#bugsnax cryptid
skeletondremmer · 1 year
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I drew this on the cardboard of my sketchbook
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skylarker-drawss · 6 months
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Hdhdhdbft i love the snaxsquatch i have so many ideas..,, //
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wulfii-wuffs · 11 months
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Week 1 Art Fight Attacks/Revenges!
1: https://artfight.net/~SalamiforCats (@salami-for-cats) 2: https://artfight.net/~vespertheawesoem 3: https://artfight.net/~Ravendread 4: https://artfight.net/~ponshroom (@ponshroom) 5: https://artfight.net/~Alexander_ooo 6: https://artfight.net/~ZombishRainbows (@zombishrainbows) 7: https://artfight.net/~Sparrow8009
Attack #8 beneath (censored for Gore) 8: https://artfight.net/~Player-2
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anonygowose · 1 year
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I can't believe we've known each other for 2 years!! Crazy to think that if we never hyperfixated on Bugsnax at the same time, we would have never met. Love gaming with you, love listening to your rambles, am a very proud father 😎
Some more versions of the art:
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thecryptidcat · 1 year
I should mention that I've made a Bugsnax x Pizza Tower AU
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cactix-rhythmix · 2 years
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I noticed not a lotta people used the purple journalist option, so I made mine purple!!!!
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angsttronautart · 1 year
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buddy vibing
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istoleyourboredom · 2 years
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30 Days of Bugsnax Challenge by @kayvision-kp - Day 11: Triffany Lottablog!
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A reference for my take on The Journalist! I imagine they're some kind of weird, unidentified crptid that's just trying to find others of its kind. Can't eat bugsnax because cryptic genetics I guess, and they're just a little goblin in general. No one is able to tell that The Journalist isn't normal except for Floofty, but as long eh, they're good enough of a volunteer so the secret is safe with them.
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twilightprince101 · 2 years
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in a discord server I'm in, there's a recurring trend where my boy Brandy keeps catching feelings for cryptids, eldritch horrors or beings from beyond time. Thus we've given him the title "Brandy--the Cryptid Smoocher." So I decided to formally give him that title
God help this man he cannot stop falling for the unknowable terrors
credits go to @strabbyshortcake for Melonie and Quetzalcóatl Wiggle @hyper-fixator for Dark Fae Seris and @mgdeerla for Mystery Time Grump
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smudgygiant · 2 years
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Mats sprout on the back of his neck like dandelions, Triffiny tries to stay on top of it but when you stay in an archeological site located in the desert and the one you want to brush not only lives in the snowy mountains; but also hates the heat, it’s very difficult.
Also Snorpy likes to stick little tracking devices and the like in his scruff, Triffiny isn’t very amused when she finds them.
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
IK I call Liz and Egg Cryptids but that's more for the sake of faster/easier typing. They're cryptids moreso in the actual definition of the word; in that in the AU Supernaturals like them and others are said to exist, maybe even sighted, but it cannot be proven that they do by the public without evidence to back it up.
Only instead of stuff like Nessie and Bigfoot being confirmed hoaxes, in the AU they are very very real and are just smart enough to either hide (Like Eggabell, coming out only when people sleep), or not let anything get back to the public media, outside vague stuff (Like Liz and her attacks on Weregrump hunters getting wind on the news but no real means to prove it was her or a Weregrump that did it and not some wild predator animal).
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This is what the creature sounds like.
This is also my OC as one of these creatures.
Fun fact about these creatures, they will not attack any child, their, or other species.
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malfunctioning-mantis · 10 months
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my "grumpsona"/journalist oc because I'm kinda getting back into bugsnax. Instead of him being a cryptozoologist she is the cryptid....
He isn't even an actual grumpus... Just a creature that looks a lot like one and was mistaken for one of the journalists so they just let her work there. She can kind of speak but prefers to use hand gestures instead. So far no one has found out about him being some weird creature.
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toffeeandtatertots · 8 months
The brainrot has finally won I’m talking about the journalist now-
Because like… Bugsnax has so many interesting characters and it’s so weird to say they’re my favorite but I’m just so impressed by the way they were characterized-
They’re just??? I’m forever gonna be in love with how the devs nailed that line between “character that represents you” and “character with a distinct personality and goal” because that’s so hard to do correctly and they nailed it.
They’re a blank slate at their core. A character to project on. Nameless, voiceless, faceless… you can turn them into whatever you want (both in and outside game) and chances are it’ll fit perfectly into the rest of the puzzle that is “canon.” You get a few guidelines and nothing else because the bottom line is that they’re the player. There’s a whole tag related to ocs of this sort and each one is beautifully unique.
And yet they’re still the journalist. The fandom recognizes them as their own character with their own relationships. They’re sarcastic and dorky when they do speak. They’ve got opinions and goals and so much personality that shows through the little things.
They’re kind of a pushover. Impulsive. A foil to Filbo and a parallel to Lizbert. They doodle in their journal and believe in cryptids. They’re ridiculously tough and can survive jumping off the side of a mountain and being set on fire for half a minute. They’re a character just like the rest of the town, even with that blank slate core.
I could write an entire essay about this creature. I just love it. It’s a huge relief for people like me who struggle with having multiple sonas cause it lets me relate to a pre-established character without mischaracterizing them entirely. It’s a window of connection that lets people get sucked in while also keeping a distance if they want to. All of my favorite games manage to do this sort of thing and god damn I wanna play more that do.
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
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Corruption: Bugsnax (Bugsnax) "The game starts with you finding out about the existence of Bugsnax: fascinating, mysterious and wonderful creatures of legend with big googly eyes that are shaped like food! They taste like the meals you imagine they do, but far better than it had ever been, satisfying you easily with a single one but still leaving you wanting more. As you progress, the inhabitants of the island where they're found ask you to find more and more of them to give them; they're enjoying them, and for each of them, these bugsnax signify something deeper than what it seems at first glance. It isn't just food: for some, they're like family; for others, they're mysterious creatures they grow obsessed to research about; and for others they're the sources of stability in their otherwise intensely unstable lives. One way or another, eating or just being near bugsnax can easily get a hold of you and make you completely dependent on them, making you believe they're the solution to all of your life's problems. The fact that by eating a single one it affects your body structure and turns your limbs one by one into food shaped skin also adds to the horrors that everyone seem to be too blind to, too focused on their own dependence as it builds and builds until, eventually, you're fully food shaped and then your body structure weakens, destroying you and turning you into another of the island's victims, and so become a meal of the meal you had been eating all along. At the end of the day, you find out what they really are: parasites, made in cute shapes with adorable or funny sounds for the sole purpose of convincing you to having them nearby, eat them, and so slowly build up to eating you from the inside out. You are what you eat, and all life is Bugsnax."
Non-Avatar: Mystery, Inc. (Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated) "For pretty much their entire teenage and early adult life, the Gang is surrounded by at least an attempt at the supernatural. In more and more frequent cases though, they toil with genuine supernatural threats (Zombie island, Witch's Ghost, Alien Invaders and Mystery incorporated primarily.) In Mystery Inc, they literally go up against their own version of a fear entity, (literally called the evil entity which is point for point the Web fr) and they end up being forced to stop an actual fear apocalypse, and succeed, to which they end up going back to simply business as usual. through their adventures, literally all the do is tussle with either people pretending to be monsters of literal monsters, cryptids and supernatural entities, and they seem to be pretty good at dealing with them"
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