#bojere fic recs
harmaanoita · 2 months
sleepover weekend ask! I know it's already Monday!
I know you've been making your way through a lot of fanfic lately, including older stuff. So, can you please make a rec list? I'm hoping to see some gems I might have missed or forgot about (since I'm terrible at saving even the stuff I like)
Don't worry, it can be a weekend even during the week (especially since I work on most weekends)!
And yes, I can make a rec list. Lets see how long it will be. It's in alphabetical order by writers.
Bojere fic recs:
Do you think we'll be in love forever? by ate_my_brain - still going on but this has been a joy to read.
Dreams taste like you by ate_my_brain - friends to lovers with fluff and angst
The story of love (that hurts) by ate_my_brain - getting together with angst
Besane Su Naše Noći by cripplingdepresso and mitochondriencocktail - star!Bojan AU
my heart wants to come home by da_proti_toku_grem - short and fluffy
This time I'm ready to run ('cause I wanna be free) by hoddypeak - getting together and Nordic Tour
When I don't have you, my demons are with me by HotCat37 - possessive and jealous Bojan, very good smut
Io ti chiamo amore in una lingua straniera by JuliaBaggings - pining, languages and background Jance
Mai Dire Mai by JuliaBaggings - friends to lovers
Breakthroughs in breakdowns by kuurupiilo - Bluza insired hurt no comfort
Put Me Together, Thread a Needle by mitochondriencocktail - an excellent hockey!AU
You Can't Stop Me From Loving You by MyHeartIsYours4Ever - pining and angst
On a Good Day by Nothing_Rhymes_With_Orange - Bojere far in the future (this is very lovely, a little sad)
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you by paperphilia - super sad but beautifully written
Midsummer (enought light to drive anyone insane) by PupperMasterOnAString - lovely midsummer fic. This was the first one I read, I believe.
the kid -series by Rosemind - I don't usually read fics with kids but this series is so adorable!
the tour by Rosemind - drabbles inspired by Nordic Tour
the wedding -series by Rosemind - very lovely and fluffy
Teach Me What Love Is by SamePlaceandTime - languages and fluff
sä saat mut by sepetajmikolikomeces - Tavastia feels
Summer wrote us a letter -series by Televa - lovely collection of summery and other kind of slice of life fics
oothan tässä vielä huomenna by tilhi - slow burn friends to lovers
Tarkotin sua by tilhi - soulmates!AU
toisiltamme mitä tahansa by tilhi - pining, jealous Bojan, such a joy to read
These are def not all the fics I've enjoyed, just a few (24) I picked for this list. This corner of the internet has such amazing writers ❤
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hotcat37 · 3 months
Moodboard inspired by Mä vien sut valoon by kuurama 💫 (AKA the Bojere space AU that ruined my life/pos)
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anxious-witch · 5 months
Forth installment in fic rec aesthetic series
Part one, part two, part three
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mun ainoa oikea satama by @frikatilhi
Bojere/completed/3k words
As always, summary and my thoughts under the cut
Summary: Bojan gets a chance to change things.
Käärijä wins Eurovision.
They never see each other again.
Time travel/alternate reality
What I liked about it: I absolutely love the way the author created the atmosphere of wrongness, of how Bojan felt like his memories and feels were almost "blurry", which I tried to show in the aesthetic. Also, such an interesting premise of lenghts someone is willings to do for the person they love.
I loved how, despite the fact that Bojan and Jere don't interact much until the very end of the fic, we can still feel how much they love one another. Because there is a palpable, gaping hole where the other person should be and aaa. Just, I love that.
If you like time travel fics, bojere and soulmates finding their way to each other despite all that, this one is for you
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drugsforaddicts · 2 months
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You know.. sometimes I just can't stop thinking about things and today it's @harmaanoita 's Last of Us inspired AU. So what do I do? I rot in my feelings and make moodboards.
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king-krisu · 9 months
hi king! got any favorite bojere fics?
I'm shaking I'm so excited for this ohmygod anon I love you.
I'm gonna be honest, like 60% of my bookmarks are just pure filth so I'll only rec a few of them and try to find actual plot one's lol.
Here's a very long chaotic list and why I love them:
Enough by homegrown_simp is the first multichapter fic I bookmarked and it's just so so good ever time I read it. It has probably the best ESC-era and post-ESC era Bojere from May/June times in my opinion
Now I'm Going to Dance by Monsters_Minima is 2 chapters, with the first one being utterly *heartbreaking*, and the second one will fix that right up with fluff/smut. I usually don't read falling out/break up fics, but for some reason the way this was written just gripped me so... yeah
Guys being dudes, dudes being gay by Anonymous is just pure filth BUT the way that both Bojan and Jere are written is just so magical and it's just so so so good and realistic and fun and yeah. Just a really good read, I felt out of breath (lol) after reading it bcs the writing just gripped me (again, lol)
I'm not even gonna rec anything in particular from mitochondriencocktail (except Put Me Together, Thread a Needle which EVERYONE has to read), every single one of their BoJere fics is written so unbelievably well. I honestly had a throwback to my own screenwriting classes from how well the fics always progressed etc.
When I don't have you, my demons are with me by Anonymous now THIS ONE is a doozy. For all the girlies that want to make Jere cry during sex, here's your chance. If you are triggered by (brief, taken care of) dub-con, overstimulation or jealousy then this might not be for you, but dor the rest of you.... Have at it. There's a part 2 to this that is incredibly fluffy and cute, but unfortunately it's by anon so it's not easy to find haha
You look at me and babe, I wanna catch on fire by JuliaBaggins just... just read this okay. I cried and felt like floating afterwards
Sano mulle jotain seksikästä by Anonymous FOR ALL YOU FINNS, THIS WILL MAKE YOU FEEL SO SEEN. The rest of you, enjoy nice fluffy filth
The story of love (that hurts) by ate_my_brain is also one that I think everyone just has to read. Period.
Everything feels like everything by Televa is written by a Finn and is just so utterly heartbreaking but beautiful, it's short and just so so so good please go support finnish fic writers thanks <3
Your only one (and I'll prove it to you) by PupperMasterOnAString is obviously something I have to mention because it stemmed from me hornyposting about BoJere on here so.... thank you bestie I owe you my life this is such a good sub!Jere read <3
I'll probably add to this or make a part 2 because I am VERY versed in the BoJere tag on ao3 and I have like 20 others that I'd want to talk about lmao. Just as a treat here's a list of authors that I'm always sososososo excited about when I see they've written something new:
Mitochondriencocktail, obviously
PuppetMasterOnAString if you love sub!Jere (who doesn't)
Todayiseveryday (Tilhi)
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frikatilhi · 2 months
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Happy Bojere Week 2024!
I'm going to participate with little ficlets and maybe some fic recs or other small things?
Here's the first. I hope you enjoy!
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dreaminofu · 6 months
who do I go to for some bojere fic recs? my crops are dying etc
Oh you sweet anon, I’m in the same boat with you. Bojere fic posting has slowed down. Hopefully, I can help you even a little in this drought. I have no idea what you’ve read so far on AO3, but sometimes I scroll the Bojan Cvjetićanin/Jere Pöyhönen tag quite far in the hopes of finding something I haven’t already read.
There’re some amazing fics being posted at the moment. Currently I’m obsessed with Do you think we’ll be in love forever? by ate_my_brain and Private landing by tilhi and šepetaj mi koliko me hočeš. Joymuffin recently posted a cute story about the boys meeting for Bojan’s birthday and mitochondriencoctail a fluffy uni AU. EDIT: How could I forget Ugly beautiful that’s still being posted
Maybe consider re-reading some gems like Bridges, Midsummer Madness series, I’m reading you lips, I know what your type is, Dreams taste like you, and falling and falling
These are just some recs so definitely check the other fics from these authors I’ve mentioned! Does anyone have any good recs (or maybe a little ficlet to post 👀) so that this anon can water their crops?🌱
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hotcat37 · 6 months
ooh bojere fic recs please?
I'll try to recommend some fics (and by proxy authors) that i haven't seen in rec lists that much!! Know that there are many more I could recommend but I think these are good for now :3
by @feral4kaarijasquat !! It's very angsty at first because Jere ends up in the hospital after an accident but the unfortunate situation does bring Bojan and Jere closer together 👀 Second chapter includes smut ;)
by @jedibinx !! This is pure smut, Jere and Bojan get up to antics in the morning <3 It gives special attention to Jere's thighs and his Ariana Grande sweater paws :3
by @the-converse-high-top !! It is set in the deaf! Jere AU I made but in all honesty I don't think you need to have read my fic to understand this one :) It's a very sweet and heartwarming sickfic and the dialogue is so endearing!!
by dragon0blood!! It is an AU where Bojan is a landlord and Jere is his tenant who's behind on rent if you catch my drift 😏 The first 4 or so chapters are pure smut but it does get a lot cuter and more relationship focused in later chapters!
by @cinder-rose !! CW for consensual non consent but in the most unserious and cute way possible. Stuck in the wall porn trope but it's Bojere and genuinely kind of sweet in a way <3 (this is from their Kinktober series so deffo check out their other works, if this isn't for you I guarantee there's another fic for you in their catalog 👀)
by @chezgender !! Features possessive Bojan and a very devoted Jere getting it on before a gig ;) Super interesting religious imagery in this one as well
by @rosemindwrites!! Bojere smoke together while Bojan attempts to teach Jere some Slovenian <3 Fun dialogue and typical Bojere shenanigans
by anon!! Bojan finds out that Jere really enjoys being manhandled 😏 It's actually not that explicit despite the concept but the fic describes Jere and Bojan's sex life in such an interesting and unique way. The toy metaphors are also great storytelling :D
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drugsforaddicts · 2 months
Hello 💜 I came to ask my favourite connoisseur of bojere fanfiction for advice: do you happen to know any fics where Jere sees Bojan being cute with kids and has a lot of Feelings cause of that?
(this doesn't At All have to do anything with a weird dream I had, where they had a video chat, Bojan got jumped by his cousin's (?) toddler (??), who proceeded to climb all over him like a tree in that way little kids do, while he helped and like putted out his palms for her like steps and stuff, and then she just waved at Jere and dragged Bojan away from the call, and Jere had to go lie down and scream in a pillow for a while. just. thanks, brain, I guess)
Sorry that this knda turned into a rant about my dream :D
Oh! And happy bojere week!!
Oh wow, I'm not so sure about that but what an honor! 🤯 Sadly I can't think of anything from the top of my head right now 😔 Maybe someone here with a better memory can help us out? The only thing I can offer rn is Bojan with a creepy baby
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hotcat37 · 6 months
I loved your list of recommended bojere fics! Maybe a part two of your personal favorites?
Thanks sm for the support anon!! It's tough to pick favorites when there's so many amazing Bojere fics out there but here are a few ones that rlly stayed with me!!
by @puppetmasteronastring !! The follow-up parts to this fic are also excellent as well but ngl the original hits different. Jere and Bojan (+some friends) spend midsummer together and the tension between them finally breaks 👀 Their relationship is so tender in this and even tho they don't officially get together in this one you can just tell they were made for each other <3
by anon!! Some sub/dom with Bojere where Bojan is rlly into the idea of Jere talking Finnish during sex but Jere thinks it's cringe haha The concept itself is humorous but it's so well written and it's rlly sweet to read about Bojan and Jere communicating in regards to their sex life and making sure the other is comfortable 💖
by @mitochondriencocktail !! Absolutely iconic fic. It starts out as a sexy hockey AU but it quickly escalated into a genuinely investing story about Bojan and Jere struggling with their deep feelings for each other. Their dynamic is so fun and interesting in this and the chapter where they sit in McDonald's together and talk for the second time rlly lives in my mind rent free😔💖💖 My only criticism is that we missed out on Jere in a skirt 😤 (but we did get Bojan in it 😏)
by maevenn !! Born From Seafoam hits different. Bojere meet on vacation in a very cringe but hilarious way. Jere is so endearing in this and i love how Bojan just goes along with his shenanigans <3 It's rlly quick paced but it perfectly captures that holiday excitement and how quickly things can escalate between two strangers that immediately hit it off. The descriptions of summer and the environments and Bojan's feelings for Jere are just incredible and I really am hoping it'll get finished some day :")💕
by anon !! This was one of the first Bojere fics I ever read so it's very nostalgic to me. Jere accidentally implies he and Bojan are together during an interview, cue the fake relationship trope 🙏 It started off rlly humorous but then it became more and more emotional as they start to develop real feelings for each other and the angst is fantastic!! This one is also unfinished but it doesn't end on a cliffhanger or anything so it definitely doesn't take away from the experience
by anon!! Bojan comforts an upset Jere after the finals.... It does include voyeurism (by Loreen of all ppl lol) which isn't really my thing but it was so well written and tenderhorny that it didn't bother me reading it :) The smut is great and so is the dialogue (+I just love possessive Bojan in fics lol)
by Don't _forget_peanuts !! Felt nostalgic for some more ESC era Bojere.... The tension between Bojan and Jere reaches a boiling point backstage once the finals are over 👀 Bojan's inner dialogue is so fcking funny and the build-up to the smut and the actual smut itself is just....phew 😋 Bro wanted that Käärijussy
by anon.... Sorry I just had to mention this fic. The massive impact (✈) this had on the fandom needs to be recognized. Quotable lines, heart shattering angst...the author being a fcking menace lmao You have not reached the depths of the Kä iceberg yet if you haven't read this fic
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drugsforaddicts · 4 months
Space AU anon, I would just like to say I love you and I’m sending my therapy bill to you 😌💛
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frikatilhi · 1 month
For the sleepover weekend: if you had to write about a ship that isn't bojere, what would it be? (yes, in jo/kä fandom, please) rec me something? (one or as many as you like)
Hah, amazing question!
I have written Bokris before, so maybe that? In my ideas file there also resides Bojan/Kiki, Bojan threesome (I went insane after new years and those instastories of Bojan dancing with Maja Keuc and I just want her and her boyfriend to take Bojan home and squish him like a bug), Jere/Pekka Rinne (please I need that giant of a man to take care of exhausted Jere), and also maybe something something Damon. (I read Janace sometimes when it's by an author I love but haven't really had anything to say about them myself.)
Recs? I'm so bad at saving stuff, and you've read so much lately, but I'll try!! Have some fandom classics and a few curveballs hopefully! I think I don't have repeats from your own rec list??
Since in your own rec post about fics that surprised you you talked about side-eyeing something first but giving it a try, have you tried Bojan’s Carefully Plotted Accident (to Ensure His Chances of Getting Monster Dick in Eurovision) by @oneshotdepresso and @mitochondriencocktail? It's crack treated seriously, monsterfucking, tentacles, but also somehow very sweet getting-together-during-ESC fic that will definitely suprise you into liking it!
AU that will force you to love it as it rips out your heart: Mustista mustimpaan and its sequel by kuurama, aka Space AU that people have definitely told you to read multiple times, so add me to the choir, read it and you won't be sorry! (You will be weeping and wailing, but it'll be worth it!)
My two favourite ESC era sadly-still-wip fics are The Best Laid Plans by @ana-chronista and Ugly Beautiful by slightlysexualfiction. Both are definitely worth it even though they are WIPs, and the latter contains what has to be my favourite tag of all time, "can I call it a slow burn when they are balls-deep in chapter one?" (who doesn't love that trope??)
Have you read When the night falls (stars in your eyes and sea in mine) by finallydeadd aka the Italian summer AU? Sadly unfinished but still worth it.
And here's an early classic that isn't a WIP! falling and falling by @xianvar and if you like it read everything by them ok thanks
Oh! And the Lahjakääryleet fic exchange at Christmas time was excellent, my favourite was Upon a Star by slightlysexualfiction omg omg, such a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of what might have been.
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king-krisu · 9 months
Look at you go with the bojere fics! <3 Any recs for the käsh girlies?
AAAHHHHH idk how I'm being entrusted with this task but THANK YOU
Again, maybe not as long of a list but a chaotic one:
My whole existence is flawed (you get me closer to God) by Anonymous is probably the first one I bookmarked if I remember correctly, and it's also I think atleast top 3 in the tag. There's a poor Mikke trying to reign in a horny Jere, forest sex, actually sweet heartwarming Tommy afterwards and Jere just completely horned out of his mind. 10/10 felt like floating afterwards
That's the best part, baby, the trust by Anonymous is short and maybe not sweet but filthy. Featuring Tommy taking polaroids of a completely ruined Jere and him getting his revenge moments later. Once again, 10/10, really well written dynamic between Tommy and Jere
Something in the water by Natiushq is such a good first time between Käsh feat the shower tiktok! It takes a normally confident Jere you'd see in a Bojere fic and makes him submit under the guiding hand of Tommy (wow okay it's smut let's calm). I've reread it like 30 times lol
Edit to this post, because ^ that fic just got a sequel and it is now my favourite Käsh fic. It's called demon's in my head and is worth reading every word
Not jealous by PaidatonKannut is a threesome with Käsh and Bojan, and it's just sososososososo good. Highly recommend, 7k words of pure sweet filth
Patiently waiting for the day the Käsh tag is gonna feature as common 😔🤚🏻
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frikatilhi · 2 months
Bojere Week Day 6 prompt was "tour bus reunion", but since I just wrote a tour bus fic, I don't have anything new today. I did add it to my bojere week collection on AO3, whoops.
I thought I'd do a rec list, but then I realised I'm horrible at bookmarking so all my recs would be fandom staples everyone knows about already 🙃 I would love to give some love to lesser-read gems, but alas, that would require that I actually remember what they are.
Anyway! After yesterday I just feel like I need a day of fluffy fix-its, angst day was A LOT. How's everyone doing??
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hotcat37 · 6 months
If anyone wants any fic recs hit me up >:3 (I'm most knowledgeable in Jere/Tommy and Bojere fics but I've read a handful of Jance and Jere/Jukka too :D)
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hotcat37 · 6 months
If you're still doing fic recs, did you ever come across some solo käärijä ones? 👀
I'm assuming you're talking abt solo smut fics but just in case I threw in a few non-smut Jere focused fics too lol (solo Jere fics are surprisingly hard to find!)
by beelzebaeb (idk if they have Tumblr??) !! Jere gets off on seeing himself ruined after a show 👀 1st chapter is solo Jere, second includes Tommy in case you're interested in that 😈
by @lintubin2 !! (I tagged ur 2nd account so u can actually interact with this post lol ☠) Sweet fic abt Jere discovering and expressing himself through experimenting with makeup :)
by @hazzybat !! Jere has some time to himself after a gig and thinks about how much the crowd loves him ;) (includes a sprinkle of Kä/Hä at the end as well)
by anon!! Jere has a bit of a scent kink for a fan (you, reader) that he briefly interacted with at a concert 👀 Typical Jere shenanigans ngl
by the_warrior !! Jere finds Bojan's fleshlight and...well. Things happen. A little bit of Bojere (tho they're not in an established relationship) and some crying afterwards if you're into that :0
by anon !! Another one where Jere gets his rocks off on being a sexy symbol lmao Includes comments from fans ;) (not literal screenshots tho lol)
by anon !! A different take on the Käärijä OnlyFans 👀 This time he takes requests from fans😳
by anon !! (you can only read this if you have an AO3 account tho) Big ass TW for non explicit self-harm, it's an interesting take on how Jere copes with the stress of performing and fame. I thought it was written very tastefully but it is hurt/no comfort so it might not be for you
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