#but i don't need rabid fans in my inbox
lovecolibri · 6 months
Oh I am *cackling* at the producers trying to claim the show was driven by Loki and Sylvie's relationship when she refused to lift a finger to help multiple times (while platonic bestie Mobius was living out romcom moments by the dozen with Loki), and honestly they could have not had her in the season at all and barely anything would change. Like, I don't like that ship but it's still SO deeply disrespectful to give them NOTHING on screen all season while giving all the cute classically shippy moments to Lokius, and then come out after and claim it was some grand, sweeping romance and also there was nothing intentional about giving all the shippy stuff to Lokius. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Also, as I said in some tags, the "we can't get into Loki's head" like is just....peek absurdity. My brother in Christ, YOU'RE the writers! This character has been in the MCU for like, 14 years, played by Hiddleston who is *obsessed* with Loki. Getting into Loki's head should have been a cake walk! And even if it wasn't, IT'S LITERALLY YOUR JOB TO GET IN THE CHARACTER'S HEAD. Maybe this is why shows are so shitty? Instead of letting the characters drive the plot by getting into their heads and making choices from that perspective, showrunners instead twist the characters into a storyline.
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champagnepodiums · 9 months
I was reading your posts about people hating wags and (apologies if you've covered this and I missed it!) I feel like the rabid idolisation of these girls is equally as unhealthy and parasocial and it often gets overlooked. A driver won't date you if you obsessively hate on their partner, they're also not going to appreciate you more if you obsess lovingly over them as well?
They're largely a group of young, wealthy, privileged women, who we never hear speak or give much in the way of opinion or personality, I don't understand how you can form a deep seated hatred from what little we know, but equally I don't understand how you can form a deep seated passion for them either? It feels largely based on looks rather than anything substantial, which feels problematic in a different way?
I think I just find it sad how much interest is funnelled into these women who, at the end of the day, aren't as relevant to proceedings as the online attention would have you believe. F1 has a 'women' problem and I think it's a shame that who drivers are dating ends up pulling focus from women who are genuinely trying to do something to redress the balance. It'd be great if there were less 'wag fanpages' or 'what wags wear' pages (which are a whole different discussion in reductiveness), and more fan pages and support for the female drivers. Them getting visible public interest is afterall one of the hurdles they need to jump to secure themselves viable funding to progress.
I think there's a lot of nuance to the Wag discussion that often gets overlooked, I don't think it's as black and white as 'liking wags is good and disliking them is bad' (not suggesting you said that btw but I feel sometimes that's the way it gets portrayed in fandom spaces?)
Yeah -- there are definitely two extremes at play with WAGs that are harmful and I think you made a good point about how we could use the energy and attention for WAGs to something more useful and productive.
Forgive me for my lackluster post, I spent the day traveling and getting a tattoo! but I didn't want you post to collect dust in my inbox <3333
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incarnateirony · 1 year
You’re delusional .
Wow. Nice one. Just pinning this. Almost deleted it for its lack of content, but actually, these two words tell a lot.
If you follow my anon chain:
They tried to pearl clutch about Ethics
Their Ethics were self defeating to the person they were defending, because they're literally the ones that started the threats, I just offer to take them up on it
Showed you didn't follow the conversation because you pretended it wasn't documented, and when presented with the documents--
You didn't actually care about the ethics, and got called out as a human shaped object with no moral compass, which became clear, because you started arguing about basically their right to act like this to "enjoy fandom"
I pointed out if you actually were enjoying yourselves you wouldn't be threatening people and spending the bulk of your time trolling in inboxes
No. Actually, you are. The reason you, and your friends, were reduced to this stab is you actually realize that. So, once you internalized that your argument is based in delusion (and frankly disappointment with the content of the actor you stan for social reasons more than the man himself), and you had no way to continue your stream of assault and were just standing there looking like a clown, you call other people delusional.
Because you're angry. Mostly at yourself, really, but in this moment, me. But that self hate is what drives this rabid projection behavior of yours to begin with. Oh, and probably some anger at Jared, silently, for not giving you What You Need To Win As A Fan. But you can't admit that to each other without getting ostracized.
See, you guys have gotten real mad I stole that word from you, and that my use of it each time seems to be panning out. Because that's the reality. You've been spraying your delusions for years, and you pin yourselves in corners every time trying to incite high school drama, and then you scream everybody else sucks.
I repeat. If you're having such a star spangled awesome time with Jared's shit, go enjoy that shit. I'm trying to enjoy my shit but you guys are so obsessed with being angry raging homophobic attack dogs all the time that you throw temper tantrums you can't get in my server to fuck around.
You're not here for fun like you claim. You're here for ego, stupid games for stupid prizes, and some concept that you "won" something. You don't know what you want to win anymore, but goddamnit, you can't confess to being a loser, so you're going to keep going towards a vague goal with no potential resolution until you die, basically.
Like that's it. That's your contribution to planet earth until you die, because you've shown incapable of change. Your contribution is wasting kilobites on the internet losing twitter battles and control of TV shows. And that's part of why you're so damn angry at the people who made change, who it's OBVIOUS made change, why you are squealing like teapots trying to deny the source of that change. Because you don't know how to contribute to society, and that too makes you mad, and makes you feel like you're losing.
Frankly I'm not even convinced you're here for Jared. Blogs like 2po, lolj, hookerwitch actually spend more time obsessing and trying to find ways to nerf Jensen's success, to stalk and hate on his projects, to bitch about the Winchesters, FAR MORE than they ever actually like. talk about jared or walker. I legit think he's just something you use as a barbie of ideology and he's even been failing you there. They don't care about the dude either. It's about that Win. They don't know what Win or Lose is, but they can definitely tell they're leaning closer to Lose in their fucked up paradigm, and they're always gonna be losing, because they actually have no goal to win much less means. It's just noise and attention. Anger at successful people. Anger at picking the "wrong horse". Whatever. Just anger. But lmao "we're here for a good time." You sure don't fuckin act like it.
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
I mean, that COULD be the case, but I think what anon is saying is that you should be able to take at least an hour out of your 24-hour day to be off the phone long enough to have a nice pleasant meal while out with your friends or loved one(s). Thank you, that's exactly what I meant. Tweets, fans OR business - all that can wait 1h (another anon, read more carefully pls). If the people that are hanging with her are ok with it, why does anon care? How do you know they're OK? 🤔 We don't know that. Maybe they'd want to politely ask her to stop doing it, but they don't want to hurt her feelings or whatever. Maybe she's well aware of her own bad habit and she recognizes it, she just can't fix it yet? Anyway, who would enjoy having the person you're talking to constantly cheking their phone? Is this some kind of new gen z trend? 😂 lol Anyway, in Z's defense, she doesn't do it all the time. yeah. ...only every other photo from a cafe lmao 😆.
I've got my eye on you, miss Z. I'm gonna collect pics of her scrolling memes at restaurants instead of having a chat with Darnell or enjoying her food or starring into Tom's gorgeous brown eyes after all. And I'll post all of it on IG (/j but kinda serious). I'm sure she'll laugh when she sees it from the outside.
To anon#2 and to all hardcore Z stans out there, pls chill. I'm not coming for your queen. She's my queen too. We're just joking around and roasting a little (and like old millennials we're making etiquette remarks lmao). That's it
Thanks for your input Anon 👍🏾😊
And yea, just cuz you love your fave doesn't mean that you have to feel like they are perfect. I have many faves but I know they're not perfect, and sometimes they may do (or say 👀) things that make me give them the side-eye lol, but it doesn't make me love my faves any LESS.
I think celeb culture has become so cultish these days, that you can't even playfully joke or point out smthg that you don't like or give the side-eye to, without being bashed or having rabid fans jumping down your back and snatching your edges. 🥴
Some fans need to put down the sword. There's a difference btwn pointing out an observation, and just being plain MEAN or catty about someone. The latter is totally uncalled for, and I usually try not to dwell on or post overly negative posts on my blog about anyone really. (Believe me, I get some crazy stuff in my inbox)
I'm pretty sure Z knows of her addiction to memes and her device just in general lol (I feel like she's even mentioned it before in an interview? 🤔), so I don't think anyone needs to tell her about herself. It's just the culture that we live in. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Just about everyone does it at SOME point.
Maybe she's been working on it and has actually improved! We really don't know lol 😆
But yea, it's just nice etiquette and manners to (at least when out to eat) put the phone down, and just enjoy that person's company.
Gen Z might feel differently though, so maybe it doesn't really bother them at all lol? 🤷🏾‍♀️ But for others, especially those raised by old-school standards, it might seem a bit rude to them.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Avid fans have ruined fandoms and media for me...
People who want to know every detail about the show, and especially Pedro, wig me out. I don't understand why they need those details. And I don't just mean The Mandalorian.
My brother has ruined One Piece for me because it seems his whole life revolves around it. He's always talking about certain characters whose names I don't remember and powers I don't have memorized. Because I have a lot to do outside of the media I watch.
I had a friend over the other day to binge watch Danny Phantom because I just got into it. I thought we chill, watch the show, and just have fun. But I didn't even make it through the second season because he was just constantly talking over it and hyper-analizing it and telling me about about fan fics he'd read about this or that part of it. I just wanted to watch it and enjoy myself, but I couldn't because I was so irritated by him talking over it and interrupting. I finally had to ask him to leave and I felt horrible that I wasn't as into it as he was.
But that just isn't the way I consume content and it was making me uncomfortable. I mean he practically followed me into the bathroom still talking about the show.
I just watch shows to calm down or just relax and dissociate. I don't need to know how Danni learned ghost skills when she was practically a baby. Or where Pedro is every waking moment. Or how Law was raised. I'm happy to just find content I enjoy and watch it. That's it.
Idk if I'm alone in feeling this way or not. Sorry if I come off as a b*tch in this, I'm just tired of people being so nosey and rabid about media.
Experiences are different for everyone and I am am not going to say that yours are not valid at all. I tend to enjoy the press that comes out, I enjoy studying the characters and coming up with theories. But I'm not debate lore and canon for hours on end.
I do think that there is a vast difference in tracking a real life man's locations and things to do with a show or a character.
People hyper fixate. It happens. I LOVED The X-Files when it came out. Loved it. Books, boxed VHS episodes, magazines. I loved diving into that world and exploring it. I'm sure I drove my parents crazy with it, but it was something that brought me a lot of joy when I was going through those angsty teenage years.
Please curate your own experiences and filter out those that make you anxious or upset. There are various ranges of all fans in any section of a fandom and I highly encouraging blocking those that are not to your liking. No explanations needed to anyone.
Now. I do have to ask why you are dropping this exact commentary into multiple people's inboxes?
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❗Ok other folks, pls ignore...apart from that anon that sended it❗(ofc anyone else can read it when interested but it's not a necessity to know any of that) (sorry long wall of text again)
On the Javi topic yet again...bc anon continued and I want to adress some things you mentioned anon, where I feel the things you wrote are a bit accusatory (it's maybe not the right word to describe it)
More under the cut...
Anon's ask/opinion are in italic
"Hey, sorry to bother again, last time I promise. If you're not going to post my addition to the Javi post, then could you delete the original reply as well?"
I said "I don't want to adress it again" not that I will not adress it again. And then honest question anon what "addition" did you send? Or did you mean what you wrote now? Because I posted your ask as it was, there was no addition when I replied to it in my inbox. If you wrote another one than the ones I replied to here and in the reply before, it didn't reach me.
I am sorry if you don't like my view or opinion on the Javi matter,but I won't delete the reply. As I wrote in my original reply it makes clear on where I stand with Javi and this is the reason I even decided to reply. With your ask for deletion I now question what your intention was with sending your original ask...now it leaves the impression on me that you hoped I would rant about Javi as well and now that you don't like my reply, I should delete it. It doesn't mean my observation is right, but it leaves questions to me (I may delete this exact reply though because I write this especially to you anon. I would reply to you directly without sharing it, but I have no chance to reply to you directly if you're remaining anonymous)
I get your stance on "seeing the best in everyone" but my opinion of him is based on years of observation, and even if you don't know someone personally, you can have an impression of their personality.
I didn't say you can't have that opinion or impression of his personality, it just doesn't mean your observations are right. I made clear that I am personally not on the same page as you with Javi. I don't know if, why or what you are projecting on Javi but observations can be vastly different depending on own experiences and view on life in general. I say it yet again, we don't know Javi and we don't know Yuzu or any public figure. We have opinions about them how we think they might be or how they appear to us but it doesn't mean it's true. And it doesn't mean you have to like Javi now or change your view on him, you can dislike him all you want, I just offered another perspective, one that you do not consider for yourself, which is fine. We don't need to agree on the matter.
This way your post just leaves the vibe that poor Javi WAS robbed at the Oly and a rabid fan is bullying him. (Character limit, continued...
I did never say Javi was robbed, not in the reply to you or ever anywhere else. I just said Pyeongchang podium could have gone either way and that Javi's observation isn't wrong that he could have gotten silver. The fault however - if there is a fault - is at the judges, not Shoma or Javi or anyone who skated that day. If you got that vibe then I am sorry this was neither what I wrote nor my intention. But I do think that as a Shoma fan we can admit that both skaters were deserving of a Silver that day.
A rabid fan is bullying him? Where did I ever say Javi was bullied? I just said that ppl were overdramatic with the Beijing comment. Everything between Yuzu and Javi that has been build up over years is destroyed with one comment according to some Fanyus? Is this how ppl think relationships work? It's overly dramatic imo. And a lot of rabid Fanyus are bullies to any skater that isn't Yuzu, you should know that as a Shoma fan. And because of that it makes their view on things not worth a notice and also in general no one deserves to be bullied. If you feel like I victimized Javi then you totally misread my comment. There is a difference between valid criticism and pointing out bad behavior and a hate wave and imo Javi received both at that time. The reaction wasn't proportional to the comment imo. It blew up a lot or do you think Javi deserved the hate comments?
(continued; sorry, for writing in bits, but the character limit is really small) You even tagged it with his name, so his fans can see it. I don't know, it just leaves a bad aftertaste, because it makes for example Shoma look bad unnecessarily, and enough people hate him already, for no reason...
Yes I tag names. Yes his fans can see that I don't resent Javi over the Beijing comment and that I see myself as neutral. (I have Javi fans following me too and for them I wanted to be clear) It is also for tag organization. I always tag all Javi posts with his full name. The ones I don't always tag in full name are Yuzu and Shoma (bc it takes longer to write and I have countless posts about them) I didn't put Yuzu or Javi purposely in a bad light with my reply, so I don't see anything wrong with tagging them. If you didn't want ppl to see your opinion on Javi in the tag that is a different matter. And as you may have noticed I didn't tag Shoma as he isn't subject of the discussion just mentioned along the way with Pyeongchang's placements.
I don't understand why you think my reply makes Shoma look bad? Apart from that I said something along "if the 4Loop would have been called underrotated Javi would have won Silver". I did neither say my opinion on whether the 4Loop should have been called underrotated nor did I say that Shoma should not have won Silver. Again either result would have been fine and it was totally on the judges. If ppl can't comprehend how the sport works and know that skaters are NEVER at fault for how the judges award skaters, I can't help it. And as you said enough ppl hate Shoma already for no reason...I did not name any reason or paint Shoma purposely in a bad light with saying they could have called the 4Loop because it falls again in the category "direct hate at the judges". They hate Shoma for nothing anyway and this particular discussion if Javi should have won Silver is as old as the Pyeongchang podium and a "reason for haters" since then to hate on Shoma. (Look right at after Shoma's skate at the replay German commentators who are big Shoma fans said that Shoma will end up 3rd if they call the 4Loop, so there have been questions about that 4Loop rotation ever since, it's hardly my invention)
Also, I was kind of ranting unpromptedly... So, all in all, I kind of regret sending the whole thing, and I'm sorry for taking up your time. I still keep my opinions though. Won't write more.
I can't change nor help you with your regret about sending it. You don't have to be sorry to take up my time. If I wouldn't have thought it was worth my time, I wouldn't have answered in the first place. I just don't want to make it that big of a topic because it isn't a topic in current fan discussions as far as I know (but mind you I don't read rabid Fanyus opinions much, too much bullsh*t behavior, so dunno maybe it's a discussion somewhere )
I am sorry if this leaves you unsettled, but as you have your opinion I have mine. If you simply want to rant and not get an answer you can also make that clear by saying "please don't publish" and I won't do it.
Adding screenshots of the full thing by anon if my taking apart makes no sense to you
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karawinncuteness · 7 years
what kind of moraly bankrupt retard writes fic featuring characters played by shitbags? did you not see what happend at SDCC? kara and winn are cancelled and the only aceptabl ship is supercorp from now on. you bullying hets are fucked in the head if you don't realize how gross your shipping is after what was said. gtf out of fandom and let us have our ship in peace cuz it will be the only way to save supergirl from cancellation
Oh really now?
It does not surprise me that someone who uses r*tard as a derogatory and abelist term is also unable to seperate fictional characters from the actors who play them.  I did see what happened at Comic Con and was not at all pleased by the hurtful statements made.  It always sucks when idols fall from their pedastals, but I’m old enough not to think everyone’s perfect.  People say and do horrible, stupid shit all the time and if I wasted my energy freaking out over it...nah, I’m too old and tired.  That is my personal feelings, but that doesn’t mean I expect other people to share my pov.  LGBT audiences (which, shock of shocks, Nonnie, I am a part of) deserve better treatment than what they got. 
Everyone is entitled to feel what they feel and react as they see fit...until it comes to spewing more hate.  Express your opinions, sure, but sending someone bilious vitrol serves no purpose.  As your message was sent anonymously, I assume you know sending hate is wrong and thus took the cowards way out.  My Mum told me not to say anything behind someone’s back that you aren’t willing to say to their face and I bring that advice with me into my interactions.  If someone truly believes they are in the right, they have no need to hide who they are.
Also, statements like this confuse me.  You declare ‘Kara and Winn are cancelled’ and then go on to tell me the only acceptable (note the spelling) ship is SuperCorp.  How does one ship a ship where one half of it is cancelled?  This reminds me of my days in the Glee fandom where many of the rabid fans of a particular ship idolized one character and bashed the other unless they were being used as a prop or accessory for the adored one.  I found it as baffling then as I do now.
‘you bullying hets’...where do I start with that?  Again, not heterosexual.  And I find it hysterical that someone who came into my inbox to be rude and attack me would accuse me of bullying and demand I leave fandom.  Hypocritical much?  No one is allowed to dictate what another person enjoys in fandom or in life in general (as long as things stay legal).  Welcome to the real world, where lots of people like and think things you don’t agree with.  If you don’t want to see ships and characters you don’t like, maybe you shouldn’t go looking for it to start shit, cuz I know I tagged my fic.
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
You let anons come in here lying through their teeth about what they claim to see on Twitter when it’s the complete opposite. Anyone that’s deep in Tom Twitter knows she’s adored by most of his fans. Idk why anons are coming in here lying to make what they say sound true but.... it’s not true at all lol. Y’all are so weird for constantly lying about things
Well, I've seen the hate and the Anons right here in my very inbox, so ppl aren't just making this stuff up. 🤷🏾‍♀️ There's def SOME truth to the claims, because I've seen it with my own eyes.
I know what frequently comes through my inbox, and most of the "haterade" coming through is anti-Z or anti-Tomdaya (which is usually from the Tom fan perspective). Just being honest. It's very obvious which side of the fandom the hate is coming from in my inbox. Like, it's not that hard to tell at all lol. 😅 Y'all are so transparent lol.
I don't even frequent Twitter. I feel like both fandoms are prob nuts on Twitter tbh lol. I'm going primarily by what I've seen on YouTube, IG, and my own inbox. The inbox doesn't lie. 😏
I can't help what comes in. People are showing themselves to be who they are all the time. 🤷🏾‍♀️
With that said, there ARE Tom fans who are super cool and DO adore Zendaya 😊, so I'm not saying that there aren't fans of his who like her. I'm just saying that there is def a segment of Tom's fandom that seems very triggered with Zendaya (especially), and Tom's friendship with her for some reason. Perhaps they are the more vocal ones? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Most Z Stans aren't really caring or getting angry about her love life like that. Not like Tom's fandom, who freaks out over every girl he comes within a 5-mile radius of. 👀 To the point where they will have the girl's address and will be dm'ing her before the day is over the second Tom is pictured out with the new girl. Remember Olivia? Remember the girls that Tom met in Cleveland? 😏 Dude cannot breathe lol. And then fans wonder why he keeps his love life pretty private. 👀
Most Z Stans on the other hand aren't obsessed like that. And I usually never get Z Stan Anons coming into my inbox jumping up and down and saying: "haha! Z didn't like Tom's post.... ha!" No, that's usually TOM'S fans saying nonsense like that. 🥴
Yea you have some HunterDaya fans and Johndaya hopefuls, but most fans of hers just want Z to be happy and to be with a DECENT guy (or girl) who treats her well, and has decent fans that won't hate on her or be racist towards her.
It's actually one of the reasons why I strongly suspect that some latched on to Jacdaya so much. 🥴 They just wanted Anyone But Tom (ABT).... and some were even willing to overlook JE's shady past behavior simply because they just liked the fact that Z was dating a guy who didn't have such a rabid fandom for a change. 👀 And because JE came on the scene already dating someone openly before he "blew up" (due to TKB fame), his smaller fanbase was already used to him dating women in the public eye, and therefore his fans have usually seemed pretty CHILL about the girls he dates for the most part.
You may not agree with me (and that's okay), but I'm just going by what I've personally observed, and what ppl have told me. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Overall, I just wish that BOTH sides of the fandom would stop being so...petty. July 17th will almost be TWO YEARS ago! 🤯 Feb/NYC is already over a YEAR ago! Fans on both sides need to let that mess go. Tom and Zendaya have made up with each other, and truth be told, prob never really actually stopped being friends.... they were prob just a little on the outs, that's all. But now they seem happy and are close again. 😊
I just wish fans would let stuff go about a rlshp that they were never in to begin with. 👀
Both fandoms can be exhausting sometimes...... 😔
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