#but its my simstyle
literalite · 10 months
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my updating my old characters mostly consists of me going why the hell did i give them light eyes and then fixing it immediately. anyways here's lyle
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valenthario · 10 months
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tetonet · 2 months
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: have you created your simself? if so, let's see them!
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by : @/missmoodring
Thank ya squatty for the ask! 💏
I have made a couple different versions of my simself, but I'll post my most recent one below and then I'll put the old ones for reference under the cut 🫶
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(will def be updating it when I get back into ts4 LMAO)
~ Old, Cringey Simselves under the cut <:P ~
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aurorangen · 2 years
2022 Tumblr Top 10
1. 194 notes - Oct 25 2022
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2. 138 notes - Oct 8 2022
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3. 131 notes - Aug 20 2022
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4. 94 notes - Sep 6 2022
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5. 80 notes - Nov 9 2022
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6. 77 notes - Aug 7 2022
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7. 77 notes - Sep 30 2022
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8. 73 notes - Oct 20 2022
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9. 73 notes - Sep 24 2022
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10. 71 notes - Nov 18 2022
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Created by TumblrTop10
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swallowprettybird · 2 months
Hey! This question is from an anonymous..
Who inspires me?
Thank you for this question! I have so much to say 😍❤️
I have so many people's blogs that inspire me. Unfortunately, they won't all fit here, but there are so many wonderful people, know that you are wonderful! 🫶
Too many letters below in random order under the cut 👇
@bakersimmer inspired me so much with her story and legacy ❤️ I love her light and engaging writing and storytelling style ✍️
Saffron is just a cute little devil whom I love very much 😁 and Anselm.. keep your eyes peeled! ehhh my lovelies 😭❤️
Also, her style of screenshots and game seems to be my favorite on simblr ✨
@onestormeynight and Penny, Blair and Rosie life and them story, they're so so cute and warming my heart ☺️ I adore their story because it is full of family love and understanding, it is a wonderful portion of happiness every episode :з
@elderwisp your arts it's something magical!It inspires me a lot, I love this aesthetic, and it hits the heart 100%, your simstyle very fine and sm tasteful 🧡 and tesselate such a goooood story ohmhm my gosh so good 🤌
@youredreamingofroo i love your Roo universe hehe ❤️ I like to discover him every time learning details about his life and character, it seems as if he is another good friend of ours on Simblr 🤭 It's very inspiring to know own characters better too) And of course, I admire your renders, they are very beautiful and high quality!
@kuroashims and her beautiful blog dedicated to One Peece ❤️ 🧭 If you're like me and have never seen this anime, you'll want to know more about it after discover her page, and if you're a loyal fan, you'll love it even more! Her style is unique in its kind, you won't see anything like it in the sims. And the way she conveys emotions and feelings with just one picture without many words is just something beautiful. It is very inspiring. Elfy is also a wonderful person and a so kind warm friend. 🧝 Je t'aime, ma chère ☺️( btw your French vibe is very inspiring too 😍🤌 belle, incroyablement belle 💅🗼)
@changingplumbob and her amazing stories with amazing families. I love each of them. Kirsty plays the game with a huge and contagious passion. Each of her oc's is different and has its own story.
It's touch me and makes root for each character, through victories, mistakes, and life circumstances. She also has a great sense of humor! Her game sometimes throws up such funny situations! In general, Kirsty knows how to turn the usual gameplay into an exciting journey and I definitely recommend you to join. Also, I am very impressed with her playing style. And if I'm ever going to play a ts4 (as gameplay lmao), she'll definitely be the one to inspire me how.
@holocene-sims i love all about Grant and his life. This is such a vital and real, deep story. I love experiencing all the happy and poignant moments with him as well. His example teaches me not to give up and to live in spite of everything, and to be honest, the thought of this sometimes supported me in difficult moments.
I love talking with you about him and the family and about Junga, she's wonderful. 😇 I'm always looking forward to new episodes.
And Ana is my main inspiration for my main story. If you see a new episode of Cursed Chronicles, you should know that part of the gratitude lies with Ana. ❤️
@matchalovertrait and her beautiful lovely sunshine Noemi and her family ❤️ I will love them always 🥹 It seems to be the warmest, kindest and most loving legacy I know) I like to read it at least to recharge my batteries with this wonderful atmosphere and I immediately want to create something cute and wonderful ☺️
btw Dulce and Ángel has grown so charming!
@miralure your sims just incredible and i love your lookbooks ❤️🤌 You inspire me a lot to create and remade my sims and stand at the CAS like never before! looking forward to hearing new posts from you ☺️
@wistfulpoltergeist You have no idea how much I appreciate this person and his support from the very beginning of my blog❤️ Євгенку ну ти справжнє найсправжнє сонечко 🌞☺️🧡He is a real sunshine. And of course, I adore him both as a creator and a storyteller and as a dad/mom of two beautiful cats Aidan and Arvin 😁 this teo boys so lovely and hot 🤌🔥 і я сподіваюсь ще почути від тебе багато історій ☺️❤️
@aniraklova I think looking at her screenshots, you don't have to say anything, do you? This is an absolutely sky-high level of aesthetics 🤌💅 And I admired their work long before I started the blog, becouse all her cc and all art is something very very inspiring, she really inspired me to create some characters and recent cyberpictures :h Карі ти просто крейзі в найкращому значенні цього слова 😘🔥💋
@vermutandherring another wonderful creator who amazes me with her skill and beauty, It's just so gorgeous, this builds and scenes are incredible and everything I see there I dream of either seeing in my game or just admiring endlessly, so talented artist просто золоті руки 😍
@stellarfalls people who I may not follow much, but people who I consider my great inspirations, who make me want to move on, develop and improve my screenmake skills 🧡 at one time she impressed me a lot with her story&creations and I am still impressed, thank you friend ❤️
@aheathen-conceivably I've probably said it before, but you really do inspire me in a very real way, besides the fact that your dynasty is more than sims, it's a whole bunch and a storm of emotions, these are such real, well-developed characters, I almost cried a few times over some moments... for everyone who is not familiar with the dynasty of this wonderful author, I highly recommend you to read it) and besides, your work inspires me to write my own story too :з it really inspired me for some points of the sequel and thank you to your blog for that)
@circusjuney your style and story, are some of my favorites, and Ellie and Max are the ones I'm really rooting for and worried about ❤️ your blog is very inspiring to me in gґso many ways and makes me glad to be here on simblr ☺️✨🫶
@papermint-airplane I may not have known your blog for that long, but I get excited every time I read about Aiden and his friends again ❤️🫶 I really like your writing style, it's engaging, light and catchy, I love adventure, so it really inspires me to write. and I'd like to send you a special hug as a former fan of the TS3 hehe 🫂
I would also note @weirdosalike because I can't help but note that I am fascinated and obsessed by her story, which makes me just as passionate about creating something 😁
I almost forgot about @theosconfessions Scarlet is so gorgeous, you know what inspires me about your blog? your absolute passion for what you do!
.... oh okay i need a chapter 2 😣😖
There are many more authors whose work I am just getting to know, and I really like them ❤️ Sorry if I didn't mention you i love your blogs too 🥹🫶
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kuroashims · 5 months
Recently got into one piece thanks to my brother, so its a genuine joy to have found your account and to recognize all these characters and see you implement a style, your work is phenomenal!!! What's the hardest part when making these shots? 👀
Omg thank you thank youuuu 🪭
I'm always so happy when someone new gets into One Piece!! Hope you enjoy your journey with these silly squishy pirates hehe
By the way your simstyle and your cc...WOW!!! I'm really eager to dig into it, seems like there's truly a lot to catch up on 🧨
About the hardest part making my shots, it's an interesting yet very difficult question to answer to. I've been thinking a lot about it the last 24 hours LOL and here's my conclusion :
➥ patience & perseverance
My simmies may look fine and somewhat accurate on screenshots now but the entire process for each one can take soooo long sometimes it's outrageous tbh. I am perfectionism personified hum, some sims took me months of tweakings, learnings and cc adjustments for me to be satisfied. I'm a big control freak I just annoy myself
Anyway on a more concrete level, the hardest part for me is to finish what I began. I am good at creating sims and starting projects for each of them but...the amount of uncomplete/unfonctional op custom content I've made is just too big. Whenever an item keeps going wrong I just end up tired and move to the next. And I hate going back on it afterwards. But I have to if I want them to look perfect, you know?
What a long answer omg hope you made it so far ! All that said, even if I cried the tears of hell on them many times, I wouldn't stop creating op sims for the world! 🎁
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squea · 1 year
hello love! i was wondering if you could possibly link the eyes ur sim is using here? THANK YOU SO MUCH
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HI FRIEND its these and i love them sm <3<3
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warmsol · 9 months
your entire blogs aesthetic is so pretty! it feels like sunshine, its so soothing and bright!! (sorry if that sounds cringey, i dont know how to describe it ). and your simstyle, it's so gorgeous AHHHHHHHH!!! 💐🌻🌹
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omg this is so nice, you’re so nice!! thank you so much ;-; reading this message was such a treat. i appreciate it a ton. it truly put a smile on my face. <333
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faestelle · 10 months
my simstyle keeps on changing. its not even funny anymore
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aheathen-conceivably · 11 months
Hi hello!
I have a question. Your photos are always so gorgeous and so impressive, but especially (to me) any photos that have several sims in them 💖
You always seem to capture so much movement and life in them!
Are there any tricks or tips you'd like to share? I always struggle sooo much with pictures featuring multiple sims lmao 🤣
Hello, sweet Nonny! Thank you so much for your kind words! Especially regarding those big scenes, which are often quite tricky and time consuming so it is great to hear that effort comes through 🥹
I’m going to assume that you mean photos that include some sort of crowd (like this one or this one) vs. photos that include numerous sims involved in the scene itself (like the latter part of this one)? For this reason, I’ll answer specifically for the former, but a few of these tips can definitely apply to either.
Now below the cut we go because as I’m sure y’all could have guessed, it’s time for a heathen rambles 😘
1. Know Your Angles:
I think that this process will look different for everyone, but before I do these large shoots with crowds or multiple extras, I take test shots. As in, I set up the scene with whatever props or furniture I may need and find the angles I want to take photos from. Then I know where I need to place townies/decos to fill in the “gaps” and make the shot look more full. I then place teleporters in those spots so I can summon the townies to exactly there and then pose them. Once everyone has been posed, I have the test shots handy and just recreate them.
2. Clever Angles:
This is of course tied in to No. 1, but it is such a crucial point of why my shots look lively it deserves its own section. I can promise you if I turn the camera or tilt it, my shots would look very empty. I only fill what I need to, and I ensure that there isn’t too much “neutral space” in between each coupling or person through my test shots; meaning in the end product it looks like the crowd could continue off screen when in reality, it does not. This keeps me from needing to populate the set with more sims than is required or get overwhelmed with posing them all.
3. Pose Variation
I think this is a huge one, and something your eye probably catches even if it’s not apparent from shot to shot. I will usually slightly switch up background sims poses or rotate them in between “sets” of photos. As in, I set up a shot with all extras in their poses, take my angles, and then slightly move everyone around before the next set of pictures. If you look closely in the two scenes that I linked above you can see that the background sims do exactly that.
4. Variance of sims and decos
When I can, I try to use all “real” sims instead of decos. I just prefer it, and I like the malleability on poses and outfits it gives me. However, that isn’t always feasible, so I will often centralize real sims in setting up shots (which I know because of step. 1) and then fill in gaps with deco sims. I often have a little hidden trove of deco sims and teleporters in a room or basement that I can put in places that still look empty when I am actually in the shoot. Which brings me to the last point…
5. Background sims
I’m sure some eagle eyed readers may have noticed a cast of reoccurring extras in the background of my scenes. This is because I have a pool of sims who are given makeovers in my simstyle as well as 1-2 outfits (for the 1920s that was day wear and of course, party wear). They also have specific names so they are easy to find with the teleporter and I can use them to populate the background of scenes relatively quickly and painlessly while still having consistency of style and visual diversity.
Whew!! I believe those are the only ones that come to mind. Of course I’m sure I’m forgetting some so if anyone else has tips/tricks for Nonny please leave them in the comments and I hope this could be helpful 💕
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zeebearx · 9 months
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Kailani Harper
so ig i'm in my sim celeb era now 🤷🏾‍♀️ i love the hair cuz it's maxis match with alpha details :> also after i finished making Kailani i realized she lowkey reminded me of Ariana Grande-
Kailani is a pop singer and one of Luz's close childhood friends. they went to the same school, sang in the same choir, and did almost everything together. although they pursued their shared passion in different ways, they stayed besties and are constantly posting cute photos of themselves on social media, and they share a secret tattoo.
Kailani loves elegant and cute dresses, and she's famous for her platinum-blonde dyed hair! she nearly kept it brown but decided to take the plunge (and it turned out gorgeous, ofc!) she rose to fame by steadily building her fandom and you'd be hard pressed to find a teenager who has no clue who she is!
ok.... seriously i love this style of hair? with like the different shading and highlights????? idk its sooo pretty ima add it to my simstyle 😭
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valenthario · 10 months
i think im gonna make a ts3 sideblog... my simstyle in ts3 is vastly diff than in ts4 & im using such a different gshade its gonna clash so much with my blog jdfhkj
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orbitsuns · 1 year
Hiii! Please ❄️🌷 for simblr ask game!
Also, just wanted to say by the chance — I love your simblr so so much! You're such an amazing builder (your cluttering is just- I feel like you're so talented at this, because everything you do just looks SO lively!) and your simstyle is straight up gorgeous! 💗 Just know you're VERY appreciated and loved :') I love seeing your new sims on my dash 💓 Your simblr is truly amazing!
Sending you lots oc love and appreciation, and also, hugs, if you don't mind them! 💖
❄️ i like autumn the most :D its also my favourite season irl but its winter for ts3 !!
🌷 squeamish , geek & music lover for ts4 traits !! would love doing ts3 as well but theres so many traits so much thinking LMAO
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simmingonthelow · 10 months
Hii! For the edgy OC asks: please 8, 9 and 16 for Macha! If it's not too much, of course!! 🫶🏾💞
Also, I really wanted to say that your OCs are literally SO incredible!! I love your simstyle and the vibes of your blog so much :') 💖 Also, I just wanted to say — your editing and rendering skills.. I'M SO IN AWE they're so good oh god!! I love the ambience in them and like- I don't really know how to say that, but overall: I LOVE them so much!! I hope your time of the day is going very well! 🥺👉🏾👈🏾💗 I hope you don't mind me skjsjsjs I'm in love with Macha!!
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Yesss! Macha's actually royalty (the Vampire Queen) in the save so bestie, anything goes with her. She actually had Vlad killed cause of something he said to her, cause why not (somebody's gotta be an example). She's not really into killing though. Macha leaves all of that to her hubby.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Well with the most recent render where she's living her best barbie dream it would be the whole song Barbie World by Nicki Ft Ice Spice
and for a quote
"Through the lens of eternity, I've been granted the opportunity to observe the world's changes, finding moments of deep joy within its shifts, especially the moments I spend with the ones I love."
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Really high actually. She grew up being pushed around by her negligent dad and eventually her step-mom so she's been through it . There was even a point where she scarred herself to get out of a marriage (and she did it with out even flinching). Aside from her sucky family she trained her body to withstand pain, you know, just incase she gotta fight somebody
(Macha: "you don't wanna be flinching over minor injuries in a fight".)
Also thank youuuuuu! 💖🥺🥰 I'm glad you like my renders and my OCs. When I tell you I get soooo obsessed easily its not even funny 😤. Macha happens to be an really old oc that i just started getting back into and now I can't stopp! Macha sends her kisses 😘!
As for my simstyle, I'm so in decisive so if you see my sims start looking different its because I've no end 😖 (I dunno man I like everything so my sims have to look like everything ig)
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mamahoggs · 1 year
Heyyy Idk if you like. Enjoy getting asks so sorry ahead of time if this is weird but. I just wanted to let you know that you have such a great simstyle and i absolutely adore your ffxv sims. I have terrible brainrot for them too and it's just nice to see another simmer that likes them so much. i only followed you recently, despite always really liking your sims whenever i see em, so im looking forward to seeing more of your ocs! I bet they're super cool
no no i love getting asks!! it takes me awhile to respond to them bc ngl,, i forget about them really fast SKJDFHSDKF but i always appreciate when people come into my ask box bc this little community means so much to me im just shy and also a little stupid. maybe a lot stupid.
and AAAA that means so much to me thank you!! my ffxv brainrot is still going so strong and i love finding other simmers who know what the fuck im talking about like its so fun to be able to mix these two things together that mean so much to me even if they are both kind of Dumb lol so yeah im gonna try to switch back over to more oc stuff but the boys will not be gone for long.. there is no cure for these brainworms im afraid :/
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