#break clause
jobsbuster · 3 months
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heckitall · 8 months
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Same As It Never Will Be
Part 1 - Part 2
it's been a hot minute since i drew the 2k3 boys. gotta say, it was v refreshing and nostalgic
i'm hoping to have a friday update schedule :)
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
Wondering how Tarn and the Nurse's story would go if they shared a world with Fusian Cannon Wedding Megatron.
The idea of fusion Cannon Wedding Megatron!AU is that the senate reserved the right to take any sparkling from unconjuxed parents ostensibly to be put in a worthy home while simultaneously making it cost prohibitive for all but the elite. Even for the upper middle caste it was incredibly burdensome. But if you could get an audience with a priest of the 13 they could interview a couple deem them worthy and chose to wave the fee.
Megatron, the agnostic, due to Gladiatorial WWE-esque Theme Shenanigans actualy ends a priest of Megatronus because he refused to be a fake priest in such a way that the last Priest of Megatronus decided "welp this is my best bet as a secuessor." Megatron ever the political activist used this to perform legally binding weddings for any sparked couples he came across.
Cue the Revolution and the risk of Deceticon newsparks being stolen increases. But there are treaties to return kiddos to their parents or next of kin. So if con, bot, neutral, or implausiblely compatible alien sparks up or is sparked up by one of his Decepticons, they are kidnapped and brought to the alrer at gunpoint for now High Priest Megatron to Marry them off "for the children's sake." The DJD has brought runaway 'juxes to the alter.
Now the DJD still has the Doner Cause because it's a way of protecting the bitties. Megatron initaly gets wind of the situation of with the Nurse and is relatively chill. Right up untill he realizes that the nurse was never married to the sire. Nevermind their Caimen with very diffrent rules and cultural norms. (Also their the mentee of a very scary Healer). Kaon doesn't even have to pull a witnessed act shenanigans to help his ship set sail. He just has to include a question in his routine report that Tarn is continuing providing doner support as outlined in the Doner clause. "As the cowardly tratitor abandoned his lover the moment he found out she sparked we did not find out he had sparked her after he was dead. Is it possible to posthumously conjux them for the security of the sparklings?" Kaon knows damn well posthumous conjuxing isn't a thing.
Shenanigans are about to ensue.
This is great because Megatron's manifesto would have revisions about religion, so instead of an atheist society, he more likely written about freedom of religion for anyone to practice. Just as a final Fuck You to the Senate with their harsh stance.
And because of the wild shenanigans, I think the Decepticons would have strong civil and family court proceedings.
Deadzone and Nurse were (ex) fiances, so Megatron could be chill with that.
But not with Tarn also sparking up the Camien. Now that's a whole-ass security risk!
Megatron wouldn't need to demand Tarn to return. The Peaceful Tyranny bulleted itself to the main flagship, ignoring everything else to get it situated after the consequences of too much excitement at the "fake" resort wedding.
A poor, sleep-deprived and absolutely exhausted Nurse would have been scooped up and thrown into the shower and polished to high-hell. You were vaguely aware of quick, sure servos working your back and sensory panels, and Helex was hogging the dryer.
This was no dignified walk. The entire Justice Division burned rubber and left scorch marks on their stampede to the Altar. Every other 'con jumped out of the way and booked it elsewhere because no one wanted to be in the vicinity that had the D.J.D. that hyperfocused.
Shockwaves rippled across the base that it wasn't a gruesome execution but a wedding.
Out of all the mechs, Tarn's.
The gossip mill was set aflame. Information between truth and rumors clashing, especially when the newlywedded mech was spotted with strange, blue Energon painted bright on his chassis.
The reality of it was far less fantastical.
You were a sack of photon-potatoes over Tarn's shoulder as he carried the cradle-pod of newsparks under his opposite arm.
At the daunting reveal that Megatron the bomb of Megatronus Prime's ordained lineage with the markings and proven insignia, you took a short break in the private sideroom (with proper permission from the High Priest) to freak out over your own lack of preparations and courtesies for said High Priest.
You did invoke part of an old bonding custom from Caminus' initial vorns when the Titan carried the survivors of the Tribal wars composed of different peoples.
You and Tarn get married with each other’s Energon painted upon the chassis.
Not only Megatron officiated the ceremony, but allowed a generous honeymoon package of timeoff and a few gifts.
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rad-roche · 5 months
i typically don't ask for comments or kudos or the like because my thinking is if you wanted to do that sort of thing, you'd do it anyway. i'd feel a little strange about it. but my psionic warriors. just this once. just this one time. i need your aid
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the lack of sex number vexes and torments me. can somebody help a girl out
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the-arch-elf · 6 months
Do You Dislike Curtis
Does he get on my nerves sometimes? Sure. Have I threatened to push him off a roof if he keeps bringing up the Handbook? Also yes.
But listen, just between you and I?
Curtis is incredibly talented and smart, a lot more than people give him credit for. He has a unique way of solving problems by thinking completely outside of the box, and he's creative and funny, and I mess with him because I love him.
I could never, ever dislike Curtis.
He's the greatest br— Uh, friend, I mean. He's the greatest friend anyone could ask for.
Curtis is going to make an amazing Head Elf one day, I just know it.
Yours, Bernard
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moodyjudytheelf · 6 months
You know we're really down to the wire when Santa orders his hot chocolate delivered to the supply closet.
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jenniiiiiiiii · 5 months
The fact that tumblr does not let me write commas in tags is a fucking travesty. How should I, a lover of run-on sentences and way too many clauses, express myself otherwise? I am reduced to using dashes and incorrect semicolons like a common pleb!
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mayasaura · 2 years
Finding out that John's magic was a spontaneous gift from a dying planet has me so excited about my theory that necromancy originates from a connection to the Resurrection Beasts.
Like, the RBs are the dead souls of planets, right? Necromancers can only be born in the Houses, meaning within the thanergetic field of those planetary bodies, which implies a connection between the ability and the Beasts. Then in Nona we see that an RB's mere presence drives any necromancer—and only necromancers—insane, and Varun can channel its consciousness through the body of a nearby necromancer.
John's necromancy originated from Alecto, even before they were The Man Who Became God and the God Who Became (Hu)man. So it would make sense if the necromancy of the Sixth House originates from the soul of their planet, too, and so on.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
can u tell that perhaps i have thought too much about supernatural to the point where my own explanations for the inconsistent lore and characterization have bled into my memories of the show. is it obvious. i hope its not too obvious.
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indig0trolls · 3 months
Remember when you were young and your teachers had like pretty lax rules and then one student in particular decided to take advantage of that and then suddenly you have 8000 new rules to contend with that you weren't previously being subjected to?
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safyresky · 2 years
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I am not very. HOPEFUL that it's going to be. An absolute banger, BUT. I am going to try to have fun with it! Lmk if y'all want a blank to do your own bingos, bc these are very very biased (it took a lot to not put CHARLIE AS SANTA on the goodish one lol. I kNOW he won't be, I KNOW that Kal Penn is playing the next Santa, BUT LET A BITCH HAVE HER AUS AND HOPES AND STUFF, OKAY? yeesh)
anyway enjoy! 🤗🤗🤗
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quintins-mittens · 5 months
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I am certainly happy to be back at work, but I can't help feeling a little sluggish
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curtistheelf · 5 months
I heard Bernard loves you, are you gonna ask him out
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I don't think so, no!!!!!
Sure he loves me, and I love him too!! but it's,, not,,
he's like my brother. He annoys me and I annoy him, that's the kind of vibe we've got going on!
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I love time travel fics where you can clearly tell the author has tried really hard to come up with a reason behind why they can time travel that fits in with that world's lore and rules
Like girlie, you could tell me they ate a bad banoffee pie and their vomit opened a portal to 1974 France and id just be like. Okay. Cool. Makes sense. Please continue
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the-arch-elf · 5 months
Hey, hey! It’s alright! We found Santa.
After dispatching the entire E.L.F.S squad to search, it turns out a couple of the younger elves had asked him to stop by the ice rink to see their new tricks, and he had lost track of time.
Everything is back on track and going according to schedule, don’t worry!
Yours, Bernard
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lmelodie · 3 months
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So, this was supposed to be for tomorrow, but it completely fell out of my just now so I'm posting it now!! This was supposed to be just a little doodle, but I got carried away and now there's this! A very slight continuation of this Power Swap AU thing I did ages ago.
This au makes their breakup SO MUCH WORSE. I'm starting to realize that maybe the original timeline is like, the BEST possible series of events, and that's really saying something.
Because in this au Kills gets straight up burned, Zuko style. And also, he's the Sandman but that's lets important. I think his hair gets longer in this au instead of shorter.
But here's a little itty-bitty snippet of something about All This.
He didn't even know how it happened really; it was too fast to notice. One minute he had his back turned as Killian was behind him, talking to what might as well have been a brick wall, all but pleading with him to take a step back and calm down.
Trying to reason, to make him understand his plight, trying to see why this pipe dream was so important to him, why it was more important than him. Begging to make this work.
And then in an instant he was on the floor, smoke and the scent of burning flesh filling the room, Jack turned on his heel and out the door.
He couldn't even see him walking out of his life, only the bright, burning flame that was threatening to consume him whole. Caught in his hair and his clothes he stumbles and mostly crawls to the only bucket of water he has in his place, his shaking hands dowsing himself with it, leaving only a few blossoms of flames here and there were left to put out by hand.
But only when the adrenaline subsides does he start to feel it, the skin boiling and melting off of him. On his face, arm, across his chest and in his hair, it was all burned beyond recognition.
He only managed to teleport to Duna's home, right in front of her, before passing out from the pain on her floor.
Carted off to the nearest healing center, they tried their best to undo as much of the damage as possible. They managed to save his left eye and keep it intact, with now substantially lower vision, but the rest was going to leave a large and horrific scar no matter what they did.
Good dreams for a time, for everyone, were hard to find after the fact.
And most were quick to assume the boogeyman was getting a bit overzealous, but it was really the fact that the sandman was in bed more than usual. Uncaring about the dreams that needed to be weaved, he did a lot more sleeping than usual, but it didn't help him find peace like he thought it would.
Jack Frost has never had a good dream since.
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