#bmc posting
aleckacktually · 1 month
jeremy as rich’s fp is not crazy at all actually because i actually AGREE!!!! I ACTUALLY THINK THAT THEY’RE EACH OTHERS FP DURING CANON AND POST-CANON? once jeremy’s forced to break that dependency on michael, rich slowly becomes his fp as a replacement and they could be so good for each other or so bad for each other and i just live them So Much. bpd hcs r so important to me <33
i’m literally stupid i went crazy over your other bpd post about them and chloe like a month ago how did i forget 💀 during canon for sure rich is obsessed with him and jeremy slowly realising rich is the only person that gets him? enthralling. 10/10. they’re the worst of all time.
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 7 months
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"haptic nerve blocking"
I always thought the squip would have to block more than just Jeremy's vision to actually remove something from his perception. And the problem with blocking sensory input at the level of the sensory nerves (rather than inside the brain where the input is processed) is that... now there's just a lack of input in that area?
When you have a blind spot in your eye, your brain's actually pretty good at filling in the hole with surroundings so you don't notice. I'm not sure if the same is true of tactile nerves --- but I thought maybe the squip would just selectively mute those nerves whenever Michael touches him. So here's a comic where Jeremy notices that numbness and puts 2 and 2 together :P
Also, please stare at this panel for at least three hours for me it's my favorite one and the first one I drew. thank you djsklfjdsf
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lehhoh7822 · 2 years
six.... meh gimme that bmc gimme that deranged performances and that high note the theatre kids love frm the squip song give me those traumatised children in a setting where no one would believe them give me those boys who have more chemistry than the masin couple i love them all gimme rich!! i love him!! jakey d being good at pool changed the course of my life, btw. if you even care
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can-a-tuna-fish · 4 months
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Give him $25 and he will come home with a bag full of food that hasn’t seen the light of day since the early 90’s.
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marukane · 2 months
if anybody is still into bmc in this good year of 2024 please interact with this post in some way i need mutuals who share my hyperfixation of getting back into it
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thesquirrelqueer · 8 months
my friend and I were talking about what if jeremy became a guidance counselor when he’s older so here are some random headcanons for that idea
“did you know mr. heere caused the squip incident of 2004?” “no way??? mr. heere wore his pants backwards last week there’s no way he had a squip” “maybe that’s why they don’t make them anymore.”
everyone knows “mr. heere” as the school’s cryptid. too damn tall. his wife is an actress, or is his HUSBAND a game designer??? he talks to himself sometimes. he’s got mountain dew varieties in the first aid kit in his office.
“one time mr. heere just grabbed open circuitry. I don’t know.” <- he’s immune to electricity post-squip
he has a group of ten children who follow him around like lost ducklings
he runs the performance art club (he’s got a hands-off club running approach. He runs it solely so that they’re able to meet every week, because the club can’t exist without a teacher or counselor)
christine stops by it sometimes and the kids are like IS THAT CHRISTINE CANIGULA??? THE FAMOUS ACTRESS??? WAIT SHES YOUR WIFE???
all the kids are swarming her for pictures and autographs and she’s like “jeremy your kids have great taste in musicals”
btw he is married to both christine and michael in this. he wears two rings, one for each of them.
“mr. heere, you sometimes say wife, and sometimes say husband, uh… um… is your partner non-binary?” “oh! sell, uh, you see, christine is, they’re my wife, but my husband is michael, he’s a different person, I’m uh—“ “mr. heere is a player!” “n-no, guys, I’m polyamorous.”
one day the kids mention an indie fighting co-op game and jeremy is like “oh wow that finally came out? my husband worked on it a few years ago.” and the kids are BEGGING him to bring his husband in. as if his husband is a toy for show-and-tell.
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shvmblr · 4 months
I love your art it’s so silly!!! Can if you do art requests can I request a Peter Spankoffski as Jeremy Heere with Pokey as the SQUIP? You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to ! :)
He’s bragging about how much cooler he is ..
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tacccalb · 1 month
take a break
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wovenvessel · 9 months
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thepringlesofblood · 6 months
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feel free to add more, I just think it's funny that there's at least 3 musicals that have a 'high school is extremely bad' song and in 2 of them multiple teenagers die and in all 3 multiple teenagers get grievously injured. like they weren't kidding that high school really do hell.
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zabala0z · 6 months
My favorite thing about being in a small/dead fandom is that you usually see the same people post and you’re like “ah yes. The 10 other people I’m in this fandom with have posted! I have been fed greatly”
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ixlo-art · 6 months
He wanted to impress this girl named Christine, so he and his best friend Michael went to the mall’s Payless Shoes to buy this thing called the SQUIP! Which he got introduced to by this bully guy named Rich. Anyways, the SQUIP can only get activated when drinking regular Mtn Dew, which is green-
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 7 months
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we’re starting over / and i love you darling / and i am done, dear
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fictionalfish · 6 months
bmc was actually so fun yall are just mean
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can-a-tuna-fish · 4 months
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I have something to say about boyf riends being queer platonic but the world isn’t ready
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dragonloanshark · 7 months
do you guys not know that in two river bmc michael tries to hold jeremy’s hand
why is no one talking about this
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