#but i was already 1.5k in
valeriianz · 2 years
You are an obsession, you're my obsession Who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me?
“Hello, Hob,” a low, sultry, and achingly familiar voice speaks behind him, cutting through the heavy bass reverberating off the walls and straight through Hob’s chest, lighting him up.
Turning, Hob finds– who he’d been referring to as– his stranger behind him, close enough to reach out and touch. They’re in the middle of the dance floor, bodies packed and grinding all night, but somehow they’ve given them room now.
Hob was dreaming, he was aware of it almost immediately. He’s been thrown back into the 1980s, one of Hob’s favorite periods of the 20th century, and in a nightclub no less. The music loud enough to penetrate skin, feeling the twangy synth pop in his bones. Everyone around him dressed in every color of the rainbow, over accessorized in neon hoop earrings and bangles, leg warmers, windbreakers, and mesh patterns. 
Hob’s dreams often took him back in time, and he wondered what prompted this. Though as Hob often did in his dreams, instead of considering why, he simply indulged. The music wasn’t anything particular, perhaps nothing was actually playing and it was all in his head, but Hob had felt the push and pull of everyone around him and followed along like a buoy at sea.
And now, feeling drunk off the sticky sweet air in the room, Hob grins as he boldly steps into his stranger’s space and slips both arms around his middle, pulling so his skinny, pale, gorgeous friend is flush against him.
He’d been dancing with strangers all night, shadows with indeterminate faces, allowing them to trace patterns on his skin, grip his shoulders or tug on his shirt. Hob hadn’t been dancing or even hanging around loud bars or clubs in decades, maybe somewhere deep in his subconscious, he missed it. Missed the anonymity of it all, getting high off everyone else’s pleasure and succumbing to it. So it made sense, as Hob felt himself getting hot, his skin prickling, that his imagination would wander, drifting to his perfect stranger. The only constant in his life, and someone who frequented Hob’s dreams often, especially as their centennial meetings came around or passed.
Though this iteration of his friend appeared distinctly… solid. He was dressed in that long black coat and skinny jeans from their last meeting (where he’d apologized, apologized! And called Hob a friend), his black hair gently tousled as before.
Hob paid it no mind as his tongue finally became useful and spoke for him.
“Hello, stranger.” he tried his best to mimic his friend’s deep voice and giggled at himself, cataloging the twitch of amusement in his usual stony face.
“You were thinking about me.” He spoke again, choosing to not point out how Hob currently had his arms ensnared around him and swaying them back and forth. “In a place like this.”
His stranger cast his gaze about the room and Hob noticed, in the pulsing lights, his eyes were black, all the way to the sclera, not the crystal blue that Hob had become so acquainted with. It was startling, and as the strobe lights began to flicker, Hob watched his friend’s eyes shimmer as well, like stars dancing in the night sky.
“I’m always thinking about you,” Hob spoke, transfixed. He hadn’t meant to say that, but fuck it, this was a dream and he’d said and done much worse with his oldest friend, to this stranger, in the comfort of his own head. “Even if I don’t know your bloody name yet.”
Those piercing eyes focused back on Hob and he felt himself physically wobble, holding onto his friend now for support.
“Oh, I am aware.” Hob caught his breath at the genuine smile his friend gave him, much like the one in the New Inn just days ago. “But you do know my name, you must, in order to summon me like this.”
Hob huffed, impatient. His friend’s hands were still resolutely at his side, unmoving even as Hob squeezed and swayed with a little more force.
“Sure, Dream Stranger,” Hob’s arms eased up just enough to slot his hands against bony hips and pull, making him stagger forward. Hob smirked, elated at the absolute shock reflected in the man’s expression.
“Now get with the program,” Hob leaned in, touching his nose to his stranger’s, the slight gasp it caused going straight to Hob’s cock. “And put your hands on me.”
He didn’t pull away, which was good. This dream had been derailed long enough. And finally, finally Hob’s dream lifted his arms and surrounded Hob’s face in his hands.
Big hands, Hob realized as his entire body went still. Big fucking hands, with long fingers, cool to the touch, and slipping back into his hair. Hob felt like he’d been electrocuted, his face forced forward, pupils shaking as he met his stranger dead on, getting lost in the inky black atmosphere of his impalpable eyes.
“Ah,” Hob eloquently said, swallowing hard. “This is different.”
“Is it?” His stranger gave a smirk of his own, lips turning up sharp at the corners, like they could cut. “How do these dreams normally proceed?”
Slowly, like pieces fitting into a puzzle, understanding trickles in Hob’s brain and his eyes go wide, his heart stopping before kicking back up in double time.
“Oh, you’re– really here, aren’t you.” It’s not a question. Hob would feel more embarrassed about this if his ancient friend wasn’t holding him at eye level, scrutinizing in an obnoxiously amusing way.
Hob wets his lips and doesn’t miss how the galaxy flicks down to watch the motion. “And your name is…”
“Dream.” His fingers tangle further into Hob’s hair, gripping it and causing Hob’s jaw to drop with a not-so-quiet groan.
He leans in close, cold lips brushing Hob’s jaw and making every hair stand on end. 
“I would appreciate it if you used it now, Hob Gadling.”
Hob’s eyes flutter shut, his fingers pressing on narrow hips hard enough to bruise. “Dream?”
“Mm…” Dream purrs, like a cat content, as he nuzzles his way up Hob’s neck to speak hotly in his ear. “Again.”
Hob gasps like the air has been ripped from him as Dream bites the top of his ear, sending a bolt of electricity down his spine and causing his hips to twitch involuntarily.
“Dream.” Hob tilts his head, exposing his neck as Dream’s lips drag along the stubble there, licking and nibbling as he goes. “Oh my god–”
“Again.” The demand is punctuated with one hand moving from Hob’s hair to his backside, groping roughly and setting Hob on fire as he feels the confined outline of Dream’s arousal press against his own straining erection.
“Fuck–” Hob releases Dream’s hips and holds onto his face instead, pulling it from his abused neck and forcing their mouths together.
The kiss is the most grounding Hob has ever felt, but also fleeting, delicate like a cloud. Hob holds on like Dream could vanish, melt into the floorboards or dissolve into a pile of sand– sand! God, Hob was an idiot.
Dream’s tongue invades Hob’s mouth like a cavalry, drowning Hob. Bites his bottom lip like a brand, a claim, drawing blood and making Hob shake with want. The dance floor suddenly becomes vacant, people vanishing, music filtering out like a volume knob had been turned down. Hob’s hands settle on Dream’s shoulders and push, walking them backwards until Dream’s back connects with a wall and Hob thrusts his entire body onto him. The impact forces a cough of surprise from Dream and Hob likes it, elated to elicit any kind of reaction from his friend.
“You make me crazy,” Hob bites out, pressing his own fingers against Dream’s throat and up into his silky soft hair, grabbing it and watching his friend to see how his eyes glint something hot and dangerous. “You know that?”
“Would you demonstrate it for me?” Dream’s lips curl, enticing and provoking, daring Hob to say yes. To take Dream apart and show him every fantasy he’s ever conjured up. To act on every impure thought Hob’s ever had, every fleeting glance or touch turned purposeful and laden with desire.
Hob would take Dream apart, if that’s what he wished. And here, in his dream, anything was possible, and Hob intended to keep him here as long as he could, letting Dream into his darkest whims and satisfactions. Perhaps he already knew, could feel it in Hob, the way Dream made him ache, the way he made him hunger. 
Slipping his fingers through Dream’s belt loops, Hob pulled as he rolled his hips, connecting their fronts and knocking his head back with the bolt of pleasure. Dream’s hands fisted into his shirt and held on as they met again and again.
“Hob–” Dream crooned, his mouth at his collarbone.
“Yes,” Hob finally answered, his head coming down to watch Dream, seduced by the exploding cosmos in his eyes. “I would show you everything.”
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mopeylopey1 · 5 months
hello I am writing something for the first time ever and it is about mr bilbo baggins
the shortest way I can explain it is if u took a traditional cultural misunderstanding fic set in post-botfa erebor and swapped it so bilbo thought thorin was courting him bc everyone keeps saying that’s what he’s doing (cue the mithril shirt) except he’s not he’s just trying to engage more in hobbit culture so bilbo feels less lonely (bc he is in love with him) (they are in love with each other)
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lit-in-thy-heart · 10 months
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[ID: the train hitting a school bus meme. In the first panel, an empty school bus edges over train tracks and is labelled 'writing planned angst' with a train approaching. In the second panel, the train crashes into the bus and knocks it off the tracks. The train is labelled 'different angst suddenly writing itself'. End ID.]
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bogkeep · 1 year
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sketches for an S & D tier AU where morgan is in a rock band and alex is a very famous actor. this is nearly a year old, but i finally wrote the fic it's for :')
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frostbitesjc · 1 year
gojo unboxing day is going to be a national holiday for many but gege’s personal hell
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bizlybebo · 5 months
what fic should i work on going into the new year
(for context the hair headcanon was basically the whole 'what if the undersea was one of those societies where your hair was a sign of victory in the sense that you only ever cut it when you lost a battle and they cut off all of gillion's long hair when htey exiled him)
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nixotinix · 8 months
fic update!!!
alright you little rascals!! i've mentioned a couple times here that I'm working on a new Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde centric fanfiction. Well, it isn't done, not by a long shot. But I am proud to report that it is my longest by FAR. Just chapter 3 is longer than Mortify Curiosity (my prev fic). So, to hold you fiends over, I'm posting a little bit of info about the fic here so y'all can decide if it's a good read for you before it even comes out!!! Said info will be below the cut ^^
Starting off with the basics!! Here's a screenshot from the AO3 draft with the title, tags, and summary.
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Like with Mortify Curiosity, my other chaptered fic, I'm finishing this fic COMPLETELY before posting. I know the sting of an unfinished fic, and I wouldn't do that to you.
For some other info: chapter count and chapter titles, plus word count if the chapters are finished! -- -Chapter 1: What is sought is most often found, if it is truly sought -- Word count: 5,141 -Chapter 2: You know all the right moves; use them -- Word count: 7,411 -Chapter 3: Keep in mind the deadline is closing in -- Word count: 12,968 -Chapter 4: His affections, like ivy, were the growth of time -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 5: Confront what frightens or offends you -- Word count: ??? -Chapter 6: That child of Hell had nothing human -- Word count: ??? -Current total word count: 27,739 Just warning y'all, do not expect the other chapters to be as long as chapter 3. I literally do not know what possessed me to write an almost 13k word chapter it just. kinda happened. Chapter 4 is currently sitting at a cool 2,220 words, and I haven't really gotten into the nitty gritty. So it'll probably be a long one too.
Finally, just for you guys, I'll give you a little excerpt from the opening. You'll probably have to click to read, but this is the first 550-ish words. Enjoy ur little snack hehe
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i'll reblog this post when the fic comes out so yall can find it huehue
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nats-firefly · 2 months
Born to write silly little fics, forced to work
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ayotamacorner · 9 months
mmm if i wrote a fic about miguel infiltrating that other dimension they talk about in the movie but it's from that earth's gabriel's pov as he grapples with the feeling that something is wrong with his brother while at the same time miguel is trying to balance actually having the loving family life some subconscious part of him as always wanted with the guilty knowledge that the miguel this version of his brother and daughter love (and who worked so hard for their love, who put in the effort to communicate and mend his relationships in a way our miguel never got to do) is dead would anyone read it
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nephriteknight · 2 months
i am making a promise to you all now that i will not post a scottish honeymoon fic before i finish three card spread. it is so close to done but the hyperfixation jumped ship you gotta understand
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sach216 · 2 months
Just wanted to share that I'm working on a secret quartet multichap fic 😊👉👈
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kakujis · 5 months
dad!yasuo(dadsuo) washing mc’s hair because theyve never learned how to do that properly… dadsuo cooking mc their first meal that wasn’t made by themselves or leftover scrap… dadsuo who slowly comes to the realization that travelling with a companion isn’t too bad, and hey, maybe he can keep something safe and sacred. maybe death does not follow him whenever he goes. and mc learning that not everyone is evil, they won’t be abandoned, and there is still something left to look up to.
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
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the-travelling-witch · 3 months
hi hollyyyy im just dropping in to provide some additional info regarding kingdom hearts/FF to the non FF/KH players 🏃‍♀️
sora (the lil guy u posted) is actually a brunette 14-16 (depending on game) years old kid
the reason why some might confuse cloud w him/KH is bc cloud (and other well known FF characters such as tidus(x), selphie(viii), aerith(vii), squall(viii),etcetc) also appear in the KH games as characters :) FF/KH have the same publisher and designer (most ff games) and its not a disney game but rather a collab. sorry for rambling, youn out 🏃‍♀️
hiii youuuuuun!! it’s definitely nice to have someone around who’s knowledgeable on ff if i ever do wanna pick it up
(lmao i actually know who sora is and that he’s brunette despite having not much interest in kingdom hearts, i think i watched some content for it when i was younger, i was just trying to pass him as dirty blond for the joke jsjsh /silly; i was not informed on his age though, so i partially retract my twink statement)
i didn’t know that they had the same designer since they never really felt similar to me, but now that you mention it i do vaguely recall seeing sora and cloud next to one another some time
(but honestly i might have passed it off as being from smash bros since i think both of them are in there? or at least cloud and shulk are, i think, idk i didn’t keep up with who they added lol)
anyway, don’t worry about rambling, i really don’t mind <3
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Make that bad boy as long as you need!! So excited!!!!!
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if you’re 100% sure… then let’s get it🤣
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airenyah · 4 months
me: really tired, eyes hurting, just wants to sleep bc i have violin lesson in the morning and some deadlines to keep in mind
insomnia, the moment i close my eyes:
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