#bunba sawyer
hooterhorror · 3 years
Hope you're doing well 💕! I have a little request if ya don't mind, How would the slashers be like if they lived together as roomates? Tysm and don't forget to drink water ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
THIS IS SUCH AN INTERESTING IDEA!! bet anon, I hope this was good!
Slashers are roommates.
format: headcanons
warnings: cursing. general crack.
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RZ!Michael and the Sawyers.
I use he/she/they for bubba and they/them for choptop!
Rz!Myers has the prettiest blonde hair the family has seen. Even with his lack of self care for the longest time, his hair remains full of life. Opposes death just like The Shape himself does. choptop is always staring right at his hair and loudly asks "You gonna keep that hair or can I have it?"
how this family and Michael even met is beyond me, but it's funny to think about!
Drayton's yelling doesn't bother Michael all that much... In fact he usually stares the man down when he starts yelling about money and meat not being able to cut itself. Then the giant that is Myers turns to look at the others with a look that says "is he yelling at me? ME??"
Drayton's lucky Michael has some form of respect for him. Michael does sort of admire how this single man keeps this shit show of a family together and provides for everyone and has raised his brothers himself, so he isn't about to stab him for talking to him like that.
Isn't even the least a bit fazed by Bubba showing up in drag or with makeup on their mask. It's basically a normal Tuesday.
Hates how the twins kinda start to look up to Michael as an older brother figure, but it kinda tickles him. Especially when nubbins climbs him like a tree.. which he basically is.
Maybe eventually he'll let bubba paint his nails. Or choptop braid his hair (as long as he's sure they won't chop it off at a moments notice)
And damn does he grow protective of them.
if the group that winds up in town makes fun of any of them, Michael will just have to kill them where they stand.
Michael and Thomas respect each other. Luda Mae creeps Michael out.
yes a little old lady freaks out the Michael Myers. Have you seen her? Everyone talks about how she hooked a serial killer in the 60s across the face when she was younger and now he's careful what he does around her.
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Brahms and the Sinclairs.
THIS WOULD BE SO FUNNY HEAR ME OUT- Brahms still seeks shelter in the walls and Bo absolutely hates it. Calls him a rat for it.
just imagine waking up in the dead of night to hear Bo shouting "BRAHMS GET OUT OF THOSE DAMN WALLS OR SO HELP ME GOD"
Brahms and Vincent get along really well. Brahms is more outgoing even if he hides in walls. He'll probably try to get Vincent to say fuck like he's a three year old.
Vincent teaches Brahms sign language and Brahms only ever uses the "bitch" sign at bo. Lester loses it and Bo starts shouting up a storm. They never physically fight, but Brahms does roughhouse with Lester!
Lester just leaps at Brahms and they roll around. Like they ain't grown men in the middle of the road just rolling around like a couple a kids. But that's exactly what they are.
Bo ends up treating Brahms like another annoying little brother. Even if they disagree and Brahms is spoiled and still adjusting to being a poor southern white man, there are moments where they share stories of their childhood and stories of the less than great moments.
Vincent's workspace is off limits to Brahms. Simply because Brahms would make a mess, but also Brahms wouldn't like seeing all those tiny flames.
platonic bro cuddles are common. Brahms is a cuddle bug and needs attention from his newfound family.
also hc that luda mae knew trudy sinclair and was legally the boys godmom. Therefore Brahms and the three brothers could meet Michael during the holidays at luda mae's. Chaos.
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Billy Lenz and Stu M + Billy L.
I love the idea of Stu and Billy Loomis being in love and dating, but I typically write them separately and not as a poly with reader unless speociifed, btw. But let's say they're dating and living together and Billy Lenz cozies up in their attic.
Stu swears they have a rodent problem in the attic, Loomis says he'll call an exterminator and never does. Then the calls start.
Lenz is on his usual muttering spiel and snorts into the phone while Stu just stands there in a mix of horror and... indifference. I feel like Stu has seen some crazy things as he's grown up with Loomis so.... If anything he just corrects Lenz.
"Sorry dude, I'm not a girl."
seriously it's really funny. Stu becomes accustomed to the person in their attic while Loomis.... eh not so much. I mean they can't exactly call the police because Lenz has found their video tapes of murders and all that.... So it would be unwise.
Stu begins to bring up some dinner to Lenz and finds out his love for candy canes and liking towards Christmas, and the next time Loomis is up there it's decorated with their Christmas lights and there's a bag of mini candy canes that's been opened.
"Stu! Are you feeding that guy!?"
"yeah! he's really cool!"
Loomis tolerates Lenz but... but barely. Lenz is always ruining soft moments between the couple, and it's getting annoying!
Stu and Loomis could be cuddling on the couch and lenz will race downstairs holding up two rats he found, screaming and giggling about them. Stu encourages this behavior. Loomis hates it.
"What the hell!? put those down!!"
"C'mon he's just having fun! look at him!"
Stu knows more about lenz than Loomis, of course. It's why he understands lenz more and is trying to get Loomis to give him a chance and the benefit of the doubt
They have a bit of a "in love with each other + gremlin little brother who their older sibling is very proud of"
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gcldendustedcrown · 5 years
*leatherface shows up swinging his chainsaw*
Me, a whole ass Black^tm, knowing damn well he and his family are white Texans and probably (def) got some racism going on, if not out front then internalized due to the fact his family is DEFINITELY racist and Hoyt has 100% said nigga at some point but I’m gonna ignore it cause he’s a fictional slasher: “baby boi, my husband, love of my life. Perfect. Fuck me.”
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