#braised duck duck
buffetlicious · 1 month
Late breakfast came packed from the coffee shop near to our house. Mum had the Braised Duck Porridge (卤鸭粥) with braised peanuts, extra duck meat and no skin. The plain congee had a ladle of the dark fragrant braising sauce added to give it flavours.
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My Economy Rice (菜饭) box had a large braised pork belly taking up half the space with stewed eggplant (aubergine / brinjal) and sweet & sour pork taking up the rest of the box.
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entropii · 2 years
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Cooking Signet
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wayfarerxiii · 9 months
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Very funny how those two little punctuation marks can channel so much emotion
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quo-usque-tandem · 1 year
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Braised duck with crispy potatoes
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feytaline · 3 months
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Braised Duck Legs For Idiots
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njmauthor · 8 months
Braised Duck Legs in Red Wine
Braised Duck Legs in Red Wine make a relatively easy-to-prepare dish for an elegant dinner. The meat becomes so tender it nearly falls off the bone. An overnight dry marinade is essential to tenderize and enhance the flavor of the duck. The marinade of choice here is herbes de Provence. Because commercial herbes de Provence often does not include the essential ingredients, I make my own using…
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harmonizeorelse · 10 months
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Braised Duck with Ginger
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kon-konk · 1 year
The fuck kind of Food Soul did I get when I pulled Bouillabaisse?
He's out-damaging B-52, Brownie, and Wuyi Da Hong Pao combined. By several thousand.
I get that he gets a buff from the event rn but still.
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buffetlicious · 28 days
There are a few roasted meat stalls that mum patronized in Chong Pang. This stall had Taiwan sausages (台湾香肠) on its menu in addition to the usual roasted chicken, duck, pork and char siu (叉烧). So for this takeaway box of Roasted Duck Rice (烧鸭饭), mum also added a sausage and a braised egg for me.
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Teochew Braised Duck Lo Ack
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bpnphoto · 1 year
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Braised Duck with Ginger ()
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quo-usque-tandem · 1 year
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Duck legs braised in pinot noir
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neongreencoffin · 1 year
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Braised Roasted Duck
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Look okay like I can't stop with the headcanons someone send help.
Between being married to a chef, and prior to that being the primary cook in my household from age sixteen to twenty-four, I absolutely love cooking. It's been one of my passions for years.
So we're doing headcanons about Reader asking the OPLA boys to cook with them.
Obligatory Sanji foodporn gif for purely aesthetic purposes
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Not to be dramatic but I could watch that all day.
In the Kitchen
Definitely on the fluffy side.
LA!Sanji X Reader, LA!Zoro X Reader, LA!Shanks X Reader, LA!Mihawk X Reader, LA!Buggy X Reader
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"—and this is a boning knife, and this is a santoku, and this is a mezzaluna, and—"
Please please please cook with him. It will make his entire year.
You could wake him up out of a dead sleep at two in the morning and tell him you want to cook with him, and he'll be wide awake and literally dragging you into the kitchen in excitement.
You sharing in his passion is far more important than anything else.
And you'd best believe he's going to use it as an excuse to be even more flirty than usual.
Standing behind you with one arm around your waist while he shows you the best way to hold a knife to keep your wrist from cramping.
Kissing you on the cheek, brushing his lips to your neck, praising you for absolutely every little thing.
There's a very good chance this entire operation is going to devolve into a kitchen make-out session.
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"Hey, uh...is this supposed to smell like smoke?"
Just bear with him, he's trying.
Tells you he could probably burn a pot of boiling water if he tried hard enough.
You absolutely believe him.
Gets super frustrated about cutting his finger trying to dice an onion but absolutely refuses to give up. Unfortunately his frustration makes him even more clumsy with the knife and...oops.
Tries to multi-task like you do...and definitely ends up burning something.
Sitting at the table afterwards, tapping his foot and sulking about you having to put band-aids on his fingers. Says he's probably going to stick to swords after this...
...But secretly, he's pretty sure if you ever ask him again, he'll do it. He's too stubborn to give up for one, and for another he honestly enjoyed the experience with you despite the chaos.
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"Ooh, can we do that thing where you pour booze in the pan and it goes up in flames?"
So excited about this, living his best life like always.
Trying to flip the knife in the air and catch it and nearly dropping it on his toe instead.
Literally like a little kid.
He's got a little bit of know-how around the kitchen, but there's definitely room for improvement.
Gets beyond excited about getting anything right, especially if you praise him for it.
Standing behind you with his arm around your waist to watch how you do things, his cheek or his chin resting on your shoulder, just smiling while he listens to you explain the process.
Honestly he's just having a brilliant time doing anything at all with you.
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"Are we absolutely certain this doesn't need more wine?"
He's way better at it than you expected, honestly—but then again, he has been living alone for literal years, so it's not that much of a stretch.
No, you may not use his cross-knife to peel potatoes with, no matter how much it resembles a paring knife, stop asking.
Cooking and wine absolutely go hand in hand with him—whether the recipe involves wine or not (but if he's choosing it probably does), he's still having a glass.
Pretty competitive about who's better at making what, but in a less serious and more playful manner.
Pulling out all the stops to ensure you're impressed—you're going to be making something incredibly fancy and classic, like Coq a Vin or Duck Cassoulet.
Absolutely iron focus—if he's cutting vegetables or seasoning something and you're trying to talk to him, there's a fair chance he won't even hear you at first.
Prefers slower methods of cooking—things that need to simmer for a while, braising, so on and so forth. More time to drink wine.
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"Penne for your thoughts? Don't give me that look, you know I'm hilarious."
An excuse to play with knives? Sign him the hell up.
Telling you he worked in the kitchen when he was on Roger's crew, but failing to mention all he did was wash dishes.
He has no idea what he's doing but he's having a simply marvelous time of it.
The food puns. Dear gods the food puns are unending. You're probably going to end up cutting yourself from either laughing or groaning incessantly.
He's definitely going to detach his hands and chill at the table or sit on the counter while they do the work for him.
Manages to catch something on fire within minutes (and you're ninety-nine percent sure it was intentional).
Just reveling in the chaos while you're rushing to get the baking soda to pour over said fire and clap a lid on the pan.
Don't leave him unattended if you value the continued functionality of your kitchen.
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Let Me Date You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.9K
Summary: Rafe wants everything for their first date to be perfect, but unfortunately, it isn't.
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They were going to go for Mexican food on Friday night, but unfortunately, Y/N got sick and lost her voice. It disappointed Rafe greatly to have to postpone the date, but at least now he can make it absolutely perfect. The Mexican place he wanted to take her to is now closed for a private event, so he had to rethink his plan. He thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go to the most exclusive restaurant in town. He planned everything down to a t. It was the type of place with a pre-determined menu, so he had to make sure that the menu they had the night of their date was something Y/N would like. He made sure they shipped in the drink she liked. He made sure that he got her the perfect pre-date gift. She wasn’t the biggest fan of flowers, so he got her some of her favourite stationery she likes to use for her notes. This date was going to be perfect and he was going to make sure of that. 
The first thing that goes wrong is the restaurant reservation. “I’m sorry Mr. Cameron, but in our system, it says that your reservation is at eight,” the hostess apologizes, looking up from the screen. Rafe shakes his head, “No, no, no. That’s not right. I said seven. I confirmed with whoever I was on the call with that it was at seven. What are we supposed to do until we get a table?” Before the hostess can answer, Y/N steps in to help ease the situation. “It’s okay, Rafe. We can go back to your car and listen to some music. I have this great song that I think you would like.” She takes his hand and they head to his car to do as she suggests with him grumbling under his breath at the stupid person he was on call with. The next thing that spoils his evening is the menu being changed at the last minute. “And the entrée for tonight is a braised duck accompanied by a peanut sauce,” the waiter announces while pouring their wine. 
Rafe’s fist clenches in anger. He specifically told the restaurant he needed to know about menu changes because of her allergies. Now, it makes him look incompetent to Y/N because she told him about her allergies. “Oh, I’m allergic to peanuts. Is there any way to not get the sauce on it,” she politely asks. The waiter gives a tight-lipped smile and shakes his head, “I’m afraid not, Miss. The chef doesn’t like when the meals are altered in any way.” “That is stupid, so you are telling me that my date can’t eat anything because your chef doesn’t want to have his feelings hurt,” Rafe argues, boring his eyes into the man. Y/N smiles at the waiter, “It’s okay. Is there any way we can get the check, please?” The waiter nods and heads to get their check for the drinks printed out.
She turns to Rafe with a smile, “It’s okay, Rafe. We can just go to the campus pub. We can share the nachos.” He wants to argue with her that he can fix this and with the chef that he needs to get rid of the nut sauce for Y/N. Yet, something in him tells him to do as she suggested. “I’m sorry. I just really wanted this night to be perfect for you, Angel. And everything seems to be going wrong,” he tells her, putting his hand in hers. She shakes his head, “I know you do, but I promise, it will still be perfect if we go to the pub. Honestly, I like greasy nachos way more than braised duck.” This calms his nerves a little and he pays the bill so they can leave.
The pub is busy. Probably because of the hockey game playing on the TVs, but Y/N and Rafe get a table in the back corner. It’s more cozy and warm than the stuffy and cold exclusive restaurant. The date is going absolutely amazing. They’ve shared so much food. A burger. Nachos. Wings. Fries. They completely indulged themselves in not only food but also conversation. There is never a moment of silence and laughter fills the air. Rafe has to admit that this has been the perfect date. “I just wanted to say thank you for letting me date you, Angel,” he interrupts their conversation. He can’t help himself. He needs her to know how much this means to him because he thinks he found his soulmate. She leans in to give him a kiss and pulls away, “No need to thank me. You found me and I promised I would. But this has been an amazing date. I love it.” He has kissed a lot of people before, but he’s never kissed anyone who's built a fire in his stomach. It tells him what he needs to say next. 
“I know it’s early, but will you be my girlfriend?” he inquires, begging the universe that she won’t say no. She grins at his nervousness, letting him be on edge for a second. When it looks like he is about to cry, she saves him from his panic. Her arms wrap around his neck, “Of course, I would love to!” They pull away from the hug to turn it into a kiss. Once they pull away, Rafe takes a napkin and looks around for a pen. “Here,” she offers, handing him one from her purse. She is so curious about what he is going to write. She watches as he writes down numbers for a list and then writes Rules To Be Rafe’s Girlfriend at the top of the napkin. Boy, does she not know what she got herself into. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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niteshade925 · 27 days
Apr 4 evening, China:
In China there is a custom called jiefengxichen/接风洗尘, which roughly translates to "welcome the winds and wash off the dust", and it's a way of welcoming guests from faraway. In old times the host would provide a basin of fresh water and a clean towel for the guest, then provide a small meal. In modern times this is mostly simplified down to a big meal or a trip to the restaurant, called a jiefengfan/接风饭. In our case we just went to a restaurant.
Mixed vegetables with starch noodles and sesame paste (it's a cold dish, an appetizer, kind of like a salad):
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Lightly stir-fried octopus:
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Stir-fried beef and king oyster mushrooms with cashews. The yellow bowl-shaped decor on the side was apparently fried egg??? I have not the slightest idea how they fried the egg to look like that:
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Red braised Chinese yam:
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Steamed turbot fish:
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Red braised pork belly on rice:
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Duck soup with tofu:
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Last but not least, a traditional pastry called shoutao/寿桃, or "longevity peaches". These are peach-shaped steamed buns with sweet red bean paste or sweet lotus seed paste fillings. They are made to look like peaches because peaches are associated with longevity in Chinese culture and are usually served at birthday banquets (for older people).
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We weren't celebrating anyone's birthday that day, it was just a gift from the restaurant because my relatives were regular customers there. Picture was taken after we started eating so that's why there's only four buns left (four is not a lucky number so the restaurant definitely would not serve just four buns; if I remember right it was eight buns at the start, and eight is a lucky number)
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