#bonnie x gus
takoyakikuria · 10 months
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purplehanktenent · 11 months
💖Más GusxBonnie supremacy💖
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A Bonnie le encanta darle besitos y abrazos a Hank, se llevarían súper cute ya que ambos son brawlers chikitos pero muy destructivos. 💖
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aspera82 · 1 month
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DNI! Basic DNI criteria, proship/profic(especially Larry X Lawrie shippers.), NSFW, if youre against self-diagnosing, if you romantise abuse, sh, drug use etc. if you dont stand with Palestine, Vivziepop stans.
I use the nickname Aspera and Im a minor. Im from Turkiye. Any pronouns are fine. Im autistic (self diagnosed+cant get officially diagnosed), I have BPD and insomnia. I post fanart here <3
Fandoms: Brawl Stars, The Owl House, Inside Job, My Little Pony, Bluey, Murder Drones, Lackadaisy, Rammshackle, Breaking Bad, Genshin Impact, Dreamworks' Trolls , Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss (critical mostly), Littlest Pet Shop, Madoka Magica, Spiderverse, Pj Sekai, Scott Pilgrim, Sanrio franchise
Characters I love: Princess Tiana, Larry and Lawrie, Sandy, Kit, Surge, Gus, Fang, Chester, Mandy, Otis, Melodie, Stu, Bonnie, Luz Noceda, Hunter, Amity Blight, Reagan Ridley, Brett Hand, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, N, Bluey, Muffin, Chili, Jesse Pinkman, Jane Margolis, Scaramouche, Furina, Sayu, Queen Barb, Floyd, Velvet and Veneer, Blitz, Moxxie, Millie, Verosika, Vox, Angel Dust, Husk, Homura, Mami, Miles Morales, Hobbie Brown, Emu Otori, Rui Kamishiro, Kuromi, My Melody, Charmmy Kitty, Chococat, Eula, Collector, Colette
Side blog where I usually rb art: @asperalovesart
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anika-ann · 2 years
Love on the Brain - part 8
Ch8: Worthy
Type: MCU x Criminal Minds crossover series
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word Count: 6700
Summary: The team comes to the rescue; but confrontations are never simple. And neither is the truth. 
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Series masterlist
Warnings: series includes criminal behaviour such as stalking or kidnapping; graphic violence, gun violence; (mentions of) death; allusions to dub-con; possible PTSD and flashbacks; sexual innuendos and foul language. Loads of fluff and teasing.
I’m covering my bases here to make sure - probably sounds worse than it is. If you’re interested in specific warnings for individual chapters, let me know.
A/N: divider by @firefly-graphics​; mind the WARNINGS in this one, they apply A LOT  ❗❗❗
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"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill."
— Emilie Autumn
During your studies and your time as an agent for the Behaviour Analysis Unit, not unlike throughout your whole life, you had learned that genuine interest could come a long way. Hearing people out and actually listening to what they had to say, caring, was the key to finding solutions to many of problems of mankind; mankind just often sucked at looking past their own porch, or the threshold of their own room.
You were aware that simple talking and feigning interest was most definitely not going to get you out of here – no amount of conversation could miraculously convince Bonnie to simply let you go. But so far it seemed to be working as a means of buying yourself time until someone who was in a better condition to get you out of this mess would.
You had no idea how much time you had bought to your team and even less of a clue whether it was and would be enough. Time flew when one was having fun; and it could really drag when you were talking to a psychically disturbed individual, while one of you were in handcuffs. And it wasn’t Bonnie.
Your arms were cramping as they remained in the same position, your fingers feeling as if slowly dying due to the limited circulation. The remnants of the drug circulating your system and rendering the world hazy still were not exactly adding to your comfort.
You almost had the complaint – and request to ease your suffering – on your tongue, feeling like you were doing a relatively good work of establishing trust since Bonnie even fed you a granola bar earlier, but you never got the change to tell her.
One moment, she was sitting opposite to you on a chair, talking about how she knew you were beginning to feel the same about her when you helped her stand up in training, Bills having just wept her feet from under her, the next second there was a beep and she was reaching for the keys of your cuffs.
You’d be thrilled if she hadn’t grabbed her gun too, stepping behind you and releasing only the cuffs tying you to the bed – and not the ones tying your hands together.
Your heart leaped to your throat, head spinning as she yanked you up; and nearly had you trip over your own feet when she released you unexpectedly. Gun raised, she gestured towards your arms.
“Slip your legs through the circle of your arms so they’re cuffed at your front. I know you can,” she ordered.
You followed the instruction, confused, but not keen on making her mad.
The fact alone that her behaviour changed so swiftly screamed danger – more so since it was on the basis of a single beep, a beep which indicated something you couldn’t even hope to gu---
It took your drowsy brain too long – but then the realization slammed into you like a freight train.
The cavalry is here.
The team must have somehow figured out who the unsub was and they were coming to your rescue.
Adrenalin flooded your veins as Bonnie stalked to you, not close enough to be in reach, an angry frown on her face – you finished the task, barely keeping balance as the cuffs dug into your lower wrists when you pulled your hips and left leg through.
Fuck you hated whatever she injected you with – the room was still swimming, your limbs feeling little jello-like despite the cramping in your arms. Yet you nearly cried in relief when the position of your shoulders changed slightly, hands at your front at last.
You didn’t have a full second to enjoy the feeling.
“Don’t move, darling,” Bonnie whispered, circling you slowly, the gun retaining a steady line of fire – aiming straight at you. Her left arm curled around your chest, pressing you to her front.
Her sudden hiss of outrage raised goosebumps in its wake as it tickled your neck.
She nudged you forward, nearly causing you to stumble again, before she spun around, walking you back towards the wall. That was smart. By the wall, she was protected: you from the front, a human shield, and the concrete from the back.
Briefly, she pointed her gun toward the entrances, ready to fire – then it frantically moved to your side, then back to the possible points of entry.
“How did they find us?” she demanded angrily, a note of panic in her voice – one that diminished yours a fraction, even as your pulse pounded in your temples.
She was losing composure – which was both good and bad. Trapped in a metaphorical corner, she was more likely to make a mistake. But it also meant she was likely to go down with her gun literally blazing.
But the team was here. You’d be fine.
This would be over in a minute; all they had to do was to convince Bonnie to surrender. Convince her that unless she did that, you would get hurt. After all, she showed you repeatedly that she didn’t want that, that only the circumstance forced her to do so.
Your breath hitched when a cold barrel of the gun was pressed to the side of your neck with a final decision.
Apparently, now the circumstance was forcing Bonnie to aim at your throat.
That was fine. You were going to be okay, she wouldn’t fire the gun. It was just tactics, she was readying herself to manipulate the team to leave. It was only natural and she would not actually pull the trigger.
Then why was your heart hammering in your chest, your carotid pulsing wildly against the unforgiving metal, panic squeezing your ribcage and making the world blurry and sharp at once? Why did you feel droplets of cold sweat gather at your brow?
Why did you wince when a familiar bulletproof gear with the big yellow letters spelling FBI entered your field of vision? Hotch, Emily, Reid. All from one side.
The other point entrance showed Natasha, her face laser-focused as she aimed straight between Bonnie’s eyes no doubt. And if Nat was here, you had no doubt that Clint was nearby, even if you couldn’t see him.
You took a wavering breath, trying your best to let the knowledge wash over you and settle the ever-rising panic, the frantic thump-thump-thump in your temples.
You’d be okay. You’d be fine-
Another figure entered at Natasha’s side and you felt your heart clench so hard it felt like a knife through your chest, pure horror seizing you.
Whatever Bonnie had injected you with now had to just metabolize into a substance causing hallucinations; it had to. Your mind must have been playing tricks on you.
He was beautiful. In his navy suit of armour, large in frame, sombre expression contrasting with a halo of golden hair for he forgone his helmet. A shield on his arm, gun in his right hand ready; he looked like an angel of vengeance.
His cerulean eyes were fixed on Bonnie, hard and calculating, not once flickering to meet yours. You could think of several reasons for that, but none of them mattered because if he was actually here-- what the fuck was he doing here?
Had he completely lost his mind at last? It was one thing to walk through the lobby of the Avengers Tower, where you, too, had in fact agreed he should not be anyway, but it was a whole new level to walk straight into the line of fire of a gun containing the one thing more likely to kill him than any other.
Hadn’t you had the very gun pointed at your throat, you would yell at him to get the fuck out of here.
You felt Bonnie behind you wince at the sight of Captain America too. Yep, no hallucinations. Gulping, you suddenly prayed that the barrel of the gun stayed on you. Life was funny that way, you supposed.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Reid stepping forward a bit, causing your captor to yank you closer, spinning you both to face him.
“Don’t come any closer!” Bonnie exclaimed, causing Reid to halt in his movement in an instant.
Your eyes met his, sharp and imploring at once. Unlike Steve, he reciprocated your gaze, the brown of his irises seemingly turning a warmer shade for a fleeting moment.
It almost, almost made you smile.
His hold on a gun never wavered as he looked at Bonnie again, voice levelled and rather kind. For a moment, you were brought back to all the times he talked an unsub down thanks to his capacity for compassion larger than life.
“Agent Stiles, my name is Spencer Reid-“
“I know who you are! Get out of here or I’m gonna shoot her!” she snapped back, tightening her grip on you, the gun now digging into your flesh.
Spence didn’t let it faze him; the only change visible was but a minute twitch of the corners of his lips, eyes large and almost innocent.
“I’m sorry, Bonnie, I can’t do that. You’re hurting my friend,” he said gently, making Bonnie sink her fingers into your shoulder. “You need to think about what you’re doing.”
“I am!”
“But are you really? You’re holding a gun to the woman you love and want to protect,” he opposed her patiently, drawing a small noise of despair from her.
“Isn’t that right? She’s so good, deserves so much love, loyalty…. You wanted to show her that Captain Rogers is easily distracted by other women, that she deserves better, didn’t you?” he continued, nodding towards the man in question.
Your frantic heart skipped a startled beat; you understood what Spencer was doing, showing he understood Bonnie, but--- did he really have to mention Steve? When he was right there, and the bullets were in the hands of an unsub in her damn endgame?!
Reid was damn lucky she was still focused on him; mesmerized even by his speech.
“She deserves better… someone like you, right?”
“Yes!” Bonnie cried out behind you, a small creak in her voice. “He’s just—he’s not good enough. Not worthy. He’d break her heart!”
“I would never-“ Steve defended himself, falling silent instantly when in a fraction of a second, you were being spun to face him.
Your stomach somersaulted in fear, panic squeezing you throat as you swallowed the cry clawing up to your mouth.
Oh God, GG, you fucking idiot, shut up, just shut up before you catch a damn bullet-
Hotch shot him a scolding look which Steve completely ignored in favour of finally meeting your eyes – a wordless apology for speaking up written all over his face, his set jaw tight.
He didn’t mean to ruin Reid’s efforts. But he was deeply offended at the mere notion of hurting you, because he couldn’t bear doing so; he never had, not in training, always quick to apologize and now… god, now. Now he unintentionally provoked the woman who had a gun at your neck.
You wanted to tell him you understood why he was outraged and that you believed him, that it was okay; but you were terrified that if you as much as whispered at a volume only his supersoldier ears would catch, Bonnie would notice and snapped.
Everyone was afraid of her snapping, of her violence; for a moment no one moved, no one spoke a word. Hotch’s glare moved onto you and even through the fog of your fear, it dawned to you he was the one to authorise Steve’s presence.
You were going to murder him. Later.
If you survived this.
Silence hung in the air, only interrupted by harsh breaths to your ear, laced by a low whine of frustration and helplessness. Your gaze flickered from Hotch to Steve and then to Reid, whose face remained unchanged, expertly hiding his mute horror that probably matched yours.
His gaze was imploring again; and for the shortest of moments, it seemed he was pleading you instead of Bonnie. And you understood. You knew that Bonnie’s rationality had flied out of the window a while ago, you knew that as well as Spence did, despite having tried to appeal to it earlier.
It was your turn.
“I understand now,” you whispered, catching Reid’s gaze for another fleeting moment, his barely noticeable nod. “I understand now, Bonnie. I told you I would listen. You showed me the truth. He’s not worthy. I mean look at him,” you scoffed, feeling her breath hitch.
You certainly didn’t look. You couldn’t; you knew your voice would break if you saw Steve wounded by the lies that were about to spill from your mouth.
“Look at him. He even let you snatch me right in front of his nose when I came to him, scared. But I understand now. I’m not scared of you anymore. I know you would never hurt me. You only injected me because it was necessary to bring me here and protect me from him.”
You had to close your eyes when your gaze strayed to Steve’s face, inevitably truly, because you had never succeeded in keeping your eyes off of him for long whenever he was in the room.  The moment was enough to take note of how deeply your words cut him.
You wanted to beg him to understand, it had to be obvious to him, for god’s sake, he knew you, unlike Bonnie. Why would he believe anything you said when you were at a goddamn gunpoint?
But you couldn’t afford establishing eye-contact with him, let alone speak to him; instead, you looked at Spencer again, wordlessly asking him to continue. He obeyed.
“Yes. She knows now, we all see she’s precious to you. We don’t want to hurt her either, but you’re giving us no choice but to aim at you two. You have to put the gun down, Bonnie,” Spencer told her, earning her full attention – and a scoff.
“You think I’m stupid? I’m not lowering the gun. I’m an agent! I know these tricks!”
The cold metal of the dug into your flesh still, compressing your carotid and making you feel lightheaded; this was getting nowhere. You were moving nowhere and she was getting more worked up by the second despite Spence trying his best.
“Of course. Look at what you were able to put together, outsmarting us all. No one is questioning you’re smart or capable,” he assured her.
You breathed in as the pressure eased just a fraction, your mind racing.
She was focused on them again; it was your chance. You hated this, but it had crossed your mind before. You needed to free your hands and fight. You needed dislocate your thumb.
You would have done it ages ago, even when you had been still alone with Bonnie, but besides having whatever nasty shit in your system, she had been watching you like a hawk. Now? You had a distraction at least. You had a chance.
Taking a calming breath as your ears rang, your dominant hand inched to hover over the other in your lap, a thumb barely pressing to the base.
To everyone’s credit, their eyes didn’t move to follow the movement as Bonnie spoke up, a silent outrage in her voice.
“They shouldn’t. Especially him. He didn’t even notice me taking pictures, too busy gawking at other women while he had the most precious woman on his arm. Fucking pathetic.”
Sensing an opportunity, you withheld dislocating your thumb. Maybe you could still do this.
“He is,” you agreed quickly, swallowing when you realized it was a little too fast. If you wanted to be convincing, you had to sound more hesitant. She knew you cared about Steve – or that you had before, at least. Easy, girl. “I could never be happy with him after you showed him in true light. I’m going to forget about him now.”
A beat of silence; an ease of her grip, even as the gun stayed in place. You felt Bonnie’s astonished eyes burning through your skull you as she shifted to see at your face better.
“Are you?” she asked lowly, the hope in her voice making for a crack in it. “Are you going to forget him?”
You could never; but you grabbed the chance firmly as it presented, heart in your throat, the single word coming out shakily.
You heard the click of the gun’s safety before a screechy cry nearly tore your eardrum, loud and menacing enough to rattle your bones.
A tremble ran through your body, heavy shuffle of Steve’s boots drawing your eyes, quickly followed by Hotch’s low warning – to him and to you as raw panic clawed at your throat.
No, no, no- Steven Grant Rogers, don’t you fucking move a single inch, don’t you hog her attention for yourself you selfish selfless jerk-!
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” you blurted out hastily, breathless because holy shit that was a loaded unlocked gun at your throat now and Steve was right there ready to play a moving target and you needed to get you shit together before this turned into a blood bath.  
“I’ll try, then! But I know it will be easy. I-- I’ll be with you and… you’ll show me what true love is about, you’ll make me understand!” Not good enough, not good enough, fuck- “With you, he… he’ll become nothing but a distant pathetic memory.”
You heard her breath hitch, all movement in the room stilling again.
Then, her thumb pressed against your shoulder. She caressed you lightly, causing your eyes to flutter briefly, nausea tickling your stomach at the sudden affectionate gesture.
Okay, okay, this was good, affection was good, even as she used the gun to move strands of hair from the side of your neck; a bizarre lover’s caress, soft lips pressing just above where the hard metal settled back against your throat.
A violent tremble took over your body, tears burning in your eyes when you felt Bonnie’s lips curl up into a smile before they retreated.
“Tell him then,” she prompted you almost kindly, a playful note in her voice. “Look him in the eye and tell him how worthless he really is. Tell him what you did with him was a mistake. Tell him you don’t care about him. Tell him you love me.”
Tell him what you did with him was a mistake. Tell him you don’t care about him.
The words made your head spin. Bonnie was confusing reality now. You made no mistake that had hurt her; you had nothing to apologize for and it wasn’t really your apology she craved. She wanted Lucille’s. But her cheating ex wasn’t here.
You breathed in deeply through your nose, licking your lips as you gathered courage to speak the words. You had walked into this; you needed to finish it.
Chances were that she was going to lower her gun for even a second; and the moment she would, you’d duck and someone – anyone really, but your money was on Clint, who you couldn’t even see and he’d be so smug about it, the image in making having you stifle a hysterical laugh – was going to shoot her.
You scanned the room, gulping when you caught the minute nod Reid gave you in support.
They got your back; the success of the plan lied on your shoulders, however.
You could do this. You could lie through your teeth and apologize to Steve later.
“I don’t-“
“And look him in the eye,” Bonnie hissed, yanking you to face Steve directly, forcing you to look straight into the sad pools of his eyes indeed.
“I--- I don’t… I don’t care about you. You’re worth-“ -everything, you wanted to scream, his dejected expression breaking a piece of your heart away, making for a lump in your throat. “-worthless. A mistake. You don’t deserve me. You’re not worthy. Bonnie is.”
You could feel your captor practically drilling a hole into your head with the intensity she watched you with – and then Steve. You could taste her victory in the air, the bittersweet accent of her triumph.
The second you were free of her scrutiny, your eyes bored into Steve’s, pleading him to understand. Of course, you hadn’t meant any of it; but he only averted your gaze. He must have thought you said it too easily. Too easily for the words not carrying a droplet of truth.
You wanted to yell at him not to be stupid – because he had to know you were forced to say this while in reality, he was your gentle giant and you had almost kissed him for god’s sake, because you had wanted to kiss him for the better part of the past two years – but he appeared utterly defeated.
The arm with the shield dropped to his hip; he lowered his gun.
He literally lowered his defences – and the very moment he did so, you were consumed by fury and horror at once.
A switch flicked in your body; fuck everything. You gritted your teeth and pushed hard, the pop of the joint of your thumb sending a jolt of pain up your arm, tears stinging in your eyes. You didn’t care; because the next second, Bonnie spoke up, icily calm – and you knew you had been right to act.
“That’s not good enough.”
The world turned into a blur of instincts and pain; the second the barrel of a gun left your skin, your hands were pushing it up and twisting down, body spinning around.
A flash of Bonnie’s raging face and a sneer; three gunshots cutting the air and muting the world around.
Pain exploding in your arm as you stumbled backwards. Shouts and cries enveloping you; shocked, you realised one of them was yours.
A motionless body of a woman lying on the ground, two pools of blood growing a few feet from where you fell on your ass, gripping at your left arm, waves of agony pouring out between your bloody fingers.
You winced at a new touch to your uninjured shoulder, a familiar face twisted in anguish entering your vision, filling it with his enormous presence. Mesmerizing blue eyes, with the tinniest specker of green, so warm despite the cold colours, brimming with worry.
Several voices reached your ears, serious, matter-of-fact, but sounding from such awful distance, your world zeroing on a single pale face; an angel speaking, a soothing gentle voice.
“Sparkles, sweetheart, look at me. You’re going to be okay, yeah? You’ll be fine,” he vowed, and maybe it was just the blinding pain that bit into your arms when his fingers pressed into your wound, but the angel had a halo around his head.
You had no reason not to believe him, but you didn’t expect the sting to the side of your neck, causing you to gasp and halt in the waterwall of words you only now realized was spiling from your lips.
Steve’s features seemed sharper now, even as you became aware of the fact that you were shaking in his grip; you recognized Tony in his Iron Man gear with only his hands and face uncovered, syringe in his right hand, Hotch and Emily talking too fast for you to decipher their words, Reid kneeling by Bonnie – oh god, Bonnie, you got a glimpse of one of the crimson pools being by her head – swiftly blocking your view of her.
It was over; oh thank god it was over and Steve was there, holding you, speaking firm and clear and kind, supporting your back and pushing against your arm with the fingers of the same hand, cradling your cheek--- and looking so so sad, the words, the ugly lies you had told no doubt weighting him down and you had to fix it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t—I was just saying what she wanted to hear, I swear---” you muttered frantically as you gasped for air, somehow only bringing a sorrowful twisted smile to Steve’s gorgeous lips as his thumb stroked your cheek gently.
“It’s okay, you’re okay-“
“None of it was truth, none— you’re not pathetic-“
“Sparkles, I know why you said that, it’s fine. You need to slow your breathing. Breathe with me. In… and out. Slowly, it’s fine,” he whispered, urgent but soothing, but you knew he was only saying that to make you feel better, that was what gentle giants did, too kind, dismissing their own hurt in order to take care of others, but he didn’t understand you meant what you were saying now, you had to make him understand.
“I love you, so much, and I should have said something a long time ago, I-“
“Hey, hey, shhh, it’s okay…” he assured you, eyes wide with surprise and that was good – now, he knew what you were saying, but there something else in his face too, something unreadable.
You hated when you couldn’t read him.
But Jesus, your arm hurt and your head was spinning—oh. Oh he was mad, wasn’t he? You couldn’t read him because he was rarely mad at you, but now he was angry, that was it, pissed that you had put them all in danger like this, that shots were fired, that he had to come here, that you hadn’t been honest with him before-
“I’m sorry. Are you—are you mad? Please don’t be mad-”
His enormous tense shoulders seemed to relax a fraction at your question, an honest, brief, breath-taking smile painting his lips as he gazed into your eyes.
“Why, I could never be mad at you, Sparkles… except maybe when you make all the fuss about my safety, completely missing it’s you who’s in danger. Never do that again, hm?”
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t think—I- you’re--- you’re more than my friend, than my best friend, I couldn’t-“
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re more than my best friend too,” he admitted sweetly, taking a deep breath as his eyes strayed elsewhere under the weight of the confession that made you lightheaded. You were what to him? “But let’s sort that out when you’re not shot and drugged and high on adrenalin, yeah?”
“I’m not high-“
“Kid, you’re high as a kite,” Tony snorted to your left, making you tear your gaze away from Steve’s face and frown in his direction. Oh wow, the world swayed with the movement. “You’ve been trying to keep your feelings to yourself for months if not years and now you just spitted it out like it was nothing.”
“He’s not wrong. Your body is flooded with adrenalin now and judging by the steady dilatation of your pupils without reaction to light the drug you’ve been injected with is still in effect,” Spencer added not-so-helpfully, sending you a tight-lipped smile. “And that antidote countermeasure probably isn’t helping that. Let’s get you some medical attention.”
You licked our lips, finding your tongue growing uncharacteristically heavy, a metallic taste in your mouth. Antidote? What antidote? To what? Wait. Did you just say to Steve that you loved him?
Oh. The bullets. The bullets meant for Steve; they had been laced with something. Right, right, right…
That was the sting to your neck had been. That was the syringe. Probably as a precaution if the… neuroagens or whatever worked on you too, not only Steve.
What did it feel like you should have connected those dots a few minutes ago? Minutes? Tens of minutes? How long has it been since you were taken, since Steve and others arrived? The lights were on, blinds down, you had noticed the blinds – when was that? Was it night yet?
“…I do feel a little out of it,” you admitted hesitantly, realizing you were getting cold despite being curled against the world’s nicest walking space heater – in a very, very pretty suit of armour.
You really liked this colour on Steve. It accented the colour of his eyes and he always had pretty eyes, but in this suit, they were just the perfect shade of blue. The colour was stealthier than the typical stars and stripes, but that was fine, the stripes were still there and so were the leather straps.  
Were the straps as practical as they seemed for other things than carrying a shield? Christ, your arm was in agony-
A snort sounded to your right and you were met with a sight of Emily, shaking her head with a brief smile. “Yeah, no kidding. Come on, let your knight carry you.”
“I could take her, the suit would-“ Tony objected, earning a glare from your knight with a shiny star in a middle of his chest. “Or not.”
“Go. You need each other now. We’ll take care of the rest,” Emily said, exchanging a nod with Steve.
“Thank you.”
And then the world swayed again, your head falling to rest against Steve’s shoulder, tiny swings nearly lulling you to sleep; but he told you to keep your eyes open.
You might enjoy teasing Steve and bickering with him a bit, but when the Captain gave an order, hearty and sweet but adamant, there was no denying him. He laid you down in no time, the roof of a jet entering your vision, but he didn’t let go entirely; he only lost his glove to hold your hand firmly, ignoring the syrupy residues of blood, his right hand tenderly pushing the hair sticking to your forehead away as if he heard the thought about how annoying it was before it even formed in your head.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he whispered, the corners of his lips rising pitifully, but his eyes spoke nothing but the truth of his conviction. “One last sting, I promise. You’ll feel better then.”
And why wouldn’t you believe him? It was Steve.
So you nodded, swallowing hard as the needle pierced the skin of your shoulder, and let your eyes flutter shut.
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It wasn’t that Steve couldn’t multitask; he was in fact excellent at it, a source of many of your jokes, as you called him an alien amongst the male population. But he also liked to be laser focused on only one task at the time. He was mission-oriented like that and while right now, he felt several emotions in him boiling and expanding to the point where he thought he might burst, he was on a mission.
His mission was to comfort you, keep you company, and make sure you would never feel the same fear he read in your eyes when they found you in Stiles’ literal clutches, a gun to your neck.
The sight shook him to his core; he was certain it was a horror image now etched into his brain and his eidetic memory wasn’t to blame for that one.
Uneasiness settled in him when you closed your eyes for good, but knowing Bruce was already taking care of you, he tried to ease that worry; you were in the hands of one of the world’s most renowned scientists, in the quinjet which could reach the Tower where Dr. Cho was waiting in a matter of minutes.    
It was probably better if you slept through Bruce assessing the damage the bullet – one meant for him, what were you even thinking suddenly trying to fight Bonnie off in your state when there were six agents at your disposal and Steve had his shield and supersoldier’s reflexes which would deflect the bullet he knew would be coming, he was going to be fine – made.
He nearly lost his mind when Clint fired along with Hotch and yet there sounded another gunshot.
He’d crush your hand remembering the split second, but he heard Bruce muttering under his breath something about a graze and they had found the bullet so they knew that whatever you had was a mere flesh wound.
Not that it stopped him from being fucking terrified for you, especially with the bullets having been modified. He was going to murder Tony one day. Even if the apparent genius gave you also the antidote.
“Steve?” you breathed out, causing him to blink and refocus his gaze, finding you watching him again, a weak smile on your lips he couldn’t but mirror, squeezing your hand.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
An adorable confusion nearly laced your eyebrows together, lips pursing a bit; Steve realized that whichever painkillers Bruce had given you must have taken effect fast, judging by your next words.
“Where’s your sword if you’re a knight? You only have a shield.”
It was absurd; the circumstance was awful and Steve absolutely hated that you were lying there, high and shot and bleeding and asking this question with utter and unfeigned seriousness, but he chuckled anyway, because the word cute couldn’t hope to capture the image you made. And he wouldn’t deny you anything you asked at the moment.
Especially since you had blurted out ‘I love you’, just like that – and at the same time, spoke it so clearly as if your life depended on him knowing that. God, the things you were doing to him.
“See, Sparkles, the knight, it’s just-“
“Am I that much of a firecracker?” you interrupted him distractedly, a little wounded, frowning harder even as your voice grew drowsy.
Steve sighed, running his knuckles over your cheek, eliciting a sound dangerously close to a purr as you nuzzled into his touch like an affectionate kitten and lord almighty, he adored you and he was going to lay the world to your feet just to hear that sound again once you’d be fully conscious.
“Just the right amount. And I really like it.”
“But then… why do you keep calling me that? Sparkles?”
“Do you mind?” he queried gently, shamelessly taking advantage of your weakened inhibitions to find out the truth – it hadn’t even crossed his mind until you asked. Did you not like it, but kept your mouth shut as not to insult him? “I didn’t think-“
“No. I like it, it’s your special nickname for me. I love that, GG. I just… I guess I thought it was because of how I act.”
How you were able to string together a sentence like that in your condition was beyond Steve. Bruce was still poking around your arm, but you didn’t even seem to notice, fully focused on Steve instead, just as mission-oriented as he was.
And your mission now was to get at the bottom of your nickname.
Frankly, Steve didn’t want to say it. It would be embarrassing to admit it really, he was sure Tony would laugh his ass off, but… did he mention he couldn’t deny you anything?
“It could be, I guess. But it’s not that, it’s just… it’s gonna sound so corny.”
“I like corny. I like you cheesy. Corn and cheese good,” you babbled, your gaze misted over but somewhat still clear.
Steve licked his lips, all resolve broken when your fingers dug into his hand with the tinniest pressure; all strength you had poured into the single request.
“It’s… your eyes.”
“My eyes?” you questioned, utterly confused.
You rolled your eyes a bit, zeroing on your nose as if you could turn them enough to see them without a mirror – and then you closed them as the action tired you out. You were about to drift off any second, Steve could tell, so he just shook his head as you blinked them open heavily.
“What my eyes?” you demanded, voice thin but stubborn.
“Close them. Rest. I’ll stay if you want.”
Your head lulled to side, a slight curve to your lips. You gazed up at him pleadingly, your pout making a return; cute and painfully vulnerable.
“Want. Always. But tell me?”
Christ if that wasn’t the most effective interrogation method he was ever subjected to, how was he supposed to say no to you like that-
“Okay. But… close your eyes,” he requested and like a charm, you obeyed, taking a deep breath as you melted further into the stretcher.
For a brief moment, Steve contemplated keeping his secret for himself – after all, Bruce was still right there and you were practically unconscious – but you had asked and Bruce seemed like he hardly cared about what the conversation was about as he stitched your skin together.
“When… we didn’t know each other much back then and you gave me the cookies as a thank you for saving your life. At that time, I told you it wasn’t necessary, but you looked embarrassed then, so… I took them.”
“Cause you smelled ‘em,” you murmured and Steve nodded, smiling to himself.
“Yeah, that too. I took the box, thanked you and took a sniff, telling you that they smelled delicious. Which they did. And you smiled… you looked so pleased.”
He felt his mind wandering off, painting a vivid picture of the first time he saw you smiling like that, smile he had the luck to see many times since that day. Smile he had tried to capture on paper, multiple times, never quite succeeding. He’d try again; he’d ask you to pose for him when you felt better. Or maybe while you’d be recovering, to help you pass the time.
It would become his new mission once he finished this one. For now, he only drew circles into your palm which was growing slack with each passing second, just as his own voice sounded softer and softer with maybe a hint of a croak he would never admit to.
“And your whole face lit up. I know this really sounds cheesy, but you brightened up so much at that moment. All of you, but… your eyes. There was and is a spark in your eyes when you smile. When you’re genuinely happy. It’s— it’s beautiful. You’re just so… I think you’re beautiful, Sparkles.”
Moments ticked by after he finished his confession, feeling light and heavy at once, worrying about your reaction.
Pointlessly, however; one glance at you showed your chest was rising and falling smoothly, your whole body relaxed. A faint echo of a smile played on your lips still, but Steve could tell you had already entered the dreamland.
He watched you for a bit, face burning with his admission, but his heart felt warm. Only when he heard a soft shuffle of feet, he looked up, noticing Natasha in the corner. He didn’t have to ask for how long she had been standing there; her face was enough of an answer.
She was grinning at him, encouragement with a teasing edge.
“Typical. You tell her when she’s not really in capacity to listen. You’re such a man…” she snorted, but walked to his side, patting his shoulder like a proud big sister. “Come on, lover boy. Let the doc work and go help us put this shit behind us instead.”
Steve gulped, sparing one more glance your direction. His mission was now complete, at least the part he could do at the moment. He had other duties now.
Nodding, he rose to his feet, turning swiftly to the cockpit when he saw the others approach; Tony carried Stiles, no doubt beyond saving after Clint’s deadly precise shot. Steve didn’t linger with his gaze; seeing death, even of a person who hurt you, brought him no joy.
But what felt worse was the sheer disappointment in himself that hit him upon recalling the gunfight. He failed to meet his responsibility, he wasn’t the one who rid the world of your captor and he hated that. He didn’t care what kind of a person it made him, feeling that way. Not now. Not when he had to wipe his hands clear of your blood before being able to do anything else.
He headed to the pilot seat, knowing that unless he had his hands occupied, he was gonna break something just to release some of the frustration boiling inside him. Natasha followed, a ghost of support, wordlessly telling him she understood and thought nothing less of him. In the very back of his mind, he was aware of the fact he’d be grateful for that acceptance later; much like he’d thank Clint for taking the shot Steve would have loved to take himself and still would mean it. He just didn’t have the capacity to accept it yet.
Jaw tight enough for it to hurt, he took the seat and brought the quinjet to the air, focusing on the image of your smile – two years ago, just a minute ago and the many days in between.
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→ Next part
Series masterlist // Steve Rogers masterlist // Misc masterlist
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Alright, my dears, we have the most action behind us. I can promise loads of fluff from now on 💗 (maybe some small drama). Thank you for reading!
Also, I want to thank you again for your wonderful encouraging feedback, it gives me life and before I reply, I usually read your comments at least three times 🥺
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My Brawl Stars
(Made this instead of chart because I can't function well with the chart thing)
This also shows ships I saw from others
Eventually I gave up in a way so if it’s messy and inaccurate then no, it takes too much braincells for me
I’ll like give out the ages chart later but I don’t want to rn
Ships Only:
- Rico x Piper
- C.Ruffs x Eve
- Belle x Sam
Brotp + Ships?: (? = unsure if ship)
- Colt + Shelly
- Shelly x Fang
- Bull x El Primo
- Bull x Mortis
- Crow x Mr.P
- Bo x Brock
- Dyna x Gale
- Byron x Mortis
- Piper x Tara
- Emz x Willow
- Mr.P x Buzz
- Griff x Lola
- Edgar x Chester
- Chuck x Charlie
- Ash x Grom
- Ash x Sprout
- Lola x Fang
- Lola x Charlie
- Buzz x Doug
Brotp + Ships:
- Shelly x Fang
- Bibi x Edgar
- Nani x Stu
- Nani x Sprout
- Nani x Pearl
- Brock x Gray
- 8-Bit x Tick x Lou
- Dyna x Gale
- Carl x Darryl
- Byron x Griff
- Byron x Sam x Belle
- Byron x Gray
- Barley x Griff
- Emz x Poco
- El Primo x Rosa
- Amber x Maisie
- Amber x Lou
- Amber x Charlie
- Lou x Surge
- Griff x Gray
- Colette x Fang
- Rosa x Bea
- Sprout x Stu
- Eve x Hank
- Max x 8-Bit
- Janet x Mandy
- Belle x Byron
- Sam x Byron
- Chuck x Gray
- Otis x R-T
- Grom x Fang
- Lola x Gray
- Lola x Buster
- Gray x El Primo
- Gray x Buster (OTP)
- Gray x Maisie
- Gray x Charlie
- Buster x Fang
- Buster x Charlie
- Maisie x Mandy
- Maisie x Charlie
- Maisie x Amber
- Willow x Cordelius
- L+L x Angelo
- Angelo x Melodie
- Melodie x Bibi
- Melodie x Gray x Brock x Buster
- Melodie x Mandy
- Melodie x Emz
Brotp Only:
- Bo + Pam
- Nita + Bonnie
- Any Kid Ship
- Bibi + Crow
- Jessie + Penny
- Jacky + Carl
- Penny + Darryl
- Barley + Lou
- Frank + Bea + Rosa + Sprout
- Emz + Edgar
- Gene + Tara
- Squeak + Sprout
- Squeak + Lou?
- Max + Surge
- Bonnie + Gus
- Otis + Cordelius
- Lily + Cordel
- Tara x Gray
- All the Medieval Trios
- Pearl x Larry/Lawrie
Does ship but more Brotp:
- Angelo x Willow
- Spike x Bea
- Spike x Colette
- Melodie x Draco (but more as enemies)
- Buzz x Doug
Enemies + Ships:
- Kit x Mico
Rivals + Ships
- Charlie x Gray x Lola
- Colt + Fang
- Colt x Bull x Shelly
- Colt x Brock
- Shelly x Bull
- Bibi x Max
- Crow x Mico
- Brock x Max
- Brock x Tara
- Jacky x Buster
- Tara x Amber
- Mr.P x Griff
- Lou x Sprout
- Max x Bibi
- Max x Buster
- Meg + Brock
- Buster x Willow
- Buster x Mandy
- Willow x Larry/Lawrie
- Brock x Draco
- Brock x Barley
- Pearl x Lou
- Pearl x Barley
Not for me but l'll accept:
- Mico x Crow
- Crow x Mr.P
- Surge x Lawrie
- Lawrie x Colt
- Colt x Mortis
Family (Only Adoptive and Unrelated):
- Gray + Chester + Mandy
- Angelo + Willow + Otis
- Hank + Otis
- R-T + L+L
- Gray + Otis
- Buster + Chuck + Gus
- Gray + Maisie + Chuck + Gus
- Gray + Gus
- Byron + Lola
- Byron + Lola + Chuck
- Rico x Vending Machine
- Byron x Sam x Belle
- Mortis x Willow
- Gray x R-T ish
- Swamp of Love + Candyland
- Mandy x Draco
- Mandy x L+L
- Buzz x Doug
- Mortis x Gene
- Gene x Mr.P
- Willow x R-T
Swamp of Love + Environmental Trio
Swamp of Love + Starr Theater Trio
Swamp of Love + Police Trio
Police Trio + Superhero Trio + Wild West Trio
Mandy x Chetser
Chetser x Gray
Chetser x basically everyone (except for Edgar and if adult Emz and Angelo those are ok) ok so that’s old I may change it soon because of Mandy (I prob would)
Any proshipper ship
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camillescreations · 9 months
PART 2 of my ofmd teaser analysis!
Now let's go back to my baby Stede! So he sends the message in a bottle, declaring his love and adoration for Ed. It seems he lies awake thinking about Ed, too. And he defends Ed, saying that he doesn't care what any of the crew say, Ed's a good guy. Obviously the crew, especially Olu and Back Pete, are gonna be like "HE LEFT US. ON AN ISLAND. TO DIE." But Stede loves Ed too much to stay mad at him for long, as we can see from the trailer. The crew likely told Stede about what Ed did right away, but Stede doesn't seem to be holding a grudge. Which I think is good! It means there's less animosity from Stede's side (unless the whole Lucius thing derails that). Then we have the infamous "I did a punch!" snippet.
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LOOK AT HIM IN HIS JACKET BEING PIRATEY. I love him so much! But who is Stede talking to? Well, Izzy of course!
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We can see that this shot of Izzy is in the same scene. Also this one, where you can see Stede fighting the rando knife guy and Izzy in the doorway, watching.
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This means that Stede, and likely the rest of the crew, reunited with the Revenge! But my guess is that this is after the storm, so Ed isn't there. It's possible Ed hasn't been there for a while. Again, I'll try and guess the order of events at the end of my analysis in the next part. But this means that, at the very least, Jim and Olu will be back together! We'll have to see if Lucius is alive or not and we get a Black Pete x Lucius moment.
Okay next! So in another scene, we see Izzy and Stede in a room which I assume is on the Revenge, and Izzy is demonstrating his swordsmanship. I think that Izzy is teaching Stede how to fight with a sword! That'll be cool to see. Seems like the grumpy gus has warmed up to Stede, just a bit.
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And we also get this cute shot of Stede in front of what I saaume is a mirror, admiring his new red coat (that he likely stole from whatever ship they were on). He's like "ooh something fancy again!" And does a little half twirl, so cute 😭
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And then we have two shots of Stede and Ed on what appears to be the same beach at possibly the same time! Though it seems like the sky is stormier in Ed's photo.
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I'm guessing this is the same beach because of the sand (the vanity fair article mentioned a black sand beach!) And the trees. And look at our boy Stede firing a gun! He has different clothes on, too! Loving the pirate look on him. Their opponents also seem to be British (or just navy) soldiers!
My fanfiction-loving heart says they're running to each other but I know they probably aren't... a girl can dream!
This black sand beach could be where Ed washed up, and it could be where Stede and Ed reunite. Or this may be the "final battle" near the end, after they've already reunited. Hopefully them reuniting isn't too far into the season!
And then there are a bunch of miscellaneous shots that I don't want to go over too heavily, (I'll just touch on three of them) but we see a shot of Stede being held by Anne Bonny, and it almost looks like she just kissed him?? Don't know about that. I'm dying to know the context of this scene. Stede looks either terrified or in shock lol. Either way he doesn't look happy!
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And I think we know who is wearing the mermaid tail now! Get it Wee John!
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And of course the ending scene where Stede appears to be screaming? And I'm guessing this is later in the season because it seems like he's wearing his dark shirt. What's happening to him? I wonder if this scene is humorous or serious.
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Continued in Part 3! Final part!
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terrence-silver · 8 months
A story about yandere!Gus Travis please? 🥺
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(Gus Travis x Reader)
His hand drags you forward, refusing to let go.
Rushing towards the lone beach church at the end of the mountainous hiking trail of Cape Flattery, tucked in between the bosom of the black jagged rocks overgrown with moss and the rough, sandy plateau of the foggy coastline as pale as a bone in the shadow of the tall, blackened Spruce trees, car parked behind him near the rocky terrain waterfront, gloomy and overcast before the afternoon rain, his men, in a pair of two, silently following suit, serving as witnesses. Nice, isolated, no people present to intervene, Gus thought, with determined steps stepping into the sand --- and as a result, a perfect place to conduct a quick marriage. He reassures himself, his fingers touching the hilt of his gun tucked into his belt beneath his jacket, deciding he can simply flash it to the priest in case of any inhibitions to the contrary, or even go as far as pull it out and make a valid argument with it if push came to shove, his other hand latched unto yours, ushering you where you two needed to be. He acquired you a dress. Had you wear it. Went as he was. Leather, jeans and a dress shirt, right off of the docks right before he headed back to finish up back there. Wrap up all loose ends. He had no time to play dress up. He needed this done and he needed to be practical on his part. He needed this to be binding. Today. Doubly so. Having just driven out here from the registry office up at Port Angeles.
Deciding that it was now or never.
So, it was infinitely better if it was now.
Gus pulls you to him, shoulder to shoulder, sliding off his jacket in a hurry and wrapping it around your shoulders tightly, keeping you warm from the oncoming wind gusts blowing in sharp from the open, wavy sea front, utilizing his body to shield you from it. Keep you pretty. Although, you always were, regardless of the circumstances. His very own mermaid on dryland. -"I know it's bad now, but I'll get a leave and a honeymoon and we'll go. We'll go whenever you want. Maybe get a boat. Just for you and me. Sail somewhere warm."- He speaks, close enough to touch your face with his as he bent his head down to catch your expression better. He was certain his boss would give him a week or two worth of break. Gus's grip on his gun instinctively tightens. You shoot him a concerned, puzzled look. -"But, how can you get a leave when you..."- You start and he immediately interrupts you before you can even finish saying what he was thinking you'd say. Yes. He already knew. He knew and he didn't wanna hear any more of that crap. He wasn't a doctor, an accountant, a baker, a mechanic or a lawyer. He robbed banks, smuggled, stole and killed for a living, yes, if the occasion required it. There were no holidays and breaks from shit like that. There were only stalemates. But, he'd ensure some of the spoils of all his efforts over the years would pay off and that he'd get the due diligence rewards he deserved in leaving with you for a while. That was the least of what he was owed. His thoughts take the shape of the firearm his fingers were caressing for a moment and Gus figured that if he doesn't get it though, at this point, he was just as willing to go solo. Shoot his way out of this mess, with you in tow or die trying.
If Bonnie and Clyde could do it ---
He turns to his men, with a glance tossed over the shoulders.
-"Keep the engine running. Wanna be out of here quick."-
Gus orders and one of the burly, sullen looking guys wordlessly nods and turns back, sauntering towards the solitary vehicle, while the other one took the hint, and stood discreetly aside, hands tucked into his pockets, head averted. Good call. The rush wasn't quite that big, but he wanted a second of solitude with you, to drill something into you. Gus grabs your shoulders and turns you to face him, looking at you directly. Trying to make you understand. -"Hey. I can. I'll find a way. I always do. Doesn't matter. So long as we're together. Always together."- He reassures, vehemently. Hands travelling from your shoulders to your cheeks, warming their cold, windswept surface with his warm palms, protecting you from the ire of the ocean. -"You were given to me, remember? The best work bonus I ever got in my whole life and I'll take care of you forever, okay?"- He presses his forehand against yours, holding himself there, closing his eyes and trying to remember when you were first brought in to the compound. One of many girls his boss wanted to put to work. On the street. In bars. In clubs around Washington State. In private joints. Hauling them off to private collectors. Caught anywhere and everywhere. Abroad. Domestically. Smuggled across the border with Canada. Promised jobs. Opportunities. Thing was, a man could only rob a bank once. A person? He could sell multiple times. Countless times, in fact. It was lucrative business. But, Gus? He picked you. He knew he wanted you the minute you were brought in. He wanted you untouched. Unharmed. Unspoiled. All for him. And now, he'd have you. He opens his eyes. Meets yours.
-"And those days? They're long gone. They're never coming back."- He coos, pressing his nose against your neck, inhaling the scent there. If anyone ever touched, tried to use, did as much looking at you wrong again, he'd dump them off of the nearest port in so many bits not even the fish would find them as viable chow.
Gus swore that much.
-"But you sort of owe me something for that. I paid a hundred grand in cash for the privilege of that even though you would've made some pimp out there ten times that much. What I gave for you is more than these bozos make in years."-
He reminds, not unkindly --- never unkindly if he could help it, pointing his nose towards his men for emphasis, but it needed to be brought to your attention that he bought you off of the hands of his syndicate with more money than most people have ever held in their hands all their lives, saving you from a life of sucking cock for a buck and showing your ass on some pole somewhere to dope shooters, petty dealers and the occasional street thug. You quite literally belonged to him. And much like all treasures, you were expensive as heck, but it was worth it. You were worth it. The coastal church was looming just ahead, against the cloudy vista. All that was necessary was to walk through it now. You already had matching bands on your fingers and it was all legal. This was really just a formality. A romantic formality. He couldn't help the appeal of it. A wedding elopement with the one he loved. Now, if he only had a boat baptized with your initials so he could make this day perfect. Sail somewhere up North. Never to be found again. -"I've nothing to repay you with and you know that, Augustus. I don't have a single thing."- You shake your head, using his full name, seeming somewhat defeatist, and no, that wouldn't do either, because you did in fact, have something. The name of the something or someone was inscribed in ink above your heart. A tattoo, matched to his. He grabs the hem of his collar and shows you your own name marked in black on his skin, peeking out from under his shirt and his braided chain necklace, beneath his collar bone, so you'd never forget you and him were one. Even if marriage certificates could burn, wedding bands could be lost or sold, branded flesh was a constant.
Even after death. Even if you fought this, ran, acted willful, lied and schemed, butt heads with him and made it impossible for him to be as good as he wanted to be and if he was forced to do something as unthinkable as tie your legs with bricks and submerge you into the sea, you'd still die with his name on you, and if he jumped after you to join you, he'd die the same way.
That was true matrimony.
-"But, you do. You do!"- He protests, pointing at the inked letters.
-"You've got me now!"- Gus presses your hand against his torso, squeezing it there with his own grip. -"What you owe me is in there."- He looks towards the church and then back at you, hearing the distant buzzing of the ignited car engine stir the wind and the slamming of the door as his getaway chauffeur sauntered back, waiting at ease, adjusting the neckline of his jacket and lifting it up once the first, mist peppered dash of rain broke through the air. It was time, yeah. Gus collects the hem of your wedding dress, carrying it for you, not caring if your own attire wasn't exactly the most practical compared to his, feeling you needed and deserved to look the part of the princess today of all days, grabbing your hand and leading you up the slope, towards the rocky chapel courtyard and its iron cast front gate. His hand finds yours once again, fingers entwined, embracing you to shield you from getting wet. On instinct, his hand is on his gun once again. -"That and letting me lead you because I'm not leading you anywhere bad again. I love you."- Gus guarantees, giving you a kiss, tasting the salt of the wind and the sea on your mouth before he sought to refresh your memory and saying;
-"We love each other."-
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blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket has officially started! The first round consists of 90 match-ups, which will be split up into two halves over the course of the next two or three weeks
I'll be posting 10 matches per day for Round One across the next couple of weeks, all matches will run for a week each!
The second half of Round One will begin on the 22nd of May!
Here are links to the current on-going matches! I'll add the rest as they are posted
Jack Power/Mass Master (Power Pack) vs. Jaime Reyes & Khaji Da (Blue Beetle)!
Kaito (VOCALOID) vs. Kyle Marlon (Evillious Chronicles)
Inkling Boy - Default (Splatoon) vs. Lancer (Deltarune)
Darington (Blaze and the Monster Machines) vs. Blue Robot (Bomb It)
Goo (Inanimate Insanity) vs. Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Michael J. Caboose (Red vs. Blue) vs. Santa (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Sniffles (Happy Tree Friends) vs. Ludwig von Koopa (Super Mario Bros.)
Genie (Aladdin) vs. Rex (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
Titan (Show by Rock) vs. Seragaki Aoba (DRAMAtical Murder)
Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity) vs. Adolin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
The above matches conclude on the 15th of May 2023
Blue M&M (M&M's) vs. Every male Sentai Blue (Super Sentai)
Toy Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) vs. Whirl (Transformers)
Rimuru Tempest (Tensura) vs. Equius Zahhak (Homestuck)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch) vs. R2-D2 (Star Wars)
Leonard L. Church (Red vs. Blue) vs. Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Reed Richards (The Fantastic Four) vs. Pegitan (Healin' Good Precure)
Gil Webber (Monster High - G3) vs. Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
Vanitas (The Case Study of Vanitas) vs. Ed (Get Ed)
Romero (Zombie Land Saga) vs. Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) vs. Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
The above matches conclude on the 16th of May 2023
Beast (X-Men) vs. Quirrel (Hollow Knight)
Falco Lombardi (Star Fox) vs. Grimmjow (Bleach)
Johan/Jesse Andersen (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) vs. Caspar (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
The Blue Guy ("I'm Blue (Da Ba Dee)" - Eiffel 65) vs. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Kaladin (Stormlight Archive) vs. Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies)
??? (The Binding of Isaac) vs. Branch (Trolls)
Captain Haddock (The Adventures of Tintin) vs. Flik (A Bug's Life)
Riliphin (Witch Hat Atelier) vs. Ice (Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia)
Glossaryck (Star vs. The Forces of Evil) vs. Sam the Eagle (The Muppets)
Lo'ak (Avatar: The Way of Water) vs. Sigma Klim (Virtue's Last Reward)
The above matches will conclude on the 17th of May 2023
Tailgate (Transformers) vs. Shay Volta (Broken Age)
Leonardo (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) vs. Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
Ice King (Adventure Time) vs. John Egbert (Homestuck)
Continued in reblog
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Out of 448 submissions, 32 teams are ready to take the stage! Or perhaps... 33? Check out the Genshin Impact poll to decide whether Kaeya & Albedo OR Xingqiu & Aether will earn seed #23. Once that's decided, round one of voting will begin on 2/26 around 8 PM PST.
Vote however you like; favorite pairing, most iconic, the most blue/the most yellow. Just be nice! This is all for fun goofs. You can be as enthusiastic as you like, just don't start sending hate anons over what is ultimately a meaningless popularity contest.
If you end up making art/posts/propaganda, please tag me @blueandyellowbracket! 💛💙
Round One match-ups listed below the cut -->
Sonic & Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS. Rosalina & Luma (Super Mario Bros)
Pipimi & Popuko (Pop Team Epic) VS. R2D2 & C3PO (Star Wars)
Four & X (Battle for Dream Island) VS. Bonnie & Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Spongebob & Squidward (Spongebob Squarepants) VS. Gus Porter & Hunter (The Owl House)
Alphys & Undyne (Undertale) VS. Kuroko Tetsuya & Kise Ryōta (Kuroko no Basket)
Lance & Hunk (Voltron) VS. Ash Ketchum & Pikachu (Pokemon)
Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid) VS. Blue Beetle & Booster Gold (DC Comics)
Blue Diamond & Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe) VS. The Moon & the Sun (Real Life)
Spock & James T. Kirk (Star Trek) VS. Tsujimura Mizuki & Ayatsuji Yukito (Bungou Stray Dogs: Gaiden)
Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) VS. Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mike Wheeler & Will Byers (Stranger Things) VS. [Genshin Impact Duo TBD]
Shiver & Frye (Splatoon) VS. Katara & Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Finn the Human & Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) VS. Blue Stickperson & Yellow Stickperson (Animator vs. Animation)
Someya Yujiro & Shibasaki Aizo (Honeyworks) VS. Wheatley & GLaDOS (Portal)
Benrey & Tommy Coolatta (Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware) VS. Sadness & Joy (Inside Out)
Veronica Sawyer & Heather McNamara (Heathers: The Musical) VS. Blue Ena & Yellow Ena (ENA)
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wqbytop100 · 1 month
Top 150 for the week ending April 21, 2024
Weight Of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -2 [1] -10w-
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -1 [1] -13w-
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury feat/Charlieonafriday -7 [3] -17w-
Sleep Tonight (This Is The Life) --Switch Disco, R3HAB, Sam Feldt -8 [4] -6w-
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -6 [5] -12w-
Make Me Your Mrs. --Mae Stephens -3 [3] -7w-
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -4 [4] -12w-
Before You Go --Seeb -9 [8] -7w-
What If We Met --Ali Gatie -10 [9] -6w-
Lighter --Galantis, David Guetta, 5 Seconds of Summer -15 [10] -4w-
Monster --A7S, ALOK -5 [4] -7w-
Low Again --Bakermat -14 [14] -10w-
Kissing Strangers -USHER -12 [12] -11w-
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude Remix) -11 [1] -9w-
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -16 [15] -12w-
Lonely Dancers --Conan Gray -13 [13] -10w-
Feel This Way --Victoria Nadine, R3HAB -23 [17] -6w-
Without You --Disco Fries, Lavish Life -24 [18] -6w-
Slide Out --Life on Planets -17 [8] -10w-
Beat of Your Love --Ownboss, LAWRENT feat/Ekko -25 [20] -6w-
Love & Pain --Enrique Iglesias -65 [21] -2w-
She's on My Mind --Romy -19 [1]
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -18 [9] -9w-
Never Be Friends --Jost, Minogue -22 [1]
Hell Together --David Archuleta -34 [25]
One, Two & 3 --Galantis -36 [26]
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -29 [27]
Houdini --Dua Lipa -21 [2]
Dirty Desire -Vicetone -20 [5]
Anyone --Margan Page -28 [2]
The Moves --NEIKED, Muni Long, Nile Rodgers -35 [31 -2w-
Electricity --FAST BOY, R3HAB -37 [32]
Weak --Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -26 [1]
Save You A Seat --Alex Warren -39 [34]
Monster --Don Diablo, Felix Jaehn -40 [35] -2w-
One On One --Robin Schulz, Oaks, Topic -41 [36] -2w-
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -42 [37] -10w-
Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -66 [38] -8w-
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M. Mougleta -43 [39]
Triumph ---Bishop Briggs -45 [40]
Give Me --Will Clark, BURNS -27 [12] -10w-
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -30 [1]
Shipwreck --Mount Kimble -89 [43] -2w-
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -47 -2w- [44]
Murder on the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis Bextor -44 [44]
Don't You Cry ---Sunday Scaries, Discrete -80 [46]
***Heaven Or Not --Diplo, Riva Starr, Kareem Lomax -(new) [47]
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -48 [48]
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -49 [47]
We Ain't Good At Breaking Up --Brothers Osborne -51 [50]
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I-DLE -50 [26]
Loose Ends --Lucas Estrada, Syn Cole -88 [52]
***Same Drunk --Walker Hayes -(new) [53]
Lie To Me --Jubel, KIDDO -46 [46]
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada, Tribbs, Stephen Puth -52 [7]
You're Hired --NEIKED, Ayra Starr -31 [1]
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -53 [7]
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -32 [17]
Graveyard --A R I Z O N A (Shoffy Remix) -38 [5]
Texas Hold 'Em - Beyonce -33 [17] -8w-
Kill Anyone --Two Feet, Ari Abdul -57 [11]
It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -54 [3]
Some Kind Of Static --Neil Francis, Alan Braxe -113 [63] -8w-
I Got Time --Brittney Spencer -63 [49]
Underwater --Dubvision, Afrojack -71 [60] -8w-
Home --CamelPhatt, RHODE (Vintage Culture Remix) -68 [65] -7w-
You Know It --Gorgon City -75 [61] -7w-
Me Before You --Bleachers -119 [88] -8w-
Yes, And? --Ariana Grande -56 [19]
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight feat/Frank Moody -128 [70] -9w-
Can't Stop Us --Regard -72 [70]
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -55 [20]
Count Me Out --Vicetone, Emily Falvey -73 [71]
In Your Arms --Jes Bays, Jem Cooke -74 [62] -7w-
Kettle's Up --Mahmut Orhan, Axelax, Botan -76 [73] -6w-
Soultrain --Triplism, Nandu, Radeckt -77 [68] -6w-
Out Loud --Cage the Elephant -81 [77] -6w-
Lose Control --Teddy Swims -83 [78]
Karma --JoJo Siwa -90 [79]
Addicted --Zerb, The Chainsmokers feat/INK -85 [78]
All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -59 [9]
One On One --The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -58 [1]
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -60 [4]
Flex --Tony Dark Eyes -61 [20]
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE, ALWZ SNNY, Robbie Rosen -62 [6]
Me Voy Acostumbrando --Enrique Iglesias -87 [86]
Level Up --Wolfgang Gartner, Scrufzzer -86 [86]
Anthem --Diplo, Shram, Pony -107 [94] -6w-
Regret The Morning --SILK, Mali-Koa -108 [95] -6w-
Love Me --INNA -109 [96] -6w-
Come With Me --Claptone -106 [87] -6w-
Everything You Do --AFROKI, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Aviella -114 [91] -6w-
ADHD --Mae Stephens -84 [54]
Beautiful Things --Benson Boone -64 [63] -8w-
Rusty --Layto -67 [50]
Raccoons --Caravan Palace -69 [51] -7w-
Progressive Heart --Pat Premier (Dave Aude Remix) -70 [59] -7w-
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -78 [2]
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -79 [6]
Dizzy --Sick Individuals, LOUI LANE -82 [48]
***Business As Usual --Eliza Rose, MJ Cole (Night Shift Mix) -(new)
My Favorite Drug --Justin Timberlake -141 [102]
20 Something --Jessica Baio -91 [91]
Lil Freak --bbno$ -145 [104]
My Body --Illusionize, Y&M -103 [86] -6w-
***The Weekend --Anti-Up -(new)
***Good As It Gets --Blanco Brown -(new)
Never Ending Song --Conan Gray -144 [108]
Cutting Through the Country --Medium Build -102 [89] -6w-
Dreams --Ali Farben, Maurice Lessing, Emma Wells -120 [92] -8w
***MIne --Michael Gerow -(new)
Sweet Love --Myles Smith -142 [112]
***Keep Your Head Up --We Are Messengers -(new)
***I Hate You In The Morning --Otha -(new)
Human Nature --Yot Club -143 [115]
Kiss Me Better --Julie Bergan -122 [116] -6w-
Say It Right --Dubdogs, Farfetch'd -112 [65] -9w-
***In The Cards --Jamie Miller -(new)
She --Karin Ann (Benny Benassi Remix) -111 [94] -7w-
Fire In My Soul --Yulia Niko, Carn Crua -118 [118]
Need Your Love --Ikay Sencan, KALUMA, Adam Woods -125 [121] -6w-
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -123 [61]
Without Your Love --Deorro, TELYKAST, Catello -129 [123] -6w-
Can i Have This Groove --Kenyon Dixon -126 [121]
Outside Of Love --Becky Hill -131 [125]
Higher Ground --Purple Disco Machine, Roosevelt -132 [126]
Nothing Ever Changes --Vintage Culture, MAGNUS -133 [127]
Next Years Light ---Elliot Moss -92 [24]
Good In Goodbye --Frank Walker, Trivecta -93 [10]
Life Goes On --HU -96 [85] -6w-
Premeditated --FETISH -97 [81] -6w-
Broken By You --Alexander Stewart -95 [82]
No Reason --The Chemical Brothers Chris Lake Remix) -94 [31]
More Baby --Chris Lake, Aluna -100 [5]
Never Be Lonely --Jax Jones, Zoe Wees -130 [84] -10w-
Mirrors --Caravan Palace -124 [73]
Space --Shance Codd -110 [82]
Gravity --Matt Hansen -116 [111]
Lift Off --Dombresky -101 [13]
How Do I Say Goodbye --Adventure Club, Delaney Jane -104 [58]
You --Svidden, Seeb -98 [2]
U Miss Me --Vicetone -99 [1]
Sorry Ain't Enough --Michael Gerow -115 [52]
I Still Believe --Lecrae, forKing & Country -117 [112]
Body Moving --Eliza Rose X Calvin Harris -121 [43]
The Pussy Song --Ken the Man --135 [95]
Powerful Women --Pitbull, Dolly Parton -136 [15] -9w-
Purple Irises --Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton -137 [28]
Shine Love In --Jai Piccone, 1tbsp -146 [146]
Might Just --Walker & Royce, James Patterson -140 [93]
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heavenlyhoundoom · 2 months
I'm gonna make a fnaf/Willy's wonderland next generation au.
It'll be a slice of life au that's basically a fnaf x Willy's Wonderland x bluey au.
Freddy x Paula(polar bear oc): Freddy Jr(polar bear)
Bonnie x Chica: Bella(yellow rabbit) and Charlie(purple roaster).
Foxy x Vixen(fixedmangle): Lolbit.(girl fox)
El Chip x Happyfrog: Edwardo(brown frog) and Liam(green beaver).
Tito x Toki: Lucia(blue tanuki) and Kasumi(pink snapping turtle).
Willy x Lisa: Emily.(weasel/lynx hybrid)
Sara x Knighty: Brucie(fairy) and Crystal(human daughter).
Gus x Oakly: Petunia(adopted gorilla daughter).
Cammy x Arty: Gilbert(adopted chameleon son).
Ozzie x Harold: Andrew(adopted badger son).
Roxy x Katie(cat oc): Mabel(adopted kangaroo daughter).
Moondrop x Blossom(pink opossum): Luna(pink moon celestial) and Trixie(blue and white opossum).
Sundrop x Lulu(blue alpaca): Fuzzy(yellow alpaca son) and Cosmo(blue star celestial).
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purplehanktenent · 1 year
💖Gus x Bonnie💖
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theburninghallofpep · 3 months
tagged by @consciouschunkofmoss (my beloved one)
so this an ask game thing to get to know my fandom people better ? i rly have no idea of what does this mean. boredom will be at my side on this one, so I'll be able to elaborate sth
3 Ships You Like: I'll start with my favorite jjk ones, YutaMaki, SatoSugu, ItaZawa, ItaMe and ItaFushi; Now going to saw, Adamanda – a classic one (i love their dynamics) – coffinship and shotgunship; I don't know if official one count but for TOH, i have Lumity, Huntlow, Gustholomule (I'm not a huge fan of gus, but I can't deny their unique and lovely chemistry okay??); ik gustholomule isn't official. I don't remind anymore ships that I'm a fan of.
First Ship Ever: (gosh im so embarrassed to say this one... i wanna kill myself) I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY HUMANITY, I WAS A 6-7 YEARS OLD KID AT THAT MOMENT OKAY???? It was "Bonnie x Toy Chica". IT IS NOT MY FAULT OKAY???? IT'S ZAJCU37'S FNAF SERIES' FAULT!!!! (i shouldn't have revealed this piece of information)
Last Song You Heard: Kinda cringe but, "Fly me to the moon"
Favorite Childhood Book: My memory is not one of my biggest triumphs:)) anyways, i remember that i liked a lot of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". I had read the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th, 11st and 12nd. I had gifted an old friend of mine with the 12nd book, i regret a lot bc i saved so much money to get it and i loved its cover so much :((( I remember that i purchased the 1st, 2nd and 4th books by 50reais, it was around 2018 (ithink?) and the 12nd in the same year. the rest i read at my grandma's house, my aunt had them, and by reading the three books she has, my love to "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" was born.
Currently Reading: I'm planning to read "1984" (which, ironically, was released at 1948 :D). recently, i read "Fahrenheit 451" and fell in love with it s2. The book story is focused on a dystopian society, where books are banished and burned; the firefighters are a group made by the government to burn everyone who tries to read a book or save them, being now the ones who start the fire instead of who stop. It's a nice and entertaining reading, this is the first book I read this year, and now my will of reading has increased even more for this genre (dystopian novel). i recommend everyone to read it, seriously, i guarantee you might not regret doing so!
Currently Watching: Nothing in particular. Trying to start watching Breaking Bad, get back watching Lucifer and, idk, nothing else :DD
Currently Carving: nothing more than cancer de depressão (depression cancer)
Currently Consuming: Trezentas lições e seminários injetados na veia, graças a uma desgraça chamada ETEC. e sobrevivendo pq conheço gente mt legal; tbm, tem uma pessoa que me faz me sentir bem, e feliz, toda vez que converso com <3
I have a big interest in get to know this person better (and their roleplaying) so I'll be tagging @em-ira to participate in this game
again, thx thingsie for tagging me s2 i loved doing this (i also love you), it was fun. you saved me, not much, from boredom :D 🫶
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healingpuppys · 3 months
Stimboards pt. 4
agere natsuki stimboard
agere steve harrington stim
3rd game springtrap stimboard
CG! harvey stardew valley stimboard
sam from stardew valley stimboard
caribou stimboard
CG! Hobie brown stimboard
CG! Falin Touden stimboard
agere mutsumi wakaba stimboard
diane nguyen stimboard
roger and max from max and ruby stimboard
agere mable pines stimboard
puppy regression stimboard
CG! cronus stimboard
anarchist theory stimboard
newfoundland puppy stimboard
woody woodpecker stimboard
wolf petre stimboard
agere pangolin stimboard
Laios from Dungeon Meshi stimboard
agere knuckles stimboard
CG! matt murdock stimboard
agere mera salamin stimboard
petre titanboa stimboard
China from Hetalia stimboard
agere 2D gorillaz stimboard
Vanellope von schweetz stimboard
CGs! leela and fry stimboard
petre german shepard stimboard
agere micheal afton stimboard
CG! preed from Titan A. E stimboard
ramshackle stimboard
agere roxy and june play date stimboard
CG! sniper TF2 stimboard
agere vox stimboard
chica from sprout stimboard
agere dismas stimboard with lizzard’s
CG! test tube and little cheesy stimboard
babyre jinx stimboard
how to train your dragon stimboard
agere Umi from port by the sea stimboard
fursuit paw stimboard
CG! marvus stimboard
dragonkin plush stimboard
seven red suns stimboard
agere luke nightingale stimboard
agere rin shirayuki stimboard
dave x john stimboard
farm kiddo stimboard
scratch and molly stimboard
helmsmen homestuck stimboard
disciple homestuck stimboard
signless homestuck stimboard
Dolorosa stimboard
shark pup stimboard
thalia grace stimboard
diona stimboard
CG! gallagher stimboard
camila noceda stimboard
scp-999 stimboard
gus from sweet tooth stimboard
petre spring fox stimboard
agere colt from brawl stars stimboard
90s carpet and squiglz stimboard
grubber stimboard
tamagotchi + pixel stimboard
snoopy stimboard
CG! professor venomous stimboard
batman stimboard
CG! astarion stimboard
stimboard with gears, toys, and coloring
cottonee stimboard
CG! karlach stimboard
agere toy bonnie with red stimboard
magnetic by ILLIT stimboard
anya from spy x family stimboard
dream agere room stimboard
agere Misumi uika stimboard
paci gifs pt. 9
pen and woody regression playdate stimboard
kankri x cronus stimboard
dolorosa x psiioniic stimboard
agere toy bonnie stimboard
reptile regressor caliborn stimboard
paci gif pt. 8
transfem eridan stimboard
agere karako pierot stimboard
worms reloaded stimboard
agere abigail hobbs stimboard
CG! doc scratch stimboard
fiver 2018 stimboard
trollsona stimboard
firepaw stimboard
agere john egbert stimboard
1x1x1x1 super paper stimboard
verfection and voixer stimboard
agere dave strider stimboard
agere purple bunny stimboard
silly dog fella OC stimboard
agere tavros stimboard
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razzlemerry · 11 months
— [ 🎀 ] ¡WELCOME!
¡Bienvenidos a mi blog! Me presento, soy Razzlemerry, pero pueden llamarme de Razzle de modo a acortar el nombre. Soy una escritora principiante que busca liberar su mente en en el fanfiction. Uso todo tipo de pronombres, así que no se molesten en usar pronombres masculinos o femeninos en mí ♡.
Me disculpo si cometo algunos errores ortográficos u gramaticales, suelo ser muy torpe a la hora de usar los teclados y muchas veces suelo confundir carácteres, letras y números con otros afshsh-
Busco crear una amplia variedad de One-shots Brawler x lector/a, al igual que headcanons. Más abajo estaré haciendo una lista de reglas y especificaciones necesarias para hacer las peticiones, y siempre y cuando se sigan, estaré más que encantado de escribirlas ♡.
— OJO: ¡Acepto requests NSFW siempre y cuando sigan las reglas!
— [ 🖇 ] ¡ Reglas !
Es necesario que se especifíque el género del lector/self-insert. Si no se especifíca se escribirá en género neutro, es decir, usando tanto pronombres masculinos como femeninos.
Personajes canónicamente confirmados como menores de edad (Leon, Nita, Gus, Bonnie, Jessie, etc) no serán aceptados.
Los brawlers robot PUEDEN ser humanizados si se desea, sin embargo, si esto no se especifíca a la hora del pedido se escribirán como robots.
Ya fué mencionado al inicio del blog, pero suelo hacer One-Shots, por lo que 2das o 3eras partes de un solo pedido son muy, muy poco probables </3.
No escriré One-Shots NSFW de personajes antropomórficos (ej. Ruffs, Buzz, Doug) puesto que me incomoda.
No escribiré contenido fetishista.
Si tiene alguna trama específica para el One-shot será más que bienvenido siempre y cuando no rompa ninguna de las reglas anteriormente enlistadas <3.
Se permiten las historias en las que se modifiquen las personalidades de los brawlers (Ej. Chester tímido, Colette con problemas de ansiedad, etc). ¡También se permiten los headcanons propios! (Ej. Transfem Shelly, Transmac Fang, etc).
Todo tipo de relaciones serán aceptadas, aquí nadie es hetero asdfg /hj.
Las peticiones son anónimas a menos de que desee se le acredite ♡.
— [ 🫂 ] : ¡ Redes !
(Mayormente actualizando más seguido por ahí. Requests siempre abiertos)
— Por el momento no me encuentro en ninguna otra red social, si ven algún perfil de mí parecido es muy probable que no sea yo.
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lesbiansurge · 11 months
June 2023 Brawl Talk
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more below the cut!
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the new brawler this season is Cordelius, a, um..... mushroom, guy...? they say he was a gardener in starr park, but the toxicity of the place drove him mad; now he's stuck there. oh shit thats LORE!!!!!! nothing we didnt already know but wow!!!!
most of his kit isnt a whole lot; his main attack seems a little on the weaker end, but he is very fast to make up for that. on top of that, his super transports himself and whomever he hits to another dimension where they fight... TO THE DEATH!!! however, the odds are most definitely in his favor, as he gains a speed(!) and reload speed boost while his opponent can't use any gadgets or supers.
there's also spore mind cordelius, the tier 70 brawl pass skin, but frankly i dont care about it. blah blah blah another evil tier 70 brawl pass skin. this is like the third one we've gotten so far, right?
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this skin (haunted house 8-bit) sucks dookey im not talking about it.
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STONE TROLL LOU IS AWESOME THOUGH!!!! but its the power league skin *among us sound effect*
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i actually quite like wood spirit chester. the face reminds me of el muneco from guacamelee 2 :) might not go out of my way to get it however.
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ughhhh i could talk about my gripes with this skin now, but i'll save that for another post. tldr its a fun design but its also a big day for annoying people
there are more skins coming in The Summer of Pirates (keeping to the theme of summer of x) but i dont really care for any of them enough to cover here. which is funny considering griff and surge both got skins for this event.
its time for the best fucking part of this brawl talk though DOUG!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hes actually so awesome and looks so fun to play mechanically. plus i looooove hot dogs WAIT THATS WHY HES NAMED DOUG BECAUSE. BECAUSE THE THE THE HOT DOG!!!!!!!!!
mechanically he has a range similar to (maybe a little smaller than?) jacky, but with attacks like byron. that is, they both heal and hurt. there's also a bit of a point-blank mechanic in play where the closer everyone is to doug, the more health they gain/lose. i also noticed that the healing and damage arent 1:1, which actually makes me a little peeved since they refuse to do something similar for byron. but its whatever though (-:
moving on, he is the first brawler in the game that is able to revive others and himself! wait what about 8bit with extra life?? ...anyway, his super functions very similarly to gus, but replace the shield with a revive effect. of course, this revive effect doesnt last forever! i noticed that brawlers dont drop their gems if they get revived though, which sounds like he will be really good in gem grab. maybe. idk.
theres also the obligatory recolor skin draco doug. not much to talk about with that though <3
not to mention skin remodels! dark tide carl, iris tara (now stara), smuggler penny, and phoenix crow!!! wow!!! bonnie is also getting some 29 gem skins, unicorn bonnie and footbonnie (LIKE FOOTBALL. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!!!)
finally, the moment some of you have been waiting for...! ARE! BOXES! RETURNING!!!
i audibly cheered when they said that. however the mechanics are coming back in their own unique way. its in a way that i feel is a lot less predatory, so im overall happy with this, er... rework...?
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introducing starr drops! you earn drops through winning matches (any kind of match counts) that can range from rare to legendary, much like the brawlers. you also get four chances to upgrade these drops, but the chances seem very small. drops can give resources, brawlers, pins, sprays, icons, and even skins! small caveat, only skins purchasable with bling that are not limited can be rewarded.
they also go into some stuff about how this is an overall buff to resource gain. i'll take their word for it :)
some extra stuff! payload is back, but the payloads themselves have no collision (basically meaning you can walk/shoot through them now. like hotzone but the zones move). takedown my beloved and wipeout my despised are back in rotation. quests can now be completed with more than one (but not every) brawler. speaking of quests, premium quests can now be progressed, even if you havent purchased the premium brawl pass. this makes it all the more sweet when you purchase the brawl pass after the beginning of the season :D
finally, paula is going to be leaving the brawl stars team. i wish her all the best <3
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