scalproie · 6 months
for the character ask game: kuai, hanzo, bi-han, and smoke with 12, 15-20, and 22 :)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Kuai: I like to think that in the 2nd timeline, post-alliance, kuai wouldve unknowingly taken some inspiration from hanzo's leadership of the shirai ryu to lead his own clan, reforming a lot of stifling rules to establish more of a community within the lin kuei members.
Hanzo: And similarly, especially after the trauma of having lost his entire clan, hanzo wouldve also unknowingly picked up a few things from kuai to lead the new shirai ryu, but rather than making changes to his clan's rules, he's doing most of the work on HIMSELF to lead it more "efficiently" and avoid past tragedies from happening again. Which, if mk11 didnt happened, would have resulted in both clans being similar enough that they have no issue partnering and temporarily switching members for missions, and, should it ever come to that, could even be merged as a single clan (as they once were after all), all thanks to the efforts of their grandmasters.
Bi-han: In the 1st and 2nd timeline, I wanna think bi-han initially did wanted to take the masters' attention and implied abuse away from kuai by being a cocky (but talented) little shit, but over the years the act became who he is as a person as he rose through the ranks to become the lin kuei's best assassin.
Smoke: 2nd timeline smoke literally Came Back Wrong, its impossible to tell where tomas the human boy sacrificed by a cult ends and where enenra the smoke demon begins, is he a human posessed by a demon? or a demon with a human's memory? He is neither completely from earthrealm nor the netherrealm, he belongs nowhere, hence why he has found a home in, and is extra protective of, the few friends he has made.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Subscorp for kuai and hanzo, Bireena for bi-han, and I guess Subsmoke wins by default for tomas (obv not the mk12 one). Im a basic bitch what can I say.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Everything else, im not a multishipper
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Again I guess I'll go with subsmoke
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Kuai and hanzo in the 2nd timeline over the course of three games... pretty good👍 (<- rewrote my brain chemistry). Bi-han and hanzo's rivalry is great. Smoke is underutilized but I do love that he and kuai will be friends in every timeline
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
EVERY relationship they all have could be better bc sadly we get our storytelling from a fucking fighting game, but I want kuai to have a better (not necessarily more positive) dynamic with frost, I want hanzo and harumi's relationship to be done justice, I want bi-han to have his childhood as well as kuai's explored and their history toward each other as brothers deepened (1st and 2nd timeline ESPECIALLY bc man. fuck mk12) and I want smoke to form one meaningful relationship that isnt tied to kuai.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Kuai: kitana
Hanzo: harumi/kenshi/jax/sonya (legends). For the loner of mk, he sure has a lot of bestie potential
Bi-han: sareena (the brotherhood of shadows really)/sektor & cyrax/fujin (I stand that he and fujin would have the funniest dynamic, especially as noob saibot. I want them to have a 80s buddy cop-like adventure together)
Smoke: jade/reptile/johnny
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
WHEN ITS WRITTEN BY MY FRIENDS honestly my wants are simple: I just like when theyre written as adult men raised in a very isolated at best, oppressive at worst (for the lin kueis in particular) environment with lots of unadressed trauma, I also dont like when theyre written as TOO openly romantic, these four men are aaall about repression of feelings (hanzo a little less so) so it'd all be about the subtle, little things. and pining for ages.
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mothercetrion · 8 months
for the ashrah post: im pretty sure the "recovery" and "steps" are specifically referring to johnny going through rehab (most likely for alcoholism, but possibly for some other drug addiction). i know past games have also mentioned/implied that johnny's gone through rehab (such as one intro with jacqui in mk11 where she references the "twelve-step" program started by alcoholics anonymous) so that seems to be a recurring aspect of his character
I had to look up this intro, admittedly, and wow. I don't know how I've not seen it after all this time. interesting.
I remember his ending in MK11 very vividly, but I honestly didn't think about it for MK1 since he drinks multiple times in the story mode. he drinks what I think is whiskey when he's arguing with his wife (and even if it's not whiskey, it's definitely alcohol), and I think he drinks wine at the dinner in Outworld (if he and Shao are drinking the same thing). he then turns around and asks Liu Kang for a martini when he and the others get back to Earthrealm. it's never in excess, and we don't see him drunk, but he still drinks all the same. alcoholism makes sense with his characterization in past games as well.
my thing is like, if he's gone through the 12-step program for alcoholism, why is he still drinking? wouldn't he be worried about relapsing and falling back into that addiction? I suppose it's possible that he has the self-control and confidence to do it safely, but I'm not sure. that's why I'm leaning toward it being something drug-related rather than alcohol.
I doubt we'll ever find out definitively. it's still interesting to think about all the same!
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minty-playhouse · 2 years
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Truer tags have never been written. This is so accurate to them!
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shiresome · 9 months
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Saw this picture and immediately the sad wet eyes reminded me of Havik 💔
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kidpunkjunk · 2 years
theres so many people i want to follow me back... i want ur Mutual Follow
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bi-force-1 · 9 months
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A Skarlet for @maddenedroses and a Kabal for @bluehairedspidey and a bunch of Errons for me because no one else asked for anything, but one Raiden for my partner cause he likes him.
Stand alone images for your eyes to peep closer
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fantamime · 7 months
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Art of @bluehairedspidey ‘s MK fic Bad Dreams <3
absolutely love these three as a family unit, we need more baby liu and lao fics
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shadow-mans-things · 11 months
@bluehairedspidey here's part of that request you wanted. Ship art on its own is challenging for me, but it's even harder when pinterest only has references of skinny, young dudes 😭
But, I made do with what I had
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I'm honestly afraid to finish it for fear that the line art might make it worse. I really tried with Bo Rai Cho's body, and found it fun to get out of my comfort zone with it. While not the best, hopefully it gets the point across
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bluehairedspidey · 9 months
One night while resting in the Jinsei Chamber, Earthrealm's protector is visited by one of his youngest pupils.
Rating: G
Relationships: Bo' Rai Cho/Raiden, Liu Kang & Raiden, Kung Lao & Raiden
Word Count: 1.4k
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mediocreshake08 · 6 months
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@bluehairedspidey @maddenedroses
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livingthedragonlife · 1 month
getting to know me game
tagged by @noblebs thank you! <3
Last Song I Listened To: i'm on 24/7 Pretty Vicious lockdown since I'm going to see The Struts in LESS THAN A WEEK AAAAA
anyway i've been listening to the whole album, but the titular song most recently
Favorite color: yellow!!!!
Currently watching: Mashle! it's an incredibly fun show and i recommend it if you enjoy really dumb anime fights and parodies that actually have a genuinely good story and message outside of all the jokes. also my friends have roped me into starting One Piece, not much to report on that since we're only like 6 episodes in.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet, always
Current obsession: glam rock and the history of glam rock. i have multiple books checked out from the library about it and i already need more
Last thing I googled: "queer groups chicago", since i need friends IRL so bad
Favorite season: summer! especially now that i live right on the lake and will be able to have the Beach Experience more regularly
Skills I'd like to learn: leather working! i had a little taste of this when i made my extremely cool jacket, but i want More
Best advice: there is no correct way to live your life, only ways that will make you happy and unhappy. choose happiness, even if it's scary.
Tagging (no pressure!): @seventhgod @bargainbincheese @doberbutts @bluehairedspidey @jakeetored @xolarpunk @sigridhawke @noglorysavehonor and anyone else who feels like playing!
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securedwifi · 3 months
hey! i’d recommend doing this and adding a title or bio; just so you don’t get mistaken and reported for a bot
love the art you’ve posted so far and would hate to see that happen, so hope this can help keep your blog protected :]
Thank you! I'm relatively new to Tumblr so I'm glad you told me (:
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I wasn’t tagged in this game but I ran across it and thought it was too cute not to share:
Rules: go on pinterest and type in “[your name] core aesthetic”, make another post making a mood board using the first nine images, and tag some friends! You don’t need to reveal your real name!
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I tag @bluehairedspidey @ri0thouse @percyandjimjam @ledbythreads @laluxea @jimmys-zeppelin @waddles-to-waddles and anyone else who wants to ☺️
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tag someone you want to know better
thank you, love! @rabbithearted
favourite colour: orange, robin's egg, and yellow
last song: Dove Season by In The Valley Below
last movie: howl's moving castle for the first time! It was great <3
currently watching: Severance on appletv. Been wanting to watch this for a while. I'm on the last ep!!!
other stuff I watched this year: new seasons of all my shows! barry season 4 (RIP), what we do in the shadows season 5, good omens season 2, solar opposites season 4. watched jury duty, which was such a cute show.
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: I started gilmore girls, mayans, six feet under, captain fall, pen 15, succession, iasip, aand the mack. im watching each show little by little so it's a sloooow progress
currently reading: aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe. I've been reading this book since last year, lost my place and I just restarted it again aahhh
currently listening to: songs recommended by friends, hozier, my emotional support playlists and recently I've had a hankering for hans christian andersen stories; currently listening to the little mermaid
currently working on: my mental health and little doodle projects I give myself
current obsession: have you heard about barry? would you like to?? I could talk about the entire show forever and ever
hello friends, tag you're it! @akita-kira @poweredbycreativityandcake @100dabbo @luvcall @oldladyklainer @steph-luvs-klaine @tiggymalvern @blurglesmurfklaine @bluehairedspidey @ninjysworld
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percyandjimjam · 2 years
Found this cute picrew, so I’m starting a chain
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@ledbythreads @keepcalmandcarryfire @marauderofworlds @jimmypage7 @inbedwithrobert @ri0thouse @bluehairedspidey @brownskinsugarplum76 @wastingawayinquarantine and everyone who wants to 🥰 ( no pressure ofc)
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bi-force-1 · 9 months
It's not WIP Wednesday
But if I wait until then, I probably won't have a wip again so shout-out to @bluehairedspidey for the tag that got me in the mood to share. Here's an inconsequential snippet from the next chapter of A Peck of Trouble.
Morning light filtered gently into the caravan. Erron's eyes fluttered open to find the world was just as indiscernible as it had been yesterday. Concern tugged at his mind that Skarlet's assurance to Kano that he would be fine may not have been the truth.
The muffled hiss of Cage's radio being used pushed the thought away. The other man was already up and outside, back to work trying to signal for a rendezvous. The gunslinger decided to savor this quiet moment of privacy, shifting to relax his body across the whole bed.
It was only the second day. He didn't expect quick results of his other injuries, so he shouldn't expect it of his eyes either. It was enough that they'd made it through the night without falling back into Kano's clutches.
Finding temporary peace with his situation. Erron was able to relax. Even managing to reach the edge of sleep again by the time Johnny re-entered the caravan.
"Howdy hey sleeping beauty!"
Erron grumbled a curse and turned his back to this chipper ray of sunshine that had replaced the subdued soldier from last night.
"Too late, Sands, I know you're awake now." Cage crossed to the cabinets to gather up some kind of breakfast from the trail rations. "Speaking of, how're the eyes doing?"
"No change." Erron's brow furrowed at the new nickname. "Sands?"
"Eh, movie reference. Honestly, you might like it. Total guns and blood fest."
A wry look flashed across the cowboys face. He'd heard that line before. Mainly from Kabal as he and other Black Dragon members from that time pushed him to watch a seemingly endless stream of 'old west' movies.
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