#brewdening love
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Nobody wanted this. I wanted this because I was bored lmao
Anyways, I actually made an analysis on some characters that I would not mention because uhhhhhhh. Well this is one I did on a notes app because I am working on a fic relating to every god damn Mary-Sue that I know of so yeah
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quinntheprincess · 2 years
Really excited to see that there was a new Brewdening video up! Drawing Brugo fanart in the forum thread was what got me into doing comics and it's fun to revisit the fic through a new lens :D
Thank you! Brewdening Love is one of my favorite badfics and it’s a lot of fun to film for (once you get past all the boring high school stuff lol!)
Also I’d be very curious to see some of this Bruno art you mentioned if you still have the link. ;)
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xxiamnotokay666xx · 1 year
The Great Mary Sue Battles: Stargleam VS Joan
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talysalankil · 6 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
@razielim has decided to bring us back to 2014 tumblr, so like, okay why not
Favorite Pseud: i mean. i just use the one.
Time Zone: central europe
Star Sign(s): you mean the thing from homestuck?
Favorite Holidays: nanowrimo
Last Meal: rice and spaghetti sauce. because. i don't like spaghetti.
Current Favorite Musician: taylor swift
Last Music Listened To: kremlin dusk by utada
Last Movie Watched: The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes
Last TV Show Watched: the doctor who specials.
Last Book/Fic Finished: i'm mid captive prince reread, near the end of book 3. not counting that, Dark Heir, which was the reason i started that reread
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: uuuh i don't know it's been ages since i DNFed a book (unless you count the two i read one time each and never finished in months, but i definitely plan to finish them!)
Currently Reading: well i just said it's kings rising
Books/Shows/Movies/etc. You Want to Get Around To: honestly not sure right now. i feel pretty burned out on things. if we're counting games then i'd like to finish ff16 since i was right before the end, and play the FF7R dlc before the second part comes out
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: if i look at the latest nanowrimo scrivener project, apparently it was mayan weapons
Last Eureka, Breakthrough, or Neat Fact/Concept Learned: my memory does not work in chronological order like that. i'm sure when that fact becomes relevant again i'll instantly remember it in vivid detail though
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: the entire brewdening love fandom experience
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: can i say kingdom hearts because we're on hiatus hibernation or is that cheating.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: the hollow folk books are the worst example. i looked them up on AO3 and they had one (1) fic. not even a very good one.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: i guess the kh wiki. i wish i had more time for it
Tempting Project You're 100% Going to Undertake: does the book thing count
Tagging: i don't know who even is up to do those anymore
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puzzle163 · 5 years
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spicytuatara · 5 years
did a drawin of hugo all tied up! here it is on pillowfort and here it is on twitter
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brewdeninglove · 7 years
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at least one of these two would be a responsible campsite manager
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commander-corvus · 7 years
It’s time t(*-*t)
... for me to revisit a classic badfic. Any suggestions?
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pied-piper-pluto · 7 years
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literally the first page I turned to
it knows
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quinntheprincess · 11 months
Brewdening Love - Part 17
After a dramatic confrontation with her best friend, Joan receives some disturbing news about Edward and heads off to Italy for more shenanigans.
Brewdening Love Playlist on Youtube  
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Brian and Hugo are married
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talysalankil · 2 years
for the scrumblo ask meme, brewdening love and/or wheel of time!
Brewdening love blorbos
blorbo: i was gonna say brian or hugo but in the Turning Brooding Lust Into Its Own Novel project that I've been working on for *checks notes* five years and counting (well really i started a draft in 2016 and then haven't done much beyond outlining rewrites) the character Jenny inspired has firmly solidified herself as the protagonist so i have to say her
scrunkly: now this is hugo's spot
scrimblo bimblo: i don't even know who would count as underrated tbh. jacob and emmet, for ostensibly sharing a girlfriend in canon?
glup shitto: i literally made tim into his own character so. tim. (we're counting the author notes/spinoffs right?)
poor little meow meow: can i say Joan? like. obviously indoctrinated into fundamentalist beliefs and some shade of queer and/or trans struggling with the weight of cishet girlhood expectations
horse plinko: was gonna say Joan (again), but actually Edward Secert God let's be honest
eeby deeby: also God. send god to super hell. or if we're sticking to brewdening love prime then father james holden. (jesus is a close second since he also shows up for a brief stint. could jesus escape super hell after three days like he did regular hell?)
Wheel of Time blorbos (gonna answer for the books because you didn't specify and the show is too recent to really have Cohesive Thoughts to this degree. my thoughts about the show for now are LESBIANS and nynaeve is cool. and also crying in bisexual.)
blorbo: the fact that i had a nynaeve icon for a long time should be an indicator
scrunkly: honestly rand. i know he's the main character and probably more powerful than a literal god but he needs the emotional support
scrimblo bimblo: i think galad? part of it is i have a weird crush on galad that i can't explain and i think is just because of fanart + a theory that he was a channeler with the spark and didn't know it.
glup shitto: i always liked the black ajah hunters even though they accomplish literally nothing and barely have any meaningful page time. idk there are a million characters and i have no idea where the cutoff is for obscurity.
poor little meow meow: having recently gotten closer to the wot fandom i have learned that liking elayne is apparently uncommon. i like elayne. i think the gays like elayne tbh.
horse plinko: elaida lol
eeby deeby: i'm going to have a Hot Take and say tuon (which i don't like doing seeing as she's basically the one black woman main character) but like. girl will not let go of her imperialism and lsavery ways. so. it's on her (well, and the authors for not trying harder to give her an arc).
I'll throw the link to the original post at the end in case anyone needs a translation guide
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puzzle163 · 6 years
this might be a little greedy but: OTP questions 1-15 for brugo :P
omg bless
(Since a lot of these aren’t applicable for Edenverse, let’s go with the complicated backstory I came up with and never really used for the marriage one-shot and partially for the Verbo et Opere AU! The short version: Brian works in a motorcycle shop and was adopted/raised by a family with a bunch of other foster kids, Hugo is an only child who flunked a college semester when his heart got broken by his first long-term boyfriend. Brian is on an annual family summer camping trip, Hugo is camping with his parents while he gets his head together to go back to college in the fall. AND GO.)
Who asks the other on a date first?Technically Brian because he was the one who drove to Hugo’s house after they returned to their respective homes to say that he’d decided he didn’t want them to just be a summer flirtation, but Hugo was the one who asked Brian on the first hike they went on together, and at that point there were clearly some sparks flying already. (it just wasn’t an official Date u_u)
Where was their first kiss? Who leaned in first?In the woods while hiking together near the end of the summer. It was very much a mutual lean ;3
How long did they know each other before they started dating?A few months, they didn’t Officially date until after the summer camping trip
How did they flirt with one another before one of them got the courage to ask the other out?In this AU I had Brian being the more romantically-unprepared person, so his flirting was super tsuntsun because he really liked this boy? Whose smile made his heart do flips?? And how do you react to that besides finding stupid reasons to be around him and acting like they’re coincidences??? Hugo was better at flirting but could tell Brian was pretty nervous so his flirting was all super low-key, like holding hands over rough terrain and getting Brian to come stargazing with him.
Where did they go on their first date?Brian took Hugo on a motorcycle ride and they got some food truck type lunch
What did they talk about on their first date? Mostly about what they should do regarding their relationship. By this point they’d spent all summer talking about their lives and hobbies and stuff, and this moment was kind of a big one because they could potentially choose to walk away from each other right then, so as happy as they were to be spending time together again the topic of “should we continue this officially?” was really the only thing on their minds.
Who picked who up, or did they meet up, on their first date?Brian picked up Hugo at his house
When do they make it official that they are dating?Once they talk and decide they do want to continue things, it’s official to them, but it takes awhile longer for them to be official to anyone else. Hugo’s parents aren’t super keen on Brian at first, especially as they’d just watched their only son take the loss of a serious relationship pretty hard the winter before, and they picked up on the “not the most stable emotional upbringing possible” vibes from Brian. So there’s a lot of secretive dates and sneaking out and not taking it super seriously x3 But eventually they get caught and Brian sees how concerned/upset Hugo’s parents are about Hugo choosing him so he slinks out (to ride his motorcycle home...alone.....in the rain........BECAUSE AESTHETIC) and Hugo is of course upset and kind of explodes at his parents for making Brian feel unwanted and it’s a moment of clarity for him because he realizes that he doesn’t just want to date Brian for the thrill of dating someone, or just for sex or just for attention or just to fill time...he wants to be in a relationship with Brian because this is someone he can see spending the rest of his life with. So he sort of steals (...borrows without permission? 8D) his dad’s car to chase Brian down and they talk and kiss in the rain (BECAUSE AESTHETIC DAMN IT) and then probably both catch colds even though they’re idiots.
Who do they bring to their first double date?Charlie and Louisa. It’s not really a double date tbh because the only people romantically attached are Brian and Hugo, but it goes great because Charlie and Louisa initially are wary of each other in a “you seem cool but my friend likes your friend a lot and if he gets hurt I swear to god I’ll cut every bitch in a square mile” but then realize they have a lot in common (DUMB GUY FRIENDS AMONG THEM) and end up being bffs.
Who can’t stop blushing when they are around their partner? Hugo, because in every AU he WILL blush at the drop of a hat
How do they adjust to their partner’s social group?Awkwardly. xD Brian’s social group is basically all his motorcycle shop coworkers who are either gearheads or stoners or both, and Hugo’s social group is all these clean-cut well-brought-up college kids and their first group outings are extremely awkward (Brian’s coworkers invite Hugo’s friends to a Hardcore Heavy Death Metal Concert. Hugo’s friends ask Brian in 100% seriousness if the fact that he has tattoos means he’s been to jail.) Eventually they learn to find common ground though.
Who gets tongue tied around their partner?Oh they both do from time to time, that never gets old =3=
What do they do in public to show that they are dating? Hold hands, walk arm in arm, does one have their arm over the other, constant flirting, the look™, anything else?Holding hands is a big one for them, as well as Hugo having his arm over Brian’s shoulders/Brian having his arm around Hugo’s waist. They also both have The Look for each other.
Who is more likely to give a kiss on their partner’s cheek in public? Probably Brian once their relationship settles into something they’re treating as public and long-term. He loves that he can always get Hugo to blush when he does it x3
Who notices all the small things when they start dating? Hugo mostly, he has experience in a relationship so he notices a lot more, while Brian is flailing around just trying to figure out why he’s having a Feeling and wtf to do about it.
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commander-corvus · 7 years
Why are all of the blogs in my recommended section Twilight blogs?
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pied-piper-pluto · 7 years
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imagine if you had a sister who'd been missing for a while and you got this prompt
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quinntheprincess · 11 months
Brewdening Love - Part 16
Joan is upset after her breakup with Edward, so she calls Jenny and Jacob/Fernando over to cheer her up, but things quickly get complicated between our three idiot teens...
Brewdening Love Playlist on Youtube  
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