#brief Lee!Roman & Ler!Virgil/Patton
kanene-yaaay · 3 years
No Moving
Kanene’s note: One year ago I threw a surprise party (very small and cozy) in my house and, after some hours, one of mah friends suggested we played some old games from our childhood and I remember my first thought was “Hey, no. We’re not children anymore.” but I said nothing because that sounded a lot like what society would want me to say. We played. And that was one of the best days I’ve ever had. Good enough to give me inspiration for this fanfic. With a lot of chaos and dorky sides and chaos and tickles!!! So I'm giving this to myself as a gift, because, ya know... S e r o t o n i n! Soooo, the lesson? Idk. Be feral, do chaos, play and f**k the society, I guess. Happy day for us all!!! :DD
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders and his series Sanders Sides!
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* This is Ler!Roman and Ler!Virgil with Lee!Logan and Lee!Patton. Around 3.700 words.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Eu vou traduzir ainda ;w;. Thank you so so so much for being with me through all this crazy and difficult year. It’s been a bless to have all of you in my notes, my askys, and my notifications! Take care of yourself, lollipop, you deserve. <33
It was a sunny day. The heat from the biggest star of our solar system being placated by a relaxing wind incessantly throwing the napkins from the so careful, yet messy – as if this wasn’t a tradition the quartet repeated affectionately every single year – decorated table. The friends positioned themselves around it. The surprise party’s rush being already over after all their screaming, singing, eating and bickering, leaving the four to lazily chat or stare the breeze carrying lonely flowers around Virgil’s – the one who offered his house as a sacrifice to the chaos - yard, making them float in the air for some seconds before forgetting them on the dirt again.
Virgil snored softly from the spot he conquered on the tabletop, taking a peaceful nap. Patton was saying, in the fastest pattern he could muster, all the dad jokes his brain managed to think only to see how much time Logan would continue to give him the silent treatment before finally – and figuratively, the owner of the only brain cell of their group would say if he heard this narrative, - exploded and Roman? 
Well, Roman was bored.
Then he slammed his hands on the top of the wooden object, successfully scaring Virgil out of it and of his sleeping – leading the poor adult to fall. Not before kicking a cup in Roman’s direction, his moves being weakened enough by his fogged brain so he missed it and hit Roman’s carefully manicured hands, instead, – at the same Patton, by reflex, slapped the two poor persons who had the bad luck of sitting next to him. He gathered the perfect timing to interrupt Logan’s scared jump by his confused ‘Why did- why- Why did you hit ME?’ sputtering.
“Ow.” The one in red shirt held protectively his arm and hand next to his chest, protesting with his usual offended noises as analyzed the light red spots on them and purposely ignored the ‘What the FUCK, Princey??’ shouted by the host. “Ow. O-w. Are you guys seriously going to hit me every time I try to make your poor lifes better, your barbarians? You know what? I am offended. Your peasants. I am going to get my dear Amanda the katana and then I am- I am out.” 
Logan deadpanned in his direction, lifting one of his eyebrows in his disbelief expression as the other didn’t give a single step to the exit. He did his best to maintain the façade as Patton fuzzed over him, hugging and apologizing and hugging and softly petting his head and offering cake before gasping and turning around to fuzz now over Roman. “… Okay. I am taking Patton with me.”
“Over my dead, haunted body.” Virgil quickly proclaimed before his tune got slurred, very much likely still sleepy. “I saw…” He balanced his hands in front of him, eyes wide and hair spiked, very much reminding of a scared cat. “I saw the angel of death, in all his tall dark, cold aura. In front of me. He was right before me, full of-” He moved his hands more, as if that compensated for his lack of words. “Emo.”
“…Thanatos?” Logan pointed.
“Yeah, yeah. That guy.” Virgil came back to his initial position laying down on the cold surface, yawing. “Totally emo.”
“Actually, when he was created-”
“Excuse me. Focus, focus!” The one who initiated the commotion snapped his fingers until all the eyes were fixated on him, glares traveling from interested to unimpressed. “My brilliant idea? That will light up this party and hearts? Drum the drums!” Silence. He turned to Patton, who was staring at a cute butterfly mindless flying around. “Patton! The drums!” The one wearing black rims seemed to come back to reality, drumming his fingers on the table. “Very well!” Roman spun, extending the suspense. Logan came back to scrolling on his phone, Virgil getting closer to take a look, both hiding a smirk when heard the pout in Roman’s tune. “You’re all jerks and boring. Let’s play S.T.O.P!”
That caught their attention.
“Roman, you are…” Logan talked slowly, as if trying to make his words as clear as possible, “aware that we’re adults now, right?”
“Aw, come on, guys!” Patton jolted upright. “Sounds fun! And I think Virgil’s yard is bigger enough to make it even better than when we played in middle school!”
“Exactly! And it was one of your favorites games when you were younger, remember, Specs? I think it’s a good way to celebrate that special date which is your birthday!” Logan scoffed at that, albeit his mind was somewhere else. 
Roman wasn’t wrong, he really used to love this game, especially because he was good at it. His love for sports was often ignored by most of his classmates because of his good grades – Logan never understood why one thing would exclude other – therefore he was constantly forgotten in the team or even underestimated. Two things extremely crucial in a game like this. Roman noticed his contemplating face. “I mean, except you are afraid of losing. Again.” 
“I did not lose! Kyle fell on me and he was the only one supposed to be out and not both of us and you. Know. It!”
“No, no, no! Claire said you were the one who tripped on your way and then YOU fell on Kyle-”
“That is nonsense! If Claire had stopped just one second her Dance of Victory, she would be able to see that, by the angle we both were on the ground there was no way I would be able to-”
“Oh, plu-e-ase. You are just a sore los-”
“What is this game?” Virgil questioned Patton, both letting the bickering fall on the background, who smiled widely, his gaze unfocusing a bit, probably watching some old memories of his childhood.
“It is a very simple but fun game!! One person stays next to a wall and, oh! We call him the Looker by the way! Or even some large thing and the others players stay the most away from him as possible. The person next to the wall has to count until a certain number of his choice and while he is counting everyone is free to wander around the place until he turns around, then every player has to freeze on the same spot and position they were. If you move and the Looker catches you, you’re out. You win if you touch the wall where he was. You can do everything you want as long the Looker is not staring at you.
“There was that one kid who managed to win the game by climbing a tree until he was close enough to jump from it and run to the wall before the Looker shouted he was out.” The one wearing two party hats as ‘cat hears’ stopped to breath. “Ah! Ah! Also! If you’re out you can choose to just watch the game or become the Looker’s partner and try to help him. Roman and Logan used to be the worst ever when together.” He giggled, sounding a bit hysteric.
“Hm. I think they used to call this ‘10 Seconds’ in my school, since you could count only further than 10 seconds.” Virgil then frowned. “Wait, why were they the worst?”
“Uhh, so, you see, the Lookers can use some… attics to try to make you move. Logan and Roman usually choose to-”
“I do NOT wish to participate.” Logan stated, crossing his arms stubbornly. Roman sighed. 
“Well, you do you.” Roman then traveled his glare to the others two. “Are you guys coming? I’m the Looker.”
“I’m in!!” Patton excitedly got up, joggling his way to the yard, casting a slightly worried look at Logan, who was adjusting his chair in order to have a better view of the game. Virgil shrugged, taking off his hoodie and following them, quickly throwing a ‘You ok?’ as he passed next to the most professional of the group.
“Yes.” He deeply breathed, sounding calmer. “Yes, I am.” And then give him a bite of a smile. 
Roman positioned himself before the colorful three foot tall concrete tunnel forgotten there by the last owner, barely catching with the corner of his field view his two friends whispering something to each other, the one wearing two party hats snickering behind his hand, bouncing as also choose a good position far away from him, who tried to not think much about what he just presented. A suspicious feeling crawled the back of his neck.
“Go.” Logan pronounced. 
“Oneeeee, twooo, three, fourfivesixseveneight,” Roman turned away from them, counting in a tune just above a whisper. Patton and Virgil exchanged glances.
When he got at twenty, he turned. 
Only to find Virgil laid on the grass, his arm extended to point something in the sky, Patton crouched by his side, his face firm in a puzzled expression staring in the same direction, hand above his eyes to block the Sun. Roman frowned in confusion, the curiosity tickling the back of his brain until he succumbed to it, also looking at the sky to - surprise, surprise! – find absolutely nothing!
By the time he stared at them again Patton now was in front of Virgil, both making what seemed like a very horrible parody of The Creation of Adam painting. Roman got closer, managing to clearly see the smug smile on Virgil’s face and Patton wobbly lips, very much likely holding laughter. He crossed his arms, staying stubbornly for some seconds before giving up, seeing that none of them moved a single millimeter. 
“You two are so funny.” Roman rolled his eyes, sarcasm dropping from each word. Logan snorted.
This time the Looker counted at only fifteen seconds.
This time Patton was in Virgil’s arms when he turned, one leg suspended dramatically in the air. The third time Roman growled loudly as Virgil was on one knee, pretending to propose to Patton who was frozen in the middle of his faint. In the fourth he didn’t even have the chance to turn before two hands tased his sides, making his knees buckle but being held in the same place when a pair of arms that hugged him from behind, capturing the poor adult in a flow of high-pitched squeaks and surprised laughter at each squeeze and spidering deposited just above his hips. 
Some minutes later soft snorts followed him to the ground when he was finally freed, flames running on his face and his arms firmly pressed at his sides, the ghost tickles leading to a sea of giggles dancing in the air.
“Enough.” Logan cut the moment, all the eyes on him when he got up, stretching and loosening his party tie. The Looker recomposed himself in order to sneak pokes and squeezes on the other two, who quickly dashed their way back to the yard. “You both clearly aren’t taking this seriously enough.” A dangerous gleam took over his eyes, staring intently to Roman, who instantly got the same kind of shine in his own glare, nodding in his direction. Both too much preoccupied to notice Virgil and Patton silently high fiving in the distance.
The game started again, now a very different electricity dancing in the air. Logan sensed an old feeling of nostalgia resting on his back as he analyzed the place and his opponents as things went by. Roman turned for at least three times – the perfect number for things to get really interesting, - before he decided to finally move from his place.
Silent steps, he went right to Patton. Logan breathed in relief, taking the opportunity to adjust his strategic position half behind the tree. Patton kept a pattern of switching from moving too fast in a round and then barely taking a step in the other, however, as Roman stopped before him, and for the way he soundless snickered as The Looker changed his target to Virgil, his weakness was still holding his laughter when stared for long periods of time.
Virgil was sitting on the grass. Again. A very good tactic when you tend to fidget or tremble a lot. He would stay in the same position for some rounds until in an explosion of energy dash forward when Roman wasn’t paying attention. The Looker crouched in front of him, his index finger pointing and almost touching his nose.
“You. I don’t trust you.”
And then there was Logan.
“You,” Roman stared in distance – not because of fear pffff of course not - Logan’s form half hidden by the foliage and trunk of the medium tree, his glass making his eyes gleam in a light even more enhanced due the shadow provided by the plant, the rest of his face being partially hidden because of his bangs falling on his features. “are fucking creepy. Stop.”
In the next round Patton gave everyone a heart attack when he screamed since he didn’t heard/saw Logan approaching his spot. Two more rounds. Virgil sneezed and lost his balance in a not very ideal mid-run position. Out.
“Oh, thank gracious, great goodness!! Come here, Knight Mare!! I have an idea!!” Virgil barely had time to stop swearing for losing before being recruited by Roman, who immediately began to whisper in his ear.
 “What do you think they’re talking about?” Patton asked, both being close enough for the question doesn’t need to be spoken above a murmur.
“Not a good thing for us both, I am sure.” In that moment The Lookers turned and a cold shiver ran Logan who, for the way Patton trembled, wasn’t the only one. Adrenaline started pulsing on his veins when they approached, although the birthday person had no idea of why. His old memories too much buried under newer ones for him to catch them.
“Nooohoho.” The cat lover whined and the fact Roman clearly saw that but did nothing to point it, his only reaction being to expand his grin, worsened Logan fears, a ray of recognition finally shining on his mind. That should be how karma feels.
“Look at you both, just standing right there, not being allowed to move an only single inch. What a sad fate, don’t you think, Princey?”
“Oh, absolutely, emo. A horrible, wondrous thing, indeed. But you know what that would be perfect for?” Roman now was just a few centimeters away, the infinitesimal distance being cut when he inclined forward, his breath tickling Patton’s – Poor Patton – ear. “Revenge. You know, Pattycake, Hot Topic here told me the previous attack on my amazing person was your idea. And now that I stop to think, what a wonderful idea, don’t you think, Pat-pat?”
Virgil pulled lightly Roman’s shoulder, sensing the other about to crack but yet having too much fun to end this all so early. “But not now. No touching, right?”
“Oh, right, right. Of course, no touching!” He wiggled his fingers, barely away from the poor target’s ribs, his cheeks already beginning to get pink from blush. “No touching, no touching, no touching, but, most important than anything else: no. moving.”
“Oh, yeah.” Virgil took the opportunity to walk around, stopping right behind Patton, who firmly closed his eyes, the smile he carried getting bigger. “Because the exact, very moment when you can’t take the teases anymore so you break and move?” He tsked. “Then all your protection will be over and you will be all helpless and vulnerable for us to tickle,” He almost purred the words, in the slowest way possible. “tickle, tickle, tickle for hours and hours. Can you imagine that, Popstar? Our fingers prodding and squeezing and tickling every single ticklish spot they find?”
“Ohoho.” Roman evil laughed. “Tickle spots? My Dear Imbalanced Romance, our pipsqueak here doesn’t have any tickle spots. He IS a tickle spot. Ah! I can almost hear his hysteric high-pitched squeaks and giggles! Such an adorable, beautiful, cute melody to my ears. Actually, I don’t know if I will ever be able to stop, Virgil. It’s just all too beautiful and intoxicating, you know?”
“Mm hm,” The other seemed to stop to think. Patton felt like he was going to melt at any moment. “Well, we could always just keep going forever.”
“Of course!” Roman again ignored the slight trembling of the cat lover’s chest, probably due all the giggles trapped there. “Don’t you think it will be wonderful and oh, so, so fun, cutiepants? Receiving all the tickles and nuzzles and raspberries and tickle hugs and tickly butterfly kisses forever and ever and ever? ~” He sing-song the last part.
“But,” Logan almost jumped in the same place, not even realizing how much keyed up he was before Virgil’s breath attacked the back of his defenseless neck. Suddenly all his nerves were hype-aware that he couldn’t turn around or run or even rub away the tingles. Goosebumps ran freely across his spine. “Let’s not forget about our so sensitive nerd here too, right?”
“Sure. Sensitive.” If he didn’t know Roman for all these years, Logan would almost swear he was the Cheshire cat, his smirk almost blocking Patton who hugged himself behind him, giggling quietly. “Because the serious, smart, professional Logan would never be ticklish, right? That is such a childish thing and he definitely, definitely outgrow it for now.”
“Yup. I am sure that, if we slowly and thoroughly spider our fingers all the way up from his sides to his armpits, being sure to give each and every rib a special attention since we don’t want to let anyone feeling left out, there will be no reaction.”
“Absolutely! No reaction at all! Not even if we squeeze the hollows of his hips, or scribble on his already quivering tummy, or massage his shoulder blades or lightly, almost not touching, scratch his armpits… It will be all in vain since our birthday boy is not ticklish.”
“Which means: No wheezy, frantic laughter.”
“Or sputtering among his squeals.” 
“Or cute snorts. Don’t forget the snorts.”
“And what about when the snorts get mixed with his belly laughter?”
“Ohh, that is some good shit you have there.”
Logan was dying. He was fucking dying and the only thin line keeping him alive was his stubborn nature. He could already feel his barrier cracking and crumbling right before him. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, only to find both Lookers walking away back to the tunnels, not taking long before starting to count, this time out loud. The one with the, now freaking out, braincell began to snap his fingers non stop, trying to get away some of the built excited energy, some titters escaping from his lips during his happy stimming.
Roman and Virgil looked at each other and then the adorable scene right in front of them, deciding to have mercy and wait patiently for Logan and Patton – who yet didn’t stop giggling and hugging himself – to calm down.
One. Move.
And in the next second, they both were tackled on the ground.
“No, no, no!!! No!!” Patton was already giggling, trying to run from Roman’s firm hug, attacking with squeezes and scribbles in every spot he succeeded to research on the Looker as he also tried to escape from his friends’ hands attempting to hold him in the same place. “Wait, wait!” He cried, barely catching a glimpse of Logan’s trashing before an idea popped in his mind. “If we all gang up on Logan, I will tell about his secret tickle spot!!”
“Patton!!” Logan’s protest came out difficulty between his tight grin due his constant effort in trying to buckle Virgil from him, both struggling to immobilize the other and playfully rolling in the grass. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Pffft.” Roman said, a happy cry following his sentence when he finally managed to hold one of Patton’s hands, intertwining their fingers so the cat lover wouldn’t try to pry it away. “Nonsense, I know his tickle spots.”  
“Not all of them. ~”
“Patton, I am to going not figuratively end you. Get OFF, Virgil-”
“In your dreams.” He crackled. “Also, Patton, I’m listening.”
“Virgil! Don’t align with the enemy! And, of course I know all of them!”
“Even the one…”
“Patton, no! Stop!” Roman even if concentrated in tickling Patton’s knee so he could sit on his legs, got the slight tremble in Logan's voice, his curiosity one more time starting to take over his brain.
“Sorrey, sorrey, Lo! You know I love you but-”
“Patton, please.” Logan almost smiled as he fought his way to hug and trap Virgil from behind, but losing his balance as the other quickly turned and delivered a raspberry on his neck and quick squeezes on his left thigh. “dON’T!! I-I am going to bakeEEK - Fuck! - you a whole batch of cookies if you don’t tell them!”
Roman caught in the offer, his curiosity immediately perking up, answering in a bat:
“I’m going to tickle you both to pieces if you don’t tell us now.”
“Sorrey, Logan,” Patton tried to sound apologetic, but his excited smile made this task more difficult. “it’s you or me.”
“I’m going to tell them about your calves!” Logan threatened at the same time Patton said “It’s his lower back!”
“TRAITOR!” Both also shouted in synchrony. In a blink of eye Roman let Patton go and helped Virgil to make the most serious one of the group lay down on his stomach.
“I despise you all.” The aforementioned pronounced.
“Aww. Come on.” Virgil lowered, searching the other’s eyes, grinning. “Aren’t you enjoying the view?”
“400.000 years of evolution for humanity to become this. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“You know, talking like this makes me think you don’t want us to give you your so dearly craved birthday tickles, Pocket Protector!”
The three of them stared at the other, looking carefully for any slight indication that Logan was truly uncomfortable with the situation, receiving as response only a scoff, the blush painting his face as a whispered mumble flew from his mouth.
“You’re so cute!” Patton squealed, giving a light tickly kiss on the back of his neck, leading the attacked to suppress a small giggle which progressively got louder as the cat lover tickled his armpits, Roman and Virgil seeing unfazed by Logan’s squirming. “Okay, okay. You have to tickle his lower back but starting with reeeeeally slow scratches at his sides before speeding it to the fastest scribbling you can muster as you move to his spine!”
Logan hid his hot face behind his hands, the yelps and snorts already escaping between his fingers. He was, objectively, going to love every single second of this.
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turtletimewriting · 4 years
TickleTober Day 8: Interrogation
Summary: The dark sides have been planning something big for their big holiday coming up. The light sides can’t handle the anticipation and intervene. 
Note: Tickle fic! Lee Virgil, Remus and Deceit. Ler Logan and Patton. No clue why I excluded Roman but here I am! I’m really happy with this one! 
“Now. This can be really simple. We just want a few questions answered. That’s understandable. We’ve been very confused due to your changes in behaviour. We would be very grateful if you just simply told us.” Logan tilted his head and kept his body language open. 
“Screw this! Right! You’re all tied up right now. Can't move. Can’t hide. Can’t do anything. Doesn’t matter if you tell us anything. We can keep you all here all day.” Patton harshly clapped his hands. Pacing around the bed while side eyeing the three dark sides tied to the bed. His face strained into a harsh neutral expression. Utterly completely totally unaffected by the three wobbly smiles and tiny giggles from the three typically serious dark sides. 
“We’re not saying anything! Torture us all you want! We’ll never talk!” Remus wailed. But Patton immediately saw an entirely different story. He wouldn’t make any eye contact and his smile refused to dim. 
“Hey! We’re all reasonable here! We just want to know what you lot are all planning? A simple question! We don’t need this... senseless violence.” Logan held his hands up to Patton. 
“No...” Virgil muttered while still trying and failing to hide his face in his arms. He had already seen this routine. 
The light sides had attacked with no warning. All the dark sides were lured into the commons room by the amazing smell of lunch but the next thing they knew, they were tied down onto a plush bed. All of them tied with their arms above their heads and their feet tied to the end of the bed. Each of their feet tied to the neighbour’s. Virgil was sat in the middle with looser restraints than the others but that didn’t stop the fact that his left foot was tied to Remus’ foot and his right with Janus. His most ticklish spot still bound completely at their mercy. 
“We’re not getting answers!” Patton cried out and threw his arms up. Making the most of having his back turned from them so he could smile in excitement. 
“We’re reasonable! I’m sure they’ll tell us if we explain our confusion and worry..”
“No. We grab the weakest. Virgil will be the most... vulnerable to our... techniques but Remus is most likely to spill their secrets without realising. But Jan is definitely the head of operations. Meaning...” Patton slowly turned around. His face carefully set in a peering gaze. 
“We should just grab Remus first!” 
Lurching forward, Patton launched his claw attack at Remus’ armpits first. Not a very ticklish spot but enough to get him laughing. The surprise and the set up for this attack was all too much for his already weak defences. “AAAAAAAAAAAH! AHaAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! HAHA!” Remus stood no chance. 
“You got anything to say now?” Patton growled.
“Now now Patton. Patience is key!” Logan laughed in the middle, almost shaking his head at how ridiculous all these dramatics were. He smoothed his hands over Remus’ armpits like he was trying to stop Patton. But he made sure that his ‘uncertain’ movements tickled in of itself. “He’s just too ticklish to go all out once for.”
“Hahahaaaaa! Hu... hahahaaAAAHaha! Oh come on! Hehehhahaaaaa! Logan! You’re ti- hahhahahaa tick- hahaAAAHAHAA. TICKLING ME!” Remus shook his head already knowing he’s been defeated. 
Janus knew this tactic. He knew it well. Once Remus got talking while being tickled, he couldn’t stop. He’d ramble about anything. But they were one step ahead. They had a plan B for Remus if he was targeted but... now in the moment. Janus was grimacing already knowing that Remus would resort to the plan B instantly, he’s always been weak for tickles.  
“GEHE- GET JANUS! He’s hahhaHAHAHAA head of it all! Hahaha! HA! HA! Get his hhahahaaaaaa his tummy! He’s extraragaahahahaha! Extra ticklish there! PAHAHAATTON! You love tickling him!” 
Welp… there it is. At least he had the decency to give away a less ticklish spot. 
“Oh yeah? So now all of a sudden you want to talk! Selling out your friend? Logan?” Patton tilted his head and Logan immediately took over from him. Skittering his fingers across Remus’ armpits. Making sure to give him light tickles to change from Patton’s brutal digging. Just some light feathery tickles to keep Remus talking. Patton jumped excitedly over Virgil to blow a raspberry against Janus’ ticklish tummy. 
“NOOHOHOHOHOHHHOOOOO! HAHAAH HEHE!” Janus tried to lash out but he only succeeded in jostling Virgil who was looking more and more nervous and getting increasingly giggly. 
“You want to talk? Say anything to Remus,” Patton tried to lure out more information. Before diving in and delivering plenty of more raspberries, obviously. 
“HAHAHAAAAAA! DON’T YOU HAHAHA DAAAARE!” Remus squealed, somehow laughing harder at Logan’s gentle tickles. 
“Hohohaha oaaahhhaha! We’ve hohhhohohho not done AAAOHOHOHHAHAO anything!” Janus finally stammered out. Patton let a peaceful smile finally uncurl. 
He always loved Janus’ laugh. It sounded like an evil villain’s laugh as he revealed his grand plans. Chesty laughs that sounded like they were almost punched from him. Like he hadn’t laughed in years and it sounded fake and theatrical but it was completely real. It went just so nicely with Remus’ frantic squeals, cackles (that was the only way to describe his laugh) and shrieks. 
But that means that there was someone’s laugh missing. 
“We just want to help you out! I don’t want to see you tickle tickle tickle tortured for the rest of the evening. Virgil is most likely to spill what you’ve planned. If you tell me how to tickle him-” Logan soothed.
“NO! Don’t you dare Remus!” Virgil shrieked. 
“If you tell me how to tickle him then this could be over quicker... We can help each other out!”
Remus managed to hold it together for a grand total of ten seconds before he sent a desperate look to Janus before crying out “SIDES! SIDES! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA! HA! Sides and hahaAAHAHAA spreading out fingers thing...” 
“No! No!” Janus cried and lifted his head up. 
Both Logan and Patton completely broke character at hearing Janus’ shout. He blushed bright red at the sudden attention but continued on.
“No, don’t tickle him! Uh, what about my knees? Patton you l-love ti… tickling my knees! I just can’t stand it... your tickles.”
It was the most suspicious thing ever. Clearly they knew Virgil wouldn’t stand a chance. So if they were true interrogators then surely they would instantly set their targets on Virgil.
Janus never ever asked for tickles. So... well who would they be if they didn’t tickle someone who was asking! 
“AAAAAH! HA! HA! HA! HA!” Janus bellowed out his sharp distinct laugh as Logan and Patton took a knee each. Patton desperately scrambling all over while Logan took carefully planned out squeezes. Remus laughed at him while Virgil was dying from his blush from nearly being tickled. 
“Aw! You want some tickles huh? Lots of tickles all over your cute tickly knees!” 
“You just knew I can’t resist tickling your knees, cutie! They’re just so so so ticklish! I could tickle them for years!”
“Since you asked so nicely, saving Virgil and everything, you deserve all the tickles! All of them! Tickles all over your legs for the good cute giggly snake boy!” 
“Patton! Good cop, bad cop...” 
“...Oh yeah! Uhm.... This is what you get! You deserve these tickles for annoying me so much! No more sass young man!” 
Logan smirked as he saw Remus finally catch his breath and Virgil loosened up. He kept his eyes on the knee he was tickling but just as the laugh was getting more strained and the gasps getting harder, he flung himself to Virgil. 
“AH!” Virgil squeaked before remembering to clamp his mouth shut.
“I’m on your side here,” Logan said as he Virgil squirmed underneath him and sent pleading glances to Remus. He wasn’t even tickling him yet. Just sitting there. “You could just tell me now. I’d understand! What are you planning?”
“Hehe...” Virgil just giggled while burrowing away in his arms. 
“Oh tough guy are we?” Patton shouted over Janus’ laughter and skittered his fingers across Virgil’s foot. Only a brief skitter. But Virgil burst into laughter! Oh he was this keyed up already! 
“Wait! I uh I’ve got an itch on my foot! Logan do you mind tickling it for me?” Remus and Janus practically yelled over each other. But it was too late, Virgil had already spoken. But also, Logan already had a plan in motion.
“Hah... no problem Remus...” Logan grinned. He kept his eyes focused on Virgil and then reached out to tickle Remus’ foot, sending him into giggles, and then spidered his other hand on Virgil’s tummy. Virgil squeaked but used all his strength to hide just how much that tickled. 
“Neh! Hehee! No! Focuhuihihihehehe! Focus on me!” Remus shrieked, the giggles slipping out without any problem. Logan didn’t react other than his hand pausing before just tracing a finger along the ball of his foot. A single finger. Scribbling from one side to the other. A tiny tickle so he could now focus on amping up Virgil’s tickling.
“VIHI VIRGIL!” Janus shouted, he could already see the tell tale signs of Virgil giving in. Yes, he wasn’t laughing yet but the blush and frantic squirming spoke a completely different story. 
“Virgil? Please, I just want to understand! Just one detail, that’s all I’m asking for. Then you can be free! Otherwise, I’d have to give you up to Patton. You don’t want that, surely?” 
“Pfthahahaahaaaaaa! Aaaaaaah! Logan!” 
Patton looked up at his name but his determined frown took over. Oh, so Logan was expecting Virgil to break first... Well, the rare competitive side of Patton instantly broke free. 
Janus was bright red now for a different reason. There was only so much he could be tickled before even he had to give in. He wasn’t bothering to hide his face anymore. Just laying back with his head thrown back. He looked like he was relishing in the tickles. “HA! HA! HA!” 
“Huh, Logan’s after the info. I forgot that’s what I’m supposed to be doing.” 
“Seeing you being tortured, makes me want to keep you here forever. Even if you tell me what you’re planning, I’m still going to get your feet. So funny that a snake’s favourite ticklish spot is his legs huh!”
“WE’RE PLANNING A HALLOWEEN PARTY ON THE 30TH!” Janus no longer cared. He huffed desperately before continuing, scared that Patton wouldn’t be satisfied, “We were going to jump scare you all, that’s why it was on the 30th as you would all expect the 31st. I was going dressed as Logan, Remus as Roman and Virgil was going dressed as you. It was Remus’ idea!” 
“Hey!” It was at this point that Janus realised that literally everything had stopped. Remus’ bubbling giggles, Virgil’s snorting huffs, Logan’s baby talk and Patton was sitting completely still. With a huge smile!
“Janus what was that!” Virgil gasped.
They hadn’t created a plan to stop Janus from breaking because he never ever he broke by tickling. Janus was just too strong and could deal with tickles so much better than anyone else. Well, he used to be able to deal with any tickles. They had plans for Virgil and Remus! But no! Janus just had to sit there and be the focus of all the tickles! 
Patton sat there for another silent moment before giving himself a high five and wooping loudly.
“HAH! I knew I could break Janus! No one else could, but I knew I could if I gave it an honest go. Yes! Quick go tell Roman!”  
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august-anon · 4 years
Hey hey, everyone, I hope y’all are doing okay! I’ve been hoarding this for a while, it’s based off THIS ask I got a while back. Hope you enjoy!
Also, don't forget to keep fighting for the BLM movement. Sign petitions, educate yourself, help the spread of information. If you're able, go out and protest or(and?) help donate to charities and bail funds! Attention on social and traditional media is dropping, but the fight isn't over!
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): gen/platonic everything
Characters (lee/ler): Ler!Roman, Lee!Patton, Logan, Virgil
Word Count: 1078 words
Summary: Roman has a favorite game he likes to play with the other Sides. While most of them would never admit it, they like playing it with him, too.
[ao3 link]
It was Roman’s favorite game to play.
“Choose a number, Pat-Pat!” Roman cooed as he sat atop Patton’s thighs.
Patton gasped excitedly and wiggled where he’d been pinned on the floor. “Oh goodness, it’s always so hard!” He rambled. “Do I want it to be teasy, or do I just want the tickles to start faster! Oh, Ro!”
“Better choose, Patty,” Roman sang. His voice turned into a playful growl, “Or I’ll have to choose for you.”
Patton squealed and covered his face. “Oh--oh--eight--no, five--no, fifteen--I don’t know!”
Roman gave a shark-like grin. “Why not just add all of those up, hm? That brings your countdown up to… Wow! Twenty-eight!”
Patton wiggled flusteredly, but peeked through his fingers so he could watch Roman torment him with anticipation. He yelped when those fingers finally started wiggling, about a foot above his sensitive thighs.
“Twenty-eight, twenty-seven, twenty-six…”
Roman’s hands made different tickling motions as he counted down, all designed specifically to make Patton squeal and giggle and squirm, regretting his choice to dig himself into such a teasy hole. It was very successful.
“Roman, please! Count faster!”
Roman shook his head with a borderline feral grin as he continued to count. “Twenty-one, twenty, nineteen, eighteen…”
He lowered his hands in small increments with the numbers. He gradually went from a foot, to half of one, to barely a few inches away. Patton gasped and twisted. His legs bounced as much as they could with Roman putting light pressure on his knees with his body, and Roman couldn’t quite tell if he was trying to escape or get closer to the tickles, at this point.
“Five, four, three, two…”
“Roman!” Patton shouted, a flustered whine, a desperate plea for what he so desperately wanted.
Roman’s hands finally touched down on Patton’s thighs, and Patton wailed and howled with laughter as they squeezed and wiggled deep into the flesh, stimulating the nerves in all the ways he knew how. He planned to stay here much longer than twenty-eight seconds.
Logan cursed and squirmed as Roman pinned him, trying to fight back but doing a rather poor job of it. That’s how Roman knew he didn’t really mean it. Roman had two clients that liked to pretend they were too mature and cool for such games, but he knew the truth.
“Don’t you dare!” Logan hissed as Roman pinned his hands under his knees with a smirk.
“Pick a number, gigglebear,” Roman cooed.
Logan paled, then his entire face went bright red. “Absolutely not! We are not doing this!”
Roman raised an eyebrow. “Don’t make me do it, Logi,” he said in a deep, teasing voice.
Logan struggled even more, but they both knew he was well and truly stuck. They also both knew that he didn’t really want to escape, as much as he was trying to make it seem like he did.
“If you don’t pick,” Roman sing-songed, poking him in the chest. “I’ll have to.”
Logan’s eyes went wide, just as expected, and his squirming stopped. “You wouldn’t.”
Roman grinned predatorily. “Oh, but I think I would. Let’s see, a hundred? No, that seems too low…” Roman frowned in faux-concentration, rubbing his chin.
“Two!” Logan suddenly shouted.
Roman brightened. “Oh, two hundred?”
Logan yelled out wordlessly in giddy horror.
“What an amazing idea, dear heart! Thank you!”
“No no no no no nonononononononono--!”
“Two hundred, one hundred ninety-nine, one hundred ninety-eight…”
And if Logan thought those hips were going to get off easy after Roman finally finished, he had another thing coming. Because as much as it was a game of anticipation for his little lees, it was also a game of anticipation and patience for him. And Roman was going to have built up a lot of his own anticipation by the time he finally managed to get his hands on those hip bones to scratch and squeeze away.
Much like Logan, Virgil cursed and swore and shouted as he went down. Roman wasn’t deterred. Virgil knew what to say to make Roman stop, and he always made sure to check that he remembered first, too. And despite his spitting, fiery words, he went down far too easily for it to mean anything else.
His hands were also pinned under Roman’s knees, tugging fruitlessly to try and gain freedom. He grunted and struggled, but it was all fake and they both knew it. Roman chuckled as he thrashed back and forth and waited until he took a break to breath to speak, rucking up his shirt all the way to his chest in the meantime.
“So, Virgie-Lee, pick a number!” Roman said.
Virgil gasped and swore and thrashed some more.
“Don’t make me pick for you, cutiepie, you really don’t want that,” Roman called teasingly over Virgil’s protests.
Virgil went silent. Roman opened his mouth to pick a number that would tease them both horribly, but Virgil shouted out before he could:
Roman hesitated. Then he shrugged. “Alright, Sir Giggles, your wish is my command.”
Roman didn’t even bother saying the number before he dove down and blew a big, loud raspberry directly against Virgil’s belly button. Virgil screamed in laughter and started thrashing for real now that it actually tickled.
“Roman!” He screamed.
“You planned your own funeral, there,” Roman laughed against his stomach.
Virgil cursed and laughed as Roman nibbled around the rim of his belly button before blowing another raspberry, earning yet another scream. He repeated this pattern a few times before finally adding his fingers to the mix, letting them flutter randomly all around his giggly, bouncing belly.
“Uh oh, Virgil!” Roman gasped. “It looks like you’ve got butterflies in your tummy!”
“No!” Virgil shrieked.
“Yes!” Roman mimicked. “I’m terribly afraid there’s no cure! You simply have to let them run their course!”
“Yes, yes, don’t worry! I’ll stay here with you throughout the whole thing. Though, I feel I should warn you…”
He paused his tickling fingers for a brief moment and Virgil met his eyes, Virgil’s own gleaming with excitement and glee.
“I hear they tickle horribly. And they only tickle worse and worse until they finally escape.”
Virgil didn’t even have time to gasp before Roman was back to it. One hand vibrated fingertips deep into his belly, while the other formed a claw and scratched away with nails grown out specifically for this reason.
Unfortunately, the butterflies didn’t manage to escape Virgil’s tummy for a very long time.
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dragonleesupporter · 4 years
4 with ler Remus and Lee virgil?
Oooo Okay, let’s give stinky, rat-goblin man a chance.
Remus knew, but Virgil didn’t. He had heard Roman’s cackles through the thin barrier that separated their rooms, and he decided to drop by and spy, (unbeknownst to Virgil, of course,) He realized Roman’s book was open to spells they always used to play with as kids.
Heck, Remus had created half of the spells to get his brother laughing. Oh, he would be as truthful as Deceit if he said he still didn’t miss those days. But what interested him more was Virgil. In the past; the rookie amongst the dark sides, now; acting all tough like he owned the place? 
Plus the duke couldn’t help but get a little salty over how, when Virgil tickled Roman it was called play, yet whenever the duke wanted to start any type of game, it was seen as bad or naughty in the minds of all the rest. Virgil was a dark side too! 
(Plus NO ONE embarrassed his brother like that-)
The green side had finally decided to put the cocky anxious trait in his place. By using the same spell he had seen the purple one use.
Living Voodoo Doll... One of his favorites.
“Ah! What the-!” Virgil shot upright, breaking away from the current cuddle fest on the coach and clutching his middle. He was certain that Roman or Patton had scribbled their hands at his stomach and sides, but other three got up abruptly and looked at the anxious trait, worried.
“What was that, Virgil?” Roman asked, eyebrows crooked.
“Oh, cut the act! I knew it was you who -AH!” The purple side bent over, trying to suppress his giggles as the unbearable feeling of fingers gently gliding against the outer edges of his belly continued. 
“What’s going on??” Patton reached out to help his dark strange son, just to have him bat the father’s hands away, succumbing to his giggles as he curled in on himself. 
“That’s right, little emo... giggle aaaaall day...” Remus watched from a crystal-ball-like projection that showed him the results of his playful banter. 
He looked down at his body.
What could he try?
What else did he remember?
“Rehehemuhuhus!” Little Virgil squeaked as the green side traced patterns in him tummy. “Stohohohopihihihit!”
“But, what about the routine? We’ve barely started!” Little Remus whined, snaking his, albeit stubby arms, around the purple side’s middle, placing his hands on his sides as he scribbled harder into the pale skin.
“AH! AHAHAHAhahahahahahaha!” The tiny anxious side thrashed against his friend and started snorting when Remus added raspberries to his neck. 
“I got youuuu!” Remus chanted victoriously, continuing the game.
That’s right... Remus remembered.
He’d start with tracing shapes in the stomach, then scribbling along his sides, and then blowing raspberries into his neck, followed by a quick tickling at his feet (he could never stay there for too long, or the purple side would lose it,) before finishing with the grand finale. The raspberry on his belly. 
Remus grinned madly as his hands switched gear to scribble at his own sides and watched his ball of light to see Virgil’s reaction. 
“GYA! NAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Virgil fell to the floor, rolling and kicking as Remus openly laughed at the result. His laugh sure hadn’t changed.
But then the duke ran into a problem. He couldn’t give HIMSELF a raspberry on the back of his neck. As he kept tickling at his sides, bathing in the laughter he could still hear through his crystal ball, he called out for help.
“Oh, DeeDee!~” 
“What do you want?” The snake slithered into his room just to be taken aback by Remus... tickling himself? And the yellow side swore he heard Virgil’s laughter coming from his little Light Ball. 
“Could you do a favor for me?~” 
“OHOHOHO GOHOHOHOHOD!” Virgil grasped at the carpet as he felt vibrations on the back of his neck, and even a few tongue flicks? That was so unfair! What was going on?! (I mean- Virgil knew it was one of the spells, but he didn’t know who was behind it.)
He was starting to remember this pattern from somewhere, though... And if he remembered correctly... Uh-oh. His feet were next.
He went to go cover them even though the tickling seemed to be under his skin. 
“Hehehehe... Thanks snake boi. Now watch this...” Remus recovered from his own giggles- god he had forgotten how sensitive his own neck was- and reached down toward his feet, as Deceit watched the ball, grinning. 
“NOHOHOHOHO! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Virgil practically shrieked as scribbling started up at his heels and quickly worked their way up the soles to his toes where there was a brief pinching before it abruptly ended. Thank god, too. Virgil wouldn’t passed out if it had continued for much longer. 
the other three just stared, too confused and awe-stricken to do much else.
Once again, Remus couldn’t lean down and give himself a raspberry, but Deceit was way ahead of him.
“Deedee? I- wait! I’m not ready yet, just- AH! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOO!” Remus threw his head back as the yellow side blew raspberry after raspberry, never enjoying the laughter of his original family more. 
“REEEEEEEHEHEHEHMUHHUHUS!!” The purple side finally exclaimed, remembering a faint green glow last time he had felt this feeling in this way. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE! HAHA! IT TIHIHIHICKLES!” He reached into the air, as if pleading with some unknown force to make the tickling stop.
Deceit quickly stopped his own attack at the emo’s call, but when both dark sides looked to the ball after a pause, they saw that Virgil had dissapeared from their current view.
“Oh, damn...” Remus’s eyes widened as he cursed. They both heard footsteps thundering toward them from down the hallway. 
The door was slammed open.
“YOU LITTLE SH-!” Virgil’s eyes burned with fury, yet playfulness, too, and the evil grin he wore made Remus shudder with both excitement and nervousness. “You’re SO dead!”
The purple side leapt onto the mustached man, pinning him down with an almost deranged grin.
Remus realized a small flaw in his plan. He was far more ticklish than the purple side.
“Really? No lude remark? No disgusting euphemism?” The emo teased as Remus tried to squirm away, even though this is what he had secretly wanted the whole time. 
Virgil reached down to play with the green side’s ears before pulling back, a yip escaping both his and Remus’s lips.
Oh right... the spell was still activated...
“Oh no... whatever shall I do?” He heard a voice hiss from behind him.
Virgil turned to run, completely forgetting that he couldn’t let Remus get caught either.
But Deceit's six arms? Are you kidding?
Virgil stopped mid-sprint and tucked himself into a ball as both his and Remus’s laughter echoed through the whole Thomasphere. Deceit tickling both of them by JUST attacking Remus. 
In the end, it was Deceit who won, with two giddy, teary-eyed lees, losing their minds laughing on the ground.
And whos’ to say Roman didn’t get a picture of all of this to use later?
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august-anon · 4 years
Dance if You Can
This is based off a headcanon/bullet fic I did in the discord a few months ago that Pineapple prompted. Hope y’all like it!
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): romo Prinxiety
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Virgil/Ler!Roman, brief Ler!Virgil/Lee!Roman
Word Count: 2973 words
Summary: Roman held the unofficial title of “Best Dancer” whenever their friend group played Just Dance. Virgil, the new addition, was about to show him how it’s done, but Roman was nothing if not competitive.
[ao3 link]
In the end, it was Patton’s idea.
While he, Roman, and Logan had been friends for what felt like forever, Virgil was a very new addition to their little group of friends. They all wanted to make him feel welcome (and Roman may have had other motives to do so, as well, but he wasn’t going to admit it), and thus Patton suggested a sleepover to really make him feel like his place in the group was solidified.
Logan, knowing his house was usually the favorite for such get-togethers, asked his parents and, as always, received a resounding “yes” (they loved Logan’s friends and the fact that Logan had friends). They shipped all of Logan’s siblings off to their own sleepovers for the weekend and told the boys to be as loud as they wanted, and that they wouldn’t be interfering unless they were needed.
Yeah, Roman thought, Logan’s parents tried a little too hard to be cool, but he loved them to pieces, and he had no anxiety over whether or not they loved him back (or Patton, or their own son).
But the reason Logan’s house was the favorite was the video games.
Logan grew up in a family of gamers. His father was a huge gamer even before he and Logan’s mom had kids, and he must’ve just passed the gaming gene down to then. The family owned every gaming system Roman could even hope for, and more (seriously, who even had a gamecube, anymore? Roman had forgotten they even existed) and every game they could want for any one of them.
But the sleepover was in full swing and Virgil was starting to adjust to the setting, so Roman decided it was time to show off a little and declared a dance battle.
Logan rolled his eyes good-naturedly, but he set it up anyway. He slid the Just Dance disk into the old, wheezing Xbox 360, because he knew Roman preferred the Kinect version as opposed to having to hold a remote.
They all take turns competing against each other, making fools of themselves and laughing at their pitiful scores. Well, everyone except Roman and Virgil. Roman’s scores were absolutely killing it, and he was entirely not shy about showing off. Meanwhile, Virgil seemed to be content just laughing at them instead of participating.
Well, that just wouldn’t do. Luckily, Roman had a solution.
The thing about Virgil and his budding friendship (and Roman’s budding totally-not-a-crush) was that they were very good at riling each other up. Whether it be play arguments, convincing one or the other to do a dare, or pushing a challenge that the other was too competitive to say no to, they always managed to get under each other’s skin in just the perfect way.
And one playful and teasing argument led to another thing, and suddenly Virgil was standing from the sofa and tossing off his hoodie (his hoodie! He had never taken it off in front of them! Roman had assumed it was a comfort thing and hadn’t pushed, but now he had a body shape and oh no, as if he wasn’t already smitten enough--) so that he can finally dance-battle Roman.
And Roman goes into the battle cocky and smirking. Patton and Logan had never been able to beat him at dance games, no matter what system it was. He was the declared dance champ of their little group.
But Virgil was good.
He was matching Roman move for move, eyes locked on the screen intently. Roman’s competitive nature finally got him to stop being distracted by the sight of Virgil dancing next to him without his hoodie, but even then, he couldn’t beat him. In fact, as Virgil started to pick up the nuances of the game more and more, he actually beat Roman.
There was silence.
“Woah…” Patton whispered.
Roman whirled and pointed an accusing finger into Virgil’s chest. “Absolutely not! It was a fluke, I was going easy on you for your first time playing. I demand a rematch!”
Virgil smirked at him. “Do I smell a sore loser?”
“No! Just -- get into your section!”
Virgil didn’t seem convinced, but he did as Roman commanded. And they danced to another song, Roman putting his all into it, but Virgil was still beating him! And Roman hated to admit it, but he was a little frustrated about that fact.
He didn’t mean to be a sore loser! He just wanted to show off, impress Virgil. Maybe tease him a little (kindly, playfully, maybe slightly flirtatiously) about being the better dancer, but now Virgil was using Roman’s own game against him!
After their third dance, Roman stepped back, panting and maybe sweating a little. Virgil. Infuriatingly, only seemed a little out of breath.
“You haven’t won,” Roman added, once again pointing his accusing finger, “I just need a minute.” He turned to the sofa behind them. “Logan! Fight in my stead! Weaken the enemy!”
Logan stood with a sigh as Patton giggled, probably both knowing Roman wouldn’t let up until he listened. “Why don’t we just combine all our scores against Virgil’s combined scores?” He suggested.
Patton immediately nodded and Virgil shrugged. Roman thought about it for a moment. It was 1am, and they were all pretty wiped from school and the unexpected workout of Just Dance. So Roman agreed. Three against one was hardly fair, but he wanted to win, dangit!
So he stepped back and let Logan take a dance. Logan, as always, wasn’t amazing, but he did well enough to not fail. His movements were robotic and somewhat uncomfortable, seeing as the nerd didn’t really dance otherwise, but he did better than Patton.
Then Patton took a turn against the new rising champion. He, as always, did abysmally, but none of them ever minded. He was more in it for the fun of the game, rather than the competition, and would often purposefully mess up the move to make them all laugh and let loose, seeing as Logan was often one to get lost in the competition as well. His score barely made a dent in their efforts to beat Virgil, but no one really minded when he smiled that smile at them.
And then it was Roman’s turn, again. His scores were up to their usual best again, now that he’d taken a breather and cooled off, but Virgil’s scores were still beating his, by an unfairly large margin. In his frustration, Roman slipped out of his own area a little on accident and, on one of the more dramatic moves, accidentally slipped his hand against Virgil’s upper ribs/armpit area.
Virgil flinched away and Roman heard a quick intake of breath. Then, Virgil quickly readjusted himself and continued beating Roman at this stupid dancing game. It didn’t matter, though. Roman had his plan, now.
It was easy for Roman to recognize that reaction for what it was. He had siblings, Patton and Logan had siblings that were basically siblings to him, and Patton and Logan themselves were like brothers to Roman. None of them were strangers to tickle fights.
Roman fought down a smirk. Just yet another thing their little group would introduce him to, tonight.
It was Logan’s turn again, next, and Roman sat back for a few minutes before enacting his plan. He waited until the first chorus to strike, waiting until a dance move where their arms are high in the air. He quickly spidered his fingers up Virgil’s ribs and into his armpits.
Virgil squealed and messed up, jerking his arms down a couple beats too soon and not completing the move. He lost a few points, and he turned to glare at Roman as best he could while still dancing, keeping the moves in his peripheral so he could copy them.
“What?” Roman asked, far too innocently. “I’m just making the competition a little more interesting. Surely a little tickling won’t make you lose, will it?”
And Roman couldn’t quite tell through dimmed lights of the gaming room, but he could’ve sworn Virgil went a little pink in the face, at that. He turned back to the TV screen too fast for Roman to fully tell.
“Just adding a little challenge, Virge.” Roman practically purred in his ear.
Now that did it. Virgil was just as competitive as Roman and Logan were. Just like how Roman had gotten him to agree to the dance battle in the first place, Roman had roped him into another challenge easily.
Roman dismissed the thought that he could probably be challenged into things like this just as easily, as well.
“Please,” Virgil scoffed, somehow even still keeping up with the moves on screen. “Like a little t-ti-tickling is gonna make me lose, Princey.”
Roman grinned. His plan had worked perfectly so far. Now all he had to do was tickle Virgil bad enough for him to lose.
“Oh? You don’t mind, then?” Roman asked.
Virgil didn’t reply, he just kept on dancing. But even through the lighting, though, Roman could tell that those pale ears had gone bright red. Roman kept his place behind Virgil and moved with him to the dances (because it would be cheating to physically impede him with something other than tickling, and Roman wanted to win fairly.. Well, as fairly as he could, now).
Roman resumed his spidering, this time on Virgil’s ribs and sides, while moving to the dance with him. Virgil’s shoulders shook a little with suppressed laughter, but he still kept up with the dance pretty well. Unfairly well. Aside from little jerks and squirms that weren’t really exaggerated enough to affect his score, Virgil had no issues keeping up.
Roman moved down to his legs briefly in hopes of breaking him, squeezing his thighs and kneecaps. He even skittered his nails and fingers at the backs of Virgil’s knees, or, at least, as well as he could with Virgil’s skinny jeans in the way (which, Virgil still had quite the reaction even then, which Roman would have to experiment more with when those knees weren’t protected).
Virgil’s giggles came deep from his chest, barely audible over the game, and he was still trying his best to hold them in by pressing his lips together tightly. But he also almost kicked Roman multiple times, and almost toppled over, so Roman decided the legs were a little dangerous for now and moved back up.
Before he could start on Virgil’s upper body again, Logan’s dance finished and it was Patton’s turn to step up once more. Virgil was panting the whole time, as they switched spots and began to look for their next song. Roman’s not so cruel as to not give him a break between dances. 
Since the new challenge started, Logan and Patton hadn’t said anything about it. That didn’t mean they weren’t clearly paying attention, though, shooting each other and Roman sly looks over the whole thing. Roman, frankly, was just happy they weren’t doing it where Virgil could see and decipher them.
He also kind of wanted to tell them to mind their own business, leave Roman’s weird flirting ritual alone, but there was no way he was saying that in front of Virgil. He didn’t want Virgil to know he was flirting, or know that Roman liked him. So Roman didn’t say anything. He just sent them both scathing glares before the next song started up.
And then the music started and Roman dove right in without warning or build-up. He squeezed up and down Virgil’s sides, then switched to kneading at his hips, then back to his sides and repeated the pattern. Virgil must have been pretty caught off-guard by the sudden attack, because he burst into loud laughter. But he still kept dancing.
Granted, his movements were far less smooth than before, and his laughter was starting to mess up some of his motions. He still did pretty well at not squirming, though, or stopping his dance to grab at Roman’s hands and defend himself.
But Roman was determined to win this, fair or not, now.
He reached around Virgil and claws into his stomach with both hands. Based on the way Virgil cried out and stumbled backward into Roman’s chest before catching himself and continuing trying to dance, Roman was pretty certain this was Virgil’s worst spot.
His laughter was the loudest sound any of them had ever heard Virgil make, and he was barely able to keep his eyes on the screen anymore. His dancing was, while nowhere near as bad as Patton, truly beginning to get terrible, now, and he was losing points fast. 
Roman glanced up and realized with a pout that the song was coming to an end. He figured he might as well go out with a bang, whether or not he managed to win, even if he had no clue if this little trick he was about to pull would work.
Roman stuck a finger deep into Virgil’s bellybutton and scratched at the inner walls, wiggling deep into the little divot. Virgil actually screamed before falling into hysterical cackling and going completely limp as the song ended.
Roman, for his part, was not expecting Virgil to suddenly ragdoll. With him being unprepared to catch the extra weight, Virgil managed to drag them both to the ground, where they landed in a giggly heap of tangled limbs (giggles courtesy of Virgil).
And then they looked up and--
Virgil’s terrible score from that last round still managed to beat Patton’s.
A series of offended noises escaped from Roman’s vocal chords, and Virgil’s residual giggles turned into victorious laughter as he watched the screen flash in front of them. He started poking at Roman’s sides with a smug, open grin.
“I still won!” He all but crowed. “I still won, and you all lost! Take that, Roman!”
Roman jerked away from each ticklish little poke and he couldn’t stop himself from blushing. Virgil was tangled up with him, practically on top of him, and he was happy and flustered and yet he felt kind of like a sore loser at the same time.
So to save face, Roman growled, “I’ll show you… taking that!”
Virgil started to laugh at Roman’s terrible comeback, and he started to make some sassy comment about how it didn’t make sense, but Roman didn’t let him get that far. He shoved Virgil’s shirt up and blew raspberry after raspberry around Virgil’s sides and against his stomach.
Virgil was shrieking and cackling and yelling, trying desperately to escape the little knot they got themselves into, but Roman wasn’t letting him get away that easily. He tightly wrapped all his limbs around Virgil so there was no hope of escape.
(Unbeknownst to them, all other sound lost to Virgil’s shrieking cackles, Logan sighed heavily. He shared a knowing half-smile with Patton as they made their way out of the room to give the two pining idiots some privacy and went off to get ready for bed.)
Eventually, Virgil managed to get a hand free. He shoved it up under Roman’s arm before Roman had a chance to defend himself.
The raspberries stopped suddenly as Roman broke into shrieking cackles and tried to wrench himself away on instinct, leaving them both lying on the floor a few feet away from each other.
Virgil was panting and still giggling, but he gave Roman a true grin and said, “You’re an idiot, Roman Prince.”
Roman tried to put on a suave face and rolled back over toward Virgil, planting a hand on either side of his head against the floor to loom over him. “You have an adorable laugh,” he murmured.
Roman could just barely make out Virgil’s blush through the low light, but he relished in it. He leaned in close to whisper in Virgil’s ear.
“And don’t think I didn’t notice that you never protested or said ‘no,’” he purred.
Roman could feel Virgil’s face flaming against his own and smirked victoriously. He pulled back somewhat to let Virgil see.
“Oh yeah?” Virgil muttered, and shoved both hands up under Roman’s armpits without warning.
Roman’s arms immediately gave out from under him as they instinctively drew in to protect himself and he collapsed forward onto Virgil’s chest. Virgil used that to his advantage and wrapped himself around Roman like an octopus, trapping him in a tight hug and wrapping his legs around him to hold him still.
He blew raspberries on Roman’s neck, squeezed and scratched at his sides, forced his fingers past Roman’s arms and back into his armpits (clearly having figured out Roman’s worst spot rather quickly). And then he let Roman go. Roman stayed draped across Virgil’s chest, panting and still giggling, relaxed now that he was all tickled out.
“You never said ‘no,’ either,” Virgil whispered smugly.
Roman tried to quell his embarrassment, play it off by muttering, “Guess we match,” into Virgil’s shirt.
And then, Roman wasn’t entirely certain who started it, they were kissing, right there on the floor of the gaming room in Logan’s house.
And when they pulled back, Virgil gave him a teasing grin. “You sure have a real weird way of flirting, Ro.”
Roman sputtered for a moment, but he was smiling, too. “Shut up,” he eventually managed, “or I’ll tickle you again.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Maybe another time, I want to go to sleep.”
Roman leaned in, his grin taking on a mischievous edge. “Another time, huh?”
Virgil blushed again and shoved his face away, but he was chuckling along with Roman.
They pulled each other up and got ready for bed, joining the others in Logan’s room and cuddling until they fell asleep. And if someone wound up waking someone else with tickles… well, that was nobody’s business but their own.
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august-anon · 4 years
“Feared” Ler
Hey hey, a late birthday fic for @ssm0l-b34n!! Hope you like it!! (I had Pineapple proof read it but full honesty I have had two days of just “no thoughts, head empty” so if it sucks I am very sorry lol)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): platonic LAMP
Characters (lee/ler): Ler!Virgil, Lee!Patton, Lee!Logan, Lee!Roman
Word Count: 1660 words
Summary: When Virgil gave you that grin, you knew to submit yourself to your fate.
[ao3 link]
At face value, you’d think the most “feared” ler of the mind palace would be Patton. And to be fair, you’d be close, he was quite the tickle monster. But he was not the one that sent you giggling and fleeing in the opposite direction, hoping desperately both that he catches you and never gets his hands on you.
“Roman,” Virgil called teasingly, creeping through the ever-changing halls of the mind palace.
Virgil heard pounding footsteps coming from the hallway forking off to his left. He grinned and picked up the pace, speed-walking down the hall.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” Virgil sang. “You’re late for your appointment with the tickle monster!”
Giggling came from under the door to a random closet. Virgil grinned and slowly creaked the door open, building the anticipation. The giggling upped in frequency and volume as he did, and he could hear Roman shuffling around as he squirmed.
“Roman~” Virgil said lowly, shooting a hand out to snatch his ankle. “I found you.”
Roman squealed and tried to dig his fingers into the carpet as he was slowly pulled from the closet, but it was no help. Soon enough, he was pinned beneath Virgil, trying uselessly to bat at his hands to keep them away.
“You know what happens now that I found you, don’t you?”
“Virgil, no!”
“Arms up, Princey,” he cooed. “Or do you need help?”
“Please!” Roman giggled out.
Virgil cocked his head to the side, his grin growing. “Pleeeaassee tickle you? Sure thing!”
He caught both of Roman’s wrists in a quick grip and shot his fingers towards Roman’s underarms. Roman shrieked and slammed his eyes shut and Virgil laughed evilly as he never even touched down, just hovered his wiggling fingers above Roman’s tickle spot.
“No, nonono!” Roman shrieked, trying to squirm back and forth, but being held in place by Virgil’s weight on his waist.
“No?” Virgil asked, fingers still wiggling so threateningly close. “Oh? Why not?”
“Virgil!” He squealed, seeming to have lost control of most of his vocabulary.
“Your giggling tells me how much you want this,” Virgil said, lowering his voice an octave to send shivers down Roman’s spine. “You dare deny it when I can see through you so clearly?”
Roman whined and giggled frantically, practically wrecked already without Virgil even having to touch him. Virgil decided to have mercy and slowly lowered his fingers into Roman’s armpit. Roman practically screamed at the light touch, slowly growing firmer as he pressed down more and more. Virgil could hear the thump thump thump of Roman’s feet kicking out behind him.
“Aww, little ticklish, there, Princey?” Virgil asked, putting a playful little pout into his voice.
Roman shook his head, before throwing it back in renewed cackling as Virgil switched armpits. Virgil raised an eyebrow with a smirk, despite Roman’s eyes being shut tight so he couldn’t see.
“No? You’re not?” Virgil asked, making sure to saturate his voice in a heavy layer of faux-surprise. “I guess I’ll just stay here then, since it doesn’t bother you.”
Virgil was determined to sit there, wrecking Roman with teases and fingers, until he admitted just how ticklish he really was. Needless to say, they were on that hallway floor for a while, yet.
Virgil caught Logan working, after he said he’d take a break. He’d seemed stressed, lately, and Virgil knew he could use some help relaxing, but he didn’t want to overstep. So he approached under the guise of something else.
“You’re so tense, Specs,” Virgil said, walking up behind his desk chair and placing his hands on Logan’s shoulders.
“There’s a lot to be done,” Logan replied, voice tight. “Did you require something?”
Virgil shrugged, despite Logan not being able to see him. “Just checking in. Mind if I try something out?”
Logan waved a dismissive hand and went back to his work, so Virgil took it as a “sure, go ahead.” He tested the waters by slowly and carefully massaging into Logan’s shoulders and neck. Logan hummed a little and relaxed some, typing slowing. Virgil carefully worked down his back and back up again, making sure to keep his touch firm at first. When he was certain Logan was relaxed, he made his move.
He wiggled his fingers between Logan’s shoulder blades. Logan sat up ramrod straight and let out an unexpected laugh at the touch.
“Oh?” Virgil asked, a smirk sneaking onto his face. “What do we have here?”
Logan gripped the edge of his desk with one hand, while the other shot up to cover his nose and his mouth as his giggles and laughter became interspersed with snorts. He wiggled in his chair and shook his head, but he didn’t say anything. Virgil’s smirk morphed into a cheeky grin.
“Not gonna answer me? Why, a little too ticklish?” He punctuated the word by spidering one hand down Logan’s spine.
Logan’s squeal was muffled by his hand, and Virgil could hear his feet scrabbling against the floor. “Don’t say that word!” He cried out through his frantic giggles.
Virgil cocked his head to the side and leaned down so he could talk directly into Logan’s ear. “What, tickle?” Virgil’s hands skittered down to scribble at Logan’s lower back. “Does it make it tickle more? Does the word tickle make you think about just how ticklish you are? Does it make your cheeks start to tickle and prickle with a blush, thinking about how I could keep you squirming and giggling here forever?”
“Virgil, please!” Logan shrieked, doubling over onto his desk, laughing heartily and snorting into the wood (and into his laptop).
“Will you take a break?” Virgil asked.
Logan didn’t answer, so Virgil kept it going. He scratched at the backs of Logan’s ribs and sides, tried to wiggle his fingers up behind Logan’s armpits. He tickled along his shoulders and shoulder blades, and dragged his fingers up and down Logan’s back. He gave a few brief pinches to the backs of Logan’s hips to get him to cry out in hysterics before centering his hands between Logan’s shoulder blades and at his lower back.
“How about now, giggles?”
Logan nodded, wheezing and gasping and cackling against his desk. Virgil stopped his tickling touches and went back to massaging his back gently. Logan relaxed completely, still giggling slightly, and Virgil had to bodily lift him out of the chair and help him to his bed.
“Get some rest,” Virgil said, “or I’ll tickle you way worse later to tire you out.”
“Understood,” Logan laughed, curling up into the blankets, smile not leaving his face once, even as he drifted off.
“Hey, Pat,” Virgil said, trying to keep his voice flat as he slipped into Patton’s room.
Judging by the way Patton’s head shot up like a frightened deer, giddy smile slowly wobbling onto his face, Virgil failed to keep the teasing edge off his voice. Virgil internally shrugged and decided that the element of surprise was gone, he might as well jump in.
“Here I come, Pat,” he sang, forming claws with his hands and raising them up as he crept forward.
Patton started giggling immediately and shuffled back on his bed, but made no real moves to escape.
“I’m gonna tickle you, Patton,” Virgil said, voice getting more teasing the closer he got. “I’m coming for those ticklish thighs and knees, Patton.”
Patton squirmed on the bed, giggling getting louder as Virgil finally climbed onto it and crawled closer. He grabbed Patton’s ankle and stretched his leg out, adding a quick little spidering tickle up the front of his calf.
“Are you ready, Patton?” Virgil asked. “Are you ready to be tickle-tickle-tickled?”
Patton squealed and covered his face. After a few moments of Virgil’s fingers just barely resting on his kneecap, he nodded. Virgil tapped his fingers just once, a playful grin spreading across his face.
“Use your words, Patton.”
“Yes!” He managed past his giggles.
Virgil cupped his free hand around his ear. “Yes, what, Patton? Can I get that in a full sentence, or are you just too giggly?”
Patton whined and squirmed a little before uncovering his face and bundling his hands under his mouth, fidgeting giddily. “Yes, I’m ready to be tickled--”
He barely got the words out before both of Virgil’s hands were attached to that torturous spot right above the kneecaps. He squeezed away and Patton shrieked and burst into loud, bouncy laughter, kicking his legs and making Virgil have to duck to avoid getting hit. He carefully swung his legs over Patton’s wildly thrashing ones and pinned them to the bed with his body.
Virgil tutted. “Such a squirmer. Better watch out, I’ll get you for that.”
“Wait, no!” Patton shrieked, but there was a light in his eyes that assured Virgil he didn’t mean it.
Virgil moved to squeezing up and down Patton’s thighs, looking for all the sweet spots he knew were hidden somewhere on them. Patton screamed and cackled and thrashed under him, arms waving wildly, but he never told Virgil to stop. Even when Virgil honed in intensely on his inner thighs, making his laughter go silent.
He only tickled for a few more moments before pulling his hands away and sliding off Patton’s calves. He couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as Patton calmed down, form bouncing with bright, happy giggles.
“You’re always so good at that,” Patton said when he’d caught his breath.
Virgil’s smile softed and he shrugged. “As long as you guys have fun, too,” he said, and opened his arms in invitation.
Patton brightened and launched into his arms for a nice, warm, long cuddle. “We always do,” he sighed into Virgil’s neck, relaxing into the embrace.
Every single side had their “tickle monster” moments, certainly, but there was one side that would forever be the most “feared” ler in the mind palace. And no one seemed to have any qualms about that.
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august-anon · 4 years
23. “I want you to laugh for me.~” Ler!Emile and Lee!Virgil
(prompts from THIS prompt list)
Alright, I have only written Emile once and only ever with Remy so bear with me if this sucks lol. Thanks for the prompt, I hope you like it! (also, decided to go with human AU for this one!)
23. “I want you to laugh for me.~”
Bonding Exercises
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): plantonic Virgil and Emile 
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Virgil, Ler!Emile
Word Count: 699 words
Summary: Emile thinks that he and Virgil need to bond, and he has the perfect idea as to how.
[ao3 link]
It was awkward, to say the least.
Remy and Emile had invited them all over for a movie night, which was all fine and well in and of itself; but then Patton and Logan were running late and Roman’s car broke down, so Remy offered to go pick him up, and before Virgil knew it, it was just him and Emile.
Emile, who he still couldn’t quite get a read on, after all these weeks.
And then, Emile wanted to bond.
“It could be fun,” Emile tried to goad him. “You never know!”
Virgil dropped his head into his hands. “Emile...”
“Come on! We could do 20 questions... Or never have I ever!”
Virgil shook his head, hoping Remy or someone got there soon. Virgil did not excel at socializing, and he especially did not know how to interact with Emile’s bubbly personality. It had been the same with Patton, when they first met.
Emile playfully poked his fingers into Virgil’s side, jabbing up from right above his hip to around the middle of his ribs. Virgil was too shocked from the sudden touch to keep the squeal from escaping his lips. He raised his head to meet Emile’s eyes, and Emile gave him an absolutely evil grin.
“Virgil,” he sing-songed, raising up onto his knees and wiggling his fingers threateningly.
“What do you want, Emile,” Virgil asked, nerves slipping into his voice.
“I want you to laugh for me,” Emile said, but then dropped his hands and relaxed the teasing, predatory look on his face. “Only if you’re okay with that, of course. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Virgil bit his lip, considering. “This part of your ‘bonding exercises?’”
Emile gave him a bright smile. “It certainly can be.”
Virgil hesitated a few moments longer. “Okay,” he said eventually. “But not too much.”
“Of course!” Emile chirped, then immediately slipped back into wiggling fingers and evil grins.
Virgil shrunk in on himself, backing into the arm of the couch and smiling nervously. Emile cooed at him and started crawling across the couch towards him.
“Grumpy guy like you? I bet you have the most wonderful laugh.”
Virgil shook his head, eyes glued to Emile’s hands. “It’s awful, hideous.”
Emile hummed. “Well, I’ll just have to be the judge of that, hm?”
And then Emile was on him.
Unlike Remy and Roman, Emile didn’t launch at him and immediately start scrabbling to find his worst spots. Instead, Emile lowered his hands to Virgil’s sides, where his hoodie and shirt had ridden up from his unconscious squirming, and started gently scribbling his fingers against the bare skin.
Virgil had half a mind to hold back the little titters that built up in his chest, but figured it wasn’t worth it in the end. Emile was going to get him to laugh either way, he might as well make it easier for himself.
“I was absolutely right! Listen to that wonderful sound!”
“No!” Virgil squeaked, jumping and laughter jumping as Emile gave a few brief squeezes to his hips.
“Yes! Oh, I just can’t get enough of it! Let’s hear some more!”
Emile moved his hands to converge on Virgil’s stomach, slipping under his hoodie and shirt. Virgil yipped and curled in on himself, trying to protect his worst spot, laughter loud and booming. Emile was cooing teases at him, but he couldn’t hardly make out what he was saying over the sound of his own laughter.
The tickling stopped abruptly when the door opened, startling them both. Virgil blinked the tears out of his eyes and looked up to see Remy and Roman grinning at them.
“Well, well,” Roman said. “Don’t let us interrupt.”
Virgil felt a blush burning his face. “Shut up.”
“Did you try his knees, yet?” Remy asked. “He makes the most adorable little snorting sounds.”
Virgil whined and covered his face, trying to burrow into the couch. He heard Emile chuckle above him, but luckily no more tickling came. Virgil did, however, have to resign himself to increasingly embarrassing teasing for a while to come.
Not that that would stop him from planning his revenge. He and Emile needed plenty more bonding, after all.
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august-anon · 4 years
Um, okay, then can I request 24(I’ve never met someone as ticklish as you)? Preferably with any side saying it to Roman? Or anyone else, it doesn't matter too much to me. If not that's okay too!
(I am no longer accepting prompts from this list, thank you!)
Coming right up, my friend, hope you enjoy!! (also I have been writing so much witcher for my other blog that I almost said “Jaskier” or “Geralt” so many times I really have a one-track mind, huh, lol)
24. “I’ve never met someone as ticklish as you.”
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): platonic or romantic Logince
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan
Word Count: 400 words
Summary: Logan's been teasing Roman all day, and he really hopes there's a laughter-filled payout after all this.
[ao3 link]
Logan was such a bully.
Logan knew what he was doing, he had to. Giving Roman a teasing, taunting look over the breakfast table; “accidentally” jabbing an elbow into his ribs, multiple times, forcing out little squeals and squirms; scraping his fingernails against the back of Roman’s neck as he passed behind where Roman sat on the couch, then pretending he didn’t do anything.
It wasn’t fair. And it especially wasn’t fair that all Roman wanted was for Logan to pin him down and dig his fingers into all the places he was most ticklish. And all Logan’s teasing was just making it worse.
Roman went through the whole day like that, being tormented by Logan’s looks and brief touches. He finally broke shortly after dinner, when Patton and Virgil had gone off to have some quiet cuddle time, leaving Roman and Logan together in the living room.
Logan sat there in his armchair, reading leisurely as if Roman wasn’t wound up to exploding while on the couch. Roman curled in on himself, pushing his head against his knees and whining.
“Yes, Roman?” Logan asked, and Roman could hear the smirk in his voice.
Roman whined again and squirmed where he sat. He heard the shuffling of paper, the closing of a book, and then he felt Logan’s weight dip the couch next to him. Two fingers jabbed into the dip of Roman’s waist and he launched himself against the arm of the couch with a shriek.
“You know, Roman,” Logan said conversationally, as if he wasn’t dragging Roman halfway down the couch by his calves in order to straddle his hips, “I’ve never met someone as ticklish as you.”
“Hush,” Roman hissed, half-heartedly batting Logan’s hands away.
Logan looked him directly in the eyes and smirked. “Make me.”
And Roman was lost to his squealing laughter before he could even think to respond, Logan’s hands scritching up his ribcage. He fought valiantly, but he couldn’t stop Logan from worming his hands up into Roman’s underarms, making him toss back his head and scream.
“Always so dramatic,” Logan sighed, digging in even deeper. “Is this not what you wanted?”
The words sent a zing down Roman’s spine, but he couldn’t get enough control over himself to reply. Not that he was exactly complaining about that, and nor was Logan wrong. Roman hoped he was there for a long while, yet.
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august-anon · 4 years
“This is going to tickle. A lot.”, and “Not in front of them!” with Ler! Logan and Lee! Virgil.
Coming right up, thanks for the prompt! (also I briefly fell asleep while writing this because I’m on antibiotics rn that make me really drowsy so like, if it’s wonky that may be why lol)
23. “This is going to tickle. A lot.” 24. “Not in front of them!”
Not So Fast
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): platonic LAMP (focus on platonic analogical)
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Virgil, Ler!Logan
Word Count: 634 words
Summary: Virgil isn’t quite as sneaky as he thinks he is, asking for something indirectly.
[ao3 link]
Virgil knew he shouldn’t have provoked Logan. Logan’s patience only went so far, even in a playful setting, and he was bound to snap. Then again, maybe that’s exactly what Virgil was counting on.
That didn’t mean he was going to make it easy, though.
“Virgil!” Logan called, chasing after him through the halls of the mind palace.
Virgil just grinned, not about to waste his much-needed breath yelling taunts when he’d already gotten the reaction he’d been counting on. He planned on making a teasing circle through the common room before leaping back up the stairs and then letting Logan catch him, but he didn’t plan on Patton and Roman being downstairs and interrupting his carefully planned path.
“Move!” He yelled, trying not to slow his pace, but not wanting to mow them over.
They did, startling and trying to get out of his way, but they were too slow. And, because of that, Logan managed to catch up to him easily, and not in the place he’d wanted to be caught.
“Wait!” Virgil shrieked as he was tackled to the floor. “Not in front of them!”
Logan chuckled lowly in his ear. “This is going to tickle. A lot.”
Logan did not wait. He stayed laying across Virgil’s back and dug his hands into Virgil’s sides. Due to the awkward position, Virgil couldn’t even try to defend himself, and that made it so much worse. He didn’t bother trying to hold back his laughter, wheezing out giggles into the carpet below.
He heard Patton giggle off to the side. “Aww, he’s so cute!”
“Not cute!” Virgil squealed.
“Absolutely adorable,” Roman agreed, as if Virgil had never spoken.
“Yeah,” Logan growled, and Virgil jerked away to try and get his breath off his neck, “real cute when he’s stealing and hiding all your pens.”
Virgil kicked out his legs and tossed his head back with a cackle as Logan vibrated his fingers into his armpits. His face was burning in embarrassment and he wished he could hide it in the carpet without getting rug burn.
“Sneaky, sneaky,” Roman tutted.
Patton giggled again. “I dunno, looks to me like he was trying to get caught.”
“Oh?” Logan said.
“No!” Virgil lied.
“I don’t believe you,” Logan said, and lifted off Virgil to roll him onto his back and pin him again. “Patton’s right. I know you can be sneaky. And yet, you were so easy to catch.”
Virgil panted, taking advantage of the brief break, and started trying to subtly scoot out from under Logan, to start the chase again and maybe do this in a less flustering environment. A glance to the side showed that Roman and Patton were prepared to jump in the moment Logan invited them.
“If you wanted to be tickled,” Logan said lowly, dragging Virgil’s attention back to him, “you could’ve just asked.”
Virgil covered his face and whined. Because of this, he missed Logan leaning down and taking a deep breath as quietly as he could. He did not miss Logan yanking up his shirt or the raspberry that immediately followed against his bellybutton.
Virgil screamed out in laughter and his hands shot down to shove at Logan’s head. In a flash, his arms were grabbed and pulled up above his head, making him even more vulnerable than before. He looked up and saw Roman and Patton each holding down an arm with twin evil grins.
“You’ve never said stop,” Patton sang.
“Interesting,” Logan said, before taking another deep breath.
“You’ll be here for a while,” Roman said.
Virgil cried out in mirth again as another raspberry was blown against his bellybutton. And another, and another. And Roman was right, he was there for a while. 
Because the playful attack did not cease until he called “stop.”
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august-anon · 4 years
Professor Feathersword
Hey hey y’all, the long await sequel that was supposed to be done and come out like the week after the first one, and we’re here like 2-3 months later lol. Sorry about that! Hope y’all enjoy this one!
Sequel to Prince Feathersword
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): Romantic Logince
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Roman/Ler!Logan
Word Count: 2107 words
Summary:  Roman didn't expect revenge, but he wasn't necessarily complaining.
[ao3 link]
Roman looked on nervously as Logan slowly waved the feather sword teasingly above his head. He wouldn’t lie and say he hadn’t hoped for this outcome from someone, eventually, but now that it was here he couldn’t help the butterflies that fluttered around inside his stomach and chest. Really, he’d dug his own grave with all the tickling he had been dishing out recently.
But that didn’t mean he was going down without a fight.
“Please,” Roman sassed, trying to keep the almost-giggly wobble out of his voice and only mostly succeeding. “There’s only one of us here worthy of the Feathersword name, and I think we both know it’s me. I’ve got the drama, the flair. Plus, the sword isn’t even in your colors!”
Logan raised an eyebrow, expression unimpressed. “Really?” He asked. “That’s your argument?”
“... Yes?” Roman squeaked.
Logan smirked slightly, waving the sword with a flourish. The colors Roman had chosen melted away, the largest feather shifting into a medium blue, the medium feather into a dark navy, and the smallest feather into a lighter blue. Roman gulped as Logan started waving it teasingly once more.
“Better?” Logan teased.
Roman couldn’t find the words to speak. He could feel himself blushing, the wobbly, anticipatory smile spreading over his face. He squirmed under Logan’s weight, biting his lip.
“How about you, Roman, do you recall all the words to that silly little song of yours?”
Roman gasped. “You wouldn’t dare.”
Logan full-on grinned, making Roman’s heart flutter for a brief moment (it wasn’t fair, he couldn’t be teasing and pretty at the same time!), “Oh, but I would. You prance around the mind palace with this evilly ticklish weapon, tormenting everyone in your path. So often you make them sing that song for you, giving no mercy until they complete the whole thing. Perhaps it is your turn, yes?”
“Who’s the Professor with a feather for a sword?” Logan sang.
Roman was caught off guard. Logan didn’t sing. He would rap, sure, but he usually made a direct effort not to sing. And Roman wasn’t sure why because his first was beautiful.
But then Logan wiggled the feather sword against his ear and interrupted his thoughts with a squeal.
“You have to sing the next line,” Logan teased. “Or maybe you want to sing the song in its entirety on your own? Is that it?”
“No! Professor fits even worse than Prince!”
“Don’t make me make this worse for you, Roman.”
Roman managed to reach up and push the feather away despite Logan trying to bat his hands away. “Professors don’t even have swords! What kind of professor has a sword?”
Logan shrugged. “The kind of professor that needs to teach a cocky prince a lesson or two.”
Logan started tickling his neck and ears again to weaken him and gathered up his wrists to pin Roman’s down above his head much like Roman had done to him. Roman struggled as much as he could, but all the strength went out of him when he was being tickled. And now he truly realized his mistake of wearing a muscle shirt that day to “show off his killer biceps.” Logan’s access to his spots was far too open, now.
“Oh no!” Roman giggled.
“Come, sing for me, Roman. You haven’t seemed to be able to stop the past few weeks, what’s come upon you now? Here, I’ll start you off again. Who’s the Professor with a feather for a sword?”
Roman giggled and tried to jerk away from the feathers fluttering at his ear and jawline, but he knew there was no way he was getting out of this without getting tortured, and no way he was getting out of here without being forced to sing that flustering song.
“Ooh, it’s Professor Feathersword,” Roman tried to sing through his giggles, feeling his face start blushing even more having to be on the other side of the tease he’d been using for weeks.
“Who’s the Professor with a feather in his cap?” Logan sang next, waving the hand with the feather briefly to conjure an Oxford cap on his head, a few sharp, navy feathers dangling from the string as opposed to a tassel.
Roman squeaked and closed his eyes so that he didn’t have to see those feathers dangling so teasingly close above him. “No!!”
“Sorry, what was that?” Logan asked, and Roman felt him move down, felt the feathers on his cap brush across his cheeks -- he didn’t even know his cheeks were ticklish! “That didn’t sound like the lyrics to me.”
Roman ground his teeth, feeling giddy embarrassment bubble up in his chest. “Ooh, it’s Professor Feathersword!”
The worst part was when Logan started to move down. He stroked the feather down Roman’s collarbones and his eyes shot wide open again, watching in horror for them to flutter into his armpits. Except they never did. They hovered over them, but never touched down, and Roman gasped and wiggled. Logan winked at him and Roman groaned.
Roman knew what that meant. He had used that tactic himself far too much. Logan was going to save his worst spot for the grand finale and it was going to kill him.
Logan stuck the feather up his shirt and wiggled it down his ribcage. Then back up his ribcage. Then back down his ribcage. “He tickles you,” Logan sang with a smirk.
Roman was barely holding in squeals, laughing heartily and squirming as much as his position allowed. “He t-tic--” 
He cut himself off with a loud squeal as Logan focused on a horribly ticklish little spot at the bottom of his ribs, toward the back.
“My apologies,” Logan said calmly. “I couldn’t understand you through all those noises you’re making. Could you try singing that line again for me?”
Roman internally cursed Logan. This so wasn’t fair. Who gave him the right to torment him like this? And Roman was also suddenly much more sympathetic for how flustered Virgil and Patton got over the past couple weeks whenever he made them sing this song to their own torment. He could barely even get out the words “tickle” or “feather,” which just made his predicament much harder.
Logan made them sing the entire song together, keeping him there as long as he wanted until he was satisfied with Roman’s performance. Roman stuttered over flustering words, and Logan made him repeat the line. Logan would somehow finess the large feather well enough to target a series of mini-hot-spots all over his torso right when Roman was in the middle of a line, just to make him mess up so Logan could make him repeat it.
Spots like his bellybutton, right under it, the highest rib, that one spot on the middle back of his ribs, right against his waistline on his sides.
Roman was properly deceased.
Then, Logan took a trip to his feet, fluttering the feather down his legs on the way, and if Roman hadn’t been secretly waiting for this for weeks, he would’ve called mercy by now. The fluffy little fronds beneath and in between his toes could’ve killed him all on their own.
And Logan’s voice was unfairly teasing. The way he sung his half of the lyrics, with a little lilt to his words and a smug smirk that, if Roman had been standing, would’ve made his knees weak. The little, “Oh, I’m terribly sorry, my prince, could you repeat that for me?” or “I didn’t quite catch that, my dear.” or especially “I know you know the song, my darling Feathersword, have the words to it evaded you now, after all these weeks? Or perhaps you’re trying to draw out this torment longer, because you crave these lovely giggles.”
Needless to say, it takes them a rather long time to get through that blasted song. Roman wasn’t even sure he would be able to use it against his fellow sides anymore without getting blushy and squirmy himself. Logan sat smugly atop his hips, once again having pinned Roman’s arms high above his head, both wrists in one of Logan’s hands. He sucked in air greedily, and after a few moments a horrifying thought occurred to him.
Logan never touched his armpits.
Roman sucked in a shuddering gasp and his eyes flew open to watch that cursed feathersword. Logan, seeing Roman had finally realized what was in store for him, broke out in an evil grin. He didn’t say anything, just watched as Roman worked himself up into a frenzy, twitching and gasping and squeaking at any miniscule move the “weapon” made. The anticipation building in his belly and clearly upping his sensitivity also made him feel enough like jello that he couldn’t even hope to free his arms to protect from the coming torment.
Occasionally, while he held Roman in wait, Logan would hum a few bars of the chorus under his breath. It made Roman’s stomach do flips and opened him up to butterflies that drove him insane. He couldn’t help the giggles that built up in his chest and tried to escape, but he pressed his lips together to hold them in.
“Holding out on me, dear prince?” Logan purred. “That’s just not fair, is it? Maybe I should do something about that, hm?”
Before Roman could even gasp or yelp or beg for mercy, Logan darted the feather forward, faster than he can follow. Roman slammed his eyes shut and shrieked, toppling into frantic giggles. And then he realized that the top of the sword was just resting against his armpit, not moving or wiggling or deliberately tickling in any way. Roman tried to lock all his joints tight and resist the urge to squirm so that his own wiggling wouldn’t tickle him.
Logan grinned down at him. “I think I’ll stay here,” he taunted, wiggling the feathersword for a brief moment to send Roman into a brief stint of desperate laughter before holding it still again. “Until you admit how much you loved this. How much you wanted it. How does that sound, is that agreeable to you, Prince Giggles?”
“No! No it’s not!” Roman cried out through his hysterical giggles.
Logan cocked his head to the side with a smirk. “Hm. Too bad.”
And with that, Logan began the last act of his playful torture. He used Roman’s own weapon against him in the most devious of ways, swapping between armpits and driving him insane with hysterical cackling.
The touch was so soft, so gentle, so torturous. Roman didn’t even know he was this feather sensitive! It wasn’t fair how desperate a gentle touch could make him. But Roman was stubborn (and, yes, maybe he did love this and he did crave this, but he still had his pride), so he held out as long as he could manage.
But between Logan’s teasing (“Oh, still not ready to give in? That’s okay, I’m pretty comfortable, I could stay here for a while yet.” “Wow, Prince Ticklish, you really do love this, you don’t want me to stop so much that you won’t even say the magic words!”) and Roman’s limited lung capacity, he eventually had to give in.
So he swallows his pride and gives up. “I wanted it!” Roman screamed through his laughter. “I wanted it so bad, I love it so much! Please!”
Logan pulled the feathersword away with a chuckle and set it aside. He released Roman’s wrists and climbed off him, pulling Roman up into a sitting position. He helped Roman calm down with soothing touches, just as Roman had done for him: fingers carding through his hair, a hand rubbing soothingly into his back. Roman leaned into Logan and just let himself be held as he caught his breath (and he almost thought he felt lips press fondly into his hair, but he dismissed it as him being tired).
“Y’know,” Roman murmured, “Maybe everyone should have one.”
“One, what, my prince?”
Roman hummed as Logan hit a stubborn knot in his back and began rubbing at it with more intention. “A feathersword. Make it all fair game.”
Logan doesn’t reply, and Roman doesn’t say anything more. Logan simply invites him fully into the room and they fall into Logan’s bed and cuddle close together for a well-needed rest. And they may talk a little when they wake about their relationship before splitting ways for dinner and bedtime to let the feelings between them settle.
But all the sides may or may not wake up the next morning with a feathersword waiting for them in their rooms, in their own signature colors.
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august-anon · 4 years
Dancing Around the Issue
Hey hey! I’m wishing a very happy birthday to the wonderful @inconveniently-placed-cactus with this fic! Happy Birthday, Spikey!! I hope you’ve had an awesome day so far (since you’re in the future and all lol) and continue to have an awesome day after this!
Also, I know nothing about dancing or anything so this is totally me winging it lol
(Also also, I’m testing out the style where it’s not “no!” he laughed out, but it’s “nohohoho!” he cried. I think I like it, I have like 3 more fics coming like this soon, but let me know if you want me to keep going with that or switch back to just clean words!)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship(s): Pretty ambiguous, could be platonic or romantic Logince
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Roman, Ler!Logan
Word Count: 1664 words
Summary: They were supposed to be rehearsing. It wasn’t Roman’s fault he was so ticklish.
[ao3 link]
Roman was beyond excited. Logan had finally agreed to dance with him, and he was the only other person in the mind palace who could match Roman in skill. 
Patton, while a wonderful dance partner, liked to dance more for fun than for show, so he had a lot of trouble with the more complicated moves. Virgil was too anxious to ever dance in the presence of anyone besides him and his stuffed animals, so he was out, too.
But Logan had skill, Logan could match him step for step. In some (very rare, in his humble opinion) instances, Logan’s skill even surpassed his own, which made for interesting rehearsals, since they were planning on performing the dance for Patton and Virgil.
Roman was trying not to let his pride get in the way, but it was difficult. He was the prince, after all! He should be the best at dancing! But alas, Logan was more skilled in this specific area of dance.
Which meant Roman had to stoop to asking for some brief lessons from Logan, just to keep up. Roman didn’t know if it was better or worse that Logan didn’t seem smug about it at all.
And that led them to the situation they were in, currently. Logan was trying to help Roman with his form. It was near perfect, but of course, both of them were perfectionists and near wasn’t nearly close enough.
Logan laid a hand on his back and his stomach, adjusting his position just enough to reach what they wanted, before stepping back, letting his hands gently slip away. Roman barely suppressed a flinch as the fingers dragged gently over his abdomen. Again.
Logan sighed. “Every time I adjust you, you slip back into place like that. What is going on?”
Roman cleared his throat, hoping he wasn’t blushing. “Maybe my body just needs a break from the position. Let’s try something else and come back to it?”
Logan looked like he wanted to protest, but was too frustrated with the lack of progress to actually do so. “Alright, let’s move on to some of the more fast-paced choreography. We’ll start slower and work our way up to the speed we would do it with the music.”
Roman nodded, taking a deep breath to calm himself. “Sounds good.”
Roman and Logan found their places and began to dance, taking it slow. The only problem was, there was a lot of touching and brushing of hands across torsos. Roman was barely holding it together, at this point. Logan stopped in the middle of the dance, causing Roman to slam into his chest. Logan reached down to his sides to steady him and scowled. 
“Why do you keep flinching away? You cannot do that when we perform!” Suddenly, his face softened. “Am I hurting you? Was I being too rough?”
Roman stuttered through a few aborted responses before managing to choke out, “No, no pain, I’m just—a little sensitive is all.”
Logan hummed. His facial expression didn’t change, but Roman thought he saw something shift in his eyes. “I will endeavor to be more careful. Now, let’s try again.”
Roman gulped and got back into position, watching Logan do the same. They ran through the steps and hand motions again, but this time, Roman almost swore it tickled more. So much so that a particularly gentle slide of the fingers on his ribs had him sucking in a gasp and flinching away so hard he almost toppled to the ground. Roman pouted, turning a glare on Logan. Logan just shook his head and motioned for them to go again. After all, practice makes perfect.
They ran through the choreography time after time, but each attempt was cut short by Roman jerking away with a gasp or barely-contained squeal. The tickling was so teasing, so light. At that point, Roman wasn’t sure if he was craving more of it or desperate for rehearsal to end and save him from the torture.
Eventually, Roman snapped. “I thought you said you were going to be more careful!” He said haughtily, crossing his arms.
A barely-there smirk tugged at Logan’s lips. “I did. However, I never said I would be more careful to not tickle. I think I have been very careful to tickle.”
Roman’s face flushed and he started sputtering.
“In fact,” Logan said, drawing near to Roman once more, “why don’t we work on your form in that position again? Surely your body’s had enough of a break.”
Roman pressed his lips tightly together. He was certain his face was bright red, and there were already tingly flutters all over his body from the anticipation Logan had been building up. As much as it embarrassed him, only one thing was running through Roman’s mind.
He better follow through.
Logan’s face softened momentarily. “Of course, we have been going for hours already. If you wanted to stop, I fully understand. We could pick up fresh tomorrow.”
Roman saw through it in an instant. Logan was giving him an out. Asking for his consent in a way, without making it obvious. If Roman ended rehearsal now, they would come back tomorrow and Logan would make an effort to not tickle him as they practiced. If he agreed to continue rehearsal, he would probably (hopefully) get wrecked.
“Prince Roman is no quitter!” Roman said, taking his usual dramatic pose.
The smirk returned to Logan’s face, the gleam reappearing in his eyes. “Very well. Please take the position.”
Roman did as he was asked, holding it as perfectly as he could. Logan came up and adjusted him, without tickling, and pulled away. Roman didn’t know if he was disappointed or frustrated. Most likely a mix of both.
“Now,” Logan said, circling him predatorily, “I want you to hold this exact position for as long as you possibly can.”
Roman nodded, suddenly all too aware of what game Logan was playing. He tensed slightly as Logan stepped up behind him.
“No matter what… distractions may come up,” Logan murmured teasingly in his ear..
Roman shivered.
“No matter how much your body may be screaming at you to drop it, I want you to stay.” He rested a hand ever-so-lightly against Roman’s rib cage. “Understand?”
Roman nodded again, too afraid he’d start giggling already from the teasing and anticipation alone if he opened his mouth.
The hand skimmed down his side and Roman squeaked. He suddenly realized just how exposed he was in that position: back arched, arms high in the air, ribs and stomach sticking out for easy access. Not to mention that his armpits were exposed. He had really gone and dug his own grave, hadn’t he? The hand skimmed up his side, then back down again. Even though it was slightly ticklish, the motion was soothing as well. Roman couldn’t help but want to relax into it. 
Though he realized why Logan was trying to lure him into a false sense of security when his other hand suddenly started lightly spidering at one of Roman’s hips. Roman gasped before clamping his mouth shut once more to keep the giggles in. It took all of his willpower to stay in the position Logan had stretched him into and not jerk away.
Logan hummed in his ear. “Doing well so far, but this is really nothing, isn’t it? I mean, truly, it’s child’s play.”
Roman didn’t respond. He switched to biting his lip, squeezing his eyes shut.
“I truly do wonder how long your stamina and willpower will last, but I think that’s an experiment for later, after rehearsal is over.”
The hand skimming his side and the hand tickling his hips moved in, up and under his exercise shirt, converging on Roman’s stomach and tracing the sensitive skin with fingernails. Roman couldn’t hold back anymore. The constant light tickling was torture and he had no way to escape. The giggles flowed free from his mouth, making the position he was in that much harder to hold.
“Seems as though you’ve come one step closer to cracking,” Logan said softly into his ear, pressing in closer against his back. “Though I really do think this is good practice for you, it will truly help during the performance.”
“Mmhmhmhhmmhmhm,” Roman hummed through his giggles.
“Glad you agree,” Logan said cheekily, starting to skitter his fingers up Roman’s ribs.
Roman gasped and fell into light laughter. His body jerked once, twice, before settling back into place in the position he was supposed to keep.
“Be careful,” Logan reprimanded, though his voice was too teasey to carry any weight. “Remember, don’t move. Hold this position for as long as you can.”
Roman didn’t know how much longer he could hold it, frankly. Especially with Logan growing ever closer to his underarms, taking his shirt with him and making the cool air flow against his overly-sensitive stomach.
But Roman was nothing if not proud. “Nohoho prohohoblehehehem.” He managed to get out through his laughter.
“Oh, really?” Logan asked. “What if I went here?”
Logan’s hands found their way into his armpits. Roman shrieked and immediately started cackling. He barely held the position for a moment more before his arms came crashing down and he doubled over in self defense. Logan followed, bending over his back and continued his torturous scratching in Roman’s armpits.
“Yes, what can I help you with?” Logan asked cheekily.
“Oh, this?” Logan punctuated the word with a particularly vicious scribble to the middle of Roman’s armpits, causing Roman to squeal and lurch back into Logan’s chest. “See, I’m rather comfortable here. And, you did break position, I’m not sure if I can let that go unpunished.”
That was not part of their deal! Not that Roman could say as much, laughing as hard as he was. Or that he was necessarily complaining. He was getting what Logan himself had made him crave, after all…
And he wouldn’t be done for a long, long time.
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