#but RE4make genuinely got me there
sapphire-weapon · 1 year
just finished suzi’s deep dive video about RE4make
her ending it with “it’s a game i’m so glad i lived long enough to play”
a kick in the fucking head and i just want to bury my face in my arms and start screaming
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hidingoutbackstage · 10 months
why do you hate Krauser's new backstory, if you haven't made a post about it yet?
Lol it’s because they retconned an entire game and gave him a comparatively weaker motivation and backstory (elaboration below the cut)
When og 4 came out, Darkside Chronicles hadn’t been made yet. But the motivation Krauser had in 4 without that was that he was COOPERATING with Los Illuminados as a way to get a sample of Las Plagas, because he was WORKING for Wesker. He even says that he kidnapped Ashley in order to gain Wesker’s trust (a moment I like because of Leon’s defense of her in that moment). He and Ada had kind of a rivalry thing going on because Krauser wanted to get in good with Wesker, and Ada just wanted to get a job done. He liked the power that came with being infected, and he was a former soldier that worked alongside Leon who had faked his own death.
When Darkside Chronicles came out, we got to see a little more about what his relationship with Leon was like. They were equals who were assigned on a mission to take out Javier Hidalgo, and while on the mission they rescued Manuela, and Krauser bore witness to B.O.W.s and their power, and that was what inspired him to go into the world of bioterrorism.
It was a perfectly fine backstory that didn’t need to be changed. But re4make literally abandoned every aspect of his backstory and motivation. Now, he’s not using Los Illuminados to get in with Wesker, he IS working FOR Los Illuminados because he genuinely believes in what they’re doing. Which is fucking ridiculous. Re4make also retcons the EXISTENCE of Darkside Chronicles by claiming that Operation Javier was a mission where Krauser led a team who were all left for dead by the government, so this is Krauser’s way of getting revenge.
It also made Krauser Leon’s superior, which is also a change I don’t like. They aren’t equals who were a team bonded by the mission they went on, he’s the person who trained Leon and they don’t have that kind of bond they got from defeating a threat and rescuing a child. Manuela being retconned out of existence also just pisses me off because she’s such a great and integral character
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
Alot of people who defend Aeon use that one moment when Leon is on the back of the train and says he misses her to justify that there’s something there, but they also horrendously ignore the moment where he chucks her bracelet off the train 😭 maybe it’s just me but I want to ask you about your opinion of the implications of that scene
i mean the first implication is that Leon doesn't think that she's dead. knowing the kind of character that Leon is, a line like "I can't believe I actually miss her" wouldn't fit his personality if he genuinely thought that Ada was dead.
i can't believe i'm going to do this, but i guess i'm going to have to dissect the goddamn sentence because yeah that previous anon had aeon all over it, and these people are too stupid to live i swear to fuck
"I can't believe..."
i mean just look above. that's an expression of annoyance. Leon is annoyed not just at the situation but also at himself. it's not grief. it's not longing. it's not whimsy. he's fucking irritated.
"... I actually miss her."
the word "actually" there is another sign of annoyance. he knows he SHOULDN'T miss her. he knows intellectually that Ada fucked him over, and that pisses him off. but, against all logic and reason, Leon does miss Ada's presence, and he's fucking mad at himself for it.
this is not the expression of a man in love. this is the expression of a rookie cop who had come to admire someone who he thought was senior law enforcement but then wasn't. he's annoyed that he found things about her to like, because missing her means that he wants to go back to how things were before the truth came out --
-- and how were things before the truth came out? Leon was reliant on Ada. to be without her means that he has to be the one in charge making decisions and taking care of himself. he still wants her to be the authority, which makes him feel like he's learned nothing from this whole thing.
that's what he's fucking annoyed about. in a sense, Leon is griping about the fact that he has to grow up, while at the same time being pissed at himself over the fact that he hasn't grown up already.
this isn't a statement about Ada. it's a statement about himself.
and so when he throws the bracelet away, it's symbolic of him throwing his attachment to her away. it's him making the decision to grow up and leave her behind -- to leave any attachment to her memory behind in this city to get nuked with the rest of it.
his fucking smirk in RE4make -- i don't know how anyone reads that as love. literally just think about this a little bit as opposed to not at all. he smirks and then what? what does he do immediately following that? he pulls a fucking knife on her.
that's not an "oh the love of my life is here" smirk. that's an "oh she thinks she's got the drop on me but IT IS I WHO WILL GET THE DROP ON HER" smirk. jesus tapdancing christ.
"she bites her lip when Leon calls her heartless"
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especially when you consider her very next line
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and how sincerely fucking annoyed she sounds.
i swear to god there are some things i thought i'd never have to explain, and the normal human emotion of annoyance and/or frustration was fucking one of them.
these two are so incompatible in this version of the story. when the masks come off and they're both at the rawest versions of themselves, they piss each other the fuck off.
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sapphire-weapon · 9 months
The biggest crime is RE4RE removing Weskers eyebrows and lips. he genuinely has none. AND WHY DOES HIS HAIR KEEP GETTING TALLER
>"removing" >implying they were ever there in the first place
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i swear to god u motherfuckers just
come into my inbox and just fuckin tell fuckin lies
bec u want me to go dig up pictures bec u think it's funny
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this fandom has been clutching their pearls and choking on their own panties ever since RE4make Wesker got revealed bec they're too much of fucking COWARDS to admit that Wesker was never actually hot, Wesker has always looked like your dad's friend from work that u don't like wearing short skirts around
it's just that now that he's photorealistic u all have to face the reality that u WOULD let ur dad's friend bend u over in that short skirt because ur all a bunch of fucking degenerates and ur afraid of the truth so ur brain makes up this fuckgin lie that Wesker used to be hot and he used to have lips and eyebrows BUT LOOK AT THE TRUTH THAT'S STARING U IN THE FACE
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
if you'd make a comparison on OG Ashley and Remake Ashley what's your ups and downs on her changes? i never really played OG re4 and to be completely honest, I'm new to the re universe myself.
There are definitely going to be people in this fandom who disagree with me, but I really don't feel like Ashley changed all that much between OG and Remake. In terms of the changes in the cast, I think Ashley and Luis changed the least -- which is interesting, because those are the two who are most widely considered to be the "most improved." Both of them are REALLY similar to their OG counterparts; they both just have more meat on their bones this time around.
OG Ashley is a little bit bolder/hotheaded, and she trusts Leon right away whereas Remake Ashley doesn't, but that's really it.
Basically, Ashley's personality got toned down to match the pitch of Remake Leon's. Because, like
In OG, Leon and Ashley are both "loud" personalities. Leon can't ever shut the fuck up and thinks he is unironically extremely funny, and Ashley is immediate with slapping down bullshit that gets thrown her way (looking at you Luis) and quick to jump at any opportunity to be observably helpful, even if it puts her in danger. OG Leon also tries to swing his dick around as much as possible, and OG Ashley doesn't hesitate to literally run into his arms at one point and, during the ending, just blatantly asks him for sex.
They're both much more subdued in Remake.
Remake Ashley will still jump to help out, but she's nervous about doing it at first and sort of needs Leon's encouragement along the way. Remake Ashley still doesn't put up with crude bullshit, but she's much more matter-of-fact in her tone as opposed to OG Ashley's tone defaulting to "fuck right off with that." She also only tries hugging Leon once this go-around, and she's MUCH more subtle about being attracted to him -- as are her attempts to take up more of his time after the mission is over.
But, like. They're still the same flavor of spoiled, slightly judgmental rich girl who probably would've been categorized as the Weird Girl in school if not for her family's money and her own giant tits.
It's not a situation like, say, Krauser, who is almost an entirely different character in this version -- or even Leon himself, who comes off as almost downright humorless/joyless for big chunks of RE4make, whereas his OG counterpart was like 80% just a giant walking shitpost here to troll the fuck out of Salazar and Saddler and 20% genuinely charismatic and instantly broing it up with Luis and using a shockingly sexual bedroom voice with Ada during their first encounter.
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
I'm not on Twitter and have no idea what happened today (mainly thanks to insanely toxic fandom shit, I do not have the headspace for that anymore) but as per your last ask, I'm sorry people were shitty to you today. I don't know what happened, but being dogpiled over ships is so stupid. Regardless, you're a talented writer and I absolutely adore your blog. I enjoy everything you put out and I'm saying this as somebody who's painfully neutral about Leshley/Eagleone lmao. The way you break down Leon, Ashley, Ada and others is so, so well fucking written and it's so lovely to see someone who can agree with my own opinions (even if I'm a relatively new and poorly articulate fan!).
My point: I hope hate never gets to you. You don't deserve it. Keep talking and writing, you're wonderful!
It doesn't get to me, and I think it was frustrating for a lot of the people who tried to jump on me to realize that I was treating them like a joke. I'm done playing with them now, though. I got bored, and now I'm just blocking anyone who decides to be a clown.
Basically what happened was, I went to Twitter and I yelled at EagleOne fandom to stop trying to appease the rest of RE fandom by wringing their hands and insisting that the ship is purely 100% innocent and there's no basis in canon.
And then Aeon fandom found the Tweet and they went full
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and they took the whole "no, actually, Leon and Ashley's shared arc in RE4make is, in fact, canonically romantic in nature" thing very personally.
What I learned today is:
EagleOne will never be treated as a valid ship in fandom because the rest of the fandom has beaten down the majority of EagleOne people into believing (or at least saying they believe) that the ship isn't valid. We are our own worst enemies, and we are the ones holding the ship back -- not Aeon fandom or anyone else. As long as EagleOne people continue to care about what the rest of the fandom thinks of us, we will never be able to enjoy the ship on our own terms.
There's a really weird and uncomfortable sex-averse thing happening in fandom that I kind of vaguely knew in the back of my mind was there, but I had NO IDEA just how prevalent and insidious it was. Half the people were going "no no no there's no there there in canon" and the other half were legit saying "why do you have to sexualize it?" (as though two people being attracted to each other isn't inherently sexual in nature to begin with?) or even going so far as to say that my brain has been ruined by porn, as though I'm not like. A full grown adult who has had several different dicks in my own mouth, ass, and vagina at varying points in my life.
When given actual evidence for the claims I was making, the people who received it shut the fuck up and never came back into my mentions ever again. It is possible to get people to second-guess the narrative that's been fed to them by fandom, but if there's a way to effectively do that en masse, I don't know what it is.
Slash fans are based as fuck, because their responses to my Tweets were "ok but in my head Leon is still getting railed by dudes" and that is, objectively and unironically, the best attitude I've seen held by any shippers in any fandom ever. They're right, and they should feel good about saying it.
I'm not trying to pull an "it was just a social experiment" because it wasn't, and I genuinely was trying to call out EagleOne people for being a bunch of spineless cowards who are dedicated to destroying their own fun, but a very interesting bit of social commentary did shake out of the whole situation unintentionally.
But like I said to the last anon, I'm glad you're here, bro. I'm glad to be able to provide a place in this fandom where people can actually have intellectual conversations about scripting, game design, and cinematography/film direction/symbolism without the fear of the mob jumping on them for daring to think a little bit (as opposed to not at all).
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
Substance abuse rant anon here:
This is so stupid but I wanted to leave a small thank you message, because your reply genuinely made me feel a bit better, lmao. Your breakdown of the scene does make more sense in that context. I kinda tend to give the CGI films too much credit and got reactive about it.
I just wanna say thank you also for being open and empathetic. It's a touchy issue and I immediately regretted sending that, as I'd never want to make people uncomfortable with my own projective-rants about fictitious scenarios. It's a silly escapism thing, but I'd never intentionally force those feelings into someones ask box. Especially taboo topics, so I'm giving you a virtual hug for being so courteous!
Lastly, to end my rant, I hope the remakes highlight this issue even a little more. Though, it's not exactly a popular Leon trait amongst the larger fanbase. Idk, I never viewed him as "Flawless Attractive Hero Who Does No Wrong", he's actually incredibly human and I adore how the remakes (and a tiny bit of the films) show that. He's so complex and awkward and fucking stupid at times and it's why I like him so much! He's vulnerable, kind and a dreamer. It's why I like Chris too and Ethan and Rose. They're great.
Final thoughts: I'll be delulu and insist that maybe Chreon could be canon someday because Sad People Who Actually CAN Provide A Healthy Outlet, Humour, Closeness And Shared Moral Beliefs make such a great power couple and I'll die a Chreon truther (cackling at my own sad absurdity here! Lol).
So, the events of earlier today taught me that there's two realities in this fandom. There's Twitter (and ig TikTok?) fandom, and then there's everyone else. Maybe Twitter fandom sees Leon as a flawless hero, but the rest of the fandom does not.
The parts of fandom that I'm most familiar with -- content creators, Reddit, and ResetEra (and hell even people here on Tumblr) -- like Leon specifically for his flaws and literally rejoiced when they saw his portrayal in RE4make, because they all felt it was long, long past due.
And that's the part of the fandom that Capcom actually listens to. These are the same folks who got Aeon retconned.
Leon's a fan favorite not just because he's cute and fuckable and is the playable protagonist of the best game in the series and one of the best games ever made period, but because his issues always felt more real than those of the rest of the cast, and they were written more consistently. RE6's sin was stepping out of line with the rest of his arc.
So like. This is just another reason/incentive hopefully for us to start ignoring the fuck out of shithead virgins on Twitter. They literally don't matter.
And also like. Aside from all of that shit.
bro if we can't find community among fellow addicts, then society has failed us on a much greater scale than just fandom. of course I was going to be real with you about this. I got u.
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