, but i mean in general)
44. people dont see holland as more than his sexuality, and what i mean by that is, a lot of people dont care about him or wont until he starts interacting with male idols, so people can start shipping them with him
45. kpop stans do women involved with male groups so fucking dirty, like ya’ll cannot wait to tear them down due to your insecurities as a fan. You’re not marrying any of them, so pipe the fuck down  
46.nonblack stans, especially on twitter, dont really care about black issues lol yall do that fake oh my god im so sorry :( then use some form of aave with ?????????? and then move on. 
48. people are allowed to still be upset about an idol’s past actions. it is valid ESPECIALLY if you are a fan of color. You are also allowed to unstan and not explain yourself bc no one’s gonna beat your ass for it. 
49. these idols and their companies dont really care about their fans as much as they want y’all to believe. i believe they care to a degree, but it’s exaggerated
50. none of yall are family; you can say it a million and six times, but you really only believe that if you are not a person of color.
51. ya’ll do not know these idols like you think you do; they choose what they want you to show, even in their “RAW” shows; they are not going to let you see them in their 100% real self, ya’ll are strangers to them 
52. being on kpop social media is exhausting, and idk how any of yall are able to do it 24/7. kpop is not that interesting enough for me to be around all day and all night. 
53. Idol groups that play instruments deserve the world 
54. that being said, i hope that n.flying, day6, and the rose get recognition because they’re out here being multi-talented, funny, and good looking. 
i have more opinions but these are ones i could think of. anyway, hope yall enjoyed my ranting. 
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saints-row-2 · 7 years
Gore is in his early fifties, hes been in the force his whole life. it was all he wanted as a kid, now he doesnt feel anything about it but its too late to do anything. hes married to a woman called Lynn, he has two kids (Tammy, 15, Corey, 10). 
(Lynn is an accountant for a marketing firm. she has a very active social life that does not involve Gore. very little of her life involves Gore. she has no real interest in him. she did, once, but then she realised he was gay and they were tied into a marriage where theyd never love each other and she spent a long time trying to get over her resentment towards him. now she just doesnt care about him.)
Gore’s biggest problem is that he does not think life has the potential to be interesting or for him to find any joy. he thinks he has lost every opportunity in life and hes going nowhere and hes tied down to this until he dies. hes generally pretty friendly and personable, hes quiet and mild, normally very calm, most people just take him as being friendly but uninteresting. 
no one in Gore’s life... cares about him. hes not important to anyone. people dont dislike him, he just doesnt matter. hes in the background, hes the boring boss who cares about work and isnt invited to the work parties. 
and Gore himself is just... kind of numb, really. hes enormously depressed, but theres nothing in his life thats ever going to really change, as far as he sees it, so hes just riding it out. numb is really the operative word. 
also like i said, hes gay. hes never so much as kissed a guy. he never had the confidence to do anything and he doesnt feel comfortable with the idea of having an affair because he clings to the stability of marriage and family even though he knows, deep down, that Lynn doesnt care about him. (hes barely ever home, his family functions perfectly without him, they dont need him).
meeting the Monster... what Gore and the Monster do for each other is give a shit about each other’s existence. notice each other, desire each other, for whatever reason. 
the ‘Monster’ is Alexey is Naumov. he is a nobody that no one knows and no one cares about. he doesnt like to talk out loud, after insecurities rooted in being a Russian immigrant who spoke little english as a child, which is why he sends Gore tapes he makes specially for him. 
Alexey has no friends and no family. he doesnt exist. he is following orders to kill a specific set of people. he used to be a hitman, for a while, but now he just does this. he doesnt have a choice, but its something to do. 
hes so far removed from society that he doesnt feel like a human being anymore, just some kind of outsider that can only exist on the peripheral. hes become so incredibly withdrawn and anti-social that he doesnt know how to talk to or socialise with people anymore. hes been on this spiral into complete isolation for like the last ten years and now hes totally lost in his own head because hes the only person who knows hes. alive.
for the most part hes a very neutral person but thats because hes crushed all of his feeling down to nothing and he doesnt know how to emote anymore. Gore and Alexey are both the pinnacles of repression.
they both project things onto each other, but Gore... sees Alexey as an interesting thing in his life first and a person second, something thats going to save him from being in the hell of living for a while, and Alexey sees Gore as someone who will acknowledge that hes a human being that exists in the world. these two things are not compatible. 
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