#bojack princess caroyln
mimi-ninjago · 2 years
Can you do being best friends with Todd Chavez headcanons?
being best friends with todd chaves
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honestly being friends with todd, would be the best!
i feel like he’d call you at 3am, and he tell you a random idea for a show, game, ect.
honestly before you met bojack, he was worried, because..its bojack?? and also was afaird, because bojack slept with emily, and he was afraid of him doing the same to you
his contact for you is ‘Y/n the best🐶’
honestly before he came out as asexual, he called you up to the diner, to confess he was asexual. and you didn’t mind ofc!!!!
invited you to partys that mr peanut butters partys, (at bojacks house..)
You thrid wheel sometimes when todd goes on a date with maude!
he’d always ask you if you’d like to babysit ruthie with him!
hes the best friend ever, and if you don’t like him, dnii/j 🫡🫡
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zalrb · 2 months
we already talked a bit about this in private, but now that you had some time to think about it, i think you might be able to give a more detailed response so here's my question - do you think bojack losing diane was enough of a consequence for him? how do you feel about his dynamic with diane vs pc?
1. This will be long and all over the place since I'm writing my thoughts in real time. Because of the 30-image limit, I'll probably answer this in two posts.
2. OK so, as you know, I'm not in the Bojack fandom, I just watched the series for the first time and finished it a couple of days ago and we've been talking about my impressions and you've been sharing trivia with me so my view feels like it's probably an unpopular opinion especially because what you indicate
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is certainly meant to be illustrated. I'm not saying that it's narratively untrue because it isn't, I just don't believe it the way that I should because while I was watching the show, I was like Diane's relationship to Bojack is like a 2.0 version of his relationship with PC
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and so I became interested in what it would've meant if the person he "lost" at the end of the series was PC because I do think that would've been an appropriate and big enough emotional consequence for him and his actions and I do think it would've been more narratively resonant. So, you wanted me to expand a bit more on the 2.0/two sides of the same coin thing and why I thought PC and Bojack were more "entwined" than him and Diane -- I'll do this part in another post.
There are just a few things I don't think we can ignore, like the 23-year history between Bojack and PC because, of course, knowing someone for a long time doesn't automatically mean that your relationship with that person means more or is more profound than someone you met later but while I was watching the show, I did draw parallels
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or things like
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that made me go, I don't think his relationship with Diane is more profound either or that he treats her with more reverence in a genuine way, I just think he knew her for six years
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while he knew PC for over two decades
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and he's restarting a cycle.
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even the way that Bojack would leave drunken, long-winded messages on Diane's voicemail parallels the way that he would drunkenly show up on PC's lawn.
To be fair, I don't think we can ignore the way in which Bojack expects the people in his life, particularly women, in general to emotionally labour for him. PC says it herself, "You want a mommy you can slide your dick in and out of" and we could of course talk about the cyclical nature of his self-hatred which can then create the same type of relationships with other people in general, over and over, and obviously because Diane and PC are different people, their relationships to Bojack aren't exactly the same. There are similarities between them with how they get sucked into Bojack's orbit
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but they do respond to him differently, one major difference being that Bojack and Diane never had sex and were never together romantically but that again reinforces to me that they're two sides of the same coin
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even the way that Bojack desperately begs Diane to tell him that he's a good person
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is just the other side of Bojack lashing out at Princess Carolyn for making him feel like he's a bad person
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and both instances sprout from him thinking that they know him too well and while some of the scenes with Princess Carolyn happen after they happen with Diane, they're also contextualized by their long history.
So, for me, while obviously he has two separate relationships with each character and while obviously the Original Relationship(s) Bojack has is with Beatrice (and Butterscotch), which impacts all of the relationships he has afterwards, I ended up looking at his relationship with Diane through the lens of his relationship with Princess Caroyln, which made Princess Carolyn and her relationship with Bojack the more narratively compelling and why I ended up with this as my takeaway
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because I actually thought that it had already been established that Diane moved on and coming back to that in the finale felt like an unnecessary rehash but more importantly, what Bojack said about Princess Carolyn was right, I do believe that she was this person in his life and had been for nearly thirty years
“You're the little plastic table they put in pizza boxes to keep the pizza from getting smushed."
and to have that table removed, would've been emotionally resonant and a well-earned consequence that also isn't a punishment, it's just life.
I don't know if any of this makes sense.
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todd--chavez · 4 years
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Bittersweet. This was honestly the best way to end the show. 
While the show was still ongoing, what I wondered wasn’t so much when the show would end, but how it would end. A huge theme of the show is how that there never a “happy ending”, because there’s always the day after. One of my theories was that the show would end when BoJack dies. Not that they would necessarily have him die early, but that the story would keep being told until his death, because that would be the ultimate end and we would get the full picture as to how he deals with the days after his “happy ending” phases. And after he dies, there wouldn’t be anymore “what’s he going to do next?”. 
In the last episode, we see that BoJack has pretty much lost his closest friends. And that’s sad. But here’s two reasons why I really appreciated it: 
1. It gave BoJack very real consequences of his actions. Going to prison was more a slap on the wrist, a symbol if anything of lash back from all his past decisions. This made it both real, and not a corny happy ending. 
2. It’s not completely depressing, because it is a happy ending for the people like Diane and Princess Carolyn, who have grown so much and come to realize that keeping BoJack is not healthy, and are bettering themselves by putting some space between them and BoJack.
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How are you gonna relate to Bojack but Diane’s just too shitty of a person for you to sympathize with.
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crowwdy · 3 years
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shitty druggie horse and friends! characters from bojack horseman, best thing to ever come out of netflix Please God watch it it’s lifechanging
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roadbread · 4 years
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I'm doing 6fanarts and these were the suggestions from instagram!
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sweetmotherofcactus · 4 years
I just want to say one thing.
I miss Bojack horseman.
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defendglobe · 7 years
i just finished bojack ;_;
i feel....so proud of him. 
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enestoestuve · 4 years
Qué estuve viendo #4
Este Qué estuve viendo es para los primeros 8 episodios de la temporada final de BoJack Horseman. 
Queda advertido: Todo lo que viene, desde ahora en adelante, es completamente CON SPOILERS de estos episodios, y de las primeras cinco temporadas. Si no ha visto esta temporada, deje de leer ahora mismo, vaya a Netflix, vea los 8 episodios, y después vuelva.
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BoJack Horseman (temporada 6, parte 1)
Lo dije y lo vuelvo a reiterar con orgullo: BoJack Horseman es uno de los mejores dramedys de la década que pasó. Una serie con la que he pasado risas, tristezas, momentos duros, escenas impactantes, pero lo más importante de todo, momentos que realmente se sienten humanos, más allá de que su protagonista sea un caballo que vive de las viejas glorias de su éxito. Y todo en código de relaciones personales, y en código de Hollywood. 
El final de la quinta temporada nos pone a BoJack (voz en idioma original de Will Arnett) finalmente pidiendo ayuda profesional para rehabilitarse de sus adicciones, y es Diane (voz en idioma original de Alison Brie) la que lo deja en un centro para ello. Ese es el contexto en el que se inicia la sexta y última temporada, con un BoJack aún en rehabilitación, sin tomar ni una sola gota de alcohol desde ese entonces. 
La temporada no parte con BoJack en el presente de la serie, sino que en la noche que murió Sarah Lynn, y de los eventos inmediatos posteriores a su muerte. La imagen del planetario, que fue la que presenciaron ella y BoJack, este último la tiene muy presente cuando ve alcohol, y es el gatillador para que él diga: “yo de esto no tomo”. Pero los vicios no tardan en aparecer, y el primer episodio es muestra de ello, cuando ya cuando tenemos a BoJack internado, se nos muestra que acompaña a una compañera del centro de rehabilitación a encontrarse con su novio, y que ella guarda una botella con vodka adentro como recordatorio de no caer en su vicio. A lo largo del camino, además de lo que hablé de Sarah Lynn, se nos muestra cual fue la relación que tuvo BoJack con el alcohol desde su niñez, dando a entender que su lucha no es una batalla fácil.
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BoJack ve estrellas en esa botella con vodka. Un recordatorio de lo que ya no puede ser. 
En los siguientes episodios también vemos en qué andan los otros cuatro personajes principales, que brevemente aparecen en el primer episodio en un hermoso split-screen mientras están al teléfono. Diane se muda a Chicago, al departamento de su compañero de ruta, un camarógrafo llamado Guy, para seguir su trabajo de periodista. Princess Carolyn (voz en idioma original de Amy Sedaris) lidia duro con los quehaceres de su trabajo en VIM, y haciéndose cargo de su erizo adoptado, mientras que en su departamento tenemos a un despreocupado Todd (voz en idioma original de Aaron Paul). Mr. Peanutbutter (voz en idioma original de Paul F. Tompkins), por su parte, le ocultó a su novia Pickles que la engañó con Diane, poniendo en peligro su próximo matrimonio.
Ni siquiera en el final la serie desentona. La secuencia inicial para esta última temporada nos muestra las sombras de BoJack, ilustrada en los personajes a los cuales ha hecho daño, y también a su madre Beatrice, cuya imagen pasa por transición de una cinta quemándose a su funeral, en el cual ya vimos el devastador monólogo de 25 minutos de su hijo en la temporada anterior. Todas estas sombras amenazan la nueva vida de BoJack, a lo que podría haberse sumado uno de los terapeutas que, por accidente, BoJack hizo que quedara borracho. Por fortuna, BoJack nos está demostrando a lo largo de esta temporada, que puede cambiar si se lo propone, sin la presencia de la vida autodestructiva que dejó muchos heridos en el camino.
Diane es, por su parte, la que tiene que lidiar fuertemente con la depresión. Luego de mudarse a Chicago, y de una fea experiencia con una investigación que él y su compañero pretendían hacer, ella se propone escribir sus memorias, solo para encontrarnos en un momento en el que, en su editor de texto, solo están las palabras “I am terrible” (Soy terrible) escritas una y otra vez. Y busca excusas cada vez que puede para evitar decir que no está haciendo lo que se propuso. Cuando BoJack la va a visitar, podemos dar cuenta de su desorden, y de cómo el caballo que desde prácticamente toda la serie lo hemos visto con depresión, le está devolviendo la mano.
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Es duro ser madre.
Princess Carolyn, al igual que en las temporadas anteriores, tiene su episodio en el cual se nos muestra su dura vida, pero ahora en este doble rol como productora y madre. Quizás esta serie no va a ser reconocida por la animación en el sentido de cómo están diseñados los personajes o como se mueven, pero por lo que sí va a ser reconocida, es en el sentido de usar la animación para representar enfermedades o condiciones mentales. Si ya tuvimos anteriormente la alucinación producto de las drogas, la vocecita en la cabeza que te dice que eres una porquería, o la brutal representación de la demencia, en esta temporada la condición que se muestra es el estrés crónico y la ansiedad que sufre ella, representado por los “clones” de ella que aparecen a medida que se las arregla para sobrevivir el día a día, acompañado del sonido de todas esas cosas sonando una y otra vez. Además, se examina la imagen de una “mujer empoderada” que a fin de cuentas más parece una autoimposición de una imagen, que un modo de vida saludable. 
En un hilarante pero incómodo episodio donde todos los invitados a la fiesta se las arreglan como pueden para no ser pillados, los espectadores somos testigos de la casi cancelación de la boda entre Mr. Peanutbutter y Pickles. Además del problema entre ellos que se venía arrastrando desde la temporada anterior, tenemos como protagonista a la poca autoestima que tiene Pickles, cuando en medio de su sufrimiento por enterarse de que su marido le fue infiel, les habla a sus seguidores en una red social bastante similar a Twitter, y les pregunta qué se debe poner para poder arrancar de la casa. 
Todd, por su parte, también tiene su episodio, en el que tiene una disputa con su papá, por el modo de vida que el primero tiene, y de cómo, a pesar de lo inepto que es, si se puede decir que él es privilegiado. Al menos en esta temporada, demuestra que se le puede confiar la responsabilidad de ser niñero del hijo adoptivo de Princess Caroyln.
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Diane, antes de volver (temporalmente) a Los Ángeles. 
Todo anda en marcha. BoJack sale del centro de rehabilitación, entra a Alcohólicos Anónimos, se reencuentra con la peluquera que trabajaba también en Horsin’ Around, y pretende iniciar una nueva vida, bastante cerca de su hermana Hollyhock. Pero cuando pensamos que todo va a seguir bien, el último episodio de la primera parte de la temporada, nos presenta a dos periodistas del The Hollywoo Reporter -entre nos, la periodista tiene un aire a la personaje de Jennifer Jason Leigh de The Hudsucker Proxy, lamento no tener referentes de los cuarenta, pero esto es lo más cercano que sé que tengo- que se proponen investigar el misterio en torno a la muerte de Sarah Lynn, y llegan también a seguirle el rastro a Penny, la hija de Charlotte que le costó a BoJack una ruptura de relación hace cuatro temporadas atrás. Para tirarle sal a la herida, aparecen Gina Cazador, la co-protagonista de Philbert, que BoJack estuvo “asi” de cerca de estrangular por el efecto de las drogas que consumía; y Kelsey, la directora de Secretariat, con un proyecto que podría ser el próximo éxito en Hollywoo. Y por si fuera poco, Margo Martindale haciendo su extraordinario rol de la Margo Martindale de BoJack, se escapa en un Alfa Romeo del convento de monjas en el que estaba. 
O sea, tiraron una bomba, con la cual se puede encender la mecha en cualquier momento. Y no necesitaron a ninguno de los cinco personajes principales para hacerlo, porque no aparecen en el episodio. Si eso no es construirme expectativas para saber lo que viene después, no sé lo que es. Raphael Bob-Waksberg, si sabes español y si me llegas a leer aunque sea por accidente: Tú y tu equipo me tenían en lo más alto de la montaña rusa, y por la cresta que se sintió el descenso.  
Independientemente del final de la serie, esta es una serie que era necesaria para los tiempos que corren ahora. Y dudo que otras series de su mismo tipo vayan a ocupar ese vacío que va a quedar. Netflix hizo un llamado “disservice” al terminar esta serie, y que como dije antes, este ya no es el Netflix que la puso en su servicio. 
Lo único que queda es disfrutar el final del camino. Me quedan ocho episodios para cerrar toda esta inyección de humanidad en formato serie, y no pienso maratonearlos. Son el tipo de episodios que hay que saborear de a poquito. Si voy a terminar esto, que sea a lo grande. No sé si a lo Todd, pero a lo grande al fin y al cabo. 
BoJack Horseman está disponible en Netflix.
Imagenes: TV Tropes, La Tercera, Fuera de Series, Chicago Tribune
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mimi-ninjago · 2 years
Ideas for fanfics!
So i do rare pair ships, and some characters of x readers, that barely have any fan fiction i’m talking about any show, not just ninjago.
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anxietyrobot · 4 years
bojack spoilers?
im getting some vibes that judah and princess caroyln are gonna be a couple by the end and im so happy i love both of them and i love their dynamic adfas
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letterstobojack · 4 years
The bojack effect on me.
Hello Bojack, This feels weird to be writing this since I know you’re an animated character and all, but you & your series were the realest thing in my life for a good while. Before I start elaborating about the title of this letter, I want to give a short brief about me, to support the context. Im 21, my name isnt lilly but Its my fave nickname and I’d rather be identified by it, I graduated college 8 months ago and I think that if diane & princess caroyln personalities were put in a blender and made into a smoothie, the outcome would be me. To make it clearer, I’m working as an agent like PC & im overworked and all, same career so same shit, yet I always wanted to be a writer and I’ve been trying that for a long while and failing honestly, also im deep & “damaged” like diane.. so yea.. Anyway, back to Bojack. When I found Bojack’s series, I was in a really horrible health state from how overworked I was, yet I didnt have the luxury of breaking down. Bojack was my escape from every shitty thing I was going thro, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I remember watching it on my way to work, in my lunch break, And when I’d hide in the bathroom to cry. Theres not a single time that I pulled out my phone and started watching it and felt bored or that its disgustingly positive. I ( the person who never actually watched 3 episodes of a series bc of my deep commitment issues) managed to watch all 6 seasons of Bojack Horseman. The series was an escape from my sad reality, my horrible & absolutely physically limiting illnesses and it felt like someone out there in a this big ugly world actually understands me & knows how I feel.. So, thank you Bojack, Todd, Diane, Princess Carolyn, Mr. Peanut butter & the rest. Thank you for being the family I never had I wish you all well. ♥️
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mimi-ninjago · 2 years
17 minutes
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pairings… Sarah lynn x Sober! F! reader
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sarah lynn was a famous child actor at the age of three, she had never got the childhood she wanted, however, you were young, she was 13 at the time, while you were 14.
you were offered to do make up, sense you learned that you were good at that.m
you would mostly do sarah lynn’s makeup, she would enjoy your company, and sense herb got fired, she had lost her only friend joelle.
Sarah lynn used to always tell you her dreams, but whenever she’d ask about yours, you never really thought of it..
age of 27-28, sarah was an addict.
you used sometimes, you were with sarah lynn a lot, but you’ve been clean for years.
as you called up sarah lynn, she answered, “hey sarah, are you doing okay?” you asked, “yea actually, i’m already almost been clean for a year!” sarah lynn said.
you smiled, “thats good, do you promise you’re not gonna use again?” you said, “yes y/n, i pinky promise alright!” sarah lynn giggled, you chuckled, “i’m sorry, but i was thinking we can go to a diner later on?” you stated.
“i’ll have to see my calendar, oh wait, someones calling” sarah lynn said, before hanging up.
she hasn’t called you in a while, thats weird, she usually answers you.
after some weeks, she hasn’t called you, this is weird, you were worried, you tried to brush it off, as you were watching some tv.
sarah lynn is dead.
she had died at the age of 30.
as you were reading the news, you cried.
you have never cried so hard in your life, you missed her, all you wanted to do is hug her, hold her.
she didn’t keep her promise.
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sweetmotherofcactus · 4 years
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I’ll miss this show so much. Thank you for everything bojack.
Insta: @journalxowl
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sweetmotherofcactus · 4 years
“…she knew what it’s like to feel your entire life like you’re drowning with the exception of these moments, these very rare, brief instances, in which you suddenly remember you can swim. but, then again, mostly not. mostly you’re drowning. she understood that too. and she recognized that I understood it. and dad. all three of us were drowning, and we didn’t know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together.”
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