#but if enough people want them ill buy more to sell!
heretoreadmyfics · 2 months
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Falsettos fandom I am BACK!!! I made custom charms of Whizzer & Marvin (they’re double sided!! So one side is Marvin and the other side is Whizzer) and they came out really good!! Also quick poll bc I’m debating:
In their current state they are ~3 inches, with an iridescent heart keychain, and have a white background as to make sure the images don’t overlap
More pictures below the cut 👇
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Please ignore the crappy lighting lol
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seat-safety-switch · 4 months
A lot of radio stations have gone away in my part of the world. Corporate greedheads decided that they're just too expensive to operate, so they shut 'em down. Nobody was left to leave by then, though. DJs in distant castles were running four, maybe five "morning zoo" programs at once. Harried technicians were on contract. The offices sat empty, unlocked, and available.
The first inkling we received that something had gone wrong was an ill-advised radio broadcast. Across the city, a bunch of auto-tuning FM radio receivers trying to avoid commercials latched onto the old, dead frequency, now very much alive. Alive with what? Alive with the sound of the microphone on a local DJ's vacant desk, left open to the elements while a magpie and a seagull fought over the decades-old remnants of the sandwich he was eating at the precise moment he was fired.
Somehow, through some trick of giga-corporate ultra-consolidation, they had simply forgotten to sell the offices to someone else. Maybe there was no one else who wanted a radio station. Soon, a community of weirds developed around the area. At first, it was just the usual kinds: poets, beatniks, scooter enthusiasts: people used to scuffles with the law and with, at best, a wilfully incomplete understanding of the law. We waited for them to get arrested, but it never came.
The cops didn't care. No corporation was screaming at them that their rights were being violated. The newspaper that would have bullied the Chief was part of the sweep of radio stations that died. More people followed into this great communal experiment, self-organizing themselves into a replica of the ancient radio schedules. Call-in shows. Top-40 pop music. Long discussions into the night about which recreational substances should be legalized. It was glorious, but then it ended.
Turns out that Uncle Ted's Copper Theft Hour got one of its guests a little bit too worked up, and he decided to do a live demonstration right in the studio. The transmitter was down for two weeks, until someone could steal enough metal from Home Depot and an overturned self-driving drycleaning van to bring it back to life. By then, though, the passion had gone out of it. All the weirds, now unable to force their opinions on others without response, had scattered to the four winds, starting lawn care businesses and mimeographing crank newsletters at the public library.
It was the end of an era, but I don't regret anything about it. I got like seven dollars in wire out of that place, which was enough to buy a working stereo from the Pick N Pull so I could listen to the show.
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complete-clownery · 5 months
Okay I wont get to work on this any longer tonight so imma just post this
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So this morning I have realised some stuff about my Macaque home hc
So first of all you can see the human disguised Macaque with Bai He,
and so Bai He wasnt there or "planed into the house" three days ago, but I decided that, that just wont do, I want her with Macaque, so im going to have to go back and alter my original ideas so it would fit the concept of Bai He also living there with Macaque (I have quit a lot of ideas for that, but ill get to them when I have the time)
But its not the main reason I wanted to talk about this even with half finished ideas under constructuion in my head
The big thing you already saw the random old lady and the antic Store/shop, so its no suprise im going to talk about that a for a bit,,, not a lot tho cuz I dont really got the energy for this
Soo--- She does not have a name, but Ill work on that, shes not fully thougt out, but nothing really when it comes to my ideas and headcanons (its kinda like eating halfbaked dough)
so shes 73 years old divorced lady running a little antic shop in the outer cirkles of Megapolis. I was thinking maybe it was her who originally selled the whole building to Macaque and rented the free space under the dojo.
She has a daughter and a grandkid (didn't decide on gender yet)
Shes kinda inspired by @/ladygreenfrisbee's oc in the fanfiction sunbreak, a snarky but sweet old lady whos not taking any shit from the brooding, shadow the hedgehog wannabe.
When she was younger she worked in a Museum in Megapolis, working with antient historical artifacts and megical weapons, but she pretty much knew everything about anything in there, with history and old stories being one of her passions,
Thus after she retired she decided to open and antic store. Even tho its an antic store, she can be one of those people that you bring an old piece of furniture or object in and they can tell you if its legit or not. She is also willing to trade and buy stuff from you if its to her likings. She's fair and not a con artist, she has just enough money for herself and thats completely fine by her, shes a simple woman when it comes to living.
She has a ton of degrees, Dr. And Phd tytels and what nots, extreamly smart and knows a lot about history and mytology and different eras of the past, making it easier for her and Macaque to connect over old stuff.
Also I was thinking, even tho she couldnt tell that Macaque was the Six Eared Macaque himself, she knew that they were wearing glamours, She studied artifects and worked with demons who were experts on the field of magics and glamours, she knows her shit
And even tho She had a decent relationshipp with Macaque I dont think Macaque would willingly let her see his true form, maybe after he was very exhausted, and injured after a fight they couldnt hold it up and were like-- fuck it who cares (maybe it was after the final fight with LBD) and she obviously knew who they were imidietly seeing his Six ears (that even tho he let her see one time hé continued to glamour like he would usually, only letting go of their human disguise)
So after that she would start asking him a whole lot of questions about the past and what was it like, carefully avoiding the questions involving the great sage equal to heaven, cuz she knew what happend from jttw
But yeah Macaque found it funny how a child and an old lady are looking at him with similar shimmer to their eyes as they interrogate him on the past
She loves a good tea and has her own little blends that calm the nerves and ease muscle pain and stuff like that. After She and Macaque became more friendly with eachother she gifted them some tea that helps him fall asleep better and relax. Macaque checked them for poison twice and couldnt find anything, but still wasnt willing to drink from them until he had a very fucked up breakdown yippeee ✌️
After Macaque lived there for some years they somewhat warmed up to eachother, they would hold little tea paties and talk about stuff (annoying husbands and divorce) after Bai He started living with Macaque these tea parties increased in numbers, sometimes the ladys grandchild joining in when Grandma was watching over them, maybe they get along well with Bai He, maybe they had a rocky begining to their friendshipp, but they warmed up to eachother and now are pretty good friends (maybe, ill think about it more)
BUT!!! this was it for now its already 2:40 am and im waking up at 6:40 so even tho I have more to say ill be going now
Bye thank you for reading ✌️☺️
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favcharacterpoll · 9 months
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I Want Die from RTGame faces Goodtimeswithscar from Third Life. Who do you like more?
I want die Propaganda:
"despite his name, he has no intention to die. also he’s gay for obama."
"✨You can't put I Want Die in here and expect him to NOT win" [yes i can try and stop me]
"eats homophobes for breakfast, lunch, dessert, and dinner."
Scar Propaganda:
"Swindling everyone is always great"
"The best time ever. Scitties. Jellie the cat. Mr Rizz himself. Ect."
“scar is the server con man. he’s absolutely delightful. he’s got max charisma so he WILL sell you anything and everything. it will be useless but you will buy it anyway, sometime later this week he will also murder you. he tries to run a monopoly on sand whilst living in a giant desert. he sells “reputation points” to people under the promise that he won’t murder them if their scores are high enough (he’s lying), he will burn your precious tree down. he will turn and look to you with the sweetest voice and the most precious smile and declare that he’s going to murder everyone. and he will, you will too. and then he will let you beat him to death at the end of this brutal game. you won but at what cost? then you will jump to your death, because you cannot handle being the lone survivor.”
"VOTE SCAR OR ILL KILL YOU NOW in a chill and fun way tho"
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ladyyatexel · 9 months
Friends, Romans, Tumblrites, lend me your reblogs.
I'm Xel and I live in a society! I think there's a solid chance you do also! So you may relate to the profoundly crappy thing that happened to me and that I once again need a community assist.
I lost a temporary job that was supposed to turn into a permanent job in June because no one there felt safe enough to retire. Only two of us in the apartment were under 50. One of the crew was over 70. Three were chronically ill/disabled. No one felt safe enough to leave in order for me to stay, so I was trained for basically 6 months for nothing.
I have survived on savings from that job until this point, but I'm at the point where I cannot pay rent. I'm looking into getting help from sources more local to me but the internet has always felt like people who cared about me more than the people I share DNA with, really.
Many of the social services that I was signed up for expired the day that I was supposed to be told that I would be a permanent hire, and since that didn't go down, now I have to start it all again from the beginning, and there are gaps in my security net.
I tell you all of that just to say that I am actually trying to do things, I'm not here to just beg and coast along on some sort of lavish lifestyle where I, uh. Keep living in this dodgy apartment with my cat.
I don't want to bore you with an itemized list, but like 2,000 US dollars would get me through September and October without being worried about it like every 3 minutes. My rent is 700 and change, if you would like to know that. So I'm looking for like September and October rent and money to renew my driver's license, pay a few utility bills, buy a bag of cat food, and refill my medications.
If you have the notion to toss help at an internet pal or the extended reblogged acquaintance of an Internet pal, as is more likely the case, probably, that would be super rad of you.
I'm an artist! You could get things with images on them from me! I sell buttons, prints, and commissioned illustrations if that's your thing. My commissions are going a bit slow as of late - I only recovered from being not really able to walk like 2 months ago, and so I'm doing a lot of catch up like everywhere else in my whole life and trying not to spend too much time at a desk since it aggravates the spine thing that was the problem in the first place.
To be honest, it would be a greater help to me to just receive some Aid rather than full-on commissions, but I completely understand feeling fishy about people getting something for nothing and also feeling bad for being a charity case on the internet, so I'm not opposed! If you want to chat about that, I have a commissions post on the side or top of my blog depending on where you're looking at this!
Ko-fi contains my buttons and is a good place to toss digital dead American presidents if that suits you. I will get hit by some PayPal fees in this process but, I'm willing to call that a call for help on the internet tax.
I promise I'm a real person and not a bot who has made up a cat and is pretending to have interests. My blog has been here since 2010! I've met people on this website in person and everything. I've had embarrassing obsessions no bot would bother coming up with. Speaking of:
Similarly to times before, I would like to be able to do something in order to feel like I have earned some kind of support, and as of my birthday last week I have resolved to try very hard in the next year to conquer my fear and absolute mortification about many of the things I make, so I will once again go digging into my archives for things I can post for you to enjoy as thanks and tribute! I also have a poll running right now to see what kind of buttons people want!
Thanks for taking a look! Be nice out there, take care of your spines!
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sleepykyupid · 2 months
original callout post is by @menheratic !! if you want more info, please ask them. i am merely reuploading the original callout post of ezaki. please do check out the link of the jp community calling him out in 2019 ^^ https://togetter.com/li/1327770
! The following post talks about the various bad things that Menhera-chan's creator, Ezaki Bisuko, has done.
Here a japanese summary of all the shit he did so far, including but not limited to:
• registering Yamikawaii as trademark
• sending his fans after gyaru YouTuber Usatani to harass her into a suicide attempt over unknowingly buying a shirt with stolen PPG fanart he drew
• himself buying products with stolen art, even promoting their sales, because it’s totally ok when he does it
• the reason why Usatan’s original design was changed aka it was a ripoff of Cult Party’s iconic rabbit mascot that was designed by their artist Maromika-chan
• wrote a whole guide on how to legally get away with sex work as child
• proof of him tracing art for the more detailed MCH artworks
• how he attended the Menhera Exhibit only to smear misogynist bullshit with blood on maxipads
• complaining about how anime for little girls are evil feminist agenda TM because ain’t nobody need men to be saved anymore
• boasting about being a fashion designer only selecting the finest fabrics for his merch when it’s actually made by the japanese equivalent of Redbubble
• “parody” works featuring child characters like Chibi Maruko-chan prostituting themself, the message being all women are whores regardless of age for the right amount of money
• the small “terms and conditions” shield he has at his con booths where you agree that you need to buy anything you touch
• how he setup an earthquake victim fundraiser only to keep the money
• telling his english fans they are not allowed to use any of his art for private use, like as icon, unless they pay him
• how he wants to move to the US when he turns 30 because of all the evil haters TM in Japan
• copyright claiming everyone left and right
• japanese Menhera speaking out about he keeps hurting the community
In regards of the maxi pads:
TW, CW // nooses, misogynistic text in red on maxipads
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Our favorite being the second row second one, “Abortion is murder”.
Some more recent event: When he started harassing and hating on disabled people after Tokyo Fashion translated a Tweet of his because being disabled is discriminating yourself.
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It’s like a trainwreck that refuses to end, now with 100% more crypto on NFT while shitting on those who warn about the dangers.
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His NFT sales can be found here: https://foundation.app/@bisuko_ezaki
For some reason, after 7 years, he also decided to re-release the infamous wrist-cut bracelet to sell at events. The leader of the Neo-Decora group bought one for example:
TW // Bracelet that imitates sh, includes blood
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Also keeps doing collabs with “Tokyo Uragawa” under Yamiko so Seigi (Mental illness is justice), which focuses on self-harming girls as fetish objects.
TW, CW // drawn sh
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Recently, he also wrote a long-article on his definition of Yamikawaii:
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Still not sure where overseas people got “this is about mental health awareness” from, might be based on mistranslations because the word for mental health and illness is one in the same, and his definition is about glorifying mental illness. In fact, this is why he was banned from Tumblr because he kept posting other people’s self-harm photos to his aesthetic blog Menherabusu.
Next up: Made suicide baiting posts over his following decreasing in the hopes of getting attention, fans sent him photos of cute animals to cheer him up, and he decided to post about destroying the pictures.
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Tbh, this list could go on forever as he does this kind of bs on an almost daily basis now, but apparently people don’t care enough to stop throwing money at him.
Meanwhile the Japanese community made a whole Wiki for tracking all of his drama considering how much it is by now.
TW // mention of shotacon
Decided to nickname himself Shotabi, the name being a combination of Shotacon and Bisuko, while using nsfw anime edits of male child characters in sexual situations as decor for his selfies.
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Is it ok to still like Menhera-chan?
Sure, the problem is really only Ezaki himself and his increasing problematic remarks fueled by his ego, the manga is a lot older than him being like that.
Fun fact: Ezaki actually hates Menhera-chan because it's the only thing he ever gets approached for by the media, he constantly rants about this on Twitter. If you have noticed, he barely makes new MCH content anymore (unless he gets paid for it) and mainly reposts old artworks and fanart (without permission) instead because it's the only way he can still get attention as his other works, like the misogynist Manapisu, which is just him hating on women as "dumb wh*res" as a manga, flopped badly.
Just try to not fund his bs by buying new goods.
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tuesday again 4/30/2024
most annoying book i've read so far this year under the jump
a lovely polyrhythmic instrumental piece with previously-featured tuesdaysong artist, terrifying master of the cello, abel selaocoe. this is very textured and kind of scrubs at the inside of my skull in a pleasing way. like the kind of back scrubber you can buy with a bamboo handle and the long soft bristles. popped up on my recent releases playlist from spotify.
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really fucking pissed about this book and i am not able to be reasonable about it. i was really thrown, much like the fantasy prince's mother from her carriage as she was being chased by regency gossip reporters, that this was a prince harry/meghan markle RPF AU. i am a bit uncomfy about the fact that our female lead, the fantasy AU meghan markle, is some flavor of fantasy Gaelic instead of fantasy mixed-race. now, i have no particular moral or physical beef with RPF but i don't typically seek it out. but/also/and, much like works about marilyn monroe, i think works with the specter of princess diana are in poor taste. can we leave these women alone maybe
i got about halfway through the book before this revelation and didn't really feel like it succeeded at much of anything it was trying to do. oddly informal and choppy, like it was originally intended as a contemporary romance with some urban magic and changed to regency in a late draft. this is combined with some fairly weak prose: more simple sentence structure than i would expect in a book for young adults, far too many proper nouns, and a lack of interest in showing not telling.
i straight up don't understand why the leads are attracted to each other if she keeps making very public mistakes and he's a rude cunt. i have read other books (most recently the t kingfisher books) where someone grows to love a very gruff or taciturn man, but it takes time and mutual trust and an effort on both sides, none of which happen here. the core conflict is duty to family in all its various forms vs the heart wants what the heart wants. the conflict is not much of a conflict, though, because characters come to realizations within three sentences of confronting them and then vocalize them with therapyspeak. someone literally pats someone else's hand and goes, "It's hard, I know." the author mercifully did not describe the sad little pursed sympathy mouth but i'm sure it was there.
i'm also deeply annoyed with how this author chose to go about characterization. while the character concepts are people i would love to meet in a ttrpg, it feels very concerned about Good Representation and it makes everyone feel very wooden. i think when you put together characters from a list of various oppressions and disabilities it starts feeling like a grownup version of a children’s ensemble show meant to sell little blind box figurines. here is the Chronically Ill one, and her color is pink! here is the Addicted one, and his color is green! here is the Goth and Depressed one, and her color is black with some bones! here is the Gay one who was once badly hurt by the Addicted one, and we don’t care enough about him to give him a color! here is the superficially fantasy-Jewish one, and we don’t care enough about her to give her a color or an action figure either!
while normally i would love to read a book with two! TWO! canonically bisexual leads of different genders! this book is written for the "folx" spectrum of gays instead of the "fags" part of the spectrum and it strays very close to a modern morality tale for me.
this popped up on a list of books with bi leads i think, but if it was here or on libby i cannot remember.
anyway! fucking hated this one.
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pleasantly surprised these came in back to back off my holds lists, bc they are about the perfumer Grace and Grace's former landlord, the spy Marguerite. my favorite of these Saint of Steel series is still the one with the werebear nun. i have nothing to complain about these books and not much to say about them either. they were such a delightful and competent change of pace after the annoyance of the previously discussed book.
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oh i loved these. oh i LOOOOOOVED these. how the fuck does novik do it. she is so good at capturing the very specific feel of a grandpa military historical novel. except with dragons. i love these in the same way i know i will love the patrick o'brien books if i ever get around to reading them. i was a navy brat and unfortunately this is fucking catnip to me. truly i have inherited all my father's tastes
largely fallow week. i don't have anything particularly great to say about The Bad Batch, but when have i ever. have not caught up with dunmeishi bc my siblings have once again inadvertently locked me out of the netflix account i pay for. considering a vpn for many reasons but watching netflix and watching porn (the state of texas does not want me or anyone else to watch porn within her borders) are the two big reasons for. idk. cashing out the paltry cash-back credit card rewards and coughing them up for a vpn. vpn opinions welcomed, i know most of them are straight garbage
i straight up ran out of money in genshin, which is pretty hard to do since they're pretty generous with it? i have spent several million in-game currency on leveling up neuvilette (i am so so so happy to not have to collect any fucking starfish mats for him anymore [mats are different materials you have to collect or buy in-game in order to level up a character. very grindy most of the time]). anyway i am now scrabbling around for the last couple chests and puzzles i marked on my map in fontaine. i haven't bothered with grinding for his specific boosting artifacts or leveling up his talents all the way yet but this is really not shabby. i have the bad habit of completely levelling up all my 5-stars and then ignoring them until i need them for a specific fight or a specific level of the monthly..battle royale puzzle? i don't really know how to describe the abyss. anyway when i do eventually need his pretty intense water AOE attacks i will frantically grind for his talent mats. right now we're grinding for other things thanks
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this latest update contains both the best and worst new areas so far. the underwater lost city of Remuria is a fuckin banger. gorgeous. incredible puzzles. very fun music-based quest line with new abilities and giant whale. however, im kind of disappointed by the new coastline area in the map: there is pretty much nothing there. almost no interactable plants to harvest, very few enemies, almost no chests. i get that they are focusing their time and attention on the new underwater area everyone will be focusing on (killer, btw, super dense and great use of vertical space). very lore-heavy expansion, sort of what if atlantis was a bit roman-inspired and also. hold on. wait a second.
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sorry this has just occurred to me at 10:21 PM on Monday night as im drafting this but oh my god are the fucking fontanians the Sea Peoples of the bronze age collapse. this is hysterically funny lore if true. im going to have to go back and reread a lot of the environmental storytelling notes but oh my GOD that's extremely funny if true. genshin has some of the most batshit lore of any game ive ever played and im so sad that so few game journos are focusing on it.
where was i. leveling up characters in legally-not-france who may or may not be descendants of the sea peoples. i often find myself leveling up characters in genshin not based on how useful they are to the party but by how fun the bosses i need to fight for their mats are? for example: neuvilette is a water-based AOE character with not a lot of on-field time. however this big electric seahorse, whose antlers i need to level him up, is really fun to fight and i can knock it out in about thirty seconds.
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my sister's birthday is tomorrow! my birthday package to her was kind of heavy on stupid little trinkets and art books and not very much like. homemade? so i cranked out a little sampler. it's framed i promise i simply forgot to take a picture of it framed. about 3"x3", slightly adapted from a piece in Julie Jackson's Subversive Cross Stitch. i do think the F and C turned out way better (or at least the backstitching stands out way more) but hey. sometimes you need to hastily stitch a gift with the limited colors you have on hand
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thelureking · 1 year
I had this idea to make a list of all the games I played in 2022, half as a recommendation list, and half because I struggle to remember when I played what. I have a really bad time ranking stuff, so I'll just list them chronologically (or, as chronologically as I can remember).
Note: Sometimes I dont have a lot to say about a game, but that doesnt mean I didn't like it or that it isn't good.
So, with that being said:
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1) Our Life: Beginnings and Always
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This game has put visual novels on another level entirely. How must I go on knowing that I will never be treated like royalty by any other game like this did. Our Life tells the story of your friendship and/or romance with Cove Holden, your new neighbor. This Visual Novel remembers an insane amount of stuff you choose, and it can put you in the state of mentioning something you did as a kid that you completely forgot about. I actually really liked how you can go the entire game as just friends, or choose when your character develops romantic feelings. I cannot overstate how well made this entire thing is. Can't wait to play the DLCs and for the sequel to be released.
Absolute recommend.
2) Iron Lung
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If you have a computer, you can play it. It is not an option.
Claustrophobic above all, this game captures the pure dread of the unknown, building tension and atmosphere as you travel through this unknown planet's red sea. Highly recommended.
3) An Outcry
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Amazing game that I don't see enough people talking about. The first game that made me actually physically ill while playing an alternative route. I don't know what hit me the most, the subject matter or the type of person I played in that route, a person I know exists and maybe I've met, a person I hope I never become. I knew what the game was specifically referencing, but I found it good that it was able to trigger that response on someone who lives in an entirely different place, with different historical events, but with enough similarities that made the feeling of dread and disgust that much real. Its message is clear and loud as it should be, and one that I think maybe now more than ever needs to be heard. I cannot recommend this game enough.
4) Stillwater
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Now this is a Visual Novel that I really liked and would have loved for it to be longer, but I love it as it is. It left me wanting more about the world and its characters, and I think that's a good thing. It feels unfair that this is the one I typed the least about, knowing how much I liked it. It's really worth the read/play.
5) The Caribbean Sail
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Have you ever wanted to be a sailor or a pirate? Have you ever wanted to grab a ship, sail into unknown destinations, encounter supernatural phenomenons and watch as your fellow crew members die of disentry five seconds after leaving your first port? Because if so, I have the perfect game for you. It's inspired by the Oregon Trail game, and that's literally what the gameplay is like, except on the sea. Which was enough of a selling point for me.
6) Carrion
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My child, it has every disease. Loved the concept when I saw the trailer, forgot I can actually buy games now, and then proceeded to do that. Being able to live my fantasies of being a flesh creature that destroys and eats everything in its path was a delight. The creature is my child and I love it very much.
We need more games that let you play as the monster, I'm serious.
7) The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
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This game is both my beloved and the thorn on my side. Who would have thought that in a game like this you would proceed to suffer through life? I said to myself as if I hadn't known what I was getting into. You'll experience loss, you'll struggle to make a name for yourself, your family will fall apart, and you may never kiss your best friend Tommas who gave you a totally platonic ring to commemorate your friendship because the game doesn't want you to.
Or you'll have a different experience than me on my first playthrough.
You follow the titular Sir Brante from the moment of his birth to his last breath, exploring the world he lives in, full of injustices that at times made me go "I do not care about the lots, give me a fucking gun so I can take you to the fucking Twins". There are many branches regarding life paths, the fate of your family and that of the entire city you live in. But don't worry about it now, keep looking at those toy soldiers at the store as a little kid, I'm sure nothing will happen in the future.
8) Princess Maker 2 Refine
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And apparently I didn't get enough of walking a kid through life.
Who looks at a game about raising a little girl by managing her monthly schedule and balancing her stats, health and money and says "yes, this is the game I'll play to destress"?
I do that. Don't ask why.
I have only reached two endings, in one my beautiful daughter became the royal painter, her art held as the most beautiful and inspiring in the entire world. In another, my girl made a name for herself by exploring the lands surrounding the kingdom, so fast on her feet nobody could even scratch her; she married a dragon prince and became the teacher of her own fighting school.
And even with all of that, her goddess mother was not happy.
So yes, this is the "divorced dad who got custody" experience.
9) Planescape: Torment
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What can change the nature of a man? That is a question posed by one Ravel Puzzlewell, night hag of the Gray Wastes. It is one of the many questions that this game asks, intertwined by the many philosophies it presents. Planescape Torment does not stick to one question, it asks many, and it lets you answer.
It is a beautifully written game, one of the best I have ever read. There is one moment that I do not wish to spoil, but it still sticks to my head months after I experienced it. As a writer, I found myself fascinated by how a certain event was told, all because of the way it was presented.
It feels like an injustice to not talk in length about Planescape: Torment, but I seriously don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't played it yet. A blind experience is fully worth it. All you need to know is that this is the game that made me post for the first time here, two dumb memes for myself and one short analysis that sometimes reminds me that yes, people can interact with it. Shameless link to it here
10) Growing my Grandpa!
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If I had to describe this game without saying too much, I would say it's "heartwarming horror". Two words that don't usually go together, but that they perfectly fit here. The story is, like the title says, about growing your grandpa, more like helping a girl grow her grandpa, but still. Strangely sweet and unnerving, I was tense the entire time, and even when I had to replay it to get the second ending (this was entirely my fault, since I could have gotten it way easier) that tension never left.
11) FAITH: The Unholy Trinity
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I don't remember how I found out about this game, but I remember waiting patiently for it to get a steam release so I could buy it and play its three chapters all together. The day finally came, and all that waiting was worth it.
The gameplay is simple, yet the developers found a way to have me both crying in fear and frothing by the mouth out of anger every time I saw the game over screen (affectionately). In terms of difficulty, I would say the game is easy until it isn't, looking at you Chapter 2 and 3 Final Bosses, you bastards. Then again, I saw people say they struggled in places I didn't, so I would say it depends on the player.
The story is so interesting and it's still marinating in my brain please I need people to talk about how the prologue of chapter 2 and the one note in chapter 3 relate please. The cutscenes are also so well done, and I had to restrain myself from using one as a second picture because I didn't want to spoil any of them.
All in all, a must play, fully recommend it.
And remember:
12) Inmortal Mantis
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This is a tricky one. On one hand, the game starts off by basically spelling out every action you have to do, and suddenly it goes full on "fuck around and find out" mode. On the other, the game implements some interesting mechanics that I would love to see developed on a longer game, but I am not going to put the length against it while knowing how hard it is to make a game. And maybe being short plays in its favor.
13) Who's Lila?
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This game is my King in Yellow. I cannot stop thinking about it. I finished it with all endings and achievements in a day, and it wont leave me alone. It is always there, forever crawling at the back of my head, stretching itself over my brain and weaving my thoughts into a spiral as easily as a spider weaves its thread. It made itself a home in my mind and I won't kick it out any time soon. I played it because the concept of controlling a character's face in place of a dialogue wheel was interesting, and the story and the way it's presented (hand in hand with the gameplay) lured me deeper and deeper. I cannot even describe it without giving it the praise it deserves. It takes full advantage of its medium. Playing this game is an experience that I can't recommend enough, and I'm surprised it hasn't gotten the recognition it deserves.
14) Someone stole MY LUNCH!
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This visual novel is pure fun. The humor is so good I found myself reading the entire thing out loud while wheezing. I actually found out recently that it's made by the same people that made Stillwater, which, looking at it now I should have known. It's good and I'm not still over not seeing that one joke coming; well played.
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... INSIDE A BAG OF MILK is a short visual novel about a girl going to the grocery to buy milk, and the challenge this seemingly small action can be. It is your responsibility to help her through this.
The steam page description perfectly summarizes it: "This is an artistic manipulation with word and form, only then - a game."
Reblog with more games
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friendship-ditch · 4 months
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Wild girl - Pt. 1 (Ended)
(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: While out in the woods, you see a girl, and then you see her again, and again. She’s not the friendliest of the bunch but you can’t help your fascination with her
Warnings: None! This is an interactive story—the poll at the bottom will be open for a week and will choose the direction of the next part! <3
(If the name says ongoing, voting is still happening btw)
Word Count: 1856
Spring in the Seam often came and went in the blink of an eye, over the span of multiple months. Some days it would be warm enough to take a dip in the small creek in the woods, and others it would be snowing.
Most people took advantage of the warmth and hid away in the cold, and you were no different.
Today was one of the warmer ones.
You had a small to-do list, mostly of errands and a reminder to grab dinner at the Hob. You dressed quickly in light clothing, grabbed your basket, and then headed to the outline of the woods.
Money was hard to come by living as a teenager on your own but you found a few ways to make a quick buck; selling herbs to the town's few medics, harvesting fruit when it was warm enough, and babysitting… but after your last experience, you weren’t sure you planned on doing that again.
The trees rustled with a fresh breeze and the birds sang their morning song. You approached the fence boarding you off from the woods, looked around to make sure nobody was watching–though it was no secret–and then climbed through the broken electric wires.
Around the edge of the forest, the mushy ground was bustling with plants full of green leaves and healing roots. You picked them eagerly, piling them into your basket until the woven edges were overflowing.
Normally you wouldn’t be so greedy but the clouds foretold of a heavy snowstorm coming soon and you didn’t want to waste anything that would die beneath the sheet of white.
As you picked as much as you could, you thought you heard a noise from within the woods. You stiffened and held your breath. The consequences for being caught in the woods by an ill-meaning Peacekeeper were not something you’d ever want to experience.
Finally, in the distance, you saw a shape. Your first thought was a deer but they never came to this part of the woods. Maybe a pheasant?
Curiosity getting the best of you, you quietly followed the noise.
You came to a small clearing where your eyes fell upon the most unexpected thing.
She was tall. Her dark hair was in a quickly thrown together braid. In her hands was a homemade bow, the string hitched to an arrow.
You couldn’t see her face but slowly lowered down behind some brush to watch.
With ease, she let the arrow fly into the head of a small rabbit and killed it on impact. You watched silently, half appalled and half amazed.
The girl removed her arrow from her prey. She wrapped it up in some cloth and then stood.
At the same time, you stood too.
She must’ve heard you because her head whirled towards you. She was gorgeous. Her eyes were a soft gray, almost blue. Her face was gentle, even with the splatter of mud on her cheek. She was a girl of wild beauty. She stood and stared at you for only a second, then turned and scampered away into the woods.
“Wait!” You called softly but your voice got stuck in your throat and the only thing that came out was a squeak. You’d seen her before but couldn’t remember her name.
What did it matter? This girl was gone.
After recovering from your surprise encounter, collecting herbs and roots, you checked your secret little orchard for bearings of fruits but returned empty handed. It was probably too early but worth checking anyway.
The Hob was your next stop.
The market seemed even more crowded than usual. Everyone was hoping to buy some smuggled seeds while they were cheap, or get a quick and easy dinner of whatever kind of illegal meat one of the hunters brought in from the woods. It was loud and overwhelming.
You stuck to the outside of the place, eyes narrowed and flicking from person to person, stand to stand.
When you eventually made your way to your usual medic stand, you set down most of your herbs on the table. “These are fresh, no rot.” You said. Usually you were the first there and got a few extra coins but today you had to wait in line, the worth would’ve gone down.
The young man working the table studied your plants for a moment and then nodded. He never spoke to you although you saw him quite often. To you, he was ‘herb guy,’ and to him… who knows what you were.
He gave you a hefty bunch of coins with a small smile that you returned with ease. You had a feeling you were one of his favorites.
As you were turning to leave, somebody ran right into your shoulder. You nearly tumbled over from the force and let out a grunt.
“Hey!” You exclaimed once you studied yourself. You brushed your shirt off, looking around for who caused the collision.
She grunted softly and jumped back in surprise. Her eyebrows were firm and straight and so were her lips, eyes wide, then they darkened as if a look of recognition came over them.
It was the same girl from before.
You stood, staring at her speechless. You were making a fool of yourself and you knew it.
She seemed to notice it too and huffed. “Watch where you’re going.” She muttered, as if blaming you for the collision. Then she stalked off into the crowd, the rabbit now being replaced with a loaf of bread.
You remembered her name the second she vanished.
Katniss Everdeen.
The two of you had never… formally met, but you knew of her as… hopefully she did you? You had most of your classes together growing up and once dreamed of being her friend but she shut down the opportunities before they even presented themselves.
You hardly saw her around as often once her father died, assuming she focused more on her family than anything else.
Speaking of her family… you were supposed to meet her younger sister Primrose to trade some herbs for some cheese! She left earlier than the others did in the Hob so you’d have to hurry if you wanted to catch her.
You looked for the last time at where Katniss had been standing though the spot was now empty. You felt a little angry that she’d nearly mauled you over and you almost wanted to find her just to scold her but you knew it was best to let it go. You turned and made a dash for the other side of the hob.
Prim’s stand was empty when you got to it. She must’ve left by now, a few crumbs of cheese still on the table.
You left the Hob and decided since the Everdeen’s lived quite close to you, you could just… go over?
When you knocked on the door, you were half expecting to receive no response, but the door cracked open, then opened the rest of the way.
Primrose looked up at you with a surprised smile.
“Y/n?” She tilted her head with childlike confusion. “What are you doing here?”
“I missed you at the Hob, and I figured you and your mother would want to have these.” You pulled the remaining bundles of herbs out of your basket and held them out to her.
Prim’s eyes lit up with shocked joy. She took the herbs gingerly and grinned at you. “Thank you! I have your cheese still, just wait right here.” Then she darted off into the house.
You stood on the small, old porch and looked around. The wood was creaky and rotting in a few places. There was a small chair on the porch and–
You spun around on your heels, startled by the sound. You slowly lifted your gaze from some dirty boots, up a body, and then to a face; Katniss’s face. And she did not look pleased.
“Are you following me?” Her voice was calm but cold, just as her eyes. She was holding the loaf of bread tucked under her arm and had also picked up some fruit.
You hesitated. This did look… suspicious.
“Actually, I think you’re following me.” You responded, trying to one up her. You were still a little pissed at how she bowled you over earlier.
Her nostrils flared and she stepped up onto the porch. Now beside you, you could tell she was definitely a few inches taller, not to mention stronger. You took a hesitant step back as her eyebrows furrowed into a glare.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
Just then, your savior, Primrose, returned with some cheese wrapped in a dainty cloth. She smiled up at you and handed you the cheese in exchange for your herbs.
Katniss eyed the exchange with suspicion, though she said nothing.
“Thank you, Prim.” You thanked the young girl and placed the cheese into your basket. She returned your thanks and then you left, eager to get out of Katniss’s piercing view that followed you until there was a house between the two of you.
Your home was quiet yet cozy when you returned, the last remnants of frost melting off your windows and a stack of wood sat by the fireplace. You dropped off your purchases on the counter and tried to focus on dinner, but something–no, someone else was on your mind.
In fact, she was on your mind so long that you dreamt about her, not that you’d ever admit it. This girl was… prickly, reserved, and clearly wanted nothing to do with you, but you couldn’t shake those cold gray eyes and the idea that maybe you could help warm them up. She was fascinating and you wanted to know more.
The next day, when you returned to the woods to squeeze out the last bit of money you could get from selling herbs, you weren’t sure if you were lucky or had the worst luck in the world as she was there once again.
Katniss stood further in the woods on the trail of a deer. Her hair was in a braid again and she’d traded out her leather jacket for a lighter, worn wool one.
She stalked the deer without knowing of your presence. She stood still for only a second, and then began to follow her unaware prey away from you.
You stood still, watching her. Your mind told you to ignore her, to finish what you came out here to do and maybe get an early bonus for selling herbs so early. Plus, if you were lucky, you could run into her at the Hob and maybe strike a conversation there…
…but your heart was practically climbing out of your chest to follow her itself. Maybe she’d be more willing to talk to you in the woods, maybe you could even help her hunt. Maybe you were wandering off into dreamland a little too far but there was nothing wrong with a little bit of hope.
You looked up again and Katniss was already beginning to follow the deer. You’d have to decide fast…
Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4
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Prapai reinventes intimate touch for Sky, who has previously been to used to associate such intimacy as something triggering, unwanted and dirty at worst and at best as something he needs to pay as a currency for being ‘loved’. However, Pai makes him rethink that notion and re-discover what it means to be truly touched by someone after everything he’s been though. 
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The difference comes down to the fact that this is the first time Sky is being touched by someone who treasures and cherishes him, by someone who places his well-being above his own pleasure and needs. Pai never asks what Sky can do for him but constantly comes up with new ways to help Sky, ready to bend over backwards just to see him smile and getting frustrated and desperate when it seems he can’t. 
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He literally strives to make Sky’s life better and happier whether it’s treating his illness, chasing his loneliness away, keeping his nightmares at bay, or even such mundane things as washing his clothes and buying him food to make sure he eats.
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I already previously mentioned how touch is Prapai’s way to express his love for people. In other words, it’s a visceral means of non-verbal communication for him and thus extremely important. Sometimes, when words are not enough or in moments when some emotions are just to overwhelming to put into words because it’s too fast too soon, he delivers what he feels this way and thus bridges the distance between him and Sky, and Sky sub-consciously understands that message, which might not have been put into words but it’s still been delivered loud and clear - everything that Pai communicates and offers him with those touches: the solace, the hidden love, care,... 
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Those touches are always meant to protect, soothe, comfort and support, never to take. He actually turns himself in Sky’s personal shoulder to lean on. All Pai asks in return is a chance and a smile. 
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Some may say Pai is selling himself short when asking so little for so much; however, in his eyes it’s all worth it, he is giving Sky his everything and it’s an equal exchange because Sky is beyond and above any value because you can’t but a value on something that is priceless and, in Prapai’s eyes, Sky is priceless.
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Throughout his courtship, Prapai showers Sky with myriad of touches, and whereas at the beginning of their relationship Sky either merely put up with them or rejected them, now he doesn’t just accept them, he has been eagerly taking them, actively seeking them, trying to prolong them and make them last as long as possible. It’s like a guilty pleasure for him as he tries to steal as many as possible. All because he’s been touch-starved and love-starved for so long, and what’s more, he is even Pai-starved.
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Gradually, he becomes addicted to it because he’s been starved for so long that now he can’t get enough but he still lacks the courage and confidence so he needs an excuse. Sometimes, it’s the excuse of ‘payment’ because he doesn’t want to owe Pai anything, other times, it’s when he finally allows himself to show all that blatant longing when Pai is sleeping. 
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He allows himself to touch Pai without the excuse of any payment - the gentle way he places his second hand on their intertwined hands, the shy way he tentatively brushes Prapai’s hair with his fingers. Compared to the way how self-assured he was when having sex with Pai, it feels so clumsy and vulnerable and inexperienced, as if it’s his first time touching someone this way, as if his ex taught him to fuck and how to bring HIM pleasure but never how to lovingly touch because his ex never lovingly touched him.
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However, what truly gutted me was SKY PRETENDING TO SUFFER FROM A NIGHTMARE (the person who refuses to show any weakness to anyone and has been so fiercely independent his whole life) AND USE IT AS A GUISE TO STOP PRAPAI FROM LEAVING HIM, EVEN FOR A SECOND, AND AS AN EXCUSE TO CLING ONTO HIM. 
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And Sky knew what Pai would do, Sky knew that Pai would envelop him in his strong embrace and comfort him throughout the night as he slept because Pai told him he had done it the previous night. It shows the depth of Sky’s sheer need and yearning for Prapai and his hidden abandonment issues. Some people might say Prapai is the more desperate one of them, but the truth is, Sky is as desperate and as in love  with Pai as Pai is with him.
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spidereggs888 · 3 months
/j 💀
Miguel and You
Miguel O’Hara & y/n, any gender or non gender. Very casual writing style. TW Dark humor, dangerous situations, 18+. Y/n are sorta attracted to Miguel (why else would you be here?) but he doesn’t know you lol
This has a drawing
If you haven’t read ACT 1, click this
You can’t remember how much time has passed or what you were doing. Those freaky eyes fade from your vision, and now you can barely see your own legs and shoes. It’s dark. Horror movie dark. You hear a scuffling sound from nearby. This so feels like a b-horror where the main character keeps surviving somehow. You hope this is the case.
“Dis shit’s useless!”
As your vision returns, you squint to the side and see someone’s back to you, crouching on the ground with a laptop. You assume it’s the guy who led you down here, but who the hell is he? And how does he know you?
You check your surroundings without moving your head too much in the hopes you’ll find a clue. You appear to be under the maintenance level of Nueva York, since there’s pipes all around the walls, all filled with the deafening roar of ocean water. This is far below your home level, down in the bottom where Nueva York was called New York. The place stinks of rot that would have made you gag if you weren’t already used to the dumpster near your apartment cube.
Through all the steam hissing you hear the familiar clinking sound of your data sticks.
“Fiddy grand here…. Four dere… not enough…”
This fucker is probing through your savings! It’s not much to him but you need it for your bills!
“Oh shock it!” He grumbles. You see his head turn, so you immediately return to your hypnotized pose. You can hear him clamber over and lean in close. His breath stinks of rationed mineral chips, food people buy when they are facing starvation. Alchemax wanted to save face in the public eye years ago, so they made those nasty mineral bars to fight starvation. You made it a point to never eat them since Speshall told you what’s in them. You feel bad for this black market demon. He’s probably also down on his luck despite his skill set.
You don’t feel sorry for him for long. He briefly presses something metal against your ear, and with a click sound he administers a sharp jab. You flinch but try to remain in a fake stupor. He rubs something against the wound, and you feel warm blood trickle down your lobe. He Sméagol-crawls away to his laptop light and you carefully squint his way again. You can’t see what he’s doing but you hear the clinking of glass.
You finally recall his voice again. He was following you after you parked your car before going in for the O’Hara interview. He must have been trying to snatch you up in broad daylight, because that’s how fast the black market demons are.
“No illnesses… a lil’ iron deficiency but dat can be overlooked…”
Oh fuckin hell, he intends to sell your organs.
You move your hands and see they are taped together. Your pants are stapled together (who the hell even does that?!) and you are stuck on your bum. You raise your gaze ahead of you and see a man in the same pose as you, except he doesn’t look well at all. In fact, there’s a dark pool at his stomach and his pants are drenched.
Holy shit!
You nope the fuck out of there and the demon hears you. He slams down his little science project and chases after you. Your pants are ripped from resisting the staples. You dash down the dark alley of tubes and pipes. He almost grabs you but he is hit with steam.
“Augh my fuckin eyes!”
You keep running. You can feel a cool breeze coming from somewhere. You have to get to the street. You have to get away. You left your data sticks behind but so what?! He’s AFTER you!
“DON’T LET ‘EM GET AWAY!” he screams.
Multiple freaky masks and eyes appear in the darkness! More demons! They are clambering out of their dwellings. You run past one of them flaying a body under a red light. You don’t stop to investigate, you keep running. The air smells even more rotten this way, a blend of ocean water and dead bodies. You keep running, your legs burning. Damn the sedimentary lifestyle of your office job. You are out of shape and trying to run for your life.
More creepypasta masks appear from the dark. You stare straight ahead. You can’t look at them. They mean to stop you. They mean to tear you apart. One grabs your scarf and you spin out of it. One grabs your jacket and you slip from the silk sleeves. Your lungs are on fire. You escape between stacks of broken monitors, shoving them behind you to slow down your assailants, but you are getting slower, too. Your path is getting wider, but also darker. There’s very little light here.
You stop at a completely dead and dark end. You can’t see anything in front of your face. You try to quiet your ragged breaths. You can hear the demons getting closer, but if you run more, you risk crashing into something you can't see.
“Turn around!” the demon demands.
You do nothing except stare bug-eyed into the darkness.
“Turn AROUND! Are ya deaf?!”
The vast darkness is barely illuminated by all the masks that strobe behind you. You can see a ledge before you, with nothing visible down below. What a drop off!
He grabs your shoulder and turns you to face him. He’s even closer now, his weird eyes pulsating black and white.
“Das right… look into my eyes…”
You feel your senses numb again. Your mind goes foggy. Maybe it was better to jump than face the horrors of the demons who will tear you apart. Then you hear someone else moving in the dark.
“Found you.”
Your demon is grabbed by the neck. Near him a whole illuminated bodysuit of a man materializes from the darkness. Bright red designs light up his massive chest and shoulders, and his mask has abstract eye marks that emote into a scowl as he tightens his grip on the demon’s neck. You feel as if you are trapped in the deep ocean where no light reaches the floor and you are witnessing one of its denizens about to be devoured by an even bigger one.
A giant red palm pushes you away onto the ground. You crumple down and watch the demon being raised off his feet like a rag. He is gasping for air and thrashing his pathetic legs around.
“You guys wanna see something?”
The mask of the larger man vanishes, but you can’t see many features with the strobe light of the demon’s copypasta mask. What you can make out are a set of terrifying fangs, a gaping maw opening unnaturally wide at the demon who makes a strangled shriek. You hear a nasty chomp sound, like someone taking a bite into a roll of hamburger meat! The demon kicks his legs helplessly, which looks even more horrible in the strobe light. The other demons bolt, and you instinctively lay down as they dash around you for their own escape. You try to ignore the icky gasping sounds. You hear a low, deep chested hum of satisfaction from the bigger predator. You try not to look, but you hear no more sputtering and kicking.
It’s over. The attack is over and the demon is not moving. Even his mask’s light dims in defeat. You close your eyes, unsure of what to expect next. All you know is that you do not want to be the center of attention. Your eyes snap open when you hear the demon's body fall to the ground.
“Lyla, scan the body.”
“He’s alive. The venom is doing its work.”
“And the other one?”
“Also alive. Probably still under the effects of the hypnosis.”
“That should wear off soon. We need to get back to the surface.”
“Affirmative! I’ll map out the quickest route!”
No fucking way. Accent and everything, even down to having an AI helper named LYLA. If WTF was a sensation, you would be feeling it now.
The black market demon is dragged away. You raise your head and see the large fellow wrapping the demon up in a bright red web. No fucking way is this happening! He’s rolling this guy around and around like a dead fly. There is no other person this could also be!
This man, Miguel O’Hara, has been moonlighting as the illusive vigilante Spider-Man!
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You should really be more discreet with your spying but you can’t help it! Spider-Man stands upright, his whole suit fully illuminated with tech not yet known to the public. Dark blue and bright red, the patterns akin to the original Spider-Man who lived a hundred decades or so ago, except more minimalist to match the 22nd century aesthetic with a touch of ancient Mexican design. His mask re-materializes but you didn’t need to see his face to know who he was, there’s too much personal evidence to be mistaken. He stands proudly at 6’9” feet, like a beacon in the darkness. Then you hear a weird gurgle coming from him and he doubles over.
“I told you they added cream again. Why did you drink it anyway?”
“I was in a hurry.”
“Haste makes waste! You ended up spending an hour in the bathroom, which canceled your SM society meeting.”
“Not everyone was there anyway- Dios Mio I think I’m dehydrated…”
He groans then comes over to you and grabs your bound hands. With surgical precision he scratches off the tape with claw-like protrusions from his fingertips. You don’t move. The last thing you need is for him to know that you know him. You don’t know what to do with this information right now, it’s too much!
You are lifted off the floor with ease. You keep your eyes closed but wish you could see what’s going on. He cradles you in his giant arms and you assume he must be checking you over. It’s like being hugged by a couch.
“A scratch on the ear… no severe damage.”
You hear a small sound of indifference in his throat before you are rolled around in webbing, round and round like a burrito.
He slings you and the demon onto his shoulder like a couple of grocery bags, and you come cheek to cheek with your attacker. You scowl at his stupid face. His creepy eyes are all crossed and his jaw is slacked with his tongue poking out, so you turn your head away discreetly. Your savior walks a bit, jostling his luggage around to get comfortable before lunging straight up.
You can hear screaming from below. The demons didn’t run away out of fear; they fell back for reinforcements. You peek down and see their hypnotic faces flashing up like angry ghosts from outer space. As you and your company ascend higher, projectiles fly up, nearly hitting you in the head.
“Over twenty black market demons are on your tail,” Lyla announces.
“Got it.”
Spider-Man throws you and the demon straight up and you let out a yelp. The world is spinning out of control and you try not to feel sick. This must be what it’s like to be a shirt shot out of a t-shirt cannon. You are at the mercy of the bright red web pinning your arms to your sides as you fall back down to earth like a corn. You catch a glimpse of what’s going on below and see red streaks of lights. Demons are being flung all over the place, their projectiles not fast or strong enough to stop this even bigger monster from tearing through them.
Gravity is merciless, but before you can land anywhere more red webs fly at you from the dark, snagging you and your company on a light pole. You look down and see some of the demons below trying to reach you, scaling the light pole with crackhead energy. There is a loud ringing sound and the pole vibrates for a split second, making your teeth rattle.
The light pole shifts, cut in half like paper by something red moving lighting fast. The demons screech to each other (something about getting the hell out of there), and you are too stunned to scream for help as the whole metal pole is now falling. [Do you know how freakin big metal light poles are? Just walk up to one, they are actually ginormous. Blew my goddamn mind.]
The pole crashes down and gets stuck across two large machines, the top end jammed into the massive machinery. The webbing took all the shock of the fall, so you and the demon are dangling like a pair of converses on a telephone wire. You jerk your head around as the demons come crawling like ants, their pursuit hindered by the violent shaking of the metal pole. One flings herself close and grabs you by the head, and you lock eyes with her freaky face. She got mouths where her eyes should be!
The she-demon is knocked away with a nasty slap sound, ragdolling away into the vast darkness.
“-- Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—------”
Your hero is slapping the demons around, just pimp-slapping them all over the place.
(that last one had their whole mask slapped off. Contacts went flying, too.)
The demons get the hint and refuse to be humiliated further. They scatter off in the dark, and you can hear cursing and swearing as they go back to their deep dark dwellings.
He crouches on the metal light pole with great balance and listens as the demon squalling grows distant. He huffs with satisfaction.
“Shocking idiots…”
Spider-Man crawls his way across the shaky pole and retrieves his spider sacks with people in them. He leaps off as the machine finally rips through the pole, sending it falling all the way down into the darkness. Spider-Man listens to it hit the bottom.
“Okay, we leavin’ this ass-crack of the city for real this time.”
“A few of those people are critically injured,” Lyla reports, “I saw someone’s eye pop out.”
“Well I guess someone’s gotta keep an eye out, right?”
You always heard OG Spider-Man was a notorious wise-cracker, but this guy goes a little darker with his brand of humor. He was right about one thing.
Fuck those guys.
You and the demon are plopped down on the ledge of a building.
"Alright, time to put you back where you came from. And I'll just leave ugly here-," he says, hanging the black market demon upright on some wrought iron decor, "Even if he wakes up and frees himself, he'll still be stuck on this roof... unless he decides to jump off... then Godspeed, heh heh."
He takes you into a one arm embrace and scales down the side of your apartment using his web as a cord. Your face is being mushed into one of those monster pecs of his, and you try not to protest the fact that you can't breathe well. You hear a crash of glass.
“Yeah, your foot just went through a window,” Lyla announces.
"Ah shock... I'll pay for that sometime. This must be the bedroom."
He kicks in the rest of the window and deftly slides indoors, holding you against his waist. You barely open your eyes and see, by the arrangement of LED lights, you are home in your one-room studio apartment. He plops you down on your bed and rips off the red webbing.
“Yeah, you are in for a throbbing headache tomorrow,” Spider-Man says, keeping his voice low.
You are still pretending to be asleep as you hear him poke around at your stuff. You can hear your apartment hub terminal activate. You wonder what he’s doing messing with that.
“I’ve ordered nausea and pain relief to be delivered to this address,” Lyla confirms.
“Good. Those visual-hypnotic masks do some nasty damage. They need to get booted from the black market somehow. You got any ID on cara de moco?”
“Jeff Landers. Lost his apartment in Queens. Pretty much plinko’ed all the way down.”
“Ah, uh huh.”
“His last known location was in the Thor Memorial Housing,” Lyla continues, “his caseworker was the last person to see him.”
“Little did they know he’d go from praising Thor to harvesting organs,” he says, a little amusedly.
“He had a bad history of abuse from his father and lived in poverty. Can you really blame him?”
You hear Spider-Man walk near the foot of your bed. There’s a pause.
“I do blame him,” he finally concludes, “you can have the worst upbringing but still try to be a decent person. His shitty life doesn’t warrant torturing other people. He coulda been more like this one here, doing everything within reason to get by while still being a good person…”
He means you.
“Whelp, time to go torture that dummy. Gotta find out where he got that stupid mask.”
You can hear him stepping over your things and slipping out of the broken window. As soon as he leaves, you spring up and run to the window. You watch this giant man scale up from below. You didn’t mean to or expect it but get a direct buckshot of his backside for a moment [Why the heck is his suit so TIGHT? WHY?! You never seen a crotch so sculpted like that, what the fuck. Do he know this?! Is he aware he looks practically naked?! It’s like his suit is painted on- ]
He jumps from your apartment to the adjacent building where he left the black market demon. There’s no mistake of who he is, especially with that body, but now he’s gone and you are left to pick up the pieces both literally and figuratively. Now what the hell are you gonna do?! Your phone and your lanyard of data sticks (basically your wallet) are still down in hell with the other demons!
There’s no time to lose. You must cancel all your credit cards and change the passwords on every account you own, because it’s not like those demons are gonna pay your bills for you!
Turning on your computer interface in the wall, you video-call your landlord. The only thing you can really explain to him is that you busted the window when you were moving furniture around. He’d never believe Spider-Man kicked it in. You find that Spider-Man is cool in more ways than just looks, your landlord thanks you for a forwarded payment with the attached note sorry about the window.
After allowing him 10 minutes to lecture you with no interruptions other than a nod or sound of agreement, you close the video with him, then begin the long hunt down of all your credit and banking connections. You use your email to recall every important account. You even find some that are out of service and close them down. It’s a humbling experience, but not in the same way as being kidnapped by that black market demon. You feel like you are dissecting your life choices, reviewing things you hadn’t thought of in a long time. You unsubscribe from the health newsletters you don’t even read anymore. You delete the emails you swore you were gonna read later. All of it, fuck it, throw it in the trash. Guilt chain letters be damned, they will have to get their money from someone else, because you won’t ever be rich enough to become a philanthropist.
You are satisfied to some degree. You look out the window Spider-Man left through. Even though he met you as Miguel O’Hara, how did he find you? How did he know you were in trouble? You’ll have plenty of time to think of that in the shower, since you smell like sea water and dead skin particles.
The next morning, you reactivate your old phone after your mother sent you some money. She’s always offered, and every time you refused, but this time you didn’t need to be spending all of what you have left. You send her a text thanking her and promising to pay her back. Afterwards, you open a video chat with Speshall.
“Sup, poser?!” She sings back. You were always caught off guard by her humor, but you needed that shit today.
“I had the most fucked up day, yesterday!”
You spend the next thirty minutes telling her what happened. She laughs, she screeches, she squawks, and she groans. Then you get to the horrible parts with the black market demon, then the larger-than-life rescue from Spider-Man.
“He musta been spying on their asses or something”, she says, “how else could he know you were in danger?!”
That is a pretty good question. It must have everything to do with his identity as O’Hara. You both exchanged information, after all. Maybe he was tracing your phone? But no, you decide not to tell her about this, about the possible correlation between Spider-Man and O’Hara.
“No idea but I’m glad he showed up.”
“Yeah, maybe you were in the right place at the right time or whatever. Hey, what do you have planned for dinner? My boyfriend flaked, maybe you can come over later. Hang on, I gotta make sure he’s really not coming tonight-“
Her voice drowns out as your mind shifts to thoughts of O’Hara. Did he remember who you were? He must have, right? Maybe he will also take pity and hire you, now that he’s seen your pitiful house. And what’s more, what if you become some kind of keeper for him?! Maybe knowing who he really is might be a kind of bargaining chip for getting hired? No, that’s something Brody would do, the goon. No, Miguel O’Hara’s secret identity is good as safe. Besides, he thinks you are a good person! You need to keep being that. You feel glad to have covered for him.
“Hey, did you hear me?”
“I sent you some money! Check your email!”
You open your inbox and see a few new notifications. Money from Speshall, a newsletter from Maglev Motors that you kept the subscription to, and an email from Alchemax Business Bureau. You click on that first, it might be important.
Employee 2232
By request of the CEO of our parent company, you are no longer scheduled for the meeting in the major temp office of Alchemax Business Bureau. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause and wish for the best in your future endeavors in your department. This is by no means a termination to your current occupation. Thank you for your time.
— Management
“Oh no no NO!”
“What is it? Did the money not go through?!”
You sit back and put your hands on your head.
“O’Hara just canceled the meeting!”
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crystallinestars · 10 months
To Steal a Detective's Heart
Thief!reader x Heizou oneshot I've been thinking about since April. Wanted to post this for his birthday, but I didn't have enough time to complete it, so here is a super belated birthday present to best detective Heizou.
Reader is female.
You had a rough upbringing. When you were a teenager your father vanished without a trace, leaving his enormous debt for you and your mother to pay off. Your mother had to give up all your valuables and the house to pay them off, leaving you and her to live in the filthy, gloomy streets of the slums. Growing up in the slums without a safe roof over your head or food to eat, you couldn’t help but grow resentful of the rich nobles who didn’t have to go cold and hungry like you did. While they ate delicious steaks, sweet fruits, and buttery pastries, your mother had to work hard to be able to afford a simple loaf of stale bread.  
When your mother fell ill and couldn’t work, getting food and shelter proved nearly impossible. To survive, you turned to theft. Nobody would offer you a job since you were a frail street rat living on the slums, so you resulted to stealing what you needed. It was scary at first, and you got caught several times and faced harsh punishments, but you couldn’t give up. The little bit of food you managed to steal from vendors and coin pouches from unsuspecting passersby helped you and your mother to fill your stomachs and buy some new clothes to better protect yourselves from the cold nights.
Over the course of a few years, you perfected your criminal craft and were soon able to sneak into the abodes of the rich merchants and nobles you so despised. After stealing a few of their valuable jewelry and gold-encrusted cups and cutlery, you’d successfully sneak back out in the cover of the night and distribute your haul amongst the other poor families and street urchins since you understood their struggles better than anyone. The poor folk adored you for these gifts, and their happy smiles and fuller stomachs encouraged you to keep at it. You stole more and more valuables from the wealthy and distributed them among the poor, selling whatever was left and bringing the money to your mother in hopes of alleviating her burden of having to support the two of you alone. With the money, you were able to buy a small cottage for the two of you to live in, as well as expensive medicine to cure her illness. When she asked where you got the money from, you lied and said you got a job to prevent her from worrying, though the lie always weighed heavily on your conscience.
Your success earned you a reputation as a scandalous thief among the wealthy. An elusive mongrel who targeted only the rich, but no matter how the nobles strengthened their security with guards and multitude of locks, you were always able to successfully infiltrate and steal from them.
Hearing wind of a nationally renowned detective with a 100% success rate in cracking cases and catching criminals, the town leaders bent over backwards to get him to come and rid the town of this pesky thief. That was how the famous detective Shikanoin Heizou found himself surrounded by indignant nobles that begged him to catch you and be rewarded handsomely if he were successful. He accepted their request because Heizou has been determined since a young age to nip crime in the bud. He lost his dearest friend to hit-and-run, and he’d be damned if he let criminals run amok and ruin people’s lives for their selfish gains, swearing to himself to not let anything like that happen to anyone else.
However, your case was a peculiar one. The more he studied the clues, the more curious he grew regarding you. You only stole from the wealthy and never harmed anyone, and even then you only stole some money and expensive pieces of décor that served no sentimental purpose to their owners. Regardless, it didn’t change the fact that you stole valuable goods and were a criminal that deserved to face justice for her crimes. Heizou was able to deduce who your next target would be, and as night fell, he laid in ambush for you to make your appearance.
You didn’t notice anything amiss when you infiltrated the merchant’s house, sneaking your way into the treasury as usual. However, as you were quietly pocketing several pieces of expensive cutlery into your satchel, a voice sounded from behind you. Startled, you whip around to see an attractive man emerge from the shadows. He looked young, with messy maroon hair pulled back into a low ponytail and piercing green eyes.
A silence hung in the air as the two of you looked at each other for several heartbeats, frozen in place like statues. While Heizou usually wouldn’t hesitate to utter a razor-sharp quip about catching a criminal in the act, this time he was caught off guard by how pretty you were. Even though the upper half of your face was obscured by a hood, there was something attractive about your visage. He could see the surprise in your eyes, your lips parted in silent shock as you stood still, terrified that you were caught.
Shaking off his momentary surprise, Heizou was about to say something witty with a charming smirk, prepared to handcuff you and take you to the station, however you reacted faster than him and were already slipping out the window before he could even utter a word. Luckily it was the first floor, so you jumped out and gripped your satchel tight as you sprinted through the courtyard towards the cover of the streets, abandoning the rest of your loot. Heizou rushed after you, not wanting to let you escape. He was hot on your heels, but you were able to lose him among the winding streets since you were far more familiar with the layout of the town than he was, and he soon lost sight of you completely.
That night, both Heizou and you realized that you met your match. Heizou had never met a criminal that could escape him so easily, though he was loathe to admit that the only reason you got away was because he was too captivated by your looks to react immediately. Meanwhile, you were terrified that someone finally managed to come close to capturing you. If you weren’t as quick as you were, you would have been caught that night.
With Heizou’s arrival in town, your easy victories came to a grinding halt. From then on, you and Heizou had more and more close calls. He grew more proficient in reading your patterns and line of thinking, while you grew more creative in your infiltration and escape attempts.
On one particularly close call, Heizou managed to corner you against a wall after calling for the guards, fully intent on handcuffing you and taking you to the police station, but you thought quickly and tried to engage him in a conversation while you attempted to buy some time in figuring out how to give him the slip.
“Did the snobby aristocrats bribe you with a hefty sum to try and catch me? Are you that desperate to lick their boots that you’d go through all this trouble just to capture me?” you taunted the detective to try and rile him up. Heizou flashed you a charming smirk, understanding what you were trying to do.
“I didn’t become a detective to earn big money. As a matter of fact, I’d catch criminals and put them behind bars regardless of whether I got paid or not. My goal is to prevent crime before it even happens. I want criminals like you to think twice before committing dastardly acts by knowing that I, detective Shikanoin Heizou, will undoubtedly catch every last one of you and bring you to justice,” Heizou replied in a confident yet laidback manner as he nimbly spun the cuffs around his finger, catching them with a metallic clink in preparation to use them on you.
You blinked, not expecting to hear such a noble reason, and your hostility towards him waned slightly.
“Why? Do you want to feel like a hero that badly?” confused, you couldn’t help but ask, momentarily forgetting about your goal of thinking of a way out of your current situation.
Heizou’s expression turned serious, a note of melancholy shined in his green eyes.
“No. It’s not about playing hero. It’s about preventing criminals like you from harming innocent people,” his voice carried a note of resoluteness, and you could tell he was speaking from past experience. “I don’t know what your reasons are for stealing from all these nobles, but your thievery ends today. I won’t let you cause harm to anyone else.”
Heizou’s accusation irked you and you couldn’t help but snap at him.
“I’m not harming anyone! If anything, these stuck-up nobles don’t even need all this wealth, and the poor people in the slums are able to use-“ you abruptly slap a hand over your mouth as dread settled in your belly. You couldn’t believe you let your annoyance get the better of you, causing you to blab some private information to the very detective that has been chasing your tail for weeks, giving him clues to finding you outside of your identity as the town’s thief.
Heizou realized your slip up too and paused. It clicked in his mind that the reason you were doing this was because you wanted to share the stolen goods with the starving people of the slums to help them survive in the unjust world. There was also a good chance you came from the slums yourself, or at the very least were exposed to the horrible life that living on the streets entailed.
Swallowing thickly, you stayed silent, internally panicking that you had messed up in a big way.
Heizou stayed where he was, a pensive expression on his handsome face as he mulled over your words. You were doing what you did out of your own sense of justice, he realized. You wanted to help the less fortunate, just as he wanted to help those affected by unjust acts of crime. Both reasons had their validity, even if one is rooted in crime. He couldn’t deny that you had never harmed anyone physically, and you only targeted those that could stand to lose a few valuables and still be financially sound. And even then, they were never things that would be considered sentimental like engagement rings or items that were clearly used often by their owner. You took things that could be easily replaced, such as a few satchels of gold coins, fancy knickknacks that served no other purpose than to be displayed for decoration, and fancy fabrics.
Heizou’s brain was in disarray as his mind battled with his heart over whether to see you as a plain criminal or someone with a just cause like him. At that moment, there were the sounds of footsteps rushing towards the room you were in. The guards and police were coming. Your breath hitched as you felt the impending doom of your capture. Making a last-ditch effort, you grabbed a nearby book and threw it at Heizou to distract him, before making a break for the window.
Heizou easily caught the book and turned his head to watch you crawl through the window. He still had plenty of time to stride over and catch you—you both knew it. Yet for some reason, he didn’t. Instead, he simply watched you slip out the window.
You glanced back at him with furrowed brows, confused why he hadn’t made any attempts to stop you yet. But Heizou was just as confused as you were, and by the time his mind spurred him on to do the right thing and reach a hand towards you, it was too late. You had successfully escaped with another small haul stored away in your satchel.
When the guards arrived, they found Heizou standing and staring out an open window. When questioned about what happened, the detective gave a sheepish smile and said you gave him the slip again, but that he was extremely close to catching you this time.
From then on, Heizou tried to corner you more often to get more of these conversations with you. He amped up his charm and wit, even cracking a few jokes that made you laugh despite your better judgement and made you open up to him. During the day, he would venture out into the slums and question the people there about the mysterious lady thief. Most refused to disclose any information, but a few kids let slip that a girl by the name of y/n would help their families by giving them expensive looking trinkets, before being hastily pulled away by their mothers. That’s how Heizou learned your real name—a beautiful name for a beautiful thief that stole his heart.
It was a strange relationship for the both of you. You were both each other’s greatest enemy, yet neither could honestly say they thought badly of the other. There was an undeniable respect between you, and also a hint of something romantic. You weren’t oblivious to how Heizou would word his sentences in slightly flirtatious and sometimes even suggestive ways, while Heizou wasn’t blind to your coy smiles, flushed cheeks, and fluttering lashes.
You were both aware there were romantic feelings involved and that they were reciprocated by the other. However, Heizou was starting to get pressure from the police and the town’s nobles for taking too long to capture you despite being regarded as a genius detective, meanwhile you were still reluctant to give up your thieving ways since other professions available to you wouldn’t earn you the money you desperately needed. Caught at a crossroads, each of you had to decide whether to give up your goals for the sake of your love, or to pursue them and lose this budding connection you had.
What choice will you make?
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favcharacterpoll · 8 months
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Goodtimeswithscar from Third Life faces Soundwave from Transformers. Who do you like more?
Scar Propaganda:
"Swindling everyone is always great"
"The best time ever. Scitties. Jellie the cat. Mr Rizz himself. Ect."
“scar is the server con man. he’s absolutely delightful. he’s got max charisma so he WILL sell you anything and everything. it will be useless but you will buy it anyway, sometime later this week he will also murder you. he tries to run a monopoly on sand whilst living in a giant desert. he sells “reputation points” to people under the promise that he won’t murder them if their scores are high enough (he’s lying), he will burn your precious tree down. he will turn and look to you with the sweetest voice and the most precious smile and declare that he’s going to murder everyone. and he will, you will too. and then he will let you beat him to death at the end of this brutal game. you won but at what cost? then you will jump to your death, because you cannot handle being the lone survivor.”
"VOTE SCAR OR ILL KILL YOU NOW in a chill and fun way tho"
"you are not immune to the good times"
"you are not immune to the good times"
Soundwave Propaganda:
"In like every show ever once he's not there/kidnapped/dead the entire Decepticon fucking faction goes to shambles. Ex: in transformers: Prime, (SPOILER!)
once he was "banished to the shadow realm" Megatron literally died and they lost the war 💀💀"
"Soundwave never loses in a poll"
"SOUNDWAVE MY BELOVED his back is so so sore from single-handedly holding up the Decepticon cause every vote for him is 1 more ibuprofen tablet given to him"
"Soundwave is the funniest fucking character in transformers because he's literally the straight man in every situation he's in with the decepticons, because all of them are absolutely incompetent at their job due to them being too focused on infighting. When Megatron died in FOC Soundwave was the one who literally put him back together and by extension, fucked everything over for everyone else because in this specific continuity Megatron just happened to be addicted to space meth.
However it can be so easy to see Soundwave as emotionless because of his straight-man role and his monotone speaking patterns, but Soundwave has plenty of emotions that he displays throughout the years, most notably being when he's dealing with the cassettes (aka his children), and can range from being soft-spoken with them, to full-out enabling their violent tendencies and letting them go ham at beating the shit out of teammates (shout out to that one g1 clip where Soundwave tries to hold back his kids for like a single second before saying "fuck it" and letting them go for the eyes).
Even outside of the cassettes though, he's very expressive in his own way. In fact, he's the KING of pettiness and sass when he wants to be. He literally plays his own supervillain music when walking the halls, he's not above insulting the other deceptions when their arguments are bullshit to him, even when faced with the destruction of the world he was like "nah" until he saw his boyfriend getting injured and went "REAL SHIT" (there's literally memes about this it's so funny). Speaking of friends, he actually has a lot of interesting dynamics with the people around him, especially when it comes to the decepticon high command. He's described as Megatron's most trusted advisor, he's somewhat amicable with Starscream (who's his own brand of frustration), and he and Shockwave even seem to get along pretty well (to the point they have a biologically fucked up tube son together?? It's been years since I've watched Siege but I swear that was what lead to Soundblaster), and did I mention he's gay? I'm pretty sure he and Cosmos are in a relationship together in the IDW comics or at least have a mutual attraction, it's cute.
Also speaking of IDW Soundwave: he likes elephants. They're his favourite animal and he loves them to the point where after he died in the comics, his kids specifically started targeting elephant poachers because they knew Soundwave would want that.
Have I mentioned he has a cat dad in the IDW comics. Like his dad is a literal robot cat that found him when he was having a sensory overload in the middle of the streets. Have these panels from when his dad died and he wasn't even there to see it! He just knew 💖
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And have I mentioned he's met Fluttershy? Because he canonically met Fluttershy and let his cassettes play with her (while DELAYING HIS MISSION. THAT'S HUGE IN SOUNDWAVE LANGUAGE.)
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There's also him being the reigning champion of best robot husband, but that's a whole other situation which is also really funny."
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dollittie · 1 year
I am new to jirai kei, but I just wanted to know some tips and other things I should be educated on in the subculture 🩷 I just don't want to come off as ignorant because Im new 🫶 so do you have any tips or things I should know? ⁠♡
hii!! sorry for taking too long to answer, i wanted to do this post as informative as possible!!
massive tw: harmful behavior, s*x work, mentions of self-h*rm.
i will talk about the differences, the stereotypes and the reason behind them, having the "jirai kei" as a main subject. if you want to know more about the girlykei style you can ask me anything!! like brand recommendations, tips on buying from japan, makeup, girlykei must haves, etc.
please keep in mind that:
• jirai kei (lifestyle) and dark girly kei (style that jirai girls use) are two separated things and you can be jirai without using the style and you can use girlykei without identifying as jirai.
• the western vision of jirai is totally wrong. jirai kei in Japan isn't a style at all; jirai kei is a lifestyle that is seen as "unhealthy".
jirai kei came from “地雷系”. translates to “landmine-type”, not the literal meaning as “landmine”, is a japanese slang for "trigger" "red flag" “地雷を踏んだ”, meaning “i stepped on a landmine”. in reference to a person, a “landmine” is someone that’s so easily triggered over minor things that they keep exploding on others with abusive behavior, so you need to be as careful as if you were walking around a minefield.
this meaning has been around for about a decade, primarily used in dating advice articles about how to recognise “red flags” in a partner.
"but it isn't a style?"
in those dating stereotypes, even the most arbitrary traits were considered red flags and wearing dark alternative fashion is already enough to have someone considered a potential landmine, the style in question is called dark girly kei. (style used by many jirai kei girls)
around 2020, jirai kei didn’t have any associations with any particular fashions or interests, but when a popular japanese makeup vlogger started a “psycho girlfriend” dress-up challenge and called the final look a landmine-type cosplay. she contributed to the stereotype that the landmine-types were often fans of dark girly fashion, every influencer was getting in on the trend, and cosplaying as a landmine-type psycho girlfriend, generally also tagging with “yandere”, then a lot of influencers did the challenge and lots of girlykei brands started to use the "jirai kei" terminology to sell more.
"why would someone call themselves jirai knowing that it means "psycho woman" in other words?? wouldn't it be romanticizing?"
there's a lot of people who call themselves jirai kei knowing about the difference of jirai & girlykei because of their mental conditions, i myself use jirai kei to not feel bad about my mental state and to connect to other people who struggle the same as me, in my opinion even if they stopped calling themselves jirai they wouldn't stop their unhealthy behavior, they're not mentally ill because of jirai, they're jirai because of their mental illness. the spaces for real mentally fucked people in the internet are few, these people that are called "psycho bitches" exist and they shouldn't feel bad about being like this, they are the people who most struggle with all of it and it's their business if they want to call themselves it. telling people to not use the jirai kei term will not stop them to engage on harmful behavior, at the end those people are still mentally ill and have more problems than the terminology they use. might be thinking the "jirai antis" are some sort of saviors or something like that, if you really want to help those people don't blame it in the community and style they've found themselves.
all jirais don't have the same behavior even if all of them have a fucked mental state, some of them might be posting self-harm for validation, some are obsessed with their s/o, some doing sex work for attention, some of us has violent thoughts and bpd, some of us are just neurodivergent, or have depression, etc, is a form of venting/expression, and venting ≠ encouraging someone.
some info:
• the term hadn't changed its meaning, japan doesn't reclaim words.
• the association of girly kei with harmful behavior is maybe related to "toyoko kaiwai" (トー横キッズ) who's around Kabukicho, many of the members have been wearing various dark j-fashion styles before the "psycho girlfriend dress-up challenge" became a trend. they're credited as the reason for why those styles are associated with the landmine stereotype to begin with. they're been connected to under*ge pr*stitution, dr*g ab*se, public self-h*rm, murd*r and theft.
they are around age 9-24, (firstly known as toyoko kids, but like, there's a lot of adults in this) they're often privileged children who were convinced to get away from home by bad influences. and many members have died or been hospitalized as a result. for more info search the Japanese spelling on any japanese news site, or their signature hashtag on social media (#/toho横界隈).
the association of jirai with this gang is their former leader “Howl”, who died by suicide while waiting in custody for a trial, convinced minors to run away from home in order to “work” for him and dress in a way he finds attractive (dark girlykei).
all these minors he "convinced" are victims, you can use the style without agreeing with this behavior and be jirai without agreeing with this, they're all manipulated children and it isn't their fault.
sorry for it being too long, and if you want sources lmk!! thanks for asking <3
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dr3amofagame · 7 months
my personal interpretation of c!wilbur is someone who read a lot of left over (functionally) historical propaganda over the revolutionary war and became radicalized, not fully grasping how his position in the world changes what his own desire for revolution really means. hes like a white knight lib to me (simplification but i hope it gets across)
ehhh i see where you're coming from but i don't really agree
to be clear i'm not super c!wilbur brained he's a fascinating character but i haven't watched enough c!wilbur content recently (especially early c!wilbur content) to really consider myself particularly uh able to give like, a nuanced read of the guy. but c!wilbur is honestly a lot more self-aware than a lot of people give him credit for. he crafts these narratives not because he inherently 100% believes them, you know?
there's a lot about mmm the lmanburg revolution and all that's quite openly ig like, underhanded even in the way that he plays it early on. the whole "words, not weapons" moment where he reveals that that's actually a ploy to stab people who believe them in the back comes to mind. the content creator himself has always asserted that a significant part of the creation of lmanburg is meant to assert and keep power, and this is something we see reflected again in the elections, which--uh, pretty obvious power thing, imo.
this isn't to say that like, being a good person and all isn't important to c!wilbur. it is. it's very important to him, and part of what shatters him so much in pogtopia is looking at what he's done and realizing that it doesn't really make him the best guy. but i don't think c!wilbur buys what he's selling like, at all in early lmanburg era. mans knows that he can speak things into reality and he uses that. a lot. part of why c!quackity unsettles him so much even as early back as the elections is because c!quackity was someone he couldn't get a clear read of and someone that therefore left him on the back foot. but in terms of the revolution, delivering them from oppression, etc etc--the fact that he owns this whole "we aren't like the brutish, tyrannical americans and their barbarity" while himself being american as established in boundless sands reeeeeally hammers in the whole irony of his lmanburg sales pitch.
as far as i can tell, i usually operate on the assumptions that like. 1) c!wilbur wants to make an impact, be remembered, legacy is a whole thing yadayada my unfinished symphony yadayada ozymandius yadayada literally all of the hamilton references. self explanatory. 2) c!wilbur is a character that often navigates the world + relationships to power in terms of "either you're the one with power or you're the one having power used against you"--a lot of his interactions reflect a need to have control over a situation, his interactions with people that he perceives as having power or threatening his power/control tend to involve challenging them and their authority, stick it to the man, the whole thing of putting a block under himself while talking to people. this could've been put better but yeagh. 3) c!wilbur wants to be respected + wants to be, like, a good leader? and he can get wrapped up in a lot of that while you know not having the most accurate perception of his Actual strengths 4) c!wilbur is self-aware and intelligent and charismatic, and he's quite confident of all of these qualities. he's a hell of a manipulator and uses manipulation quite often to get the upper hand in social situations 5) a lot of the power/control issues have roots in very real fear--he's a guy that's quite ill and obviously as we get into elections and pogtopia especially (schlatt scares the bejeezus out of him) we see a lot of that. realizing that his actions makes him a bad person affects him greatly and he ends up struggling with this idea for Quite a long time--he tries to get control over this by trying to Own the whole "i'm evil" thing <- also not put the best but ehhhhh ehh. again, not a c!wilburian and 6) c!wilbur, in the role of the "lmanburg narrative", takes the role as its writer. he's the one that comes up with the story in order to validate his creation and make it into a Thing, and this succeeds--but the mythos also quickly snowballs beyond him. he creates the story as it exists but it becomes something More, yknow? i don't think he ever truly believed in it i don't think that c!wilbur actually buys any of his stuff about revolutions and oppression and all of that, i dont really think lmanburg was any more legitimate of a cause when he began it as the drug van breaking bad rp that he made the day before. but it's a story that took hold and grew to have very real, tangible power that affected the whole server and affected him as well. which obviously goes into the whole exiting the narrative thing.
anyway that's all a bit of a rant and i'm not exactly the person to ask for c!wilbur thoughts but yeahhhh 🤷. i tend to no-nuance him a little bit bc he's a complicated character and im a hater 😂
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ladyyatexel · 2 years
Have you been thinking that there's a real lack of hopeless strangers on your dash asking for help lately? ☆Congratulations, I have arrived!☆
I feel obligated to a certain level of jesterdom while doing this, like perhaps I can earn my keep by entertaining people. It's bleak and humiliating, but we're gonna Have Fun With It! :D This is perhaps more a note to make to self and to a therapist rather than note here, but it segues well into the important point of:
~.•°¤.°•○~☆ I Can't Afford Shit ☆•*.°○.•°*×
let alone a therapist
I'm currently stuck in a weird position, both physically and situationally, because I have some sciatica scoliosis spinal bone spur nonsense that decided that now was its time to shine. I'm in pain all the time at every angle and position, so I'm not doing Great?
I'm in the middle of the process of filing for disability and if you've ever applied for a job and been frustrated that you gave them all of your information and then the application asked you to give them the same information all over again, applying for disability is like doing that, but times 40, and with information you don't have memorized the way you have your phone number and home address. They also insist on doing it through the mail. My next step is to be evaluated by some kind of impartial physician. My appointments are in mid to late July. I am unsure what they want me to do with myself until that time.
The work I'm trying to do is not enough. I'm making buttons like crazy but in the end they are just buttons and they sell for 2 to $4 and so you really need to be someone who is absolutely psyched about buttons and buys 40 of them or I need to tap into a market that is Larger in order for this to be reliably sustaining. I do not know what that market is. I was the weird kid in school - what is popular, I don't know, I was never meant to know, it is a mystery.
Do not get me wrong, I am currently holding my face above water because of some really enthusiastic fans of buttons.
But I can't sell a month's rent worth of buttons. I don't even think I have the supplies to make that many.
My rent is USD$670, which is hiked up an extra $70 from where it was last year because my landlord wanted to bleed me dry while the world is on fire. Despite how poorly insulated and badly maintained this house is as a structure, I do enjoy having even a badly insulated roof and a place to put all my shit.
If you've got a need for $700 worth of buttons for some reason, hit me up.
If you don't, then hey, I'm another artist in crippling pain on your dash hoping people in better situations than I can help out. I would love to cover my rent to remove that anxiety for myself for another month, but Every Bill keeps happening, so more beyond that it going to my electric which hasn't been paid since February, and my internet which will keep me afloat in nearly every way possible. I'm also almost at the bottom of the bag of Science Diet food that keeps my beloved cat, Onyx, healthy. I do not know how best to keep a ticker tape of a goal, because there isn't one? I need to survive until at least July. It's June 17th as I write this. Two months rent and some cat food? Don't know, I'm five minutes from a phone call which will determine if they will still allow me food stamps.
Ways in which I can dance for your amusement so that you may throw coins in my direction:
Art Commissions! I can paint like a motherfucker! I have an extremely ill-advised expensive piece of paper saying I can do it!
Check it out, man. There are COLORS and everything.
Tumblr media
I have a Patreon where you can see Secrets!
And a Ko-fi! I sell buttons on Ko-fi, in case you were wondering when that plot point would come back. It's not very satisfying narratively, I am sorry. Thinking about offering prints there, as well!
I have other options in my sidebar - RedBubble, Society6, etc!
There is also paypal.me/ladyyatexel if you just want to give money to my literally actually broken ass without getting a cool item in return.
And yes, if you're thinking this all looks and feels kinda familiar, I had to dance and beg on the internet in Dec 2021, and I made that go as far as I possibly could. It's six months later and everything I'm trying to do to better my situations is just taking Forever. I'm trying to come up with a way to stay afloat while rescuing myself takes its time.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far, friend. Even just knowing someone listened to you yelling for a minute is helpful.
No need to feel obligated, especially if you don't feel I deserve a second round of help, I understand. But if you wanna spread this around and let me 'Will Art For Food' on someone else's dash, that would be sick.
Take care of yourselves, friends, it is brutal out there.
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