dzinahk · 15 days
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@britishgq has named #TomHiddleston the CEO of good, solid suits — “no one does tailoring quite like the London-born actor” 📲 “Spotted on the set of @jimmykimmellive yesterday, the #Loki star, with his signature combed-back hair and show-stopping smoulder, rocked up in a navy suit. But this wasn’t any ol’ navy suit. This one’s by @Givenchy and it’s made from a luxe wool-mohair blend in Italy, where some of the universe’s most excellent menswear is crafted. The blazer was detailed with shiny satin lapels, and it was fitted with a metal clip along the front, engraved straight across with the French maison’s logo.” #BritishGQ
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Charlie Cox roasts Andrew Garfield as “the third greatest Spider-Man” at GQMOTY
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seoul-italybts · 6 months
[✎ ITA] British GQ : JungKook Riguardo gli Alti e Bassi della Produzione del Suo Album Solista, Golden | 03.11.2023
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‘È stato talmente stancante... Quasi la mia anima mi stesse abbandonando’
JungKook riguardo gli alti e bassi della produzione del suo album solista, Golden
Il più giovane dei BTS è l'ultimo membro ad avventurarsi nella sua carriera solista. Con il rilascio del suo album di debutto, si riappropria di un soprannome nato 10 anni fa.
di LUCY FORD |  Twitter 
Quando, a luglio, JungKook ha rilasciato il suo primo singolo solista, “Seven”, si è addentrato in un mondo che non aveva ancora mai esplorato nei suoi 10 anni di carriera come parte del gruppo sud-coreano dei BTS – è diventato esplicito. Nella collaborazione con la rapper Latto presenta, infatti, un ritornello in cui promette ‘Notte dopo notte, ti scoperò con passione’.
Questa, per JungKook è stata una sorta di nuova presentazione. In quanto membro più giovane del gruppo pop da record, è fin da quando, a 15 anni, ha debuttato che si porta dietro quest'immagine da eterno adolescente. La settimana dopo l'uscita del singolo, ha fatto uno dei suoi soliti live stream con le/i fan e ha messo a tacere le critiche riguardo al testo, dicendo, “Cioè, pensateci, quanti anni ho?”
JungKook ha 26 anni, e quella diretta è stata un'opportunità per ricordare garbatamente alle/i fan che, in fin dei conti, ormai è un adulto, e che questo non potrà che riflettersi nella sua musica, d'ora in poi. Il video ha raccolto oltre 8 milioni di visualizzazioni, la maggior parte delle quali in tempo reale. Pensare d'essere di fronte al corrispettivo della popolazione di una grande città, ogni singolo individuo pendente dalle tue labbra ed attento ad ogni tua parola, potrebbe sembrare terrificante, ma JungKook ci è abituato. Nel corso degli ultimi 10 anni, i BTS hanno stabilito record incredibili: sono il gruppo più riprodotto su Spotify, il primo gruppo sud-coreano ad ottenere la vetta delle classifiche Billboard. Detengono oltre 20 Guinness World Record e la loro fanbase, chiamata ARMY, è un'entità culturale vera e propria.
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JungKook è l'ultimo tra i membri dei BTS ad intraprendere l'avventura solista, dopo che il gruppo ha annunciato una pausa temporanea nel 2022, così da permettere ai suoi componenti di esplorare nuovi progetti creativi oltre che completare il servizio militare - obbligatorio per quasi tutti i giovani uomini coreani. Il suo album di debutto solista, Golden, arriva dopo un paio di singoli pre-release, ovvero “Seven” e “3D” feat. Jack Harlow, ed il titolo riprende un soprannome che lo ha seguito per tutta la durata della sua carriera, quello di ‘golden maknae (maknae d'oro)’, vale a dire il membro più giovane che è bravo in tutto. L'album, cantato interamente in inglese, è un accattivante mix di generi, che va a coprire il pop più classico, le sonorità vellutate del R&B, il fascino rètro del funk anni '70 nonché del buon crooning vecchio stile.
Nonostante il titolo sia un riferimento al suo status di membro più giovane del gruppo, l'album ci restituisce un JungKook più adulto, che canta di sesso, sballo e dell'essere talmente preso da qualcuno, da non riuscire a ragionare lucidamente.
“Sono contento si percepisca un senso di maturità”, commenta JungKook riguardo il suo progetto, durante una video-chiamata in diretta da Seoul, con il supporto di un'interprete.
“Ma non è stata una cosa intenzionale, più un risultato naturale, direi.”
In quest'intervista, GQ parla con JungKook delle registrazioni del suo primo album solista inglese, delle tracce che crede le/gli ARMY ameranno di più e della sua ricerca di merito e riconoscimenti più che sete di successo.
GQ: Com'è stato registrare quest'album da solista?
JungKook: Lavorando a quest'album ed esibendomi da solo, ho notato aspetti di me che ancora non conoscevo – sia cose positive che altre ancora da migliorare. Per quanto riguarda la musica, ho scoperto cose tipo, “Oh, me la cavo anche in questo genere, quindi?” o “Ah, su questo devo ancora lavorare”. E ho sentito anche parecchio la mancanza degli altri membri dei BTS.
GQ: Ci sono state difficoltà o sfide particolari, nel produrre un album completamente in una lingua straniera?
JungKook: Rispetto al registrare canzoni in coreano, sì, è stato decisamente un po' estenuante. Ma la fatica non mi preoccupa più di tanto. Ho notato che sto migliorando nella pronuncia inglese, ma ho ancora molto da imparare. Quindi, sì, è divertente e voglio continuare a mettermi alla prova.
GQ: C'è stata forse qualche canzone con cui hai riscontrato maggiori difficoltà, o una che è particolarmente speciale per te?
JungKook: La canzone che mi ha dato maggiori problemi e cui sono più legato è "Standing Next to You". Di per sé, è un brano fantastico, non appena l'ho sentito, mi sono subito prefigurato come sarebbe potuta essere una potenziale esibizione dal vivo. Ma il processo di registrazione non è stato semplice, quindi è una canzone che mi è rimasta particolarmente impressa. È stato talmente stancante, quasi come se la mia anima mi stesse abbandonando, ma in fondo il processo creativo è stato davvero divertente. Credo anche le/gli ARMY rimarranno particolarmente sorpresə da questa canzone.
GQ: ‘Golden (d'oro)’ è un termine che ti porti dietro da anni. È un tenero soprannome usato per descrivere la tua abilità nel fare bene un po' di tutto, ma, in passato, hai confidato che talvolta ne avverti anche il forte senso di responsabilità.
JungKook: Questo termine, “Golden”, è nato come soprannome datomi da Namjoon hyung [RM, il leader dei BTS]. In passato, non ero tanto sicuro di me, quindi lo avvertivo un po' come un peso. Ma, con l'andare del tempo ed i tanti cambiamenti affrontati – in termini di personalità, modo di pensare ecc. - il nome “Golden Maknae” è diventato motivo d'orgoglio, per me. In quest'album è racchiuso tutto il mio percorso - i miei sforzi e la mia passione, tutto ciò che mi porto dietro fin dal debutto – ed una ritrovata autostima che mi ha permesso di fare fede all'appellativo di “Golden”. Inoltre, è anche il risultato di tutto ciò che ho vissuto e sperimentato fino ad ora. Ne parlo sempre in termini di “golden moments (momenti d'oro)”. Sì, è un album che incorpora tutti questi momenti d'oro che mi hanno portato ad essere quello che sono oggi.
GQ: Sei il membro più giovane dei BTS, ma, attraverso quest'album, hai potuto presentarti al mondo per quello che sei al di là di questa etichetta. Sentivi il desiderio di concentrarti su un sound più maturo?
JungKook: Quando si creano canzoni, ci si lascia guidare dal proprio cuore, dalle proprie emozioni. È merito di questo approccio creativo che sono potuto maturare.
GQ: In passato, durante un'intervista insieme al tuo compagno di gruppo
J-Hope, hai dichiarato che, negli anni a venire, ti sarebbe piaciuto sperimentare con vari personaggi/personalità, ognunə legatə ad un genere musicale differente. Ciò che sentiamo in Golden, è forse il risultato di questa sperimentazione?
JungKook: Volevo semplicemente provare generi musicali e stili diversi e lavorare ad un mio sound personale. Ma quello è tutt'ora il mio obiettivo principale. Voglio sperimentare con storie e concept creativi differenti. D'altro canto, però, quando sarà il momento e mi sentirò pronto a condividere la mia storia, credo il pezzo che scriverò sarà una canzone per le/i fan con un testo molto personale e sincero.
GQ: Insieme ai BTS, hai ottenuto un successo senza pari. Che cosa rappresenta per te il successo, ora che lavori come artista solista?
JungKook: Non credo il successo debba essere qualcosa che siano altri a determinare. Semplicemente, quando si è soddisfattə di sè, felici, quando si affrontano difficoltà, ci si arrabbia – credo il “successo” sia sempre intrinsecamente legato a tutti quei momenti. Più che inseguire la fama ed il successo, mi accontento di essere soddisfatto di me stesso.
GQ: E sei soddisfatto di quest'album?
JungKook: Sì, ne sono soddisfatto. Ci sono alcune cose che avrei voluto fare o fare meglio, ma ho dato il massimo. È così che voglio vedere questo progetto.
⠸ Ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS⠸
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kylofrk · 9 months
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THE LAST OF THE BRITISH GQ pics-ᴍᴀᴛᴛʜᴇᴡ ʙʀᴏᴏᴋᴇꜱ- for British GQ December 2017. Published November 2, 2017 — Taken at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, October 2017. COURTESY ADA MEDIA
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on Australian actress Sienna Miller on the cover of September 2009 issue of British GQ (Gentleman's Quarterly), and winner of the Maggie best cover of the year award. The GQ issue was named best fashion cover in the annual Maggie awards. 📸: Simon Emmett.
Resolution at 1940x2475 & 578x738.
OVERVIEW: "The editor of GQ, Dylan Jones, said: "I'm thrilled that GQ has won this prestigious award. I like to think that GQ puts more effort into its covers than any of its competitors, and it's fabulous that we have been recognised in this way. Creative Director Paul Solomons did a great job. We had a sensational subject, a world class photographer and a smart idea. And the issue was one of our most successful of the year. So thank you!""
-- THE GUARDIAN, "GQ’s" Sienna Miller issue wins Maggie best cover of the year," by Jason Deans (for Maagzines), published June 21, 2010
Sources: https://fashionmag.us/2009/08/sienna-miller-covers-british-gq & fanpop.
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vivelapige · 7 months
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GoldenEye Jamaica: review British GQ Uncover the hidden gem of GoldenEye Jamaica as British GQ takes you on a remarkable journey through their captivating review. Get ready to be captivated by its breathtaking beauty and cultural richness.
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davidebarbierihair · 2 years
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Thomas Brodie Sangster x @britishgq talking about @pistol #comingsoon @samohtsangster #photography @richarddowker #styling @angelomitakos #grooming me @carenagency using @tomfordbeauty and @kevinmurphyuk @ddapersonalpublicity ❤️#thomasbrodiesangster #britishgq #sexpistols #pistol #PistolFX #hairbydavidebarbieri #groomingbydavidebarbieri #menshairstyle (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdiFY2zM2Gg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stylestream · 8 months
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Kit Connor | Loewe Spring 2024 ensemble | Vogue World Party | 2023
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iwanthermidnightz · 5 months
britishgq via instagram: The latest band member to join Boygenius: Dan Levy.
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so-many-sainz · 1 year
girls just want to get f*cked — lando norris
social media au
lando norris x streamer!yn
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Liked by martingarrix and 502.637 others
landonorris summing up my vacation
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maxfretwell stop trying to look cool
teaml4ndo 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
yninstagram and ynsbestfriend added to their story
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Liked by maxfewtrell and 102.387 others
yninstagram new lol video is nowhere to be seen, sorry 😙🫰🏻
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riabish bitch you better upload my birthday vlog
landonorris where's the vlog where's the fucking vlog
banks ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
yninstagram 🤨🤨🤨🤨
maxfewtrell join us in twitch
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dailyLN Lando on Max's stream today. YN carried their asses in Valorant today.
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mclosers yn was so shady i love her!!!!!!!
landoxcl16 i cannot believe he is hanging out with her after she exposed him like that 🙄🙄
ynfan44 he treated her like a high maintenance escort in front of all their friends and she forgave him 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ ↪️landoxcl16 so??? she's the one that keeps chasing him ↪️ ynandcherryclips 1 he's the one commenting in her posts and inviting her to the streams 2 she doesn't even follow him 3 maybe they apologized and are friends now
erodacharles it drives me insane how casually yn said she wanted to fuck him and now they are playing together like besties
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Liked by yninstagram and 521.365 others
landonorris photos that I definitely didn’t take @britishgq
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mclaren fresh 🤘🏻
yninstagram nice jeans mate!!
landonorris i can lend them if you want
yninstagram those jeans are for skinny asses like yours😌 ↪️riabish how do you now he has a skinny ass?
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Liked by stevealvarezbrown and 99.365 others
yninstagram new vlog is up 🤗😚💗
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riabish fucking finally
ynsbestfriend yesssss babyyyy!!!
maxfewtrell only one frame of me!!! i hate you
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 52.392 others
lando,jpg photos i took
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ynbestfriend aaaaaw
yninstagram 💋
yninstagram the curls are cute
riabish @yninstagram cute
lalalando lando: WHOLE POST yn: millisecond shot in her vlog
ynfan93490 THROWING UP
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Liked by alissaviolet and 106.958 others
yninstagram photos that I definitely didn’t take @lando.jpg
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landonorris you look hot
yninstaggram thanks 😇
ynsbestfriend are you on your way to dubai?
landonorris SHUT UP ↪️yninstagram WE ARE ↪️landonorris are you going to smooch me then? ↪️yninstagram mmmkay
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@BritishGQ: "David (@danjlevy) from @SchittsCreek looks better in a kilt than I do."
Ewan McGregor shares his thoughts on his #GQHeroes cover.
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libraryofloveletters · 10 months
Coming Home
pairing: virgil van dijk x reader
summary: some things never change, no matter how much you try. 
author’s note: okay you know I love me some big daddy virg and I forgot to post this for his birthday earlier this week so take it now and count it as a birthday post to my man 🤭
all photos are from instagram and/or pinterest :) 
written in the photos series masterlist
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youruser added an instagram story.
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liked by andyrobertson94, youruser, liverpoolfc and 442,954 others 
virgilvandijk: That’s that. A season we won’t remember for much, only a few good moments. I learnt a lot on the pitch but even more off it! From the first day of pre season we are going to work like crazy to get back to where we want to be. See you soon..
view 1,293 comments 
lfc4: 7-0 just remember that 
youruser: proud ♥️
comment liked by virgilvandijk
andyrobertson94: miss you already big guy 🥲❤️
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liked by andyrobertson, darwin_n9, virgilvandijk and 294,503 others 
youruser: my favourite place on the planet 🇪🇸
location: mallorca, spain
view 943 comments 
andyrobertson94: anifield seeing this caption: 🥲
↪️youruser: they’re number one in my heart always
yourbestie: so sexy 🤤
↪️youruser: back at you 🩷
virgilvandijk: ❤️
comment liked by youruser
queen_yn: ^WE HAVE A VIRG COMMENT ???!!!!!! HELLOOOOO 
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liked by youruser, jordanhenderson, mosalah and 301,329 others 
virgilvandijk: 📸 - britishgq 
view 567 comments 
user11: okay I see you virg 
gqsports: 👑
youruser: oh heyyyy 👀
comment liked by virgilvandijk
andyrobertson94: looking good big guy 😍
↪️youruser: ^!!
lfc_wags: ^are we getting a virgxy/n reunion 👀
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liked by andyrobertson94, trentarnold66, mosalah and 392,044 others 
youruser: happy virg day to all of those who celebrate!! 🥳 my favourite holiday in honour of my favourite person on the whole planet. love you forever and always. ♥️
tagged: virgilvandijk
view 2,909 comments 
virgilvandijk: love you, thank you ♥️
comment liked by youruser
user4: OH MY GOD?!?!?!!?
andyrobertson94: does this mean we’ll be seeing your face more often? 
↪️youruser: not too often, won’t want you to get sick of it 😗
↪️andyrobertson94: we could never 🤣
bigdaddyvirg: all is right in the world again. 
darwin_n9: 🥳🥳🥳
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royal-ruin · 4 months
f1 fanfic recs (part 1) sebastian/lewis
other f1 fic rec lists here f1 fic rec masterlist here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
yay, i decided to start off with some sewis to spice up your day!
The Kingdom Lights Shine by ingoodcompany (~2k)
They have a loose sort of plan. For some nebulous future time.
And then Lewis wins his eighth World Championship.
Love Wins by 12romy (~3k)
Lewis and Seb have a plan, and nothing will stop them from carrying it out.
swoon over you by penelopes (~3k)
[The three dots appear. Disappear. Appear again. Then Seb’s message pops up. Do you want me to pretend to have an emergency and call you?
Oh, thank God. Would you??? Lewis quickly types out. He’s not bailing on the date if he has an emergency, right? No one would have to know.]
Or, Lewis is on an awful date and Seb comes to the rescue.
you don't know what you want (just tell me what i want) by blafard (~4k)
["You're not listening," Lewis says, but it's not mean. He's simply stating a fact, like that the sky is blue and that Lewis Hamilton is a winner and will collect his eighth championship before the year is over.
(Even though he likes to pretend that this year he's not so sure, and that this year has been different to all the others. Seb's retirement echoes in the space left between him voicing his insecurities.)
"I'm not," Seb agrees, unable to stop a small smile to slip over his lips.
Lewis hums. "You don't sound very sorry."
"I'm not," he agrees once again and then they're both laughing.]
or Seb retires and relearns to fall in love with racing and Lewis.
rumour has it by ambiguouspace (~4k)
It's 2021 and Sebastian Vettel isn’t driving in Formula 1. No one can figure out why he’s still hanging around the paddock every race, though.
aka Seb takes a year off to be an F1 wag.
this love is a strange love by bones_2_be (~4k)
Lewis has a bad crash, and the resulting concussion leaves him in rough shape. 
In which Sebastian does what he can for Lewis in the immediate aftermath of a serious concussion.
stars by the pocketful by ohmygasly (singsweetmelodies) (~4k)
[Lewis holds out his hand, and Sebastian looks at him, clasps it, but then leans in to hug him without letting go of his hand (and Lewis can't help but pause on the fact that out of the whole grid, Sebastian only hugged him. Only him.) 
Lewis closes his eyes, and leans into the touch just a little too much, cameras be damned. This is goodbye, this is the end of an era, and for all that he has always kept a brutal hold on his emotions - he thinks he can afford to let go, just a little, for this. For Sebastian. 
Then, inevitably, Sebastian's hand slips out of his, and Lewis thinks, is this the last time? ]
Seb and Lewis: a first, a last, and then a first again.
he‘s been gone. now he‘s back. by grussell63 (~5k)
The internet goes from not seeing Sebastian Vettel and Lewis Hamilton for weeks to getting a bunch of content within a week.
or: Lewis appears at the Race of Champions in 2022 without even competing.
*slow show by ambiguouspace (~6k)
[Lewis is ten kilometres into his ride before his phone buzzes again.
It’s a bad idea to sleep with another driver, right? George’s message says, and Lewis almost falls off his stationary bike.]
Lewis hands out relationship advice. Eventually, Sebastian does too.
ugh one of the first fics that got me into this fandom and it makes me laugh every time.
with the certainty of tides by ambiguouspace (~6k)
[[Image of a magazine cover, with Lewis Hamilton in profile. Cover title “Lewis Hamilton finds his voice”]
Liked by jonathan.reid.94 and 561,205 others
mercedesamgf1 We’re incredibly proud of @lewishamilton and everything that he achieves on and off the track. Link in bio for his game-changing cover story with @britishgq ✊🏾🌈
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mercedesamgf1 While we welcome respectful and constructive conversation, hateful comments on this post will be deleted.
3 hours ago] Lewis Hamilton comes out. The internet has some thoughts on the matter.
ugh i adore these unconventional format fics.
like today wants tomorrow by distressedgremlin (~8k)
One year after they have both retired, Sebastian and Lewis try Le Mans.
one of the tags is "what's more domestic than driving a 24-hour race with a third wheel" and i think it is an incredibly accurate description of this fic.
*come home to me by misonikomi (~18k)
Seb left a 40 million dollar contract to be at Mercedes, and has so clearly been delegated to the number two driver. He must have known how the team was going to treat him, as the new driver and as someone who hasn’t won the WDC in a few years. He had known, and had signed the contract anyways.
Lewis thinks about whether he trusts Seb, and what trust even means, for people like them.
just reread it cuz i completely forgot it, and oh my god, it has so much to do with lewis healing from the trauma that nico left behind in his wake.
Let's try something else by 12romy (~20k)
Seb is tired of the homophobia in F1. Thankfully, Lewis has a plan.
as always i am a sucker for fake/pretend relationship fics.
*The Numbering at Bethlehem by Kaytheologie (~26k)
Yale AU: in which Lewis is a Shakespeare professor, Sebastian is a math professor, and a fuckbuddies arrangement turns into more than either of them could have imagined.
it was truly a vibe to read it on a long train ride.
**the heartbeat is a hunger by withfeathers (~40k)
[Art. 34: BONDING Teams are required to register all bonds between drivers with the FIA at the beginning of each season. New bonds must be formally recognized through a bonding ceremony under supervision of at least one FIA representative [...].
Art. 34.1 [added on 1.01.1993] Bonds between drivers competing for different teams are prohibited.
I'm so unused to being - well, understood perhaps. - Vladimir Nabokov's first letter to his future wife, Véra]
when i say this fic fundamentally changed my brain chemistry i genuinely mean it. it is a must-read.
*Hard Year / Good Time / Socks Up / Foot Down by bestliars (~50k)
Sebastian is thirty-four years old. He went into the barriers on lap twenty-eight of the Azerbaijan Grand Prix. He doesn’t remember the crash. He remembers being twenty-five, getting ever closer to both the consecutive race win record and a fourth championship. Apparently there’s a lot he needs to catch up on. One pressing question: why is Lewis Hamilton asleep in the chair beside his hospital bed?
oh my god, one of my favorite fics of all time! i've read it twice even though it's pretty long by my standards.
unfortunately, i haven't currently read too many seblewis fics, feel free to recommend me any of your faves. i hope you find something to enjoy here!
btw, if the links to the other f1 fics don't work yet, it's cuz i haven't sorted it out yet haha, it'll prob take me a day to fully organize it.
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atorionsbelt · 5 months
britishgq The combination of leather, a sheer knit, and an overcoat, all by Fendi, will have you moving like this. Phil Dunster inside GQMOTY.
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mndvx · 2 years
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BarryKeoghan In yer LV @BritishGQ 🐺☘️
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davidebarbierihair · 2 years
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Thomas Brodie Sangster x @britishgq talking about @pistol #comingsoon @samohtsangster #photography @richarddowker #styling @angelomitakos #grooming me @carenagency using @tomfordbeauty and @kevinmurphyuk @ddapersonalpublicity ❤️#thomasbrodiesangster #britishgq #sexpistols #pistol #hairbydavidebarbieri #groomingbydavidebarbieri #menshairstyle (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdfiDjasfut/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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