#breakfast with aos
ryder616 · 2 years
Since the aos tag feels like we're back to circa 2016 with the bad takes, here's my contribution for a better blast from the past 😁
The Laws of Inferno Dynamics (still the coolest episode title), aka the finale for the Ghost Rider's pod, aired on December 6, 2016.
It had Quake, Slingshot and Ghost Rider working together (much too briefly). Family drama with a side order of quantum physics. The (already sentient, fight me) android once again saving the day. A barbecued villain, extra crispy. The USS Mackelena leaving port full speed ahead. The USS Philinda entering their LMD Phase (v. 1.0 😁).
And this Queen Goddess returned to the fold:
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Money quote:
Eli: I am becoming a god.
Robbie: You better be. Because the devil is coming for you.
And then the show didn't come back until January 10.
The hardships we endured... 🤭
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Can you do like- a lil scene of Kuro and Ryuuji having to bond bc Rin isn't around or smth? I rarely ever see content of Ryuuji and Kuro interacting but I adore it.
Kuro and Ryuuji scenes are the best <3 Rin is (kind of) around in this fic, but he's asleep. I hope it fits the bill ^^
Tw/Cw for vaguely implied child abuse from Section 13.
— — /ᐠ ̥  ̮  ̥ ᐟ\ฅ — —
Bon was weary and it had been the worst sort of day. The sort where he honestly wanted to curl up in a ball and not move for a few days. Possibly even cry.
It had been more than a year, but every time he found out something new about Section 13 and the monstrosities it conducted, it still tore out his heart. It still had him fisting his hands and trying to fight off nausea. The investigation had been taken over by an official unit, but Lightning still led the charge and Bon ended up working with the shit more often than not.
The dorm was quiet when he slipped inside, a bit too weary to make the trek back to his own dorm to spend a night alone. He’d rather curl up with Rin and hold him while he fought off the demons. Rin would be asleep, but he’d still be warm and solid, and Bon would still be happy to hold and cuddle his boyfriend. 
He trudged up the steps, a bit curious about the lack of greeting meows. Kuro typically wandered the halls at night, or the areas around the dorm. Bon would always get greeted partway up the path to the dorm, or at the stairs. Kuro would meow, Bon would give him a few chin scratches, and they’d walk the rest of the way to Rin’s room together while Bon gave him a vague sort of update/explanation for why he was here. 
While Bon had never been much of a cat person, he was sad to be alone. He enjoyed the time and the little meows and cherrups Kuro would give as he talked. 
The bedroom door was cracked, and Bon could already hear the twins’ joined snores from outside. The sound had once grated on him (back before he’d really even known who Rin was) but now it was familiar and had the tense lines of his shoulders relaxing a little. He pushed the door open and slipped inside, pausing when he heard a confused sort of ‘mrow?’
“Mrow!” Not loud enough to wake the twins, but enough to confirm Bon’s suspicions. A glance around didn’t reveal the cat sidhe, but he stepped further in the room anyway and gently moved the door back to mostly shut. Just enough for a cat sidhe to slip in and out. 
Satisfied with that, he went to Rin’s dresser, tugged the middle drawer open, and pulled out the pajama bottoms he kept over here. He set them on top of the dresser next to the pictures of Shirou and Yuri, and began to tug off his tie and uniform.
A low purr drew his attention, along with a slight fuzzy pressure against his bare ankle. Kuro rubbed up against him, lightly scenting him and greeting him. 
“Hey bud,” he bent down to give the cat sidhe a scratch behind the ears and got a louder purr as both tails weaved merrily through the air before going still. Kuro turned his head fully into Bon’s ankle and took a deep sniff before making a disgruntled sort of noise. 
“Sorry. It’s been a rough night.”
Kuro sat down and stared up at him expectantly while Bon continued to change into his pajamas. He managed to get dressed in his night things and started on folding his clothes before the glowing stare finally made him crack.
“Alright. I’ll tell ya. Just stop with the guilt trip, okay?” 
Kuro trilled. 
Focusing back on his clothes — it was always easiest to talk about these sort of things when he was doing something else—he started to explain the latest finds and the new horrors they’d unraveled. He lifted Kuro up once he was finished folding and carefully made his way to the bed. Rin had shoved himself up against the wall like he always did, so Bon just slipped in beside him and coaxed his head from the pillow to Bon’s arm. Rin’s leg looped over his hip, and his arm draped over Bon’s stomach as he turned into the kola he always was.
Kuro waited just until Rin was settled and snoring loudly again—he’d never actually stopped snoring—to climb up on Bon’s chest and settle so his head was nudged under Bon’s chin. He used to dislike this sort of weight, but… well. He’d never actually slept with anyone until Rin. He’d always had his own space and never had to deal with other people pressing against him or throwing a limb on him. It had been a bit overwhelming, a bit too warm, too different, and then…
And then it had become comforting, and it had gotten hard to sleep without it. Kuro’s weight was welcome and comforting, and his little breaths were strangely soothing.
Kuro kneaded at his shoulder, and Bon nodded (slightly) his understanding.
“Yeah. It just… It was a lot. And I know we already knew this shit, and that I shoulda put it together already, but I just…” he sighed, voice hardly more than a breath. Not even as loud as Rin’s rumbling snore or Yukio’s stuffy sounding snore. More than enough for Kuro’s demonic ears though. “I keep hoping, you know? Keep hoping that someone actually cared. That I’ll finally find a file about someone helping all those kids. They didn’t deserve any of that shit.”
Kuro nudged his chin and made a low mournful noise.
“Right? It sucks. And I can’t stop thinking about those clones at the other lab. They were just kids too. I know they’re out there still doing this shit and those kids are being hurt too, and left like that. I gotta do something to help and instead I’m just—”
Kuro hissed and pulled his head out from under Bon’s. His glowing eyes were narrowed in a glare and the soothing purr he’d been doing — which Bon hadn’t even noticed but had enjoyed — stopped. 
“Don’t look at me like that. You weren’t there. You don’t know what it’s like.”
Kuro’s ears went momentarily back before flicking forward again. He got a little lower and the hiss turned into a full growl as he bared his teeth. 
“I should—”
Kuro head butted his chin hard enough to make him shut his mouth. It was a silly move, but it did make it where Bon could feel his horns. They weren’t particularly threatening in his tiny form, but they were something unmistakably demonic. 
Satisfied with that move and Bon’s silence, Kuro sat back and stared him down. His tails flicked over Bon’s hands, and for a moment, he wished desperately that he could understand what the cat sidhe’s sad eyes were trying to tell him. So much so that he was tempted to wake Rin and ask him to translate.
He wouldn’t. At least one of them deserved a nice night. Asking would remind Rin of the horrors he’d seen in that horrible place, and Bon wouldn’t do that. He just stared back and tried not to think of the terrible images and awful explanations for the crimes committed in that lab.
Kuro nudged his way under Bon’s hand and licked along his wrist before nuzzling him there. He held Bon’s gaze as he did, his double tails flicking through the—
Oh. Right. Double tails. Of course. How stupid of him. 
He shifted the hand Kuro was nuzzling and didn’t try to stop the tears that filled his eyes this time. A few half muffled sobs left him, but he mostly stifled them. Rin slept like the dead and Yukio slept like the mostly dead, so he knew he wasn’t being too loud for them. Hell, he could shout and that might wake Yukio, but even that was a toss up. He cuddled Kuro close, wrapped his arm tight around Rin, and explained it all. Kuro made a few mournful noises and kept up the soothing purrs as he explained and kept his head tucked under Bon’s, which made it easier to let the tears streak down cheeks until he finally explained it all. 
The resulting silence felt less heavy than when he’d come in.
“I forget some times,” he finally murmured, stroking down Kuro’s back in long lines, “how old you are. You… you know how bad it can be.”
A mournful sort of meow and another gentle nuzzle against his throat. 
“What’s your secret? Huh? How do you deal with it?”
Kuro yowled in a way that sounded strangely like Rin’s name. His next yowl sounded a bit like Yuki. The cat flopped over on its side, letting Bon rub along its belly and purred a little louder.
A hiss. No?
Another hiss.
“What? People?”
A purr, so yes.
No. He didn’t get it.
Kuro sat up and stared him down again. He nudged Bon’s chin, and then nuzzled Rin’s sleeping cheek before sitting back on his haunches and staring Bon down. 
“I don’t… what? Connections?”
Kuro huffed out a tired and frustrated sound, and yeah, Bon got that. “Want me to wake him up?”
A hiss. At least they were in agreement on Rin sleeping. 
Kuro stared for another moment and tilted his head. His ears flicked, his eyes widened, and he suddenly smiled. He shuffled forward slightly and put a paw over Bon’s chest. Over his heart. 
Kuro nodded. Rin. Yukio. Heart. Huh. 
“Finding the good?”
Kuro nodded and flopped down on him again. He nudged his way under Bon’s chin and resumed his purring like it was as simple as that. 
He supposed it could be. After all, Section 13 had Yuri as well as all those monsters. It had created Shirou, who had tried to make a difference. It had Jenny who had died for the kids, and it had led to the two other boys in this room. It didn’t fix the wrongs, but it was something to hold onto. In the meantime, he had a purring cat who (unless he was mistaken) had grown a bit larger. The weight was soothing, and the soft vibrations were making his eyes heavy against his will. 
He was woken up twice by Kuro, right when the dreams started to go south. A paw in the face wasn’t the best way to wake up, but it was better than the dreams. Kuro flopped on top of his head after the second one, and it was better than a sleep mask at blocking out the light, and he hoped it would block out the nightmares too. He woke up hacking on cat fur, but he still felt better for it. 
(And if he snuck Kuro a bit of his breakfast, well, what Rin didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.)
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
Why, whyyyy wasn’t a second anime season of Inu x Boku SS made? Despite the blatant fan-service targeted toward men at times, it was a beautiful love story overall between two flawed people. It had many great characters and the comedic moments were good as well. Not to mention Yuuichi Nakamura, the talented seiyuu with the legendary sexy voice, voiced Soushi Miketsukami. The anime ended just where the manga by the late Cocoa Fujiwara really starts to get intense. There are so many scenes in the manga that I would have loved to see animated. I’m happy the anime left off with Soushi and Ririchiyo together, but the disappointment still stings. Giving only one anime season to shoujo anime, even if the ratings are good, seems to have become the norm (Ao Haru Ride also received this treatment, I recall bitterly, and I fear that Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi will share the same fate). The only silver lining to this is that it nudges fans to seek out and read the manga.
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francesderwent · 2 years
I had chocolate ice cream and salt and vinegar chips for dinner, how’s your sunday going
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hyperpopplaylist · 2 years
god dude i want weed and like a pizza so so so bad but i have$6
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how have i managed to make all the Worst decisions possible this morning
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thesoundofmadness · 11 months
just discovered a new fantastic way to enjoy scrambled eggs
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othercrossee · 1 year
Togabito artists will really draw a gaku that makes u wish u were mochi instead
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daybr43ks-lam8 · 2 years
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piplupod · 2 years
day 4 or 5 of having sore jaw and I'm just... why
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eywathemother · 1 year
Fish Lips Part 3
Ship: Aonung x Kiri's twin sister!Reader
Warnings: Language, bullying, gore, fighting, talk of war, injury and blood, slow burn, enemies to lovers (not really a warning just some people don't like that trope), death of (a) character(s), not proofread
Words: 2,714
Keys: (y/n) = your name,,(y/i/n) = your Ikran's name,, Neural Queue= the braid extension of a Na'vi's nervous system that allows them to link up to animals and Ewya,,(y/II/n) = your ilu's name,,
Chapters; Introduction || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 ||
Taglist; @akinatrix , @willowbrookesblog , @lovesickbtch , @ao-sleepy , @elli-aesthetics , @ducks118 , @aeclark04 , @audigay ,@lola-bunn1 , @curlszx88 , @kidwithaheavystick ,
Spoilers for Avatar: The Way of Water A whole ass lot.
Crying cuz I forgot to mention the reader is not identical to Kiri or Grace. I'm so stupid, it's literally a big plotline and I completely grazed over it. I hope you all just assumed that cuz if not.... idk now you know.
Tell me your thoughts!! I have everything planned out like I said but I'm indecisive if I want to kill Neteyam and give the reader a darker arc or keep Neteyam alive and have the readers stay more moral so share with me which one you would like to see more.
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You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as you and Neteyam prepared for your early morning duty of feeding the Ikran. As the two oldest you have more responsibility than the others, not that you mind, you've always loved tasks that kept you busy.
" You think they'd eat this?" Neteyam whispered lifting up a bright orange fish with bug eyes. You scoffed in disgust, flicking the weird fish out of your face." I wouldn't test it. Look at its face." You poked the dead fish, watching it jiggle.
" I would never feed my baby that." Neteyam rolled his eyes, you took the Ikran's health a bit too seriously in his opinion. You didn't allow them to eat or try anything new, the fear of accidental poisoning was the explanation you gave when you were asked about your weird monitoring habit.
You finished collecting food for the Ikrans and headed out with Neteyam, who was having trouble holding his head up." Sometimes I wish we could sleep in." He yawned, rubbing his eyes and dragging his hand down his face.
" I'm sure you'll be fine." You turned around to face him, your thoughts quickly taken over by Aonung who was walking behind you with something in his arms. Your ears flattened quickly and Neteyam turned his head slightly to peak over his shoulder.
" Fantastic, just what we needed." You snarled under your beath and Neteyam kicked some sand at you." Shut up, he's the chiefs son." Neteyam scolded you and you rolled your head to the side in annoyance.
Neteyam turned back to the front as Aonung eyed you as you turned forward away from his pointed gaze. You turned your sight towards the waters, spotting Tsireya and Rotxo in the water. They seemed to be ushering something in the water towards the shallow area.
" What do you think they're doing?" Neteyam questioned, readjusting his hold on his basket. You shrugged, focusing on the path before you." Let's just go feed the Ikran's and go eat breakfast."
After feeding them their fish, you and Neteyam walked back to your Marui. You were starving, hoping there was at least a little left for both of you. Considering Tuk and her big appetite would swallow a whole table of food.
As you got closer to the stairs you saw Tsireya standing next to them, talking to her brother rather aggressively. You've never seen her look that irritated before and you watcher her stomp off as Aonung huffed and walked towards the water.
" Family drama at its finest." You shook your head and Neteyam chuckled." If that was you and Lo'ak you'd be scratching and hissing at each other." You feigned offence, holding your hand to your chest." Me? Agressive towards my brother?" You waved your hand up and down in his face and rolled your head to the side with a dramatic sigh." It seems you do not know me brother. I am truly baffled and saddened by your false accusations."
He smirked, mimicking your eye roll." Perhaps we left my actual sister back in the forest and you're a hallucination because my (y/n) religiously punches her brother in the head." He pinched you." See look my fingers slightly went through you. You don't exist."
You snorted, poking his ribcage. He pretended to not feel a thing and gasped, acting shock." No way, I didn't feel a thing!" You stuck out your bottom lip." How could I be fake? I'm too gorgeous for your simple mind to comprehend, you would never be able to create such a flawless being with that brain of yours."
You dramatically flipped your hair, but you were too aggressive, and a bead hanging on the end of one of your braids swung around, hitting your right eye.
" OW! Shit!!" You cried, covering your eye that was currently burning excruciatingly. Neteyam laughed at you, holding his stomach. His laughs got more historical as you sent him a disgusted look and tears ran out of your eye.
" Why are you laughing! What if I popped a vein in my eye!" You yelled, smacking him as you kept your eye closed. He rolled his eyes; he continued to giggle and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. " I'm not even sure it works like that."
" What? Are you calling me stupid?" You put your hand on your eye, tears continuing to fall. " What would be new about that?" You scoffed, flicking his shoulder." Anyways let's get some breakfast before it's all gone."
"Ok.." There was a pause as you guys started walking again." Race you!" He cried, not even warning you as he took off. You growled in frustration." I'm not racing you!"
" Lame-o, I'll be eating your breakfast then!" He cried and you just rolled your eyes, or eye as your other one was still burning. You slowed down your walking pace, enjoying the peace and quiet.
It didn't last long though because you felt a tap on your shoulder, a grunt following. You turned around, a scowl on your face." What?" You barked at Aonung who was holding a rag in one of his hands.
" I saw your idiot self hit your eye." He stated taking your hand that was covering your right eye and placed a cool cloth in it." I don't need your cloth." You huffed, placing it back in his hand and he groaned.
" Just take it!" He scowled, placing the towel on your eye this time, forcing you to take it and hold it. It made the burning sensation immediately calm down, it felt great, but you weren't about to admit that to Aonung.
An angry pout formed on your face and Aonung smirked at your annoyance." See? You did need my cloth." He whispered arrogantly in your face, and his smirk widened into a grin watching your face contort into disgust. " Stop flirting Aonung we still need a few more things for today's training." His sister called from behind him, and he immediately took a step back from you, giving her a scoff.
You didn't even realize how close he got to your face because of the annoyance of just him being there. You turned your head to Tsireya who held a smirk of amusement on her face. You bowed your head a bit in greeting and took Aonung's towel off your eye.
You threw it at his chest which he caught with a growl." I wasn't flirting, just trying to be nice to this stuck-up brat." He taunted you and you snarled at him. Your eye still hurt so you kept it shut, you rubbed it lightly. You hit your eye surprisingly hard so it would probably be red for a little while.
You turned on your foot sharply, lifting your chin up at him. His amused laugh rang from behind you, and you heard Tsireya smack him.
When you arrived back at your families Marui your breakfast had gotten cold. You still ate it but blamed it heavily on Aounung's 'kindness'.
" Let's gooooo." Tuk whined, pulling your face from your food as you tried to shovel the remaining fish into your mouth." Slow down, you do not want to choke." Neytiri informed, cleaning up Tuk's area and watching in a bit of amusement as you gulped down the rest.
" I just don't want to be late." You explained as you stood up as Tuk continued to pull your arm. She hummed." Have fun." She called out and you saluted, quickly rushing out of the Marui to catch up to your siblings.
You made your way to the water where everyone was waiting for you and Tuk." Finally." Aonung grumbled, earning an elbow from Tsireya." Today we will be teaching you how we transport from place to place in the water." She explained, ushering you all into the sea.
Once you got waist deep you all stopped. Aonung clicked and let out a call. An animal came swimming by, doing a circle and another one came to a halt next to Aonung. " These are ilu." He pointed his hands at them, as you watched the animal move.
"If you want to live here-" He started until a hiccup came from you, and you quickly covered your mouth. You looked shyly away from his annoyed gaze as your ears heated up in embarrassment." Sorry, ate too fast."
Although he was disgusted with the idea of him being attracted to you, he found you a bit cute in this moment. You weren't being obnoxious or aggressive, there was no sign of the aggravating girl he just met.
It only lasted for a second though, because Lo'ak laughed at you causing you to scowl. Of course Aonung doesn't like you though, one moment can't shape his whole view of you. No, no, he definitely isn't attracted to you, not even a little.
He rolled his eyes." You have to ride." He finished his sentence and you hiccupped again. His ears went slightly back in annoyance." Will you stop." He barked at you and your scoffed." I'm not doing it on purpose." You fought back and Tsireya hopped in the middle, trying to deescalate the situation.
" How about we ride now." She smiled and Neteyam pinched your ear that was still red." I will take Lo'ak and Tuk." Tsireya said with a smile, and you grumbled under your breath as you and Neteyam moved over to Aonung.
" You go first." You suggested to Neteyam, shoving his arm in the ilu's direction. And Neteyam glared at you, not liking your demanding tone. You only smirked at him as Aonung led him over to the ilu.
He began explaining something to Neteyam who paid attention inventively, unlike you who was slowly trying to back away and leave." Where do you think you're going?" Aonung questioned, he grabbed your forearm, pulling you towards him.
You sighed, as your shook your head in annoyance and he scowled. He kept his hand around your forearm forcing you in place." Pay attention." He scolded; he didn't feel like getting into trouble because you didn't want to bother to learn.
You turned your head towards Lo'ak who was already on his ilu ready to ride. You tapped Neteyam's shoulder with the back of your hand and he turned, briefly annoyed.
" Hold here." Tsireya tapped the saddle that had a place in front to grip. Aonung let go of your arm, moving closer to watch better as you and Neteyam stood there watching your brother.
" Let's bet on if he stays on or not." Neteyam whispered to you, and you scrunched your nose, with a devious smile on your face." You're on, I bet he'll fall off immediately." You snickered to him.
" Nah, He'll hold on for a little bit." Neteyam whispered to you, and you bumped his fist with yours." Okay bro, the loser has to do the other's chores for a week."
" Sweet, I'm totally gonna win this then." Neteyam laughed, as you watch Lo'ak begin to set himself up to go. " Look at his legs." You heard one of Aonung's friends snicker and you rolled your eyes. They just couldn't go a day without finding something wrong with your siblings to pick on." Hold on." Another one shouted, and surprisingly Aonung wasn't laughing with them. He seemed serious about his role as teacher.
Lo'ak sucked in a breath before moving at a quick pace into the water. Everyone ducked their heads into the water to watch and Lo'ak actually lasted a decent amount of time before he fell off.
Your ears went back in annoyance as your brother came to the surface for air. Everyone laughed at him, including Neteyam who patted your back." It's ok you lost." He smirked and you rolled your eyes.
The ilu splashed Lo'ak in the face before swimming off, and he let out a huff of frustration." You alright forest boy?" Aonung called out and you crossed your arms as he came over." Nice going, I was rooting for you to fall off immediately." You grimaced and Lo'ak rolled his eyes.
" You have that little faith in me?" You nodded immediately." Of course." You teased and Neteyam laughed, giving Lo'ak a pat." She's just mad she has extra chores now."
" You guys bet on me?" He asked.
" Of course." You and Neteyam said in unison. Aonung came over, shooing Lo'ak away." Go back, you still have training to finish." He told him and Lo'ak rolled his eyes before leaving to go back to Tsireya who began giving him tips on how to get better.
" Okay, Neteyam you're next." Aonung informed and called over another ilu." Okay so if you fall off sooner than Lo'ak did you get your chore duties back." You looked at Neteyam and he shrugged." Okay fine. If I last longer then it's two weeks."
You nodded in agreement, there was no way he was gonna last longer than Lo'ak. He hopped onto it's back, connecting his Neural Queue to the ilu's. " Ready to lose?" He teased you and Aonung rolled his eyes." Go." He demanded and Neteyam went forward.
You watched as he started off slow, then when he went into the water, he continued that speed. You and Aonung squatted to look into the water next to each other, watching his movements. He circled back still on the ilu and you and Aonung came back up as Neteyam breached the water.
You slapped the water in frustration, your face scrunched in annoyance and your ears in airplane mode. Aonung smirked at your reaction, he wouldn't deny the entertainment he got from watching you interact with your brothers.
" Two weeks now." Neteyam his smug smile pissing you off more." Aw upset you lost both bets." He teased, pulling your ear and you let out a sharp and quick hiss of annoyance. Both Aonung and Neteyam snickered at you, and you rolled your eyes.
" Okay your turn." Aonung pointed you towards the ilu which you reluctantly climbed on. " Okay last bet for funsies." Neteyam gave a smug smirk, confident he'd win another week off of chores. You turned to face him." If you last as long as I did and go as fast as Lo'ak started, you'll only have one week of my chores to do."
"Okay, what if i lose?" You asked, squinting at him." Four weeks." You thought for a moment and gave him a smug smirk in return." Fine I will."
Aonung shook his head, going over to your left side where your leg rested up high. You and Lo'ak both rode the ilu like an Ikran which was both of your guy's problem. He grabbed your thigh and forced your leg down.
You let out a squeak of surprise, whipping your head towards him." If you ride it like that, you'll pull a muscle." He warned with that annoying smirk of his on his face. He went to stand next to Neteyam as you shook your head, your ears red in embarrassment.
You hated being corrected, it made you feel like a child." Get going, win those four weeks." Neteyam teased you and you sent a glare over your shoulder as you plunged yourself into the water at a high speed.
You tightened your legs around the ilu and bent forward a bit more, gripping the handle of the saddle for dear life. You managed to stay on until the turn which made you slip your grip a bit. You quickly grabbed it with your other hand, the one you originally had gripping the handle stinging.
You came to a quick halt in front of Aonung and Neteyam with a sly smile." Guess it's just one week." Neteyam sighed a bit annoyed, Aonung was actually impressed by what you just managed to pull off. He wasn't able to achieve that speed like that until almost a week later.
He noticed your other hand a bit red, he immediately thought of wrapping it with his cloth he tried to get you to use on your eye this morning, but he fought against that thought. No way he'd do that in front of his friends and for a brat like you.
He didn't like you, not at all, he hated you.
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myladysapphire · 6 months
His Sapphire Princess (VII)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,090
CW: bad parenting
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n this chapter is mainly filler and im not that happy with it
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After two years and her mothers three failed attempts to get her to abandoned her engagement with Aemond to marry, the now newlywed,Cregan, she was at Dragonstone. Where she was greeted by a new baby brother, Aegon, or Aegon the younger as many referred to him. It was strange, the babe was the exact image of her, had her face, her smile, her eyes, but they were also the eyes and the smile of Daemon, and the face of Rhaenyra. And yet unlike her, this babe was loved, adored even. And she was becomeing more and more of an outsider to her own family. And the babe in her mothers belly would only push her further away.
"Visenya?" she heard Daemon call, despite the hesitancy, the pair had become somewhat close. Daemon having taken up time to train her with a sword, aswell has teach her all that he knew, an activity that had previously been reserved solely to Baela, a fact the girl had ahted so much that she had left to Driftmark.
"Daemon" she replied, looking up from her book, " what is it?"
He laughed, "māzigon sir tala, kostagon iā kepa daor māzigon visit zȳhon tala va zirȳla Brōzio Tubis" he moved forward to pat her head.
come now daughter, can a father not come visit his daughter on her name day
High valyrian, the only lounge her 'father' would speak to her in, "sȳrī seeing hae iksā se mērī mēre qilōni ēza jeldan nyke iā biare Brōzio Tubis ēdan thought tolvys would sagon skipping ziry bisa jēdarī"
sȳrī seeing hae iksā se mērī mēre qilōni ēza jeldan nyke iā biare Brōzio Tubis ēdan thought tolvys would sagon skipping ziry bisa jēdarī
"daorys ēza forgotten, Se ao gīmigon bona, dōna riña" he sighed, "tala, nyke gīmigon skoros bisa Brōzio Tubis means, īlon mirre gaomagon, se aōha muña iksis paktot zirȳla self lēda worry. issa worried syt ao, dōna riña" she scoffed, "nyke gīmigon ziry gaomas daor urnēptre ziry se ēza va moriot issare distant...yn"
no one she has forgotten, and you know that, sweet a girl daughter, I know what this name day means, we all do, and your mother is beside her self full worry. he is worried for you, sweet a girl I know he does cannot show he and she has always been distant...but
"Dont make excuses for her! Gods, my whole life i have been put an arms length away, shown no love by my own mother, all because i am your daughter, and you abandoned her. I should hate you both!" she sneered, before taking a deep breath, "ēza dōrī, daor istin, celebrated ñuha Brōzio Tubis. gaoman daor jiōragon presents, iā gifts, daorun hen zirȳla. Se ao would pendagon bona va ñuha mōrī Brōzio Tubis, se ñuha ēlī lēda zirȳla isse lanta bōsa jēdri nyke would. se yet gaoman daor" she was angry, he could tell that, everyon could. At breakfast her mother didnt even acknowledge her. And in only a few days she would got to kingslanding and marry Aemond. Aemond who as it seemed had also forgotten her.
she has never, not once, celebrated my name day. i do not get presents, or gifts, nothing from her. and you would think that on my last name day, and my first with her in two long years i would. and yet i do not.
"Senya, I am your father, and you are my daughter, your mothers daughter and her heir. She cares, even if she does not show it." he smiled, grabbing her hand "Now your brothers have a surprise for you" he stood up, dragging her with him.
She and her brothers had become closer the few moons she had been back, especially her and Jacaerys.
The gardens of dragonstone had been covered in decorations, balloons and a banner saying happy name day. It was a far cry from the usual balls and feasts, but the next few moons would be filled with that. She had wanted something small, to work as her nameday and going away celebration. All she wanted was two things, a civil day with her family, and cake.
A four tiered cake sat in the centre of the gardens, decorated in pink, white and gold with a single candle ontop.
A big smile graced her face at the sight, making her brothers, who stood to the side filled with excitement. Even baby Aegon had a big proud smile,as if the whole thing was his own idea. Her mother was there, with a small smile gracing her lips, at the sight of her daughter.
Her brothers were quick to tackle her into a hug.
"Happy name day Senya!" Joffrey practically screamed.
Jace watched on with a big smile, before moving to taunt a teary eyed luke. "We have a cake! Come see!" Joffrey spoke, dragging her down the steps and into the garden.
"Make a wish!" Joffrey whispered in her ear, before running off to stand with the other guests, or the lords and ladies that ran with her mother from the red keep to dragonstone.
She made a wish, a wish she would never admit too and a wish she hoped would one day be true.
"Daughter" she heard her mother speak, causing her to look up from the cake. "I wish to talk to you"
"Why?" she asked bewliderd, moving away from the cake to follow her mother. Servants were already moving towards the cake to cut it up and serve, she hoped some would be saved for her, but the eyes of both Luke and Joffrey were staring at the cake with which she highly doubted it.
"Beacuse i am your mother and i...care for you" she replied, her eyes looking down in shame as she struggle to utter the last part, causing Visenya to scoff.
"Of course." she rolled her eyes.
They moved away to talk in an alcove away from the celebration, away from prying eyes.
"Are you sure-"
"Yes!" she innturrupted, "for the last time mother, Aemond and i have been friends our whole lives, and though we have become distant in the past years is does not mean that this wedding is something i no longer want, and the realm will be better for it. It will ease tensions between the branches of our family and hopefully unit them."
Her mother nodded her head. " i know that, but- "
"No, mother, dont try. Am I still your heir?" she asks, causing her mothers eyes to snap to hers.
"Yes, I promised you it...I will not take it back, just like my father didn't remove me as heir once Aegon was born."
She sighed, "Then, me marrying Aemond will hopefully appease the greens, their blood will still sit on the throne"
Her mother moved closer, and took her hands in hers, "you are my daughter, it is my job to worry, dōna riña." Visneya flinched at the words.
"And yet you have never seemed to care before" she moved back, her mother eys filling with pain.
She took a deep breath " you are right, i have..i have not always been...there for you- but i want to be now"
"Now?" she asked bewildered " now? Now that I am leaving in a few days, now that I am about to be married?now?" she asked, her voice breaking. "Why do you care now?"
Her mother looked down, tears in her eyes "because Daemon-"
"Oh Daemon! of course! Of course he is why you care. He was the reason you hated me to begin with, and now! Gods, it's so- i" it was ridiculous that's what and she hated it, and yet she could'nt bring herself to hate her mother.
She took a deep breath, and moved towards her mother, "i leave in less than a week, we should not argue, we- no you should be ofr once in my life civil with me, show me an ounce of the love you showed my brothers, and be my mother." she stepped back, looking over to the party, jace was looking over, his face filled with concern.
"Tala,-" her mother began, "Avy jorrāelan, gaoman. nyke vaoreznuni bona gaoman daor urnēptre ziry yn - istia shifang skorkydoso qopsa īles naejot jurnegon rȳ aōha laehurlion tolī daemon geptot nyke, se ōdres hen ziry haunted nyke rȳ ao se nyke dōrī teptan se bonf iā muña should emagon lēda zirȳla tala iā chance, se iksan vaoreznuni"
Daughter....i love you, i do... im sorry that i do not show it but - you must understand how hard it was to look at your face after Daemon left me, the pain of it haunted me through you and i never gave the bonf a mother should have with her daughter a chance, and i am sorry.
Visneya simply nodded her head and moved forward, she had heard nothing new today, it was the same old argument she seemed to hve with her mother everyother day.
"Senya!" she heard Jace call as she walked down the halls, she wouldnmt stop, she couldn't. She just wanted to get away. "Visenya!" he called again, finally catching up. He placed his hand on his shoulder stopping her. "What happened?" he asked.
"Nothing, it was the same as usual, that's' all" he nodded his head, seeing hse didnt want to talk.
"Here I stole some of the cake from the party-your party" he pulled out two slices of cake wrapped in napkins from his pockets, "we can go to your chambers and eat them if you want" his eyes had a longing in them, hope.
She nodded her head, walking towards her chamber door. They ate in silence, relaxing in each other's company.
"I'll miss you" he spoke suddenly, his voicebraking.
"And i'll miss you" she replied, taking his hand "ill miss you all" she said, turning to face him, hand in hers. "I'll miss everyone," she smiled.
"No '' Jace shook his head, "i'll miss you" his eyes had such a sotrng loinging in them, a longing she now finally realsied was for her? He leant forward, leaning in to kiss her.
"What are you doing?" she asked, jerking back.
Jace grew flustered, a blush coming to his face, "i-im sorry, i-i thought that!-"
"You thought wrong! Gods jace....i" she sighed, he was hurt, "i am to be wed, and mother is planning an bethrotahl between you a Baela, i- we can not and i do- i don't look at you that way"
Her heart broke at the look on his face, "perhaps it's best if you leave"
He nodded his head and left.
She was confused, Jace had never been like this with her, at least she didnt think so. Their mother had never hinted or asked for them to consider the chance of marrying eachother. In fact she seemed quite opposed to the idea. Perhaps Daemon had mentioned something, he had taken Jace to a tour of brothels for his last nameday. She had heard that he had only picked one to bed, a woman with silver hair and violet eyes, one that looked very similar to her. Even made replicas of her clothing and responded to her name. Creepy. She had known of childhood crushes on her, Aegon had been obsessed with ehr as a child, and prepas now, if his letters were any inclination. But Jace? It was just straight up confsuing.
"syt qogralbar sake, qubāje Brōzio Tubis mirre!" she mumbled falling back onto her bed.
for fuck sake, worst birthday ever!
The next few days were spent relatively alone. Her youngst brothers her only company. Before she knew it it was the day they were leaving. Her room was fully packed, only the base furniture remained. It was funny she hadn't even lived her a year and there would be no trace of her ever being her. She had no fond memories of this place. She doubted she would miss it.
Now winterfell she did miss. She missed Creagn. He had become her closest friend and confidont. But he was a thousand leagues away, it took an age to receive and send letters. She hoped one day she could visit, meet the child in his wifes belly and see him as lord of winterfell. If his uncle ever stopped being power hungry and actually gave his nephew his birthright.
"Tala" she heard her mother call out, " we are about to leave".
she should be exicted, years and longing to be with Aemond and yet suddently years of fustration filled her, yeards of letters sent and no reply.
she was to be his wife in a moons time, a moon of celebrations, fo tourneys and feasts.
but she didnt know him, not anymore, the last she had seen him, and spoke to him was that fatefull night at winterfell.
for all she knew he had become like Aegon, or he had stayed exaclty the same. or worse she had become something, somone she knew nothing about.
she knew there would be changes, with Aegon and Heleana married with children. she feared going back, and yet she knew it was her home. A home she never wanted to leave, but she feared she wouuld retun and feel even more alone than she did here.
next part
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His sapphire princess: @cathy1514 @iiamthehybrid @melllinaa @aleemendoza2425-blog @cassandra1995-blog1 @deltamoon666 @aelora-a @ryiana @isa-beenme @unique7676 @adriennepoison
HOTD: @taragryenmoony
Aemond: @blossomedflowerofluv @violet-potter
General: @flrboyd @theanxietyqueen17 @zillahvathek @dark-night-sky-99 @apollonshootafar
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luxtout · 8 months
Flames Unveiled (Chapter 1- Leather and Letters- Aegon II Targaryen X (Bastard Velaryon) Reader X Aemond Targaryen
Summary: After six years living away from Kings Landing, you and your family are summoned back, for reasons unknown. Your mother, Rhaenyra, has different plans for you. You swore to always protect your family, but at what cost?
Warning: Cursing, angst, injuries
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The air was sweet as you stepped out of your chambers, a gentle breeze brushing against your legs and sending a shiver down your spine. The place you've called home for the past six years was eerily quiet, not even your younger brothers were awake in these early morning hours. Normally, the songs of dragons would awaken you, but on this particular morning, the silence was unnerving.
The corridor echoed with each step you took, the faint sound of your dress grazing the floor causing your fingers to clench the fabric. You finally heard the soft murmur of your mother, Rhaenyra, speaking in Valyrian.
As if she sensed your approach, her voice hushed, waiting for you to open the large wooden door to the viewing room. A sense of curiosity overcame you as you wondered if someone else was in there with her. Your hand brushed the ridged doorknob, twisting it gently, as if you intended to surprise her. You could hear her mumbling in Valyrian.
You pushed open the heavy door, a rush of cold air meeting your face. Rhaenyra stood beside a massive wooden desk, engrossed in reading a parchment.
"Skoros iksos sīr secret ao līs whisper se ȳzaldrīzes isse nonnative ēngos?" What is so secret that you must whisper and speak in a nonnative tongue? Your lips curled upwards as you noticed her jump at the sound of your voice. She was dressed in a deep red gown with black accents around the skirts and collar, her hair elegantly braided on her head, creating a crown-like effect.
"Gōntan nyke wake ao, tala?" Did I wake you, daughter? Her voice was soft and genuinely concerned.
You quickly shook your head, your smile softening as your hair cascaded over your shoulders. "Daor. Nyke istan worried everyone ēdan geptot issa." No, I was worried that everyone had left me. It was a genuine fear that occasionally plagued you, which caused you wake in the middle of the night, drenched in cold sweat, fearing your family had disappeared. You kept your head down, lacing your fingers together, trying to ignore Rhaenyra's gaze.
"Your Valyrian has improved significantly. It is good for the future heir to the Iron Throne to know the ancient language." You were lost in your thoughts, not realizing that Rhaenyra had approached you, gently taking your hands in hers. Her smile was warm and comforting, knowing the challenges you faced as the eldest daughter, with high expectations from everyone in the court and beyond.
"Mother, you have not named an heir yet," your smile faltered. "The last I heard; Grandsire has been in good health. Why discuss such politics?"
Your mother's eyes softened, and her smile waned ever so slightly, a change so subtle that only you would notice. Her hands left yours suddenly, and she held your face in a surprising manner. "You're right, my love. Let's have breakfast."
She guided you out of the room, but you couldn't help but steal a glance back at the parchment left on the desk, a raven perched beside it. You were about to voice your concerns, but by then, you were already walking down the hall, entranced by the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen.
Entering the dining room, a long wooden table stretched from wall to wall, a fireplace at the far end of the room warming your cold hands. The curtains were drawn, allowing natural light to filter through the windows, while candles on the table illuminated the carefully set place settings by the handmaidens.
The cook's assistants hurried around, bearing plates of various meats, such as bacon, pork, and sausage, alongside bowls of porridge and poached eggs. The meal was complemented with cheese and bread. The table's centerpiece featured a colorful array of fruits, and you couldn't resist plucking a grape from its vine.
Your stomach rumbled in anticipation as they finished and bowed to your mother, then to you. You wanted to sit down and devour everything in sight, leaving nothing behind, but you waited for your brothers to join you, wherever they might be.
"It's best that you allow your handmaidens to assist you with dressing," Rhaenyra began, "and perhaps let them brush your hair."
She did not glance in your direction, already seated and waiting for her sons. You looked down at your dress, a simple blue gown adorned with gold embroidery, resembling tree leaves, you thought. Your hand instinctively went to your hair next, where knots had formed at the nape, although your mother couldn't see it beneath the cascade of waves falling to your waist. Your hair was brown, but a streak of white at the front of your hairline framed your face like an artist's touch.
"I can manage on my own. I am not a child; I am seventeen years of age, soon to be eight-"
Your words were abruptly cut off as you saw disappointment in your mother's eyes. "Exactly. You are a woman grown, yet you dress and act like a child."
Biting your lip, you tried to hold back hurtful words. "If you didn't make me leave, I would be a properly educated woman like you want!" Rhaenyra remained silent, her expression reflecting her sadness.
Footsteps echoed as your brothers entered the room. Jacaerys and Lucerys walked in silently, their hair in disarray, and their clothes looking unkempt. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at your mother, but she smiled slightly, conceding defeat. You were well aware of how you were treated differently; your brothers could do whatever they pleased, say anything they want, fuck whoever they want, while you, a lady, were constantly reminded of what not to do, what not to wear, and how not to speak. It was fucking annoying.
"Good morning, Y/N!" Luke greeted you with a smile as he took a seat next to Rhaenyra. He reached for the mead, but she swiftly pushed it out of his reach.
"Good morning, Luke, Jace. Finally, you've awakened." You tried to suppress your anger, but, in an instant, your previously hungry stomach felt completely satisfied. Nonetheless, you loaded your plate with bacon and eggs, deftly taking most of the fruit before Jace could protest.
"Where is Daemon?" Luke asked, looking around with a fork halfway to his mouth.
All eyes turned to your mother, who cleared her throat awkwardly. "He is... not here. He will be back before nightfall."
Luke nodded and continued with his meal, hummed appreciatively as he took another bite. Jace, on the other hand, nearly ignored his utensils entirely, and your mother had to intervene with a stern, "Jace."
The cries of your younger brothers could be heard as Joffrey ran into the room, with a wet nurse following close behind. "Ma, Aegon and Viserys won't drink their milk, they just cry."
A chuckle escaped your lips as Joffrey described the morning ordeal with the infants. Rhaenyra tried to explain that they didn't yet understand the timing of their meals, still being quite young.
"Come, Joffrey," You pulled out a chair with your foot, earning a disapproving look from your mother. "I'll make you a plate."
Joffrey eagerly hopped around the table and climbed into the chair. You filled his plate with fruits, porridge, and bacon, although he protested about the eggs, which he didn't like.
Seeing the heartwarming sight, your mother offered a gentle comment, "You would be a beautiful mother."
It was barely a whisper, but it caught your attention. "May I be excused? I would like to fly Lyrax; he has been quite stubborn of late."
Silence filled the room as Rhaenyra nodded, and you quickly left, heading towards the door.
Dressed in your riding leathers, you hadn't taken more than a few steps before someone called your name.
"Y/N!" Turning around, your brother raced after you. "Wait!"
You slowed your pace as you continued weaving your hair into a braid, "What is it, Jace?"
His steps quickened, and he finally caught up to you. "Mother wants me to recite the Targaryen lineage... in Valyrian."
"What does that have to do with me?" You laughed as you finished your braid, noticing his softening expression. "When I get back, I will help."
Jace spun you around, wrapping his arms around you. "Thank you for this, sister!"
You nodded and made your way to the "Dragon Pit." It wasn't as grand as the one in King's Landing, but it served its purpose in keeping your dragon safe. "Lyrax! Māzigon naejot issa, Lyrax," you called. His cooing and heavy steps greeted you as he approached. His scales were white and light gray, resembling the moon, with eyes a shade darker than black.
"Sȳz, Lyrax. Ivestragī īlva sōvegon." Good, let's fly. He lowered himself so you could mount, and you grabbed the reins. "Sōvegon."
Lyrax took a running start, leaping into the air and spreading his wings. The wind whipped through your hair as you gripped the reins with leathered gloves. He soared beyond the clouds, gliding with outstretched wings.
There was one word in Valyrian that you had always wanted to command Lyrax with, something your mother would kill you for and feed your remains to Syrax.
Your voice echoed as you felt the vibrations from your dragon's throat, spitting a ball of fire. Unknowingly in awe, you found yourself heading too close to the flames, the heat burning your leather, but you didn't mind. You held your hand in the fire until Lyrax descended.
Taking a breath, you looked back at the puff of smoke. "Good boy, Lyrax." You were surprised to find that your leather had melted off, and your skin was singed but not blistered. It felt similar to sitting too close to a fire in the winter, leaving your skin hot but not scalded.
When you landed, you gave Lyrax one last hug before he went to feed, and you tended to your hand. To your amazement, it was as if nothing had happened, despite your expectations of blistered skin.
As you walked up the dirt and stone pathway, you noticed Daemon waiting. "Mother said you would be back by nightfall."
He smirked. "Nyke istan, yn nyke kesīr sir." I was, but I'm here now.
You bowed your head and said, "Indeed, lead the way."
Daemon's smirk made your skin crawl, and your hatred for him boiled within you. You missed your father, Laenor, who used to take you on walks around King's Landing, singing songs and teaching you dances. He was full of life, whereas Daemon was devoid of joy.
Entering the drawing room, you heard Valyrian as you noticed Jace and your mother. He looked up from the table, his hands propped up against the edge, giving you a dirty look.
"Tell me, who was Aegon Targaryen?" She inquired, a smirk forming in the corners of her mouth as she watched her son struggle.
"Aegon nyke..." He began, but the pronunciation proved challenging. "Aegon nyke istan..."
"Aegon nyke istan se ēlī targārien naejot conquer se unite se sīkuda dārȳti hen vesteros. Ziry rode se zaldrīzes balerion se zōbrie dread. Zȳhon reign marked se beginning hen targārien dynasty isse vesteros," you offered, unable to witness your brother's struggle any longer. Aegon I was the first Targaryen to conquer and unite the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. He rode the dragon Balerion the Black Dread, and his reign marked the beginning of the Targaryen dynasty in Westeros.
Your words caused Daemon to chuckle, and you earned a sympathetic sigh from Rhaenyra. "How else is Jace going to learn if you do it for him?"
You removed the other leather glove with a sigh. "My apologies, dear brother. Please continue." Jace cracked a smile at you as you took a seat nearby. He opened his mouth to continue speaking, but your mother interrupted.
"Actually, I have to inform you both of something important..."
You sat up attentively. "Would you like me to fetch Luke?"
She raised her hand to stop you. "No, it will be quick. I have received a letter. It's from... the Queen."
You sprang from your seat, and Jace moved closer to you. "Is Grandsire all right?"
Rhaenyra put an end to your questions, saying, "He is fine." You scanned the room, trying to grasp the issue. "Then what, mother?"
She gritted her teeth. "She wants you to be in court. She wants us all home." You noticed her voice quiver with emotion. Daemon had an amused smirk as he observed your perplexed expressions.
"Back to King's Landing? After all these years?" Jace's voice held bewilderment, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events.
"The Queen is a woman that no one can understand, her reasoning for many things is questionable. Mother, when do we leave?" You couldn't hide your excitement, finally escaping this dreaded isle and returning to what you considered home - your true home.
"Tomorrow at daybreak." Your mother's decision to leave made sense, which explained Daemon's presence now, and why he remained silent, akin to a snake.
You were ready to rush out the door to start packing, but Jace's voice shook. "Are they going to be civil?" It didn't take long for you to connect the dots; the question was about your uncles. The last time you were all in King's Landing, there was an incident, and someone lost an eye...
"Jace... I..." Your mother was at a loss for words, an unusual occurrence, but Jace had no intention of listening to whatever she might have said as he rushed past everyone and into the hall. You wanted to say something, but first, you needed to console your brother.
"Jace! Brother!" You raced after him, the sound of your boots clicking with each step. He paused for a moment, turned around, his fists clenched, and his lips pressed tightly together.
"Dear brother, do not let the past weigh you down. Perhaps they have matured? Maybe they are now men grown..." Your statement turned from a question to a plea. The last time you saw your uncles, they were calling you all... bastards.
"You have too much faith in them, sister. You always try to see the better in people," Jace said with a smile, lifting his hand to your face.
Yes, your optimism might well be your downfall.
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sashi-ya · 8 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 14: BONDAGE Trafalgar Law 𝘹 F! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Requested by: @valval08 ➡ Hi @sashi-ya YESSSSSS IM AO EXCITED TO KINK-TOBER!!!! If it is not already taken. Can I please request Law x Female Reader with print number 14 leather straps / bondage. Can the reader be a brat and trying to distract Law from his work as a challenge. So she will send subtle messages. Cause we all know that man needs a break lols 😂 tw: mdni. can be considered part 2 of day 12 . tied with his belts to a chair. fingered while he has a video call. spanks. oral sex. rough sex. name calling. wc: ~2k 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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That night, when the car turned into your love nest, ended with both of you absolutely tired. A lot more than before.
However, work should be done the next day. So, Law, woke up and turned on the computer. At the moment, he was taking some time off from hospital, so he only arranged videocalls to chat with patients and be able to do a follow-up on their states after cardiac surgery.
You wake up, with your body a little sore. It was easier when younger, even if you are sure Law would have left you in the same state either way.
From his room you hear him chatting with someone, and soon remember it must be one of his patients. Yet, the little giggles of such patient were making you a total mess. You get it, Law is absolutely handsome. His dark aura, how intelligent and amazing surgeon that he is, the sound of his low voice, his silver eyes and those tattoos that antagonize with the stereotypical look of a respected doctor… he is by far different. He is more than attractive…
Would it be bad to pass walking right behind him? To show the giggling patient that indeed a man that hot is already taken?
By the time you ponder how mad he could get, you are already walking by covered in his white sheets, wearing just satin shorts underneath. You act surprised when you see the camera, so do a little jump, cover your mouth with your hand, and run away -not before looking at the camera for the stupid patient to see your “do not come any closer to my man or you will perish” look.
Law opens his eyes wide, and his cheeks turn bright red. His caramel skin does very little to cover his embarrassment. And you are trying not to laugh, as you sit down in the kitchen to look at him while he -tries to- keeps working.
The sheets that were covering are now thrown over the couch, and your bare chest flashes on the corner of his eye.
You calmly open a bottle of water -it was needed- and drink calmly as you listen him ask, now a little out of himself, medical question to his patients.
In between patient and patient, who Law seems to asses quick enough to get rid of them all in less than an hour, he scolds you.
“(Name)-ya?! It wasn’t necessary! Why- why are you half naked?” he asks, as if he wasn’t hard already from the “accident” you just had with the bottle of water and the drops of cold one drizzled on your breasts.
“I didn’t know- you could have woke me up. I was thirsty, I wanted water and I could only find out at the kitchen… I’m sorry ~” you purr a fake excuse, while trying to dry the drops on your skin playing so nonchalantly with your nipples.
“I can’t fuck you right now, I still have two patients left” he grunts, crossing his long legs. It’s obvious he is dying to penetrate you right there and now.
“I wasn’t asking for it, please finish your work… I will just eat a banana for breakfast and then get into the shower. Go on...” you smirk, peeling one of the fruits over the kitchen table.
Law closes his eyes, and his dark circles intensify. His “painful” expression can be interpretated as, one; he is worried for the integrity of his dick, or two; he is hating that last patient before he could be free to fuck you rough, or ultimate the number three: option one and two together.
As he sits back down in front of his laptop and waits for the next video conference, you begin eating the banana… well, eating it’s just a bad way to explain what you were doing to that poor potassium fountain… As if he was his dick, you tempt him while enjoying your sweet breakfast.
You can see his leg anxiously bouncing under the desk, and his hand trying to stop you with desperate shaking. You, however, won’t stop. If you can turn him on to the point of not be able to do anything else but fuck you, you will. No matter what.
And by the moment he finally bids goodbye to that poor old man, whose heart has been patched up by Law several times, he closes the laptop in violent motion.
Law stands up, an aura of invisible fire surrounds him. He is mad, and horny and tired but needy.
“You little shit, come here” he grunts, grabbing you by the hand and pulling for you to stand up.
You laugh and choke with the last piece of banana, but immediately stop even breathing. Law gets his lips closer to yours, almost grazing them. And pulls you towards him, mercilessly.
“You brat, If you are that eager to choke, don’t do it now… choke with my dick instead when I’m done” he growls, softly slapping one of your breasts and then sitting you back down.
You widen your eyes. Law can be rougher; it’s just about pushing the right buttons… And while you expect for him to lower his pants down, he simply orders you to wait sitting there. You fidget your fingers, what is he doing?
A couple of minutes pass and then you see him coming from his bedroom with various belts in his hands and perverse smirk.
“Uh… Law? What are those for?” you ask, worried -not really-
“You can’t keep yourself still, therefore I need to tie you down until I’m done with my last patient” he calmly informs you, while expertly joining to belts to make a longer one.
You smile, excited. But are you sure this is gonna be a soft bondage attempt?
“Turn around, kneel on the chair” he commands, pulling from your hair to “help” you.
You gasp, you are in awe… this is a first time, even for you.
Law proceeds to lower your silky satin shorts down, enough to uncover your core. The shorts get stuck at your knees’ height, and he seems pleased with it.
“Spread your legs, now” he commands, carving his nails in the inner side of your thigs.
You do, thinking of the bruises that will appear on the sides of your legs as the arm rests engrave in your skin.
Your feet hang down, and your ankles quickly feel the cold surface of his leather belts securing them to the chair’s arm rests support.
Law then surround the chair to watch your both confused and amazed façade.
“Your hands. Pass them in between the open spaces of the splat” he orders, pulling from them to tie your wrists together with the belt.
You allow him to move and position as he pleases, as his personal doll. However, you are still confused by the fact there is yet another patient he needs to attend. Did that person cancelled the videocall? Or what is he planning to do?
“Law… wha- what about your last patient?” you ask, but he definitely stays quiet. And suddenly you sense him pulling from the chair until you are left right next to his desk.
“I told you that I had to keep you still somehow, and this, I think, is the best way. If you dare to make any sound while I’m on the videocall, I will leave you there for the rest of the day without fucking you” he informs you. Law isn’t playing, and you wonder if he has always been that kind of sadist. In any case, you are excited to see what’s next -and how to stay silent all throughout the videocall-
You nod and wait.
He sits down, moves the laptop to the side so that the camera won’t be facing you in any way, and proceeds to wait for his patient. He seems to ignore you, until his arm stretches, and his index begins to play with the wetness of your labia. Now you understand why you should keep yourself quiet.
Law seems to be unbothered while he finally starts the consultation with his patient. It is a woman, who seems to be also flirting with him. Your toes curl and imagine in pure jealousy how she might be fluttering her eyelashes to him… however, as if nothing happened, in angle that couldn’t be seen in the web cam, the one being fingered by Law was no other woman but you.
You bite your lip, trying not to moan. Your eyes shut close, praying for the outside noise cancelling microphone would cover your low whimpers when he uses the perfect beckoning motions on you.
All of a sudden, Law laughs with his patient and takes his fingers out of you. You are dying to moan louder, to mark some territory. But you remember his words… staying there all day and above all not getting fucked is enough punishment not to disobey him.
As he has stopped touching you, you keep dripping unstoppable strings of pleasure. Imagery that Law checks in quick side looks towards you. He is probably wanting to end with the meeting as soon as possible… but maybe not. Maybe leaving you needy, as you did with him, sounds better.
Your breasts are squeezed against the backrest of the chair, and with subtle up and down motions you try to reach for some pleasure by grazing them with it. But nothing seems to be enough… you really want Law’s dick inside one of your holes.
When you finally listen to the words “You are doing great, Miss Hancock. I will need you to come to my office next month. Send my salutes to your husband, Luffy” you smirk… now, the moment he closes his laptop, he will be all yours…
Or rather you, will be all his.
“Look at the mess you made, (Name)-ya…” he grunts, giving you a spank on your ass.
You flinch but moan out of pleasure. It felt unexpectedly hot to be slapped so suddenly.
“Will you fuck me now, Law ~? I kept it quiet and still…” you purr, proud of your submissive behaviour.
Law scoffs, standing right in front of you. His pants fall to the ground, and his hard dick flashes its erection close to your lips.
“Not yet, I promise you to choke first. You were hungry, weren’t you?” he smirks, grabbing you by the hair to guide your mouth to his throbbing tip.
You gag, choking as he said with his sex reaching your throat. He is punishing you with deep thrusts, using your mouth until he is satisfied with the tears running from the corner of your eyes to your cheeks.
You fight against your muscles turning weak, and you keep taking his hardness in your mouth like his good girl. Proud surgeon, he felt, to see you looking up at him while getting “orally” abused.
Satisfied with your noises and strings of saliva sprouting from the commissures of your lips, he finally lets you breath and positions at your back.
“Now, (Name)-ya… you deserve to be fucked” he moans in your ear, after bending over your back while grazing your entrance with his saliva coated dick.
“F… fuck me, please… Law… my knees…” you plead, with your knees already in pain from holding your weight, but eager to get penetrated by his extra horny self.
He carves his fingers on your left ass cheek, pulling up and to the side to spread you enough for him to go deep. He guides his sex with his free hand, and his goatee graces your nape. “Get ready to be wrecked. You played too much with me, and I’m specially hard in the mornings”
You tremble, his voice right in your ear… his scent, the weight of his body on yours, how open you are, the tip slipping inside…
“Fuck, Law!!” you whine louder than ever, and now that he is inside you his hand lands on your mouth. Slipping his thumb on your mouth as he starts to pound, violently, hard, mercilessly…
“Be a good girl and take it well… I hope this is what you were looking for…” “I… it… is even better, Law ~”
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taglist: @stephisokay @henrioo @shuzuiikoii @bullbonez @fengxinwifutobecalled @i-started-reading-fanfics-at12 @crimsonlikeshellsing @weebare808 @thestarwasborn @bookandyarndragon @cyberdazetragedy @uzxotic @fushiguroshotwife 💖🙆‍♀️
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swimmingwolf59 · 2 months
A collection of my spones fics! My personal favorites are bold and brash blue!
Between Worlds. Spones raise Joanna on board the Enterprise. 9 fics. Ongoing.
After the Fire. Spones get-together centered around the original series movies. 2 fics. Complete.
Doubt and Trust. Mirrorverse spones - first fic is a tos s1 rewrite in mirrorverse. 2 fics. Ongoing.
Family. Old married spones and their relationships with Sarek and Amanda. 2 fics. Complete.
Canon Compliant
If the Stars Looked Down. Ace!Spock chronicles. Complete.
The Houseboat. Spones go on shore leave together. Written for summer of spones 2021. Complete.
Lines Around Your Thoughts. 5+1 McCoy loves Spock's art <3 Complete.
The Logical Thing to Do. Spones retelling of the DS9 episode "Change of Heart". Complete.
Every Stitch. McCoy knits Spock a sweater. Written for 12dos 2021. Complete.
The Importance of Keeping Your Vulcan Awake During Sehlat Hibernation Season. Old married spones and their pet sehlat. Written for 12dos 2021. Complete.
Held Together. McCoy proposes to Spock when he's half-asleep. Written for summer of spones 2022. Complete.
More Than Adequate. Trans!Spock gets a massage from McCoy after binding too much. Written for summer of spones 2022. Complete.
Just a Pinch of Salt. Spones get into a dumb argument while making breakfast. Complete.
Traditions of Intimacy. 5+1 spones making a meal for each other. Complete.
First Impressions. Spones through canon but ALSO mainly 5+1 McCoy meets Sarek :DDD Complete.
Spock 'n' Roll. Rockstar!Spock. Complete.
This Mysterious World. Pokemon AU! Also a series lol. 2 fics. Ongoing.
Take Me Out. Baseball AU - M rating. Written for summer of spones 2022. Complete.
Peach Melody. Stardew Valley AU. Written for summer of spones 2022. Complete.
Entangled. First contact AU. Written for the spones zine "We Go Together" vol. 1 issue 1. Complete.
Not Safe for Vulcans
Surgeon's Hands. Spock gets a taste of them surgeon's hands. Complete.
Bones. Post the tholian web, if you catch my drift ;) Complete.
Behind the Mask. Matchmaker Chekov convinces Spock to go to a masquerade party. Complete.
Whatever Gets You Through the Night. Post man trap + QPR mckirk. Complete.
Not Explicitly Shippy
Of Gods and Ghosts. Missing scene at the end of the Final Frontier. Spock and McCoy talk about loss. Written for 12dos 2021. Complete.
Weight of the Universe. Two scenes post some disastrous weddings. Written for summer of spones 2022. Complete.
Reciprocal Averaging. Sarek uses statistics to figure out Spock's most suitable mate. You'll never guess who it is. Complete.
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Beauty & The Beast: Ao'nung
Avatar Masterlist
word count: 900
Request: ok i would like to request an Aonung x sully!reader where it's kinda based on the song Beauty and the Beast. I just feel like it would be really cute and could the reader be Lo'ak's twin?
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When you and your family first arrived at the reef you were met with a lot of stares and harsh words, especially from the Tsahìk who didn't want to let you guys stay because you had demon blood and weren't like them but thanks to her husband you guys were granted shelter and were promised that his kids would teach you how to swim.
Now Tsierya was so sweet and outgoing and very patient with you guys and you two were becoming fast friends and she was pretty sure she had a crush on your twin Lo'ak. Ao'nung, on the other hand, was very much like his mother, constantly reminding you guys how different you were and how you would never survive here, and him and his friends were relentless in teasing you guys.
You heard fighting as you were on your usual walk along the beach making you move closer as you saw your brothers and Ao'nung and his friends fighting each other with Kiri just standing there laughing.
"Come on guys break it up." You said trying to break the fight up.
"Stay out of this freak." One of them shouted at you.
You kept trying, making yourself roll your eyes at how stubborn they all were until you felt someone's elbow connect with your nose making you fall to the ground with a groan. Everyone stopped fighting to look at you sitting there holding your nose which was bleeding.
"Look at what you did!" Lo'ak said to Ao'nung who felt bad for what he did.
"Sis? Are you okay?" Neteyam asked crouching to your level as you shook your head no.
He scooped you into his arms calling over his Illu, before heading off toward the Tsahìk' mauri. Your parents were furious at what had happened, and so was Ao'nung's not believing you when you said it was an accident making you feel bad at the yelling he was getting.
A few days later you were sitting on the dock feeding your illu when you saw Ao'nung approaching you on his making you a little nervous.
"Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for breaking your nose, it wasn't intentional." He said sincerely.
"It's alright I know it was. I'm sorry you too." You said shocking him because why were you apologizing to him?
"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who hit you." He asked you.
"Because I'm the reason you got chewed out by your parents, I tried to explain to them what happened but they wouldn't listen." You said.
"It's not your fault but I appreciate you saying that." He said to you.
From that day forward, you and Ao'nung became friends maybe a little close than that and he was definitely nicer to you and your siblings. After that incident, Ao'nung definitely saw you in a different light, all this time he had been too busy worrying about the difference between you two instead of the kind and beautiful girl that was in front of him the entire time.
"Hey y/n, hi Tuk." Ao'nung said making you look up from the sand castle that you guys were building.
"Hi Ao, would you like to join us? I'm helping Tuk build a sand castle." You said smiling up at him.
"I would love to." He said taking a seat next to you, already offering ways how to help make Tuk's castle better.
"Hey, where's your bracelet that you always wear?" He asked noticing that you didn't have it on today.
"Oh I lost it, I think it fell off somewhere and I haven't been able to find it." You said sadly as an idea occurred to Ao'nung.
Meanwhile back at your Mauri, your twin and dad were in shock at the scene before them, there you with Tuk laughing and smiling at something Ao'nung said. They looked at each other in shock there was no way this was happening, was there?
"So you and Ao'nung huh?" Lo'ak said the next morning during breakfast.
"So you and Tsierya huh?" You said looking at him while you ate making your other siblings laugh.
You were helping clean up after breakfast before you went about your day when your mom called you outside where you saw Ao'nung standing looking kinda nervous.
"Hey Ao, what brings you by?" You asked him.
"Hi, I umm know that you lost your original one so I tried to make you one that looks like it, I hope you like it." He said handing you a bracelet that looked exactly like the one you lost a few days ago.
"You made this?" You asked shocked at how identical it looked to your original one.
"Yeah I did, I know it's not the best but..." He started to say but was cut off by feeling you hug him.
"It's perfect, thank you." You said with a huge smile on your face as he hugged you back with a smile on his face.
Ao'nung swore from that moment forward he would do anything to see you smile like that and only for him. His heart belonged to you now, it was just a matter of time before you would be his officially.
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