#but because I haven't drawn shit between them in the timeline
hyperionwitch-art · 1 year
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You know the kind of conversations you have, late at night with a close friend, when you're tired enough to be uninhibited but you can't bring yourself to sleep just yet?
Yeah, I don't know, I got possessed by the spirit of yearning a few weeks ago, wrote a scene in a fugue, and then went feral turning it into a comic. But frankly I am always low-key thinking about Pining Kids, so really this should come as no surprise.
Tev/Dren Masterpost
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matchbet-allofthetime · 4 months
An open ask box *wiggles fingers* don't mind if I do! What are your thoughts on Quan Chi?
(Me babbling) After playing some of the games and joining the fandom, I fully expected him to be more popular??? I think he's cool as shit and APPARENTLY underrated! Like, Oh Em Gee, when his DLC dropped? His move set in MK1 is insane. We should be talking about him more.
(and like everyone in the new game, very attractive for no reason.)
Welcome to the ask box! *Wiggles fingers back* get ready for utmost babbling and Quan Chi loving hours under the read more, because he deserves it.
OKAY, so- I adore Quan Chi. Always have.
I played the original arcade games growing up (local arcade was the only one within miles and it kept the og games years after most arcades started to shut down) and when I tell you Quan Chi made me so happy when I was super young.
I really, REALLY love him in all the games, but MK1 especially. We get to see him pre-shang's-experiments, then after, when his eyes turn red, right?
But he just- he's beautiful. His voice is phenomenal, his emotions and inflections are stunning, and he's so wonderfully modeled that it actually hurts my heart in such a good way.
He's sexy as hell and I'm not afraid to say it.
He's MORE than cool as shit, he's fucking awesome! Not only is he cocky and keeps his massive grin, but we get to see so many little sides to him we as a fandom haven't ever explored before (such as- the apparent tenderness he actually seems to have in MK1, because there's a few scenes where he's actually pretty gentle-seeming.)
He seems far more... Drawn out? Or his words do. His movements are only sharp and quick when he wants them to be, but he holds himself high despite it all.
We get to see Quan Chi with far less of his experience from decades of sorcery unlike other games, where he's, of course, used to his powers. He's still equally good with them, but there is that sense that he's still learning in MK1 because it all just happened, yk? As in, the events that made Quan Chi go from his normal self and his life as a miner to more of Quan Chi as we know him.
Even still, he remains incredibly powerful, talented, and intelligent, able to manipulate about as well as Shang, but he's got a genuine side to him Shang just doesn't. (Perhaps it's Quan Chi's voice?)
I stand by the idea that Liu Kang was making this timeline one-handed, because hhhhhooooooly fuck, everyone is sinfully gorgeous, and Quan Chi is NOT an exception to that whatsoever.
Between his voice, his outfits, the way he holds himself, that massive grin he as in certain finishes, his smaller smile he gives Shang Tsung a few times during the storyline, and that arched nose??? Oooh boy, he ruins me.
I actually need more people to love him (and several other characters) more, and I need more Quan Chi content.
His powers are always wicked cool- and powerful- but in MK1, he just EVISCERATES anyone he's pitted against. It's insane!
His moves are not only crazy cool, but also crazy strong! He's so awesome dkdjfj
And as a long-time player, lemme say- when I was a kid, I thought he'd be more popular too. He's more mentioned, rather than content really being made for him, unlike more popular characters like Johnny or Liu Kang. (And frankly, there's several characters that I think need more love throughout multiple MK games, MK1 included ofc)
All in all?
Quan Chi is:
-hotter than sin
-his voice made me need to put down the controller and force myself to breathe for several minutes on multiple occasions
-his moves and fatalities are badass on so many levels
-he's cool and sexy and badass and I might be a little obsessed with him but there's NO content of him 😭
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timeline of Peter Parker's Spider-Man suits for my AU
(part... One...! Handmade Suits)
with copious notes for myself lol
(i made a separate post for his web shooters)
You can see the original versions of some of these designs (here) but this post is now of course the most up-to-date version (though I did trace parts of the original so I didn't have to do too much extra re-drawing, which is why parts of it look wonky 😅(cough cough teen peter))
MANY closeups under the cut:
First up is Peter's early costumes:
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Peter's Very First Costume before he was technically Spider-Man. Now, is it stupid to have the name of your high school emblazoned across your back? Probably. But he only wears this for like... a month, month and a half. Extremely classic DIY shit, scrim eyes, no lenses, stolen tracksuit (no he's not evil in this au he's just a little monster) etc. This is what he's first using his Mk.I web shooters with before replacing them because they suck.
NOTE: TECHNICALLY WRONG: things are constantly shifting. not sure about web-shooters but this tracksuit technically isn't his costume for wrestling, it goes OVER his costume for wrestling, which is just a high-rise singlet over tights + the mask. but when he's not on the mat he's wearing the tracksuit to cover himself.
The shades of colors on this tracksuit match the shades on Flash's letter jacket btw. (posted here)
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Some running shoes he probably got at Payless—IDK if those exact shoes I was drawing were actually cheap but they look close enough to a pair I could sort of see on Payless' website in the wayback machine for 2003 so it's good enough for me XD
can see a peek of peter's glove there lol. probably should have drawn him wearing them but he probably takes them off when he wrestles anyway.
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And this is Peter's FIRST REAL Spider-Man costume which also uses his Mk.II web shooters (the ones that use a combo pulley-and-lever system) which he probably wears for the first time... the night his uncle dies. It's still very hand-made and the logo is screenprinted which means it is going to start cracking pretty quickly... multiple pieces much like 616... I mean this is basically the 616 costume. No face shell or anything so mouth and nose are kind of visible (and ears...) and it's basically standard lycra... not sports fabric or anything just basically thick-ass tights.
Still using scrim in the eyes but now with plastic lenses. Probably not ballistics grade though so... lol.
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he repurposes the sneaker soles from his pre-spidey suit into his new boots, probably just sewn right on (or glued maybe) and he just... wears shoes that are too big so he can fit them in (either that or keeps them in his bag and only puts them on when he changes out of his regular clothes, which is feasible for a guy with a 10 second quick-change time) (I guess he could also wear boot covers made out of the original sneakers that make them look like regular shoes 🤔) (arguably the funniest option)
changed my mind he just has separate boots and puts them on since most solutions require him taking his shoes off anyway and he has that super reflex stuff lol
I haven't really posted much/any fics where Peter's at this age, except "I like our second first kiss better" (though he's not really shown in the suit in the snippets of that) though maybe I'll mention a flashback of him in high school. Oh I guess he was wearing this suit briefly in "These are not the clothes [...]" since that shows him getting the symbiote after fighting Ock.
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this is of course the symbiote suit which Peter acquires in "These are not the clothes I had on when I went to bed" and keeps until "Last week [...]" So... 17-18 years old... (rather almost-18 to almost-19 years old as he gets it in the summer before college and loses it the summer between freshman and sophomore year of college)
it's more of a leather look than a latex look (esp compared to peter's black and white ff suit 10 years later) vs. Patricia's being more glossy
This stayed largely unchanged compared to the original version of these costumes I did.
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and obv since it's a symbiote it's expressive, in contrast to peter's other suits which all have either fixed lenses or in the case of the diy suit is just fabric lol
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not much to say here. sporty symbiote shoes.
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This is the suit he makes at 18 during the summer between freshman and sophomore year of college, which I only briefly mentioned in "Last week I started over again" and prob should have maybe mentioned a little more in detail XD
Without the symbiote and being several inches taller than he was at 17 (not to mention more uh... full-bodied) obviously he couldn't just wear his high school spidey suit so he had to make a new one, and this is it. Bonuses are that he's more experienced sewing, used a nice breathable (and textured matte finish) poly-spandex sports blend for all of his spandex (instead of dance lycra) so it's breathable, added under-arm mesh (i stumbled upon that by happenstance and thought it suited this look very well) and used a mix of embroidery and heat-transfer vinyl to decorate his suit. Also perforated vinyl inside his polycarbonate lenses.
I think the back spider is just some high quality spandex sewn onto the other spandex blends, but the chest spider is def heat transfer vinyl.
which means it may or may not melt if he goes into a burning building, now that i think about it...
The plan for this navy and crimson suit is for it to be his standard suit for most of his 20s.
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The boots are pretty simple here... They ARE boots though they're a little slimmer than most regular boots and the soles are removable through the magic of Rare Earth Magnets and possibly also his own sticking power and also I decided that he can stick through a few inches of material so I can justify his use of shoe soles but also tbh it makes sense even for regular barefoot wallcrawling to prevent him from just... peeling paint off walls and to not be totally fucked if it's a little rainy or dusty.
really i just like the way sporty spider-men with sporty soles look.
Not sure what the boot fabric is, I wrote "not spandex" but it could be like, lined or something. It's Something.
I didn't write this on the drawing but it's in my notes, the soles are dual-density with a polyurethane (PU) outer and an expanded thermoplastic polyurethan (ETPU) inner for durability, lightweight, good support and cushioning, etc. He doesn't have them like, in BULK but he has at least half a dozen replacement pairs of shoe soles for when they wear out.
Also didn't realize this when I was choosing materials but apparently PU is a thermoset which means it won't melt (only soften or burn) once it's set in shape which is super cool. TPU is a thermoplastic though, so it can remelt, but I'm not sure how ETPU would respond to high heat or flame since as an expanded foam it IS full of air bubbles (aka insulation) (then again, even FR treated foam insulation is usually considered a fire hazard...) —Well either way, I'm less worried about his shoes melting than I am about the rest of his suit (also the soles are removable so he can take them off if he needs to)
So basically, overall, This suit is NOT fireproof. Though polyester has a pretty high ignition and melting point (and polycarb is also pretty tough) it's not fire resistant or safe for fires because once you reach high enough temps it melts, so it's more likely to burn you more severely compared to natural fibers like cotton or silk. As you will see further down, Peter learns this the hard way in 2009.
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some material swatches just for vibes and a diagram which is mostly for my own benefit, when I was figuring out how to draw those God Forsaken webs. I think I figured out a way that works well for me though.
the fabric is mostly matte and semi-matte cause I find glossy or satin-finished untextured spandex to look kind of... cheap... (which is why i'm not a big fan of the TASM2 movie suit, even though I love the lenses) (i prefer TASM2 lenses and TASM1 suit even though peter's head looks like a basketball in the first movie) (also the crotch is so low,)
Anyway, Peter's mask is padded with a thin layer of foam as a compromise with the fact that most irl cosplayers use rigid face shells to get the silhouette right lmao but I don't want him to have a hard shell under his mask cause... spider-man kisses... LMAO
also just realized giving him underarm mesh for breathability could be considered an homage to the armpit webs... (which, obviously, are not present on these designs... because they are ugly.) that was not on purpose though.
Numbah Two
it's only... two... well two and a half cause of the way this worked out XD Actually it was only ONE before but I was like, fuck it, idk what his first electro fight will even be and electro hasn't shown up at all but i'll toss in an electro-proof suit, too, why not.
First I wanted to mention his updated default duds though.
He's been using the same pattern as the one he drafted in mid 2006 for the blue and red for a few years at this point, so if it's damaged he just... makes a new one... has soles (and probably lenses tbh) that he bought probably half a dozen identical pairs of, etc. The life of sports fabrics, after all, is only a couple of years before it starts to lose shape (and also it keeps getting shredded) so. Replacements. and you know he shreds those shoes to bits. He's gonna be so good at sewing lol
But in early 2009, well, he does something dumb—which is, he runs into a burning building wearing head-to-toe polyester. It's not fire-resistant, def not certified FR, and in fact, this is partly due to the fact that it's PTFE (Teflon) treated to be non-stick and those two treatments typically don't play nice together. (Teflon itself is pretty heat resistant but from my googling it sounds like Teflon fabric treatment does not render fabric heat resistant, which i guess makes sense, like, it's still gonna melt in there...)
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So he runs into a burning building, ends up with something actively-on-fire falling onto him, and while it's not like, heavy or anything, it is direct heat and flame upwards of 900 degrees, well above the melting point of polyester and above the ignition point as well, so... he ends up with a third degree burn on his leg and many smaller first and second degree burns on the rest of his body from sparks melting tiny spots through his suit (as well as the vinyl heat transfer on his chest—the melting point of vinyl is only 200F, so even if he stays ground level (which he has to, because otherwise his polycarb lenses will hit their glass transition temperature (aka start to soften), and he knows this) it will likely be very hot or near melting directly against his chest (well, he has power mesh lining but that's really not enough to protect him from melting plastic)
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(ignore the thong that's from the unstable molecule lineup)
When Peter remakes his suit in early 2009 after getting burned, he does it with some more... advanced materials. (expensive ones, RIP, maybe he stole them) (or, you know, maybe johnny hooks him up)
Still using polycarb lenses, cause they are still the most durable and heat-resistant eyewear protection you can get from what I can find online. AFAIK things like polyether ether ketone (PEEK) and polysulfone aren't really used for eyewear, and a lot of really heat resistant plastic is naturally opaque (or amber in the case of polysulfone) (and much more expensive) or has other significant drawbacks so, he can't just make Teflon lenses or whatever lmao.
he makes a spare mask with aluminized lenses instead of his perforated vinyl sandwich ones so he can have an Extra heat resistant mask in case of emergencies
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looks pretty slick if you ask me
As far as fabric goes, he switches to aramid fibers, which are more expensive but like... More durable than polyester spandex sports blends, more fire resistant, etc. and he knows Johnny Storm (like... budding friendship at this point) so Johnny can also probably hook him up with shit like racing gear, nomex hoods and the like.
I am considering Polartec's Power Stretch FR for later on but that was literally introduced in 2009 so Peter's def not using that yet, but afaict it's a rayon/modacrylic/aramid/spandex blend so I think Peter probably can find something that via like, Nomex/spandex blends and stuff, and Nomex itself has been around for a while.
also decided he switches to sewing the front spider on as well as the back spider.
next suit is Spidey Formalwear
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Peter makes this—well he makes the mask and gloves—to wear to Johnny's wedding when they are still both in their early 20s in 2010.
This isn't exactly the same as what happened w/ Lyja in the comics but Johnny's not in a very good place atm
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Peter can tell something's wrong but he can't figure out what it is (and neither can anyone else) It won't take long for Johnny to get a divorce though.
Anyway Peter's approach to formalwear as a weird 22 year old def falls under "if it's shiny, that makes it fancy" LMAO — i just thought it would be nice to take it a step further than tossing a tux on top of his regular suit, like, sure the stretch satin he got wasn't exactly expensive but he made the effort for his friend's wedding. He cares.
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Look at him, wearing patent leather shoes.
anyway onward
So in 2013 Peter makes an electro-proof suit 👀
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I put what some might consider an "unreasonable" amount of thought into this suit and indeed it's been driving me nuts for like three days trying to figure it out... but I finally figured it out.
it's a wetsuit. (actually, it's not, it's handmade, BUT it is a wetsuit pattern and materials, mainly double-layered neoprene rubber laminated with heat resistant fabrics)
That wasn't what was driving me nuts.
What was driving me nuts was the fact that I was trying to figure out how to get a conductive layer on top of it that didn't look like shit and wouldn't destroy my hand to draw.
Why? Well, it turns out that linemen working on power lines often wear conductive (so, ugly silvery gray) clothing to act as a kind of Faraday cage to protect them from arc flashes and other stray electrical outputs, in addition to usually insulated gloves and boots.
And I thought... I want to do that.
And then I spent a lot of time trying to make it work in a way that wasn't ugly and I was like, oh wow, they make conductive metal screen printing ink? and then i was like, oh never mind this shit is $200 for 100mL MINIMUM and while peter has a real job, spending hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars on nanoparticle ink is completely out of the question, friendship with the f4 aside (that would have been the easy way out XD) (i mean, they still might be helping him out w/ the neoprene hookup etc)
(at least the safety glasses are relatively inexpensive.... >things peter says to himself at 1 am while blind-stitching panels of neoprene together)
so i was like, ugh, maybe stainless steel thread? but it was just ugly.
Peter can just make his own conductive colloidal silver (and copper, and carbon black) screen printing ink at home and it will be the correct kind to print on synthetics (plastisol, instead of aqueous) and cost him like. $50. a FRACTION of the price. granted, i didn't factor in the cost of stretch additives etc but it's still significantly cheaper and Peter with a BS in engineering absolutely has the knowledge and equipment to do that in like. his kitchen. so that solved my problem and I solved the ugly dilemma by just having him use three different kinds of conductor for the different colors.
Now, is this a realistic and practical way to make a Faraday suit? I SINCERELY doubt it.
But it's fine. comic books. now he's got a fully insulated base layer with a semi-conductive top layer to guide electricity across the surface (rather than scorching it) (but it IS fire resistant neoprene) and more importantly it looks cool.
(i'm sure that was expensive too but a bunch of neoprene is probably still cheaper in the long run than buying a quarter gallon's worth of conductive ink (several thousand dollars in total) so it feels more justifiable to me that he could save up some side money to custom order nomex laminated rubber)
so basically, tldr it's an insulated faraday suit that also happens to be (mostly) identical to your average double-lined wetsuit.
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Here's his shoes. They're grounded (which i think is mostly for anti-static purposes irl but i figured it would fit here well, like, oh the screen printed conductive dots guide the electricity over the aramid surface and to the grounding strip) and the soles are vulcanized rubber like his lens frames.
aaaand johnny gave him some expensive sweat wicking fire resistant racecar driving underwear to wear under there since it's sweaty and i kept seeing websites about linemen's protective gear mentioning FR base layers
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it just so also happens to feature several EXTREMELY prominent Adidas logos (this is real btw you can google "Adidas Climacool Nomex racing underwear" and they existed in 2013 which i know because being unreasonable as i am i used the wayback machine to look at a racing supply website to double check because I REALLY wanted him to use the adidas one specifically because of the Climacool part on account of the fact that he is encased in several millimeters of completely non-porous rubber and he IS going to sweat like a pig in there especially in the middle of summer)
(also because i think it's funny to cover him in adidas logos)
oh he also makes a set of Mk. III-E (for electro) web shooters that are double-insulated with a new formula of non-conductive, anti-static webbing (his normal webbing is extremely the opposite of both of those things) (and very flammable) so that Electro can't shock him through his web shooters.
that's it for post one
post two (Peter's unstable molecule suits gifted by the Fantastic Four) is >HERE<
post three (Peter's suits after his aunt dies) is >HERE<
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//Honestly the only thing i didn't like in this arc was Makoto saying he was turning into Emina like?? That came out of nowhere and doesn't even make that much sense imo? Like yeah, taking Harumi's place was bad but I feel like the main reason we hate Emina is because she is an abuser who ruins everything and in a previous timeline a straight up murderer. Besides it's not like Makoto ever intended to take someone's place, he didn't even know about that when he received the letter. Overall this bit felt unnecessary to me and it would have been much easier and more sensical if the comparison was drawn between Iroha and Emina, since that gets picked up during the climax as well, rather than Makoto and Emina.
But that aside, this is easily my favorite arc in season 2. While the subject at hand was a very serious one the arc never felt too dense and gloomy like the puppetmaster arc (don't get me wrong, i love the Puppetmaster storyline and it had many memorable moments, but it's an arc i would not read again. Not necessarily because it's huge but because every second of it felt so serious that i felt tired reading it in some points), and the serious moments it did have were balanced by something sweet, funny or Ayato and Emina getting owned by whoever was around them.// (1/2)
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//Yeah, this arc was a lot of fun to write ^^
//It was really cool not only getting to explore an area of DR that I feel like we haven't gotten nearly enough about- the classes that came before and what their environment was like- but also getting to see how the people from that class have changed.
//If I can offer some elaboration on what happened with Makoto, his concern wasn't meant to be fearing that he would end up like Emina, but that he did basically the same thing- taking someone else's rightful spot at Hope's Peak due to circumstances outside their control- but while Emina felt like she deserved it, Makoto didn't.
//Makoto, who I really enjoy as a character, is someone I feel like people tend to misunderstand in a lot of ways. For one, he never really wanted to be the Ultimate Hope, and people just kind of assigned that title to him. He's not really a humble hero so much as he is someone who has a lot of pressure exerted on him from above.
//Second, and this is something a lot more people overlook, it's that Makoto is capable of looking down on others and on himself. Sure, we see a lot of him as the happy optimistic hope boy in times of crisis, but we also see everything from his low-key passive-aggressive thoughts on everyone at the start to him telling Junko she's full of shit.
//Plus, Makoto was feeling more disillusioned by Hope's Peak than he ever was in the games when he learned the truth there. That, and being surrounded by knowledge and complaints about Emina and Ayato, it made him have a moment of crisis and insecurity over the idea that he'd be taking someone else's spot if he went.
//Mod Poi, Mod Honey and I have talked a lot about how people in-universe have this tendency to put Makoto on a pedestal, when he really doesn't feel like he belongs up there, nor does he want to be. That's something that I think would be interesting to explore more in detail from here on out.
//Although I do admit maybe it would've been stronger if it were more focused on Iroha, or maybe I could've presented it better, but that's what the aim was there. Hope that makes more sense.
//And yeah, Hitoshi being the one to beat Emina was something I don't think anyone was expecting at first, but setting that up was fun too : P
//As for the musical aspect, I tried to include them only at points where it made sense for the characters and offered elaborations. It was part of the initial idea for this arc and I really wanted to make it work, which I think I did pretty well ^^
//The best musical numbers are the ones that let you into the minds of the characters and help you understand and move things forward, rather than just being excuses for songs to be included.
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thatblondeperson · 3 years
Hi! I'm the girl who recommended "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown from your most recent chapter, which, by the way, completely blew me away.
I wish I could send some of my own TimSteph thoughts/writing towards you, though I haven't done much. You are an excellent writer and I love your interpretations of both characters. They're so perfect together.
1. Do you have any fanfics concerning them coming after this one?
2. You have no idea how much it kills me that I have to wait 7 days to read another chapter. This fic should be CANON and no, I'm not joking.
3. Also, I recommend listening to Mr. Blue. It reminded me of Chapter 9 (was it?) when Steph said she was worried about Tim's mental health.
4. You said in Chapter 11 that you had a soft spot for Steph playing piano (that happened) and there would be more of "fun" Tim. Is it coming soon?
5. Have you seen Marcus To's art of TimSteph? They're so cute.
Again, so sorry for the long questions/responses. I just love TimSteph, which is weird, considering I'm not THAT big of a shipper and I'm more of a book fan than a comic book fan. I actually preferred DickKory when I got into the Batfam comics, and I still have them ranked high, but over time, these two grew on me. It was like, "Ooh, these guys are great BFFs! They can't get any better--"
Then I realized that they were dating, and the more and more I thought about it, THE MORE AND MORE IT MADE SENSE. I COULD WRITE A 10-PAGED PAPER ON WHY THEY WORK SOOOO WELL.
But IncoherentBabblings beat me to it with her incredible post on "Why TimSteph is Nice," and it's one of my favorite posts ever.
Hey hey!! Sorry, busy couple days at work!
I am so happy that you've been enjoying the fic!! I listened to the song and it's so so sweet!! I totally get the TimSteph vibes from it, where it's just the two of them clinging to each other in the face of everything else.
If you ever post anything lmk! I'm always happy to see more TimSteph content! You are too kind about my writing! I am just happy that I'm finishing my first multichapter fic like this. Never finished a big project before, honestly never thought it would happen.
1. I have a whole to-do list of little projects, god knows when anyone will see those. I'm drafting little things now that I'm winding down from FMWBTY. I am gonna be doing a collab project with @incoherentbabblings but we are just in the planning stages so far.
As far as with this fic, I would love to do a sequel to write the relationship more on this timeline, but we'll see! There's a lot more I'd like to cover, idk if it would be as long of a project. I do want to utilize Cass and Damian though, I want to bring them in since Cass is such an important person to Steph, and I'd love to see some forced bonding hilarity between Tim and Damian with Tim playing nice out of respect for Steph lol
2. lololol yeah I though a week would be a good amount of time in between chapters. It's better than waiting for me to write the chapters, I promise. I made my first draft of this thing in 2019!
3. I will listen to that too! It's on the list!
4. I use "fun" in an odd way. I'm trying to have Tim relax around Steph and act like himself again. He's kinda been battered by a lot of shit over the years, so he's kinda receded in on himself. I will drag him out a bit, but that's where a sequel would also be fun. Let him be a jokey, lovey dovey boyfriend for Steph.
5. Love Marcus! Hope to be able to commission a TimSteph piece from him someday. I do wish that she was drawn with more wavy, kind of untamed hair, since I just like the idea that Steph has this super thick hair. But his art is literally always stunning, such clean line work and I like that he doesn't draw the men too bulky, and that the women aren't oversexualized.
Long questions are fine! I think a lot of us started with DickKory in the form of RobStar in the Teen Titans TV show, that was definitely one of my first major ships, and it was a painfully wonderful slowburn. Wonder where I latched onto that trope? 🤣🤣🤣
Idk when I hopped onto TimSteph. I think I just latched on after I started reading Tim because their dynamic was so fun and sweet. And then fandom, cuz when I joined there weren't so many antis and Steph haters. Truly sad to see now.
Thank you thank you THANK YOU for all your support!! I definitely plan to keep writing TimSteph while I still have ideas! ❤💜
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