#bobby x alex if you squint
bibbawrites · 3 years
A Little Bit Lost - the adventures of Little!Luke and Little!Reggie
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Request:  Hi!! Welcome back, weve missed you. Since requests are open, maybe something for little luke and little reggie's adventures if you feel inspired to write about ir. Or maybe little Charlie if you prefer it
Word Count: 890 words
Summary: little!luke and little!reggie are left alone and decide to go on a bit of an adventure 
Warnings: age regression, if you don’t feel comfortable please do not read 
A/N: this isnt super long but i had a good time writing it, i had a bit of a tough afternoon (had a minor breakdown and cut my own hair lol) so this was kinda therapeutic for me
both luke and reggie are in a little headspace, luke is mentally about 6 years old and reggie is mentally about 3 or 4 years old
anyways hope you guys enjoy!
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes @molinaroberts @joynersgoatblog @courageous-she @littlemissaddict @gloomybrieyxb @itsyagorlemmalyn @jatpxmultifan @moneybagmgk @emeliii1 @mybradforddream (the strike through means it wont let me tag you)
In Luke and Reggie’s defence, Bobby probably shouldn’t have left them at the studio alone when he went to go pick up Alex. Both boys had spent the afternoon in their little headspaces, and were down for a nap when it was time to get Alex from work, so Bobby figured there wasn’t much trouble that they could get into. 
He was wrong. 
Luke woke to find the studio empty and Reggie sniffling, tears running down his face. He moved quickly, wrapping his arms around the other boy.
“What’s wrong Reggie?” He asked. 
“Bobby left us.” Reggie whimpered. “He don’t love us anymore.” 
“He does love us.” Luke assured the younger boy. 
“Lukey? Can we go to the park?” Reggie looked at him with pleading eyes and Luke’s eyes lit up in excitement. 
“Yeah! That’s gonna be so fun!” He grinned, and Reggie gave him a watery smile. 
“Come on Reg, let’s get your shoes on.” Luke picked up the sandshoes that Alex had bought for them to wear to the park, frowning at the laces. 
“What’s wrong?” Reggie asked, snuggling into Luke’s side. 
“I can’t do it by myself.” Luke admitted, before an idea popped into his head. 
“That’s okay.” He assured Reggie. “We don’t need shoes, we can play without them.” 
“Lexi will be mad.” Reggie’s bottom lip jutted out and Luke began to panic, not wanting his little brother to cry again. 
“No he won’t I promise.” He said quickly, before noticing Bobby’s already tied sneakers at the door. Maybe he could slide them onto Reggie’s feet. He grabbed them, before gently taking Reggie’s foot and shoving the shoe onto it. Bobby’s feet were clearly bigger than Reggie’s but it didn’t matter. Now Reggie had shoes on, and a big smile on his face. Luke giggled, feeling quite naughty that they were going to go to the park without Bobby and Alex. He didn’t even mind that they’d probably get angry. He took Reggie’s hand. 
“Let’s go.” He said, and together they wandered out of the garage, hand in hand. 
“What do mean they’re gone?” Alex exclaimed, eyes wide. Bobby stood in front of him, his normally calm demeanour replaced with pure panic. 
“They were sleeping when I left, I didn’t think they’d wake up.” Bobby replied and Alex started pacing. 
“We have to find them. You said they’re both little, right? Think about how much trouble they could get into.” Alex bit his lip. 
“Luke will take care of Reggie.” Bobby said, his voice wobbling slightly at the thought of something happening to Reggie or Luke. 
“Luke is mentally six years old right now, he can’t even take care of himself. Oh god, what if someone sees them? Or some weirdo tries to take advantage of them?” Alex rambled, already spiraling. Bobby grabbed his shoulders. 
“Lex, take a deep breath.” He instructed, and when Alex was finally slightly calmer, Bobby spoke again. “Where would two little kids go on their own?” 
“The park.” Alex realised, visibly relaxing. 
“Of course.” Bobby agreed. “Come on, let’s go find our boys.” 
Luke had never had more fun at the park in his life, running around giggling with Reggie as they climbed on the playground and pretended that they were princes in a castle. 
They were having so much fun they didn’t even notice Bobby’s car pulling into the parking lot and Alex and Bobby hurrying towards them. 
“Lucas, Reginald.” Alex called, and both Luke and Reggie froze. “Get down here now.” 
Luke let Reggie go first, waiting as he slid down the slide and threw himself at Bobby who caught him with a practiced ease, as Luke slid down to join them. 
“You two know you’re not allowed to go out on your own.” Alex reprimanded. “There’s bad people out here who could do bad things to you. We were so worried about you.” 
Luke pouted. He hated being in trouble. That meant he wouldn’t be allowed to watch cartoons before bed. 
“Sorry Lexi.” He mumbled, and Reggie repeated Luke’s words, his voice muffled by Bobby’s shoulder. 
“Are we going home now?” Luke asked sadly. 
“We are.” Alex nodded. “The park isn’t safe for little boys at night.” 
“I’m not little.” Luke protested, stomping his foot. 
“Luke.” Bobby warned. 
“Can we get McDonalds?” Reggie asked quietly, and Alex shook his head. 
“Only good boys get McDonalds.” He answered. “Have you been good boys?” 
“No.” Reggie pouted, looking like he might cry, and Alex’s tough demeanour flickered for a moment. Noticing Alex was close to breaking Bobby decided to jump in. 
“What about we go back to the studio right now and if you two are good all the way back and have your baths nicely we’ll order pizza?” He suggested, and instantly Luke and Reggie were happy again, giggling excitedly as Bobby and Alex led them back to the car, Alex holding Luke’s hand and Reggie still held in Bobby’s arms. 
“You did good Lex.” Bobby whispered once they were on their way home, with Luke chattering away to Reggie about a truck he saw outside. 
“It’s so hard.” Alex sighed, and Bobby took a hand off the steering wheel to link his fingers through Alex’s, squeezing gently. 
Their little group wasn’t conventional by any means, but they wouldn’t change it for the world. 
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Christmas in the Bunker Pt.2: Twenty-Five Ugly Christmas Sweaters
This story will fill my Ugly Christmas Sweaters square in @spnchristmasbingo
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Warnings: None. Just fluff and a tiny smidge of angst (to make the fluff feel fluffier! 😉)
Summary: Who doesn't love an ugly Christmas sweater? Dean Winchester, that's who.
Pairings: (Dean Winchester x Fem!reader), (Sam x Eileen), (OC - MJ - child), (OC - DJ - child) Other characters mentioned and technically in the story: Mary, Bobby, Cas, Jack, Charlie, Dana (OC), Benny, Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex, Patience, Kaia, Garth, Bess, Sam Jr, Castiel Jr, Ketch, Rowena
Word Count: 3455
A/N: So, when I got my SPN Christmas Bingo Card, I had an immediate idea for a little Christmas Series.
If you just want to read each drabble as an individual story, you can for sure do that. But they’ll all also be part of a series that takes place over the two weeks leading up to Christmas in the Bunker.
I’m calling them drabbles, but they’ll range between 500 and 2500(ish) 3500(ish)words, so - drabble/one-shot. I’m gonna try my very best to have them all out by December 25 at the absolute latest.
I hope you enjoy the series and I wanna wish every one of you a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!! 🎄🎅
The beautiful divider at the bottom was created by @talesmaniac89 😍
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Dean held his cards close to his chest and peered at his challenger across the table. His jewel green eyes were shrewd as he tried to penetrate into the mind of his opponent. Finally, he broke the charged silence.
"Do you have any threes?"
"Nope!" MJ called out happily. "Go fish, Daddy!"
The bright emerald eyes that matched his so perfectly were full of happy mischief as she bounced on the wooden chair she occupied in the library.
Dean threw his head back. "Aw, come on, kid - you're killin' me! Look at your pile of cards over there!"
He gestured to the towering pile of pairs that MJ had collected from him and from the pile in the middle of the table.
MJ shrugged and grinned. "Sorry, Daddy - fish!!"
Grumbling, Dean picked up a six of clubs, which of course matched nothing he had in his hand.
MJ scrambled up onto her knees in the chair before making her request. "Do you have any sixes?"
Dean's jaw dropped open. "That's the third time you've asked for the card I just picked up." He squinted at his curly-headed card shark as he passed over his recently acquired six of clubs.
"Can you read minds?" He turned to look behind him. "Or did you set up mirrors to trick me?"
"Nope. I'm just good at this game." MJ said nonchalantly, with all the innocent confidence of a well-loved, secure and happy four year old.
Dean smiled, finding an unending kind of happiness in seeing his little girl so bold and lively. More than anything he wanted to keep her this way, protected and safe; he wanted to keep all the monsters, both literal and figurative far from her.
After a few more fishing trips MJ smiled happily as she counted up her pairs. "I have twenty-two pairs. How many do you have?" She asked him.
Dean licked his lips and tossed his eight cards on to the pile with a sigh. "Four. I have four pairs." He shook his head at his pitiful haul. "You definitely win."
Apparently taking his mock sadness as real disappointment MJ jumped out of her chair and climbed up onto his lap, wrapping her skinny little arms around him.
"It's okay, Daddy. Maybe you'll win next time. You did really good."
Dean kissed the top of her head, feeling his heart constrict in that way it always did when this precious little creature gave him her love and affection so freely and openly.
She may have his eyes, but she was all Y/N on the inside.
As though summoned by his thoughts, Y/N came into the library with a bowl of fruit salad and a tray full of cheese and crackers.
"Snack time." She said as she set the food between them on the table.
Dean set MJ on the floor. "Okay, kiddo, put the cards away now. You can beat me at Go Fish again later."
Y/N grinned. "She beat you again, huh?" she asked as MJ whisked the cards away to her bedroom.
Dean picked up all the old lore books that were spread out across the table and started putting them back on the shelf to make room for the food. Sam would freak out if he saw the rare, obscure tomes so close to sticky fruit juice.
"Yeah." Dean answered. "Like three times in a row." He shook his head. "Kid's got skills!"
As MJ bounded back into the library the heavy metal door at the bunker's entrance screeched open and Dean glanced up to see Sam, Eileen and DJ returning from doing some Christmas shopping.
MJ ran up the stairs to meet DJ and grab his hand. The two cousins were only six months apart, MJ being born just half a year after DJ. And they'd been practically inseparable from day one.
They made an incongruous pairing. MJ had her father's eyes and freckles, and Y/N's button nose and small stature. DJ had ended up with all of Eileen's dark beauty and his father's towering height. But regardless of their difference in looks, they were joined at the hip and where you found one, you'd likely find the other.
MJ pulled her cousin along behind her. "Mommy, can I show DJ our snowmen?"
Y/N nodded. "Put your mittens on when you go out."
MJ frowned. "I can't do my boots." She complained.
"Okay, I'll come help you." Y/N said, ushering them forward.
"Help your Auntie, DJ!" Eileen called out after him. "Don't make her bend over!"
"Okay!" DJ yelled back.
Sam and Eileen walked through the war room and into the library and unzipped their winter jackets. Dean looked up at them again, about to tell them to dig into the grub when he saw what they were wearing under their jackets.
"What the hell," Dean said, his face scrunched up, "are those things?"
He extended his arm towards his brother and sister-in-law's very bright, very thick, Christmas themed sweaters.
Sam looked down at himself. "It's an ugly Christmas sweater."
Dean nodded slowly. "Uh, yes...it is. I'm glad you didn't make me say it." He frowned. "So, you know they're ugly?"
Eileen smiled. "Of course. That's the fun part."
Dean chuckled. "Yeah, okay if you say so." He shook his head. "You're both crazy!"
"Who's crazy?" Y/N asked as she came back into the room, one hand on her tired back and the other resting on the swell of belly that was causing all the trouble.
Dean thumbed toward Sam and Eileen. "Your in-laws. They are wearing those hideous sweaters. On purpose."
"Oh!" Y/N cried in obvious delight. "They were ready?"
Eileen nodded and brought over a handful of bags to set on the library table.
"Yep, he had them all bundled up and ready for us. We already dropped off Mary and Bobby's. And Jody and Donna said to just keep theirs and the girls' with us and they'd change into them here."
Dean was staring in confusion as Y/N pulled out two matching hideous sweaters that were also identical to Sam and Eileen's.
"What are you talking about? What are these?"
Y/N beamed at him as she brought over one of the sweaters and laid it against his chest, smoothing it up to his shoulders.
"Ooh!" she said in excitement. "I think it's gonna fit perfectly!"
Dean backed up quickly, almost causing Y/N to lose her grip on the sweater.
"Uh, hell no." He said, looking at Y/N like she'd gone crazy. "I am one hundred percent not wearing that thing."
Y/N's brow wrinkled as she frowned at him. "What are you talking about, we're all wearing one tonight."
"Tonight?" Dean asked, choosing to skip over the part about wearing matching sweaters.
"Yeah," Y/N said as she brought the sweater back over to the group of bags on the table. "Everyone is coming over tonight to help decorate and put up the tree."
"Who is everyone?" Dean asked. "And why didn't I know about any of this."
Y/N shook her head. "Because you don't listen to me half the time. I told you a month ago that everyone would be coming this weekend to help with the tree and to have a bit of a Christmas celebration, since it's unlikely we'll be able to get everyone together on Christmas day."
"Who is everyone?" Dean repeated.
"Well," Y/N started ticking people off on her fingers. "your mom and Bobby. Charlie and Dana, Cas and Jack said they'd be home in time, Jody and Donna and the girls, Benny, Garth and Bess and the babies, Ketch and Rowena and then all of us, of course." She finished with a sweep of her arm.
Dean's eyes got wider as the list grew. "And what, you got sweaters for all of them? They all agreed to purposefully put on those hideous things?"
"Yes, and so are you." Y/N said firmly. "I found a guy in town who makes Ugly Christmas Sweaters by hand and I put in an order months ago, one for everyone."
She clapped her hands again as she leaned forward to give Eileen a hug. "I wasn't sure they'd be done in time. Thanks so much for picking them up." She said as she reached up on tiptoe to give Sam a hug too.
For his part Sam was trying desperately not to burst out laughing at the look of absolute horror on his brother's face. He'd been a little reluctant to put on the ridiculous thing as well, but he hadn't wanted to disappoint Y/N. And he'd suspected Dean's reaction to them was going to be worth it. He was not disappointed.
MJ and DJ came rushing back through the library, pink-cheeked from the cold. Before they could scamper off to one of their rooms, Y/N called them over.
"Come here you guys." She handed them their little sweaters. "Go put these on. People should start arriving in the next half hour or so."
Eileen scooped MJ up and put a hand between DJ's shoulders. "Come on, I'll help you get them on."
Y/N passed the remaining bags to Sam. "Would you just set these in our room Sam. Everyone can change in there when they come."
As Sam left, happy to help, but sorry to miss the argument that was sure to come, Y/N walked passed Dean and headed into the kitchen. Dean followed her.
"Y/N, you can't be serious. You don't really expect everyone, I mean, you don't really expect me to get dressed up in these...these things, do you?"
Y/N rolled her eyes. "I'm so sorry to burst your streak of wearing only the most trendy of fashions, Dean, but yes, I do very much expect everyone to wear a Christmas sweater to our Christmas get together."
She grabbed the big roll of plastic wrap and moved passed Dean again, to go cover up the food in the library. She patted his forearm on the way past.
"And by the way, you're the only one who seems to have a problem with it."
Dean rubbed a hand across his forehead as he followed her back into the library. "No...I'm pretty sure I'm just the only one who's not too polite to tell you you're crazy and that this idea is too."
Y/N looked over at him as she reached the table and pulled out a length of plastic wrap. "Dean. You're making way too much out of this. It's just a fun silly thing."
She swore quietly as the plastic wrap curled in on itself and clung together, becoming immediately useless. She pulled out another strip as Dean came up beside her.
"I'm not making too much of this because one, I do listen to you and you never told me we were going to have twenty-five people here, and you for sure never mentioned we were all going to be wearing matching sweaters." He scowled at her. "This is not my idea of a fun evening."
The second strip of plastic wrap went the same way as the first and Y/N let out a little growl of frustration.
"Look, Winchester!" She said, as she swung around to face him, her usually unflappable temper flaring. "Just put on the damn sweater!"
She pulled out another length of wrap and let out a little cry of pain as she sliced her thumb on the metal teeth of the plastic wrap box. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and glared at Dean.
Feeling bad she'd cut herself, Dean reached for her hand to see the damage, but she pulled it away from, still glaring and just waddled away from him as quickly as her protruding belly would allow, off toward their bedroom.
"Y/N!" Dean called after her, "The conversation isn't over."
"Yeah, it is!" Y/N yelled back and seconds later he could hear their bedroom door slam shut.
Hours later, the bunker had been decorated beautifully by the troop of friends and family who'd come by to help.
The tree was up, evergreen boughs and sparkling lights were strung across the railings, Christmas music played through the loudspeaker system in the bunker, food and drinks lined the tables, and more yummy-smelling things were baking in the oven.
And every single person in the bunker was miserable.
It hadn't started out badly. There were hugs and greetings as everyone arrived. Everyone put on their Christmas sweaters and laughed about how ugly they were.
Even Dean had eventually put his on, feeling a little guilty now for making Y/N so mad. Who cared if it was stupid? At least everybody looked stupid together.
Y/N did so much for all of them; kept the bunker running, took care of both kids when all three hunters were out on a case, bandaged them up when they were wounded, cooked and cleaned, sat with each and everyone of them, adults and kids alike through colds and fevers, and she did it all with love, compassion, and humor.
She was very easy to love and everyone there did love her very much.
Which was why they were all so loathe to admit to Y/N how miserable they were.
The problem was that the sweaters were very, very thick. So, no one had wanted to wear anything under them. Unfortunately, they were also one hundred percent real wool.
And as the afternoon had become evening, and the decorating continued, everyone got very warm, and the warmer they got the itchier the wool got. So that now, the whole group was standing around ostensibly "partying" while actually just trying to scratch surreptitiously and ignore the slow torture that was the itchy wool.
Finally the kids couldn't take it anymore. They'd been told by countless adults around them that they would be fine and eventually the sweaters would come off. But they couldn't take it anymore and began to pull their sweaters off in protest.
Y/N saw this and stopped her own itching long enough to heave a giant sigh and give up the Christmas Sweater Plan.
"I'm so sorry, everyone. God, take them off before we all end up completely covered in hives. I get to be first though!" She said with a chuckle, but Dean saw she was slightly embarrassed as she left to change in their room.
When she left the room the men ripped their sweaters off immediately and the women left to find a place to change with a bit more privacy.
Dean followed Y/N to the room and knocked quietly on the door before opening it. Y/N had changed into a t-shirt and was gathering up everyone's clothes.
"I better get these back to everyone, otherwise we'll have some kind of nudist colony going on." She said, smiling but not looking at him.
Dean grabbed the giant pile of shirts out of her hands and tossed them on the floor just outside their door and closed it behind himself.
"Dean, you can't just throw people's clothes on the floor. They'll get dirty."
Dean was shaking his head. "Who cares, people will deal." He stepped up to her and pulled her into his arms.
"I'm sorry I was such a whiny little bitch about the sweater."
Y/N shook her head. "Speaking of..." she said and reached forward to pull his sweater off of him. He shuddered slightly as the wool left his skin.
Y/N tutted when she saw how red and splotchy his beautiful torso was. She rubbed her hands soothingly over his chest and tried to usher him out of the room.
"You should go stand under the shower for a few minutes, it will make your skin feel better. In fact, everyone should do that." She started to walk past him to suggest that to everyone.
But Dean took hold of her wrist and led her to sit on the end of the bed.
"I'm fine, sweetheart. I promise I've dealt with worse than itchy skin." He got down on his haunches in front of her. "Are you okay?"
Y/N waved away his concern. "Yes, of course. I'm just embarrassed. This was such a silly idea and I was so adamant about it. I just wanted to have a really memorable Christmas."
Dean frowned slightly. "All our Christmases are memorable. You always make them amazing."
Y/N smiled. "Thanks."
Dean frowned. "What got you so fired up about this one?"
Y/N waved away the question. "Oh, it's nothing, I'm just being stupid, it's my hormones probably. My moods are all over the place lately." She swept a hand over her belly, mentally telling the baby inside that she forgave them for making her so emotional.
"Okay." Dean said. "But it's something else too, I can tell."
Y/N ducked her head. "Well, first of all I feel bad because I did lie to you. You're right, I didn't tell you about the party or the sweaters because I knew you'd hate it. Well, the sweater part anyway and I know you're not fond of big crowds of people either."
"Well," Dean pushed out his lips, "I don't know if I'd classify our friends and family as a crowd, but okay. What is second of all?"
Y/N sighed. "It's stupid, even stupider than the sweaters." She rubbed her hand against his splotchy skin again.
He caught her hand in his and waited for her to continue. She shrugged.
"A few months ago, I...I had a nightmare." Y/N shrugged as though it was no big deal, but her face had gone pale and Dean could see the fear in her eyes.
"What was the nightmare?"
"You...and Sam and Eileen. You..." her voice trailed off and Dean was sure he knew what was coming. "You didn't make it home from a hunt."
A tear escaped and ran down her cheek. Dean reached up and brushed it away and then sat beside her on the bed.
"Y/N." Dean said simply, so sad to see her hurt and fear.
"I know it was just a dream, and it doesn't mean anything. I kept repeating our family motto over and over."
She paused and straightened her spine, quoting the motto they'd agreed to live their lives by years ago. "Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today."
She slumped back down. "But no matter how many times I said it, I just couldn't get the memory of the dream out of my head. And then I got it into my hormonal head that if we did something big and wild and fun, I could force the dream out. So, I threw myself into planning the sweaters and the get together and..." she trailed off and shrugged. "It made sense to me at the time, and then I just couldn't let it go."
She ran her hand across his chest again, happy to see it was slowly returning to it's normal color, some of his freckles appearing again.
Dean pulled her as close to him as her belly would allow and pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I wish I could promise you..." he went quiet and Y/N felt bad for bringing on the guilt she knew he felt all too easily.
He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes and Y/N's heart picked up speed as it always did when her stunningly handsome husband was so near her and looking at her like he might devour her soul.
"I can't promise that nothing bad will ever happen. But I can promise you that no matter what, I will always fight with every breath in my body to get home to you and my girls."
Y/N felt tears spring to her eyes again, but this time they were happy ones. "Your girls?" she said, smiling. "Do you finally agree with me about this little one then?" She brought his hand to rest on her belly.
He smiled wide as he felt the baby kick hard under his hand. "Well, she's obviously a girl, she's already training to be a Rockette!"
Dean and Y/N returned to the library to see everyone had changed and the atmosphere was much brighter and a lot more festive without the Ugly Sweaters. Y/N apologized to everyone again as she entered, but everyone waved away her apology.
Charlie grinned. "They were fun for a while. Too bad they're kind of wasted now though. Maybe we can hang them on the walls or something."
Dean perked up. "No! I have a way better idea."
Half an hour later all the adults were enjoying hot chocolate outside, watching while Alex, Claire, Patience, and Kaia helped MJ and DJ build enough snowmen for all twenty-five Ugly Christmas Sweaters.
The snowmen didn't find them itchy one bit.
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@akshi8278, @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @foxyjwls007, @b3autyfuldisast3r, @myloversgone, @kazsrm67, @fangirlxwrites67, @kickingitwithkirk, @charred-angelwings, @hopefuldreamers-world, @siospins, @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp, @my-sherlock221b, @jensensgotyoudean @lyarr24, @snowlovespie, @stixnstripesworld, @thoughts-and-funnies, @magssteenkamp, @norman1967, @princessmisery666, @mishkatelwarriorgoddess
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felicitysmoaksx · 2 years
JJ’s Fic Masterlist Updated 7/29/23
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
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hintsofhoney · 3 years
Game Night
Pairing(s): Dom!Dean Winchester x F!Sub!Reader
Summary: You decide to send Dean a few dirty texts while at game night with all your closest friends... it doesn't go as planned.
Tags: 18+, sexting... a whole lot of it, exhibitionism if you squint I guess, mentions of sex, a BJ, and masturbation, sir kink, swearing, there’s no actual smut in this really
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: So, @ellewritesfix05​ and I were talking about that Tik Tok trend where you text your S/O something dirty in public, and then I had to ask, how would Dean react? And then I had to go further and ask, how would dom!Dean react? And then this was born. Decided to make it a bit more realistic with the texts, too. Hope you guys enjoy!
You can also read me on Ao3!
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You watched Dean as his face broke out into a laugh at something that Charlie had said. It was game night at Jody’s house, and just about everyone you knew was there. Sam, Eileen, Cas, Jody, Donna, Charlie, Kevin, Claire, Alex, Patience, Kaia, and even Bobby came, not that he was participating in the current round of UNO that was being played. He was always one to just sit back and watch while he sipped on his beer. All of you were sitting at Jody’s dining table, playing game after game. It was always a good time, ever since Jody came up with the idea to have these game nights about a year ago. She figured it’d be good to have something that would bring joy into the otherwise rather grim lives of hunters. So, once every three months, when everyone was able to get together and take a break from hunting, it was game time.
You, although enjoying the company of your most favorite people, had other things on your mind other than UNO. Dean was sitting diagonally across from you, and you’d been eyeing him all night. He always looked good, but on some days, he looked extra good, and today was one of those days. You couldn’t wait to get back to the bunker so you could act on everything you’d been thinking in your head while sitting there across from him.
“Earth to Y/N! Your turn!” Claire said, snapping you out of the dirty fantasies that were beginning to form in your mind.
“Oh, right. Sorry!” You exclaimed, placing down a draw four and looking at Sam apologetically, who had his turn next. Dean chuckled at his brother’s misfortune. “It’s the only card I can play!” You said in defense, hoping Sam wouldn’t hate you too much. UNO was a serious game, and a draw four card was a serious offense.
Sam rolled his eyes as he drew four cards. “I don’t believe that for a second,” he huffed, eyeing you suspiciously. You just shrugged in response as the others around the table chuckled at his misfortune, too. A few more turns had passed and you still couldn’t stop thinking about Dean. The heat between your legs was growing with each passing minute and you so badly wanted to make all these people disappear so he could take you right then and there. Knowing full well it might get you in trouble with him later, you decided to pull out your phone and shoot him a text anyway. What’s the harm in teasing your boyfriend in front of all of your closest friends?
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You watched as Dean shifted his weight and pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans, trying to keep a straight face as he read your texts. He shot you a warning glare before responding.
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You smirked at his response before replying and looking up to see his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink, as much as he was trying to keep it together. So far, no one had seemed to notice the little interactions between the two of you.
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Dean cleared his throat and placed his phone face down on the table before laying some cards down for his turn.
“You okay?” Jody asked, looking at him skeptically.
“Yeah, yeah, just… something in my throat,” he replied quickly, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. You bit back a smile. You really did love watching him squirm. You picked up your phone again and shot him another text.
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You watched as he picked up his phone and read the text, shooting you yet another glare that told you to watch yourself. You weren’t going to listen; you knew exactly how Dean got when you pushed his buttons, and you fully intended on bringing out that side of him tonight. You watched as he texted you back.
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You glanced at him, a barely noticeable sly grin on your face that only Dean saw. He gave you one more warning glare which you happily ignored before replying to him.
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The two words that you knew would push him over the edge. He waited a minute before picking his phone back up, as to not make it too obvious that the two of you were texting while across the table from one another. You put your phone face down on the table as your turn came around, scowling as Donna made you draw four.
“Haha! Revenge!” Sam exclaimed, laughing at your misfortune.
“It was my only card, I swear!” Donna said defensively.
“I believe you,” you chuckled, as you drew four, not even caring about the game anymore. You placed your deck face down and watched as Dean texted you back out of the corner of your eye, a stone-cold expression on his face.
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You gulped as you read the text, trying to keep the heat from rising in both your cheeks and your core. You clenched your thighs together as you made quick eye contact with Dean, who smirked at your reaction and sent you a few more texts.
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You swallowed hard as you read the next few texts. Oh, how the tables have turned. You could feel yourself begin to sweat as your heart rate increased. You looked back up at Dean, wide-eyed, silently pleading for him to take the last text back. You’d do anything. You needed to feel a release; you couldn’t go another day without one, let alone a few weeks. You watched as he chuckled silently at your reaction and went back to his phone. 
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You bit your lip as you typed out your reply. You knew exactly which side of Dean you’d brought out, and you were both excited and extremely horny because of it.
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A few turns passed before Dean picked up his phone again, biting back a cocky smirk at your text as he responded.
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Fuck, you’ve really done it now, Y/N, you thought to yourself as you read Dean’s text. You had no choice but to obey him, because there was no way you were going without an orgasm for five days. You glanced over at him to find that his eyes were already on you, a cocky look on his face. You shot him a quick text back.
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You waited to play your turn, which took off a minute from your time, before excusing yourself and heading to the bathroom. Your phone buzzed as you made your way into the hallway and you read the next text from Dean.
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That sly son of a bitch. You were the one who started the sexting; he was the one supposed to be in the bathroom taking care of himself, not you. Just like in UNO, he played the damn reverse card.
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dw-writes · 3 years
Hollywood Harmony - Alex Mercer x Male!Reader
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Are we surprised that I wrote an Alex one after writing Luke and Reggie? No, not at all. SO HERE WE ARE!!!! I hope you guys enjoy this!!! :D Let me know what you think?
(is there a theme here? Yeah, yeah there is)
More Julie and the Phantoms: Phantasmic Depression || Bookstore Harmony || Sunset Harmony || Hollywood Harmony || Candied Harmony || Resonate
You had a habit of hanging out around the Walk of Fame after school, sitting out of the way of passersby while doing your homework or reading ahead. It was easier to stay there until half an hour before your dad got off work – the bus would always drop you off with enough time for you to get home and up to your room before he got home. Plus, there were people around. Better there than sitting at home, alone, with the pictures of your mom up on the wall that your dad just refused to take down, like he just assumed she was gonna come home at any time.
That’s where you first saw him. The blonde guy, slowly making his way down the long stretch of inlaid stars, reading the names off to himself as he walked. You watched him do it for a few days. He’d start at the end, make his way past you, then turn around and slowly go back, making a few passes until it got dark or too cold before leaving.
You stepped into his path on the fifth or sixth day of him doing this. “Are you trying to memorize the order of the names or something?” you asked before he ran into you.
He jumped, a hand flying to shove his hair out of his face as he met your gaze. “Uh,” he drawled, “No?”
“Okay, so what are you doing?” you asked. You shifted your grip on your bag. “You’ve been, like, fuckin’ pacin’ the same line of stars for a week.”
He squinted at you. “Have you been watching me?” he slowly asked.
“Uh, yea,” you said, “Really hard not to when you literally walk past me every five minutes for, like, three hours.”
He shuffled his feet and swung his arms. The scratching of his pink windbreaker was the loudest thing you’d ever heard. “Have you really been here for three hours?” he asked with a frown, “Why?”
You shrugged. “Don’t wanna go home,” you replied. You looked down at the star between your feet, moving around until you were shoulder to shoulder with the blonde. “Do you normally try and memorize where Nichelle Nichols star is on the Walk of Fame?” you asked.
He blushed, looking down at the star between his toes. “No?” he defended. He started to walk. You fell in step with him. “I wonder how it’ll be when our band’s down here.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. They framed something bulking that was shoved under the windbreaker. “’m Alex, by the way,” he mumbled.
You gave him your name, then rushed to ask, “You’re in a band?”
“Sunset Curve,” replied Alex with a smile, then tilted his head towards you, “Tell your friends.”
You snorted, nodded, rolled your lip between your teeth. “I like it,” you said, “Sounds pretty cool.”
“We are pretty cool,” he replied. He shook his hair out of his face. “’m killin’ time before practice, actually.”
“Cool,” you murmured. “I’m…doin’ something.” You shrugged.
“On the Walk of Fame?” Alex asked slowly.
You arched an eyebrow at him as the two of you turned around and started back down the sidewalk. “Uh, excuse me, you’re the one that’s been pacing the block for a week,” you said. He laughed at that. It was nice. You smiled. “You uh,” you cleared your throat, “You said were goin’ to like, practice or something?”
“Yeah,” he said. His shoulders hunched around his ears. “Do you wanna come with?” he slowly asked, “It’d be better then sittin’ out here, you know, watchin’ people.”
You adjusted both straps of your bag over your shoulders, then waved at him, turning to walk backwards. “Have you actually sat and watched the people down here? Dude, I have never been so entertained before!” you exclaimed.
“Oh, never?” Alex asked. You nodded. His smile tilted a little, became more of a smirk, and he said, “I bet we can change that.”
“Oh, you could?” you challenged.
“Definitely,” he agreed.
Your face burned. “It uh,” you cleared your throat again, “It’d take more than, ya know, one practice to really change my mind.”
“Oh, it would?”
“Oh, for sure,” you said, nodding, “Like four, or five.”
He laughed at that. “I wouldn’t say no to that,” he said. You grinned. “You gotta meet the rest of the guys, though. Luke, Reggie, Bobby.”
You feigned a dramatic gasp. “I’m meeting your friends already?” You slapped a hand against your chest. “I’m honored.”
“Okay, that’s how it’s gonna be?” Alex asked. He slowed as you fell back into step next to him. His shoulder brushed yours.
You made sure yours brushed his back. “Oh, most definitely,” you replied.
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Scratch My Back...
Luke Patterson x Reader
Title: Scratch my Back…
Words: 1241
Summary: Y/N and Luke’s secret relationship gets found out.
Requested: Anon Request for Reggie or Alex finding out about Luke and their sister after they’re intimate and leave marks TW: Mentions of sex, mild swearing Author’s notes: I hope this is what you wanted, dear Anon. I hope I did your request justice. Characters have been aged up.
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Kissing you on the lips, Luke crawled out of your bed and walked across your room picking up his discarded clothes. You can’t help but watch him as he moves, the muscles shifting under his tan skin as he pulls his jeans on.
“Do you have to go?” you ask, not wanting him to leave you alone. He never stayed over, not wanting to get caught by your family. You knew it wasn’t anything personal, but it still hurt every time he got dressed and climbed out of your bedroom window with a kiss and a smile.
“I’m sorry, babe, but you know I can’t stay.” He leaned over the bed and kissed you deeply. “Have you seen my shirt?” As he turned to look around your room you can’t help but burst out laughing.
“It’s hanging off my lamp.” You tell him, not mentioning the four scratches on his back. He’ll find out about them soon enough.
Once Luke’s dressed, he crawls onto your bed and kisses you again. This one could easily turn into more, and he groans when he pulls away.
“I love you.” He whispers as he locks his eyes on yours before escaping out of your bedroom window. Minutes after he leaves, Reggie sticks his head around your door.
“Why aren’t you ready? The show starts in an hour.” Your brother hated being late for anything. The venue for tonight’s gig was less than twenty minutes away by car, he needn’t have worried.
“Give me 5 and I’ll meet you down in the car.” You threw your car keys over to Reggie, waiting until he left the room before climbing out of bed to grab a quick shower.
It was almost fifteen minutes by the time you were dressed and had your make-up done. You rushed down to your car, where Reggie’s tapping his fingers against the dash.
“We are gonna be so late, Y/N. And I’ll be blaming you.” He snapped as you climbed into the driver’s seat.
“Reg, when have I ever let you down?” Starting the engine, you pull away from your house, a delicious ache still invading your body.
As expected, you and Reggie arrived with plenty of time to spare. Alex had already set up his drumkit and was chatting with his boyfriend, Willie and Bobby while Luke was on stage checking over his amp. He caught your eye and flashed you a wink without anyone seeing before carrying on. You busied yourself with setting up the merch table near the bar.
As you were the only one old enough to drink, you bought the guys some soda and yourself a beer. Once it was time for them to head backstage to get ready, you settled yourself in for a night of crowd watching. It never bothered you seeing girls fawn over Luke. He was twenty, gorgeous, and crazy talented, but you were the one he wanted screaming his name. It was just a shame you had to sneak around to do it.
Although you were a year older then Reggie, he’d banned his friends from ever dating you back in high school. It had pissed you off, especially when you realized you had feelings for Luke. So, for the past year, the two of you had been meeting up in secret. The excitement had been such a turn on at first, but now it was draining for the both of you. More than anything, you wanted to be able to go out in public with the man you loved without offending your brother.
Feeling irritated, you decided to head backstage to see if you could grab five minutes with Luke, maybe they could sneak off somewhere so she could give him a few good luck kisses before he went on stage.
“What the fuck are those on your back?” you could hear Reggie laughing from the dressing room they’d been given by the venue. You stopped outside the door so you could eavesdrop.
“What?” Luke’s voice was laced with confusion, making you giggle silently.
“You have some wicked scratches on your back. Wait… have you got a little side thing that you’ve been keeping a secret from us?” Bobby joined in the conversation. Trust him to make it sound so crass, but you couldn’t blame him really.
To prevent Luke having to lie outright, you knocked on the door before slipping inside.
“Ten minutes, guys.” You grinned at the four of them, trying not to make eye contact with Luke who was smirking at you. You knew he was going to get his own back at some point, but would rather it didn’t happen in front of your brother and his friends.
“Thanks, Y/N. Alex smiled at you as you tied your hair up into a messy topknot. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Luke’s eyes widen.
“Wait, sis. What’s that?” Reggie walked over to you, his eyes glued to the side of your neck. Without thinking, you lift your hand and wince when you touch your neck. Automatically, your eyes lift to look at Luke who has the balls to grin at you.
“Is that a hickey?” Alex asks, leaning in for a closer look. “Girl, you’ve been marked.” He laughs. As he moves away from you, he notices what’s passing silently between you and Luke and you hear him utter ‘oh shit’ under his breath before he and Bobby excuse themselves to head out of the room.
“Uh…” is all you manage to say while Reggie squints at you.
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” He comments, blissfully ignorant. “Bit of a coincidence that both…” He trails off, suddenly looking at you and Luke.
“Reg…” You start to speak, but he holds a hand up to cut you off.
“Not you. Him.”
You watch as Luke covers his body with another shirt and take a deep breath before turning to one of his best friends.
“Reggie… it just happened.”
“What, you tripped, and your dick landed in my sister? Try again asshole.”
“Reg, it wasn’t like that, and although you’re pissed, I know you know that.” Luke stands next to you and takes hold of your hand, raising it to kiss the back of your knuckles. “But all I can say is that I love her, with all my being. Neither of us wanted to hurt you, which is why we kept it quiet at first. Then it just got harder to come clean the longer it went on.”
“Hang on, how long have you two been a thing?” His voice was less angry and hurt, but you could still see something in his eyes. Letting go of Luke’s hand you pulled your brother into a hug.
“Reg, I adore you. You’re the best little brother I could ever have asked for, but you can’t control my life. Me and Luke are a thing, a serious thing, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to get used to it.”
“How long, Y/N?”
“A year or so.” You waited for him to explode.
“Well, that explains so much.” With a grin, he turns to Luke. “Break her heart, I’ll smash up your favorite guitar.”
With a wink in your direction, Reggie left the room.
“Well, that went better than expected.” Luke gathered you in his arms and kissed you deeply.
For once, you didn’t have to hide, and it felt amazing.
@dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @calamitykaty​​ @crybabyddl​ @morganayennefertyrell​ @lovesanimals​ @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve​​ @echocharm17618​ @kinda-really-lost​ @n0wornever​
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years
You are all for me. Reggie x Reader.
Summary: After dealing with a bad day at rehearsal, Reggie finds his own way of escape.
A/N: @jatptrash1800​ your imagine is finally here, hope you like it and really hope it’s the way you wanted.🤗🤗🤗  Thank you for suggesting it.
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Reggie had enough of the night. A whole day of rehearsal usually didn’t make him tired that much to the state of being unable to even move his fingers, because he loved singing and playing the guitar. But this time, it was something different. Bobby was being his selfish self, trying to prove the band’s nothing without him, just spinning the words around so it he doesn’t seem so direct; Luke was still mad at his mom; Alex, god knew what was wrong with him, because that day he messed up a lot. Reggie really had enough.
On the other hand, his parents, and his lovely girlfriend Y/N, had called him a few times. And even though he saw all their calls, it was impossible to return to them. Music took over his life, and he didn’t have time for his loved ones. He felt bad, not only for not seeing them as often as he wanted to, but he really felt bad; he felt sick of the music industry’s constant contracts, and disagreements about them. 
Reggie dropped the guitar in its place, and aggressively left rehearsal. The guys tried to go after him, but he didn’t listen, nor turn around to them. He just walked away from the studio without a single word. And he knew it’s for the best, because if he told everything that he kept in himself, it’ll cause a problem in the band.
He wasn’t the type of person to argue. Opposite, he was actually the sweet and understandable type. While the other fought for their place, he just enjoyed what he loved; music. But when these types of moments, fell right on top of him, he always had one escape.
-Reggie? -her sleepy figure opened the door, to only be met by her boyfriend, who was at the edge of crying. He pushed himself into her, almost knocking her over, as his arms wrapped tightly around her.
-I needed someone to talk to. -he sniffed and wiped away his tears.
-Come in. -she made way for him, and Reggie entered the warmth of her house. He always stated, that Y/N’s house had a different feeling. And it wasn’t because he’s his girlfriend, but it really did. It was full of joy, true feelings, love, coziness. He loved it.
-Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. -he greeted her parents, who were sat in the living room watching TV. Y/N gestured them with her face, that he wasn’t doing well, and they waved him, knowing he needs their daughter, and there was really no need of asking him questions.
-I had the worst day, in the history of worst days. -he took of his jacket and tossed it on the chair, dropping himself on her bed. -It just took me a second to get out on the balcony and scream, but leaving was way appropriate.
-Did you argue with the boys? -she sat next to him, though he had his hands behind his head, as he stared at the ceiling.
-Bobby states with some professional sentences, that Sunset Curve’s nothing without him. Luke argued with his mum and is mad at everything and nothing suits the album for him. Alex has these weird mood swings and nobody understands him. What about me? Am I supposed to deal with every single one of their stupid attitudes? Why doesn’t no one ask how I feel? I can’t see my loved one properly because of music.
-Reggie, when people form a band, is like when couples form a family. You form a group, with the thought of always dealing with every crisis that’ll appear. And I understand you feel mad about them, and it’s approving. I think you need a good sleep right now. You’ll figure out everything with a fresh mind tomorrow, okay?
-I thought you’ll never ask. -he sat up, and pulled the covers of her bed, then slipped himself under. Still holding the cover up, so Y/N could come, she settled herself next to Reggie, and like always, Reggie’s the one to hold her, this time, she was the one to hold him.
-You’re all for me. Now go to sleep. -she giggled, and the both of them relaxed and fell asleep. It was like he got filled with energy, just by feeling her next to him. And he missed being cuddled, because of the lack of seeing each other.
Luke and Alex argued with Bobby, and separated ways that night. Bobby went with Rose, while Luke and Alex were on the hunt of Reggie. His phone was off, they had no idea where to look for him. His parents told them he didn’t come home, and was probably at Y/N, which got them worried as well after seeing the two guys trying to find their son. So the both of them made their way there.
Y/N’s parents could be seen from the living room window, and they would question why the two bandmates of the daughter’s boyfriend are doing in the house late at night? So, the only way to Y/N’s bedroom, was her window. They climbed the tree and tried to push it open. When they saw them sleeping together, Luke and Alex took a seat around the room. They seemed so peaceful, that waking them up was too sad for them.
-Dude, I literally glued myself to this chair from waiting. I think if I get up, the chair will get up with me as well. -whined Alex.
-I took a book from the book collection. What is this? Why does this girl read mystery, that literally makes no sense to me. -he flipped through the pages.
-Maybe because you left school early, that’s why you don’t understand it. -said Alex, and got a side glare from Luke. -Okay, enough, I’m waking them up.
He tip toed to the bed, and caught Reggie by the foot and started shaking him, -Good morning, love birds.
-Am I dreaming? -said Reggie with sleepy, squinted eyes.
-Why would you dream about me, you crazy? -said Alex and pulled the covers off them. -Your parents got worried for you Reggie, we came to find you. We also got worried bro, we’re also your family.
-Oh, I forgot to text my parents. -he said, and peeked over to see Y/N. She was still cuddling his arm, and sleeping. Alex managed to wake up Reggie, without waking her up, which made him very happy his friend did that.
-Dude, what’s up with your girl reading illogical mystery books? Check her up. -he left the book on its place, and opened the window so they could sneak out of it.
Reggie didn’t even hear him. He was too busy looking at Y/N’s cheek squished into her pillow, and her lips getting that pink color, matching her cheeks. He placed a few kisses to her face, before placing the covers over her body.
-Dude, you’ll see her tomorrow. Come on. -said Alex, while Luke was already out of the room. Reggie was being held like a magnet, and they hardly took him out of her bedroom. Though he couldn’t leave without leaving her a small message.
-Reggie? -she said, as soon as the window closed and they were out. On the pillow next to her, where Reggie was sleeping, there was a little note, and it made her smile, just seeing his handwriting: ‘’I love you. Thank you for being there for me. See you tomorrow, princess. Oh and by the way, you were right, band is like forming a family. :)”
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blondsauduun-reads · 4 years
The Revolution That’s Been Singing In The Rain (JATP Reggie X Reader)
Pairing: 1995!Reggie x Reader
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: some swearing?
Plot: Ok so, it’s a pride parade/riot/demo, in 1995 (or so), and the boys go to support Alex, but surprise! There’s music there too! And Reggie likes the person playing the electric violin at the march. But like it starts to rain and they gotta stop with the instruments and get off the stage but they don’t stop singing. So anyway Reggie is in first row and the band was singing a cover of We Will Rock You and Reg of course knows the lyrics as does everyone. So they start singing and dancing very energetically and passionately in the rain. At the end the violin person gives Reggie their number
A/N: nonbinary reader (they/them pronouns) The link to the electric violin cover of we will rock you without the lyrics. Also. This is the first one-shot I’ve ever written and stuff so please be nice :) yes I accept constructive criticism too.
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After practice, Alex had finally mustered up the strength to ask his best friends/bandmates,
“So, there’s this gay thing, on Saturday, and I wanted to ask if it you guys wanted to come with me?” The three other guys were listening closely to him, while fiddling around a bit with their instruments.
“It’s okay though, if you don’t.” Hadn’t even given them time to react, let alone answer. “If you don’t wanna come, I mean.”
A second of silence, the three of them surprised, exchanging looks, the blond one dreading the answer.
“No, yeah, dude.” Luke finally said, leaving his guitar on the stand. “We’ll totally go with you!”
“Yeah! We were just shocked that you’d wanna go.” Bobby said, because he and the two other guys had heard about it but weren’t going to bring it up if Alex wasn’t.
“We’re really proud of you, bro,” Reggie said, hugging his neck from behind. Kinda looked awkward. “I wish I was half as brave as you.”
With the whole AIDs thing, the President, his parents, and you know, the anxiety he lived with, Alex couldn’t really live his whole truth most of the time without fearing for his life, so yes, going to a Pride thing was no small feat for the boy.
“Yep, you can let me go now, Reg.” He chuckled, or coughed, because Reggie wasn’t exactly a spaghetti build person, and was hugging his neck rather tightly.
“So when’s the date bro?” Luke sat down on the couch, spreading himself out like pancake batter on a pan.
It was Saturday. Somehow, Reggie convinced them all to paint lil rainbows on either their cheeks or hands. They all looked adorable, sitting in the metro pressed together like anchovies, all with backpacks loaded with water, their respective lunches, and whatever the hell more fitted in the backpack.
Once they got to the station, they went out, following another group of people dressed for a parade, and in a bit more than five minutes, they were smack in the middle of the parade, chanting something in favor of LGBTQ+ rights.
“Do you hear that?” Reggie asked Alex, but like, screaming.
“Yeah, its about to storm, or something.” He said, looking at the sky, which was getting grayer by the minute.
“Not thunder, it’s like,” The black haired squinted in thought. “it’s like, music, I think. Queen.” He said. “Imma go, be right back!”
Reg disappeared in between the queers at the parade, following that sound.
“Reg, no! Shi…” Alex opened and closed his eyes in disapproval and desperation. “Luke! Bobby! We got a rogue bassist!” Bobby and Luke’s reactions to that were similar to Alex’s.
Meanwhile, Reggie had successfully found the source of the music. At a nearby park, was a stage, like those kinds of stages that can be built in like a day, and on top of it, a rock band.
Said like that, it probably doesn’t sound too special, but the thing was, they were playing a We Will Rock You cover, with an electric violin, or that’s what he could tell from a hundred feet distance from the actual stage, so, continuing squishing himself through the crowd, feeling some droplets of rain on his face, he got closer to the band, until he reached a six feet distance.
Shit, the violin was so incredibly pretty, like, it looked like some sort of futuristic weapon. The guy was loving it. The person playing it though, divine; the way they moved their arms and feet and carried themself. Also, yeah, probably the prettiest person Reg had seen to date.
The band, apart from having the violinist, who also was the backup singer, had a drummer, a bassist, and a guitarist, also the lead singer.
Anyway, the scene, everyone stomping their feet on the ground, singing the song with the band, remembering the now dead Freddie Mercury and how iconic he was, the energy of all those people, together in the fight for freedom and equality. The revolution. And the fucking rain.
Droplets were suddenly drops, which then started falling faster, and suddenly the band started panicking a bit, they couldn’t break up these vibes, these people.
So, the three with the string instruments put away the instruments, amps, cables and everything as fast as they could, and the drummer rushing his music cylinders into safety, the only ones carrying the music were the people, among which was Reggie, tearing out his vocal chords singing along the various hundreds of people singing too.
Once all the electric shtick on stage was cleared up, the whole band jumped down from the stage, joining the crowd, singing and stomping.
Buddy you’re an old man poor man
Pleadin’ with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
The violinist, which had seen Reggie look starstruck at them and later on give his all to the music, joined him to sing (and stomp).
They were almost dancing, doing a duet, smiling like children on Christmas morning, being completely soaked through with the rain, and looking at each other with a feeling I can only describe as electricity (and if they looked at each other more electricly, they would have electrocuted themselves along the way.)
You got mud on your face You big disgrace Somebody better put you back in your place
The violinist shot him a wink, he tried to not get flustered, and in return winked back.
We will we will rock you
One last verse to the song, everyone still as excited as they were at the beginning. And yet, this one was sung with intention, with motive, as if they were shouting at the world that they’d rock it to achieve their goal.
We will we will rock you
And that was it. After a couple of seconds, the crowd calmed down and scattered.
“Hey, what are your pronouns?” The violinist asked.
Reggie remembered both the dictionary meaning of pronoun and the context in which it was asked (which Alex so kindly explained to them earlier), “He/Him, I’m Reggie.” He smiled.
“You’re in that band, right? Sunset Curve?” They asked.
“Tell your friends!” I’m pretty sure you can imagine how exactly he said this quote. “I’m the bassist.” Ah yes, and now the important question, “What about you, pronouns and name, I mean.”
“Oh, yeah, that.” They thought for one second before blurting it out, “They/Them, the name’s Y/n.” Y/n stretched out a hand, he seized it and made a mental note to ask Alex about those pronouns after, “So, what brings you here today?”
“Oh, well, my best friend’s gay, but,” He leaned closer to their ear, “I’m like, 90% sure I’m bi.”
“Damn boy, same!” They laughed.
“Anyway, I gotta go now, the instruments are only safe from the rain, not from people,” Y/n scratched the back of their neck. “But, in case I’m not only bi and yearning,” They whipped out a marker from their pocket and scribbled their number on Reggie’s forearm, “give me a call. Maybe we can try to rock out again together.” Wow, so full of confidence, must be the adrenaline that implied losing their instrument over getting a cute bassist as a date.
“Uh, yeah sure,” Y/n was already walking away, smiling at him.” I’ll def give you a call!” There was no answer to that. Only a distant holler.
“Yo! Reggie!” Luke.
And he did walk over, fishing from his backpack a piece of dry paper and a pen to write down the number on something a bit more permanent. Anyway, he found the guys.
“Remember when I told you I might be bisexual?” He asked, copying the number.
“Yeah, when we were watching Indiana Jones, why?” Alex remembered. Indiana Jones is hot, that’s so not up for discussion.
“Yeah, well” He ripped the page with the number out and stuffed it in his pocket. “now I know, I’m bi.”
“Yeah man, no shit.” Luke teased him. Joke’s on you bitch you’re too.
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bibbawrites · 3 years
Dancing Queens - Modern AU!Sunset Curve blurb
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“How are we meant to sneak in when those security guards are bigger than Luke’s ego?” Alex questioned, and Luke smacked him lightly. 
“Just follow my lead.” The singer said. 
“Cause that’s never gotten us in trouble before.” Alex bit back. Reggie gripped onto Bobby’s hand tightly. 
“Can someone shut Negative Nancy up before I punch him?” Luke groaned. Alex rolled his eyes. 
“I’d like to see you try.” He retorted. Bobby sighed. 
“Boys. I mean this in the nicest way but you make me want to jump in front of a bus.” He said. Luke turned to him, a large smirk on his face.
“Dare you to.” He sung. 
“Lucas!” Alex exclaimed, smacking Luke’s arm. Luke gave him a look. 
“What? He was the one who brought it up.” He defended. 
“Everyone shut up. We’re gonna draw attention to ourselves.” Reggie spoke for the first time since they had arrived outside the club. Bobby nodded in agreement. 
“Reg is right, we need to work together on this.” He agreed, and Reggie gave him a thankful smile. Luke sighed. 
“I can’t believe the most badass thing we’re ever gonna do is sneak into a fucking ABBA night at a nightclub.” He muttered under his breath. 
“What’s wrong with ABBA Luke?” Alex raised an eyebrow. 
“Yeah Luke.” Reggie chimed in. Luke glanced between the two of them. 
“They’re not exactly my type of music.” He stated. 
“Whatever. We need to get in there now.” Bobby interrupted, and they all nodded in agreement. 
They waited until the coast was clear and with ease Luke picked the lock, letting the others pass him before sneaking in himself. They headed down the hallway into the main room and Luke smirked. 
“Told you we’d get in.” He said with a cocky tone. 
“Shut up, that bouncer is staring at us.” Alex bit his lip, clearly panicking. 
“Don’t look at him, you’ll draw attention to us.” Bobby instructed, and Alex hurriedly tried to look away, but it was too late, they’d already caught the eye of the large bouncer.  
“Too late, he’s coming over.” Reggie said, sounding slightly panicked. Bobby wrapped an arm around Reggie’s waist, squeezing slightly as a sign of reassurance as the bouncer arrived in front of them. 
“ID’s please boys.” The bouncer said, eyeing them all carefully. They all pulled out the fake ID’s that Bobby’s uncle had bought them, handing them over to the bouncer. He looked at each ID carefully, before handing them back. 
“Have a nice night.” He grumbled. 
“You too, sir.” Alex smiled politely, hoping the bouncer didn’t notice the shakiness in his voice. The bouncer nodded once before walking away. 
“That was a close one.” Reggie breathed out once the bouncer was far enough away that he couldn’t hear them. 
“Julie is so gonna kill us.” Alex groaned. Luke shook his head. 
“Who cares about Julie? Tonight is all about us.” He said, wrapping an arm around both Alex and Bobby, linking the four of them together. 
“And ABBA.” Reggie added. Luke rolled his eyes but nodded anyways. 
“And ABBA.” 
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7. "I dreamt about you last night." | Where your writing takes PeterPatter!
ahhh sorry this took forever but i hope you enjoy <3
When Reggie wakes up, he finds Luke standing over him with a grin on his face.
"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" he crows, knocking his foot against Reggie's thigh.
Reggie winces as he sits up, squinting from the harsh light of day that's flooding into the garage. He doesn't remember falling asleep on the floor, and his whole body aches from sleeping on the unforgiving concrete.
Luke crouches down next to him as Reggie rubs at his eyes, yawning loudly as his mind tries to fully wake up.
"I think I dreamt about you last night," he mumbles, trying to remember the dream as it quickly fades from his mind.
"Oh, yeah?" Luke says as he wiggles his eyebrows. "What sorta dream?"
"I dunno," Reggie says as he sighs, dropping his hand into his lap. "I can't remember."
"Lame." Luke rolls his eyes. "Why tell me you had the dream if you don't even remember it?"
Reggie's face turns pink. "I didn't-- I just--" He looks away from Luke and scrambles to get to his feet. "It just came out."
Luke's mouth twists curiously as he stands up. "Were we pirates? Like in Hook?"
"I don't--" Reggie blinks. "What?"
"Or were there dinosaurs like in Jurassic Park? Did we have to try not to get eaten by the T-Rex?"
Reggie's head is spinning. It's too early to be this confused.
"Or… umm…" Luke gnaws on his bottom lip, trying to come up with another possibility. "Wait, I've got it." He snaps his fingers. "You turned us into books, didn't you?"
"I didn't--"
"Like that weird movie you like, the Pagemaster."
"Oh my god," Reggie mumbles. "You said you liked it too!"
"I mean…" Luke shrugs. "Not bad for a cartoon."
Reggie rolls his eyes. "You're being ridiculous. That's not how my dream was, any of it!"
"How do you know?" Luke asks. "You said you didn't remember it."
Reggie's face turns redder and he turns away from Luke. "I don't."
"Uh-huh," Luke says as the garage door opens to reveal Alex and Bobby coming back with breakfast. "Sure you don't," Luke whispers in a conspiratorial tone as he passes by Reggie.
Reggie takes a deep breath and swallows hard before he approaches his friends to get a share of the food they brought, taking extra care to not look at Luke as he eats. He'll keep his dreams to himself from now on, because if Luke knew what Reggie really dreamed about, he'd never live it down.
prompt lists | filled prompts
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Want You Back (Day 4 fic)
Summary: After an argument with Reggie, you move to NYC, where you reunite with him under- different -circumstances 
Category: Angst
Fandom: JATP
Paring: Reggie x Reader (i- well...)
Word Count: 1.5k!
Warnings/Includes: implied cheating, angst
A/N: @reggiepetersappreciationweek preciationweek, thank you guys for creating this amazing week (also, was this half baked idea originally intended for @jatpx5sos week? *akwardly hides under a table* i blame the hiatus whoops sorry!
AO3 link here (yep ill get my shit together eventually)
Please don’t repost my work without my permission, in part or whole. My work can also be found on AO3 under the same username. Thank you!
“It’s like this every time Reg! You keep going out late and you don’t come back until it's morning!” You yelled at your boyfriend. “Do you even remember that I’m your girlfriend?”
“Really Y/N, this again? God, you are so childish,” He rolled his eyes and started to walk past you to the door of the dressing room. You didn’t even notice at first, but you grabbed his arm. Looking into his eyes, you could see the boy he used to be. The one that always had a smile on his face, the one that insisted on having a picnic every week, the one that listened to you no matter what. But that seemed to have faded, hidden behind a shield of the boy he was trying to be. “If,” You whispered as Bobby walked into the room. You ignored him as you continued. “If you walk out onto that stage Reginald, we are done. I’m not getting back together with you again. We are done, and I’m hopping on a flight in the morning and never coming back.”
“Fine,” He said. You could have sworn that at that moment- in that second -he broke. His bad-boy attitude seemed to fall for a moment, but as he walked out of the room and didn’t look back, he seemed fine.
“This will never work!” You shouted after him.
Bobby let out a small laugh. You pivoted to look at him and your hands found their way to your hips. “What?”
“Oh nothing,” He said, in a very nonchalant way as he turned away from you to his mirror. You punched him in the back to get him to talk. “Okay, okay! Geez!”
“Talk, Wilson.”
“He needs you. And you need him, don’t deny it Y/N,” Bobby said as you shook your head.
“He acts like he’s moved on from a relationship that hasn’t even ended! I need who he used to be, I need my sunshine boy back.” You said, promptly turning on your heel as you left.
Unfortunately for you, the fastest way out of the theater was across the stage, where he was warming up.
“Good,” You said to yourself. “I can give this damn shirt back.” 
Walking onto a stage in a bra and leggings wasn’t something you ever thought you’d do. But it was worth it as Reggies face dropped.
You flung the shirt into his face. 
“Guns n Roses, my shirt,” He whispered, as crew members all around watched your conversation.
“This is the last time you’ll see me,” You spat at him. “You’ll never change.”
It wasn’t until you stepped out of the theater that you noticed the tears pouring down your face. But it could have just been the rain.
You left a lot of things behind in that theater. Funnily enough, it happened to be your favorite thing to contemplate.
For starters, a broken relationship. Reggie was always on your mind. His faults and your faults as a couple were always right behind. Your phone, your favorite jacket, and an amazing group of boys. New York was a far move, but you fell in love with the city as soon as your eyes had fallen upon the wonder that it was.
The plan, of course, had been to find a place to stay in the very expensive city for the night, and then move to a different city. But, as is the case with most plans, it fell apart as you fell in love with the city. It was the perfect place for someone like you.
Your phone pulled you out of your contemplative trance as it buzzed. Flipping in over, you saw two texts from phone numbers that you had hoped to forget.
Unknown: He needs you. It’s been a month Y/N, we know that you are in NY.
It took every ounce of self-control to not curse out your mother at that moment. She was the only one that knew the boys and where you had gone.
Unknown: We are playing at Madison Square Garden in a week, here’s a ticket.
Reggie needed you now? A month later? 
Y/N: Bobby? How did you get this number?
Bobby: Are you coming?
You sighed as you closed your phone. Reggie was your past, New York was your future. But something in the back of your mind told you that you were making the wrong choice.
“I just want to thank you all for being here. We’ve got one last song on the setlist, and then I hope you all have a wonderful night!” Bobby shouted, and your eyes drifted over to Reggie who played an unfamiliar piano intro. The crowd shouted with excitement at the song, but you had no idea what was coming.
“Can’t help but wondering 
if this is the last time that I’ll see your face
Is it tears or just the fucking rain
Wish I could say something
Something that doesn’t sound insane
But lately, I don’t trust my brain,” The crowd seemed surprised that Reggie was singing, but it wasn’t long before they began to sing along with him. He had changed, he looked older now and more stressed. He just didn’t seem like himself.
“You told me I won’t ever change
So I just say nothing
No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back
No matter how long you’re gone, I’m always gonna want you back
I know that you know, I will never get over you
No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back
Want you back.” As the chorus ended, you could see that three of the boys were looking at you. Alex, Luke, and Bobby all seemed aware of your presence, but Reggie stayed oblivious. 
“I remember the freckles on your back
And the way that I used to make you laugh
Cos you know every morning I wake up
And I still reach for you
I remember the roses on your shirt
When you told me this would never work,” The song seemed like too much of a coincidence. Too many things matching up to the past. His eyes seemed to see where the rest of the boys were looking and he squinted a bit. Bobby didn’t make it hard for him, as you were standing in the front row. Just your luck.
“You know, even when I say I’ve moved on 
Yeah, I still dream for you,” The lyrics seemed more targeted this time, and Luke took over the chorus as Reggie moved around the stage, telling the boys different things. He disappeared off stage, and seconds later, one of the security dudes tapped you on the shoulder.
“Come with me,” He said, opening up a gate. You shouldered your bag and followed him. You were confused, but you had a slight bit of foresight cause reading fanfics never hurt anyone.
“No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back
No matter how long you’re gone, I’m always gonna want you back
I know that you know, I will never get over you
No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back, want you back,” As the chorus ended, you were shoved on stage. The other boys were gone, and it was just Reggie, looking at you from across the stage as he sang. 
“You know even when I say I’ve moved on
You know even though I know that you’re gone
All I think about is where I went wrong
You know even when I say I’ve moved on
You know even though I know that you’re gone
All I think about is where I went wrong
Yeah I still dream for you
No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back,” You don’t know what compelled you to move closer to him as he sang, but by the time the other boys jumped back in, you were two feet away from him. And as the gap got smaller and smaller, you could hear your heart get louder and louder. 
“No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back
No matter how long you’re gone, I’m always gonna want you back
I know that you know, I will never get over you
No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back,” Your face was inches away from his.
“Want you back
I’m always gonna want you back
Want you back.”
And then you woke up in your empty apartment in New York.
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JATP Tag List: @n0wornever @dream-a-little-bigger-x @calamitykaty @crybabyddl @badwolf00593 @screwunsaidemily @potterly
Reggie Tag List: @willex-owns-my-heart
All: @funsizearsonist
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everybodyscupoftea · 3 years
idk you yet: come hang out
reggie peters x oc
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you’re working so damn hard, you forgot what you like
The problem with Reggie not telling the boys he had date plans was that, though they were on a brief touring break, Luke wanted them to stay busy. Every time he sat down to text William, Luke popped up with, “Hey, you ready to work on stuff for our next album.”
Normally he loved the work ethic. It was easy to get into Luke’s excitement and to write with him. Luke was incredibly creative and loved immediate feedback from his band members while also respecting their suggestions.
But when he just wanted a break to head back to San Jose to see William, it just didn’t seem like it would happen. The best possible outcome would be that he gets so much stuff done at the beginning of the month that Reggie would have more time for their tentatively scheduled date.
Wanna facetime?
Reggie smiled at the text and looked around their shared apartment. He knew Luke and Alex were home, in their room, and he was pretty sure Bobby was out, so it seemed unlikely that they’d actually want to work on anything without him.
Walking over to his room, Reggie collapsed onto his bed, smiling brightly as he answered the call. A tired looking William filled his screen and an ache in his chest that he didn’t realize was there was soothed.
“Hey, Reg.”
“Hey, Will, what’s up?”
William hummed, “Nothing much. About to nap before our game tonight, but I missed you.”
“Aw,” Reggie teased, “I’m more important than sleep.”
“Absolutely,” William told him earnestly.
It shocked Reggie into silence a few seconds before he managed to stutter out, “Well, I just hope it doesn’t throw your game off today.”
“You’re watching right?”
Squinting at his phone, Reggie slowly answered, “Yeah. I haven’t missed one yet.”
“I know, I just wanted to make sure. Hockey isn’t exactly your first choice to watch.”
His voice sounded a little timid, and Reggie bit his lip, “I mean I won’t watch any other teams, but I love watching you play.”
“That’s good to know,” William laughed, “can’t have the boy I like being a Kings fan.”
Reggie played dumb, “The Kings?”
“Oh hush, I know you know who they are.”
“I do, I was just trying to make you feel better.”
William laughed again, head tossed back, “Well you succeeded. My ego is sufficiently inflated.”
“Good. Hopefully you carry that on the ice tonight.”
“Always do.”
His eyes were starting to flutter a bit and Reggie smiled at the almost adorable sight. William flinched and shook himself awake with a loud yawn, so Reggie told him, “I’ll let you get some sleep. Talk to you tonight?”
“Yeah, definitely. Counting down the days until you get here.”
“I can’t wait either.”
William hung up a few seconds later, and Reggie got off his bed. Maybe, he thought to himself, he should start planning a date. Sure, William knew more about San Jose, but he didn’t want William to do all the heavy lifting. Reggie was terrified he’d eventually get tired of being the only one putting in effort.
So, he grabbed one of his many notebooks from his bookshelf and his laptop to start googling date spots in San Jose. Reggie scrolled and checked reviews, taking notes on his favorite places for future dates if not the first.
Truthfully, he had no clue if William wanted to do something simple for the first date or do something fun. They talked a lot and had gotten to know each other pretty well already, which was usually the first date activity, so they could probably afford to actually do something if they wanted to.
Biting his lip, he stared at the page. Maybe there were too many options, it looked a bit all over the place. Flipping the page, he started grouping the ideas into activities, formal, and casual. It made him feel a bit better, more organized and easier to pitch to William.
By the time he finished, it was almost game time, so Reggie put on the Sharks pride shirt he’d bought at William’s recommendation and wandered back out to the kitchen. Grabbing some leftovers to heat up, Reggie flipped on the TV and turned to the channel that normally played Sharks games. 
Pre-game commentary started, and he sat on the couch to wait for the microwave to finish up. They were talking about some players that Reggie slightly recognized from William’s stories, and he pulled up the roster on his phone just as his food finished reheating.
Moving back over to the couch, Reggie pulled his feet up underneath him and scrolled through the roster while he waited for dinner to cool. He started matching names to faces, smiling when he heard them talking about William and his three game scoring streak.
“The Sharks got a good one in Harris. I know people talked about his devaluation after coming out, how it could cause problems in the locker room, but we haven’t seen much of that on the ice.”
Reggie grimaced at his words. William hadn’t really gone into depth about how his teammates treated him off the ice, and he wasn’t exactly sure how to bring it up in case it was a sensitive topic. He sighed as they moved on to talk about Joe Thornton, another name he recognized because Wiliam said that the older player had taken him under his wing his first year in the league.
“He’s the best,” he remembered William gushing, “let me stay at his house whenever I needed and really taught me how to survive. Being on the West Coast makes travel during the season brutal. Especially when you get to like January and February.”
Reggie heard the unspoken too, the older player had never given him any grief for his sexuality. He couldn’t even imagine how hard it had been for William to come out. Easier than hiding he guessed since William had done it in the first place. Reggie wasn’t sure even he was brave enough to do something like that in that toxic environment.
While he was lost in thought the game started, and he was startled out of his head when Luke threw the door to his room open. He looked at Reggie suspiciously, “You’re watching hockey again?”
“Yep,” Reggie answered, popping the p.
“Can I watch?”
Reggie was a bit surprised. Only Bobby had shown an ounce of interest, occasionally joining Reggie in watching despite being a Kings fan himself. After a few beats, Reggie answered, “Sure.”
“Sweet! My dad used to take me to hockey games when he wanted me to be an athlete. I couldn’t skate for shit though.”
Reggie snorted, he’d seen Luke’s coordination, so he could believe it. He elbowed Luke who dropped down on the couch next to him, “If they didn’t give gays a weakness, we’d be too powerful.”
Luke laughed loudly, “You’re so right.”
The two boys lapsed into silence as the game picked back up, broken every so often by Reggie making noises in reaction to what was going on in the game. He could feel Luke looking at him in amusement every so often, and when first intermission started, he prepared himself, “What’s up Luke?”
“I need, like, so many explanations.”
Reggie sat up and turned to face him, “Okay, yeah, ask away. I don’t know everything but I know a good bit.”
Luke hummed, “Maybe I should start with the obvious, um, who’s playing?”
“It’s the San Jose Sharks and the Arizona Coyotes.” “Okay,” Luke nodded, holding up two fingers, “who is better?”
“Sharks by far,” Reggie answered confidently.
Luke asked more questions, mostly about penalties and positions, and Reggie, much to his surprise, had an answer to every question. By the end, Luke looked much more relaxed and he leaned back further into the couch, “You really know your shit,” he commended.
“It’s a new interest,” Reggie admitted.
Bobby walked out of his room just as the second period started and stared at the two boys on the couch incredulously. Before Reggie could ask how long he’d been home, Bobby spoke, “I’ve been trying to get you boys to watch sports with me for years. What the hell is going on?”
“We’re multifaceted,” Reggie spoke, chin tilted up, lips quirked up into a teasing smile. 
Bobby snorted and shook his head, “Sure you are.” Sitting down on the other side of Reggie on the couch, he stretched out, “Who are we going for?”
Reggie motioned toward his shirt and Bobby gagged, “But the Kings, bro.”
“Choke,” Reggie deadpanned, and then more teasingly continued, “but you’re straight, I don’t expect you to understand.”
Bobby laughed, throwing his head back against the couch, used to the teasing. He turned his head to look at Reggie, “Fair enough, I suppose I can’t prove you wrong.”
“Never wrong, not once.”
Luke snorted, “I’m sure.”
But instead of responding, Reggie focused back on the TV stubbornly. He didn’t want to miss in case William scored a goal. Reggie would say in case he did something impressive, but in Reggie’s humble opinion, everything William did on the ice was impressive.
“So who’s your favorite player?” Bobby asked, eyes still trained on the TV as the Sharks got a breakaway, three on one.
Reggie leaned forward, hands over his mouth in anticipation, and when William received the drop pass and took a shot, it flew past the goalie, straight in the back of the net. Jumping up, Reggie let out a loud yelp of excitement and immediately went for his phone to send William an excited text for his first goal of the season.
“Harris, huh?” Luke asked and Reggie startled, having temporarily forgotten he wasn’t alone in the room.
Reggie clicked his tongue, “Yep. He’s really good.”
“You know, his story is actually pretty cool,” Bobby leaned forward, elbows on his knees, “how he came out and stuff.”
Nodding eagerly, Reggie grabbed his shoulder and shook him a little, “Yes, that’s why I like him!” He paused and then added, “Well, one of the reasons.”
“Wait, what?” Luke asked, looking back and forth between the two of them, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Google it,” Bobby and Reggie said in unison, fist bumping at Luke’s wounded look.
Reggie took pity on him first, sitting back in between them before slinging an arm around Luke’s shoulder to pull him into his side, “Seriously though, look into it.”
The rest of the game was fairly relaxed. Luke got into it once he started figuring things out, halfway through the second period, and Bobby very reluctantly cheered for the Sharks with them. When Reggie smirked at him, he shrugged, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
“Damn right.”
William was laying in bed, Luna burrowed comfortably into his side, when his phone started ringing. Shutting his eyes, he sighed, exhausted, and picked it up after a few seconds. When he saw who it was, his mood immediately flipped, and he answered Reggie’s FaceTime request without hesitation.
“Nice goal,” Reggie told him in lieu of a proper greeting.
William beamed, rubbing his eyes a few times before sitting up all the way to answer, “Thanks, Reg.”
The other boy hummed before making a noise and pulling the phone away from his face, “Look, the shirt you recommended came in!”
Squinting, William looked at it, the black shirt with a rainbow Sharks logo, and for some reason, unbeknownst to him, his eyes started to burn. He cleared his throat a few times before speaking softly, “I love it.”
“Me too,” Reggie smiled, cheeks reddening a bit. William wanted nothing more than to pinch them, he liked when Reggie blushed because it made him look softer. 
Unable to stop himself, William blurted, “When are you coming?”
“Next week, remember?” Reggie gently reminded him, settling back against his pillow.
William pouted and Luna finally got curious enough to pop her head into view. Not acknowledging it, he told Reggie, “Can’t you come early?”
Reggie sighed, rubbing at his eyes, looking more tired than William had ever seen him, except for maybe the first time they met, “I’d love to, but Luke has been in a writing frenzy. We have daily writing sessions and I’m sure he wants to start rehearsing soon. We’re going to start recording some before we go back on tour.”
“When do you go back on tour?” William was pretty sure he’d never mentioned it, not that he remembered at least.
Reggie hummed, clicking away from FaceTime to check his calendar, and when he came back, answered, “Mid-January. We did a lot of the East Coast and West Coast and a good bit of the Midwest so we still have to hit the South and the middle of the country.”
“How far South?” William asked, curious as to what their reach actually was.
Shrugging, Reggie tapped at his bottom lip in thought, “I think probably New Orleans.”
“New Orleans sounds fun,” William offered.
“Mhmm,” Reggie hummed. He was staring at William, and William felt his head tip to the side and his eyes start to get heavier. Reggie laughed softly, “Tired?”
“Little bit,” William confirmed, yawning.
“Get some sleep.”
William nodded, “Good idea. You too.”
“I will,” Reggie promised, crossing his heart with a faux serious look on his face.
“Good,” William answered, grinning tiredly before they said their goodbyes and hung up for the night. Luna let out a huff and laid back down next to him, and William wrapped his arms around her, trying desperately to squash the sudden loneliness resting heavy on his chest.
“Soon,” he whispered.
Reggie left early on a Tuesday morning and caught a flight from LAX to the airport in San Jose. William texted him before he left, promising to pick him up after practice, and by the time Reggie landed, he was practically vibrating with both nerves and excitement. 
I’m outside in the pickup lane! 
Reggie sped up, a bounce in his step, and walked along the line of cars, looking for William. He was toward the back, looking down at his phone, and Reggie knocked on the window, shivering at the gust of wind that hit him.
William jumped at first, startled by his sudden appearance, before he unlocked the door for Reggie to climb in with his carry on. Reggie bit his lip, toning down the wide smile that was threatening to stretch ear to ear, “Hi.”
“Hi,” William responded, just as quietly. His cheeks were tinged red and his smile was more shy than Reggie’s, but he loved it just the same. 
Reggie’s fingers itched to reach up and brush the curl of hair hanging down in his eyes out of the way, but he held back, unsure if he was allowed to. He couldn’t be sure, but it looked like William’s fingers twitched too. 
Taking a deep breath, Reggie nodded, “Absolutely.”
William knew he probably should’ve focused fully on the road, but he couldn’t stop himself from glancing over at Reggie frequently. Just seeing him, knowing that he was real and there was so comforting, and part of William was already dreading Reggie having to leave the next day.
Reggie was staring out the window, forehead leaning against it, and William wanted to touch. He wanted to hold his hand or touch his cheek or something, just to reassure himself that he was real.
“Are you hungry?” he asked instead.
Reggie hummed, “A little. I could start with a coffee.”
“Me too,” William admitted, changing lanes to head toward his favorite local shop a few miles from his apartment. When he parked, William looked over at Reggie, more uncertain than before, and asked, “I go to this shop pretty frequently, it’s really lowkey and no one will bother us.”
Reaching across the console, Reggie squeezed his shoulder, “I trust you.”
William was nervous, and he wasn’t exactly sure why, but as they walked down the sidewalk, hands occasionally brushing between them, he felt his heart pounding harder and harder with every touch. When they got to the door, William held it open, and Reggie stepped into the mostly empty shop.
A barista William recognized called out a greeting, and Reggie stepped aside to let him lead the way to the counter. The menu was relatively basic aside from a side list of specialty drinks which was what William usually picked from. 
“Their special drinks are really good, I’ve tried most of them,” William muttered, shifting closer to Reggie so he could hear better.
“I might try the s’mores one,” Reggie answered, voice equally muted, “the toasted marshmallow sounds fun.”
“It is,” William told him excitedly.
He ordered his drink and stepped aside to let Reggie order his. Something flickered into the barista’s eye, William wasn’t sure exactly if it was recognition, but she didn’t say anything either way. Reggie picked the table, a two-seater tucked away in the corner, and sat down facing the door.
“So,” he started when William sat across from him, “I did some research on date places in San Jose.”
A slightly hysterical laugh bubbled up in his throat, but William shoved it back down and croaked out, “What?”
“Yeah, I picked out a ton of restaurants that look really good and offer a lot of options for any dietary restrictions you might have. And then for activities I have them grouped into casual and formal and you can pick.”
William stared at him, slack jawed, stare only broken when the barista set their drinks down in between them with a soft, “Enjoy.”
A blush was rising on Reggie’s cheeks, “I would love some feedback.”
Shaking his head, William laughed, “Yeah, that’s all fantastic, but I’ve lived here for years and have never gotten to bring someone on a date, I’ve got so many ideas of my own.”
Reggie sighed, “I don’t want you to do all the heavy lifting, I want to make this equal.”
William furrowed his eyebrows, setting down the latte he’d just taken a sip of, “I invited you here, I didn’t really expect you to worry too much about this part.”
“Well,” Reggie laughed, “guess I did all this for nothing, huh?”
“Next time,” William spoke confidently, picking his drink back up.
Reggie’s eyebrows shot up, “Already assuming there’s going to be a second date before we even have the first one, huh? That’s very bold.”
He shrugged and told him honestly, “I think the first date is going to go great, and if it doesn’t, then we’ll just have to have a do-over. Second date either way.”
“Ah, an intellectual,” Reggie responded, “your reasoning skills are off the charts.”
“Well, I did go to college.”
Reggie held his hands up, “You’ve got me there.”
“My college education is short-lived, but it does exist,” William joked.
“Okay then, Mr. College Education, do you already have a plan?”
William held up his car keys and jingled them in his direction, “I sure do.”
Reggie stared at him for a few seconds and then shook his head, “Fine, I’ll let you have your little mysteries.”
“Thank you,” William said, reaching across the table to brush his fingers across the back of Reggie’s hand. He watched as Reggie’s pinky jumped, bumping his thumb, and he chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying not to show just how fond he was of this boy he’d just met.
They spent the entire day on the couch watching movies. Luna was ecstatic to have people around all day, running around and barking until William managed to calm her down. After an hour or so, she fell asleep on the floor at their feet. Mid-afternoon, William broke out some snacks and Reggie laughed because they were vaguely healthy in a way he assumed was required for athletes but definitely not for musicians.  
It was calm, relaxing even, something Reggie hadn’t experienced in so long, maybe ever. His parents did nothing but fight growing up, and then he moved in with three other boys his age. Neither environment was very conducive for peace and quiet. But in William’s apartment, he felt himself nodding off a few times, feeling warm and safe.
“Reg,” William whispered, shaking his shoulder a bit later, and he jumped, not realizing he’d actually fallen asleep.
He rubbed his eyes and croaked out, “What time’s it?”
“About an hour and a half until our reservation.”
“Kay,” he muttered, prying himself off of the absurdly comfortable couch to go to the guest bedroom where his bag was. William had offered to share his bed, but Reggie decided that staying the night was maybe too fast already, so he declined. Thankfully, William didn’t seem to mind.
William moved further down the hall and into his room, Luna padding after him, and Reggie was snapped out of his trance when he heard the click of his door shutting. Shaking himself, Reggie pulled some of his clothes options out of his bag. None of the boys knew exactly where he was going, but the day before he left, they all sat on his bed and gave their strong opinions on his choices.
Eventually, after a few minutes of staring, he decided to mix their picks. William told him it wasn’t fancy and that he needed to dress warm, so Reggie picked the jeans Alex liked, the sweater Luke chose, and Bobby’s shoe pick.
“Hair,” he muttered under his breath, moving toward the ensuite after he was dressed. Reggie had been alive for over 20 years and he’d been dressing himself for over half of them, but he couldn’t help but wish his bandmates were there to help. It was as if they heard his wish, Alex FaceTimed him, Luke hanging over his shoulder with a bright smile on his face.
“Reggie,” Luke cheered when it connected fully, “show us the fit.”
He snorted and flipped the camera so they could see. Alex nodded, seemingly happy with his work, “Looking hot, Reginald. Is this a date?”
Clearing his throat, Reggie’s ears went hot and he shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Well if it is, leave your hair ungelled. It always looks super soft, and you look hot with that strand of hair falling on your forehead.”
Luke nodded enthusiastically, “True!”
“Thanks boys,” Reggie responded distractedly and set the phone down so he could use both hands on his hair. It was silent in the bathroom beyond the noises his friends occasionally made when they moved around or gave him instructions.
“So,” Luke started when Reggie sat on the bed, completely dressed and ready, “where are you?”
“I’m in California,” Reggie tried to deflect.
Alex made a hurt noise in his throat, “Why won’t you tell us?”
Reggie sighed and admitted, “It’s so new. It’s not really a secret, but part of me wants to keep it close until it’s real.”
“I’d say it’s pretty fucking real if you’re flying somewhere for a date.”
Tilting his head back against the wall, Reggie laughed, “I suppose that’s true.”
“When did you meet?” Luke asked, leaning in close to the camera as if trying to get in Reggie’s personal space through the camera.
“Last month on tour.” “A fan?” Alex asked, shocked. All of the boys had discussed the pros and cons of dating fans, and Reggie was stuck at a hard no when they finished the conversation.
Thinking back, he snorted, “Not really. He didn’t know who I was at first, but now he’s a fan.”
“Well,” Luke broke in, “Reg, you show that boy a good time. Don’t forget, you’re a catch and he’s lucky to have you tonight!”
“What Luke said,” Alex added, “and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Reggie rolled his eyes, responding sarcastically, “Thanks, Mom and Dad.” And just as he hung up there was a light knock at the door. He took a shaky breath and walked over, smoothing his sweater down, and when he opened the door, William’s fist was hovering in the air like he was about to knock again.
His mouth went dry looking at William, “Wow, um, you look great,” Reggie managed.
William’s face lit up and he glanced down at himself, “You think? Not as good as you, that’s for sure!”
Reggie struggled for a response, and William put him out of his misery, bumping Reggie’s hand with his and tilting his head toward the front door. Following William out of the building and into the parking garage, Reggie wanted to ask what he had planned, but he hadn’t managed to get it out of him all afternoon, so he stayed quiet.
“You want to pick the music?” William asked, holding out the aux cord and Reggie nodded, taking it eagerly. William nodded, “I want to hear what a music expert listens to.”
“Expert,” Reggie tested the word out on his tongue, “I guess technically out of the two of us, but I don’t know if I’d consider myself an expert.”
“I bet you have some fantastic playlists,” William countered, glancing over as he pulled to a stop at the first red light.
“Well,” Reggie paused because he did actually take a lot of pride in his playlists, “yeah, I think so at least.”
“There you go, own your awesomeness, Reg.”
When William said ‘reservations’ earlier, Reggie assumed it was at a restaurant for dinner, and he was incredibly confused when they pulled into an empty parking lot and William parked right near the door.
“What are we doing?”
“Tonight, since we’re in my city, I figured we could do something specific to me. Since we’re kind of still getting to know each other, you know?”
“Okay,” Reggie answered, unsure where he was going, “I like that idea.”
William sounded relieved, “Good. This is the rink my team usually practices in and I have the keys.”
“Skating?” Reggie asked, immediately nervous.
“Yep,” William chirped, pulling the door open for Reggie before reaching over to flip the lights on. It was cold inside and the lights came on slowly, one at a time across the rink. William grabbed his elbow gently, startling him, and tugged him off to the side.
“I don’t have skates,” Reggie finally spoke, realizing that one huge flaw in the plan may get him out of absolutely humiliating himself.
William waved his words away, “They do public skating nights here sometimes so they have spare pairs for rentals. Eventually we’ll have to get you your own pair.”
That sounded promising, on one hand, William was planning on keeping him around, on the other hand, he’d have to not accidentally crack his head open on the ice to fulfill his plans. But instead of protesting, Reggie was a good sport and told him his shoe size because William seemed really excited, and he didn’t want to spoil it.
“Be right back,” William told him, “I’m going to grab you a pair and get mine and put some music on. We can lace the skates up on the bench.”
“I’ll be right here,” Reggie responded weakly, stomach churning with nerves.
William wasn’t gone long before he was linking his arm with Reggie’s, pulling him again toward the closest bench. Reggie sat down, in a daze, moving slowly as William quickly tied his skates. Turning to Reggie, he saw that he had skates on but they were untied and he laughed, “Never done this before?”
“Hard no.”
“I got you,” William promised, dropping down to one knee in front of him. Reggie’s leg tingled when William brushed against it while he tied the laces. After the left one, he looked up at Reggie, “All good? Not too tight or too loose, right?”
“All good,” Reggie told him, reaching down instinctively just to check.
Before he knew it, the second one was finished too and William was standing in front of him, holding a hand out to help him up. He stepped onto the ice first, Reggie following close behind him, hovering just at the edge.
“I’m assuming you’ve never skated before.”
“You’d assume correctly.”
“Well,” William started, skating backwards a bit to give him space, “the good news is, you have the best teacher on the West Coast at your service.”
“He thinks highly of himself,” Reggie joked, taking a step out onto the ice, wobbling a bit. William kept his distance, close enough that he could get to Reggie fast, but far enough that he had room to get comfortable.
“Not to brag, but I am a professional.”
Reggie snorted and took another step, and then another and another. On his fifth step, he got too confident and almost landed right on his ass, but William swept in, catching him by the armpits, a few inches from the ice.
“Holy shit,” Reggie breathed, eyes wide.
William’s voice sounded like he was holding back laughter, “You good?”
Clearing his throat, Reggie collected himself and stepped away, “I’m good.”
William hovered around him closer after that, always within reach and coached Reggie every so often in a soft tone. It felt like years had passed, but Reggie eventually got comfortable enough to not be wobbling every few steps, and William moved up next to him for the next slow lap.
“Having fun?” he asked.
And Reggie found he actually was, he recognized the playlist and with William’s steady warmth next to him, keeping him safe, he didn’t hate it. After a few seconds with no answer, William bumped Reggie’s hand with the back of his to prompt a response. Reggie snapped out of it, “Yeah, this isn’t as hard as I thought it’d be.”
William’s lips twitched, “Sure, Reg. Whatever you say.”
They finished the lap, William still teasing him, and Reggie elbowed him in the side. William flinched like he’d actually landed a solid hit and pouted. Rolling his eyes, Reggie motioned toward him, “You’re being dramatic.”
“Never,” William responded, reaching up to grab Reggie’s hand, and when he linked their fingers together, any comeback Reggie had flew out of his brain. William didn’t say anything else either, content to skate laps with him, hands swinging between them.
Every so often one of them had a question or something to say, but for the most part it was just the music and the sound of skate blades on ice making noise. Reggie kind of understood why William liked it, it was almost hypnotizing, and he was startled when William tugged on his hand, pulling him back toward the bench.
Reggie gave him a questioning look and William smiled softly, pleased, “Playlist ended. I figure we could go get food now too.”
While Reggie was relieved to be back on solid ground again, he missed the comfortable weight of William’s hand in his. His hand felt cold, and he was trying really hard not to pout. Reggie managed to get the skates off by himself and handed them over to William to put away. 
“Be back in a sec,” William told him breathlessly, cheeks bright red whether from cold or something else, Reggie wasn’t sure, and before he could respond, William was gone.
William put the skates back and paused a second to breathe. He was in really good shape, but it felt like he hadn’t been able to catch his breath all night. Shutting his eyes, he smiled thinking back at Reggie’s nervous but determined face as he stepped out of William’s arms after almost falling to skate a few steps on his own.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, “please relax,” he whispered, unsure if he was talking to his brain or his pounding heart. Reggie was looking down at his phone when William met him back out, and he gave William an assessing look. Not entirely sure what he was looking for, William slowly offered his hand back to the other boy, and a smile grew on his face as he took the offered hand.
“What’s for dinner?” Reggie asked, finger stroking over William’s knuckles subconsciously.
William waited to answer until they were both in the car, and he cranked it up, flipping the heat up to high for them. Reggie bumped his knee, and he answered, “I was thinking we could go to a taco truck I like. They have some tables outside, but we can take them home if it’s too cold.”
“Taco truck,” Reggie mused.
Cutting off the rest of his sentence, William rushed out, “We can go to a restaurant too though, I just thought since we’re both sort of public figures we might have less of a spotlight at a food truck.”
When William finished rambling his explanation, he met Reggie’s eyes nervously, and Reggie just smiled, “Sounds like a great pick.”
“Oh,” he said, not expecting it to be that easy.
“Oh,” Reggie echoed.
William blushed and muttered, “Shut up,” before pulling out of the parking lot. 
There were a few people ordering from the truck when they got there, but there was empty seating and someone had plugged in portable heaters for people who wanted to eat there. William waited for Reggie to order before he put his in and led him over to one of the empty tables to sit. 
Reggie looked around curiously and yawned, clapping a hand over his mouth and flushing with embarrassment when he caught himself. Laughing, William teased, “Am I boring you?”
“Actually, yes,” Reggie teased back.
“Oh, that’s a shame, I actually thought this was going pretty well.”
Reggie’s face softened and he reached across the table to poke William’s hand, “It is.”
One of the workers called his name with the food before William could respond, so he just shut his mouth and stood up to go get them. When he got back, the moment was gone, and they both focused on eating. The tacos were good as always, and within 30 minutes they were back in the car, heading back to William’s apartment.
“Movie?” he asked Reggie when they got back inside.
“Yeah, sounds good.”
William frowned, “Wait, I have to walk Luna first, you good to stay?”
“I should probably take a shower,” Reggie smiled wryly referencing the sweat he broke while struggling to skate.
“Okay,” William nodded, “I’ll be back soon. Make yourself at home.”
“Thanks, Will.”
Before he could think twice, William grabbed Reggie’s sleeve and pulled him back, pressing a light kiss to his forehead.
Reggie barely remembered getting to bed after the movie, but he definitely hated the next morning when his alarm started going off early. He hit snooze and was almost back asleep when William was knocking on the door gently, “You awake?”
“Yeah,” Reggie croaked, voice cracking from disuse.
“Okay,” William answered, “I’ll make some coffee while you get ready and I can drop you off before practice.”
Reggie was touched. He knew how tired William was all the time, and selfishly, he was glad William offered because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with him since he had no clue when he’d be able to see William in person again.
He got dressed and packed and remade the guest bed before he joined William in the kitchen. There were two mugs on the counter, one made up and one black for Reggie to fix how he liked. William watched through squinted eyes, chin resting on his palm, and told Reggie, “Gonna try and remember so next time I can have it ready.”
Reggie’s eyes burned and he took a sip of his fixed drink. Glancing over at William’s mug, he asked, “What about you?”
“Splash of almond milk and a lot of sugar.”
Tapping his temple, Reggie promised, “I’ll remember that.”
They finished their coffee like that, crowded together in the kitchen, William’s forehead resting on Reggie’s shoulder between sips. Halfway through his cup, Reggie linked his fingers through William’s again, both of their hands warm from holding the mugs. He was going to miss that more than he thought. Fuck, leaving was going to hurt. In fact, he wasn’t sure anything could hurt worse.
But he was wrong. When William pulled him into a tight hug outside the airport, he brushed his lips ever so slightly across Reggie’s forehead again, just like the night before. Walking away from that, fighting to not turn around lest he be tempted to skip his flight and never leave, that hurt more.
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hellimagines · 5 years
On the Run -- Tate Langdon
*My masterlist link can be found in my blog description*
Request: “Maybe u could do a tate imagine of you first entering the murder house? ik it’s a pretty basic idea but I’d like to differentiate from violet’s.” @crashprosticoot
Summary: You’re on the run from your family’s gang, and seek refuge in the infamous Murder House.
Warnings: None (i dont think)
Pairing: Tate Langdon x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,300+
A/N: This is pretty short and focuses around the reader first entering MH.
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Your feet slammed against the asphalt of Westerchester Pl, the cold wind of the night whipping around your face. Every few seconds you would look over your shoulder, only to see the black Honda Civic at the end of the street racing closer and closer. Your legs burned and your heart hammered with raw adrenalin, but you couldn’t keep going. You were moments away from collapsing to a heap, and that would only result in your death, or worse, your capture. Quickly, you looked around you, hoping to find a guarded set of trees or an unoccupied home you could break into. However, all of the old-timey villas around you had cars parked outside or lights shining through kitchen and living room windows, and the street was bare of any resourceful vegetation.
The car behind you was approaching, and if you didn’t act quickly, they were going to catch you or discover your potential hiding spot. You pushed yourself further and faster, your lungs threatening to throw themselves out of your body at any given moment. Up ahead you knew there was a mansion, a home that had been unoccupied for years because of its history of horrors. Growing up in Los Angeles, you had been warned to stay away and off the property at whatever cost, regardless of threats or dares you may have received as a child. But now, with your life and freedom moments from being snatched away, all of those warnings left your mind.
Hurling yourself down the road, the large, rusty iron gates of Murder House came into view, beckoning and whispering a promise of protection. You threw yourself at the gate, trembling fingers gripping the metal to pull yourself up. Your shoes molded against the bars, pushing to help aid with your escape- until finally, you were toppling over the top of the gate and landing in a crumpled pile on the other side. You laid there for a moment, pushing away the pain of your fall, before stumbling to your feet and dashing towards the front door. Kneeling in front of the door, you pulled a bobby pin from your ponytail and began to shove it through the lock, only for the door to swing open the second you had touched the doorknob. As if pulled by an invisible force, you found yourself hurrying inside and slamming the door shut behind you, resting your aching back against the wood. Outside, you could hear the car race by, ignoring the house completely in its search for you.
Only when you could no longer hear the car’s engine or the shouts of its occupants, did you allow yourself to exhale and slide to the floor. Your breathing was shallow and ragged, your bloody fingers holding your aching ribs as you curled into yourself on the dusty ground. All you could hear was the sound of blood pumping in your ears and the ‘ah-hu’ of your panicked breaths. Black began to seep into your vision, dancing and luring you into a state of unconsciousness. Just as your eyes began to slip shut, a pair of maroon converse stepped out in front of you, but you no longer held enough energy to lift your head. You whimpered softly before grasping ahold of the darkness and allowing it to pull you in, your body falling limp as you finally let go.  
Hours later you slowly woke up, squinting at the harsh light peeking through a set of blinds. You looked around, expecting to find yourself on the foyer floor where you had promptly passed out. Instead, you discovered yourself on a plush bed, its greenish-grey comforter wrapped snugly around you and the lilac pillows fluffed underneath your head. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain that ricocheted through your body, while you observed the room. Books and records lined a shelf against the wall, while a desk sat to the side, covered in random items. The room seemed untouched but also lived-in, at the same time.
Pulling yourself out of bed, you stumbled to the door and creaked it open, looking down the vacant hallway. Easing yourself outside, you used the walls to support you through the home, carefully making your way down the stairs. You figured somebody had to be living here considering you had awoken in an entirely different place than you had fallen asleep at. So, once you made it back to the foyer, you tilted your head in an attempt to try and scope out any noises to help guide you towards a sign of life.
Your body tensed at the sudden noise and your feet began pulling you in the direction it had come from, leading you to an office-type living room. Inside stood a guy around your age, a cigarette held between his lips as he peered out the window. He was wearing a tight, black sweater, ripped jeans, and his feet were clad in a ratty pair of maroon converse.
“You,” you whispered, startling the boy in front of you. He turned around and you immediately noticed bullet holes covering his shirt, before you shifted your gaze up to his face. Woah, he’s really hot.
“You passed out in front of my door, so I uh… I brought you to my room. I hope you don’t mind,” the boy stumbled, looking into your (e/c) eyes with a mixture of fear, uncertainty, and curiosity.
You tilted your head to the side, awkwardly running your hand up your side to soothe your aching ribs. “Who are you?”
“My name’s Tate, I live here. Who are you?”
“I’m (Y/N). I thought this place was abandoned? You know, being called Murder House and all,” you said, waving your hand around vaguely.
Tate paused, “It is. I live here but I’m not… alive here.”
“You mean you’re dead?” You raised an eyebrow at his implication and crossed your arms, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from wincing.
“Yeah, I’m a ghost,” he sighed, pulling the cigarette from his mouth and snubbing it out on the wall. “Died in ‘94.”
“Is that why you’ve got bullet holes in your shirt?” You pointed to his shirt and laughed quietly.
Tate looked down at your comment, his lips twitching. “Yup, I got shot by an army of feds.”
The room fell silent for a moment after that, the two of you simply analyzing the other. Tate finally spoke again after a minute, pulling the sleeves of his sweater down to cover his hands. “Are you gonna stay?”
You were taken off guard by his question but thought it over in your head. The gang you had run from was still hot on your ass, no doubt about that; and you were still wanted by the police because of your gang-affiliated crimes. But, on the other hand, you didn’t have the money to pay for a house, let alone a mansion.
“I’m broke,” you settled on, biting your lip. “If I had the money, yeah, I would. I’m on the run and if I get caught I’ll be fucked. This is a good hiding spot. But-”
“Just don’t tell anyone. Nobody comes to check in on this place, we haven’t seen a living soul in years. There isn’t even a For Sale sign out front,” Tate explained, his voice teetering on the edge of desperation. He was begging for you to stay at the house, to stay with him.
“I…” you trailed off, looking into his blue eyes before you sighed. “Yeah, alright. I can stick around for a while. But I can’t guarantee forever.”
A grin spread across Tate’s face as he took a step closer. “That’s fine by me.”
All Writing Taglist (OPEN): @teageowen @mads---world @alex--awesome--22 @hxdesworld @frozenhuntress67 @samanthasmileys @simonsaysyasss @marvelismylifffe @bademliimagnum
American Horror Story Taglist (OPEN): @featherpool-852 @sophster1881
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marquis-lafayeet · 5 years
John Laurens x Spy!Reader Part 2
Don’t hate me, I just wanted something to post.
Warnings: swears
Y/N strutted her way to the barstools at the front of the bar and did a quick scan of the room. Rule number one of being a spy, always scan a room you enter. When she turned back around, she was face to face with the bartender. She glanced down at the name tag. Samuel. Samuel smirked. “What can I get for you, pretty lady?” He said in a not-so-smooth voice. Y/N fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Nothing for now, hot stuff,” she said, plastering on a fake smile and playing along. He raised an eyebrow. Y/N could physically see his ego soar.
Before Samuel could say anything else, she felt a tap on the shoulder. Y/N spun around in the chair and was greeted with the sight of a very handsome man. He was tall, taller than her, and had curly black hair pulled into a low ponytail. He had beautiful sun kissed skin and adorable freckles that scattered across his whole body, she could see some on his buff arms. He had soft hazel eyes that seemed to see right through her disguise. He smiled. That just about did it for Y/N. She felt herself growing nervous. Really Y/N? You just had a boyfriend! She silently agreed with herself. But, that was a while ago! Didn’t you see on his instagram that he’s already moved on? Twice?! Whatever. Hookups were not on her schedule.
Y/N gave him a big grin. “Hi!” She said, trying to sell the “perky” act. His smile widened. “Hey, care to dance?” He said, gesturing to the dance floor. Y/N figured that she could analyze more faces there. Or dance with a hot guy. Either way, jackpot.
Thomas’ POV
I watched Y/N walk into the club. I didn’t want anything to happen to her, over the course of these two years that she’s worked here, she felt like a little sister to me. I shook my head and edited the photo that Y/N wanted me to look at. I zoomed into the writing on the mirror. Fake dealing at Club Adrenaline, lead NYCLE on, kidnap. My eyes widened. Y/N was in trouble.
Third Person POV
As Y/N was dancing with the stranger, she noticed he kept glancing around the room. When he caught her staring she looked away bashfully. “I don’t believe I introduced myself. Winston Parker. And you...?” He trailed off. His eyes were so gorgeous. She wondered how many freckles does he have? “Y/N L/N,” She trailed off. Her eyes widened. Holy shit. She just gave away her cover. But she didn’t catch the little widening of Winston’s eyes, and the little smirk that grew on his face. Y/N immediately turned around and speed walked to the door. Winston stepped in front of her before she reached the door.
He roughly grabbed her arms and turned her around. Before she even knew what was happening, she felt cool handcuffs go around her wrists and a gag in her mouth. He looked down and saw the tiny trademark “NYC” on her wrist. Every NYCLE agent had one. “Where’re you going, sweetie? Back to NYCLE?” He growled the last part. He roughly pushed her into the back room, nodding to Samuel. When he closed the door, Y/N kicked his straight in his jewels with her heel. Winston groaned and fell to his knees. She worked her hands so that they were in front of her and looked around the room. She spit the gag out and found a Bobby pin on the table. She grabbed it with her mouth and unlocked the chains. Wow, handcuff 101 was a really well spent book.
She heard a shout and saw more guys piling into the room. Too many. Y/N knew when she was outnumbered. Suddenly, a kick to the door interrupted her almost defeat. Thomas quickly punched a guy, and paralyzed another guys temporarily using pressure points. “You good Y/N?” He asked worriedly. Y/N furiously nodded. “Just fine.” She grabbed a chair and swung it at one of the guys that was attempting to come at her from behind. Winston stood up, wincing. He pulled a gun out quickly. Y/N and Thomas pulled one out, too. “Put the gun down and I won’t shoot.” Came a low feminine voice from behind Winston. Y/N peeked and saw Maria. Y/N beamed. Winston reluctantly put down the gun. “Fine. You got me. Whatdya want now?” He asked in a frustrated tone.
“Now, we take you back to headquarters and interrogate you,” Maria said, shoving him forward with the barrel of her desert eagle.
t i m e s k i p
We tied up Winston (if that’s even his name) and put a gag in his mouth. “Should we put him in the front?” Eliza, our stay-behind officer, asked. I stiffiled a laugh. She was always so considerate. “No, he’ll try something. Let’s put him in the trunk,” Thomas said, already walking towards it. He opened the trunk door with his key and threw him inside. Eliza winced. If Eliza’s older sister, Angelica, was here, she would have laughed. But she’s on a mission in Bolivia. Peggy, Eliza and Angelica’s youngest sister stepped out the car and pouted. “You guys didn’t call me in,” she said in a whiny voice.
I gave her a sympathetic smile. “Sorry Peggy, we weren’t in need of bombs at the moment,” I said, giving her a side hug. Peggy was our weaponary management. “Next time. Right now, we have to interrogate.”
As we walked inside NYCLE headquarters, I made sure “Winston’s” mask was on tight. I couldn’t have him figuring out where our hq was. I roughly pushed him in the interrogation room and tied him to the chair, and locking his wrists on the arms of the chair. I yanked off the mask and he glared at me in annoyance. I glared harder and started to walk away. “Commander Washington and Agent Hamilton will be with you shortly,” I said uninterested. I walked out the room and sat in the chair looking at the one was glass. To him it looked like a mirror, but I see everything that happens.
Washington and Hamilton walked into the room with files of papers in their hands. “This the secret agent?” Washington asked. Alex on the other hand was jumpy. “How was your mission? Did you get hurt? Please tell me you called for backup when you needed it. Did yo-,” Alex ranted. Washington cut him off. “As you can see, Y/N is fine. Now, let’s go question him.” Washington said in a semi annoyed voice. Alex nodded and shuffled into the interrogation room.
The questioning didn’t look too bad, though Winston wouldn’t give up any information about himself or CMA. Loyal. Bonus. I shook the thought from my head and grimaced. Hamilton clenched his fists and started to yell some explicit things to Winston. Winston just smirked. Hamilton stormed out the room and slammed the door shut. “Y/N, where’s the lie detector,” he angrily asked. I pointed to the table where it was laying. He quickly snatched it up and stormed into the room. He set it up and put the wires on him. He started asking the questions again and scribbled some things down. Finally, the two agents got up and left the room. “So, how’d it go?” I asked in a curious voice.
Washington just sighed and left. Alex groaned and slumped into the chair next to you. “It was horrible. He won’t fess up,” he mumbled. He suddenly perked up. “Could you interrogate him?” He asked in a hopeful voice. I scrunched my face up. “What? I’m a field agent, not an interrogator,” I finalized, crossing my legs. Alex pouted and gave me his puppy dog face. “Pwease?” He begged. I sighed. “Fine,” I muttered. Alex jumped up and cheered. He grabbed my arm and pushed me into the room. Winston looked up and scoffed when he saw me. “If they’re trying to bring out their big guns, I honestly expected better,” he insulted. I didn’t even wince. I knew he was just trying to get under my skin. I sat down in front of him. “So, hows it going?” I asked casually. He rolled his eyes.
“Oh, just peachy. My enemy agency kidnapped me and is trying to get me to break.” He said sarcastically. I looked down at my wrist and stared at the tattoo on my wrist. He started to shift uncomfortably and yanked on his wrist restraints. I looked at them and did a double take on his right one. I got up and squinted. I leaned in closer and inspected his wrist. My eyes widened. On his wrist was a tiny “NYC”. “Y-!” I began. “Shhhhhh!” He hissed. “Nobody can know about this,” he said quietly. I shook my head. “I need to tell Commander Washington,” I said, already heading for the door. “No!” He shouted. He sighed. “If you don’t tell anyone, I’ll tell you why I have this tattoo,” he muttered. I turned around skeptically. I reluctantly sat down in the chair. “Start,” I commanded. He took a deep breath. “First off, my real name is John Laurens, not Winston Parker. And I used to be a NYCLE agent. Just like you,” I took a sharp inhale. “I was a field agent, specialized in being a double agent. It was an undercover assignment. I was assigned with my best friend, and the job was at a wedding party. It was invite only, so we had to wear disguises,” he explained. That reminded me about disguise I thought as I glanced down at my attire. “After a while, I noticed that my friend was missing. I started searching high and low and I wound up outside. I found him in a nearby alley beaten up and on the brink of death. Before I could call for backup, CMA captured me and told me they would set my friend free if I joined them. If I didn’t, they would kill him. So I did what I had to do. I joined CMA, but I disappeared from my friends’ life, and from NYCLE’s files.” He concluded. I shook my head. “Wow, that’s crazy. I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” I sympathized, rubbing his arm. “Do you think I could find my friend?” He asked. I thought for a second and shrugged. “It could be possible.” I answered. He beamed. “Great! Just unlock me and we can start analyzing faces,” he said to me. I put my hands up. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow your roll. You’re still an enemy. And you still attacked me and NYCLE agents. I can’t unlock you. It’s forbidden.” I stated. He rolled his eyes. “Wow, even after three years you NYCLE agents are still goody two shoes.” He muttered under his breath. “I heard that,” I snapped and stalked out of the interrogation room.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
princeescaluswords replied to your post:
Alex Summers, after the most recent of 128979889...
Why don’t you write Marvel? You couldn’t possibly do any worse and I could use the laughs!
Lol, its a nice dream, but realistically I don’t think there’s any universe in which Marvel would ever let me write the X-Men. 
Like, my very first story would probably have Bobby refreezing the Arctic while Storm heads up a team of elementals to combat climate change. And then a Republican senator and a Democrat senator would go on TV and make a bipartisan show of expressing their gratitude towards mutants for helping save the planet and this is the real future of humanity, this is them all building a world where they can live side by side in a mutually beneficial -
And then the broadcast would cut off because Cypher just hacked every satellite worldwide and said “all your binary codes belong to me now, resistance is futile, blah blah” before turning the camera to Sunspot who’s all decked out in his snazziest suit and dressed to the nines. Roberto yawns and flips the whole world off and says “LOL fuck you, the X-Men are done with respectability politics, we took a vote and our democratic process actually works, we don’t have a fucking electoral college. We only saved the planet because it happens to be the planet we live on, dipshits, nobody did it for you, you’re still cordially invited to go extinct. Or you can play nice and try getting along with the rest of us for a change but good luck trying to make Sentinels happen again, lmao, funding’s gonna be an issue for you pretty soon I think.”
He turns off the camera and goes back to planning his and Sam’s wedding, because look, I have my priorities, okay.
Then Mystique unleashes her new Fellowship of Evil (Same Name, But This Time Its Evil as in STFU, Its Ironic U Assholes) Mutants that she’s been recruiting from the ranks of the young and disenchanted. Overnight, the market is flooded with gold and gems transmuted from ordinary materials by mutant powers, as well as a bunch of shit ‘liberated’ from the coffers of the 1% via her Fellowship’s alliance with her son-in-law’s Thieves’ Guild. Value plummets instantly, and then technopaths join in the fun, crashing every banking system worldwide.
“Whoopsie, I broke capitalism, money’s worthless now, vive la revolution, everyone eat some fucking cake,” Raven sing-songs merrily from the chaise she’s lounging on while eating grapes. The city outside her window is burning. Meanwhile, a fiddler is playing nearby. She calls him Nero, because Aesthetic.
“Oh relax,” she rolls her eyes when Remy attempts to frown at her disapprovingly. “I had my teleporters evacuate the city before I set it on fire. I’m not a heartless monster, you know.”
“You mean you didn’t want to spend the next ten years dealing with your children yelling at you about innocent civilians and how could you,” Remy says dryly.
Mystique just shrugs and eats some more grapes. “Or that.”
Far-right dominated police forces and white supremacist militia groups attempt to forcibly establish martial law, except mostly they’re just standing around clutching their heads and trying to cope with the mother of all migraines as a gestalt of telepathic minds headed up by a Cerebro-powered octet of Jean, Emma, Betsy, Rachel, Quentin, and the Stepford Cuckoos psychically screams FAKE NEWS!!! into their brains every time their CO’s attempt to bark out new orders.
“Best school project ever,” Quire shouts. Emma smirks.
“Extra credit to the first person to psychically leak the full extent of just how extensively governments have invaded their citizens’ privacy with surveillance extremism in the name of national security.”
Jean attempts a half second of chastisement, but with them all linked this closely, there’s really no way to hide that she’s mostly just amused. Oh no, she and Emma are seeing eye to eye on something and there are witnesses and everything. The revolution was a mistake.
Atlanteans and mutant hydrokinetics team up to shove the worst oil and toxic waste and trash spills up onto the shores of every beach marked ‘privately owned’. The mile-wide ‘island’ of plastic debris that formerly sat in the middle of the Pacific is now parked off the coast of Malibu.
There’s a twenty foot demon from Limbo sitting in the Oval Office. It burps. Illyana beams and boops its nose. “Good boy.” It wags its tail and breaks the Oval Office.
Kitty and Kurt direct teams of similarly powered mutants in raiding the top secret R&D facilities of major pharmaceutical companies for all their research on diseases that never made it to mass production because they decided those treatments or cures wouldn’t be profitable in the long run because healthy people don’t need to spend a ton of money on medical care. Teams of healers are standing by to vet the viability of various research, while Hank, Cece and other mutant geniuses are already working on filling in the gaps on all the projects that were shutdown and Forge, Madison Jeffries and tech-based geniuses are converting existing infrastructure into the necessary machinery to take over mass production of these drugs, prosthetics, and sweatshop labor in general.
Speedsters and teleporters are redistributing food and stocking up the millions of properties worldwide that have just been sitting there empty for god knows how long, useless. Colossus is standing in the smashed remains of a mansion with his arms crossed sternly while a man who is definitely not meant to resemble the CEOs of either Tesla or Amazon or look like some kind of Musky Bozo hybrid cowers on the floor.
“You are a very stupid man,” Colossus says. “Why are you wasting billions funding research into space travel when there are aliens with a strong grasp of the technology in the ships that brought them here on every superhero team on Earth? You could have easily provided the Earth with working and widely accessible space travel by now if you weren’t so miserly.”
“Yeah,” Juggernaut says behind him, scratching his head. “Aliens have been coming and going from this planet for like fifty years. There are tons of fancy spaceships anyone could’ve just reverse engineered and mass produced by now. How come nobody’s ever done that and we’re all just acting like space travel is some far-off dream when everyone we know’s been to space like at least ten times?”
“Stupid people,” Colossus rumbles again. Musky Bozo wets himself and Piotr sighs and shakes his head. He didn’t even touch him.
Cyclops and Wolverine and their teams of bruisers are already done with the ICE facilities and have progressed to busting open prisons and liberating all nonviolent offenders. They inform everyone else that they can appeal to a panel of telepaths to read their minds and see for themselves that they’re innocent.
“Guilt determined by mind-reading?” Someone asks. “Lots of potential for sketchiness there.”
“Absolutely,” Scott says. “Which is why laws about boundaries and oversight have to be established. For now, its a volunteer basis only. Nobody has to get their mind read, but its an option available in the meanwhile as we sort out a better system for determining who’s been imprisoned for crimes of premeditated malice and abuse and who’s just been railroaded by an unjust and biased system.”
“So this is your new utopia, huh?” Sneers the prison warden, from the floor where he’s on his ass with a busted face because, idk, Reasons.
Scott just shakes his head. “No. It’s merely a start.”
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, but if its broke and you wanna fix it, you gotta start somewhere,” Logan says gruffly. “Shit was broke. This is ‘starting somewhere.’”
He and Scott share a very Passionate look of camaraderie. Rogue sighs loudly.
“Just fuck already, jfc.”
Logan grunts. He already offered, but apparently all Personal Business must wait until after the Revolution was over, because a Scott Summers who put himself first was very clearly an impostor, so its not like Logan could even fucking get mad considering Scott putting in a pin in sucking each other’s faces after their We Were Both Dead But Now We’re Not and Also What the Fuck Was Up With Us For the Five Whole Years Before That reunion was what confirmed that it was definitely the Real Scott’s tongue in his mouth.
“Alright, let’s move it people,” Logan barks, clapping his hands. “There’s three more joints to hit before sundown. We got a timetable here.”
Jubilee squints at him suspiciously. “Since when are you efficient?”
“Mind your own fucking business.”
At no point does anyone suggest they erase the most sacred sites of all the world’s major religions and call them all fake or randomly resurrect a bunch of dinosaurs and release them on unsuspecting and innocent populations, because those are terrible ideas and make no sense and just because they’re stinkin’ commies now doesn’t mean they’re fucking morons.
Also, nobody grows a ridiculous beard or stops using shampoo or starts wearing flip flops or robes, because apparently those are not actually essential components of being a stinkin’ commie or even just a garden variety peace-aspiring socialist. They checked. Extensively. It was almost a dealbreaker. Emma, Monet and Roberto all threatened to side with the Capitalist Pigs if that was not thoroughly clarified before proceeding any further.
Thus ends my first issue. I email Marvel the script. They email it back, almost entirely redacted in red, with the note “This isn’t quite what we were looking for. Do you have anything about a new cure for mutants, maybe?”
I email them back: LOL NO. MAGNETO WAS RIGHT.
I am promptly fired.
I go back to ranting about how Marvel sucks on the internet.
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a-jynx · 6 years
Started With A Tease - Part 2: It’s Only Monday..
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Summary: Two boys in two completely different worlds, yet somehow… They are able to collide. Their green and blue eyes meeting for the first time, but they’re able to tell they’ve met before, only not like this. Not like it was only the two of them in the whole galaxy - but that’s where it started.. It started with a tease.
Warnings: Cursing, Highschool, mentions of smoking and drinking, mentions of drugs, heavy make-out sessions, mentions of sex, fighting, blood, mentions of child abuse, runaways, two different worlds collide into one. Destiel!!!
Chapter Warning: Mentions of bullying, cursing, and Destiel flirting!! :) 
Pairing(s): Dean x Cas, Sam x Reader
Tags: @waywardnewcomer @iliketowrite02 @laceyn-1201 @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @casiskween @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name @sandlee44 @dillpicklesunflowerseed @redmoon261 @closetspngirl  @samammybee13 @ughs-posts @1967mph  @ficiskween @thekingofgreenapples @a-annonymous-s-blog @reeseweese @mermaidwannabe-clc @heyitsjaybird @iamliteraltrashforanything @my-foot-pussy @fantastic-fans @were-not-the-losechesters @great-godpotato-akane  
Enjoy! Feedback is the glue to my writing!
“Hey, nice job out there, Winchester!” Several of the guys slapped my back as I laughed, shaking the water droplets from my hair before shuffling on a pair of boxers before grabbing my sweats and dragging them on.
“Eh, tell Bobby we said hi!”
“I will! Hey, make sure to have some shots for me tonight!” I called after them as they hollered, waving byes and heading out. The locker room grew quiet as I took my time getting ready; I knew I had no real reason to rush... Sam didn’t need the Baby until later tonight and I didn’t have the game until seven.
Pulling my torn up t-shirt over head, I stuffed the rest of my belongings into my duffel bag, slipping on my shoes and slung the heavy bag over my shoulder, glancing down at my phone as I exited into the empty hallways.
“And this seems to be something I’d see in my nightmares..” I mumbled before shifting my duffel bags weight as I moved further down the hall, and towards the student parking lot. Pushing open the heavy metal door, I glanced around to see a few cars and trucks were still littering the parking lot - but I also knew some of them were teachers.
Sighing, I shifted the bags’ weight once again before making my way towards Baby, her freshly cleaned, slick black paint shining in the bright fall sun. Half grinning to myself, I popped open her trunk and tossed in my duffel bag, then slammed it shut and moved towards the driver side.
Listening to the heavenly purr of Baby’s engine, I started off towards Bobby’s Auto and Body shop for my few hours before the big game tonight. Turning my fingers over the knobs of the volume, the speakers began to blare out, ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’ while drumming fingers along with the beat.
Driving down my usual road to get home, and to work, I slowed down when a group of people appeared around the corner. Two of them wearing.. Oh, great, rival school colors. Clenching my jaw, I figured it was something that wouldn’t need my attention.. So, pressing the gas I continued towards my house.. Coming to a stop sign, I kept glancing back in my rearview before huffing out a sigh and checking around the other three-ways before making an illegal U-turn, heading back towards the group.
Putting Baby into park, I threw open my door and looked around, trying to find the group. I stopped once I spotted them, the two rivals standing above another Falcon. Frowning, I cracked my neck before walking over, smirking as I did so - this was going to be fun.
“Your lucky we don’t break your fucking lights, you motherfucker-” The larger Senior growled as I arched a brow, instantly recognizing his voice.
“Oh, look.. The Prep Brothers, and can I ask what the hell you think you’re doing on Falcon side of Sioux Falls?” I called out, catching all of their attention as Alex dropped the dark-haired guy onto the ground while Justin moved forward, squinting at me as if he couldn’t see.
“Why don’t you mind your own damn business, Linebacker?” Justin spat as I arched a brow, keeping a stone cold face as I turned my head towards the guy on the ground; I hadn’t seen him before but I recognized him from Y/N’s description of the new exchange student. I took a warning step forward as Alex stepped up behind Justin.
“Calm down there, benchwarmer. But to answer your question, when I see someone from my school getting messed with, and it’s a rival, then it’s my place to make it my damn business.” I growled before crossing my arms over my chest, ticking up my chin as they narrowed their eyes.
“So, I would suggest moving on and leave. Him. Alone.” I snapped as they took a step back, frowning before they scoffed and backed away from dark-hair as I moved towards him, getting in between them and him.
“Whatever, just wait till tonight!” Alex shouted before they began walking down the street, making me huff before turning my attention towards the guy on the ground.
“Hey, you okay? Nothing was broken or stolen, right?” I half-grinned as I reached out my hand, as he reached up and took it, I gently pulled him from the tar before scanning over him.
“No, I.. I should be fine, thanks for stopping..” He sheepishly laughed as I smiled at him, rubbing the back of my neck and waved him off.
“Nah, it’s like I said to them, when I see someone from the school getting messed with or something, I step in.”
“That’s nice of you..” He sighed before taking off his backpack, looking all in it before groaning, causing me to arch one of my brows.
“You okay?”
“No, they took my chemistry textbook.. Dammit.” The dark-haired boy sighed before zipping up his bag and turning back towards me with a small smile. “Again, thanks for helping me, but I should probably head home..” He waved a small, awkward wave before he started walking back down the road.
I stood there and in a matter of two seconds, I was running after him, grabbing onto his bicep causing him to jump and stop.
“Let me drive you.” I huffed a little as he furrowed his brows, arching one as well before scoffing and shifting the weight of his bookbag.
“You don’t even know my name, linebacker.” He slightly teased as I arched a brow, laughing before gently releasing his arm and rubbing the back of my neck.
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” I curled a smirk as he shook his head, laughing before turning his attention back towards me with a small smile.
“Castiel, or Cas..”
“Dean, I’m Sam’s older brother and Y/N’s biggest annoyance.” I laughed as Cas chuckled, making me smile more as I nodded towards Baby. We started to walk back as we talked a little, not really talking of anything major but... Small talk.
We climbed into Baby, but before taking off I reached into the back and grabbed my separate school bag, before dragging it into the front seat between us. I reached in a pulled out my Chemistry book and gently tossed it to Cas, who looked at me with an arched brow.
“We can share it, at least, until the school can give you another one,” I smirked as he grinned widely.
“Thanks, Dean... That means a lot.” He smiled more as I put Baby into drive and took off, not really thinking about how.. Strange this was. I had just saved this boy, found out his name, gave him my textbook, and he has me smiling like some idiot on Molly…
“Uh, yeah.. No problem, Cas.” I grinned back before turning my attention back towards the road, my thoughts clouding as I would steal small glances towards him. I mean, he was pretty to look at - and that meant something coming from me.
“He had dark, dark hair that helped complement his bright, almost sapphire blue eyes! Like, Dean, this boy looked like an angel!” Y/N squeaked before stabbing at her pasta that Sam had made her a few nights ago.
“You’re ridiculous - I mean, what about Sammy?” I scoffed while taking a large gulp from my gallon of water. Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes before talking, “please, I love Samuel, like more than anything or anyone - no offense.”
“None taken..”
“But, this kid literally came from a town called Heaven, he’s named after an angel, and he has the looks of someone too innocent to even be alive!” Y/N droned on as I arched a brow, not really buying before but now? After seeing him… I could honestly agree with her.
This Castiel character looked like a damn God... What the hell am I thinking?! Stop it. No.. I like girls - I love girls. I love tits, and.. And...
I glanced over at Cas once again as I swallowed thickly, before returning to my thoughts. I just met him, why the hell do I suddenly think he’s a God?! Just because he has gorgeous eyes, a.. A cute smile.. And.. 
Ah, crap...
“Hey, Dean-” Cas’s voice suddenly cut through my thoughts as I snapped my head towards him, feeling it redden up as I fought back a sudden coughing fit from sucking down my spit too quickly.
“Ye.. Yeah?” I cleared my throat before tightening and released my grip around the steering wheel. Cas arched a brow but didn’t question as he pointed towards the Tuckers’ old place, a nice little family that Bobby had grown up with.
“You live here..?” I asked as I came to a slow stop, he nodded with a grin as he glanced towards the driveway, no cars were crowding it.. Which is sort of weird? Cas threw open the door and began to collect his things as I watched, slightly straining myself as I kept glancing towards the house.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Dean.. Good luck at the game tonight.” Cas smiled before it fell and he started walking towards the house, my mind already made up, I threw open my door and stood up, shouting after him.
“Cas! Cas, wait, hey.. Why don’t you come to the game tonight?” I smiled as I leaned against the cool metal of Baby’s top. Cas stopped walking as he slowly turned around, an awkward smile on his face as I fought back the urge to bite my lip.
“You’re serious? Like, not a joke? Or some type of practical prank, right?” Cas turned around and continued to give me a questioning look as I arched a brow, leaning further against Baby as I nodded.
“I’m a thousand percent positive I want you to come - maybe, me, you, Sam, and Y/N can all hang out? We have this really awesome spot that we could all go too afterward.” I shot him a smile as he slowly began to grin, turning his attention down onto the pavement before he licked his lips and slowly nodded; looking back up whilst gripping tightly onto my Chem. book.
“I’ll be there.. So, see you soon?” He grinned as I nodded, waving as he turned around and crossed the street, my arm falling limply onto the roof of Baby before I slowly leaned against her, watching him until the front door shut behind him.
“Oooh, fuck me..” I sighed while rubbing a hand over my face, before hearing my phone begin to ring, pulling it out of my pocket I sighed as I realized it was Bobby.
“Hey, Bobby..”
“Kid, where the hell is you?!” He snapped as I somewhat flinched knowing I should’ve called, or at least texted him. I rubbed the back of my neck as I climbed back into Baby, slamming the door shut as I sighed.
“Sorry, Bobby.. Somethings came up during practice that had me stay late. I’m heading that way now, alright?” I prayed that coach wasn’t up there, knowing that he always headed towards Bobby’s to talk, or just hang out until his wife was calling him home.
“Mm, alright, you better get here quick - I need your help with one of these newer built cars.” Bobby sighed, signaling his annoyance as I grinned, practically thanking God as I hung up and threw Baby back into drive. But, pulling away from that house.. It left this feeling in my stomach that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.. But, who knows? Maybe I’m just worried about messing up in front of my sudden man crush...
God, it’s only Monday…
Part 3: Coming Soon 
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