#breaking a well-known colour barrier.
aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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xamaxenta · 1 year
crown prince Ace (20) taking his little brother to the dragon paddocks to let him pick out a critter for his twelfth birthday
Luffy gets shown all the little beasties, sandwyrms, riverclaws, skyhorns in all their shimmering gemstone scaled glory but none meet his discerning eye
Ace patiently waits for the inevitable.
“Where’s the firebreathing ones?” Luffy asks their very helpful guide, Koala who glances at Ace in silent mortified question.
“Please show him the fire breathing ones, he won’t stop asking otherwise.” Ace confirms, sweating slightly as he thinks of his wallet (this was a personal gift and would not be supported by the royal treasury).
“Very well your highnesses, I will transfer you on to my colleague who should be more able to assist.”
Waving them to walk with, Koala leads them out past the house dragon paddocks until they reach a rockier outcrop of land brimming with protective wards.
“That’s some heavy duty spellwork.” Ace comments, a little alarmed but mostly impressed, he presumes its to keep the firebreathers in check.
“It is isnt it?” Koala looks up at him with a curious expression, Ace understands her fascination, at first glance one wouldnt think the broad shouldered crown prince of raftel would be a spellweaver, especially considering his father was known to have not an ounce of magic blood in his veins
“It looks like a chore to maintain.” Ace reaches out to run his fingers through the shimmering wall of protection, like a heat haze it made everything on the otherside slightly blurry.
“Where’s the fire dragons?” Luffy reminds them all of why they’re even here to begin with, and that was certainly not to admire the barrier magics floating about.
“Up there.” Koala directs the little prince’s gaze upward
shielding their eyes the brothers look up against the climbing sun to see the magnificence of the fire dragons circling high above the morning cloud line. Squinting to make sure he was seeing things right, Ace raises a concerned question.
“Is. That a person?”
“Yes,” Koala replies primly.
“Are they going to be ok?” He can’t really tell but as far as he can see they’re not in saddle and seem to be riding bareback.
“Yes.” Koala says with an amused smile.
Unconvinced, Ace redoubles his efforts on watching a blue dragon with an ivory belly spiral through the air and then drop into a dizzying, stomach churning dive.
One by one the rest of the skyborne dragons follow suit, zipping after the blue dragon in steep dives of their own, chasing after the leader who Ace realises does indeed carry the aforementioned person on its spiky ridged back.
“Whoa! Look at that one its super fast!” Luffy points at a red rusty coloured dragon that breaks away from the pack, flying low and with its wings tucked close for speed as it races to catch up to the blue leading dragon. For a single moment the two dragonsare neck and neck when the blue one gets urged on by their rider and they leave red spiralling out.
Knowing Luffy, he would want the red one, and Ace was going to do anything and everything in his power to not let that happen. Mostly because of his wallet but also because red had righted itself and had taken the loss badly.
Unhinging its mighty jaw the red dragon bellows, tongues of flame licking out between the snaggled gaps of keenly sharp fangs. And like a revving engine, pulses the air twice with furious wings and rockets forth with burning rage towards the blue dragon.
Ace wants to say something, maybe shield Luffy’s eyes but something about Koala’s stance, her relaxed hand on hip posture that keeps him from saying anything rude or assuming. It pays off because in the time he wouldve needed to turn and voice his thoughts, he wouldn’t have been able to witness the spectacle that ended the race.
It happens almost too quickly to process, the red dragon collides with the blue one, the sound of ivory horns, claws and spikes tangling together echoes across the rocky cliff face. Sound reverts as a ripple of light pulses across the outcrop, blasting through the barrier magic protecting the onlookers and disturbing their hair and clothes in a powerful buffet of wind. Ace recognises a ward barrier immediately and conjures his own, selfishly just in time to see the dragon rider land heavily on his feet, the dragons tumbling down in a heap a few yards off, snarling and seething flames.
Ace watches the dragon rider collect themselves before marching over to the broiling coil of scales and to his horror reaches in to bodily separate the furious creatures. His body language turns sharp and aggressive, clawed hand grabbing the red dragon by the muzzle and wringing its snout meanly, teeth bared at the disobedient reptile until it extinguished its flame and cowered meekly in submission.
“So that’s Sabo.” Koala introduces the rider with an exasperatedly fond sort of tone. Luffy stirs excitedly beside them when Sabo whistles loudly and begins leading the pack of dragons over to the visitors, “—he trains all of our firebreathers. I can assure you every single one of them are valuable companions.”
“I want the red one.” Luffy says immediately.
“Are you sure about that little prince?” A new voice speaks up over Ace’s noise of grief.
Ace turns as Sabo walks through the defensive ward with his sapphire scaled dragon, the rest of the pack prowl along the shimmering perimeter, eyeing up the two princes with opalescent eyes and curled lips drawn back to show off their gleaming fangs
“Yeah, he’s big and strong and cool.” Luffy immediately lists off all the qualities that he likes.
“So just like your big brother here then hm?” Sabo pats his dragon on the neck and Luffy gasps in surprised delight when it flops down next to them, offering its spiny regal head for pets.
Ace doesn’t care about the dragon, not when its rider had just so blatantly flirted with him.
“Excuse me?” Its the only thing he can muster in his defense. He hopes his complexion can hide the sudden rush of heat that envelopes his face.
Sabo grins and runs a hand through his windswept hair, the golden curls give way, showcasing a gnarly burn scar across the left side of his deceptively odd but handsome features, “with all due respect your highness, couldn’t help but notice that you knew how to nonverbally conjure Barto’s third unbreakable ward.”
“Yes?” Ace replies stiffly, flustered at the formal terminology for the ward barrier he’d used earlier.
“That’s crazy cool advanced magic, where’d you learn?” Sabo steps in a little too close for comfort, Ace doesnt take a step back.
“I’m self taught—“ whilst not necessarily the truth it’s also not a lie either, Ace has always been distinctly gifted in magic and Roger has always sought for talented mages to further tutor his son but with Raftel being an isolated kingdom of physical warrior types, the best he could offer was books that merchants brought into the city with the seasons.
“Really? Me too!” Sabo grins, charming, the curve of his smile warm but somehow double edged, like he was sizing him up. With his eyes, predator like.
“I’ve never met another self scholar.” Ace maintains his gaze politely, tries to keep his poker face steadfast when Luffy thankfully saves him from any further embarrassment, by barreling headfirst into a breathless string of questions about firebreathing dragons.
Clearly caught out and overwhelmed by the barrage of questions Sabo raises his gloved hands good naturedly, “whoa whoa slow down little prince, how about one at a time?”
“Sorry about my kid brother, he tends to hyperfixate.” Ace looks down to see Luffy crouched on the dusty floor with both his hands out for Sabo’s dragon to sniff. Its cute though to see the dragon reciprocate Luffys excitement with a flicker of its long black forked tongue, licking Luffy along the fingers gently.
“Nah you have to admit he’s got taste though because in my opinion theres no better thing to fixate on than dragons!” Sabo says with a wild grin, his teeth, Ace notes are sharper than the average humans.
“He’s our resident dragon nerd, dragon whisperer and walking talking dragon encyclopaedia.” Koala snorts, Ace, is a little ashamed to have forgotten that she had been here the entire time and had absolutely witnessed their odd exchange.
“Thats me.” Sabo agrees amiably
“And awesome dragon rider!” Luffy adds earnestly, “can I ride your dragon??”
“Maybe later, see how his wings are all droopy? he just finished a flight, give him some time to rest.” Sabo says and to Ace’s surprise Luffy doesnt push it, instead he nods in agreement and returns to gingerly stroking a hand along the dragons snout.
“Well seeing as your highnesses are going to be here a while why don’t we head back to headquarters? It’s also much nicer than standing out here in the sun.” Koala breaks the lapse in silence with a suggestion
Sabo levels Ace another heavy, searching look, “That sounds like a fantastic idea.”
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Ferrari F40 LM Barchetta (the F40 that Ferrari Says Doesn’t Exist). 
There’s an F40 that isn’t regarded as a Ferrari by Ferrari themselves! Its name: LM Barchetta. 
The Ferrai F40 was the last car developed under the supervision of Il Commendatore Enzo Ferrari, before he passed away. It was a tough, barely road-legal race car with a 2.9-litre twin-turbo V8, producing 478bhp (and said to offer much more). Coupled with a composite central structure, tubular space frames, and lightweight composite bodywork, it propelled the car to 201 mph (323 kph). The F40's biggest claim to fame was being the first production car to break the 200 mph barrier. The car was stripped of any unnecessary luxury features: no radio, no floor mats, no air conditioning, even the door was opened by pulling on an exposed wire in the door instead of chunky handle and lever construction and therefore much heavier. They are usually found in automobiles. As a result of this dedication to the car's performance, it looks rather rough around the edges in places.
Enzo Ferrari had always seen his road cars as a way to fund his racing programmes and, of course, the F40 was no exception. Ferrari enlisted the help of Michelotto, a long-term Ferrari race car builder, to make the F40 eligible for the IMSA GT Series in the US. Michelotto extensively rebuilt the F40 and turned them into the F40 LM. The chassis was changed, the suspension was changed, the bodywork was altered and the engine was tuned. The final result was 720bhp, a huge increase in power compared to the road-going F40. Top speed increased from the original 201mph (323kph) to an astonishing 229mph (369kph). To make the car run in other series as well, it was changed to the F40 GT, the F40 GTE and the F40 Competizione, although changes were limited to restrictions in safety and power output only, depending on regulations.
The car was bought by Jean ’Beurlys’ Blaton, a Belgian billionaire with a passion for cars. Not satisfied with a one-of-nineteen car, an ‘ordinary’ car that any fellow billionaire could purchase, Blaton wanted his car to be unique. In theory at least.The roof was cut off, the bodywork was altered again, a competition windshield was installed, the engine’s restrictor was removed, the exhaust was rerouted to exit on the side, a roll-cage was installed and the chassis was upgraded with F1-style pushrod suspension. Oh, and the car was painted yellow, the official historic racing colour for Belgium. 
One of the things you might notice when you go over images of all these F40s is that where other cars had “F40” stamped into one of the uprights of the massive rear wing, this one doesn’t. It has no Ferrari badge either, per order of the Italian manufacturer. The brand is so protective of its cars that changes of this magnitude disqualify them as a Ferrari product. So, occasionally, a cease-and-desist order is sent out to remove all prancing horse badges, Ferrari logos and trim from the car(s) in question. And thus the car is scrapped from the company’s archives and “lost”, even though most of its history is known.
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nyctoraffles · 2 years
WIP Wednesday — Oil-lamp Mermaid
The pale sunlight seeping into the classroom before first period is almost blinding. His classmates' voices reverberate in Jamil’s skull as if to herald an impending migraine. It's a lightheadedness akin to that of mind control magic; much like a puppet tugged along by external strings, the body currently sitting in place feels nothing like his own. 
There is no magic or sickness at play here, but fatigue alone, for better or worse. 
Around him, the room spins in a blur of flashes and colours, and just as Jamil feels like his head might burst at the seams the world comes into focus at last.
“Good morning, Jamil.” Azul’s arrival, unwelcome as it may be, anchors Jamil to the present. “Is this spot taken?” 
It’s a rhetorical question not even worth asking; Azul would sit next to him regardless, even if it was. Vision cleared and heart rate settled, Jamil just shrugs. “Do whatever you want.”
Trademark smile plastered across his face, Azul sets his books down and claims the seat to Jamil’s right.
Their history lesson begins shortly thereafter, and the lecture has just about started when Jamil spaces out again, mind drifting uncharacteristically across the room. Concentrate, he tells himself, but his head is aching, his eyelids heavy and his shoulders tense. In the background, Trein’s explanation melds with Lucius’s mewls into an unintelligible drone. Concentrate, he thinks again, and succeeds— at the cost of zeroing in on the entirely wrong thing.
Beside him, gloved hands do what they know best: ink flows over the page along the strokes of Azul’s pen, looping and arching in an impeccable script. Jamil’s gaze falls over the long, slender fingers; well-suited for playing the piano, he muses absently, recalling an offhand comment by Floyd. 
What was Azul like before arriving on land? Jamil tries to envision it, but his mind turns up empty. Club activities have gotten him well-acquainted with Floyd’s merform, and by extension, Jamil reckons he could hazard a guess on Jade’s. However, while he can perfectly picture a younger version of the twins, Jamil can’t even begin to fathom what Azul looks like underwater. He supposes it makes sense. In the end, there is nothing he shares with Azul other than a homeroom, but Jamil cannot shake the feeling that he’s at an overwhelming disadvantage.  
Azul ploughed through every barrier and shed light on the self Jamil had spent a lifetime trying to repress. Truth pried open and plans undone, Azul had witnessed his ego in full display. It’s humiliating, really. By contrast, Jamil knows nothing about Azul that one wouldn’t about the average classmate.  A new pang of annoyance strikes him, sensing the disparity; so, Jamil does the only logical thing and peers at Azul’s profile in search of answers.
He examines each inch with care, as if the key to some intangible mystery were to be found in any of it: the frames of his glasses, the shape of his eyes, the curve of his nose, the way his lips part or how his neck bobs. Jamil isn’t one for romanticism or poetry, but had he not known Azul’s incompetence on a broom to rival even that of  a boulder’s, he would have been tempted to say that the loose ringlet at the side of Azul’s face has an almost airy quality to it, like a weightless puff of smoke, the ever-changing ridges of desert sand, or something similarly nonsensical. 
As he reflects on it, he becomes aware of the rosy tinge spreading rapidly over Azul’s cheeks, even as he continues to write his notes. Spring had brought alongside it the steady rise of temperatures and Jamil considers, not for the first time, that merfolk are adverse to warmth. 
It stirs memories of that ill-advised celebration during their disastrous winter break. While Jamil indulged Kalim and danced all common sense away, Azul watched from the sidelines, face flushed even when standing under the desert shade.
Well, at least there's that.
Having arrived at the conclusion that octopi have a low tolerance for even the most temperate of climates, Jamil finally tunes into Trein’s lecture and applies himself to his own work. 
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the-consortium · 9 months
Dear Saqqura:
Have you ever tried dance fighting with Arrian? Albeit useless, maybe it's an excuse to get y'all closer.
Also how the hell do you keep your Daemons from breaking out of the bottles?
The whispers are rarely intelligible, usually only below the threshold of hearing and always vaguely threatening. But as soon as they sense a chink in the mental armour … can smell it, they intensify their singing. They are more present and clearer. First only words, then whole sentences. And all of it accompanied by a plucking at nerve endings. They grope for emotions, for hormones. Greedily grasping for everything that is life. Wanting to have what they can never possess.
And this is a rift that the shards of the gods have been watching for some time. Which they see shining before them and which they widen with fingers as thin as cobwebs. Probing, thoughts push up against mental barriers and try to stimulate that which serves their purposes.
Yes, wouldn't that be nice? You would be so close … Touch … warmth. Feel him so directly! Lift your hand, put your fingertips on his skin. Feel the scars. Streets on pale skin. Yes, skin so pale - so different from yours. Don't you like to see their colours? You like to smell him so much - so why not? Dance with him! You know where it leads. Where you both don't look because it's too close! Do it, child of Lorgar! Do it, pious son of the Golden One! Do it!
The song is hypnotic and tingles just under the skin with the promise of pain and pleasure.
Saqqara doesn't say it aloud, but it echoes in the space between thoughts like a thunderclap. No!
A command - hard and angular and swung like an axe.
You are not destroying anything that means so much to me that I won't even put it into words because I don't want to make it a pawn for you. You go back into the dark! Now! I speak your names, I put my hand around your neck! Shards of Slaanesh, shards of the gods! I am the one who bound you! I am the one you obey!
He exhales deeply. Anger quivers within him. How dare they?
Once more - inhale, exhale. Lorgar's litanies bring calm and quiet.
They dare because it is their nature. As the scorpion stings.
He closes his eyes. Waits until everything inside him is cool and dark. Then he takes the datapad.
"I often train with Arrian or the other Apothecaries. The twelfth Millenial has its own demon problems with me - plain jealousy - so that is too unsafe for me. Emperor's Children are not known for their self-control. With Arrian it is easiest and most natural for me and we harmonise well in battle. Everything else …" He pauses for a moment, stares ahead of him, then continues writing, "…. Is at least worth a try. World Eaters aren't exactly renowned for being particularly graceful or flowing in their fighting. But Arrian likes challenges - he is a scientist before he is a son of Angron.
As for the Neverborn … it's either a trade or violence. Like everything when it comes to the gods. If I learn the name of a Shard of the Gods, I can bind it. Just as we and the sorcerers of the Thousand Sons have been doing all along. A trade is always more difficult and offers multiple opportunities to miscalculate and have your soul torn apart by demons.
But once you have bound the Shard of the Gods - in my case, to and in the very carefully prepared bottles - all you have to do is make sure to constantly renew all binding rituals and constantly check the seals. Of course it's dangerous, but the potency of the Neverborn in battle is absolutely worth that risk in my opinion."
He nods affirmatively and the shards in the bottles move in sensual smoke.
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fencingsolutions · 8 days
Why Install PVC Fence Panels from a Trusted Fencing Manufacturer?
People often commonly look for PVC fence panels to improve their security and appearance. PVC materials are reliable and resistant to corrosion, deterioration, and rust. Reliable manufacturers use quality paints to prevent peeling or flaking even in the harshest weather conditions and seasonal changes.
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Well-established picket fence suppliers because they use top-quality non-toxic PVC material which is never damaged by termites, and poses no risk to the health of small children, the elderly, or pets.
Reputable fencing manufacturing and supply companies make and install high-quality post and rail fences to keep intruders such as unwanted animals or thieves out of open spaces, farms, and playgrounds.
Durable PVC substances are less likely to be taken away because they can withstand not just breaking, but also heat and chemical exposure.
This is an economical investment because it needs fewer replacements and lasts longer.
Advantages of Installing PVC Fence from Well-known Manufacturers:
Depending on the location, fencing in real estate can increase the value of a property. In addition to its monetary value, it provides greater security against stray animals and unwanted intruders.
Furthermore, recognised manufacturers provide durable materials with a guaranteed long lifespan that can withstand adverse environments. Their sophisticated privacy fencing panels also work as a good sound barrier, reducing destruction and leaving the property calm and peaceful.
Fencing is an important security feature since it prevents roaming animals and attackers from entering the property's boundary. It also reduces the risk of accidents or property loss as a result of business possibilities.
They deliver sturdy fencing material that would boost longevity while lowering costs and speeding up the procedure. They offer high-quality metal, a variety of colour options, and installation services for safety.
A PVC fence is resistant to rusting and decomposition, and it protects soil from corrosive forces, pollutants, and hazardous substances.
Therefore, property owners can install top-quality PVC fencing by contacting legitimate merchandisers for genuine facing panels and materials.
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fortunewindows1 · 3 months
Which is Best: Aluminium/Aluclad vs. uPVC Windows
What are they exactly?
Aluminium is a lightweight, silvery metal that has been used in window manufacturing for many decades, but has grown in popularity with the increased interest in more ‘modern-looking’ homes. The term ‘aluclad’ refers to a timber window core ‘clad,’ or covered, in aluminium on the exterior, and are also called ‘composite’ windows.
uPVC stands for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, an engineered plastic material in powder form that is heated and injected into moulds to form its shape. Once cooled, the solid uPVC can be cut to length and joined together for window assembly. The term ‘unplasticised’ refers to the lack of plasticisers in the material, making it more rigid when compared to standard PVC material.
Hopefully you now have a sense of the difference in material type between aluminium/aluclad vs. uPVC windows, so we can move on to compare their respective advantages and disadvantages.
1) Appearance
Aluminium/Aluclad uPVC
High-end, sleek Simpler
Modern aesthetic Synthetic look
As mentioned, aluminium windows provide a sleek, contemporary look to a home, which makes them especially well-suited for more modern styles. The material is naturally strong, so it can accommodate larger spans of glass in a thinner frame than uPVC, allowing more natural light into your space.
Typically produced with a powder-coated finish, aluminium windows are available in many finishes and colours. Aluclad windows offer this same benefit, as aluminium is the outer coating on the surface. At Fortune Windows, we stick to the classics and the most popular options — white, black and anthracite grey.
In contrast, uPVC finish options can be more limited, though they have expanded beyond the basic white you are likely used to seeing. uPVC windows also tend to have a ‘cheaper,’ plastic look, which people may find less attractive and associate with lower quality.
2) Durability
Aluminium/Aluclad uPVC
40–50 year lifespan 10–35 year life expectancy
Aluminium is an incredibly durable material, resistant to rust, rot, cracking and discolouration. With a powder coating protecting the surface from corrosion, these windows have some of the longest lifespan, often reaching upwards of 45 years. Surpassed in longevity only by wooden windows, aluclad windows offer the best of both worlds, providing the superior durability of both wood and aluminium.
uPVC windows, on the other hand, typically only last for a maximum of 30–35 years, so they will likely need periodic replacement. While similarly resistant to flaking, swelling and rust, uPVC can degrade and distort with prolonged exposure to high heat.
3) Maintenance
Aluminium/Aluclad uPVC
Wipe with a damp cloth Wipe with a damp cloth
In the maintenance category, aluminium and uPVC are just about equal in terms of needs, both requiring very little of the homeowner. A simple wipe down with a damp cloth and a bucket of water on a regular basis is enough to keep these types of windows looking sharp.
Of course, you should also perform periodic checks for functionality or defects, like any window, but overall, these materials, as well as aluclad, demand very minimal maintenance.
4) Energy Efficiency
Aluminium/Aluclad uPVC
Excellent with thermal break, alike wood Highly insulating, insusceptible to air leaks
uPVC has long been known as a highly insulating substance, and windows constructed in this material with multi-chambered frames offer excellent energy efficiency. uPVC windows keep heat in, cold draughts out, and are also effective at minimising noise pollution.
Aluminium on its own is conducive to heat transfer, potentially allowing heat loss and gain between areas. Recognising this, window manufacturers have built thermal breaks into the window frames, usually made of a substance called Aerogel.
Aluclad windows will naturally offer this barrier to heat transfer, with their timber core offering the superior thermal insulating properties of wood.
5) Price
Aluminium/Aluclad uPVC
Higher upfront cost More budget-friendly
Like wood, aluminium windows tend to be on the higher end of the price scale, requiring a greater initial financial investment than uPVC. The material and manufacturing costs are simply higher with aluminium and aluclad than uPVC.
However, given the longevity of aluminium-based products, this greater upfront cost may well be recouped over the long term, as uPVC windows will likely only last half as long as aluminium/aluclad, requiring replacement and reinvestment.
6) Security
Aluminium/Aluclad uPVC
Superior material strength Steel core resistant to break-ins
Aluminium, as a metal, is naturally stronger than uPVC, as a plastic. While uPVC windows are typically manufactured with a steel core for reinforcement, aluminium inherently provides excellent peace of mind when it comes to home security concerns.
Aluclad windows, like the ones from Fortune Windows, take advantage of the material strength of aluminium to prevent po tential damage to wooden windows in a break-in attempt, allowing homeowners who opt for this choice to rest easy.
7) Environmental Impact
Aluminium/Aluclad uPVC
100% and indefinitely recyclable More energy required to produce
“Aluminum is one of the most recycled — and recyclable — materials in use today. A recycled aluminum … window frame is often recycled directly back into itself. And this process can happen virtually infinitely,” according to The Aluminum Association. This is a powerful testament to the eco-friendly nature of aluminium as a material for your new windows. Aluclad windows combine both aluminium and wood, another natural, biodegradable resource, making them environmentally conscious choices as well.
uPVC, by contrast, is a highly processed material that is difficult to recycle and often ends up in a landfill. While non-toxic, it also requires a much higher amount of energy to produce, leaving a larger carbon footprint in its wake.
The outcome of the great debate between aluminium/aluclad vs. uPVC windows will be determined by your priorities as a homeowner, as you seek to balance appearance, durability, maintenance, energy efficiency, price, security and environmental impact. Aluminium-based windows have the edge when it comes to appearance, durability and environmental impact, but do come at a higher price than uPVC.
Why is aluminium better than uPVC?
Aluminium outlasts uPVC by almost double where window life is concerned. This can outweigh the greater initial financial investment, as the need for replacement of uPVC windows will be more frequent. Most homeowners also find the look of aluminium or aluclad windows to be more attractive that plastic uPVC. Lastly, choosing aluminium allows for a nearly invisible carbon footprint given its recyclability.
What are the disadvantages of an aluminium framed window?
The disadvantages of an aluminium framed window are minimal. If your home is in a conservation area, it may be difficult to find aluminium styles that adhere to historic restrictions, but aluclad windows can often provide the more traditional look required along with all the benefits of aluminium. Similarly, aluclad windows will guarantee excellent thermal insulation, while you will need to ensure that aluminium windows are manufactured with another kind of thermal break to achieve optimal energy efficiency.
Visit the website by clicking on the link 🌐https://fortuneshoppe.com 🌐www.fortunewindow.co.in 🌐 https://fortune-windows.business.site/ Phone: 091166 31603 Message Fortune on WhatsApp. https://wa.me/message/4HBPH72G4EKPN #aluminiumwindows 
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insight1212 · 4 months
Makeup Setting Spray: The Final Touch for Flawless Makeup
Are you ready to take your makeup game to the next level? Imagine: You've spent hours crafting the perfect winged eyeliner, blending your eyeshadows to perfection, and achieving that oh-so-glowy complexion. But wait, there's one crucial step left to seal the deal – enter makeup setting spray, the ultimate secret weapon in every beauty guru's arsenal!
So, what exactly is this mystical potion we call makeup setting spray? Think of it as the fairy godmother of your makeup routine, swooping in to ensure that your masterpiece stays put from dawn 'till dusk (or even beyond). It's like a magic spell in a bottle, locking in your look and banishing any worries of smudging, fading, or meltdown throughout the day.
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What exactly does a makeup setting spray do?
Now, let's break it down. Makeup spray, also known as makeup fixer or setting mist, is a lightweight, misty elixir that you spritz over your finished makeup look. It's formulated with special ingredients that create a protective barrier on your skin, helping to keep your makeup in place and looking fresh for hours on end.
But wait, there's more! Not only does setting spray extend the wear-time of your makeup, but it also works wonders in other departments. Say goodbye to that dreaded cakey finish. A few spritzes of setting spray can help meld all your makeup layers together, leaving you with a seamless, airbrushed finish that's straight out of a beauty editorial.
And let's not forget about the hydration factor! Many makeup setting sprays are infused with skin-loving ingredients like hyaluronic acid or botanical extracts, which not only lock in your makeup but also provide a boost of hydration to keep your skin looking plump and dewy throughout the day. Talk about a win-win!
Now, you might be thinking, "How do I use this magical potion?"
Step 1: Shake the spray bottle well.
Step 2: Spray from 6 inches away from your face and set dry
Pro Tip
But wait, there's one more pro tip to take your makeup setting game to the next level: the 'X' and 'T' technique. After your initial spritz, create an 'X' shape across your face, followed by a 'T' shape, ensuring that every inch of your masterpiece is sealed to perfection. Trust me, your makeup will thank you later!
Now let us find out the best makeup setting spray in the market
Insight Cosmetics’ makeup fixer spray stands out as the ultimate companion for flawless makeup.
Its transfer-proof and dewy formula effortlessly sets makeup in place, ensuring a long-lasting, natural finish that withstands the demands of the day.
With just a few spritzes, it locks in makeup, providing a refreshing burst of hydration while imparting a subtle radiance.
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Say goodbye to worries about makeup smudging or fading; Insight Cosmetics’ makeup fixer spray is the go-to choice for makeup enthusiasts seeking perfection.
Complete the collection with Insight Cosmetics’ The Essential Kit:
3-in-1 primer
Pro-concealer palette
Colour Rich Lipstick
Multi-Use Loose Eyeshadow
HD Finishing Loose Powder
Stay Matte Liquid Foundation
Insight Glitter Purse
So, whether you're strutting your stuff at a glam soirée, conquering the boardroom like a boss babe, or simply slaying the day-to-day hustle, make sure to add makeup spray to your beauty routine. It's the final touch that elevates your look from ordinary to extraordinary, leaving you feeling confident, empowered, and ready to take on the world—one flawless face at a time. Cheers to makeup that stays put and slayage that never fades!
And there you have it, the Insight Cosmetics’ makeup fixer spray, your ultimate ally in the quest for flawless, long-lasting makeup. So go ahead, spritz away, and let your beauty shine bright like a diamond!
Until next time, stay fabulous!
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mi6014elizaallen · 4 months
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The Brand: Durex stands for real sex, no fake stuff, no judgement. They want positivity not negativity. Audience: My choice but must be clear Problem: Sexual barriers, what's stopping people from enjoying themselves Main Objectives: Clearly explain the target audience and solution to chosen sexual barrier Deliverables: 2-minute video & 4 max JPEGs or 8 JPEG slides & 1-minute video
Why could this be an interesting/strategically useful brief to pick?
My final project is based on gender identity which ties in heavily with this brief which is looking to explore breaking down barriers of sexual freedom, gender identity and sexuality have often been placed under the same umbrella. The term transgender was formally known as transsexual as if it was a sexual identity, term was changed to separate gender identities from sexual identities. I also find this interesting as I previously worked at Ann Summers and have first hand experience of the barriers many face as well as the stigma around sex and sexuality.
What do you think would be most difficult in tackling this brief?
One major challenge would be to focus on the sex positivity and avoiding the stigma's around the topic. On top of that since I will be making an animated response to the brief I will have to ensure it couldn't be mistaken as a porn clip as the industry can be harmful for promoting a health relationship with sex.
Can you think of any pieces/projects/films that would be relevant to look at to help with idea generation onthis project?
Born This Way | D&AD Awards 2022 Shortlist | 2D Digital | D&AD (dandad.org)
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Bloody Good Period 'Typically' | D&AD Awards 2022 Pencil Winner | 2D Digital | D&AD (dandad.org)
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What does 'sex positivity' mean? - BBC Worklife
New Iconic Kisses | D&AD Awards 2022 Pencil Winner | TV/VOD Commercials Over 120 Seconds | D&AD (dandad.org)
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Initial Thoughts
2D animation exploring lgbtq inclusivity and barriers Bright colours
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muskokafarm · 5 months
Muskoka Farm Pre Training
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The 280-acre Muskoka Farm pre training is surrounded by national parks and natural bushland. It has five stable barns, 58 stables and 10 large, fully-fenced paddocks. It also features a two-bedroom guest house, helipad, facility manager’s house, and staff cottages.
Moore’s wizardry paid off with a winning debut by Styling City, who ran well in the Ling family colours that he has carried to high-level success before. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
The location of Muskoka Farm on the Hawkesbury River makes it a world class equine facility. It’s surrounded by national parks and bushland, making it the perfect place to train horses. Its 280 acres are equipped with a variety of facilities, including a lap pool and high-speed treadmill.
This state-of-the-art horse spelling and training complex is a favorite among many top trainers. It has three tracks (1000m sand, 2900m crusher dust and 2400m turf), horse swimming pool, walking machine, treadmill, barriers, 70 boxes and dozens of day yards. It also has a fail-safe water supply from a dam and bore, permanent garden irrigation and staff accommodation.
To reach Muskoka Farm, drive past Wisemans Ferry and take the Central Mangrove exit on the F3. Turn right at the second set of Maples and continue straight and then left to the main front gate. It takes about 1 hour and 45 minutes to get there from Sydney.
Muskoka Farm is a world class thoroughbred facility that offers breaking, spelling, and pre-training services. It also provides agistment and quarantine facilities. It is surrounded by national parks and bushland, giving the horses a peaceful environment. It also has state-of-the-art training facilities, such as a lap pool and high-speed treadmills.
The facility is staffed by an experienced team of horse trainers. Tim Clark, who began his career in England and worked for Sir Noel Murless and Henry Cecil, is the foreman at Muskoka Farm. He is an excellent track work rider and horse breaker, and is known for his ability to prepare yearlings for racing.
The facility also has a 2.4-kilometre crusher dust track, a 2-kilometre grass track for pace work, and large fully-fenced paddocks. It is also a registered AQIS quarantine facility, which allows it to handle imported horses. In addition, it has a 16-horse walker and a high-speed treadmill. This makes it a perfect choice for yearling preparation and breeding.
A favorite among horse trainers, Muskoka Farm is a world class equine facility with a reputation for fine-tuning the care of race horses. Its 280-acre property is located near national parks and surrounded by natural bushland, providing a serene environment for race horses to relax and heal.
Catherine Day Phillips has been training racing Thoroughbreds for more than 25 years, and her clients have won many races. Her trainees have included multiple graded stakes winners, including JAMBALAYA, who won the Singspiel Stakes in 2006 and the Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Turf Stakes in 2008. Van Lear Rose is another recent winner of graded stakes races.
She has also trained two year olds, including Keep on Truckin’ and Mustn’t Grumble, who both won their first races at Woodbine this spring. Her stable has a number of promising young fillies, including Artie’s First Kiss, who won an Allowance in her first race this year, and Artilena, who won the Ontario Lassie Stakes for owners PA Fullerton Inc, George Ledson and Anderson Farms Ontario Inc.
Muskoka Farm pre training is a world class facility that offers a variety of facilities for horse trainers and breeders. Whether you want to get your horses ready for the track or just relax, this facility is the perfect place for you. It also has a two-bedroom guest house and an AQIS-registered quarantine facility. To know more about Pre Training, visit the Muskoka Farm website or call (02)45663106.
The farm is a great place to vacation and has many amenities, including dozens of day yards, spa, and an outdoor pool. It is also a dark sky preserve and an astronomical observatory.
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indoorrollershutters · 7 months
Enhancing Property Security with Security Roller Shutters
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Security is one of the most common concerns of property owners. Protecting your property from intruders and external threats is crucial to ensure peace of mind and safeguard your valuable assets. Security roller shutters have emerged as an effective and versatile solution to enhance the security of your properties. In this article, we will delve into how security roller shutters can provide you with increased protection and peace of mind.
1. Physical Deterrent
Security roller shutters serve as a powerful physical deterrent to potential intruders. Their sturdy construction and robust design make it significantly more challenging for burglars to gain access to your property. The presence of these shutters sends a clear message that your property is well-protected, dissuading potential criminals from attempting a break-in to your place.
2. Protection Against Break-Ins
It is known that security roller shutters are made from durable materials such as steel or aluminium, these shutters act as a formidable barrier against burglars. Even the most determined intruders will find it extremely difficult to breach these barriers, giving you precious time to alert the authorities or seek help.
3. Privacy and Light Control
Roller shutter door security is not just about protection; it offers enhanced privacy and light control. You can adjust the shutters to your preferred visibility and natural light level. This upgraded feature is valuable for businesses that want to protect sensitive information or homeowners who value their privacy.
4. Weather Protection
They are designed to withstand weather conditions. They protect against harsh elements such as heavy rain, strong winds, and hail, helping preserve your property's structural integrity. This added layer of defence ensures that your property remains safe from human threats and the forces of nature.
5. Energy Efficiency
In addition to security and weather protection, roller shutters can contribute to energy efficiency. When closed, they act as effective insulation, reducing heat transfer and keeping your property cooler in summer and warmer in winter. This insulation can result in lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
6. Noise Reduction
Security roller shutters offer sound insulation properties, reducing the amount of external noise that enters your property. This is particularly valuable for those living in noisy urban environments or near busy roads. The peace provided by roller shutters can enhance homeowners' quality of life and improve commercial spaces' working conditions.
7. Customisation and Aesthetics
Modern security roller shutters come in various styles, colours, and finishes, allowing you to choose your preferred design that complements the aesthetics of your property. This customisation enhances security and adds to the overall curb appeal of your home or business.
Final Thoughts
Investing in security roller shutters ensures you peace of mind by knowing your property is well-protected against a wide range of threats while enjoying the added benefits of privacy, comfort, and aesthetics. QLD Roller Shutters is a trusted name in the industry, known for their impeccable installation and construction of roller shutters. They will tailor the perfect solution to meet your specific needs. Contact them today to inquire and fortify your property.
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unit2-ss24 · 7 months
The 1950s - part 2
Teenagers of the fifties - Teenage Rock
More people began to own cars and modern gadgets started to become more common in people's homes. Music and fashion were revolutionised during this decade. The 1960s has always had a reputation of breaking barriers and celebrating individuality, but the roots of many of these changes were laid in the decade before, the 1950s. Life was moving forward at an exciting and revolutionary rate.
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During the 1950s cars took a huge rise as the "modern" era expanded its horizons to new technologies and inventions. Now known as 'the classics' these cars took centre front throughout the fifties.
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Cars during the 1950s were starting to get a lot more power as well as lots of chrome and flare. The auto industry was changing fast and people were enjoying this post war era. These cars helped pave the way for decades to come in the auto world. In this video it talks about how the car has changed from the decades before.
There is no doubt that the 1950s has gone down in history as a period of great change and revolution. It marks the beginnings of many things that we view to be a part of modern Britain. The term 'teenager' was invented, and young people found individuality for the first time. It was an exciting time to be young and a fun time as well. Optimism was high, unemployment was almost non-existent and the birth rate was soaring.
Television was enjoyed by about two thirds of the population near to the end of the fifties, watching the Queen's Coronation on TV in 1953 was an exciting social event in which multiple families crowded around a single set.
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The 50s saw the beginnings of the introduction of several 'mod cons' into the home, this began to make family life both easier and ultimatly more fun. New gadgets meant that women, who typically took care of running the home, benefitted the most. In time, as more and more inventions became affordable for the average family, women would be given more freedom to focus on other things as they had more time on their hands.
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The fifties was a decade that saw gradual improvement in living standards and home comforts as we know it today. It was an exciting decade, paving the way for modern Britain. Even the simple teabag originates from the 1950s.
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The clothing industry was brought alive by the invention of several fabrics that gave style new endless opportunities. Stretchy fabrics, like nylon, allowed clothes to keep their shape and at the same time feel comfortable which women especially never got to experience.
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Nylon advert, 1950
Polyester appeared shortly after nylon. It made a way for variety in colour and printed patterns to be on fabrics. Polyester became the new head of the clothing industry, it was the perfect material to dye or to print onto. Suddenly the choice of colour and pattern seemed limitless.
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The fashion industry exploded, and teenagers were very much at the forefront of it all. The new teenagers dressed very differently from their parents for the first time in history. Stores dedicated areas solely for teenage clothing in which has continued to the modern day today. Young people suddenly had their own opinions about what they wanted to wear and were hugely enthusiastic about it. They took a step away from their parents for the first time and did their own thing.
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Teenagers in America in the 1950s.
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Teenagers in England in the 1950s.
The existence of aerosol hairspray in the 1950s also gave young people the opportunity to create different hairstyles that could be held in place more easily and be used as a sign of youth and a source of rebellion from the parents. As well as this backcombing became increasingly popular. However, not only was backcombing bad for the hair, but the aerosols used to secure it were bad for the environment. Although back in the fifties, no one was any the wiser, and the advances in hairstyle and makeup gave a new lease of life to women's fashion and their freedom.
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Record players became smaller and more affordable and the records themselves followed suite, this progression meant that records became cheaper and more durable therefore meaning sales by young people soared. As the fifties reached a close, half of all music was purchased by teenagers. This may have not been the case if it was not for the change in the music itself. 1950’s saw the birth of Rock 'n' Roll.
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The film stars of the 1950s became the icons of the younger generation. Marlon Brando was one of the new method actors that no longer played the romantic hero, but a young man that was angry with society. The youths of the day identified with his character and took inspiration from his fashions.
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James Dean starred in “Rebel without a Cause” (1955). His struggle with power throughout the film again appealed to the youths of the 1950s who were fed up with conforming to their parents who subsided to the pre-war attitudes.
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Girls of the 1950s had many icons, one of these was Jayne Mansfield. Who was known as the original Blonde bombshell.
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The face of the decade had to be the one and only Marilyn Monroe who is still a fashion icon today.
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the three women shown below where three of the most famous screen stars of the fifties pictured in the film “How to marry a Millionaire” (1953).
Marilyn Monroe is seen to be wearing a one piece bathing costume decorated with rhinestones and plastic shoes. Lauren Bacall has a typical young style dress with a full circular skirt stiffened petticoat, and Betty Grable appears in matching shorts and top with a side tied neckerchief.
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Although influential, the actors of the day were nothing compared with the music revolution that was taking place, and the main star being Elvis Presley.
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The rock and roll movement was well and truly alive in England, they were inspired by American films and their stars.
For the youth of the 1950s there was nothing better than heading down to the local dance hall on a Friday night to dance the night away.
This was the typical dress of the 1950s rock and roll chick. The dress is brought in at the waist with a full skirt.
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The two girls below from 1957 are wearing three quarter length tapered trousers, with a zip at the bottom to give extra tightness. And the blouses borrowed from men’s shirts.
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mimicocoaus · 8 months
The Pros of a Shower Base: Enhancing Your Bathroom Experience
When it comes to bathroom renovations or new construction, choosing the right stone shower bases Australia is an important decision. A shower base, also known as a shower pan or shower tray, is the foundation of your shower. It not only provides a functional surface for showering but also plays a significant role in the overall design and durability of your bathroom. In this blog post, we will explore the various benefits of installing a shower base and how it can enhance your bathroom experience.
Easy Installation and Maintenance
One of the top advantages of a shower base is its ease of installation. Unlike traditional tile showers, which require intricate and time-consuming installation, a shower base can be quickly and easily installed in your bathroom. Most shower bases come as a one-piece unit, eliminating the need for grout and reducing the chances of leaks over time. Additionally, shower bases are low-maintenance, as their smooth surface is easy to clean and resistant to stains and mould.
Waterproof and Leakproof
Leakage and water damage are common concerns in bathrooms, especially in shower areas. A shower base provides a waterproof and leakproof barrier, protecting the underlying structure from water penetration. With proper installation and sealing, the shower base Australia ensures that water stays confined to the shower area, minimising the risk of damage to walls, floors, and adjacent areas. This not only preserves the integrity of your bathroom but also prolongs its lifespan.
Enhanced Accessibility and Safety
For individuals with mobility issues, a shower base can significantly improve accessibility and safety. Many shower bases are designed with non-slip surfaces, providing better traction and reducing the risk of slips and falls. Some bases also offer customisable options, such as low thresholds or ramped edges, making it easier for wheelchair users or those with limited mobility to enter and exit the shower safely.
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Versatile Design Options
Shower bases come in a wide range of designs, sizes, and materials, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your bathroom style and preferences. Whether you prefer a classic look, a sleek and modern design, or something in between, you can find a shower base that complements your overall bathroom aesthetics. From different colours and textures to various materials such as acrylic, fibreglass, or solid surfaces, the design possibilities are endless.
Customisable Features
In addition to design options, shower bases also offer customisable features to enhance your showering experience. Some bases come with built-in seating options, allowing you to have a comfortable place to sit while showering. Others offer recessed storage shelves or niches for keeping your shower essentials within reach. These customisable features add convenience and functionality to your shower space, making your daily routine more enjoyable.
Cost-Effective Solution
Compared to tiling the entire shower area, installing a shower base is a cost-effective solution. Shower bases are generally less expensive than tile and require less labour for installation. Additionally, they eliminate the need for frequent regrouting and resealing, reducing long-term maintenance costs. With a shower base, you can achieve a high-quality, durable shower system without breaking the bank.
Increased Property Value
Investing in a shower base is not only beneficial for your enjoyment but also adds value to your property. A well-designed and functional bathroom is a desirable feature for potential buyers. A properly installed and maintained shower base demonstrates attention to detail and quality, making your home more attractive to potential buyers and potentially increasing its resale value.
A shower base Australia offers numerous advantages that enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your bathroom vanities. From easy installation and low maintenance to waterproofing and customisable design options, a shower base is a practical and cost-effective solution. Whether you're renovating your bathroom or building a new one, investing in a quality shower base can significantly improve your showering experience and add value to your home.
So, why not consider a shower base for your next bathroom project and upgrade your daily routine?
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Bangalore's Dynamic Workplaces: A Look at Modern Office Interior Designs
In the heart of India's bustling technology hub, Bangalore, a quiet revolution has been taking place within the walls of its corporate offices. The city, often referred to as the "Silicon Valley of India," is known for its vibrant startup culture, multinational corporations, and a workforce that's constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. As the business landscape evolves, so do the workplaces that house these brilliant minds. Modern office interior designs in Bangalore have become a reflection of the city's dynamic and forward-thinking spirit.
The traditional office setup of drab cubicles and monotonous grey walls is fast becoming a relic of the past. Today, companies in Bangalore are embracing innovative interior designs that not only enhance aesthetics but also promote productivity, creativity, and employee well-being. Let's take a closer look at some of the key trends and elements that are shaping the modern office interior landscape in Bangalore.
Open Workspaces: Open-concept offices have gained immense popularity in Bangalore, breaking down the barriers of traditional office structures. These open spaces foster collaboration, communication, and a sense of unity among employees. With spacious workstations, ergonomic seating, and natural light pouring in through large windows, these offices provide a comfortable and motivating environment for employees.
Biophilic Design: Bangalore's office interiors are increasingly incorporating biophilic design principles. With an emphasis on bringing nature indoors, this design approach incorporates elements such as indoor plants, natural materials, and large windows to connect employees with the outdoors. Biophilic design not only enhances aesthetics but also promotes well-being, reduces stress, and boosts creativity.
Flexible Work Areas: The concept of flexible workspaces has become a cornerstone of modern office interior design. Companies are providing employees with a variety of work settings, from open collaboration areas to quiet pods for focused work. This flexibility allows employees to choose the environment that best suits their tasks and preferences, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
Tech-Driven Design: Given Bangalore's tech-savvy reputation, it's no surprise that technology plays a central role in office interior designs. Smart offices are equipped with state-of-the-art tech solutions, including IoT devices, advanced video conferencing systems, and app-controlled lighting and climate control. These technologies not only streamline work processes but also contribute to a futuristic and innovative atmosphere.
Vibrant Color Schemes: The days of dull and monochromatic office interiors are long gone. Modern workplaces in Bangalore are embracing vibrant colour schemes that reflect the company's culture and values. Bold accent walls, colourful furniture, and creative graphics inject energy and personality into the workspace.
In the heart of this bustling city, one company stands out for its exceptional interior design services – Royal Interior Works. With a proven track record of transforming ordinary office spaces into modern, vibrant, and inspiring environments, Royal Interior Works is the go-to choice for businesses in Bangalore seeking to elevate their workspace.
Royal Interior Works understands the importance of aligning interior design with a company's values and objectives. They take a holistic approach, combining aesthetics, functionality, and employee well-being to create spaces that drive productivity and innovation. Whether it's an open-concept office, a biophilic oasis, or a tech-driven workspace, Royal Interior Works has the expertise to bring your vision to life.
Moreover, Royal Interior Works is committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and practices to create environmentally responsible office interiors. They take pride in helping companies reduce their carbon footprint while achieving stunning and sustainable designs.
In Bangalore's ever-evolving corporate landscape, the importance of a well-designed office space cannot be underestimated. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about creating an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and well-being. As modern office interior designs in Bangalore continue to evolve, Royal Interior Works remains a trusted partner for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve and provide their employees with inspiring and functional workspaces.
In conclusion, Bangalore's dynamic workplaces are a testament to the city's innovative spirit. The modern office interior designs in this vibrant city reflect the values and goals of businesses, emphasizing collaboration, well-being, and sustainability. With companies like Royal Interior Works leading the way, Bangalore's office interiors are setting new standards for the future of work. If you're looking to transform your office into a space that inspires and excites you, look no further than Royal Interior Works – where creativity meets functionality in the heart of Bangalore.
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radhestonex · 1 year
A Guide to Choosing Your Italian Marble Factory in India
Marble is a timeless and elegant choice for countertops in kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms. It has always been one of the most popular natural stones for home decor, and Italian and Indian marble are the most common types. The variety of colors and vein patterns that can be found in these natural stones can be quite overwhelming to the uninitiated. Radhe Stonex is the best Italian Marble Factory in India
We present to you the lowdown on Italian marble versus Indian marble; including the various qualities, colors, and varieties so that you can choose the best one for your house.
Properties of Italian Marble 
Because marble is a natural stone, the stone may have fissures and cracks in its deeper layers that may not be apparent on the surface. Consequently, the slabs you purchase may occasionally contain a high percentage of waste.
The floor should not be moved with heavy or sharp objects because marble is prone to scratches.
If you don't hire professionals to lay the stone, it might not be perfectly level.
Marble can deteriorate over time and develop hairline cracks from weight or pressure. Italian marble has a higher prevalence of this. However, this, according to many, enhances the charm of the stone age.
Granite, vitrified tiles, and marble are all more expensive.
Stains are common in marble because of their porous nature. It is made chemically from calcium carbonate, a basic salt that can react with acidic substances.
Marble Types and Colours Available in Market
The colors of Italian marble vary greatly. Rajnagar marble and Makrana marble are both available in distinct patterns and grains in shades ranging from pure white to grey. Jaisalmer marble is distinguished by its warm, deep yellow tones, while Andhi marble is renowned for its creamy pista green color. Abu is where black, silky marble is mined. The colors of Bidasar marbles range from muddy brown to deep green. Jodhpur is home to beautiful pink marble that occasionally has white and grey grains running through it.
Italian marble is renowned for its lustrous sheen and fine veins. Carrara's white or blue-grey marble, Botticino's pearly shades, and Pavonazzetto's or Red Verona's creamy white marble are the most well-known varieties.
Italian Marble 
Italy's marble is among the best in the world, and it is priced accordingly, with the less expensive varieties costing less than the more expensive fine stones. It can only be found in quarries at lower depths. Because there are so few cracks in the stone, their price is high. You will also need to take into account the costs of cutting the slabs to size and laying them in the pattern you want. Marble inlay requires highly skilled craftsmen to complete. Contingent upon how multifaceted the plan is, expenses can go up to Rs 2,500 for each square foot. Finally, the marble must be polished with carborundum-like fine stones, polished, and sealed with tin oxide. The cost of this polishing is about Rs 40 per square foot.
Uses of Marble
In luxurious residences, office lobbies, and hotels, marble is primarily used for flooring and cladding. It shouldn't be used outside, especially in polluted areas, because it can break. As an illustration: The world-famous Taj Mahal's white marble is said to be turning yellow as a result of Agra's industrial pollution.
Cleaning Tips for Italian Marble
Radhe Stonex is a kind of stone that needs a lot of care to keep looking good. Due to its porous nature, it is extremely susceptible to stains and scratches, which contrast starkly with a polished surface. Here are some suggestions for upkeep:
The marble will be stained by acids like vinegar, lime, and tomato, so clean up any spills right away.
Make use of chemical-free, environmentally friendly, diluted organic cleaners.
Use a barrier-forming sealant to seal the surface on a regular basis. It is time to re-seal when water stops beading on the surface.
To restore the surface's luster, marble should be polished again with carborundum stone and tin oxide every few years.
The water that is used to mop the floor shouldn't be hard or have chemicals in it.
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5 Incredible Animated Video Styles That Work For Corporates
Introduction: Corporate animation videos
Animated corporate videos are very engaging and stimulate the audience’s senses. They align with your brand voice and message statement to promote your company or business. They are different from the live-action videos that feature actors in reel time. Animations help you to build your corporate explainer videos from scratch –– with no limits on creative imagination as the barriers of the real-world shoot are overcome virtually.  
Hubspot reports show that 86% of businesses are using video content as the top digital marketing tool.
It is a common belief that corporate videos aren't visually captivating enough, or are assumed to be boring. To counter that belief, we have several animation styles to add that special ingredient to your videos!  
Why are animated videos needed in the corporate world?
Two key purposes for animated videos in the corporate world are:
(a) To increase brand awareness and simultaneously inform and educate the audience. Animated explainer videos are often useful for this purpose.
(b) To advertise your products and market your services to their fullest potential. Besides explaining trending or new ideas, this kind of video often boosts sales.
 94% of marketers claim that videos have helped to increase the user understanding of their product and services, while 81% of them feel that videos have boosted their sales.
 Here we have listed down five incredible animated video styles that work for the corporate:  
 1. Motion Graphic Animation
Motion graphics lets us explore more animation options with colors, motion, and different screen transition techniques to improve the aesthetic appeal of the video. It is a perfect pick for corporate videos that emphasize storytelling or present information in a distinct order. Characters can be introduced here as every frame follows a sequence of storyboards. Be it explanatory in nature or in advertisements, motion graphics is quite flexible for your use.
  2. Paper Cutout Animation
It is similar to stop-motion videos but has more creative animation. Paper Cutout Animation has been famous among marketing campaigns for being easily communicative – with storytelling as the focus. The cutouts may be made out of various things like paper, cardboard, fabrics, etc. with the aim of promoting the necessary brand voice.
    3. Animated Infographic
Animated infographics let the brands showcase their statistical data, sales, and improvements while explaining elaborate concepts concisely by using only illustrations, texts and sometimes audio. It allows both interactive and non-interactive types of data formats. Interactive infographics include dynamic elements like hyperlinks, tooltips, accordions and animations. While non-interactive types include static data with little animation like statistics, geographical data, hierarchy-based information, data comparison, and timelines.
  4. Whiteboard Animation
An excellent method to be straightforward and effective in corporate videos at the same time is through whiteboard animation. They break the data into manageable parts and build the plot through successive scenes. Parallel to the audio narration, graphic sketches are created on a whiteboard screen. It is a safe choice for a simple corporate explainer video.
  5. Typography Animation
Mostly textual data-based messages are conveyed to the audience through typography. It is efficient for easily and concisely communicating large amounts of information or statistical data. To capture the audience's attention, these videos combine animated words in a variety of fonts, font sizes, colours, and styles with vibrant visual components.
Typography videos are popular for advertisements or product launches but they can also be used for explaining services/products. They are well-known in corporate explainer videos, brand typography, IT hardware or data storage, etc.
 What does Wise Crow Media offer?
At Wise Crow Media, our mission is to support businesses driven by a purpose to create an impact among people. We offer our services to create visually appealing content of great quality, and communicate your message according to your brand’s requirements.
Our video production team creates concise, efficient and high-quality animated corporate videos that follow communicative audio-visual storytelling. We also maintain clear diction in speech with crisp scripts, accompanied by a clean animation style as per your company/brand’s requirements.
No need to look any further for the best corporate video production company in India, when Wise Crow Media is right here for you to add purpose, value and the right style to your content!
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