#but i would not be opposed and i do think if bunny trick often and have doodled him a couple kf times
Who do your friends think are hotter latinx dudes? (If it’s Pedro pascal or oscar Isaac - they’ve got worst taste tbh)
Like 97%+ of the Latin / Latino / Latine community, I'm not a huge fan of Latinx and consider this terminology to be an example of linguistic imperialism, but i am DELIGHTED to answer this question with a subset of dudes.
To clarify, though, as much as a meme and pout about it, I do get why my taste is different than theirs. I'm not ever too impressed by just looks--there's a lot of handsome dudes out there, who cares? like honestly, so what?--but I'm very attracted to movement and stance and motion. IRL, my party trick is that I can pick martial artists or dancers out of a crowd by how they stand or move, and I do this based purely on "is the way this dude stands sexy to me or not?" as opposed to any kind of objective criteria.
Accordingly, I married a life long martial artist who went goth clubbing with me enough times to ensure I'm obsessed with him for life. He's also the most amazing poet I've ever met and an actual certified genius, because fundamentally life is unfair. But the point is: movement, movement, movement. It's so important. I have a type, but not necessarily how people usually mean it.
And in the realm of pet actor men, David Castañeda moves way, way better than average, even if you judge him against other dudes trying to be action stars. So my friends are never going to convince me, and I'm never gonna convince them, and that's fine.
So anyway
Miguel Gomez is popular. I think it's the cheekbones. I know him as Gus from the Strain and everybody else has seen him on some other show that sounds like something I'd rather die than watch.
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Both the dudes from Mayans MC are popular, and I actually do not disagree with either JD Pardo or Clayton Cardenas as a pick. I resisted watching the show for literally years, but eventually I caved and yeaaaaahhhhh. yeaaaah tho.
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Every so often I'm insane about JD for like, a week or so. Fantastic tough guy yet nice boy energy on Mayans. I've said some thirsty ass shit on this account about him for SURE. Unfortunately, every time he posts a Muay Thai workout he's just so sloppy it kills my boner for like. months at a time. I flashback to my own summer in Phuket and can just see how disappointed my trainer would be if this dude was in his gym.
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Clayton Cardenas I used to disagree about but he's a Miami boy, so. And like, with the biker styling? Look at him. If he had a dance or martial arts background I'd be a goner.
he also looks like the Hollywood (therefore prettier) version of every single metal Latino dude I've ever met. the 305 and 561 area code versions of this man have hollered at me more times than I can count. like, it's a charming sort of nostalgia. it's That Guy! that type of guy! i know That Guy! I made out with that guy under the bleachers in high school! etc etc. what a darling. the last version of That Guy who tried for me is now happily married and lives in LA and works in a pet crematorium. Very happy for him.
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where was i
oh yeah, I have one friend who is obsessed with bad bunny and I guess maybe there's a dance background there maybe but I just do NOT vibe with it at ALL. the id is mysterious. he might just be too young for me? david is on thin ice, age wise, for me. any younger and I'd be repelled.
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which is an interesting point, actually. I don't know how old you are, anon, but age might be another factor here. I'm in my mid 30s and CMOOOON
Oscar Isaac doesn't do it for you at least a little????
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4 notes · View notes
huihuiheart · 3 years
Special Present - Hwang Hyunjin & Park Seonghwa
Stray Kids Masterlist
Ateez Masterlist
Note: This is a gift for my girlfriend for our anniversary. So all the bi/pan Staytiny can thank her for that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go lose my shit over the filth I just wrote...
Pairing: Dom! Seonghwa x Switch(Sub lean)! Female Reader x Sub! Girlfriend, Switch(Dom lean)! Hyunjin x  Switch(Sub lean)! Female Reader x Sub! Girlfriend
Genre: Smut, literally pure filth, with hints of fluff
Summary: Your girlfriend may be an open book, but put her in the right company and maybe she does still have a few tricks up her sleeve. Tricks that involved some of your very attractive friends. - Girlfriend’s going to be called bunny in this piece. 😉
Warnings: Foursome, Dom/Sub themes, Soft and hard dom themes, this is gonna just be pure filth, oral (giving + receiving...there’s a lot of oral going around in this), fingering, sir kink, hair pulling, spanking, hand job, mommy kink, spit, slapping, some overstimulation, face sitting, unprotected sex, choking (slight), edging, biting, praise, degradation.
Word Count: 5,415
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Your girlfriend liked to think that she was sly, you had to disagree. Her face, if not her voice, gave everything away and led you to figure things out before she could surprise you. Not to mention the fact that she was just bad at keeping secrets. So with your anniversary approaching, you figured this would be the same type of situation. She would try to surprise you and even if you didn’t actively try to figure it out, details would be given away or figured out at some point even if it didn’t reveal everything.
You knew she'd likely want to talk to your friends to get ideas of what to do. The question was just who among your friends she'd go to. Though you had a pretty good idea of who she might pick. She'd at least go to Hyunjin, having a soft spot for him that you often teased her about. After all, she had the perfect excuse to go talk to him now too, flustered or not. 
As the days passed though you put together that if she had gone to Hyunjin he wasn’t the only one she had gone to considering things were too quiet still, for it to be just the two of them plotting something. It intrigued you though how determined she seemed to be to actually keep this a surprise...even if you had no idea where to start when considering what it might be.
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Bunny’s fingers tapped anxiously on the table at the cafe she agreed to meet the boys at, sipping her latte as if it would help calm her despite the obscene amount of caffeine in it. Her cheeks adorn a bright blush when Seonghwa enters, smirking at her flustered state as he moves to join her. Her state is not getting any better when Hyunjin joins a few moments later, brows furrowing as he sits beside Seonghwa across from the jittery girl. 
“Bunny? Is something wrong? You seem worked up about something.” Hyunjin reaches out to place his hand over hers as it fidgets on the table still. She was shy and quick to fluster, this seemed excessive even for her. Only adding to the growing curiosity of the men across from her over why she’d want to speak to them without you here or knowing.
“Everything’s fine, there’s just something that I wanted to ask you guys for help with...it’s a bit unconventional though, so I’m not entirely sure how to ask.” Bunny’s voice almost fades into the air as she speaks, her words so soft as if afraid to commit to the reason she came here today. The pair across from her patiently waiting and reassuring her that they were in no rush for an explanation. They may not have met Bunny until after you’d started dating her, yet they knew they could trust her not to be concerned about whatever it was, knowing she’d never want you to be hurt. 
“You guys know that our anniversary is coming up right?” Bunny finally speaks up, eyes flitting nervously between the faces of the two before dropping to her drink again, or the last remaining drops at the bottom of the cup anyway, “I thought of something special to do for her, but it involved the both of you and is well...explicit...so I understand if you would have no interest in being a part of it.” 
Seonghwa hums, licking his lips as his smirk returns picking up on the little clues and already piecing things together, “Are you asking us to join you two in the bedroom on your anniversary?” 
Bunny’s flushed cheeks were a dead giveaway, the little squeaky yes not even necessary. Though the verbal confirmation is what had Hyunjin adorning a matching blush in a matter of seconds.
“Well if that’s the case then you’re going to have to spare some details to help us prepare. After all, it is a special night for you both.” Seonghwa reaches out to tilt Bunny’s chin up and finally meets his eyes for more than a moment, “Besides we’ve heard from kitten all about how shameless her sweet little bunny really is.”
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To anyone who didn’t know you and your girlfriend the whole day of your anniversary might have seemed like a competition over who could spoil the other more. You both had it in your nature to be like that with those whom you care about. The two of you however were used to it at this point, and despite the playful scolding that happened you were both enjoying yourselves. Though there would be some redecorating and arranging happening after the day with the gifts that needed homes and the creative ideas some of them were spurred on. 
Three full meals and endless treats that seemed to be appearing out of thin air later and you two decided to go on a walk through the park since it was nice out and watching the sunset was always nice. Though it is a sudden idea that Bunny had today of all days did intrigue you. Assuming something was meant to happen on your walk, yet nothing did. Just some gentle conversation between you two along the way, though something seemed odd again when she led you home through the back entrance as if hiding something. Stepping into your apartment it appeared as you had left it, so perhaps it was just what she had felt like doing today to mix things up without doing anything else excessive at the end of your day.
When you go to the kitchen to get some water, Bunny follows behind. Her arms slipping around your waist as she leans against you, placing a soft kiss on your temple, “I have one more surprise for you...I’ll be waiting.”
She slips away from you as you bring the bottle to your lips, sipping the water as you watch her walk to your bedroom and shut the door behind herself again. Something that made you raise a brow, wondering what she could have hidden from you in there. You did have a pretty good idea it was something less than innocent, however. Not entirely surprising considering what today was, it simply intrigued you that she seemed to be the one that was initiating something new which wasn’t a common occurrence for her. Still, it was in your nature to tease a little bit, so while you didn’t keep her waiting for long you still dragged out what you were doing on the way to the bedroom wanting to see just what would happen.
You weren’t surprised to find your girlfriend sitting on the bed when you entered the room. Her fairy lights and other little fixtures all lit the room right now, it enough to see everything, just in a low glow now. Not that you noticed what she planned to surprise you with yet until the clearing of a throat sounded making you jump. Looking towards the sound your eyes lock with Seonghwa’s, him smirking at you, while you between him and your girlfriend for a moment.
“So this is your little surprise hm? You invited Seonghwa to join us?” Your own expression mirrors Seonghwa’s, as you look at your flustered girlfriend, only she’s not the one to speak next.
“Not just Seonghwa.” Hyunjin speaks from behind you, where he closes the door, “Of course, she extended the invitation to us. We’re waiting for your say as well though.”
“Just know that if you agree there’s no going back.” Seonghwa licks his lips taking in your form with hooded eyes, lust already hazing them over. The two men have been anticipating this moment for a while now, but still waiting for your go-ahead before doing anything. 
You look between the other three, who all seemed rather eager as they waited for your answer, it was enough to let you know everyone was on the same page about wanting this, “Well I’m certainly not opposed, especially after Bunny put in the effort to plan this.”
Seonghwa hums, rising from the spot he’d sat in across the room for the sake of the view of the door. Wanting to see you when you came in and gauge your reaction, “And yet you made her wait like a little tease didn’t you kitten? You should be grateful that she did this, but you were trying to test her patience weren’t you?”
You blink at Seonghwa with an innocent smile, “I don’t know what you mean, why would I do that to Bunny?”
He looks at you with a raised brow, “Oh is that so? What do you think Bunny? Did she do it on purpose? Did she just lie to me?” 
Bunny’s eyes widen as the two of you look at her as if both willing her to disagree with you and side with the other. A battle of dominance already stirring in the group. She’s so distracted by her thoughts she misses the fact that Hyunjin comes up behind her silently, his hand slipping around to grip her jaw firmly and turn her to face Seonghwa directly. Leaning in to feel his breath against her ear.
“He asked you a question Bunny, you better answer him.” Hyunjin whispers, clicking his tongue disapprovingly when she tries to nod in answer to Seonghwa, “Vocalize.” 
You all hear the whimper Bunny lets out at his command before she swallows the lump in her throat to finally squeak out an answer to Seonghwa’s questions, “Yes sir...she did it on purpose...she likes to tease.”
Hyunjin licks the shell of her ear as praise while Seonghwa chuckles, looking at you triumphant, despite knowing you made a mental note to get Bunny back for this later.
“You know you’re lucky that tonight is special otherwise you’d be in a lot more trouble, but I think you’ve tested Bunny’s patience enough for one night...so you’re going to get a reward with a punishment. Well, unless you decide to pull anymore sly little stunts.” Seonghwa steps closer to you, hands gripping your hips and turning your back to him so you’re facing Hyunjin and Bunny on the bed. Hyunjin leaning back slightly and making Bunny lean against his chest, nudging her legs open while toying with the hem of her little sundress, slowly dragging it up to expose more skin before letting it fall down again repaying you for dragging out your trip to the bedroom.
“Don’t you think that she deserves a thank you for arranging all this for you? Or are you trying to really put her patience to the test? Do you think she’ll do something if you do? She won’t, Bunny’s a good girl after all.” Hyunjin praises your girlfriend for her rare display of patience. Seonghwa urges you closer with his grip on your hips, while you bite your lip glaring at Hyunjin trying to get him to back off, but he only smirks at you instead, pulling Bunny’s dress up again exposing her panties now.
“You never answered kitten...do you think bunny deserves a thank you?” Seonghwa leans over your shoulder so he can look you in the eyes when he asks, raising a brow as if daring you to do something.
“I don’t know, it seems to me like she did it for the both of us. Not just her, so why should she get a treat without earning it?” You shrug looking Seonghwa in the eyes smugly, not backing down from his apparent challenge.
Seonghwa rolls his eyes slightly looking at Bunny now, “What do you think? Have you earned something yet Bunny?”
Bunny licks her lips as if debating her options, Hyunjin’s fingertips on her thighs and lips brushing against her neck serving to make that task more difficult, despite the view it gave you, “Only if you think so sir, she’s right...this is for me too, but I didn’t mean it to be selfish. I wanted to do something nice for her.” 
You tsk softly, knowing she was sweet-talking with her answer and that the boys knew too. Even still it wasn’t enough to get her into the small amount of trouble that you were, only because you had managed to test their own patience some as well.
“We know, that’s why you are going to get a treat. Only if you can stay a good girl for all of us though.” Seonghwa moves you onto the bed.
Hyunjin toying with your girlfriend’s panties before pushing them down. Making her blush at the fact that all three of you now had that view of her, even if she was still half-dressed. Hyunjin nudged her thighs open again as Seonghwa moved to settle between them. Seonghwa’s hand weaving into your hair and gripping to move you closer to her pussy.
“Well, kitten? Get on with it. Or are you not interested in earning your reward?” Seonghwa practically presses your mouth against her cunt for you, still, you decided to tease. Tongue slipping out to slowly drag through her folds before licking around her clit without giving direct pressure, smirk showing in your eyes as they look up into hers. Loving how she whimpers at your teasing already and you can tell she’s trying not to squirm too much, but behave instead.
“Are you trying to drag things out again?” Hyunjin’s voice shows he’s ready to be firm with you, but your eyes flick to his with the same smirk already knowing how to answer him perfectly.
“Only enough to hear her beg, then I’ll give in. She’s pretty when she begs though and I know you both would love to hear it, so why wouldn’t I make her.” Your plan seems to work as the two don’t say or do anything to stop you from continuing your teasing.
“Go on then, make her beg kitten.” Seonghwa hums, before his hand smacks your ass, clothing providing some protection for now, “Just know that you don’t get to cum until she does.”
As appealing as that sounds you’re not sure how it’s supposed to be a challenge as you continue to leave barely-there licks to your girlfriend’s dripping folds, well not until Seonghwa starts to work on undressing you in the same way Hyunjin had done Bunny. Worried more about seeing what was between your legs than stripping you entirely for the time being. Another smack meeting your now bare ass before two of his fingers press over the growing wetness soaking your panties.
“And you can’t even lie about wanting to cum.” Seonghwa teases his fingers spurring you on, knowing that he’ll only tease as long as you do, and while your girlfriend was by no means quiet she wasn’t begging yet.
Bunny’s hands move hoping to grip your hair and press you closer to get more, but Hyunjin stops her, pinning her arms in his own, “That’s not your job Bun, just be a good girl and take it or ask for what you want.”
She whines, squirming slightly in effect grinding against Hyunjin’s bulge and making him let out a little grunt. That being the only reason you don’t stop her hips from moving, the fact that she was dooming herself to fail if she continued to subtly pleasure Hyunjin like this. Seonghwa takes some pity on her though, or using it as an excuse to manhandle you a little more...you weren’t quite sure, and gripping your hair himself pressing your mouth against her a little more.
“Please...I’ve been good, just please don’t tease me anymore.” She finally cracks, starting to beg. It’s not enough for you yet, however, as you shake your head and while it gives her more pleasure for a moment it stops too soon, “Fuck mommy, please I’ll be good for you I swear...just please make me cum.”
Your eyes meet Hyunjin’s for a moment before you pull away from your girlfriend enough to look back at Seonghwa who nods, pleased with the fact that you seem to know that while you’re more dominant than your girlfriend you still aren’t in charge right now. His hand presses your face back towards your girlfriend’s obvious need, before moving back to your ass again. His other hand works to pull your panties down, before he disappears between your legs. Two fingers pressing into you too slowly not to be a tease as his tongue slips out to lap at your throbbing clit. It is quite the view for Bunny and Hyunjin to see, though yours isn’t bad either. Even when Hyunjin moves to stop her hips, she is not satisfied with the fact that his sounds stop. Her hand reaches to rub over his bulge before fumbling to undo his pants, something that’s difficult for her with the way your actions have her attention, especially when Seonghwa curls his fingers against your spot making you moan against her clit. Bunny barely manages to undo the button before Hyunjin helps her out, freeing his cock to let her finally wrap her hand around. That doesn’t last long however before Hyunjin grips her small wrist and moves her hand away, guiding it to her mouth only moving it back to please him once it’s thoroughly slicked with spit. Spit that she practically drooled out between fucked out moans and whimpers of pleasure. 
Seonghwa chuckling softly against your clit, “Are you getting off on the sight of them, kitten? I’ll bet that’s what has your pussy throbbing like this hm? Is the sight of them turning you into a little slut? Or were you already one?”
Seonghwa’s words don’t do you any favors, especially with the way he speaks against your clit, sending vibrations through it and only bringing you even more pleasure. Internally debating over whether it would be worth disobeying and cumming before you made Bunny did or if you should listen and hope for a reward. Seonghwa seems to pick up on that though, his hand swatting at your ass again to remind you that he had no problems punishing, not that you were sure you’d mind. A small part of you did agree though that Bunny deserved a bit of a reward for orchestrating this for you...and you just might have wanted to give that to her yourself. So you found yourself listening for now and focusing on making her cum first like you were supposed to. Not that it took long for that to happen, Seonghwa humming in satisfaction against your clit, before suckling the bud while his fingers pressed deeper inside of you, wanting to bring you your reward for listening so well. Knowing that you’d been on edge and holding back from cumming for a little bit did nothing to quell his eagerness, his actions showed that he was putting everything into making you orgasm with no reservations on his part. The sight of your fucked out girlfriend still stoking Hyunjin’s cock only makes it that much easier for him to throw you over the edge. 
Seonghwa gives you a few moments to recover from your high before moving you to sit up on your knees again, hands moving to finish undressing you while Hyunjin somewhat reluctantly moves Bunny’s hand away to do the same to her. After you reach out to Bunny impeding Seonghwa’s actions for a moment and almost making him think you were bratty until he sees what’s going on. You stop her from trying to take Hyunjin’s shirt off and putting her hands down on her thighs.
“Did he give you permission, Bunny?” You question raising a brow, “You know better than to do something without being given permission, what do you need to do?”
She looks between you and Hyunjin with big pleading eyes trying to get away with not having to say anything as you lean into Seonghwa’s touch again, letting him remove your bra now and leave you entirely undressed. Seonghwa chuckling softly into your ear, while his hands knead your breasts watching to see what happens.
“Have you been soft on her?” He teases in a whisper into your ear.
You shrug, “Maybe a little bit, teasing just seems to be a more effective punishment for her though. She looks innocent, but she likes to try and be a brat to get punishment sometimes.”
“I’m sure she’s not the only one.” Seonghwa nips at your ear, smirking as he calls you out. 
Hyunjin watches Bunny as she still doesn’t speak, leaning back to slowly unbutton the top to buttons of his shirt, toying with the material before his hand drifts down over the material to his cock and stroking it softly.
“You won’t get anything without words Bunny.” Hyunjin tsks as he watches her squirm and whimper softly. Not giving into her that easily.
“Please I want to touch...to help...”Bunny speaks quietly, flushing brightly even if she could barely be heard. Hyunjin nods and moves his hand away to let her do it though, having no doubt any of you would be able to get her to be as loud as you wanted later, so why not let her save her voice for now.
“Alright Bunny that’s enough.” Seonghwa’s voice commands firmly from behind you, sending shivers down your spine. Bunny practically jumping as if touching Hyunjin burned, having just barely touched him now that she’d gotten his clothes off. Seonghwa patting your butt before motioning Bunny over, “Why don’t you go give Hyunjin some attention kitten?”
You and Bunny switch places, her going to undress Seonghwa now while you go to Hyunjin. Your hands running slowly down his chest, gaze flicking down before meeting his eyes again with a small smirk.
“What got you so worked up Hyunjin?” You tease fingers dancing over his thighs after your hands move down past his hips and not to where he wants them. Making him raise a brow at your antics.
“The sight of you and bunny falling apart like good little girls for us, that and the fact that she’s not bad with her hands.” Hyunjin licks his lips, not giving you the satisfying reaction that you were hoping for. Instead, he is confident in his position of power in the room, even if it wasn’t the top. 
“Oh Hyunjin, she had barely gotten started...don’t worry though. I’ll pick up where she left off for you.” You lean in to place a kiss to his neck, planning to move down to his dick until you hear quiet choking sounds from behind you. Looking back to find Seonghwa’s cock already down Bunny’s throat while his hand fists some of her hair to help guide her actions.
He raises a brow at you, “What? While you two were busy chit-chatting we wanted to have some fun...now why don’t you get on with it or we’ll never even get to the best part.” 
You snicker, rolling your eyes as your turn to face Hyunjin again. He picks up on the action however and grips your jaw, slapping your cheek enough to sting but nothing truly harsh, “Fucking brat rolling your eyes at him like that.”
You practically laugh at the way he seems fired up now, gripping your hair and guiding your mouth towards his own hard cock, “Don’t even think about being a smart ass either, there are other things your mouth should be occupied with right now.”
You don’t have time to retort with words, but the chuckle you let out before taking his tip holds enough attitude to further prod at Hyunjin, his eyes darkening further as he looks down into your eyes. You weren’t done yet though, you had something else you wanted to say to push Hyunjin. To see if you could get his dominant side to truly snap. You were saving it for just the right moment, however, waiting for his grip to ease up on you and for him to get a slightly glazed over and fucked out expression on his face. That moment of apparent weakness would present the perfect opportunity for you, so now you just had to make that moment happen.
That seems like something that would be coming to you fairly easy as you hollow your cheeks around him again, making his hand slip from your hair and his head fall back in a groan. You don’t take advantage of that just yet though, keeping up your actions for a few more moments just to be sure he’s turned to putty for you. Then pulling away and replacing your mouth with your hand as you move to whisper into his ear.
“Look at you acting like you’re all tough, but when it comes down to it you can’t even follow through can you? You fall apart for just a little pleasure, don’t you? Almost like you want to be a good boy for me.” You taunt, kissing the corner of his mouth just to tease more, “Is that it Hyunjin? You want to be a good boy for mommy?”
For a second you think you have him, the way he shudders under your gaze as his cheeks flush. Yet in a moment it’s over as quickly as you made it happen and Hyunjin is gripping your jaw and making you face the fire in his eyes. The monster of your own creation, just his expression letting you know that you were fucked. 
“Having one good girl and one bad one at the same time is making it really hard to treat you tonight...you just had to go and be a little brat didn’t you kitten?” Hyunjin raises a brow and you hear Seonghwa sigh softly before Bunny whines. Hyunjin refuses to let you turn and see what’s happening, however, his grip on you remains firm even as you hear shuffling behind you.
“Guess Hyunjin gets to punish you now hm?” Seonghwa’s voice sounds as Hyunjin’s grip drops to your hips, turning you to face away from him and instead at Seonghwa and Bunny. 
Seonghwa laid back, guiding Bunny to straddle his face looking at you and Hyunjin. His hands reach out to help Hyunjin lead you on your knees between Seonghwa’s legs before Hyunjin grips the back of your neck and moves your face closer to Seonghwa’s cock.
“Come on kitten, your bad behavior interrupted us before Bunny could finish. So now it’s your job.” Seonghwa informs you before his arms lock around Bunny’s thighs to hold her in place as he starts his task of eating her out. It is necessary as your girlfriend always seemed to struggle with staying still through the pleasure. 
You had your own task to focus on though, it seemed like you wouldn’t be let off that easy, however. As your lips wrapped around Seonghwa, Hyunjin drew a whine out of you by spanking you harder than you expected from the softer man. It didn’t stop with just one either...no, he seemed intent on letting you know just what your bratty behavior made him feel at the price of your ass. Not that you had any complaints about the reminders his hands would leave in their wake. It seemed to you that your relief came relatively quick when you felt Hyunjin slowly pushing it while pressing your head down to take all of Seonghwa with a moan. That was too good to be true of course when he stopped fully inside of you, staying still even after you’d had time to adjust to the way he stretched you out and filled you so well. Instead of bringing his hand crashing down on your ass again instead of fucking you the way you thought he would.
“The second you stop taking care of Seonghwa, I stop too.” Hyunjin warns you with a single hard thrust, “ That still doesn’t mean you’ll get what you want easy though.”
You concede, brain already turning to mush from the pleasure as he slowly builds a pace, watching closely for any slip-ups from you. When instead he sees you diligently sucking Seonghwa’s cock he doesn’t hold back any longer. His skilled hips provide you with hard, controlled thrusts. For someone who was letting themselves become unrestrained, he was awfully controlled. His thrusts never sloppy, even as pleasure coursed through his own body. Instead, they only seemed to throw more determined, chasing after as much pleasure as they could get for both of you. Craving it more and more, already addicted. Still, he had told you that it wouldn’t be that easy and he intended to keep his word. His hand meeting your ass again, not holding back even as he thrusts into you.
“I’m not stopping until Bunny cums, so if you can’t keep from cumming then you better be prepared to take everything. “ Hyunjin warns and when you hear a whimper you look up to notice that Seonghwa has pulled away from Bunny to smirk down at you, letting you know he was in no rush right now. Or perhaps his need to teach you a lesson just outweighed anything else right now. Whatever the case it was making Bunny more impatient as she tried to squirm in Seonghwa’s hold again. Only this time it was consciously and in an attempt to get more attention again. Making you smirk at the thought that this might just lead to her doom as well, the little Bunny who’d been obedient all night now breaking down into disobedience. Something that would only make this more fun and the thought helping ground you through the mind-numbing pleasure Hyunjin had been relentlessly providing. He had every intention of making you crumble though, hand snaking down rub tight little circles onto your clit without missing a beat. His other hand moves to wrap around your throat and pull you up away from Seonghwa’s cock and instead to look at Bunny who whines again as Seonghwa bites her thigh in warning.
“Look at her kitten, you’re teaching her to be disobedient. So now you should show her what little disobedient girls get, don’t you think?” Hyunjin’s breath is hot against your ear as his hand tightens slightly, the final push to throw you over the edge. 
Even as you come down from that high though he’s not finished with you. Instead, continue on as he releases your neck to let your mouth return its attention to Seonghwa’s cock. While Seonghwa’s attention returns to Bunny, putting up with the tad bit of brat behavior coming from her...for now. Though as she gets close again, around the time Hyunjin has urged you towards another orgasm as well Seonghwa gets fed up with her squirming and lack of manners. So he pulls away, releasing her thighs and tossing her back onto the bed. Hyunjin gets his cue and pulls out, moving you away from Seonghwa as well. 
“We’re finally teaching one brat to behave only for another one to start acting up.” Seonghwa sighs gripping Bunny’s jaw, “Where did our good little Bunny go, hm? Did you just get so desperate that you turned into a little fucking whore?”
Bunny flushes brightly giving a small shrug, “I get it from kitty.”
Seonghwa chuckles, looking over at you with Bunny still in his grasp, “Oh, I don’t doubt that for a second. I guess we should be grateful to you though Bunny you did say something about a whole night full of fun when you made this proposal...so we have plenty of time to put you both in your place.”
Seonghwa pulls Bunny up and hands her over to Hyunjin before motioning you over to him. The two men moving you both onto all fours facing each other, but too far to reach one another. Communicating wordlessly through their eyes and thrusting into you both at the same time.
“So I hope you two are ready cause you have a long night ahead of you...don’t worry we’ll make it extra special.” Seonghwa’s smirk bleeds into his voice letting you hear it even if you're not the one able to see him right now.
“Besides it’ll be fun to see who holds out the longest now that both of you are misbehaving.” Hyunjin adds, “I wonder who will be the first to break...”
You smirk looking at Hyunjin and Bunny. Hyunjin raises a brow at your smug nature, while Bunny shakes her head slightly already knowing what was coming, prepared for your taunts to make another appearance.
“Guess you’ll just have to find out, won’t we?”
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Note: I’m not super proud of this, I felt it was a bit rushed and lacking in details. I wanted to get it out though, so be prepared for a rewrite at some point in the hopefully near future.
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skull001 · 4 years
How do you honestly feel about Knuckles and his portrayals over the years?
Personally, Knuckles has always been a bit of a mixed bag. There are times when he is handled really well, whether it’s him being humanized and reflecting on the times he has been tricked or had the ME stolen (like in the post-reboot Archie comics) because it paints him in a very sympathetic light were he expresses regret for not knowing better and allowing others to take advantage of him, as well as a more comical handling like the one in Sonic Mania Adventures. I loved how paranoid he was at every step he took when trying to move the ME to a safer place or how he won’t hold back whe it come to punish anyone that dares touch his beloved ME... No exceptions! Even if you’re just a cute squirrel kid. Also I enjoyed how amusing and entertaining he was in the Sonic Boom TV show.
However, Knuckles has also been a victim of his own popularity too and a big part of his downfall (at least in the main games) is because of Sonic Team wanting to include him without care for his personality and role (both as guardian of the ME and rival of Sonic), to the point of coming up with some lazy excuses, like 06 where he is reduced to delivering letters or worse, like in Sonic Rush.
The other thing I often feel conflicted is because of how the way ST handles Knuckles can affect other characters, like Amy (who on top is my favorite and naturally, I’m going to be a bit more biased, but not without reason). I just don’t feel it’s fair that Amy is pushed from stories where she had more to offer like SA2, or be robbed from a role that fits her (leader of the Resistance) because unlike Knuckles, she is not a Genesis trilogy character... Plus it needs to be noted that when said chances are given to Knuckles instead, it tends to backfire on him one way or another (in SA2 he hardly makes any worthy contribution to the story while in Forces, the role of leader just doesn’t go with him because never in any game has this character displayed nor hinted at being able to branch to such a role).
Both characters deserve better IMO, but I also feel that sometimes the flaws of how Sonic Team handles the cast need to be discusses, which in this case is something rare since most people take for granted that Knuckles is a good and close friend of Sonic despite lacking the motivation that others such as Tails or Amy have. Frankly, I don’t oppose to things like Knuckles being part of the main cast as long as he is given a valid reason that can allows to avoid the mistakes of the past and give him more meaningful roles that put his best qualities to good use. One that I wish could had been explored is him having the need of feeling that he belongs somewhere, given that both his race and tribe are all but extinct. Him finding a surrogate tribe with Sonic and his friends could fill that void, create bonds that are unique and different between him and the other members of the main cast. We’ve seen in the last issues of the Sonic Universe comic how in Amy he can find a friend in who he can feel comfortable talking about the things that make him feel vulnerable, knowing that she would never mock him, but instead would cheer him up (these two definitively have material to become close friends). I’m not sure how Knuckles’s interactions with Tails would go because they really don’t interact that much despite how ST always puts them together along Sonic, hower, the main event is definitively his relation with Sonic, which can be a bit complicated, in part because Sonic wounded Knuckle’s pride (obviously not his intention) during the events of S3&K. 
I believe that before Sonic showed up, Knuckles had the idea of being the best there ever was, and to this his role as the mighty guardian of the Master Emerald contributed, since Knuckles always found pride in keeping his duty. Then Sonic and Eggman appeared and they both turned his world completely upside down. Imagine what it must had felt to realize that you were fighting the wrong person all along, and on top, be beaten in your own game by a much younger and in your face hero than you. This will always keep Knuckles from fully warming up to Sonic, even if there is a mutual respect, as it makes Knuckles experience feelings such as envy (more when Sonic has Tails who admires and looks up to him or Amy, who loves him more than anyone else could ever, while poor Knuckles only had a big rock and a thankless job)... something that is not necessarily bad since these are some of the most humane emotions one can experience and can allow for Knuckles to be one of the most relatable characters because, who wouldn’t want to cheer for him when he tries his best to beat Sonic as the better hero? I really think their dynamic would be more like the one between Bugs Bunny (Sonic) and Daffy Duck (Knuckles).
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kaibagirl007 · 5 years
Costume Conundrum
(Halloween time story set in my RP verse with @xstar-dustroleplayx)
Mokuba often stopped by Kaiba Corp on his way home from school. He would check-in with his brother to find out the other’s plans for each evening. Normally they would vary between: working late, working very late, and working extremely late. 
Recently though Mokuba had noticed a change as less and less overtime was being worked. In fact, his brother was now more likely to be home late due to spending time with his boyfriend, Aqua, instead. Not that Mokuba minded in the least as they also spent plenty of time with him too. 
Sometimes even Aqua’s twin, Yami, joined them in one big happy family get-together. And on rare occasions,- when she was staying with her brothers instead of their parents,- their sister Brunhilde would also join in the fun. Mokuba liked her, she was very much his ‘partner in crime’ whenever they got together. It had been a while since he’d last seen her though. He missed her, sometimes even more than he missed his brother working late.
Knowing his brother would likely disapprove of the game he was currently playing, Mokuba turned off his Switch as he exited the elevator and made his way to the CEO’s office. He’d barely had chance to enter before his brother’s boyfriend began talking to him.
“Good news, Mokuba!” Aqua excited called out from where he sat perched on the desk’s corner. “Bunny WILL be spending Halloween with me and Yami after all.”
“She will?” He felt a rush of excitement at being about to see Brunhilde once more. “That’s awesome!”   
“I take it you’ll be inviting her to go trick-or-treating with you and Yugi’s gang?” Kaiba enquired before taking a sip of the freshly made coffee his boyfriend had brought him just moments before his brother’s arrival.
“Of course!” Mokuba beamed as he reached for the hot chocolate waiting for him on his brother’s desk and sank down into the spare chair ready too drink it. “Unless you plan for her to stay with you guys or Yami?”
“She’d prefer to be with you.” Aqua assured the youngster that he’d get to spend quality time with his sister. “Once you’re done trick-or-treating though, I’m sure you’d both be welcomed to join us at the orphanage’s party. Right, Teddy Bear?”
With his mouth full of coffee, Kaiba simply nodded.
“All right! This is gonna be the best Halloween ever!” Mokuba stated with wide excited eyes. “What about Yami though? What are his plans?”
Aqua’s face brightened as he proudly announced, “He has a date.”
“Another one?” Kaiba asked sceptically. “With the same guy as before?”
“Uh huh. This will be their third date. I told him that for their fourth one, they should do a double date with us so that we can get to meet this Josh guy for ourselves.”
“Hmm… I ‘guess’ we could…”
Guess? The joy seemed to drain from Aqua’s face at the lack of enthusiasm in his boyfriend’s response. 
Noticing the sudden change in mood, Mokuba placed his half-full mug on the desk and diverted the topic. “Do you two have costumes picked out for Halloween?”
“Not yet.” Kaiba responded to his brother’s query. His eyes momentarily lingered on Aqua’s gloomy face before turning to Mokuba as he continued to talk. “Whatever we decide though, it shouldn’t be anything monstrous. There will be kids there of all ages and some of the younger ones are easily scared. I don’t want any of them having nightmares as a result of the party.” Another glance towards his boyfriend saw the somber look still on his face. He reached out for Aqua’s hand and gave a gentle squeeze.
Aqua mustered a soft smile in response to his boyfriend’s efforts to ease the unintentional hurt. He knew the other hadn’t meant to upset him. Clearly the idea of a double date wasn’t something to be mentioned from then on though.
“Nothing scary, huh? Well, then how about going as characters from a kids movie or something?”
“That would work.” Kaiba nodded at his brother’s suggestion. “Not sure who or from what exactly…”
“You watched Wreck-It Ralph with them a few weeks back when you arranged for that retro gaming weekend at the orphanage. You could go as Ralph and Aqua as Felix. It’d be perfect, bro! You know, since you both have the heights and personalities covered already by just being yourselves.”
Laughter filled the office, courtesy of Aqua. He calmed himself before leaning across the desk upon which he sat and nuzzled his boyfriend’s cheek. “Mokuba’s right. You’re a gigantic, ill-tempered softy with a big heart.”
“Someone has to be,” Kaiba smirked as he pulled back slightly so that he could catch a glimpse of those now joyful ruby eyes. “We can’t all be small bundles of optimism and sunshine like you are.”
“See what I mean?” Mokuba giggled as he watched the pair share a quick kiss. “Perfect.”
“It’s a plausible idea.” Kaiba stated as he and Aqua straighten up again. He was willing to go through with it if the other was. “What do you think, Muffin?”
“Me? Well, I… er… I very much like the sound of cosplaying as a couple-“
“Ralph and Felix it is.”
Aqua’s heart sank at seeing the speed Kaiba seemed to disregard what he had said. He at least thought the other might have given his idea some thought before its dismissal. Obviously not, so what was the point in even asking? He could feel himself starting to get agitated as he watched Kaiba search online for their costumes but said nothing. He didn’t want to push his boyfriend beyond a comfort zone if that was the issue at hand, especially after the other’s birthday surprise a few nights ago. Instead he turned the conversation back to Mokuba. “What about you? Do you have your costume sorted?”
“I sure do,” he beamed with a thin layer of chocolate residue on his top lip. “I’m going as Kaibaman. Seto’s already had adjustments made to one of his KaibaLand outfits for me. I also figured that I could take Narce trick-or-treating with me since people would be less likely to ask questions if they assumed she was just part of my cosplay… Anyhoo, what are your plans for this evening, bro?”
“I’ve got a conference call to make with a client in another timezone,” the CEO explained as he viewed the costume he intended to purchase for himself which included lots of padding to bulk out the top half of his body. “I won’t be done here until 7pm onwards. You should both head off without me. In fact, Roland will be leaving shortly too, if you go ask him I’m sure he’ll give you a ride home.”
“Good idea.” Mokuba nodded and got up from his chair with the intention of going in search of Roland. “Promise me you won’t work too late though, bro. Say be home before ten?”
“I will be.” Kaiba assured. “I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be.”
Satisfied with the answer he’d received, Mokuba bid his brother goodbye and left the office.
“I should get going too,” Aqua stated. Slowly he got down from the desk and began to move away. “See you tomorrow.”
“Aquamarine… Before you leave, I’d like a quick word.”
Hearing the seriousness of the other’s tone, Aqua stopped with the door handle in his hold and turned around to look back towards the desk. “Yes, Seto?”
“I’m sorry if I unintentionally upset you earlier.” From the response he’d gotten, Kaiba could sense the other was still hurting a little, hence why he gave the apology. Even if neither of them were to fault, he was willing to take the blame if it brightened his boyfriend’s mood. “I want you to know that I’m not opposed to having a double date with your brother. It’s understandable you’re excited for him, but if Yami is as wary about dating as you say he is, I think you should let him be the one to decide how and when we meet his boyfriend. Speaking from experience, I cannot stress the anxiety it causes to be ushered into things you are not ready for… Give him time, okay?”
“I will,” Aqua nodded, now aware of the angle on the situation that he hadn’t quite seen for himself. “I just really want him to be happy and find someone, like I found you.”
“I know you do. And I’m sure he knows that too.” Smiles were exchanged between them. “Have a good evening, Muffin. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye-bye, Teddy Bear.” Using his magic, Aqua blew a parting kiss of gold sparkles towards his boyfriend before leaving the room.
Now alone in his office,- and with a face half covered in golden speckles,- Kaiba returned to completing the purchase of the two halloween costumes. With both of them placed in his cart, he hit the checkout button and was met with an advertisement for ‘couples’ cosplay outfits’. His eyes skimmed over the images of almost all exclusively heterosexual couplings. Ohhhhhhh, THAT’S what Aqua meant when he said he likes the sound of cosplaying as a couple. I thought he just meant both of our costumes being from the same franchise.
Kaiba’s gaze bypassed the screen as he contemplated what to do next. Should he go ahead with the order and costumes they’d already decided on or start over? What would they even cosplay as otherwise? Did Aqua have something in mind? Surely he would have said something if he had, right?  Should he call him and ask? Then again, he couldn’t just discard his brother’s suggestion. Either way, someone was going to be left disappointed… 
Damn it, I shouldn’t have left it until last minute to decide on our costumes and ordering them! Next year, I’m planning things WELL in advance. He hit the back button and returned to scouring the selection of outfits on offer. If my Aquamarine wants to cosplay as a couple, then cosplay as a couple we shall!
A couple of days later, Aqua returned home to his apartment with a spring in his step as he carried his costume in a hangable garment cover. Today was Halloween and after having finished work early for the day, he was now about to change for the party at the orphanage in a couple of hours time.
“Oh, I didn’t expect to see you there, Yami!” he’d jumped at the sight of the TV being on with his brother slouched in front of it. Excitedly, he unzipped the garment cover to show of his outfit for that evening. “LOOK at my costume! I’m going as Fix-It Felix and Seto as Wreck-It Ralph… “ his words trailed off as he took a closer look at his brother eating Blue Eyes Berry Blast cereal directly from the box as he watched the TV, something the other only did if he was feeling down. “Oh no… did you lose your job?”
“No.” Yami calmly replied as several small brightly coloured balls levitated out of the box and into his mouth. “Just taking a sick day.”
“You’re sick?”
“Not quite…” 
“Then what is it?” Aqua asked as he studied his brother’s face, now noticing the redness of his twin’s eyes and nose.
“I, um…I… I got dumped.” Yami confessed as he fought back another wave of heartache.
“What?!” Aqua’s heart sank as he saw his brother dissolve into tears. He placed his costume down on the spare chair and raced to the other’s side to hug him tightly. “Oh, Moony, I’m so sorry. Do you want to talk about it?”
“There’s not much to talk about.” Yami sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes whilst he remained in his brother’s hold. “Josh texted me on my way to work and said it was over. Apparently, he’d been seeing several others as well as me and decided he liked one of them better; I mean, who does that?”
“What an asshole!” Aqua growled as Yami commenced sobbing heavily. Again his heart broke for his brother and he realised how lucky he’d been himself to have bumped into Kaiba on that overcrowded train. Sure things hadn’t been easy for them to get to where they were today, but he knew there was no way his Teddy Bear would have ever played him and broken his heart like that.
Several minutes past before Yami’s sobs and tears ceased. Slowly he pulled back from his brother’s arms. “For a moment there, I thought I might have found something with Josh. We were getting along so well. I was even planning on testing his reaction to some of my magic tonight. Nothing fancy, just little tricks I could easily pass off as Halloween hijinks if his reaction wasn’t quite as hoped… But now, I just feel extremely foolish for having thought of him as my boyfriend in the first place.” 
“Forget about him, Moony. He’s not worth your tears or time.” His words didn’t seem to register in those waterlogged eyes. Unsure of whether or not his twin would be okay without him there, Aqua pulled out his phone. “I’m going to call Seto and tell him I can’t make tonight.”
“What?!” Yami couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Don’t! I’ll be okay, I promise, you go and have fun.”
“I’m NOT leaving you like this.” Aqua pouted with tearful eyes of his own. He didn’t want to let down either of the two most important men in his life and wished there was a way he could make it possible to be with both of them… An idea suddenly hit him and he brightened up. “You can come with us! I’m sure Seto won’t mind, and the kids at the orphanage will just LOVE your magic tricks.-“
“Akie, no!” Yami was too slow in stopping the other from dialling the CEO’s number. “You don’t have to do this! I’ll be fine… honest!”
Not only had Aqua dialled his boyfriend’s number, but he also had it on speaker phone as it was swiftly answered. “Hey, Muffin!”
“Hey, Teddy Bear…” Aqua’s voice was slightly slower and more high pitched than usual.
“There’s only two situations were you talk in that silly voice, and since we’re not in the bedroom, I can only assume you’re after something?”
“That’s your bedroom voice?” Yami tried his best to just mouth his astonishment but failed spectacularly as he snorted in amusement at seeing his twin glow with embarrassment.
There was a tired sigh across the line. “You have me on speaker phone, don’t you?”
“Yeah. It’s just Yami though, Bunny’s already at your place. Besides, I bet you have me on speaker phone too.”
“That’s different; I’m driving. AND I’m alone… What’s up?”
Aqua’s embarrassment was short lived at seeing the brief smile it had brought to his brother’s face. He flashed a smile back as he answered his boyfriend’s query. “I was wondering if it would be okay for Yami to join us tonight?” 
“You remember what I said about the double date thing, right?”
“I do. Trust me, it’s the complete opposite. Sorta.”
Yami stared in confusion and whispered to his twin, “What’s that about double dates?”
Aqua waved his arm to single the other to be quiet. “He er, got dumped and doesn’t want to be on his own right now.”
There was no way Yami was going to take the blame for ruining the couple’s plans,- how dare his twin lie!,- and was about to argue that he said no such thing when Kaiba beat him to breaking the silence:
“I’m sorry to hear things didn’t work out between you and your date, Yami.”
“That’s okay, he was an asshole anyhow.” he shrugged things off casually in response to the genuine concern being shown. 
“Even if that’s true, I’d be happy for you to hang with us tonight.”
Yami was overwhelmed at the kindness being shown to him by his brother’s boyfriend. Things may have soured on the dating scene, but there were still people out there who cared about him. “Thanks, I’d like that... Providing I won’t be infringing on things, that is?”
“Of course not.” Kaiba assured. “I’ll pick you both up in a couple of hours. If you’re going to be wearing a costume, make sure it isn’t anything that would scare a small child.”
“Got it.” Yami confirmed as he exchanged smiles with his twin.
“Have I ever told you, you’re the best?” Aqua beamed with pride at just how wonderfully accepting his boyfriend truly was.
“Lots of times, especially when I-“
“You’re on speaker phone, remember? Gotta keep it clean.” Aqua felt his face flush as he raced to interrupt his boyfriend before details of their sex life were spilt for his brother to hear.
“No Seto, please continue.” Yami chuckled. “I’d love to hear all abo-OUCH!!! Okay, I think Akie wants to end this call now.”
Kaiba let loose a small laugh as he’d easily envisioned the sharp elbow jab that had been given to Yami’s side. “Bye, Muffin.”
“Bye, Teddy Bear.” Aqua ended the call and continued to menacingly glare at his twin. “Pervert.”
“Pfft, like Seto would have really gone ahead with sharing intimate things like that,” Yami shrugged off the look that he knew wasn’t serious. “I know he’s unpredictable at times, but he strikes me as the kind of person that would just wind someone up, not kiss and tell.”
The mock angered look was dropped and Aqua went on to raise the subject of his brother’s outfit for the evening. “What costume are you planning on wearing?”
“Well I was going to be a rather scary-looking werewolf, though I guess I’m going to have to abandon that until next year now.” The elder twin silently pondered what else he could throw together at such short notice. “Do you think a vampire is considered too scary? Obviously I’ll leave off the blood, but do you think Seto would approve of my choice?”
“I know a costume he does approve of.” Aqua smiled brightly.
“No, I’m not wearing that ridiculous sleepwear of yours.”
Ignoring the swipe taken at his Blue Eyes onesie,- which happened to match the ones owned by both Kaiba brothers,- Aqua raced to the spare chair, picked up the garment cover containing his costume and held it out towards his brother. “You go as Felix and I’ll raid my closet to make Vanellope’s outfit. That way our cosplays will remain on theme and be ‘Seto Kaiba approved’. Besides, we both know Vanellope is much more my style.”
“Why didn’t you just tell him?” Yami sighed as he took the costume from his brother. It was pretty obvious that his twin had seized the opportunity with all his might to change to the character he would now be portraying that evening. “Seto’s no stranger to you crossdressing. I’m sure he wouldn’t have minded if you had told him that you would have preferred to dress as someone more feminine.”
“But he was so happy when Mokuba made the suggestion, I didn’t want to disappoint him.” Aqua countered in his defence whilst failing to mention he had hinted an alternative. His eyes began to darken slightly as he thought back to his Teddy Bear dismissing the idea of cosplaying as a couple.
“Akie…” Yami frowned at the sight he saw. “I know you like to see others happy, but it’s okay to put your happiness first every once in a while.”
Aqua remained silent as he took in his brother’s words. Was he always going to be like this and put other people before himself? What was so wrong in wanting to see happiness in others’ eyes, especially his boyfriend’s? “I better start working on my outfit if we’re going to be ready for when Seto arrives. I’ve got at least one colour spell to cast.”
With that said, Aqua headed to his room and left Yami standing their holding the Fix-It Felix costume.
As Kaiba pulled up to his mansion, he saw Fuguta standing by the limo that would soon be chauffeuring Mokuba and his friends around as they went trick-or-treating. 
“Is my brother keeping you waiting?” the CEO asked as he unloaded the huge box of candy treats and his costume from the back of his Mercedes. 
“Only by a few minutes, sir.” Fuguta replied and rushed to help his boss with closing the car door.
“Thanks.” Kaiba bobbed his head in gratitude for the assistance that hadn’t been asked for. “I’ll see to it that he’s out here asap.”
“Thank you, sir.” 
Fuguta remained by the limo’s side as Kaiba walked up to the mansion and entered by using his elbows to push down the door’s handle whilst he balanced the heavy load in his hands.
Now inside, he wasted no time in shouting up the huge stairwell. “Mokuba! Brunhilde! You two better not keep Fuguta waiting any longer!”
“Sorry, bro, we’ll be right down!” 
Satisfied with his brother’s response, Kaiba made his way into the kitchen. He carefully placed the huge box and garment cover on the breakfast bar top, and then set about making himself some coffee. Faint murmurs of ‘ooooh, oop oop’ left his lips as he happily hummed to himself. Tonight was going to be the best Halloween ever. The kids at the orphanage were in for a real treat with all that he’d prepared for them,- which Roland was currently overseeing the final stages of set-up,- and he bet that hardly anyone would recognise him in his costume.
“Ooooh, oop oop!”
With the coffee pot now brewing, Kaiba headed towards the refrigerator to retrieve the milk. There was a slight,- almost dance-like,- flare to his steps. I can’t wait to see Aquamarine’s face…
“Ooooh, oop oop!”
Just as he was about to open the refrigerator, his eyes caught sight of a goose waddling towards him on his left and his happy mood instantly vanished. Where THE FUCK did that come from?!
Kaiba’s heart raced as fear took a hold of him. He franticly scrambled backwards to put distance between himself and the goose which only followed him instead. “Stay back!” he yelled and extended his arms in an attempt to shoo the bird away.
His actions caused the goose,- which he now noticed was wearing a ribbon tied in a bow,- to rear its wings and hiss. Oh god, he hated that noise. 
More fear filled Kaiba’s body and in act of desperation, he looked for something to use as a weapon if the goose should lunge at him. He saw a huge knife block to his right and pulled out the cleaver which he then held before him in a shaky hand.
“WHOA, WHOA!” Mokuba’s voice sounded as he came rushing on the scene. His eyes were almost as big and fearful as his brother’s as he stepped beside the bird and gently eased it back with one arm. “It’s okay Seto! It’s not a goose, it’s just Nacre. Look.” 
The bow around the goose’s neck was undone, causing a small golden star that had held it in place to dissolve into dust. The nightmare bird instantly transformed into his beautiful pet dragon. 
“See? It’s Nacre. She wouldn’t ever harm you.”
It was a spell? Kaiba didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or scream obscenities at his brother. He put the cleaver back in the knife block before his trembling legs gave way and he sank to the floor.  His arms then reached towards the curious little Blue Eyes trying to determine what was wrong with her human, and pulled her into a close embrace before burying his face against her scales. In a moment or two he knew he’d be okay, he just had to regain control of his breathing first.
“This is my fault,” Mokuba remorsefully confessed. “We were playing Untitled Goose Game and I let it slip out that you have a fear of geese. Brunhilde didn’t believe me, so we cast a charm on Nacre… I’m sorry, Seto. I never thought it would be this traumatic for you.”
Kaiba’s head slowly rose and he met his brother’s eye. “You were playing that trash?” He wasn’t sure if he felt more betrayed by his phobia being revealed, or the fact his brother had been playing,- and thus, had purchased,- the game that had kept the European release of Duel Links from the number one spot in the games chart. 
“I’m to blame just as much!” Brunhilde,- dressed as the Kiwi Magician Girl, and holding Mokuba’s Kaibaman helmet,- bravely declared as she now stood several feet away from the two brothers. Even if Kaiba wasn’t the tsundere she’d been assured by others that he was, she wasn’t about to let her friend take all the flak for the prank they’d just pulled. Yes, she’d found it funny at first, but soon changed her mind at seeing the distress that had been caused. “It was my game we were playing and I shouldn’t have doubted what Mokie told me… I’m sorry, Mr Kaiba.”
You’re such a liar, Bunny. We both know it’s MY game. Mokuba thought as he watched his friend speak to his brother. He had to give her credit though for use of his nickname and addressing the other so highly. It was bound to strum a heartstring or two with his brother so he’d go easy on them.
“I accept both your apologies.” Kaiba told them after a moment of brief consideration. Neither of them had meant to cause harm; they were just mischievous and naive, and both seemed genuinely remorseful about the whole thing. Even so, he still had a reputation to uphold. “We’ll put this incident down to ‘misadventure’… But if either of you tell anyone about this, you’re dead.”
Aw yeah, we’re off the hook! Mokuba rejoiced at hearing the jesting threat they’d received. He took his helmet from Brunhilde whilst his brother battled with the dragon refusing to let him get back up onto his feet.
“Oh, I won’t tell anyone,” she smirked. “For a price, that it.”
Now back on his feet, Kaiba raised a quizzical brow at hearing the girl’s quip. 
“Don’t push your lucky, Bunny,” Mokuba tittered as Nacre returned to his side. “You do that, and they may never find our bodies.”
Whilst Kaiba appreciated his brother’s continuation and reenforcement of the menacing jest, he wasn’t about the let the brazenness of his boyfriend’s little sister go unrewarded. “Name your price, Kiddo.”
Brunhilde hadn’t expected her demand to taken seriously. She kept her cool and replied, “Three bars of chocolate ought to do it.”
Kaiba made his way over to the huge box of candy destined for the orphanage, and pulled out a multipack of five bars of the requested confectionary. “Catch.”
“Not fair!” Mokuba protested as he watched his brother toss the whole pack towards his friend. “How come she gets candy and I didn’t?”
“You want candy? All you had to do was ask. Here, take this.” Kaiba reached inside his jacket’s inside pocket and tossed a roll of hard candies his brother’s way.
Mokuba caught the candy which he nearly lost to Nacre who attempted to catch them in her open jaws. He was less than impressed with his reward. “Really, Seto? Brunhilde gets chocolate and I get your crappy matcha candy?”
“Take it, or leave it.” Kaiba told his sibling. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the little spellcaster opening her multipack.
“Here, Mokie, I’m not going to eat them all.” Brunhilde dropped the extra two chocolate bars she’d been given into her friend’s treat bucket.
“Thank you.”
“Oh, and NEVER turn down free candy on Halloween.” She took the roll of hard candies from Mokuba’s hand and dropped them into his bucket too. 
“Before you three leave, I want a quick snap,” Kaiba said as he took out his phone. He then waited for his brother to place on the helmet before taking a picture of the trio of duel monsters. “That’s great. Now get a move on before you make Fuguta wait any longer.”
Mokuba and Brunhilde waved goodbye as they left with Nacre. Kaiba returned to making his coffee and forwarded the picture he’d just taken to his boyfriend’s phone.
[TEXT from Sugar Muffin] OMG, they look fantastic! 
[TEXT to Sugar Muffin] Not as fantastic as we’re going to look ;)
Rather (un)surprisingly, Aqua’s yellow hoodie was the only thing that had required a colour charm spell to make it mint green for his cosplay. Everything else,- including the double layer, pleated black skirt,- he already had at hand for recreating Vanellope’s von Schweetz’s look. 
All he had left to do was his hair, which would take no time at all. It simply needed to be placed in a high ponytail with a dark pink tie, and some candy themed clips on one side. He was halfway done when there was a knock at the door. “Moony, could you get that? I’m still busy setting sprinkles in my hair!”
“Sure. It’ll probably be Seto anyway.”” Yami shouted back from where he sat playing with the golden toy hammer that had come with the costume he was wearing. Lazily he went to answer the door and greet his brother’s boyfriend. “Aqua’s still changing, he’ll be done in… a… Whoa, is that really you Seto?”
“Yami?” Kaiba stared back at the gaping mouthed plumber who wasn’t his boyfriend. “Why are you wearing that costume?”
“I was about to ask you the same question, Sergeant.” Yami opened the door wider and gestured for the blonde haired woman to enter. “Aaua told me that you were going to be Wreck-It Ralph tonight.”
“Originally I was, yes.” Kaiba entered the apartment with the first tinge of embarrassment he’d felt since putting the costume on. 
“So what happened? Why are you standing here dressed as Calhoun? I mean, you look great and everything…”
“I wanted to surprise Aqua.” Kaiba couldn’t bring himself to look at Yami as he spoke. Damn it, he felt so foolish right now! “When we were discussing costume ideas, he mentioned that he liked the sound of cosplaying as a couple. I didn’t understand what he meant at the time. I learnt what he truly meant just as I was about to place our costumes order and… I didn’t want to disappoint him so changed my outfit accordingly so we’d get to… Heh, I’ve made an idiot of myself haven’t I?”
“No, you haven’t.” Yami assured. “But you and he REALLY need to learn how to communicate better.”
Kaiba wasn’t sure what was meant by the remark. He felt that despite their disastrous start at admitting feelings for one and other, he and Aqua were doing well together as a couple. Was his boyfriend’s twin trying to imply that they weren’t? Why would he do that? Was it because he had bitter feelings about being dumped earlier that day?…
“Seto, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I really need to know… Is that a breastplate you’re wearing?”
“Yes,” he answered with a little too much assertion than he’d intended. “They’re completely fake.”
The sound of excited footsteps running down the hall could be heard and Aqua came bursting in on them in full character mood. “Hey there, Stinkbrain! Bet you’re surprised t-to… s-see… m-me…? ” his words became spaced and stuttered as his eyes landed upon his boyfriend. “Teddy Bear?”
“I’ll um… just leave you two alone.” 
Kaiba waited until Yami was out of earshot before talking. “I don’t understand what’s going on here, Muffin. Why are you dressed as Vanellope instead of Felix?”
“I um… er… Well, you see… Yami needed a costume, and I… I thought it would be okay for him to have mine. I knew I could pull off this look,. It’s more my style after all… If I had known you were going to do THIS, I.. I w-w-wouldn’t have… given Yami…”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Kaiba hugged his boyfriend who he could see was becoming upset over the situation. “If anyone is to blame here, it’s me for trying to surprise you.”
“I didn’t think you knew what couples’ cosplay was.” Aqua sniffed as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. 
“I didn’t.” Kaiba confessed. “I discovered it purely by accident. It went straight over my head when you mentioned it.”
Aqua failed to hide an amused laugh. He really had been worry about nothing when he’d assumed the worst. Pulling back slowly from the embrace, his fingers traced the curves of his boyfriend’s tight bodysuit and armour. “You crossplayed for me too.”
“I didn’t see the big deal.” Kaiba casually shrugged. “It’s just clothes, right?”
What he’d just been told was a huge contrast to the way his boyfriend would have felt about wearing such an outfit at the start of their relationship. The fact his Teddy Bear now felt so carefree and without worry about other people’s opinion of him, it brought a smile to Aqua’s face… but it didn’t stay there. “I’ll have a word with Yami and change into Felix for you.”
“No, that’s not what I want.” Kaiba stated as he looked down into those eyes that failed to portray the other’s joy. Aqua wasn’t going to change because he wanted to, he was going to do it because he thought that was what was wanted of him. Kaiba now understood what Yami had meant by communicating better and sought to do so from then on. “I’m going to ask you something, and I want complete honesty from you, okay?”
“If given the choice, who would you rather cosplay as, Vanellope or Felix? Ignore the fact that I’m here like this, and tell me which one makes YOU the most comfortable.”
Aqua hesitated for a moment before answering honestly like he’d agreed. “Vanellope,” he spoke quietly as if ashamed of his answer.
“Vanellope.” Kaiba repeated and nodded to indicate that the choice was every bit a valid as the man making the decision. “Then STAY as you are. Your happiness makes me happy.”
“What? No, I can’t! You went to all this trouble for me-“
“It’s NEVER any trouble when you’re involved. YOU’RE never any trouble, Aquamarine…” Kaiba’s hand found it’s way to softly caress Aqua’s check and help calm his boyfriend’s agitated state. “Besides, even if you were, I would gladly inconvenience myself for you.”
Aqua could only stare into those eyes fixed upon him with nothing but love and warmth. He returned his own in the form of a deep kiss delivered to his boyfriend’s lips. “Thank you,” he whispered when they eventually parted.
“What for?” Kaiba asked as he reconnected to the ruby gaze that now sparkled brighter than the stars in the night sky.
“For loving me.”
A tearful smile was given in response to those words. Although Kaiba had never said the phrase ‘I love you’ himself, he was emotionally moved to know that his feelings towards Aqua were felt nonetheless. “You’re welcome, Muffin.”
The couple were about to share another kiss when the sound of Yami’s voice caused them to cease, “You two may have no trouble seeing beyond your costumes, but from where I’m at, it looks completely wrong to see a grown woman and child locking lips.”
“Thank you for ruining our moment, Moony!” Aqua snarked at his twin before he burst into gentle laughter. “I guess we do look pretty weird together.”
“Don’t worry, next year we will match in all of our ‘couples’ cosplay’ glory.” Kaiba assured dramatically.
“How can you be certain?” Aqua laughed as he hugged his Teddy Bear once more.
“Because we’ll sit down and decide on things together. No more surprises.”
“No more surprises, ever?”
“I guess I could make the odd exception every now and then-“
“Okay, break it up you two!” Yami physically placed himself between his brother and the CEO. “We’ve got an orphanage to entertain this evening, remember? From now on, we should remain in character until the night is through. No more smooches for you.”
“Okay, I can do that.” Aqua grinned and then headed towards the apartment door. Over his shoulder he playfully teased, “As husband and wife though, have fun when one of the kids asks you to share a kiss at some point during the party.”
Seto simply smirked as he followed on behind whilst Yami was beginning to wonder if it wasn’t too late to don his twin’s Blue Eyes onesie after all.
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btshodown · 6 years
With Eyes Wide Shut
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↳ A Halloween movie marathon is in order when you find Jungkook shyly asking about your plans for the night. Although, it seems as if lines are getting a bit blurred and you decide that for just this one night you’ll keep your eyes wide shut. 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Genre/Warnings: A super fluffy and sweet cake that somehow makes you sad, Staff/Chubby Noona Au Word Count: 2k+
➭  Happy Halloween! This totally isn’t late at all Anyway yeah, please enjoy this baby of a drabble that I started while at work. This one is in the same AU as the Yoongi and Jiminnie one. I’ll probably go back into my masterlist and create its own section.  Its up now under the OT7 category <3
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“Noona, are you going to dress up for Halloween?”
At hearing the youngest call to you, you turn around to face him, momentarily pausing your work of arranging the 7 costumes. You blink your eyes at him and purse your lips in thought, glancing down at the red Power Ranger helmet in your hands. Normally back home all you would do on the holiday was simply decorate your studio apartment and buy a big bowl of candies for the Trick o’ Treaters; passing the night with boozy hot chocolate and scary movies. You rarely went to parties and couldn’t really remember when the last time you actually dressed up was.
Now that you moved countries and worked at Bighit, you hadn’t even spared Halloween a second thought. Too busy helping out with what the boys needed and getting their costumes arranged for their yearly Halloween dance practice.
“Probably not,” you answer after a second of silence with a shrug, “I was thinking of just going home and watching movies honestly.”
You watch with fond amusement as Jungkook slightly pouts at your answer, no doubt hoping to hear your costume idea and possible plans. Usually at least half of the boys would do something for the holiday, whether it was going with friends or amongst themselves, but from what you had heard, the youngest wasn’t going anywhere. With a twitch of your lips you gently go back to arranging the outfits, half of your body still turned to the maknae.
“Did you want to join me on watching scary movies and munching on snacks Gukkie?”
You try your best to bite back your giggle when you see him startle from your peripheral, witnessing his ears begin to go a little red.
“I – can I?” His voice is soft and his words were slurring from his obvious nervousness; you also had to swallow down your squeal from how adorable he is. “It’s just…the hyungs are going out or staying at home, but I don’t wanna be alone. B-but I also don’t want to impose –”
Your small chuckle cuts his rambling off as you place a gentle hand on his hand, stopping his nervous picking of his nails. “You’re not imposing since I invited you Gukkie. Don’t worry about it okay? I haven’t spent time with you lately so it’ll be a nice way to catch up.”
Your heart squeezes in emotion as he unleashes his wide, happy smile on you, nose and eyes scrunched with his bunny teeth in full display. You had a soft spot for all of the boys, but there were no lies in the youngest being able to endear just about anyone; Jimin being right at his neck with his charm. Having both of them come at you with their smiles was lethal to your heart and you always swore they’d end up killing you.
“Thank you so much noona! I can’t wait for it! I have so many movie ideas too!”
You continue your work as you listen to him list off the different movies he has in mind, chiming in with your own agreements and additions. It was hard to not get excited about it when you had him practically bouncing from giddiness and it only made you wish the next week would pass by quickly.
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Excitement bubbles in your stomach as you put the final touches in your living room, not wanting to admit that you may have gone a little overboard with decorating for your movie marathon with Jungkook. Orange fairy lights gently fall above your couch and over the glass of your TV stand, giving off a soft glow that complimented the tiny pumpkins you spread out. An assortment of chips, popcorn and candy fill your coffee table as you finish pouring out some boozy hot cocoa into some Halloween themed mugs; just in time it seems as you hear your doorbell ring.
You try your best not to skip over to the door and take in a breath, pushing away the thoughts of how long it’s been since you’ve celebrated Halloween with someone else, only thinking of how much fun tonight will be instead. With a determined nod, you open the door and greet the younger boy with a grin.
“Right on the dot, hey Gukkie,” you step aside to let him in, watching him with curiosity as he shuffles in shyly with a large backpack, hands clutching the straps as he looks around your decorated apartment with wide awe filled eyes. “What do you got in the bag Guk?”
“Oh!” Jungkook comes back to life as he animatedly swings the backpack around to his front and squats down, rummaging through it until he takes out two articles of clothing. One pair you realize is his Cooky pajamas you’ve often caught him wearing in their filming and the other was a Cooky one piece, the hood adorned with the characters eyes and floppy ears. “I uh, I remembered you said you wouldn’t dress up so I thought maybe…we could kinda dress up together? You don’t have to! I just thought…yeah.”
Your lips slowly stretch out into an endeared grin as you watch him shuffle timidly, his slight nervous slur coming back as he doesn’t look you in the eyes, too busy staring holes into the one piece was no doubt brought for you to wear. There was no denying the rapid beating of your heart from trying to contain your cooing and sudden need to squish his cheeks; he had no business being so fucking adorable when he was a damn 21 year old man.
With tentative hands, you reach out to take the pink onesie from his fidgeting hands and offer him a kind smile when he peeks at you from under his dark fringe. “I think it’s a great idea Gukkie and I kinda wish I had thought of wearing pj’s if I’m being honest,” you pause as you grin slyly at him, holding the onesie to your chest, “is there any reason why you got me the Cooky one specifically?”
His eyes widen a bit at your question and you can’t hide your soft snort as his cheeks get a bit pink, his hand coming up to pick at the baby hairs on his cheek before he tries his hardest to come off as composed. “Because Cooky is the best one, duh.”
Letting out a soft laugh you shake your head and motion to the bathroom, before turning around to go into your room. “Of course, how can I forget? The bathroom is over there if you want to change while I go change in my room. If you finish before I do, just start picking out the first movie.”
You didn’t even need to look behind you to know the maknae dutifully nodded his head and quickly took off his shoes before heading to your bathroom. Now your only problem is wondering how you’ll fit in the onesie once you close your door, frowning softly at the material. You have no doubt that this was the onesie Jungkook owned, the scent of it alone was a clue were it not for the obvious size difference. Deciding to ignore the fact that he gave you his own onesie as opposed to getting a new one, you keep a light camisole underneath and trade your jeans for spandex shorts, knowing that later on you’d end up getting hot in the suit.
A sigh escapes you once you have the onesie on, staring at your reflection with a frown as you see the way the buttons on your chest are barely holding on and the ones on your stomach seem tight, but the sleeves and pants are comically long. Before your thoughts can take a one way ticket to the Depressed Bitch train, you pull the hood over your head and quickly look away from the mirror as you walk out your room. You’re greeted with the sight of a snuggly looking Jungkook cross legged atop your couch, with a ps4 controller in his hands as he flicks through the different scary movies provided. Your mood instantly lifts again as you waddle over to the young idol and can’t help yourself from smacking him softly in the face with the long sleeve of the onesie, practically cackling as he sputters out in surprise. But before he could whine at you for hitting him with the sleeves of his onesie, he stops short as he really takes you in.
“Wow, you look really cute in my onesie noona, you look so small.”
It was your turn to feel your ears get hot, thankful for the hood as you flop onto the couch beside him, smacking him with the long sleeve again as you pull your mug off the coffee table and into your hands. “Stop trying to flatter me, I know I look stupid. Just pick a movie Gukkie.”
Jungkook pouts a bit, but decides to not argue on how wrong you were and instead goes back to his choices; eventually deciding on the ever classic Friday the 13th. With his own mug of boozy hot cocoa in his hands and a bowl of popcorn balanced in his crossed legs, your marathon begins; mainly you hugging your throw pillow for life and Jungkook laughing at you when he wasn’t absorbed into the TV. The night rolls along and before you know it, it’s past 2 am, Insidious is playing and you nearly let out a shrill scream when you feel something heavy land on your lap.
Instead, you swallow your scream and only jump a bit before looking down to stare in confusion at the dark head of hair now resting on your lap. It takes a few moments to process that the head on your thighs is Jungkook’s and he must have fallen asleep at one point, gravity doing the rest. Your belly warms at the sight and before you can stop yourself, your fingers begin to thread through his soft locks, while the other hand is quick to click out of the horror movie and back onto the main screen. Not having the heart to wake up the maknae, you grab your phone and type of a quick text to the group chat to let the rest of the boys know the youngest member would be sleeping on your futon tonight.
After turning off your console and TV, you begin to gently try and move Jungkook over so that you can turn the couch into the futon, but a sudden pair of arms around your waist prevents you from even moving. Glancing down, you realize with a start that sleepy doe-eyed eyes are staring into your own and Jungkook apparently had woken up sometime during you trying to move him.
“Can we sleep like this?” his voice is soft and full of sleep, but at seeing you pause long enough to show your hesitation, he quietly adds, “Please?”
Despite how close you are with the boys, there is no doubt an invisible line you do not and should not cross; any feelings that weren’t professional and amicable were always a slippery slope and something your superiors frowned upon. Even if it meant feeding into emotions that were being given to you, but in spite of knowing this and trying your hardest to not cross that line, you’re not sure how you somehow managed to suddenly be in Jungkook’s arms. His mouth is dangerously close to your ear as he nuzzles his nose into your hair and his legs easily tangle into yours, the attempt to take out the futon long forgotten as he slots your bodies into the small couch.
The night is soothingly still as you close your eyes, trying your hardest to ignore how at ease you feel despite the red alarm blaring behind your lids; there was no use in stressing out about the blurred line, not when Jungkook held you so close to his chest as if cherishing a moment that would never happen again. You both knew that the moment the light of the sun spilled through the cracks of your curtains, this small moment being shared would have to be shattered, never to be known outside of your small apartment.
“Thank you noona,” his voice is only a breath against your ear as his arms tighten around you more, as if trying to erase any remaining space that may have been between your bodies.
Your only response is a gentle flutter of your lips against his jaw, not a kiss or peck, but just the simple touch of your skin against his; something that could easily be mistaken for imagination come tomorrow morning.
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zephyrvos · 7 years
Trishica, IronWing, and MattElektra (in a happier world)?
Gonna do this as 3 separate posts. First up, Trishica:
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Forever. They fall apart sometimes, break up, but it never lasts. They always come back to each other and apologize and work it out
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - They’d crushed on each other for years, kissed in the dark, away from the cameras. But they didn’t really fall in love until Trish turned 18 and they could get out from under Dorothy, be themselves fully
How was their first kiss? - Young, timid, full of worries about if it would mess things up between them, but it felt so right that they forgot about all that
Who proposed? - Jess, because Trish deserved a romantic gesture, and because she knew Trish wanted to change the way they were legally bound together (void the adoption and get legally married), but would never risk scaring Jess off again with a proposal
Who is the best man/men? - Malcolm and Matt are on Jess’ side of the aisle
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Trish has Claire and Colleen
Who did the most planning? - It’s a simple ceremony, private, so it didn’t take much planning. Trish did all the necessary planning, making reservations and whatnot
Who stressed the most? - They stressed about equally. Jess dealt with it by staying out late on cases, which made Trish stress because she thought Jess didn’t want this
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. - simple and not fancy, but still romantic and special
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Dorothy Walker
Who is on top? - lmao, Trish Walker is such a dom
Who is the one to instigate things? - both of them, but Trish moreso
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head - they’d be kinkier, but Jess’ powers complicate things
How long do they normally last? - unless it’s a quickie when Trish has to run off to work, or they get interrupted by vigilante business, they last for hours. They’ll frequently go most of the night and Trish will insist her assistant have extra coffee ready in the morning
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Trish is more about making sure Jess is having a good time, staying present in what’s going on, and making sure she’s genuinely enjoying what’s happening (as opposed to being told she enjoys it and so therefore her brain being tricked into enjoying it...), but Jess loves giving Trish lots of orgasms
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. - Trish would like it rougher, but, again, super strength
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. - Jess still avoids, PDA, but she’s succumbed to holding hands when they walk. But they’re super cuddly at night
How many children will they have naturally? - They both have such messed up pasts, neither of them want children. Trish worries she wouldn’t know how to be a mother, or she’d end up like Dorothy, and Jess doesn’t want to mess up a kid with her baggage
How many children will they adopt? - N/A (though I think Trish might mentor a couple kids, teens she meets who remind her of her or Jess, and they become family in a sense)
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - N/A
Who is the stricter parent? - N/A
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - N/A
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - N/A
Who is the more loved parent? - N/A
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - N/A
Who cried the most at graduation? - N/A
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - N/A (though Trish has to bail Jess out a lot)
Who does the most cooking? - Trish, because Jess would live off of coffee, alcohol, and microwavable food if left to her own devices
Who is the most picky in their food choice? -  Jess, because she can be now, because there’s no one forcing her to eat (and like) foods
Who does the grocery shopping? - Trish
How often do they bake desserts? - Not super often, but occasionally the mood will strike Trish and Jess will come home to find her with flour on her nose and something delicious smelling in the oven
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Trish likes a meaty salad, meahwile Jess just likes meat
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - They are super anti-anniversary dinner, but they do some other sort of date that’s fun and silly - often laser tag or minigolf or skydiving, something adventurous and distracting
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Trish, she’s the one with money and connections all over town
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Jess
Who cleans the room? - Trish
Who is really against chores? - Jess
Who cleans up after the pets? - Trish
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Jess, when forced to clean
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Trish
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Jess
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Jess
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Usually Trish
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - They don’t do much decorating, but Trish would put up a couple decorations in the apartment, and usually a couple in her studio as well
What are their goals for the relationship? - To heal together. To be there for each other and save each other, but also to learn to step back and let them save themselves, to be their own people and their own heroes but to learn to be a team
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Jess, frequently
Who plays the most pranks? - Jess
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Biting people R This guide has taken me many weeks to put together so I’m hoping it will prove useful to people. DONATE NOW Is Your Dog Afraid of Thunderstorms? TV Contests & Events find a store Dog Training 101 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase Pet insurance policies are underwritten by Markel American Insurance Company. Protect your pet. The times you take them to their bathroom spot AquaTop We’re all in the electronic age surrounded by smart phones and i-Pads, but this is simply too much hassle and will likely lead to you not bothering if you have to power up a device and so on to make an entry. Guardian Gear (1) KOMO Cams Spay/Neuter Clinic Flyball Why do dogs go into the bathroom to drink? The first night Do wait with him there until he has done a wee Smit/Shutterstock Is he pooping in his crate or other places too? Simple Solution® Dog Pads As the proud guardian of both a brand new Aussie puppy and a “sudden urge” Greyhound senior, I am grateful for my dog door. My dogs go in and out at will, never needing to call on me to use my opposable thumb to turn the handle to open that door. At my house, there’s no need to find the attendant to get the restroom key; the bathroom door is always unlocked. My dogs go out, my dogs come in. There’s nary a potty accident or worry. Purina Farms Top Puppy Food #1 Vet-referred for a reason. All of our head trainers are CPDT-KA “Certified Professional Dog Trainers.” We offer private lessons, classes and themed workshops. Purina Dog Chow – Click for voluntary (or accidental) movements toward your goal. You may coax or lure the animal into a movement or position, but don’t push, pull, or hold it. Let the animal discover how to do the behavior on its own. If you need a leash for safety’s sake, put the handle over your wrist or tie it to your belt. Wow! What an outline! Bravo for clearing up so many questions I had. No other website really elaborated like you have on a lot of the unknowns when house training a puppy – specifically when your dog gets to have some free time. Thank you!! Your outline & instructions worked out so well. I am following the confinement and crating methods inside and using a 4 foot tether outside to control/encourage the peeps & poops. We are on day two and she’s getting the message!!! After her love and rewards Charly enjoys her supervised free time in the house and her free runs in the back yard. Puppies need time to developed a “den” instinct to cause them to want to ‘hold it’ and not soil the den, i.e., your entire house. In their litter, puppies just go whenever and wherever they happen to be! Successful house training depends upon your diligent supervision so you can be there to show your pup where to eliminate. Working in Australia Dog Products Bunny Dating Services If he goes to the bathroom outside, have a party! The “party” may include treats, affection, praise, play—whatever your dog likes. Make sure that you reinforce the heck out the behavior you like. If you provide a consequence that is reinforcing to your dog, the behavior will be offered more frequently. And, if you click when he finishes eliminating, you can eventually put the elimination behavior on cue! 2.0 out of 5 starsCute little tricks Find an Animal ER Instructors Recalls Leash Training Your Dog Next ► 63599 What to do if you catch your puppy in the act of a potty training “mistake”… Queens, New York Dog Coat ID Quiz: Can You ID These Breeds The last thing you want is to teach your puppy that during the night is a time for play or food treats! Out and about 3.99 Early neurological stimulation. CL Battaglia – 2007 Scott’s Weather Blog Cleanup & Odor Control PRIVATE TRAINING 10 Festive Fall Activities for You and Your Pet This is the biggest mistake and biggest ‘punishment’ that you can do to your puppy. If you want to think about this situation from a human point of view, think about a child; it would be wrong not to teach our kids anything until they are old enough for school, right? In fact training your puppy basics like potty training, housebreaking or house rules are steps that are necessary for normal function for both you and your new companion. Slideshow Things That Can Hurt Your Joints Bought some small but highly tasty training treats to use as a reward? Since potty training is an ongoing process I’ve split this article up into two week segments. The first week is where the potty training magic happens, and the second week is where the consistency of week one starts to pay off. Updated: December 15, 2017 How to Crate Train Your Dog Today on Vetstreet BOTHELL, Wash. (KOMO) – A Bothell dog training school is under investigation after a video sparked outrage on Facebook. WholeHearted Crating and Alone Training Breed Match Weight Loss Clinic How can you teach your puppy not to bite? Hosico Focuses While Strolling If your puppy only gets that beloved thing when she’s in her crate, the crate will take on value very quickly.
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training a puppy
how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); FAQs Karen July 25, 2018 at 5:09 am Select Page Latest Pet Videos Female Dogs in Season Nov 02, 2015 | 7 Minutes Leave your puppy in the crate for longer amounts of time. GMO-Free Products Live in the moment A special training class for puppies between 4-11 months Housetraining a new puppy can be tricky but is a crucial part of living with your dog. Get the best advice on how to toilet train your puppy from Purina. Read more FOLLOW US! Politics Gluten Free (8) CANWI How to Potty Train a Dog to go on Your Balcony or Patio Potty training Stage 1 – establish the toilet area If medical issues are ruled out, contact a trainer or behaviorist for advice. More articles we recommend:  2.0 out of 5 starsCute little tricks Multipet Over Indulgence On the other hand, a submissive dog will try to make himself appear small and act like a puppy. This is because an adult dog will “tell off” a puppy but not attack him. Submission will take the form of a sideways crouch near to the ground, his tail held low but wagging away. He may also try to lick the face of the dominant dog or human. He may even roll on his back. Account login If your dog is scared of new people, politely ask strangers not to approach or touch your dog. Learn wherever there is internet access Alex March 19, 2018 at 9:30 pm Solvit Hong Kong 4. Shower him with praise when he does a good job. Change the mat often, but leave a little spot of dried urine there. The scent of the urine will help your dog remember that the mat is the place to go to the bathroom. Remove feces right away, but leave a sheet of newspaper or a small bit of padding with urine on the clean mat so your dog will naturally know where to go. Our 4&3/4 year old (as she says) granddaughter loves Greta and had her sit and heel today.  We thought they both did very well, and thought we would share it with you.  South Africa ZA 1 (800) 419-8748 Kitten Advice You should always accompany your puppy outside for potty breaks. You’re there not only to ensure that he actually goes, you’re also there to reward your puppy with a treat for going in the proper spot. Wait until your puppy finishes eliminating and immediately give him a tasty reward for a job well done. If you wait until you get back in the house, your puppy won’t make the connection between his elimination and the reward. training your puppy | potty train puppy training your puppy | potty training a dog training your puppy | how to potty train your dog Legal | Sitemap
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angelsd0ntkill · 7 years
Some ask meme shit that I’m answering for fun...
1. Who do you live with? My grandmother and our cat.
2. Do you believe in soulmates? Ehh, not in the “we were destined for each other” way, since that implies belief in fate, but I do think we meet people in our lives who we connect with on a whole different level. I often refer to one of my friends as my platonic soulmate.
3. Would you rather visit a zoo or an aquarium? Ideally a zoo that also has an aquarium, but if I had to choose... I’ve never been to an aquarium and I love sea creatures, so I’d go with that. :D
4. What were your interests as a child? A lot of the same as now. Art and writing have been near-lifelong loves. I’ve had my share of obsessions with shows (Yu-Gi-Oh! and Cardcaptors stand out particularly well). Neopets was a pretty big deal well into my teenage years.
5. How many languages can you speak? Three -- English, Finnish, and French. Although I’m not at all sure about my French skills anymore.
6. How is your relationship with your parents? My mom and I have a “facebook acquaintances” relationship, and that’s probably for the best. It’s been better, it’s been a lot worse, and I doubt either of us is planning on changing anything anytime soon, so there’s not really any chance of “fixing” anything. My step-dad and I haven’t talked for like 10 years and that’s fine by me. Or, well, that’s technically not true since there was some ... weird, vague attempt at making peace before I left, but it didn’t really hold. My dad and I were pretty close when I lived in Canada, and I guess we still are, but it’s hard to keep in touch when he doesn’t have cell service all the time and that’s the only way to reach him.
7. Describe your style. Overgrown emo kid who chilled out a little after high school + lazy af metalhead + I Wish I Looked More Androgynous Than I Really Do + I don’t know if I love this or hate it but I’m wearing it
8. Have you ever visited a sex shop? Plenty of times, haha.
9. Favorite clothing stores? The internet, thrift stores, and H&M.
10. Who was your first crush? This guy I sat next to in grade 1 lmao
11. How has your life changed over the past year? I’ve become less angry, less afraid of the future, far less suicidal, more enlightened, and a little bit surer of what I want, although there are still loads of unknowns. I’ve also met some absolutely wonderful people who have definitely changed my life for the better. I’ve become much less dependent on tumblr/the internet, and my main interests have focused back on things in the real world, as opposed to fiction/imagination -- not that there’s anything wrong with the latter, I mean it’s still a huge force in my life, but being interested in music and photography again helps me get out of the house, and as much as I hate to admit it, I really needed that.
12. First & last concert you went to? First was My Chemical Romance, last was ... Korpiklaani? Have I been to anything since? I don’t think so...
13. Favorite animated characters? Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, and Perona (One Piece); Toki and Nathan (Metalocalypse); Gundam Tanaka (SDR2); Lunatic/Yuri Petrov (Tiger & Bunny).
14. Do you like your name? No. I’m going to change it, hopefully within the year.
15. Are you good at keeping secrets? I’ve become better.
16. Are you daring when it comes to makeup & clothing or do you like to play it safe? I’ve been playing it safe for like 3 years because depression so I’m trying to be more daring again.
17. Do you sleep a lot? Not really. I wake up a lot during the night. Sometimes I nap during the day, though, so it evens out.
18. How do you relax? With a good book and/or music. By painting, if I’m up for the clean-up job afterwards. Sometimes facebook games can do the trick, too.
19. Who is your celeb look alike? Errrr... pretty sure I don’t have one.
20. What is your ethnicity? I’m Finnish. White as virgin snow. I don’t know how to answer this question.
21. Favorite salty snack? White cheddar popcorn that u can’t fuckin get in Finland!!!!
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thinkingagain · 6 years
“I am strengthened by them,” the Madam said, “and they are strengthened by me. Our power exists because of each other. I couldn’t have a trio of finer friends.”
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Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest (A Novel of the Revolution) Book One: Conquest Chapter 26
Sir Sleepy of the Bunny nest walked towards Lucky and his Madam friend. The Sir’s head felt light and dazed in an odd borderland between waking and dreaming. He stood in front of them. He didn’t introduce himself.
“Sir,” Lucky said as his Madam friend set him back on the ground. “This is the Madam I was telling you about. The one I traveled with everywhere a few years back.”
The Sir began to speak, stammered, then recovered himself and bowed. “It is a great pleasure to meet you, Madam. Indeed I may never have had a greater. I am Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest, and I am at your service.”
The Madam laughed, and even her laugh was music. “And it’s my great pleasure to meet you.” Her skin and hair continued to change color. From closer up the change seemed less flamboyant than from a distance, becoming slightly darker here, slightly lighter there, subtle variations in the electric physical energy which charged the atmosphere around her.
“The Sir and I and some other friends have been working towards a great goal,” Lucky told her. “The founding of a Demesne, a protected land that Magic Animals will use to try to defend animals all over the world. It was the Sir’s idea, and I believe in it completely. Jack’s with us too, if you remember him.”
The Madam looked at the Sir fondly. His bunny limbs would have shaken nervously if he hadn’t restrained them. Then she turned back to Lucky. “Of course I remember Jack, although I haven’t seen any starring roles for him recently.” She scratched her finger lightly up one of Lucky’s ears. “These days, maybe a bunny going straight for the juggler is just too scary.”
“Think he got a little fed up with the limited opportunities and the even more limited vision.” Lucky turned up his chin and she scratched that too. “He wanted a bigger role. He sure is getting one now.”
Determined to be part of the conversation, the Sir spoke up shyly. “I do not know if we will be able to achieve it. Still I have many brave and talented companions. All of us together have proved effective so far in our ability to beat back and elude those who oppose us.”
“I’m sure you can succeed,” the Madam said. “I’m not the only one who thinks so. Many have been talking about it.”
The Sir startled. “Talking about it? Who?” It hadn’t crossed his mind that any but his friends and the Brain Trust knew about his goals.
“You don’t know?” The Madam looked curiously at the Sir. “Or you, Lucky?”
“Know what?” Lucky looked at her eagerly. “We’ve been driving all night.”
“Sir,” the Madam said. “Your goals and methods are being praised by fine animals everywhere I go. I’ve rarely seen anything like it.”
 “Praised?” The Sir felt wobbly from the energy that surrounded the Madam. “Who could be praising me? I have done nothing worthy of praise.”
“Yeah, Madam,” Lucky said scratchily. “What are you talking about?”
“I’ve been looking for all of you,” she said. “Why do you think I’m here? Tracking down you bunnies hasn’t been easy, but all of us are glad to have found you.”
At this, the Madam’s unique set of animal friends moved forward and stood beside her. “You know Lucky Blue,” the Madam said to them. “And this is Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest.”
All three animals gave friendly, welcoming nods, although none spoke.
“This is Busterella.” The Madam reached out a finger to the koala, who took it in her paw gently and firmly. “She has been with me through many struggles.” Busterella bowed slightly, an obvious gesture of polite friendship. She kept her other paw close to her face as if ready at any moment to defend herself. “Busterella is a brave and terrifying fighter and has seen me through many of my worst moments. She will defend me, and anyone she loves, no matter the cost to herself.
“And this,” the Madam held the outstretched hand of the frog, “is Love Frog. Fighting isn’t Love Frog’s priority, although he has more tricks in his belly than you might think. But as maybe you can tell, his expertise lies in healing, emotionally and physically. We all need him more than we realize.”
Love Frog’s black frog eyes, sticking small and round in sockets above his head, emanated a powerful warmth. His long free foreleg reached out and clasped the Sir by the shoulder in a way that felt protective and helpful.
“And finally,” the Madam continued, “I would like you to meet Sir Henry the Valiant, blue elephant extraordinaire. There is no job, never mind how difficult, that he won’t undertake. His bravery and quick thinking and, if I may say so, daredevil abilities make him able to perform feats, in the service of those he loves, that you wouldn’t imagine.”
Sir Henry made a trumpeting sound of approval through the large coiled limb that served as his nose. He touched the Sir gently with it, on the head. The Sir could feel the ripple of Sir Henry’s powerful muscles.
“Greetings to you all.” The Sir bowed to her three friends. “I have not met an elephant before. I do not know what to call this, uh, special...” He stammered, unable to find the word he wanted.
“It’s called a trunk,” the Madam said. “An elephant uses a trunk for many things: to breathe, to help in eating, to greet and to touch, and to defend.”
Henry dropped his truck lower so that the Sir could put his paw on its rough surface. “Astonishing,” the Sir said with utmost politeness. “I have had the pleasure of meeting a koala before, although only one, and of course am acquainted with many fine frogs, although none yet has become a close friend. I am pleased to make the acquaintance of all of you.”
“They are my totem animals,” the Madam said, “and I am their totem Madam.”
“I see,” the Sir said, not quite seeing.
“I am strengthened by them,” the Madam said, “and they are strengthened by me. Our power exists because of each other. I couldn’t have a trio of finer friends.”
“I could not possibly doubt it. The companionship among you is most clear and impressive and, may I say it,” and here the Sir blushed, “enviable.”
“Sir,” the Madam said in a whimsical tone, voice cheerful, “I do believe that you are a flatterer.”
“I do not know what a flatterer is,” said Sir Sleepy of the Bunny Nest.
The Madam laughed. Lucky laughed along with her, then spoke. “But Madam. I still don’t know what you mean about looking for me and the Sir. How do you even know he and I know each other, much less have been traveling together?”
“The news is well known,” the Madam said, “among those who care to know it. It could be that I heard it first from an okapi, who, shall we say, likes to tell those she cares about what they most need to know.”
“Ohhh.” Lucky chuckled. “There’s no better animal information source anywhere.”
“Not that I’ve met,” the Madam agreed.
The Sir looked at both of them, trying to understand. “You know Azalea? The Azalea in the Dream Time?”
“Oh yes,” the Madam said. “The two of us have been friends for awhile, both before her Dream Time years and now.”
The Sir looked at the Madam and marvelled. She knew of the Dream Time.
“Many others are talking about it too,” the Madam said. “Once I knew about it, I felt I had to find you. Fallons University is an excellent choice, by the way. I’m glad you remembered it, although I can’t say I’m completely glad to be back. Personally I might prefer never to see it again.”
“I am honored you found us.” The Sir tried the most sophisticated nod of his bunny head he could manage. “Now that you have, what can we do for you?”
“That’s very kind, Sir. But we don’t need your help. We’re here to help you. We have come very far to offer our support, in any way possible, in your quest to create the Demesne.”
The Sir looked up at the Madam, a Beast Madam, with her dramatic, lion-like hair. He looked at the transparent smoothness of the fluctuating colors of her skin. He could see now, this close, that one of her cheeks was a mesh of tiny scars. That made her more present to him, more specific. He had seen animals of many kinds. He had seen Beasts, brutal and wretched and without hope, and Beast Madams, stranger at times but often wretched too. But he had never met anyone like the Madam standing before him now. He had never even imagined anyone like her.
“But,” he stammered, “and please recognize that I mean no disrespect, but you are a Beast. A Beast of nearly impossible beauty and valor, it seems to me, but a Beast nonetheless. I don’t understand how you could wish to help me, since I have devoted myself, or,” and here he turned his head back and forth, struggling to comprehend, “or thought I have devoted myself, to fighting back against the damage that Beasts have done.”
“Of course you have.” The Madam nodded as if she’d known all along what he was going to say. “And we are here to help.”
The Sir, struggling for words, looked at her. “I am but a poor small bunny,” he finally said, “and do not understand many things. I welcome your help, need it and am pleased by it, even if I do not know how you can be saying the things you are saying. Perhaps you are not really a Beast?”
“Oh.” The Madam’s face grew longer and sadder. “I’m sorry to say I really am one of them. But I’m part of the world of Animal Magic too, every bit as much as I live in the world of the horrors created by my kind.”
“You are part of Animal Magic?” The Sir looked even more stunned, if that was possible.
“She sure is,” Lucky said. The Madam smiled her agreement. Lucky went on. “One of the best members of it ever. Like she said, her strength is drawn from the magic of her animal friends, and they draw their strength from her. It’s not talk; it’s a magic reality.”
“I did not know that any Beast, even as wonderful a Madam as you,” the Sir said, “could be part of Animal Magic. I have been ignorant, it seems.”
“They can,” Lucky said, “and it’s good you know. Beasts know too though.” His voice became more rough. “A few at least, in their own twisted way, although they don’t really understand.” He reached out and grabbed the Madam’s hand protectively.
“There are Beasts who know that a Madam can be part of Animal Magic?”
“Sort of,” Lucky said. “Many of them hate her for the ways that she’s different from them. They call her names.”
“I despise the name-calling of Beasts,” the Sir said.
“Although it’s a word the Madam herself doesn’t use and doesn’t approve of,” Lucky said, “Beasts call the Madam a witch.”
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thehillneedstowrite · 7 years
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I never understood why I wasn’t allowed to sleep in on Saturdays.
Normally, when one is five years old, wake-up times would vary on Saturday mornings, and a slow getting out of bed would be followed by what was called Saturday morning cartoons. The whole idea never made much sense to me, why would anyone have time to watch TV if everyone had school on Saturday?
I was two years old when I started my Saturday German classes. My parents, upon deciding that becoming bilingual would be the best way to spend my time on Saturdays, enrolled me in a class with the Deutsche Sprachshule (translation: German language school) and had me awake at 7.00 every Saturday for me to finish homework, conjugate some verbs and name objects around the house in German as well as their articles before the descent to hell began.
Of all things, there was nothing I hated more than the 15-minute drive to German school every Saturday. From the age of two up to the age of sixteen, I would sit in my mum’s average-size Toyota with nylon seats, waiting for her to park in the main entrance of some massive building and we would walk in together, hand-in-hand, as though I was going to forget where my imminent death had lain.
The cold tiled floor and the open, large foyer that lead into the school did not provide me the atmosphere of learning that one could define as comfortable. The foyer, splitting into three hallways, smelt in the summer of bleach and lemon cleaning product and was only lit by the large windows that encompassed the door. In the winter, there was little light and the smell of damp shoes would fill the space- one would find it preferable to hold one’s breath when walking in. To the left was the only hallway that – to my knowledge – actually existed in this large rectangle of a place that, when I learned to read, was called “Winston Churchill High School.” Not understanding what any of those words meant altogether, I continued my lessons, agitated by the smallest of things: pens tapping on desks, kids who read out loud, and worst of all: people who rubbed the square, multi-coloured puzzle mats that you see in kindergarten classes together to create static, which would magically attract dirt for no reason whatsoever.
The floors often felt grimy and were just as cold as one would imagine the temperature outside to be in the middle of January. The desks were oddly attached to their chairs which often had baskets underneath (“They are for the children who attend class here over the week” my first grade teacher, frau Schertzinger [translation: love singer] explained). Still confused by the fact that there were people who would willingly go here during the week (I could barely survive one day), I stood up from my place on the floor and went over to the windows. It had started to snow in mid-November that year, and I was only thinking about the hot chocolate I would get when I got home.
That’s not to say that the lessons hadn’t paid off.
By the time I entered kindergarten, I was reading in both German and English, and, to the delight of my mum and the fear of my father, preferred to converse and write in German.
If German school was confusing, the concept of Kindergarten was like rocket science. “Why am I going this way?” I would ask my father as we waited for the sun-coloured school bus to pick me up in the morning.
He asked me to repeat the question, in English this time.
I kept my mouth shut. It wasn’t important anyway.
Walking down the short and narrow corridors of yet another school, the only thing that shared any resemblance to my weekend hell was the tiles on the floor. The finger paint, the sensation of sand between your nails and recess were all alien to me. Was I allowed to come here every day? Where was the signs with impossibly long words on them? Where was frau Eeble yelling at me to colour between the lines? Why was my name written on a coat hook and on a spot on the floor? Where were all my friends from German school? Were they late?
I soon realized that everything I liked from German school wasn’t allowed here. I couldn’t pass notes to other students (because they couldn’t read them) and I wasn’t allowed to leave morning circle to look out the window to the trees and the seemingly never-ending street outside. My day was structured, boring and predictable. Soon I got tired of not talking to anyone and took to the limited bookshelf that stood often untouched in miss Iaccobellis’ classroom.
The teachers called my father into school one day and invited him to “observe Johanna’s day-to-day actions within the classroom”. I remember him staying for about ten minutes, then asking if he could talk to my teacher, followed by him leaving.
The next day, I was taken out of class and put into, what I now understand as, an ESL course. When they found out my mum came from a non-English speaking country, they figured the German influence was so large at home that it was hindering my success as an English speaker, which would explain why I didn’t talk to other children or respond to anything but my name.
Little did they know I understood perfectly well what was going on and I chose not to respond. One of my strongest memories was walking up the cold, salt-smelling stairs, holding the cold handrail, making my way up to the small classroom that was to be my ESL class until I convinced my imposing teachers that I was able to comprehend their mindless nattering and gossip.
ESL began to remind me of German class. Nouns, verbs, flash-cards galore, the only thing out of place was my teacher, miss Scenge. With grey hair as crazily wound as she was catholic, she stood about four feet tall and wore the most hideous of black shoes that could have possibly existed on earth. She would take me and my fellow classmate, best-friend-to-be, Brandon as well as a couple of first and second graders and have us sit in a circle as she droned on and on about how some words sound the same and how some words rhyme with other words. She would continue by going impossibly slowly through the alphabet and explaining how the letters s and h together make the sound “shhhhhhh” and would put her finger over her mouth. 2004’s teaching tactics required visual stimulants to otherwise boring and self-explanatory concepts.
After the second month of ESL, I had memorized the layout of the room. Scenge refused to turn the light on (something about the grass colour really inspired her), so the single one-meter by one-meter window provided minimal light to the narrow, white-walled, green-tiled floor that occupied what was now the most boring half hour of my life. There were days when I wished I could go back to German school, knowing that I would have a considerably more entertaining time, should I be there as opposed to here, in which desks that were too high and a woman reading the same alphabet book over and over and over again to occupy my time.
One day, miss Iaccobellis came into the ESL room and asked to see if Brandon and I were progressing at all.
“Johanna?” Scenge called my name, slowly. Ringing out every single syllable as though she was trying to spell out a word like flachswichser (translation: flat wanker) which would be a word that, if I had known it at the time, I would have liked to call her. “Would. You. Like. To. Show. Miss. Iaccobellis. You. New. Reading. Trick?”
Anything to get you to stop talking to me like an idiot, please.
I grabbed Scenge’s alphabet book and read it. It wasn’t a read, moreso than I reciting of lines from a plat. “The cat is C. The cat goes meow” flip. “The dog is D. The dog goes woof” flip. I cared so little about the words or the content of this book that I kept flipping the pages before the one I had just read hit the other half of the book.
Scenge grinned; she probably thought that she was an accomplished ESL teacher. I let her have her moment.
Miss Iaccobellis smiled at me. “You have a real talent for reading, Johanna. Well done.”
“Thank you, mith yak-o-bell-ith.” The lisp was something that ESL couldn’t help me get rid of.
The two teachers exchanged a look.
I didn’t have to go back to ESL the next day.
Balancing kindergarten with German school became a struggle. I still didn’t talk to any of the other kids in my kindergarten class (except for Brandon, but he still didn’t understand English very well so our conversations consisted mostly of pointing and gestures, as well as nods and headshakes.)
With my mum arranging a custody agreement between the two languages, I spoke English on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and German on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but Saturday was the most German filled of them all. Sunday, I stayed in my room after church and re-wrote renditions of Little Red Riding hood, in which the wolf was actually a bunny and that Little Red was very afraid of the forest and would imagine big, scary things trying to eat her. Both German and English versions were available, of course.
Time would pass that my German would slip away, but my hatred and resent for German school would not. Regardless of how many months have gone by since my graduation, my heart sinks when I wake up automatically at 7.00, but the power I feel when I can shamelessly roll over is incomparable when I can waste my Saturdays away, never needing to step out of bed and face the horrible world of schoolwork and activities that would cause me to do otherwise.
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