#bre's gifs
thedivineelite · 2 months
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emblazons · 1 year
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MIKE WHEELER in 'THE VAN SCENE' ⤷ "You're leading the party. Inspiring us. That's what you do." (x)
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breanime · 1 year
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You rushed around your room, securing your earrings as you rushed over to the mirror, taking in your appearance. You had a date tonight, and you wanted to look good. Quickly, you glanced at your phone. Your date had sent you a text a while ago saying that he was on his way, and you wanted to make sure you were ready before he arrived.
But despite your frantic rushing back and forth in your apartment, you had to admit--
--you weren't excited.
It wasn't that he wasn't a nice guy; he was sweet, handsome, had a good, stable job to go with his good, stable life. But that was the thing. You didn't want stable.
You wanted Rio.
But you couldn't handle the lies, the secrets, the long absences. It had gotten to the point where you felt more like an afterthought than a girlfriend.
Fixing your hair one last time, you paused. You could have sworn that you heard the door shut. Grabbing your phone, you walked out of your bedroom in search of your purse.
What you were met with was your ex-boyfriend standing in the middle of your living room.
You gasped, "What the fuck?"
Rio looked you up and down, his gaze slow, unrushed in the way that only a man like him could have; a man who could not be rushed. Slowly, his eyes locked on yours. "You look nice."
"What are you doing in my apartment?" You hissed.
He smirked, not at all repentant. "I wanted to see you," he shrugged, "I was in the neighborhood."
"In the-- Rio, what do you want?" You snapped. In all honesty, you weren't really that upset with him, Rio popping up in your place was a common thing when you were dating. And you loved it. It felt like a little surprise every time it happened. Even now, you kind of loved it. But that irritated you--he wasn't yours anymore, and you weren't his. You shouldn't be happy to see him at all. "Why are you here?"
Rio was eyeing you again, his dark gaze somewhere between appreciative--taking in your outfit, your jewelry, the soft tones of your makeup--and disapproving. "I already told you. Was in the neighborhood. Wanted to see you," he paused, licking his lips slowly, "You must got big plans tonight, huh? Dressed up so nice, lookin' so pretty."
You stood tall, "I've got a date."
"Yeah--he's on his way, actually," you went on, "So..."
He rolled his shoulders, his hands clenching in his pockets, "So," he nodded, "You want me to go?"
You paused. Logically, there was only one answer: yes, of course. Your date would be here any minute, Rio had his chance with you and he ruined it. He should go--he never should have been there in the first place--and you knew if you told him to leave, he would. That was the logical thing to do.
You did the opposite.
"No," you answered honestly, letting your heart take over and the words just came out, "But you can't stay. Not if you're gonna be the exact same as you were before. I can't go back to the lies and the long, lonely nights not even knowing where you are. And I won't. I'm not. So you can either stay, and we can talk, or you can go, and I can move on. Cause this guy is nice--he--he's great," you sighed, "but he isn't you." You took a breath, feeling exposed, like your skin was inside out, and looked at him.
Not taking his eyes off of you, Rio walked deeper into the room, and sat on the couch.
"Let's talk, mama," he said, eyes serious and determined, "Let's talk, and I'll be for real with you. I won't hide nothin', won't tell no lies," his eyes met yours, and you could see the dark determination in them, "Cause I want to stay. I wanna be here," he leaned forward, "I want you. So let's talk." He watched you approach the couch, wary, but willing. You sat, facing him, and Rio smirked.
"But first," he said, his low voice filling the room, "you should call old boy and cancel your date."
Goodnight! Thank you for reading!
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cloysterbell · 1 year
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Good job on the emotional support, guys.
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offside-the-lines · 12 days
Right Where We Left Off | Nico Hischier
Summary: It’s September in NYC and Ana finds herself unexpectedly face-to-face with her ex-boyfriend, Nico. They finally have the conversation they should’ve had seven years ago. But, where does that lead them and what does this mean for her future— their future? After all, who are they to question fate?
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This fic is dedicated to @fallinallincurls for her birthday bingo. Happy birthday, Bre! I am always so grateful for the incredible comments you leave on fics. Pairing: Nico Hischier x F!OC Word count: 2.5 k No warnings (as far as I know). Bingo card tropes: Second chance romance, invisible string theory, they’re both idiots; it's always been you. Masterlist
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Ana’s exhausted. After ten days of straight work and travel, she just wants to sleep and hide in her expensive hotel room. It’s a gorgeous day in New York City, not sweltering and muggy as it often feels in the summer, and she doesn’t want to waste the opportunity to actually explore the city she has visited many times but never enjoyed.
She turns her face up to the sun and closes her eyes. The sounds of the city carry on around her, and it’s strangely calming— it probably should be unnerving. Besides, she has to make a decision soon about whether she is going to move here, the offer letter taunting her from her email inbox. 
Her mind wanders across the Hudson for a brief second before she catches herself, eyes flying open. She takes a sip of her mocha, savoring the drink that she hopes will bring her some energy. 
It isn’t often that she has a chance to take a day off. Well, no, that’s a lie. She could take any day off if she wanted to. After all, she works for herself. But she usually never lets herself, always working through weekends in an effort to get ahead— of what, she’s not quite sure. 
She has always been a workaholic: working two jobs in college, graduating a year early, and starting and selling her own company before the age of 25. She tells herself that her hard work has given her the happiness she has now. She now has the freedom she always wanted— independence.
Ana’s mother always points out that she’s rushing through life because she doesn’t have an anchor. She always goes on about how the stress and inability to relax is going to take her to an early grave. Ana always sees it for what it is: an unwelcome probe into her dating life. 
She’s doing quite fine on her own, thank you very much— that’s what she always retorted anyway. She can't tell her that the only stress relief she needs is the occasional hookups from the fancy bars she goes to— a series of tall men with brown hair, warm eyes, and a good smile.
Before her mind even has a chance to ruminate on that again, a little boy bumps into her leg— causing her to spill her coffee a little— and runs to hide behind the chair opposite from her.
“You won’t tell him where I am, right?” he whispers. He startles her, and it takes her a few seconds to realize he’s probably playing hide-and-seek. It takes her even longer to realize this child is speaking in her native tongue. He peers up at her with pleading eyes. 
“Of course, sweetie,” she replies, pushing past her confusion. He has big brown eyes and the cutest dimples— it makes her heart ache. She presumes the little boy is hiding from his father and scans the cafe for him. Having not seen anyone looking for a child, she turns back to her coffee and continues to drink it, observing the little boy. “I’m Ana. What’s your name?”
“I’m Jan. I can’t talk right now because I’m hiding, see?” he whispers.
Ana can’t help but let out a chuckle at the earnestness in the kid’s eyes. “Okay then.”
She’s just about to take another sip of her coffee when she hears a gentle voice behind her. “Jan, where did you go?” There’s a pause, “Oh! There you are!” The boy giggles and moves to hide under the table.
Her smile freezes— her whole body freezes. The hairs on the back of her neck prickle, and she feels her cheeks grow warm. It might’ve been seven years, but she’d recognize that voice anywhere— Nico. She doesn’t turn around, praying Jan will just run to his daddy and leave.
She is not that lucky. Footsteps approach her chair, his voice getting closer and closer to her as he says, “Oh my god. Come on, Jan. Get out of there!” 
She closes her eyes and holds her breath.
“I’m so sorry if Jan’s been bothering you, ma’am. I—” His gentle, accented English stops abruptly, and a silence hangs in the air as she slowly opens her eyes. When their eyes meet, Nico lets out a barely audible “Oh.”
“Um,” her gaze darts around, trying to avoid the warm brown eyes that still haunt her dreams, “Hi?”
“My god, is that you?” he mumbles, barely audible. He stares at her, the color draining from his face. 
Jan finally emerges from beneath the table, his curiosity piqued by this stilted exchange. Beaming at her, he reaches up for Nico’s hand— his father’s hand? It had to be, right? The resemblance— she cuts her thoughts off.
“Um... yes?” she manages to say.
“I feel like I’m hallucinating. You’re really here? It’s been so long.”
“Well, yes, Nico, it’s been about seven years.”
“That’s a really long time.” There’s silence as they just stare at each other, neither knowing what to do, neither moving.
“Yes. It is,” she says cautiously.
He rests a hand on Jan’s shoulder, holding him close. “Why did you never call me?” he asks, looking down at his feet.
“Why would I have called you Nico?”
“You left for London without telling me. You told everyone else. I had to find out from Nina.”
“I had no reason to tell you, Nico. We weren’t together anymore,” she scoffs, “You moved too. And besides, you found someone to ‘replace’ me, clearly.” 
She looks at Jan, bile rising in the back of her throat. Nico responds with a puzzled expression before deciding to return to his original line of questioning.
“Why did you leave?”
“I had to go to university, start my career… I have dreams too, remember? Ones that are just as important as yours?” She shudders at the memory of their fight, the fight that broke everything. Her heart races; she can hear the blood rushing in her ears.
“I was young, stupid and immature. But, I swear to God, I loved you so fucking much. You should’ve told me you were moving to London… I would’ve—”
“You would’ve what, Nico? You broke up with me. What was I supposed to do? Stay at home? Or should I have followed you to New Jersey like a sick puppy? Continued wasting my time like I clearly did when you were in Halifax? Watching any and every opportunity— watching my future—  fly by me as I waited for and supported someone who was no longer mine?” 
“I said that we should take a break to figure things out. Figure out what to do long-term. I never meant to suggest that we break up forever. You just assumed— You left. You didn’t even give me a chance to—”
“Look at you, Nico.” She was struggling to keep her voice under control as it wavered and threatened to break. “It’s always someone else’s fault. Nothing’s changed, huh?”
He looks at her, his face shutters with an unreadable expression, before pulling out the chair opposite her. He sits and lifts Jan onto his lap. The little boy looks between them in confusion, ultimately deciding that playing with the wooden block table number is more interesting.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I didn’t mean for it to sound so— I was heartbroken that you weren’t there anymore when I came back after the draft.”
“What about me? What about how I felt when you asked me to just drop my plans for my future like it was no big deal? Or when you suggested we take a break? When you never called me after that summer?” She studies his face, seeing his genuine sadness, and sighs. “We were so young, Neeks. What were the chances it would have even worked out anyway? Even if you had cared to fight for us.”
“I thought that you took the space and realized— I thought that maybe you didn’t want me anymore. I thought that maybe you hated me. I thought that maybe you realized that you were just too good for me. So, I thought that maybe I should let you go, live your life, and find your career like you said you wanted to,” he says, voice thin and reedy before he clears his throat and laughs humorlessly. “I guess I was right, huh? I mean, just look at you now. You’re pretty incredible. Forbes 30 under 30.”
He smiles at her, a small fragile thing. It’s only because she has known him her entire life that she is able to spot the pride that shines through the pain and regret. Her thoughts are crashing inside her mind.
He knows and has clearly been following her career.
In the delicate silence that stretches between them, the storm inside her head is able to bring something else to the surface: the loneliness of her success— the gnawing feeling that something is always missing.
“What about how I felt when I kept hearing our friends talk about every new girlfriend you had?” she whispers, staring into her coffee cup. She has no control over the way her throat tightens over something she’d finished crying over a long time ago.
“I never loved any of them,” he answers without missing a beat; his voice is firm and sure.
“It’s been seven years, Nico. How could you say you never loved any of them?”
“I mean, I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t date some great people because I did. But they were always just— I cared for them, sure, but I was never in love with any of them.” He looks down at the boy sitting in his lap.
“Not even the mother of your child?” she blurts out, outraged.
“The who?” His eyebrows are scrunched low on his face as he studies her.
Ana rolls her eyes and gestures at Jan. “His mother?”
“His— Oh! No, he’s not—” he exclaims before laughing. 
“He looks just like you,” she says, confused.
“Aww,” he coos, tightly clutching the little boy to his chest, “Jan’s my nephew— He’s Luca’s.”
Something about her expression sets him off again, throwing his head back as he laughs. Against her will, the sound nestles deep in her chest, filling her with warmth.
“I’m babysitting him today so Luca and his wife can explore the city a bit. I won’t be able to do much once training camp starts next week. And I want to get as much time with this munchkin as possible,” he explains, tickling Jan’s belly to his delight.
Ana feels her chest constrict as she watches them interact. It’s a glimpse into the future she could’ve had, and it hurts in a place so deep in her chest she’s not sure she’s ever going to be able to unearth it. After their first moment of comfortable silence, Nico looks up at her with a soft smile.
“You know, I got you a ring.”
“Y-you w-what?” she says unsteadily as she feels the world stop around her.
“Yeah.” He looks back down at Jan and fidgets with his shirt. “I bought it with my signing bonus. I was going to ask you to marry me when I came back if we had worked things out, which— I know, it was so stupid. We were, what, 18? Like, what was I thinking, right? It wouldn’t have solved anything. But I just wanted— needed you to know how much I loved you and… ” 
His voice gets tighter as he speaks, and he lets the sentence trail off. His eyes flash to hers, holding them so briefly before looking away again. He clears his throat, “I guess we never made it there.”
Ana’s silent for a moment that feels like it stretches a lifetime— or at least, it feels like time has warped and dumped her back into her 18-year-old self, seven years ago. Her heart was pounding so hard that it made her feel faint.
“I would have said yes,” she realizes with a start, the words tumbling out before she has even fully formed the thought in her mind.
“What?” His eyes snap up, finally looking at her again.
“If you had asked me, I would have said yes.”
It was his turn to stare. “Really?” he whispers.
“Yes. Despite our fight, I still loved you. I was waiting for months for you to call me, to tell me that we would work it out, that we were going to be okay long distance for however long it took. I would have— If you begged — Hell if you had just asked...”
Nico just stares, flabbergasted. Neither of them even hear the tapping of Jan’s block on the table. “I still love you,” he says.
“What I mean is, can we try again? It may have been seven years, but I still love you.”
“Are you insane?”
“I don’t think so. It has always been you; it will always be you. I have known that for a long time now. There has to be some fate or God or something to bring us back together, right? I feel like it’s a good sign, anyway. I’m sorry for being the idiot I was back then, but I promise I’m ready now. I’m ready to be whatever you need me to be. It won’t be the exact same, but it will finally be us again.”
Ana is stunned, speechless, as she blinks at Nico.
“Nicki?” Jan interrupts their silence, snapping them out of their bubble.
“Yeah, Jan, what’s wrong?”
“Can I have a cookie, please?”
“Sure, bud.” Nico sets him on the floor and stands up. He smiles at her cheekily, “Don’t you dare leave before I get back. I will chase you this time. I’m fast, you know.”
“I’ll be here, I promise.” She feels a bubble of tension burst as she laughs, shaking her head as she watches him walk to the counter holding Jan’s hand.
The seven years apart has worn down her willpower. She gave up on love years ago when she realized that she was probably going to dream about Nico every night for the rest of her life. She’s always known that she would cave if asked; she just never thought this day would come.
She looks at him now. She sees the boy she grew up with and the teenager she fell in love with. But there’s also a sadness behind his eyes that she doesn’t remember being there. The corners of his eyes are worn and weathered in a way that’s unusual for a man in his mid-twenties.
There’s a voice in her head— it sounds eerily like her mother— that points out that she’s always known the truth: Nico was why she was always working, pushing away everyone and everything. It was some twisted self-punishment; if she lost Nico, she had to make the sacrifice worth it.
But maybe— Maybe, she can have both. Ana thinks about the job offer from the company that acquired her start-up— a job based in NYC. She thinks about all the hundreds of coffee shops they could’ve gone to. Maybe there was some fate at play. And who was she to question fate.
Nico sits back down, a tentative smile on his face that makes Ana’s heart flutter for the first time in seven years, and says, “So, Ana, will you pick up where we left off?”
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Requests (open) | Masterlist
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Adrian Monk and Tommy Grazer in MONK (2002) | S3E16: Mr. Monk and the Kid
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thru-the-grapevine · 7 months
Just Barely
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Pairing: Hongjoong x fem!Reader
Genre: smut
Kinktober Day 1 (yes I'm aware I'm already late): Toys
Warnings: sex toys (vibrator), semi-public sex, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, face fucking
Word Count: 1714
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They say hindsight is always 20-20. But looking back at the events that led you here, you never could have predicted this.
The sweet bartender at your favorite bar never once gave off the vibes that he had a whole other side to his personality. Sure, you could’ve deduced as much from the tattoo sleeves decorating his arms. But still, he was always so cordial and hard-working. How were you supposed to know what he was really like?
It started with flirting. To your credit, you noticed fairly quickly how Hongjoong paid special attention to you. It was only your second time at the bar, but among all your friends, he seemed to sway towards you every few minutes.
Something about Hongjoong was magnetic. His dark eyes held depths within them, and you couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to dive deeper. His features were sharp, and his hands… Oh, his hands were beautiful. You thoroughly enjoyed watching him shake drinks, his laugh lighting up the room around him. And when his elegant fingers wrapped themselves around the glass as he poured in his creation, you couldn’t help the way your breath hitched in your throat.
“What can I get for ya, doll?” Hongjoong’s voice startled you out of your daze.
Flustered that the very man you were just about drooling over was now in front of you, you quickly ordered your usual cocktail, a mojito. With a wink and a, “Comin’ right up!” Hongjoong sauntered away to mix your drink and take other orders.
You wondered why the air felt so warm all of a sudden, and used the flimsy paper menu to fan yourself as discreetly as you could. Your friend noticed and asked, “You okay?” she asked.
You nodded emphatically. “Yep! Just got a little warm for a second!” you insisted.
She eyed you for a moment, then grinned. “Alright, thanks for recommending this place! It’s great,” she said, sipping her drink.
You smiled back. “Yeah, I like it here.”
“One mojito for the pretty lady in blue,” Hongjoong said, placing your drink down in front of you.
You flushed. He thought you were pretty? You could say the same about him!
“Thank you,” you said, quietly sipping the drink. It was the best mojito you’d ever had. You glanced up at Hongjoong, who was waiting patiently with a small smirk on his face.
“So?” he asked.
“It’s so good! You’re really good at this,” you complimented.
The smirk widened. “Thank you,” he said, winking again. “Only the best for my favorite customer.” And with that, he bounced away, his attention already on someone else.
Thoroughly flustered, you took another sip of your drink to chase the thoughts away. Only, your next discovery didn’t help.
Stuck to the bottom of the glass was a small piece of paper. On it, Hongjoong had written “I get off at 11”.
Your head darted up, meeting Hongjoong’s eye. He grinned at you as he rolled his sleeves up, exposing the tattoos decorating his arms. You swallowed as discreetly as you could when he shook the mixer, making eye contact with you the entire time.
Yeah, you were screwed.
How Hongjoong played it so cool the rest of the night, you’ll never know. All you know is every glance you way, every light brush of his fingers against yours when he had you a drink, felt like an electric shock through your body.
You could feel the desperate need for any sort of pressure between your thighs when he handed you a glass of beer, his favorite, he claimed with a dazzling smile. His hand brush yours, his eyes never leaving your face.
Squirming a little in your seat, you took a deep breath and downed a good third of your glass. Hongjoong laughed his twinkling laugh. “Careful, pretty. You’re going to get me excited before my shift’s up.”
You nearly choked on your beer.
Hongjoong laughed again. “Actually, I have one more break before I finish the night. Come here.” His voice dropped lower, a stern look in his eye letting you know this was a command, not a suggestion.
Instantly, your body reacted, sliding off the barstool and trotting after him to the back of the restaurant. Hongjoong strutted past everyone, none of the other staff having time to pay attention to him and his unusual guest.
He led you to the breakroom, which was miraculously empty.
Confused, you crossed the threshold, only to find the door slamming shut behind you, and Hongjoong’s lips crashing onto yours. A surprised gasp left your mouth, and Hongjoong took full advantage. His tongue explored your mouth, learning every last bit of its new territory.
A moan left your mouth when Hongjoong’s hands drifted underneath your shirt, lifting it just a little to finger the band of your pants. But instead of exploring further, Hongjoong drew back.
“Take them off,” he ordered, nodding at your pants. He pulled something from the bag to his left. You didn’t question him, eager to know what he was planning.
Your eagerness turned to horror when you realized he was holding a small device you recognized as a remote control vibrator.
“Put it in,” he commanded again, handing you the little pink device.
“But-“ you started.
Hongjoong raised an eyebrow. “Now.”
His voice grew deeper, and you found yourself fumbling with the zipper on your jeans. Thoroughly red in the face, you slowly slid your pants down and stuck your hand into your underwear. You were to slick, the vibrator slipped right in, resting right over your clit.
“Fucking tease,” Hongjoong muttered when you didn’t take your underwear off and hurriedly pulled your pants back up.
Blushing, you fumbled with the button on your pants. Hongjoong’s tone was teasing, and you couldn’t deny that it turned you on so incredibly much.
You nearly cried out when the vibrator suddenly buzzed to life. Your head jerked up to meet Hongjoong’s eyes, a smirk on his face and the controller in his hands.
“This game we’re about to play has rules, sweetheart,” he said. “I get off work in two hours. The bar closes then too, so I have to clean up. If you can make it without cumming during that time, I’ll reward you.”
“Reward?” you managed to gasp out, the buzzer increasing in strength.
“Do what I say, and you’ll get to have it, babe,” Hongjoong stroked your cheek with his hand, grinning when he felt you already trembling beneath him.
He left the break room, and the buzzing stopped. You nearly collapsed to the floor. This wasn’t gonna be easy…
And easy it was not.
Hongjoong was cruel. He brought you to brink of orgasm, watching as your eyebrows knitted together and your hand holding your glass shook, only to then stop the vibrator altogether.
Every time it stopped, you involuntarily twitched in your seat, causing several well-meaning customers seated next to you to ask if you were okay. Nodding and doing your best to smile cheerfully, you lied, “Yep! Just a weird shiver, you know how it is.”
And they would laugh along with you, unknowing of the torture you were undergoing.
To your shock, you made it to closing. Barely.
And to your dismay, your little challenge got a whole lot harder after Hongjoong volunteered to finish closing up for everyone. A couple of the employees winked at you on their way out, but you chose to ignore them.
When the door closed, the vibrator sprang to life, immediately jumping up three settings. You gasped, finally allowed to make a little more noise with the restaurant empty. Hongjoong went about his business, putting things away and wiping down the bar.
Every time you made a little noise, he’d silently crank the vibrator up a notch until you were shaking under the highest setting. Your clit was throbbing, you legs were shaking, and without warning you came. Hard.
With a little shriek, you came onto the barstool, and the vibrator abruptly stopped. Head swimming, you startled when Hongjoong’s beautiful hand lifted up your head.
“And you were so close to winning too,” he chastised.
Tears sprang to your eyes unbidden. “I- no, I mean, I’m sorry-“ you tried to speak, still reeling from your sudden orgasm.
“Take your clothes off,” Hongjoong ordered, his eyes dark.
You scrambled to your feet, pulling your shirt over your head with a blush. When you took your pants off, Hongjoong grew impatient, lifting you up over his shoulder and bringing you behind the bar. He set you down on the bar counter, ripping your panties off you.
He knelt down in between your thighs, slowly pulling the vibrator out of you. He licked your juices off the little silicone toy. You watched, mouth hanging open a little as he swirled his tongue over the toy, wishing with every fiber of your being that he was doing that to you.
Hongjoong undid his pants, slowly freeing his hardened cock. You licked your lips. Hongjoong laughed. “Careful, sweetie, your lips will get chapped,” he said with mock worry.
You flushed. Hongjoong grinned and positioned himself up against you and thrusting in without much fanfare. You gasped, the stretch of him filling you up startling but delicious.
And Hongjoong began to pump, faster and faster, his cock hitting that sweet spot just right every time. Your little whines and moans began to increase in volume, Hongjoong’s pace never slowing down.
And just as you were teetering over the edge, so blissfully close to the knot in your stomach coming undone, Hongjoong pulled out.
Your head jerked up, a whine tearing from your throat.
But Hongjoong had no time for your complaints. “On your knees,” he ordered.
You hurriedly clambered off the counter and onto your knees, giving Hongjoong the sweetest look you could muster as you took his dick into your mouth. Hongjoong just laughed.
You gagged as he thrust forward, fucking into your throat mercilessly. Tears trailed down your cheeks, but you held firm, letting him facefuck you until he was cumming down your throat.
You swallowed his cum, wiping your tears. You looked up only to see Hongjoong zipping his pants back up. He winked at you.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
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foll0wing-dreams · 7 months
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A tree covered in mushrooms 🍄
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It’s the feet placement for me
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spencersliv · 15 days
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thedivineelite · 9 months
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will matt ever learn?
...the answer is no.
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emblazons · 1 month
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(Happy Belated Birthday) Enzo Vogrincic ☕️ 💌 ⤷ from La Pija y la Quinqui
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breanime · 2 years
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Let's say, Aemond is seeing Reader for the first time and can't help what he is feeling...lust.
When his mother invited your family to King's Landing, Aemond was less than interested. He was preoccupied with his studies and training, he had no use for frivolous ladies flouncing about the court. When your family arrived, his mother greeted them personally, accompanied by his sister--who was eager to have another young woman about the castle--and Ser Criston Cole.
Aemond, however, was locked away in the library, studying the history of the Red Keep.
Still, he couldn't avoid socializing with you and your people for long. And he wasn't that hard to find.
"You should see the Lady Y/N," Aegon swaggered into the library, clearly drunk in the middle of the day, "She's a sight," he paused when Aemond fixed his with his cold, one-eyed stare, "I meant nothing by the phrase," Aegon said weakly.
"Mm," Aemond went back to his books, "What do you want, Aegon? I'm busy."
His brother laughed, "Our presence has been requested. Mother wants us to formally introduce ourselves to Lady Y/N," he leaned forward, swaying a bit on his drunken feet, lowering his voice dramatically, "It seems my insufferable wife has asked her to stay in King's Landing as her companion, and her father has agreed."
Choosing to ignore the comment about their sister, Aemond sighed, finally standing up, "You know you are not to touch this girl," Aemond said, looking over at his older brother, "She is highborn, it would bring shame upon our house."
Aegon rolled his eyes, "Don't be boring, brother," he grinned as the two walked through the vast halls of the castle, "I won't do a thing to the girl... until she's wet and begging for it."
"Such talk is unbecoming of a prince," Aemond said back, not looking at his brother.
Aegon scoffed, but straightened up when they turned the final corner where Alicent was standing with Helaena and you, chatting about the changing seasons.
And that was when Aemond saw you.
It felt like all of the air had been stolen from his lungs. Never before had Aemond felt such a tingle, such a heat go through him. Such--
You were more than just a "sight". You were a goddess, an angel, a temptress, a dream. Aemond barely even registered his mother introducing them, Aegon as the elder, and then presenting Aemond. You were his singular focus, and he stared at you, his one eye drinking you in, starting from your feet, up your enticing body, all the way to your perfect face. He had grown quite skilled at overcompensating for his lack of vision, he noticed things much faster than the average person, took in details and memorized them perfectly because if he did not, he would be at a disadvantage. Now, he was grateful for his hypervision, grateful that it allowed him to truly see you. He could feel his lips curl upwards without his permission, but Gods, he couldn't help it. You looked so...
"Pleased to meet you, Prince Aegon, Prince Aemond," you gave a perfect curtesy, and Aemond thought you'd make a lovely wife. The thought surprised him--not since he was a boy had he thought of marriage as anything more than a duty he would one day have to perform. But now, he was imagining you on his arm, and he liked the image that was swimming in his head.
"You will, of course, treat the Lady Y/N with the utmost respect," Alicent said, a smile on her face but eyes hard as she stared over at Aegon, "She is our respected guest."
"A dragon protects what is his," Helaena whispered, smiling as she played with her fingers, "and what is his knows that it belongs to a dragon."
Aemond tore his eye from you to look at his sister, she looked up and gave him a smile. When he looked back at you, you were smiling as well.
"I have heard much of your love of books, Prince Aemond. I am quite fond of reading as well," you said, and Aemond wanted to drown in the sweet tones of your voice, "Perhaps you could recommend a good book for me to read during my stay here."
Aemond felt his heart quicken in his chest, and if it weren't for his mother and siblings being present, he would have marched over and touched you.
Gods, he wanted to touch you.
Instead, he stared over at you, wondering about the softness of your plump lips. "I would much like that, my lady," he said back.
Alicent tore her eyes from Aegon to look at her son. His eye was blown wide, and he had a strange look on his face, an expression she hadn't seen before on him. It almost reminded her of Aegon, but there was no malice behind Aemond's gaze, the way he stared at you. There was interest, curiosity, and Gods help her--lust.
She watched, frozen, as Aemond slowly walked over to you, and she noted the careful tension in his body, like he holding himself back, keeping himself in control.
And you... Alicent could see now the way you lit up when Aemond had walked in, how your focus was singularly on him, and his was on you, Aegon and Helaena had fallen into the background. All there was were the two of you. Even now, as you threw pretty smiles at her favorite son, she could see a smile growing on his lips--a rare sight.
Helaena stood at her mother's side, and her light, airy voice filled the Queen's ear as she spoke, "A dragon protects what is his," Helaena said again, "and what is his knows that it belongs to a dragon."
Alicent took a deep breath. What is his. She put a hand on her daughter's shoulder, "Thank you, my dearest." Alicent turned, "Ser Criston."
The knight appeared at her side in seconds. Alicent did not take her eyes off of you and Aemond. Never before had she seen her son so animated, so singularly focused on something that wasn't his dragon or sword. "Ser Criston," Alicent said, keeping her voice low, "I want you to ensure that Aemond stays in his quarters tonight."
"My Queen?" Criston turned to her, confusion in his dark eyes. Of the three of her children, Aemond had never been a flight risk.
"I will not have my son give in to base desires," she said, inclining her chin towards you and Aemond.
Criston followed her gaze and saw the way the young prince was looking at you, the way his eye traveled up and down your frame, the tightness of his stance, as if he was fighting to keep himself from touching you. He nodded, "I understand."
"Good," she took in a breath, watching the way her son stood close to you, as if drawn into your space, "Both of their virtues must remain unquestionable...
...I intend to make a match of them."
Ok, so that was my first time writing Aemond, so pleaaaaase let me know what you think. He's my current obsession, so I am def open to writing him more if anyone is interested in reading it.
Gif drabble requests are closed for every character except Aemond, so if you'd like to send in a gif of him for me to do a drabble about, feel free!
Thank you for reading!
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Darren Criss | 2023 | A Very Darren Crissmas Tour
Atlanta, GA • Charlotte, NC • Charleston, SC • Clearwater, FL • Fort Myers, FL • Fort Lauderdale, FL • Orlando, FL • Durham, NC • Vienna, VA • Red Bank, NJ • New York, NY • Ridgefield, CT • Boston, MA • Toronto, ON • Detroit, MI • Chicago, IL • Madison, WI • Columbus, IN • Northfield, OH • Indianapolis, IN • Lexington, KY • Nashville, TN
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I'm getting so r o u n d literally 😳
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