#bonus points to anyone who can guess what the news Angie had is
thelastspeecher · 5 years
No title because I’m lazy, but in the discord the last couple days, we’ve been discussing the Olympian Falls AU, aka my crossover between the Percy Jackson universe and my nonsense.  And those discussions caused me to get inspired to write...this.  As a quick reminder, this is a modern AU, so instead of Dipper and Mabel being Shermie’s grandkids, they are Shermie’s kids.  Just moved the timeline up a bit.
I think the retcon of making Dipper and Mabel be children of Athena is one retcon I never posted about for this AU, but it is one.  And this retcon means that I can make this an Ace!Shermie AU.  Shermie is hardcore asexual.  Enjoy.
              Shermie knocked on the door of the apartment his mom had rented after leaving Filbrick a few years ago.  He looked down at the two baby carriers resting by his feet.
              I really hope Mom doesn’t get upset with me for being an unmarried father.  The door opened.
              “Sherman, what a lovely- who are these cute little things?” Ma Pines asked, crouching down to peer into the carriers.  She looked up.  “Are they yours?”
              “…Yeah,” Shermie mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Mom, meet Mabel and Mason.”
              “Adorable,” Ma Pines cooed.  She smiled.  “It’s about time one of you boys gave me some grandkids.  Though I woulda thought it’d be Stan.  He’s the only one of you married so far.”
              “I don’t think Stan even likes kids.”
              “You just say that ‘cause you haven’t spoken to him lately.  I called the other day, and he had to end the call early to play with one of his nieces from his wife’s side.  And he sounded happy about playing with her.”  Ma Pines playfully poked at Mason’s nose.  “These cuties will get themselves some cousins any day now.”
              “Uh, sure.”
              “So, where’s the mother?” Ma Pines asked, standing up.  Shermie grimaced.  “I don’t like that look.  Did she leave you and the kids or somethin’ like that?”
              “Not really- I mean, I guess sort of like it.”
              “Give your mother a straight answer,” Ma Pines said. She crossed her arms.  “You know I don’t like it when people beat around the bush. Where’s the mother?”
              “Mt. Olympus,” Shermie blurted out.  Ma Pines furrowed her brow.
              “…The mountain in Greece?”
              “Yes.  But also, no.”
              “Sherman,” Ma Pines sighed.  “Did you not hear me tell you to be straightforward?”
              “You won’t believe me.”
              “Try me.”
              “Their mom is a goddess,” Shermie said.  Ma Pines raised an eyebrow at him.  “And I don’t mean that metaphorically.  Literally, they have a Greek goddess for a mother.” A moment passed.  Ma Pines stood to the side.
              “Come inside,” she instructed.  Shermie picked up the baby carriers and entered his mother’s apartment.  She closed the door behind him.  Shermie turned to face her.
              “Look, Mom, I-” he started.  Ma Pines held up a hand.  Shermie went silent.
              “Which one did you have an affair with?” she asked. Shermie blinked.  “Was it Aphrodite?  I think my boys could catch the eye of the goddess of love.”
              “I- wh- no, their mom is Athena,” Shermie stammered. He froze.  “Wait, you believe me?”
              “You sound upset about that,” Ma Pines commented. She took Mason’s baby carrier from Shermie and set it on the couch, then sat down next to it to peer at her grandson.
              “No, I’m not upset, I’m- you really believe me?”
              “Why wouldn’t I?”
              “Because most people wouldn’t!”
              “Most people,” Ma Pines said calmly, “haven’t had their own dalliance with an Olympian.”  Shermie joined his mother on the couch, resting Mabel’s carrier on the floor by his feet.
              “Stanley and Stanford aren’t your full brothers,” Ma Pines said quietly.  Shermie’s jaw dropped.
              “Filbrick isn’t their father.”  Ma Pines rolled her eyes.  “Thank the gods.”
              “Then who- who-”
              “The Greek god of travelers, thieves, messengers, and a bunch of other things?”
              “Yep.”  Ma Pines looked up from Mason to grin at Shermie.  “That classics degree of yours is really gonna come in handy when it comes to taking care of these two.”
              “I-”  Shermie ran a hand through his hair.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”
              “You didn’t need to know.”  Ma Pines stroked Mason’s cheek gently.  “But now you’ve got demigod children of your own, you do need to know.  By the way, if I remember correctly, children from Athena are basically gifts, right? You didn’t actually sleep with her, you just had a strong emotional connection through your shared intellects.”
              “Uh, yes.”
              “Huh.  She must really like you, then, to have given you twins.”  Ma Pines unbuckled Mason and took him out of the carrier.  “Aw, look at those pretty gray eyes,” she cooed.
              “Mom, how did you know that?”
              “I learned a few things from your brothers.”
              “My half-brothers, you mean.”
              “Still your brothers,” Ma Pines said firmly. Shermie watched her play with Mason for a moment, thinking.
              “That boarding school you sent Stan and Ford to when they were kids,” he started.  Ma Pines looked up.  “Was that a special school for demigods?”
              “Something like that.  It was a camp.  Designed to train demigods on how to use their godly-given abilities and how to protect themselves.  Technically, most demigods only stay at that camp for the summer, but your brothers were enough of a monster magnet together that they had to stay there year-round.”
              “Sweetie, do you really think a child of a god or goddess won’t have some sort of power?”
              “I just didn’t think about- wait, monsters?”
              “Yep.”  Ma Pines played with Mason’s hands.  “Demigods are very good at attracting them.”
              “I-”  Shermie looked down at Mabel, who was still fast asleep.  “Mom, what am I gonna do?”
              “First thing, you’re gonna let me feed you some dinner and play with the babies.”
              “Fair enough.”
              “Second, you need to go talk to one of your brothers.”
              “I haven’t seen either of them since Stan’s wedding.”
              “This’ll be a good chance to catch up, then.”  Ma Pines looked at Shermie.  “Sherman, I can only tell you so much.  If you really want to know about this world you’ve found yourself dragged into, you need to talk to someone who belongs to that world.”
              “…Fine,” Shermie muttered.
              “Oh, don’t get all upset.  If you stop by Stan’s, I’m sure his wife would be more than happy to watch these cute little babies while you talk to him.  Free childcare.”
              “I just-” Shermie sighed.  “I didn’t want to be a dad.”
              “Sometimes these things happen.  Look on the bright side.  You can rub it in Stan’s face that you had kids first.”
              “Why would I rub that in his face?”
              “Because everything’s always a contest with you boys.”  Ma Pines handed Mason to Shermie and stood up.  “Now, how does chicken sound for dinner?”
              Stan opened the door before Shermie could knock again.  He stared dumbly at Shermie for a few moments before his gaze traveling down to the baby carriers Shermie was holding.
              “Sherm, did you steal those?” Stan asked.  He leaned closer to peer inside the carriers. His eyes widened.  “You forgot to check for babies before you nabbed ‘em.”
              “No I-”  Shermie huffed impatiently.  “I didn’t steal the carriers nor the children.  I purchased the carriers, and the children are mine.”
              “Really?”  Stan frowned at him.  “Didn’t know you were in a relationship.”
              “I’m not.”
              “Ah, one-night stand, I get it.”
              “No, it’s-”  Shermie chewed on his lip.  Mason began to fuss inside his carrier.  “Dang it.”
              “Bring ‘em in, you can check the diaper or whatever inside,” Stan said.  He moved aside, allowing Shermie to walk into the house Stan and his wife, Angie, owned. “By the way, Angie’s not here right now. She had a doctor’s appointment.” Stan closed the door.  “Not to be rude or anything-”
              “Like you’ve ever cared about being rude,” Shermie said, setting the carriers down.  He knelt and removed Mason from the carrier.  Immediately, his son stopped crying.
              I guess he just wanted to be held.
              “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”  Stan eyed Shermie suspiciously.  “What are you doing here, Sherm?”
              “Mom told me to visit.  She said you could offer some assistance with my children.”
              “Assistance?  Angie’s pretty good with kids, since she’s got that huge family, but I only just stopped thinking that they’re a hassle.”  Stan shrugged.  “Maybe I’ve been married long enough to get in the mood for kids or whatever, I dunno.”
              “Well, she said to visit either you or Ford, and you were closer.”
              “Ford?  He’s even worse with kids than I am.”  Stan paused. He raised an eyebrow at Shermie. “Unless there’s somethin’ you’re not tellin’ me.”
              “Mabel and Mason, their mother isn’t…mortal,” Shermie said quietly.
              “Ah.  Okay.” Stan leaned against the wall.  “Who is she?”
              “Athena.”  Stan nodded. “Pretty good goddess to have as a parent, as things go.”
              “…Right.”  Shermie swallowed.  “Look, I- I have some questions.”
              “Figures. Let’s go talk in the living room.”  Stan picked up Mabel’s carrier.  “I’ll give you the basic introduction to demigods.”
              “They’re going to have ADHD and dyslexia?” Shermie asked.  Stan tilted his head one way, then the other.
              “At least one.  I got both, Ford just got the dyslexia.”
              “And why, again?”
              “ADHD makes us better in battle, dyslexia is ‘cause our brains are hardwired for Ancient Greek, not English,” Stan rattled off.  He tickled Mabel’s stomach.  She giggled loudly.  Stan grinned.  “Heh. Cute kid.”
              “Thank you for holding her, by the way.”
              “No problem,” Stan said.  “Anyways, the ADHD and dyslexia.  It’s kinda a crapshoot, honestly.  There’s no way to tell going in which one a demigod will have or how strong it’ll be.  Sorta like how abilities and general godliness or whatever are crapshoots.”
              “What do you mean?”
              “Hmm.  Okay.” Stan leaned back, clearly trying to figure out how to phrase whatever he wanted to say.  “All half-bloods have some enhanced stamina and strength and stuff like that, since we have godly blood.  But abilities we have on top of the basics depends upon who our godly parent is.  Like, Hephaestus kids are good at building things, and Demeter kids are good at growing plants.  Make sense?”
              “But even if people have the same godly parent, they might have different abilities.  I can pick locks with my mind.”
              “Wait, you can?”
              “Yeah.  But Ford can’t.”  Stan frowned. “Another example…there was this one Apollo kid who could make light.  Technically, it’s possible for a kid of Apollo to do that, but it’s really, really rare.  He was the only one in the last century who could do it.”  Stan looked at Shermie.  “Still following me?”  Shermie nodded.
              “I do have a question.”
              “I might have an answer.”
              “Are abilities correlated with the dyslexia and ADHD?  Ford’s dyslexia isn’t that bad, and you implied he wasn’t as powerful as you.”
              “I…”  Stan blinked. “That’s a good question.  I’ve never thought of it that way.  But yeah, most of the powerful demigods I’ve known have both ADHD and dyslexia.  I mean, I can think of a couple exceptions off the top of my head, but in general, you might be right.  Huh. Something to talk to Ford about.” Stan waved a hand.  “He started this group with some other half-bloods where they try to do research into demigod abilities or whatever.  I dunno exactly what they do.  I just show up and let them run tests on me if they ask.”
              “Mom mentioned something about the camp usually being only for the summer.”  Stan nodded. “But you stayed there year-round.”
              “Ford and I were too powerful together.  On our own?  Maybe we coulda been fine out in the mortal world, not attracted monsters. Ford definitely would have.  He was always a more subtle half-blood.  But we didn’t want to be separated, and our combined demigod smells attracted monsters like we were an all-you-can-eat buffet.”  Stan watched Shermie look down at Mason, who was fast asleep in Shermie’s arms.  “You’re worried about your kids.”
              “Athena kids are usually able to go home for the school year.  Most half-bloods can.”
              “But if they’re twins-”
              “You’ve got a while before you have to worry about monsters for them.”
              “But-” Shermie started again.  The front door opened.
              “Stan,” a voice sang cheerfully.  Stan beamed.  “I have some news fer- oh.”  Shermie looked up.  His sister-in-law had pranced into the living room, and seemed surprised to see Shermie on her couch.  “I see we have a guest,” Angie said.
              “Three guests,” Stan corrected, helpfully pointing at the baby he was holding.  Angie gasped.
              “Oh, goodness, what a precious lil bean!” she gushed, making a beeline for the couch.  “Wow. Adorable!”  Angie looked over at Mason.  “A real pair of lookers.  Are these yours, Sherman?”
              “They’re quite the cuties.”
              “Thank you,” Shermie said politely.  He liked his sister-in-law well enough.  She seemed to be a bit of a ditz at times, and had much higher energy than Shermie liked to be around, but Angie was always kind to him.
              And she’s excellent with children. Shermie watched Angie coo over Mabel. Is she really a ditz?  Or just easily distracted?  I’m not quite sure.
              “Ang, you have news?” Stan asked.  Angie blinked.
              “Oh!  Yes.” She glanced over at Shermie, then back at Stan.  “I’ll tell ya later.  Don’t let me forget.”
              “You got it.”
              “Gosh, what a cute sweet potata,” Angie whispered, stroking Mabel’s hair.  She cocked her head.  “Sherman, did yer mother send ya here?”
              “I- yes.  She did.”
              “She wanted you to get some advice from Stan, I take it?”
              “How did you know that?” Shermia asked.  Angie looked at him.
              “Because this baby girl of yours has the kind of gray eyes I’ve only ever seen in children of Athena,” she said bluntly. Shermie’s jaw dropped.
              Okay, she’s definitely not a ditz.
              “You know about all this Greek stuff?”
              “Sure do.”
              “I’m assuming Stan told you.”
              “Mm.  Not quite.” Angie grinned crookedly.  “Where do ya think I first met Stan?” she asked. Shermie rubbed his face.
              “You met each other at camp, didn’t you?”
              “…You wouldn’t happen to be a child of Athena, would you?”
              That was a remarkably clever move she just pulled.
              “Nope!” Angie chirped.  She flopped down onto the couch next to Stan and took Mabel from him.
              “Hey!” Stan protested.  Angie cooed at Mabel sweetly.  “Ask!”
              “Nah.  If I asked, you wouldn’t have handed her over.  My gods, she is so cute.”  Angie looked at Stan, a twinkle in her eye.  “I think that Shermie’s kidlets would love themselves a cousin.”
              “I don’t think these babies know what a cousin is,” Stan replied.  Angie rolled her eyes.
              “Oh, that reminds me, Stan,” Shermie said, abruptly remembering his mom’s comment about everything being a contest.
              “I had kids first,” Shermie said.  Stan’s eyes widened.  “Yeah. I win.”  Stan slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand before shouting in frustration.
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onebizarrekai · 3 years
undeniable proof that shuichi and kokichi were gay in v3
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prepare yourself for the most big brain thing that has ever bigged your brain
chapter 1
shuichi saihara spends this chapter following kaede around because they were just trapped in a godforsaken killing game and everything seems to suck. when faced with a situation such as this, the natural inclination is to either find someone to latch onto or to distrust and stick to oneself. shuichi does the former because he is a twiggy little man who would probably die in a fight before anyone even attacked him.
what is kokichi doing in this chapter? sticking to himself? stalking someone? that is the real question. nobody knows what he is doing because he is not the protagonist and not the obligatory party companion. however, since v3 follows a theme of fiction, it is totally logical to believe that some system must be in place, but kokichi is not bound by such a system because kokichi represents anarchy.
he does not stick with another for all to see, nor does he remain alone. alas, he searches for a secret companion and has not found one yet. who shall he find? shall he find any? the truth is, he gravitates towards shuichi. it’s supposed to be in secret, but there is a way in the game to see what really happened.
if you speak to tsumugi right before everyone is asked to gather at the cafeteria a second time, she mentions sonic the hedgehog. kokichi runs by, saying “got to go fast”. this means that kokichi has either played sonic the hedgehog or is at least well-versed in sonic memes. if you get this dialogue, and only if you get it, later, kokichi makes another sonic reference, saying “faker? I think you’re the fake hedgehog around here!” while he confuses everyone, the dialogue makes the odd choice of stopping on shuichi, even though the dialogue box only includes “…” and nothing else.
chapter 2
if you have unlocked tsumugi’s sonic dialogue and go to the monomono machine, you now have a 5% chance of getting sonic merchandise. if you give this merchandise to kokichi, you get some interesting dialogue. he says “wow, shuichi! how did you know that I grew up playing sonic and that it’s my absolute favorite video game series of all time?” this immediately maxes out all 5 of his friendship fragments, and you can get all 5 of his hangouts without giving him any more presents. you’re probably wondering why this is important, but you will see.
as kaede is now dead, shuichi finds himself horribly alone. while kaito is there and starts calling him his sidekick, the force of protagonist syndrome has caused shuichi to gain the courage to hang out with anyone, including kokichi of course. I don’t need to talk about kokichi’s hangouts. they literally end with “I stole your heart, so now I’m satisfied!” and it doesn’t get gayer than that.
or does it?
if you investigate the bathroom part of ryoma’s lab during this chapter and click on a very specific spot in order to enter one of the stalls, you can click on the toilet 5 times and shuichi will lie down on the floor. while it’s to investigate the underside of the toilet, and there is nothing to be found, the words “kokichi was here” are written on the ceiling above the stall. if you’ve already hung out with kokichi at least once in this chapter, shuichi will sigh and wonder what kokichi is doing right now.
if you’ve given kokichi the sonic merchandise, and you reach kokichi’s final free time event in this chapter, he will actually question shuichi after he finishes bandaging kokichi’s finger up, briefly commenting on how shuichi managed to get close to him so quickly and asking him “what his trick is”. he says “you must like me a whole lot, shuichi. I hope you don’t bail on me after this.” word for word, literally just hear me out.
“kokichi places his warm hand on mine, and I feel like he’s prying much deeper than he usually does.”
“I didn’t think that was possible…”
chapter 3
little did you know, giving kokichi the sonic merchandise unlocked a bonus hangout. yes, you heard me right. a WHOLE bonus hangout. you can hang out with him again whenever you want in this chapter. kokichi only says “good to see you.” you can select yes or no.
the screen will fade to black.
you have used up a free time.
if you have reached this hidden part of kokichi’s relationship sequence, random dialogue that isn’t in the normal game starts getting sprinkled in, as well as certain easter eggs. when angie starts her whole shtick, since you’ve already hung out with kokichi 5 times, there are a few things he has to say straight up, like how he’s going to teach shuichi about cults so shuichi doesn’t accidentally join the student council.
chapter 4
now that you’ve finally reached chapter 4 and activated the secret kokichi pathway, you get a hidden scene, much like the others that are triggered by having specific items in your inventory. in the middle of the night, kokichi breaks into shuichi’s room and shakes him awake, telling him that someone stole his almond milk.
shuichi tells kokichi to shut up and rolls over.
fun fact, if you get the hangout with miu where she checks whether shuichi is a virgin, she does, in fact, say “ha, I can’t believe this!” and if you zoom in the window behind her, you can barely make out kokichi’s face. peering in. watching you. if you click on him at any point during this hangout, you will hear a voice clip of kokichi’s laugh and shuichi will internally respond to miu’s dialogue differently. he will think “miu is the last person I need to know about this…”
in this sonic dialogue route, shuichi responds slightly differently to kokichi revealing that he is the mastermind. although his dialogue is mostly the same, he counts approximately 22 extra crying sprites, implied to be caused by additional heartbreak.
chapter 5-6
these chapters play out mostly the same way until the very end, the only exception being when you’re investigating kokichi’s lab. if you click on kokichi’s throne 13 times, one of the bookshelves will slide out of the way to reveal a hidden bathroom. there is an envelope taped to the wall that says “for my beloved detective, who habitually smacks things over and over.” it says “if you’re reading this, I’m probably dead. or am I? wouldn’t you like to know? nishishi.” shuichi comments about the fact that kokichi literally wrote that stupid laugh out, only to start crying again.
make sure that you have kind lie equipped as one of your skills before you start the final trial.
if you’ve done everything exactly according to plan up to this point, the ending is different.
tsumugi decides to show kokichi’s audition tape instead of kaede’s. he says “I’d love to be a part of danganronpa! I can finally be a bad guy without being scared!” but then kokichi looks directly at the camera. he says “naw, just messing with you. guess who?”
the screen cracks.
kokichi has suddenly entered the scene of the trial. tsumugi looks horrified. her wig falls off. everyone is at a loss for words. suddenly the screens and lights around them start to black out until everyone is left in almost complete darkness.
shuichi finally asks kokichi how he’s alive. he’s like, “you DIED” and kokichi is like “or did I? it’s the grand finale, shuichi! I owe you the truth this one time, because you’re my favorite.” everyone listens intently. “you see, by observing your irrational actions, almost like that of a main character… I was able to conclude that we exist in a fictional world that plays by certain rules. but we all been knew, didn’t we? not quite! someone forgot to test for exploits.” himiko just goes like “what the fuck you smokin?” and kokichi just laughs. “my self awareness has given me more power than you can possibly imagine! let’s just say I learned where the hit boxes are broken and installed a few cheat codes in the meantime!”
“no… that’s impossible! this isn’t supposed to be part of the ending at all!” tsumugi doesn’t like that one bit. she just kinda breaks down crying. shuichi isn’t paying attention to her though. he had accepted oblivion only to be greeted with kokichi being alive. as annoying as kokichi is, they are hopelessly in love. maki is a little disturbed.
after passionately reuniting with shuichi, kokichi says the thing. “this world is mine now, tsumugi! you got nothin on this! it’s time to say goodbye to this trash dump and create a new reality!” tsumugi just kinda goes like “noooo!!!”
everything goes black. shuichi has a vision about entering creative mode. kokichi has opped him. they take hands. “let’s create someplace way more fun.” maki and himiko and keebo look at each other because they’re floating in the background and watching this happen even though it’s supposed to be an internal vision. the screen goes white.
shuichi graces us with some internal protagonist dialogue about how he doesn’t really understand what’s happening anymore or what’s waiting for them outside of this world, but he thinks that things might turn out ok.
after unlocking this ending, you unlock a super secret video that you can view from the main menu. it’s a fully animated video of kokichi and dice dancing to world is mine. this is what they spent all their budget on
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vidaflxwer · 4 years
to all the villains i’ve loved before: part one
so since tumblr decided to be evil today, i’ve decided to just make this post about the top five villains that i love and save it periodically as much as i possibly can so that i don’t lose anything i say. i’m upset i lost so much that i said about a few of these characters in particular because it was all very heartfelt and loving but you know. you win some, you lose some!
if you all like this i can make a few more posts because i have plenty of villains that i’ve loved in my lifetime that i will not shut up about. plus, some are just funny little mei stories of me being morally conflicted as a child over whether or not it was acceptable for me to have a crush on this character or not
surprise surprise! i grew out of that phase eventually but i would like to caution everyone that these are villains. they have done horrible things but i do not condone their actions by any means. 
now that we have that out of the way, here comes me being extremely soft over five chaotic bastards for as long as it takes me to explain how much i love them. which i never will be able to. so i guess here’s a condensed version of why i love them? i don’t know! all i know is that this will be long and soft and loving so strap yourselves in. 
1. sano kojima
well, this one comes with a bit of a story!
one night, my friend and i were talking and she was telling me about this fanfic she was working on! she let me read a bit of it and i was immediately interested in it, and asked her to link me to it when she was done and she posted it on ao3! so she did but, alongside that link, she told me that i’d probably actually enjoy the game she wrote about if i enjoyed the fanfic she wrote that much and sent me the link to the game he was from, saying that i’d like a different character from it. me, having absolutely no idea what i was getting into but trusting my friends to know my tastes entirely, decided to play it!
and that’s how i fell in love with sano!
i can’t say if it was just how late at night it was that made me fall for him so hard or if i was just particularly lonely then or whatever, but all i know is that i don’t think there’s a single other character that i’ve fallen this hard for in my entire lifetime (though mello is definitely a close second, which i think says something). i actually got insanely pissed off when i got one of his bad endings the first time i played it because i thought i was doing pretty well! all things considered, he seemed to actually like me, which rarely happens whenever i have to impress a character in a game romantically because i suck, but it just felt like everything was going well! and considering the type of game it is, well, i think it’s easy to see why i was so shocked. however when i got the bad ending, i looked up cheats straight away and fixed my only mistake and got one of his good endings and the rest is really history! that very night i actually started writing a fic about him, not one of the two that are posted (and please, never read the one i wrote with my best friend. it’s so bad. i regret it), but i still go back and reread it time to time because it holds a special place in my heart. 
i cannot express my love for sano in a single tumblr post - let alone, one he has to share with a few other characters i love to bits - but i can try my best! i think a part of it is that i’ve never really had someone as stable and mature as him in my life, so i kind of latched onto that part of his personality for dear life. he’s very blunt in the way he deals with your feelings, that much is true, but it’s not blunt in a very condescending way? it’s just like, “yeah, we all feel like this sometimes, and it’s okay” which was? definitely not something i was expecting from his character? he’s very shy which is super cute - he actually gets all flustered in the beginning if you say you want to learn more about him, and asks why you’d want to know more about him, which i adore - and his blushing face... god it’s adorable. i always imagine his laugh and his voice to be really soothing too. i’ve written about both of them so often they feel more real than my own headcanons at this point, but it makes me soft. not to mention he’s just hot. he’s a sadist, i don’t know if i mentioned that, and some of his lines... they really speak to me. the things he does to you in the game aren’t, uh, very nice but i rather enjoyed them. he even has a sense of humor which is surprising? in one of his routes he just makes jokes with you the entire time which is so sweet. he’s very caring, too. he might injure you but he takes insanely good care of your wounds afterwards, and tries to make sure you’re not in too much excessive pain beyond what he inflicts on you, which is adorable. god he’s adorable just thinking about this is making me all soft. did i mention that he’s also half snake demon? because he is! he’s always cold which is why he lights a fire at one point in the game, to keep himself warm, but he’s very shy about his actual demon form which is so cute... i love him with all of my heart, okay? i forgot to say he’s a doctor. well, i don’t think he’s a legal doctor, considering his age, but he sure is smart like one. and i rather love intelligence in a character so it’s astonishing to me. i’m gonna stop rambling because this will just be a post where i talk about how much i love sano for five hours straight but point is: i love him. 
2. victor vale
victor’s rather new to my life - i only just read vicious for the first time last year, and i’m rereading it now and it’s been a blast - but he’s definitely wormed his way into my heart. 
victor’s just powerful. that’s the best way i can describe him, both with the actual power he has and his own personality, and it’s so absolutely mesmerizing. some of the lines written in regards to his character, whether it be his dialogue or internal monologue, just carry this energy to them that’s so insanely powerful? that’s such a bad way to describe it, but really, there aren’t many words i’ve found that can fully encapsulate the sheer badass nature of “victor vale was not a fucking sidekick.” i didn’t mention that - he broke out of prison just so he could defeat his ex-best friend from college, eli ever, after being in prison for ten years - and if that isn’t dedication, i don’t know what is. you have to keep in mind, eli’s invincible. his power is literally regeneration. while victor might be able to manipulate pain, even he can’t kill someone who regenerates. but he wants to try. all he cares about is the chance to make eli hurt, to make him scream and pay for the hell he put him through and his self-righteousness that’s caused him to become a serial killer, and that’s what i love so much. he’s cold, intelligent, and ruthless - three of my favorite traits in any villain, but that’s not all! he’s actually a bit soft, deep down! he “adopts” a girl named sydney throughout the course of the novel, as well as a dog named dol, whom he raises alongside his cellmate he escaped with from prison named mitch. they’re such a chaotic little family but i love them to death, and victor’s actually sweet to all of them, in his own way. not to mention that he’s still not over the death of the only girl he ever loved, angie, even if he inadvertently caused her death himself. i don’t know. he’s just awesome. and such a badass. and i love him. and he was a med student so bonus points to him for that! 
3. kaz brekker
oh goodness gracious, kaz brekker. i read six of crows last year and i cannot tell you the amount of feelings i had for most of the cast without becoming a giant mess because wow did leigh bardugo write some very attractive characters but kaz was the one who just screamed my type. he’s the entire reason i actually decided to read six of crows and i’m not mad about that decision in the slightest because wow did i fall hard for kaz brekker. he’s sort of one of those self-proclaimed “businessmen” who scams people out of money because he can, which makes sense considering that’s how he wound up losing his brother at a young age, but the way he goes about it... well, it’s interesting, to say the least. his dialogue specifically is just amazing. especially when he’s flirting a bit with his love interest, inej, which in the beginning is just over-dramatic fake flirting but it’s adorable. he calls her his darling inej and my heart about melted. i should mention that he always dresses obnoxiously nice, the majority of people in ketterdam are poor and struggling, which is a bonus. and he has leather gloves. he’s wonderful because he’s such a badass - this bastard has a limp and can fight like nobody’s business - yet he cares about his little team. as much as he might hate to admit it, he does have a fondness for each of them in his heart, which i find sweet. not to mention his entire motivations for becoming as ruthless as he is revolve around his brother who succumbed to the plague that kaz himself survived at age ten, leaving him alone in ketterdam with nobody to rely on but himself. he’s such a fighter and i love that so much about him. he took his scars and turned them into revenge and i think that’s one of his strongest points as a character, his dedication to screwing over the man who screwed him over. i just love kaz brekker i can’t take it he’s gorgeous and deserves the world. 
4. mello
and here’s the only character who i’ve ever possessed a love for that’s even slightly comparable to that i feel for sano.
mello... where do i even begin? mello was another character i found at just the right point in my life. he’s the one who taught me what an inferiority complex was and showed me how bad my own was, but made me understand exactly why it was i loved villains so much. because they make their own decisions, regardless of if they’re immoral or not. i admire anyone who has the courage that it takes to be like, “no. i’m not going to become who you thought i was” and strive to be better than they were expected to be, to become more. mello was the first time i really saw that expressed in such a painfully raw way emotion wise so i wound up rooting for him to beat near and light and become the winner in this messed up game that was happening. sadly, as most of you probably know mello’s fate, that is not what wound up happening and needless to say, i was heartbroken about it. mello is truly one of the characters who i will say deserved better. it’s not often that i think a villain deserves a happy ending but goddammit, mello did. he deserved so much better. he was constantly compared to near and shamed for his impulsiveness and it just broke my heart to see how much he was internally struggling to become the best. when i realized that near used him in his own plan, i was so beyond pissed off. 
mello is attractive. he’s badass - he rides a motorcycle, wears pretty much all leather, has such an attractive voice, and not to mention just carries himself in a way that i’m so drawn to - but i love him for so much more than just that. i love him because of what he represents - of who he represents - and i truly wish that more people fully understood his character because he is one of the most relatable villains i’ve found so far. i don’t know. i still have so many strong feelings towards him and miss him so, so much every single time i think about him. 
5. laito sakamaki
i’m gonna be honest with all of you here and say i cannot figure out, for the absolute life of me, why in the world i love laito sakamaki. he doesn’t fit my type at all? in the slightest? there’s nothing about him that would scream mei’s favorite diabolik lovers character? if anything, reiji should be my favorite but alas, while he is very attractive looks wise, his personality drives me up a wall. laito actually used to be probably my least favorite out of the boys alongside reiji, but i randomly warmed up to him recently and i’m glad(?) about that decision. he’s a mess. he’s so flirtatious and does not know by any means what personal space is and is just very forward with yui, to say the least, but i’ll be damned if this vampire boy does not have one of the hottest voices on the planet. daisuke hirakawa actually is going to voice lucien, a hot doctor from a different dating sim, in an upcoming anime adaptation of said game which i am very excited about because god does this man have a fantastic voice... laito’s just such an asshole and maybe that’s why i love him? maybe i love the way that he’s persistently awful and so flirtatious in the way that he is awful? then there’s the church scene in the anime which... if you have not scene the church scene, that’s probably for the best but his dialogue in that scene ruined me. everything about that scene ruined me. i could barely breathe watching that scene because it is one of the most attractive things i have ever seen in my entire life and i adore it. 
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 2.5
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time, we had the first of many adorable training sessions as Shuichi and Kaito officially became friends (and Shuichi unofficially became Kaito’s sidekick, though there may be a tiny part of Kaito that’s confused as to why Shuichi even needs it), Himiko had been brainwashed by Angie and announced tomorrow’s magic show, and Kaito ate way too much breakfast, which might have something to do with the fact that he’s already sick.
Bonus scene time! Kaito shows up to the impromptu casino gathering, despite how stuffed he apparently is, to make his second terrible decision of the morning.
Kokichi:  “Why’re you here, Kaito? I thought you swore off gambling forever?”
How do you know that, Kokichi? You weren’t there when it happened, and there’s no way Kaito would have mentioned it to you.
Kaito:  “I didn’t come here to gamble! I just don’t understand why the instincts of Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, were off!”
…So, in other words, you came here to gamble.
Kokichi:  “Kaito, it’s good to be confident, but not when you’re wrong about everything all the time.”
Much as Kokichi might not like to think so, Kaito is often right about a lot of things, which is partly why he’s able to be so confident. This, however, is not one of those things.
Kaito:  “Don’t you dare underestimate the instincts of Kaito Momota! I challenge you, Kokichi!”
Instincts don’t work on slot machines, you doofus.
Ryoma:  “He’s so easily manipulated…”
Ryoma here pointing out the fact that Kokichi has figured out it’s easy to get Kaito to do pretty much anything you want if you present it as a challenge.
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I like how in the illustration as Kaito loses spectacularly and is being laughed at, Shuichi looks amused but also sympathetic. Friends don’t laugh at their friends’ misfortune! Even if they brought it upon themselves.
Meanwhile, Ryoma wins spectacularly.
Ryoma:  “I’ve just got a knack for it, I guess.”
Kaito:  “What, you mean you’re lucky? That’s just superstition!”
Says the guy who was convinced that “instincts” could help with this.
That said, I want to believe that Ryoma isn’t magically lucky. Magical luck superpowers were a thing in the other Danganronpa universe, but this is not the same universe and that concept is nonsensical enough that it shouldn’t be expected to also be a thing in this one.
Kiyo:  “Kotodama is a belief that words contain power that can influence reality itself. Speaking positive words leads to fortune, and negative words lead to misfortune.”
Interestingly, the Japanese term “kotodama” is also the term for Truth Bullets in Japanese.
Kiyo:  “When someone facing a challenge hears negative words, they might feel it is unlucky. That feeling of misfortune may then affect their focus or motivation, yes?”
I can buy that hearing certain words that influence their feelings can change the outcome when someone’s undergoing a mostly skill-based challenge, sure. In fact, that’s a lot of the reason why Kaito is always so motivational – if he helps people feel like they can make the impossible possible, then they’ll be more likely to actually be able to do so!
But this should still not apply to slot machines. Those are pure luck. (At least, as far as I’m aware?) Plus if we’re trying to claim here that being confident would positively affect performance at slot machines then that’s clearly not true, because look at Kaito.
Kiyo:  “Words are powerful. Truth or lies may both be fired as powerfully as a bullet from a gun.”
And there we go, throwing that reference out there even for the localisation. It’s a neat link to the theme of the game, that fiction can change reality – the idea that words can influence people’s feelings and therefore the outcome of events even if there’s no actual evidence behind those words. Since the Japanese term for Truth Bullets already meant something like that in the first place, maybe it’s no surprise they decided to theme this entire game around that concept.
Kaito:  “Hey, Ryoma… Didn’t you have any pre-game rituals or something?”
I appreciate this tiny moment of Kaito interacting with Ryoma normally and asking him something about tennis. He’s usually so busy being bothered by Ryoma’s weakness that he doesn’t get any chance to treat him like a regular person. Maybe it’s because Ryoma just won at something and isn’t showing any obvious signs of weakness here that Kaito’s able to forget about that for a bit.
I still think these slot machines are probably rigged against Kaito specifically, just to mess with him. And maybe also rigged in Ryoma’s favour, apparently.
Kaito:  “My skills are suited for the universe! That’s why they don’t work on gambling!”
Sure, let’s go with that, Kaito.
Shuichi:  (I took a very depressed Kaito back to his room, then returned to mine.)
I love how this matches with the line just after breakfast last time. Kaito’s status: now both stuffed and depressed. (And Shuichi is still a good friend.)
Shuichi:  (There has to be something I can do… Yes, I’m going to do something about this!)
Time to try prying Gonta away from Kokichi again, since they’re still sneaking around together!
(Also, Shuichi sounds amusingly like Kaito when he says it like that. I wonder if that’s deliberate.)
Kaito is in his room, lamenting his terrible choices.
Kaito:  “Uggghhh… How could I have eaten so much? It was pathetic of me…”
He doesn’t mention the gambling because that was an optional scene, but we can pretend he’s lamenting that, too.
Also, here’s further evidence that Kaito does not usually eat this much and his decision to do so was likely motivated by something specific. But if his lack of strength last night during training was because of his illness starting to affect him, then, yeah, eating way too much food would definitely just make things even worse. Good job, Kaito.
Ryoma:  “Your face looks more dependable… To not focus on the past… in a place like this… I don’t get it…”
It’s because of Kaito, Ryoma! It’s just a shame that Kaito won’t do the same for you.
Ryoma’s obviously stuck focusing on his past and the loved ones he lost even though he’s desperately trying to look to the future and find a new reason to live.
Angie and Himiko are both locked in the gym preparing for the magic show and are unavailable to hang out. Meanwhile, Tenko is standing in front of the gym, glaring at the door and repeating Himiko’s name.
I haven’t been mentioning it every time, but Maki has been in front of her lab the whole time, refusing to let anyone in or even to hang out. She is so, so terrified of anyone finding out her talent. During chapter 1, she was still happy to hang out with Kaede if asked and would talk about things that have nothing to do with her real talent, but here she’s not remotely open to even that. Having her lab opened up and being so starkly confronted with her identity and the fear of people finding out about it has made her too afraid to even talk to anyone in case that somehow ends up coming out.
(I mean obviously the real reason she won’t hang out now is that her FTEs with Shuichi are focused around her life as an assassin so we can’t do them before the reveal, but it still makes heartbreakingly much sense in character too.)
Kokichi and Gonta are both hanging out in Gonta’s lab. This is not a good sign. Let’s try to intervene. (It won’t work, but, shush.)
Gonta:  “Hey, Shuichi. Others gather at dining hall, right? Gonta think about going… but Kokichi say he wanna have strategy meeting with Gonta…”
Aww, of course Gonta still wanted to go and meet up with everyone at breakfast! Kokichi probably manipulated him out of it because he figured Gonta would be more likely to not go along with his plan if he spends time today being influenced by actually decent people.
Also, I’m amused that Kokichi called it a “strategy meeting” just like Kaito’s one in chapter 1. This one contains equally little strategising, since Kokichi has already come up with the plan on his own and is just going to manipulate Gonta into following it.
Kokichi:  “Hm? You want Gonta, Shuichi? I don’t mind, so go ahead and take him off my hands, okay?”
HE IS NOT AN OBJECT. Oh my god, that is so telling for how Kokichi really views him, at least on the surface. What a dick.
Gonta:  “D-Don’t talk like that! G-Gonta not property!”
At least Gonta realises that and stands up for himself. Dammit, stand up for yourself more and realise that Kokichi is just using you, Gonta!
Let’s pretend that Kokichi fucks off somewhere else while Shuichi and Gonta hang out, because it makes me uncomfortable to picture him still being in the room eavesdropping on their conversation. Especially given the content of this one in particular.
Gonta:  “There no bugs here, but Gonta enjoy Shuichi’s company!”
Uhhhh, we’re in Gonta’s lab right now. There are bugs. This is awkward.
Regardless, they start talking about Gonta’s forest family… and Gonta very apologetically admits that he was lying when he said they were wolves.
Gonta:  “Gentlemen don’t lie. Gonta know that. Gonta don’t wanna lie, but… But… Gonta have to lie… for forest family… Gonta very sorry!”
I think it’s neat how the game establishes with this that even someone as innocent and kind and earnest as Gonta will still lie, even outside of the situation where he becomes a murderer, if he has a good reason to.
Gonta:  “So, Gonta actually raised by… Reptites.
Shuichi:  “…I’m sorry?”
Gonta:  “Dinosaurs not go extinct… Dinosaurs become dinosaur people – Reptites. Reptites live alone, deep in forest… They raise Gonta.”
So I was already going to comment on how ridiculously unbelievable this is… and then I found out that this is specifically a reference to a race from Chrono Trigger, apparently? Which makes it even more completely unbelievable. Things like this just give all the more credence to the fact that everyone’s backstories were made up and written by someone who has their fingers in a few too many fandom pies.
Shuichi:  “Ah, then why lie about the wolves?”
Gonta:  “They told Gonta to keep secret. Said bad things happen if humans know. Reptites and humans fought long time ago. But Reptites lost, and humans become dominant species… And Reptites not wanna fight anymore.”
I don’t know how accurate this is to Chrono Trigger lore, but the important point is that Gonta had a very good reason to lie! He did it to protect his forest family!
Shuichi:  (This story is literally incredible. But this is Gonta… he wouldn’t make up this story.)
Shuichi is having trouble believing it, understandably, but is also quite right to assume that Gonta wouldn’t lie about something like this, especially after he already admitted to lying and said he’d tell the truth now. And of course Gonta doesn’t even realise how completely ridiculous this story seems, because it’s just the normal facts of life to him.
Gonta goes on to talk about some “strong guys” who came to the forest to fight him one day.
Gonta:  “Gonta shocked most by… man from India who breathe fire. And another man from Japan who charge Gonta with flying headbutt. Gonta also fight professional wrestler – Red Cyclone! Him so strong and cool!”
Shuichi: (…That *definitely* sounds like a video game.)
So, uh. Shuichi is right. These are all apparently Street Fighter references? Geez, Tsumugi, calm the heck down a bit when writing these characters’ backstories. What kind of crazy crossover universe are you implying exists here?
That said, though I know basically nothing about the Street Fighter games, Gonta for Street Fighter when??
Gonta:  “Gonta face all challengers… focus only on fighting… Do much growing that day… Gonta think now, he prolly coulda made friends with them.”
Of course Gonta would also think fighting can foster friendship! He’s not so good with words, after all.
Gonta thanks Shuichi for believing his story.
Gonta:  “Everyone else make fun of Gonta. Call Gonta liar.”
Shuichi:  (It is a suspicious story… but Gonta is a good person. He wasn’t being malicious.) “They were wrong to do that, Gonta. I know you wouldn’t lie just to trick people.”
Aww, people would be mean to Gonta about this story because of how ridiculous it sounds! Good thing Shuichi can tell that Gonta isn’t the sort of person who’d make something up for a petty reason and must be telling the truth (at least, what is the truth to him) despite how unbelievable it is. And it also says a lot about how much Gonta trusts Shuichi that he told him all this even though most people don’t believe him!
These stories of his are also, interestingly, an example of Gonta earnestly telling the truth about something that is actually not true, because Gonta’s memories are wrong and so he genuinely believes it to be the truth and is not lying even though his story is provably false. Which is what ends up happening in trial 4 as well.
Shuichi:  (There’s still some time left—)
No, there isn’t, Shuichi; can’t you hear that the music just stopped?
Shuichi:  (Huh? I guess that’s Kaito, but…)
I love how Shuichi has figured out how to identify Kaito by doorbell enthusiasm now.
Also, it’s a small thing, but I like that Kaito went out of his way and risked getting caught by Gonta in order to warn Shuichi about him. They are friends.
Kaito:  “If we both make it out of this alive… Let’s train again.”
Geez, Kaito, you don’t say things like that in a killing game! Sure, he and Shuichi do both survive and train again many times, but damn, this sure is the narrative trying to make you think Kaito is super dead soon.
Gonta is already too far gone. We can assume this is happening at least a little while after our hangout with him, then. (This makes sense: if I’d instead hung out with for example Kaito, he then still finds time to help set up the tank for the magic show before being chased by Gonta now, so apparently there’s a chunk of time in between the FTE slot and now regardless. I guess Shuichi, introvert that he is, needs an hour or two to himself to wind down in between hangouts.)
While understandable, it is a little frustrating how all our FTE-ing with Gonta feels essentially non-canon right now. Shuichi would probably be having some kind of thought about how surely Gonta wouldn’t try and attack him because they’re friends, right? if the FTEs were able to be acknowledged.
Given what I recently learned about Gonta’s backstory, I would now also not be remotely surprised if Ryoma’s “Shukuchi Method” flash-step turns out to be a direct reference to some tennis anime.
Ryoma:  “By the way… I’m sorry. For saying something so uncool like ‘I’ve got no reason to live’.”
It’s interesting that Ryoma himself believes that feeling this way is “uncool” and something worth apologising for, despite that he’s been saying stuff along these lines the whole time. He knows he’s being weak and wants to find a way to get stronger! …If only Kaito could have heard this.
Gonta:  “Sorry, but… is for your own good!”
And by “for your own good”, Gonta means “you need to learn how good bugs are”, because Kokichi has been a manipulative asshole. This isn’t even about the motive videos to Gonta.
(This also won’t be the only time Gonta does something bad to everyone else because Kokichi has manipulated him into thinking it’s for their own good. Gah.)
Shuichi:  (And in this pitch-black world, I thought to myself… This is what it’s like… to die.)
Wow, Shuichi, that’s melodramatic of you. I guess he briefly assumed Gonta had murdered him before passing out? Ouch. That would be a very short and very heartbreaking trial.
Tenko:  “But Shuichi’s the only one who got knocked out.”
Keebo:  “Gonta apologized for that.”
At least Gonta did apologise, but it’s a shame he didn’t do so while Shuichi was awake to hear it.
Kokichi:  “As soon as I told him that everyone who hates bugs was trying to get rid of them… he started crying and said that he would get you guys to love bugs… or something like that.”
Aww, of course Gonta would get really upset by that! His poor bug friends! Kokichi is such an asshole. He’d already convinced Gonta that sharing the videos was a good idea – all he needed to do was get Gonta to bring everyone here for the sake of that, not to go and make him upset and angry for a completely unrelated reason. And, you know, if he’d done that, this viewing party might have worked, since there’d have been no lying involved that Keebo could later call him out on.
Tsumugi:  “You’re terrible… You tricked Gonta.”
Kokichi:  “Isn’t it great!? Only an evil supreme leader like me could do something so… eeeeeevil!”
By which Kokichi means that his concept of “evil” equates to “being as unnecessarily dickish as possible, because it’s ~fun~ fucking around with other people!”. He isn’t straight-up evil in that he enjoys people seriously suffering and dying like he claims later on in the story, but this much is true. There is still a certain level of suffering involved that Kokichi is enjoying here – everyone who’s uncomfortable with bugs being chased around by them for hours, and Gonta believing people want to hurt his beloved bug friends. It’s still not okay to get a kick out of that, even if it’s way way beneath the kind of suffering Monokuma is inflicting on them.
Kokichi:  “And I wanna see your videos, too, so I figured we could all binge-watch them together!”
…Except that he’s planning on watching them all himself as soon as he steals them without waiting to be with everyone else. He probably wants to do so so that he can know everyone’s secrets, be less likely to be surprised by someone secretly turning out to be a horrible person, and also just have more ammo for manipulating people. I wonder if he’s actually willing to show everyone his own video or is planning to somehow make an excuse to avoid that – he is very attached to his lie that his organisation is the supremest, evilest organisation ever, after all.
Kokichi:  “Umm… Everyone will know their motive and a killing will be more likely to happen? But I like playing on Mean difficulty.”
I wonder whose fault it is that Kokichi thinks of the hardest difficulty setting as being called “Mean”, hm, Tsumugi?
(Also, yes, he explicitly knows that showing the videos will make a murder more likely, and he’s doing it anyway.)
Kokichi:  “I wanna win this killing game! So I’m not gonna run from it, I’m gonna crush it!”
Kokichi is planning on “winning” the killing game, for his own definition of “win”, which means “beat Monokuma at his own game”. But I don’t know how he thinks getting everyone to see their videos and making a murder more likely is going to help with that.
Maybe part of the reason he does this is just that he gets so caught up in the massive lie he’s telling himself that he’s totally having fun with this, right? that he has to act in accordance with that or else he won’t be able to keep convincing himself that that’s how he feels.
Kokichi:  “If the thought of playing a death game doesn’t excite you, you’ll never win. Understand?”
Like he’s afraid that the moment he accepts that he hates this and is terrified of being killed, that’ll be what happens to him, so he has to keep up the lie. Newsflash, Kokichi: everyone else here is not having fun (with… a couple of exceptions), but none of them are automatically going to die just because of that.
Gonta:  “Thank you for waiting! Gonta bring Himiko and Angie!”
Gonta is so polite about having kidnapped everyone, oh my god.
It’s a little questionable why Gonta didn’t bring Kirumi just because Kirumi said she was busy.
Gonta:  “Sorry… Not even Gonta strong enough to overcome Kirumi…”
I guess Kirumi just has such an aura of hard-working responsibility that Gonta couldn’t bring himself to disturb her from the important magic show prepwork she was totally doing that definitely wasn’t setting up a murder.
Kokichi:  “I like bugs even more than you do, Gonta.”
If Kokichi was spewing lines like this earlier to get Gonta to agree, I’m surprised Gonta didn’t just get so excited that he immediately tried to have Kokichi meet some of his bug friends. That would’ve shut him up.
Keebo:  “It seems I must be the one to take care of this. With my talent, Kokichi, I will stop—”
Keebo gets interrupted here, but why doesn’t he just play the recording right now anyway? It’d save us all a lot of hassle and a lot of bugs.
Kokichi:  “Let’s see… it’s exactly 9 p.m. right now.”
Mentioning the exact time, yeah, that’s not going to turn out to be relevant to the murder that’s probably about to happen soon or anything.
Keebo:  “…We still have a chance when Kokichi comes back. That’s when I will take care of this. Everyone, please just endure it until then.”
…Why does Kokichi need to be there for you to play the recording, though? The point is to convince Gonta that he’s doing this for the wrong reasons and get him to stop. All we need to do is make him realise that Kokichi lied to him about us all hating bugs and that we all actually love bugs, really.
It’s a shame that Gonta’s idea of an “Insect Meet and Greet” is so over the top. One time I was at a natural history museum and there was a demonstrator there who had a praying mantis and was letting the visitors hold her if they wanted to while teaching them facts about mantises and answering their questions. That’s an Insect Meet and Greet! Gonta would be so good at that! He should just do that with all of his bug friends in turn, one by one, and it would be precious.
Still, I hope Tsumugi genuinely hates bugs and is regretting everything right now.
Kokichi:  “The bugs look really tired, and a gentleman knows how to do things in moderation, y’know?”
For once, Kokichi is right. The way Gonta went about this meet-and-greet really was not very gentlemanly.
Kokichi:  “So let’s start already.”
Gonta:  “…Start what?”
Gonta doesn’t even know that the motive videos were meant to be a part of this! Even though the whole time they were scheming together they were talking about that! Kokichi really did just decide to completely change tack and go about this in the most unnecessarily underhanded and cruel way possible instead of being even the slightest bit honest with Gonta.
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This sure is a dramatic illustration with fancy flashy light effects for Keebo using a tape recorder.
Gonta:  “Kokichi… what you mean? You… not like bugs?”
Kokichi:  “…Maaan, now it’s boring.”
Really, Kokichi? Because I think you having your own assholery backfire on you is pretty entertaining, actually. Apparently things are only “fun” to Kokichi when he’s not the one on the receiving end.
Shuichi:  (After leaving the room, I could still hear the muffled buzzing and Kokichi screaming.)
It is very reassuring to know that Kokichi actually hates bugs too. He deserves that.
They’re assuming that Monodam will return each of the Kubs Pads back to the person who originally had them, but that shouldn’t be possible. They were mixed up completely randomly by mistake – Monodam shouldn’t know who had whose. If anything, he’ll just do it correctly this time and give everyone their own. Yet apparently he does somehow give them back mixed up exactly like they were before, since Ryoma is now going to go and get his from Maki?
Tsumugi:  “But out of all of them, we can probably trust that one, right?”
…Hm, though the fact that it is specifically Tsumugi who mentions Monodam’s trustworthiness makes it slightly more likely that she knows that Monodam has some kind of way of knowing where they should go. Or that she’s going to liase with him to make sure it gets done right. The Nanokumas at least should have caught who had whose.
Other question: How did Kokichi manage to sneak into the rooms of the handful of people who weren’t at the Meet and Greet and would have gone back to their own rooms to sleep? For example, Kaito states in the trial that he went back to his room once nighttime started, so Kokichi shouldn’t have been able to steal the video that he had. Also, Kirumi.
Shuichi:  (I just remembered, I wasn’t able to train with Kaito today. Ah, too bad. We can do it tomorrow night, though. It’s not like I’ll never see him again or anything.)
Shuichi, stop tempting fate! You and Kaito are both terrible at this! It’s a good thing Kaito is nowhere near as expendable as the narrative is currently trying to make him seem.
Shuichi:  (I collapsed onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.)
Apparently running away in terror from bugs for two hours is also a good way to get yourself exhausted enough to sleep easily without any intrusive thoughts.
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i just played the NDRV3 demo again (didn’t remember you can get a bonus from playing it...that is, playing it on the same system you’re getting the full game for) and i want to post my impressions of and predictions for the setting and characters and so on. it will both help satisfy my hype and distract me from this horrible cold i have. there’ll be a couple spoilers here from the previous games/anime, but the info about NDRV3 is all from the demo and official website.
the school, if you can call it that: okay, i’ve seen it called a prison and i’ve seen it called a school. fact is, it’s a ruin. the overgrown foliage gets me right in the aesthetic, damn. an aboveground ruin doesn’t seem like a great place to imprison anyone, though--you’d think it’s not that structurally sound. (opportunity for an unexpected death, maybe?) could it have been reinforced from the outside? i’m sure monokuma wouldn’t let all this take place somewhere the walls could be easily shattered by a few carefully aimed steel tennis balls from ryoma.
...oh my god. ryoma’s got balls of steel. i just realized that now.
the goddamn intro video: okay...so in the intro everyone has the same eerie fuchsia eyes as class 77-B in the OP for the later episodes of DR3 despair arc. on one hand, this series is too smart to do something like that coincidentally. on the other, this series is also too smart to recycle the same twist. it has to mean something, right? at this point the best i can say is “well, that’s probably gonna turn out to mean something” and move on.
kaede akamatsu: very cute. i like her musical hair clips. apparently she was made fun of for playing the piano from a young age, but why? it’s the most normal hobby ever. pretty cool if you’re good at it, too. (i...sadly...was not.) poor kaede just wants a peaceful and happy high school life with her friends, but i’ve played enough dongobongo to know that’s not where this is going.
K1-B0: excellent pun name which i really hope gets explained in the english version. my adorably awkward robot son. when i saw the first few character designs i thought he’d be the protagonist because, you know, the hair. i don’t want K1-B0 to die, though if he does, i’d prefer an execution over a murder just because i’d love to see the “robotic cinnamon roll” cliche averted more often. buuuuuut until proven otherwise, he probably is a cinnamon roll. his recording ability should come in very, very handy for providing evidence!
supreme dictator kokichi “i’m brother, LOL” oma: reminds me of todomatsu, because he manages to be both undeniably cute on the outside and utterly rotten on the inside. lay off my robot son, you little creep! in japanese he refers to kaede as “akamatsu-chan”; not sure if he’s acting cutesy or being inappropriately familiar. he’s a guaranteed red herring for as long as he’s still alive. i think he’s gonna get murdered. i’m going to enjoy this character despite him being a piece of shit. possibly homosexual; must remember to investigate further.
detective...wait...saihara? yeah, saihara: i want him to take his hat off already so we can see what his hair is like. what if *gasp* he has an ahoge, and it turns out he was the shadow protagonist all along??? anyway...his aptitude should be a big help in trials, and he’ll probably survive...for most of the game. i hope we don’t have to hear about his inferiority complex too often.
gonta “everybody’s bug encyclopedia” gokuhara: my other new son! he aspires to be a true gentleman, but he never wears any shoes! he’s the big strong one in this game’s cast, so odds are against him surviving chapter 4...they're not going to have a third character in this role die a heroic death, are they? i want to hear him talk excitedly about bugs, and i want to learn more about his wolf family too. love my boy gonta.
ryoma “i’ve got balls of steel” hoshi: okay, so...he was on death row...but then he was sent to this school instead? what? how does that happen?? he seems interesting! it’ll be hard to take him seriously when he’s got the same voice as gundam, though. i wonder if the fact that he’s killed before will ever make him a red herring, though there’s already three more likely red herrings from what i’ve seen.
??? rantaro amami: this guy’s capacity to stay cool under pressure and negotiate have got to be related to his SHSL talent. diplomat? politician? lawyer? hostage negotiator? he’s kinda cute...i have no idea what’s gonna happen with him. a murderer, perhaps?
gimp boy: *tabs back to official site* korekiyo shinguji. okay. that unfortunate mask is the first thing we all noticed about him and most likely the memento we’ll keep long after he’s dead. his questionable sense of morality makes him an obvious red herring, but it also gives me the sense he’s no murderer--i think he’d prefer to hang back and observe the chaos rather than actually kill someone himself, unless of course he has a burning desire to observe the beauty of a struggling, dying murder victim firsthand. very, very interesting guy. as morally ambiguous as komaeda, but sadly, not as good looking. probably gonna get murdered himself, and will find the experience ultimately beautiful. alternately, the most likely student to use the “feel free to eat anything you like” rule as an excuse to experiment with cannibalism.
himeno...himiko yumeno: *yawns* kinda gimmicky. i think her magic is in fact real, which would make it way funnier that she can only do magic tricks. probably gonna murder someone, because wouldn’t a magic show-themed execution be the best? perhaps she’d be able to pull out some genuine magic on the verge of death...only to get killed anyway.
tenko chisomething: damn i really thought she was gonna be cute up until she started being a dick to naegi in the demo. she surely has her reasons for being a sexist twat (to be revealed in free time #5) buuuuut i don’t think anything can make me like her. a possible red herring if a male student is murdered. will probably get murdered herself. i dare you, game: make me like her.
tsumugi: oh my gosh, she is cute. how i’d love to wear one of her creations! i love how kaede gets all bubbly over her. i’m expecting her to deliver on those promised anime/manga/video game references! no predictions yet for her...
tojo the ultimate maid-san: way too freaking cool. she got offered a job to take down a country? why couldn’t there be a maid this cool in fire emblem fates?? she’s so composed all the time, so i’d love to see what can genuinely ruffle her feathers. i’m guessing she’s a murderer. she probably has a katana concealed inside a broom like plum kitaki.
aja...augie...angie yonaga: clearly not the ultimate phlebotomist for a reason. just how much blood does she sacrifice on a regular basis? just where does it all go? okay, she’s gimmicky but cute. will probably live long enough to get on my nerves, but in the meantime, it’ll be fun hearing atua weigh in on things.
kaito: comes off as really smart in a really dumb way. i don’t know why he had to pass the astronaut exam before graduating high school so badly, but you gotta give him credit for succeeding. my instincts tell me he’s either a survivor or a murderer...but then, he probably wouldn’t be a murderer seeing as we’ve already had two executions involving rockets.
mako...maki: very, very cute. the first detailed character design we saw. up until meeting her in the demo, i was certain her talent would be something more action hero-y than child care. well, we know the core of her tragic backstory already. i hope she survives.
miu iruma: okay, she’s lewd. i can appreciate wanting to increase productivity when you’re sleeping. frankly, i’d love an invention that helps you breathe while asleep...though, actually, those already exist. maybe i’d go for the reading invention, then! i’d love to see her talent potentially come in handy. unfortunately i fear her dirty comments are going to achieve fukawa levels of annoyingness by the time she dies.
monokubs: oh look, merchandise opportunity! all they need is a purple one. i can get behind monokid’s fondness for going “hell yeah!” the demo lead me to believe monodam never talks, but he does in one of the trailers. so...who the hell built these things? not that i was all that satisfied by monokuma’s origins (aside from the fact that he is, in fact, made out of palm trees). i don’t think i’m ever going to give a crap about the monokubs...
i’d love to see if anyone else is making a post like this with their thoughts about NDRV3′s setting and characters! anyone who knows the story already, i hope you had a good laugh at how wrong i am.
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Stay-At-Home-Stan au with Alien?
👽 - alien
For this, I basically crossed the Stay-at-Home Stan AU over with the Birb Guck AU, where the McGuckets are a birdlike alien species called Gucks.  It…actually works really well?  And Ford gets legitimately fearful of his niece at one point, so that’s a bonus.
Send me an emoji and I’ll write you a ficlet!
               Ford knocked on the door.  While he waited for someone to answer, heidly looked around the neat, fenced in yard.
               This is where Stan lives? Doesn’t seem like his kind of place. The door opened.  Ford snapped toattention.  Stan was standing in thedoorway, in loose jeans and a flannel thrown over his white T-shirt, staring atFord with complete confusion.
               “…Ford?” Stan asked numbly.
               “What are- how are-” Stanstammered.  He took a breath.  “How’d you know where I live?”
               “I asked Mom.”
               “…Of course you did,” Stanmuttered.  He crossed his arms.  “Spit it out, then.  Why are ya here?”
               “I- can we have thisconversation inside?” Ford asked.  Stanbit his lip and looked back in the house. Ford could practically see the gears turning in his head.  
               “Fine.  Just, ah, don’t touch anything,” Stan said,standing to the side so Ford could walk in. As Stan closed the door, Ford glanced around.
               “Nice place.”
               “Yeah.  Thanks.”
               “There are a lot of birdpictures,” Ford remarked.
               “Angie’s an ornithologist.”
               “Who’s Angie?” Ford asked.  There was no response.  Ford looked at his twin.  Stan was idly playing with a golden bandaround his ring finger.
               Well,that’s a new nervous habit.
               “Never mind.  I guess she’s your wife?”
               “Yeah.  Look, Ford, I wish ya woulda called.  That way I coulda gotten a sitter.”
               “A sitter?  What for?”
               “…Never mind,” Stanmumbled.  A tense silence fell.  After a few moments, Stan cleared histhroat.  “Do ya want some coffee or tea?”
               “Coffee sounds great.”
               “Okay.”  Stan walked into the kitchen.  Ford followed and took a seat at thetable.  He frowned at the colored blockson two of the kitchen chairs.  Stannoisily moved things in cupboards, muttering under his breath.  “Please don’t let it wake ‘em up.  Please don’t let it wake ‘em up.”
               “Wake up who?” Ford asked.  Stan froze. “Does it have to do with the sitter you were referring to earlier?”
               “That appears to be the word ofchoice for today.”
               “Heh.  I guess so.” Stan took a couple mugs out of the cupboard and busied himself with thecoffeemaker.  Ford leaned against thetable and closed his eyes.
               God, I’m exhausted.  At thesound of footsteps, his eyes snapped open. He turned.  Standing in thekitchen entryway was a young girl, no more than four years old.  She cocked her head.  This iswho Stan wanted a sitter for, I take it. Ford smiled hesitantly at her.  Thegirl yawned widely, exposing her teeth. Ford’s blood ran cold.
               “Holy Moses,” Fordwhispered.  Instead of normal bicuspidsand molars, her mouth was full of pointed teeth reminiscent of a shark orcarnivorous dinosaur.  Stan looked over.
               “Daisy!” Stan yelped, abandoningthe coffeemaker.  He ran to the child andscooped her up in his arms.  Fordcontinued to stare at her, picking up on other abnormalities: feathersintertwined with her hair, long toes that resembled talons, fluffy down coveringher arms.  
               “Woke up,” the child, Daisy,mumbled blearily.  Even her voice wasstrange; it had an odd lilt to it, with a raspy sound like a woodwindinstrument.
               “Uh-huh.  Sweetie, can ya go back to your room?” Stanasked her quietly.  Daisy shook her head.
               “Not tired anymore.”
               “I understand.  But ya woke up at a bad time, junebug.  Go play with your colorin’ book, okay?”
               “Mmkay,” Daisy said.  Stan set her down.  She toddled into the adjacent living room andgrabbed a coloring book from a small chest full of toys.  Ford stared at Stan, wide-eyed.
               “Stan, why does your daughterlook like that?”
               “Huh?” Daisy called from theliving room.
               “Ya look fine, sweetie!” Stancalled.  “Gorgeous, just like your ma!”
               “Okay,” Daisy said.
               “Ford, don’t say anything abouthow she looks,” Stan hissed at his twin.
               “Is- is your wife human?”
               “Holy shi-”
               “AHEM.”  Stan cleared his throat loudly to cover Ford’sswear.  “Daisy’s only three, Sixer.  Language.”
               “Oh.  Sorry.”
               “Anyways, Angie’s- Angie’sfamily isn’t…from around here,” Stan said carefully.  Ford’s eyes widened.  
               “You married an alien?”
               “Pfft, no.  Angie hatched on Earth.  Her siblings and parents are aliens, but sheisn’t.”
               “Hatched?” Ford asked.  He decided to ignore Stan’s lesson onsemantics.
               “Don’t pretend ya didn’t noticeDaisy’s feathers.  Angie’s species islike, birds or somethin’,” Stan said, waving a hand vaguely.  He paused. “Stanford.  Ya can’t tell anyone,okay?  If- if word got out about them,they- I don’t wanna even think aboutwhat would happen.”  Stan looked atFord.  Ford could see tears in Stan’seyes.  “Angie’s good enough at pretendin’to be human that even if ya look for it, ya can’t see she’s not.  But my kids…you saw Daisy.  Angie says hatchlings can’t hold a full humanform until their adult feathers come in. Even with bein’ half-human, my kids are too young for that.  I- I can’t lose ‘em,” Stan said.  The last sentence was quiet, like Stan couldbarely say it.
               “Stanley,” Ford said sincerely, “Iwould never dream of putting your family in danger like that.  Your secret is safe with me.  I promise.”
               “Thank you,” Stan said, lettingout a small sigh.
               “But, um, kids?  As in more than one?” Ford asked.
               “Yeah.  Daisy’s got a twin sister.  Danny. She’s probably still asleep.  She’sa heavier sleeper than Daisy.”  Fordnodded silently.  “No one outside ofAngie’s family knows about the girls. Well, Angie’s family and her college roommate, Marley.  Marley’s who I woulda had watch the girls, ifyou’d called ahead.”
               “What’s Angie’s family like?”Ford asked curiously.  He was sorelytempted to take his Journal out and jot a few things down.
               But Stanprobably wouldn’t appreciate me taking notes about his in-laws.
               “They’re a normal family,” Stansaid with a shrug, turning back to the coffeemaker.  “A bit weird, yeah,but they adapted to human life pretty well. I worked for ‘em for two years before findin’ out.”
               “You worked for them?”
               “As a farmhand.  Angie’s family has a farm down inArkansas.  Stayed there, worked there,but I didn’t find out until I walked into her older brother’s room withoutknockin’ and saw his kid, covered in fluffy little feathers, sittin’ in a nestof blankets and pillows.”  Stan quirked ahalf-smile.  “Cute kid, but nothin’compared to Danny and Daisy.  Right offthe bat when they hatched, they were the most gorgeous kids ever.”
               He really loves his daughters, doesn’t he?  Ford frowned.
               “Did- did you say your daughtershatched?”
               “I told ya Angie hatched, didn’tI?  Only makes sense for the girls to dothe same.”  Stan let out a smallchuckle.  “The number of times Iaccidentally took their eggs out and about.” Stan looked at Ford.  “Had to keep‘em close, so that they stayed warm.”
               “Of course,” Ford replied.  Stan poured coffee into the mugs he had takenout and walked over to the table.  Hehanded one of the mugs to Ford.
               “So, Ford, why did ya come?”Stan asked.  “I know it wasn’t to catchup and hear me ramble ‘bout my non-human kids.”
               “Uh, yes,” Ford said slowly,wrapping his hands around the mug, relishing the warmth.  “And actually, since you’ve already had someexperience with the supernatural, it might make my story a bit easier tobelieve.”
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