#but I was going through it drawing herrrrr
wuzhiqi-enj0yer · 2 months
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Ummmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hhhhhh,,,,ummmm
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deityofhearts · 4 months
either getting a job is going to fix my sleep schedule or I’m gonna be dumb of ass and continue to be awake when I most certainly should not be
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jennyandvastraflint · 9 months
Xena reactions S1Ep6, and one more after that for tonight XD
Xena's stupid grin gods she's so in love with Gabrielle
"Don't get lost" GABRIELLE'S FACE
Oh no, someone killing people?
First aiddd
Do they not understand first aid. Urgh
Entire smol village after her
"Gabrielle!" shouts for gf
Gf is trying to chill in her undergarments. Pweeetty
Screw the man. (me every episode)
The way Gabrielle is SO chill about it. And believes Xena without question
And there was only one horse (just like with Gigolas)
"It's me you want, let her go" HHHHHHH GAY.
Gabrielle so shocked Xena allows them to take her captive so long as Gabrielle is unharmed
"Save yourself" HHHHH Gabrielle doesn't wanna leave herrrrrr
ARES!? God of War??
"out of yourself" sounds dodgy
*BACK* 👀
Damn care for the elderly, healthcare? Better than 'merica...
What kinda offer is that. Just let her have adventures with her lesbian gf
Boooo to the villagers
Xena in your gf we trust
Gabrielle my babygirl... "She's the only murderer here" "Not for long" HHHHHHHHH she's everything.
Gabrielle as her advocate, in lesbians we trust
"You would've done the same for me" GAAAY
Gabrielle will find something, she's literally so smart
He wants to bring Xena to call on him
Poor Gabrielle
"Any of the blood get on you?" "Well obviously, I was helping him" The Point Is Right Thereee. Saw it, walked past the point.
Urgh lil bitchy village
Gross. I hate this guy.
Honestly the guys fucking TORTURING HER had it coming so much. She deserves to go wild.
:((( I'm sobbing gaaaaah the ANGST (once again. I am trying not to draw parallels to Jenny and Vastra, HOWEVER. I'm *just saying*)
"What you did wasn't you" HHHH *dies of lesbian emotions I'm experiencing*
The smiles!??? I AM NOT SOBBING AT ALL
Ah fuckkkk
Blergh, Ares... Screw you
"Only if they find me guilty" :3
Ah yes. Force of arms. Totally for peace.
Oh who's she gonna make him bring back
The people ARES KILLED??? >:) if they aren't dead, they can't execute her
"marvellously manipulated" brilliance I love her
"the very soul of goodness" WHOOOP
Gabrielle's HAPPY smileee
pfffftttt, Gabrielle hit her sbdhshsh
As you can tell I was REALLY gay while watching this.
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agooberscanons · 7 months
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Sitting at home alone, Sayori hums to herself softly as she starts cleaning up her desk. Usually used for doing work at home, today it has deserved a much needed break while the woman didn't have to go to her job today. It's Saturday, after all!
The young woman coos and sways in place as she makes the desk a little more tidy. Sayori's room is more of an organized mess, in that she knows where everything is and should or shouldn't be. She likes it that way, much to the detriment of others who come to visit.
A blank canvas, for once, as she stares at the desktop. It's good for a productive tomorrow, but it looks a little sad and lonely right now. Oh! She can do something she hasn't done in a long time: A little doodle session! It'll be a great idea! She goes to grab some thick cardstock paper and her markers, getting right to work.
Some sunshine, some cows and blue hearts all over are Sayori's telltale signs of her mood. Of course, she's so used to drawing these that her mind starts to wander. Nothing wrong with a little daydreaming, right? She closes her eyes slightly as she keeps on scribbling, clearly focused in her head and no longer on the paper.
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She hears a voice. It starts soft, but it is getting louder and stronger. Is that a piano? Suddenly, Sayori is thrust into a spiral of emotions that aren't her own, but are about her. That voice. She knows that voice. It's Monika. She sounds like she's playing her heart out about.... about her.
Sayori jolts back to reality in a loud choking gasp as it seems like she had stopped doing everything while she was under. How...how long had she been sitting there like that, just staring at herself in the mirror? She shakes her head as she tries to brush off the wave of nausea while something catches her attention nearby. Her canvas.
All the hearts and cows and all are still there, but now a very detailed sketch of Monika's anguished face stares back at her. Mid-lyric even, it seems. Tears welling up in her eyes, just like Sayori's are now. She chokes out a sob as she tries to understand what the hell that just was. She knows it had to be real and happen to her because this sketch wasn't here before, but it is literally her handiwork. She knows her own style.
The young woman shakily brushes her fingers along the sketch, unsure of what to do or say. She kind of just slumps into her desk chair and holds her face in her hands, crying quietly to herself. What could she even say?
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"........ I don't belong herrrrre............I don't belooooooong herrrrreee..........I don't...... belooooooong........"
She sniffles as she tries to wipe her face and nose, clearly a bit shaken by this experience. She stares at her sketch again, seeing how hurt Monika still looks even through a drawing. She needs a moment to collect herself. The young woman goes to get up and head to the kitchen. She figures that some food might help calm her down enough to figure out what happened and...and maybe call Monika about it later. It hurts a little too fresh right now to focus, otherwise.
However, another song starts pouring out of her own heart that starts to override the sad feelings from Monika's feedback. This one is a little more accurate for them both, she feels, and she'll see how Monika feels about singing it together with her later. Who knows? It helps some of her students to sing, why not her best friend and girlfriend?
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"........I see the crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it all is when the sun comes shining through....to make those rainbows in my mind, when I think of you sometime, and I wanna spend some time with you...~"
"Just the two of us...we can make it if we try! Just the two of us...just the two of us...~", hums the peachette softly while making a surprisingly normal sandwich for once. A little fictitious chicken, some fresh green romaine lettuce, a splurt of mustard and some multi grain bread.
It seems that Monika's life choices are being taken seriously by Sayori enough to at least try being better about how she eats. That means a lot for Sayori to willingly give up a lot of her favorites to try and understand someone else's point of view. She puts a few together, puts everything on else away and munches along quietly as she thinks things over still. This is going to be quite the weekend, it seems.
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".......Just the two of us, building big castles in the sky....just the two of us........you and I.......~"
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May i request a reaction of doll/freckles with her s/o playing horror games OwO plz
aaaaa I love herrrrr <3
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Waaah, no!! No, don’t go down that hallway! Put the lights on! Damn it!!! It’s comical to watch her trying to play those games, because as horrible as her life has been so far, everything she’s been through and seen… these things scare the living hell out of her! She can deal with the horrors on the streets and, like, ‘real-life’ scary situations like blood and oppression. But ghosts?! Zombies?! It largely depends on the type of horror the game is; she laughs at herself when she gets spooked by ghosts and goblins and the like. They’re not real, right? So she can tease herself that she got scared. However, she’s much more likely to be deeply unsettled by any game where, say, she plays a person being stalked or where the tension/suspense is the main draw of gameplay. Jump scares will get her to scream, and often ends up clinging to her S/O. Even long after they’ve ended the game, she’ll probably snuggle up to them for the rest of the night. She doesn’t even learn from it, because the next time they want to play a scary game, she’ll be right there with them ready to go. It’s just a form of quality time for her!
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rimalupin · 4 years
Drunk!Arthur x MC: “I Like You”
(A/N: Okay I love ~soft and adorable~ Arthur, and this scenario of him drunk-confessing his love for someone has been playing through my head for a while now, so I decided to just go ahead and write it lol. Enjoy a cute love-drunk ((and literally drunk)) Arthur~.)
(Warnings: Mentions of alcohol & tobacco, but other than that, this story is frikin FLUFFY man, LOL.)
Past Midnight, le Comte's mansion
I yawned as I finished reading the last sentence of the page. Arthur had asked me to read through a manuscript of his newest Sherlock Holmes story. Since I had the day off, I decided to head to the library and read away.
To be honest, I was surprised that he asked me of all people to proofread his story. Sebastian would've been more qualified for this, especially since he knew more about Holmes's stories - as well as the author behind them - compared to me. When I asked Arthur about why he chose me to read the manuscript, he simply shrugged and stated, "I thought you'd enjoy the story since Holmes is so popular in your time."
"Well, he is. But I really don't know much about the books themselves." I bowed my head a little, slightly embarrassed to be admitting this in front of the author himself. "I have yet to read them."
"Well then, now's a good time to start." He plopped the manuscript into my hands and winked. "Get to it, my dear assistant."
Even though I didn't think I was the most qualified for this job, I was happy to help him out. Ever since I came to the mansion, Arthur has always been there for me. Granted, our first few interactions weren't the best (try getting cornered by a flirty, potentially blood-thirsty vampire inside a mysterious mansion during your first night in nineteenth-century France), but after a few days of getting to know each other (a suggestion made by le Comte and Sebastian which I was hesitant to take at first), I realized that he wasn't a bad guy. In fact, he was really fun to be around: he was always ready with a game or a conversation topic to keep the mood entertaining. And minus the frequent flirting, he's really grown on me. I guess something just clicked for the two of us. So of course I'd want to help my newest vampire bestie with his project.
Along with that, I know how hard he works on his stories. Recently, there have been more late nights of him scribbling on sheets of paper under a dim lamplight. Whenever I'd seen the light on in his room during those late hours, I'd bring him some coffee and fudge before bidding him a good night. 
After finishing the story, I decided to stop by Arthur's room to drop off the manuscript. I'm about to knock on the door when I hear someone from inside the room. "Theoooooo I wanna see herrrrr."
"In this state you're in? Absolutely not," Theo replies, a stern edge to his voice.
"Theo it'll be fiiiiine. C'mon!"
I wonder if they’re alright. Curious, I knock and call after them. “Arthur? Theo? Can I come in?”
“Let yourself in, Hondje. And help me take care of this idiot.”
“Now, Theo, it’s not nice to call people names," Arthur says in a sing-song voice. "Be nicer to the little bird before you scare her away~.”
I hear Theo let out an annoyed grunt - I can almost feel his irritation radiating through the door. “_____ GET IN HERE NOW.”
“Alright, alright, I’m coming.” I open the door to find Arthur hugging a very grumpy Theo on the bed. I stifle a giggle. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Yes, and for once, I’m thanking you for doing so.” Theo pries Arthur off of him and stands up to walk towards me. “Look, I could use some help with taking care of him.” He nods his head towards Arthur, who stands and staggers towards Theo. 
"Oh, c'mon now, Theo," he responds as he attempts to place a hand on Theo’s shoulder, only to miss and swing at the air. "You don't have to be my mummy: I can take care of myself, you hear." His words slur, and he sways back and forth, his body threatening to give in to gravity and fall to the floor.
I drop the manuscript and rush to Arthur's side. "Arthur, be careful!" I place my hands on his shoulder and back, and Theo follows my lead to help gently guide him back to the bed. 
As if finally realizing I was in the room, Arthur blinks up at me with surprise. "_____..?" His breath and clothes smell of alcohol and tobacco - I can tell that he and Theo were at the bar earlier. It was a usual occasion for them to go out for evening drinking sessions, but they never came back as drunk as Arthur was now.
"How much did you drink?" I ask.
Arthur gazes at me, dazed. "Mmm, can't remember..."
"Liar," Theo scoffs. "He knows damn well what his limit is, and yet he's dumb enough to do this."
I watch Arthur lay his arm over his head, covering his eyes. "He doesn't look too good... I'll go get him some water." I stand up, but then stop in my tracks when I feel Arthur gently tug on my sleeve. "_____, wait..." 
"Arthur, I'll be right back." 
"Noooo, stay here." I raise an eyebrow at Arthur, who is now looking up at me with big, pleading eyes. "Pleaaaase?"
Theo rolls his eyes. "He hasn't been shutting up about wanting to see you all day." 
My eyebrows raise in surprise. "What..?" 
"I'll get the water. Call me if you need anything else." I'm about to ask him what he meant, but the door had already shut.
I sigh and turn to face Arthur. "Do you need anything else right now?" I ask him. 
He gives me a little smirk. "You beside me." 
I roll my eyes at him, but I realize that he's serious about his request when he scoots a little to make more room for me. I sigh and sit back down on Arthur's bed. "Better?" 
"Getting there." Before I could protest, he moves closer to me and lays his head on my lap. 
"Arthur, what..?" I begin. 
"_____...." He looks up at me with a sad smile. 
I furrow my brow. "What's on your mind?"
Was he really drunk-flirting with me right now? "Arthur, be serious." 
"I am." His eyes meet mine, and he’s looking at me for what feels like forever.
Feeling self-conscious, I start to look away when a hand gently touches my cheek. "MC..." He guides me back to look at him: his gaze is earnest, and his blue eyes pierce into my soul as he says, "I like you."
I blink in disbelief. I don’t know how to respond. All that comes out is a confused "What..?" 
He repeats himself: "I like you." There's a beat of silence before he quietly adds, "But not as a friend..." I shake my head. Surely, he isn't thinking straight: it's the alcohol talking. But he wouldn't have said that if there wasn't a little truth to it, right..? 
Despite his inebriated state, he reads my thoughts clearly. "_____, please don't doubt my feelings for you: I really do like you." He tilts his head as he examines me. "But I wonder how you feel about me." 
I raise an eyebrow. "That's a funny thing to hear from someone who guesses nearly everything correctly." 
"See, that's the thing," he says as he lays his head onto his pillow. He gently pulls me down to lay beside him and I oblige, wanting to hear him out. "I could simply deduce your feelings for me and eventually conclude that you like me. But you know, it’s surprisingly difficult to gather evidence for that, even though we spend so much time together..." He plays with a lock of my hair as he continues. “I wouldn’t want to scare you off by drawing the wrong conclusion, so I want to be sure…”
He trails off, and he’s quiet for a while, still twirling my hair with his fingers. "You want to be sure of what..?" I ask.
“That you feel the same way I do..." He moves closer until his forehead gently presses against mine. He wraps an arm around me and gazes at me earnestly. "But I don’t want to know based on my assumptions or deductions. Your feelings are yours alone, so I want to hear the answer come from your lips. That's how I'll know..." he trails off, and his eyes start to close. 
It doesn't take long for him to fall asleep. I watch him and listen to his even breathing, which soon turns into light snores as he dreams with a peaceful look on his face. 
I don't want to wake him: he needs the rest. With that, I'm pretty much trapped in his arms for the rest of the night. Sighing, I carefully move to pull the sheets over us, snugly tucking us both in. 
He won’t hear me since he’s asleep, but I whisper to him anyway: "I'll give you my answer in the morning." I gently brush a stray hair away from his forehead, and my fingertips briefly linger on his temple before pulling away. "Goodnight, Arthur," I say as I drift off to sleep, pushing away my worries of what will happen in the morning by focusing on the warmth of his body, the way he held me in his arms, and the sound of his breathing.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Damali Genisa
(Is Troll Buzzfeed a thing? Well, if it isn’t- she’s gonna MAKE IT HAPPEN)
Buzzfeed has 8 letters, so what if Buzzfeed was just one troll, out there in space, posting about space cryptids?
Universe: Alternia!
Name: Damali Genisa
“Damali” comes from Hydrodamalis gigas, the Steller’s Sea Cow, an extinct animal often reported to still be alive somewhere out in the ocean, a reference to this one’s love of possible mysteries. “Gensia” comes from “genesis” the creation of something. In her case, she’s more generating stories about Trollfoot and The Helbeast than anything substantial.
Age: Roughly 7 Sweeps
Theme/Story: Damali is, in the most basic sense, a naturalist. Her focus just happens to be on what many consider to be “chasing myths” and “writing clickbait articles about Troll Bigfoot” instead about like, moths or plants or whatever. The public just doesn’t understand what she understands yet! They will in time, with enough proof…
Okay, I’m gonna get this suggestion out of the way early on because I thought of it earlier and it’s been eating my brain… You talk a lot about how she’s more gullible than she’d like to admit and how she just wants to BELIEVE in the options!!! And so I… I have to suggest… maybe she’s also super into multi-level-marketing/pyramid schemes. She keeps getting suckered into these scams. She’s out here taking part in scams where she purchases content online and then attempts to resell it for a commission. Self employment rules! (Until you lose all your merchandise in a river while cryptid hunting and have to pay back SO many beetles).
Strife Specibus:  Camerakind
Damali’s main way of showing The Truth is through her camera, which she keeps on her person at all times. Shaky video, blurry images, ominous sound recordings- these are the weapons of the modern era, she thinks.
Fetch Modus: Enhance
Ever see one of those crime shows where there’s a blurry image and they’re like “Zoom. Enhance, zoom again!” And they’ve magically upped the resolution? Damali’s modus is like that- she has to try and ID the item she wants before she runs out of Enhances.
That’s so funny I love it.
Blood color: Teal
Tealbloods are relentless idealists, and Damali takes that to almost ridiculous extremes. She’s someone who wants to believe in even the slightest possibilities, and she makes others believe them through sheer force of personality. To her, to simply GIVE UP on something because the evidence isn’t there is wrong. It’s out there, we just haven’t found it yet.
Symbol and meaning: Fitting.
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Trolltag: [GA] gnomicAuthentic
Both words in her tag relate to The Truth in different ways, “gnomic” in a more moral or religious sense, and “Authentic” in a more social or material way.
Quirk: YOU WON’T BELIEVE THESE REAL PICTURES OF THE HIGHLAND NECKBEAST! Damali likes trying to grab attention by starting her dialogues off with a title that relates to what she’s about to say. If she drops it, you know she’s serious.
Special Abilities (if any): Besides a camera, wilderness knowledge, and a willingness to ignore anything that doesn’t conform to her worldview, nope! She’s your average high-midblood.
Ancestor: The Geometer [Ferrei Genisa, The Witch of Hope]
The Geometer was a visionary at the side of a powerful Noble who wanted more power than she knew what to do with. The Geometer was her closest companion (some even say her beloved), the one who sharpened her plans with strategy and mathematics, who manipulated the battlefield and the castle storeroom with equal ruthless efficacy. She made one fatal error however- designing a weapon that could not be contained. In her hubris, she turned it on her enemies, but it also turned on herself, annihilating her carefully made plans in mere moments.
Damali tries to pretend none of that ever happened, really! World domination isn’t really her thing, and she inwardly feels bad when she finds evidence of the destruction her Ancestor caused. She sometimes wonders how many cryptids are out there that her Ancestor created…
I love this… I wonder if part of her interest in cryptids Could be her wanting to like, provide restitution to any that her Ancestor made? Maybe not even consciously, but y’know.
Lusus: Damali’s pine marten lusus has been by her side since she was a wriggler, and there’s nobody better she’d want by her side on her adventures! The two have dug out a kind of den for themselves, deep in the wilderness. It gives Damali the kind of hands on access to her subject material that she craves so much.
Interests: Cryptid Hunting, Photo Manipulation, Photography and Filmography, A Good Ghost Story, Folktales, Wilderness Survival Tips, Fun Clickbait Articles
Because of the recommendation I added I’m… not sure there’s really many additional necessary interests. Maybe like, Self Dependency? It’s always good to stash up money to transfer into resources for long RESEARCH TRIPS… Though she usually ends up having to scrounge supplies together anyways because of the nature of pyramid schemes.
Appearance: Damali’s a practical kind of gal, so most of her shoes are boots and most of her jackets are plastic and waterproof. Her hair is a bit wild, but she tries to keep it tucked behind her ears and under fishing hats so it’s not always in her face. But those curls always end up directly in her eyes at the worst times! If only she could remember where all her hair ties went.
Personality: Damali’s always been a big dreamer. When a vision gets into her head, there’s no stopping her. She’ll hold onto whatever her thought is until she’s made it a reality or it’s killed her. So far, she’s survived everything the world’s thrown at her. She often gets ragey at people online who dismiss her research as chasing fairy tales. For her, they’re as real as the air she breathes and the earth she walks on. She’s gone to the ends of the earth to prove herself right, and she’ll do it again in a heartbeat if it means not having to admit defeat. She’s a master at making excuses, and she’s often charming enough that people don’t get on her case too much. She’s got a bad habit of taking everything at face value and not fact checking, so she has a lot of spacey beliefs about the world and how it works. She’s been swindled more times than she’ll ever admit.
I… adore her. 
Title: Mage [¿¿] of Hope
Active Classes That Remain: Maid, Mage
Passive Classes That Remain: Sylph, Rogue
Damali is a classic Hope player, even if she’s a bit over the moon about it. For Hope players, belief IS reality much of the time. Hope is about widening horizons, expanding options, and having the choice to pick what you desire. Damali’s obsession with cryptids comes from wanting to have options, wanting to know that other things are out there, still waiting to be discovered. She wants a brighter, bigger and wider world to call her own.
I feel like she is a Mage because she’s a shepherd; she wants to tell and guide people towards the world she just KNOWS is real, but everyone says just isn’t so. She can’t really PROVE or EXPLAIN it, but she KNOWS it’s out there. She tries! She writes clickbait to draw attention and sometimes just… makes things up, but she’s no Seer. The Mage Knows and Guides through Action, not through Teaching.
I think this is definitely really fitting for her. Her inverse is also Heir of Rage with this which means she passively changes the restrictions. Those rules and limiters that exist in a logical reality? She just eschews them, places them wherever she pleases. Can a dinosaur live for millions of years in a tiny lake? It’s possible in her world, now.
Land: The Land of Cold and Marble
Damali shudders as she steps out into her Land. The ground is polished to the point where she can see her own reflection in the stone. There isn’t a tree for miles in this blue moonlit wasteland. The wind blows cold and hard with no resistance, and Damali is instantly miserable. Braving the cold alone was never something she thought she’d ever have to do. And yet, here she is.
Statues of gods long forgotten lie still and alone, unmourned and uncared for. She sits at the feet of them and feels a power still within them. Perhaps these were the gods of this land, before their people perished in this endless cold. Maybe, if someone believed in them just a bit, they’d come back, and thaw this planet back out once more…
L o v e
Dream Planet: Prospit
You don’t get more flexible and emotional than someone willing to ignore reality because it doesn’t jive with her. Damali’s all about going with her gut, doing what feels right.
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Hat: Look at this fun wavy fishing hat that gave me so much trouble but here it is. It’s here. 
Hair: A big messy disaster. But it’s definitely theoretically tucked behind her ears. 
Face: Obviously the eyes are the same, but I added a pop of eyeshadow as a joke about how many pyramid schemes revolve around makeup. I also gave her a wider and more genuine smile. 
Top: Black shirt with a mildly transparent and shiny teal rain hoodie over top.
Pants: Edited from fan-troll’s sprite sheet, because it’s just a good template for the kinda Cryptid Huntin’ aesthetic. 
I love herrrrr
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